Characteristics of Mercantilism
1. Bullionism the eco. health of a nation could be measured by the amount of precious metal [gold or silver] which it possessed.
Characteristics of Mercantilism
3. Thriving agriculture should be carefully encouraged. Less of need to import foods. Prosperous farmers could provide a base
for taxation.
4. Sea power was necessary to control
nations to carry your trade goods. Your own fleet adds to the power and prestige of the nation.
Characteristics of Mercantilism
6. Colonies would provide captive markets for manufactured goods & sources of raw materials.
Manufactured goods
Mother Countr y
Raw materials Cheap labor
Characteristics of Mercantilism
8. A large population was needed to provide a domestic labor force to people the colonies. 9. Luxury items should be avoided They took money out of the economy
10. State action was needed to regulate and enforce all of these economic policies.
State-sponsored trade monopolies.
mercantilism or Colbertism. He was a bullionist. There are four professions of importance to the nation: Agriculture Trade Army Navy Uniform weights & measures. Opposed tolls on internal trade.
The Physiocrats
(The Government of Nature)
turned to medicine because of failing eyesight. He began publishing economics treatises at the age of 62. No single document or book summarizes his economic system. He was concerned about the state of the French economy, especially of French agriculture.
Tableau conomique
1. Proprietary class landowners. 2. Productive class agricultural laborers. 3. Sterile class artisans & merchants.
Productive work was
logic in 1751 at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. In 1752 he transferred to the chair of philosophy. On his travels to France, he was influenced by the writings of the physiocrats. 1776 The Theory of
Moral Sentiments and an Inquiry Into the Nature of Causes of the Wealth of Nations was published. A vehement attack of
an economic one.
policy, but.. An essential part of the argument was for new social and political arrangements.
He argued that the basic unit for social
analysis should be the nation, not the state. zero-sum game It was a positive-sum game. Both nations gained.
Wages Labor & Investments
7. A social division of labor will maximize the satisfaction of individual wants and needs, given scarce resources. 8. Government should interfere minimally with the free and efficient workings of the market Laissez faire [Leave things alone.]
There, there it is againthe invisible hand of the marketplace giving us the finger.