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The authors use quantitative text analysis of millions of online sources to aggregate opinions and rank over 1000 historical figures based on their current prominence.

The authors analyze word frequencies and co-occurrences across sources to assign numerical values representing each figure's recognition. They then use these values to create rankings.

Some findings include that women remain underrepresented, universities are a great way to be remembered through naming, and Elvis Presley's prominence rivals classical composers.

Whos Bigger?

Where Historical Figures Really Rank

Is Hitler bigger than Napoleon? Washington bigger than Lincoln? Picasso bigger than Einstein? Quantitative analysts are rapidly nding homes in social and cultural domains, from nance to politics. What about history? In this fascinating book, Steven S. Skiena and Charles B. Ward bring quantitative analysis to bear on ranking and comparing historical reputations. They evaluate each person by aggregating the traces of millions of opinions, just as Google ranks web pages. The book includes a technical discussion for readers interested in the details of the methods, but no mathematical or computational background is necessary to understand the rankings or conclusions. Did you know: Got a spare billion dollars, and want to be remembered forever? Your best investment is to get a university named after you. Women remain signicantly underrepresented in the historical record compared to men and have long required substantially greater achievement levels to be equally noted for posterity. The long-term prominence of Elvis Presley rivals that of the most famous classical composers. Roll over Beethoven, and tell Tchaikovsky the news! Along the way, the authors present the rankings of more than one thousand of historys most signicant people in science, politics, entertainment, and all areas of human endeavor. Anyone interested in history or biography can see where their favorite gures place in the grand scheme of things. While revisiting old historical friends and making new ones, you will come to understand the forces that shape historical recognition in a whole new light.

About the Authors

Steven S. Skiena is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. He is the author of four well-regarded books: The Algorithm Design Manual (2008); Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win (2001); Programming Challenges (with Miguel Revilla, 2003); and Computational Discrete Mathematics (with Sriram Pemmaraju, 2003). Skiena heads the Data Science Laboratory at Stony Brook, using large-scale text analysis to chart the frequency, sentiment, and relationships among millions of people, places, and things. This technology forms the foundation of General Sentiment (http://www.generalsentiment.com), where he serves as co-founder and Chief Scientist. His news analysis has been applied to several social science research projects, including nancial forecasting and presidential election analysis. The rankings underlying Whos Bigger? derive from this analysis. Charles B. Ward currently works as an engineer on the search engine team at Google. He is the author of more than a dozen scholarly papers, including research in text analysis, computational social science, computational biology, and graph theory. Ward worked as a lead developer with the Data Science Laboratory during his four years of postdoctoral studies at Stony Brook University. In his spare time, he is an accomplished solo pianist. He is also an authority on historical strategy games, and spends perhaps too much time playing and designing them.

Where Historical Figures Really Rank

S T E V E N S. S K I E N A
Stony Brook University, New York

Google, Inc., Mountain View, California

32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Cambridge University Press in part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the Universitys mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence. www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107041370 c Steven S. Skiena and Charles B. Ward 2014 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2014 Printed in the United States of America A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data ISBN 978-1-107-04137-0 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.


Rationale Part I Quantitative History 1 Historys Most Signicant People

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 People as Memes Our 100 Other Peoples Rankings History vs. Historiography Overview

page ix

4 4 7 11 14

2 Ranking Historical Figures

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Traditional Ranking Methodologies Measurements of Historical Reputation Celebrity vs. Gravitas The Half-Life of Fame Evaluation Results

15 17 28 30 35

3 Who Belongs in Bonnies Textbook?

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 The Signicance of Signicance The People in Bonnies Textbook Political Leaders People by Time and Place Cultural and Social Innovators Diversity

39 41 44 49 54 58



3.7 3.8

Educational Standards vs. Editorial Decision Making A Nation of Fourth Graders?

62 64

4 Reading through the Past

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Google Ngrams Visualizing Ngram Data Ngrams and Signicance Posthumous Fame Faded Glory

67 70 74 77 80

5 Great Americans and the Process of Canonization

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 The Hall of Fame for Great Americans Whos In? Electoral History Decline and Fall

82 83 87 108

6 The Baseball Hall of Fame

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Performance and Posterity The Electoral Record The Glory of their Times Whos In? The Negro Leagues Whos Out?: Missing Players The Market for Collectibles

112 114 120 122 131 133 135

7 Historical Timescales
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Lifespan Analysis Birth Date Effects Ancient History The Middle Ages The Modern Era The Historical Representation of Women

140 147 152 156 158 162

Part II Historical Rankings 8 American Political Figures

8.1 8.2 Presidents of the United States Congressmen

172 180



8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

Governors Mayors Judges and Justices Founding Mothers and Fathers

188 190 192 193

9 Modern World Leaders

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Analyzing Political Leadership The Supreme Leaders Dictators and Despots Military Leaders

196 202 215 216

10 Science and Technology

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Scientists Inventors Business Leaders Explorers and Adventurers

218 230 235 240

11 Religion and Philosophy

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Biblical Figures The Catholic Church Other Religious Denominations Philosophers

245 248 253 258

12 Sports
12.1 12.2 12.3 Individual Sports Team Sports Olympic Sports Stars

260 266 272

13 The Arts
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Literature Popular Writers Painters and Sculptors Architects

277 287 292 297

14 The Performing Arts

14.1 14.2 14.3 Before Recording Technology Western Classical Music Popular Music

300 302 307



14.4 14.5

Motion Pictures Radio and Television

310 318

15 Devils and Angels

15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 The Killers Law and Order Peacemakers Social Activists Civil Rights Leaders

322 327 329 331 335

Appendix A Ranking Methodology

A.1 A.2 A.3 Feature Set Ranking Methodology The Decay of Fame

339 342 344

Appendix B Resources
B.1 B.2 B.3 Websites and Databases Birth/Death Calendars The Whos Bigger App

347 348 353

Appendix C Biographical Dictionary Bibliography Index

355 361 367


Quantitative analysts (quants) are nding new homes in the social and cultural worlds. Finance? Hedge funds employing quantitative trading strategies now rule Wall Street, to the extent that more than 80 percent of all buy-sell decisions are made by algorithms, not people. Sports? The bestselling book Moneyball detailed how successful major league teams now hire general managers who value statistical analysis above gut instinct and get to be played by Brad Pitt in the movie version of the story. Politics? Prediction markets and the meta-analysis of polling data work so reliably that it hardly seems necessary to hold the actual election. In this book, we bring quantitative analysis to bear on ranking and comparing historical reputations. Whos bigger: Washington or Lincoln? Hitler or Napoleon? Picasso or Michelangelo? Charles Dickens or Jane Austen? Did you realize that:
Although Paul Revere (17351818) [627] and Betsy Ross (17521836) [2430] are well known to all American schoolchildren, they fell into complete obscurity for several generations after their contributions to the American Revolution. Their rediscoveries, completely independent of their actual achievements, tell us much about the capricious forces of history. Women remain signicantly underrepresented in the historical record compared to men. We can prove that women have long required substantially greater achievement levels (analogous to about 4 IQ points in the mean) than men to get equally noted for posterity.


Got a spare billion dollars, and want to be remembered forever? Your best investment is to get a university named after you. The long-term historical signicance of Elvis Presley (19351977) [69] rivals that of the most famous classical composers. Roll over Beethoven [27], and tell Tchaikovsky [63] the news!

This is all good fun, but our quantitative approach also enables us to address a variety of important cultural questions in a rigorous manner:
Are the historical gures discussed in school texts really worth teaching? How good are committees at recognizing historical greatness? Why do reputations change posthumously? Have copyright laws affected the literary canon, determining which authors get revived and which are forgotten?

We believe this book will be of interest to a broad readership. Anyone who likes history or biography should be curious about our rankings, eager to see where their favorite gures place in the grand scheme of things. Our book provides an opportunity for them to revisit old historical friends and make new ones. The reader will come to understand the forces that shape historical recognition in quite a different way after reading it. We detail the difference between fame and signicance, the cultural biases in how we think about the past, and how rapidly reputations decay with time. We also expect our share of right-brained readers, attracted by our quantitative methods and intrigued by our analysis. No signicant mathematical or computational background is necessary to understand our rankings or conclusions. But we include a technical discussion for readers interested in the details of our methods. We anticipate that professional historians may be skeptical of computer scientists intruding on their turf. But what we are really trying to do here is study what shapes the process of historical recollection. We predict that many scholars will be taken with the power of our methods, and seek to employ these tools in their own studies. We have collaborated on research projects with political scientists and sociologists: watching them change from aloof to curious and then nally excited. We are making our massive datasets available to the academic community (and the curious public) through our website, http://www.whoisbigger.com. Computational



Social Science is a new and growing trend in academic scholarship, and we hope to bring the eld greater visibility and acceptance.

Textual Notes
We employ certain textual conventions in this book that may confuse readers, until they understand our rationale. We explain them briey here. More than 1,000 historical gures are mentioned by name within the body of this book. At each such reference, each persons name will be accompanied by their dates of birth and death, as well as their signicance rank as assessed by our methods. Thus, Brad Pitt is Brad Pitt (1963 ) [1845] and Aristotle is Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8]. We sort people from most signicant to least signicant, and assign ranks by counting down from the top. Thus the most signicant person gets rank 1, and smaller numbers are better than bigger ones. Embedding our ranking with every reference will help you appreciate each individuals historical magnitude, and implicitly encourage you to evaluate the performance of our methods. Describing rst-hand experiences and opinions within a coauthored text is somewhat problematic. The royal We isnt always accurate here, since we are distinct individuals: one raised a Southern gentleman while the other was toilet-trained in the Bronx. And so we have adopted the following convention. We both will lay claim to I, distinguishing which I when necessary. Thus I (Steve) will be used to represent bits of Bronx cheer. But we will mostly be we, since we developed the methods, analysis, and contents of this text together, as a team.

I (Steve) dedicate this book to my second daughter, Abby. Fate has determined that she will never get to experience things like the fth grade ahead of her older sister. Abby: dont worry, because you will get your own opportunities to make history. You are second only chronologically, but equal where it counts, in our hearts. And to my wife Renee: you know you will always be the most signicant person in my book. I (Charles) dedicate this book to my parents and Srivani. One could not wish for better parents or a better partner.



We acknowledge the help of several people, who should be famous even if they have not gotten there yet. Bala Mundiam built much of the infrastructure underlying our data collection and display, making this project possible. Ajeesh Elikkottil and Dhruv Matani updated our rankings engine. Vincent Tseui and Wenbin Lim built the www.whoisbigger.com site into what it is today. Qi Zhou contributed background research, data curation, and other bits of analysis. Goutham Bhat polished our Ngram data to perfection. The entire Data Science Laboratory (most recently, Rami al-Rfou, Bryan Perozzi, and Yanqing Chen) contributed to general discussions and generated some of the data underlying our analysis. We thank the dozen book agents who passed on this project, driving us safely back into the arms of Lauren Cowles at Cambridge University Press. It has always been a pleasure to work with her. We particularly appreciate her help in shaping this manuscript. We also thank other Cambridge people who helped to get our book into your hands: Rachel Ewen, Josh Penney, Melissanne Scheid, Katy Strong, and Karen Verde. Finally, we thank other friends who read preliminary versions of our book, including Michael Holloway, Theo Pavlidis, Scott Perlman, Marshall Poe, Arnout van de Rijt, Eran Shor, Jerry and Suzanne Trajan. Sir Walter Raleigh (15521618) [313] wrote his history of the world while in prison, awaiting execution. We wrote ours at Stony Brook University. On balance, we feel more blessed by circumstances. In particular, we have enjoyed working with social scientists here to help make sense of our data, including Arnout van de Rijt, Eran Shor, Leonie Huddy, Matt Lebo, and Ellen Key.

part 1

Quantitative History

Historys Most Signicant People

People love lists: the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Four Beatles. But they are fascinated by rankings, which are lists organized according to some measure of value or merit. Who were the most important women in history? The best writers or most inuential artists? Our least illustrious presidents? Whos bigger: John, Paul, George, or Ringo? This is a book about measuring the signicance of historical gures. We do not answer these questions as historians might, through a principled assessment of their individual achievements. Instead, we evaluate each person by aggregating the traces of millions of opinions in a rigorous and principled manner. We rank historical gures just as Google ranks web pages, by integrating a diverse set of measurements about their reputation into a single consensus value. Signicance is related to fame but measures something different. Forgotten U.S. President Chester A. Arthur (18291886) [499] is more historically signicant than young pop singer Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633], even though he may have a less devoted following and lower contemporary name recognition. Signicance is the result of social and cultural forces acting on the mass of an individuals achievement. We think you will be impressed by the extent to which our results capture what you think of as historical signicance. And our computational, data-centric analysis provides new ways to understand and interpret the past.

q u antitative history

1.1 People as Memes

We will be interested in the concept of people as memes, simple ideas that reproduce when spread from mind to mind. Memes were introduced by Richard Dawkins (1941 ) [1630] in his book The Selsh Gene [Dawkins, 1990]. He observed that ideas undergo the same processes of natural selection and modication as that of biological species, and hence can be studied using the same tools of evolutionary theory. For example, the teenaged pop star meme that is Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633] reproduces every time someone reads his Wikipedia page, or he makes news for some performance or gossip-worthy transgression. It weakens whenever a newly grown-up fan remove his poster from the bedroom wall. The Bieber meme will continue to thrive until some future star comes to occupy his particular environmental niche. Many historical gures reduce to small stories of who they are and why they are known. The meme of Betsy Ross (17521836) [2430] as the woman who rst sewed the American ag is an excellent example. It does not really matter whether she actually did sew the rst ag (the evidence isnt very strong here) but catching this meme is valuable as a cultural reference in American colonial history and the evolution of gender roles. Thinking about historical gures as memes turns the processes of fame into a legitimate area of study. We can think of people as occupying niches in history, analogous to how species thrive in particular ecological systems. Sometimes cultural niches disappear, along with memories of all those who occupied them. Historical gures are always in danger of being displaced, whenever stronger but analogous memes rise up to replace them. Our historical signicance measures can be thought of as a quantitative tool to measure the strength of historical memes. We will use this tool to highlight the forces at work in building popular history and to expose the memes most in need of spreading.

1.2 Our 100

So we have a ranking for you. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 present our ranking of the 100 most signicant historical gures according to our computational methods.

h i s t o r y s most significant people

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Name Jesus Napoleon Muhammad William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln George Washington Adolf Hitler Aristotle Alexander the Great Thomas Jefferson Henry VIII Charles Darwin Elizabeth I Karl Marx Julius Caesar Queen Victoria Martin Luther Joseph Stalin Albert Einstein Christopher Columbus Isaac Newton Charlemagne Theodore Roosevelt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Plato Louis XIV Ludwig van Beethoven Ulysses S. Grant Leonardo da Vinci Augustus Carl Linnaeus Ronald Reagan Charles Dickens Paul the Apostle Benjamin Franklin George W. Bush Winston Churchill Genghis Khan Charles I Thomas Edison James I Friedrich Nietzsche Franklin D. Roosevelt Sigmund Freud Alexander Hamilton Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Woodrow Wilson Johann Sebastian Bach Galileo Galilei Oliver Cromwell

Dates (7 B.C.A.D. 30) (17691821) (570632) (15641616) (18091865) (17321799) (18891945) (384322 B.C.) (356323 B.C.) (17431826) (14911547) (18091882) (15331603) (18181883) (10044 B.C.) (18191901) (14831546) (18781953) (18791955) (14511506) (16431727) (742814) (18581919) (17561791) (427347 B.C.) (16381715) (17701827) (18221885) (14521519) (63 B.C.A.D. 14) (17071778) (19112004) (18121870) (A.D. 5A.D. 67) (17061790) (1946 ) (18741965) (11621227) (16001649) (18471931) (15661625) (18441900) (18821945) (18561939) (17551804) (18691948) (18561924) (16851750) (15641642) (15991658)

Description Central gure of Christianity Emperor of France (Battle of Waterloo) Prophet and founder of Islam English playwright (Hamlet) 16th U.S. president (U.S. Civil War) 1st U.S. president (American Revolution) Fuehrer of Nazi Germany (World War II) Greek philosopher and polymath Greek king and conqueror of the known world 3rd U.S. president (Decl. of Independence) King of England (6 Wives) Scientist (Theory of Evolution) Queen of England (The Virgin Queen) Philosopher ("Communist Manifesto") Roman general and statesman ("Et tu, Brute?") Queen of Britain (Victorian Era) Protestant Reformation (95 Theses) Premier of USSR (World War II) Theoretical physicist (Relativity) Explorer, discoverer of the New World Scientist (Theory of Gravity) First Holy Roman Emperor ("Father of Europe") 26th U.S. President (Progressive Movement) Austrian composer (Don Giovanni) Greek philosopher (Republic) King of France ("The Sun King") German composer ("Ode to Joy") 18th U.S. president and Civil War general Italian artist and polymath ("Mona Lisa") First Emperor of Rome (Pax Romana) Swedish biologist (Father of Taxonomy) 40th U.S. president (Conservative Revolution) English novelist (David Coppereld) Christian apostle and missionary Founding father/scientist (captured lightning) 43rd U.S. president (Iraq War) Prime minister of Britain (World War II) Founder of the Mongol Empire King of England (English Civil War) Inventor (light bulb, phonograph) King of England (King James Bible) German philosopher ("God is dead") 32nd U.S. President (New Deal, World War II) Neurologist and creator of psychoanalysis U.S. Founding Father (National Bank) Indian nationalist leader (Nonviolence) 28th U.S. president (World War I) Classical composer (Well-Tempered Clavier) Italian physicist and astronomer Lord Protector of England (English Civil War)

F I G U R E 1.1.

The Top 100 Most Historically Signicant (150)

q u antitative history

Rank 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Name James Madison Gautama Buddha Mark Twain Edgar Allan Poe Joseph Smith Adam Smith David George III Immanuel Kant James Cook John Adams Richard Wagner Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Voltaire Saint Peter Andrew Jackson Constantine the Great Socrates Elvis Presley William the Conqueror John F. Kennedy Augustine of Hippo Vincent van Gogh Nicolaus Copernicus Vladimir Lenin Robert E. Lee Oscar Wilde Charles II Cicero Jean-Jacques Rousseau Francis Bacon Richard Nixon Louis XVI Charles V King Arthur Michelangelo Philip II Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Ali Thomas Aquinas Pope John Paul II Ren Descartes Nikola Tesla Harry S. Truman Joan of Arc Dante Alighieri Otto von Bismarck Grover Cleveland John Calvin John Locke

Dates (17511836) (563483 B.C.) (18351910) (18091849) (18051844) (17231790) (1040970 B.C.) (17381820) (17241804) (17281779) (17351826) (18131883) (18401893) (16941778) (? ?) (17671845) (272337) (469399 B.C.) (19351977) (10271087) (19171963) (354430) (18531890) (14731543) (18701924) (18071870) (18541900) (16301685) (10643 B.C.) (17121778) (15611626) (19131994) (17541793) (15001558) (? ?) (14751564) (15271598) (17491832) (598661) (12251274) (19202005) (15961650) (18561943) (18841972) (14121431) (12651321) (18151898) (18371908) (15091564) (16321704)

Description 4th U.S. president (War of 1812) Central gure of Buddhism American author (Huckleberry Finn) American author ("The Raven") American religious leader (Mormonism) Economist (The Wealth of Nations) Biblical King of Israel (Jerusalem) King of England (American Revolution) German philosopher (Critique of Pure Reason) Explorer and discoverer of Hawaii, Australia Founding Father and 2nd U.S. President German composer (Der Ring des Nibelungen) Russian composer (1812 Overture) French Enlightenment philosopher (Candide) Early Christian leader 7th U.S. president ("Old Hickory") Emperor of Rome (First Christian emperor) Greek philosopher and teacher (Hemlock) The "king of rock and roll" King of England (Norman Conquest) 35th U.S. president (Cuban Missile Crisis) Early Christian theologian ("The City of God") Post-impressionist painter ("Starry Night") Astronomer (Heliocentric cosmology) Soviet revolutionary and Premier of USSR Confederate General (U.S. Civil War) Irish author and poet (Dorian Gray) King of England (Post-Cromwell) Roman statesman and orator (On the Republic) Philosopher (On the Social Contract) English scientist (Scientic method) 37th U.S. president (Watergate) King of France (executed in French Revolution) Holy Roman Emperor (Counter-Reformation) Mythical 6th-century King of Britain Italian sculptor and Renaissance man (David) King of Spain (Spanish Armada) German writer and polymath (Faust) Early Caliph and a central gure of Susm Italian theologian ("Summa theologiae") 20th-century Polish Pope (Solidarity) French philosopher ("I think, therefore I am") Inventor (alternating current) 33rd U.S. President (Korean War) French military leader and saint Italian poet (Divine Comedy) 1st chancellor and unier of modern Germany 22nd and 24th U.S. president French Protestant theologian (Calvanism) English Enlightenment philosopher (Tabula rasa)

F I G U R E 1.2.

The Top 100 Most Historically Signicant (51100)

Please study our rankings for a while. We are condent that you will have at least a nodding familiarity with most of these people. Grade yourself on how many of our choices you have heard of: knowing 70 is a C, 80 earns

h i s t o r y s most significant people

a B, and 90 will get you on an A. We are pretty sure we have a lot of A students/readers out there, but if youre not yet one of them, consider this book your opportunity to meet some new people.1 We dont expect you will agree with everyone chosen for the top 100, or exactly where they are placed. But we trust you will agree that most selections are reasonable: a mix of famous people including the major pillars of Western civilization. A quarter of them are philosophers or major religious gures, plus eight scientists/inventors, thirteen giants in literature and music, and three of the greatest artists of all time. The success of our ranking methods is best established by the banality of our results. You should be reassured by your familiarity with our top 100, instead of being startled by our claims: say, if we promoted Francis Scott Key (17771843) [1050] as a critical historical gure. Our methods summarize the knowledge of all the authors and readers of the Englishlanguage Wikipedia, to order historical gures consistent with the general views of this community. By denition, you should see the names here that you expect to see.

1.3 Other Peoples Rankings

Historical judgment is subjective. Scholars continue to argue among themselves about the causes of wars and other great events. Political and cultural biases come into play, and the past is always being reinterpreted. There is no replacement for the critical process of highly trained scholars to the workings of the humanities and social sciences. And yet, we can learn important things about the past by studying its traces using computational methods. We are by no means the rst people to publish rankings of the most signicant people in history. Over the course of this project, we have uncovered more than three dozen published rankings of the (typically) top 100 people in one historical domain or another. But we believe that we are the rst to do so using a rigorous statistical methodology, which avoids some of the vagaries of individual human opinion. To better understand the strengths and limitations of our algorithmic methods, we will compare our rankings to two prominent published rankings of historical gures.
1 Short descriptions of each member of our top 100 appear in Appendix C, in case you want to

become more familiar with someone.

q u antitative history

1.3.1 M I C H A E L H A R T S T H E 1 0 0 The 100 [Hart, 1992] is probably the best known ranking of historic gures by inuence. It has sold more than half a million copies since the rst edition in 1978. I (Steve) owned one of those copies back in high school, which no doubt stimulated my interest in both history and ranking. Hart himself is a curious character, with graduate degrees in physics, astronomy, law, and computer science. His writings embrace a variety of controversial topics, pegging Edward de Vere (15501604) [1603] as the author of William Shakespeare (15641616) [4]s plays and supporting racial/ethnic separation both in the United States and abroad. Still, his biographies in The 100 make informed and stimulating reading. We will study his rankings from the revised 1992 edition of the book. Harts top 100 and our own share many historical gures in common. What is more enlightening is to study where our rankings sharply differ. We start by identifying the ten people in his 100 who are ranked lowest by our methods.
Bottom of the Hart 100 Us 47910 7233 6950 5746 5663 4724 3005 2751 2732 1835 Hart 82 37 7 96 61 85 47 83 71 92 Person Gregory Goodwin Pincus William T. G. Morton Cai Lun Menes Nikolaus Otto Emperor Wen of Sui Louis Daguerre Mani Wilhelm Rntgen Mencius Dates (19031967) (18191868) (A.D. 50121) (? ?) (18321891) (541604) (17871851) (216276) (18451923) (372289 B.C.) Description American biologist (oral contraceptive pill) Dentist and pioneer of anesthesia Chinese inventor (paper) First pharaoh of ancient Egypt German inventor (internal combustion engine) Founder of Chinas Sui Dynasty French inventor of photography Prophet and the founder of Manichaeism German physicist (X-rays) Chinese thinker (Confucianism)

The least signicant member of Harts list is Gregory Goodwin Pincus (19031967) [47910], who is promoted as the father of the oral contraceptive pill. The Pill has indeed changed the world, but we think he has honored the wrong man (or, in particular, woman) here. Carl Djerassi (1923 ) [47277] was the scientist who developed the compound (Norethirsterone) that became the rst practical oral contraceptive. Margaret Sanger (1879 1966) [2672] was the activist who established Planned Parenthood, and was responsible for the funding that Pincus used to validate Djerassis compound. We rank Sanger as a far more signicant gure than Pincus.

h i s t o r y s most significant people

Harts rankings glorify technological achievement, but his heart lies with the underdog. We would contest his choice of the seminal gure in several other areas as well:
Hart credits Nikolaus Otto (18321891) [5663], inventor of the fourstroke internal combustion engine, as the pioneer of the automobile. But we more highly rank Gottlieb Daimler (18341900) [1461] and Karl Benz (18441929) [840], who actually built the rst cars. Hart credits Louis Daguerre (17871851) [3005] as the pioneer of photography, but he was just one of several inventors with diverse chemical processes for recording images, like his rival William Fox Talbot (1800 1877) [2650]. Our choice for the real father of photography was George Eastman (18541932) [1584], whose invention of roll lm and the Eastman Kodak camera led the way to the modern photographic era. Hart recognizes Menes [5746], the rst pharaoh of the rst dynasty. Legend credits him with uniting Upper and Lower Egypt, but there is little evidence of his existence in the historical record. Instead, we identify Ramesses II (13021213 B.C.) [293] as the most signicant pharaoh, who ruled Egypt for 66 years during its time of greatest power.

Hart omitted several of our top 100 from his rankings who prove to be much stronger vessels. We are happy to nd room for Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5], Henry VIII (14911547) [11], and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) [24] ahead of anesthesia pioneer William T. G. Morton (18191868) [7233] or Werner Heisenberg (19011976) [1659], a great scientist but one who doesnt crack our rankings of the top ve modern physicists.
Missing from the Hart 100 Us 4 5 11 16 23 24 26 28 29 31 Hart Person William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln Henry VIII Queen Victoria Theodore Roosevelt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Louis XIV Ulysses S. Grant Leonardo da Vinci Carl Linnaeus Dates (15641616) (18091865) (14911547) (18191901) (18581919) (17561791) (16381715) (18221885) (14521519) (17071778) Description English playwright (Hamlet) 16th U.S. president (U.S. Civil War) King of England (Six Wives) Queen of Britain (Victorian Era) 26th U.S. President (Progressive Movement) Austrian composer (Don Giovanni) King of France ("The Sun King") 18th U.S. president and Civil War general Italian artist and polymath ("Mona Lisa") Swedish biologist (Father of Taxonomy)


q uantitative history



100 M O S T I N F L U E N T I A L


The year 2000 provoked many backward glances at mankinds achievements over the past one thousand years, particularly a popular ranking from Life Magazine (2000). They neglect gures from ancient times and the early Middle Ages, but we only have twenty-ish gures from these periods ourselves, leaving enough shared people for a reasonable comparison with our rankings. The relative order of Lifes rankings correlate better with ours (0.54) than Harts rankings did (0.31), so we respect their choices more. Still, there are revealing differences. Life managed to nd room for the Four Minute Miler Roger Bannister (1929 ) [11095], Chinese landscape painter Fan Kuan (10201030) [35313], and medieval music theorist Guido of Arezzo (9911033) [6215]. All were at the expense of George Washington (17321799) [6], Joseph Stalin (18781953) [18], Winston Churchill (18741965) [37], and others in our top 100.
Bottom of the Life 100 Us 35313 14490 11095 7177 6215 3774 3302 3005 2799 2061 Life 59 67 92 65 62 99 72 79 96 45 Person Fan Kuan Cao Xueqin Roger Bannister Hiram Stevens Maxim Guido of Arezzo Kwame Nkrumah Simone de Beauvoir Louis Daguerre Jacques Cousteau Zhu Xi Dates (10201030) (17151763) (1929 ) (18401916) (9911033) (19091972) (19081986) (17871851) (19101997) (11301200) Description Chinese landscape painter Chinese classical writer English athlete (four-minute mile) American inventor (Maxim gun) Medieval music theorist Founding leader of Ghana French existentialist philosopher French inventor of photography French oceanographic explorer Chinese Confucian scholar

Missing from the Life 100 Us 6 11 18 23 24 28 32 33 35 36 Life Person George Washington Henry VIII Joseph Stalin Theodore Roosevelt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ulysses S. Grant Ronald Reagan Charles Dickens Benjamin Franklin George W. Bush Dates (17321799) (14911547) (18781953) (18581919) (17561791) (18221885) (19112004) (18121870) (17061790) (1946 ) Description 1st U.S. president (American Revolution) King of England (Six Wives) Premier of USSR (World War II) 26th U.S. president (Progressive Movement) Austrian composer (Don Giovanni) 18th U.S. president and Civil War general 40th U.S. president (Conservative Revolution) English novelist (David Coppereld) Founding father/scientist (captured lightning) 43rd U.S. president (Iraq War)

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We think these comparisons with the Hart and Life rankings validate the basically sensible nature of our historical signicance analysis. We have performed far more substantial evaluations (see Section 2.5) which demonstrate that (a) our rankings show an excellent correlation with published rankings of human experts, and (b) we correlate better with experts than they do among themselves. This indicates that our rankings are probably better than those produced by human experts. We will also show that our signicance rankings can be used to predict the prices of such diverse commodities as celebrity autographs, baseball cards, and modern paintings.

1.4 History vs. Historiography

We are not historians, and this is not a history book. History is the study of past events, with the emphasis on what happened and why. We have nothing new to say in this book that will help historians reconstruct past events, or understand the driving forces that made them unfold. Certain authorities reasonably declare Gavrilo Princip (18941918) [2814] to be the most signicant historical gure of the twentieth century. Who? Princip was the Bosnian/Serbian nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (18631914) [541]. This event precipitated World War I, which redrew the political boundaries of Europe and sowed the seeds for World War II. Without Princip, none of this might ever have happened. Historians are concerned with such arguments, as they struggle to understand the root causes of events that shaped our world. Our analysis cannot really help them in their quest. By contrast, historiography is the study of the eld of history itself. We are interested in what makes the lives of various historical personages worth recording and passing on to future generations. Why is it that the reader probably could probably place John J. Pershing (18601948) [764] or Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (19291994) [1387] much more easily than Mr. Princip? There are larger patterns at work here that make this phenomenon worth studying. Indeed, throughout this book we will see several forces acting on our collective memory to determine which gures get preserved for posterity:


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Founder Effects Among the most enduring gures are those recognized as rst in some way: say, the rst European to discover America (Christopher Columbus (14511506) [20]) or the rst president (George Washington (17321799) [6]). Both turn out to be arguable distinctions: read about Leif Ericson (9701020) [563] or John Hanson (1721 1783) [4024]. But once canonized as rst, they cannot readily be dislodged. Founder gures, like explorers and inventors, last longer than political or cultural leaders whose reputations are not anchored to a single enduring achievement. These effects are strong enough to overcome the Anglo-centric bias of Wikipedia: Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (19341968) [2324] beat the rst American into space (Alan Shepard (19231998) [6750]) by only three weeks, yet by 4,446 spots in historical rank. Role Replacement Conversely, other cultural niches are relled on a regular basis, condemning earlier gures to reduced signicance with time. Olympic champions are replaced every four years, as are losing presidential candidates. The meme of greatest living saint has transferred from Albert Schweitzer (18751965) [1512] to Mother Teresa (19101997) [820] to the Dalai Lama, no doubt to be recycled again soon after his passing. Narrative Simplication As history recedes into the past, the story gets simplied, with supporting players granted a smaller fraction of the tale. Western outlaw Jesse James (18471882) [413] used to share almost equal billing with his brother Frank James (18431915) [4608], who is now barely remembered as a member of the gang. Early contributors to the Civil Rights movement have become much less visible in the shadow of Martin Luther King (19291968) [221], a trend we anticipate will only increase with time. Storication Details with little objective impact on stature help x certain historical gures in the collective memory. Untimely death, particularly martyrdom, proves a great preservative. Others hang on a single saying, like Nathan Haless (17551776) [1090] regret that I have only one life to give for my country or Patrick Henrys (17361799) [472] Give me Liberty, or give me Death!

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Memes must be easy to spread, necessitating capsule summaries that make them easy to remember. Most of the tables of ranked gures we provide in this book include brief (45-character) descriptions of each person, but it is amazing how often that sufces for their unambiguous placement in the canon.

We intend this book as both a survey of historical gures for a general audience and a genuine academic contribution to historiography. We will expose you, the reader, to more than a thousand of the historical memes most worth knowing. Our algorithmic rankings help focus attention where it should properly be focused. Any person interested in livestock production would miss the point if they study how to raise geese and Angora rabbits at the expense of cows, pigs, and chickens. Our rankings help answer the question Wheres the beef? in history in a rigorous and effective way. The memes most worth knowing are usually most interesting to read about, so you should look forward to making their acquaintance (or re-acquaintance) here. That said, we believe there is generally a high correlation between the strength of given historical meme (what we will call signicance in this book) and its true importance as would be measured by historians. Several times we will put our measure to the test against objective standards in particular domains: history textbooks, Hall of Fame electoral results, statistical evidence of sports performance, published rankings of notable people, and more. In all these experiments, our historical signicance rankings do an excellent job of capturing the perceived importance of members in the target group. This multipronged approach to assessment is important, because it validates our signicance scores as a tool for scholarly research on large-scale historical/historiological forces. We employ it to study questions like the effectiveness of human decision processes, or measuring the degree to which women have been excluded from the historical record. Culturomics is a new paradigm employing massive datasets to answer questions in the social sciences and humanities. We look forward to watching future scholars make even better use of our data and analytical methods.


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1.5 Overview
By now, we hope you are convinced that our historical signicance rankings are generally sensible, and worth further investigation. To help you, our book is organized into three parts. The rst, Quantitative History, introduces our analytical methods and explains how our algorithmic rankings were constructed. We introduce the datasets and ranking methods necessary to make reasoned statistical judgments about historical signicance, tools that we will use to order the individuals marching in the vast parade of history. We then deploy our analysis to study several Big Picture questions in history and popular culture. Who belongs in childrens textbooks? How accurately do experts recognize the future historical signicance of then-contemporary gures? Are women and other groups sufciently represented in the historical record? The second part of our book, Historical Rankings, presents rankings of people within specic spheres of inuence, for example, world leaders, athletes, artists, or outlaws. It is quite revealing to identify the top dog in every domain, with results that will enlighten most readers and infuriate others. Our rankings provide an efcient way to review and expand our knowledge of the world. Indeed, the 1,000 names we drop in this book make it a crash course in historical Whos Who. At the end of the book are two appendices that provide resources to help you continue your quantitative investigations into history. Our website http://www.whoisbigger.com is the main electronic supplement to this book, which includes our latest rankings for all historical gures. There is even an App available for game players to test their knowledge. Ready? Let our journey into the past begin. . . .

Ranking Historical Figures

Our rankings of historical signicance can be used to rationally assess the reputation of gures in the historical canon. But how do our algorithms do this in a fair and sensible way? We start by reviewing how people approach ranking problems, to better understand the strengths and limitations of our computational methods.

2.1 Traditional Ranking Methodologies

The rankings most prominent in popular culture are produced in several ways. Perhaps most popular is the expert poll, used to create the Associated Press Top 25 College Football Rankings. Every week a set of experts (here coaches and sportswriters) independently rank the top teams. These ratings are combined using a point system, and the cream skimmed off after sorting teams by points yields the Top 25. Expert polls prove effective in clearly dened domains followed by many knowledgeable individuals. They tend to be fairly conservative, however, and are often based on second-hand judgments. Do we really believe that active college football coaches have enough time, or even a good enough cable television plan, to watch all their peers play? Still, polls of professional historians might be used to rank historical gures. Indeed, historian polls ranking the greatness of U.S. presidents are conducted regularly as a sort of academic parlor game; an early example was the 1948 poll by Arthur M. Schlesinger (18881965) [27072] of Harvard University. These polls reect interesting changes in historical reputation


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over time. Opinions of Dwight D. Eisenhower (18901969) [110] and Ronald Reagan (19112004) [32] have generally been rising in recent years, at the expense of Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98] and Herbert Hoover (18741964) [183]. But these polls are subject to political and contemporary biases. Indeed, in our charged political climate, could anyone give an unbiased judgment on the relative merits of Republican George W. Bush (1946 ) [36] versus Democrat Barack Obama (1961 ) [111]? Further, expert polls do not scale well. There are simply too many historic personages and too few experts, particularly those with the broad knowledge to compare inventors to poets, politicians to entertainers, and athletes to philosophers. An alternate approach might poll the public instead of the experts. The wisdom of crowds hypothesis [Surowiecki, 2004] dictates that large, diverse groups can make better decisions than individual experts. How much you believe this reects your faith in democracy: does the voting public generally do a good job in identifying the right candidate for political ofce? The Internet makes it much easier to conduct public polls on a massive scale, technology now employed by sports leagues to select their All-Star teams. Technology also enables more passive means of gathering popular sentiment, such as analyzing the content of search engine queries. That more people Google Selena Gomez (1992 ) [5365] than Lefty Gomez (1908 1989) [20494] tells you something meaningful about their relative fame. Indeed, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) STARmeter ranks celebrities by the frequency of recent search queries, and seems quite effective at distinguishing whos hot from whos not. But an accurate public poll requires a large audience of knowledgeable and enthusiastic participants. This seems more likely with movie stars than nineteenth-century poets. Further, search engine queries track notoriety far better than historical signicance; otherwise the greatness of a political leader would rise whenever they got caught in bed with a mistress. Yet another approach to ranking identies a single salient statistic, and uses it to order things accordingly. In the arts, this statistic is often (ironically) sales: the top-40 music countdown, the New York Times best-selling books, and the highest-grossing lms of the year. University reputations are measured by the average SAT scores of the incoming class, or the percentage of student applicants accepted.

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But single statistics paint a one-dimensional picture of reputation. Only an investor would argue that the highest-grossing movies are the best lms. Indeed, the Oscars are awarded through an expert poll. Critical rankings of the best books by quality or inuence tend to be quite independent of sales. Individual statistics can be easy to game, producing misleading or selfserving results. Publishers have been known to buy multiple copies of their own product just to prop up its rank on the best seller list, and universities have become increasingly adept at omitting suspect classes of students from their self-reported average SAT. A nal approach mixes several statistical measures in a witchs brew to yield a single authoritative ranking. Representative here are the U.S. News and World Report 2011 rankings of American universities, which combine factors like faculty/student ratio, graduation rates, expert polls, and more into a single score. Such meta-analyses can be compelling, but they must be performed with a level of rigor to have genuine meaning. U.S. News needs its university rankings to change substantially every year, so its customers must buy new editions. It manages this by tinkering with its rating formula. However, when done with the proper data, integrity, and care, such metaanalysis can produce good results. We take a meta-analysis approach in this book to rank historical signicance. We combine a diverse set of data sources to determine the most famous people in the English-speaking world. Our cast of characters includes all the people appearing in Wikipedia as of a specic date: 843,790 strong, or roughly the population of San Francisco. Our computational analysis ranks them by signicance in a satisfying and convincing way. As we showed back in in Figure 1.1, Jesus (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1] is the most signicant gure in world history. The least signicant, Sagusa Ryusei (1954 ) [843790],1 is a Yoshinkan aikido master whose claim to fame is being the student of a better-known master.

2.2 Measurements of Historical Reputation

Our research on statistical ranking methods has developed ways to make informed judgments about relative signicance in Anglo-American culture.
1 In case you have not caught on to our convention, each person mentioned in this book is

annotated with their birth/death dates and signicance ranking.


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Here we explain what is going on under the hood. There are three major aspects of our methodology: (1) raw measurements of historical reputation, i.e. data, (2) statistical factor analysis to combine them into a single score, and (3) corrections for the decay in reputation that occurs with the passing of time. We deal with each of these in turn through the rest of this chapter.

2.2.1 W I K I P E D I A Lets talk about data. Historically signicant gures leave statistical evidence of their presence behind, if one knows where to look for it. We use several data sources to fuel our ranking algorithms. Most important is Wikipedia [Wales, 2009], the web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the nonprot Wikimedia Foundation. But we use it in a manner quite different from the typical reader. Wikipedia is enormous, featuring more than three million articles in its English edition alone. It got that way by being open. Anyone on the Internet can contribute what they wish to Wikipedia. You are free to start a new article or edit any existing one. Perhaps you are an expert on Polynesian butteries, and catch a minor but gnawing error in its coverage of a particular species. You have the power to x it, and make the world a better place. The same would be true for any person knowledgeable about actor Humphrey Bogart (18991957) [1291], cellist Pablo Casals (18761973) [3112], or football player Bubba Smith (19452011) [102599]. This open collaborative model might seem an invitation to abuse, but the Wikipedia community has developed effective mechanisms to harness users enthusiasm while enforcing proper behavior. Studies have shown that the general accuracy of Wikipedia is comparable to traditional centrally edited encyclopedias. In particular, the journal Nature has reported that Wikipedias scientic articles had a similar rate of serious errors as the authoritative Encyclopedia Britannica, and came close to its general level of accuracy [Giles, 2005]. We second their opinion. Yes, there are corporate acks lurking who clean up the sordid reputations of their employers [Hafner, 2007]. Yes, there are true believers willing to rewrite history at the behest of political or spiritual leaders. And yes, jokers or conspiracy theorists can use Wikipedia to claim anyone did anything. For example, respected editor

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John Seigenthaler (1927 ) [12815] was understandably perturbed to read about his involvement in killing both John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] and Robert F. Kennedy (19251968) [1355] [Seelye, 2005]. But such errors typically disappear instantly after discovery, and are but a dirty drop in the vast ocean of truth that has been properly reported. The deeper we have delved into analyzing Wikipedia, the more we have been impressed with the general sensibility and correctness of this amazing human artifact. And because we work in volume, our algorithms will not be particularly affected by any specic factual errors. The openness of Wikipedia proves critical to our analysis here, because the entire bundle is freely available for download all the text, all the metadata everything. This means we can write computer programs that use Wikipedia as data, inputs to fuel our models of historical reputation. Implicit in the structure and contents of Wikipedia are several quantitative measures of the fame or achievement of each entity. We will use these measures as input to our reputation model. Our statistical manipulations get somewhat technical, so certain details have been relegated to Appendix A. But understanding the basic model is helpful for making sense of our results, and an interesting exercise to boot. So lets get started. 2.2.2 P A G E R A N K Web search engines such as Google and Bing are spectacularly successful examples of the power of ranking technology. Responding instantly to almost any question we ask, they rank billions of documents from most to least relevant so accurately that surfers rarely look beyond the top few results. The original secret sauce underlying Googles search engine is a clever and powerful algorithm called PageRank [Brin and Page, 1998]. PageRank ignores the textual content of web pages to focus only on the structure of the hyperlinks between them. The fundamental idea is simple: signicant pages have more links to them than lesser pages. Further, the more signicant a page is, the stronger a recommendation it lends to any page it links to. Having a large stable of contacts recommending you for a job is great, but it is even better when one of them served as the president of the United States.


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A Random Walk Along the Network PageRank is best understood in the context of a random walk along a network. Suppose we start from an arbitrary web page and then randomly select an outgoing link from the set of possibilities. This puts you on a neighboring web page. Now jump to a random neighbor of this web page, and repeat for as many random hops as you please. Each websites PageRank is essentially the probability that you will arrive there after a long series of random clicks. To get a feel for PageRank, lets take a random walk along Wikipedia pages and see how many recognizable gures we stumble upon. To start, we went to Wikipedia and clicked on the Random article button. Our random article turned out to be Marfa Sobakina (15521571) [279246], and her story was not a happy one. The third wife of Ivan the Terrible (15301584) [297], she was poisoned and died a few days after her marriage. Although herself obscure, she leads us directly to Ivan, a signature gure of his age. One random step away is his son, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of Russia (15541581) [50371]. This is another unhappy story: Ivan killed him after beating his pregnant wife into a miscarriage. The son leads us to Ivans rst wife, Anastasia of Russia (15301560) [19255], also possibly poisoned. Our random walk starts out as a trip through Russian genealogy, but after seven more random hops we land on Henry VIII (14911547) [11]. Now we are back in the big leagues again. Henry VIII was the child of Henry VII (14571509) [179], who defeated Richard III (14521485) [344] at the Battle of Bosworth Field to claim the English throne. And, of course, Richard III was the subject of an eponymous play by William Shakespeare (15641616) [4]. Wikipedia is a hyperlinked collection of web pages just like the rest of the web, so we can use PageRank to compute the probability that random Wikipedia surng will lead to a specic page. Unlike the rest of the web, however, each article in Wikipedia can be considered as a proxy for its subject. That the Wikipedia page for George Washington (17321799) [6] has a higher PageRank than the page for former Met rst baseman Marv Throneberry (19331994) [171634] is an informed judgment that the Father of Our Country was a more signicant gure than Marvelous Marv.

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PageRank in Practice PageRank relies on the idea that if all roads lead to Rome, Rome must be a pretty important place. Additional links to your web page increase your PageRank, but quality matters. You should thank your brother-in-law for linking to your Wikipedia page, but it will be considerably less valuable than a link from a high PageRank fellow like William Shakespeare (1564 1616) [4] would be. On the other hand, linking from your page to the Bard shows you to be an erudite fellow, but it does you no good in the PageRank department. The paths to your page are what count. This is what makes PageRank hard to game: other people must link to your web page, and whatever shouting you do about yourself is irrelevant. Adding and deleting links from a given network gives rise to different networks, some of which better reveal underlying signicance using PageRank. Google implicitly adds links from every web page to a single super-page (called G-d ), to ensure that random walks never get trapped in some small corner of the network. It also deletes any link from a page to itself, as not indicative of the signicance of anything. More important, Google deletes all links deemed link spam, pages specically created to be read by Googles web-crawling programs instead of people. Suppose I create a new spam website (say www.gx928zq93.com), containing multiple links to every page on another site I really care about, like www.whoisbigger.com. Left undetected, these links raise the PageRank of www.whoisbigger.com, and thus increase its prominence in search engine results. Generating/detecting link spam is a cat-and-mouse game, for the delity of any search engine requires meaningful edges in its PageRank graph. Fortunately for our purposes, Wikipedia is relatively free of link spam, because its team of editors quickly swoop down on obviously self-serving links. How well does PageRank work at smoking out signicant people? We examine people with the highest and lowest PageRank (PR1) drawn from a list of 1,000 recognizable. The high-PageRank gures are all readily recognized as very accomplished individuals, which is why they generally peg our Celebrity/ Gravitas meter.2 The least familiar person in this table is probably Carl
2 We will discuss exactly how we measure this tradeoff between popular renown (celebrity) and

achievement (gravitas) in Section 2.3.

Highest PR1 Ranking Person Napoleon George W. Bush Carl Linnaeus Jesus Barack Obama Aristotle William Shakespeare Elizabeth II Adolf Hitler Bill Clinton PR1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sig 2 36 31 1 111 8 4 132 7 115

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Lowest PR1 Ranking Celeb/Grav Person Vijay Daniel Radcliffe Jesse McCartney Randy Orton Ashley Tisdale Edge Kane Rey Mysterio Nicole Scherzinger Big Show PR1 16693 12373 11850 11093 10299 10066 9065 8581 7653 7551 Sig 4456 7080 4236 4123 4445 2603 2229 2740 6058 4221 Celeb/Grav

Linnaeus (17071778) [31], biologys father of taxonomy whose genusspecies system is used to classify Homo sapiens and all other life on earth. He was a great scientist, but why is he so very highly regarded by PageRank? The Wikipedia pages of all the plant and animal species he classied link back to him, so thousands of life-forms contribute prominent paths to his page. The low-PageRank gures on the right are all well-known people, primarily young actors, singers, and professional wrestlers. Almost all of their fame is due to celebrity. Being young, they have not yet had the opportunity to interact with too many other signicant people, so their networks are not as well established as more senior folk. They are all extremely popular, just not well connected. The Linnaeus example points out a possible weakness of PageRank: do we really want plants, institutions, and inanimate objects voting on who the most prominent people are? Figure 2.1 (left) shows part of the PageRank graph for Barack Obama (1961 ) [111]. Although the direct links associated with Obama are all very reasonable, we can reach him in only two clicks from the Wikipedia page for Dinosaurs. Should extinct beasts contribute to the Presidents signicance? The same techniques that Google uses to deal with link spam can come to our aid. Suppose we compute a second PageRank on only the Wikipedia pages/vertices that correspond to people. We will call this new PageRank PR2. This computation would ignore any contribution from places, organizations, and lower organisms. Figure 2.1 (right) shows a sample of Obamas network when we restrict it to only people. This second PageRank yields a different measure of signicance. There is considerable overlap with the previous rankings, but also some subtle

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F I G U R E 2.1. PageRank graphs for Barack Obama, taken over all Wikipedia pages (left) and then restricted to people (right)

changes. On the left, Jesus, Linnaeus, and Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8] are gone, replaced by three recent U.S. presidents who clearly have direct connections from many important people. On the right, prominent explorers (Amerigo Vespucci (14541512) [407] and John Cabot (14501498) [314]) and open-source technologists (Richard Stallman (1953 ) [4921] and Jimmy Wales (1966 ) [3198]) lose ground when they must rely on direct connections from other individuals instead of organizations they founded and places they discovered.

Highest PR2 Ranking Person George W. Bush Bill Clinton William Shakespeare Ronald Reagan Adolf Hitler Barack Obama Napoleon Richard Nixon Franklin D. Roosevelt Elizabeth II PR2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sig 36 115 4 32 7 111 2 82 43 132 Celeb/Grav Person

Lowest PR2 Ranking PR2 19812 17040 16944 15345 14566 14453 13576 13572 13488 13390 Sig 407 4921 3199 3897 314 4744 3183 3198 4304 353 Celeb/Grav

Amerigo Vespucci Richard Stallman The Notorious B.I.G. Morrissey John Cabot Ashlee Simpson Ludacris Jimmy Wales Beck Henry Hudson


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So which version of PageRank is better, PR1 or PR2? We dont know. Both seem to capture reasonable notions of signicance, so both deserve to be part of our nal reputation model. 2.2.3 H I T S Being famous implies that many people are interested in learning more about you. An alternate measure of someones signicance is the frequency with which readers visit their Wikipedia page. More famous/interesting people should have more frequently read pages than lesser lights. Web servers log each hit to every single Wikipedia page, and we have made this data part of our analysis. Web hits measure something quite different from PageRank, telling us more about popularity and the interests of the public. Hits measure the number of Wikipedia readers, while PageRank depends upon actions by the authors of Wikipedia pages. These are different groups of people, so we should expect them to arrive at somewhat different opinions on matters of historical signicance.
Highest Hits Ranking Person Eminem Lady Gaga Adolf Hitler Lil Wayne Katy Perry Rihanna Barack Obama Michael Jackson Kanye West Miley Cyrus Hits 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 Sig 823 2502 7 1803 4737 1185 111 180 1494 2009 Celeb/Grav Person Gough Whitlam Paul Martin Charles S. Peirce Brian Mulroney Joseph Priestley Lester B. Pearson Suharto Anthony Burgess Thomas Henry Huxley William L. M. King Lowest Hits Ranking Hits 11525 9435 8564 8055 7809 7603 7599 7420 7294 7163 Sig 1114 3224 225 2596 330 1204 1836 1430 365 668 Celeb/Grav

The high-hits gures3 are largely contemporary entertainers (such as Lady Gaga (1986 ) [2502] and Rihanna (1988 ) [1185]), because young people turn to Wikipedia as a primary source of information. It is disconcerting to see Adolf Hitler (18891945) [7] appear as the only noncontemporary gure on the list, a frightening measure of the grip he retains on the public consciousness nearly seventy years after his death.
3 The high-hits ranks do not count from 1 to 10 because certain artifacts like pages associated

with unrecognizable people have been excluded from view.

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Hit frequency varies over time, responding actively to news events. There is nothing like a juicy scandal to drive more readers to your Wikipedia page. The data we analyze here thus overreacts to people who were in the news during our sampling period. This explains the presence of Michael Jackson (19582009) [180] (who died shortly before our sampling) and why current president Barack Obama (1961 ) [3] substantially outranks all his predecessors in hits. The low-hits people on the right include earnest scholarly gures, like oxygen discoverer Joseph Priestley (17331804) [330] and philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (18391914) [225]. We also get major political gures from important but quiet countries like Canada and Australia. The top gure here, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (1916 ) [1114], could be described as the Richard Nixon (19131994) [82] of Australia.

2.2.4 A R T I C L E L E N G T H The length of an individuals Wikipedia article, as measured in words, provides a natural reection of his or her fame: more signicant people deserve longer articles than lesser folk. They generally have amassed more substantial achievements, requiring additional text to describe. Their activities also attract greater interest and scrutiny, meaning more people can contribute to building detailed, lengthy articles. Article length in Wikipedia is not the same hard constraint that it is in printed texts, where publishers face a real nancial cost for each additional printed page. Yet there are clear social pressures toward brevity and conciseness. The Wikipedia community aggressively edits, and indeed deletes, the articles of people whose signicance does not measure up to its accepted standards. More than 100,000 people have suffered the ignominy of having their (usually autobiographical) articles removed from Wikipedia. The people with the longest articles include controversial gures with intense followings like religious gures (Joseph Smith (18051844) [55] and L. Ron Hubbard (19111986) [1208]) and revolutionaries (Che Guevara (19281967) [457] and Paul Robeson (18981976) [1278]). These constituencies can take advantage of Wikipedias open access policies to write about people they consider important. This is a real strength of the Wikipedia models, although it does introduce a potential bias into the data.


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People with shorter articles than their signicance suggests (as in the right-hand side of the table) include Euclid [149] and Euripides (480406 B.C.) [348], ancient gures about whom little is known. This leaves little to write about. We also get a gaggle of contemporary celebrities whose accomplishments are too vapid for comment: consider Vijay (1974 ) [4456], Ja Rule (1976 ) [6330], and Fergie (1975 ) [3327].
Highest Length Ranking Person Adolf Hitler Stanley Kubrick Elvis Presley Joseph Stalin Joseph Smith L. Ron Hubbard Che Guevara Paul Robeson Janet Jackson Michael Jackson Words 5 12 14 18 20 21 25 27 28 29 Sig 7 1935 69 18 55 1208 457 1278 559 180 Celeb/Grav Person Euclid Tony Hawk Vijay Sean Hannity Ja Rule Fergie Euripides Will Smith John Travolta Tim Berners-Lee Lowest Length Ranking Words 38130 36692 32752 32352 32149 30525 27995 26604 25103 23895 Sig 149 3787 4456 4566 6330 3327 348 2774 1692 3931 Celeb/Grav

The actual difference in length between long and short articles is not quite as large as the differences in rankings might suggest. The longest prominent article (Hitler) runs 29,341 words, while the shortest (Euclid) contains 1,542. As with PageRank, there are several possible ways to measure the length of an article. Do we count all words appearing within the connes of an article, or exclude references, tables, and other structures? Each approach yields somewhat different measures of signicance. We use the meat of the text, without references and tables, as our measure of article length. 2.2.5 P A G E E D I T S The collaborative model underlying Wikipedia empowers thousands of authors to contribute their knowledge to the world. Each change to every article is retained in Wikipedias database, providing a historical record of how the page evolved to its present state. We expect that famous/important people possess more rened articles than lesser personages, because a larger fraction of the editorial body has both motive and opportunity: information to contribute and the desire to do so. The high-edit people include celebrities with intense popular followings, such as Michael Jackson (19582009) [180] and Britney Spears (1981 )

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[689]. These people lead volatile lives, requiring fast-moving encyclopedia articles to keep up with them. Similarly, the frequent ow of events involving active presidents and sports stars triggers many updates to their articles.
Highest Edits Ranking Person George W. Bush Michael Jackson Jesus Britney Spears Adolf Hitler Barack Obama Muhammad Elvis Presley Roger Federer Mariah Carey Edits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 Sig 36 180 1 689 7 111 3 69 743 636 Celeb/Grav Person Tacitus Francis I Toyotomi Hideyoshi Plutarch William Pitt the Younger Josephus Peter Paul Rubens Friedrich Engels Jerome George II Lowest Edits Ranking Edits 7248 6836 6767 6697 5977 5959 5916 5869 5550 5418 Sig 300 351 515 258 409 358 410 384 320 340 Celeb/Grav

Religious gures trigger far more edits than would appear their due, particularly since Jesus (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1] and Muhammad (570632) [3] have both been dead for well over one thousand years. These edits reect jockeying between members of opposing theologies, eager to ensure that the public record reects their personal beliefs. Thus, page edit frequency serves as a measure of attachment as well as fame. The open-edit model is based on good faith, but breaks down in the face of two equally determined groups deleting the changes the other side makes. As a result, Wikipedia has developed mechanisms to limit edits to trusted moderators after such ame wars catch re. Hitlers high-edit status here also must be credited to such a battle. The prominent low-edit people (right side of the table) are all long dead, gone more than 1,000 years on average. Perhaps the least familiar gure for Western readers is Toyotomi Hideyoshi (15371598) [515], the sixteenthcentury ruler who unied Japan. Such historically important, academic gures are simply not generating fresh activity that requires updating their articles. It is difcult to imagine the man-on-the-street having much dirt to contribute about any of them. There are several closely related measures of page edit frequency, including distinct editors, number of changes, and number of edit reversions. All serve as proxies for signicance, but we use the total number of all revisions as our edit frequency measure.


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2.3 Celebrity vs. Gravitas

There seems something inherently different about the reputation of contemporary celebrities (say pop singer Britney Spears (1981 ) [689] or golfer Tiger Woods (1975 ) [2101]) from that of lower-prole people backed by more hefty achievements: Nobel Prizewinning scientists like James D. Watson (1928 ) [3619], Supreme Court justices like Louis Brandeis (18561941) [1134], or national leaders like Israels David Ben-Gurion (18861973) [1269]. Can we use algorithmic measures to distinguish between popular fame and accomplishment-based recognition, so as to better understand the nature of someones prominence? We call these different notions of fame celebrity and gravitas. Our tools for discriminating between them follow naturally from factor analysis, the statistical method we employ to combine our input variables into a single quantity measuring signicance. Factor analysis describes the commonality of variables in terms of a small set of unobserved variables, or factors. Suppose we have a large set of peoples physical measurements: height, weight, shoe size, inseam length, waist size, neck size, and jacket length. Many of these variables will be correlated with each other: people with large waists will generally be of substantial weight, while shoe size and inseam length correlate better with height than weight. Indeed, two underlying factors do a pretty good job of explaining all these measurements: your girth (how wide are you?) and your span (how tall/long are you?). This is why height and weight measurements sufce at your doctors ofce, if not quite for your tailor. Factor analysis is best known for its application to intelligence (IQ) testing, the task for which it was developed by psychologist Charles Spearman (18631945) [15211] in 1904. Spearman showed that a single unobserved variable, his g factor for general intelligence, underlies scores on many different types of intelligence tests. We expected that factor analysis would extract a single underlying factor of individual signicance. However, two independent factors better explained the data. Gravitas, our rst factor, largely comes from (or loads on, in statistical parlance) the two forms of PageRank. Gravitas seems to accurately reect achievement-based recognition.

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Celebrity, our second factor, loads more strongly on page hits, revisions, and article length. Our celebrity factor better captures the popular (some might say vulgar) notions of reputation. The wattage of singers, actors, and other entertainers is better measured by celebrity than gravitas. Finally, our combined measure of fame is given by the sum of these celebrity and gravitas factors. To get a feel for the distinction between gravitas and celebrity, compare our highest gures by each factor. The high gravitas gures are clearly old-fashioned heavyweights, people of stature and accomplishment: kings, philosophers, and statesmen. The low gravitas gures are such complete celebrities that the top four walk this earth using only one name. They are professional wrestlers, actors, and singers. It is quite telling that the only two gures here displaying even a sliver of gravitas are Britney Spears (1981 ) [689] and Michael Jackson (19582009) [180]. Both are among the Platonic ideals of modern celebrity.
Highest Gravitas Ranking Person Napoleon Carl Linnaeus Plato Aristotle F. D. Roosevelt Plutarch Charles II Elizabeth II Queen Victoria William Shakespeare Pliny the Elder Tacitus Herodotus Charles V George V Grav. 8 13 23 27 30 32 33 35 38 42 43 52 58 61 64 Sig 2 31 25 8 43 258 78 132 16 4 212 300 123 84 235 Celeb/Grav Person The Undertaker Vijay Edge Kane John Cena Beyonc Knowles Triple H Rey Mysterio Britney Spears Ann Coulter Jesse McCartney Roger Federer Ashley Tisdale Michael Jackson Dwayne Johnson Highest Celebrity Ranking Celeb. 2 8 10 13 16 19 26 36 37 45 48 57 60 75 78 Sig 2172 4456 2603 2229 2277 1519 1596 2740 689 3376 4236 743 4445 180 1446 Celeb/Grav

The celebrity-gravitas continuum provides a powerful tool for analyzing the reputation of historical personages, which we will employ throughout this book. For example, we can study how the distribution of celebrity and gravitas has changed over history. Gravitas has held basically constant over the past seventy years, while celebrity scores have exploded since 1990. As we would expect, gures who are still creating news are attracting far more hits, page revisions, etc. than their less active (and often dead) counterparts.


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2.4 The Half-Life of Fame

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! Percy Bysshe Shelley (17921822) [329] Time humbles all great men, as memories fade and their fame crumbles to dust. The glow of todays brightest stars will gradually diminish, and then fade to black. Where will Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633] rank after Justin Time: 50 years, 100 years, or 200 years from now? To what extent will he be remembered? How about Barack Obama (1961 ) [111]? Estimating the speed with which glory fades is essential to compare the signicance of current individuals with older gures long gone. The need to compensate for temporal effects on reputation becomes apparent when we add celebrity and gravitas to create the measure we term Fame. The top 100 people ranked by Fame are presented in Figure 2.2. It is clear this list wildly overstates the signicance of recent gures. We count 28 of the top 100 as still living at the time of this writing, plus another 18 no longer with us but active post-1970. Any merit criterion that puts Britney Spears (1981 ) [689] in the same league as Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8] seems unworthy of further discussion. Correcting for the inuence of time in a principled way requires building a model to age contemporary gures, so as to predict how much of their reputation will remain years from now. There are two distinct processes at work here: rst, the lapse from living memory inherent in the passage of generations, and second, a selection bias caused by the recent advent of Wikipedia. We will correct for each of these factors in turn, to complete our model for quantifying historical signicance. 2.4.1 L I V I N G M E M O R Y Each generation experiences events that become permanently seared into its collective consciousness. Where were you on September 11, 2001, when you heard about the attack on the World Trade Center in New York? What were you thinking when you heard that Barack Obama (1961 ) [111] had been elected president? I (Steve) am old enough to remember the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the shooting of John Lennon (19401980)

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Fame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Person George W. Bush Jesus Barack Obama Adolf Hitler Napoleon Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton Muhammad Michael Jackson William Shakespeare Elvis Presley Joseph Stalin Abraham Lincoln Albert Einstein George Washington Elizabeth II John F. Kennedy Pope John Paul II Madonna Aristotle Richard Nixon Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill Bob Dylan Alexander the Great Pope Benedict XVI Britney Spears Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt John Lennon Tony Blair Saddam Hussein Henry VIII Hillary Rodham Clinton Paul McCartney Charles Darwin Elizabeth I John Kerry Karl Marx Jimmy Carter Julius Caesar Queen Victoria Mohandas K. Gandhi Martin Luther Martin Luther King Christopher Columbus Isaac Newton George H. W. Bush Charlemagne Eminem

Fame 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Person Fidel Castro Mariah Carey Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart John McCain Lyndon B. Johnson Margaret Thatcher Plato Harry S. Truman Vladimir Lenin Dwight D. Eisenhower Sigmund Freud Louis XIV Ludwig van Beethoven Ulysses S. Grant Benito Mussolini Leonardo da Vinci Augustus Carl Linnaeus Al Gore Mao Zedong Woodrow Wilson Thomas Edison Charles Dickens Bill Gates Roger Federer Paul the Apostle Gerald Ford Benjamin Franklin Jimi Hendrix Sarah Palin Marilyn Monroe Arnold Schwarzenegger Friedrich Nietzsche Genghis Khan Charles I James I Osama bin Laden Vladimir Putin Christina Aguilera Steven Spielberg J. R. R. Tolkien David Bowie Alexander Hamilton Diana Michael Jordan Ernest Hemingway Mary Noam Chomsky Che Guevara Nelson Mandela

F I G U R E 2.2. The top 100 people by our measure of historical fame, without corrections for time. Far more contemporary gures appear here than for our nal time-corrected signicance measure, as shown in Figure 1.1


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[162], and the resignation of Richard Nixon (19131994) [82]. I even vaguely recall seeing the funerals of Robert F. Kennedy (19251968) [1355] and Martin Luther King (19291968) [221] on TV as a child. I have a living connection to these people and events. I also have a personal but more tenuous connection to the events of my parents lifetimes. As a child, my father once saw Babe Ruth (1895 1948) [434] drive his big car through the neighborhood. My mother had a crush on comedian Danny Kaye (19131987) [4774], and saw him perform at the Paramount. Other historical gures left their mark on the movies, books, and music that I was exposed to growing up. I am aware of heroic physician Thomas Anthony Dooley III (19271961) [92953] and the wit of two-time failed presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson (19001965) [2641] only through discarded paperbacks picked up at used book sales during my youth. I hear even fainter echos of the past through the grandfather I was named for, who died just two weeks before I was born. He was the rst Skiena in America; a leather-worker. He built protective training headgear for all the ghters, and said that boxing champ Joe Louis (19141981) [2820] was a real gentleman. But before that, I have no record just my greatgrandfathers name written on the shipping manifest from the boat that took his son to a new life in America. Contemporary gures will slip from active memory as personal contact with their achievements fades. We need to model how fast this will happen. It is natural to think of a half-life model of fame, analogous to that of nuclear decay, where only half as much stuff remains after (say) 50 years, one-quarter as much after 100 years, and so forth. But this model cannot hold up to careful scrutiny. Consider gures from antiquity who are still of wide renown, such as Jesus (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1]. His fame would have been halved forty times over the past 2,000 years, meaning it must have burned a trillion times brighter at the start of the Christian era. It is inconceivable that Christs fame could ever have been that much greater than it is now. Today the term Jesus accounts for roughly one out of every 10,000 words appearing in scanned books. How much more prominent could he possibly ever have been? There is not enough room for much upside here. We conclude that the decay rate cannot be exponential, and further does not go on forever. At some point, living memory ceases, after which

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reputation has essentially been xed in the historical record. In order to quantify these effects, we turn to the Google book Ngram dataset, which we discuss in full detail in Chapter 4. It counts the number of times each person, place, and thing appears in books published in a given year, and provides an excellent means of tracking the volume of discussion about individuals over a long period of time. Examining this data4 reveals two important facts about reputations over time. First, discussion of the average individual typically peaks between 60 and 70 years after their birth. The more famous the individual, the later in life that discussion peaks. Second, discussion decays from this peak relatively slowly. Thus, any signicant individual will continue to be discussed long after his/her demise. We can use these observations to construct a principled forecast of future reputational decay for contemporary gures. We equate an individuals signicance rank to a given reference frequency in the Google Ngram dataset. Given this cohorts rate of decay, we can project their signicance forward to the age of 170, providing equal grounds to compare past and present gures.

2.4.2 T H E W I K I P E D I A G E N E R A T I O N Nevertheless, even after incorporating reputational decay into our model, contemporary gures still appeared to be overvalued. Do we live in an unrecognized era of Giants, or is some other force at work? The problem becomes clear when we plot the number of people from each era signicant enough to earn their own Wikipedia articles. In particular, Figure 2.3 shows the number of Wikipedia articles about people who died in each year since the 1770s. Death is the last major event of every persons life: rare are historical gures who have not done their best work by then. That an increasing number of historically signicant people are dying each year is not surprising. After all, the world has experienced continuous population increase since about 1350 once the Bubonic plague and Hundred Years Wars nally ran their courses. The world rst hit one billion
4 Presented in Figure A.4 of the Appendix.


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people around 1804, and two billion in 1927. Population growth continues so rapidly that it reached seven billion before this book hit the press [Wikipedia, 2011]. We juxtapose the per-year Wikipedia people counts in Figure 2.3 against a projection of how many people we should expect to see based on a linear combination of the U.S. and World populations. The English Wikipedia is heavily biased toward the inclusion of American gures, so world population alone was not sufcient to produce an accurate estimate. There is amazingly good agreement here. Over the past 250 years, the number of people ending Wikipedia-worthy lives are almost exactly what would be predicted by gross population statistics. This is strong evidence that Wikipedia is better than it has any right to be: there is no historical era that it systematically underrepresents. But Figure 2.3 clearly shows three bumps corresponding to periods that are overrepresented according to this model. The rst two bumps correspond to World Wars I and II respectively. Far more historical gures died in the horrors of war both soldiers and civilians than would have during times of comparative peace. But the third bump, the biggest of all, arises with the advent of Wikipedia. Clearly, if you had the good fortune to die over the past fteen years, you were signicantly more likely to be immortalized in Wikipedia than those who lived in earlier times. Wikipedia is a product of the Internet


6000 Frequency



0 1800 1850 1900 Death Year 1950 2000

F I G U R E 2.3. The number of Wikipedia people dying each year is well predicted by a linear combination of U.S. and world population

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era, and has been chronicling contemporary events with particular passion. Todays news represents the main source of updates to Wikipedia, with any signicant event generating fresh Wikipedia pages only minutes after being reported. This recency bias exaggerates several of our measures for contemporary gures, such as page hits and revisions. The signicance of active people must therefore be further reduced to account for this effect. Starting around 1990, the average celebrity level of active gures increases dramatically (see Figure A.5 in the Appendix). This causes us to over-inate the signicance of recent gures, particularly those most associated with popular culture. We correct for this by explicitly subtracting a xed amount of celebrity from each contemporary person as a function of their peak year of activity. This gives us our nal, corrected measure of signicance, which we presented in Figure 1.1. We note, with satisfaction, that our algorithmic ranking corresponds well with what we think of as genuine historical signicance. Modern presidents are now dropped down to plausible positions, and Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5], George Washington (17321799) [6], and Thomas Jefferson (17431826) [10] now appropriately rise to the top of our rankings. Our most recent single-term presidents, George H. W. Bush (1924) [363], Jimmy Carter (1924 ) [462], and Gerald Ford (19132006) [230], fall into the bottom half of U.S. presidents, joining a more foggily remembered crowd. Other standards, such as the signicance of Oscar winners for Best Actor (see Section 14.4), suggest that we have removed contemporary bias from our model fairly effectively. Unless otherwise noted, we will use our corrected measure as our true measure of historical signicance over the rest of this book. Lets see what we can do with it.

2.5 Evaluation Results

We will use our signicance scores to draw conclusions about a variety of interesting cultural questions. Who belongs in history textbooks? Are women really underrepresented in Wikipedia and the historical record? How accurately do contemporary observers recognize the signicance of their peers?


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Our answers to these questions will mean something only if our significance rankings reliably measure the strength and durability of historical memes. For this reason, we have engaged in a rigorous evaluation process. We assembled a collection of 35 published rankings of people from a wide variety of domains, in history, sports, and entertainment. These standards include expert rankings, Internet opinion polls, and statistical formulae computed over sports statistics. The published standards we compare ourselves to include:
Actors and Actresses Expert rankings such as the American Film Institutes (AFI) Screen Legends (100 years, 100 stars) and the IMDb STARmeter Top 100 of 2010. Athletes Expert ratings and statistical rankings of athletes in baseball, basketball, and other sports, including the Associated Press Top 100 athletes of the twentieth century. Musicians A collection of polls and expert rankings on musicians across genres, including Rolling Stone magazines greatest singers of all time. U.S. presidents The United States Presidency Centers expert poll rankings of U.S. presidents [Wikipedia, 2012a] and other similar rankings. General Historical Rankings Popular books including Harts The 100, and 1000 Years, 1000 People [Gottlieb et al., 1998]. The Time 100 social networking inuence index, based on Twitter followers and Facebook connections.

Each standard ranks between 25 and 250 people within some domain. These rankings serve as a gold standard to assess how well our computationally generated rankings correspond to expert evaluation of fame/signicance. For each standard, we compared the published rankings of people according to each variable, our original factor analysisbased scores, and nally the time-corrected version of our signicance measure. Figure 2.4 summarizes these results. Both forms of PageRank do well, with average correlations of 0.511 and 0.509 for the full and person-only networks, respectively. Our uncorrected factor analysis model of signicance does even better. But our decayed signicance score performs the best overall by far, with an average correlation of 0.554.

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ListGroup Actors Actresses Authors Directors Musicians Individual Sports General Athletics U.S. Presidents General Historical Overall

NL 3 3 3 5 3 10 3 5 3 35

ILA 0.412 0.419 0.353 0.491 N/A 0.280 0.569 0.909 N/A 0.490

NPR 0.499 0.491 0.419 0.586 0.648 0.459 0.489 0.576 0.434 0.511

PPR 0.556 0.514 0.426 0.562 0.621 0.457 0.571 0.490 0.388 0.509

PH 0.273 0.272 0.415 0.431 0.572 0.408 0.467 0.625 0.499 0.440

NR 0.327 0.389 0.358 0.502 0.569 0.406 0.463 0.549 0.489 0.450

AL 0.283 0.348 0.285 0.498 0.473 0.348 0.374 0.472 0.339 0.380

Celeb 0.178 0.226 0.189 0.364 0.416 0.316 0.369 0.386 0.420 0.318

Gravit 0.411 0.349 0.358 0.466 0.413 0.381 0.323 0.532 0.324 0.395

Fame 0.466 0.501 0.436 0.576 0.618 0.453 0.537 0.580 0.482 0.517

Signif 0.523 0.546 0.458 0.608 0.672 0.463 0.554 0.655 0.511 0.554

F I G U R E 2.4. Rank correlations between variables and the published rankings in different categories. Abbreviations: NL (Number of Lists in group), ILA (Inter-list Agreement), NPR (Normal PageRank), PPR (Person PageRank), PH (Page Hits), NR (Number of Revisions), AL (Article Length), Celebrity, Gravitas, Fame (uncorrected Signicance), Historical Signicance. Bold signies best overall correlation with validation lists in each category

To put our score of 0.554 into context, realize that the published standards do not all agree with each other, meaning it is impossible to get a perfect score on this test. But we can measure how consistent the published standards are. The average interstandard correlation of 0.490 was substantially lower than that achieved by our corrected signicance measure, suggesting that we are more accurate than the human standards themselves. Beyond this, we have compared our historical signicance scores against many other measures of meme strength, always with positive results. Subsequent sections will discuss our assessment studies including public polls (Section 3.8), frequency of appearance in books (Section 4.3), sports statistics (Section 6.1), autograph and baseball card prices (Section 6.7), and auction prices for modern art (Section 13.3.3). With all of this evidence in hand, we assert that our signicance measure is substantially superior to traditional ranking methods and produces results strong enough to support our conclusions in this book.

Who Belongs in Bonnies Textbook?

Helping your children with their homework is a basic part of every parents job description. It can be frustrating to watch your kid struggle with something as basic as elementary subtraction, but incredibly rewarding when they nally master borrowing ten under your tutelage. Homework gets harder as students progress through grade levels and, like all parents, I (Steve) realized that the time would come when I would no longer be able to help my daughter Bonnie with her homework. But I didnt expect that moment would rst arise in fth grade U.S. history! Bonnies assignment was to match historical gures with descriptions of who they were and why they were important. Several names were well known to her from prior experience, such as Christopher Columbus (1451 1506) [20], George Washington (17321799) [6], and Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5]. Others were new, but clearly worth learning about as she began her study of American history people such as:
Henry Ford (18631947) [148]: automobile industry pioneer. Robert Fulton (17651815) [954]: invented the steamboat. William Lloyd Garrison (18051879) [735]: abolitionist who fought against slavery. Alexander Hamilton (17551804) [45]: secretary of the Treasury who put the United States on a rm nancial footing. Robert E. Lee (18071870) [76]: commander of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

But Bonnies homework also contained the names of several people who, frankly, I had never heard of before. And this homework was just practice,

w h o b e l ongs in bonnie s textbook?


an aid to help her memorize these names for the upcoming exam. Were these gures really historically signicant enough to justify this level of attention from students in such an early grade? Bonnies fth grade history textbook contained a Biographical Dictionary, a handy reference guide with capsule biographies of 250 gures highlighted in the text. A typical assigned task would be matching a persons name to the description of what they did. You give it a try. See how well you do matching the names and descriptions of the following people from Bonnies textbook.
ID ID 1 2 3 4 5 Name Mary Antin Nat Love George Shima Benjamin Pap Singleton Luzena Wilson A B C D E Description Cowboy and author of a popular autobiography Entrepreneur who ran hotels and restaurants during the California Gold Rush Immigrant from Japan who became known as the Potato King for his successful farming of potatoes in California Immigrant from Russia who published a popular autobiography called The Promised Land Leader of African American homesteaders known as Exodusters

The correct answers are given in the footnote.1 By contrast, her text found room for only half of the U.S. presidents. So who really belongs in Bonnies fth grade history book? How can we tell? And what does this say about our educational system and society at large? Our signicance rankings provide the right tool to study such important questions. Further, Bonnies history book provides an excellent testbed to establish how meaningful our historical signicance rankings are. You, the reader, presumably passed fth grade in style, and so should be familiar with most of the historical gures that appear here.

3.1 The Signicance of Signicance

This is the point in our book where many academic readers start to get a queasy feeling. They generally nd the notion of measuring historical meme strength as interesting, even important, and respect our methodology for measuring it. But here we seem to be claiming that it has some objective meaning, and are using it to make judgment calls about historical interpretation.
1 Correct answers: 1D, 2A, 3C, 4E, 5B.


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There are several possible objections they may have to this line of thinking. First, we havent really dened what we mean by signicance: it is just some quantity that falls out of some formula. Second, the English-language Wikipedia is inherently culturally biased: favoring American gures above those of the rest of the world. The Wikipedia authors did not leave their prejudices at the door, so any results concerning minorities and gender reect attitudes as well as accomplishments. Finally, meme strength is in no way synonymous with achievement or importance. A strong historical meme like the traitor Benedict Arnold (17411801) [222] might be easier to catch than that of Jawaharlal Nehru (18891964) [530], the political founder of modern India, but that doesnt mean Arnold has had even remotely comparable impact on world events or human society. So lets tackle these issues head on. What is the signicance of Signicance? We make the analogy between what we call Signicance and various notions of intellectual capacity measured by intelligence tests and collegeentry examinations like the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Indeed, our statistical factorbased methodology is exactly what Spearman used to identify his underlying g factor reecting general intelligence.
Are the questions in such intellectual aptitude tests culturally biased? Absolutely. Might differences in testing conditions, access to pretest training courses, and the evaluation methodology impose class, ethnic, and gender biases on outcomes? Certainly. Do they measure academic accomplishment, such as grade point average or class rank, or important intangibles like leadership, gumption, and creativity? Of course not. Should test scores be the only criteria used to make admissions decisions? Only if you dont want to select the best candidates.

But despite all this, do these tests provide useful data for making admissions decisions or understanding differences in educational performance? Of course they do. Judgment is always needed to properly interpret statistical data, and an understanding of its biases and limitations is important in making these interpretations. Reasonable people can arrive at different

w h o b e l ongs in bonnie s textbook?


interpretations regarding the validity of an observation or the explanation for some phenomenon. But reasonable people often make better interpretations when presented with quantitative data. The value of our signicance rankings is in quantifying phenomena, providing evidence that, despite all its aws and biases, correlates well with a lot of external references and standards. We will use it throughout this book to shed light on questions and observations we nd interesting.

3.2 The People in Bonnies Textbook

The most familiar names in Bonnies textbook provide a strong reference point to calibrate your faith in our rankings. If we rank the people you know best in a reasonable order, this should build trust that carries over to the rest of the historical universe. Figure 3.1 pairs the 40 most signicant people from the biographical dictionary of Bonnies textbook with the 40 least signicant, for your inspection. The people on the left are quite an impressive bunch. By our calculations, all rank among the 200 or so most signicant people who ever lived. Almost all should be familiar to you. Personally, I might fear being quizzed on exactly why James I (15661625) [41] made the list,2 or whether Francis Drake (15401596) [150] was an explorer or military ofcer,3 but the rest I would be willing to be tested on. Fully 26 of the hundred most signicant gures in world history appear in Bonnies history text. Who ranks among the top 100 yet did not make her textbook? Excluding those who lived before Columbus plus political, scientic, and cultural gures of European extraction leaves only half a dozen people with a legitimate connection to the history of the United States: Presidents Barack Obama (1961 ) [111] and Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98], scientist Albert Einstein (18791955) [19], writers Mark Twain (18351910) [53] and Edgar Allan Poe (18091849) [54], musician Elvis Presley (19351977) [69], and World War II ally/honorary citizen Sir Winston Churchill (18741965) [37]. At the top of its biographical
2 Because British colonization of North America began during his eventful reign as king. 3 Both. He led England to victory over the Spanish Armada and the second voyage (after

Ferdinand Magellan (14801521) [311]) to circumnavigate the earth.

Most Signicant Person Abraham Lincoln George Washington Adolf Hitler Thomas Jefferson Elizabeth I Joseph Stalin Christopher Columbus Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Ronald Reagan Benjamin Franklin George W. Bush Thomas Edison James I Franklin D. Roosevelt Alexander Hamilton Woodrow Wilson James Madison Joseph Smith George III John Adams Andrew Jackson John F. Kennedy Robert E. Lee Richard Nixon Harry S. Truman Benito Mussolini Andrew Carnegie Andrew Johnson Alexander Graham Bell Dwight D. Eisenhower Thomas Paine Bill Clinton Marco Polo Henry Ford Francis Drake John D. Rockefeller Lyndon B. Johnson Jefferson Davis Samuel de Champlain

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Least Signicant Fame 13 15 4 28 37 12 46 29 64 6 78 1 72 86 22 93 71 107 114 118 124 131 17 159 21 58 65 248 250 210 60 260 7 352 185 361 403 55 428 468 Person Luzena Wilson George Shima Mary Antin Venture Smith Hendrick Theyanoguin Dolores Huerta Nampeyo Joseph Cinqu Nat Love Peter Salem William Harvey Carney Tomochichi Maya Lin John Parker Marjory Stoneman Douglas Samoset York Belle Boyd Samuel Prescott Blanche Bruce Eliza Lucas Narcissa Whitman Prince Hall William Prescott Juan Segun David Walker Levi Cofn James Armistead Charles Goodnight Hiram Rhodes Revels Francis Cabot Lowell Daniel Shays Hiawatha James W. Marshall Madam C. J. Walker William Dawes Marcus Whitman Massasoit Bernardo de G. y. Madrid Carrie Chapman Catt Sig 206506 144560 101158 97353 48999 44244 36510 35465 35100 25384 24221 23880 23823 23333 22679 20841 17907 16296 16052 14221 14007 13567 12142 12010 10797 10625 10446 10241 10172 9500 8791 8476 8362 7740 7730 7692 6599 6590 6220 6037 Fame 370972 229435 137054 213273 122111 20035 70203 93100 81060 69519 66675 65783 8825 64394 28056 58287 50656 44161 45995 43475 40587 39411 35739 35340 31983 31540 31066 30456 30207 28207 26367 25434 18108 23323 13050 23190 19932 19912 18822 13378

Sig 5 6 7 10 13 18 20 23 28 32 35 36 40 41 43 45 47 51 55 58 61 66 71 76 82 94 101 104 105 106 110 113 115 147 148 150 172 184 188 205

F I G U R E 3.1.

The most historically signicant members of Bonnies textbook and the least


dictionary, the editors of Bonnies textbook have clearly identied the right people. But it is bafing to confront the forty least signicant gures in her text, representing the bottom 15 percent of its biographical dictionary. The

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90 80 Percentage of entities 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Deborah Sampson Molly Pitcher Lucretia Mott Thomas Gage Francis Marion John Winthrop Rosa Parks Eli Whitney Paul Revere Sam Houston Amerigo Vespucci William Penn Samuel de Champlain Benito Mussolini James I Abraham Lincoln


William Dawes


F I G U R E 3.2.

The percentage of historical gures of given or better rank in Bonnies


ones I knew included historical footnotes like William Dawes (17451799) [7692], the other guy who went along on Paul Reveres (17351818) [627] ride.4 Others were ethnic rsts, like the rst two black Southern senators during Reconstruction (Blanche Bruce (18411898) [14221] and Hiram Rhodes Revels (18271901) [9500]); both were chased from ofce after a single term. Maya Lin (1959 ) [23823] was an undergraduate student who won the competition to design the Vietnam War Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC. She made Bonnies textbook ahead of any military or protest movement leader of that war. All the remaining names were a complete mystery to me. I suspect that I am not alone here. Figure 3.2 displays the fraction of the gures in Bonnies book achieving a given signicance rank, along with representative gures at each level. Roughly 65 percent of them rank among the 2,000 most historically signicant people. But then the signicance quickly thins out. Even quintupling this range to the top 10,000 only lls another 20 percent of the textbooks roster, leaving the weakest 15 percent off this chart entirely.
4 William Dawes (17451799) [7692] and Samuel Prescott (17511777) [16052] were Paul

Reveres riding mates, who got his message through to Concord but not to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (18071882) [349], whose poem is the source of Reveres legend.

10 00 0






60 00

00 80

90 00

70 00







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The editors didnt have to make the choices they did. American history is long enough and rich enough to contain many fascinating and important gures. Making kids memorize the names of people to be forgotten after the exam might seem good preparation for college, but we feel it is a bad educational policy. Historical names become most valuable when we encounter them repeatedly: seeing them in movies, reading about them in books, visiting the places they lived and worked. Naming names is important to frame history: helping students place different time periods and understand the social forces acting upon them. The elementary school textbooks put out by major publishers would not seem to be fertile ground for idiosyncratic thinking. Indeed, Bonnies textbook5 listed seven Program Authors, seven more Contributing Authors, eight Content Consultants, and no fewer then 33 Classroom Reviewers. So could this august panel have made better selections? That is the question we will explore in the rest of this chapter. We partition the historical gures appearing in Bonnies text into logical groups, and compare the books selections with the most prominent excluded representatives. We believe that the text could have made better known choices for about 30 percent of the available slots. In particular, we propose the following rules of thumb for future textbook authors. People of historical rank less than 2,000 or so are broadly known by the educated public. People of rank up to 5,000 might be historically signicant enough to bring to the attention of a general audience in good conscience if you have a particular point to make. But gures beyond that limit represent off-beat choices that should require considerable soul searching.

3.3 Political Leaders

The organization of the government of the United States into three separate but equal branches (executive, congressional, and judicial) provides one of the major lessons of elementary schoollevel social studies. Each branch offers a rich set of characters and stories. Have they been treated properly in Bonnies textbook?
5 Social Studies: The United States (Gold Edition), Pearson Scott Foresman 2008.

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3.3.1 P R E S I D E N T S The names and faces of our presidents confront Americans more than any other historical gures. The full roster appears on commemorative dollar coins, restaurant placemats, and even animatronic robots at Disney World. Barack Obama (1961 ) [111] is just the forty-fourth president, a tractable number for young people to master and understand. We both still feel proud that we can enumerate all our presidents in order. Indeed, the primary decision the editors of Bonnies textbook faced was whether all the presidents should appear in the biographical dictionary. Even the lowest ranked president (Chester A. Arthur (18291886) [499]) would score in the most signicant quarter of the gures appearing in the book. The editors found room for 24 presidents, as shown in Figure 3.3. Given this constraint, they generally did a good job of selection. Obamas omission gets a pass because of the publication date of the text. The two weakest presidents appearing in the book (Jimmy Carter (1924 ) [462] and George

Included Person Abraham Lincoln George Washington Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Ronald Reagan George W. Bush Franklin D. Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson James Madison John Adams Andrew Jackson John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon Harry S. Truman Andrew Johnson Dwight D. Eisenhower Bill Clinton Lyndon B. Johnson James Monroe Gerald Ford James K. Polk George H. W. Bush Jimmy Carter Sig 5 6 10 23 28 32 36 43 47 51 61 66 71 82 94 105 110 115 184 220 230 240 363 462 Fame 13 15 28 29 64 6 1 22 71 107 124 131 17 21 58 250 60 7 55 506 77 557 48 40 Person

Excluded Sig 98 111 135 153 176 183 237 242 277 285 288 299 325 339 341 370 427 446 499 Fame 224 3 323 241 393 151 547 283 648 675 683 712 769 808 818 363 1037 1079 1267

Grover Cleveland Barack Obama John Quincy Adams William Howard Taft William McKinley Herbert Hoover James Buchanan Warren G. Harding Martin Van Buren James A. Gareld William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor Rutherford B. Hayes Benjamin Harrison John Tyler Calvin Coolidge Franklin Pierce Millard Fillmore Chester A. Arthur

F I G U R E 3.3.

U.S. presidents in Bonnies history book, along with those excluded


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H. W. Bush (1924 ) [363]) are justiable selections as recent leaders still ranking among the top fty individuals in terms of contemporary fame. The most obscure presidents included (James Monroe (17581831) [220] and James K. Polk (17951849) [240]) are strongly associated with major events in our history (the Monroe Doctrine and the Mexican War), which are well-covered in the text. Of the omitted presidents, perhaps the strongest cases can be made for Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98] (who dominated American politics from 1884 to 1896) and Herbert Hoover (18741964) [183] (on whose watch the Great Depression began). But all in all, the editorial decisions concerning our presidents appear to be sound and well justied.

3.3.2 C O N G R E S S I O N A L F I G U R E S Congress, it is said, is lled by men who think they should be president. Excluding the thirteen who eventually did go on to the top job, Bonnies textbook includes ten congressmen.
Congressmen in Bonnies Textbook Sig 188 252 399 453 498 553 1362 2977 9500 14221 Person Jefferson Davis Henry Clay John C. Calhoun Daniel Webster Sam Houston Joseph McCarthy Richard Henry Lee John Glenn Hiram Rhodes Revels Blanche Bruce Dates (18081889) (17771852) (17821850) (17821852) (17931863) (19081957) (17321794) (1921 ) (18271901) (18411898) C/G Description President of the Confederacy (U.S. Civil War) Senator ("The Great Compromiser") U.S. vice president/senator (nullication) American statesman and Mass. U.S. senator First president of Texas Republic Republican senator (McCarthyism) Virginia statesman (Continental Congress) Astronaut (First American to orbit Earth) First African American congressman First elected African American senator

Only four of these ten gures are remembered primarily as important gures in the representative branch of government: Henry Clay [252], John C. Calhoun [399], Daniel Webster [453], and Joseph McCarthy [553]. Interestingly, two (Sam Houston [498] and Jefferson Davis [188]) earned their primary fame as the presidents of short-lived independent republics (Texas and the Confederacy), and a third outside the earths atmosphere (astronaut John Glenn [2977]).

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We would replace the four least signicant congressmen in Bonnies textbook by other high-ranking gures with more interesting stories to tell:
Aaron Burr (17561836) [373] a fascinating fellow whose mischief in the election of 1800, fatal duel with Alexander Hamilton (17551804) [45], and subsequent conspiracies more than outweighed his genuine contributions to establishing the republic. William H. Seward (18011872) [796] the man most responsible for the purchase of Alaska as Secretary of State under presidents Lincoln and Johnson. William Jennings Bryan (18601925) [698] the dominant populist force in America during the Progressive Era, and pioneer of the modern presidential campaign.

None of these gures were selected primarily for their work in Congress, a deliberative body whose achievements are those of the whole rather than its individual members. Section 8.2 will discuss congressmen in much greater detail, and we invite you to ip over and nd your own alternative selections. 3.3.3 J U D I C I A L H I S T O R Y Three Supreme Court justices qualied for Bonnies textbook: John Marshall [401], responsible for establishing the power of the court through the doctrine of judicial review in Marbury v. Madison, and the rst black and female justices (Thurgood Marshall [1707] and Sandra Day OConnor [5221]). All appear worthy of inclusion, with perhaps a quibble that OConnors historical achievements do not extend far beyond the precedent of her selection. Thurgood Marshalls contributions as litigator for civil rights perhaps exceed his as justice.

Supreme Court Justices in Bonnies Textbook Sig 401 1707 5221 Person John Marshall Thurgood Marshall Sandra Day OConnor Dates (17551835) (19081993) (1930 ) C/G Description U.S. chief justice (Judicial review) First African American Supreme Court justice First female Supreme Court justice


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Earl Warren (18911974) [2034] is the most signicant excluded justice. The Warren Court was instrumental in advancing civil rights protections for all Americans in the 1950s and 1960s. As attorney general of California, Warren was the driving force behind the internment of Japanese civilians during World War II putting a face on this shameful but important episode in our history. We believe he should be in Bonnies history text. 3.3.4 W O R L D L E A D E R S It is startling to see a dozen foreign leaders featured in an elementary schoollevel American History textbook. But it makes sense. This editorial decision reects a conscious and necessary effort to promote a more international view of the world.
World Leaders in Bonnies Textbook Sig 7 13 18 41 58 101 236 346 454 637 928 1695 Person Adolf Hitler Elizabeth I Joseph Stalin James I George III Benito Mussolini Isabella I Kublai Khan Ferdinand II Mikhail Gorbachev Moctezuma II Musa I Dates (18891945) (15331603) (18781953) (15661625) (17381820) (18831945) (14511504) (12151294) (14521516) (1931 ) (14801520) ( ? 1337) C/G Description Fuehrer of Nazi Germany (WW II) Queen of England (The Virgin Queen) Premier of USSR (World War II) King of England (King James Bible) King of England (American Revolution) Italian fascist dictator (WW II) Queen of Castile (funded Columbus voyages) Fifth Great Khan of Mongol Empire King of Aragon (funded Columbus voyages) Last Soviet premier (fall of USSR) Ruler of Tenochtitlan (15021520) Ruler of Africas Malian Empire

Three of the world leaders are British rulers during the colonial era and revolution. But some of the rest have only a tenuous connection to the United States. Kublai Khan (12151294) [346] (China) and Musa I (? 1337) [1695] (Africa) led mighty pre-Columbian empires, meaning that they went to their graves completely unaware of the existence of the New World. Three others were foreign leaders during World War II, but it seems shameful to include Benito Mussolini (18831945) [101] at the expense of Winston Churchill (18741965) [37]. Finally, it seems extravagant to devote two slots to Ferdinand II (14521516) [454] and Isabella I (14511504)

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[236], who sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus (1451 1506) [20]. In addition to Churchill, we would add three other foreign leaders with stronger connections to American history:
Simn Bolvar (17831830) [448] Revolutionary leader of South Americas struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire. Toussaint Louverture (17431803) [896] Leader of the Haitian Revolution freeing the slaves of Haiti, thus challenging the institution of slavery throughout the Americas. Mao Zedong (18931976) [151] Founder of the Peoples Republic of China, and leader during Richard Nixons (19131994) [82] 1972 visit establishing relations between the two nations.

3.4 People by Time and Place

Interesting times make for interesting people. Four historic periods seem particularly well represented in Bonnies textbook: the Colonial era, the Revolutionary War, the winning of the West, and the Civil War. 3.4.1 T H E C O L O N I A L E R A Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Americas Colonial era is just how long it lasted. If you start with Columbus in 1492 and end with the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, it ran 283 years almost fty years longer than the United States has been an independent nation. Even if you start with the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, it still clocks in at 168 years. We credit 15 people from Bonnies textbook as contributing to Colonial America, which does not appear extravagant given this vast expanse of time. All these colonial gures achieve respectable signicance rank, and several are known as the founder of their colonies: for example, William Bradford [1379] (Plymouth) and John Smith [529] (Virginia). We are sympathetic to retaining John Peter Zenger [2022] as a symbol of the battle for freedom of the press. However, we would recommend replacing several of the more expendable gures, such as Pocahontass [428]


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Colonial Figures in Bonnies Textbook Sig 35 286 428 529 678 687 894 1113 1258 1374 1379 1682 1873 2022 2439 5015 Person Benjamin Franklin William Penn Pocahontas John Smith Roger Williams James Wolfe Anne Hutchinson John Winthrop George Whiteeld Bartolom de las Casas William Bradford James Oglethorpe John Rolfe John Peter Zenger Thomas Hooker John White Dates (17061790) (16441718) (15951617) ( ? 1631) (16031683) (17271759) (15911643) (15871649) (17141770) ( ? 1566) (15901657) (16961785) (15851622) (16971746) (15861647) (15401593) C/G Description Founding father/scientist (captured lightning) Founder of Pennsylvania colony Indian princess in Jamestown colony English explorer (Jamestown) Founder (Rhode Island colony) British Army ofcer (Quebec) Colonial female religious leader Puritan founder (Massachusetts Bay colony) Anglican Protestant minister Spanish historian Plymouth governor (Thanksgiving) Founder of the colony of Georgia Jamestown settler (tobacco) Publisher and journalist (press freedom) Puritan religious and colonial leader Failed English colonist (Roanoke)

husband John Rolfe [1873], with a group of more signicant ministers:

John Wesley (17031791) [359] With a strong claim as the founder of Methodism, his Wesleyian name and teachings live on in several Christian denominations. He trumps the accomplishments of George Whiteeld [1258]: an English Anglican priest who helped spread the Great Awakening in Britain. Jonathan Edwards (17031758) [913] Reformed theologian and missionary to the Native Americans. Cotton Mather (16631728) [1676] Fiery Puritan minister and protagonist of the Salem witch trials.

3.4.2 T H E A M E R I C A N R E V O L U T I O N In contrast with the colonial gures, too many Founding Fathers appear in Bonnies textbook. The following list includes twenty-two Founding Fathers, and is kept manageable only by ignoring presidents like John Adams (17351826) [61], American revolutionary military leaders like Benedict Arnold (17411801) [222], plus the Founding Mothers, to be discussed in Section 3.6. Six of these names reside in the dead zone of signicance above 5,000, a place where elementary school historical gures cannot naturally survive. Reveres riding mate William Dawes [7692] is adequately commemorated

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Founding Fathers in Bonnies Textbook Sig 45 113 467 472 481 616 627 1050 1089 1090 1149 1175 1283 1304 1362 1651 2863 7692 8476 12010 16052 23333 25384 Person Alexander Hamilton Thomas Paine Samuel Adams Patrick Henry Charles Cornwallis John Hancock Paul Revere Francis Scott Key John Burgoyne Nathan Hale George Rogers Clark Ethan Allen Benjamin Rush Francis Marion Richard Henry Lee Thomas Gage Mercy Otis Warren William Dawes Daniel Shays William Prescott Samuel Prescott John Parker Peter Salem Dates (17551804) (17371809) (17221803) (17361799) (17381805) (17371793) (17351818) (17771843) (17221792) (17551776) (17521818) (17381789) (17461813) (17321795) (17321794) (17191787) (17281814) (17451799) (17411825) (17261795) (17511777) (17291775) (17501816) C/G Description U.S. Founding Father (National Bank) U.S. revolutionary ("Common Sense") U.S. Founding Father (Sons of Liberty) U.S. Founding Father ("Give me liberty") British Army ofcer (Revolutionary War) U.S. revolutionary (signer of Declaration) U.S. Revolution ("British are coming!") Poet (lyrics of National Anthem) British army ofcer, politician Continental Army soldier/spy Revolutionary War ofcer Revolutionary patriot (Green Mountain Boys) Physician and Declaration signer Revolutionary War ofcer (Swamp Fox) Virginia statesman (Continental Congress) British commander (Independence War) Political writer of the American Revolution Patriot (American Revolution) American soldier (Shays Rebellion) Colonel (Revolutionary War) Patriot (Battle of Bunker Hill) American soldier (Battle of Lexington) Soldier (Revolutionary War)

by a trafc island in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Daniel Shays [8476] was the instigator of the short-lived Shays Rebellion, a memorable challenge to the authority of the new-born nation. But he was lucky to escape with his life, and died in obscurity. The causes of the rebellion (a weak federal government unable to pay its debts to its military veterans) are far more important than the name of the rabble-rouser who started it. William Prescott [12010] and Peter Salem [25384] both fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill, though Prescotts fame is ultimately attributable to saying Do not re until you see the whites of their eyes. John Parker [23333] commanded at the Battle of Lexington, but then saw no further action. None of these people need to be in the textbook. We are loath to add more gures from this era, but we must nd room for the remarkable Joseph Brant ( ? 1807) [1328], a Mohawk leader who fought ably on behalf of the British against the American revolutionaries. His story helps reveal many of the complexities of the Native American experience.


q uantitative history

3.4.3 T H E W I N N I N G O F T H E W E S T The westward expansion of the United States, growing from 13 coastal colonies to span a full continent, is an exciting and important part of our history. We bought and fought and annexed our way into the mightiest nation on earth. Most of this buying and ghting and annexing happened in the West. Several Western gures in Bonnies textbook are identiable as founding gures of particular states, such as Father Junpero Serra [2835] (California) and Brigham Young [471] (Utah). Joseph Smith [55] is the founder of the Mormon faith, although he did not live to complete the migration West. Religion is a common denominator of many of these Western gures, including the husband-and-wife team of Marcus and Narcissa Whitman [13567]. Both were ultimately slain by the Native Americans they ministered to in the Oregon Territories.

Western Figures in Bonnies Textbook Sig 55 471 498 501 606 682 934 1364 2835 3644 6599 7740 10172 10797 13567 Person Joseph Smith Brigham Young Sam Houston Daniel Boone Davy Crockett Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna Stephen F. Austin Levi Strauss Junpero Serra John Sutter Marcus Whitman James W. Marshall Charles Goodnight Juan Segun Narcissa Whitman Dates (18051844) (18011877) (17931863) (17341820) (17861836) (17941876) (17931836) (18291902) (17131784) (18031880) (18021847) (18101885) (18361929) (18061890) (18081847) C/G Description American religious leader (Mormonism) American Mormonism leader First president of Texas Republic American frontiersman (coonskin cap) American folk hero (Alamo) Mexican general, military dictator The father of Texas Founder of Levi Strauss & Co. Spanish missionary in California Pioneer (California Gold Rush) Missionary to Indians (Oregon) Discovered gold in California Western cattle rancher Statesman (Texas Revolution) Missionary to Indians (Oregon)

It is less obvious, however, who should replace the ve gures with signicance rank above 5,000. The editors wisely avoided the temptation to include the famous outlaws and lawmen of the West: Billy the Kid (1859 1881) [761], Wyatt Earp (18481929) [858], or Jesse James (18471882) [413]. But environmentalist John Muir (18381914) [569], the inspiration for our National Park System, clearly should make the cut. Certain explorers

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of the west, such as Kit Carson (18091868) [1215], Zebulon Pike (1778 1813) [2058], John C. Frmont (18131890) [1048], and John Wesley Powell (18341902) [1871], also seem appropriate choices. 3.4.4 T H E C I V I L W A R E R A The Civil War era contained an enormous cast of characters, including prominent abolitionists, political gures, and military leaders from both sides, well represented in Bonnies textbook. The war last a long shadow on American politics. All presidents from 1868 to 1893 served as Union ofcers during the war, except for Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98] who hired a substitute to ght for him. Bonnies textbook generally captures the major gures of the period. The only unsupportable choices are those of Catherine and Levi Cofn (17981877) [10446], a husband and wife team of conductors on the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman (18201913) [1093], already in the text, much better ts the conductor slot.
Civil War Era Figures in Bonnies Textbook Sig 76 188 233 283 304 379 735 739 787 2014 10446 Person Robert E. Lee Jefferson Davis William Tecumseh Sherman Stonewall Jackson John Brown George Armstrong Custer William Lloyd Garrison Stephen A. Douglas Wineld Scott Mathew Brady Levi Cofn Dates (18071870) (18081889) (18201891) (18241863) (18001859) (18391876) (18051879) (18131861) (17861866) (18221896) (17981877) C/G Description Confederate general (U.S. Civil War) President of the Confederacy (U.S. Civil War) Union general (U.S. Civil War) Confederate general (U.S. Civil War) American revolutionary abolitionist U.S. Army ofcer ("Custers last stand") Prominent American abolitionist Senator (Lincoln-Douglas debates) U.S. Army general (Mexican/Civil Wars) Civil War photographer American Quaker, abolitionist

We would include George B. McClellan (18261885) [554], unsuccessful Union commander and Lincolns opponent in the 1864 presidential election. Another signicant omission is Robert Gould Shaw (18371863) [2834], the (white) colonel in command of the all-black 54th Regiment of the Union Army. He is the most famous gure celebrating African American military contributions to the Civil War. Two others are of particular interest, because of their revealing post war activities:


q uantitative history

Philip Sheridan (18311888) [949] An important Union general, who went on to lead the U.S. war efforts against the Native Americans in the Great Plains. Notorious for saying the only good Indian is a dead Indian. Nathan Bedford Forrest (18211877) [975] Innovative Confederate cavalry leader (the Wizard of the Saddle), who went on to found the Ku Klux Klan.

3.5 Cultural and Social Innovators

American ideas and culture remain our countrys greatest export: the work of inventors, scientists, artists, business leaders, and explorers. They are properly and amply described in Bonnies textbook. 3.5.1 I N V E N T O R S A N D B U S I N E S S L E A D E R S The business of America is business! is the most famous saying of our otherwise silent president, Calvin Coolidge (18721933) [370]. Certainly no history of the United States would be complete without a focus on the building of our modern economy: the robber barons in the 1880s, the breakup of the trusts in the early twentieth century, the advent of the automobile, the Great Depression, the postwar boom, and the Information Age. We count 16 business leaders and inventors in Bonnies textbook.
Inventors and Business Leaders in Bonnies Textbook Sig 40 104 106 148 172 328 532 758 887 954 2317 2411 2664 3603 8791 144560 Person Thomas Edison Andrew Carnegie Alexander Graham Bell Henry Ford John D. Rockefeller Johannes Gutenberg Samuel Morse Eli Whitney George Washington Carver Robert Fulton Cyrus McCormick John Deere Samuel Slater Lewis Howard Latimer Francis Cabot Lowell George Shima Dates (18471931) (18351919) (18471922) (18631947) (18391937) (13981468) (17911872) (17651825) ( ? 1943) (17651815) (18091884) (18041886) (17681835) (18481928) (17751817) (18641926) C/G Description Inventor (lightbulb, phonograph) Steel magnate and philanthropist Inventor (telephone) American industrialist (Ford Motors) American oil magnate (Standard Oil) German printer (movable type) Inventor (telegraph system) American inventor (Cotton gin) Agricultural scientist (uses for peanuts) Engineer and inventor (steamboat) American inventor (reaper) American manufacturer (Deere & Comp.) Early American industrialist African American inventor American businessman (city of Lowell) First Japanese American millionaire

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The practical arts of tinkering and invention are traits that Americans are quick to claim as our own. The industrial revolution coincided with the early years of an independent America, yielding inventions like the cotton gin (Eli Whitney [758]) and the steamboat (Robert Fulton [954]), both of which reshaped the economy of the edgling nation. The modern world was built in the wake of technological developments in electricity and mechanics: electric lighting (Thomas Edison [40]), transportation (Henry Ford [148]), and communication (Samuel Morse [532] and Alexander Graham Bell [106]). The line between businessmen and inventors can get blurry. John Deere [2411] invented the plow that broke the plains, that made farming the Great Plains economically viable. He thus occupies a similar niche to Cyrus McCormick [2317], inventor of the harvesting machine or reaper. The companies they founded: John Deere and International Harvester (now Navistar), respectively, long dominated the manufacturing of agricultural machinery. Whos missing? No gure associated with modern technologies such as computing, medicine, or radio/television appears in the book. This partially reects the lack of visible inventors in our age of corporate research laboratories. But the advent of personal computing occurred in the 1970s, long enough ago to register on a historical time scale, with the key gures being Bill Gates (1955 ) [904] and Steve Jobs (19552011) [2051]. Their contributions to our country exceed that of most military and political gures appearing in her text. Bonnies textbook does not contain anyone we would classify as a scientist. We would argue for the two leading atomic-era physicists: Albert Einstein (18791955) [19], who convinced Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) [43] to build the atomic bomb, and J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904 1967) [1296], the scientist most responsible for making it happen. The business roster in Bonnies textbook should also be signicantly expanded. The entertainment industry traces a natural arc from P. T. Barnum (18101891) [767] to Walt Disney (19011966) [337]. The most signicant gure in American nancial history is J. P. Morgan (18371913) [322], ahead of Warren Buffett (1930 ) [1858] and the robber baron Jay Gould (18361892) [1413]. The seminal gure in the growth of the


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railroads is Cornelius Vanderbilt (17941877) [925]. All belong in Bonnies textbook. 3.5.2 L A B O R L E A D E R S The ip side of Capital is Labor. The battle for worker rights is a controversial but heroic story, with the winners being the ones who get to tell the tale. Bonnies history book includes a few seminal American labor leaders. Samuel Gompers [1575] founded the American Federation of Labor. Mother Mary Harris Jones [2398] fought against child labor, as an organizer for the United Mine Workers. Dolores Huertas [44244] accomplishments as labor leader to migrant farm workers are substantially (if perhaps unfairly) overshadowed by Csar Chvez [3948], rendering her redundant for the textbook.
Labor Leaders in Bonnies Textbook Sig 1575 2398 3948 44244 Person Samuel Gompers Mary Harris Jones Csar Chvez Dolores Huerta Dates (18501924) (18371930) (19271993) (1930 ) C/G Description American labor union leader (AFL) American labor organizer Cofounder of United Farm Workers Cofounder of United Farm Workers

We would be inclined to add one or two other gures to this list. Eugene V. Debs (18551926) [1340] was the major gure in the Pullman strike of 1894 and ran for president ve times as a socialist, twice winning more than 900,000 votes. A. Philip Randolph (18891979) [6144] successfully organized the rst predominantly black labor union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and participated in the March on Washington with Martin Luther King (19291968) [221]. 3.5.3 E X P L O R E R S A N D A D V E N T U R E R S Explorers are people credited with discovering a signicant landmass, region, or navigation route, while adventurers visit previously known places with new panache. By this denition, Henry Hudson [353] and Ferdinand Magellan [311] were explorers, while the rst man on the moon (Neil Armstrong [1394]) or person to y across the Atlantic (Charles Lindbergh [736])

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qualify as adventurers. We le thirty members of Bonnies textbook under these categories. Thirty names is an awful lot to get a handle on, and this group could do with substantial pruning. Several of the explorers never got close to the New World, including Marco Polo [147], Zheng He [464], and Vasco da Gama [281]. They seem unnecessary here.
Explorers and Adventurers in Bonnies Textbook Sig 20 147 150 205 281 311 313 353 407 464 473 528 563 631 736 817 910 929 979 1136 1181 1339 1382 1394 1407 1450 2331 2977 3081 5458 Person Christopher Columbus Marco Polo Francis Drake Samuel de Champlain Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Walter Raleigh Henry Hudson Amerigo Vespucci Zheng He Hernando de Soto Francisco Pizarro Leif Ericson Hernn Corts Charles Lindbergh Meriwether Lewis Henry the Navigator Bartolomeu Dias William Clark Vasco Nez de Balboa Ren-Robert Cavelier Jacques Marquette Francisco Vsquez de Coronado Neil Armstrong Erik the Red Louis Jolliet lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca John Glenn Juan Ponce de Len Pedro Menndez de Avils Dates (14511506) (12541324) (15401596) (15741635) (14691524) (14801521) (15521618) (15701611) (14541512) (13711433) (14961542) (14711541) (9701020) (14851547) (19021974) (17741809) (13941460) (14511500) (17701838) (14751519) (16431687) (16371675) (15101554) (1930 ) (9501003) (16451700) (14901559) (1921 ) (1474 ? ) (15191574) C/G Description Explorer, discoverer of the New World Venetian merchant/traveler (China) English captain, explorer, privateer French navigator (Quebec) Portuguese explorer (India) Explorer (rst circumnavigation) English aristocrat, writer, and explorer English sea explorer (Hudson river) Italian explorer (named "America") Chinese explorer Spanish explorer (Mississippi River) Spanish conquistador (Incas) Viking discoverer of North America Spanish conquistador (Aztecs) American aviator (New York to Paris) American explorer (Lewis & Clark) Patron of early Portuguese exploration Portuguese explorer American explorer (Lewis & Clark) Spanish explorer (Pacic Ocean) French explorer (Great Lakes) French Jesuit missionary (colonized Michigan) Spanish conquistador (7 cities of gold) Astronaut (rst man to walk on the moon) Founder of the Viking Greenland settlement French-Canadian explorer (Mississippi River) Spanish explorer Astronaut (rst American to orbit Earth) Spanish explorer (Florida, fountain of youth) Spanish explorer (St. Augustine)

Adventurers naturally have a lesser claim on the history texts than explorers. But Charles Lindberghs [736] ight helped dene his time, and ushered in the age of international ight. Similarly, astronauts John Glenn [2977] and Neil Armstrong [1394] are the most emblematic gures of the still recent but somehow rapidly vanishing Space Age. Missions today


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involve larger crews and less dramatic accomplishments, making it unlikely that bigger spaceman-heros will emerge in our lifetimes. We think they got the right people here. Pedro Menndez de Avils [5458] was the Spanish founder of St. Augustine (the oldest city in the United States), who drove the French out of Florida. He seems quite expendable from Bonnies textbook in favor of James Cook [60], who discovered the Hawaiian Islands during his great voyages across the Pacic. lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca [2331] was the rst European to reach Texas, but Hernando de Sotos [473] explorations in the region were more important. We would not hesitate to replace Vaca with John Cabot [314], the rst to explore the landmass of North America.

3.6 Diversity
Diversity is an important goal in any history book, particularly one aimed at children. A dozen people telling a dozen different stories is far more interesting and informative than the same-sized crowd telling a single tale. America has been enriched by contributions from men and women of all races, colors, and creeds, and all these groups belong in Bonnies textbook. But is each group telling its fair share of the story? 3.6.1 A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N S The quest for multiculturalism was clearly a major factor in composing the roster of Bonnies textbook. By our count, there were 11 Native Americans and 13 African Americans ranked among the 50 least signicant gures in the text. This bias seems both heavy-handed and transparent. Worst of all, it is unnecessary. Nine of the 100 most signicant gures in the book were African American, a strong showing that jibes with the racial demographic of the United States. Several of the African Americans in Bonnies textbook are footnote gures. Some fought (James Armistead [10241], William Harvey Carney [24221], Peter Salem [25384]) in the Revolution or Civil War. Others wrote largely forgotten books later rediscovered by modern historians, such as cowboy Nat Love [35100] and freed slave Venture Smith [97353]. Their stories are about being part of the story, faces in the crowd, as opposed to being leading actors of their times. Given the circumstances of slavery

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Sig 221 402 525 545 883 887 964 1093 1106 1211 1231 1320 1707 1715 1797 1896 2686 3314 3495 3603 3783 7730 9500 10241 10625 12142 14221 17907 24221 25384 35100 35465 97353

Person Martin Luther King Frederick Douglass Booker T. Washington W. E. B. Du Bois Dred Scott George Washington Carver Rosa Parks Harriet Tubman Malcolm X Langston Hughes Sojourner Truth Nat Turner Thurgood Marshall Olaudah Equiano Benjamin Banneker Phillis Wheatley Zora Neale Hurston Colin Powell Crispus Attucks Lewis Howard Latimer Ida B. Wells Madam C. J. Walker Hiram Rhodes Revels James Armistead David Walker Prince Hall Blanche Bruce York William Harvey Carney Peter Salem Nat Love Joseph Cinqu Venture Smith

Dates (19291968) (18181895) (18561915) (18681963) (17991858) ( ? 1943) (19132005) (18201913) (19251965) (19021967) (17971883) (18001831) (19081993) (17451797) (17311806) (17531784) (18911960) (1937 ) (17231770) (18481928) (18621931) (18671919) (18271901) (17601830) (17851830) (17381807) (18411898) (1770 ? ) (18401908) (17501816) (18541921) (18141879) (17291805)


Description American civil rights leader American social reformer, statesman American educator (Tuskegee Institute) American civil rights activist Fugitive slave (Dred Scott case) Agricultural scientist (uses for peanuts) African American civil rights activist African American abolitionist Black Muslim activist Black poet (Harlem Renaissance) African American abolitionist Slave rebellion leader First African American Supreme Court justice Slave trade abolitionist African American astronomer Early African American poet American folklorist and anthropologist U.S. general / Secretary of State (Gulf War) First victim of Revolutionary War African American inventor African American journalist African American businesswoman First African American congressman American revolution double agent African American activist (Abolition) Abolitionist leader (Boston) First elected African American senator Slave and explorer with Lewis and Clark African American soldier (Civil War) Soldier (Revolutionary War) African American cowboy (Civil War) African slave leader (Amistad mutiny) African American child slave and author

F I G U R E 3.4.

African American gures in Bonnies history book

and institutionalized racism, which blocked opportunities to accumulate identiable signicance, no more could be humanly possible. If we use our rule of thumb that a signicance rank of 2,000 represents the boundary of general knowledge, half of the African Americans in Bonnies textbook (Figure 3.4) probably should not be there. Even a more generous cutoff at rank 5,000 would eliminate more than one-third of these gures. Some we would replace with more prominent people: President Barack Obama (1961 ) [111], baseball trailblazer Jackie Robinson (19191972) [841], ragtime composer Scott Joplin (18671917) [1508], jazz pioneer Duke Ellington (18991974) [495], singer and activist


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Paul Robeson (18981976) [1278], and presidential mistress Sally Hemings (17731835) [1496]. All have more interesting and relevant stories to tell. 3.6.2 W O M E N A similar story holds with women. By our rule of thumb standards, only 9 of the 25 women listed in Figure 3.5 pass the test of signicance rank above 2,000. Seven more make the cut if we set it at 5,000. Bonnies textbook features four wives of U.S. presidents. In general, they have identied the most signicant ones, although we would be inclined to drop Martha Washington (17311802) [1065] in place of Senator/Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947 ) [575]. Part of the problem here is picking the wrong representative for a given historical niche. The textbook lists environmentalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas (18901998) [22679], savior of the Everglades. But it ignores

Sig 449 517 734 821 932 1065 1138 1700 1896 2208 2489 2686 2863 2926 3783 3797 5221 5857 6037 14007 16296 22679 23823 101158 206506

Person Harriet Beecher Stowe Eleanor Roosevelt Elizabeth Cady Stanton Abigail Adams Amelia Earhart Martha Washington Clara Barton Dolley Madison Phillis Wheatley Lucretia Mott Ida M. Tarbell Zora Neale Hurston Mercy Otis Warren Molly Pitcher Ida B. Wells Deborah Sampson Sandra Day OConnor Madeleine Albright Carrie Chapman Catt Eliza Lucas Belle Boyd Marjory Stoneman Douglas Maya Lin Mary Antin Luzena Wilson

Dates (18111896) (18841962) (18151902) (17441818) (18971937) (17311802) (18211912) (17681849) (17531784) (17931880) (18571944) (18911960) (17281814) (17541832) (18621931) (17601827) (1930 ) (1937 ) (18591947) (17221793) (18441900) (18901998) (1959 ) (18811949) (18211902)


Description Abolitionist/author (Uncle Toms Cabin) 34th U.S. rst lady and social activist Womans suffrage leader 2nd U.S. rst lady American aviation pioneer (disappeared) 1st U.S. rst lady Teacher, humanitarian (founded Red Cross) 4th U.S. rst lady (saved papers) Early African American poet American Quaker and abolitionist American investigative journalist American folklorist and anthropologist Political writer of the American Revolution Mythical female soldier of American Revolution African American journalist Female soldier in the American Revolution First woman Supreme Court Justice Former Secretary of State American womens suffrage leader American female inventor (indigo) Confederate spy (Civil War) American journalist, feminist Landscape architect (Vietnam War Memorial) Author, immigration rights activist California Gold Rush entrepreneur

F I G U R E 3.5.

American Women in Bonnies history book

w h o b e l ongs in bonnie s textbook?


Rachel Carson (19071964) [2322], who spearheaded the entire environmental movement through her book Silent Spring. Emma Lazarus (18491887) [8465], whose poem The New Colossus,6 graces the Statue of Liberty, would be a stronger choice for a female author capturing the immigrant experience than Mary Antin (18811949) [101158]. 3.6.3 N A T I V E A M E R I C A N S The signicance standard achieved by the Native Americans in Bonnies textbook, shown in Figure 3.6, proves higher than those applied to women and African Americans. Only 6 out of 22 fall below our signicance rank 5,000 barrier. We would replace these with two others of substantially greater signicance: Geronimo (18291909) [941] and Joseph Brant ( ? 1807) [1328].

Sig 428 613 709 1070 1088 1104 1612 2409 2731 3122 3325 3586 3589 3744 3886 4362 6590 8362 20841 23880 36510 48999

Person Pocahontas Tecumseh Sitting Bull Sacagawea Liliuokalani Crazy Horse Atahualpa Chief Joseph Squanto Sequoyah Red Cloud Metacomet Chief Powhatan Chief Pontiac Osceola John Ross Massasoit Hiawatha Samoset Tomochichi Nampeyo Hendrick Theyanoguin

Dates (15951617) ( ? 1813) (18311890) (17881812) (18381917) (18421877) (14971533) (18401904) (1580 ? ) (17671843) (18221909) (16391676) (15451618) (17201769) (18041838) (17901866) (15811661) (? ?) (15901653) ( ? 1739) (18601942) (16921755)


Description Indian princess in Jamestown colony Shawnee leader (Tippecanoe) Sioux leader (American-Indian wars) Shoshone woman (Lewis and Clark expedition) Last monarch of Hawaii Lakota war leader (Little Bighorn) Inca Emperor deposed by Pizarro Nez Perce leader (Nez Perce War) Patuxet Indian (helped the Pilgrims) Creator of Cherokee written language Lakota leader (Red Clouds War) Indian war chief (King Phillip) Powhatan leader and father of Pocahontas Ottawa Indian leader (Pontiacs Rebellion) Seminole leader (2nd Seminole War) Cherokee chief (Trail of Tears) Peaceful leader of the Wampanoag Founder of Iroquois Confederacy First Indian to contact the Pilgrims Peaceful Creek leader Hopi Indian potter Mohawk Indian leader

F I G U R E 3.6.

Native Americans in Bonnies history book

6 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched

refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


q uantitative history

All of the Native Americans in Bonnies textbook have been dead for at least 70 years. What our methods reveal is the startling lack of prominent contemporary Native Americans. We can identify several signicant cultural gures belonging to the rst generation after the Indian Wars, including Olympic athlete Jim Thorpe (18881953) [1356], humorist Will Rogers (18791935) [1921], and Vice President Charles Curtis (1860 1936) [4674]. The contributions of the Navajo code talkers of World War II and the Mohawk steelworkers building the tallest skyscrapers are well known, but we challenge the reader to name a single contemporary Native American. With a population of 2.5 million, according to the 2000 U.S. Census (half that of Jewish Americans), this shouldnt be so hard. That it is serves as an indictment against the insularity and terrible economic prospects of the reservation system. Recent Native American political leaders like Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (1933 ) [22686] and Chief Wilma Mankiller (19452010) [64475] are rare, and rank far below their forefathers in stature. Hawaiians are native Americans, too, as appropriately recognized in Bonnies textbook by their last queen Liliuokalani [1088]. We might also add King Kamehameha I (17581819) [950], who formally established the Kingdom of Hawaii.

3.7 Educational Standards vs. Editorial Decision Making

State teaching standards clearly inuence the contents of school textbooks. If a book does not satisfy the standard, it cannot be sold to schools within the state thus providing a powerful incentive for publishers to get with the program. We wondered to what extent state teaching standards inuenced the choices in Bonnies textbook. We collected all names listed in the teaching standards of 16 different states. Only 75 of the resulting 1,121 people were mentioned in at least half of the state standards. They prove to be a very illustrious bunch, with George Marshall (18801959) [1279] and Harriet Tubman (18201913) [1093] being the least signicant members of the exceptionally strong team presented in Figure 3.7. The only name new to us here was the French philosopher Montesquieu (16891755) [268], but

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# 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10

Person George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln William Clark Meriwether Lewis F. D. Roosevelt Benjamin Franklin Ulysses S. Grant Thomas Edison Theodore Roosevelt Robert E. Lee John Locke Harry S. Truman Adam Smith Susan B. Anthony Michelangelo Martin Luther King Mao Zedong Isaac Newton Frederick Douglass C. Columbus Winston Churchill W. E. B. Du Bois Socrates Rosa Parks

B * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sig. 6 10 5 979 817 43 35 28 40 23 76 100 94 56 432 86 221 151 21 402 20 37 545 68 964

# 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Person Montesquieu Martin Luther Malcolm X Leonardo da Vinci John Smith Jefferson Davis James Madison Harriet Tubman Hammurabi D. D. Eisenhower Bill Clinton Woodrow Wilson Ronald Reagan Richard Nixon Plato Patrick Henry Napoleon Mohandas K. Gandhi Joseph Stalin John Calvin John Adams Henry Ford Galileo Galilei E. C. Stanton B. T. Washington

Sig. 268 17 1106 29 529 188 51 1093 899 110 115 47 32 82 25 472 2 46 18 99 61 148 49 734 525

# 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Person Augustus Aristotle Andrew Jackson Alexander the Great Alexander Hamilton William Penn William L. Garrison Thomas Paine Roger Williams Nicolaus Copernicus Niccol Machiavelli Nelson Mandela Lyndon B. Johnson Karl Marx Julius Caesar John Marshall John D. Rockefeller John Brown J. Rousseau George Marshall Eleanor Roosevelt Dred Scott Benito Mussolini Andrew Carnegie Adolf Hitler

Sig. 30 8 66 9 45 286 735 113 678 74 168 356 184 14 15 401 172 304 80 1279 517 883 101 104 7

* * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * *

* * * * *

* * * *

* * * * *

F I G U R E 3.7. Historical gures appearing in at least half of all state teaching standards. Starred (*) gures appear in Bonnies textbook

his theory of the separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches dened the structure of the government of the United States. Several states have highly specic requirements. Nearly two-thirds (734 of 1,121) of the historical gures appearing in the standards are unique to one particular state. The Texas elementary school standards list the names of 138 different people, many sensible and worthy. But recent amendments have added many state, business, and religious gures a good 42 of whom ranked in the very thin historical air above 30,000. The least signicant people appearing in both the textbook and their standards were Texans Charles Goodnight (18361929) [10172] and Juan Segun (18061890) [10797]. California state standards were comparably restrained, with only 6 of 67 gures ranked higher than 15,000. These outliers were primarily state gures. Taken in aggregate, however, the state teaching standards prove pretty preceptive. Of the 74 people from Bonnies textbook absent from all of the


q uantitative history

state teaching standards we studied, we would seriously regret seeing only three omitted from Bonnies book: the traitor Benedict Arnold (17411801) [222], Utah founder Brigham Young (18011877) [471], and freedom of the press gure John Peter Zenger (16971746) [2022]. The absent gures also jibe nicely with the least signicant people we identied computationally. Indeed, 16 of the twenty least signicant people in Bonnies book (and 29 of the bottom 40) went unrecognized by every state we studied. We cannot fairly blame state standards run amok for the contents of Bonnies textbook.

3.8 A Nation of Fourth Graders?

With the aid of Stony Brooks Center for Survey Research, we asked 100 randomly selected Americans to rank the names appearing in Bonnies text. Each question contained two of the historical gures from the text (say Robert E. Lee [76] and Thurgood Marshall [1707]), and asked the respondent to identify which was more historically signicant.7 Each respondent was asked 40 questions, and they were permitted to confess that they did not know either of the candidates. This survey satises two objectives. First, it provides a rigorous test of how well our signicance rankings jibe with general opinion. Second, it enables us to estimate public recognition as a function of signicance ranking. In particular, what fraction of adult Americans know each of the gures in Bonnies fth grade textbook? We estimated the difculty of each question by the difference in the signicance scores among the pair. Based on this difference, the questions were divided into ten equal-sized deciles. The questions in progressive deciles should get harder, because the signicance difference between the pair being examined becomes smaller and thus is harder to discern. By the last decile, both gures are of essentially identical stature, enough so that the choice of whos bigger becomes fairly arbitrary. Should we really mark as incorrect anyone who insists that George Washington [6] is more signicant than Abraham Lincoln [5]?
7 In this regard, the questions are similar to those posed on our Whos Bigger? game App,

presented in Appendix Section B.3.

w h o b e l ongs in bonnie s textbook?

Recognition Rate vs. Decayed Fame Score 1.0 1.0 Correctness (%) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Difficulty of Question (by decile) 1 0 Recognition Rate 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 7


4 2 5 3 1 Decayed Fame Score

(a) Accuracy on Whos Bigger? questions by degree of difculty (the difference in the signicance scores of the pairs). For the easiest decile of questions, 92% of responses agree with our rankings. For the hardest decile of questions, where there is essentially no difference between the gure pair, respondents select both options equally.
F I G U R E 3.8.

(b) Accuracy by historical gure. Most respondents recognize historical gures ranked in the top 1,000 (signicance score about 4.5) but performance degrades rapidly with less signicant people.

Whos Bigger? survey results

The performance of our respondents on each tranche of questions is presented in Figure 3.8a, and is almost too good to believe. For the easiest group of questions, the surveyed respondents agreed with our ratings 92 percent of the time, clearly grade A performance. Their accuracy degrades progressively with each successive tranche. And for the last tranche, they score at the 50 percent mark, exactly as they should when forced to make arbitrary choices akin to picking heads or tails. Our survey also enables us to estimate what fraction of respondents knew each historical gure in Bonnies textbook, shown in Figure 3.8b. Almost all of the 45 gures we ranked among the top 200 in signicance were known by a majority of our respondents. The only ones who failed this 50 percent standard were James I [41], Joseph Smith [55], and (by a narrow margin) Benito Mussolini [101]. Almost half of this cohort (22) were recognized by at least 80 percent of those surveyed. Only ve of the 210 gures who ranked as less prominent achieved this level of recognition. By contrast, of the 44 gures with signicance rank above 5,000, only two were known by more than 50 percent of those surveyed: Sandra Day OConnor (1930 ) [5221] and Madeleine Albright (1937 ) [5857]. Both


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are recent political gures. Only ve others were known by even 20 percent of our survey pool. We conclude that the public recognition of the gures in Bonnies textbook is quite low. Either some of the content is too obscure for her grade level, or perhaps we live in a nation of fourth graders. Do we believe Bonnies textbook should be populated only by gures of the highest signicance rank? Of course not. But we do feel that the large-scale presence of historical gures of weak signicance in elementary school textbooks is a phenomenon worth questioning. If the academic test scores of college athletes were observed to be substantially lower than the rest of the student body, should this result be dismissed because of biased testing? Or is it an opportunity to discuss the proper role of big-time sports at universities? The purpose of this book is to be thought-provoking, presenting data capable of bearing diverse interpretations. Perhaps our results say that greater efforts are needed to promote the meme strength of the textbook gures whom we consider marginal.

Reading through the Past

Reputations ebb and ow, leaving little trace of the course they followed in the historical record. Plato (427347 B.C.) [25] and Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8] reign today as giants of Western civilization, but it was a very, very close call for both of them. With the descent of the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers were almost lost forever. Peoples reputations often change posthumously. Paul Revere (1735 1818) [627] was a silversmith rescued from obscurity by Henry Wadsworth Longfellows (18071882) [349] poem The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Today, Harriet Beecher Stowe (18111896) [449] is far better known than her brother Henry Ward Beecher (18131887) [2905], but this wasnt the case during their lifetimes. There is more to our computational study of history than signicance rankings. Here we add another statistical arrow to our quiver. Google Ngrams is an amazing resource for monitoring changes in the cultural Zeitgeist, a dataset that lets us reconstruct how famous someone was 50, 100, or even 200 years ago. In this chapter, we introduce Google Ngrams and present the graphical representations we will use to make proper sense of this data. In particular, we will use it to study the phenomenon of posthumous changes in fame.

4.1 Google Ngrams

Scholarly works often include many pages of footnotes, with citations proving that the author has read hundreds of books. Ours doesnt, which might


q uantitative history

suggest Philistine standards of scholarship. Yet in a real sense, we have read far more broadly than any previous historian. We have garnered an understanding that can only come from reading millions of books. Modern computational tools permit us to move backward in time and witness popular culture evolve to its current form. The key is analyzing the written legacy of books and newspapers that document the popular thinking of their time. Most documents are published shortly after they are written, and shortly before they are read. Thus, measuring the frequency with which people are mentioned in the written record, as a function of publication date, provides a good proxy for their signicance over time. Only recently have developments in scanning technology, computational/storage costs, and Internet economics collided so as to make largescale historical trends analysis possible. As part of Googles mission to organize the worlds information and make it universally available and useful, it has engaged in a massive effort to scan the worlds books. Massive indeed: they have digitized more than 15 million books, roughly 12 percent of all the books ever published. Distributing the complete scanned texts to web surfers would invite the wrath of every copyright holder. The Google Ngrams project [Michel et al., 2011] cleverly avoids this by making the data available only in aggregate. Each Ngrams time series reports the annual frequency of a short (one- to ve-word) phrase that occurs at least 40 times in their scanned book corpus. This eliminates obscure words and phrases, but leaves more than two billion time series available for analysis.1 Google graciously provides an Ngrams viewer, available at http:// books.google.com/ngrams. Check it out: we promise you will enjoy playing with it. Figure 4.1 uses the Google Ngram data to display the prevalence of competing modes of transportation (car against horse) and communication (telephone supplanting telegraph), dominating national powers (the United States outgrowing England), and mealtimes (breakfast eating lunchs lunch). Go ahead and play. Compare hot dog to tofu, science against religion, freedom to justice, and sex versus marriage to better understand this fantastic telescope for looking into the past.
1 Our analysis in this book is based on the data reported in Michel et al. 2011. A somewhat

larger and improved corpus was released in August 2012. See Lin et al. 2012 for details.

r e a ding through the past





1900 Year




car horse

telegraph telephone



1900 Year






1900 Year




United States England

lunch breakfast



1900 Year



F I G U R E 4.1. Historical trends in transportation, communication, national power, and mealtime habits revealed through Google Ngrams

Google has even more graciously made the raw data available to researchers, enabling us to perform large-scale historical experiments that would otherwise be impossible. We will present our own graphic of representations of some of this Ngram data, which we think are pretty snappy. Still, the real credit for collecting it goes to Google. There are certain biases inherent in using books to measure the cultural Zeitgeist. Books take a long time to write and publish (we can tell you something about that), so spikes naturally lag current events by a few years. We limit our attention here to English language books, which obviously underrepresents the signicance of non-Anglo people and places. Biases in their sampling and scanning methodologies make data from before 1800 and after 2000 somewhat suspect: the former because of the relative dearth of early published matter, the latter because changes in Googles scanning criteria clog the counts with incomparable sets of books. Not all aspects of popular culture are equally reported in books, particularly the books retained in the university library collections that served as the source of most scanned texts. The nineteenth-century Hall of Fame baseball player Cap Anson (18521922) [2342] ended his long career in 1897, yet does not appear in our book frequency data until 1917. We must excuse the university librarians of the time for shortsightedly focusing on science, literature, and history at the expense of sports, entertainment, and other vulgar aspects of popular culture.


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But what they did collect provides a fascinating tool for revealing the workings of time on reputation.

4.2 Visualizing Ngram Data

Like suspects in old gangster movies, data never talks until after you beat up on it for a while. In particular, you need to make pictures to understand the story that the data wants to tell. This book makes use of several data visualizations designed to reveal hidden facets about historical gures, their times, and their roles. Here we discuss timeplots and rugplots, two Ngram visualizations that we will use throughout this book.
Timeplots Google Ngram timeplots display the frequency that a given person is mentioned in books published each year. This provides a handle on how their reputation has ebbed and owed over the years. The Google Ngrams data consists of raw counts of the frequency with which a word or phrase is mentioned in books published in a given year. For example, Paul Revere (17351818) [627] was mentioned 254 times in books published in 1936. This by itself tells you nothing about his significance or popularity, because it only becomes meaningful when compared against other reference counts. That Revere got mentioned 587 times in 1997 does not mean he is becoming more popular with time, because the number of books published each year has grown continuously since Gutenberg. The right way to turn counts into trends independent of publishing and scanning variation is to normalize by the total number of scanned words published in each given year. Lets look at a timeplot of the Google Ngrams data for the William Penn Paul Revere Walter Raleigh colonial/revolutionary era gures of William Penn (16441718) [286], Walter Raleigh (15521618) [313], and Paul Revere (17351818) [627]. 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year The absolute counts for each gure each year are divided by the total number of references to all people in all books published that year, and smoothed by a moving average to reduce

r e a ding through the past


jitter. We see that Raleigh has consistently received more discussion than the other two over the past 200 years. It is also clear that all three of these Founding Fathers are slowly being displaced, as new personalities take their place on the world stage. Their names remain recognizable to us because they each still account for about (1/1,000,000)th of all name references in newly published books. This is far below someone like George Washington (17321799) [6], but certainly nothing to sneeze at. When properly normalized, even tiny timeplots can pack a punch. Figure 4.2 presents capsule timeplots for all U.S. presidents, ordered by term. The dark region represents a time course of each individuals reference frequency from 1800 to 2008, and so the peak generally shifts right with every successive presidency. We normalized each chart to its peak year, so it is impossible to distinguish the signicance of an individual just by the amount of black ink in his time course. However, curves that swiftly decline from their peak generally reect forgettable presidencies, like those of Zachary Taylor (17841850) [299], Andrew Johnson (18081875) [105], and William McKinley (18431901) [176]. The lightly shaded boxes in these capsule timeplots trace the life span of the individuals, clearly separating those who died in ofce from the few who lived long past their terms: like Herbert Hoover (18741964) [183] and Gerald Ford (19132006) [230]. These will be particularly revealing to illustrate the course of eeting and posthumous fame.
Rugplots It is difcult to compare the reference frequency of several historical gures simultaneously using time plots, because different peoples lines tend to overlap and obscure each other. Instead, we prefer a graphical device we call a rugplot, so named because they suggest nice designs for rectangular throw rugs.2 Figure 4.3 is a rugplot of a half-dozen early American gures. Each individual gets a band whose share of the area varies each year according to their relative reference frequency. Thus, the width of a persons band in the plot each year is a measure of their relative importance compared to the other gures in the plot.
2 What we call rugplots sometimes go by the ugly moniker of percent stacked area charts.

Term 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Sig 6 61 10 51 220 135 66 277 288 341 240 299 446 427 237 5 105 28 325 285 499 98 339 176 23 153 47 242 370 183 43 94 110 71 184 82 230 462 32 363 115 36 111

q uantitative history

Person George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison John Tyler James K. Polk Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes James A. Gareld Chester A. Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren G. Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George H. W. Bush Bill Clinton George W. Bush Barack Obama

Ngrams Timeline

F I G U R E 4.2. Capsule timeplots of all U.S. presidents, ordered by succession. Shaded areas denote the life span of each individual

The people in Figure 4.3 all achieved renown by 1800, the leftmost year in the rugplot. Yet their historical fates have since diverged substantially. First note the relative mindshare decline of Walter Raleigh (15521618)

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Walter Raleigh

0.6 Patrick Henry 0.4 William Penn John Hancock Abigail Adams Paul Revere 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980


F I G U R E 4.3. A rugplot of early American historical gures, showing posthumous growth for Patrick Henry, Abigail Adams, and Paul Revere

[313] and William Penn (16441718) [286]. They were colonial gures, who began to get crowded out from the record soon after the United States became an independent nation. It is even more interesting to watch gures reemerge from the past. Patrick Henry (17361799) [472] was an important agitator of the Revolution, but did not take an active role in the national government that followed. He was rediscovered only after histories of the era began to be written. The mid-century rise of Paul Revere (17351818) [627] around 1850 was a result of poetry, not history. Abigail Adams (17441818) [821] has had a more recent resurrection. Interest in her has exploded since 1950, because she met a contemporary need for an intelligent and active female revolutionary-era protagonist. Rugplots are informative and convincing representations of how popular conception of historical gures changes with time. However, be aware of certain quirks when interpreting them. Rugplots show how the pie slices every year, but does not represent how big the pie actually is. If all the people in a plot atrophy at the same rate, the bands will retain equal width. Far fewer books were published in 1800 than 2000, and thus the number of Ngram references to draw inference from were much smaller then. Much of the beauty of these plots comes from smoothing, which eliminates distracting variance in the time series data. The number of books to be published about Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23] this year depends,


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at least in part, upon the number of procrastinating authors who failed to complete their book last year. This year-to-year variation will affect the counts even for gures of stable historical reputation. Smoothing removes this uctuation, to reveal the real trends more clearly.

4.3 Ngrams and Signicance

The alert reader may wonder whether Google Ngram data obviates the need for the historical signicance rankings we have developed. Might we just take the frequency with which people have been mentioned in books as the measure of their importance? Several limitations of the Ngram data make this undesirable. First, Ngrams frequency cannot discriminate among multiple people who share the same name. Who is the real Jim Clark: race car driver Jim Clark (19361968) [5363], entrepreneur James H. Clark (1944 ) [44312], obscure baseball player Jim Clark (1947 ) [829063] or any of the dozen other James and Jim Clarks appearing in Wikipedia? Such name collisions do not trouble our signicance rankings because we separately analyze each Wikipedia page, but they play havoc in interpreting Ngram data. A related issue is partial name matching. Any book reference to Martin Luther King (19291968) [221] also yields an Ngram for Martin Luther (14831546) [17], thus inating his counts as well. These artifacts can be quite striking. The Ngram count for minor astronomer Oliver Wendell (18451912) [765197] is wildly inated by the father-and-son pair Oliver Wendell Holmes (18091894) [945] and Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841 1935) [885]. More generally, it can be hard to establish exactly which ngrams refer to a given person. Is John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] best measured by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President Kennedy, John Kennedy, Jack Kennedy, and/or JFK ? Nonetheless, it is valuable to compare our signicance rankings against Google Ngrams. Showing a substantial correlation between these quantities helps validate our analysis. The discrepancies between these sources reveal phenomena worth noting, particularly the people who are overrepresented in books relative to Wikipedia. Identifying the right measure of Ngram frequency proves somewhat tricky. To be fair to both recent and distant gures, we opted for a measure

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Most Signicant Sig 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Person Jesus Napoleon Muhammad William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln George Washington Adolf Hitler Aristotle Alexander the Great Thomas Jefferson Henry VIII Charles Darwin Elizabeth I Karl Marx Julius Caesar Queen Victoria Martin Luther Joseph Stalin Albert Einstein Christopher Columbus NGR 2 55 583 122 1 7 16 3284 67 13 29 238 228 22 41 11 27 64 232 256 Ngrams Timeline

Most References NGR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Person Abraham Lincoln Jesus Woodrow Wilson George W. Bush Charles de Gaulle Gautama Buddha George Washington Johns Hopkins Theodore Roosevelt Richard Nixon Queen Victoria Louis XIV Thomas Jefferson Martin Luther King Winston Churchill Adolf Hitler George III Henry James Dwight D. Eisenhower Mark Twain Sig 5 1 47 36 396 52 6 1281 23 82 16 26 10 221 37 7 58 408 110 53 Ngrams Timeline

F I G U R E 4.4. Book Ngram frequency rankings (NGR) of the twenty most signicant gures, with those of highest book reference frequency


q uantitative history

that used the peak 10-year period of reference frequency, normalized by the frequency of the most popular person during the window. Figure 4.4 (left) presents the Ngram rank (NGR) for our twenty most historically signicant gures. They generally have high Ngram frequencies, but with some interesting exceptions. Shakespeare, Darwin, Einstein, and Columbus have greater historical signicance than full name Ngram references suggest precisely because they are Shakespeare, Darwin, Einstein, and Columbus. They are such recognizable gures that their last names sufce for unambiguous reference. Our Ngram frequencies count full name references, so these stars lose out to lesser gures with less distinguishable last names. Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8] is the bigger mystery here. His distressingly low Ngram rank results from his unusually steady frequency in the books data. Our Ngram frequency statistic is based on each persons peak ten-year period, which works against those who were most active 2,500 years ago. Aristotles mean Ngram frequency is actually quite high, and he would have ranked better by most other metrics. By comparison, Figure 4.4 (right) shows the top Ngram frequency gures in our database. Nineteen of them also rank among the top 500 by signicance. The lone exception is Johns Hopkins (17951873) [1281], who gets personal credit for every mention of his university.


7 Significance Score 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1.8

+ + + ++

+ + + + +

+ + ++ + ++ + + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + ++ + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++++ + +++ + + +++ ++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + ++ + ++ ++ ++ + + + ++ + ++ + + + +++ + + + + ++ + ++++ + ++ + + +++ ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + ++ ++ + + + ++++ ++ + + + ++ ++ + ++ + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + + +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + ++ ++ + ++ +++ + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + ++ + + ++ ++ + + ++ + ++ + +++ + + ++ ++ + +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ + + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + + ++ + +++ + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + +++ + ++ + + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + ++ + + + ++ + ++ + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + ++ + +++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ ++ + + + + + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ ++++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + ++ +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + +

+ + ++ ++ + + +

+ +

+ +








Ngrams Score
F I G U R E 4.5. Dotplot of Ngram frequency vs. historical signicance among the 1,000 most frequently mentioned people in books. The correlation is 0.504

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These are anecdotal examples of the relationship between Ngrams frequency and our signicance rankings. Even more compelling evidence comes from correlation analysis. Figure 4.5 is a dot plot comparing signicance and Ngrams scores of the 1,000 people most frequently mentioned in books. There is a nice linear relationship between them, with a correlation of 0.504. Of the top 1,000 people by ngrams score, fully 362 of them rank in the top 1,000 by signicance measure as well.

4.4 Posthumous Fame

The Ngrams data, coupled with our signicance rankings, provides an interesting way to measure the extent to which historical reputations persist over time. We can use Ngram frequency to measure the interest in specic gures over different time periods, and compare it to their signicance rankings today. Many of historys most signicant gures never enjoyed the full fruits of public recognition during their lifetime. There is something particularly poignant about posthumous fame: a sense of regret and what-if, a rebuke of those who dismissed ideas that were simply too far ahead of their time. Which people achieved posthumous fame, and why did it happen to them? We recognize two distinct forms of posthumous fame. The lesser variety involves the surge of grieving that a celebrity receives in the immediate aftermath of an unexpected death [Jones, 2005]. Important examples of this phenomenon include the musicians John Lennon (19401980) [162], Elvis Presley (19351977) [69], and Kurt Cobain (19671994) [1359]. Each of them arguably became more important and visible in death than they ever were in life. The death of an idol of ones youth exposes the fragility of our own lives, and so each generations rst passing occupies a particular niche forever. The greater sense of posthumous fame concerns people who went unrecognized during their lifetimes but whose accomplishments rst register after death. We used the Ngrams data to identify these gures, by computing the ratio of posthumous Ngram frequency to that of their lifetime. We dene living to occur from age 30 to until 20 years after death, after which the posthumous period begins. These lags from actual life span


q uantitative history

capture the effects of publishing delays and living memory on the printed record. This measure generally captures what we mean by posthumous fame, but misses gures who become famous in close proximity to their death. The assassins John Wilkes Booth (18381865) [451] and Lee Harvey Oswald (19391963) [1435] both died within days of their infamous deeds. Anne Frank (19291945) [1821] died an unknown child in a concentration camp, but the publication of her diary two years after the war turned her into a symbol of the horrors of the Holocaust too rapidly for us to recognize as posthumous. These posthumous gures are concentrated in relatively few domains. One doesnt see political leaders, because their work implies contemporary public recognition. Even when broader exposure accrues due to assassination (e.g., gay San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk (19301978) [3680]), the rise is rapid enough to be instantaneous. One doesnt see athletes, because their achievements are immediately recognized on the eld. A rare exception is the nineteenth-century baseball player Roger Connor (1857 1931) [10511], who was rediscovered after Babe Ruth (18951948) [434] popularized home runs, thus prompting a search to discover who had hit the most before Ruth.
Posthumous Figures Sig 14 27 54 73 102 131 142 194 198 223 250 350 384 601 724 761 784 Person Karl Marx Ludwig van Beethoven Edgar Allan Poe Vincent van Gogh William Blake Henry David Thoreau Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Emily Dickinson Franz Schubert Mary Shelley Gregor Mendel Max Weber Friedrich Engels Ramakrishna Franz Kafka Billy the Kid mile Durkheim Ngrams Timeline PostR 22.69 18.01 33.27 49.16 24.35 34.57 10.51 33.79 9.13 17.40 8.75 14.58 14.67 45.80 10.43 15.29 9.42 Description Philosopher ("Communist Manifesto") German composer ("Ode to Joy") American author ("The Raven") Post-impressionist painter ("Starry Night") English poet and painter ("The Tyger") American author ("Walden") German philosopher ("Historicism") American female poet (The Belle of Amherst) Austrian composer (Romantic era) English novelist (Frankenstein) Austrian monk and scientist (genetics) German founder of modern sociology German Marxist (The Communist Manifesto) Inuential Indian Hindu mystic German novelist (The Metamorphosis) Old West gunman and outlaw French founder of modern sociology (continued)

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Sig 978 1038 1281 1344

Person Carl von Clausewitz Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Johns Hopkins Wild Bill Hickok

Ngrams Timeline

PostR 8.79 9.56 28.03 9.00

Description Prussian military theorist ("On War") French post-Impressionist painter Entrepreneur, abolitionist (Baltimore) Old West lawman and folk hero

Posthumous gures are generally individual artists/thinkers who produce works that can outlive them: painters, poets, philosophers, and composers. Very few gures in the table were completely unknown prior to their deaths, like Emily Dickinson (18301886) [194] or Franz Kafka (18831924) [724]. More typically their work has been previously recognized within a small community, positioned to promote it when conditions are ripe. One corollary to this is that suicide is not the answer. Most of the leading posthumous gures in the accompanying table led relatively full lives, at least by the standards of their times. They needed this time to produce a body of work sturdy enough to survive in their stead. Another way to achieve posthumous fame is through shifting agendas of later generations. Multiculturalism is a relatively recent idea, and its advocates scavenged history looking for gures from underrepresented groups to study and promote. The capsule timeplots given here demonstrate recent posthumous fame for several black and women gures from Bonnies textbook.
Posthumously Recognized Figures from Underrepresented Groups in Bonnies Textbook Sig 1093 1106 1231 1320 1715 2686 Person Harriet Tubman Malcolm X Sojourner Truth Nat Turner Olaudah Equiano Zora Neale Hurston Ngrams Timeline Sig 3603 9500 14221 35100 97353 206506 Person Lewis Howard Latimer Hiram Rhodes Revels Blanche Bruce Nat Love Venture Smith Luzena Wilson Ngrams Timeline

Finally, a less romantic but more reliable way to posthumous fame is by quietly collecting substantial resources and employing them imaginatively in ones will. Johns Hopkins (17951873) [1281] serves as the prototype here. We will push this point harder in Section 10.3.2, for those readers thinking about estate planning.


q uantitative history

4.5 Faded Glory

It is equally interesting to identify the historical gures whose fame cooled the fastest: people who were well known in their times but have largely been ignored by subsequent generations. Of course, the people who have been most thoroughly forgotten hold no cultural resonance for us today. Instead, we examine some of the most signicant gures whose annual presence in the book Ngrams declined by at least 70 percent in the 50-year period following their passing from living memory (again taken as 20 years after their actual death).
Faded Figures Sig 174 217 643 903 987 1062 1107 1608 1872 1878 1923 2057 Person Arthur Wellesley Gilbert du Motier Humphry Davy Joseph Banks John Franklin Joseph Bonaparte Charles Lyell Douglas Haig John Tyndall Robert Southey John Herschel Napoleon II Ngrams Timeline PostR 0.06 0.24 0.27 0.12 0.29 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.16 0.20 0.12 0.17 Description Duke of Wellington (Battle of Waterloo) French military ofcer (Revolutionary War) British chemist and inventor English botanist (with Cooks expedition) Explorer ("Northwest Passage") Elder brother of Napoleon British lawyer, geologist Commanded British Expeditionary Force in WWI Nineteenth-century physicist (Tyndall Effect) English Romantic poet laureate English scientist (Cyanotype photography) Son of Napoleon

Generally speaking, these forgotten gures t into a small number of types. Some were military gures in battles that seemed of great importance at the time but were overtaken by later events. For example, General Norman Schwarzkopf (1934 ) [10533] was the highly successful commander of U.S. Forces during the rst Gulf War with Iraq, but this conict rapidly receded from memory after the larger scale involvement of the second Iraq War. Another group are writers and cultural gures whose work became less relevant, due to changing tastes and societal norms. Other names have been forgotten for reasons of title. Arthur Wellesley (17691852) [174] defeated Napoleon (17691821) [2] at Waterloo, but history eventually settled on calling him the Duke of Wellington. Similarly, Gilbert du Motier (17571834) [217] became remembered as Lafayette.

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On the ip side are those forgotten because of lost titles. Interest in Napoleons (17691821) [2] brother Joseph Bonaparte (17681844) [1062] and son Napoleon II (18111832) [2057] plunged once the emperor was deposed and they were no longer in a position to succeed him. As Wilson Mizner (18761933) [58505] observed, many a live wire would be a dead one except for his connections. Several important gures in the making of the British empire have faded from the record. Romantic era scientists like Humphry Davy (17781829) [643] and Charles Lyell (17971875) [1107] made important contributions to chemistry and geology, respectively, but these elds cut higher proles in their times than they do today. Polar explorer John Franklin (1786 1847) [987] was a popular hero of the time, lost in Arctic ice seeking the fabled Northwest passage. Robert Southeys (17741843) [1878] verse has long gone out of style, although he remains responsible for the original tale of Goldilocks and the three bears. The poet Joyce Kilmer (1886 1918) [8092] (I think that I shall Joyce Kilmer never see a poem as lovely as a tree) represents an unusual combination of posthumous fame and rapidly faded glory. The combat death of 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year this heroic young poet contributed to substantial fame in the years following World War I, but his style of sentimental lyric poetry then quickly fell out of fashion.

Great Americans and the Process of Canonization

Societies have developed many mechanisms to honor their most illustrious members. Some get recognized during their lifetimes, through titles such as knighthood or awards like the Nobel Prize. Others get put to rest in special places, such as Arlington National Cemetery or the Pantheon in Paris. Saints are canonized and so are baseball players in their respective Halls of Fame. Over the next two chapters, we will study the process of historical canonization by analyzing two longstanding New York institutions: the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in the Bronx and the Baseball Hall of Fame in the tiny village of Cooperstown. Both have held elections for more than 70 years, enough time to observe changes in each members reputation in the years following selection. These institutions provide a natural laboratory to study how time erodes fame, and the limits to which knowledgeable observers can separate the gold from the dross of history.

5.1 The Hall of Fame for Great Americans

New York institutions rise and fall around real estate. The history of the city properly began when Peter Minuit (15801638) [3248] bought Manhattan from the Indians on May 24, 1626 for goods worth 60 Dutch guilders. Traditionally converted to $24, it was a steal: likely in more ways than one. The Hall of Fame for Great Americans also began with a real estate transaction. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, New York University acquired land in the Bronx to serve as a new undergraduate campus.

g r e a t a m e r i c a n s and the process of canonization


One edge of the property faced a rocky hillside. The architect, Stanford White (18531906) [3303], took advantage of this setting to build an open air colonnade facing it. University Chancellor Henry MacCracken (1840 1918) [139484] seized this opportunity to create a shrine for renowned Americans, to ll the colonnade and drum up attention for his new campus. The Hall of Fame was once a major American institution. Every ve years, selections were made by a committee of one hundred or so prominent electors: elected ofcials, justices, university presidents, scientists, distinguished authors, and the like. Six electors eventually got elected to the Hall of Fame themselves: Alexander Graham Bell (18471922) [106], Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98], Simon Newcomb (18351909) [3666], Alice Freeman Palmer (18551902) [65220], Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23], and Woodrow Wilson (18561924) [47]. Special interest groups lobbied the electors, recruiting votes for their favorite candidates. Every ve years, newspapers debated who should be admitted, and the announcement of each new class triggered another journalistic spasm. The Munchkins nominated Dorothy for the Hall of Fame in gratitude for killing the wicked witch, in the movie The Wizard of Oz. Committees were organized to raise the substantial funds necessary to sculpt a bronze bust worthy of each new immortal. This bust would be installed with grand ceremony speeches and banquets culminating in a dramatic unveiling. And then it suddenly withered away, a victim of changing times and places.

5.2 Whos In?

Why did this particular group of 102 historical gures receive their places in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans? Although they were the product of an electoral process by a distinguished body of academic, business, and political leaders, several selections prove bafing from our vantage point in history. The electoral results provide a unique laboratory to explore the shifting currents of fame. The 10 most signicant members all rank among the top 50 people in world history. Yet the bottom 10 are hopelessly obscure today. We will be impressed with any reader who can recognize more than one gure out of

Most Signicant Sig 5 6 10 23 28 35 40 43 45 47 Person Abraham Lincoln George Washington Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Benjamin Franklin Thomas Edison F. D. Roosevelt Alexander Hamilton Woodrow Wilson

q uantitative history
Least Signicant Dates (18091865) (17321799) (17431826) (18581919) (18221885) (17061790) (18471931) (18821945) (17551804) (18561924) Sig 121367 65220 30412 26724 24821 22095 21511 20551 16789 16156 Person Mark Hopkins Alice F. Palmer C. S. Cushman Lillian Wald Rufus Choate John Lothrop Motley James Buchanan Eads Sylvanus Thayer James Kent Emma Willard Dates (18021887) (18551902) (18161876) (18671940) (17991859) (18141877) (18201887) (17851872) (17631847) (17871870)

90 80 Percentage of entities 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Edwin Booth Matthew F. Maury James R. Lowell Louis Agassiz Oliver W. Holmes Eli Whitney Patrick Henry Henry W. Longfellow James Monroe Alexander G. Bell Edgar Allan Poe Thomas Edison Abraham Lincoln

Maria Michell George Bancroft









F I G U R E 5.1. Cumulative distribution plot of Hall of Fame members by signicance rank, with some representative names.

these bottom 10, none of whom rank among the 15,000 most signicant people in history. The nature of the problem becomes even clearer in Figure 5.1, a cumulative distribution plot of the signicance of the elected members of the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame has, as it should have, a very distinguished membership, with 60 percent of its members holding signicance rank 2,000 or better. But the devil in any distribution lies at the tail. The remaining 40 percent prove nowhere near as elite a crowd. Indeed, a good 15 percent of them do not rank among the 10,000 most signicant gures in history. This is not an impressive showing, if you are seeking to ll a Hall with only 100 seats in it.



90 0







g r e a t a m e r i c a n s and the process of canonization


5.2.1 C O U N T I N G T H E V O T E S We can combine signicance rankings with vote totals to gain a better sense of how accurately the electors were able to assess the signicance of their honorees. We plotted each honorees margin of victory as a function of historical signicance. To normalize for variation in the rules and the number of voters across different elections, we report the margin of victory in terms of the percentage of votes required to gain admission. Thus all members received at least 100 percent of the votes they needed, while the greatest (like George Washington (17321799) [6]) got almost twice as many votes as necessary. Figure 5.2 shows that vote totals are correlated with signicance. Generally speaking, the greater the immortal, the more votes they are likely to have received. This is shown by the upward-slanting regression line. Certain cases are hard to understand from this temporal distance. It is difcult to see how Frances Willard (18391898) [5216] mustered more voter support than Andrew Jackson (17671845) [66], or how William Crawford Gorgas (18541920) [11592] beat Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23] in a head-to-head competition.


180 Highest % of Threshold




100 0 1 2 3 4 Significance 5 6 7 8

F I G U R E 5.2. Margin of election victory vs. historical signicance. More signicant gures are generally elected by greater margins. Not all names appear on the chart.


q uantitative history

However, the bigger outlier here is Mark Hopkins (18021887) [121367], who not only is the least signicant gure in the Hall of Fame, but coasted in with almost 40 percent more votes than necessary. He served as president of Williams College for 36 years, and was apparently one hell of a teacher. President James A. Gareld (18311881) [285] said the best university was Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other. But I (Steve) am also one hell of a teacher, yet no one is going to make a statue out of me. Why did Hopkins make the Hall of Fame almost 30 years after his death? 5.2.2 W H O S O U T ? The electors could have made other choices. Indeed, 10 available nominees rank among the 250 most signicant gures in history (ok, 251), yet never passed muster with the voters.
Most Signicant Non-Elected Sig 93 105 148 153 176 188 194 240 242 251 Person Nikola Tesla Andrew Johnson Henry Ford William Howard Taft William McKinley Jefferson Davis Emily Dickinson James K. Polk Warren G. Harding Herman Melville Dates (18561943) (18081875) (18631947) (18571930) (18431901) (18081889) (18301886) (17951849) (18651923) (18191891) Noms 2 3 1 3 8 8 8 6 2 9 C/G Description Inventor (Alternating current) 17th U.S. president (Reconstruction) American industrialist (Ford Motors) 27th president ("Dollar Diplomacy") 25th president (Spanish-American War) President of the Confederacy (U.S. Civil War) American female poet (The Belle of Amherst) 11th president (Mexican-American War) 29th U.S. president (Teapot Dome affair) American novelist (Moby Dick)

Some do not seem particularly inspired nominations: would you really want to see Warren G. Harding (18651923) [242], one of our weakest presidents, in the Hall of Fame? But inventor Nikola Tesla (18561943) [93], President/Chief Justice William Howard Taft (18571930) [153], and automotive pioneer Henry Ford (18631947) [148] certainly all seem more worthy than many of the mediocrities who did make the cut. Other nominees who were never elected include Founding father John Jay (17451829) [411], abolitionists Frederick Douglass (18181895) [402] and William Lloyd Garrison (18051879) [735], and lexicographer Noah Webster (17581843) [1132].

g r e a t a m e r i c a n s and the process of canonization


Why did the electors reject these people in place of more obscure, apparently less deserving gures? We can identify several factors, some of which still plague many selection processes today:
Cronyism Several of the marginal gures elected to the Hall of Fame were essentially contemporaries of prominent electors. The reputation of these gures generally declined rapidly after their selection. Discomfort with gender and race It was only after electing 29 men that the absence of women as Great Americans was rst noticed. Once the decision to admit women was made it was done clumsily, with several questionable choices and prominent omissions. The Hall has no Native Americans, and only two African Americans: Booker T. Washington (18561915) [525] and George Washington Carver ( ? 1943) [887]. Temporal biases The population of America has grown exponentially throughout its history. Thus, the number of famous people alive at any time has always been far more numerous than 50 years earlier, making it hard to compare the magnitude of gures over time. Threshold comparisons Once a person has received a particular honor, they become a reference point to assess the worthiness of future candidates. Thus, one weak selection begets future weak selections, since that person has established the standard of membership.

We review each election, enabling you to play elector and see if you might have made different choices than they did.

5.3 Electoral History

The rules governing selection remained fairly consistent over the active history of the Hall of Fame, although certain details changed over time. The nominating committee generated a ballot of perhaps a hundred prominent Americans. Each candidate had to have been dead for a respectable period to encourage dispassionate thinking: initially at least 10 years, then extended to 25 years from 1925 on. Each panel of electors, ranging from 93 in 1945 to a high of 141 in 1960, was charged with selecting new members from the nominees. Those picked by more than 50 percent of the electors (raised to 60 percent for elections between 1925 and 1940) became new members of the Hall of Fame,


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while those getting at least 20 votes were promised another appearance on the ballot next time.
Inaugural Election: 1900 This rst election selected 29 people, more than a quarter of the ultimate composition of the Hall in one fell swoop. The nominators had free rein to choose anyone in American history who had died prior to 1890. The electors could dene the hall on their terms, with no preconceptions, no prior models, only 51 votes out of 100 necessary for selection. The 29 honorees fall into three tranches: the near unanimous (more than 90 votes), the comfortable (between 70 and 89 votes), and those on the bubble (who received between 50 and 69 votes). We rst examine the greatest of the Great.
1900 Electees: Tier 1 Sig. 6 453 5 35 28 10 401 Person George Washington Daniel Webster Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Franklin Ulysses S. Grant Thomas Jefferson John Marshall Dates (17321799) (17821852) (18091865) (17061790) (18221885) (17431826) (17551835) Votes 97 96 96 94 93 91 91 Type Statesman Statesman Statesman Statesman Military Statesman Legal Description 1st U.S. president (American Revolution) American statesman and Mass. U.S. senator 16th U.S. president (U.S. Civil War) Founding father/scientist (captured lightning) 18th U.S. president and Civil War general 3rd U.S. president (Decl. of Independence) U.S. chief justice (judicial review)

The top seven honorees include the preeminent representatives of all three branches of the U.S. government: the Executive (Washington and Lincoln), Judicial (Marshall), and Legislative (Webster) branches. It also includes Franklin and Jefferson, the two Founding Fathers whose intellect and versatility best capture the revolutionary spirit of American independence. George Washington (17321799) [6] was the only nominee ever unanimously declared a Great American. The great esteem in which Daniel Webster (17821852) [453] was held may have dissipated somewhat over the past hundred years, but he tied for second in votes with Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5]. To the electors, his historical distance and perhaps stature are analogous to the current perception of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) [43], minus any association to a particular political party. Websters party, the Whigs, collapsed shortly after his death.

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The apparent odd man out is Grant, now more strongly perceived as an unsuccessful president than as the general who saved the Union. But the Civil War was as fresh in 1900 as the Vietnam War is today, and he was the primary military hero of this war. Grants Tomb, the largest mausoleum in America, had been built by public subscription and opened in New York in 1897, just three years before this election.
1900 Electees: Tier 2 Sig. 122 954 349 433 532 913 1595 252 8785 227 Person Ralph Waldo Emerson Robert Fulton Henry W. Longfellow Washington Irving Samuel Morse Jonathan Edwards David Farragut Henry Clay George Peabody Nathaniel Hawthorne Dates (18031882) (17651815) (18071882) (17831859) (17911872) (17031758) (18011870) (17771852) (17951869) (18041864) Votes 87 86 85 83 82 82 79 74 74 73 Type Author Inventor Author Author Inventor Religious Military Statesman Business Author Description American philosopher and lecturer Engineer and inventor (steamboat) American poet ("Paul Reveres Ride") Author ("Legend of Sleepy Hollow") Inventor (telegraph system) Theologian (First Great Awakening) U.S. Navy admiral ("Damn the torpedoes...") Senator ("The Great Compromiser") Entrepreneur, philanthropist (Peabody Trust) Novelist (The Scarlet Letter)

The middle tier of honorees is dominated by authors and inventors. In general, the literary gures in the Hall of Fame have held up fairly well. During colonial times and the early days of the republic, the United States was an intellectual backwater, keenly aware that the cultural center of the world resided in Europe. In reaction, substantial glory accrued to our earliest literary gures. George Peabody (17951869) [8785] was by far the weakest choice in this tier, a businessman and philanthropist who endowed several cultural and educational institutions. A stronger choice in this niche would have been Johns Hopkins (17951873) [1281], who was a regular nominee yet never mustered more than nine votes in any election. Particularly noteworthy in the lowest tier of 1900 electees is the election of Robert E. Lee (18071870) [76], whose primary accomplishments were in opposition to the United States, as general of the Confederate Army.1

1 I (Charles) believe that Lee unintentionally made a great contribution to the Union, through

his strategy that saw Lees home state of Virginia preserved before the vital Mississippi River.


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1900 Electees: Tier 3 Sig. 4644 758 76 1037 1193 61 16789 2862 2905 7203 1914 2391 Person Peter Cooper Eli Whitney Robert E. Lee John James Audubon Horace Mann John Adams James Kent Joseph Story Henry Ward Beecher William Ellery Channing Gilbert Stuart Asa Gray Dates (17911883) (17651825) (18071870) (17851851) (17961859) (17351826) (17631847) (17791845) (18131887) (17801842) (17551828) (18101888) Votes 69 69 68 67 67 65 65 64 64 58 52 51 Type Business Inventor Military Scientist Educator Statesman Legal Legal Religious Religious Artist Scientist Description Industrialist, philanthropist (Cooper Union) American inventor (cotton gin) Confederate general (U.S. Civil War) Painter of birds (Audubon Society) American education reformer Founding Father and 2nd U.S. president N.Y. Supreme Court justice and legal scholar U.S. Supreme Court justice, lawyer Clergyman, abolitionist, and social reformer Unitarian preacher and theologian Painter ("George Washington" portrait) American botanist (Grays Manual)

The Civil War ended just 35 years prior to this rst election, but Lees stature and sense of honor resonated in the North as well as the South. The controversy of how to treat Confederate gures would rage for most of the lifetime of the Hall of Fame. Several honorees from this weakest tier, including Peter Cooper (1791 1883) [4644] and Henry Ward Beecher (18131887) [2905], were recently deceased New Yorkers who were likely known personally by some number of the electorate. The highest-ranking scientist to be elected was John James Audubon (17851851) [1037], the painter of birds better known today as an artist than a naturalist. With a large estate in the wilds of what is today upper Manhattan, Audubon was also a New Yorker. The other scientist, Asa Gray (18101888) [2391], was a botanist and correspondent of Charles Darwin (18091882) [12]. Their selections underscore the weakness of nineteenth-century American science in contrast with Europe. Two honorees in this tranche are little known today. William Ellery Channing (17801842) [7203] was a founder of the Unitarian movement in the United States, which was more liberal and less dogmatic than the strict Calvinist doctrine of the founding colonists. James Kent (17631847) [16789] was an early American jurist and legal scholar. The nominee John Jay (17451829) [411], the rst chief justice of the Supreme Court, would have been a much stronger selection in this space.

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Who should have made the cut? We would happily replace Kent, Peabody, and Channing in the Hall with the three nominees who missed by the fewest votes. Horace Greeley (18111872) [986] (with 45 votes) was the dominant liberal gure of his era, an abolitionist and reformer whose inuence came from the clout of his newspaper rather than political ofce. Benjamin Rush (17461813) [1283] (42 votes) was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a founding father who played several roles in the new republic while making substantial contributions to American medicine. Noah Webster (17581843) [1132] was the pioneering lexicographer whose dictionary shaped and formalized the American language. The myriad variants of Websters Dictionary published today have at best a tenuous connection to his original work, with his name having long fallen into the public domain. He got 36 votes in this election and would be nominated for the Hall of Fame a record 16 times during the next seventy years. Yet he never gained admission. Gilbert Stuart (17551828) [1914] is now best known for his unnished portrait of George Washington [6]. His rival and contemporary John Singleton Copley (17381815) [3609] mustered substantial support in every election from 1900 onward for decades, but was never elected, perhaps because he conveniently left the United States at the start of the American Revolution and painted his most important pictures in England. Another American painter of the time, John Trumbull (17561843) [1697], never mustered a vote.
1905 It did not go unnoticed that all 29 members of the inaugural class were male, as were the top ten runners-up. This put heat on the electors to come up with some women the second time around. The three women they came up with are all relatively obscure today. Mary Lyon (17971849) [8765] was the founder and rst president of Mt. Holyoke College, a pioneering womens liberal arts college, which served as a model for subsequent institutions of this type. Emma Willard (17871870) [16156] founded an earlier school for women, more a boarding school than todays notion of a college. Maria Mitchell (18181889) [7361] was an astronomer who discovered a comet, and went on to teach at Vasser.


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1905 Electees Sig. Person John Quincy Adams Mary Lyon James R. Lowell William T. Sherman James Madison John G. Whittier Emma Willard Maria Mitchell Dates (17671848) (17971849) (18191891) (18201891) (17511836) (18071892) (17871870) (18181889) Votes 60 59 59 58 56 53 50 48 Type Statesman Educator Author Military Statesman Author Educator Scientist Description 6th U.S. president (Monroe Doctrine) American pioneer of womens education American Romantic poet Union General (U.S. Civil War) 4th U.S. president (War of 1812) American Quaker poet, abolitionist American womens rights activist First American female professional astronomer

135 8765 1675 233 51 1698 16156 7361

There must have been stronger candidates available, but the pickings were slimmer than one might have supposed. Many elds were simply not open to women at that time. No female political gures existed; indeed, the nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote would not be ratied until 1920. Many of the most historically prominent women of the era were still alive and thus not eligible for election, including Susan B. Anthony (18201906) [432] and Clara Barton (18211912) [1138]. But three nominated women were indeed vastly more signicant than those who got elected. Anne Hutchinson (15911643) [894] was a minister expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony by Puritan clergy, and a major gure in the quest for religious freedom in the United States. She might have been too strong and controversial a gure for the conservative electorate. The 20 votes she received in 1905 proved her high-water mark; she rapidly lost support once the pressure to select women dissipated. Louisa May Alcott (18321888) [1024] was a pioneering childrens author whose book Little Women remains popular today. Alcott fell just eleven votes sort of election. Dorothea Dix (18021887) [2844], the superintendent of Army Nurses for the Union during the Civil War, and founder of the rst modern American asylums for the mentally ill, would ultimately be nominated 15 times without ever being elected. The biggest surprise among the also-rans was Helen Hunt Jackson (1830 1885) [6301]. An almost exact contemporary of Alcott who received almost as many votes, she was a writer of the West, whose popular novel Ramona drew attention to the federal governments mistreatment of Native Americans. Film versions of Ramona were produced in 1910, 1928, and 1936. She may be due for a revival, but even without it, she scores as more signicant than any of the three women who were elected.

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The men selected included two early presidents (John Quincy Adams (17671848) [135] and James Madison (17511836) [51]), plus two poets less well remembered today (James Russell Lowell (18191891) [1675] and John Greenleaf Whittier (18071892) [1698]): both victims of changing literary tastes and styles. William Tecumseh Sherman (18201891) [233], the other great Union general of the Civil War, was easily elected in his rst year of eligibility. He would be the last military leader from the North to gain election, as the War between the States faded as a living memory from the minds of the electors.
1910 Harriet Beecher Stowe (18111896) [449] received the greatest number of votes in the 1910 election. The author of the book that arguably provoked the end of slavery (Uncle Toms Cabin), she was of greater historical signicance than seven of her nine co-inductees. A timeplot shows how Stowes stature has grown with the years, Henry Ward Beecher Harriet Beecher Stowe Lyman Beecher particularly in comparison with her father Lyman Beecher (17751863) [5203] and brother Henry Ward Beecher (18131887) [2905]. Both 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year were famous preachers: Lyman the last signicant Puritan minister, Henry arguably the most famous clergyman of his time [Applegate, 2006]. But literature outlives the spoken word, particularly from the era before recorded media. All told, ten people were elected in that year. Authors dominate the honorees this time. The novelists and storytellers remain popular today, while the others have faded. William Cullen Bryant (17941878) [1779] was a prominent poet and journalist of the era. George Bancroft (1800 1891) [5977] was a great historian, whose History of the United States shaped much of the story we tell about the making of our nation. John Lothrop Motley (18141877) [22095] was a substantially less great historian, focusing on the Netherlands during the Age of Exploration and serving as an ambassador to Europe during the Civil War. The other woman to gain inauguration was Frances Willard (1839 1898) [5216], a suffragist who founded the Womans Christian Temperance


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1910 Electees Sig. 449 945 54 930 14279 1779 5216 5977 66 22095 Person Harriet Beecher Stowe Oliver Wendell Holmes Edgar Allan Poe James Fenimore Cooper Phillips Brooks William Cullen Bryant Frances Willard George Bancroft Andrew Jackson John Lothrop Motley Dates (18111896) (18091894) (18091849) (17891851) (18351893) (17941878) (18391898) (18001891) (17671845) (18141877) Votes 74 69 69 62 60 59 55 53 53 51 Type Author Author Author Author Religious Author Social Author Statesman Author Description Abolitionist/author (Uncle Toms Cabin) American poet (Justice Holmes father) American author ("The Raven") Writer (Leatherstocking Tales) American Episcopal clergyman, author American Romantic poet ("Thanatopsis") American educator and womens suffragist American historian, writer, and statesman 7th U.S. president ("Old Hickory") American historian and diplomat

Movement. Both causes were near the brink of success at the time of her election: the prohibition of alcohol and ratication of womens right to vote followed in 1920 from the eighteenth and nineteenth Amendments to the Constitution, respectively. She is more strongly linked to Prohibition than suffrage, however. Phillips Brooks (18351893) [14279] is also obscure today, but was a prominent Boston clergyman. Boston dominated cultural life during the nineteenth century, and from todays vantage point appears overrepresented in the Hall of Fame. The author and physician Oliver Wendell Holmes (18091894) [945] was a more deserving Brahmin selected; among other accomplishments, he popularized that term for the well-bred elite of Boston. Andrew Jackson (17671845) [66] just squeaked in the door with 53 votes. Jackson is a controversial gure; a founder of the modern Democratic party and the rst populist president of the United States, he has always raised the hackles of conservatives. This ambivalence is reected by his vote total, but historians generally rank him among our ten greatest presidents. Martha Washington (17311802) [1065] was the top vote getter among the unselected. Her prominence is somewhat mystifying today, because most people cannot point to an individualized achievement or historical anecdote about her. Presumably she represented maternity in an era where there were few other female roles, although George Washington (17321799) [6] was never the father of more than our country.

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1915 The top vote getter in the 1915 election was Alexander Hamilton (1755 1804) [45], who had never been nominated before. Hamiltons stature among the Founding Fathers has only increased over time, as his vision of an industrial nation triumphed over our agrarian roots. Might the delay in honoring Hamilton pertain to the fact that he was born in the West Indies? Did Great Americans have to be native born?
1915 Electees Sig. 45 121367 7235 1171 6927 2127 30412 24821 501 Person Alexander Hamilton Mark Hopkins Francis Parkman Louis Agassiz Elias Howe Joseph Henry C. S. Cushman Rufus Choate Daniel Boone Dates (17551804) (18021887) (18231893) (18071873) (18191867) (17971878) (18161876) (17991859) (17341820) Votes 70 69 68 65 61 56 53 52 52 Type Statesman Educator Author Scientist Inventor Scientist Artist Legal Explorer Description U.S. Founding Father (National Bank) American educator and theologian Historian ("The Oregon Trail") Paleontologist, etc. (hypothesized Ice Ages) Inventor (sewing machine) American scientist (electromagnetics) 19th-century American stage actress Massachussets politician (U.S. senator, etc.) American frontiersman (coonskin cap)

This election picked two gures associated with the Western expansion of the United States. Daniel Boone (17341820) [501] was an early frontiersman and settler, back in the days when the West meant Kentucky. He lled a similar historical niche as Davy Crockett (17861836) [606], who never attracted much support from Hall of Fame voters but was a folk hero of comparable historical stature. Francis Parkman (18231893) [7235] was the rst great historian of the American frontier, whose works reached a large popular audience. Two are scientists. Joseph Henry (17971878) [2127] was a physicist, pioneering the study of electromagnetism and serving as the rst secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Louis Agassiz (18071873) [1171] was a naturalist and professor at Harvard. That he was born in Switzerland and did not arrive in the United States until he was 39 did not stop him from becoming a Great American. These concerns seem to have been relaxed for scientists: early admit John James Audubon (17851851) [1037] had been born on the French-Caribbean island of St. Domingue. Elias Howe (18191867) [6927] was renowned as the inventor of the sewing machine, but the full history is complicated. Businessman


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Isaac Singer (18111875) [4114] and mechanic Walter Hunt (17961859) [16684] have their own claims as the inventor of the sewing machine. Both were nominated to the Hall of Fame multiple times, but received a total of two votes between them. Three of the six most obscure Hall of Fame members were selected in this, the fourth election. Rufus Choate (17991859) [24821] represents the dead white male marginalized today: a lawyer and orator from a prominent Boston family, he was an establishment gure in an establishment time. Charlotte Saunders Cushman (18161876) [30412] was a popular stage actress of her era. None of her work from this era before recorded media survives. That her reputation survived 40 years after her death to earn her election is testimony to the esteem her work must have held in its time. The outlier among those who almost made it was Horace Bushnell (18021876) [54313], who peaked in second place this year with 44 votes, but drew signicantly in all of the rst seven elections. He was a Congregational clergyman and prolic author on Christian theology.
1920 Three members of this Hall of Fame class retain great historic stature today. Mark Twain (18351910) [53] authored perhaps the most American of novels. He is arguably the rst modern celebrity, through his persona of the white-dressed river-boat captain of the Mississippi. Roger Williams (1603 1683) [678] founded the colony of Rhode Island as a refuge for freedom of worship. Patrick Henry (17361799) [472] was the orator whose Give me liberty or give me death! helped inspire the American Revolution, although he ultimately played a relatively small role in the building of the republic.
1920 Electees Sig. 7233 53 3993 678 472 65220 21511 Person William T. G. Morton Mark Twain Augustus Saint-Gaudens Roger Williams Patrick Henry Alice Freeman Palmer James Buchanan Eads Dates (18191868) (18351910) (18481907) (16031683) (17361799) (18551902) (18201887) Votes 72 72 67 66 57 53 51 Type Medical Author Artist Religious Statesman Educator Engineer Description Dentist and pioneer of anesthesia American author (Huckleberry Finn) Irish-American sculptor Founder (Rhode Island colony) U.S. Founding Father ("Give me liberty") American educator (president of Wellesley) American civil engineer (Eads Bridge)

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The other four choices are substantially lower-wattage gures. Augustus Saint-Gaudens (18481907) [3993] was the preeminent American sculptor of his time. Dentist William T. G. Morton (18191868) [7233] was the primary driver behind surgical anesthesia for providing the rst public demonstration of ether, even though priority of invention belongs to Crawford Long (18151878) [11578]. James Buchanan Eads (18201887) [21511] was an engineer: designer of the rst substantial steel bridge, still in use in St. Louis, and several ironclad river ships for the Navy. He thrived in an era that produced tremendous feats of civil engineering. But he was the only engineer ever elected to the Hall of Fame, selected over others with more prominent monuments to their credit, such as John A. Roebling (18061869) [5444] (the Brooklyn Bridge) or George Washington Goethals (18581928) [11404] (the Panama Canal). Two of the leading also-rans are particularly fascinating gures. Benjamin Thompson (17531814) [3435] was an early American-born scientist, who essentially spied for the British Army during the American Revolution and ed to Europe. He was eventually knighted by the British king and named Count Rumford of Bavaria. Thompson made substantial contributions to several areas of physics, but his credentials as a Great American appear scandalously thin. Yet he mustered 38 votes. Adoniram Judson (17881850) [7820] was a Baptist missionary to Burma, one of the rst American missionaries to venture overseas. He was the choice of 29 electors. That he was categorized as an explorer instead of a religious gure makes a statement about how much smaller the world is today than it was back then. This was the rst election in which President William McKinley (1843 1901) [176] received votes, and he drew very little support. This seems surprising in light of his assassination. One might have imagined a greater sympathy vote for a recently martyred president one who was elected to two terms by substantial margins. We attribute the fact that he didnt to two factors: the vigorous contrast with McKinleys successor, Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23], and the widespread horrors of World War I, which placed much greater demands on the publics capacity for mourning.


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1925 to 1940 Admissions standards were toughened beginning in 1925, contributing to small enough classes that we will pool our discussion of several elections. The waiting period after death was extended from 10 to 25 years, which would depress the entry of fresh candidates for the next several elections. Also, the threshold for admission rose from a simple majority of electors to 60 percent. This meant that 63 of 105 electors were necessary for selection in 1925. As a consequence, only ten people were elected over the next four elections, from 1925 to 1940.
19251940 Electees Sig. 1576 3686 286 3666 98 1002 649 2170 220 160 Person Stephen Foster Edwin Booth William Penn Simon Newcomb Grover Cleveland J. A. M. Whistler John Paul Jones Matthew F. Maury James Monroe Walt Whitman Dates (18261864) (18331893) (16441718) (18351909) (18371908) (18341903) (17471792) (18061873) (17581831) (18191892) Most Votes 86 85 83 78 77 74 68 66 66 64 Type Artist Artist Statesman Scientist Statesman Artist Military Scientist Statesman Author Description American songwriter ("Oh! Susanna!") Actor, brother of John Wilkes Booth Founder of Pennsylvania colony American astronomer, mathematician 22nd and 24th U.S. president Artist ("Whistlers Mother") American revolutionary naval hero Navy scientist ("Scientist of the Seas") 5th U.S. president (Panic of 1819) American poet ("Leaves of Grass")

John Paul Jones (17471792) [649] is a problematic gure. His reputation was built by attacking British ships off the coast of Europe using a merchant vessel, so he can be fairly viewed as a pirate instead of a naval ofcer. Further, he went on to serve the Russian Empress Catherine the Great (17291796) [108] as essentially a mercenary. Interest in Jones revived when his remains were discovered in France and re-interred in the Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis in 1913. Indeed, he was not nominated for the Hall of Fame until 1915. The leading vote getter of 1930 was artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler (18341903) [1002]. Whistlers selection seems peculiar. He lived his entire adult life in Europe after washing out of West Point, which would seem to undermine the case for him as a Great American, particularly in comparison with his contemporaries Thomas Eakins (18441916) [1341], Winslow Homer (18361910) [1466], and John Singer Sargent (18561925) [1727]. These others would not be eligible until later, however, by which time American art was much better established.

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Matthew Fontaine Maury (18061873) [2170] is the least known of the 1930 honorees, but was a fascinating historical gure. A naval ofcer, his interests in charting wind and ocean currents made him a pioneering gure in oceanography. His years as superintendent of the U.S. Naval Observatory ended with the onset of the Civil War, when he sided with his home state of Virginia. He served the Confederacy as a diplomat, and played roles in founding both Virginia Tech and the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) after the war. The selection of James Monroe (17581831) [220] may seem more James Monroe Monroe Doctrine dutiful than inspired: plugging the only Hall of Fame hole remaining among our rst seven presidents. But 1930 was the height of Monroes his1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year torical relevance. He is best remembered for the Monroe Doctrine, the statement that the United States would oppose any European efforts to meddle in North or South American nations. The chart reveals that the Doctrine was not visible in book Ngrams data before 1850, and didnt really take off until the United States began to assert itself in Latin America during the 1890s. Theodore Roosevelts (18581919) [23] expansion of the Doctrine to justify further intervention made it an important instrument of American policy, peaking in the 1920s. Through of all this, Monroes reputation has remained remarkably steady over time, a man overtaken by his Doctrine. The election of 1935 added another president. Grover Cleveland (1837 1908) [98] was the eighth ranked president in Arthur M. Schlesingers (18881965) [27072] 1948 historians poll. His reputation has faded somewhat since then, but he consistently ranks among the top half of American presidents. Astronomer Simon Newcomb (18351909) [3666] was elected under the rules requiring a 25-year waiting period after death, which had kicked him off the ballot following his inaugural appearance in 1920. As an astronomer who combined legitimate scientic achievement with the ability to popularize science, he lled a role analogous to that of Carl Sagan (19341996) [2687] in more recent times. His historical signicance ranks well below that of the philosopher and logician Charles Sanders Peirce (18391914)


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[225] (nominated, but not elected, in 1950, 1955, and 1973), whose career Newcomb is credited with destroying. Songwriter Stephen Foster (1826 1864) [1576] worked at a time Stephen Foster in which there was limited respect for copyright, so he managed to write several of Americas most popular songs (Oh! Susanna, Suwanee 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year River, and Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair), yet died poor and unknown at age 37. He wasnt really rediscovered until the 1920s, presumably due to the advent of talking pictures. Nostalgic sentiment about Dixie (composed by Dan Emmett (18151904) [14245], not Foster) was at an all-time high after the release of the lm Gone with the Wind in 1939. Fosters reputation peaked when he was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1940, and has since declined to a small fraction of what it was during his heyday. Five of the top also-rans in 1 1935 were authors. The Ngram Noah Webstar data shows the wide uctuations 0.8 in their respective reputations over 0.6 Henry George the years. Herman Melville (1819 0.4 1891) [251] had a particularly Herman Melville 0.2 rocky ride, from his popular heyJoel Chanler Harris Louisa May Alcott 0 day around 1850 to a nadir where 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 all his books were out of print by 1876. The critical revival of his work occurred in the 1920s, with the publications of his last manuscript Billy Budd and the declaration that Moby Dick was the Great American Novel. The reputation of Joel Chandler Harris (18481908) [6366] shadows that of his creation, the character Uncle Remus. Harris received 31 votes in 1935, but his popularity declined as his portrayal of black Americans fell out of favor. The Uncle Remus stories form the basis for Disneys popular 1946 lm, The Song of the South, yet the lm is so dated by changing attitudes on race that it has never been released on home video. Ngram data shows that Louisa May Alcott (18321888) [1024] overtook Harris around 1980, and the gap between them has continued to widen.

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Henry George (18391897) [1538] missed election by only ve votes. He was a political economist on the model of Karl Marx (18181883) [14], although Georges philosophy was different. He advocated a land tax to redistribute wealth from nature, whereas people should own all that they create. Georges inuence peaked in the 1920s and declined rapidly after World War II.
1945 and 1950 In the 1945 election, Booker T. Washington (18561915) [525] became the rst person of color installed in the Hall of Fame. An educator and the founder of the Tuskegee Institute, he was the major African American leader of his time. The electors had passed up good opportunities to break the color barrier earlier. In particular, Frederick Douglass (18181895) [402] was nominated repeatedly, yet amassed a total of one vote between the 1945 and 1950 elections.
19451950 Electees Sig. 11592 47 432 23 106 1244 525 113 4249 6828 Person William C. Gorgas Woodrow Wilson Susan B. Anthony Theodore Roosevelt Alexander G. Bell Josiah W. Gibbs B. T. Washington Thomas Paine Walter Reed Sidney Lanier Dates (18541920) (18561924) (18201906) (18581919) (18471922) (18391903) (18561915) (17371809) (18511902) (18421881) Most Votes 81 77 72 70 70 64 57 51 49 48 Type Medical Statesman Social Statesman Inventor Scientist Educator Author Medical Author Description U.S. Surgeon General and Army physician 28th U.S. president (World War I) American womens rights / civil rights leader 26th U.S. president (Progressive Movement) Inventor (telephone) American physicist (Gibbs free energy) American educator (Tuskegee Institute) U.S. Revolutionary ("Common Sense") U.S. Army physician (yellow fever) American musician, poet

Sidney Lanier (18421881) [6828] was a poet and musician along the Stephen Foster (18261864) [1576] model; that is, a Civil War-era Southern boy who died young. Luckily for him, he got his foot in the Hall by two votes when he did, because his reputation declined so rapidly after World War II that he would have had no chance in any subsequent election. Walter Reed (18511902) [4249] was the heroic Army doctor credited with defeating the tropical disease Yellow Fever, work that made completion of the Panama Canal possible. A deserving candidate who had received substantial support for several elections, it probably was the wartime prominence of the Walter Reed military hospital that pushed him over the


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threshold. Reeds clout also pulled in William Crawford Gorgas (1854 1920) [11592] during the subsequent election. Gorgas was the man of action to Reeds man of science in their quest to eliminate Yellow Fever. As the Army surgeon general, he drained swamps and eradicated mosquitoes after Reed identied them as the cause of the disease. We are personally more sympathetic to the case of George Washington Goethals (18581928) [11404], the army engineer who led the entire Panama Canal project. The 1950 class also included two of our greatest presidents (Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23] and Woodrow Wilson (18561924) [47]) and the inventor of the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell (18471922) [106]), along with the Halls most signicant woman: Susan B. Anthony (1820 1906) [432], now generally recognized as the most important leader of the suffragettes. But this was not always the case. Lucretia Mott (1793 1880) [2208] organized the rst womens rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848, but proved more interested in abolition than suffrage. Lucy Stone (18181893) [2738] was an early suffragist who retained similar stature in the movement until the turn of the century, according to the Ngram data. Anthony was arrested for voting 1 in the 1872 presidential election; Elizabeth Cady Stanton the subsequent trial brought greater 0.8 attention to the suffragist cause. Lucretia Mott 0.6 We will explore this issue in SecLucy Stone 0.4 lda B. Wells Susan B. Anthony tion 15.4.1, but it does appears that 0.2 Anthony is the best single repreCarrie Chapman Catt Frances Willard 0 sentative in the battle for womens 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 right to vote. Women gained the right to vote for the Hall of Fame well before the Nineteenth Amendment was ratied. Alice Freeman Palmer (18551902) [65220] served as an elector in 1900, which may have greased the wheels for her own election in 1920. Josiah Willard Gibbs (18391903) [1244] was a pioneer in the study of thermodynamics, and the rst theoretical physicist of note in the United States. He represents the professionalization of science, having received the

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rst American doctorate in engineering. He served as the transitional gure between the natural science the Hall had previously honored, and the abstract technical discipline that better characterizes science today.
1955, 1960, and 1965 The leading vote getter in 1955, Wilbur Wright, presents a unique Orville Wright Wilbur Wright Wright Brothers challenge to our methods, because his achievement as the inventor of powered ight is so completely shared with his brother Orville. They 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year are so tightly intertwined that they share a single Wikipedia article. This renders us unable to directly compare the relative signicance of the two brothers, but the Ngrams dataset enables us to track the evolution of their renown. Initially, Wilbur appears to have been the dominant gure. But starting around 1925, the brotherly meme asserts itself so strongly that they are now regarded as a single entity instead of a matched pair. Their historical codependence is all the more remarkable considering that Wilbur died just nine years after the ight at Kitty Hawk and his younger brother outlived him by 36 years. Orville sold the Wright company shortly after Wilburs death and essentially retired. Rules were changed to speed Orvilles election in 1965, so that their two statues could enter the Hall of Fame together. The accompanying table shows the rest of those chosen in the next three elections.

19551965 Electees Sig. 40 1256 131 885 20551 283 12007 1812 Person Thomas Edison Jane Addams Henry David Thoreau Oliver W. Holmes Sylvanus Thayer Stonewall Jackson Edward MacDowell George Westinghouse Dates (18471931) (18601935) (18171862) (18411935) (17851872) (18241863) (18601908) (18461914) Most Votes 108 94 83 79 77 72 72 62 Type Inventor Social Author Legal Educator Military Artist Inventor Description Inventor (lightbulb, phonograph) Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Hull House) American author (Walden) American jurist (Clear and present danger) U.S. general ("The Father of West Point") Confederate general (U.S. Civil War) American Romantic composer, pianist American entrepreneur (Westinghouse Electric)


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George Westinghouse (18461914) [1812], who was honored as an inventor, invented a compressed air breaking system that greatly improved railroad safety. But he would more accurately be described as an industrialist, whose Westinghouse Electric Corporation created the standards and infrastructure of the electrical power system. Like Charles Goodyear (1800 1860) [1984], who accidentally invented vulcanized rubber, his fame has been maintained by an eponymous company. The sale of Westinghouse to Toshiba in 2005 has already served to erode his public recognition. The second Confederate general selected for the Hall of Fame was Stonewall Jackson Robert E. Lee elected in 1955. The Ngram data shows that Stonewall Jackson (1824 1863) [283] dominated his commander, the redoubtable Robert E. 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Lee (18071870) [76], during the Civil War and its aftermath until about 1910. Stonewall Jacksons fame is partially a triumph of celebrity over gravitas. Slashing Confederate ghters like Jackson and Nathan Bedford Forrest (18211877) [975] are primarily remembered today like celebrities: recalled through stories and anecdotes of men in action. Higher-level commanders like Grant and Lee are primarily remembered for the great events they participated in, such as the surrender at Appomattox. Immediately following Jacksons election in 1955, a lobbying effort emerged to support the candidacy of Jefferson Davis (18081889) [188], the president of the Confederacy. He jumped from one vote in 1955 to 44 in 1960, but never managed to cross the threshold of entry. In 1960, Thomas Edison (18471931) [40], the father of our modern technological world, received the greatest number of votes in any Hall of Fame election. His classmate Henry David Thoreau (18171862) [131] has seen his reputation rise consistently since the 1920s, due to increasing interest in environmentalism. Indeed, his familiarity as measured by both Ngram frequency and signicance ranking is beginning to eclipse that of his mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882) [122]. By contrast, it is difcult to explain the election of Edward MacDowell (18601908) [12007], a nineteenth-century classical composer, particularly in light of the later rejection of the still-popular jazz-age classical

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composer George Gershwin (18981937) [792]. MacDowell attracted substantial voter interest in ve of the previous six elections, but Ngram data show that his reputation had peaked around 1935, and fallen into steep decline by 1960. He was a major American gure in a world of classical music dominated by Europeans, but more important proved the legacy of his MacDowell Colony, an artistic refuge in Petersboro, New Hampshire founded from his estate. More than 6,000 prominent artists have spent time in residency at the Colony. This living institution has preserved his memory, and the good will it generated no doubt made his election possible. Jane Addams (18601935) [1256] received the most votes in 1965. Addams was a humanitarian most famous for founding the Hull House settlement in Chicago. Hull House outlived her as an organization, performing social welfare work for 122 years until its bankruptcy in 2012. She was the rst American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The election of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (18411935) [885], a Oliver Wendell Holmes distinguished and long-serving justice of the Supreme Court, rests at least in part on the reputation of his father, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year (18091894) [945], who was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1910. Both were blessed with long and productive lives, which proves difcult to separate in the Ngram data. The name rst became prominent around 1860 and soared to a peak during the 1880s. The son rst joined the Supreme Court in 1902 and kept the name fresh through the 1950s. Sylvanus Thayer (17851872) [20551] served as superintendent of the military academy at West Point and promoted engineering education. His name was linked to General/President Dwight D. Eisenhower (18901969) [110] as an upstanding representative of military education. Eisenhower served as president of Columbia University between his stints as Supreme Allied Commander and Commander in Chief.
1970 and 1973 The 1970 election marked a major milestone: for the rst time the quality of failed candidates signicantly trumped those who had won. Figure


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5 Average Significance

Elected Got Votes No Votes

1 1900




1940 Year





F I G U R E 5.3.

Signicance of elected, losing, and unvoted-for Hall of Fame candidates

5.3 plots (for each election) the average signicance of the candidates (a) elected to the Hall of Fame, (b) receiving votes but not elected, and (c) completely shut out of the voting. Generally speaking, the winners outrank the losers, who ranked higher than the never-should-have-been-nominated class. But this was not always the case. The quality of elected gures sank steadily from a 1900 peak until 1930, and then again from 1960 to 1970. Both declines were eventually checked by reforms of the electoral procedures.
19701973 Electees Sig 887 1134 43 2705 922 26724 104 1138 5733 Person George W. Carver Louis Brandeis F. D. Roosevelt Albert A. Michelson John Philip Sousa Lillian Wald Andrew Carnegie Clara Barton Luther Burbank Dates ( ? 1943) (18561941) (18821945) (18521931) (18541932) (18671940) (18351919) (18211912) (18491926) Most Votes 104 98 87 82 78 68 49 23 14 Type Scientist Legal Statesman Scientist Artist Social Business Social Scientist Description Agricultural scientist (uses for peanuts) Supreme Court justice ("Peoples Lawyer") 32nd U.S. president (New Deal, WW II) American physicist (measured speed of light) Band music composer ("Stars and Stripes") Humanitarian ("The House on Henry Street") Steel magnate and philanthropist Teacher, humanitarian (founded Red Cross) American horticulturist (Burbank potato)

The stronger of the two 1970 inaugurates was Albert Abraham Michelson (18521931) [2705], a physicist who won the Nobel Prize for his experiments measuring the speed of light. The Michaelson-Morely experiment

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disproved the existence of the ether as a medium for propagating light, and inuenced Albert Einsteins (18791955) [19] work on relativity. Far weaker was the choice of Lillian Wald (18671940) [26724], a respected nurse and social worker, whose Henry Street Settlement provided services to Jewish immigrants on the Lower East Side of New York. She was a praiseworthy humanitarian, but ultimately an important local/ethnic gure more than a national icon. We would have preferred clearing the backlog of long standing nominees ahead of them, particularly Noah Webster (17581843) [1132] or Frederick Douglass (18181895) [402]. In 1973, the rules were changed to hold elections every three years instead of ve, with the goal of ensuring an election during the U.S. bicentennial year. In contrast to the 1970 election, 1973 was a strong class. The real star of this class was Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43], who led our country through the Great Depression and World War II. Louis Brandeis (18561941) [1134] was a major gure on the Supreme Court, the primary advocate for the right to privacy. He was the rst Jewish justice, joined later by Benjamin N. Cardozo (18701938) [3114] and Felix Frankfurter (18821965) [3252]. His legal reasoning continues to resonate today. His memory is preserved by Brandeis University, which was founded and named for him just seven years after his death. It is difcult to objectively assess the historical stature of top voteGeroge Washington Carver getter George Washington Carver ( ? 1943) [887]. Carver was an important part of Booker T. Washingtons (18561915) [525] 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Tuskegee Institute, and a respected and inuential gure for more than 40 years. The importance of scientic work and inuence on the peanut industry is generally overstated. By no means did he invent peanut butter: Marcellus Gilmore Edson (18491940) [233015] received a patent for the stuff in 1884. Carver was primarily an educator: his research was published in agricultural circulars, not scientic journals. As the Ngram dataset shows, real fame did not come until late in life, spiking immediately after his death in 1943. He has been justly recognized


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for his inspirational life story. He rose to public prominence during the 1920s: a living slave almost sixty years after Emancipation. His service to both his race and the greater Southern community made him irresistible at a time when the need for black heros was acute. This more than justies his election, and will probably ensure his fame long into the future. The scandal here was the rejection of Henry Ford (18631947) [148], whose innovations in transportation and manufacturing changed the world, yet yielded only 29 votes. At least 49 electors drove up in their cars and voted instead for military composer John Philip Sousa (18541932) [922], at a time when rock-and-roll music lled the air.

5.4 Decline and Fall

An election was indeed held during the 1976 Bicentennial year. The rules were changed to create a complicated category-based point system, factoring in previous voting results and awarding more points to an electors higher ranked selections. We have been unable to locate the full voting records from this election, but it is just as well. The new system proved to be rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. To its credit, the three people selected were all very sound choices: important Americans who had been overlooked for several elections.
1976 Electees Sig 104 1138 5733 Person Andrew Carnegie Clara Barton Luther Burbank Dates (18351919) (18211912) (18491926) C/G Description Steel magnate and philanthropist Teacher, humanitarian (founded Red Cross) American horticulturist (Burbank potato)

Others who did well this time around included lexicographer Noah Webster (17581843) [1132] (839 points), inventor John Frank Stevens (18531943) [37802] (740 points), Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes (18621948) [1760] (935 points), and Native American Chief Joseph (18401904) [2409] (634 points). The winners Carnegie, Barton, and Burbank received 1,103, 942, and 740 points respectively. But none of them actually ever received their statues.

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As we said in the beginning of the chapter, institutions in New York rise and fall around real estate. The Bronx fell into a morass of crime, poverty, and fear during the 1960s. Facing bankruptcy, New York University abandoned its Bronx campus, selling it off to the Bronx Community College in 1973. The Hall of Fame was left in an ambiguous position. NYU had apparently made a formal declaration of trust when the Hall of Fame was established, implying a level of responsibility it did not want and could not afford. Tentative proposals to relocate the Hall met with opposition from local Bronx ofcials. Robert Moses (18881981) [2779], the 90-year-old power broker responsible for building much of modern New York, had (as often) the soundest vision. The Hall of Fame, he declared, should move to the nations capital, ideally to become part of the Smithsonian Institution. But the Smithsonian declined, as did the National Park Service, asserting that such a takeover would require an act of Congress. On December 31, 1978, its entire board of trustees resigned, and the Hall of Fame has laid dormant ever since. Recent efforts have struggled to maintain the physical foundation of the colonnade and restore the existing statues. The busts of the last four honorees (Brandeis, Barton, Burbank, and Carnegie) were, well, busts; never sculpted, never installed. The Hall of Fame may appeal to a somewhat childish notion of history: Great Men honored forever for doing Great Deeds. But we are all children once, and such a Pantheon still holds the power to inspire and educate. Perhaps the time has come to act on Moses idea. Lets revive the Hall of Fame, either in the revived Bronx or else at a prominent location in Manhattan or Washington, DC. Time has dulled the passions and possessiveness of all the institutions involved, perhaps making politically viable now that which was impossible before. In the Internet era, millions of people can be mustered to vote for just about anything. Imagine focusing the energy of distinct constituencies to get their champion say Ronald Reagan (19112004) [32], Martin Luther King (19291968) [221], Csar Chvez (19271993) [3948], or John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. The institution could once again serve an important educational and cultural mission.


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But until then, make it a point to visit the Hall of Fame on your next trip to New York. Spend a day in the Bronx. Take in a Yankees game, visit the Zoo or the Botanical Garden, and eat at Dominicks Restaurant on Arthur Avenue: New Yorks real Little Italy. And set aside an hour to walk the colonnade and visit the statues of some old friends. We know of no better place to channel the past and contemplate the future.
Notes Several useful resources exist to document the rise and fall of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. Voting records through 1973 have been drawn from the ofcial guidebook Great Americans: A Guide to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans [Morello, 1977]. [Croce, 1978] gives a popular election-by-election review of the candidates and the reason for their selection. [Danilov, 1997] provides an overview of 274 different hall of fame museums, in more than 100 different elds. [MacCracken, 1901] and [Johnson, 1935] are commemorative books on the founding of the Hall from 1900 and 1935, respectively. The archives for the Hall of Fame reside at the Bobst Library of New York University.

The Baseball Hall of Fame

A far more thriving institution resides in the tiny hamlet of Cooperstown, New York: baseballs ostensible birthplace. The Baseball Hall of Fame honors the games greatest players, where its members are immortalized by bronze plaques. Like Mecca to the Muslims, a pilgrimage here once in a lifetime is essential for any baseball fan. Baseball represents an essential part of the American character, making it worthy of historical attention. But our interest here is quite specic. Baseball is uniquely suited to quantitative analysis, a sport that has maintained a comprehensive statistical record spanning more than a century. The rules of play have remained relatively xed over time, making it a meaningful question to ask whether Babe Ruth (18951948) [434] or Barry Bonds (1964 ) [2217] was a better hitter, and Walter Johnson (18871946) [4303] or Randy Johnson (1963 ) [6057] the better pitcher. Statistical measures can be used to judge whether the best players have been recognized by the Baseball Hall of Fame. Objective measures of signicance are rare outside of sports, so baseballs statistical record creates an excellent laboratory to study the forces of fame and canonization. Did the right players get selected for the Hall of Fame? Which deserving candidates have been forgotten? Who has been immortalized standing on feats of clay? This statistical record also makes baseball another test of our historical signicance rankings. In principle, our Wikipedia-based signicance rankings should reect the statistical record left behind by each players on-eld performance. There seems no objective evidence one can bring to bear on whether, say, novelist Stephen King (1947 ) [191] is


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really a more signicant writer than Theodore Dreiser (18711945) [4885]. But career batting statistics make it absolutely certain that Jimmy Dykes (18961976) [28854] was a greater baseball player than Roger Metzger (1947 ) [296263]. The extent to which this statistical performance record is reected by our rankings provides an independent test of the veracity of our analysis. Whos in, whos out, and why?

6.1 Performance and Posterity

Baseball is a game of numbers almost as much as of bat and ball. The most familiar statistics are useful for measuring particular skills. Home runs are the biggest hit a player can get, so power hitters who slug more home runs are more valuable than those who hit fewer. Batting average is the ratio of the hits a player gets to the number of chances they used to get them. A player with a higher batting average is generally better than one who hits for a lesser average. But who was the more valuable player: banjo-hitter Matty Alou (1938 2011) [65370] with a batting average of .307 and 31 career home runs, or one-dimensional slugger Rob Deer (1960 ) [78253], whose 230 home runs come with an anemic .220 average and massive strikeout total? Wins above replacement (WAR) is a modern, Moneyball-era statistic designed to answer such questions, by encapsulating a players total contribution on the baseball eld. Games are won by teams that score more runs than their opponents. Each run is constructed from a series of hits, walks, and other atomic operations. The WAR statistic is based on how many runs are equivalent to a win, and then how much each hit or walk contributes, on average, to a run. Thus, a players entire record can be compressed into a single number, reecting how many runs they created. Similar WAR statistics can be calculated for pitchers from the components of their records: innings pitched, runs allowed, and strikeouts. But the difculty of scoring runs has varied with time. In 1968, a player with a 0.302 batting average could have won the batting title, yet that was less than the entire National League average of 1930. The Above Replacement part of the WAR statistic compares each players achievements against what a marginal player would have accomplished given the

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same opportunities. How many extra wins did the Yankees get by playing Babe Ruth (18951948) [434] than by playing some minor league outelder in his stead? The details of computing the WAR statistic are complicated, and not completely standardized between sources. We obtained the WAR values for our study from www.baseball-reference.com, the most complete source of baseball statistics on the open web. Matty Alou nished his career at 21.5 WAR, better than Rob Deers WAR of 11.8. Both were good, but neither of these were Hall of Fame caliber players. If we accept wins above replacement as a meaningful measure of a baseball players career value, then Figure 6.1 should provide all the evidence you need about the general accuracy of our signicance rankings. It shows a strong correlation (0.68) between our signicance measure and the WAR achieved by Hall of Fame players. Increasing WAR generally implies greater historical signicance. More importantly, the outlier players make sense. Jackie Robinson (19191972) [841] was indeed more historically signicant than his batting statistics show: he was the black man who integrated major league baseball. John McGraw (18731934) [4358] was a ne player, but one whose real fame came from 30 years managing the New York Giants so yes, he was more signicant than his playing statistics show. Yogi Berra (1925 ) [4886] (It aint over til its over!) and Reggie Jackson (1946 ) [4603] (The straw that stirs the drink) are cultural gures who rise above just being sluggers. On the other side, consensus choices for the weakest Hall of Fame selections, like Chick Hafey (19031973) [109931] and Lloyd Waner (19061982) [68198], receive our lowest signicance scores. Figure 6.1b presents the analogous plot for Hall of Fame pitchers. The greatest pitchers do not achieve quite the same signicance as the greatest hitters, but there is a similarly strong correlation between fame and WAR. The outliers are again predictable: overpowering pitchers Sandy Koufax (1935 ) [4855] and Dizzy Dean (19101974) [12369], who had careers cut short by injury, limiting their ability to build up impressive WAR totals. Jesse Haines (18931978) [75009] and Red Faber (18881976) [58330] are considered weak Hall of Fame selections, with long careers of solid but unspectacular achievement.


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4 Significance

1 0 50 100 Career W. A. R. (a) Position Players 4 3.5 3 Significance 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 150 200




80 (b) Pitchers





Career W. A. R.

F I G U R E 6.1. Dot plot of Hall of Fame player signicance against Wins Above Replacement (WAR) Historical signicance strongly correlates with performance.

6.2 The Electoral Record

The rst election to the Baseball Hall of Fame was held in 1936. Our signicance measure enables us to rigorously study the performance of the electorate. Did they make the best choices given the available candidates?

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The Baseball Hall of Fame has always had a complicated electoral process. Usually two to four players get honored in a typical year. The rules have changed several times over the years in attempts to rectify problems, often making these troubles worse. For details on the policies and procedures, we refer the interested reader to [James, 1995], a comprehensive history of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The root cause of these difculties comes from having two distinct bodies voting on candidates, each with substantially different procedures. The better known group is the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA), consisting of roughly 300 newspaper sportswriters who regularly report on baseball. Each writer is allowed to vote for up to ten eligible candidates. Any player who receives votes on 75 percent of all submitted ballots is elected to the Hall of Fame, while any player who has been rejected for 15 years is dropped from further consideration. This proves to be a fairly stringent standard and, as we will see, the BBWAA generally selects qualied candidates. The alternate path into the Baseball Hall of Fame is through the Veterans Committee, a group of about 15 former players, executives, and writers. Their mission is to identify worthy but neglected players who are no longer eligible for election by the BBWAA. Since the strongest candidates were presumably picked by the BBWAA, modesty dictates that the Veterans Committee should serve as an appeals process to bring forth a small number of overlooked individuals. However, the Veterans Committee has historically selected about as many people as the BBWAA. Only repeated rule changes have restrained them from admitting even more from this weaker pool.

6.2.1 T H E W E A K N E S S O F T H E T A I L We can use a cumulative frequency distribution to get a good sense of the quality spectrum among the members of a given group. In particular, Figure 6.2 shows the fraction of the Baseball Hall of Fame that has achieved any given signicance rank. The top 70 percent or so are distributed fairly uniformly among the 30,000 or so most signicant gures in history. Above this, the quality deteriorates rapidly, with fully 10 percent of the immortals living outside the 100,000 most signicant people

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

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Tom Yawkey Edd Roush Sam Rice Joe Medwick Bill Mckechnie Carlton Fisk Tony Lazzeri Phil Niekro Miller Huggins Charlie Gehringer Mel Ott Rube Waddell Ozzle Smith Bob Feller Henry Chadwick Nolan Ryan Babe Ruth

Lloyd Warner

Percentage of entities









00 90









F I G U R E 6.2. The weakness of the tail: cumulative distribution of Baseball Hall of Fame members by signicance rank.

in Wikipedia. Hundreds of former baseball players of greater historical signicance can only get into the Hall by paying admission. We saw this phenomenon before, in Figure 5.1, the cumulative distribution signicance plot for the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. It had the same basic shape as Figure 6.2: a linear phase capturing the 65 percent most qualied candidates, followed by a long tail that accumulates members on a fairly arbitrary basis. Literally thousands of people with equal or greater qualications were ignored. We also saw this in Bonnies fth grade history textbook, in Figure 3.2. All the selection processes we have seen function effectively to identify the best 6570 percent of a group, but break down badly in lling out the remainder of the class. Having seen the same effect several times in substantially different contexts, we posit this to be an important truism about any human selection process, be it college admissions, employee interviewing, sports drafts, or prison sentencing. Look around at the people you study with, work with, or serve time with. We suspect you will agree that roughly a third are noticeably less qualied than the rest of the group. Why is this? The extreme outliers in any cohort are quite easy to identify: the greatest presidents, the undisputed geniuses, those who walk on water. But things get fuzzier around the boundary, particularly because any select group sits at the tail of a talent distribution. In a perfect world, a




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university like Stony Brook would identify the objectively best 35 percent of its applicant pool. But there are far more candidates whose real abilities sit just outside this threshold than just inside. Suppose each reviewers estimate of a candidates true signicance was subject to some random noise. Candidate quality is difcult to accurately differentiate at this resolution, and noisy selection will more likely favor one of the unwashed masses over the guy who really should have made the cut. This isnt just theory. We have performed computational experiments where we add a modest amount of random noise to our evaluation of historical signicance, and simulated the resulting halls of fame. The cumulative distribution charts of these simulations t extremely well with what we have seen here. Our results for four different Halls of Fame (Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Great Americans) are presented in Figure 6.3. In all cases,

Average Randm HoF Baseball Hall of Fame

All Baseball Players Top 285 Baseball Players

Average Random HOF Football Hall of Fame

All Football Players Top 232 Football Players

Cumulative Fraction of Entities

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 Rank 150000 200000

Cumulative Fraction of Entities

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 Rank 150000 200000

(a) Baseball
Average Random HoF Basketball Hall of Fame All Basketball Players Top 151 Basketball Players Average Random HoF HoF for Great Americans

(b) Football
All HoF-GA Nominees Top 100 HoF-GA Nominees

Cumulative Fraction of Entities

Cumulative Fraction of Entities

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 Rank 150000 200000

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 Rank 150000 200000

(c) Basketball

(d) Hall of Fame

F I G U R E 6.3. Cumulative distribution plots for four Halls of Fame. The solid line represents a simulated selection process with noise added to the signicance estimation. This provides an excellent t to the observed quality of the actual selections (center-dashed line). These can be contrasted with the proles of two other models: the electorate always picks the best candidates (upper-dashed line) or selects members at random (lower-dashed line).


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our simulated quality distributions look startlingly like what the voters did in their respective halls of fame. We conclude that this random noise model explains much of the mystery of human selection processes.
Making Selection Processes Work for You Now that we understand some of the dynamics of human selection processes, what can you do to rise above a sea of similarly qualied people? The key is variance and repetition. Since each college has an imperfect but independent admissions process, apply to a bunch of places, and maybe you will be lucky enough to be misevaluated above the threshold. Apply for every possible job opening: you will nd employment unless rejected in all of these independent evaluations. Repeatedly appeal your conviction to higher courts, and maybe you will be the rare one who will catch a break. The other key, we believe, is striving to stand out in some arbitrary dimension to exploit variance in the selection process. Resume experts caution against using gimmicks such as colored paper, including a photo, or describing an unusual hobby or experience. We would agree in the case of jobs for which you are clearly a strong candidate: you never want to provide an excuse to say no. But when you are a marginal candidate, you need to provide a reason to say yes, and anything that sticks out from the herd seems like it should only be a win. More stringent selection processes can be designed to overcome the natural limits of human acuity in personnel decisions. The key seems to be ensuring that each accepted candidate meet or exceed the quality of the current members of the organization, as Google strives to do [Broder et al., 2009]. This is hard to pull off, however, because it requires great patience to wait for the right person to come along at the time when you are in desperate need of a body.

6.2.2 WAR A G A I N S T T H E E L E C T O R A T E We have shown that historical signicance correlates strongly with the statistical evidence (wins above replacement) for Hall of Fame baseball players. But even though height correlates strongly with weight, one does a much better job of measuring how tall you are. Here we use our signicance measure to study the behavior of the electorate in greater detail.

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Babe Ruth Ty Cobb

4 Significance

Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle Stan Musial Hank Greenberg Phil Rizzuto Bob Gibson Dizzy Dean Larry Doby Bill Dickey Home Run Baker Jim Palmer Tony Lazzeri Pie Traynor Dazzy Vance Bobby Doerr Ted Lyons Joe Sewell Arky Vaughan Lloyd Waner

Joe Gordon

Bullet Rogan Ross Youngs Willie Wells Chick Hafey Bill Foster




40 30 Yrs. Since Elig.




(a) Signicance of Hall of Fame baseball players vs. years of electoral eligibility
5.5 5 4.5 4 Significance 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1
Jackie Robinson Ty Cobb Ted Williams Hank Aaron Mickey Mantle Roberto Clemente Nolan Ryan Rogers Hornsby Walter Johnson Stan Musial George Brett Jimmie Foxx Bob Gibson Frank Robinson Bob Feller Whitey Ford Dennis Eckersley Mel Ott Bill Dickey Luis Aparicio Steve Carlton Jim Palmer Tony Gwynn Babe Ruth

Ralph Kiner

Pie Traynor Dazzy Vance Harry Heilmann Andre Dawson Ted Lyons Herb Pennock



90 85 % of Vote



(b) Signicance of Hall of Fame baseball players vs. voting strength. More signicant players generally get elected with higher percentages of the vote.
F I G U R E 6.4.

Signicance of Hall of Fame baseball players vs. electoral criteria

Baseball players generally become eligible for selection ve years after their retirement. The more deserving the honoree, the quicker their merits should be recognized by the electorate. This indeed proves to be the case. Figure 6.4a plots the historical signicance of baseball players as a


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function of the number of years required for their election. There is a very strong correlation here: indeed, signicance proves to be a better predictor of years-to-election than the pure statistical record. Our signicance measure correlates -0.599 while WAR correlates -0.428. Another way to measure the BBWAAs condence in a particular candidate is by the percentage of votes received in gaining admission. Each successful candidate will have been selected by at least 75 percent of the voters, but there is a difference between squeaking in and winning by a landslide. Figure 6.4b plots signicance vs. voting strength for all players elected by the BBWAA. Voting strength is an imperfect measure of quality, as it is affected by both the competition in a given year and changes in popular conventions by the electorate. It seems weird that Tony Gwynn (1960 ) [21088] should have received more votes than Babe Ruth (18951948) [434], but Ruth was voted in during the inaugural election against the greatest players of the modern era. In the early years, certain writers refused to vote for anyone during their rst year of eligibility, but yesterdays orneriness has been replaced by a trend toward acclamation. Still, the regression line shows that historical signicance correlates with percentage of vote at 0.418. This correlation is slightly better than that between WAR and vote percentage (0.415). An important concern of any long-term selection process is whether standards are being properly maintained over time. This has largely been the case. The inaugural (1936) class of honorees is clearly much stronger than any other class, but that is how it should be. Our analysis shows that the weakest selections of the Veterans Committee were bunched in the 1960s and 1970s, but there is generally no strong relationship between time and strength. Baseball creates worthy new Hall of Famers at about the rate that it elects them.

6.3 The Glory of their Times

We now attempt to trace the history of major league baseball through its hall of fame players. Cooperstown is not an impossibly elite address, for it contains almost 2 percent of all the players who ever reached the Major Leagues. Hall of Famers represent roughly 10 percent of all plate

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appearances (at bats) by major league hitters [James, 1995] because they tend to play much more regularly, during much longer playing careers, than their lesser peers. This makes them a large enough sample to represent the state of the game during each historical period. Professional baseball dates back to 1869, and has since passed through several distinct eras. The pre-1900 game was marked by continuous experimentation with rules, playing tactics, and nancial models. The modern era begins in 1900, with the founding of the American League. Babe Ruths popularity marked the end of the Dead-ball era in 1920, with equipment changes that greatly increased the frequency of home runs. World War II caused a signicant deterioration in the quality of play: the leagues were kept running for morale purposes, but all able-bodied players served in the military. Amputees Pete Gray (19152002) [68081] (arm) and Bert Shepard (19202008) [226629] (leg) were pressed into baseball service during the war years. All this history plays itself out in Figure 6.5, which measures the median signicance of the Hall of Famers active in each year, broken down by position (inelders, outelders, and pitchers). The earliest stars were primarily inelders, although general parity was realized before the modern era. The dip in signicance from 1920 to 1945 has two distinct causes. The new lively ball inated the statistics of its players relative to their earlier peers. Respect for pitching declined during this offense-minded



4 3.5 Significance 3 2.5 2 1.5 1860




1940 Year





F I G U R E 6.5. Temporal signicance of Hall of Fame baseball players, broken down by position: Pitchers (P), Inelders (IF), and Outelders (OF). The relative prominence of outelders has increased in the postWW II era.


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era, with the signicance of pitchers dropping well below position players. Lax work by the Veterans Committee admitted too many players from this time period. A record 55 Hall of Famers played in 1928. Such extravagance caused the average signicance of Hall of Fame players to plummet. The other factor was the professional price young men paid during World War II. Players active in 1941 typically had their career interrupted for three years, and often never returned to previous form. A generation of younger players never got the opportunity to develop skills or lost their prime athletic years to the war. The postwar era was marked by racial integration. Baseball rebounded to its greatest popularity ever, aided by the end of this color ban. Great hitters dominated great pitchers in the 1950s and 1960s, and many of baseballs greatest stars of this period were black. Of the ten most signicant Hall of Fame outelders, ve were black and seven played during this time period. These stars clearly outclassed those of other positions. Power pitchers grew to dominance in the 1980s. Only three pitchers (Lefty Grove (19001975) [15761], Warren Spahn (19212003) [13010], and Early Wynn (19201999) [31295] won 300 games between 1925 and 1981. But they were joined by six more between 1982 and 1990, plus a nal four in the interval from 2003 to 2009. Expansion from 20 teams in 1968 to 30 teams by 1998 diluted the quality of play, causing the signicance of the Hall of Famers to dip. Unprecedented feats of power hitting in the late 1990s swung momentum back to the outelders, and marked the beginning of the steroid era. This epidemic of performance-enhancing drug use burned itself out with more stringent drug testing policies starting in 2006. The data on Hall of Famers active this century is misleadingly thin, because most have not been elected yet. We will review future candidates for the Hall of Fame in Section 6.6.

6.4 Whos In?

The inuence of the most historically signicant people in the Baseball Hall of Fame extended beyond the game into popular culture, so they are worth knowing just to understand the frequent literary allusions to them. However, we are aware that many readers will nd the names in this section

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as meaningless as a roster of the greatest corporate accountants. If so, we give you our blessing to pass on to the next chapter. A second subtext here will involve the relative effectiveness of the BBWAA and the Veterans Committee in identifying candidates for the Baseball Hall of Fame. Each BBWAA electee is presented along with his percentage of the vote. 6.4.1 I N F I E L D E R S The most interesting of the dozen most signicant inelders in the Baseball Hall of Fame are those whose historical signicance rank seems out of proportion to their statistical accomplishments (WAR). Jackie Robinson (19191972) [841] was the rst black player allowed to play in the major leagues, a true historical gure whose signicance transcends his skills in baseball. What made him important was his character more than his skills: he played with a erceness and dignity that made him the most exciting player of his time. The Ngrams timeplot tracks the relative frequency trajectory of Lou Gehrig Jackie Robinson the two most signicant inelders. Robinsons exploded since 1980, when the historical record of the Civil Rights movement began to 2000 1990 1950 1960 1970 1980 Year reect on the centrality of his experience. Lou Gehrigs (19031941) [1820] exceptional signicance rank is

Top Hall of Fame Inelders Person Jackie Robinson Lou Gehrig Honus Wagner Rogers Hornsby Yogi Berra Nap Lajoie Hank Greenberg Cal Ripken George Brett Jimmie Foxx Phil Rizzuto Mike Schmidt Sig 841 1820 2513 4623 4886 6604 6922 7280 7559 7901 8570 9930 Pos 2B 1B SS 2B C 2B 1B SS 3B 1B SS 3B WAR 63.20 118.40 134.50 127.80 61.90 104.20 56.80 89.90 85.00 95.20 41.80 108.30 Career (19451956) (19231939) (18971917) (19151937) (19461965) (18961916) (19301947) (19812001) (19731993) (19251945) (19411956) (19721989) Years 11 17 21 23 19 21 13 21 21 20 13 18 Celeb/Grav Team Dodgers Yankees Pirates Cardinals Yankees Naps Tigers Orioles Royals Athletics Yankees Phillies Elected 1962 1939 1936 1942 1972 1937 1956 2007 1999 1951 1994 1995 Pct 77.50 95.13 78.11 85.61 83.58 84.97 98.53 98.19 79.20 96.52


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partially due to his on eld performance: he totaled more Wins Above Replacement than any other rst baseman, and owned the glamorous record of playing 2,130 consecutive games. But the tragedy of his premature death at age 37 from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (now called Lou Gehrigs Disease) created a persona that transcended the sport. Ngrams data shows that references to this disease have surged since 1975, and now account for perhaps half of Gehrigs references. Catcher Yogi Berra (1925 ) [4886] was a three-time Most Valuable Player and the leader of Yankee teams that went to the World Series 14 times from 1947 to 1963. Yet his most enduring legacy is as the apocryphal source of a particular brand of twisted wisdom, such as Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore. Its too crowded. He also served as the inspiration for the cartoon character Yogi Bear. Hank Greenbergs (19111986) [6922] short but brilliant career makes his WAR score misleading: his high vote total and early election mark him as a rst-class Hall of Famer. He was the outstanding Jewish ballplayer of his era, which contributes to his high historical signicance. Pitcher Sandy Koufax (1935 ) [4855], the other Jewish ballplayer in Cooperstown, also ranks as more historically signicant than suggested by the cumulative statistics of his short, but brilliant, career. The most signicant shortstop is Cal Ripken (1960 ) [7280] Jr., an outstanding hitter and elder who broke Gehrigs record for most consecutive games played. Close behind him was the Veterans Committees most inspired choice, Phil Rizzuto (19172007) [8570], an excellent shortshop who went on to even greater fame during his 40-year post game career as a radio/television announcer for the Yankees. The BBWAA selected 14 of the 15 most signicant inelders in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Phil Rizzuto was the lone exception, and has the lowest WAR of this elite cohort. By contrast, eight of the ten least signicant inelders in the Hall were selected by the Veterans committee.

6.4.2 O U T F I E L D E R S Outeld is where the strongest hitters traditionally live, and has generally been the glamour position since the 1920s, because of Babe Ruth (1895 1948) [434]. Four top centerelders had personas that reached beyond

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baseball. Ty Cobb (18861961) [1108] was arguably the greatest player and the worst human being ever to play baseball, as portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones (1946 ) [8938] in the movie Cobb. Joe DiMaggio (19141999) [2293] serves as a symbol of grace in the books of Ernest Hemingway (1899 1961) [248] and the songs of Paul Simon (1941 ) [6156]. Willie Mays (1931 ) [2803] and Mickey Mantle (19311995) [3173] were the color and style poles of New York baseball during its glory days in the 1950s and 1960s.
Top Hall of Fame Outelders Person Babe Ruth Ty Cobb Hank Aaron Ted Williams Joe DiMaggio Willie Mays Mickey Mantle Roberto Clemente Rickey Henderson Reggie Jackson Stan Musial Frank Robinson Sig 434 1108 2066 2185 2293 2803 3173 3487 4499 4603 4975 8874 Pos RF CF RF LF CF CF CF RF LF RF LF RF WAR 190.00 159.50 141.60 125.30 83.60 154.69 120.20 83.80 113.10 74.59 127.80 107.40 Career (19141935) (19051928) (19521976) (19391960) (19361951) (19481973) (19511968) (19551972) (19792003) (19671987) (19411963) (19561976) Years 22 24 24 19 13 26 18 18 25 21 22 21 Celeb/Grav Team Yankees Tigers Braves RedSox Yankees Giants Yankees Pirates Athletics Athletics Cardinals Reds Elected 1936 1936 1982 1966 1955 1979 1974 1973 2009 1993 1969 1982 Pct 95.13 98.23 97.83 93.38 88.84 94.68 88.22 92.69 94.81 93.62 93.24 89.16

An Ngrams timeplot reveals the frequency trajectory of the greatest Hank Aaron Mickey Mantle outelders of the 1950s and 60s. Willie Mays Willie Mays (1931 ) [2803] has a noticeable bulge in the middle of his playing career. For most of this 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Year period, he, rather than Hank Aaron (1934 ) [2066], was the popular candidate to break Ruths home run record. Right eld is also a sluggers position, populated by the rst great home run hitter (Ruth) as well as the man who broke his home run record (Aaron). Roberto Clemente (19341972) [3487] was the greatest Latin American ball player. He died a hero: lost in a plane crash delivering supplies to earthquake-stricken Nicaragua.


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Among left elders, Ted Williams (19182002) [2185] was broadly regarded as the greatest hitter of all time, and Rickey Henderson (1958 ) [4499], the greatest baserunner. Stan Musial (1920 ) [4975] was the most respected player of the 1950s. The dichotomy between the choices of the BBWAA and the Veterans Committee here are particularly stark. The 15 most signicant outelders were all selected by the BBWAA. The ten least signicant outelders were all selected by the Veterans Committee.

6.4.3 P I T C H E R S Pitching is supposedly 90 percent of baseball, yet pitchers themselves do not register as strong individually as position players. The most signicant pitcher is Cy Young (18671955) [2461], who holds the record for games won by a huge margin, and is the namesake of the award given to the outstanding pitcher each season. Still, seven position players rank as more signicant than he does. Only four other pitchers rank among the 5,000 most signicant people in history. Two are among the greatest stars of early baseball: Walter Johnson (18871946) [4303] and Christy Mathewson (18801925) [4348]. The other two are record-setting strikeout pitchers: Nolan Ryan (1947 ) [3599] and Sandy Koufax (1935 ) [4855]. The four modern pitchers who nished 100 WAR all rank among the top ten in historical signicance.
Top Hall of Fame Pitchers Person Cy Young Nolan Ryan Walter Johnson Christy Mathewson Sandy Koufax Bob Gibson Tom Seaver Bob Feller Grover C. Alexander Dizzy Dean Steve Carlton Warren Spahn Sig 2461 3599 4303 4348 4855 8708 8918 9030 9525 12369 12706 13010 Pos P P P P P P P P P P P P WAR 143.19 80.50 139.80 90.70 48.70 91.80 106.10 63.30 106.80 41.80 86.90 89.70 Career (18901911) (19661993) (19071927) (19001916) (19551966) (19591975) (19671986) (19361956) (19111929) (19301947) (19651988) (19421965) Years 22 27 21 17 12 17 20 18 19 12 24 21 Celeb/Grav Team Spiders Angels Senators Giants Dodgers Cardinals Mets Indians Phillies Cardinals Phillies Braves Elected 1937 1999 1936 1936 1972 1981 1992 1962 1938 1953 1994 1973 Pct 76.12 98.79 83.63 90.71 86.87 84.04 98.84 93.75 80.92 79.17 95.82 82.89

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The rankings in the top Hall of Fame pitchers table favor power pitchers, which helps explain the presence of Nolan Ryan [3599] in second place. He barely broke even during his long career, winning just 52.6 percent of his games, yet set spectacular strikeout records and pitched effectively into his mid-40s. The three modern-era pitchers who pitched more than two no-hit games appear among the top eight in our ranking: Ryan (7), Koufax (4), and Bob Feller (19182010) [9030] (3). No-hit games are chance events, curiosities that receive outsized attention despite having no particular signicance in the standings. Terrible pitchers have thrown no-hitters: the one Bobo Holloman (19231987) [248284] threw in the rst start represents 33.3 percent of his career victory total. Don Larsen (1929 ) [21037] achieved great fame for throwing the only perfect game in World Series history, yet ended his career with a losing record. By contrast, 300-game winner Lefty Grove (19001975) [15761], proclaimed the greatest pitcher ever in [James, 1985], never pitched a no-hitter. Not by coincidence, he also ranks as the least signicant modern pitcher with more than 90 wins above replacement. Relief pitching is a relatively recent innovation in baseball, with the rst identiable stars dating back only to the 1950s. It is telling that the most signicant relief pitcher (Dennis Eckersley (1954 ) [12768]) also had considerable success as a starter during the rst half of his career.
Hall of Fame Relief Pitchers Person Dennis Eckersley Goose Gossage Rollie Fingers Hoyt Wilhelm Bruce Sutter Sig 12768 14305 17061 21335 23879 Pos P P P P P WAR 58.30 39.50 24.30 37.90 24.30 Career (19751998) (19721994) (19681985) (19521972) (19761988) Years 24 22 17 21 13 Celeb/Grav Team Athletics Yankees Athletics WhiteSox Cubs Elected 2004 2008 1992 1985 2006 Pct 83.20 85.82 81.16 83.80 76.90

None of the Halls pitchers have reputations that signicantly transcend baseball. Notable perhaps is Jim Bunning (1931 ) [16270], who served in the U.S. Senate after a successful career as a starting pitcher. Senator Bunning was an excellent selection of the Veterans Committee, who otherwise amassed ve of the ten least signicant Hall of Fame pitchers, while 14 of the top 15 were selected by the BBWAA.


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6.4.4 T H E E X E C U T I V E S U I T E The Hall of Fame also honors nonplaying personnel who contributed signicantly to the development of the game. These fall into three categories: managers, executives, and umpires.
Managers As of this writing, 21 people have been inaugurated into the Hall of Fame primarily as managers. They are generally a distinguished group, with only recent Veterans Committee inductees Billy Southworth (18931969) [40300] and Frank Selee (18591909) [46077] ranking above 35,000.
Top Hall of Fame Managers Person Connie Mack John McGraw Casey Stengel Harry Wright Tommy Lasorda Leo Durocher Sig 3538 4358 5929 10202 10366 10475 Years 57 33 28 23 21 24 Dates (18621956) (18731934) (18901975) (18351895) (1927 ) (19051991) Celeb/Grav Elected 1937 1937 1966 1953 1997 1994

The top half dozen among the managers include several whose reputations transcend baseball. Connie Mack [3538] was the grand old man of baseball, managing for 50 years until he retired at age 87. That he owned the team and made all the hiring decisions made this possible. His grandson Connie Mack III (1940 ) [60367] and great-grandson Connie Mack IV (1967 ) [99703] served in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, respectively. Casey Stengel [5929] managed the New York Yankees at the height of their success, but is perhaps most remembered for his colorful, disjointed way of speaking. Leo Durocher [10475] was a notorious competitor, famous for saying that Nice guys nish last. Both Stengel and Durocher managed to advanced ages, giving them time to shape their historical legacies.
Executives A collection of 23 management gures have been elected to the Hall of Fame. The weakest (Pat Gillick (1937 ) [85359]) were elected by

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the Veterans Committee in 2011. The top ve include several important people.
Top Hall of Fame Executives Person Kenesaw Mountain Landis Branch Rickey Albert Spalding Charles Comiskey Ban Johnson Sig 3269 4660 6487 7500 7777 Years 25 31 8 32 28 Dates (18661944) (18811965) (18501915) (18591931) (18651931) Celeb/Grav Elected 1944 1967 1939 1939 1937

Kenesaw Mountain Landis (18661944) [3269] was a federal judge appointed as the rst Commissioner of Baseball in the wake of the Black Sox scandal, where eight members of the American League champion White Sox conspired with gambler Arnold Rothstein (18821928) [10599] to throw the 1919 World Series. His leadership is credited with restoring integrity to baseball. His counterpart is Charles Comiskey (18591931) [7500], the long-time owner of the White Sox, credited with provoking the scandal by shabby treatment of his players. It was Branch Rickey (18811965) [4660] who hired Jackie Robinson (19191972) [841] to break baseballs color line. He was an innovative and successful executive, who also created the modern minor league farm system. Albert Spalding (18501915) [6487] was a star pitcher in the early era of professional baseball, but is today best known as the co-founder of the Spalding sporting goods company.
Umpires Umpires are the oneld arbiters of play. With faces hidden by protective masks and crouched behind the plate, they generally go unrecognized even by serious fans. Nine major league umpires have been selected for the Hall of Fame. The most outstanding, Billy Evans (18841956) [28820] and Bill Klem (18741951) [41013], have signicance ranks comparable to low-end Hall of Fame players. The rest are far weaker selections, culminating with Bill McGowan (18961954) [172464].


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6.4.5 E A R L Y F I G U R E S I N B A S E B A L L The claim that Civil War general Abner Doubleday (18191893) [2722] invented baseball in 1839 is a romantic myth, although it had enough legs to get the Hall of Fame established in Cooperstown. Doubleday died twelve years before the Mills Commission, which relied on hearsay evidence to declare him the sports inventor. Doubleday never claimed this himself and left no mention of baseball in his papers. Two men have stronger claims as founding gures. Alexander Cartwright (18201892) [7164] wrote the rules governing the rst game played by the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club in 1846. Writer Henry Chadwick (1824 1908) [6753] provided the rst coverage of the edgling sport and shaped its rules and statistics. Examining a rugplot of the relative frequency of major nineteenthKing Kelly Alexander Cartwright century baseball gures since 1925 Henry Chadwick makes several trends obvious. The Cap Anson founding gures have held their 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 ground or even expanded market share, particularly Chadwick, the journalist who left behind a written legacy. Of the superstar players of the time, the interest in Cap Anson (18521922) [2342] has held up better than that in King Kelly (18571894) [7378]. Anson had a long career, producing a statistical record that looks like a Hall of Famer of today: he was the rst to reach the important milestones of 3,000 career hits and 2,000 runs batted in. By contrast, Kellys reputation is based largely on defense and baserunning. The website www.baseball-reference.com uses a similarity metric to compare the statistics of different players. The ten most similar players to Anson are all Hall of Famers. By contrast, only three of the ten most comparable to Kelly are members, and none of them are recent. But during their era, Anson and Kelly were stars of similar magnitude. Certain early players reemerged because of post-career changes in the game. Long after Babe Ruth (18951948) [434] popularized home run hitting came the question of who had hit the most before him. The answer turned out to be Roger Connor (18571931) [10511], whose prominence

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boomed again after Hank Aaron (1934 ) [2066] broke Ruths home run record in 1974. Connor was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1976. Similarly, the fall of baseballs color line in 1947 sparked interest in its history. A black catcher, Moses Fleetwood Walker (18571924) [10549], played in the American Association starting in 1884, but was banned at Cap Ansons (18521922) [2342] instigation in 1888. Frank Grant (1865 1937) [49145], who began his career in 1889, is recognized as the rst Negro League star.
Top Nineteenth-Century Baseball Hall of Famers Person Cap Anson Henry Chadwick A. Cartwright King Kelly Dan Brouthers Charles Radbourn Roger Connor Hughie Jennings Ed Delahanty George Wright Sig 2342 6753 7164 7378 7710 10306 10511 11855 11881 11909 Pos 1B Pioneer Pioneer RF 1B P 1B SS LF Pioneer WAR 99.30 Career (18711897) (??) (??) (18781893) (18791904) (18811891) (18801897) (18911918) (18881903) (18671882) Years 27 Celeb/Grav Team WhiteStockings Ofcial Ofcial WhiteStockings Bisons Grays Giants Orioles Phillies RedStockings Elected 1939 1938 1938 1945 1945 1939 1976 1945 1945 1937 Pct

47.50 81.70 73.59 87.20 46.40 74.70 28.60

16 19 11 18 28 16 16

In total, we count 30 gures from nineteenth-century baseball in the Hall of Fame. All have reasonable historical signicance: they lived long enough ago that reputational decay has been completed. The least signicant nineteenth-century member of the Hall of Fame appears to be Tommy McCarthy (18631922) [33661].

6.5 The Negro Leagues

The Negro Leagues provided the only refuge for black professional baseball players from 1889 until 1947. The economic instability of these leagues, coupled with a limited statistical record, makes it difcult to assess the general quality of play. Still, it is clear that many players were of Hall of Fame caliber. Negro League players were admitted to the Hall of Fame in three waves. In the 1970s, a special committee selected nine players, with two others later picked by the Veterans Committee. The second wave selected one Negro League player in each of the elections from 1995 to 2001. It ended


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with a tsunami in 2006, when a special committee selected a nal 17 gures, doubling the Negro League presence in the Hall of Fame. In total, 33 Negro League gures were admitted in these special elections, of which we consider the ten most signicant.
Top Hall of Fame Negro Leaguers Person Satchel Paige Josh Gibson Rube Foster Cool Papa Bell John Henry Lloyd Monte Irvin Frank Grant Bullet Rogan Judy Johnson Buck Leonard Sig 4831 12535 22160 27999 30110 44334 49145 59453 62431 67297 Years 29 17 25 22 27 18 18 20 20 18 Dates (19061982) (19111947) (18791930) (19031991) (18841964) (1919 ) (18651937) (18891967) (18991989) (19071997) Celeb/Grav Elected 1971 1972 1981 1974 1977 1973 2006 1998 1975 1972

Satchel Paige (19061982) [4831] and Josh Gibson (19111947) [12535] stand as consensus choices for the greatest pitcher and hitter in the Negro Leagues. Several other gures from the rst wave of admission (19711981) have signicance ranks similar to white Hall of Famers. But those in the second batch (19952006) are much weaker, and the third wave much weaker still. Indeed, Negro Leaguer Alex Pompez (18901974) [240953] ranks as the least signicant person ever inaugurated into the Baseball Hall of Fame. There is some academic research to suggest that black players may receive fewer BBWAA votes than equally skilled white counterparts [Findlay and Reid, 1997], although the effect appears small [Desser et al., 1999; Jewell et al., 2002]. But it seems clear that the Hall of Fame has bent over backwards in an attempt to atone for the sins of baseballs color line. How many Negro Leaguers should be in the Hall of Fame? A pioneering history of the Negro Leagues, Only the Ball was White [Peterson, 1992], argued that blacks made up 10 percent of the population of the United States in the rst half of the twentieth century, so 10 percent of the Hall of Famers during this period should be black. This worked out to eight players in 1970, a total that should be slightly increased to compensate for Hall of Fame admissions after Peterson performed his calculations.

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We reason toward a number similar to Peterson, but computed in a different way. Seven graduates of the Negro Leagues earned admission to the Hall of Fame based on their later play in Major League Baseball: Hank Aaron (1934 ) [2066], Ernie Banks (1931 ) [23154], Roy Campanella (19211993) [13397], Larry Doby (19232003) [16845], Willie Mays (1931 ) [2803], and Jackie Robinson (19191972) [841]. Two others who had meaningful major league careers were elected on the strength of their earlier Negro League play: Satchel Paige (19061982) [4831] and Monte Irvin (1919 ) [44334]. Taken together, this suggests that about ten Hall of Fame caliber players debuted during the last 15 years of the color line. Although several barnstorming teams existed earlier, Rube Foster (18791930) [22160] is credited with organizing the rst major Negro League in 1920. Assuming a similar quality of play from 1920 to 1935, this would suggest about ten additional worthy Negro League players debuted in this period, plus a handful more from earlier days. We conclude that the players displayed in the table listing Top Hall of Fame Negro Leaguers represent the Negro League members who should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. A bigger mystery is how the 2006 selection committee missed two of the most historically signicant absent members in black baseball. As discussed in the last section, Moses Fleetwood Walker (18571924) [10549] was the rst player excluded by the color line. Buck ONeil (19112006) [30703] was a star Negro League player and manager, who became the rst black coach in the major leagues. He did much to renew interest in the Negro Leagues, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work. Yet both of these were ignored in favor of 17 vastly more obscure gures.

6.6 Whos Out?: Missing Players

The ip side of the coin concerns historically signicant players who have not yet received admission to the Hall of Fame. Figure 6.6 identies the more prominent omissions in two categories: those old enough to have received several chances at election and those still active or freshly eligible for consideration. Several of the most prominent missing old-timers (Figure 6.6a) made their names outside baseball. Jim Thorpe [1356] was primarily an Olympic


q uantitative history

Sig 1356 2817 3445 3625 5358 6964 8628 8986 9913 10549 11501 12012 12814 13253 13993 15161 15219 15771

Dates (18881953) (1941 ) (18871951) (18621935) (18951983) (19341985) (1961 ) (19281989) (1940 ) (18571924) (18641931) (1953 ) (1960 ) (19211992) (18451894) (19471979) (18841969) (1944 )


Jim Thorpe Pete Rose S. J. Jackson Billy Sunday George Halas Roger Maris Don Mattingly Billy Martin Joe Torre Moses F. Walker Jimmy McAleer Keith Hernandez F. Valenzuela Chuck Connors Bob Ferguson Thurman Munson Eddie Cicotte Denny McLain

(a) Eligible for selection Person Barry Bonds Alex Rodriguez Derek Jeter Albert Pujols Roger Clemens Bo Jackson Ichiro Suzuki Sammy Sosa Randy Johnson Mariano Rivera Mark McGwire David Ortiz Pedro Martnez Tom Glavine Greg Maddux Johnny Damon Curt Schilling Gary Shefeld Sig 2217 3304 4076 4607 5205 5454 5481 5494 6057 6666 6716 7769 8662 9386 9587 11054 11877 12201 Dates (1964 (1975 (1974 (1980 (1962 (1962 (1973 (1968 (1963 (1969 (1963 (1975 (1971 (1966 (1966 (1973 (1966 (1968 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Celeb/Grav

(b) Ineligible for selection

F I G U R E 6.6.

The most signicant players missing from the Baseball Hall of Fame

star, Billy Sunday [3625] was an evangelist, and Chuck Connors [13253] was an actor. Great football stars who also played some baseball include George Halas [5358] and Bo Jackson [5454].

t h e baseball hall of fame


Another group is recognized as great players, but who have been denied admission because of serious gambling infractions. Shoeless Joe Jackson (18871951) [3445] and Eddie Cicotte (18841969) [15219] were both expelled from baseball in the Black Sox scandal. Similarly, Pete Rose (1941 ) [2817] and Denny McLain (1944 ) [15771] have unsavory pasts that render them non grata from the Hall of Fame. Once these names are eliminated, we are left with a list of borderline Hall of Fame candidates: all very good, but maybe less than great. Among the modern omissions, the top four all have substantial associations with the New York Yankees. We believe that the strongest candidates here are catcher/manager Joe Torre (1940 ) [9913] and slugger Don Mattingly (1961 ) [8628]. We conclude that relatively few worthies have been left on the table. Figure 6.6b lists the most signicant active or recently retired players. The majority of the names on this list should, in principle, easily win admission to the Hall of Fame when their time comes. The wild card is how voters will eventually sort out issue of performance-enhancing drugs. Five of the top 11 names on this list have been linked to steroid use (Barry Bonds (1964 ) [2217], Alex Rodriguez (1975 ) [3304], Roger Clemens (1962 ) [5205], Sammy Sosa (1968 ) [5494], and Mark McGwire (1963 ) [6716]. McGwire has appeared on only 20 percent of ballots through his rst ve years of eligibility, well short of the 75 percent necessary for admission. All of the eligible candidates here have been rejected by the voters during their rst election.

6.7 The Market for Collectibles

I (Steve) collected baseball cards during my rapidly receding youth, and in particular owned a beautiful 1969 card of Mickey Mantle (19311995) [3173]. I was convinced that it would be worth something some day, and indeed, as I write this, one is selling on Ebay for $175.1 Further, I was convinced that, like other collectibles, it would only increase in value with age. Just think what it will be worth one hundred years from now!
1 My younger brother Rob damaged it beyond repair, a crime I have never completely forgiven

him for.


q uantitative history

Probably much less than today, in dollar-adjusted terms. Our fame decay model, presented back in Section 2.4, suggests that historical reputations generally peak about 70 years after birth. Mantle was born in 1931, meaning that his fame began declining about ten years ago, and should only shine about one-tenth as brightly by 2113. The market for collectibles literally puts a price on the head of famous people, which is in part a function of their historical signicance. We study the phenomenon in two different domains: baseball cards and autograph prices.

6.7.1 B A S E B A L L C A R D S We analyze published prices for all Topps baseball cards since 1951, from freebaseballcardspriceguide.com. Ten-year old kids from 1951 are wealthy and nostalgic 75-year-olds today, so this is not quite long enough to observe the predicted effects of price decay to kick in. But it is sufcient to study the extent to which historical signicance reects collector interest. Current-issue baseball cards are a commodity bought by children, using their spare nickels and dimes. Thus, we would not expect the collector prices to substantially increase until these kids have grown, experienced the pain of Mother discarding their cards, and then reached an economic position where they can afford to restore these collections. The price data in Figure 6.7a suggests that collector pressure kicks in at around forty years of age, when the average price per card rises beyond a few pennies and the value of individual cards starts to appreciably diverge. Figure 6.7b shows that prices correlate approximately 0.4 with historical signicance during the years of collector interest. This is quite substantial, since we ignore such important pricing effects as the higher values for cards from each players rookie season, and the systematic scarcity of highernumbered cards compared with those appearing earlier in each annual series. We limited our analysis to the Topps brand for a reason. Rising prices for older cards ruined a kids game in the early 1990s by viewing baseball cards as collectors items certain to appreciate in value. New lines of cards sprang up to accommodate demand, charging higher prices to create

t h e baseball hall of fame

60 50 Sig/Price Correlation Average Price 40 30 20 10 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Year


0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Year

(a) Average prices of Topps baseball cards by year of issue.

(b) Correlation of baseball card prices with historical signicance

F I G U R E 6.7. Analysis of baseball card price data. There is high correlation for older, actively collected series.

articial scarcity. I (Charles) remember being quite swept up in this baseball card bubble. My 1994 Chipper Jones (1972 ) [21772], in some especially rare subseries now forgotten, peaked in the neighborhood of $80. Alas, this bubble quickly burst, and my cards are worth no more than a few dollars today. Our pricing model assumes a rational market with no such brand effects. Let the buyer beware. 6.7.2 A U T O G R A P H S Autograph collectors also put a price on the head (or hand) of historical gures. We hypothesize that the price such collectors are willing to pay depends upon the historical signicance of the person who signed it. Therefore, the correlation between autograph prices and our historical signicance measure provides another way to validate our ranking methodology. Several factors go into determining the value autograph collectors place on particular signatures. Supply and demand trumps everything. For example, Button Gwinnett (17351777) [7357], an otherwise forgotten signer of the Declaration, has commanded prices as high as $150,000 for his signature. Gwinnett managed to get himself killed in a duel less than a year after signing the Declaration, and left behind only 51 known signatures. This, coupled with the many collectors who covet a complete set of the Signers, has made his autograph one of the most valuable in America.


q uantitative history

Still, we believe that prices generally reect the historical signicance of the signer. To test this, we used data from Sanders Autograph Price Guide [Saffro, 2009], the most authoritative collectors reference. We entered the price of the rst recognizable name on each page of this book, in order to create a reasonably unbiased sample. We built a simple linear regression model to predict (logged) autograph prices as a function of two variables: historical signicance and the number of years since birth. The correlation between our predictions and the (logged) real prices was 0.56, much better than either signicance (0.44) or birth year (-0.47) acting alone. Figure 6.8 demonstrates the correlation between predicted and actual prices, and identies outliers. Those above the line are priced higher than our model predicts, including several whose short lives (e.g., John Wilkes Booth (18381865) [451], Edgar Allan Poe (18091849) [54], and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) [24]) precluded leaving a sufcient paper trail for future generations. Our model overvalues contemporary lm/TV stars (Oprah Winfrey (1954 ) [1844] and Chow Yun-fat (1955 ) [7694]) and politicians (Dick Cheney (1941 ) [1059]) who are all regularly asked to sign autographs by their admirers, so supply is plentiful.

4.5 4 Actual ($ log10) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1

Ivan the Terrible Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart John Wilkes Booth Edgar Allan Poe George Washington James A. Garfield Oliver Oromwell Pushkin Alexander William Penn Hirohito Adolf Hitler Ernest Hemingway Isabella I of Castile Pablo Picasso Napoleon Andrew Johnson Enzo Ferrari Otto von Bismarck Henry Knox Elizabeth Taylor Joseph Stllwell Warren E. Burger Chow Yun-fat Oprah Winfrey Chen Ning Yang Daniel Webster



Model Prediction ($ log10)

F I G U R E 6.8. Autograph prices correlate well (0.56) with our models predicted prices. People whose prices are higher (above the line) or lower (below) than the model predicts.

t h e baseball hall of fame


At the low end, our model values the autograph of the least signicant person in Wikipedia at only $4.07. By contrast, we project that Jesuss (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1] autograph would sell for $5,780,960 were one were to be found, which may well be a low-ball estimate. However, there arent enough data points of ancient autographs to provide a good idea of how to t that end of the scale.
Notes [James, 1995] is the best general study on the history and selection process of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Recent popular books on these subjects include [Chafets, 2009; McConnell, 2010]. Academic studies of baseball Hall of Fame voting patterns include [Desser et al., 1999; Findlay and Reid, 2002, 1997; Jewell et al., 2002]. Studies on baseball card prices include [Findlay and Santos, 2012; Matheson and Baade, 2003; Mullin and Dunn, 2002]. Price models for paintings and autographs are explored in [Collins et al., 2006; Renneboog and Spaenjers, 2012].

Historical Timescales

I (Steve) recently turned the big 5-0, a lifetime long enough to measure up against historical time scales in a nontrivial way. The grand old game of baseballs American League was founded in 1901, exactly sixty years and two days prior to my own founding. We have shared almost half of its history together. I recall the United States Bicentennial in 1976, amazed that our country was really 200 years old. Now I have personally witnessed more than 20 percent of American history since the Declaration of Independence. The Jewish calendar marks this year as 5774, meaning that my life will soon cover 1 percent of the span since the worlds biblical creation. Young readers may smirk, but if you are lucky someday this will happen to you. Time is the basic organization of history, measured across many scales: the calendar year, the human lifespan, and the historical age. But the ow of time seems deceptively slow moving, and most of it occurred off of our watch. We need calendars, timelines, and other tools to chart the course of history, and help us understand it better. In this chapter, we will analyze historical gures across different scales of time: ranging from the days of the year to vast historical epochs.

7.1 Lifespan Analysis

All men (and women) are created equal, in that they have but one life dedicated to the pursuit of happiness and achievement. But lifespans are not equal, differing greatly in length and the period in which they are lived. There are several revealing ways to look at history by lifespan.

h i storical timescales


7.1.1 L I F E S P A N D E M O G R A P H I C S Demographically, we can consider how the lifespans of signicant people match up to the population at large. The exact amount of time we will get on earth remains unknown to us until our dying day, yet statistical analysis provides an idea of what we should feel entitled to. Accurate demographic records go back only to the nineteenth century, but we can compute a longer life expectancy time series by analyzing the people in Wikipedia. Figure 7.1 integrates two sources of data on lifespan: demographic data on adult life expectancy in the United States since 1850 [Infoplease, 2007], and the median lifespans of all the people in Wikipedia, as a function of the year they died. Life expectancy has grown continually since the fteenth century, at least among the elite represented in Wikipedia. Around 1900, lifespans sharply increased a development attributable to modern medical knowledge, economic growth, and the improvements in nutrition and hygiene that go along with them. This increase in lifespan has been an egalitarian affair, as shown by the associated demographic data. From 1850 until 1920, the people who are in Wikipedia lived longer than the typical American by up to ve years (in the median). This is partially a result of selection bias: people appearing in Wikipedia had to live long-enough lives to accomplish something noteworthy. But class issues are also at work: people in a


Median Age at Death


Wikipedia Adult Life Expectancy (U.S. White Men) Adult Life Expectancy (U.S. White Women)




40 1400







Year of Death

F I G U R E 7.1.

Median lifespan of gures in Wikipedia compared to U.S. adult life



q uantitative history

position to receive advancement opportunities were also likely to have been in a position to receive adequate food and shelter. But this gap has disappeared over the past century. The lifespan of recent Wikipedia elites now sits squarely between that of the average white American man and woman. Why? Most advantages of modern technology quickly trickle down to the general population. The wealthy could not independently fend off the effects of plague or pillaging bands of thugs: such risks must be broadly eliminated in the population before anyone can reap their own advantage [Pinker, 2011]. We would expect a longer life to allow one more time for accomplishment. Thus, the historical signicance of people should increase with their age, presuming that they use this extra time to polish their resume for posterity. We compared the average signicance of people by lifespan for two cohorts: those who died before 1900 and those who have died since. The signicance distribution of the pre-1900 cohort proved surprisingly at with respect to age at death. People used to become independent adults at much younger ages. A childhood like that of Thomas Edison (18471931) [40], out of school selling newspapers on the railroad from the age of 12, seems unimaginable today. The shorter lifespans of this era did not encourage the notion of working ones way up the ranks. Long periods of training and apprenticeship did not exist. Walter Reed (18511902) [4249] received his medical degree from the University of Virginia at age eighteen, testimony that even the best educational programs in law and medicine ran only one to two years during the nineteenth century. Traditional paths to glory have no age requirement. Once you have outlived your predecessor, lifespan has no impact on success in achieving hereditary ofce. The last emperor of China, Puyi (19061967) [3006], became Wikipedia-worthy the instant he ascended to the throne at the age of two. The short average lifespans of past centuries exhibited much greater variance than today, with prominent people far more likely to be suddenly struck down by infectious disease or armed conict. Many had distressingly little time to enjoy their achievements. Taken, for example, the case of the Indian guide Sacagawea (17881812) [1070], who died from fever at age twenty-ve, just six years after her service to Lewis and Clark.

h i storical timescales


We live in a different world. Historical signicance now generally increases with lifespan. The biggest jump occurs between the ages of 30 to 35. Before 30, the main opportunities for fame are limited to elds like sports and entertainment. But the entire world of achievement is open by age 35. You can even become president. The peak of many careers comes relatively early: as F. Scott Fitzgerald (18961940) [747] said, there are no second acts in American lives. 7.1.2 D O M I N A T I N G L I F E S P A N S We have only limited control on the lengths of our lives, measured by what we make of the time allotted to us. Figure 7.2 highlights the most signicant individuals of every possible lifespan from 17 to 106 years. There are several interesting things to observe here:
The greatest of the great accomplished their missions during relatively short lifespans. Muhammad (570632) [3] was the longest lived of the ve most signicant gures in history, and he only reached 62. Of our top 20 historical gures, only ten of them made it past 60. Several started young, and hence managed amazingly eventful lives. Henry VIII (14911547) [11] died at 55, yet reigned for 38 years and ran through six wives. Napoleon (17691821) [2] took just 51 years to become emperor of France, conquer most of Europe, suffer defeat and exile, then be restored to emperor and repeat the cycle of conquer, defeat, and exile. Others associated with long periods of activity did not have particularly lengthy lifespans by contemporary standards. Queen Victoria (1819 1901) [16] reigned as queen for more than 63 years. Her popular historical persona is that of a stern, aged woman, yet she only lived age to 81. Victoria went into seclusion on becoming a widow at age 42, which probably contributed to her appearing older than she actually was. Thomas Jefferson (17431826) [10] is famous for dying 50 years to the day after the signing of his Declaration of Independence, yet he only made it to 83. Two pairs of quickly slain assassins and their presidential victims dominate their respective lifespans: both Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5] and John Wilkes Booth (18381865) [451], and John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] and Lee Harvey Oswald (19391963) [1435]. An arguable third pair is Charles I (16001649) [39] and Oliver Cromwell


q uantitative history

Life 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Person Lady Jane Grey Tutankhamun Joan of Arc variste Galois Billy the Kid Pocahontas Saint George Sacagawea John Keats John Wilkes Booth Jimi Hendrix Caligula Percy B. Shelley Akhenaten Franz Schubert Richard III Jesus Jesse James Wolfgang A. Mozart Anne Boleyn Vincent van Gogh Louis XVI Joseph Smith Edgar Allan Poe Richard I Elvis Presley Edward II Mary Cnut the Great John F. Kennedy Attila Charles I Thomas Aquinas James Cook Napoleon William Shakespeare P . I. Tchaikovsky Charles II Henry VIII Abraham Lincoln Socrates Charles Dickens Oliver Cromwell Theodore Roosevelt Benito Mussolini

Dates (15371554) (13411323 B.C.) (14121431) (18111832) (18591881) (15951617) (280303) (17881812) (17951821) (18381865) (19421970) (A.D. 12A.D. 41) (17921822) (13791349 B.C.) (17971828) (14521485) (B.C. 7A.D. 30) (18471882) (17561791) (15001536) (18531890) (17541793) (18051844) (18091849) (11571199) (19351977) (12841327) (15421587) (9901035) (19171963) (406453) (16001649) (12251274) (17281779) (17691821) (15641616) (18401893) (16301685) (14911547) (18091865) (469399 B.C.) (18121870) (15991658) (18581919) (18831945)

Sig. 675 255 95 2262 761 428 260 1070 305 451 338 210 329 388 198 344 1 413 24 154 73 83 55 54 120 69 375 127 355 71 193 39 90 60 2 4 63 78 11 5 68 33 50 23 101

Life 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Person Muhammad Ulysses S. Grant Karl Marx Genghis Khan J. Rousseau George Washington Edward I Elizabeth I Carl Linnaeus Charlemagne John Locke Charles Darwin Joseph Stalin Augustine of Hippo Albert Einstein Augustus Mohandas K. Gandhi Immanuel Kant Plato Queen Victoria J. W. von Goethe Thomas Jefferson Isaac Newton James Madison Nikola Tesla Giuseppe Verdi Michelangelo Ramesses II Winston Churchill Thomas Hobbes John Dewey Ronald Reagan George Bernard Shaw W. E. B. Du Bois Katharine Hepburn John D. Rockefeller Georgia OKeeffe Mimar Sinan Bob Hope E. Bowes-Lyon Amos Alonzo Stagg Edward Bernays Rose Kennedy Anthony the Great Soong May-ling

Dates (570632) (18221885) (18181883) (11621227) (17121778) (17321799) (12391307) (15331603) (17071778) (742814) (16321704) (18091882) (18781953) (354430) (18791955) (B.C. 63A.D. 14) (18691948) (17241804) (427347 B.C.) (18191901) (17491832) (17431826) (16431727) (17511836) (18561943) (18131901) (14751564) (13021213 B.C.) (18741965) (15881679) (18591952) (19112004) (18561950) (18681963) (19072003) (18391937) (18871986) (14891588) (19032003) (19002002) (18621965) (18911995) (18901995) (251356) (18972003)

Sig. 3 28 14 38 80 6 155 13 31 22 100 12 18 72 19 30 46 59 25 16 88 10 21 51 93 228 86 293 37 167 417 32 213 545 1396 172 1178 1706 1098 832 3839 7664 7394 1066 7688

F I G U R E 7.2.

Most signicant individuals by age at death

(15991658) [50], who signed Charless death warrant. Guy Fawkes (15701606) [392] achieved his notoriety by attempting to kill James I (15661625) [41].

h i storical timescales


The ranks of lives fully lived before 40 include several artists who died tragically young: romantic poets John Keats (17951821) [305], Percy Bysshe Shelley (17921822) [329], and Edgar Allan Poe (18091849) [54], classical composers Franz Schubert (17971828) [198] and Frdric Chopin (18101849) [195], and painter Vincent van Gogh (18531890) [73]. A surprise in this category is mathematician variste Galois (18111832) [2262], who purportedly wrote his manuscript outlining the foundations of group theory the night before dying in a duel at the age of 20. There are other paths open to achieving great fame with a short lifetime. Notorious outlaws here include Billy the Kid (18591881) [1411] and Jesse James (18471882) [413]. Like guitarist Jimi Hendrix (19421970) [338] and pharaoh Tutankhamun (13411323 B.C.) [255], they lived fast, died young, and left a good-looking corpse.

Women appear most prominently at extreme lifespans: the very oldest and the very youngest. Survival effects are clearly at work at the senior end of the spectrum. Women outlive men, and the effects become more apparent the longer you wait. On July 1, 2005, the U.S. Census ofcially counted only 14,013 male centenarians (those over 100) against 56,091 women. Something different seems to happen among historical women fated to die young. A distressing percentage of them were executed for marital (Anne Boleyn (15001536) [154], Marie Antoinette (17551793) [125]) or political reasons: Joan of Arc (14121431) [95], Lady Jane Grey (15371554) [675], Mary (15421587) [127]. Clearly martyrdom is part of their historical appeal, but one cannot escape thinking that gender factored into why they lost their heads in the rst place.

7.1.3 E X T R E M E L I F E S P A N S Particularly fascinating are the historical gures at the very extremes of lifespan, either tragically short or unimaginably long. The most signicant gures at each end are presented in Figure 7.3. The shortest life in Wikipedia belongs to John I (13161316) [9137], who reigned as king during his entire ve days of existence. His experience is shared by several others here: born into royalty but fated to die achingly

Extreme Young Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Person John I James William IX Simon of Trent Albert Kamehameha Allegra Byron Margaret Guru Har Krishan Emperor B. of Song R. of Shrewsbury Louis XVII Hamnet Shakespeare Edward V Agnes of Rome Emmett Till Edward VI Edward the Martyr

q uantitative history

Extreme Old Dates Sig. 9137 33580 16333 19734 34087 16011 4531 14975 11191 5950 1907 6572 2204 3409 4597 206 4475 Age 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Person George Abbott Gorgias Boris Yemov Allauddin Khan Harry Patch Thomas Peters Henry Allingham Alivardi Khan Edna Parker Ermanaric M. Meilleur Hsu Yun Ramanuja K. of Glendalough Thomas Gilbert Jeanne Calment Hava Rexha Dates (18871995) (483375 B.C.) (18992008) (18621972) (18982009) (17451857) (18962009) (16411756) (18932008) (260376) (18801998) (18401959) (10171137) (498618) (17521873) (18751997) (18802003) Sig. 13250 3704 25254 12357 10998 38303 7454 23607 18179 14378 49862 16439 1363 8379 350556 3329 248650

(13161316) (15071508) (11531156) (14721475) (18581862) (18171822) (12831290) (16561664) (12711279) (14731483) (17851795) (15851596) (14701483) (291304) (19411955) (15371553) (962978)

F I G U R E 7.3.

Most signicant individuals by age at death: lives extremely short and

extremely long

young, often at the hands of an ambitious relative. Others were young children of prominent writers: Allegra Byron (18171822) [16011] and Hamnet Shakespeare (15851596) [6572], both with enigmatic relationships with their famous fathers. Martyrdom is a major theme here. Christian martyrs include St. Agnes of Rome (291304) [3409] and Simon of Trent (14721475) [19734], whose death provoked a blood libel against the Jews and was on the calendar of Saints until removed in 1965. Emmett Till (19411955) [4597] became a martyr for the American Civil Rights movement: an African American boy murdered for irting with a white woman. Several young royals ll historical roles as martyrs, such as Emperor Bing of Song (12711279) [11191] who bravely accepted death instead of surrender. The extreme old are famous more for the length of their lives than its content, a trait they share with Methuselah [3767], who the Bible says lived 969 years, during which his only mission was to be begat and then beget others. The longest veried lifespan belongs to Jeanne Calment (18751997) [3329], who at 90 sold her Paris apartment to a speculator, in exchange for a stream of monthly payments until her death. The speculator died

h i storical timescales


thirty years later, out $180,000 and still sans the apartment. Wikipedia contains several people whose long, unveried lifespans are at least partially because of the paucity of accurate birth records. Wikipedias extreme old fall into two categories: those who died recently, and much older gures whose lifespans are essentially legendary. Nine of the 17 people in the old side of Figure 7.3 have died since 1995, while four others date to ancient or medieval times.

7.2 Birth Date Effects

The discipline of astrology rests on the belief that the date and place of ones birth has important consequences on lifes course, through the inuence of celestial objects. We are skeptical of the proposed mechanism, but agree that the specics of birth date and birthplace can have lifelong inuence. Birthplace often determines national citizenship, and we feel safe in asserting that the fates of millions of people have been profoundly shaped by which side of the border they happened to be born on. But birth date seems a much more arbitrary phenomenon. Everybodys birthday gets celebrated once per year. In the long run, can it really matter if someone is born today as opposed to a few days earlier or later? We can analyze the Wikipedia population and nd out. Figure 7.4 presents frequency by birth date in three roughly equal-length eras: those born in 19001940, 19401980, and 19802010, who we will call the Greatest Generation, the Baby Boomers, and the Hipsters, respectively. The frequency distribution by birth date is noticeably different for each group. For the Greatest Generation, it was basically uniform, with no time of the year proving either particularly fertile or barren. Things look somewhat different in the postWorld War II era, with a clear baby bump emerging in September/October. During the last 30 years the distribution has changed again, with a strong trend emerging that Wikipedia hipsters have birthdays in the early part of the year. What could cause such changes in the natural rhythm of life? 7.2.1 D E M O G R A P H I C T R E N D S A N D A D V A N T A G E S O F B I R T H Explaining these effects requires decoupling two distinct phenomena: (1) that birth frequencies are not uniform across the calendar year, and (2) the

450 # of People Born on Date 400 350 300 250 Jan

q uantitative history

# of People Born (19001940)






Jul Aug Birth Date






(a) 19001940
# of People Born on Date 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Birth Date Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan # of People Born (19401980)

(b) 19401980
400 # of People Born on Date 350 300 250 200 150 Jan # of People Born (19802010)






Jul Aug Birth Date






(c) 19802010

The number of Wikipedia people born on each day of the calendar year, during the beginning (top), middle (center), and end (bottom) of the twentieth century. A September birth bulge emerges after World War II. Recent people with early-year birthdays are strongly overrepresented in Wikipedia.
F I G U R E 7.4.

future prospects for any newborn are at least partially dependent on their date of birth. Birth date frequencies in a population depend upon two factors: the rate at which babies are made and the dates on which they are delivered. Not much could be done to affect either of these until quite recently, which resulted in

h i storical timescales


a uniform distribution of birthdays. But technological improvements have given parents and society greater control. On the production front, effective birth control is now widely available, enabling parents to decide when they want to have children. Juniors date of arrival has also become subject to manipulation, with an increasing percentage of births either induced or Caesarian deliveries. As a result, fewer kids are born on weekends and holidays, because people (particularly doctors) seek to avoid procedures on these dates. There is also evidence that people time deliveries to minimize taxes [Dickert-Conlin and Chandra, 1999], since the dependent child deduction applies only to those born before the end of the tax year. September is ofcially the month with the highest frequency of births in the United States [CDC, 2012], with September 16 reported as the single most popular birthday of the year [Times, 2006]. This peak follows the Christmas/New Years Holiday season by nine months, which presumably explains the September bulge in Figure 7.4b. But why didnt this trend begin until after 1940? We speculate that this is the result of the widespread distribution of condoms during World War II, which introduced effective family planning throughout the general population. But birthstatistics cannotexplainthebiggestcuriosityhere.Whyhavepeople with early-year birthdays become so strongly overrepresented in Wikipedia since 1980? One hypothesis might be that since January births in any given year are (by denition) older than that of December births, a few months more effort might substantially increase the odds of qualifying for Wikipedia before you turn 30. However, this idea can safely be rejected, because the birth data show an annual cycle: more Wikipedia hipsters were born in January/February of year 198x than November/December of 198x - 1. We conclude that the specic birth dates of this younger cohort actually play a part in their chances for future success. Arbitrary calendar dates are often granted special status by tradition or statute. Particularly critical is the cutoff date for admission to kindergarten. Each state sets a xed calendar date (typically September 1) such that ve-year-olds with birthdays before the cutoff go to kindergarten, while the rest get to stay home another year. There is a general belief that children born just after the cutoff have a signicant advantage in school. They will be the strongest and most mature members of their kindergarten class, leading to academic success

1.2 Median Significance 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 Jan Feb Mar

q uantitative history



Jun Jul Aug Birth Date






F I G U R E 7.5. Median signicance of Wikipedia people born since 1980, by birth date. Those born in the later half of the year appear to be a more accomplished cohort.

and greater self-condence. In principle, this should also contribute to the postSeptember 1 Wikipedia bulge. Another clue appears in Figure 7.5. It plots the median signicance of this cohort by birthday, and shows that those born in the second half of the year are noticeably more signicant than their more frequent earlyyear brethren. Thus, the surplus of early-year people must consist of a more historically marginal set of characters. The factors relating birth date to increased success must be concentrated in highly specic elds of expertise. It has been observed that early-year births are strikingly overrepresented in sports such as hockey and soccer [Gladwell, 2008; Musch and Grondin, 2001]. These sports are characterized by active youth leagues, which stratify players by birth year. Thus, the January children are almost a full year bigger and stronger than the December kids, advantages that lead to greater athletic success. The stars of the six-year-old leagues get better coaching and more playing time, advantages that accrue to a better chance of stardom in the seven-year-old league and beyond: even after all players have reached their ultimate size. The hipster cohort consists of people who reached Wikipedia prior to their thirtieth birthday. Sports is a domain unique in the extent to which it favors youth over experience. Very few professional hockey players are destined to enter Wikipedia after they turn 30. We believe the birthday distribution of this hipster cohort in Wikipedia will even out over time, once succeeding waves of authors, businesspeople, politicians, and centenarians stake their claims to fame and start to outrun the athletes.

h i storical timescales


7.2.2 B I R T H D A Y G R E E T I N G S A N D D E A T H N O T I C E S Each of us shares our birthday with approximately (1/365)th of the human race. It is nice to know which important people celebrate along with you. Indeed, news outlets often broadcast Happy Birthday greetings to celebrities each day, more for our sake than theirs. For fun, we computed the most signicant people born on each date of the year, and placed the full tables in the Appendix, Section B.2. Take a peek to nd the historical gure born under your star. Steve is proud to share his birth date with Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43], while Charles has something nice in common with Bill Gates (1955 ) [904]. Similar statistics can be computed with respect to death date instead of birth date. Figure 7.6 plots the frequency of Wikipedia mortality by death date, revealing a strong seasonal effect. People are much more likely to die in winter than summer, an effect attributable to the greater prevalence of infectious disease in the colder months of the year. The trend here remains unchanged when restricted to recent (post-1960) deaths, showing the limitations of modern antibiotics and the advantages of retiring to Florida. We have constructed tables of the most signicant historical gures by death date, which also appear in Section B.2. Perhaps signicantly, Charles I (16001649) [39] was beheaded on Steves birthday. The most signicant person to die on our Charless birthday was John Locke (16321704) [100]. You can check out who died on yours in Figures B.3B.4. Particularly poignant is the thought of dying on your birthday. The most prominent people to pull this off include the Italian painter Raphael

# of Deaths (19002010)

550 # of Deaths 500 450 400 Jan





Jul Aug Jun Death Date






F I G U R E 7.6. The number of Wikipedia people who died on each day of the calendar year, since 1900. Winter is the hardest season.


q uantitative history

(14831520) [140] and William Shakespeare (15641616) [4], although there is evidence that Shakespeares traditional birth date was in fact an eighteenth-century scholars mistake. John Harrison (16931776) [1400], the clockmaker whose invention of the chronograph provided the rst way to accurately measure longitude during long sea voyages, was also punctual enough to die on his birth date. Assuming a uniform distribution, we would expect one out of 365 people to have their lights go out when they blew out their candles, consistent with the people appearing in Wikipedia. But the relationship between death date and birth date is not quite uniform, either. An analysis of more than 2.7 million death certicates showed that mortality changes right around birthdays [Phillips et al., 1992]. For men, mortality peaks right before their birthday, while women tend to hang on until just after their birthday. Wikipedia offers us a dataset of about 200,000 people with complete birth and death records to test this against. We see elevated mortality on the actual birth date for both men and women. Further, both genders appear to survive beyond their birth date in greater than expected numbers, somewhat at odds with these ndings.

7.3 Ancient History

The earliest historical gure for whom Wikipedia has a precise date of death is Khasekhemwy ( ? 2686 B.C.) [8062], the nal king of Egypts second dynasty. Indeed, the 24 earliest dated gures in Wikipedia are all Egyptian pharaohs. The most notable of them was Khufu ( ? 2566 B.C.) [1119], builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The earliest gure for whom we know both birth and death dates is Mentuhotep II (20612010 B.C.) [12382], from the eleventh dynasty. This was fully two thousand years before Cleopatra VII ( ? 30 B.C.) [144], the last pharaoh of Egypt, demonstrating the incredible resilience of this ancient civilization. Beyond the pharaohs, the earliest important gures on our historical stage include the Akkadian king Sargon of Akkad [1203], the rst king of Chinas Shang dynasty Tang of Shang (16751646 B.C.) [9832], and the Babylonian lawgiver Hammurabi (17961750 B.C.) [899]. The historical record is very sparse for the period before 800 B.C.E., and it is difcult to separate real gures from mythology. Our standard is

h i storical timescales


that Wikipedia has reported birth or death dates, which eliminates gures like Moses [203] and Abraham [382]. With the exception of Hammurabi (17961750 B.C.) [899], the most signicant of these pre-Ancient gures are either biblical or Egyptian pharaohs.
Pre-800 B.C.E. Figures Sig 57 255 388 500 580 888 899 1046 1119 1331 Person David Tutankhamun Akhenaten Hatshepsut Joshua Thutmose III Hammurabi Nefertiti Khufu Amenhotep III Dates (1040970 B.C.) (13411323 B.C.) (13791349 B.C.) ( ? 1458 B.C.) (15501390 B.C.) ( ? 1425 B.C.) (17961750 B.C.) (13701330 B.C.) ( ? 2566 B.C.) ( ? 1353 B.C.) C/G Description Biblical king of Israel (Jerusalem) Egyptian pharaoh (King Tut) Pharaoh of Egypt (monotheistic reformer) Female pharaoh of Egypt Figure in the Torah (Book of Joshua) Pharaoh of Egypt (stepchild of Hatshepsut) King of Babylon (Hammurabis Code) Wife of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten Pharaoh of Egypt (pyramid) Egyptian pharaoh (Father of Akhenaten)

The three pharaohs rated as most signicant are a fascinating bunch. The contemporary fame of Tutankhamun (13411323 B.C.) [255] rests on the brevity and insignicance of his reign, which enabled his tomb to be forgotten and discovered in modern times. Akhenaten (13791349 B.C.) [388] was a failed religious reformer lost from history until the nineteenth century. He only became meaningful in light of the ultimate triumph of monotheism 1,600 years after his death, when the Romans accepted Christianity. Hatshepsut ( ? 1458 B.C.) [500] is renowned today as the most successful female Egyptian ruler, another distinction that only became of interest in contemporary times. All this serves to remind us of history as a metaphor. Our connections with ancient Egyptian civilization are too distant, both temporally and culturally, for us to readily interpret events in the context of their times. Instead, we have built our own Egyptian mythology, by interpreting the material remnants of their culture in the context of our own. 7.3.1 B I R T H - D E A T H P L O T S Timelines of historic events help put into perspective when things took place, and more important, the relative ordering of different occurrences.


q uantitative history

Who came rst, William Shakespeare or Isaac Newton, or were they contemporaries?1 To represent the chronology of a given age, we have developed a form of timeline we call a birth-death plot, Death Birth which we will use extensively for the rest Lycurgus of Sparta [3350] 800 B.C.E. Shalmaneser IV [83636] of this chapter. Birth-death plots help us make sense Luli [165091] Emperor Jimmu [3765] 700 B.C.E. of the ow of time by identifying the Archilochus [5370] Phraortes [36245] single most signicant person born in a Jeremiah [819] Nebuchadnezzar II [633] Anaximander [1898] xed interval: say every 20 years. For each 600 B.C.E. Mahavira [1129] Gautama Buddha [52] person, we provide both their birth and Confucius [134] Aeschylus [386] death years on the timeline. The slope Anaxagoras [2006] 500 B.C.E. Herodotus [123] Socrates [68] of the life/line between these dates proAristophanes [418] Plato [25] vides a visual representation of lifespan: Laozi [512] 400 B.C.E. Aristotle [8] the closer to vertical the line is, the longer Ptolemy I Soter [1100] Alexander the Great [9] their life was. Crossing lines means the Zeno of Citium [3062] Ashoka [231] 300 B.C.E. Archimedes [146] earlier gure died prematurely, relative to Eratosthenes [537] Hannibal [187] his/her neighbor. Scipio Africanus [995] Polybius [923] 200 B.C.E. The timeline of ancient history shows Hipparchus [818] Tiberius Gracchus [2702] Gaius Marius [692] the ow of gures beginning around 800 Lucius C. Sulla [383] B.C.E. and ending shortly after the fall of Julius Caesar [15] 100 B.C.E. Mark Antony [209] Augustus [30] the Roman Empire. Tiberius [272] Philo [1607] Before about 500 B.C.E., many repreJesus [1] 0 B.C.E. sentative gures are near eastern or far Nero [656] Plutarch [258] Hadrian [214] eastern, including the founders of three Ptolemy [103] 100 C.E. Justin Martyr [3070] eastern philosophies: Mahavira (599527 Galen [324] Septimius Severus [662] Commodus [892] B.C.) [1129] (Jainism), Gautama BudOrigen [617] 200 C.E. Plotinus [1047] dha (563483 B.C.) [52], and Confucius Porphyry [2095] Diocletian [181] (551479 B.C.) [134]. Several are kings of Constantine the G. [67] Saint George [260] 300 C.E. ancient middle-eastern empires, such as Martin of Tours [1086] Julian the Apostate [508] Shalmaneser IV (783773 B.C.) [83636], Augustine of Hippo [72] Cyril of Alexandria [1693] Saint Patrick [197] or Phraortes (665633 B.C.) [36245] of 400 C.E. Attila [193] Odoacer [1778] the Median Empire. This may be the Theodoric the Great [1414] Clovis I [666] largest empire youve never heard of, Justinian I [145] 500 C.E. Belisarius [1071] which once stretched over 2,000 miles from modern-day Pakistan to Turkey.
1 William Shakespeare (15641616) [4] preceded Isaac Newton (16431727) [21] by roughly

80 years.

h i storical timescales


It is the Greeks who dominate our picture after 500 B.C.E, and they are of a decidedly different avor. Except for Alexander the Great (356323 B.C.) [9] and his general, Ptolemy I Soter (367283 B.C.) [1100], the kings, generals, and religious gures of the pre-Greek world were historically outanked by philosophers (Socrates (469399 B.C.) [68] and Plato (427347 B.C.) [25]), historians (Herodotus (484425 B.C.) [123] and Polybius (203 120 B.C.) [923]), and playwrights (Aristophanes (446386 B.C.) [418] and Aeschylus (525456 B.C.) [386]). Intellectual gures dominate the historical mindshare here, more than any subsequent era. Continuing down the timeline, we see the Greek cultural revolution eclipsed by the rising Roman Republic. The Romans dened themselves largely through conict, with the great historical gures standing in opposition. Both sides of the Second Punic War are represented: Carthaginian Hannibal (248182 B.C.) [187] versus Roman Scipio Africanus [995]. Same goes for the Roman civil war, between rival factions led by Gaius Marius (15786 B.C.) [692] and Lucius Cornelius Sulla (13878 B.C.) [383]. The nal conict, of Augustus (63 B.C.A.D. 14) [30] versus Mark Antony (83 B.C. 30 B.C.) [209], sounded the death knell of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire. The next few centuries are dominated by Roman emperors. There is a good reason why Edward Gibbon (17371794) [573] entitled his famous history The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It was indeed all downhill after Augustus. Figure 7.7 plots the historical signicance of Roman emperors as a function of time. The trend is clear: an almost straight-line decay in greatness with a brief resurgence after Christianity took hold. These emperors are interspersed with a few Greek-Roman cultural gures (the alliterative Plutarch (A.D. 45120) [258], Ptolemy (A.D. 90168) [103], Plotinus (204270) [1047], and Porphyry (234305) [2095]). The undercurrent of Christianity begins to overtake the Roman Empire. Martyrs and saints start to overwhelm the emperors: Saint George (280303) [260], Augustine of Hippo (354430) [72], and Saint Patrick (390460) [197]. Finally, we see the people who pushed the Roman Empire toward its nal demise, a series of distinctly different names like Attila (406453) [193] (of the Huns), Theodoric the Great (454526) [1414] (of the Ostrogoths), and nally Odoacer (435493) [1778], the rst barbarian king

6.5 6 5.5 5 Significance 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 100 0 Caligula Nero Augustus

q uantitative history

Constantine the Great Marcus Aurelius

Theodosius I Septimius Severus Caracalla Maximian Aurelian Valens Domitian Valentinian III Gallienus Julius Nepos Claudius Gothicus Macrinus Avitus Nerva Constans Olybrius Carinus Vitellius Aemilianus Glycerius Quintillus Hostilian 100 200 Year 300 400 500 600

F I G U R E 7.7.

Important gures during the height of the Roman Republic/Empire

of Italy. As the Dark Ages descend on Western Europe, Emperor Justinian I (483565) [145] and his general Belisarius (500565) [1071] of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire make failed attempts to retake Italy, signaling the end of the Roman era in Europe.

7.4 The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages timeline shows a battle between two religions. Early Christian gures Columba (521597) [1052] and Pope Gregory I (540 604) [394] begin our timeline, but Christianity is soon drowned out by the emergence of Islam by the seventh century. Muhammad (570632) [3] and his relatives (stepson Ali (598661) [89] and daughter Fatimah (614 633) [686]) rapidly change the face of the Middle East, spreading Islam through modern Spain into Europe. The Muslim tide stops rising only in 732, at the hands of Charles Martel (686741) [509]. He was the founder of the Carolingian dynasty credited with establishing the concepts of feudalism and knighthood. Later Carolingians Pepin the Short (714768) [831] and Charlemagne (742814) [22] unied much of Western Europe, establishing a shared Christian/European identity that stretched across France, Germany, and Italy. It would stand in direct opposition to Islam through Crusades for several centuries. Charlemagnes pan-European empire fragmented, beginning under his son Louis the Pious (778840) [827]. We now begin to see the rise of

h i storical timescales


England starting at thelstan (895 939) [1865] and William the ConBelisarius [1071] 500 C.E. queror (10271087) [70]. Five more Columba [1052] Pope Gregory I [394] English kings make our timeline Muhammad [3] before we exit the Middle Ages. Ali [89] 600 C.E. The Crusaders of the eleventh to Fatimah [686] Wilfrid [1195] thirteenth centuries go largely unrepCdmon [2793] Bede [308] resented in our timeline, with the Charles Martel [509] 700 C.E. notable exception of Saladin (1138 Pepin the Short [831] Alcuin [1565] 1193) [138], the key Muslim gCharlemagne [22] ure in the eventual Christian defeats. Louis the Pious [827] Adi Shankara [502] Although the Muslim world saw mili800 C.E. Photios I [1573] S. C. a. Methodius [505] tary success against Christian Europe, Alfred the Great [267] it experienced repeated failures against Al-Farabi [745] thelstan [1865] Genghis Khan (11621227) [38] and 900 C.E. Otto I [762] his descendants, two of whom make Ferdowsi [1287] Hugh Capet [1232] our timeline: Kublai Khan (1215 Alhazen [2415] Avicenna [190] 1294) [346] and Timur (13361405) 1000 C.E. Solomon [164] [290]. The most famous person of William the C. [70] Rashi [658] every epoch tends to track the domHenry I [438] inant civilization, but the dominant B. of Clairvaux [1073] 1100 C.E. Thomas Becket [264] civilization has not always been westSaladin [138] ern. Following the Mongol destrucRichard I [120] John [136] tion of much of the Muslim world, it Francis of Assisi [275] 1200 C.E. again disappears from our view until Kublai Khan [346] Thomas Aquinas [90] the rise of the Ottoman (Turkish) Marco Polo [147] Dante Alighieri [96] Empire. Edward II [375] 1300 C.E. The major cultural gures also Edward III [243] Timur [290] alternate between East and West. Geoffrey Chaucer [173] Richard II [527] European poetry, philosophy, and Johannes Gutenberg [328] 1400 C.E. music seem inextricably linked to reliSkanderbeg [516] Mehmed II [496] gion, and the burgeoning monastic system. Indeed, all of our early scholars are monks: Cdmon (657680) [2793], Bede (672735) [308], Alcuin (735804) [1565]. These cultural gures are drowned out by kings and
Birth Death


q uantitative history

saints until the great Muslim scholars of the tenth and eleventh centuries: Al-Farabi (870950) [745], Ferdowsi (9401020) [1287], Alhazen (9651040) [2415], and Avicenna (9801037) [190]. By the thirteenth century, gures of exploration and learning dominate Western Europe: Marco Polo (12541324) [147], Dante Alighieri (1265 1321) [96], Geoffrey Chaucer (13431400) [173], and Johannes Gutenberg (13981468) [328]. The reemergence of western exploration and scholarship, combined with that of a failing Byzantine Empire in the east, would soon trigger the Renaissance and the beginning of our modern world.

7.5 The Modern Era

Figure 7.8 shows the dominant historical gures from the Renaissance until today, a period marked by increasingly dramatic changes in society, religion, government, science, and industry. Women nally have prominent enough roles to justify separating our timelines by gender. The Renaissance changed how we conceive of our universe: Christopher Columbus (14511506) [20] discovered a New World while Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) [74] was removing the old one from the center of the solar system. Martin Luther (14831546) [17] initiated the fragmentation of the Roman Catholic faith, the aftermath of which can be traced through several later gures. Henry VIII (14911547) [11] brought the Protestant reformation to England, while Charles V (15001558) [84] staunchly fought it on the continent.2 Later, Philip II (15271598) [87] sent the ill-fated Spanish Armada against Elizabeth I (15331603) [13], a conict directly attributable to this European religious schism. Political philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes (15881679) [167], Voltaire (16941778) [64], and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (17121778) [80] ushered in the political ideals that would shape the revolutions in both America and France. Charles I (16001649) [39] lost his head to Oliver Cromwell (15991658) [50] in the short-lived British deposition of the
2 Henry VIII left a large personal wake in history through the female side. Our timeline recalls

two of his six wives, Anne Boleyn (15001536) [154] and Catherine Howard (15211542) [1120], his two daughters Mary I (15161558) [126] and Elizabeth I (15331603) [13], his mistress Mary Boleyn (14991543) [1911], and even his nanny Margaret Bryan (1468 ? ) [25072].

h i storical timescales
C. Columbus [20] N. Machiavelli [168] Nicolaus Copernicus [74] Martin Luther [17] Henry VIII [11] Charles V [84] John Knox [425] Philip II [87] Edward VI [206] Francis Drake [150] Henry IV [238] William Shakespeare [4] Johannes Kepler [156] Thomas Hobbes [167] Oliver Cromwell [50] Charles I [39] Aurangzeb [332] Blaise Pascal [157] Louis XIV [26] Isaac Newton [21] William III [143] George I [289] Peter the Great [107] Johann S. Bach [48] Voltaire [64] Benjamin Franklin [35] J. Rousseau [80] Immanuel Kant [59] George Washington [6] Thomas Jefferson [10] Wolfgang A. Mozart [24] Napoleon [2] Ludwig v. Beethoven [27] Lord Byron [158] Franz Schubert [198] Abraham Lincoln [5] Karl Marx [14] Ulysses S. Grant [28] Mark Twain [53] Thomas Edison [40] Theodore Roosevelt [23] Mohandas K. Gandhi [46] Joseph Stalin [18] Adolf Hitler [7] D. D. Eisenhower [110] Lyndon B. Johnson [184] Ronald Reagan [32] Pope John Paul II [91] Elvis Presley [69] George W. Bush [36] Michael Jackson [180] Michael Jordan [1115] Akon [3800] Roger Federer [743] Justin Bieber [8633]

Birth 1450 C.E. Death

Death 1450 C.E.

Anne Neville [6296] Margaret Bryan [25072] Angela Merici [14843] Margaret Tudor [1789] Mary Boleyn [1911] Anne Boleyn [154] Mary I [126] Catherine Howard [1120] Elizabeth I [13]

1550 C.E.

Bianca Cappello [22367] Lavinia Fontana [34316] Elizabeth Bthory [1703] Beatrice Cenci [15087] Virginia Dare [5433] Anne Hutchinson [894] Jeanne Mance [10219] Anne Bradstreet [3583] Rebecca Nurse [13439] Anne Hyde [7316] Maria S. Merian [11077] Nell Gwyn [3317] Anne [256] Catherine Barton [30733] Abigail Williams [4918] Mary Read [10143] Anne Bonny [5581] Sarah Fielding [12980] Mercy Otis Warren [2863] Martha Washington [1065] Abigail Adams [821] Marie Antoinette [125] Gia Long [2146] Jane Austen [139] Elizabeth Fry [3789] Lucretia Mott [2208] E. B. Browning [1265] Harriet B. Stowe [449] F. Nightingale [270] Helena Blavatsky [970]

1550 C.E.

1650 C.E.

1650 C.E.

1750 C.E.

1750 C.E.

1850 C.E.

A. of Denmark [878] Ida M. Tarbell [2489] Marie Curie [667] Gertrude Stein [1131] Eleanor Roosevelt [517] Agatha Christie [708] Katharine Hepburn [1396] Indira Gandhi [811] Elizabeth II [132]

1850 C.E.

1950 C.E.

???? ?

Tina Turner [1189] Hillary R. Clinton [575] Madonna [121] Janet Jackson [559] Mariah Carey [636] Britney Spears [689] Selena Gomez [5365] Willow Smith [46410]

1950 C.E.

? ??? ?????

F I G U R E 7.8.

Timeline of recent history, separated into men (left) and women (right).

monarchy. American revolutionary gures are well represented, including George Washington (17321799) [6], Thomas Jefferson (17431826) [10], and Benjamin Franklin (17061790) [35]. A century later, political philosophy returns to the fore with Karl Marx (18181883) [14]. By the seventeenth century, women begin to make waves as something other than royalty. We encounter women as painters (Lavinia Fontana


q uantitative history

(15521614) [34316]), religious leaders (Anne Hutchinson (15911643) [894]), writers (Anne Bradstreet (16121672) [3583]), and scientists (Maria Sibylla Merian (16471717) [11077]). Many of these were early American settlers, suggesting that opportunities for women grew more rapidly in the New World than the old. Culture ourishes from the seventeenth to nineteenth-century. We see the great classical composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750) [48], Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) [24], Ludwig van Beethoven (17701827) [27], and Franz Schubert (17971828) [198]. Writers are better represented on the female side, including Jane Austen (17751817) [139] and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (18061861) [1265]. Social reformers from both sides of the Atlantic, Elizabeth Fry (17801845) [3789] and Lucretia Mott (17931880) [2208], represent the increasing role of women in the social change of the nineteenth century. The dramatic developments of twentieth-century science and industry are represented by Marie Curie (18671934) [667] and Thomas Edison (18471931) [40]. But political gures largely dominate the scene. Adolf Hitler (18891945) [7] and Joseph Stalin (18781953) [18] stand in contrast to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (18691948) [46]. The rising power of America in the postwar world is reected with three U.S. presidents as our most signicant memes of their time. Modern cultural gures are revealed as the twentieth century rolls into the twenty-rst. New categories of people appear, from movie actors (Katharine Hepburn (19072003) [1396]) to sports stars (Michael Jordan (1963 ) [1115]). Popular music emerges as the strongest cultural force of all, from Elvis Presley (19351977) [69] to Madonna (1958 ) [121].

7.5.1 T H E T W E N T I E T H C E N T U R Y The past century has been so eventful that the world of 1900 is difcult to imagine today. The automobile did not exist as a consumer item; Ford Motors would not be founded until 1903. Radio communications were still an experimental medium, with broadcasting at best a distant dream. Cinema was in its very infancy, with running times of commercial lms measured not in minutes but in seconds.

h i storical timescales


By contrast, all of the important elements of the modern world were in place by 1950. Certainly technology has continued to improve, and clothing styles have continued to change, but it is a world we would understand if we were magically transported there. The years between 1900 and 1950 are when our modern world appeared. We have prepared a detailed timeline showing the single most signicant birth and death for each year of the past century. Reading through it gives a distinct perspective on how the world developed. The births column illustrates which people were contemporaries, and the juxtapositions can be jarring:
Nazi Heinrich Himmler (19001945) [671] and animator Walt Disney (19011966) [337]. Authors George Orwell (19031950) [342], Dr. Seuss (19041991) [893], and Ayn Rand (19051982) [486]. Pope Benedict XVI (1927 ) [361] and Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara (19281967) [457]. Terrorist Osama bin Laden (19572011) [765] and the entertainer Madonna (1958 ) [121].

The clusters of related gures one sees when scanning prominent births illustrates how the times help make the man. Four U.S. presidents were born between 1908 and 1917, a direct consequence of World War II. All four served with distinction, at a time when an admirable war record was a prerequisite to achieving elective ofce. The same men, born ten years earlier or later, would have been either too old or too young for combat. Similarly, you pretty much had to be born during World War II in order to grow up into an early 1960s rock star. Too much younger and you didnt get the chance to be a pioneer. Too much older and you wouldnt get the sound. John Lennon (19401980) [162], Bob Dylan (1941 ) [130], and Jimi Hendrix (19421970) [338] were all contemporaries. So far our most prominent people born between 1965 and 1999 are all entertainers and athletes. No doubt the U.S. presidents and others from 2024 to 2060 will come to supplant many of them, but for now they remain the pride of their class. The cohort since 2000 are dominated by royalty. There are very few ways to achieve prominence before age ten, unless it is handed to you at birth. A special case are the Suleman octuplets [15710], the product of an exceptional though nonroyal birth.


q uantitative history

The most prominent person to die in each given year is generally a higher gravitas gure than the representative born at that time. The juxtapositions of contemporaries can be evocative, because certain people live long past the time during which their reputation was established:
Western gunslinger Wyatt Earp (18481929) [858] and twentieth century President William Howard Taft (18571930) [153]. Mao Zedong (18931976) [151] and Elvis Presley (19351977) [69]. Experimental musician Frank Zappa (19401993) [1532] and repressed President Richard Nixon (19131994) [82]. Actress Marilyn Monroe (19261962) [347] preceded her purported lover John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] in their premature deaths.

The full tables of the most prominent births and deaths of the past century appear in Figures 7.9, 7.10, and 7.11.

7.6 The Historical Representation of Women

Far fewer women appear in news and historical texts than men. Our top 100 people (Figures 1.1 and 1.2) included just three women: Elizabeth I (15331603) [13], Queen Victoria (18191901) [16], and Joan of Arc (14121431) [95]. Indeed, only a hundred or so women rank among the 2,000 most signicant people in history. A quarter of these make the list as royalty, because prior to the nineteenth century, the most reliable way for a woman to achieve success was to be born well and/or marry well. The modern female gures in this stratosphere comprise a more diverse group: with writers, actresses, musicians, and civil rights gures making up the bulk of the top 100 women in history. To better understand these gender effects, we used data from the U.S. Census (2000) to identify the most common 1,219 male and 4,275 female rst names. Together, these account for about 90 percent of each gender in the U.S. population.3 By using rst name as a crude sex classier, we can measure the relative frequency of mentions of women in the historical record. Only about 10 percent of all Wikipedia people born between 1700 and 1850 were
3 To minimize confusion, we eliminated gender-ambiguous names such as Ashley and Dylan,

those whose dominant gender ratio in census data is less than 9:1. These gender-ambiguous names make up less than 5 percent of our dataset.

h i storical timescales


Interval 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949

Births Heinrich Himmler Walt Disney John Steinbeck George Orwell Dr. Seuss Ayn Rand Leonid Brezhnev John Wayne Lyndon B. Johnson Barry Goldwater Mother Teresa Ronald Reagan Milton Friedman Richard Nixon W. S. Burroughs Frank Sinatra Gough Whitlam John F. Kennedy Nelson Mandela Jackie Robinson Pope John Paul II Prince Philip Judy Garland Henry Kissinger George H. W. Bush Margaret Thatcher Elizabeth II Pope Benedict XVI Che Guevara Martin Luther King Sean Connery Mikhail Gorbachev Johnny Cash Yoko Ono Charles Manson Elvis Presley John McCain Saddam Hussein Jerry Brown Tina Turner John Lennon Bob Dylan Jimi Hendrix John Kerry Jimmy Page Bob Marley George W. Bush Stephen King Al Gore Meryl Streep

Sig. 671 337 576 342 893 486 1162 459 184 1535 820 32 700 82 1561 357 1114 71 356 841 91 909 1031 864 363 271 132 361 457 221 1077 637 900 1437 1307 69 803 444 2444 1189 162 130 338 487 2167 966 36 191 623 1490


Deaths Friedrich Nietzsche Queen Victoria Cecil Rhodes Pope Leo XIII Anton Chekhov Jules Verne Paul Czanne William Thomson Grover Cleveland Leopold II Mark Twain Gustav Mahler Bram Stoker J. P . Morgan Charles S. Peirce B. T. Washington Franz Joseph I Edgar Degas Claude Debussy Theodore Roosevelt Max Weber Camille Saint-Sans Alexander G. Bell Warren G. Harding Woodrow Wilson Sun Yat-sen Claude Monet Isadora Duncan Thomas Hardy Karl Benz William Howard Taft Thomas Edison John Philip Sousa Calvin Coolidge Edward Elgar Oliver W. Holmes George V John D. Rockefeller Mustafa K. Atatrk Sigmund Freud Leon Trotsky Wilhelm II Franz Boas Nikola Tesla Wassily Kandinsky Adolf Hitler H. G. Wells Henry Ford Mohandas K. Gandhi Richard Strauss

Sig. 42 16 706 424 523 229 389 450 98 727 53 364 651 322 225 525 398 422 380 23 350 842 106 242 47 592 178 1734 378 840 153 40 922 370 445 885 235 172 360 44 278 200 1053 93 618 7 249 148 46 586


F I G U R E 7.9.

Top gures born and dying (19001949)


q uantitative history

Interval 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Births Stevie Wonder Gordon Brown Vladimir Putin Tony Blair John Travolta Bill Gates Mel Gibson Osama bin Laden Madonna Stephen Harper Diego Maradona Barack Obama Tom Cruise Michael Jordan Sarah Palin Dr. Dre Janet Jackson Kurt Cobain Celine Dion Jay-Z Mariah Carey Tupac Shakur Eminem Edge Robbie Williams David Beckham Ronaldo Kanye West Kobe Bryant Pink Christina Aguilera Britney Spears Kelly Clarkson Carrie Underwood LeBron James Cristiano Ronaldo Rafael Nadal Hilary Duff Rihanna Chris Brown Emma Watson Jamie Lynn Spears Miley Cyrus Miranda Cosgrove Dakota Fanning Luke Benward Abigail Breslin Alex Wolff Jaden Smith T. D. Jakes

Sig. 1952 1398 1014 548 1692 904 1536 765 121 1498 1264 111 1823 1115 773 1895 559 1359 2023 1367 636 938 823 2603 2038 1462 2128 1494 1645 1922 1205 689 1640 2505 1954 1669 1946 1626 1185 4183 9272 11915 2009 10939 7510 63271 25027 52025 28426 36901


Deaths George Bernard Shaw Ludwig Wittgenstein John Dewey Joseph Stalin Henri Matisse Albert Einstein Bertolt Brecht Joseph McCarthy Pope Pius XII Frank Lloyd Wright Albert Camus Ernest Hemingway Marilyn Monroe John F. Kennedy Herbert Hoover Winston Churchill Walt Disney Che Guevara Martin Luther King D. D. Eisenhower Bertrand Russell Igor Stravinsky Harry S. Truman Pablo Picasso Duke Ellington Francisco Franco Mao Zedong Elvis Presley Pope Paul VI John Wayne John Lennon Bob Marley Ayn Rand Tennessee Williams Indira Gandhi Orson Welles Jorge Luis Borges Andy Warhol Richard Feynman Ruhollah Khomeini Roald Dahl Freddie Mercury Isaac Asimov Anthony Burgess Richard Nixon Harold Wilson Tupac Shakur Mother Teresa Frank Sinatra Wilt Chamberlain

Sig. 213 493 417 18 376 19 933 553 294 245 1623 248 347 71 183 37 337 457 221 110 253 368 94 171 495 291 151 69 869 459 162 966 486 1213 811 729 989 485 1225 676 1177 863 916 1430 82 1337 938 820 357 1786


F I G U R E 7.10.

Top gures born and dying (19501999)

h i storical timescales


Interval 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010







Noah Cyrus 42407 Princess Elisabeth of Belgium 68561 Prince Felix of Denmark 94431 John Cassian 21483 Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway 74255 Prince Christian of Denmark 74247 Prince Hisahito of Akishino 41250 James 62562 Joe Haines 191742 Prince Henrik of Denmark 161203 Lorenzo Fertitta 99953

Pierre Trudeau 870 George Harrison 657 Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon 832 Johnny Cash 900 Ronald Reagan 32 Pope John Paul II 91 Gerald Ford 230 Boris Yeltsin 1913 Arthur C. Clarke 1522 Michael Jackson 180 Robert Byrd 1710

F I G U R E 7.11.

Top gures born and dying (20002010)

women. This ratio increased slowly, reaching about 20 percent of those born in 1975. That proves to be an inection point in gender balance, and today about 40 percent of the youngest Wikipedia cohort are now female. We can think of two possible explanations for the dearth of women in the historical record. The rst revolves around the fact that they, as a group, were simply not in a position to contribute to the important events of their times to the same extent as men. Womens activities outside home and family have been sharply restricted for almost all of human history. They are absent from Wikipedia because they did not accumulate sufcient public accomplishments to make them encyclopedia-worthy. The alternate hypothesis dictates that the achievements of women have been systematically ignored by the historical record. Men wrote the rough draft of history, and continue to control access today. A recent study suggests that less than 13 percent of Wikipedia contributors are women [Cohen, 2011]. Might this gender-biased contributor base impose a gender bias in the content of Wikipedia itself? Our historical signicance rankings provide a way to measure the strength of this bias hypothesis. The gures appearing in Wikipedia, by denition, represent people of outsized accomplishment, those at the very tail of human achievement. Roughly one out of every 100,000 human lives ever lived have been enshrined in Wikipedia, which means there must be vast numbers of almost equally qualied people of both genders left on the outside looking in.

1 0.8 Significance score 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1700

q uantitative history

Avg. Male Significance Avg. Female Significance


1800 1850 Birth Year



F I G U R E 7.12. The average signicance score of men and women grouped by birth year, from 1700 to date. Until very recently, women needed to be much more signicant than their male counterparts to enter the historical record.

The key to identifying which people are missing lies in analyzing who lives in Wikipedia today. If the average female gure in Wikipedia is more signicant than the average male, it would imply that there must exist a substantial reserve of absent women worthy of their own articles, or equivalently a small army of insignicant men who could be dispensed with to improve editorial standards. This is exactly what we see in our data. Figure 7.12 plots the average signicance score of men and women born over the past 300 years. It shows a wide chasm: the women are indeed noticeably stronger than the men over most of this period. Comparing men and women of the eighteenth century, this gap works out to a quarter of a standard deviation in size. To put it another way, this difference is equivalent to requiring the average woman in Wikipedia to be roughly 4 IQ points smarter than the average man. Fortunately, this gap between the genders has been shrinking, and has effectively disappeared for modern gures. This can be seen very clearly when we compare the distribution of signicance scores for men and women from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, shown in Figure 7.13. Examining these distributions, we can clearly see that nineteenth-century women were held to a signicantly higher standard to merit inclusion in

h i storical timescales
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.1 0 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.1 0 6 4 2 0 2 4 6

20th Century Women 20th Century Men

19th Century Women 19th Century Men

F I G U R E 7.13. Signicance histograms of Wikipedia-level men and women in the nineteenth (left) and twentieth (right) centuries. The nineteenth-century women achieved substantially higher signicance than their male counterparts, a handicap that has dissipated over the past century.

Wikipedia. The ranks of the less signicant women are severely depleted relative to their male counterparts. By comparison, the twentieth-century male and female distributions are very similar, although still slightly skewed to require stronger women than men.

part ii

Historical Rankings

American Political Figures

The rst part of this book established the general validity of our ranking methods, and used them to illustrate grand themes and processes of history: canonization in textbooks, evaluating the precision of selection processes, measuring the ow of time, and quantifying changes in the perception of gender. Now we will reduce our focus to the particular. We rank the signicance of the worlds historical gures in terms of the different niches they occupy: politicians, scientists, religious leaders, artists, actors, outlaws, and even dentists. It is instructive to see who rises to the top of each individual heap, both to refresh our memory on old historical friends and to make new ones. You have our blessing to skim through any group that you are not interested in, but sneak a peek at the ranking tables before you move on. One general question is how we decide which gures belong in a particular group. Dening exactly who is an actor, an outlaw, or a dentist turns out to be very difcult to do in a precise way. We used the following methodology. We would start from a roster assembled in some book or Wikipedia category, and then amend the lists based on general knowledge and our sense of the nature of the category. No doubt certain omissions remain, although we believe that we have captured most of the usual suspects. This chapter concerns Americas political leaders, from our presidents down to the mayors of our greatest cities. Besides naming names, we also explore themes like how much a presidents glory reects on those around him, and the degree to which the properties of individual states shape the historical prospects of their leaders.


h istorical rankings

8.1 Presidents of the United States

Figure 8.1 summarizes the fame and signicance of all presidents of the United States. Our decay procedures1 succeed in distinguishing between current and lasting renown: e.g., Jimmy Carter (1924 ) [462] ranks twelfth among all presidents in current fame, but sinks into the bottom three in long-term signicance. Longevity, as measured by either the number of elected terms or the years served in ofce, is the most important single factor in presidential reputation. There is a difference between these two measures, as nine presidents did not complete their terms because of death or resignation, leaving nine others with partial terms to ll. Of the ten most signicant presidents, eight served two complete terms. The exceptions were Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5], martyred early in his second term, and Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23], who served almost two complete terms after taking ofce in the wake of William McKinleys (18431901) [176] assassination. By comparison, none of the 16 least signicant presidents were elected to two terms. Among this less elite group, only Calvin Coolidge (1872 1933) [370] won re-election, having inherited ofce upon the death of Warren G. Harding (18651923) [242]. Our bottom two presidents (Millard Fillmore (18001874) [446] and Chester A. Arthur (18291886) [499]) succeeded to ofce and were never elected president in their own right. Presidential greatness is not exactly the same thing as historical signicance, since someone who makes a complete hash of things might be signicant without being great. A recent presidential ranking book, Where They Stand [Merry, 2012], trusts the opinion of the voters. He holds in highest esteem those elected to two full terms, who then left the ofce to a successor of their party. These include Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, FDR, and Reagan. Our methods rank all of these highly except James Monroe (17581831) [220], who presided during the single-party Era of Good Feelings. Other observations from our rankings:
Our signicance rankings are most strongly suspect for the most recent presidents. Certainly we rank George W. Bush (1946 ) [36] and Barack
1 Recall Section 2.4.

a m e r ican political figures


Sig 5 6 10 23 28 32 36 43 47 51 61 66 71 82 94 98 105 110 111 115 135 153 176 183 184 220 230 237 240 242 277 285 288 299 325 339 341 363 370 427 446 462 499

Fame 13 15 28 29 64 6 1 22 71 107 124 131 17 21 58 224 250 60 3 7 323 241 393 151 55 506 77 547 557 283 648 675 683 712 769 808 818 48 363 1037 1079 40 1267

Poll 1 3 4 5 37 17 34 2 6 13 12 8 11 32 7 19 41 8 14 20 18 22 20 29 14 14 26 42 10 43 24 29 38 35 25 33 36 22 31 40 38 27 28

Person Abraham Lincoln George Washington Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Ronald Reagan George W. Bush Franklin D. Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson James Madison John Adams Andrew Jackson John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon Harry S. Truman Grover Cleveland Andrew Johnson Dwight D. Eisenhower Barack Obama Bill Clinton John Quincy Adams William Howard Taft William McKinley Herbert Hoover Lyndon B. Johnson James Monroe Gerald Ford James Buchanan James K. Polk Warren G. Harding Martin Van Buren James A. Gareld William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor Rutherford B. Hayes Benjamin Harrison John Tyler George H. W. Bush Calvin Coolidge Franklin Pierce Millard Fillmore Jimmy Carter Chester A. Arthur

Dates (18091865) (17321799) (17431826) (18581919) (18221885) (19112004) (1946 ) (18821945) (18561924) (17511836) (17351826) (17671845) (19171963) (19131994) (18841972) (18371908) (18081875) (18901969) (1961 ) (1946 ) (17671848) (18571930) (18431901) (18741964) (19081973) (17581831) (19132006) (17911868) (17951849) (18651923) (17821862) (18311881) (17731841) (17841850) (18221893) (18331901) (17901862) (1924 ) (18721933) (18041869) (18001874) (1924 ) (18291886)


Description 16th president (U.S. Civil War) 1st president (American Revolution) 3rd president (Decl. of Independence) 26th president (Progressive Movement) 18th president and Civil War general 40th president (Conservative Revolution) 43rd president (Iraq War) 32nd president (New Deal, WW II) 28th president (World War I) 4th president (War of 1812) Founding Father and 2nd president 7th president ("Old Hickory") 35th president (Cuban Missile Crisis) 37th president (Watergate) 33rd president (Korean War) 22nd and 24th president 17th president (Reconstruction) 34th president and WWII general 44th and current president 42nd president (Lewinsky scandal) 6th president (Monroe Doctrine) 27th president ("Dollar Diplomacy") 25th president (Spanish-American War) 31th president (Great Depression) 36th president ("Great Society") 5th president (Panic of 1819) 38th president (Cold War) 15th president (Secession) 11th president (Mexican-American War) 29th president (Teapot Dome affair) 8th president (Panic of 1837) 20th president (Civil service reform) 9th president (Shortest presidency) 12th president (Compromise of 1850) 19th president (End of Reconstruction) 23rd president (McKinley Tariff) 10th president (Annexation of Texas) 41st president (Gulf War) 30th president ("Roaring Twenties") 14th president (1853-1857) 13th president (Fugitive Slave Act) 39th president (Iranian hostage crisis) 21st president (Chinese Exclusion Act)

F I G U R E 8.1. U.S. presidents ranked by historical signicance and fame, with consensus historical poll ranks


h istorical rankings

Obama (1961 ) [111] higher than their historical record currently supports. Their presidencies will require another generation to cool before we can make more objective evaluations of them. That Ronald Reagans (19112004) [32] signicance exceeds his successors Bill Clinton (1946 ) [115] and George H. W. Bush (1924 ) [363] makes a strong case for him as the most inuential recent president. John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71] is the most signicant president who never completed a full term in ofce. It has been 50 years since his assassination: that he still outranks several of his successors suggests that this reputation will endure. Ngrams analysis of the previously martyred president (William McKinley (18431901) [176]) shows that interest in him decayed more quickly and substantially than has proven the case with Kennedy. The relatively modest signicance of Dwight D. Eisenhower (18901969) [110] remains somewhat of a puzzle. Like Ulysses S. Grant (18221885) [28], he was an important general and served two complete terms. Unlike Grant, he proved a successful president whose stature seems to be rising over time.

8.1.1 H I S T O R I C A L P O L L S Ranking the greatness of U.S. presidents has long been a cottage industry for historians. Perhaps best known are the historian polls conducted by Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. (18881965) [27072] in 1948 and 1962. These have been repeated on a fairly regular basis including one by his son Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. (19172007) [6365] in 1996. These polls are generally highly correlated with each other, except for recent administrations. It takes about 20 years of distance for a genuine historical consensus to emerge. We compare our signicance ranking of U.S. presidents to a consensus ranking derived from a collection of 17 historian/journalist polls taken from 1948 to 2011, which are presented as a column in Figure 8.1. There is very good agreement between how we rank the presidents and how the historians do, but the differences are telling. We see Ulysses S. Grant (18221885) [28] as more signicant than his presidential poll rank indicates, because he was a great general but a lousy president. A high signicance rating reects historical renown, be it for good or evil. The Watergate scandal increased

a m e r ican political figures


Richard Nixons (19131994) [82] signicance, just as surely as it lowered his rating in historians eyes. Similarly, Andrew Johnson (18081875) [105] and James Buchanan (17911868) [237] were weak presidents anking the Civil War, and hence assume importance more from their times than their abilities. 8.1.2 T I M E T R E N D S I N T H E P R E S I D E N C Y The times help make the man, or at least his reputation. A president becomes great when he serves effectively in times of crisis. That September 11, Hurricane Katrina, and the nancial crisis all occurred on George W. Bushs (1946 ) [36] watch suggests that his term in ofce will receive greater historical attention than Bill Clintons (1946 ) [115], independent of their individual merits as leaders. Figure 8.2, which plots the historical signicance of presidents by the time they served, illustrates the concept that the times help make the man. Several trends are evident. Most notable is the steep, almost uninterrupted decline in the power of the presidency from the ratication of the Constitution until the Civil War. This is partially an artifact: the rst four presidents played major roles in the founding of the republic, and much of their reputation accrued prior to their presidencies. But it also reects the weakness of the ofce at that point in history, relative to other branches of government. It is telling that the only two congressional leaders whose signicance
7 George Washington 6.5 Thomas Jefferson Theodore Roosevelt Significance 6 John Adams 5.5 Woodrow Wilson Grover Cleveland James K. Polk 5 Martin Van Buren Franklin Pierce 4.5 1750 Calvin Coolidge Jimmy Carter Richard Nixon Barack Obama Gerald Ford William Howard Taft Ronald Reagan Franklin D. Roosevelt



1900 Year




F I G U R E 8.2.

Signicance of U.S. presidents as a function of time of ofce, smoothed


h istorical rankings

approaches that of presidents (Henry Clay (17771852) [252] and Daniel Webster (17821852) [453]) served during this period. Peaks in the signicance of the presidency rise during periods of national crisis: the Civil War, the Progressive Era through World War I, and the Depression through World War II. The canonical leaders here were Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5], Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23], and Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43] respectively. Finally, we see a steady rise in the signicance of the presidency over the past 50 years. We posit that this may be a reection of Wikipedia-era biases more than a fundamental surge in the clout of recent presidents.

8.1.3 P R E S I D E N T I A L R E F E R E N C E S Google Ngrams enables us to monitor how much each president is discussed in the books of their day, and beyond. Presidents are generally prominent people prior to their election, establishing some preliminary presence in the literature. We would therefore expect interest to soar during their term and the immediate aftermath, before decaying according to our previously established model. Thus, a rugplot of all the presidents should lie like a nest of snakes, the heads resting around their term of ofce. But at the risk of carrying this metaphor too far, some presidents are bigger snakes than others. Figure 8.3 presents presidential reference trends over the nineteenth century, from 1800 to 1900. George Washington (17321799) [6] proves the dominant gure, accounting for almost half of all presidential references through 1840. Of course, the rst president should achieve such mindshare during the early years of the republic, because he had no peers to compete against. That he has retained such a hold on the imagination for so long is a tribute to the strength of the Washington legend. Only the martyrdom of Abraham Lincoln (1809 1865) [5] carved out a permanent chunk of Washingtons mindshare. These two remain unchallenged as our most popular and signicant presidents. The snake that rears an unexpectedly large head is Zachary Taylor (1784 1850) [299]. Although his battles with the Seminole Indians in 1837 attracted attention, he became a popular hero as a military leader during the

a m e r ican political figures



James Monroe

Benjamin Harrison Rutherford B . Hayes Martin Van Buren James K. Polk James Buchanan John Tyler Grover Cleveland Ulysses S. Grant

John Adams

James Madison


Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln John Quency Adams Zachary Taylor George Washington


William Henry Harrison Andrew Jackson

Chester A . Arthur William McKinley

0 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890

F I G U R E 8.3.

Reference trends for nineteenth-century U.S. presidents

Mexican War. The Ngrams data help capture the magnitude and velocity of his rise. He was still serving as commanding ofcer as late as November 1847, just one year before he was elected president. But his term was brief; he died just 16 months into ofce. Figure 8.4 documents the presidential reference trends of the twentieth century. We see evidence of a faster and stronger news cycle, with even minor presidents holding a visible part of the total mindshare during their term of ofce. Four presidents loom disproportionately large. Woodrow Wilson (1856 1924) [47] was the rst president whose Ngram frequency challenged Lincoln, a reection that World War I was the dominant historical event following the Civil War. Dwight D. Eisenhowers (18901969) [110] Ngram presence has always been greater than his glamorous successor, John F. Kennedy (19171963) [71]: a tribute to his Allied leadership in World War II and the length of his administration. The Republican yin-yang of Richard Nixon (19131994) [82] and Ronald Reagan (19112004) [32] sits together like a bolus over the last half of the century. 8.1.4 F I R S T L A D I E S A N D S E C O N D M E N Every president of the United States to date has been intimately bound with one man and one woman: his vice president and rst lady respectively.


h istorical rankings





F I G U R E 8.4.





Reference trends for U.S. Presidents, twentieth century

Veeps: The Vice Presidents The most prominent vice presidents were those who went on to become president. We ignore these in the following discussion. Many of the most signicant remaining veeps were political heavyweights with controversial reputations. Aaron Burr (17561836) [373] is notorious for his attempt to steal the presidency in 1800, and for duel in which he killed Alexander Hamilton (17551804) [45]. John C. Calhoun (17821850) [399] was the voice of states rights and nullication, particularly with respect to slavery. Others achieved their greatest prominence in their failed quests for the top spot, including Al Gore (1948 ) [623], John C. Breckinridge (18211875) [2071], and Hubert Humphrey (19111978) [2181]. The ofcial duties of the vice president are quite minimal: breaking ties in the Senate and being ready in case the president dies. FDRs rst veep, John Nance Garner (18681967) [4489], proclaimed the ofce as not worth a bucket of warm spit. But the three most recent vice presidents appear among our top 10, testimony to how the power of the ofce has grown in recent administrations. Several of our least signicant vice presidents (on right) have nonetheless left their mark on the American landscape. Fairbanks, Alaska was named

a m e r ican political figures


Most Signicant VPs Sig 373 399 623 1059 1460 1979 2071 2181 2243 2303 Person Aaron Burr John C. Calhoun Al Gore Dick Cheney George Clinton Nelson Rockefeller J. C. Breckinridge Hubert Humphrey Elbridge Gerry Richard M. Johnson Dates (17561836) (17821850) (1948 ) (1941 ) (17391812) (19081979) (18211875) (19111978) (17441814) (17801850) Sig 13421 11864 8860 8054 6536 6511 5963 5922 5690 5558

Least Signicant VPs Person William A. Wheeler James S. Sherman Garret Hobart C. W. Fairbanks George M. Dallas Levi P . Morton Charles G. Dawes Thomas A. Hendricks Alben W. Barkley Henry Wilson Dates (18191887) (18551912) (18441899) (18521918) (17921864) (18241920) (18651951) (18191885) (18771956) (18121875)

for Charles W. Fairbanks (18521918) [8054]. The source of the name for Dallas, Texas is obscure, but George M. Dallas (17921864) [6536] is the most prominent candidate.
The First Ladies Several of our most signicant rst ladies have achieved substantial accomplishments independent of their spouses. Eleanor Roosevelt (18841962) [517] helped found the United Nations, while Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947 ) [575] served her country as senator and secretary of state. Dolley Madison (17681849) [1700] rescued important government papers from a war-ravaged White House.
Most Signicant First Ladies Sig 517 575 821 1065 1188 1387 1700 2081 3428 4125 Person Eleanor Roosevelt Hillary R. Clinton Abigail Adams Martha Washington Mary Todd Lincoln J. K. Onassis Dolley Madison Nancy Reagan Laura Bush Barbara Bush Dates (18841962) (1947 ) (17441818) (17311802) (18181882) (19291994) (17681849) (1921 ) (1946 ) (1925 ) Sig 70913 44045 38152 31494 30647 30246 29812 28025 25625 24539 Least Signicant First Ladies Person Hannah Van Buren Ellen L. H. Arthur Margaret Taylor Anna Harrison Abigail Fillmore Helen Herron Taft Jane Pierce Grace Coolidge Sarah C. Polk Ida Saxton McKinley Dates (17831819) (18371880) (17881852) (17751864) (17981853) (18611943) (18061863) (18791957) (18031891) (18471907)

The two least signicant rst ladies, Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur (1837 1880) [44045] and Hannah Van Buren (17831819) [70913], died before their husbands became president 18 years before in the case of Van Buren.

5 4.5 4 Significance 3.5 3

h istorical rankings

Eleanor Roosevelt Hillary Rodham Clinton Abigail Adams Mary Todd Lincoln Dolley Madison Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Nancy Reagan Laura Bush Michelle Obama Betty Ford



Martha Jefferson Randolph Elizabeth Monroe Bess Truman Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston Harriet Lane Ellen Axson Wilson 2 Helen Herron Taft Margaret Taylor Hannah Van Buren

1 1750



1900 Year




F I G U R E 8.5.

Time trends in signicance of U.S. rst ladies

Vice presidents and rst ladies both live in the shadow of their president. How much presidential glory reects back to them? We correlated the signicance of presidents with their rst lady and vice president. The rst ladies show a very high correlation of 0.64, because relatively few have gone on to notable achievement following their husbands term of ofce. The vice presidents also show a positive correlation (0.35) with the power of their mentors. Those that succeed to the presidency themselves generally become as prominent as the president they served under. Indeed, the relationship becomes adversarial: the sooner a president dies, the longer term his successor has to achieve results. Figure 8.5 presents the time course of rst lady signicance over time. As previously established, this correlates strongly with presidential significance. But overlaid on that has been a strong trend toward increased signicance as the position of rst lady evolved following universal suffrage and the womens rights movement. First ladies began to establish independent careers and public causes to exploit their unique bully pulpit, following the model of Eleanor Roosevelt.

8.2 Congressmen
Congress is comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Being senator is considered to be a better job than being in the House:

a m e r ican political figures


2.5 2 1.5 Average Significance 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Senators Governors Representatives 1800 1850 1900 Term Start 1950 2000

F I G U R E 8.6. Signicance of all major government ofces since 1789. Senators are historically slightly more signicant than governors. Representatives have substantially increased their rankings since World War II

you have more job security (6 years vs. 2 years), represent more people (unless you live in one of seven states with only a single representative), and belong to the more exclusive group (100 senators vs. 435 representatives). Moreover, senators were originally appointed by state legislatures rather than popularly elected (until popular election of senators was standardized by the Seventeenth Amendment), reinforcing the notion that the Senate was a more elite club. Figure 8.6 plots the average signicance of senators, representatives, and governors as a function of the beginning of their term. Legislators generally achieve greater historical signicance in the Senate than the House, though that trend has narrowed in recent years. Garden-variety senators typically rank between 20,000 and 60,000 in signicance, while congressmen are scattered almost uniformly among the residents of Wikipedia; see Figure 8.7. In this section, we will identify the most signicant members of the legislative branch, both by body and location.

8.2.1 S E N A T O R S The Senate, it is said, is full of people who think they should be president, and indeed 13 U.S. senators have gone on to hold our highest ofce. Even

Governors 100 90 Percentage of entities 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

h istorical rankings






















F I G U R E 8.7. Cumulative distribution of signicance for major government ofces. Governors are a somewhat more signicant cohort than senators, while representatives appear uniformly scattered among the Wikipedia population

excluding these presidents, however, very few of the most signicant senators received their greatest renown as legislators, but instead as presidential candidates, vice presidents, and even presidents of other republics (Texas and the Confederacy). We reviewed the most signicant senators in our discussion of Bonnies textbook, back in Section 3.3.2, and limit discussion to a few others here. For almost 50 years, Ted Kennedy (19322009) [1229] was the great liberal champion of the Senate. His long tenure there permitted him to make substantial contributions to American life, enough so that he nosed out his martyred brother Robert F. Kennedy (19251968) [1355] in terms of historical signicance. Anti-slavery leader Charles Sumner (18111874) [1094] was nearly beaten to death on the oor of the Senate, requiring three years convalescence before returning to his seat. Figure 8.8 tabulates the most signicant senator from each state in the union. Despite the prestige of the ofce, we count only twenty or so people who are most signicant for their actual work in the Senate. The name of Arkansas J. William Fulbright (19051995) [9615] lives on through the almost 300,000 people who have participated in the Fulbright scholars program. Utah senator Reed Smoot (18621941) [11013] sponsored the infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff, widely credited with prolonging the Great Depression. Important Senate majority leaders include Nevadas Harry Reid







a m e r ican political figures


State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Person Hugo Black Ted Stevens John McCain J. William Fulbright Richard Nixon Gary Hart Roger Sherman Joe Biden Stephen Mallory William H. Crawford Daniel Inouye William Borah Barack Obama Benjamin Harrison Tom Harkin Bob Dole Henry Clay Huey Long James G. Blaine Charles Carroll of Carrollton Lewis Cass Hubert Humphrey Jefferson Davis Harry S. Truman William A. Clark George W. Norris Harry Reid Franklin Pierce Albert B. Fall Jesse Helms Kent Conrad Warren G. Harding Robert Latham Owen Mark Hateld James Buchanan Ambrose Burnside John C. Calhoun George McGovern Andrew Jackson Lyndon B. Johnson Reed Smoot Justin Smith Morrill James Monroe Henry M. Jackson Robert Byrd Joseph McCarthy Francis E. Warren

Term (19271937) (19682009) (1987 ) (19451974) (19501953) (19751983) (17911793) (19732009) (18511861) (18071813) (1963 ) (19071940) (20052008) (18811887) (1985 ) (19691996) (18101811) (19321935) (18761881) (17891792) (18491857) (19711978) (18471851) (19351945) (19011907) (19131937) (1987 ) (18371842) (19121921) (19732003) (1992 ) (19151921) (19071925) (19671997) (18341845) (18751881) (18311843) (19631981) (18231825) (19491961) (19031933) (18671898) (17901794) (19531983) (19592010) (19471957) (18901893)

Sig. 2465 6740 803 9615 82 11052 1029 2384 11859 3595 11254 7729 111 339 9730 2842 252 2697 1828 2437 2249 2181 188 94 9327 8906 5338 427 9718 3863 16379 242 6363 12824 237 1335 399 2958 66 184 11013 8352 220 11153 1710 553 31510

Founded 1819 1959 1912 1836 1850 1876 1788 1787 1845 1788 1959 1890 1818 1816 1846 1861 1792 1812 1820 1788 1837 1858 1817 1821 1889 1867 1864 1788 1912 1789 1889 1803 1907 1859 1787 1790 1788 1889 1796 1845 1896 1791 1788 1889 1863 1848 1890

Clout 1.3 1.9 2.5 1.3 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.0 1.8 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.8 1.1 0.7 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.1 1.6 1.3 2.3 1.8 1.7 1.2 2.4 0.9 1.0 1.8 0.8

Pop. (K) 4802 722 6482 2937 37691 5116 3580 907 19057 9815 1374 1584 12869 6516 3062 2871 4369 4574 1328 5828 9876 5344 2978 6010 998 1842 2723 1318 2082 9656 683 11544 3791 3871 12742 1051 4679 824 6403 25674 2817 626 8096 6830 1855 5711 568

F I G U R E 8.8.

Most signicant senators by state


h istorical rankings

(1939 ) [5338] and West Virginias Robert Byrd (19172010) [1710]. Many achieved much of their renown when they pursued some form of higher ofce, such as majority leader Lyndon B. Johnson (19081973) [184] and presidential candidate George McGovern (1922 ) [2958].
Does the State Make the Senator? Each state in the Union sends exactly two senators to Washington, and in principle, all senators have the same powers, independent of where they come from. Our signicance ranks provide a way to test such hypotheses. Figure 8.9a presents our results from analyzing the signicance and term length of all senators, representatives, and governors in American history,

16 Average Term Length 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1800 1850 1900 End of Term 1950 2000 Average Significance 14
Senators Governors Representatives

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1000 10000 State Population (Thousands)

Senators Governors Representatives

(a) Terms have been getting longer, more dramatically among congressmen than governors
3 Average Significance 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 10 30 20 Term Length 40 50
Senators Governors Representatives

(b) Bigger states tend to produce slightly more signicant senators but much more signicant governors
10 Average Term Length 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1000 10000 Population (Thousands)
Governors Senators Representatives

(c) Signicance for all ofceholders generally increases with length of tenure, although the term length of governors pales compared to that of congressmen

(d) The longest-serving senators tend to come from smaller states, the opposite of what is true for representatives

F I G U R E 8.9. Relationships among governmental ofce (senator, governor, representative), signicance, length of tenure, and size of state

a m e r ican political figures


as a function of state population and historical era. We uncover a variety of interesting trends on power, politics, and ofce. Longer tenure in ofce should create more signicant senators, as they accrue the advantages of seniority and have more time to accomplish things. Senate terms have indeed been getting longer with time. Figure 8.9a plots the term lengths for the cohort of senators retiring in each decade, with the average term growing progressively from only four years in 1800 to almost fteen years today. Term length has increased sharply since 1950, with seven of the eleven longest tenured senators in U.S. history ending their career after 2001. Increasing term length indeed results in greater historical signicance. Figure 8.9b charts the almost-linear increase in historical magnitude as a function of term length. The Senate seniority system provides more powerful committee assignments to longer-served senators, another advantage that turns longer terms into greater historical signicance. Figure 8.9c plots the signicance of a states senators as a function of its population. There is an extremely weak dependence here, granting the 576,412 residents of Wyoming (2010 U.S. Census) almost as powerful senators as the 37.2 million people in California. Term lengths favor senators from smaller states. Figure 8.9d shows that the average state population by Senate terms stays at for term lengths up to 25 years. But the longest-tenured senators tend to come from smaller states, where there is less competition. This trend proves counter to that of the House: representatives from populous states with larger delegations generally serve longer House terms. Here, the greater competition for higher state ofces dooms more Big State congressmen to terminal House careers. 8.2.2 R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S Being a congressman was once a reputable activity. Five members of the House have gone on to become president, and many others have moved on to join the Senate. Other famous people have achieved their highest elected ofce in the House, including three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan (18601925) [698], educator Horace Mann (17961859) [1193], and revolutionary war general Anthony Wayne (17451796) [1558].


h istorical rankings

But the most signicant congressmen generally served as Speaker of the House. The most famous speaker was Henry Clay (17771852) [252], although President James K. Polk (17951849) [240] used it as a stepping stone to the White House. The most powerful speaker was Joseph Gurney Cannon (18361926) [3515]: the revolt against him in 1911 stripped the ofce of much of its power to appoint committee heads. Among recent speakers, we rank Democrat Nancy Pelosi (1940 ) [2569] ahead of Republicans Newt Gingrich (1943 ) [5753] and John Boehner (1949 ) [8436]. Other prominent speakers include Tip ONeill (19121994) [10964] and Sam Rayburn (18821961) [6559]. Figure 8.10 presents the most signicant members of the House of Representatives by state. Many of these names should look familiar: fully 19 of them also appeared in Figure 8.8 as the most prominent senator from their state. This shows the important role the House plays as a stepping stone to higher ofce. A few representatives have interesting stories. Shirley Chisholm (1924 2005) [10180] became the rst black woman to make a serious run for the presidency in 1972. New Jerseys Elias Boudinot (17401821) [8630] has a tenuous claim on being the rst president of the United States: he served as president under the Articles of Confederation when the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution. As a representative, Justin Smith Morrill (18101898) [8352] sponsored the Morrill Act, the legislation that established federal funding for higher education through land grant colleges. The relationships among term length, population, and signicance developed in Figure 8.9 generally hold for representatives as they did for senators. Average term length grew sharply after the Civil War, once seniority became the decisive factor in selecting the chairmen of congressional committees [Polsby et al., 1969]. By 1950, the average House tenure exceeded that of the Senate, even though individual House terms last only two years versus six for the senior chamber. The number of representatives has essentially been xed at 435 since 1910, despite the increasing U.S. population. Since then the population per district has exploded from about 200,000 people to well over 700,000 today. This has increased the power and prestige of the ofce, also contributing to the greater attractiveness of longer tenures.

a m e r ican political figures


State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Person Joseph Wheeler Don Young John McCain J. William Fulbright Richard Nixon Ben Nighthorse Campbell Roger Sherman Louis McLane Stephen Mallory Anthony Wayne Daniel Inouye Larry Craig Abraham Lincoln James Wilson Tom Harkin Bob Dole Henry Clay Bobby Jindal Stephen Foster Daniel Carroll John F. Kennedy Gerald Ford Eugene McCarthy Jefferson Davis Sterling Price Jeannette Rankin William Jennings Bryan Harry Reid Franklin Pierce Elias Boudinot Bill Richardson Millard Fillmore William R. King Byron Dorgan James A. Gareld Tom Coburn Ron Wyden James Buchanan Nelson W. Aldrich John C. Calhoun George McGovern Andrew Jackson Lyndon B. Johnson George Sutherland Justin Smith Morrill James Madison Henry M. Jackson Robert Byrd Robert M. La Follette Dick Cheney

Term (18811900) (1973 ) (1987 ) (19451974) (19501953) (19932005) (17911793) (18271829) (18511861) (17911792) (1963 ) (19912009) (18471848) (18571860) (1985 ) (19691996) (18101811) (20052008) (18571860) (17891790) (19471952) (19491974) (19591971) (18471851) (18451846) (19171942) (18911894) (1987 ) (18371842) (17891794) (19831998) (18331842) (18481852) (19922001) (18631880) (2005 ) (1996 ) (18341845) (18811911) (18311843) (19631981) (18231825) (19491961) (19051917) (18671898) (17891796) (19531983) (19592010) (19251947) (19791990)

Sig. 6004 35123 803 9615 82 22686 1029 10042 11859 1558 11254 22491 5 1330 9730 2842 252 7953 1576 8640 71 230 6342 188 3426 7826 698 5338 427 8630 7463 446 4295 25947 285 16020 20580 237 4662 399 2958 66 184 15644 8352 51 11153 1710 1431 1059

Founded 1819 1959 1912 1836 1850 1876 1788 1787 1845 1788 1959 1890 1818 1816 1846 1861 1792 1812 1820 1788 1788 1837 1858 1817 1821 1889 1867 1864 1788 1787 1912 1788 1789 1889 1803 1907 1859 1787 1790 1788 1889 1796 1845 1896 1791 1788 1889 1863 1848 1890

Clout -0.5 0.4 0.6 -0.4 0.1 -0.4 -0.5 0.3 0.0 -0.0 1.2 0.0 -0.6 -0.6 -0.3 -0.8 -0.5 -0.0 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 -0.4 -0.0 -0.5 -0.8 -0.1 -0.2 -0.0 -0.4 -0.4 0.0 -0.4 -0.5 0.0 -0.7 -0.5 -0.0 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.0 -0.3 -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.0

Pop. (K) 4802 722 6482 2937 37691 5116 3580 907 19057 9815 1374 1584 12869 6516 3062 2871 4369 4574 1328 5828 6587 9876 5344 2978 6010 998 1842 2723 1318 8821 2082 19465 9656 683 11544 3791 3871 8821 1051 4679 824 6403 25674 2817 626 8096 6830 1855 5711 568

F I G U R E 8.10.

Most signicant representatives by state


h istorical rankings

8.3 Governors
Governors are the executive leaders of individual states. Being governor is like serving as the president of a small country, making it excellent preparation for higher ofce. Indeed, a typical modern governor ranks between 30,000 and 100,000 in historical signicance, putting them in the same league as the leader of smaller European nations. Figure 8.11 presents the most signicant governor by state. In general, the most signicant governors earned their greatest fame elsewhere: as a revolutionary patriot (Patrick Henry (17361799) [472]), military general (George B. McClellan (18261885) [554]), Supreme court justice (John Jay (17451829) [411]), or movie star (Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947 ) [959]). My (Charles) own home state of Alabama is ignominiously represented by George Wallace [2620], most famous for his Stand in the schoolhouse door against desegregation. It is surprising that few states had their greatest governors double as senators. The distinction here is between the executive branch of government and the legislative branch; ambitious gures would generally seek national ofce instead of a lateral shift between state ofces. The only name to appear in both tables is Gen. Ambrose Burnside (18241881) [1335] of Rhode Island, and he is more famous for his facial hair than either his government or military service. Strom Thurmond (19022003) [1856] served as both governor and senator of South Carolina, but was outranked as senator by John C. Calhoun (17821850) [399]. A particular curiosity here is Joshua Chamberlain (18281914) [2234], a Bowdoin College professor and four-time governor of Maine who was the last Civil War soldier to die of his wounds, almost 50 years after suffering them.
Governors by Power The longest gubernatorial term in U.S. history is only 16 consecutive years, less than half that of the longest senatorial term. Why is there such a difference between these ofces? To some extent, it reects the difference between the legislative and executive branches of government. The buck stops at the governor, making him responsible for controversial decisions affecting local

a m e r ican political figures


State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Person George Wallace Sarah Palin Janet Napolitano Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan Bill Ritter Samuel Huntington George Read Jeb Bush Jimmy Carter Linda Lingle Frank Steunenberg Adlai Stevenson Thomas R. Marshall Samuel J. Kirkwood Alf Landon John J. Crittenden Huey Long Joshua Chamberlain Spiro Agnew Calvin Coolidge Frank Murphy Jesse Ventura Adelbert Ames Sterling Price Brian Schweitzer Ben Nelson Paul Laxalt John Sullivan Woodrow Wilson John Burroughs Theodore Roosevelt Zebulon Baird Vance William Langer William McKinley William H. Murray Mark Hateld Gifford Pinchot Ambrose Burnside Strom Thurmond Joe Foss Andrew Johnson George W. Bush Mike Leavitt Howard Dean Thomas Jefferson Christine Gregoire Jay Rockefeller Robert M. La Follette Nellie Tayloe Ross

Term (19831987) (20062009) (20032009) (19831992) (19671975) (20072011) (17861796) (17771778) (19992007) (19711975) (20022010) (18971901) (18751880) (19091913) (18661867) (19331937) (18421848) (19321935) (18671871) (19671969) (19191921) (19371939) (19992003) (18701874) (18451846) (2005 ) (2001 ) (19741987) (17891790) (19111913) (19591961) (18991900) (18791894) (19411959) (18921896) (19131916) (19671997) (19311935) (18751881) (19541956) (19551959) (18751875) (19952000) (19932003) (19912003) (17791781) (2005 ) (1985 ) (19251947) (19251927)

Sig. 2620 773 13463 115 32 42205 7111 3804 6823 462 26529 23649 2641 3206 15959 8012 4407 2697 2234 3271 370 4551 6951 6187 3426 42108 27828 39430 3871 47 7422 23 5970 32504 176 30555 12824 2994 1335 1856 37406 105 36 38906 4510 10 19586 22521 1431 21636

Founded 1819 1959 1912 1836 1850 1876 1788 1787 1845 1788 1959 1890 1818 1816 1846 1861 1792 1812 1820 1788 1788 1837 1858 1817 1821 1889 1867 1864 1788 1787 1912 1788 1789 1889 1803 1907 1859 1787 1790 1788 1889 1796 1845 1896 1791 1788 1889 1863 1848 1890

Clout 1.1 1.2 0.6 1.1 2.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.8 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.5 1.6 1.2 0.5 1.3 2.2 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.9 -0.1 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.6 2.7 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.2 1.4 1.9 0.7 0.3 2.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.3

Pop. (K) 4802 722 6482 2937 37691 5116 3580 907 19057 9815 1374 1584 12869 6516 3062 2871 4369 4574 1328 5828 6587 9876 5344 2978 6010 998 1842 2723 1318 8821 2082 19465 9656 683 11544 3791 3871 12742 1051 4679 824 6403 25674 2817 626 8096 6830 1855 5711 568

F I G U R E 8.11. Most signicant governor for each state. In cases of nonconsecutive terms, the most recent is given


h istorical rankings

voters. The act of balancing constituencies implies they make more enemies over time, and have usually worn out their welcome by the end of their second term. But there is also a constitutional reason. The laws regulating gubernatorial elections are xed by each individual state, generally through state constitutions. Fully 36 of the 50 states subject their governors to term limits, generally to only two consecutive terms. On the other hand, the Supreme Court, in U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton (1995), ruled that states cannot impose stricter qualications on congressional elections than the U.S. Constitution. Hence, no state can impose limits on the length of congressional terms. Governors generally rival U.S. senators in terms of historical significance. However, their clout rises sharply as a function of population. Indeed, Figure 8.9b shows that governors of states of about 10 million people2 become more signicant than their states senators.

8.4 Mayors
Many national politicians got their start in local politics as mayors. Grover Cleveland (18371908) [98] served as both mayor and sheriff, which earned him the nickname The Buffalo Hangman. More recently, Sarah Palins (1964 ) [773] stint as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska led to her election as governor and on to national prominence. Several famous people have served stints as mayor during interludes in their real careers, including circus promoter P. T. Barnum (18101891) [767] (Bridgeport, CT) and actor Clint Eastwood (1930 ) [1254] (Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA). Five of the top seven mayors ruled New York, which is understandable because the Big Apple is vastly larger than any other American city. The U.S. Census (2011) puts the population of New York at 8,244,910, meaning that New York is bigger than the sum of the second- (Los Angeles) third-(Chicago), and fth-largest (Philadelphia) U.S. cities, by almost the population of Salt Lake City. The city would rank as the twelfth largest state in the country, just ahead of Virginia. And population matters: our experiments show that mayoral signicance correlates with city population.
2 According to the 2010 Census: California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania,

and Ohio.

a m e r ican political figures

Mayors of Major U.S. Cities Sig 2463 2657 3021 4859 6581 6963 7644 7958 8481 9010 10093 11015 11856 11888 12427 Person Fiorello La Guardia Rudy Giuliani Michael Bloomberg Richard J. Daley Rahm Emanuel Ed Koch John Lindsay Anton Cermak John F. Fitzgerald Asa Griggs Candler Gavin Newsom Seth Low Harold Washington Jerry Springer Newton D. Baker Dates (18821947) (1944 ) (1942 ) (19021976) (1959 ) (1924 ) (19212000) (18731933) (18631950) (18511929) (1967 ) (18501916) (19221987) (1944 ) (18711937) C/G City New York City New York City New York City Chicago Chicago New York City New York City Chicago Boston Atlanta San Francisco New York City Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland


Thus, the mayor of New York is a national gure as much as a local one, sometimes considered a potential presidential candidate. Two recent mayors, John Lindsay (19212000) [7644] and Rudy Giuliani (1944 ) [2657], unsuccessfully sought their partys presidential nomination. Current mayor Michael Bloomberg (1942 ) [3021] is often mentioned as a possible independent candidate. Yet no mayor of New York has ever been elected president. Chicago mayors also appear prominently in our rankings. Some have served very lengthy terms: Richard J. Daleys (19021976) [4859] 21 years on the job were eclipsed only by his son Richard M. Daleys (1942 ) [17921] 22 years in power. Other Chicago mayors died prematurely in ofce: the rst black mayor Harold Washington (19221987) [11856] of a heart attack, and Anton Cermak (18731933) [7958] from a bullet intended for Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43]. By comparison, Los Angeles mayors seem to be slighted, with longtime mayors Tom Bradley (19171998) [15342] and Sam Yorty (19091998) [46737] ranking as their most signicant political leaders. Los Angeles water baron William Mulholland (18551935) [8962] and newspaper publisher Harrison Gray Otis (18371917) [10689] score higher in our rankings than any of their citys mayors. Of those from other cities, Atlanta mayor Asa Griggs Candler (1851 1929) [9010] achieved his greatest renown as the founder of the Coca-Cola


h istorical rankings

Company. Newton D. Baker (18711937) [12427] was better known as Secretary of War during World War I. Finally, Jerry Springer (1944 ) [11888] parlayed his term as mayor of Cincinnati into a notorious career as TV talk show host.

8.5 Judges and Justices

The Supreme Court is the primary symbol of federal jurisprudence. The chief justice is considered the leader of the court, but our rankings place associate justice Antonin Scalia (1936 ) [2144] as more signicant than the current chief John Roberts (1955 ) [2677]. The primary revelation among the top justices is how many great justices had previous lives in other branches of government before they went on the court. They were governors, senators, and even a former president. This is no longer the case, for the court has become exclusively the province of legal scholars with extensive judicial experience. Sandra Day OConnor (1930 ) [5221] was the last Supreme Court justice to have ever held elective ofce. The institution seems considerably poorer without this practical experience in government. It is telling that only one of the nine active justices ranks among the twenty most signicant in history.
Supreme Court Justices Sig 153 401 411 885 1134 1164 1253 1330 1707 1760 1908 2034 2144 2190 2465 Person William Howard Taft John Marshall John Jay Oliver Wendell Holmes Louis Brandeis Salmon P . Chase Roger B. Taney James Wilson Thurgood Marshall Charles Evans Hughes John Rutledge Earl Warren Antonin Scalia Oliver Ellsworth Hugo Black Dates (18571930) (17551835) (17451829) (18411935) (18561941) (18081873) (17771864) (17421798) (19081993) (18621948) (17391800) (18911974) (1936 ) (17451807) (18861971) C/G Description 27th president ("Dollar Diplomacy") U.S. chief justice (Judicial review) First chief justice of U.S. Supreme Court American jurist (Clear and present danger) Supreme Court justice ("Peoples Lawyer") Supreme Court chief justice, governor of Ohio 5th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Declaration signer, Supreme Court justice First African-American Supreme Court justice American statesman, Supreme Court justice Supreme Court chief justice, governor of S.C. Chief Justice (Brown v. Board of Education) Conservative Supreme Court justice Senator from Connecticut, Supreme Court justice Senator from Alabama, Supreme Court justice

a m e r ican political figures


8.6 Founding Mothers and Fathers

We previously discussed colonial and revolutionary gures in the context of Bonnies history textbook. Here we will focus on two particular groups associated with the American Revolution: women and the signers of our founding documents. 8.6.1 D A U G H T E R S O F T H E R E V O L U T I O N Men dominated the records of historical events of colonial and revolutionary times. Almost exclusively it was men who founded the colonies, ran the plantations, served in Congress, and fought in the Revolution. Society was simply not organized in a way for women to take a visible role in these events. More modern times, however, ushered in the need for revolutionary heros of the opposite gender. The Google Ngrams data presented in Figure 8.12 chart an exciting tale of shifting reputations. One signicant trend has been the growth of Abigail Adams (1744 1818) [821] at the expense of Martha Washington (17311802) [1065] and Betsy Ross (17521836) [2430]. Our second rst lady proved her intellect and ability in the course of her famous letters to John Adams, and seems a more appropriate role model for modern times than the rst rst lady. The story of Betsy Ross as seamstress of the American ag dates back only to 1870, on the strength of a claim made by her grandson. She satised a need

Deborah Sampson

Molly Pitcher


Mercy Otis Warren

0.6 Martha Washington 0.4 Betsy Ross Abigail Adams


0 1850 1900 1950 2000

F I G U R E 8.12.

Reference trends among women of the American Revolution


h istorical rankings

for more female Revolutionary War heros, but has somewhat fallen from grace since World War II. Mercy Otis Warren (17281814) [2863] is a generally under-appreciated gure, a political writer who authored one of the rst histories of the American Revolution. Her contributions to independence were substantially more important than those of Deborah Sampson (17601827) [3797] and the semi-mythical Molly Pitcher (17541832) [2926]: an Amazonian pair of women who fought in Revolutionary War battles. Warrens historical status was recognized in her lifetime and has only grown with the years, to the point that she is now beginning to approach Martha Washington (17311802) [1065] in scale. 8.6.2 S I G N E R S O F T H E D E C L A R A T I O N The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence are members of the most exclusive club in American history. They are the real Founding Fathers, present at the creation of our country. Examining the most and least significant among them, we see that the top four rank among the 500 most signicant gures in history. However, the fth, John Hancock [616], derives most of his contemporary notoriety from the ourish with which he signed the document.
Biggest Declaration Signers Sig 10 35 61 467 616 1029 1273 1283 1330 1362 Person Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin John Adams Samuel Adams John Hancock Roger Sherman Robert Morris Benjamin Rush James Wilson Richard Henry Lee Dates (17431826) (17061790) (17351826) (17221803) (17371793) (17211793) (17341806) (17461813) (17421798) (17321794) Sig 27303 26953 24958 23301 21840 21521 20634 20255 18883 18237 Smallest Declaration Signers Person Thomas Heyward James Smith George Taylor George Ross John Penn Joseph Hewes Thomas Lynch William Williams John Morton Carter Braxton Dates (17471809) (17191806) (17161781) (17301779) (17411788) (17301779) (17491779) (17311811) (17251777) (17361797)

The signers of the Declaration have been gloried in a variety of art forms and monuments. Near the Mall in Washington, DC sits an island memorial to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Although the location is called Constitution Gardens, only the Declaration signers are

a m e r ican political figures


individually honored there. John Trumbulls (17561843) [1697] painting The Declaration of Independence sits proudly in the Capitol Rotunda of the United States and is broadly recognized by the public, having appeared on the reverse of the $2 bill. Trumbulls painting is much better (and better known) than the Capitols painting of the Signing of the Constitution by Howard Chandler Christy (18731952) [50589]. There was even a wonderful Broadway musical, 1776, devoted to the signers and shenanigans of the Continental Congress. Yet our analysis shows the Constitution signers to be a more historically signicant group than the better-known signers of the Declaration.
Biggest Constitution Signers Sig 6 35 45 51 1029 1273 1330 1564 1901 1908 Person George Washington Benjamin Franklin Alexander Hamilton James Madison Roger Sherman Robert Morris James Wilson John Dickinson Rufus King John Rutledge Dates (17321799) (17061790) (17551804) (17511836) (17211793) (17341806) (17421798) (17321808) (17551827) (17391800) Sig 22912 21489 20747 19144 16515 14504 13995 12863 10112 9862 Smallest Constitution Signers Person David Brearley D. of S. T. Jenifer Jacob Broom Richard D. Spaight Gunning Bedford James McHenry Thomas Fitzsimons William Few Hugh Williamson Nicholas Gilman Dates (17451790) (17231790) (17521810) (17581802) (17471812) (17531816) (17411811) (17481828) (17351819) (17551814)

The main reason for this is generational. The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, more than 11 years after the Declaration. Only six men signed both documents: George Read [3804], Roger Sherman [1029], Benjamin Franklin [35], Robert Morris [1273], George Clymer [6798], and James Wilson [1330]. The signers of the Declaration were the cream of the Colonies, but a new group of younger, battle-hardened leaders emerged after the Revolution. It is these men who would become the rst governors and senators of the new republic, bringing greater historical signicance to the group.

Modern World Leaders

The previous chapter detailed the popular history of American political leadership. Here we apply our analytical tools to study the reputations of the rest of the worlds leaders. We are particularly interested in understanding the factors that shape our perceptions of other places, such as size, economics, and culture. Knowing the whos who of a country is helpful to understand whats what. In the same way that speaking a trivial amount of the local language (excuse me) can pay big dividends, we have found that knowing the name of the current or iconic political leader opens doors to greater understanding. Asking immigrants or locals What do you think of . . . ? is an excellent way to start a revealing conversation. We provide tables identifying the dominant political gure from essentially every country on earth. These can be seen as crib notes in cultural literacy; a chance to refresh our memories about the people who built or led nations.

9.1 Analyzing Political Leadership

In the course of our study, we have created a dataset of more than 3,000 modern national leaders from more than 150 different countries. But any meaningful attempt to identify the most signicant leader of a nation faces several issues of denition and bias. We discuss some of these considerations here. 9.1.1 C U L T U R A L A N D R E G I O N A L B I A S Our analysis relies on datasets that inherently display linguistic and cultural biases. Both our Wikipedia analysis and book Ngrams data are based

m o dern world leaders


exclusively on English-language sources, and hence do not equally reect the contributions of other languages and cultures. This limitation becomes particularly problematic in comparing international leaders. English-speaking countries like Great Britain, Australia, and Canada will be articially favored over those of the rest of the world. Similarly, our methods slant toward foreign leaders who have interacted with the English-speaking world. Much of the historical perception of Ho Chi Minh (18901969) [779] is a result of American involvement in the Vietnam War. By comparison, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (19201975) [4731] was also the founding father of a nation that achieved its independence in the 1970s. Bangladesh is a country twice as populous as Vietnam, yet its George Washington [6] is substantially less signicant in our data.

9.1.2 H E A D S O F G O V E R N M E N T V S . H E A D S O F S T A T E In many countries, the burdens of leadership are divided between administrative and ceremonial gures. The head of government is the executive leader charged with running the mechanics of government. The head of state represents the authority of the nation and its people. The prime minister of England serves as head of government, while the king or queen serves as head of state. In the United States, both roles are invested in the president. However, certain ceremonial duties traditionally have been assigned to the vice president, such as representing the nation at the funerals of foreign dignitaries. Identifying the canonical leader of a country requires choosing between the heads of government and state. The balance varies between different countries. Although the head of government typically holds the real power, they sometimes serve at the pleasure of the head of state. In Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadejs (1927 ) [3926] prestige was high enough to force the resignation of two military governments and facilitate his nations transition to democracy. Hereditary monarchs serve as head of state for many modern nations. They generally serve for life: at this writing the Thai king has reigned for 66 years and Queen Elizabeth II (1926 ) [132] of England, for 60 years. Such long reigns enable heads of state to accumulate historical signicance at odds with the limits of their actual power. Another wildcard is that certain


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heads of state represent more than one nation. In particular, Elizabeth II serves as head of state for each nation in the British Commonwealth. We have generally selected the most signicant member of either leadership role to represent its nation, with the explicit removal of only a few problematic cases, such as the British queen.

9.1.3 P E R I O D O F N A T I O N H O O D A second concern marks the date when the modern nationhood of a country begins. For example, Egypts cultural history dates back to the pharaohs, but its modern political history begins only with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. So who should we consider to be the most signicant Egyptian ruler, Tutankhamun (13411323 B.C.) [255] or Gamal Abdel Nasser (19181970) [1404]? For us, the decision is clear. We are interested in the modern nationstate, and so have collected lines of succession back from the present day. The length of these lines varies substantially between nations. Our oldest line is Liechtenstein, dating back to 1608, followed by the United Kingdom in 1762. We include our national start date in the gures in this chapter, to help you make better sense of possible earlier omissions. These start dates reveal the historical periods of most active nationbuilding. Founded almost 250 years ago, the United States is old relative to most of its peers. The political consolidation of Europe into modern nation-states began in the second half of the nineteenth century. World War I marked the end of the Austrian-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian empires, and created an unstable mix of new nations in its wake. World War II redrew the map again. The end of colonialism in the 1950s and 1960s created dozens of independent countries around the world. Most recently, the fall of the Soviet Union created 15 post-Soviet states in 1991. It also sparked the merger of certain articially partitioned nations (the two Germanies) and the dissolution of others (Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia).

9.1.4 L E N G T H O F R E I G N Certain leaders rule only for days, some for years, and others for decades. Historical signicance is very much a function of term of service: longer

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lasting rulers are usually more signicant because more history happens on their watch. We hypothesize that the average reign in a particular country is at least partially a function of population. Smaller places should result in longer terms of ofce. There are several reasons why this should be the case. First, a smaller populace means that there will be fewer potential challengerstothecurrentleader.Noteveryonewantstobeking,buttheprobability that an able, ambitious opponent emerges grows rapidly with size. The power (and hence attractiveness) of a leadership position increases with the number of people you get to serve. Smaller places also tend to be more homogeneous, making it is easier to keep everybody happy. Finally, more personal communication makes it easier to keep control of a smaller place. These are testable conjectures. Figure 9.1 presents our analysis of the relationships between leadership, term length, population size, and historical signicance for the nations of the world. This mirrors the analysis we performed in the previous chapter for the United States.
7 6.5 6 Average Significance 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1800 1 1850 1900 End of Term 1950 2000 100 1000 10000 Population (thousands) 100000 Heads of State/Government Heads of Government Heads of State Average Significance 5 4 3 2 1 0 Heads of State/Government Heads of Government Heads of State

(a) Terms of heads of state are getting longer, with little change for the heads of government
3 Heads of State/Government Heads of Government 2.5 Heads of State Average Term Length Average Significance 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0.5 0 5 10 15 Term Length 20 25 30 2

(b) Bigger nations produce much more signicant leaders

Heads of State/Government Heads of Government Heads of State




10000 Population (thousands)



(c) Signicance for all leaders increases with length of tenure

(d) The longest-serving leaders tend to come from smaller nations

F I G U R E 9.1. Relationships between leadership position (head of government vs. head of state), signicance, length of tenure, and size of nation


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Three of these plots directly involve term length. The most direct association is between term length and signicance, shown in Figure 9.1c. The longer you stay in ofce, the more signicant you will be. The biggest jump seems to occur after the rst ve years, meaning you must stay in power at least that long for anything to happen. In Figure 9.1a, we look at changes in term length for heads of state/government over the past two centuries. The longevity of heads of state has increased dramatically during this period, for two reasons: decreasing power and better health. In the shift from kings to prime ministers, the role of the head of state has become increasingly ceremonial. The heads of state now cruises above the fray, so evoke greater affection and and there is little benet to replacing them. This makes for a more stable position. And of course, these honored leaders have beneted from improvements in healthcare and technology to at least the same extent as their subjects. Todays heads of government presumably also have good medical plans, but are much more accountable to a restive public. Our chart shows that their average political lifespan has held remarkably steady at between three and four years for most of the past two centuries, too short for medicine to really matter. In the previous section, we saw that state governors have much shorter careers than legislators. This same dynamic holds between heads of government and state. Figure 9.1d shows the tradeoff between population size and term length. Extreme term lengths are generally associated with smaller nations, partially because there are many more of them, so rare demographic exceptions are more likely to occur there.

9.1.5 P O W E R A N D P L A C E S The signicance of a leader rests at least in part upon the size of the country he or she runs. We have identied no country that produced a leader who would be recognizable to our typical reader with a population of less than three million people: the population of Iowa, or Lithuania. Michael Manley (19241997) [17891] of Jamaica appears to be the leader among the countries of this size. Figure 9.2 presents a cartogram of the world, with each country sized according to the relative signicance of its leaders. This provides a way to

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F I G U R E 9.2. Cartogram of countries based on the signicance of their leaders in our dataset. Cuba, Israel, and the nations of Western Europe loom large relative to their actual size, at the expense of the republics of the former Soviet Union

visualize which leaders create their own signicance, as opposed to having it predetermined by the magnitude of the nation they serve. An undistorted map would show the signicance of leaders as a simple linear function of each nations landmass, while a warped map highlights regions generating leaders of unexpected signicance. The cartogram of Figure 9.2 is wildly distorted, sometimes in surprising ways. The basic shapes of North and South America are largely unchanged, but the image struggles to contain a wildly outsized version of Cuba. Cubas modern political leadership has effectively been monopolized by Fidel Castro (1926 ) [506], the revolutionary leader who liberated Cuba and then ruled it for 48 years. He parlayed Cuba, a nation of only 11 million people, into worldwide fame and recognition. His longevity, coupled with his unique stature on the world scene, makes Cuba a leading power. Canada holds up fairly well under this measure, despite having just a California-sized population in the worlds largest landmass. Greater distortions are present overseas. Western Europe swells to the point that it crushes north Africa, while the entirety of eastern Europe shrivels to a Spain-sided appendage. The low prole of the former Soviet republics so warps Asia that China is reduced to a narrow stick. The relatively low prole of Chinas leaders is owing to the nations oligarchic structure: the party is bigger than any particular leader.


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The Middle East achieves an outsized signicance, due to the lengthy tenure of most Arab leaders as well as the regions tendency to drive world events.

9.2 The Supreme Leaders

We have used our leader dataset to identify the most signicant heads of state in modern world history. The presidents of the United States have been excluded from consideration here. The result is a diverse set of gures. The three most signicant names in the table led their respective nations (Germany, Russia, Great Britain) during World War II, a testament to how large the war still looms in the collective consciousness. Curiously, all rank ahead of then U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43]. Other highly ranked European leaders during this war include Charles de Gaulle (18901970) [396] (France) and Francisco Franco (18921975) [291] (Spain). Several gures here are revered (or reviled) as the founders of important nation-states, including Mao Zedong (18931976) [151] (China), John A. Macdonald (18151891) [159] (Canada), Mustafa Kemal Atatrk (1881 1938) [360] (Turkey), Chiang Kai-shek (18871975) [440] (Taiwan), and Fidel Castro (1926 ) [506] (Cuba).
Heads of State Sig. 7 18 37 75 132 151 159 174 271 279 291 303 360 369 396 Person Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Vladimir Lenin Elizabeth II Mao Zedong John A. Macdonald Arthur Wellesley Margaret Thatcher William Ewart Gladstone Francisco Franco Benjamin Disraeli Mustafa Kemal Atatrk David Lloyd George Charles de Gaulle Dates (18891945) (18781953) (18741965) (18701924) (1926 ) (18931976) (18151891) (17691852) (1925 ) (18091898) (18921975) (18041881) (18811938) (18631945) (18901970) C/G Description Fuehrer of Nazi Germany (WW II) Premier of USSR (World War II) Prime minister of Britain (World War II) Soviet revolutionary and premier of USSR Present queen of the United Kingdom Chinese communist revolutionary and dictator First prime minister of Canada Duke of Wellington (Battle of Waterloo) U.K. prime minister ("The Iron Lady") Four-time British prime minister Spanish Civil War general and dictator Two-time British prime minister Founder and president of modern Turkey British prime minister (WW I) French general (WW II) and prime minister

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One observation from this table is the modern decline of royalty. There are no kings, and only one of the twenty most signicant modern leaders serves as queen. The 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 book Ngrams datasetillustrates how Year steadily elected/appointed ofcials have replaced royal sovereigns. Indeed, these data overrepresent the mindshare of royalty, because king is both a common last name and used colloquially to denote the Big Kahuna. Lets now analyze each regions governance in greater detail, identifying the most signicant leader of essentially every country on earth. For each nation, we include the signicance and term of ofce of its most signicant gure. We include four properties of each nation in these tables. We present our notion of what year the nation was founded, meaning that we have analyzed all leaders from beyond this point until the present day. Interesting leaders often served before this date, so check before complaining that we missed somebody. Unfortunately, our lines of succession do not always go as far back as they should, for technical reasons. To assess the strength of a nations leadership, we provide a clout score for each country. This represents the average signicance of the heads of government/state in our database, weighted proportionally to their term of service. We also provide each countrys population, measured in millions of people. Greater clout from a smaller population implies that a nations leadership is punching above its weight. This becomes clear in the dot plot of Figure 9.3, where countries above the line have leaders with more signicance than expected from a simple t. Generally, they are better off economically than the countries below the line, although it is difcult to tell whether this is cause or effect. Finally, we provide a coarse review of the political situation in each country. Is it currently rated as free, partially free, or not free, based on the freedom indices maintained by several organizations? These freedom indices will be discussed in greater detail in Section 9.3.
References President Prime Minister King

5 Average Leader Significance 4 3 2 1 0 1 2

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Cuba Canada Spain Belgium Indonesia Australia Philippines Ireland Iraq France Netherlands Egypt Brazil Norway Maldives ArgentinaMexico Cambodia Luxembourg Liberia Greece Samoa Botswana AustriaRomania Ethiopia Guyana Foland Bangladesh Belize Swaziland Armenia Guatemala Colombia Bolivia Brunei Cameroon Moldova LatviaSlovakia Chad Algeria Suriname Madagascar Vanuatu Kazakhstan Jordan Uzbekistan




1e+07 Population



F I G U R E 9.3. Average signicance (clout) of national leaders as a function of populations. Relatively high-clout countries are generally economically advantaged over lower-clout nations

9.2.1 T H E N E W W O R L D The western hemisphere consists of North, South, and Central America, plus the Caribbean nations.
North America The previous chapter dealt extensively with the history of the American presidency. Here we briey review the leadership of our neighbors, Canada and Mexico.
North American Leaders Country Canada Mexico United States Person John A. Macdonald Vicente Fox Abraham Lincoln Dates/Term (18781891) (20002006) (18611865) Sig. 159 4325 5 Founded 1867 1920 1789 Clout 4.3 2.0 5.7 Pop. (M) 34.0 113.4 310.3 Freedom Free Partly Free

John A. Macdonald (18151891) [159] was the leading gure behind the Canadian Confederation in 1867, when several British colonies united to form the country of Canada. Macdonald went on to serve 19 years as Canadas rst prime minister: a cohort that historically serves long terms of ofce. Two others are particularly prominent. William Lyon Mackenzie King (18741950) [668] spent a total of 22 years in ofce, most notably as Canadas leader during World War II. Pierre Trudeau (19192000) [870] served 16 years (from 1968 to 1984) as the rst French-Canadian prime

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minister, and helped preserve the Confederation in the face of Quebec separatism. The history of Mexico has been much more turbulent. The First Mexican Republic of Mexico was founded in 1824. Its best known president was Antonio Lpez de Santa Anna (17941876) [682], who served 11 noncontiguous terms of ofce (ranging from 11 days to slightly more than two years) between 1833 and 1855. He styled himself The Napoleon of the West for his self-proclaimed military prowess. Santa Anna was forced into exile three times, an achievement Napoleon only managed twice. Santa Anna is best known as the victorious villain at the Battle of the Alamo, but lost California, Nevada, and Utah to the United States in the Mexican War. A European attempt at establishing an empire under Maximilian I (18321867) [798] (who reigned 186467) ended in disaster. He was defeated and executed by forces led by Republican President Benito Jurez (18061872) [1035], who served ve terms as president of Mexico. Stability but repression marked the 35-year tenure of Porrio Daz (18301915) [1527]. The end of the Mexican Revolution in 1920 constrained the president to a single six-year term, and marks the beginning of our analysis. We nd the most signicant modern Mexican president to be Vicente Fox (1942 ) [4325], a fairly recent leader whose 2006 victory made him the rst opposition party member elected since 1910.

South America Instability has been the most salient fact about the politics of South America, and the most signicant leaders have generally been the most durable. Representative democracy has been established over the past 20 years or so throughout most of the continent. This is why ve of 12 South American countries have had their most signicant leader during the past 15 years, despite national histories going back to the nineteenth century. Bolivia survived 80 different administrations following its establishment in 1825 by Simn Bolvar (17831830) [448]. Most left little trace. After Bolvar, the most signicant presidents of Bolivia have been recent presidents Hugo Banzer (19262002) [18817] and the current Evo Morales (1959 ) [6614].


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South American Leaders Country Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guyana Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Person Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Simn Bolvar Luiz Incio Lula da Silva Augusto Pinochet Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Eloy Alfaro Cheddi Jagan Francisco Solano Lpez Alberto Fujimori Johan Ferrier Tabar Vzquez Hugo Chvez Dates/Term (18681874) (18251825) (20032010) (19741990) (19531957) (19061911) (19921997) (18621869) (19902000) (19751980) (20052010) (1999- ) Sig. 2075 448 6905 639 20032 7766 26923 8477 5509 62720 45386 1841 Founded 1854 1825 1985 1817 1886 1883 1970 1844 1931 1975 1972 1811 Clout 1.9 0.7 2.4 1.9 0.9 0.5 1.3 1.0 1.2 -0.1 0.8 1.4 Pop. (M) 40.4 9.9 194.9 17.1 46.2 14.4 0.7 6.4 29.0 0.5 3.3 28.9 Freedom Free Partly Free Free Partly Partly Free Free Free Free Free Partly

Bolvar himself served just six months as the rst president of the country named after him, but other South American nations have equal or greater claims on him. At various times, he was president of Venezuela, Peru, and Gran Colombia (comprising present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama): all this before dying at the age of 47. Our signicance measure turns up a few surprises. In Argentina, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (18111888) [2075] edges out Juan Pern (18951974) [3726], the three-time president played by the male lead in the Broadway musical Evita. Sarmiento was an intellectual leader writer as well as Argentinas seventh president. In Paraguay, Alfredo Stroessner (1912 2006) [9317] ruled with an iron st from 1954 to 1989. Yet he is outranked by Francisco Solano Lpez (18261870) [8477], who led his nation through the War of the Triple Alliance against Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. This war is considered the most proportionally destructive conict of modern times [Pinker, 2011]. It killed more than 60 percent of the population of Paraguay, one of the last victims being Lpez himself in 1870.
Central America and the Caribbean The nations of Central America and the Caribbean are generally small, and few leaders from the region have played major roles on the world stage. Certain names are surprising at rst glance but make sense upon reection. President scar Arias (1940 ) [53166] of Costa Rica won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts to mediate several conicts in the region. Yet by our measure, three-time president Jos Figueres Ferrer (19061990)

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Central American Leaders Country Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Person George Cadle Price Jos Figueres Ferrer Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez Rafael Carrera Manuel Bonilla Vicente Fox Anastasio Somoza Debayle Guillermo Endara Dates/Term (19891993) (19701974) (19351944) (18441865) (19121913) (20002006) (19741979) (19891994) Sig. 52222 27331 55673 16912 40341 4325 12657 31792 Founded 1981 1948 1841 1844 1839 1920 1854 1904 Clout 0.9 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.0 2.0 0.9 0.2 Pop. (M) 0.3 4.6 6.1 14.3 7.6 113.4 5.7 3.5 Freedom Free Free Free Partly Partly Partly Partly Free

Caribbean Leaders Country Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti Jamaica Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the G. Trinidad and Tobago Person Vere Bird Errol Barrow Fidel Castro Roosevelt Skerrit Rafael Trujillo Keith Mitchell Jean Pierre Boyer Michael Manley Denzil Douglas Kenny Anthony Ralph Gonsalves Eric Williams Dates/Term (19811994) (19861987) (19762008) (2004- ) (19421952) (19952008) (18181843) (19891992) (1995- ) (2011- ) (2001- ) (19621981) Sig. 73505 48185 506 79776 2497 101396 9346 17891 129176 70836 103595 16371 Founded 1981 1966 1976 1978 1924 1984 1806 1962 1983 1979 1979 1962 Clout 0.7 1.0 4.9 -0.8 1.7 0.2 1.1 1.6 -0.6 0.0 -0.4 1.3 Pop. (M) 13.0 0.2 11.2 0.0 9.9 0.1 9.9 2.7 17.0 0.1 0.1 1.3 Freedom N/A Free Not Free Free Free Partly Free N/A Free N/A Free

[27331] comes in ahead of him as the nations most signicant leader. Ferrer abolished the Costa Rican army after a painful civil war, creating a demilitarized state that persists today. This provided Arias the credibility he needed to succeed in his mediation efforts. Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega (1945 ) [16410] of Nicaragua was a controversial cause celebre in the 1980s, who has been serving a second term as president since 2007. Yet our rankings opt for Anastasio Somoza Debayle (19251980) [12657], the last representative of the Somoza family dynasty, which ruled Nicaragua from 1936 until his fall in 1979. Most Caribbean nations are small islands whose leaders have never played a signicant geopolitical role. The primary exception is Fidel Castro (1926 ) [506], the revolutionary who liberated Cuba and then ruled it for 48 years. Other prominent leaders emerge on Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the two nations sharing the island of Hispanola. Both were


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ruled by longtime political bosses: Papa Doc Franois Duvalier (1907 1971) [14577] and Rafael Trujillo (18911961) [2497]), respectively. Papa Doc, however, is edged out in our rankings by Jean Pierre Boyer [9346], who briey united the whole of Hispanola.

9.2.2 E U R O P E Figure 9.4 summarizes the most signicant leader of each European country. World War II produced many iconic leaders. On the Allied side, England and France are represented by Winston Churchill (18741965) [37] and Charles de Gaulle (18901970) [396], respectively. The most signicant leader of several other European countries are World War II era Fascists, including Adolf Hitler (18891945) [7] in Germany. Italy would have been represented by Benito Mussolini (18831945) [101] had we deemed their modern state to be founded before 1946. Spain (Francisco Franco (18921975) [291]) and Portugal (Antnio de Oliveira Salazar (18891970) [3277]) both suffered under nearly 40 years of dictatorial rule, and did not become modern democracies until the 1970s. Certain countries are still represented by hated leaders from the Soviet era. Enver Hoxha (19081985) [2921] was the Communist Party leader of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985,1 closed off from the rest of the world like a North Korea in Europe. Nicolae Ceau?escu (19181989) [2420] ruled Romania from 1965 until his much celebrated execution. Others made their reputation ghting the Communist establishment. Trade union organizer Lech Walesa (1943 ) [8108] led Polands Solidarity movement, becoming president following the fall of the Soviet Union. Viktor Yushchenko (1954 ) [9198] survived a widely reported assassination attempt via dioxin poisoning to lead Ukraines Orange Revolution. The iconic leaders of two European countries are essentially failed revolutionaries. Michael Collins (18901922) [1240] ruled Irelands provisional government for only eight months prior to his assassination. Imre Nagy (18961958) [6774] led Hungary for 11 days during the failed Revolution
1 Hoxha was nominally prime minister only until 1954, though he retained effective control of

the country.

m o dern world leaders


Country Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Macedonia Romania Russia Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Soviet Union Spain Sweden Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City

Person Enver Hoxha Ramon Iglesias i Navarri Serzh Sargsyan Engelbert Dollfuss Alexander Lukashenko Leopold II Alija Izetbegovi Todor Zhivkov Franjo Tuman Makarios III Vclav Klaus Christian IX Lennart Meri Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim Charles de Gaulle Adolf Hitler Konstantinos Karamanlis Imre Nagy lafur Ragnar Grmsson Michael Collins Silvio Berlusconi Vaira Vk e-Freiberga Johann I Joseph Vytautas Landsbergis Adolphe Nikola Gruevski Gerald Strickland Vladimir Voronin Albert I William I Haakon VII Lech Wasa Antnio de Oliveira Salazar Kiro Gligorov Ion Iliescu Vladimir Putin Boris Tadi Slobodan Miloevi Robert Fico Janez Drnovek Joseph Stalin Francisco Franco Charles XIV John of Sweden Viktor Yushchenko Winston Churchill Pope John Paul II

Dates/Term (19441954) (19431969) (2008- ) (19321934) (1994- ) (18651909) (20002000) (19621971) (19901999) (19741977) (2003- ) (18631906) (19922001) (19441946) (19591969) (19331945) (19741980) (19561956) (1996- ) (19221922) (20082011) (19992007) (18051836) (19901992) (18901905) (2006- ) (19271932) (20012009) (18891922) (18391840) (19051957) (19901995) (19321968) (19911999) (20002004) (2012- ) (20042012) (19972000) (2012- ) (20022007) (19411953) (19361975) (18181844) (2010- ) (19511955) (19782005)

Sig. 2921 108027 36520 6983 10960 727 35846 8655 9891 9135 17786 1671 34819 2225 396 7 6629 6774 47737 1240 2073 77473 17765 29501 6974 63325 19847 29533 6809 1648 2538 8108 3277 23524 9053 1014 25188 4760 53442 34485 18 291 1289 9198 37 91

Founded 1944 1907 1991 1918 1994 1831 1996 1946 1990 1960 1993 1863 1938 1917 1959 1919 1974 1920 1917 1919 1946 1990 1608 1990 1890 1991 1921 1990 1814 1839 1905 1944 1932 1991 1989 1991 1991 1992 1993 1990 1922 1931 1818 1990 1762 1922

Clout 1.2 -0.3 0.9 1.3 2.7 3.9 -0.6 0.7 1.4 1.7 1.1 2.2 0.9 1.8 3.0 3.0 1.6 0.7 0.8 3.2 2.1 0.1 0.9 0.4 1.7 0.5 1.2 0.5 1.9 2.9 2.3 1.1 2.0 1.5 1.4 2.7 0.6 1.3 0.2 1.3 3.4 4.0 2.7 1.4 4.4 3.3

Pop. (M) 3.2 26.0 3.0 8.3 9.5 10.7 3.7 7.4 4.4 1.0 10.4 5.5 1.3 5.3 62.7 82.3 11.3 9.9 0.3 4.4 60.5 2.2 0.1 3.3 0.5 2.0 0.4 3.5 0.1 16.6 4.8 38.2 10.6 8.0 21.4 142.9 7.3 3.0 5.4 2.0 293.0 46.0 9.3 45.8 62.0 0.0

Freedom Partly Free Partly Free Not Free Partly Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Not Free Free Free Free Not Free Free Partly Free N/A

F I G U R E 9.4.

Most signicant European leaders, by country

of 1956, which was crushed by the Soviet Union. Nagy was later executed by the Soviets. Several European nations are represented by relatively recent kings. Leopold II (18351909) [727] of Belgium is notorious for the African


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colony he founded as the Congo Free State. Free in name only, millions of Africans died to satisfy his lust for prots from ivory and rubber [Hochschild, 1999]. More heroic was King Haakon VII (18721957) [2538], who led Norwegian resistance to the Germans during World War II and reigned for 52 years.

9.2.3 A F R I C A A N D T H E M I D D L E E A S T Only a handful of African countries have national histories that signicantly pre-date the senior author of this book. Ethiopia always maintained independent rule, except for a period as an Italian colony under Mussolini during World War II. Liberia was founded by former American slaves in 1847. Its time as a relative oasis of stability ended in 1980, with the coup of Samuel Doe (19511990) [20763], and it descended into the horror of a civil war from which it is only beginning to recover. Swaziland did not fully gain independence from Britain until 1968, although its line of chieftains predates independence. Only two modern African leaders rank among the thousand most signicant historical gures. From his prison cell, Nelson Mandela (1918 ) [356] became the symbol of South Africas ght against apartheid. His personal dignity, and conciliatory treatment toward the whites who imprisoned him for 27 years, unied the country and stirred the world. The last Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie I (18921975) [738], defended his nation against invasion from fascist Italy and served as a messianic gure to followers of Jamaicas Rastafari movement. The African leaders in Figure 9.5 generally fall into three batches. The rst group led their nations from colonialism to independence, such as Kwame Nkrumah (19091972) [3774] of Ghana, Jomo Kenyatta (1893 1978) [3551] of Kenya, and Julius Nyerere (19221999) [8093] of Tanzania. The second wave consisted of later military strongmen, whose long rule by force raped and pillaged their countries. These include Mobutu Sese Seko (19301997) [4736] (Zaire), Idi Amin (19282003) [1926] (Uganda), and Robert Mugabe (1924 ) [2012] (Zimbabwe). Finally, a clique of current leaders appear to be bringing a somewhat better class of government to their nations, such as Paul Kagame (1957 ) [18286] of Rwanda.

m o dern world leaders


Country Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the C. Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of the Congo Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

Person Jos Eduardo dos Santos Mathieu Krkou Seretse Khama Thomas Sankara Pierre Buyoya Paul Biya Pedro Pires David Dacko Idriss Dby Azali Assoumani Mobutu Sese Seko Hassan Gouled Aptidon Teodoro O. N. Mbasogo Isaias Afewerki Haile Selassie I Omar Bongo Kwame Nkrumah Ahmed Skou Tour Joo Bernardo Vieira Jomo Kenyatta Letsie III Joseph Jenkins Roberts Marc Ravalomanana Hastings Banda Alpha Oumar Konar Moktar Ould Daddah Anerood Jugnauth Samora Machel Sam Nujoma Mamadou Tandja Olusegun Obasanjo Denis Sassou Nguesso Paul Kagame Lopold Sdar Senghor France-Albert Ren Siaka Stevens Nelson Mandela Mswati III Julius Nyerere Sylvanus Olympio Idi Amin Kenneth Kaunda Robert Mugabe

Dates/Term (1979- ) (19962006) (19661980) (19841987) (19962003) (1982- ) (20012011) (19791981) (1990- ) (20022006) (19721997) (19771999) (1979- ) (1993- ) (19271936) (19672009) (19601966) (19581984) (20052009) (19641978) (1996- ) (18721876) (20022009) (19661994) (19922002) (19601978) (20002003) (19751986) (19902005) (19992010) (19992007) (1997- ) (2000- ) (19601980) (19772004) (19711985) (19941999) (1968- ) (19641985) (19601963) (19711979) (19912002) (1987- )

Sig. 20489 40001 29815 18216 87854 26597 68638 59551 53141 76467 4736 53134 16431 29931 738 18306 3774 29042 123766 3551 63698 8455 36494 9441 63350 59157 30287 18584 39704 40873 9291 35836 18286 10594 66378 31329 356 16235 8093 42025 1926 10157 2012

Founded 1975 1990 1966 1971 1966 1960 1975 1979 1991 2001 1964 1977 1968 1993 1909 1960 1960 1958 1973 1963 1966 1848 1959 1966 1960 1960 1968 1974 1990 1960 1963 1992 1961 1960 1976 1971 1961 1899 1964 1960 1963 1991 1980

Clout 1.7 1.1 1.4 -0.4 0.7 0.5 0.5 -0.3 0.1 0.7 2.4 0.7 -0.8 1.9 1.4 1.1 2.2 0.9 0.1 2.9 0.3 1.7 -0.3 2.1 0.3 0.9 1.7 0.8 0.9 0.4 2.3 0.9 0.3 1.2 1.0 1.4 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.5 2.0 1.9 1.1

Pop. (M) 19.0 8.8 2.0 16.4 8.3 19.5 0.4 4.4 11.2 0.7 65.9 0.8 0.7 5.2 82.9 1.5 24.3 9.9 1.5 40.5 2.1 3.9 20.7 14.9 15.8 3.4 1.2 23.3 2.2 15.5 158.4 4.0 10.6 12.4 27.0 5.8 50.1 1.1 44.8 6.0 33.4 13.0 12.5

Freedom Not Free Free Partly Partly Not Free Not Not Partly N/A Not Not Not Not Not Free Not Not Partly Partly Partly Partly Partly Free Partly Free Partly Free Partly Not Not Not Partly Partly Partly Free Not Partly Not Partly Free Not

F I G U R E 9.5.

Most signicant African leaders, by country

9.2.4 M I D D L E E A S T A N D G R E A T E R A R A B I A Many of the Middle Eastern nations, quite broadly dened, were created in the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, others at the end of colonialism after World War II.


h istorical rankings

The most signicant leader here is Mustafa Kemal Atatrk (18811938) [360], the founder of modern Turkey. He instituted enormous cultural reforms that created a modern secular state. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (19021989) [676] turned the opposite trick, creating an Islamic Republic from the secular state of Iran. Israel is the only non-Islamic country in this group. David Ben-Gurion (18861973) [1269] is the founder of the modern Israel and served as his nations rst prime minister. Several other prime ministers are of almost equal stature, including pioneering woman Golda Meir (1898 1978) [2429] (who served 196974) and the Nobel Peace Prize winners Yitzhak Rabin (19221995) [2611] (who served 197477, and again 1984 90) and Shimon Peres (1923 ) [4418] (who served three relatively short terms). This is an amazing accomplishment for a nation with fewer people than New York City.

Middle Eastern and Greater Arabian Leaders Country Afghanistan Algeria Azerbaijan Bahrain Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Morocco Oman Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Syria Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Person Hamid Karzai Ahmed Ben Bella Heydar Aliyev Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Gamal Abdel Nasser Ruhollah Khomeini Saddam Hussein David Ben-Gurion Abdullah I Jaber A. A. Al-Sabah Rac Hariri Muammar Gadda Hassan II Thuwaini bin Said Zulkar Ali Bhutto Hamad bin K. A. Thani Faisal of Saudi Arabia Siad Barre Hafez al-Assad Habib Bourguiba Mustafa Kemal Atatrk Zayed bin S. A. Nahyan Ali Abdullah Saleh Dates/Term (2001- ) (19631965) (19932003) (1999- ) (19561970) (19791989) (19792003) (19551963) (19511951) (19772006) (20002004) (19692011) (19611999) (18561866) (19711973) (1995- ) (19641975) (19691991) (19712000) (19571987) (19231938) (19712004) (19942012) Sig. 5258 16589 17917 17320 1404 676 444 1269 2609 38822 10267 4961 12497 68465 2801 25646 6223 7055 7025 11118 360 9794 37914 Founded 1973 1979 1991 1971 1953 1979 2006 1948 1946 1961 1943 1951 1927 1806 1947 1850 1932 1956 1961 1957 1923 1971 1990 Clout 1.9 0.0 0.1 1.2 2.5 3.3 3.2 2.9 -1.3 1.5 1.3 1.4 0.9 0.8 2.5 0.7 2.7 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.9 1.8 0.0 Pop. (M) 31.4 35.4 9.1 1.2 81.1 73.9 31.6 7.4 6.1 2.7 4.2 6.3 31.9 2.7 173.5 1.7 27.4 9.3 20.4 10.4 72.7 7.5 24.0 Freedom Not Not Not Not Partly Not Not Free Partly Partly Partly Not Not Partly Partly Partly Not Not Not Partly Partly Partly Not

m o dern world leaders


9.2.5 A S I A A N D O C E A N I A Several of the most dominant leaders in Asia were the countrys revolutionary founders, including Mao Zedong (18931976) [151] (China), Ho Chi Minh (18901969) [779] (Vietnam), and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (19201975) [4731] (Bangladesh). Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (18691948) [46] was the spiritual leader of Indias quest for independence, but he never held a political leadership position. Jawaharlal Nehru (18891964) [530] served as the rst prime minister of India from 1947 to 1964, and proved far more instrumental in establishing the modern nation. Emperor Meiji (18521912) [1043] ruled Japan for 45 years, during which it emerged from a feudal shogunate and turned into a world power. He edges out Hirohito (19011989) [1083], whose 63-year reign included Japans defeat in World War II and postwar economic resurrection.

Asian Leaders Country Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Burma Cambodia China India Indonesia Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Laos Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal North Korea Philippines Republic of China Singapore Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam Person Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Jigme Singye Wangchuck Hassanal Bolkiah Ne Win Pol Pot Mao Zedong Jawaharlal Nehru Suharto Emperor Meiji Nursultan Nazarbayev Askar Akayev Kaysone Phomvihane Mahathir Mohamad Maumoon Abdul Gayoom Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj Gyanendra of Nepal Kim Il-sung Ferdinand Marcos Chiang Kai-shek Lee Kuan Yew Junius Richard Jayewardene Emomalii Rahmon Thaksin Shinawatra Saparmurat Niyazov Islam Karimov Ho Chi Minh Dates/Term (19751975) (19722006) (1967- ) (19741981) (19761979) (19491959) (19471964) (19671998) (18671912) (1990- ) (19902005) (19911992) (19812003) (19782008) (2009- ) (20052006) (19721994) (19651986) (19501975) (19591990) (19781989) (1992- ) (20062006) (19902006) (1990- ) (19451969) Sig. 4731 21710 28333 8058 2475 151 530 1836 1043 17066 36888 57207 4688 19787 34109 11423 1666 1298 440 2315 11479 37853 5965 15944 14382 779 Founded 1971 1907 1906 1948 1860 1949 1947 1945 1867 1990 1990 1975 1957 1953 1992 1990 1948 1899 1948 1959 1972 1990 1925 1990 1990 1945 Clout 0.9 1.5 0.7 0.9 1.9 3.1 3.2 3.7 2.7 -0.9 0.7 0.6 2.1 2.0 0.1 1.4 2.2 3.4 2.8 1.7 1.9 -1.3 1.3 2.6 -1.8 3.7 Pop. (M) 148.6 0.7 0.3 48.3 14.1 1317.9 1224.6 239.8 126.5 16.0 5.3 6.2 28.4 0.3 2.7 29.9 24.3 93.2 25.0 5.0 20.8 6.5 69.1 5.0 27.4 87.8 Freedom Partly Partly Not Not Partly Not Free Free Free Not Partly Not Partly Partly Free Partly Not Partly Free Partly Partly Not Partly Not Not Not


h istorical rankings

Gyanendra of Nepal (1947 ) [11423] was the last king of Nepal. The monarchy was abolished following a massacre of the Royal family by the Crown Prince in 2001, and Gyanendras own misrule. Five of the former Soviet states that became independent states in 1990 appear in the accompanying table. In four cases the founding national ruler remains in power more than 20 years following independence. In the fth, Kyrgyzstan, the founding ruler died young, after only 15 years at the helm. The island nations of the Pacic are often economically linked to Asia. The two countries of greatest clout are Australia and New Zealand. Australia is represented by Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam (1916 ) [1114]). New Zealand rests on one of its founding gures, George Grey (1812 1898) [2282], present at creation when the British colony split off from Australia. Other islands, like Fiji and Papua New Guinea, are represented by independence-era gures who long retained power. Tongas Taufaahau Tupou IV (19182006) [27521] was a larger-than-life gure (weighing in at 400 pounds) who exploited all the unique economic opportunities that come from running a sovereign state, from selling stamps to collectors to claiming domain over scarce locations for geosynchronous satellites.

Leaders of Pacic Oceania Country Australia East Timor Federated S. of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Person Gough Whitlam Jos Ramos-Horta Manny Mori Kamisese Mara Anote Tong Litokwa Tomeing Marcus Stephen George Grey Johnson Toribiong Michael Somare Malietoa Tanumali II Derek Sikua T aufa ahau Tupou IV Maatia Toafa Edward Natapei Dates/Term (19721975) (20072012) (2007- ) (19932000) (2003- ) (20082009) (20072011) (18771879) (2009- ) (20022010) (19622007) (20072010) (19652006) (20102010) (20012004) Sig. 1114 23389 310072 17842 128006 208853 48665 2282 152565 32422 25818 118135 27521 159138 107604 Founded 1901 2002 1979 1967 1979 1979 2007 1856 1981 1975 1959 1978 1845 1978 1980 Clout 3.7 1.5 0.7 1.8 0.5 0.4 1.5 2.5 -0.4 1.2 1.4 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.5 Pop. (M) 22.2 1.1 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 4.3 0.0 5.8 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.2 Freedom Free Partly N/A Not Free N/A Free Free N/A Free Free Partly Partly N/A Free

m o dern world leaders


9.3 Dictators and Despots

There have always been authoritative rulers, but the language used tyrant to describe them has changed with despot time. The book Ngram data shows dictator the transition from tyrant to despot to dictator over the past 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1960 200 years, reecting the shift from inherited monarchies to military governments. It is tempting to compare the relative signicance of dictatorial gures against elected leaders. Which is the surer path to glory? The case can be made that maybe dictators deserve greater historical signicance than their democratically elected peers from comparable nations. In some sense, they represent the executive, legislative, and judicial branches rolled up in a single gure. But the challenge is identifying exactly who is a dictator. Nobody admits to being a repressive leader. Many hold elections where they win by acclamation. The rst countries to emerge in response to a Wikipedia query for Democratic Republic of prove to be (in order) the Congo, East Germany, Madagascar, North Korea, Ethiopia, North Vietnam, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Afghanistan, Belarus, and Somalia. Clearly, self-reported descriptions dont work on this matter. To study this question, we employed national freedom ratings produced by relevant nongovernmental organizations. The Democracy Index, compiled by the Economist Intelligence unit, uses a zero to ten scale to measure the state of national democracy. In 2011, Norway was rated the most democratic country, while North Korea lagged the rest of the world. The Press Freedom Index, by Reporters without Borders, measures the degree of government obstruction on the ability of journalists to do their work. Here Norway ranks tied for rst and North Korea next to last. The Heritage Foundation/Wall Street Journals index of economic freedom measures the degree to which businesses are free to operate. The latest (2012) ranking puts Hong Kong on top. Norway sinks to 40th place, while North Korea

7.5 Average Years in Office

h istorical rankings

Democracy Index Press Index 6.5 Economic Index Overall Index 6 7 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5

3 Very Free

Partly Free

Not Free

F I G U R E 9.6. Longevity of leaders as a function of the freedom of their countries. Leaders in dictatorships survive longer than in countries with free elections

again brings up the rear. Our nal index is the Overall evaluation by the U.S.-based Freedom House. These indices generally but imperfectly correlate with each other. They can all be mapped onto a similar freedom scale, with nations grouped into four or ve buckets that range from very free to not free. Figure 9.6 charts the average longevity of leaders against these indices of political, press, and economic freedom [Wikipedia, 2012b], plus a consensus trend based on the overall freedom level of their nation. And indeed, leaders of nations rated not free enjoy more robust terms than their democratically elected brethren. Interestingly, it is the leaders of nations that are partially free who have the shortest careers of all.

9.4 Military Leaders

It also proves hard to distinguish military leaders from political leaders. The separation of military and civilian leadership is a relatively recent innovation. Kings were expected to lead their countries troops into battle, even well into the eighteenth century. In addition, great generals have always tended to seek the reins of power. Julius Caesar (10044 B.C.) [15] is the ancient, quintessential example of a leader who took power in a military coup. In modern democracies, generals have often found success in battle a useful prerequisite to seeking elected ofce. In Figure 9.7 we summarize the most signicant military leaders of history. We restrict our scope to those who actually led troops in the eld, as

m o dern world leaders


Sig 2 9 15 38 50 76 95 120 138 163 174 187 193 217 219 222 233 257 283 290

Person Napoleon Alexander the Great Julius Caesar Genghis Khan Oliver Cromwell Robert E. Lee Joan of Arc Richard I Saladin Frederick the Great Arthur Wellesley Hannibal Attila Gilbert du Motier Horatio Nelson Benedict Arnold William Tecumseh Sherman Cyrus the Great Stonewall Jackson Timur

Dates (17691821) (356323 B.C.) (10044 B.C.) (11621227) (15991658) (18071870) (14121431) (11571199) (11381193) (17121786) (17691852) (248182 B.C.) (406453) (17571834) (17581805) (17411801) (18201891) (576529 B.C.) (18241863) (13361405)


Description Emperor of France (Battle of Waterloo) Greek king and conqueror of the known world Roman general and statesman ("Et tu, Brute?") Founder of the Mongol Empire Lord Protector of England (English Civil War) Confederate General (U.S. Civil War) French military leader and saint King of England (Third Crusade) Sultan of Egypt and Syria (Crusade) Prussian King and military leader Duke of Wellington (Battle of Waterloo) Carthaginian military commander Ruler of the Hunnic Empire French military ofcer (Revolutionary War) Royal Navy ofcer (Napoleonic Wars) General and traitor (Revolutionary War) Union general (U.S. Civil War) Founder of the First Persian Empire Confederate general (U.S. Civil War) Mongol founder of Timurids (a.k.a. Tamerlane)

F I G U R E 9.7.

The most signicant military leaders (excluding U.S. presidents)

opposed to gures such as Adolf Hitler (18891945) [7]. Even so restricted, about half of our top 25 went on to lead their country. The aura of great military leaders is often dened in terms of great opposition. But it is not always the victor whose reputation survives most gloriously. Napoleon (17691821) [2] was eventually vanquished by Arthur Wellesley (17691852) [174], otherwise known to history as the Duke of Wellington. The fame of Hannibal (248182 B.C.) [187] endures far beyond his defeat at the hands of Scipio Africanus [995]. Other gures are remembered for winning the battle, but losing the war. Richard I (11571199) [120] (The Lionheart) edges out his opponent Saladin (11381193) [138] in our remembrance, on the strength of his tactical victories, although he failed to take Jerusalem in the Third Crusade. Robert E. Lee (18071870) [76] is remembered as a brilliant general: but he, too, lost his war. A few military gures are remembered for even less positive reasons. Benedict Arnold (17411801) [222] was an excellent military leader, but is remembered primarily as a traitor. And, of course, George Armstrong Custer (18391876) [379] is remembered for his spectacular defeat at the Little Bighorn.


Science and Technology

Our human ability to understand and manipulate the world is what separates us from the rest of the animals. In this chapter we will revisit those responsible for breakthroughs that changed our lives and shaped our notions of what is possible: the scientists, inventors, businessmen, and explorers.

10.1 Scientists
Science is both an ancient and modern undertaking. Prehistoric man pondered the night sky and wondered why. Ancient Greek thinkers such as Euclid [149] and Archimedes (287212 B.C.) [146] laid the foundations for science and mathematics, although philosophy trumped observation. The modern scientic method, marked by hypothesis and experimentation, did not emerge until Francis Bacon (15611626) [81] and the Renaissance. Investigations into natural philosophy began to reveal the workings of the universe. Indeed, the word scientist was not invented until about 1800, and does not really pick up in the Ngrams corpus until the 1860s. 10.1.1 G R O W T H O F T H E S C I E N C E S Figure 10.1 enables us to trace the relative importance of the different branches of the sciences over the past 200 years. Natural philosophy began to fade well before 1850, and had vanished by 1900. Astronomy, a strong claimant as the oldest science, remained the preeminent scientic discipline

s c i ence and technology

1 Natural Philosophy Biology 0.8 Astronomy 0.6 Chemistry 0.4 Geology 0.2 Mathematics 0 1850
F I G U R E 10.1.






Ngrams data of scientic disciplines

until the beginning of the nineteenth century, but was then crowded out by newer sciences. Modern geology began with William Smiths (17691839) [3166] map of British rock layers, or strata. The observation that strata could be identied by fossils embedded within pointed to a world much older than the 6,000 years since biblical creation. Charles Lyells (17971875) [1107] Principles of Geology revealed that the earth was shaped by slow-moving forces, such as erosion and uplift. Geology quickly became the most important scientic eld, but this popularity slowly eroded with the uplift of physics and then biology. With the revolution in modern physics of the twentieth century, physics became the hot scientic eld through the atomic era, and made famous such names as Albert Einstein (18791955) [19], Erwin Schrdinger (1887 1961) [1987], and Max Planck (18581947) [539]. The life sciences have taken off since the 1950s, particularly molecular biology in the wake of the discovery of the structure of DNA by Francis Crick (19162004) [1429] and James D. Watson (1928 ) [3619].

10.1.2 T H E G R E A T S C I E N T I S T S We highlight the 15 most signicant scientists across an assortment of disciplines in Figure 10.2. All rank among the top 300 people in history, a similar stature to the presidents of the United States. But the fundamental


h istorical rankings

Sig. 12 19 21 31 44 49 74 81 103 112 156 175 216 250 276

Person Charles Darwin Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Carl Linnaeus Sigmund Freud Galileo Galilei Nicolaus Copernicus Francis Bacon Ptolemy Louis Pasteur Johannes Kepler Michael Faraday Robert Hooke Gregor Mendel Antoine Lavoisier

Dates (18091882) (18791955) (16431727) (17071778) (18561939) (15641642) (14731543) (15611626) (90 A.D.168) (18221895) (15711630) (17911867) (16351703) (18221884) (17431794)


Sci100 4 2 1 76 6 7 10

Field Biology Physics Physics Biology Psychology Astronomy Astronomy Philosophy Astronomy Biology Astronomy Physics Physics Biology Chemistry

Description theory of evolution theory of relativity universal gravitation taxonomical classication psychoanalysis scientic revolution heliocentric cosmology scientic method geocentric model germ theory of disease laws of planetary motion electromagnetism Hookes law genetic inheritance discover of elements

5 9 11 60 8

F I G U R E 10.2. The 15 most signicant scientists: with eld, discovery, and Science 100 rank [Simmons, 2000]

laws governing the natural world can only be discovered once, granting each of these gures a unique and forever untarnishable achievement. The top scientists of the ancient world made fundamental errors as they explored the darkness. That Ptolemys (A.D. 90168) [103]s universe, where the sun traveled around the earth, endured for more than 1,500 years until the Renaissance shows just how far ahead of his time Ptolemy was. As shown in Figure 10.2, the three most signicant scientists are the physicists Isaac Newton (16431727) [21] and Albert Einstein (18791955) [19] and the evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin (18091882) [12]. These men, along with the discoverer of the heliocentric universe (Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) [74]) and the germ theory of disease (Louis Pasteur (18221895) [112]), revolutionized the way we understand our world. Therearemorescientistsworkingtodaythanatanypointinhumanhistory, which makes the relative antiquity of our most signicant gures particularly striking. Einstein is the only one who lived into the twentieth century. This is because the lowest-hanging scientic fruit gets picked rst: macroscopic questions about the physical world were identied relatively early in human intellectual history, and proved addressable using techniques in place by the nineteenth century. Several early scientists made important contributions to multiple disciplines, because they were the rst ones to be rummaging around the neighborhood. Todays scientists generally focus on deeper but less accessible problems, and work in increasingly large research teams.

s c i ence and technology

120 100 80 Scientific 100 Rank 60 40 20 0
Gertrude B. Elion William Bayliss Archimedes Alexander Fleming Emil Kraepelin Ernst Haeckel Konrad Lorenz Jean Piaget J. Lamarck Carl Linnaeus


Paul Ehrlich Gregor Mendel Hans Bethe Alfred Wegener John Bardeen Dmitri Mendeleev A. von Haller Carl F. Gauss Justus von Liebig Leonhard Euler Charles Lyell Paul Dirac Ernest Rutherford Claude Bernard Michael Faraday Niels Bohr Louis Pasteur Charles Darwin

T. Dobzhansky

F I G U R E 10.3.

4 Significance

Signicance of scientists by their Scientic 100 rank

To provide an alternate historical perspective, we include rankings of inuential scientists from The Scientic 100 from Simmons [2000], who generally does a good job across many disciplines. Figure 10.3 shows the strong correlation between the Science 100 rankings and our signicance scores. We tend to rate Archimedes (287212 B.C.) [146] and Carl Linnaeus (17071778) [31] somewhat more highly than he does, whereas the reverse is true for theoretical physicist Sheldon Lee Glashow (1932 ) [22885] and physiologist Claude Bernard (18131878) [3278]. Our top scientists not appearing in Simmons rankings include the closely associated gures of Robert Hooke (16351703) [216], whose early work on mechanics inuenced Newton, and Robert Boyle (16271691) [310], the transitional gure between alchemy and chemistry. 10.1.3 T H E N O B E L P R I Z E S The Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry, and medicine provide an interesting window into the popular renown of contemporary scientists. The prize announcements are always among the biggest scientic news stories of the year. There is widespread public perception that the winners of the Nobel Prize rank among the greatest scientists of the day.

Economics 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1

h istorical rankings







1960 Year



F I G U R E 10.4. The signicance of Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and economics. All peaked with their initial awardees and have declined to the present day

Figure 10.4 plots the average signicance of Nobel Prize winners in each of the science disciplines, as a function of award year. In all these elds, the earliest awardees proved to be the most highly signicant group, reecting the backlog of worthy, older recipients awaiting recognition. Only after this had been cleared could a steady state be reached, where each new year brings in a fresh crop of young scientists, the very best of whom mature into Nobel-caliber gures. The trends by discipline are interesting and revealing. Physicists have dominated the signicance of the winners in the hard sciences since the rst prizes were awarded in 1901. They started from a higher peak and maintained a deeper bench. Marie Curie (18671934) [667] sits near the top of the rankings in both physics and chemistry, a tribute to the two prizes she received. Only the rst three chemists would be recognizable to the general public, as opposed to most of the top ten physicists.
Physics Sig. 19 514 539 667 Person Albert Einstein J. J. Thomson Max Planck Marie Curie Dates (18791955) (18561940) (18581947) (18671934) Sig. 431 667 1286 2703 Chemistry Person Ernest Rutherford Marie Curie Linus Pauling Svante Arrhenius Dates (18711937) (18671934) (19011994) (18591927) (continued)

s c i ence and technology


Sig. 759 777 1351 1659 1987 2033

Person Niels Bohr Guglielmo Marconi Enrico Fermi Werner Heisenberg Erwin Schrdinger Max Born

Dates (18851962) (18741937) (19011954) (19011976) (18871961) (18821970)

Sig. 3588 3628 3681 4061 4810 5655

Person Wilhelm Ostwald Fritz Haber Otto Hahn Hermann E. Fischer William Ramsay Walther Nernst

Dates (18531932) (18681934) (18791968) (18521919) (18521916) (18641941)

But the signicance of the winners in the hard sciences has decayed at a steady rate, leveling off since about 1980. Despite the continuous breakthroughs in these disciplines, the winners remain a fairly anonymous bunch.
Medicine Sig 962 1124 1429 2259 2310 3619 3938 4869 4999 5418 Person Robert Koch Alexander Fleming Francis Crick Paul Ehrlich Thomas Hunt Morgan James D. Watson Camillo Golgi S. R. Y. Cajal Frederick Banting Barbara McClintock Dates (18431910) (18811955) (19162004) (18541915) (18661945) (1928 ) (18431926) (18521934) (18911941) (19021992) Sig 700 1156 3452 3654 5360 5880 7800 8607 8953 10212 Economics Person Milton Friedman Friedrich Hayek Paul Krugman Paul Samuelson Amartya Sen Herbert Simon Kenneth Arrow Gunnar Myrdal Ronald Coase Robert Solow Dates (19122006) (18991992) (1953 ) (19152009) (1933 ) (19162001) (1921 ) (18981987) (1910 ) (1924 )

There are three primary reasons. First, science has become so highly technical and specialized that it is difcult to inform the public about the achievements being commemorated. Although some awards go to advances that directly touch peoples lives, such as the invention of MRI medical imaging technology (awarded to Paul Lauterbur (19292007) [50006] and Peter Manseld (1933 ) [76670]) or integrated circuits (awarded to Robert Noyce (19271990) [14824] and Jack Kilby (19232005) [14595]), most scientic research is too obscure to resonate with the public. Second, contemporary science is a highly collaborative enterprise, making the Great Man model of science less tenable. The paper rst describing the sequencing of the human genome had more than a hundred authors, from over a dozen different institutions. Todays famous scientists tend to be controversial, at least within the academic community. Indeed, the most publicly visible scientists of recent years, such as physicist Stephen Hawking (1942 ) [1656] or biologist Craig Venter (1946 ) [27548], have won Nobel Prizes as of this writing.


h istorical rankings

Finally, the scientic community does not venture into public discourse as it did in years past, failing to exploit its Nobel Prizes as a bully pulpit for political or social issues. By contrast, chemistry winner Linus Pauling (19011994) [1286] later won a Peace prize for his work on nuclear disarmament, and later became a controversial advocate for the power of vitamin C. With the possible exception of James Hansen (1941 ) [19567], no scientist has emerged to become the face of global climate change. Instead, former vice president Al Gore (1948 ) [623] remains the public gure most closely associated with that issue. We will see in the next section that the Nobel Prize winners in economics have higher signicance today than those of any of the hard sciences, but even they have been trumped by the winners of the prizes for literature and peace. The public proles of these awardees have remained constantly higher than the science winner, and have not decayed over the past century of Nobel prizes.
Most Signicant Economists Sig. 56 201 265 469 561 700 1156 1235 1538 1717 2123 2983 3264 3452 3654 Person Adam Smith John Stuart Mill Thomas Robert Malthus John Maynard Keynes David Ricardo Milton Friedman Friedrich Hayek John von Neumann Henry George Ludwig von Mises Thorstein Veblen William Stanley Jevons John Kenneth Galbraith Paul Krugman Paul Samuelson Dates (17231790) (18061873) (17661834) (18831946) (17721823) (19122006) (18991992) (19031957) (18391897) (18811973) (18571929) (18351882) (19082006) (1953 ) (19152009) C/G Description Economist (The Wealth of Nations) British philosopher (On Liberty) English political economist (Malthusianism) British economist (Keynesian economics) English economist (comparative advantage) Inuential American economist (monetarism) Austrian economist and political thinker American polymath (Von Neumann architecture) American political economist (land value tax) Philosopher, economist (Austrian School) Economist ("The Theory of the Leisure Class") British economist, logician (Jevons paradox) American economist (Keynesian) Economist / NYT liberal columnist American economist / Nobelist (Econ textbook)

10.1.4 E C O N O M I S T S Our Nobel Prize signicance rankings identify economics as a discipline of greater public stature than todays hard sciences. Modern economics rests on a foundation of advanced mathematics, yet is substantially inuenced by political and social forces, making economists more visible public gures than other scientists.

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The great classical economists dominate the landscape of our top economists: Adam Smith (17231790) [56], John Maynard Keynes (1883 1946) [469], and David Ricardo (17721823) [561] developed theories governing the behavior of markets, money, and trade. Another thread revolves around political economists, philosophers seeking to design governing systems that maximize output and utility. These include philosophers such as John Stuart Mill (18061873) [201] and Thomas Robert Malthus (17661834) [265]. Acolytes of modern conservative economists such as Milton Friedman (19122006) [700] and Friedrich Hayek (18991992) [1156] have succeeded in lifting them above their liberal counterparts Paul Samuelson (19152009) [3654] and Paul Krugman (1953 ) [3452]. 10.1.5 M A T H E M A T I C I A N S In A Mathematicians Apology, number theorist G. H. Hardy (18771947) [3270] writes that mathematical fame, if you have the cash to pay for it, is one of the soundest and steadiest investments. There are philosophical questions of whether mathematical research is more that of discovery or invention, but the publication standards and denitional clarity ensure that new mathematics gets credited to the appropriate person. We have identied twenty of the most historically signicant mathematicians. We have omitted mathematical physicists such as Isaac Newton (16431727) [21] and philosophers of logic like Aristotle (384322 B.C.) [8]. What remains are several gures from the ancient world (Pythagoras (570495 B.C.) [133] and Euclid [149]) plus others on the boundary of mathematics and philosophy (Ren Descartes (15961650) [92] and Gottfried Leibniz (16461716) [119]).
Most Signicant Mathematicians Sig. 92 119 133 146 149 157 185 Person Ren Descartes Gottfried Leibniz Pythagoras Archimedes Euclid Blaise Pascal Leonhard Euler Dates (15961650) (16461716) (570495 B.C.) (287212 B.C.) (? ?) (16231662) (17071783) C/G Description French philosopher ("I think, therefore I am") German philosopher, mathematician (Calculus) Greek mathematician (Pythagorean Theorem) Greek mathematician ("Eureka!") Greek mathematician (Euclidean geometry) Mathematician, philosopher (Pascals Wager) Swiss mathematician (mathematical constant e) (continued)


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207 273 556 638 659 683 785 886 924 994 1091 1127 1170

Carl Friedrich Gauss Charles Babbage Thales Georg Cantor Pierre-Simon Laplace Joseph Louis Lagrange Henri Poincar M. i. M. al-Khw arizm Pierre de Fermat Ada Lovelace Bernhard Riemann Alan Turing George Boole

(17771855) (17911871) (635543 B.C.) (18451918) (17491827) (17361813) (18541912) (780850) (16011665) (18151852) (18261866) (19121954) (18151864)

German mathematician (Gaussian distribution) Mathematician, inventor (difference engine) Greek philosopher ("the rst mathematician") German mathematician (set theory) Mathematician, astronomer (Laplace transform) Mathematician, astronomer (Lagrange points) French mathematician (Poincar conjecture) Persian mathematician (algebra) French lawyer (Fermats last theorem) English mathematician (Analytical Engine) German mathematician (Riemann Hypothesis) British "Father of Computer Science" English mathematician (Boolean algebra)

The most signicant modern mathematicians are associated with computers. Charles Babbage (17911871) [273] made a valiant but unsuccessful attempt to build a nineteenth-century computing engine out of shafts and gears. Blaise Pascal (16231662) [157] also invented a mechanical calculator, but his greater accomplishment was laying the foundations of probability theory. The most prominent twentieth-century mathematicians, Alan Turing (19121954) [1127] and John von Neumann (19031957) [1235], made important early contributions to computer architecture as a consequence of their theoretical work. The Fields Medal, awarded since 1936, serves as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics. But the medals rules ultimately limit its public visibility. Instead of an annual prize, it is awarded only once every four years. It is restricted to mathematicians under the age of 40, meaning that recipients have not had enough time to establish a public presence prior to selection. Many important mathematicians have been overlooked during this narrow window (such as the peripatetic combinatorialist Paul Erdos (19131996) [5640]) or achieved their central result later (like Andrew Wiles (1953 ) [12376], conqueror of Fermats last theorem). And nally, the cash prize of $15,000 is only 1 percent of the value of a Nobel Prize, and so does not signal its importance outside the mathematical community. Norways Niels Henrik Abel (18021829) [2155] Prize, inaugurated in 2003, addresses all these deciencies, and we anticipate that it will soon be recognized as the greatest honor in mathematics. Among the most famous living mathematicians is game theorist John Forbes Nash (1928 ) [8513], but his popular renown is partly a

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consequence of his battles with schizophrenia, dramatized in the movie A Beautiful Mind. Discrete mathematician and computer scientist Donald Knuth (1938 ) [5917] appears to be the most historically signicant living mathematician. 10.1.6 M E D I C A L S C I E N T I S T S Modern medicine is a not a science, though it often overlaps with the biological sciences. This distinction was much less clear during the early history of scientic medicine, when the exploration of human anatomy depended upon access to former patients for dissection. Our rankings try to recognize healing physicians instead of the scientists who unraveled the mysteries of disease, such as Louis Pasteur (18221895) [112]. The great physicians of ancient times, Hippocrates (460370 B.C.) [239] and Galen (129201) [324], inuenced medical treatment through the Renaissance. Prohibitions against human dissection froze knowledge of human anatomy until the Renaissance, when Andreas Vesalius (1514 1564) [754] published a new anatomy based on direct observation. Only then could William Harvey (15781657) [468] and Marcello Malpighi (16281694) [3415] unravel the mysteries of blood circulation.
Most Signicant Physicians Sig. 239 324 468 746 754 805 901 962 998 1471 1942 2441 2883 3415 3775 Person Hippocrates Galen William Harvey Edward Jenner Andreas Vesalius Rudolf Virchow Joseph Lister Robert Koch Paracelsus Ignaz Semmelweis John Snow William Osler Jean-Martin Charcot Marcello Malpighi Jonas Salk Dates (460370 B.C.) (129201) (15781657) (17491823) (15141564) (18211902) (18271912) (18431910) (14931541) (18181865) (18131858) (18491919) (18251893) (16281694) (19141995) C/G Description Ancient Greek physician (Hippocratic Oath) Inuential Roman physician, philosopher English physician (systemic circulation) English physician (smallpox vaccine) Anatomist ("De humani corporis fabrica") German doctor, biologist (cellular pathology) British surgeon (antiseptic surgery) German physician (Kochs postulates) Physician, alchemist, botanist (zinc) Hungarian physician (antiseptic obstetrics) English physician (anesthesia pioneer) Physician (One of Johns Hopkins "Big Four") Neurologist ("Founder of modern neurology") Italian doctor ("Malpighian tubule system") American medical researcher (Polio vaccine)

The staggering toll of maternal deaths from infection during childbirth did not abate until antiseptic surgical procedures were widely adopted.


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Ignaz Semmelweis (18181865) [1471] and Joseph Lister (18271912) [901] pioneered antiseptic surgery. John Snow (18131858) [1942] established the importance of epidemiology, famously tracing the source of a cholera outbreak to one particular water pump. Standards for medical training in the nineteenth-century were remarkably low, reecting the limited state of real knowledge. William Osler (18491919) [2441] is the seminal gure in modern medical education. With complete understanding of human anatomy and the germ theory of disease, medical research has now largely shifted from the clinic to the laboratory. Robert Koch (18431910) [962] and Jonas Salk (19141995) [3775] are transitional gures, trained as physicians, but famous for fundamental research leading to effective therapies. The days of the heroic, world-famous surgeon appear to have ended after pioneering cardiac surgeons Christiaan Barnard (19222001) [10749] and Michael E. DeBakey (19082008) [9258] made heart transplants a reality. Today, the Nobel Prize in Medicine is seldom awarded to a clinical physician.
Dentists By comparison, few of the most prominent dentists earned their reputation working on teeth. Foremost were William T. G. Morton (18191868) [7233] and Horace Wells (18151848) [25753], whose demonstrations of surgical anesthesia made possible todays (relatively) painless dentistry. Pierre Fauchard (16781761) [16496] is the father of modern dentistry, responsible for introducing dental llings and the notion that sugar caused cavities.
Most Signicant Dentists Sig. 2147 4066 7233 16496 16968 Person Doc Holliday Zane Grey William T. G. Morton Pierre Fauchard Fatima Jinnah Dates (18511887) (18721939) (18191868) (16781761) (18931967) C/G Description American gambler, gunghter (O.K. Corral) Western author (Riders of the Purple Sage) Dentist and pioneer of anesthesia French physician ("Father of modern dentistry") Dental surgeon and Founding Mother of Pakistan

The remaining dentists are a diverse group who generally used their stable, prosperous, and respectable dental position as a springboard for their real career: in writing (Zane Grey (18721939) [4066]), politics

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(Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow (1957 ) [36382] of Turkmenistan), or gun slinging (Doc Holliday (18511887) [2147]).
Psychologists Philosophers and medical doctors began to study the workings of President Prime Minister King the human mind during the second half of the nineteenth century. William Jamess (18421910) [442] book Principles of Psychology assem1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year bled the foundations of an emerging discipline. On the medical side, Wilhelm Wundt (18321920) [1464] can be considered as the father of experimental psychology. The pioneers in medical psychoanalysis were Sigmund Freud (1856 1939) [44] and Carl Jung (18751961) [333]. Freud was one of the dominant gures of his century. However, his reputation has rapidly declined as effective psychotropic drugs replace psychoanalysis as the primary treatment for mental illness. Ngram time series shows that Charles Darwin (1809 1882) [12] was more prominent than Sigmund Freud [44] until 1950. Freuds mindshare continued to grow until his plunge to Darwinian levels began in 1990. Our analysis suggests that by 2015, Darwin will reemerge as the more relevant scientist. Jungs reputation has grown at Freuds expense, and appears to be holding on more tenaciously.

Most Signicant Psychologists Sig. 44 333 417 442 1464 1686 1834 2824 2831 Person Sigmund Freud Carl Jung John Dewey William James Wilhelm Wundt B. F. Skinner Jacques Lacan Wilhelm Reich Timothy Leary Dates (18561939) (18751961) (18591952) (18421910) (18321920) (19041990) (19011981) (18971957) (19201996) C/G Description Neurologist and creator of psychoanalysis Swiss psychologist (Jungian psychotherapy) American philosopher (pragmatism) Psychologist, philosopher (pragmatism) Father of experimental psychology American psychologist (behaviorism) French psychoanalyst (post-structuralist) Austrian psychoanalyst (Freudo-Marxism) Psychologist ("Turn on, tune in, drop out")

Several famous psychologists were controversial. The popularizing interests of Wilhelm Reich (18971957) [2824] and Timothy Leary (19201996) [2831] in sexual energy (organe) and psychedelic drugs led to a general


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discrediting of their scientic work. Jacques Lacans (19011981) [1834] philosophical ideas on post-structuralist theory may have had a greater inuence on literary analysis than psychoanalysis.

10.2 Inventors
Science and technology are often seen as two sides of a single coin. tyrant Science is the fundamental underdespot standing of the natural world. Techdictator nology is the extent to which we can 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1960 manipulate the natural world for our betterment. Although technology is an old word, the Ngram dataset shows that it was rarely employed until World War II. Now its use has exploded to where it rivals that of science itself. 10.2.1 T H E G O L D E N A G E O F I N V E N T I O N The iconic image of the inventor is of a tinkerer: the mad genius puttering around in a laboratory or garage. However, many of the best known inventors made their reputation protecting and selling the better mousetrap, independent of niceties about whether they really invented it.
Most Signicant Inventors Sig. 40 93 106 112 328 337 532 547 758 777 887 954 Person Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Alexander Graham Bell Louis Pasteur Johannes Gutenberg Walt Disney Samuel Morse Alfred Nobel Eli Whitney Guglielmo Marconi George Washington Carver Robert Fulton Dates (18471931) (18561943) (18471922) (18221895) (13981468) (19011966) (17911872) (18331896) (17651825) (18741937) ( ? 1943) (17651815) C/G Description Inventor (lightbulb, phonograph) Inventor (alternating current) Inventor (telephone) French chemist and founder of microbiology German printer (movable type) American lm animation ("Mickey Mouse") Inventor (telegraph system) Founded Nobel Prizes, invented dynamite American inventor (cotton gin) Italian inventor (Marconis law) Agricultural scientist (uses for peanuts) Engineer and inventor (steamboat) (continued)

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Sig. 1015 1351 1461 1584 1812 1929 1984 2027

Person Eadweard Muybridge Enrico Fermi Gottlieb Daimler George Eastman George Westinghouse Rudolf Diesel Charles Goodyear Louis Comfort Tiffany

Dates (18301904) (19011954) (18341900) (18541932) (18461914) (18581913) (18001860) (18481933)


Description English photographer (Yosemite Valley) American physicist (rst nuclear reactor) Automotive pioneer (Daimler Motors) Inventor, entrepreneur (Eastman Kodak) American entrepreneur (Westinghouse Electric) German inventor (diesel engine) American inventor (vulcanized rubber) American artist and designer (Favrile glass)

The most famous Golden Age inventor gures were usually successful industrialists, who built long-lasting companies. These include Thomas Edison (18471931) [40] (General Electric), Henry Ford (18631947) [148] (Ford Motor Company), and Alexander Graham Bell (18471922) [106] (Bell Telephone). On the other hand, Walter Hunt (17961859) [16684] was a tinkerer: he patented the safety pin, the repeating rie, and the fountain pen without making a killing on any of them. Elias Howe (18191867) [6927] may be most responsible for inventing the modern sewing machine, but it was Isaac Singer (18111875) [4114] who got them into almost every home. By contrast, George Westinghouse (18461914) [1812] achieved success by inventing the railway air brake, but his fame was derived from building the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Other inventors died poor, but later had companies named after them, such as Charles Goodyear (18001860) [1984]. We consider the most signicant members of the National Inventors Hall of Fame, located on the grounds of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce in Alexandria, Virginia. Since their establishment in 1973, they have diligently elected about ten new members every year. They have amassed an eclectic bunch ranging from Thomas Edison (18471931) [40] to Robert Adler (19132007) [67242], the couch-potato creating inventor of the TV remote control. The scientists prove more distinguished, with twenty ranking among the 500 most signicant people in history compared to seven for the inventors. Several members of the Inventors Hall of Fame are better known as scientists (Enrico Fermi (19011954) [1351] and Louis Pasteur (1822 1895) [112]), artists (Louis Comfort Tiffany (18481933) [2027]), explorers (Jacques Cousteau (19101997) [2799]), or even entertainers (guitarist Les


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Paul (19152009) [2214] and animator Walt Disney (19011966) [337]) but all are unquestionably innovative and creative thinkers.

10.2.2 M O D E R N I N V E N T I O N The most signicant members of the Inventors Hall of Fame have one thing in common: all are long dead. Despite living in a technological age, we seem to lack the great inventors of yesteryear. We can get a perspective on contemporary times through the winners of the Lemelson-MIT Prize for invention. Endowed by Jerome H. Lemelson (19231997) [58245], himself holder of 605 patents, the prize has been awarded annually since 1995 and now provides $500,000 to the recipient. So who are the lucky winners?
Most Signicant Lemelson-MIT Prize Winners Sig. 5796 14636 15345 19057 35915 Person Douglas Engelbart David Packard Ray Kurzweil William R. Hewlett Dean Kamen Dates (1925 ) (19121996) (1948 ) (19132001) (1951 ) C/G Description American inventor (computer mouse, hypertext) American businessman (Hewlett-Packard) Inventor (OCR), futurist (transhumanism) American engineer (co-founded Hewlett-Packard) American entrepreneur, inventor (Segway)

The most signicant winner has been Douglas Engelbart (1925 ) [5796], recognized as the inventor of the soon-to-vanish but still-ubiquitous computer mouse. More important, he deserves much of the credit for todays networked, interactive computing environments. The two founders of Hewlett-Packard, David Packard (19121996) [14636] and William Reddington Hewlett (19132001) [19057], created a culture of invention at HP and in the Silicon Valley, but are more renowned as businessmen, not inventors. Two other names are perhaps recognizable to the broader public. Futurist Ray Kurzweil (1948 ) [15345] rose to prominence by inventing music synthesizers and book-reading machines for the blind. Dean Kamen (1951 ) [35915] invented the Segway human transporter, to enable security personnel to zip through shopping malls and airport terminals. Both t the public conception of an inventor, but neither seem destined to rival Alexander Graham Bell (18471922) [106] or even Lee De Forest

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(18731961) [2525] (inventor of a vacuum tube amplier important for early radios) in the history books. One consequence of the increasing complexity of technology is that contemporary inventions no longer have recognizable inventors. We live in an age of large industrial research teams, led by management gures less responsible for the inspiration than for coordinating the perspiration. Who invented television? Was it Philo Farnsworth (19061971) [4812], who rst demonstrated an electronic television system to the public? Vladimir K. Zworykin (18881982) [8005], who developed the cathode ray tube (CRT) display, only recently displaced by at screen televisions? Or David Sarnoff (18911971) [5939], who created the commercial television industry at the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and the National Broadcast Corporation (NBC)? The answer is yes to all of them. The computer has an equally murky origin. Information processing technology dates back to Herman Holleriths (18601929) [2544] punched card machines for the U.S. Census. Alan Turing (19121954) [1127] and John von Neumann (19031957) [1235] were the intellectual godfathers of contemporary stored-program machines. John Mauchly (19071980) [7494] and J. Presper Eckert (19191995) [18998] built the ENIAC, the rst electronic computer, but arguably stole key ideas from John Vincent Atanasoff (19031995) [16594]. Steve Jobs (19552011) [2051] and Bill Gates (1955 ) [904] arguably invented the personal computer and the microcomputer software industry, respectively. The passing of Apple founder Steve Jobs (19552011) [2051] brought forth eulogies comparing Jobs to Edison. Both men changed the way people encounter technology, but Edisons contributions were vastly deeper. The incandescent bulb changed night into day; the phonograph turned music from a personal to a public experience; motion pictures transformed us from a written to a visual culture. The personal computing technologies Jobs championed will quickly fade from view as new ones arise to take their place. We predict Jobs will eventually be remembered more like the inventor of the telegraph Samuel Morse [532]: pioneering a historically important but transitional technology that will soon be remote from contemporary experience. So who should be credited as the inventor of the computer in Bonnies history book?


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10.2.3 P A T E N T S A N D I N V E N T I O N In Bambi vs. Godzilla [Mamet, 2007], screenwriter David Mamet boils all the sins of Hollywood down into a single factoid. In 1958, 230 Hollywood producers created 2,000 lms. By 2003, the ratio had shifted to 1,200 producers for only 240 lms. What has been lost was a sense of personal auteurship, resulting in less creativity and innovation despite seemingly greater available resources. A study of invention through the statistical lens of patents would reveal a similar story. Although there appear to be few truly seminal new inventions, the number of patents awarded has skyrocketed, along with the number of patented inventors. What is the reason for this disconnect? The modern era of invention could not get started before the creation of a patent system. The experience of Johannes Gutenberg (13981468) [328] with his printing press was probably typical. His printing technology rapidly spread through Europe, without anyone paying him royalties. He promptly went bankrupt, although late in life the royal court honored him with a stipend. The British patent system dates back to the reign of James I (15661625) [41], and slowly evolved into its modern form. The industrial revolution sparked a greater demand for innovation and the need to protect it. The United States set up its patent system early in the republic, and issued the rst patent to Samuel Hopkins (17431818) [30255] on July 31, 1790: it was signed by both President George Washington (17321799) [6] and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson (17431826) [10]. Identifying the most signicant patent holder proves to be relatively easy. Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5] received U.S. Patent number 6,469 for A Device for Buoying Vessels Over Shoals on May 22, 1849. What should stand out is how small his patent number was. During its rst sixty years of operation, the patent ofce awarded an average of only 110 patents per year. This slow rate of growth is apparent from the patent numbers of iconic inventions. Eli Whitneys (17651825) [758] cotton gin received patent 72X on March 14, 1794. Samuel Morses (17911872) [532] telegraph received patent number 1,647 on June 20, 1840, meaning that the total number of patents issued tripled during the 1840s before Lincoln got his.

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10.3 Business Leaders

Business propagates technological improvements to society at large. Many prominent corporations have been built on the strength of a particular idea or invention, which is often named for its creator: Philip Danforth Armour (18321901) [15273], meatpacking; Richard Warren Sears (18631914) [26813], department stores; William Wrigley (18611932) [12068], chewing gum. The U.S. patent ofce now awards patents for business processes more evidence of the tight ties between business and innovation. Figure 10.5 presents our rankings of the most historically signicant business leaders. Almost half made their fortunes during the Gilded Age, running roughly from 1870 to 1900. This is when the railroads were built and the nancial structure of modern corporations established. It was a period of rapid industrial growth after the destruction of the Civil War. The Progressive Era soon followed, bringing with it antitrust actions to break up the giant monopolies that built these great fortunes. Today, we are living in a second Gilded Age. A good quarter of the historically most signicant businessmen in our table are still alive and active.

Sig. 104 148 172 322 337 565 706 767 898 904 925 1281 1413 1455 1549 1584 1766 1858 1920 2051

W100 5 11 1 23

Person Andrew Carnegie Henry Ford John D. Rockefeller J. P . Morgan Walt Disney William Randolph Hearst Cecil Rhodes P . T. Barnum Howard Hughes Bill Gates Cornelius Vanderbilt Johns Hopkins Jay Gould John Jacob Astor Joseph Pulitzer George Eastman Rupert Murdoch Warren Buffett Leland Stanford Steve Jobs

Dates (18351919) (18631947) (18391937) (18371913) (19011966) (18631951) (18531902) (18101891) (19051976) (1955 ) (17941877) (17951873) (18361892) (17631848) (18471911) (18541932) (1931 ) (1930 ) (18241893) (19552011)

Business steel cars oil nance media media mining media oil software railroad railroad nance trading media photography media nance railroad computer

Company Carnegie Steel Ford Motor Company Standard Oil JP Morgan Chase The Walt Disney Company Hearst Corporation De Beers Barnum and Bailey Circus Hughes Aircraft Microsoft Accessory Transit Company Johns Hopkins Hospital Union Pacic American Fur Company New York World Eastman Kodak News Corporation Brekshire Hathaway Southern Pacic Company Apple Computer

81 31 2 69 8 3 79 44 39 34

F I G U R E 10.5. The most signicant business leaders, with Wealthy 100 ranking and associated companies


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Several are known for their philanthropy, giving back to society much of what they arguably stole during the making of their fortunes. Steel baron Andrew Carnegie (18351919) [104] was among the richest men of all time, yet gave away all of his fortune to build 3,000 libraries and countless other institutions. Oil magnate John D. Rockefeller (18391937) [172] provided major funding to schools from Spelman College to the University of Chicago, plus countless New York institutions like Rockefeller University. Bill Gates (1955 ) [904] is very much a modern parallel, using the rst half of his life to ruthlessly accumulate great wealth, and the second half seeing that it is used effectively for noble causes such as curing disease. 10.3.1 W E A L T H A N D S T A T U R E Business leaders tend to be a wealthy bunch. We present the relative signicance of the wealthiest people in U.S. history in Figure 10.6, as identied in [Klepper and Gunther, 1996]. Comparing economic clout across different timescales is challenging. One reason is the need to correct for ination, which makes it meaningless to compare absolute dollar amounts from different periods. In principle, this can be done by converting wealth into purchasing power, the amount of goods that could be bought using one dollar in (say) 1970. A second factor concerns the relative size of the national

Person John D. Rockefeller Cornelius Vanderbilt John Jacob Astor Stephen Girard Andrew Carnegie Alexander Turney Stewart Friedrich Weyerhuser Jay Gould Stephen Van Rensselaer Marshall Field Henry Ford Andrew W. Mellon Richard B. Mellon Sam Walton James Graham Fair

Dates (18391937) (17941877) (17631848) (17501831) (18351919) (18031876) (18341914) (18361892) (17641839) (18341906) (18631947) (18551937) (18581933) (19181992) (18311894)

W100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

GDP-R 65 87 107 150 166 178 182 185 194 205 231 258 258 275 280

Sig. 172 925 1455 15469 104 8732 106684 1413 9463 5578 148 2341 51321 4923 34520

Description American oil magnate (Standard Oil) American industrialist, philanthropist American business magnate (Astor family) American banker, philanthropist (1812 bailout) Steel magnate and philanthropist Irish entrepreneur (dry goods) German-American timber mogul American railroad robber baron Lieutenant gov. of NY (founded RPI) American businessman (department stores) American industrialist (Ford Motors) Banker, philanthropist (Carnegie Mellon Univ.) Brother, business partner of Andrew Mellon American businessman (Walmart) Politician (part owner of Comstock Lode)

F I G U R E 10.6. Historical signicance of the wealthiest U.S. gures from the Wealthy 100 [Klepper and Gunther, 1996]

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David Packard

Larry Ellison Jay Van Ande Dick DeVos John McDonogh Samuel Slater Benjamin Franklin August Belmont F. W. Woolworth Howard Hughes

Peter C. Brooks


Daniel W. James

Paul Allen James J. Stillman John Kluge Samuel Colt Adolphus Busch John W. Garrett Israel Thorndike Henry M. Flagler Claus Spreckels George Washington


Bill Gates James Clair Flood N. Longworth J. P. Morgan William Weightman Russell Sage Andrew W. Mellon Stephen Girard C. Vanderbilt
2 0 2 Sig. 4 6 8

F I G U R E 10.7. Historical signicance versus GDP/Wealth for members of the Wealthy 100, with regression line. Wealthier people generally prove more historically signicant

economy. My economic clout depends upon how my wealth stacks up to the people around me. Those who become famous for their wealth must stand out among their peers in what they own and control. To identify the Wealthy 100, they normalized accumulated wealth by taking the ratio with respect to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of that time. When Bill Gates (1955 ) [904] led the Forbes 400 with an estimated wealth of $59 billion, the U.S. GDP was $14.5 trillion, or roughly equal to 246.2 times Bill Gates.1 In comparison, they credit John D. Rockefeller (18391937) [172] with a ratio of 65, or almost four times the clout of Bill Gates. Figure 10.7 plots historical signicance versus normalized wealth for members of the Wealthy 100. The regression line conrms that historical signicance generally increases with riches. It also identies outliers. Those below the regression line were more wealthy than their signicance indicates, while those above the line achieved greater renown with less lavish living.
1 The Wealthy 100 was published in 1996, at which point Gates was credited with a ratio of

425. For consistency, we will use the numbers presented in it throughout this section.


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Among the surprises here are two colonial outliers, Benjamin Franklin (17061790) [35] and George Washington (17321799) [6], who were more famous for their political and military accomplishments than their wealth. It is easy to forget that our founding fathers were the economic elite of their colonies. They controlled vast wealth, generally from land worked by slaves or indentured servants. Visitors to Washingtons magnicent home at Mount Vernon learn he married into serious money. By contrast, Franklin was a self-made man who became wealthy through publishing. Early to bed and early to rise indeed kept him healthy (he lived to 84), wealthy, and wise. His modest bequests to Boston and Philadelphia, retained in interestbearing accounts for two centuries, were worth millions of dollars upon maturation in 1990. Reclusive oil man Howard Hughes (19051976) [898] also has greater signicance than his mere wealth would suggest. Hughes lead an eventful life as a record-setting aviator and movie producer before descending into mental illness. His massive estate was left to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, where it funds research in the life sciences. Those below the regression line are either overvalued by wealth or undervalued by signicance. Extreme points include Stephen Girard (1750 1831) [15469], a banker who purchased the remnants of the First Bank of United States in 1811 and personally nanced much of the War of 1812. He is posited to be the fourth-wealthiest American of all time. Friedrich Weyerhuser (18341914) [106684] was a timber mogul whose eponymous company (Weyrhauser) remains the worlds largest seller of wood and paper products. Yet he is surprisingly little known, despite having been the eighth-wealthiest American in history.

10.3.2 P H I L A N T H R O P I C I M P A C T O F U N I V E R S I T I E S Weyerhusers relative anonymity today is a reection of his limited philanthropic activities. Money cant buy you love, but it can buy you fame. Figure 10.8 provides a ranking of the most signicant gures who have North American institutions of higher learning named after them.2
2 Note that William Legges (17311801) [12631] title was the second Earl of Dartmouth.

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Person Andrew Carnegie Cornelius Vanderbilt Johns Hopkins Andrew W. Mellon Peter Cooper John Harvard Bernard Baruch Charles F. Kettering Elihu Yale Stephen Van Rensselaer David Lipscomb Ezra Cornell James Bowdoin Oral Roberts William Legge

Dates (18351919) (17941877) (17951873) (18551937) (17911883) (16071638) (18701965) (18761958) (16491721) (17641839) (18311917) (18071874) (17261790) (19182009) (17311801)

Sig. 104 925 1281 2341 4644 5045 5962 8308 8948 9463 10422 11059 11167 12399 12631

School Carnegie Mellon University Vanderbilt University Johns Hopkins University Carnegie Mellon University Cooper Union Harvard University Baruch College Kettering University Yale University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Lipscomb University Cornell University Bowdoin College Oral Roberts University Dartmouth College

Students 10970 12714 19020 10970 918 21225 12870 1922 11993 7523 3742 20939 1777 3790 4196

F I G U R E 10.8.

Historical signicance of funders of namesake American colleges and


With few exceptions, they received this honor to acknowledge nancial contributions to the institution. Johns Hopkins (17951873) [1281] bequeathed $7 million in 1876 to create the rst real research institution in the United States. But the donations founding several Ivy League institutions seem fairly modest by comparison. Ezra Cornell (18071874) [11059], founder of Western Union, attained his university for $400,000 in 1865. John Harvard (1607 1638) [5045] bequeathed 780 to the university, plus 320 books, in 1638. Elihu Yale (16491721) [8948] received an even better deal, donating goods worth 800 in 1718. A small positive correlation exists between the magnitude of the educational institution (as measured by its total enrollment) and the historical signicance of its namesake. This is true even though many donations are made to honor family members. For example, railroad magnate Leland Stanford (18241893) [1920] founded Stanford University as a memorial for his young departed son Leland Stanford (18681884) [46110] Jr., yet the senior Stanford receives much of the recognition himself. Here is a note we address to any spectacularly wealthy reader of this book. Perhaps you have reached a stage in life where you are thinking about your legacy. How will you be remembered? What can you do to ensure that you will be honored by future generations? Your strongest asset would


h istorical rankings

be establishing a durable institution devoted to perpetuating your memory. Founding a successful self-named company like Westinghouse ensures name propagation, but only until the company fails or is acquired. It would be far better to get your name attached to a major university. But building a new university is expensive and problematic, typied by the difculty Dominos Pizza founder Tom Monaghan (1937 ) [22015] has experienced in founding his new Ave Maria University. Instead, we believe that you are better off buying the naming rights to an existing state university. The precedent here is the former Glassboro State College in New Jersey, which became Rowan University in the wake of a $100 million donation by Henry Rowan (1923 ) [166156], in 1997. The budgetary pressures of state universities would make many places amenable to such a deal. We believe that you could start a serious discussion on renaming our university (Stony Brook) for about $1 billion. No promises, but we are willing to serve as liaison between management and any interested investors. The notorious robber baron Jay Gould (18361892) [1413] was once among the richest men in the world, yet today has an ngram reference frequency roughly half that of Stony Brook. Let this be a cautionary tale for the robber barons of today. Imagine how much better Goulds historical reputation would be if he had invested his money in naming a great university instead of leaving it to be squandered by his family.

10.4 Explorers and Adventurers

Scientists seek understanding of the world we live in, while explorers search for new places on an increasingly nite globe. The Great Age of Exploration culminated in the discovery of the New World, which has driven much of history ever since. The primary people associated with this quest appeared in Bonnies textbook, and their exploits were thoroughly discussed in Section 3.5.3. Here we would like to focus on the nal phases of mans geographic exploration: the discovery of the polar regions and the conquest of space. These events are recent enough that our datasets permit us to witness reputations settle into their current historical consensus.

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10.4.1 P O L A R E X P L O R A T I O N The great era of polar exploration, from roughly 1890 to 1930, is particularly interesting because it occurred during our modern media era. It is difcult to reconstruct how rapidly news of Christopher Columbuss (14511506) [20] discoveries spread through Europe, but through book ngram data we can relive the conquest of the poles. Several interesting trends become apparent when we do.
Most Signicant Polar Explorers Sig. 730 808 987 1109 1550 2026 2199 2227 2255 2270 2367 Person Ernest Shackleton Robert Falcon Scott John Franklin Roald Amundsen Fridtjof Nansen James Clark Ross Douglas Mawson Edmund Hillary Robert Peary Alexander Mackenzie Richard Evelyn Byrd Dates (18741922) (18681912) (17861847) (18721928) (18611930) (18001862) (18821958) (19192008) (18561920) (17641820) (18881957) C/G Description Anglo-Irish explorer ("Antarctica") British Royal Navy ofcer, explorer Explorer ("Northwest Passage") Norwegian explorer (led rst South Pole team) Norwegian arctic explorer, Nobel laureate British explorer (Ross Ice Shelf) Australian explorer (on rst South Pole team) Mountaineer (rst summit of Mount Everest) Explorer (disputedly rst to North Pole) Scottish explorer (overland crossing of Canada) American aviator and aerial polar explorer

The top three most signicant polar explorers are better known for their disasters than their successful missions. Ernest Shackletons (18741922) [730] ship Endurance was trapped and crushed in pack ice during his 1914 1915 Antarctic expedition. Through his leadership and bravery, all his men were rescued after surviving three years in the region. John Franklins (1786 1847) [987] efforts to navigate the Northwest Passage were less successful: he and his entire crew perished. The race to discover the South Pole in 1912 pitted a British team lead by Robert Falcon Scott (18681912) [808] against a Norwegian team lead by Roald Amundsen (18721928) [1109]. Amundsens team was much better prepared for Antarctic conditions, and was rst to reach the pole. Scott arrived a month later, only to discover he had been beaten. His team ran out of supplies on the way back and perished, just 11 miles short of their supply depot. The loser of this tragic contest now outranks the winner in historical signicance, another demonstration of the harrowing power of martyrdom to capture the popular imagination.


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Particularly interesting is the fate of Robert Peary (18561920) [2255], acclaimed as the discoverer of the North Pole in 1909. The Pole is not a xed feature of the landscape, but 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 a point in navigation space that looks Year remarkably like every other spot for hundreds of miles around. Peary returned from his expedition with his partner Matthew Henson (18661955) [5224] and claimed to have reached the Pole. Many questioned the accuracy of Pearys records and supported Frederick Cook (18651940) [9333], who claimed to have arrived a year before Peary. A timeplot shows how the controversy has hurt Pearys reputation. As the commander of the expedition, Peary stole much of the glory from the African American Henson. Today, interest in Peary has faded substantially, but Henson has grown to nearly equal stature. South Pole discoverer Roald Amundsens (18721928) [1109] claims have held up better than Pearys. Edmund Hillary (19192008) [2227], the rst man to reach the peak of Mt. Everest, also successfully traveled to both poles. Hillarys climbing partner was Sherpa Tenzing Norgay (19141986) [8620]. As was the case with Peary-Henson, Norgays share of the Ngram data has gradually risen, to approach that of his white partner in adventure.
Robert E. Peary Matthew Henson

10.4.2 M A N I N S P A C E Those who have left the planet are a well-remembered group, if less elite than one might suppose. The rst man to orbit the earth (Yuri Gagarin (19341968) [2324]) deservedly outranks the rst American to do so (John
Most Signicant Astronauts Sig. 1394 2324 2977 4866 6750 9957 10187 10479 10787 11590 Person Neil Armstrong Yuri Gagarin John Glenn Buzz Aldrin Alan Shepard Sally Ride Gus Grissom Christa McAuliffe V. Tereshkova Jim Lovell Dates (1930 ) (19341968) (1921 ) (1930 ) (19231998) (1951 ) (19261967) (19481986) (1937 ) (1928 ) C/G Description Astronaut (rst man to walk on the moon) USSR Cosmonaut (rst man in space) Astronaut (rst American to orbit Earth) NASA Astronaut (2nd man to walk on moon) NASA Astronaut (rst American in space) NASA Astronaut (rst American woman in orbit) NASA Astronaut (died in Apollo 1 disaster) Teacher, astronaut (died in Challenger disaster) USSR Cosmonaut (rst woman in space) NASA Astronaut (survived Apollo 13 disaster)

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Glenn (1921 ) [2977]), even though be parlayed his astronaut career into a long career in the U.S. Senate. Three female astronauts are highly ranked, with the rst American woman in space (Sally Ride (19512012) [9957]) ahead of the rst Russian woman (Valentina Tereshkova (1937 ) [10787]) even though she ew 20 years earlier. Christa McAuliffe (1948 1986) [10479] was the teacher selected to y into space aboard the doomed Space Shuttle Challenger. Her signicance outranks all six of her crewmates, most of whom had made previous trips into space. China is the third nation to achieve manned space ight. The most signicant Chinese astronaut is Yang Liwei (1965 ) [50152], Chinas rst man sent into space. Two scientists are particularly signicant for designing rockets instead of ying on them. American Robert H. Goddard (18821945) [2413] is credited with building the rst liquid-fueled rocket. Wernher von Braun (19121977) [1939], the German rocket scientist responsible for developing the V-2 rocket for the Nazis, switched loyalty to the United States after World War II and spearheaded spacecraft design for NASA. Von Braun was the inspiration for the Dr. Strangelove character in Stanley Kubricks (19281999) [1935] classic lm of the Cold War. The long-term signicance of the astronauts jibes with that of the rst generation of airmen, the pioneering aviators who were rst to y great distances. For example, the rst American in orbit (Alan Shepard (1923 1998) [6750]) proves less signicant than Chuck Yeager (1923 ) [6294], the pilot who broke the sound barrier. Several were the designers of early gliders and aeroplanes. They generally were their own test pilots and sometimes paid the price, like pre-Wright brothers glider pioneer Otto Lilienthal (18481896) [2551].
Most Signicant Aviators Sig. 736 932 2546 2551 2683 4160 4640 5306 6294 6937 Person Charles Lindbergh Amelia Earhart A. Santos-Dumont Otto Lilienthal F. von Zeppelin Samuel P . Langley Igor Sikorsky Glenn Curtiss Chuck Yeager Octave Chanute Dates (19021974) (18971937) (18731932) (18481896) (18381917) (18341906) (18891972) (18781930) (1923 ) (18321910) C/G Description American aviator (New York to Paris) American aviation pioneer (disappeared) Brazilian aviation pioneer (rst dirigible) German pioneer of aviation (Glider King) German aircraft manufacturer (Zepplin Airship) American astronomer, physicist, inventor Inventor and aviation pioneer (helicopter) Pioneer of the American aircraft industry Test pilot (rst past the sound barrier) Aviation pioneer (worked with Wright brothers)


Religion and Philosophy

Religion has shaped mans greatest ideals, from philosophies of ethics and belief to artistic expression in music and the ne arts. Migrations of people seeking freedom to worship sparked the colonization of the New World. Battles between opposing faiths have repeatedly redrawn the political and cultural landscape, from Islamic conquests to Christian crusades. These forces continue to drive the events of today. No historical discussion would be complete without a treatment of religion. Secularism is an opposing force that has equally driven western civiGod People lization since the Enlightenment. We plot the relative frequency of God versus people going back to 1700. 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Granted, the early book data from Year which this is derived is very thin, and presumably biased to overrepresent religious texts. Still, it shows God represented one out of every 400 words appearing in eighteenth-century printed texts. Gods relative frequency has steadily declined from this lofty peak, so that it now occurs less than one-tenth as often. Starting about 1880, people became a greater preoccupation of the printed word than the Almighty. This chapter details the changing relationship between man and God, by looking at biblical gures, the saints and popes of the Catholic Church, and the primary leaders of other faiths. We will also measure the stature of the great philosophers, who for many supplement the ideals of religious thought in an increasingly secular world.

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It goes without saying that the gures discussed within this chapter are held with reverence by many people, feelings that we respect and admire. Bigger does not mean better. Here, we use our computational methods to measure the historical footprint of religious personalities from a variety of faiths, through the lenses of such admittedly secular and Anglo-centric sources as Wikipedia and Google Ngrams. We hope you nd our treatment here historically but not theologically enlightening.

11.1 Biblical Figures

The Bible stays the same, but how we read it is always changing. In this section, we will identify the most signicant Old and New Testament gures, to see what it says about our world today. 11.1.1 O L D T E S T A M E N T The historical study of Old Testament gures is crippled by the fact that, for many, there is little independent conrmation that they ever actually existed. David (1040970 B.C.) [57] is regarded as our most signicant Old Testament gure primarily because he registers as a historical gure: serving as the second king of Israel and being credited as the founder of Jerusalem. His reign around 1000 B.C.E. makes him a contemporary of the Chinese King Wen of Zhou (10991050 B.C.) [9618]. Davids exploits do not appear in the Pentateuch, the ve books of Moses. This renders him less theologically signicant that the Patriarchs (Abraham [382], Isaac [511], and Jacob [261]) or Moses [203] himself. The lack of documentary or archaeological evidence of their existence undoubtedly impacts their historical ranking, but fteen Old Testament personalities still manage to rank among our thousand most signicant gures. Being a biblical prophet might seem to be the highest gravitas occupation imaginable, yet the signicance of all these gures rests upon both statistical factors. The Old Testament characters whose stories appeal most strongly to children (Jonah [914], Samson [1027], Noah [292], and Joseph [691]) all prove lower-gravitas than their peers. It is popular to give children biblical names. Statistics from the Social Security Administration show that Jacob [261] was the most popular boys


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Old Testament Figures Sig. 57 164 203 261 292 336 382 511 522 580 691 716 819 866 914 1027 1168 1731 1783 Person David Solomon Moses Jacob Noah Adam Abraham Isaac Aaron Joshua Joseph Isaiah Jeremiah Elijah Jonah Samson Ezekiel Hezekiah Josiah Ngrams Timeline C/G Description Biblical king of Israel (Jerusalem) Wise biblical king of Israel Biblical Jewish prophet (parted the Red Sea) a.k.a. Israel, Third Hebrew patriarch Final Hebrew patriarch (Noahs Ark) Biblical rst man created by God (Genesis) First Hebrew Patriarch Hebrew patriarch (Binding of Isaac) Moses brother, Jewish high priest Figure in the Torah (Book of Joshua) "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" Old Testament prophet (Book of Isaiah) Old Testament prophet ("Weeping prophet") Old Testament prophet (Book of Kings) Old Testament prophet (swallowed by whale) Super-strong until Delilah cut his hair Old Testament prophet (Book of Ezekiel) King of Judah during Sargons invasions King of Judah (Dueteronomic reform)

name of the 2000s, with Joshua (15501390 B.C.) [580] (3), also appearing among the top ve. David (1040970 B.C.) [57] (12), Noah [292] (20), Samuel [2706] (24), and Benjamin [2913] (25) round out the top 25. This has not always been the case. In 1900, David ranked thirty-second in frequency, even though it was the most popular Old Testament name of its time. The Ngrams data shows a sharp increase in the number of Davids over the past 50 years. Popular biblical names for girls over this period include Abigail [7624] (6) and Sarah [873] (12). The books Ngram data can be used to chart the frequency with which names appear in published texts, as presented in the accompanying capsule time series. This can serve as a proxy for name popularity, although it is not one man, one vote. The frequency of names in the Ngram depends upon the signicance of the individuals with that given name, not just the sheer number of them. The capsule time series shows sharp declines for several Old Testament gures during this century, including Moses [203] and Hezekiah (? 687 B.C.) [1731]. In 2011, these names ranked 522th and 877th in popularity according to the Social Security Administration data.

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11.1.2 N E W T E S T A M E N T The New Testament is only about one-third as long as the Old, yet is equally packed with historically signicant gures, including the top man himself. The events of the New Testament occur several hundred years after the events of the Old, into periods of better-documented history. Reasonable birth-death years are known for about half of the important gures.
New Testament Figures Sig. 1 34 65 109 117 272 494 591 848 861 868 874 882 991 1141 1377 2247 Person Jesus Paul the Apostle Saint Peter John the Baptist Mary Tiberius Herod the Great Pontius Pilate Saint Matthew Mark the Evangelist Mary Magdalene Luke the Evangelist Saint Joseph Saint Stephen Judas Iscariot John the Evangelist Barnabas Dates (7 B.C.A.D. 30) (5 A.D.A.D. 67) (? ?) (5 B.C. ? ) (? ?) (42 B.C.A.D. 37) (73 B.C.4 B.C.) (? ?) ( ? A.D. 34) ( ? A.D. 68) (? ?) (? ?) (? ?) (? ?) (? ?) ( ? 110) ( ? A.D. 61) C/G Description Central gure of Christianity Christian apostle and missionary Early Christian leader New Testament prophet, baptized Jesus The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Roman emperor during time of Jesus death Roman client-king of Israel (Herods Temple) Roman prefect of Judaea, condemned Jesus One of the 12 apostles (Gospel of Matthew) Gospel of Mark, founded Church of Alexandria Female disciple of Jesus Author of the Gospel of Luke Husband of Mary, Mother of Jesus Early Christian martyr (stoned to death) Apostle and betrayer of Jesus Gospel of John Early Christian disciple and martyr

Family members here include Jesus mother and father. Among the most prominent gures are the Roman authorities: political leaders Tiberius (42 B.C.A.D. 37) [272] and Herod the Great (73 B.C.4 B.C.) [494], plus the judicial gure Pontius Pilate [591]. Much of what is known about Jesus comes from the four gospels in the New Testament. The writers of the gospels, Saint Matthew ( ? A.D. 34) [848], Mark the Evangelist ( ? A.D. 68) [861], Luke the Evangelist [874], and John the Evangelist ( ? 110) [1377], appear prominently. The twelve Apostles were early followers of Jesus, often pictured in representations of the Last Supper. Most famously, the guests included Judas Iscariot [1141]; however, Saint Andrew [524] appears to be the most signicant of the Apostles. He was the founder of the Church of Byzantium.


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11.2 The Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church stands out from other religious denominations in several important ways. It concludes membership of about 1.2 billion people, or almost 20 percent of the earths population. As an organization, it has a strong central hierarchy, from the pope to the cardinals, and down to parish priests. Its process of canonization provides a formal way to recognize particularly devout and pious members. The most signicant Catholic gures have generally served as pope or have been recognized as saints. But there are exceptions, such as John Henry Newman (18011890) [534], who was recently beatied: a step toward sainthood, but one that still requires additional performance of miracles to complete the process. We will also look at the ranks of former Catholics, specically the most famous of those who have been excommunicated by the church.

11.2.1 P O P E S The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic papacy represents the longest ongoing ofce in history.1 . As of this writing, 266 men have reigned as pontiff, carrying on a line stretching back almost two thousand years from Saint Peter [65] to Pope Benedict XVI (1927 ) [361].2 Figure 11.1 plots the signicance of each pope as a function of when they served. It shows that the average signicance of the pope has generally risen over time, and currently sits at its highest level in history. This partially reects the growth of the Catholic Church, but also the increasing volume of historical scholarship over time. Bumps in the curve coincide with major events in history. Surges occurred after the Roman Empire became ofcially Christian in 380, the advent of the Crusades, and the coming of the Renaissance. Signicant dips occurred with the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the coming of the Enlightenment.
1 The pharaohs of Egypt ruled for more than 3,000 years, until A. D. 30. 2 Pope Francis (1936 ) was elected after this book was completed.

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6 John Paul 5
Gregory I Gregory VII


Pius XII Leo X

Pius V Nicholas V Callixtus III Innocent VII Innocent V

Benedict XV Gregory XVI


Leo I Damasus I

Adrian IV
Sylvester II Adrian I Stephen III Marinus I John V Conon John XIV


Celestine I Siricius


Pontian Anterus

Theodosius I 200 400 600 800 1000 Year 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

F I G U R E 11.1.

Papal signicance from the Roman Empire through the present day

One critical factor in the historical signicance of popes is longevity: the three longest-serving popes rank among the six most important in history (Figure 11.2). It seems premature to rank the most recent pope (Pope Benedict XVI (1927 ) [361]) as highly as we have, but much of what otherwise appears to be a recency bias in our analysis can be explained by term length. Just four popes account for more than 75 percent of the time period since 1878. Indeed, we recognize the recent but short-lived Pope John Paul I (19121978) [3501] as a relatively a minor gure.
Most Signicant Popes Sig. 91 294 334 361 394 424 488 571 598 625 647 703 774 804 855 Person Pope John Paul II Pope Pius XII Pope Pius IX Pope Benedict XVI Pope Gregory I Pope Leo XIII Pope Leo X Pope Pius X Pope Innocent III Pope Alexander VI Pope Julius II Pope Pius XI Pope Gregory VII Pope Urban II Pope John XXIII Dates (19202005) (18761958) (17921878) (1927 ) (540604) (18101903) (14751521) (18351914) (11611216) (14311503) (14431513) (18571939) (10201085) (10351099) (18811963) Reign 27 19 32 8 14 25 8 11 18 11 10 16 12 12 5 C/G Description 20th-century Polish pope (solidarity) Controversial Italian Pope (WW II) Longest reigning pope (papal infallibility) Recent pope ("Gods Rottweiler") 6th-century pope ("The last good pope") Oldest pope ("Rerum Novarum") Pope during start of Protestant Reformation Traditionalist pope (rst Code of Canon Law) Inuential 12th-century pope (4th Crusade) Controversial Spanish Renaissance pope Sistine Chapel ("The Fearsome pope") Interwar Italian Pope Reformer pope (Investiture Controversy) French Pope (1st Crusade) Italian postwar pope (2nd Vatican Council)


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35 Pius IX 30 John Paul II Leo XIII


Pius VI

Length of Term




Alexander III John XXII Innocent III A. of Alexandria Telesphorus Julius I Paul V Paul III Celestine IV Gregory I Caius Innocent IV C. of Alexandria John XV Urban II Victor I Julius II Paul I Eutychian Marcellinus Eugene III Leo X Pius V Theodosius I Julius III John XXIII Anacletus Hyginus Callixtus III Severinus Honorius IV E. of Alexandria Valentine Innocent VGregory X Gregory IX

5 1 0 1 2 3 Significance 4 5 6

F I G U R E 11.2.

Signicance of popes by length of reign

Other signicant popes may have had modest reigns, but they proved very consequential. Pope John XXIIIs (18811963) [855] second Vatican Council modernized many aspects of liturgy and practice. Pope Gregory I (540604) [394] has been called the father of Christian worship and was declared the last good pope by Protestant reformer John Calvin (1509 1564) [99]. Pope Leo X (14751521) [488] waged battle against Martin Luthers (14831546) [17] Protestant Reformation.

11.2.2 S A I N T S The formal procedure employed by the Roman Catholic Church for recognizing saints has varied over the centuries. It begins with an investigation of the merits of their case, which may establish them as heroic in virtue or venerable. The next stage is beatication, a declaration that it is worthy of belief that the person is in heaven. Canonization requires recognition of an additional miracle on the part of the saint. The ofce of the devils advocate, which argued the case against canonization, was abolished in 1983. This is partially responsible for a recent surge of new saints.

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Our roster of the most signicant saints omits the New Testament gures Paul, Mark, and Luke, whom we discussed in the previous section. Our rankings are striking to the extent that they favor royalty, including Roman, English, and French kings/emperors. Several date back to the early days of the church, when the standards for canonization were less formal. Two early saints have particular connections to popular festivals. Saint Patrick (390460) [197] was the patron saint of Ireland, a missionary largely

Most Signicant Saints Sig. 67 72 95 169 197 264 275 331 505 531 546 596 611 669 741 874 877 931 980 1044 Person Constantine the Great Augustine of Hippo Joan of Arc Thomas More Saint Patrick Thomas Becket Francis of Assisi Saint Nicholas Saints Cyril and Methodius Edward the Confessor Louis IX Ignatius of Loyola Francis Xavier Athanasius of Alexandria Irenaeus Luke the Evangelist Anthony of Padua Augustine of Canterbury Saint Dominic Basil of Caesarea Dates (272337) (354430) (14121431) (14781535) (390460) (11181170) (11821226) (270346) (827869) (10031066) (12141270) (14911556) (15061552) (296373) (130202) (? ?) (11951231) ( ? 604) (11701221) (330379) C/G Description Emperor of Rome (First Christian emperor) Early Christian theologian ("The City of God") French military leader and saint English statesman, philosopher ("Utopia") Christian saint, missionary to Ireland Catholic saint and martyr Italian Catholic friar and preacher 4th-century Christian saint Byzantine Christian missionaries Last king of the House of Wessex King of France Founder of the Society of Jesus Roman Catholic missionary (Jesuits) Pope of Alexandria Early Church Father Author of the Gospel of Luke Portuguese Catholic priest Benedictine monk Founder of the Dominican Order Greek bishop and saint

responsible for converting a pagan land to Christianity. Legend credits Patrick for using the three-leaved shamrock as a visual aid to explain the Holy Trinity, accounting for their ubiquity every March 17. Saint Nicholas (270346) [331] was a Greek bishop who participated in the First Council of Nicaea, and is associated with Orthodox Christianity. His reputation for secret gift giving morphed into the association with Santa Claus. A third, Pope Sylvester I ( ? 335) [4568], died on December 31 in the year 335, and is now associated with the secular new year, often called Sylvester.


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Several of the most signicant saints were theologians whose teaching shaped the church, such as Augustine of Hippo (354430) [72] and Thomas Aquinas (12251274) [90]. Others are notable for their martyrdom. Thomas More (14781535) [169] was a statesman and humanist who refused to support Henry VIII (14911547) [11] as the head of the English church, and lost his head for it. 11.2.3 T H E E X C O M M U N I C A T E D Excommunication is a formal censure from the Catholic Church that bars the recipient from participation in certain rituals and blessings. A sizable group of historical gures have been excommunicated, which serves as a proxy for the religious and political battles fought by the church throughout its long history. Political enemies of the church are the most prominent people to be excommunicated. During the Middle Ages, the pope assumed the power to anoint European kings. He used excommunication as a weapon against those who acted against his wishes, like the Holy Roman emperors Frederick I (11221190) [456] and Frederick II (11941250) [461]. Napoleon (1769 1821) [2] was excommunicated after annexing the Papal States in 1809. In modern times, the excommunicated include the Communist leaders Fidel Castro (1926 ) [506] and Josip Broz Tito (18921980) [562].
Most Signicant Excommunicated People Sig. 2 11 13 17 95 136 170 238 455 456 461 470 506 562 579 Person Napoleon Henry VIII Elizabeth I Martin Luther Joan of Arc John Henry II Henry IV Thomas Cranmer Frederick I Frederick II Robert the Bruce Fidel Castro Josip Broz Tito John Wycliffe Dates (17691821) (14911547) (15331603) (14831546) (14121431) (11661216) (11331189) (15531610) (14891556) (11221190) (11941250) (12741329) (1926 ) (18921980) (13281384) C/G Description Emperor of France (Battle of Waterloo) King of England (6 Wives) Queen of England (The Virgin Queen) Protestant Reformation (95 Theses) French military leader and saint King of England (Magna Carta) King of England (House of Plantagenet) King of France (Navarre) Archbishop of Canterbury (Church of England) Holy Roman Emperor (Frederick Barbarossa) German Holy Roman Emperor King of Scots Cuban revolutionary ruler Yugoslav revolutionary ruler English theologian / Bible translator

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The remaining gures were involved in more overtly theological disputes. Several, such as Martin Luther (14831546) [17], were leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Henry VIIIs (14911547) [11] marital disputes caused the English split from the Catholic Church. Joan of Arc (14121431) [95] holds the rare distinction of being both excommunicated and canonized by the church. Her story is particularly compelling, a young girl whose run of miraculous military victories ended in her burning at the stake, at the age of just 19. She was declared a martyr 25 years later, and nally canonized in 1920. The person who narrowly missed this table is Galileo Galilei (1564 1642) [49], the great scientist whose heretical belief that the earth moved round the sun led to his trial by the Inquisition. He ended his life under house arrest, but was never formally excommunicated.

11.3 Other Religious Denominations

Great leaders found great movements, which then come to perpetuate the memory of their founders. Starting a major (or even minor) religion is perhaps the most effective way to achieve great historical signicance. It is a path open only to a chosen few, however.
Founders of Religions Sig. 1 3 52 55 109 134 203 382 478 512 1129 1208 1771 Person Jesus Muhammad Gautama Buddha Joseph Smith John the Baptist Confucius Moses Abraham Zoroaster Laozi Mahavira L. Ron Hubbard Mary Baker Eddy Dates (7 B.C.A.D. 30) (570632) (563483 B.C.) (18051844) (5 B.C. ? ) (551479 B.C.) (? ?) (? ?) (? ?) (400 ? ) (599527 B.C.) (19111986) (18211910) C/G Description Central gure of Christianity Prophet and founder of Islam Central gure of Buddhism American religious leader (Mormonism) New Testament prophet, baptized Jesus Chinese thinker and philosopher Biblical Jewish prophet (parted the Red Sea) First Hebrew Patriarch Founder of Zoroastrianism Ancient Chinese philosopher ("Tao Te Ching") Indian sage Founder of Scientology/science ction writer Founder of Christian Science

In this section, we will briey review the most signicant gures of other major religions.


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11.3.1 P R O T E S T A N T C H R I S T I A N I T Y The Protestant Reformation arose from a mix of theological and political forces. In his 95 Theses, Martin Luther (14831546) [17] inveighed against many church practices, particularly the selling of indulgences remitting punishments for sins. Politically, the rulers of increasingly strong nationstates of Europe chafed under the power of the pope in Rome. Hence, they often welcomed the Reformation and the opportunity to create a local church. Desiderius Erasmus (14661536) [218] was a great scholar and humanist who raised many of the questions leading to the Reformation, yet he remained a member of the Catholic Church. The most signicant Protestant leaders tend to be the founders of denominations that still exist today, such as the Lutherans, Calvinists, Presbyterians (John Knox (15141572) [425]), and Anglicans (Thomas Cranmer (14891556) [455]). Other Protestant denominations split off later, such as Methodism, founded by John Wesley (17031791) [359].
Most Signicant Protestant Leaders Sig. 17 99 218 359 425 455 484 1187 1290 1503 Person Martin Luther John Calvin Desiderius Erasmus John Wesley John Knox Thomas Cranmer Huldrych Zwingli Philipp Melanchthon Martin Bucer George Fox Dates (14831546) (15091564) (14661536) (17031791) (15141572) (14891556) (14841531) (14971560) (14911551) ( ? 1691) C/G Description Protestant Reformation (95 Theses) French Protestant theologian (Calvanism) Dutch Renaissance humanist Christian clergyman / founder of Methodism Scottish clergyman/Presbyterian founder Archbishop of Canterbury (Church of England) Reformation leader Intellectual leader of Protestant Reformation German Protestant Reformer (Ecumenism) English dissident/founder of the Quakers

11.3.2 A M E R I C A N R E L I G I O U S L E A D E R S The United States is by certain standards the most religious of Western nations. Colonies such as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania were founded as refuges from religious persecution in Europe. Indeed, Rhode Island was founded as a refuge from religious persecution elsewhere in New England. Important early American theologians include Roger Williams (16031683) [678], Jonathan Edwards (17031758) [913], and Cotton Mather (1663 1728) [1676].

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Two faiths that arose from American soil are Mormonism and Christian Science. Both held similar public stature around 1950, according to the Ngrams data. The histor1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 ical arc of both these faiths can be Year discerned from the frequency counts of canonical gures. As we can see from the Ngrams dataset, the mindshare of Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy (18211910) [1771] has plunged as the church has declined to approximately 85,000 members worldwide. By contrast, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) now commands a membership exceeding 14 million people. Mormonism, as personied here by Brigham Young (18011877) [471], has more than held its own in terms of Ngram frequencies. Evangelical Christian leaders make up most of the remaining gures in our list. Billy Graham (1918 ) [1780] is the most prominent American Christian evangelist, a pioneer in the use of broadcast media who became the face of Christian worship in America, and the friend of presidents. His son Franklin Graham (1952 ) [68651] has taken over his ministry, but is of much lower public stature.
Mary Baker Eddy Brigham Young

American Religious Figures Sig. 55 471 1208 1771 1780 3156 3625 4345 12124 12399 12579 Person Joseph Smith Brigham Young L. Ron Hubbard Mary Baker Eddy Billy Graham Jerry Falwell Billy Sunday Pat Robertson Fulton J. Sheen Oral Roberts Jimmy Swaggart Dates (18051844) (18011877) (19111986) (18211910) (1918 ) (19332007) (18621935) (1930 ) (18951979) (19182009) (1935 ) C/G Description American religious leader (Mormonism) American Mormonism leader Founder of Scientology/science ction writer Founder of Christian Science Establishment Christian evangelist Christian televangelist (Moral Majority) American baseball player/evangelist Baptist televangelist / media mogul American Catholic archbishop Pentecostal televangelist / university founder Disgraced Pentecostal televangelist

Two competing evangelists created substantial universities to preserve and expand their ministries: Jerry Falwell (19332007) [3156] (Liberty University) and Oral Roberts (19182009) [12399] University. Science ction writer L. Ron Hubbard (19111986) [1208] is the founding gure of


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the Church of Scientology. We anticipate that the historical stature of these individuals will ultimately depend on how well these institutions succeed in preserving their legacy. 11.3.3 J U D A I S M Judaism does not have a hierarchical structure like the Catholic Church. It lost a central religious authority with the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and the subsequent spreading of the Jewish diaspora around the world. Rabbinical Judaism, based on the interpretation of the oral law and written scriptures, arose to replace it. The title of Rabbi means teacher, with the more prominent scholars respected as sages for their profound interpretation of the holy scriptures. Akiva ben Joseph (A.D. 50135) [2449] and Hillel the Elder (A.D. 11010) [2701] were major gures in the founding of rabbinical Judaism. Several great scholars of the Middle Ages also rank among the prominent Jewish religious gures, including Maimonides (11351204) [284], Rashi (1040 1105) [658], and Nahmanides (11941270) [2514].
Most Signicant Jewish Leaders Sig. 284 658 1684 2449 2514 2701 2838 2850 2877 3123 Person Maimonides Rashi Baal Shem Tov Akiva ben Joseph Nahmanides Hillel the Elder Ezra Menachem Mendel Schneerson Isaac Luria Judah Halevi Dates (11351204) (10401105) (16981760) (A.D. 50135) (11941270) (A.D. 11010) (? ?) (19021994) (15341572) (10751141) C/G Description Medieval Jewish philosopher/physician French medieval torah commentator Jewish mystical rabbi Early founder of rabbinical Judaism Medieval Spanish Jewish scholar Jewish religious sage (Mishnah) Jewish priest (the Scribe) Prominent Lubavitcher Rebbe Jewish mystic (father of Kabbalah) Spanish Jewish poet, philosopher

The remaining gures generally concern more modern, mystical strands of Judaism. Isaac Luria (15341572) [2877] is the father of the Kabbalah, a collection of mystical teachings recently appropriated by celebrities such as Madonna (1958 ) [121]. The Hasidic movement, founded by the Baal Shem Tov (16981760) [1684], incorporates elements of mystical thinking. In recent times Hasidism was personied by late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (19021994) [2850], so revered by

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his followers that some thought he might be a candidate to be the Messiah. 11.3.4 I S L A M Our ranking of the most signicant Islamic gures highlights the great schism between the Shia and Sunni sects, following the death of the founding prophet Muhammad (570632) [3]. The Sunni faith traces its leadership to Abu Bakr (573634) [372], Muhammads father-in-law. He was succeeded as Caliph by Umar (586644) [234]. Muhammads son-in-law Ali (598661) [89] served as the rst leader of the Shia sect of Islam. His son Husayn ibn Ali (626680) [552] was the martyred third leader of the Shia. He was killed by the forces of Yazid I (645683) [1452], the Caliph of the Sunni faith. These two main branches of Islam remain estranged today. The remaining people are more historical/cultural gures than religious leaders. Avicenna (9801037) [190] was a great medieval physician and philosopher during the Islamic golden age. Suleiman the Magnicent (14941566) [354] led the Ottoman Empire to great heights of power and civilization during his 46-year reign.
Most Signicant Islamic Leaders Sig. 3 89 190 234 316 354 372 437 552 714 Person Muhammad Ali Avicenna Umar Rumi Suleiman the Magnicent Abu Bakr Ibn Khaldun Husayn ibn Ali Ghazali Dates (570632) (598661) (9801037) (586644) (12071273) (14941566) (573634) (13321406) (626680) (10581111) C/G Description Prophet and founder of Islam Early Caliph and a central gure of Susm Persian physician and philosopher The second Muslim Caliph Persian Muslim poet, theologian 10th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Father-in-law of Muhammad Arab polymath Important gure in Islam Persian Islamic philosopher

11.3.5 E A S T E R N R E L I G I O N S The leaders of the great Eastern faiths, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, are little known to Western readers, including the authors of this book. Our analysis of the English Wikipedia here is unlikely to lead to


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Enlightenment. Nonetheless, we rank a number of the primary gures of these religions among our top 1000.
Most Signicant Eastern Religious Figures Sig. 52 478 512 601 813 1129 1342 2949 2980 3545 Person Gautama Buddha Zoroaster Laozi Ramakrishna Swami Vivekananda Mahavira Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Karmapa Swami Dayananda Saraswati Padmasambhava Dates (563483 B.C.) (? ?) (400 ? ) (18361886) (18631902) (599527 B.C.) (14861534) (? ?) (18241883) (? ?) C/G Description Central gure of Buddhism Founder of Zoroastrianism Ancient Chinese philosopher ("Tao Te Ching") Inuential Indian Hindu mystic Founder of Ramakrishna Mission Indian sage Hindu saint, social reformer Head of the Karma Kagyu Hindu religious scholar, reformer Sage guru (Buddhism)

The most signicant living Buddhist gure is the Nobel Peace Prize winning 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (1935- ), the spiritual / political leader of Tibet who has lived in exile from Tibet since 1959. Technical issues prevent us from ranking him with our usual methods, but it appears he should rank in the neighborhood of 1500.

11.4 Philosophers
The names and ideas of the great philosophers shown in Figure 11.3 may well endure for the rest of human history. Indeed, Plato (427347 B.C.) [25] still ranks among historys most signicant people even though he lived nearly 2,500 years ago. Ten other philosophers rank among the hundred most signicant gures in history. To identify a canonical set of philosophers, we started with the selections assembled in the book The 100 Most Inuential Philosophers of All Time [Duignan, 2009]. We generally agree with their selections, except for the omission of Charles Sanders Peirce (18391914) [225], an important nineteenth century philosopher, who founded pragmatism and whose work in logic anticipated digital computation. The great philosophers tend to be a historically stable lot. The four founders of twentieth-century analytic philosophy (Bertrand Russell (1872 1970) [253], Ludwig Wittgenstein (18891951) [493], Gottlob Frege (1848 1925) [838], and G. E. Moore (18731958) [3635]) all place respectably in our overall rankings, yet fail to crack the entrenched top 20. Indeed,

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Sig. 8 14 25 42 59 68 80 81 90 92 100 119 128 133 134 142 167 168 190 201

Person Aristotle Karl Marx Plato Friedrich Nietzsche Immanuel Kant Socrates Jean-Jacques Rousseau Francis Bacon Thomas Aquinas Ren Descartes John Locke Gottfried Leibniz David Hume Pythagoras Confucius Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Thomas Hobbes Niccol Machiavelli Avicenna John Stuart Mill

Dates (384322 B.C.) (18181883) (427347 B.C.) (18441900) (17241804) (469399 B.C.) (17121778) (15611626) (12251274) (15961650) (16321704) (16461716) (17111776) (570495 B.C.) (551479 B.C.) (17701831) (15881679) (14691527) (9801037) (18061873)


Philosophy Syllogism Communism Platonic realism Nihilism Transcendental idealism Socratic method General will Empiricism Thomism Method of doubt Social contract Principle of sufcient reason Causality Musica universalis Moral philosophy Absolute idealism State of nature Classical republicanism Avicennian logic Utilitarianism

F I G U R E 11.3.

The most signicant philosophers, with their associated philosophy

only three of our 20 most signicant philosophers lived into the nineteenth century, and none lived into the twentieth. The Ngram dataset traces one interesting philosophical story in the Karl Marx spectacular rise and fall of Karl Marx (18181883) [14], the most recent gure in the table. Interest in his political philosophy rose steadily 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year until the Cold War, when it stabilized for 10 years before reaching even greater heights in the 1960s. But Marxism as an intellectual force collapsed with the Soviet Union and has since been in steady free fall. We predict that at some point his ideas, once so important to so many, are destined to experience some form of intellectual revival. Important philosophers continue to think important thoughts, although their work generally commands but a fraction of the public attention accorded to their predecessors. Animal rights ethicist Peter Singer (1946 ) [8545] is one of the most visible philosophers working today. Ayn Rand (19051982) [486] and Noam Chomsky (1928 ) [891] are what pass for popular political philosophers on the right and left, respectively.



Sports captures something important about human culture and society. Literary critic Wilfrid Sheed (19302011) [294893] observed that sports communicate a code, a language of the emotions, and a tourist who skips the stadiums will not recoup his losses at Lincoln Center or Grants Tomb. Even if you dont give a hoot about sports, skim though this chapter. Think of it as crib notes for a test on cultural literacy. Who are the most signicant male and female athletes of all time? The leading gures in boxing, football, hockey, tennis, and golf? What makes James Naismith (18611939) [847] a more important basketball gure than Michael Jordan (1963 ) [1115]? Sports is a domain that generally interests men much more than women. Yet we will identify one professional sport where basic gender equality holds: its ten most signicant athletes are equally split between men and women.

12.1 Individual Sports

We start by looking at professional sports where athletes compete as individuals: boxing, tennis, golf, and horse racing. We defer analysis of historically amateur Olympic sports like track and eld to Section 12.3. 12.1.1 B O X I N G Boxers appear to have been the earliest class of professional athletes to achieve widespread renown. The earliest bare-knuckle champion of



England was James Figg ( ? 1734) [31351], who won the title in 1719. It was a particularly rough business before the 1860s, when the sport became standardized by the Marquess of Queensberry rules (established by John Douglas (18441900) [9223]). The shift from bare-knuckle to gloved boxing followed shortly thereafter, with John L. Sullivan (18581918) [4542] being the major transitional gure.
Top Nineteenth-Century Boxers Sig. 4542 8002 8719 10045 11671 Person John L. Sullivan James J. Corbett William Poole Bob Fitzsimmons Jem Mace Dates (18581918) (18661933) (18211855) (18631917) (18311910) C/G Description First gloved heavyweight champion Heavyweight boxing champ (Gentleman Jim) Leader of the Know Nothing movement British Cornish boxer English boxing champion

The early boxers were colorful characters. Jem Mace (18311910) [11671] fought his last ght at the age of 78. William Poole (18211855) [8719] moonlighted as a gang leader known as Bill the Butcher, and was murdered at the age of 34 in what appears to have been an act of public service.1 Several modern boxing champions resonate as important cultural gures in the history of American race relations. Jack Johnson (18781946) [2843] was the rst black heavyweight champion: a brash, amboyant gure who established that black men could beat white men at their own game. Joe Louiss (19141981) [2820] gentlemanly nature made him the rst widely popular black champion. His victory over German champion Max Schmeling (19052005) [9403] in 1938 struck a blow against the master race theories of the Nazis. Muhammad Ali (1942 ) [612] became a controversial gure in the 1960s, through his involvement with the Black Muslim movement and his refusal to ght in the Vietnam War. But he became arguably the worlds most recognizable person in the 1970s, at the height of his popularity. We nd him to be the second most signicant athlete in history, after Babe Ruth (18951948) [434]. All but two of these ghters were black, but boxing fans generally discriminate more on the basis of weight than race. The top seven ght1 Poole was also the inspiration for the ctionalized character portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis

in the movie Gangs of New York.


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Top Modern Boxing Champions Sig. 612 2218 2820 2843 3164 3377 4838 5460 5687 5839 6540 7511 Person Muhammad Ali Mike Tyson Joe Louis Jack Johnson Jack Dempsey George Foreman Rocky Marciano Floyd Mayweather Sugar Ray Leonard Sugar Ray Robinson Joe Frazier Sonny Liston Dates (1942 ) (1966 ) (19141981) (18781946) (18951983) (1949 ) (19231969) (1977 ) (1956 ) (19211989) (19442011) (19321970) C/G Description Heavyweight boxing champ (The Greatest) Heavyweight boxing champ (Baddest man on planet) Heavyweight boxing champ (Louis vs. Schmeling) Heavyweight boxing champ (Great Black Hope) Heavyweight boxing champ/saloon keeper Heavyweight boxing champ/grill impressario Heavyweight boxing champ (undefeated) Welterweight boxing champ (current best pound for pound) Middleweight boxing champ (popular 5 time champ) Welterweight boxing champ (pound for pound best ever) Heavyweight boxing champ (Smokin Joe) Heavyweight boxing champ (lost to Ali)

ers in our rankings were all heavyweights, which is only one of a dozen weight classes recognized by title belts. Three others who won in multiple classes centered around the welterweight and middleweight divisions are tightly bunched in the center: Floyd Mayweather (1977 ) [5460], Sugar Ray Leonard (1956 ) [5687], and Sugar Ray Robinson (19211989) [5839]. Boxings visibility has declined substantially since the 1980s, when Mike Tyson (1966 ) [2218] reigned as champion. The sports reduced state is at least partially due to rival organizations awarding titles, creating a multiplicity of pseudo-champions. As of this writing, two different Klitschkos reign simultaneously as world heavyweight champion, each according to different authorities. Wladimir Klitschko (1976 ) [16065] is recognized as champion by a somewhat broader consensus, although we more highly regard his brother Vitali Klitschko (1971 ) [13685], who holds a PhD degree and serves as the leader of a political party in the Ukraine. 12.1.2 T E N N I S The modern sport of tennis emerged in England during the nineteenth century. The mens singles tournament at Wimbledon was rst held in 1877, with womens singles following in 1884. These tournaments have been played every year since, except in times of war. Tennis is unique in that it has been equally accessible to both genders since the sports beginnings. We present the most signicant tennis players of each sex in the table, which shows that women (on right) have



achieved a surprising parity with men (on left). The ten tennis players of highest overall signicance break evenly into ve men and ve women.
Top Male Tennis Stars Sig. 743 1539 1946 2622 2894 3882 3943 4251 4428 4565 Person Roger Federer Frederick W. Taylor Rafael Nadal Andre Agassi John McEnroe Pete Sampras Arthur Ashe Ivan Lendl Jimmy Connors Rod Laver Dates (1981 ) (18561915) (1986 ) (1970 ) (1959 ) (1971 ) (19431993) (1960 ) (1952 ) (1938 ) Sig. 2228 3108 3361 3374 3611 4913 5157 6754 7968 8971 Top Female Tennis Stars Person Serena Williams Martina Navratilova Venus Williams Stef Graf Billie Jean King Chris Evert Monica Seles Margaret Court Evonne Goolagong Lindsay Davenport Dates (1981 (1956 (1980 (1969 (1943 (1954 (1973 (1942 (1951 (1976 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

These rankings generally favor contemporary champions such as Roger Federer (1981 ) [743] and Serena Williams (1981 ) [2228] over foundational gures, but this is partially a consequence of the sports relatively recent professionalism. The Grand Slam tennis tournaments were only open to amateur players until 1968, making it difcult to compare earlier champions with those of the modern (or Open) era. Frederick Winslow Taylor (18561915) [1539] was an early tennis champion, but is more famous as an industrial efciency expert, regarded as the father of scientic management. Helen Wills Moody (19051998) [13461] won 31 grand slam tournaments in the 1920s and 1930s, to become perhaps the rst widely celebrated woman athlete. Althea Gibson (19272003) [15789] broke color barriers as the rst African American to win a grand slam tournament in 1956. Yet neither of these women can match the signicance of the more recent, open-era stars. 12.1.3 G O L F Golf s origins date back to fteenth-century Scotland, but the modern game emerged much later. The oldest major tournament, the British Open, began in 1860. Many of the early stars were amateurs, most notably Bobby Jones (19021971) [5105], who dominated the sport in the 1920s while earning his living as a lawyer. He was legendary for his sportsmanship, and


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for his role in building the Augusta National Golf Club, now the premiere golf course in the United States. Golfers enjoy longer careers than competitors in other sports. Tom Watson (1949 ) [9450] came within an eyelash of winning the 2009 U.S. Open, at just shy of 60 years old and 26 years after his last major championship victory. The top stars of the 1960s and 1970s (Nicklaus, Palmer, Player) still dominate the top of our rankings, a tribute to their long rivalries and the extent to which they remain a popular presence at tournaments. We rank the most signicant mens and womens players.
Top Male Golfers Sig. 2101 2607 4144 5105 5399 5897 6504 9194 9450 10623 Person Tiger Woods Jack Nicklaus Arnold Palmer Bobby Jones Greg Norman Gary Player Ben Hogan Sam Snead Tom Watson Nick Faldo Dates (1975 ) (1940 ) (1929 ) (19021971) (1955 ) (1935 ) (19121997) (19122002) (1949 ) (1957 ) Sig. 7563 20986 21064 21498 30589 40384 41672 44694 46928 48860 Top Female Golfers Person Babe Zaharias Annika Srenstam Nancy Lopez Michelle Wie Patty Berg Mickey Wright Kathy Whitworth Louise Suggs Paula Creamer Betsy King Dates (19111956) (1970 ) (1957 ) (1989 ) (19182006) (1935 ) (1939 ) (1923 ) (1986 ) (1955 )

Tiger Woods (1975 ) [2101] is the lone active player at the top of our rankings. He has dominated professional golf for more than 15 years. His public persona has changed wildly with time: rst a supernaturally talented youth, then a high-character symbol of business excellence, and now a fallen celebrity struggling to regain what once seemed so effortless. One imagines that his story will continue to culturally resonate, long after older champions pass from the scene. Womens professional golf has a much shorter history than the mens game. The Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) tour only commenced play in 1950, which contributes to the large disparity between the highest-ranked players of each gender. We count more than thirty male golfers ranked higher than the second signicant female, Annika Srenstam (1970 ) [20986]. In general, the early champions of womens golf (Patty Berg (19182006) [30589], Mickey Wright (1935 ) [40384], and Kathy Whitworth (1939 ) [41672]) are not ranked as major cultural gures.



The exception is Babe Zaharias (19111956) [7563], often regarded as the outstanding female athlete of the twentieth century. A threetime Olympic medalist in track and eld and an All-American basketball player, she achieved her greatest success in golf. Despite the limited sports opportunities for women athletes of her time, she dominated the young LPGA tour and even competed respectably against men on the PGA tour. 12.1.4 H O R S E R A C I N G Strictly speaking, horse racing isnt an individual sport, because each race is a partnership between the horse and its jockey. It isnt immediately obvious whether human or animal should be the bigger star. Successful race horses have short but brilliant careers, usually lasting no more than two or three years before retirement to stud. The Kentucky Derby, Americas most famous horse race, is only open to three-year-olds, thus ensuring that no horse basks in its spotlight more than once. By comparison, the greatest jockeys can ride professionally for 30 years or more, and appear annually in the showcase Triple Crown races (the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes). Whos bigger? This issue is one we can resolve easily, because the great racehorse Secretariat [1444] was mistakenly classied as a person by our algorithms. He was thus graded head-to-head against all the people in this book. He acquits himself quite well, edging Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (19292004) [1486] by a nose, and beating Supreme Court justices Thurgood Marshall (19081993) [1707] and Charles Evans Hughes (18621948) [1760] by three lengths. With this signicance score, Secretariat leaves even the greatest jockeys eating his dust.
Most Signicant Jockeys Sig. 35824 39698 69155 72014 75735 Person Bill Shoemaker Eddie Arcaro Russell Baze Angel Cordero Steve Cauthen Dates (19312003) (19161997) (1958 ) (1942 ) (1960 ) C/G Description American jockey (rode Ferdinand) American jockey (rode Citation) Winningest Canadian jockey American jockey (rode Bold Forbes) American jockey (rode Afrmed)


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Russell Baze (1958 ) [69155] has the most wins of any jockey in North America, and remains an active rider, as of this writing. Yet his public visibility has been limited because he does not race in the Triple Crown races. By comparison, Bill Shoemaker (19312003) [35824] won 11 Triple Crown races and Eddie Arcaro (19161997) [39698], 16 more. Both raced at a time when thoroughbred racing had a much greater hold on the popular imagination.

12.2 Team Sports

We focus here on the major American professional team sports football, basketball, and hockey because baseball was thoroughly covered in Chapter 6. Soccer is the worlds most popular team sport, so we also identify the most signicant international players. The cultural magnitude of the most popular American sports (baseball, football, and basketball) is revealed by the frequency with which each sports athletes appear among highly signicant people. Figure 12.1a presents a cumulative distribution plot of the number of athletes by sport among the 50,000 most highly ranked people. Baseball quickly comes to dominate these totals, with as many prominent gures as the other two sports combined. But the picture changes when we normalize for the number of players for each sport. Figure 12.1b presents the total percentage of each sports

Cumulative number of entities

Baseball 600 500 400 300 200 100 0


Basketball 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Percentage of entities




0 00 50

00 0 35 00 0 40 00 0 45 00 0 50 00 0




























(a) Team sports by total number of players.

(b) Team sports by fraction of total players.

F I G U R E 12.1. Cumulative signicance distribution of all major league baseball, football, and basketball players







stars among our 50,000 most signicant people. The National Basketball Association (NBA) has proven remarkably adept at building its players into historical-class gures. Fully 7 percent of NBA players to date appear in this top ranked cohort, compared with only 4 percent of the baseball players and 2.5 percent of NFL players. 12.2.1 F O O T B A L L Football is the most popular sport in the United States, as measured by television ratings. Although more spectators attend professional baseball games each year, this is attributable to a much longer schedule: 162 games per baseball team versus 16 per National Football League team. We limit attention here to the members of the Professional Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. Players must have been retired for at least ve years to be eligible for inauguration.
Top Football Hall of Famers Sig. 1356 2904 2932 3307 3464 3825 4768 5184 5358 6274 6541 6643 6677 6960 7126 Person Jim Thorpe Vince Lombardi Joe Montana Jerry Rice O. J. Simpson Dan Marino Joe Namath Troy Aikman George Halas John Elway John Madden Terry Bradshaw Mike Ditka Tom Landry Steve Young Dates (18881953) (19131970) (1956 ) (1962 ) (1947 ) (1961 ) (1943 ) (1966 ) (18951983) (1960 ) (1936 ) (1948 ) (1939 ) (19242000) (1961 ) C/G Description Native American athlete (Olympics, football) NFL football coach (Packers) NFL football quarterback (49ers) NFL football wide receiver (49ers) NFL running back, convicted felon NFL football quarterback (Dolphins) NFL football quarterback (NY Jets) NFL football quarterback (Cowboys) NFL football pioneer player/coach NFL football quarterback (Broncos) NFL football coach, video game namesake NFL football quarterback (Steelers) NFL football player/coach (Bears) NFL football coach (Cowboys) American professional football player

The most signicant football player was Jim Thorpe (18881953) [1356], who played in the NFL during its 1920 inaugural season while serving as the leagues rst president. His greatest fame accrued from his performance in the 1912 Olympic games, where he won gold medals for the pentathlon and decathlon and was proclaimed the greatest athlete of the rst half of the twentieth century. His medals from the 1912 Olympics were later revoked, for a trivial infraction.


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The breakdown of highly signicant players by position is revealing. This table includes seven quarterbacks and ve coaches, but no one on defense. Although defense wins championships, there are several reasons why the best players do not strongly resonate with the public. First, it is difcult to measure performance quality statistically. Defensive play is best analyzed as a unit, aggregated over all the players on the team. Indeed, a truly dominating player may be active on fewer plays, because opposing teams avoid attacking his side of the eld. Their helmets and other protective gear also mask their identities from the public. Coach Vince Lombardi (19131970) [2904] led his Green Bay Packers to ve league championships, but his image as a leader who was closely focused on excellence turned him into an important management icon of his time. Inspirational sayings like Winners never quit and quitters never win and Winning isnt everything; its the only thing are popularly attributed to him. His early death, near the peak of his career, left his reputation untrammeled by memories of decline. However, this win-atall-costs message does not register quite as intensely today as it did in his time. The nal case of interest is O. J. Simpson (1947 ) [3464], a OJ Simpson Vince Lombardi great running back turned popular movie actor, who apparently murdered his former wife in 1994. The case and subsequent trial riveted the 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year nation, culminating in a controversial not guilty verdict. The Ngrams dataset shows how Vince Lombardi possessed roughly twice Simpsons mindshare prior to the murder, before interest in the case came to dominate the affairs of the day. His rapid Ngram decline after the trial reects the lack of genuine mystery as to the killers identity. Fully 78 percent of respondents to a June 2004 Gallop poll believed that Simpson was probably or denitely guilty of murder. These numbers have only increased following his convictions for wrongful death and kidnapping, combined with greater public acceptance of DNA evidence.



12.2.2 B A S K E T B A L L Basketball has a distinct moment of creation, December 1891, when James Naismith (18611939) [847] set up peach baskets at the Springeld, Massachusetts YMCA and dened the rules to Basket Ball. His sport spread quickly within the YMCA movement. The rst college team was founded in 1898, and it became an Olympic demonstration sport in 1904. Basketball entered the modern era in 1954, with the invention of the 24-second shot clock that dramatically increased scoring. Naismith is the only historically signicant gure to punch out before the clock. George Mikan (19242005) [11221] was the most signicant early professional basketball player. Seven foot, one inch Wilt Chamberlain (19361999) [1786] became the dominant player of the post-clock era, exploiting the higher-speed game to average more than 50 points per game over a full season. His massive size and outsized personality resonated beyond the sport.
Most Signicant Basketball Figures Sig. 847 1115 1786 2126 2252 2280 3563 3839 4092 4802 6341 6936 7417 7537 7564 Person James Naismith Michael Jordan Wilt Chamberlain Magic Johnson Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Larry Bird Bill Russell Amos Alonzo Stagg John Wooden Julius Erving Charles Barkley Jerry West Adolph Rupp Bill Bradley Pete Maravich Dates (18611939) (1963 ) (19361999) (1959 ) (1947 ) (1956 ) (1934 ) (18621965) (19102010) (1950 ) (1963 ) (1938 ) (19011977) (1943 ) (19471988) C/G Description Inventor of basketball American basketball player (Air Jordan) American basketball center (Wilt the Stilt) American basketball point guard (Lakers) American basketball center (Sky hook) American basketball forward (Celtics) American basketball center (Celtics) Longtime college football coach American college basketball coach (UCLA) American basketball player (Dr. J) American basketball player (Round Mound) American basketball player (Lakers) American college basketball coach (Kentucky) Basketball player / senator (Dollar Bill) American basketball player (Pistol Pete)

As we can see from our ranking of the top basketball gures, Michael Jordan (1963 ) [1115] is the most signicant basketball player ever, a man who was the most recognizable athlete of his time and a cultural/marketing phenomenon. He also stands as vivid testimony to the difculty of human selection processes. Recently graduated college


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basketball players get assigned to professional teams via the NBA draft, which is structured so that weaker teams have better opportunities to select the players of their choice. Houston used its rst selection in the 1984 draft to pick Hakeem Olajuwon (1963 ) [9590], who became a Hall of Fame player himself. More notoriously, Portland then passed on the chance to pick Jordan, grabbing center Sam Bowie (1961 ) [35887] instead. This decision appears foolish in hindsight, which is always 20-20. Injuries limited Bowies career, while Jordan developed into a much greater player than could reasonably be foreseen at the time. Our earlier studies of the accuracy of human selection procedures (Hall of Fame memberships) focused on domains where complete information about the candidates existed at the time they were evaluated. The poor performance we have established in these better-understood domains should increase our sympathy for those faced with sport draft decisions. It is vastly harder to predict the future than recognize the past, and even the latter proves much harder than is generally believed. A curious founding gure here is Amos Alonzo Stagg (18621965) [3839], best known as a longtime college football coach. But he also played in the very rst basketball game as Naismiths associate. He is credited with a seemingly impossible series of innovations which shaped football (the huddle, tackling dummy, and lateral pass), basketball (ve-man teams), and baseball (the batting cage). He is a member of both the Basketball and College Football Halls of Fame.

12.2.3 H O C K E Y Ice hockey is the most popular winter sport in Canada and several European countries. The rst organized game was played in 1875, and the premier professional league (the National Hockey League, or NHL) founded in 1917. Our rankings of the most signicant gures reect players from most of this long history, although with some bias consistent with the leagues expansion from six teams to 30 since 1967. Five of our top ranked players were born in a narrow interval from 1961 to 1965, including the most signicant one of all. Wayne Gretzky (1961 )



Most Signicant Hockey Figures Sig. 1949 3128 3747 5071 5765 5855 9020 9065 9119 10588 Person Wayne Gretzky Mario Lemieux Frederick Stanley Maurice Richard Patrick Roy Gordie Howe Brett Hull Conn Smythe Mark Messier Jacques Plante Dates (1961 ) (1965 ) (18411908) (19212000) (1965 ) (1928 ) (1964 ) (18951980) (1961 ) (19291986) C/G Description Professional hockey star (The Great Gretzky) Professional hockey star (Super Mario) 6th Governor General of Canada Professional ice hockey player (the Rocket) Canadian ice hockey goaltender Longtime professional ice hockey star American NHL player Canadian soldier and sportsman (ice hockey) Canadian ice hockey center Canadian ice hockey goaltender

[1949] scored at unprecedented rates, raising the season record for goals from 76 to 92 and assists from 102 to 163. He changed the sense of what was possible. Indeed, his contemporaries approached several of his standards only a few seasons later, after watching him do it. His leadership explains the concentration of his peers in our rankings. The two highest gravitas gures in professional hockey are foundergures who lent their names to hockeys most important prizes. The Frederick Stanley (18411908) [3747] Cup goes to the championship team, while the Conn Smythe (18951980) [9065] Trophy is awarded to the most valuable player during these playoffs. 12.2.4 S O C C E R FIFA, the international football association, was founded in 1904. Dozens of nations have their own professional leagues, with several capable of making coherent claims to being the worlds strongest. The World Cup tournament, held every four years, identies the worlds best national team. The players we consider here are drawn from the FIFA 100 list, which was compiled in 2004 by the great soccer player Pel (1940 ) [1418] in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the international governing body of football. He refused to be constrained to the numerical target, so his Top 100 contains 125 people. The only two players from the United States appearing in the list were also the only two women: Mia Hamm (1972 ) [10420] and Michelle Akers (1966 ) [62368].


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Most Signicant Soccer Figures Sig. 1264 1418 1462 1863 2040 2128 2907 2951 3090 3365 3961 Person Diego Maradona Pel David Beckham Zinedine Zidane Thierry Henry Ronaldo Johan Cruyff George Best Alan Shearer Ronaldinho Franz Beckenbauer Dates (1960 ) (1940 ) (1975 ) (1972 ) (1977 ) (1976 ) (1947 ) (19462005) (1970 ) (1980 ) (1945 ) C/G Description Argentine soccer player/coach Brazilian soccer star English soccer player French soccer player French soccer player Brazilian soccer player Dutch soccer player Irish professional footballer English soccer player Brazilian soccer player German soccer player/coach

What is notable is the international diversity of the top ranked players. The eleven men presented here represent six different countries: Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. International football is administrated by FIFA, an international organization long ruled by its president, Sepp Blatter (1936 ) [8430]. Although widely controversial, he has a signicance rank comparable to the leaders of another international organization, the United Nations.

12.3 Olympic Sports Stars

The Summer Olympic games dominate the worlds attention for exactly one month every four years. And then they are gone. This gap between games looms large for the athletes themselves, who seldom can maintain peak skills long enough to compete in multiple Olympiads. These athletes provide a laboratory to study the effect of brief, intense fame on historical signicance. The accompanying table presents the most signicant summer Olympians of each gender. Male champions are generally more highly regarded than females, but this varies by sport. Olympic champions do not score particularly well according to our historical signicance measures, with only a dozen or so ranked among the top 10,000 gures. One explanation is that each new champion replaces her predecessors, by lling the specic niche they once held in the public consciousness. Only exceptional gures have achievements that remain indelible years later, or parlay their

Top Male Olympic Stars Sig. 1356 2116 4887 5510 6096 6587 6812 7139 7260 7459 7519 7568 8095 8225 9739 Person Jim Thorpe Jesse Owens Carl Lewis Michael Phelps Mark Spitz Johnny Weissmuller Ben Johnson Sebastian Coe Steve Prefontaine Avery Brundage Ian Thorpe Paavo Nurmi Eric Liddell Usain Bolt Duke Kahanamoku Dates (18881953) (19131980) (1961 ) (1985 ) (1950 ) (19041984) (1961 ) (1956 ) (19511975) (18871975) (1982 ) (18971973) (19021945) (1986 ) (18901968) Sig. 7563 9148 9705 10257 13560 13770 13861 16628 18119 19711 25335 25478 26044 26057 26945 Top Female Olympic Stars Person Babe Zaharias Sonja Henie F. Grifth-Joyner Nadia Comneci Dawn Fraser Wilma Rudolph J. Joyner-Kersee Mary Lou Retton Lisa Leslie Fanny Blankers-Koen Larissa Latynina Nastia Liukin Olga Korbut Betty Cuthbert Natalie Coughlin Dates (19111956) (19121969) (19591998) (1961 ) (1937 ) (19401994) (1962 ) (1968 ) (1972 ) (19182004) (1934 ) (1989 ) (1955 ) (1938 ) (1982 )


athletic success into accomplishments in other elds. We will review the stars of several prominent sports separately. The signicance rankings we report here employ data from before the 2012 Olympics in London, and hence inadequately represent the achievements of these athletes. Still, two of the biggest stars of the 2012 games do quite well in our rankings: swimmer Michael Phelps (1985 ) [5510] and sprinter Usain Bolt (1986 ) [8225].
Most Signicant Track- and Field-Stars Sig. 1356 2116 4887 6812 7139 7260 7459 7563 7568 8095 Person Jim Thorpe Jesse Owens Carl Lewis Ben Johnson Sebastian Coe Steve Prefontaine Avery Brundage Babe Zaharias Paavo Nurmi Eric Liddell Dates (18881953) (19131980) (1961 ) (1961 ) (1956 ) (19511975) (18871975) (19111956) (18971973) (19021945) C/G Description Native American athlete (Olympics, football) American track star (4 Olympic gold, 1936) American track star (4 Olympic gold, 1984) Drug-enhanced Canadian sprinter English athlete (middle distance runner) American middle/long-distance runner American Olympic athlete and ofcial Greatest woman athlete (golf, track, basketball) Finnish long distance runner Scottish athlete (Chariots of Fire)

12.3.1 T R A C K A N D F I E L D Track-and-eld events represent the popular ideal of Olympic sport: elementary, unchanging, traditionally amateur events. We count seven of the


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ten most prominent Olympians as track-and-eld champions. Jesse Owens (19131980) [2116] won four gold medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics; the symbolism of a black man triumphing over the master race in front of the Nazis explains his enduring fame. Carl Lewis (1961 ) [4887] and Ben Johnson (1961 ) [6812] were rival sprinters over several Olympiads, with Johnson ultimately disgraced for illegal use of steroids. Two of these athletes are best known because of movies. Because of religious convictions, sprinter Eric Liddell (19021945) [8095] declined to run the nals of the 1924 Olympic 100-meter dash on a Sunday, a tale told in the lm Chariots of Fire. Long-distance runner Steve Prefontaine (1951 1975) [7260] is a more perplexing case: an American (but never Olympic) champion, he was killed in an automobile accident at age 24. This cult gure among runners was the subject of two competing movies, which came out in 1997 and 1998, respectively. 12.3.2 S W I M M I N G Much of the attention Olympic swimming receives results from the many closely related events, which enable champions to accumulate eye-popping totals of medals. Four of the most signicant swimmers are known for their gaudy Olympic medal totals: seven gold for Spitz in 1972, eight gold for Phelps in 2008, ten overall for Thorpe in 2000 and 2004, and eight for Fraser over three Olympiads.
Most Signicant Swimmers Sig. 5510 6096 6587 7519 9739 13560 17720 Person Michael Phelps Mark Spitz Johnny Weissmuller Ian Thorpe Duke Kahanamoku Dawn Fraser Buster Crabbe Dates (1985 ) (1950 ) (19041984) (1982 ) (18901968) (1937 ) (19081983) C/G Description American swimmer (8 Olympic gold, 2008) American swimmer (7 Olympic gold, 1972) American swimmer and actor (Tarzan) American Olympic swimmer (the Thorpedo) Hawaiian swimmer and surng pioneer Australian Olympic swimmer American swimmer and actor (Flash Gordon)

In the years before World War II, Hollywood regularly shed the Olympic pools for stars, catching both Tarzan (Johnny Weissmuller (19041984) [6587]) and Flash Gordon (Buster Crabbe (19081983) [17720]). Special mention goes to aquamusical star Esther Williams (1921 ) [12359], who lost her moment with the cancellation of the 1940 Olympic



games due to the outbreak of war. Duke Kahanamoku (18901968) [9739] was another swimming star who turned to acting, but is today best known for popularizing surng. 12.3.3 G Y M N A S T I C S Women completely dominate the rankings of the most signicant gymnasts, lling nine of the top ten positions. The lone male, Li Ning (1963 ) [33106], won six medals at the 1984 games and is one of Chinas most famous athletes.
Most Signicant Gymnasts Sig. 10257 16628 25335 25478 26044 33106 35532 36809 40885 41882 Person Nadia Comneci Mary Lou Retton Larissa Latynina Nastia Liukin Olga Korbut Li Ning Shannon Miller Nellie Kim Ludmilla Tourischeva Svetlana Khorkina Dates (1961 (1968 (1934 (1989 (1955 (1963 (1977 (1957 (1952 (1979 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C/G Description Romanian gymnast (1976 Olympic gold) American gymnast (1984 Olympic gold) Soviet gymnast (1956-60-64 Olympic gold) American gymnast (2008 Olympic gold) Soviet gymnast (1972 Olympic gold) Chinese male gymnast / entrepreneur American gymnast (1996 Olympic gold) Soviet gymnast (1980 Olympic gold) Soviet gymnast (1968 Olympic gold) Russian gymnast (2000 Olympic gold)

The strong performance of womens gymnastics here reects its broad popularity among American girls. Gymnastics is a young persons sport, reected by champions Nadia Comaneci (1961 ) [10257] (age 14), Mary Lou Retton (1968 ) [16628] (16), Olga Korbut (1955 ) [26044] (17), and Nastia Liukin (1989 ) [25478] (18). Concern about injuries and abusive coaching has raised minimum age limits; since 1997, gymnasts must be at least 16 years old to participate in the Olympics. 12.3.4 W I N T E R S P O R T S The Winter Olympics have been held since 1924, and played second ddle to the summer games ever since. The London summer Olympics of 2012 featured 204 nations, but only 82 assembled for the Vancouver winter games of 2010. Climate restricts the number of nations that can meaningfully participate in winter sports; the mere existence of a Jamaican bobsled team was enough to inspire the movie Cool Runnings.


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Top Figure Skaters Sig. 9148 15458 16118 17356 19402 22197 24619 24922 Person Sonja Henie Kristi Yamaguchi Michelle Kwan Brian Boitano Tonya Harding Nancy Kerrigan Dorothy Hamill Dick Button Dates (19121969) (1971 ) (1980 ) (1963 ) (1970 ) (1969 ) (1956 ) (1929 ) Sig. 15132 20089 46995 70624 80666 113968 122314 125149

Top Speed Skaters Person Apolo Ohno Eric Heiden Shani Davis Chad Hedrick Bonnie Blair Beth Heiden Sheila Young Joey Cheek Dates (1982 (1958 (1982 (1977 (1964 (1959 (1950 (1979 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Skating is an interesting Olympic sport because it comes in two distinct avors. Figure skating is a test of grace and beauty, while speed skating is an aerobic race against the clock. We present the most signicant champions in each of these sports, with gure skaters on the left and speed skaters on the right of the table. The gure skaters prove much higher ranked than their faster brethren, even though they only compete in one event per Olympiad. Champion gure skaters generally go on to professional careers giving exhibitions, increasing their visibility. Sonja Henie (19121969) [9148] was a champion skater who became famous for her later Hollywood career. It is revealing that the most signicant speed skater (Apolo Ohno (1982 ) [15132]) won eight Olympic medals, yet made his biggest splash as the winner of Dancing with the Stars. Skiing is another popular sport at the Winter Olympics. The two most signicant champions, Bode Miller (1977 ) [26961] and Jean-Claude Killy (1943 ) [32918], are also substantially outranked by the most prominent gure skaters.


The Arts

Most historical gures are accorded a one-way ride down the road to glory. Long-dead gures rarely regain prominence, except perhaps in response to external events, such as the release of a movie about their life. But the most dramatic swings in historical reputation we have encountered occur in the arts, reecting long-term uctuations in taste. Authors and their books can rise in response to fresh critical attention, and obscure painters may suddenly nd their work back in style. In this chapter, we will identify the most signicant gures in literature and the ne arts. Along the way we will address certain larger-scale questions: In which media do contemporary artists have enough stature to compete with the classical masters? How well do best-seller lists and literary awards identify the signicant voices of their times? Have modern architects usurped the role traditionally occupied by sculptors?

13.1 Literature
Ranking the worlds greatest literary gures is a parlor game of comparable popularity to the ranking of presidents. It provides free rein to express the biases inherent in everyones worldview. Which is better: classical or contemporary, domestic or international, or prose vs. verses? The Literary 100 [Burt, 2000] is a representative ranking, which tries to identify the most inuential novelists, playwrights, and poets of all time. Burt provides an alternate perspective to evaluate our Literary 50 rankings, presented in Figure 13.1.


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Sig. 4 33 53 54 64 77 88 96 118 131 139 141 152 158 160 165 173 177 182 191 194 196 208 213 227 244 246 248 249 251 259 274 280 305 317 326 329 342 374 378 386 391 397 403 406 408 418 420 421 436

Writer William Shakespeare Charles Dickens Mark Twain Edgar Allan Poe Voltaire Oscar Wilde Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Dante Alighieri Lewis Carroll Henry David Thoreau Jane Austen Samuel Johnson Homer Lord Byron Walt Whitman John Milton Geoffrey Chaucer Virgil William Wordsworth Stephen King Emily Dickinson Leo Tolstoy Victor Hugo George Bernard Shaw Nathaniel Hawthorne Fyodor Dostoyevsky Miguel de Cervantes Ernest Hemingway H. G. Wells Herman Melville Rudyard Kipling Sophocles Samuel Taylor Coleridge John Keats Robert Burns Petrarch Percy Bysshe Shelley George Orwell Christopher Marlowe Thomas Hardy Aeschylus Jonathan Swift Rabindranath Tagore Henrik Ibsen James Joyce Henry James Aristophanes Alexander Pushkin Ben Jonson T. S. Eliot

Dates (15641616) (18121870) (18351910) (18091849) (16941778) (18541900) (17491832) (12651321) (18321898) (18171862) (17751817) (17091784) (? ?) (17881824) (18191892) (16081674) (13431400) (? ?) (17701850) (1947 ) (18301886) (18281910) (18021885) (18561950) (18041864) (18211881) (15471616) (18991961) (18661946) (18191891) (18651936) (496406 B.C.) (17721834) (17951821) (17591796) (13041374) (17921822) (19031950) (15641593) (18401928) (525456 B.C.) (16671745) (18611941) (18281906) (18821941) (18431916) (446386 B.C.) (17991837) (15721637) (18881965)

Lit100 1 6 63 55 69 100 10 2

Field plays novels novels poems poems plays novels poems novels essays novels essays poems poems poems poems poems poems poems novels poems novels poems plays novels novels novels novels novels novels novels plays poems poems poems poems poems novels poems novels plays essays novels poems novels novels plays novels plays poems

Well-known Work Hamlet A Tale of Two Cities The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Raven Candide The Importance of Being Earnest The Sorrows of Young Werther Divine Comedy Alices Adventures in Wonderland Walden Pride and Prejudice Dictionary of the English Language The Odyssey Don Juan Leaves of Grass Paradise Lost The Canterbury Tales The Aeneid Lyrical Ballads The Shining I taste a liquor never brewed War and Peace Les Miserables Man and Superman The House of the Seven Gables Crime and Punishment Don Quixote The Old Man and the Sea The Time Machine Moby-Dick The Jungle Book Oedipus the King The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The Complete Poems Auld Lang Syne Il Canzoniere Ozymandias 1984 Doctor Faustus Tess of the DUrbervilles Oresteia Gullivers Travels The Home and the World A Dolls House Ulysses The Turn of the Screw The Knights Eugene Onegin The Alchemist The Waste Land

18 3 75 40 8 5 9 33 54 4 89 45 84 15 11 46 24 13 25 53 72

44 29 42 90 36 7 38 34 21 16


13.1. The most signicant literary gures, with Literary 100 rankings

[Burt, 2000]

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There is good basic agreement between his ranking and ours. Our top 50 contains 39 members of the Literary 100, including Burts eleven highest-ranked gures. There is a strong correlation between our significance measure and the Literary 100 ranking, indicating broad general agreement. Mark Twain (18351910) [53] famously dened a classic as a book that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. Our rankings respect this distinction. We generally score popular writers such as Oscar Wilde (18541900) [77], Lewis Carroll (18321898) [118], and Twain himself higher than Burt does in his Literary 100. We particularly expect the literary establishment to blanch at our signicance rank for best-selling horror novelist Stephen King (1947 ) [191]. He is the only contemporary writer to come close to a spot in our Literary 50.1 We interpret King as the Charles Dickens (1812 1870) [33] of our time, both sharing immense popularity, mind-boggling productivity, and even the serial novel genre. We feel condent that a hundred years from now King will be read more than most of the Literary 100s tail.
Least Signicant Members of the Literary 100 Sig. 29330 17736 14490 9104 7819 5197 4885 4702 4254 3534 Person Gnter Grass Zeami Motokiyo Cao Xueqin Robert Musil Ralph Ellison Isaac Bashevis Singer Theodore Dreiser Richard Wright Lu Xun Federico Garca Lorca Dates (1927 ) (13631443) (17151763) (18801942) (19131994) (19021991) (18711945) (19081960) (18811936) (18981936) Lit100 92 99 67 79 86 95 85 97 93 83 Field novels plays novels novels novels novels novels novels novels poems Work The Tin Drum Noh drama Dream of the Red Chamber The Man Without Qualities Invisible Man Gimple the Fool An American Tragedy Uncle Toms Children The True Story of Ah Q Gypsy Ballads

Indeed, the least signicant members of the Literary 100 reveal biases in both Burts rankings and our own. The literature of China and Japan is not adequately covered in the English-language Wikipedia, so presumably we underrate certain writers like Murasaki Shikibu (973 ? ) [2256], the author of the early Japanese novel The Tale of Genji. She was Burts #12,
1 I (Charles) cant bear to hear what my father will say when he reads this.


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but did not crack our Literary 100. However, these Asian literatures are so vast that it is debatable whether the Literary 100 really found the right individuals, either. We rank the classical Chinese writers Li Bai (701762) [1552], Du Fu (712770) [2192], and Su Shi (10371101) [3162] as all stronger than his picks of Zeami Motokiyo (13631443) [17736] and Cao Xueqin (17151763) [14490]. Burts rankings show a weakness for several twentieth-century writers who we do not anticipate will age very well. The recognition accorded to Nobel Prize winners Singer and Grass largely reects the cultural aftermath of World War II. The novels of Ellison and Wright reect the black experience before the successes of the Civil Rights movement erased the worst vestiges of this era. This will limit these books future resonance. Others reect idiosyncratic choices. The Wikipedia article for Robert Musil (1880 1942) [9104] apologizes that his work has not been widely read because of its delayed publication and also because of the lengthy and intricate plot.

Time Trends The Google Ngram data enables us to track changes in authors repuHome Virgil Shakespeare tations over time. Two interesting trends emerge with respect to classical writers. First, William Shake1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 speares (15641616) [4] mindshare Year exploded after 1850, from a position roughly comparable to Geoffrey Chaucer (13431400) [173]. This increase mirrors the growth of the theater in America. The Roman poet [177] has declined from a peak comparable to Homer [152] to a mindshare now half as large. His agging status probably correlates with the decline in the importance of Latin in a liberal arts education. The career of novelist Jane Austen (17751817) [139] exhibits a particularly dramatic reputational arc. Her rst novel was published only ve years before her early death, and then went out of print for twelve years. Since then, however, her reputation has exhibited sustained growth.

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This remarkable trend shows no sign of abating. Since about 1950, she has been beating the dickens out of Charles Dickens (18121870) [33], and is still increasing in mind1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 share long after he began to fade. Year Recent surges reect increased interest in gender, successful motion picture adaptations of her work, and even its ability to withstand a zombie invasion [Grahame-Smith and Austen, 2009].
Jane Austen Charles Dickens

13.1.1 P L A Y W R I G H T S Plays may be the literary form that has best survived the passage of time. The works of ancient Greek playwrights continue to be performed fully 2,500 years after they were written. Indeed, four of our seven most signicant playwrights were active during the peak of classical Greek civilization. And of course, the most signicant writer in our rankings, William Shakespeare (15641616) [4], is known primarily for his plays. Modern writers also contribute to this ancient form, with half of our top 15 playwrights living in the twentieth century.
Most Signicant Playwrights Sig. 4 213 274 348 386 403 418 421 523 744 876 933 1003 1081 1213 Person William Shakespeare George Bernard Shaw Sophocles Euripides Aeschylus Henrik Ibsen Aristophanes Ben Jonson Anton Chekhov W. S. Gilbert August Strindberg Bertolt Brecht Jean-Paul Sartre Arthur Miller Tennessee Williams Dates (15641616) (18561950) (496406 B.C.) (480406 B.C.) (525456 B.C.) (18281906) (446386 B.C.) (15721637) (18601904) (18361911) (18491912) (18981956) (19051980) (19152005) (19111983) C/G Description English playwright (Hamlet) Irish playwright (Pygmalion) Ancient Greek tragedian (Oedipus Rex) Ancient Greek tragedian Ancient Greek tragedian Norwegian playwright (Enemy of the People) Greek comic playwright (The Frogs) English Renaissance dramatist (Volpone) Russian playright (The Cherry Orchard) English dramatist (Gilbert and Sullivan) Swedish playwright (Miss Julie) German playright (The Threepenny Opera) French existentialist philosopher American playwright (Death of a Salesman) American playright (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)


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Most of these playwrights are known for their dramatic works, but a few earned their reputations through comedies. Perhaps the most surprising member of the club is W. S. Gilbert (18361911) [744], the librettist whose collaboration with Arthur Sullivan (18421900) [795] resulted in such famous comic operas as H.M.S. Pinafore, The Mikado, and The Pirates of Penzance. 13.1.2 P O E T S The statement More people write poetry than read it is attributed to George Carlin (19372008) [5466], and it has the ring of truth. Consider the most prominent living English-language poets: Billy Collins (1941 ) [26048], Robert Pinsky (1940 ) [16364], W. S. Merwin (1927 ) [41425], and Rita Dove (1952 ) [47391]. All rank as fairly minor cultural gures, particularly by the standards of their illustrious predecessors.
Most Signicant Poets Sig. 102 158 160 182 194 280 305 349 378 412 436 507 564 568 644 806 893 905 1050 1211 Person William Blake Lord Byron Walt Whitman William Wordsworth Emily Dickinson Samuel Taylor Coleridge John Keats Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Thomas Hardy William Butler Yeats T. S. Eliot Ezra Pound Friedrich Schiller John Donne Robert Frost John Dryden Dr. Seuss Matthew Arnold Francis Scott Key Langston Hughes Dates (17571827) (17881824) (18191892) (17701850) (18301886) (17721834) (17951821) (18071882) (18401928) (18651939) (18881965) (18851972) (17591805) (15721631) (18741963) (16311700) (19041991) (18221888) (17771843) (19021967) C/G Description English poet and painter ("The Tyger") British poet ("Don Juan") American poet ("Leaves of Grass") English poet ("Lyrical Ballads") American female poet (The Belle of Amherst) English poet ("Kubla Khan") English Romantic poet ("Ode to a Grecian Urn") American poet ("Paul Reveres Ride") British novelist ("Tess of the dUrbervilles") Irish poet and dramatist English poet ("The Waste Land") American expatriate poet (The Cantos) German poet and philosopher English poet ("Death be not Proud") American poet ("The Road Less Traveled") English Restoration poet American childrens writer (Cat in the Hat) British poet (Dover Beach) Poet (lyrics of National Anthem) Black poet (Harlem Renaissance)

We have taken the liberty of removing ancient and medieval lyric poets such as Homer [152], Geoffrey Chaucer (13431400) [173], and Dante Alighieri (12651321) [96]. These writers might be better thought of as

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storytellers than wordsmiths, and who might have been novelists had the genre been invented in their times. Truly contemporary poets are nowhere to be seen in our rankings, but we are not so far removed from a time when major poets walked the earth. Four members of our top twenty were active after World War II: T. S. Eliot (18881965) [436], Robert Frost (18741963) [644], Ezra Pound (18851972) [507], and Langston Hughes (19021967) [1211]. The Beat poets of the late 1950s, including Allen Ginsberg (19261997) [1775] and William S. Burroughs (19141997) [1561], were major inuences on the counterculture of the 1960s. But perhaps the poet who speaks best to todays sensibilities is the childrens author Dr. Seuss (19041991) [893]. Popular successors to these poets live on in rock-and-roll bands, not in academia. Music lyrics have been published as poems since at least the Poetry of Rock [Astor, 2010; Goldstein, 1969] in 1969, and today even respected poetry anthologies [Axelrod et al., 2012; Lehman, 2006] manage to include works by such poets as Bob Dylan (1941 ) [130], Queen Latifah (1970 ) [6367], and Patti Smith (1946 ) [5825]. Certainly an ambitious poet can reach a greater audience writing lyrics instead of verse, and singing their words instead of printing them. This also harkens back to ancient times, when pre-literate audiences had their poetry sung to them by balladeers rather than of reading it.

13.1.3 N O V E L I S T S The novel is todays major literary form, but its history is short relative to that of poetry or plays. Some call Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (15471616) [246] the rst major novel, while others cast their lot with the Japanese The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu (973 ? ) [2256]. We will tell the story of the novel in two chapters, beginning with the pre-twentieth century novelists in Figure 13.2. Our highest signicance novelists wrote mostly in English, but include writers in German (Goethe), French (Hugo and Verne), Spanish (Cervantes), and Russian (Tolstoy and Dostoevsky). All remain widely read today, and are popular choices for high school and college literature


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classes. We probably rank Jules Verne (18281905) [229] and Mary Shelley (17971851) [223] higher than most English professors would, but they had important roles in developing the genre of Science Fiction. The capsule time series in Figure 13.2 permits us to distinguish authors who were posthumously rediscovered (such as Herman Melville (1819 1891) [251]) from those whose reputations peaked in their lifetimes and are now declining (for instance, Rudyard Kipling (18651936) [259]).
Sig. 33 53 77 88 118 139 196 208 223 227 229 244 246 251 259 378 391 408 420 433 Person Charles Dickens Mark Twain Oscar Wilde J. W. von Goethe Lewis Carroll Jane Austen Leo Tolstoy Victor Hugo Mary Shelley Nathaniel Hawthorne Jules Verne Fyodor Dostoyevsky Miguel de Cervantes Herman Melville Rudyard Kipling Thomas Hardy Jonathan Swift Henry James Alexander Pushkin Washington Irving Ngrams Timeline C/G Description English novelist (David Coppereld) American author (Huckleberry Finn) Irish author and poet (Dorian Gray) German writer and polymath (Faust) Author (Alices Adventures in Wonderland) English author (Pride and Prejudice) Russian novelist (War and Peace) French poet (Les Misrables) English novelist (Frankenstein) Novelist (The Scarlet Letter) French author (Around the World in 80 Days) Russian novelist (Crime and Punishment) Spanish author of rst novel (Don Quixote) American Novelist (Moby-Dick) English author of empire (The Jungle Book) British novelist (Tess of the dUrbervilles) Anglo-Irish satirist (Gullivers Travels) American literary novelist (Washington Square) Russian author (Eugene Onegin) Author (Legend of Sleepy Hollow)

F I G U R E 13.2.

The most signicant novelists before 1900

Kipling and George Orwell [342] are an interesting matched pair, as Rudyard Kipling George Orwell reected in their Ngrams trends. Kipling writes from a nineteenth century pro-Empire viewpoint, that of The White Mans Burden. 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Orwell himself called Kipling a prophet of British Imperialism. But as the British Empire declined, so did the draw of Kiplings narratives, replaced by the growing disillusionment in Empire, and the active distrust in authority reected in Orwells work.

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We make a fairly arbitrary distinction between these early novelists and those most active during the twentieth century. They include representatives from several genres and wildly differing levels of literary ambition. Some live on today primarily as young adult writers, such as H. G. Wells [249] and Jack London [578]. Others pushed the boundaries of narrative to create demanding (at times, almost unreadable) works, including James Joyce [406], William Faulkner [907], and Virginia Woolf [650].2 More popular genres include mystery, particularly the authors who created the detectives Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle [247]) and Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie [708]), and science ction, represented here by the astonishingly prolic Isaac Asimov [916].
Most Signicant Twentieth- Century Novelists Sig. 191 247 248 249 342 406 486 544 576 578 650 708 724 747 907 916 Person Stephen King Arthur Conan Doyle Ernest Hemingway H. G. Wells George Orwell James Joyce Ayn Rand Joseph Conrad John Steinbeck Jack London Virginia Woolf Agatha Christie Franz Kafka F. Scott Fitzgerald William Faulkner Isaac Asimov Dates (1947 ) (18591930) (18991961) (18661946) (19031950) (18821941) (19051982) (18571924) (19021968) (18761916) (18821941) (18901976) (18831924) (18961940) (18971962) (19191992) C/G Description American popular novelist (Carrie) Scottish creator of Sherlock Holmes Author (The Sun Also Rises) Science ction writer (The Time Machine) English author (1984) Stream of consciousness novelist (Ulysses) Anti-altruist author (The Fountainhead) Polish novelist (Heart of Darkness) Author/Nobelist (The Grapes of Wrath) American author (White Fang) English Author (Mrs Dalloway) British crime writer (Hercule Poirot) German novelist (The Metamorphosis) Novelist (This Side of Paradise) Author/Nobelist (The Sound and the Fury) American science ction author (I, Robot)

13.1.4 T H E N O B E L P R I Z E I N L I T E R A T U R E The Nobel Prize is the worlds most prestigious literary award, but its roster of honorees includes several puzzling choices. Two of the most prominent laureates are best known for other accomplishments. Winston Churchills (18741965) [37] six-volume history of World War II was less important than his efforts in winning that war. Philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872 1970) [253] was recognized for his humanitarian writings, not the symbolic
2 Others manage to be unreadable without explicitly trying, like Ayn Rand (19051982) [486].


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logic of his most famous book, Principia Mathematica. The least signicant recipients will be unknown to all but the most dedicated students of world literature.
Top Nobel Prize Authors Sig. 37 213 248 253 259 397 412 436 576 907 Person Winston Churchill George Bernard Shaw Ernest Hemingway Bertrand Russell Rudyard Kipling Rabindranath Tagore William B. Yeats T. S. Eliot John Steinbeck William Faulkner Dates (18741965) (18561950) (18991961) (18721970) (18651936) (18611941) (18651939) (18881965) (19021968) (18971962) Sig. 89721 86978 86674 85832 79311 59642 57617 56185 51146 44002 Bottom Nobel Prize Authors Person Tomas Transtrmer Jos Echegaray Imre Kertsz Wisawa Szymborska Roger M. d. Gard Claude Simon Frans E. Sillanp Jacinto Benavente Vicente Aleixandre Camilo Jos Cela Dates (1931 ) (18321916) (1929 ) (19232012) (18811958) (19132005) (18881964) (18661954) (18981984) (19162002)

By contrast, many great writers never received the Nobel Prize. A few, such as Anton Chekhov (18601904) [523] and Herbert Spencer (1820 1903) [619], died early enough in the history of the prize to absolve the committee of responsibility here. Because the prize is awarded to only one writer each year, it should have taken several years to clear the backlog of great available authors. However, the judges did not take advantage of this deep bench, for only three of the rst twenty winners are familiar to us today: Rudyard Kipling (18651936) [259] (1907), Rabindranath Tagore (18611941) [397] (1913), and Anatole France (18441924) [2891] (1921).
Top Authors Without a Nobel Prize Sig. 53 196 249 378 406 523 544 619 644 650 Person Mark Twain Leo Tolstoy H. G. Wells Thomas Hardy James Joyce Anton Chekhov Joseph Conrad Herbert Spencer Robert Frost Virginia Woolf Dates (18351910) (18281910) (18661946) (18401928) (18821941) (18601904) (18571924) (18201903) (18741963) (18821941) C/G Description American author (Huckleberry Finn) Russian novelist (War and Peace) Science ction writer (The Time Machine) British novelist (Tess of the dUrbervilles) Stream of consciousness novelist (Ulysses) Russian playright (The Cherry Orchard) Polish novelist (Heart of Darkness) English philosopher (survival of the ttest) American poet (The Road Less Traveled) English author (Mrs Dalloway)

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Literature 4.5 4 3.5 Significance 3 2.5 2 1.5 1



1960 Year



F I G U R E 13.3.

The signicance of Nobel peace and literature prize winners

These generally lackluster selections reect the early reluctance of Scandinavian judges to consider English-language writers for the prize. The signicance timeline in Figure 13.3 shows that the stature of literary prize winners rose steadily from 1920 until about 1960, when it began a gentle slide back to the early standards. This decline reects the Swedish academys decision to spread the award geographically, recognizing literatures around the world. This is a noble sentiment and worthy objective. However, it diminishes the stature of the prize to honor writers who have not yet been translated outside their native language. Indeed, it calls into question exactly how the academy makes their decisions, since presumably many judges could not have read the writers under consideration.

13.2 Popular Writers

There is a cultural divide between authors with literary ambitions, and the writers who strive to reach a broad popular audience. We have assembled the authors of each years ten best-selling books from 1900 to 2010, so we can monitor how the reputations of popular authors fare. Figure 13.4 presents a timeline measuring the signicance of best-selling authors over the past century. Writers of similar signicance sit at the same

5 4 3

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Ernest Hemingway Stephen King H. G. Wells Joseph Conrad Agatha Christie Upton Sinclair W. Somerset Maugham Arthur C. Clarke Salman Rushdie Sinclair Lewis John Updike Zane Grey Dan Brown Thomas Dixon James Hilton Danielle Steel Herman Wouk Robert Ludlum Hall Caine Franz Werfel Mary Stewart Winston Churchill Mitch Albom Sholem Asch Lloyd C. Douglas James Finn Garner Harold Bell Wright Phyllis Bottome Maurice Hewlett James Redfield Agnes Sligh Turnbull Bertha Runkle Karin Slaughter Coningsby Dawson Mary Ellen Chase Anne Douglas Sedgwick David Wroblewski Leona Dalrymple Gwen Davis Kathryn Stockett Marguerite Steen 3 1880 1900 1920 1940 Year 1960 1980 2000 2020

2 1 0 1 2

F I G U R E 13.4. The average signicance of best-selling authors by year of publication, 1900 to 2010. The trend is for more recent authors to have increasing signicance, yet there appear to be fewer high-prole literary gures today than in the past

level from left to right. The stars of recent best-seller lists generally seem to lack the gravitas of those of earlier times. The plot shows a gradual increase in average signicance from 1900 up to the present day. This trend reects the fact that even the weakest bestselling writers from the last 40 years remain preserved in the living memory of the Wikipedia community. But as each generation passes, only the best of its books survive to nd new readers. The great have been treated with deference, while the lesser gures have essentially been forgotten. To get a better handle on this phenomenon, we compared the most signicant authors of best sellers from the rst half of our data (1900 1955) with those appearing since 1956. Recognizable literary authors have regularly made the best-seller lists, although the frequency appears to have declined in recent years:
Top Best-selling Authors Before 1955 Sig. 37 247 248 249 Person Winston Churchill Arthur Conan Doyle Ernest Hemingway H. G. Wells Dates (18741965) (18591930) (18991961) (18661946) Sig. 191 248 486 576 Top Best-selling Authors After 1955 Person Stephen King Ernest Hemingway Ayn Rand John Steinbeck Dates (1947 ) (18991961) (19051982) (19021968) (continued) .

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Sig. 544 576 650 1150 1179 1482 1562 1798 2619 2925 3106 3360 3990 4043 4066 4748 Person Joseph Conrad John Steinbeck Virginia Woolf Upton Sinclair Aldous Huxley W. Somerset Maugham Edith Wharton George Santayana Willa Cather Frances H. Burnett Norman Mailer Sinclair Lewis Pearl S. Buck J. B. Priestley Zane Grey Thornton Wilder Dates (18571924) (19021968) (18821941) (18781968) (18941963) (18741965) (18621937) (18631952) (18731947) (18491924) (19232007) (18851951) (18921973) (18941984) (18721939) (18971975) Sig. 708 893 907 1166 1440 1522 1974 2019 2056 2197 2687 3105 3302 3522 3727 4083 Person Agatha Christie Dr. Seuss William Faulkner D. H. Lawrence Vladimir Nabokov Arthur C. Clarke Ian Fleming Graham Greene Kurt Vonnegut A. Solzhenitsyn Carl Sagan Salman Rushdie Simone de Beauvoir Elia Kazan Glenn Beck Boris Pasternak Dates (18901976) (19041991) (18971962) (18851930) (18991977) (19172008) (19081964) (19041991) (19222007) (19182008) (19341996) (1947 ) (19081986) (19092003) (1964 ) (18901960)


Generally speaking, the names on the right score as more signicant, but these post-1955 best sellers are a surprisingly mixed bag. Five are Nobel Prize winners (Hemingway, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Solzhenitsyn, and Pasternak), but two others are better known as television personalities (astronomer Carl Sagan (19341996) [2687] and political commentator Glenn Beck (1964 ) [3727]. Particularly curious here is D. H. Lawrence (18851930) [1166], whose Lady Chatterleys Lover was a posthumously published best seller in 1959, after emerging victorious in a landmark obscenity trial, though it is relatively little read today. There is a sense that the gures on the left are more important than those on the right, but how much of this is real and how much is a temporal illusion? Our celebrity/gravitas scale provides a tool to investigate. Generally speaking, modern writers hold up surprisingly well by this measure, with Stephen King (1947 ) [191] of similar gravitas to Ernest Hemingway (18991961) [248], James Bonds Ian Fleming (19081964) [1974] comparable to Sherlock Holmess Arthur Conan Doyle (18591930) [247], and Kurt Vonnegut (19222007) [2056] on par with Upton Sinclair (18781968) [1150]. Books of past eras endure largely through the endorsement of schools and other authorities, more than through their inherent attractiveness to lay readers. Best-seller lists have generally not recognized the authors of childrens books. Dr. Seuss (19041991) [893] hit the best-seller list for Oh, the Places Youll Go! which was aimed at adults. Indeed, the most popular author of


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our time, Harry Potter creator J. K. Rowling (1965 ) [2094], did not qualify here despite having sold more than 400 million books. By contrast, contemporary literary novelists do not get much respect from our rankings, with Salman Rushdie (1947 ) [3105] being the most obvious active presence. Much of his reputation is a legacy of years in hiding, to escape a fatwa in response to his novel The Satanic Verses. The best-selling books of Philip Roth (1933 ) [11135] and Toni Morrison (1931 ) [5588] have won honors from the National Book Award to the Nobel Prize, yet we do not recognize either of them as cultural gures of historical magnitude. 13.2.1 T H E E F F E C T O F C O P Y R I G H T L A W S Without the benet of copyright laws to protect rights to intellectual property, authors like us would have little nancial incentive to write books. But perpetual copyright ties up access to knowledge well beyond the point where substantial economic value remains. The Google book Ngrams are a great example of new uses found for old texts, although copyright concerns and ambiguities still restrict access to millions of these scanned texts. The length of U.S. copyright protection has greatly increased in contemporary times, from an original term of 14 years to todays 70 years past the life of the author. The changes in copyright laws yield a sharp divide. Books published before 1923 have all fallen into the public domain, free to be used for any purpose. Those published after this cutoff date are generally still protected. Controversy exists as to whether such strong protection promotes creativity, by incentivizing authors and marshaling professional stewardship of their works, or sties it by restricting access [Pollock et al., 2010]. Certainly the book you are reading was made possible only because of the open nature of Wikipedia, which provided access to text for our analysis. Our signicance rankings provide an approach to thinking about this problem. Do the authors of books published before 1923 maintain greater mindshare because their works are in the public domain? We compared the best-selling authors for the ve years before the divide (19181922) versus the ve years after the wall fell (19231927). We deleted all writers of post-1922 books who also had an earlier best seller from before the cutoff date. These include both popular authors like Edith

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Wharton (18621937) [1562], Sinclair Lewis (18851951) [3360], and Zane Grey (18721939) [4066] as well as obscurities like Gertrude Atherton (18571948) [33072] and Elizabeth von Arnim (18661941) [40622]. The top authors among the remaining older (left) and younger (right) cohorts are presented in the accompanying table.
19181922 Authors Sig. 544 2925 20695 45627 73331 Person Joseph Conrad Frances H. Burnett Robert W. Chambers Eleanor H. Porter E. P . Oppenheim Dates (18571924) (18491924) (18651933) (18681920) (18661946) Sig. 6778 12055 13897 14215 41702 19231927 Authors Person John Galsworthy Edna Ferber Rafael Sabatini Anita Loos Dorothy C. Fisher Dates (18671933) (18851968) (18751950) (18881981) (18791958)

The results are suggestive, although not conclusive. The top two authors who lost the rights to their work (Conrad and Burnett) remain broadly in print today, in cheap editions from several publishers. The top two authors on the right are also accomplished, respected writers. John Galsworthy (18671933) [6778] won the Nobel Prize for The Forsyte Saga (which was published before 1923), while Edna Ferbers (18851968) [12055] books were the source of several popular lms. Yet neither have the signicance of the top gures before the divide. On the other hand, the authors of many other freely available works have been forgotten. As many a blogger knows, putting a work in the public domain does not necessarily mean that the public will care about it. The effects of early copyright expiration become more obvious Frank Capra Buster Keaton Howard Hawks in the movies, because television stations had substantial economic incentive to identify lms whose protection lapsed because copyright 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year was not renewed. Several motion pictures that had fallen into complete obscurity became popular again when revived in the public domain. Its a Wonderful Life is the canonical tale: a 1946 lm directed by Frank Capra (18971991) [3113] entered the public domain in 1975. The Ngram data on the left shows the impact for Capra and two other artists whose masterworks became freely available: Buster


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Keatons (18951966) [1857] The General in 1955 and Howard Hawkss (18961977) [6178] His Girl Friday in 1967. All showed sharp, durable increases in mindshare as soon as their works became freely available.

13.3 Painters and Sculptors

Creating art has been a uniquely human activity for more than 40,000 years. But the names of the artists went unrecorded over most of this period. The ancient Greeks represent the beginning of Western artistic tradition, and the identity of several prominent Greek sculptors survived through contemporary written accounts and Roman copies of their work, including Phidias (490430 B.C.) [1994], Myron [6168], and Praxiteles [12331]. Painting was equally esteemed by the Greeks, yet these works have not endured because of the perishable nature of their materials. The large collections of painted vases appearing in major art museums reect their extreme durability more than their artistic importance to the people of the era. The most signicant Greek painter appears to be Apelles [9774], although none of his works have survived. But the Romans were content with copies of Greek sculpture. Hence the notion of artists with distinct identities faded, not to be revived until the late Middle Ages. Cimabue (12401302) [4245] and his student Giotto di Bondone (12671337) [610] were among the rst Italians to break away from the Byzantine style. The great painters of the Renaissance dominate our rankings of the most signicant pre-twentieth century artists.
Top Pre-Twentieth-Century Artists Sig. 29 86 140 189 319 366 465 503 555 567 607 610 693 965 983 Person Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Rembrandt Titian Francisco Goya El Greco Albrecht Drer Hans Holbein the Younger Johannes Vermeer Jacques-Louis David Giotto di Bondone Diego Velzquez Gustave Courbet Hieronymus Bosch Dates (14521519) (14751564) (14831520) (16061669) (14851576) (17461828) (15411614) (14711528) (14971543) (16321675) (17481825) (12671337) (15991660) (18191877) (14501516) C/G Description Italian artist and polymath ("Mona Lisa") Italian sculptor and Renaissance man (David) Italian renaissance painter Dutch old master painter (self portraits) Italian old master painter (Venetian school) Spanish romantic painter (The Third of May 1808) Greek-Spainish painter of elongated gures German Renaissance painter / printmaker German painter (portrait of Sir Thomas More) Dutch painter ("Girl with a Pearl Earring") French neoclassical painter ("Death of Socrates") Italian artist (rst Renaissance painter) Spanish painter ("Rokeby Venus") French realist painter Painter ("The Garden of Earthly Delights")

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The book Ngram data shown in Figure 13.3 provides a mirror on how certain classical artists have risen or fallen in reputation over the past two hundred years. Titians (1485 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 1576) [319] stock has declined subYear stantially, while interest in Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) [29] grew throughout the nineteenth century into the great esteem he enjoys today. Francisco Goyas (17461828) [366] mindshare takes leaps forward starting around 1900, after he was posthumously recognized as a forerunner of modern painting.
Goya Titian Leonardo

13.3.1 M O D E R N P A I N T I N G The emergence of modern painting in the late nineteenth century marked a major cultural breakthrough. From that point on, painting would be about ideas, instead of reproductive delity. A dozen artists from this period rank among the thousand most signicant gures of history. Vincent van Gogh (18531890) [73] is our most signicant gure in modern painting. He ts the popular image of the starving artist, and the Bohemian lifestyles of the avant garde. However, the most signicant artists (presented in Figure 13.5) tended to live long lives dedicated to creating and promoting their work. Oil painting was their preferred medium, and producing a sizable body of work required resources and time. The Impressionist painters and their successors ll our table of the most signicant modern artists. Later movements like surrealism (Salvador Dal (19041989) [1021]) and abstract expressionism (Jackson Pollock (1912 1956) [1013]) are represented, but by relatively few artists at this rareed level. The table makes two things clear: how many of the most prominent artists are modern, and yet how few important modern artists are contemporary. Andy Warhol (19281987) [485] is the only painter of great signicance to emerge over the last 60 years. Some of Warhols success resulted from his perceptive sense of Whos Bigger. Warhols iconic portraits feature personalities such as Marilyn Monroe (19261962) [347], Mao Zedong (18931976) [151], Elvis Presley (19351977) [69], and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (19291994) [1387];


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Most Signicant 20th Century Artists Sig. 73 171 178 376 389 422 485 540 549 574 618 640 815 915 944 1002 1013 1021 1051 1178 Person Vincent van Gogh Pablo Picasso Claude Monet Henri Matisse Paul Czanne Edgar Degas Andy Warhol Paul Gauguin Pierre-Auguste Renoir Auguste Rodin Wassily Kandinsky douard Manet Camille Pissarro Diego Rivera Edvard Munch James Abbott McNeill Whistler Jackson Pollock Salvador Dal Piet Mondrian Georgia OKeeffe Dates (18531890) (18811973) (18401926) (18691954) (18391906) (18341917) (19281987) (18481903) (18411919) (18401917) (18661944) (18321883) (18301903) (18861957) (18631944) (18341903) (19121956) (19041989) (18721944) (18871986) C/G Description Post-impressionist painter ("Starry Night") Spanish painter and sculptor (cubism) French Impressionist ("Water Lilies") French painter (the Fauves) French Impressionist (apples) French Impressionist (dancers and bathers) American Pop artist (Brillo boxes) French Post-Impressionist artist French artist (Impressionist style) French bronze sculptor (The Thinker) Russian painter and art theorist French pre-Impressionist painter French painter (Post-Impressionism) Mexican painter and muralist Norwegian painter (The Scream) Artist ("Whistlers Mother") American abstract expressionist (drip painting) Spanish surrealist painter Dutch painter (De Stijl) American painter (owers and bones)

F I G U R E 13.5.

Most signicant twentieth-Century artists

celebrities whose reputations burn as brightly today as they did when he painted them. Todays primary visual arts involve moving images, and one senses that the most imaginative artists have left traditional media for greener pastures. Even todays most prominent painters/sculptors like Damien Hirst (1965 ) [7808], Jeff Koons (1955 ) [23874], and Cindy Sherman (1954 ) [31600] prove relatively small potatoes, despite the vast sums being spent on their work. So-called popular contemporary artists like Thomas Kinkade (19582012) [39334], LeRoy Neiman (19212012) [55656], and Peter Max (1937 ) [24126] rank no higher, despite their ubiquity on living room mantles and cruise ship lounges. We speculate that the age of the major painter or sculptor has now permanently ended, just as it has for classical composers. Technology now favors other art forms, and the media of hands, brush, and orchestra cannot compete with the camera and the rock-and-roll band.

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13.3.2 S C U L P T O R S Unlocking living gures from stone is perhaps the greatest technical challenge in the ne arts. Sculpture and painting seem intrinsically different media, although prominent artists in one eld often dabble in the other. Michelangelo (14751564) [86] is probably more celebrated for his sculptures, particularly the Piet and the David, than he is even for his frescos in the Sistine Chapel. However, the greatest painters prove to be of higher signicance than the greatest sculptors. This is largely a function of how their works are disseminated. Marble sculptures are massive works, expensive to produce and hard to reproduce. They seldom travel physically. But famous painted images are ubiquitous through prints in books, posters, and interactive media. The majesty and power of sculpture are not properly conveyed through two-dimensional photographs.

Most Signicant Sculptors Sig. 86 443 574 680 1245 1485 1994 2016 2509 2806 2870 2897 3411 3497 3659 Person Michelangelo Donatello Auguste Rodin Gian Lorenzo Bernini Marcel Duchamp Henry Moore Phidias Benvenuto Cellini Lorenzo Ghiberti Bertel Thorvaldsen Alexander Calder Daniel Chester French Antonio Canova Frederic Remington Andrea del Verrocchio Dates (14751564) (13861466) (18401917) (15981680) (18871968) (18981986) (490430 B.C.) (15001571) (13781455) (17701844) (18981976) (18501931) (17571822) (18611909) (14351488) C/G Description Italian sculptor and Renaissance man (David) Renaissance Italian sculptor French bronze sculptor (The Thinker) Italian sculptor and architect French Dadaist artist (readymades) English abstract sculptor Ancient Greek sculptor Italian artist (Mannerism) Italian artist ("Gates of Paradise") Danish neoclassicist sculptor American sculptor (mobiles) American sculptor (Lincoln Memorial) Venician neoclassicist sculptor Painter and sculptor of the Old West Italian artist (taught da Vinci)

The most signicant modern sculptor, Auguste Rodin (18401917) [574] of the Thinker fame, achieved renown through bronze casts of his plaster models. Repeated casting of these models multiplied his work, so that it could be widely represented in the worlds art museums and public gardens. It is this ubiquitousness that most distinguishes Rodin from his rivals.


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Perhaps new developments in three-dimensional printing technologies will revive the prestige of classical sculpture. High-resolution scanning efforts like the Digital Michelangelo Project [Levoy et al., 2000], now make available data for producing perfect reproductions of the David and other masterpieces at any scale, in a variety of colors and materials. If you could download a bust by Rodin as easily as a Bob Dylan (1941 ) [130] recording, perhaps the proper prestige of scupture could be restored.

13.3.3 T H E P R I C E O F A R T The global art market puts exorbitant prices on the work of master artists. Obviously some of this price reects the beauty and quality of the work, but the artists name accounts for much of the value. Our signicance scores provide a way to measure the price of fame. By training on a database of auction prices, we can build a simple model for the value of an artists work. In particular, we extracted the record price paid at auction for 200 of the most expensive U.S. and international artists from the database at www.findartinfo.com. The vast majority of these high-priced artists prove to be modern: the best Old Masters material now resides in museums, permanently off the auction market. Figure 13.6 shows that artist signicance correlates quite well (0.52) with the logarithm of the maximum auction price. The biggest outlier here is Li Keran (19071989) [663492], whose sales price of $17 million3 would seem at odds with his meager -2.13 signicance score. He barely has an English Wikipedia page, yet his paintings are very valuable to the new class of Chinese super-wealthy, eager to pay exorbitant sums of money for national artists. Under our model, we would project a painting by Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) [29] to be worth in the neighborhood of $450 million. None have come on the market in recent years, but a recent nd has been valued in the $150 million range, if its authenticity can be established [Brooks, 2012]. The Mona Lisa would seem certain to fetch our price, if the Louvre decided to sell. Our model values work by the least signicant painter we identied in Wikipedia, Dora Holzhandler (1928 ) [840677], at
3 Indeed, recent press reports have raised his top price even higher, to $46 million [Qi, 2012].

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A. Giacometti Francis Bacon Clyfford Still Kazimir Malevich Paul Czanne Raphael Jackson Pollock Canaletto Edward Hopper Rembrandt

Wang Meng

Franz Kline Painting Value Gino Severini

Li Keran

Damien Hirst Auguste Rodin Karl Hofer Cy Twombly Wu Guanzhong Frans Hals R. Diebenkorn Zhang Xiaogang Rn Y H. t. Brugghen Georges Braque

Liu Xiaodong

Maurizio Cattelan John J. Audubon Rufino Tamayo Marlene DumasSam Francis Thomas Eakins Alberto Burri Frank Stella Agnes Martin Mark Tansey 0 2 Significance 4 6

F I G U R E 13.6. Dot plot of logged painting prices against the historical signicance of the artists. Price and signicance exhibit a 0.52 correlation

around $30,000. This isnt crazy. Indeed, she has previously sold for $5,898 at auction.

13.4 Architects
For much of history, architects were jacks-of-all-trades, people for whom designing buildings was only part of their portfolio. The leading court artists ran substantial studios, and got pressed into service during all the major projects of their day. Thus, rosters of important Renaissance architects include those with more renown as painters and sculptors, such as Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) [29], Michelangelo (14751564) [86], and Raphael (14831520) [140]. Architects remained polymaths until recent times. President Thomas Jefferson (17431826) [10] can be credited as Americas rst great architect, on the strength of his design of the University of Virginia. The most signicant classical (pre-twentieth century) gures in architecture are given in the accompanying table.


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Top Pre-Twentieth-Century Architects Sig. 86 140 600 652 680 740 751 902 1011 1026 Person Michelangelo Raphael Christopher Wren Vitruvius Gian Lorenzo Bernini Frederick Law Olmsted Filippo Brunelleschi Giorgio Vasari Leon Battista Alberti Andrea Palladio Dates (14751564) (14831520) (16321723) (? ?) (15981680) (18221903) (13771446) (15111574) (14041472) (15081580) C/G Description Italian sculptor and Renaissance man (David) Italian renaissance painter Famous English architect (St. Pauls) Roman writer, architect, and engineer Italian sculptor and architect Landscape architect (NYC Central Park) Renaissance architect (Florence Cathedral) Italian painter, historian, and architect Renaissance humanist polymath Italian Renaissance classical architect

The architectural writings of the Roman Vitruvius [652] were revived by Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio (15081580) [1026], whose books inuenced all the Western architects that followed him. The dome of Filippo Brunelleschis (13771446) [751] Florence Cathedral marks the beginning of Renaissance architecture, which Christopher Wren (1632 1723) [600] brought to Londons St. Pauls Cathedral. Giorgio Vasari (15111574) [902] is most famous for his book on the lives of Renaissance painters, but he worked primarily as an architect. Architecture really emerged as a distinct discipline only in modern times, when the complexities of modern materials and structural engineering required greater training and sophistication to master. Modern architects turn concrete, glass, and metal into sculpture: works large and distinct enough to register with the broader public. Todays architects have become public gures, whose fame towers over that of technical professionals in elds such as engineering. Star architects are brands, the public faces of the small number of large rms that attract the vast majority of public commissions. Their buildings are essentially ghost-written by large teams, but it is the architect whose name is forever engraved on the marble cornerstone. The greatest modern architects are credited with creating sculptural forms since at least the times of Antoni Gaud (18521926) [558] and Frank Lloyd Wright (18671959) [245]. New building technologies and computerized drafting methods have opened the door to ever wilder forms, epitomized by Frank Gehrys (1929 ) [2438] Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.

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Top Modern Architects Sig. 245 558 775 1101 1544 1581 1719 1960 1990 2086 2272 2438 Person Frank Lloyd Wright Antoni Gaud Rudolf Steiner Le Corbusier Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Albert Speer Louis Sullivan Daniel Burnham Buckminster Fuller Henry Hobson Richardson Walter Gropius Frank Gehry Dates (18671959) (18521926) (18611925) (18871965) (18861969) (19051981) (18561924) (18461912) (18951983) (18381886) (18831969) (1929 ) C/G Description American architect ("Fallingwater") Spanish Catalan architect Austrian philosopher, social thinker French architect (chapel at Ronchamp) German-American architect (less is more) German architect / Nazi minister of production American architect (rst skyscraper) American architect (D.C. Union Station) Polymath, author, inventor (geodesic dome) American architect (Trinity Church, Boston) German architect (Bauhaus school) Modern architect (Guggenheim Bilbao)

These architects have become the important sculptors of today, creating works on a scale that reshapes the perceptions of cities. The functionality of these newfangled buildings often seems to be a secondary concern compared to their sheer visual impact.


The Performing Arts

For thousands of years, man has watched stories told through ickering images, be they in front of a campre or displayed on a television. Performance modes and styles have changed, but the human need to entertain and be entertained has remained a constant of our species. The performing arts are both the oldest forms of human expression and the greatest contemporary source of new cultural memes. Primitive man and the hippest club-goers both loved music and dance, although it is hard to tell whether they would appreciate each others art. In this chapter, we will review the most signicant people in the performing arts. We start from the era before recorded media and continue through the present day. We will analyze trends in classical and popular music, for clues as to which of these cultural streams is likely to dominate historically. We do the same for broadcast and visual media, studying the history of lm, radio, and television as a guide to the future of communications.

14.1 Before Recording Technology

Sunday preachers can be thought of as early Americas most prominent class of performing artist. The rigors of the six-day workweek and the strictures of the Christian Sabbath left little time for secular entertainment, but spell binding ministers drew large crowds for Sunday worship. In his autobiography [Franklin, 1818], Benjamin Franklin (17061790) [35] estimated that more than 30,000 people attended a sermon by George Whiteeld (17141770) [1258] in Philadelphia.

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Professional theater in the United States began with the arrival of the Lewis Hallam (17141756) [145007] troupe from England in 1752. The Lyceum movement of the mid-nineteenth century made stars out of popular lecturers, including Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882) [122], Henry David Thoreau (18171862) [131], Susan B. Anthony (18201906) [432], and Nathaniel Hawthorne (18041864) [227]. Before Thomas Edisons (18471931) [40] invention of the phonograph in 1877, all performances were ephemeral. They existed for a moment, only to be enjoyed by those within earshot. No effective trace of the skills of any singer or instrumentalist remains from before this time, and there is no hope of historical resurrection. Several of the most historically signicant pre-Edison performing Edwin Booth Wilkes Booth artists are best remembered today for achievements off the stage. John Wilkes Booth (18381865) [451] is indeed famous for what he did in a 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year theater, but it was shooting Abraham Lincoln (18091865) [5], rather than his acting. Edwin Booth (18331893) [3686] was, by consensus, the greatest actor of his generation. But he died in the year Edison invented motion pictures, so his performances were completely ephemeral. Ngrams data of him and his actor/assassin brother John Wilkes Booth (18381865) [451] are revealing. The slayer of Lincoln dominated the great actor in the immediate aftermath of the killing, but Edwin Booth remained more prominent in the book Ngrams data from the 1880s until roughly 1960.

Pre-1900 Performing Artists Sig. 451 664 1112 1465 1995 2121 2720 2946 3196 3349 Person John Wilkes Booth Buffalo Bill Constantin Stanislavski Sarah Bernhardt David Garrick Jenny Lind Annie Oakley Colley Cibber Henry Irving Ellen Terry Dates (18381865) (18461917) (18631938) (18441923) (17171779) (18201887) (18601926) (16711757) (18381905) (18471928) C/G Description Assassin (Abraham Lincoln) Bison hunter / Wild West Show Russian acting coach (Stanislavski Method) French stage actress (Divine Sarah) English playwright and theater manager Swedish opera singer (Swedish Nightengale) American exhibition sharpshooter English playwright and Poet Laureate English stage actor English stage actress


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Constantin Stanislavski (18631938) [1112] is more famous for his system of acting, outlined in several books, than his performances on stage. Sarah Bernhardt (18441923) [1465] was the great actress of her generation, whose popularity endured into the early silent lm era. David Garrick (17171779) [1995] was a great Shakespearian actor who had a major impact on raising the prole of the theater. According to his friend Samuel Johnson (17091784) [141], his profession made him rich and he made his profession respectable. Fame generally accrued to the impresarios of theatrical productions, like P. T. Barnum (18101891) [767] and Buffalo Bill (18461917) [664], more so than the stars themselves. Probably the most eminent performing artist of the era was singer Jenny Lind (18201887) [2121], the Swedish Nightingale. Barnum so avidly promoted her American tour in 1850 as to create the rst modern celebrity. But her art, like that of all her contemporaries, has been silenced. No recording of her voice exists.

14.2 Western Classical Music

Civilized societies have been suffused with music since at least the ancient Greeks. Enough evidence of Greek musical notation survives to surmise that their music would sound quite alien to our ears. Greek musical instruments ranged from strummed stringed devices to wind instruments and even the hydraulis, an hydraulically powered pipe organ attributed to Ctesibius [9757] of the third century B.C.E. The musical critiques of Plato (427347 B.C.) [25], disconcerted by the then-avant garde, sound familiar today [Plato]: Our music was once divided into its proper forms... But later, an unmusical anarchy was led by poets who had natural talent, but were ignorant of the laws of music. Roman music was heavily inuenced by the peoples that were absorbed into their expanding empire. The Romans likely took their music from the Greek tradition, as they did in other cultural matters. After Christianity took hold in Europe, this rich and diverse musical tradition passed away, replaced with the sounds of the ascendant Catholic Church. Gregorian chant is the best known form of early music, the formalization of which is frequently credited to Pope Gregory I (540604) [394].

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Gregorian chant is quite simple, consisting of a single melodic line, and lacking harmony, rhythm, and any other adornment. Reecting its austere religious aesthetic, it marks the beginnings of Western classical music. Todays classical music world comprises several types of musician: composers, conductors, and performers. Their relative rankings, discussed in the following sections, tells us something about the historical processes of making music and how they have changed with time. 14.2.1 C O M P O S E R S Early composers are frequently anonymous, due in part to the lack of surviving attributions. One of the earliest identiable music composers was Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) [1721], a female polymath and Catholic saint. By the late medieval period, other composers began to move Western music away from plainchant and into polyphony. However, the polyphonic music of the early Renaissance would not be recognizable to a modern listener as classical music. And unless you can sing it yourself, you would have a hard time nding a performance of music from the late Renaissance. Indeed, despite my training as a classical pianist, I (Charles) have only a nodding familiarity with one composer from this time, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (15251594) [955]. But classical music takes on its modern shape once we enter the seventeenth century. The history of classical music is usually divided into the Baroque (16001760), Classical (17301820), Romantic (18151910), and Modern (1900present) eras. Of classical composers since the Baroque era, 19 rank among the 500 most signicant gures in history.
Most Signicant Classical Composers Sig. 24 27 48 114 116 129 195 Person Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven Johann Sebastian Bach George Frideric Handel Franz Liszt Joseph Haydn Frdric Chopin Dates (17561791) (17701827) (16851750) (16851759) (18111886) (17321809) (18101849) C/G Description Austrian composer (Don Giovanni) German composer ("Ode to Joy") Classical composer (Well-Tempered Clavier) Baroque composer (Messiah) Hungarian Romantic composer and pianist Austrian composer (classic period) Polish Romantic composer and pianist (continued)


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Sig. 198 199 204 228 262 321 364 368 380 390 419 445

Person Franz Schubert Felix Mendelssohn Johannes Brahms Giuseppe Verdi Antonio Vivaldi Robert Schumann Gustav Mahler Igor Stravinsky Claude Debussy Gioachino Rossini Hector Berlioz Edward Elgar

Dates (17971828) (18091847) (18331897) (18131901) (16781741) (18101856) (18601911) (18821971) (18621918) (17921868) (18031869) (18571934)


Description Austrian composer (Romantic era) German composer (Midsummer Nights Dream) German composer (The third "B") Italian composer (Aida) Italian Baroque composer (Four Seasons) German composer (Kinderszenen) Late-Romantic Austrian composer American composer (The Rite of Spring) French composer (Impressionist music) Italian composer (The Barber of Seville) French Romantic composer (Symphonie Fantastique) English composer (Pomp and Circumstance)

Half of these composers date from the Romantic era. Indeed, the second half of the nineteenth century was the most productive and popular period in Western classical music. The popular imagination, however, is still disproportionately fascinated with the earlier big three of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. It is easy to underestimate the degree to which classical music domGustav Mahler Pablo Picasso inated the ne arts at the turn of the twentieth century. Gustav Mahler (18601911) [364] and Pablo Picasso 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 (18811973) [171] were roughly Year contemporaries. Picasso is the dominant gure in modern art, and outlived the composer by 50 years. Yet the Ngram data show that Mahler remained the more talked-about cultural gure through World War II.

14.2.2 C O N D U C T O R S The symphony has long been considered the preeminent compositional form in classical music. But performing a symphony is the collective effort of dozens of musicians. For this reason, great conductors have become the faces of great orchestras. The image of a classical conductor is of a stern perfectionist demanding complete obedience from his stable of a hundred-plus musicians.

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The cult of the great maestro appears to have emerged during the broadcast era, when their work left the concert hall and went out to the public at large. The conductors we rank as most signicant, Arturo Toscanini (18671957) [1190] and Leonard Bernstein (19181990) [1209], both had extensive broadcasting careers in radio and television. Leopold Stokowskis (18821977) [2939] enduring fame rests largely on his gig with Mickey Mouse in Fantasia. The middle of the twentieth century proved the heyday for classical conductors. The current generation of conductors have not yet risen to the same stature as their predecessors, with Gustavo Dudamel (1981 ) [79745] perhaps the brightest star on the horizon. This reects popular music eclipsing the contemporary classical scene, as well as the increasing attention individual soloists are receiving at the expense of the symphony itself.
Most Signicant Conductors Sig. 1190 1209 2939 3356 6293 7091 7582 9266 Person Arturo Toscanini Leonard Bernstein Leopold Stokowski Herbert von Karajan Serge Koussevitzky Otto Klemperer Georg Solti Eugene Ormandy Dates (18671957) (19181990) (18821977) (19081989) (18741951) (18851973) (19121997) (18991985) C/G Description Italian conductor (NBC Orchestra) American conductor (West Side Story) Orchestral conductor (Fantasia) Austrian orchestra conductor Russian-born Jewish conductor German conductor Orchestral and operatic conductor Hungarian-born conductor

14.2.3 P E R F O R M E R S Many of the great classical composers were also star performers in their day. By contrast, the pre-recording era musicians that didnt leave compositions behind are generally forgotten today. Niccol Paganini (17821840) [1034] is perhaps the best known exception: although he was a composer, he is far better remembered as one of the outstanding violin virtuosi of all time. Unfortunately, he died before recording technology could preserve his work. The last romantic pianist, Vladimir Horowitz (19031989) [3896], is a similar modern gure, who never committed his compositions to paper but was fortunate to live in the age of recordings.


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We divide performers into two groups: instrumentalists and opera singers. The great instrumentalists are dominated by those with long careers: our three most signicant artists each performed for more than 60 years. Today, the most prominent instrumentalists have similar stature to conductors. Indeed, artists like Yo-Yo Ma (1955 ) [6410] and Itzhak Perlman (1945 ) [10067] register as more signicant than any contemporary conductor.
Most Signicant Classical Performers Sig. 3112 3896 3934 4252 4989 5017 6410 6837 7381 10067 Person Pablo Casals Vladimir Horowitz Ignacy Jan Paderewski Arthur Rubinstein Glenn Gould Yehudi Menuhin Yo-Yo Ma Jascha Heifetz Fritz Kreisler Itzhak Perlman Dates (18761973) (19031989) (18601941) (18871982) (19321982) (19161999) (1955 ) (19011987) (18751962) (1945 ) C/G Description Spanish cellist and conductor American classical pianist Pianist / Prime minister of Poland Polish-American classical pianist Canadian pianist / Bach interpretoer Jewish American violinist Chinese American cellist Twentieth-century violinist Austrian-born violinist Israeli-born violinist

The rankings for opera singers are remarkable to the extent that they favor gures from the very early years of recording. The opera was the most popular music form of the late nineteenth century, and the phonograph gave the mass public a way to hear the worlds greatest singers. Although Luciano Pavarotti (19352007) [3032] is perhaps more recognizable to contemporary readers, the outsized personalities of Enrico Caruso (1873 1921) [1249] and Maria Callas (19231977) [2986] still register today, divas demanding our attention from beyond the grave.
Most Signicant Opera Singers Sig. 1249 2121 2375 2986 3032 5035 5493 5739 7474 7733 Person Enrico Caruso Jenny Lind Nellie Melba Maria Callas Luciano Pavarotti Francesco Tamagno Joan Sutherland Adelina Patti Leontyne Price Andrea Bocelli Dates (18731921) (18201887) (18611931) (19231977) (19352007) (18501905) (19262010) (18431919) (1927 ) (1958 ) C/G Description Great Italian opera tenor Swedish opera singer (Swedish Nightingale) Australian operatic soprano (Melba toast) Greek opera soprano / diva Recent Italian operatic tenor Early recorded operatic tenor Australian dramatic coloratura soprano Nineteenth-century opera singer Black American soprano Blind Italian tenor

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14.2.4 D A N C E The most signicant gures in dance prove to be a mix of classical ballet, modern dance, and stars from the era of movie musicals. Fred Astaire (1899 1987) [1506] signicantly outranks his dance partner Ginger Rogers (1911 1995) [3504], even though (as Rogers said) she did everything he did but backwards . . . and in high heels. Ballet is represented more by strongly by choreographers and ballet masters than by the dancers themselves. The father of the French ballet, Marius Petipa (18181910) [1981], outranks the more notorious Russian master Sergei Diaghilev (18721929) [2943]. Isadora Duncan (18771927) [1734] is the seminal gure in modern dance: bringing to it natural forms of movement that were lost in the rigors of ballet, along with great attention through her scandalous lifestyle.
Most Signicant Dance Figures Sig. 1506 1734 1981 2200 2943 3254 3402 3504 3912 5717 Person Fred Astaire Isadora Duncan Marius Petipa Martha Graham Sergei Diaghilev Gene Kelly George Balanchine Ginger Rogers Anna Pavlova Vaslav Nijinsky Dates (18991987) (18771927) (18181910) (18941991) (18721929) (19121996) (19041983) (19111995) (18811931) (18901950) C/G Description American Broadway stage dancer Creator of modern dance Father of the French ballet Modern dancer choreographer Russian ballet impresario American dancer ("Singing in the Rain") American ballet choreographer American actress ("Kitty Foyle") Russian ballerina Tragic male ballet dancer

14.3 Popular Music

No area of popular culture cycles more rapidly and unpredictably than popular music. Each year new stars blaze across the heavens, then quickly fade to black. Frankie Avalon (1940 ) [17639] was the Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633] of the late 1950s. Between them this teen idol role was lled by David Cassidy (1950 ) [11154] in the 1970s, and then Debbie Gibson (1970 ) [6577] in the late 1980s. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it (George Santayana (18631952) [1798]). But some artists remain in the public conscience forever. Elvis Presley (19351977) [69] was the genuine article: a music pathbreaker whose


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inuence will endure far into the future. We anticipate that, 100 years from now, educated people will be more familiar with Hound Dog than they are today with the Grand March from Aida (composed by Giuseppe Verdi (18131901) [228]). The persistence of genre seems to be the most important factor affecting the historical fame of popular musicians. It is an amazing fact that early rock-n-roll recordings like Bill Haleys (19251981) [2452] Rock Around the Clock remain omnipresent in the public realm, nearly 60 years after their creation. By contrast, the popular music from just before this transition is now hardly listened to, and stars like Patti Page (19272013) [12640], who sold hundreds of millions of records in the 1950s hold little cultural resonance today. 14.3.1 J A Z Z A N D T H E B I G B A N D E R A The ranks of the leading jazz stars cross several different eras, ranging from multigenerational stars like Louis Armstrong (19011971) [441] and Ella Fitzgerald (19171996) [1327], to tragic gures like John Coltrane (1926 1967) [1827] and Billie Holiday (19151959) [1218]. The most signicant gures in jazz are black, with the exception of Bing Crosby (19031977) [947], whose image as a jazz singer was eclipsed by his subsequent movie career.
Top Early Pop Singers Sig. 357 441 495 947 973 1194 1218 1327 1508 1578 Person Frank Sinatra Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Bing Crosby Miles Davis Irving Berlin Billie Holiday Ella Fitzgerald Scott Joplin Glenn Miller Dates (19151998) (19011971) (18991974) (19031977) (19261991) (18881989) (19151959) (19171996) (18671917) (19041944) C/G Description Singer ("My Way," "New York, New York") Jazz singer and trumpeter (Satchmo) American composer, pianist American singer, actor (Going My Way) American cool jazz musician Broadway songwriter ("America the Beautiful") Jazz singer (Lady sings the blues) American jazz and song vocalist Ragtime composer and pianist American big band musician

Frank Sinatra (19151998) [357] ranks as the most historically signicant singer, at least before Elvis. The Big Band era of the 1930s is represented here by Glenn Miller (19041944) [1578], the popular band leader who disappeared in a plane crash while entertaining American troops

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during World War II. Songwriter Irving Berlin (18881989) [1194] created many popular American standards, from White Christmas to God Bless America. 14.3.2 R O C K A N D R O L L The boundaries of a genre are difcult to pin down. Which artists should be considered as rock and roll stars, as opposed to jazz, country, pop music, or some other style? We use as our dening characteristic membership in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, an institution dedicated to honor the leaders of the genre. This still presents several complexities. First, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame often admits groups instead of individuals. Thus the Rolling Stones are in, but not lead singer Mick Jagger (1943 ) [1055]. Also, they have made a point of recognizing founding gures, who often turn out to be strongly associated with other genres: such as jazz legends Louis Armstrong (19011971) [441] and Miles Davis (19261991) [973], and country singer Johnny Cash (19322003) [900]. Several of those in the Hall rank among the most signicant people in the building.
Top Rock and Roll HoF Stars Sig. 69 121 130 162 180 338 441 447 657 829 900 961 966 973 1042 Person Elvis Presley Madonna Bob Dylan John Lennon Michael Jackson Jimi Hendrix Louis Armstrong Paul McCartney George Harrison David Bowie Johnny Cash Otis Redding Bob Marley Miles Davis Elton John Dates (19351977) (1958 ) (1941 ) (19401980) (19582009) (19421970) (19011971) (1942 ) (19432001) (1947 ) (19322003) (19411967) (19451981) (19261991) (1947 ) C/G Description The "King of rock and roll" Singer and songwriter ("Like a Virgin") Folk/rock singer ("Blowin in the Wind") Beatle ("Imagine") American recording artist ("Thriller") American guitarist ("Purple Haze") Jazz singer and trumpeter (Satchmo) English musician (The Beatles) Lead guitarist of the Beatles Androgynous rock musician (Ziggy Stardust) Country singer ("Folsam Prison Blues") Soul singer ("Sitting on the Dock of the Bay") Jamaican reggae musician American cool jazz musician 1970s English singer-songwriter

Three of the four Beatles rank among the top 1,000 people in history, with Ringo Starr (1940 ) [1875] being the odd man out. Madonna (1958 ) [121] is the highest ranking female music artist, in any genre.


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That we rate her signicance ahead of Bob Dylan (1941 ) [130] will likely upset many readers, but our rankings among the top gures in music are generally consistent with the book Ngram data. About half of these artists died premature deaths: some in their twenties, others in their thirties, forties, and fties. The brevity of certain careers is astonishing. Jimi Hendrix (19421970) [338] lived only three years after rst becoming a star. Otis Redding (19411967) [961] died in a plane crash at the age of 26. The fact that they lived fast and died young is an important part of their legacy and mystique. One popular singer who deserves discussion is Britney Spears (1981 ) [689]. Its difcult to guess where her long-term historical signicance will lie. She was the leading teenage star at the beginnings of the Internet era, and was the most popular search term on Yahoo! for seven years, from 2000 to 2008. One can question whether her music will hold up over the coming years, yet she is only 12 years older than Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633]. We project her as a gure of greater or comparable stature to the opera diva Maria Callas (19231977) [2986]: both major musical talents, with back stories that endure well beyond the memory of their actual performances.

14.4 Motion Pictures

The question of who deserves the most credit for inventing motion pictures touches on murky issues of priority. Different people are recognized as the inventor of image projection, the movie camera, and celluloid lm. Thomas Edisons (18471931) [40] Kinetoscope was basically a movie projector, rst demonstrated in 1893, and his companys early lms started the motion picture industry. Edisons precursors include Eadweard Muybridge (1830 1904) [1015], whose pioneering high-speed photo series unlocked many secrets of human and animal motion. Motion pictures rapidly progressed from a curiosity to an experimental medium of short lms. The modern industry emerged roughly a century ago, with the rst full-length lms of D. W. Grifth (18751948) [1276]. It has survived threats from radio, television, and video games, yet seems destined to remain the most prestigious and popular form of mass entertainment. Hollywood has reigned long enough to analyzed on historical timescales, making it meaningful to compare stars from different eras. The

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accompanying table presents the most signicant actors and actresses whose fame is drawn primarily from motion pictures.
Actors Sig. 295 459 729 1077 1118 1254 1291 1292 1393 1401 1506 1664 1788 1851 1857 Person Charlie Chaplin John Wayne Orson Welles Sean Connery Laurence Olivier Clint Eastwood Humphrey Bogart Robert De Niro Cary Grant James Stewart Fred Astaire Jack Nicholson Groucho Marx Clark Gable Buster Keaton Dates (18891977) (19071979) (19151985) (1930 ) (19071989) (1930 ) (18991957) (1943 ) (19041986) (19081997) (18991987) (1937 ) (18901977) (19011960) (18951966) Sig. 347 1031 1396 1490 1556 1605 1632 1689 1743 1768 2366 2443 2460 2572 2651 Actresses Person Marilyn Monroe Judy Garland Katharine Hepburn Meryl Streep Marlene Dietrich Bette Davis Audrey Hepburn Joan Crawford Mary Pickford Greta Garbo Doris Day Barbra Streisand Jodie Foster Grace Kelly Mae West Dates (19261962) (19221969) (19072003) (1949 ) (19011992) (19081989) (19291993) (19051977) (18921979) (19051990) (1924 ) (1942 ) (1962 ) (19291982) (18931980)

In this section, we will consider three largely distinct groups of gures associated with the motion picture industry: (1) the stars of the silent lm era, (2) actors honored by Academy Awards, and (3) the directors most responsible for creating the lms we love. 14.4.1 T H E S I L E N T F I L M E R A The earliest lm stars were those of the silent era, whose images remain vibrant today. The Little Tramp character created by Charlie Chaplin (18891977) [295] is still recognizable by children, and even served as the focus of IBMs advertising campaign that brought personal computers to the general public. The physical comedies of Stan Laurel (18901965) [3649] and Oliver Hardy (18921957) [4129] remain fresh despite the passage of time. We highlight the most signicant gures of the silent lm era.
Top Silent Film-Era Stars Sig. 295 621 1276 Person Charlie Chaplin Harry Houdini D. W. Grifth Dates (18891977) (18741926) (18751948) C/G Description Silent lm actor (The Little Tramp) American magician, escapologist Film director (The Birth of a Nation) (continued)


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Sig. 1743 1857 1921 2486 2737 2788 2816 3223 3276 3393 3649 4001 4036 4129 4190 5047 5726

Person Mary Pickford Buster Keaton Will Rogers Rudolph Valentino John Barrymore Roscoe Arbuckle Sergei Eisenstein W. C. Fields Harold Lloyd Lon Chaney Stan Laurel Gloria Swanson Clara Bow Oliver Hardy Lillian Gish Mack Sennett Carole Lombard

Dates (18921979) (18951966) (18791935) (18951926) (18821942) (18871933) (18981948) (18801946) (18931971) (18831930) (18901965) (18991983) (19051965) (18921957) (18931993) (18801961) (19081942)


Description Silent lm actress (Americas Sweetheart) Silent lm comic ("The General") American cowboy, comedian Italian actor (the Latin lover) American actor of stage and screen American silent lm actor (Fatty) Russian lm director (Battleship Potemkin) American comedian, juggler and drinker Silent lm star (Safety Last) Silent lm actor (Man of a Thousand Faces) English comic actor (Laurel and Hardy) Silent lm actress (Sunset Boulevard) American actress (silent lm eras "It girl") American comic actor (Laurel and Hardy) American actress (The Birth of a Nation) American silent lm director American lm comedian (My Man Godfrey)

Todays perception of certain Harold Lloyd silent lm stars differs from how they Buster Keaton were received in their heyday. Recall Harold Lloyd (18931971) [3276], dangling off a clock in his 1923 lm 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Safety Last. The frequency data on Year the left in the table shows that he was a substantially larger gure than his fellow silent comedian Buster Keaton (18951966) [1857] for most of this time period. Keatons star only began to exceed Lloyds during the 1960s. This is so in part because Keaton continued to appear as a character actor late in life, while Lloyd enjoyed a more prosperous retirement. But a much bigger factor was the availability of their lms. Lloyd retained ownership, but so restricted access to his lms that he allowed his star to dim. Keatons greatest lms fell into the public domain, allowing them to be rediscovered by a new audience. Preservation and dissemination only partially explain why several of the greatest silent-era stars do not cut recognizable gures today. Mary Pickford (18921979) [1743] co-founded United Artists. Yet she could not make the transition to talking pictures, and her characterization as Americas Sweetheart soon became hopelessly dated. Rudolph Valentino (18951926)

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[2486] still personies the Latin lover, but only because few have actually seen his lms. Silent-era actors seldom successfully transitioned to the sound era. Those that did generally had earlier careers in vaudeville (like W. C. Fields (18801946) [3223]) or the legitimate stage (like John Barrymore (1882 1942) [2737]). Certain popular silent stars did their best work in other venues. Harry Houdini (18741926) [621] was a great magician and escape artist, while Will Rogers (18791935) [1921] rose above his beginnings as a cowboy vaudeville star to become a major social commentator and celebrity. 14.4.2 T H E A C A D E M Y A W A R D S The motion picture industry honors itself with the Academy Awards (or Oscars), in a ceremony watched by more than 40 million Americans each year. The Oscars have been presented annually since 1929, the end of the silent movie era. This makes them an excellent laboratory to study trends in American cinema. Are todays movie stars larger or smaller than they were in years past? How has the balance between actors and actresses, or stars and supporting actors, shifted with time? The three most signicant movies stars of all time were never even nominated for an Oscar: Ronald Reagan (19112004) [32], Elvis Presley (19351977) [69], and Marilyn Monroe (19261962) [347]. This tells you something important about the motion picture industry: it makes heros (Reagan), imports them (Presley), and then often destroys them (Monroe). Yet Academy Award winners serve as a reasonable proxy for the industry. Of the thirty greatest movie stars we identied earlier, about half received either best actor or supporting actor awards, and several others garnered career awards or recognition in other categories.
Best Actor Winners Figure 14.1 presents the most signicant winners of the best actor and best actress awards. The top names prove interesting. John Wayne (19071979) [459] and Bing Crosby (19031977) [947] were major box ofce draws for more than 30 years, and each sold increase of 1 billion movie tickets. Yet both of their images seem to be fading in popular culture. The genres where Wayne built his reputation (westerns and war pictures) are of declining relevance to younger audiences. It seems difcult to believe his pictures will


h istorical rankings

Sig. 459 947 1118 1291 1292 1401 1664 1851 2266 2284 2464 2571 2613 2658 2673

Person John Wayne Bing Crosby Laurence Olivier Humphrey Bogart Robert De Niro James Stewart Jack Nicholson Clark Gable Marlon Brando Tom Hanks Gary Cooper Henry Fonda James Cagney Dustin Hoffman Al Pacino

Film True Grit Going My Way Hamlet The African Queen Raging Bull The Philadelphia Story As Good as It Gets It Happened One Night The Godfather Forrest Gump High Noon On Golden Pond Yankee Doodle Dandy Rain Man Scent of a Woman (a)

Year 1970 1945 1949 1952 1981 1941 1998 1935 1973 1995 1953 1982 1943 1989 1993

Sig. 1373 1396 1490 1605 1632 1689 1743 2443 2460 2572 2892 2965 2968 3205 3462

Person Cher Katharine Hepburn Meryl Streep Bette Davis Audrey Hepburn Joan Crawford Mary Pickford Barbra Streisand Jodie Foster Grace Kelly Vivien Leigh Claudette Colbert Ingrid Bergman Nicole Kidman Sophia Loren

Film Moonstruck On Golden Pond Sophies Choice Jezebel Roman Holiday Mildred Pierce Coquette Funny Girl The Silence of the Lambs The Country Girl A Streetcar Named Desire It Happened One Night Anastasia The Hours Two Women (b)

Year 1988 1982 1983 1939 1954 1946 1930 1969 1992 1955 1952 1935 1957 2003 1962

F I G U R E 14.1.

The most signicant Academy Award winners for (a) Best Actor and (b)

Best Actress

hold up as well as, say, those of Humphrey Bogart (18991957) [1291]. Bing Crosby (19031977) [947] achieved even greater success as a singer than as a motion picture star, but little of his legacy remains popular in the rock-and-roll era except for the annual invasion of his record White Christmas. We identify Robert De Niro (1943 ) [1292], Jack Nicholson (1937 ) [1664], and Tom Hanks (1956 ) [2284] as the contemporary actors of greatest signicance, but their reputations will ultimately depend upon whether their lms remain popular into the future. We venture to guess

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that Hanks will emerge as the one with the greatest staying power, retaining a similar status as, say, James Stewart (19081997) [1401]. Among the women, the most signicant Best Actress winner turns out to be Cher (1946 ) [1373]. This is a surprise, and is more attributable to her singing and television work than her successful but limited lm career. Barbra Streisand (1942 ) [2443] is also more recognizable as a singer than an actress: she received her Best Actress award in a musical comedy. The juxtaposition of Katharine Hepburn (19072003) [1396] and Meryl Streep (1949 ) [1490] at the top of the list is evocative, because both have similar personas as intelligent, sophisticated actresses.
Best Supporting Actors Next we highlight the most signicant winners of the Best Supporting Actor awards. Several won Oscars as both lead and supporting actors, including Robert De Niro (1943 ) [1292], Meryl Streep (1949 ) [1490], and Ingrid Bergman (19151982) [2968]. The most prominent recipients of the supporting actor awards would generally be considered as stars: their supporting actor awards often implicitly recognize a broader body of work. Indeed, only one of the actors in Figure 14.2 made her reputation on the strength of a single supporting role. That exception would be Hattie McDaniel (18951952) [7163], the black woman who played Scarlett OHaras maid in Gone With The Wind. She was the rst black person to win an Academy Award, in 1939. Sidney Poitier (1927 ) [3803] was the rst black to win Best Actor, in 1963. Trends by Time and Gender Figure 14.3 shows trend lines measuring the signicance of the awardwinning actors of each gender. It reveals several interesting things. The Best Actor/Actress winners were of roughly equal signicance until the mid1980s, when the male winners came to dominate best actresses for the next 15 years. This largely reects the dearth of signicant roles for women outside certain prescribed categories. Four women who received their Oscars in this period rank among the eleven youngest ever (Marlee Matlin (1965 ) [34956], Hilary Swank (1974 ) [12415], Jodie Foster (1962 ) [2460], and Gwyneth Paltrow (1972 ) [5144]). Only Foster matured into a major


h istorical rankings

Sig. 357 1077 1292 1664 2777 3004 3076 3432 3502 3509 3780 4141 4648 4693 4704

Person Frank Sinatra Sean Connery Robert De Niro Jack Nicholson George Clooney John Gielgud Robin Williams Heath Ledger Denzel Washington Michael Caine George Burns Jack Lemmon Anthony Quinn Morgan Freeman Gene Hackman

Film From Here to Eternity The Untouchables The Godfather Part II Terms of Endearment Syriana Arthur Good Will Hunting The Dark Knight Glory The Cider House Rules The Sunshine Boys Mister Roberts Lust for Life Million Dollar Baby Unforgiven (a)

Year 1954 1988 1975 1984 2006 1982 1998 2009 1990 2000 1976 1956 1957 2005 1993

Sig. 1490 2968 3728 4293 5729 6179 6189 6935 7070 7163 7179 7395 7397 7424 8193

Person Meryl Streep Ingrid Bergman Whoopi Goldberg Angelina Jolie Goldie Hawn Maggie Smith Ethel Barrymore Cate Blanchett Judi Dench Hattie McDaniel Helen Hayes Jennifer Connelly Kim Basinger Jennifer Hudson Shelley Winters

Film Kramer vs. Kramer Murder on Orient Express Ghost Girl, Interrupted Cactus Flower California Suite None but the Lonely Heart The Aviator Shakespeare in Love Gone with the Wind Airport A Beautiful Mind L.A. Condential Dreamgirls A Patch of Blue (b)

Year 1980 1975 1991 2000 1970 1979 1945 2005 1999 1940 1971 2002 1998 2007 1966

The most signicant Academy Award winners for (a) Best Supporting Actor and (b)Best Supporting Actress
F I G U R E 14.2.

star. By contrast, the Best Actor winners tend to be older, more experienced actors. The youngest best actor winner ever, Adrien Brody (1973 ) [15319], received his Oscar just shy of 30: but he was older than 29 Best Actress winners. Among actors, nineteen men were more than 50 years old when they received their awards, compared to only nine women. Similar misogyny appears among the Best Supporting winners, with a gender separation beginning about the same year and lasting about the same duration. Fortunately these trends appear to have since reverted, with women regaining rough parity with men.

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Best Supporting Actor Best Supporting Actress


Best Actor

Best Actress

3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7

3.2 3


2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1920



1960 1980 Year





1980 Year



F I G U R E 14.3. Signicance of Oscar Winners by Year of Award: Best Actors/Actresses (left) and Best Supporting Actors/Actresses (right), highlighting the differences between male and female awardees.

A second important trend is the increasing signicance of the supporting actor winners, whose statures have grown steadily since 1980. This seems somewhat counterintuitive. The studio lm era was marked by distinctive character actors: people like Peter Lorre (19041964) [4132], Edward Everett Horton (18861970) [20056], and Walter Brennan (18941974) [8006] (who won best supporting actor three times). Yet there is now an increased willingness of major stars to take on interesting supporting roles, in search of the prestige that is absent from formulaic big-money vehicles. 14.4.3 F I L M D I R E C T O R S The director of lm is the person with the greatest responsibility for its quality and integrity. Sitting behind the camera, directors are far more immune to the effects of aging than actors. Successful directors can have very long careers. Alfred Hitchcock (18991980) [439] directed more than 50 major lms from 1927 to 1976. Cecil B. DeMille (18811959) [2107] followed his 1923 silent lm of The Ten Commandments with the better-known 1956 version, nominated for seven Academy Awards. The most signicant Hollywood directors generally have distinct styles, which remains obvious even though they themselves do not appear on screen. It would seem impossible to mistake a Woody Allen (1935 ) [1069] lm for one of Martin Scorsese (1942 ) [1041], even though both are contemporaries intimately associated with New York. Many are synonymous with specic genres: animation (Disney), suspense thrillers (Hitchcock), westerns (Ford), special-effect blockbusters (Spielberg and Lucas), and Woody Allen lms (Allen).


h istorical rankings

Top Motion Picture Directors Sig. 337 439 729 1041 1069 1079 1276 1855 1935 1941 2107 2149 2428 2531 3052 Person Walt Disney Alfred Hitchcock Orson Welles Martin Scorsese Woody Allen Steven Spielberg D. W. Grifth John Ford Stanley Kubrick Francis Ford Coppola Cecil B. DeMille Fritz Lang Quentin Tarantino George Lucas Billy Wilder Dates (19011966) (18991980) (19151985) (1942 ) (1935 ) (1946 ) (18751948) (18941973) (19281999) (1939 ) (18811959) (18901976) (1963 ) (1944 ) (19062002) C/G Description American lm animation (Mickey Mouse) Director of suspense lms (Vertigo) Film/radio wunderkind (Citizen Kane) Film director (Raging Bull) Film Director (Annie Hall) Film Director (Schindlers List) Film director (The Birth of a Nation) Western lm director (High Noon) American lm director (2001) American lm director (The Godfather) American lm director (Ten Commandments) Austrian-American lmmaker (Metropolis) American lm director (Pulp Fiction) Lucaslm producer (Star Wars) American lmmaker (The Apartment)

Walt Disney (19011966) [337] should probably be regarded more as a producer and studio head than a director. Orson Welles (19151985) [729] directed only 13 full-length lms in his career, but his signicance rests on Citizen Kane, considered by many to be the greatest lm of all time. It is notable that almost half of the most signicant directors are alive as of this writing, and most of these remain active.

14.5 Radio and Television

Most experienced actors favor one of the three major performance venues: television radio Internet television, movies, or the live stage. Which one they prefer is usually determined by where they made 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 their initial splash. Although actors Year often try to transition to the movies (to maximize their income), or to the stage (for honor and prestige), true ubiquity is rare. Successful actors can be readily identied as either movie stars, TV stars, or Broadway stars. We are comfortable seeing our favorites in one particular medium. Contemporary stage stars are rare, a victim of Broadways decline in the face of recorded media. It is possible that traditional television stars will also soon disappear, a victim of the exploding number of cable channels and

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Internet media outlets. Broadcasting was once broadcasting, where a small number of national networks controlled what 100 million people watched each night. Today we have a larger number of smaller magnitude television stars, whose long-term staying power remains unknown. 14.5.1 R A D I O For insight, we can look to the history of radio, which dominated popular entertainment from the rst commercial stations in 1920 until the advent of television after World War II. Broadcast radio still thrives, but it has become the ambient sound we drive to in our cars, eat to in restaurants, and type to while in the ofce. A National Radio Hall of Fame based in Chicago (http://www. radiohof.org/) has inducted more than 150 of the most signicant gures in radio. Franklin D. Roosevelt (18821945) [43] was an inspired choice: his thirty reside chats narrowed the gap between the White House and the public, and his spirit lives on in the weekly radio addresses given by all U. S. presidents since 1982. Among the members are inventors whose technologies made radio broadcasting possible: Guglielmo Marconi (18741937) [777], Lee De Forest (18731961) [2525], and Edwin Howard Armstrong (18901954) [4562]. Others were popular music stars of the Big Band era: Benny Goodman (19091986) [1800], Tommy Dorsey (19051956) [3879], and Gene Autry (19071998) [3973]. Finally, there are several comedians who starred on radio but achieved bigger impact in lm and television: Bob Hope (19032003) [1098], Groucho Marx (18901977) [1788], and Jack Benny (18941974) [2568]. The most signicant contemporary radio stars are conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh (1951 ) [2837] and shock jock Howard Stern (1954 ) [2130]. No other active radio gures approach their popularity and stature.
Top Members of the Radio Hall of Fame Sig. 43 729 777 Person Franklin D. Roosevelt Orson Welles Guglielmo Marconi Dates (18821945) (19151985) (18741937) C/G Description 32nd U.S. president (New Deal, WW II) Film/radio wunderkind (Citizen Kane) Italian inventor (Marconis law) (continued)


h istorical rankings

Sig. 947 1098 1788 1800 2130 2525 2568 2837 3236 3879 3973 4562

Person Bing Crosby Bob Hope Groucho Marx Benny Goodman Howard Stern Lee De Forest Jack Benny Rush Limbaugh Edward R. Murrow Tommy Dorsey Gene Autry Edwin Howard Armstrong

Dates (19031977) (19032003) (18901977) (19091986) (1954 ) (18731961) (18941974) (1951 ) (19081965) (19051956) (19071998) (18901954)


Description American singer, actor ("Going My Way") Longtime radio/lm comedian American comedian (Marx Brothers) American jazz clarinetist American radio personality (shock jock) American inventor (radio tube) American comedian and violinist Right-wing radio talk show host American broadcast journalist American jazz trombonist American performer (singing cowboy) American electrical engineer

The biggest threat facing radio today is not television, but personal music players and customized music services such as Pandora, which provides an individualized soundtrack to everyone. Each of us gets to hear what we want in our own bubble, but at the loss of communal experiences and exposure to new sounds and ideas. 14.5.2 T E L E V I S I O N Topping our ranking of most signicant television stars is Lucille Ball (19111989) [785], whose I Love Lucy show and popular successors ran from 1951 to 1974, and live on in syndication today. However, the television stars of the 1950s generally have not held up quite as strongly as the movie stars of that era. Honeymooners star Jackie Gleason (19161987) [3881] was the very biggest male television star of the 1950s. Yet today his signicance is comparable to contemporaries Lee Marvin (19241987) [6452] and Jack Lemmon (19252001) [4141]: stars, but not stars of the scale of Paul Newman (19252008) [2970] or Marlon Brando (19242004) [2266]. Elvis and the Beatles were introduced to America by variety host Ed Sullivan (19011974) [4908], and Tonight Show host Johnny Carson (19252005) [4834] put America to bed for 30 years. Yet they register more as middle-rank celebrities than historical gures. The signicance rankings here are dominated by more contemporary celebrities, such as Disney star Hilary Duff (1987 ) [1626] and Stephen Colbert (1964 ) [2700], whose followings aggressively use social media.

t he performing arts
Most Signicant Television Stars Sig 1391 1626 2700 2709 2947 2969 3104 3236 3593 3739 3746 3881 3903 3937 4241 4477 4834 4908 4924 5000 Person Lucille Ball Hilary Duff Stephen Colbert Roger Ebert Jennifer Aniston Jon Stewart Bill Cosby Edward R. Murrow William Shatner Jay Leno Ron Howard Jackie Gleason Julia Child David Letterman John Goodman Conan OBrien Johnny Carson Ed Sullivan Alan Alda Jerry Seinfeld Dates (19111989) (1987 ) (1964 ) (1942 ) (1969 ) (1962 ) (1937 ) (19081965) (1931 ) (1950 ) (1954 ) (19161987) (19122004) (1947 ) (1952 ) (1963 ) (19252005) (19011974) (1936 ) (1954 ) C/G Description American comedian (I Love Lucy) American teen actress, singer American political satirist (Colbert Report) TV lm critic (Siskal and Ebert) American actress (Friends) American political satirist American comedian (The Cosby Show) American broadcast journalist TV actor (Captain Kirk) Longtime "Tonight Show" host Child actor turned lm director TV comedian (The Honeymooners) American TVs French chef Late night television host American TV/lm actor (Roseanne) Very late night television host Tonight Show television host No-necked TV variety show host American actor (M*A*S*H) Stand-up / TV comedian (Seinfeld)


Colbert is particularly notorious in this regard, having directed his viewers to win a NASA Internet poll to name part of the International Space Station after him. We anticipate that their reputations will decline with the passage of time. Place not your trust in the present world.


Devils and Angels

The battle between good and evil has been fought since the beginning of time. Which is the surer path to historical recognition? There seems to be conicting evidence wherever you look:
For every Jesus (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1], there is an Adolf Hitler (18891945) [7]. For every charitable missionary like Mother Teresa (19101997) [820] lurks a gangster like Al Capone (18991947) [646]. For every social worker like Jane Addams (18601935) [1256] exists an assassin like Lee Harvey Oswald (19391963) [1435]. For every civil rights leader like Martin Luther King (19291968) [221], there exists a serial killer like Jack the Ripper [166].

In this chapter, we will consider a range of gures from both ends of the morality scale, to open a discussion on which is the more enduring path to glory. Our conclusion is that true virtue is generally rewarded, but spectacular acts of infamy endure longer than similar acts of heroism.

15.1 The Killers

Hammurabi (17961750 B.C.) [899], the lawmaker, has been followed by three millennia of law breakers. But several criminals richly deserving of their punishment endure as cultural gures because of the imagination and magnitude of their crimes. In this section we will identify the most prominent outlaws, assassins, and other killers, to better understand the source of this fascination.

devils and angels


15.1.1 O U T L A W S I N T H E W E S T Yes, there were ranchers and farmers and businessmen and preachers who helped settle the American West. But the mythology of the West is of the outlaw, and the lawmen who brought them to justice. How much of what we think we know about the settling of the American west comes from movies? The Ngrams dataset lets us look back at the fame that western gButch Cassidy ures had over time. It reveals that Jesse James only Jesse James (18471882) [413] Billy the Kid received much attention during his Wyatt Earp 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 lifetime. Billy the Kid (18591881) [761] springs suddenly into popular consciousness during the silent lm era. Lawman Wyatt Earp (18481929) [858], the sole survivor of the shootout at the O.K. Corral, reemerges shortly before his death, when he was recognized as one of the last survivors of this colorful era. His legend bloomed in Hollywood. Similarly, outlaw Butch Cassidy (18661908) [4230] was rediscovered in the 1950s, and hit the big time after being played by Paul Newman (19252008) [2970] in the lm Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Top Outlaws, Lawmen, and Showmen Sig. 413 761 788 858 1344 2147 3876 4230 4608 4618 Person Jesse James Billy the Kid Ned Kelly Wyatt Earp Wild Bill Hickok Doc Holliday Calamity Jane Butch Cassidy Frank James John Wesley Hardin Dates (18471882) (18591881) (18541880) (18481929) (18371876) (18511887) (18521903) (18661908) (18431915) (18531895) C/G Description Western bank robber (James gang) Old west gunman and outlaw Irish Australian bushranger Western gambler/lawman (O.K. Corral) Old West lawman and folk hero American gambler, gunghter (O.K. Corral) American frontierswoman American train and bank robber Famous American outlaw (Jesses brother) American outlaw

Jesse and his brother Frank James (18431915) [4608] shared the leadership of the James gang, and show similar prominence in the early book Ngrams data. Their fates sharply diverged after Jesse got shot by the bounty


h istorical rankings

hunter Robert Ford (18621892) [12757]. Frank surrendered to the authorities ve months later, but was never convicted and lived the rest of his life as a free man. Jesses afterlife proved considerably larger, because his colorful demise played much better on the silver screen. Ned Kelly (18541880) [788] is an Australian outlaw/folk hero, who lived and died at roughly the same time as Billy the Kid (18591881) [761]. The closing of the frontier around 1890 marked the end of the outlaw. Once a critical mass of settlers took over their domain, the way of the plow triumphed over the way of the gun. 15.1.2 G A N G S T E R S Prohibition (19191933) marked a hiatus from legal alcohol sales in the United States, but illegal bootleggers worked hard to satisfy the persistent demand. Gangsters like Al Capone (18991947) [646] consolidated the market, accruing great wealth, power, and notoriety in the process. The Great Depression led others to desperate measures, with bank robbers like John Dillinger (19031934) [2679] and Baby Face Nelson (19081934) [9276] becoming folk heros before being hunted down. Lawmen like FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (18951972) [1201] made their reputation by capturing the gangsters of the early 1930s.

Most Signicant Gangsters Sig. 646 2679 2944 5318 6830 7061 7374 8360 8579 8814 9243 9276 10599 11155 11730 Person Al Capone John Dillinger Lucky Luciano Meyer Lansky Pablo Escobar Bugsy Siegel John Gotti Frank Costello Dutch Schultz Carlo Gambino Ma Barker Baby Face Nelson Arnold Rothstein Pretty Boy Floyd Machine Gun Kelly Dates (18991947) (19031934) (18971962) (19021983) (19491993) (19061947) (19402002) (18911973) (19021935) (19021976) (18731935) (19081934) (18821928) (19041934) (18951954) C/G Description American Prohibition-era gangster American Depression-era bank robber Pioneering Italian mobster American organized crime gure Colombian drug lord American gangster (Las Vegas) American mobster (Dapper Don) Boss of the Genovese crime family German-Jewish mobster and bootlegger Boss of Gambino crime family American criminal (mother of Barker gang) Bank robber Jewish racketeer / gambler American bank robber American gangster

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A new generation of Italian (Lucky Luciano (18971962) [2944]) and Jewish (Meyer Lansky (19021983) [5318]) gangsters emerged after Prohibition, as organized crime syndicates took advantage of new business opportunities. American fascination with the Maa continues in lm and the popular media. However, Maa inuence has deteriorated since the conviction of John Gotti (19402002) [7374], the last American organized crime gure to capture the popular imagination. The rest of the world is not so fortunate, and drug lords like Pablo Escobar (19491993) [6830] have stepped up to replace them. 15.1.3 M A S S K I L L E R S The specter of large-scale terrorism is a relatively recent development in human history. The leader of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Osama bin Laden (19572011) [765], registers as a substantial historical gure, for the magnitude of the event and its consequences.
Most Signicant Serial/Mass Killers Sig. 166 765 3040 3404 6049 7083 7379 7896 Person Jack the Ripper Osama bin Laden Gilles de Rais Ted Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer John Wayne Gacy Timothy McVeigh Charles Whitman Dates (? ?) (19572011) (14041440) (19461989) (19601994) (19421994) (19682001) (19411966) C/G Description English serial killer (London) Founder of al-Qaeda (Twin Towers attack) Breton knight (Serial killer of children) American serial killer and rapist American serial killer and cannibal American serial killer of boys American terrorist (Oklahoma Federal Building) American killer (Texas Tower Sniper)

But there is evidence that the perpetrators of more typical attacks quickly recede from memory. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh (19682001) [7379] killed 166 people, yet his image has faded to the point where he now sits behind others guilty of horric but ultimately smaller crimes. The popular notion of a serial killer is quite recent, emerging in the Ngram records only around 1980. Indeed, the most signicant serial killers in this table emerge from this time period, with two signicant exceptions. Jack the Ripper [166] was responsible for at least ve murders in London in 1888, but his case remains unsolved today. He shocked the world with the brutal nature of the slayings, as well as his brazenness: he wrote letters to


h istorical rankings

Person John Wilkes Booth Marcus J. B. the Y. Lee Harvey Oswald Gavrilo Princip Charles J. Guiteau Leon Czolgosz Giuseppe Zangara Nathuram Godse Udham Singh Sirhan Sirhan Dan White James Earl Ray Yigal Amir

Sig. 451 763 1435 2814 3587 5566 7238 8910 11659 12621 16453 19760 36317

Dates (18381865) ( ? 42 B.C.) (19391963) (18941918) (18411882) (18731901) ( ? 1933) (19101949) (18991940) (1944 ) (19461985) (19281998) (1970 )

Victim Abraham Lincoln Julius Caesar John F. Kennedy Franz Ferdinand James A. Gareld William McKinley Anton Cermak Mohandas Gandhi Michael ODwyer Robert F. Kennedy Harvey Milk Martin Luther King Jr. Yitzhak Rabin

Sig. 5 15 61 573 286 167 7679 44 19985 1260 3386 205 2523

Dates (18091865) (10044 B.C.) (19171963) (18631914) (18311881) (18431901) (18731933) (18691948) (18641940) (19251968) (19301978) (19291968) (19221995)

F I G U R E 15.1.

Most signicant assassins and their victims

the police enclosing body parts of his victims. The mystery of his identity has kept his name alive: more than 100 published theories propose different suspects. However, the ngrams data show that a different killer, Gilles de Rais (14041440) [3040], cut a higher prole than the Ripper over much of the past century. De Rais was a serial killer of children, and served as the inspiration for Bluebeard: a French folktale of a nobleman who repeatedly married and then murdered his wives. 15.1.4 A S S A S S I N S A N D T H E I R P R E Y Political assassination offers perhaps the best opportunity for ordinary people to exert great inuence over history. Gavrilo Princip (18941918) [2814] provoked World War I by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (18631914) [541]. That particular killing seems almost to have been fated. Princip was part of a failed conspiracy to bomb the Archdukes car at a procession in the morning, but then encountered the car again by chance an hour later and shot him. How does the fame of the assassin grow with the size of his prey? We rank historys most signicant assassins with their victims in Figure 15.1. There is a strong correlation between the signicance of assassin and victim. The killers of the four American presidents rank in nearly the same order as their victims, Charles J. Guiteau (18411882) [3587] is famous as a disappointed ofce seeker, while Leon Czolgoszs (18731901) [5566] motives as an anarchist seem far more remote today.

devils and angels


The exceptions prove the rule. Giuseppe Zangara s ( ? 1933) [7238] fame comes not from shooting Chicago mayor Anton Cermak (18731933) [7958], but from missing his intended target Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) [43]. Only one assassin here is deemed more important than his victim. Udham Singh (18991940) [11659] was a revolutionary, whose killing of a British ofcial responsible for a notorious massacre in the Punjab helped crystallize Indias independence movement.

15.2 Law and Order

Residing somewhere between devils and angels are the security and legal personnel responsible for maintaining order in the world. Glory does not accrue to real police ofcers the way it does on television. Prohibition agent Eliot Ness (19031957) [7727] may be the most famous law enforcement ofcer to ever actually hit the street, but that is because he was the inspiration for televisions The Untouchables. New York Police Department detective Frank Serpico (1936 ) [37112] became famous as an honest cop, heroically testifying to corruption in the ranks. But it helped Serpicos reputation to be played by Al Pacino (1940 ) [2673] in the movie version of the story. The top brass rank somewhat higher than the at-foots. Several major political gures got their start as Chief of Police, including New Yorks Theodore Roosevelt (18581919) [23]. Recent police chiefs widely recognized for their work include Los Angeless Daryl Gates (19262010) [38518] and New Yorks Raymond Kelly (1941 ) [62784]. 15.2.1 F O R T H E P R O S E C U T I O N Far more political careers have been launched by prosecuting attorneys than those for the defense, because a tough on crime image always plays well among the electorate. President William Howard Taft (18571930) [153] got his start as a prosecutor. More recently, Rudy Giuliani (1944 ) [2657] parlayed his convictions of important Maa gures to become mayor of New York. The Attorney General is the highest position in the U.S. Department of Justice. The most prominent recent gure here was Alberto Gonzales (1955 ) [8601], but he sits behind a dozen of his predecessors. Many


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held other important ofces, serving as senators, governors, and justices of the Supreme Court.
Most Signicant U.S. Attorney Generals Sig. 1253 1355 1910 2055 4407 4551 5656 6143 6334 6641 Person Roger B. Taney Robert F. Kennedy Edwin M. Stanton Edmund Randolph John J. Crittenden Frank Murphy Harlan F. Stone Robert H. Jackson Tom C. Clark William M. Evarts Dates (17771864) (19251968) (18141869) (17531813) (17871863) (18901949) (18721946) (18921954) (18991977) (18181901) C/G Description 5th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Slain senator, presidential candidate Lincolns cabinet ofcial (Sec. of War) U.S. governor of Virginia U.S. governor of Kentucky Supreme court justice / Governor of Michigan 12th chief justice of Supreme Court Supreme Court Justice, Nuremberg prosecutor U.S. attorney general / Supreme court justice American lawyer

The revelation here is how often attorney generals used to be promoted to the Supreme Court. Taney, Stanton,1 Stone, Jackson, and Clark all become justices, a career path that seems closed off today. The highly charged political nature of the court has, paradoxically, served to disqualify candidates who have held elective or appointed ofce. This robs the court of practical experience in the functioning of other branches of government. 15.2.2 D E F E N S E A T T O R N E Y S Leading defense attorneys are more omnipresent in the news than prosecutors, who are bound to the jurisdiction they serve. Thus, they must catch a break to have a notorious case occur on their watch. By contrast, defense attorneys are hired guns, and the most prominent ones actively seek cases in the limelight. Two of the top defense attorneys in our rankings were associated with the O. J. Simpson (1947 ) [3464] trial: Alan Dershowitz (1938 ) [10078] and Johnnie Cochran (19372005) [22272]. Successful defense attorneys generally have limited political futures, but John Adams (17351826) [61] got elected president despite winning acquittals for most of the British troops responsible for the Boston Massacre. Clarence Darrow (18571938) [1807] proves to be the most signicant defense attorney by a large margin, particularly since his nearest rivals
1 Edwin M. Stanton (18141869) [1910] died four days after being conrmed a justice by the

Senate, but never took the oath of ofce.

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Most Signicant Defense Attorneys Sig. 1807 2539 5019 7995 10078 22272 41840 Person Clarence Darrow Alger Hiss Robert G. Ingersoll John Grisham Alan Dershowitz Johnnie Cochran F. Lee Bailey Dates (18571938) (19041996) (18331899) (1955 ) (1938 ) (19372005) (1933 ) C/G Description


Prominent American lawyer (Scopes monkey trial) American lawyer, Soviet spy American lecturer and agnostic Author of legal thrillers American lawyer and political commentator American lawyer (O. J. Simpson) Criminal defense lawyer (Boston Strangler)

earned their real fame in other domains: Alger Hiss (19041996) [2539] as a spy, and John Grisham (1955 ) [7995] as a mystery writer. Darrows skills got several murderers off with life instead the electric chair, including the notorious thrill killers Leopold and Loeb. Yet his reputation rises above that of todays hired guns, because he served as the defense attorney in the famous Scopes Monkey trial, concerning the teaching of evolution.

15.3 Peacemakers
The Book of Saint Matthew ( ? A.D. 34) [848] states, blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called sons of God. Here, we consider two broadly recognized groups of peacemakers: the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Secretary-Generals of the United Nations. 15.3.1 N O B E L P E A C E P R I Z E W I N N E R S Recall our graphs of the signicance of Nobel Prize winners in Figure 13.3. The prominence of the recipients in the science categories has plunged since the early days of the awards, but the Peace prize category remains quite robust. Scientic discoveries have become increasingly esoteric, but there remains no shortage of human conicts in need of resolution. The most signicant winners of the Peace prize prove to be a less overtly noble bunch than might have been supposed. We see four U.S. presidents, plus other gures whose accomplishments in war seem to exceed that of peace, including Henry Kissinger (1923 ) [864] and Yasser Arafat (1929 2004) [1486]. There are three types of recipients near the top of our rankings. Martin Luther King (19291968) [221] and Nelson Mandela (1918 ) [356]


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Top Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Sig. 23 47 111 221 356 462 623 637 820 864 1204 1256 1279 1286 1486 Person Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Barack Obama Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela Jimmy Carter Al Gore Mikhail Gorbachev Mother Teresa Henry Kissinger Lester B. Pearson Jane Addams George Marshall Linus Pauling Yasser Arafat Dates (18581919) (18561924) (1961 ) (19291968) (1918 ) (1924 ) (1948 ) (1931 ) (19101997) (1923 ) (18971972) (18601935) (18801959) (19011994) (19292004) C/G Description 26th U.S. president (Progressive Movement) 28th U.S. president (World War I) 44th and current U.S. president American civil rights leader Post-apartheid president of South Africa 39th president (Iranian hostage crisis) U.S. vice president / almost president Last Soviet premier (fall of USSR) Catholic nun/missionary in Calcutta American diplomat (Realpolitik) Prime minister of Canada (Suez treaty) Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Hull House) American military leader (Marshall Plan) Nobel Peace prizewinning biochemist Palestinian leader (PLO) / Nobelist

broke the back of institutional racism in their nations, the United States and South Africa, respectively. Social workers like Mother Teresa (1910 1997) [820] and Jane Addams (18601935) [1256] were recognized for feeding and clothing the poor, from the slums of Calcutta to the wards of Chicago. Finally, we see inspired government ofcials like George Marshall (18801959) [1279], whose plan rebuilt Europe after the destruction of World War II, thus restoring peaceful, prosperous democracies. 15.3.2 L E A D E R S O F T H E U N I T E D N A T I O N S The Secretary-General of the United Nations is arguably the man who logs the most miles in quest of peace each year. Part of being a diplomat is not drawing attention to ones self. Generally they have succeeded, achieving signicance rankings akin to those of the less distinguished vice presidents of the United States. Secretary-Generals of the UN are elected for ve-year terms, with most serving two terms. Dag Hammarskjld (19051961) [5638] was martyred in a plane crash while serving on a peace mission in the Congo. This, along with his posthumous Nobel Peace Prize, helps explain his high level of signicance. Ko Annan (1938 ) [3150] is the highest-ranking Secretary-General, apparently because he served ten years in ofce and also received the Nobel Prize.

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Top United Nations Leaders Sig. 3150 5133 5638 6881 7287 9656 13386 19340 Person Ko Annan Ban Ki-moon Dag Hammarskjld U Thant Kurt Waldheim Boutros Boutros-Ghali Trygve Lie Javier Prez de Cullar Dates (1938 ) (1944 ) (19051961) (19091974) (19182007) (1922 ) (18961968) (1920 ) C/G Description Ghanaian UN Secretary-General / Nobelist Current UN Secretary-General Swedish UN Secretary-General / Nobelist Burmese UN Secretary-General Austrian UN Secretary-General / suspected Nazi Egyptian UN Secretary-General First UN Secretary-General Peruvian UN Secretary-General

15.4 Social Activists

Social movements revolve around charismatic leaders, who tap into some previously unexpressed discontent in the Zeitgeist. The labor movement required brave leaders like Samuel Gompers (18501924) [1575] to organize the masses, at great personal risk. The Civil Rights movement was led by Martin Luther King (19291968) [221] and a host of other courageous gures. The history of the womens rights movement reads as a tale of starchy suffragettes followed by liberated intellectuals. This book is being written at the moment when the issue of gay marriage is tipping from the unthinkable to the inevitable. The amazing thing about this process is how it has happened without a visible gay rights leader. When the history texts record this story, who will be highlighted? The most prominent gay leader to date has been Harvey Milk (19301978) [3680], but he was not an active part of this process. The movements leadership is conspicuous by its absence. Its success is perhaps related to this invisibility: the quiet role of inuential members of the gay community silently greasing the skids of a cause whose time has nally come. In this section we will explore the history of social activism, trying to better understand how leaders emerge, are identied, and are nally canonized. 15.4.1 W O M E N S R I G H T S A monument to three womens suffrage leaders sits in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington: Susan B. Anthony (18201906) [432], Elizabeth Cady Stanton (18151902) [734], and Lucretia Mott


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(17931880) [2208]. All were long dead by the time the right to vote was granted in 1920. So who deserves the credit for making it happen?
Most Signicant Suffragists Sig. 432 734 1093 1135 1231 2208 2738 3783 4832 5216 6037 6784 Person Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Harriet Tubman Helen Keller Sojourner Truth Lucretia Mott Lucy Stone Ida B. Wells Victoria Woodhull Frances Willard Carrie Chapman Catt Alice Paul Dates (18201906) (18151902) (18201913) (18801968) (17971883) (17931880) (18181893) (18621931) (18381927) (18391898) (18591947) (18851977) C/G Description American womens rights / civil rights leader Womans suffrage leader African American abolitionist Inspirational deaf-blind author African American abolitionist American Quaker and abolitionist American abolitionist and suffragist African American journalist American suffragist and free love advocate American educator and womens suffragist American womens suffrage leader American suffragist (National Womens Party)

The end game of the suffrage movement proved somewhat messy. Two opposing suffrage organizations were founded after the Civil War, by Lucy Stone (18181893) [2738] and Susan B. Anthony. They differed in tactics and goals before merging in 1890. A mix of insider activity by the resulting National American Woman Suffrage Associations (NAWSA) president Carrie Chapman Catt (18591947) [6037] and more radical protest by Alice Pauls (18851977) [6784] National Womans Party ultimately granted women the vote. The NAWSA eventually became the League of Women Voters following the passage of the nineteenth Amendment in 1920. Womens leaders who were more strongly aligned with other causes Harriet Tubman also supported the suffrage moveHelen Keller ment. Helen Kellers (18801968) [1135] struggle to overcome deafness and blindness made her the most 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 prominent advocate for the disabled, yet she also embraced womens ght for the vote. Harriet Tubman (1820 1913) [1093] was an abolitionist, yet saw no reason why the vote should be granted to black men but not women after the Civil War. The image of Helen Keller (18801968) [1135] appears to be receding in the Ngrams data relative to Tubman, perhaps because vaccination, cochlear implants, and

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other medical technology have sharply reduced the prevalence of deafness among todays youth. The womens rights movement has fought many battles since gaining the vote. Early advocates sought increased opportunities in education, and demonstrated that women could succeed in elds such as medicine if granted the same rights as men.
Other Top Womens Rights Advocates Sig. 1315 2453 2672 3815 4289 5553 Person Emma Goldman Elizabeth Blackwell Margaret Sanger Gloria Steinem Julia Ward Howe Betty Friedan Dates (18691940) (18211910) (18791966) (1934 ) (18191910) (19212006) C/G Description Exiled American anarchist First U.S. woman to receive a medical degree American sex educator (birth control) American feminist activist Poet/abolitionist (Battle Hymn of the Republic) American writer, feminist

Others pursued causes far more radical for their day. Emma Goldmans (18691940) [1315] outspokenness led to her deportation to Russia. Margaret Sangers (18791966) [2672] efforts to promote family planning and access to contraception provided women with the freedom to pursue life paths previously denied to them. The leading womens activists of the 1960s (Gloria Steinem (1934 ) [3815] and Betty Friedan (19212006) [5553]) are substantial historical gures, yet they resonate less strongly than the leading black activists of the period. For example, both are outranked by Coretta Scott King (19272006) [3481], the widow of Martin Luther King (19291968) [221]. 15.4.2 T H E L A B O R M O V E M E N T The notion that workers had the right to fair pay, a safe workplace, and an eight-hour day did not come easily. It took a war, fought with and against the law. Early union conicts often turned violent, with managements hired Pinkerton agents combating union activities through inltration and thuggery. Turn-of-the-century Union leaders like Big Bill Hayward (1868 1947) [192701] and Mother Mary Harris Jones (18371930) [2398] fought back, and went to prison on a mix of real and trumped-up charges. Socialist union leader Eugene V. Debs (18551926) [1340] gathered 913,664 write-in votes for president from his jail cell in 1920.


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Cigar maker Samuel Gompers (18501924) [1575] served as the president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) from its founding in 1886 almost continually until his death in 1924. The AFL was the rst truly successful labor union in the United States, organizing the craft/trade unions while avoiding the radical socialism of earlier efforts. John L. Lewis (1880 1969) [8358] founded the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) to organize workers in the growing mass production industries. Both were federations of smaller unions, that stood together to increase their clout with management. The two major federations merged in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO.

Most Signicant Labor Leaders Sig. 1340 1575 2398 3552 3948 5936 6144 8358 15150 Person Eugene V. Debs Samuel Gompers Mary Harris Jones Jimmy Hoffa Csar Chvez Bill Haywood A. Philip Randolph John L. Lewis Walter Reuther Dates (18551926) (18501924) (18371930) (19131975) (19271993) (18691928) (18891979) (18801969) (19071970) C/G Description Socialist presidential candidate American labor union leader (AFL) American labor organizer Disappeared Teamster union leader Cofounder of United Farm Workers Radical workers union leader African American union / civil rights leader Union leader (United Mine Workers) American labor union leader (UAW)

Pride of place in our rankings of labor leaders generally lies with the founding gures of the movement. They rank ahead of the establishment gures who led labor at its high watermark after World War II, such as AFL-CIO president George Meany (18941980) [33502]. Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa (19131975) [3552] played with a rough crowd, and his organized crime connections lead to his expulsion from the AFL-CIO in 1957. These friends presumably were responsible for his mysterious disappearance as well. Some organizers founded unions whose successes were critical to the Civil Rights movement. Csar Chvezs (19271993) [3948] campaign on behalf of migrant farm workers turned him into the most prominent Hispanic leader in America, while A. Philip Randolphs (18891979) [6144] leadership of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters made him a godfather to the black Civil Rights movement.

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15.5 Civil Rights Leaders

The ght for black civil rights is one of the most stirring episodes in American history. Martin Luther King (19291968) [221] and Malcolm X (19251965) [1106] formed the yin and yang of the movement in the 1960s: one preaching peaceful protest, with the other advocating more forceful means of black self-determination.

Most Signicant Civil Rights Leaders Sig. 221 964 1106 1589 1707 3481 4700 6144 6589 6690 Person Martin Luther King Rosa Parks Malcolm X Jesse Jackson Thurgood Marshall Coretta Scott King James Baldwin A. Philip Randolph Al Sharpton Medgar Evers Dates (19291968) (19132005) (19251965) (1941 ) (19081993) (19272006) (19241987) (18891979) (1954 ) (19251963) C/G Description American civil rights leader African American civil rights activist Black Muslim activist Black civil rights leader First African American Supreme Court Justice MLK widow, civil rights leader Black novelist (Go Tell It on the Mountain) African American union / civil rights leader Black activist and talk show host Slain black civil rights activist

The book Ngrams data shows that their reputaRosa Parks Malcolm X tions have moved roughly Martin Luther King in parallel since the mid1950s: rising rapidly to a peak a few years following their respective assassi1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 nations, sharply declining Year in the 1970s to set the F I G U R E 15.2. Civil rights gures stage for a resurgence in the 1990s. The rst peak reects the power of their movements as contemporary events, the later when the history of the movement began to be written. By contrast, the reference frequency for Rosa Parks (19132005) [964] has increased steadily over this period. We project that Malcolms mindshare will decline with respect to King and Parks, as the story of the movement becomes simplied with time and distance.


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Jesse Jackson (1941 ) [1589] became the most prominent black leader after Dr. Kings death, but it is not clear that he will ever have a meaningful successor. The emergence of black president Barack Obama (1961 ) [111] marked a transition into the political mainstream that seems difcult to reverse. We cannot identify any major American gure today who purports to represent a particular cultural or ethnic group. This seems to mark a maturation of our political system, where constituencies are no longer based on single-dimensional categories of color, ethnicity, or gender. 15.5.1 T H E E D U C A T I O N M O V E M E N T The history of education in America is one of growth and increasing access, from the little, one-room schoolhouse to the comprehensive public and private schools of today. Several of the most signicant educators were theorists with novel ideas of how children learn. John Dewey (18591952) [417] was the leading proponent of Progressive Education, the notion that schools served to teach how to live, in addition to general knowledge and skills. Maria Montessori (18701952) [3332] emphasized sensory exploration and manipulatives, inspiring the Montessori schools which remain popular today. Jean Piaget (18961980) [1590] was a developmental psychologist who studied how children learn.
Most Signicant Educators Sig. 417 525 1132 1193 1590 3332 5756 6451 6779 7113 Person John Dewey Booker T. Washington Noah Webster Horace Mann Jean Piaget Maria Montessori Anne Sullivan Macy Catharine Beecher Daniel Coit Gilman Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Dates (18591952) (18561915) (17581843) (17961859) (18961980) (18701952) (18661936) (18001878) (18311908) (17871851) C/G Description American philosopher (Pragmatism) American educator (Tuskegee Institute) American lexicographer (Websters Dictionary) American education reformer Psychologist (how children learn) Italian educator (Montessori schools) Instructor of Helen Keller American educator (sister of Harriet and Henry) American educator (president of Johns Hopkins) Inventor (American Sign Language)

Others worked to widen access to education. Horace Mann (1796 1859) [1193] created a state-wise system of teaching in Massachusetts, with the important principle of progressing students through grades based on

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age. This marked the end of the one-room schoolhouse. Booker T. Washingtons (18561915) [525] Tuskegee Institute provided new educational opportunities for Southern blacks after the Civil War. Daniel Coit Gilman (18311908) [6779] served 25 years as the founding president of Johns Hopkins University, and deserves credit for establishing the modern model of postgraduate education in the United States. Several college presidents built substantial reputations in other elds. For example, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (18901969) [110] served as president of Columbia University before serving as president of the United States. We have removed these gures from our rankings of educators.


Ranking Methodology

Here we provide greater technical detail concerning our historical signicance ranking methods. We will discuss (1) exactly what data we used, (2) how the data was normalized, and (3) the statistical methodology we used to develop our rankings. Interested readers should begin with the high-level overview of our methods that we presented in Chapter 2.

A.1 Feature Set

We used the October 11, 2010 Wikipedia release (http://dumps. wikimedia.org/enwiki/20101011/) as the basis for our analysis. We extracted six input variables from this distribution and other available datasets:
Page Rank (NPR and PPR) Wikipedia is a hyperlinked document, dening a network with vertices corresponding to articles and directed edges (x , y), meaning that article x references article y. The well-established PageRank measure of network centrality [Brin and Page, 1998] computes a signicance score based on the number and strength of the in-links to each node. We compute two forms of PageRank, based on two different graphs derived from Wikipedia. The rst contains all Wikipedia pages, while the second consists only of the pages corresponding to people. Page annotations were determined using Freebase (http://www.freebase.com/), a collaborative knowledge database. We employed the Cloud9 map-reduce library


appendix a

(https://github.com/lintool/Cloud9) to compute PageRank. Page Hits (PH) Web logging data reveal how often each Wikipedia page is viewed. More famous/signicant entities should have their pages read more frequently. We analyzed six months of log data, collected immediately prior to date of our Wikipedia release. In order to reduce the large monthly variance in readership owing to news events, we used the median monthly frequency as our measure of page hits. Number of Page Revisions (NR) The collaborative model that underlies Wikipedia permits thousands of authors to contribute their knowledge to every single article. More famous/important people would be expected to have more rened articles than lesser personages. We considered a variety of measures of page edit frequency, including the number of distinct editors, the number of changes, and the number of edit reversions. All correlated quite strongly with our primary measure, which is simply the number of distinct revisions. The residual components of these variables, after accounting for the number of distinct revisions, also proved uninformative. Article Length (AL) The length of a given entitys Wikipedia page (as measured in words) provides a natural measure of fame: more signicant entities typically have longer articles written about them. For our purposes, we use the length of the body of the article, removing references and tables that appear in the document. This eliminates certain biases, such as overvaluing sports gures and performing artists with excessively long tables of events or recordings. News Frequency (NF) Famous/important people are expected to appear regularly in the news. We used data derived from an independent analysis of more than 500 U.S. daily newspapers from between November 2004 and October 2010, totaling in excess of one terabyte of text. This analysis was performed using our Lydia news/blog analysis system [Bautin et al., 2010], deriving frequencies of mention which measures the media coverage of these entities. This proved to be our least informative variable, which is why it was not discussed in Chapter 2. Part of the difculty arose from resolving which proper reference names are associated with a given person, a problem we

r a nking methodology

NF 0.30 0.29 0.37 0.36 0.20 1.00


PPR 0.68 1.00

PH 0.67 0.50 1.00

NR 0.63 0.49 0.71 1.00

AL 0.27 0.24 0.27 0.34 1.00

F I G U R E A.1. Correlation matrix of the major input variables to our signicance analysis methods. All pairs show substantial correlation, yet none are so high as to be redundant.

discussed in Section 4.3 with respect to Google Ngrams. Also, contemporary people are disproportionally represented in the news relative to signicant gures of earlier times. This variable ultimately contributes very little to our nal signicance scores.

We also considered several other measures as potential input variables for our analysis, but ultimately rejected them. One was the estimated number of web pages returned by Google and Bing search engine queries. We found these counts largely meaningless, because their algorithms estimate name frequency from the individual word components making up the name. These counts correlated poorly with the other variables. Other properties of the Wikipedia graph, like the out-degree of each entitys page, were subsumed by PageRank. Sentiment analysis from our news dataset also proved to be largely uninformative as to signicance. Figure A.1 presents the correlation among the six variables we employed in our analysis, after employing the normalization procedures we will describe in the next section. A.1.1 N O R M A L I Z A T I O N O F B A R I A B L E S None of our six variables were normally distributed. Most resembled either half-normal (that is, one tail of a normal distribution), or log halfnormal (where taking the logarithm of the variable yields a half-normal distribution) distributions. Some had long, power law tails. We sought to convert these variables to normally distributed standard scores for analysis. However, standard z-scores did not result in normally distributed data, and produced oddities with extreme values when applied to the power law distributions.


appendix a

We instead performed a normal re-expression of each input variable, a commonly used technique for the analysis of ordinal variables [Mosteller and Tukey, 1977]. Each variable is rank ordered, and then a value is converted to a normal score based on its rank. The resulting standardized variables are, by denition, as normally distributed as possible given the discretization of the input, and prove more amenable to subsequent analysis. Processing artifacts occasionally resulted in missing data values for a given person. When one variable was missing, its value was imputed using a linear regression model, based on the other ve variables. When two or more variables were missing, the person was discarded from subsequent analysis.

A.2 Ranking Methodology

Exploratory factor analysis [Harman, 1976; Pearson, 1901; Spearman, 1904] is a statistical methodology related to principal component analysis [Eckart and Young, 1936; Hotelling, 1933], intended to explain observed variables by a linear combination of unobserved (latent) variables. Exploratory factor analysis can be contrasted with conrmatory factor analysis [Joreskog, 1969], in which an underlying structure of latent variables is assumed a priori and the accuracy (or t) of the model then computed. Specically, we attempted to derive the latent factors that explain the variance in our six variables of interest: both types of PageRank, page hits, article length, number of article revisions, and the number of references in our news dataset. We conducted exploratory factor analysis using the statistical package R, and found that the majority (59%) of the variance in our six variables could be explained by two factors. Both factors explained roughly equal proportions of the variance (31% and 28%), meaning that these latent variables are of approximately equal importance. Factor loadings reect the extent to which each variable is associated with a factor. A factor loading can be thought of as analogous to a correlation coefcient. The square of the factor loading reects the proportion of the variance of that variable which can be explained by the factor. The rst factor loads highly on page hits and article revisions, while the second factor

r a nking methodology


Variable Full PageRank Person PageRank Page hits # Revisions Article Length News Hits

F1 Loading 0.403 0.401 0.697 0.829 0.360 0.376

F2 Loading 0.912 0.630 0.485 0.395 0.184 0.167

F I G U R E A.2.

Loadings for the largest two factors extracted from the signicance data

Rank 1 10 50 100 200 500 1000 5000 10000 50000 100000 300000 500000 700000 843790

Raw Score 7.48 6.54 5.99 5.65 5.33 4.85 4.39 3.30 2.80 1.50 0.85 0.38 1.23 2.15 5.16

Person of Rank Jesus Thomas Jefferson Oliver Cromwell John Locke Wilhelm II Hatshepsut Georges Seurat Jerry Seinfeld Pau Gasol Catterino Cavos Sean OHagan Sophie Blake Guy U. Hardy Masashi Kawakami Sagusa Ryusei

F I G U R E A.3. Representative mappings of raw signicance score to rank, with the person occupying that rank

loads highly on the two forms of PageRank. Neither substantially loads on article length or news volume, as shown in Figure A.2. A factor score is the score of an observation (the input associated with a specic person) on a factor. The factor score of each individual can be estimated from the observed variables, in a variety of ways. We computed both factor scores for each person in our dataset using Bartlett maximum likelihood estimation [Bartlett, 1937]. The resulting factor scores are normally distributed. Upon examining the individuals with high scores for each factor, it quickly becomes apparent that the rst factor captures a notion of lurid fame, or celebrity, while the second factor better captures a notion of substantive accomplishment, or gravitas. Here we refer back to Section 2.3, where we show several well-known people with very high Celebrity and Gravitas factor scores.


appendix a

Neither of these measures individually captured the sense of historical signicance we were interested in measuring. However, the linear combination of these two factors yields a measure that proved relatively robust across domains, creating a unied representation contemporary renown we call Fame. Because the Gravitas and Celebrity factors are both normally distributed, the linear combination of these two factors into our Fame score is also normally distributed.

A.3 The Decay of Fame

The need to compensate for the destructive nature of time on reputation becomes apparent on examination of our Fame measure, which wildly overstates the signicance of contemporary gures such as George W. Bush (1946 ) [1], Barack Obama (1961 ) [3], Bill Clinton (1946 ) [7], and Michael Jackson (19582009) [9]: all presented here with their Fame rankings. Although all are important, none belong among the top ten gures in historical (as opposed to contemporary) signicance. Modeling the speed and extent to which reputation fades is essential to appropriately compare the historical signicance of current individuals with those long dead. To correct for this, we built a model to systematically age contemporary gures, so as to predict what their reputation will be a given number of years from now. There are two distinct processes at work here: rst, the lapse from living memory inherent in the passage of generations, and second, a strictly contemporary bias from the recent authorship of Wikipedia. We correct for both factors in turn, to complete our model for quantifying historical signicance. In order to quantify the rst effect, we turned to the Google Books Ngrams dataset [Michel et al., 2011], discussed in Chapter 4. This rich dataset covers a signicant fraction of all books ever published in the English language, and is nearly a terabyte in size. This allows us to count the number of times each person, place, and thing appeared in English books during any given year, and provides an excellent means to track the appearance and decay of individual reputations across a two-century period. We separated individuals into order-of-magnitude tiers, based on the relative frequency of references to them during their peak year, and then

r a nking methodology


1 Fraction of Peak Year Coverage 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Peak Year of 1-9 Refs/Million Peak Year of 10-99 Refs/Million Peak Year of 100-999 Refs/Million Peak Year of 1000+ Refs/Million




80 100 Years since birth




F I G U R E A.4. Reputations peak roughly 70 years after birth. The peak is typically later the more famous a person is.

plotted the average trajectory of each group. These results are presented in Figure A.4. From this data, we t a polynomial decay model for each tier of individuals. This correspondence yields a decay schedule for each individual, which can be used to project their signicance forward to the age of 170. We do not continue further beyond this, because insufcient reference data exist to evaluate a model on such a timescale. However, if the mechanisms of historical preservation involve living memory, we do not believe that the fame can continue to decay indenitely into the future. Moreover, experiments with long-term decay did not further improve our rankings, as measured by the validation criteria discussed in Section 2.5. Even after incorporating this reputational decay into our model, contemporary gures still appeared to be overvalued. As described in Section 2.4.2, the rate at which Wikipedia people are recorded as dying over the past 20 years far exceeds our baseline relative to human population, meaning more have been nding their way into Wikipedia than was the case for previous generations. This recency effect exaggerates several variables we employ in our analysis for contemporary people, including page hits, revisions, and newspaper frequency. Entities of current interest must be further discounted in signicance to compensate for this effect. To do so, we extracted the dates mentioned in each individuals Wikipedia page. This provides us with an excellent measure of the prime


appendix a

Average Celebrity Average Gravitas Average Score for Group 0.5


1 1940








Most Common Year in Article

F I G U R E A.5. The Wikipedia Effect on reputation. Contemporary gures have come to exhibit greater celebrity since the founding of Wikipedia.

of each individuals career. And indeed, when we examine entities active in recent years, we see a signicant skew upward in overall celebrity. Figure A.5 plots the average celebrity and gravitas for all entities peaking each year. The magnitude of this skew provides an estimate of the popularity overination of recent gures. We subtracted out this skew from the decayed signicance score for each person, based on their year of peak activity. This yields our nal Signicance score. Figure A.3 shows how the overall signicance rank, used throughout the book, corresponds to raw signicance score values. These corrections not only anecdotally improve the quality of rankings, but provide a substantial boost when compared to human-created rankings. Our evaluation procedure and results are discussed in Section 2.5.



B.1 Websites and Databases

We hope that some readers will be inspired by this book to perform further investigations into historical signicance. We encourage you to visit our website at http://www.whoisbigger.com, where you can access our latest analysis for more than 800,000 different people. These rankings will be updated to reect more recent editions of Wikipedia, including those of languages beyond English. This website is still under active development, so you will have to visit to see exactly what information we present on each individual. But at the time of this writing, we include rosters of people with comparable signicance, celebrity, and gravitas, to help you put their achievements into perspective. We also provide an interface to rank individuals within hundreds of thousands of Wikipedia categories, so you can see how they stack up in comparison with their peers. We also encourage the reader to check out the Google books Ngram viewer, which Google makes available at http://http://books. google.com/ngrams. Although we have developed our own Ngram visualizations, which we make available at http://www.whois bigger.com, the Google site has far more comprehensive data. This includes more general vocabularies, annotation by parts of speech, and even Ngrams in multiple languages. It is a fabulous resource to explore.


appendix b

B.2 Birth/Death Calendars

In Section 7.2 of Chapter 7, we showed that life outcomes can be affected (at least to a minor extent) by the specics of ones calendar birth date. It is natural to be curious about which historical gures share your birth date: perhaps this kinship may reect something of our own prospects for the future. For fun, we have computed the most signicant people born on each date of the year, and placed them here, in Figures B.1 and B.2. Take a peek at the calendars to nd which major historical gure was born under your star. Steve is proud to share his birth date with Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) [43], while Charles has something nice in common with Bill Gates (1955 ) [904]. Here are a few amusing curiosities to note as you peruse the calendars:
Albert Einstein (18791955) [19] is the most signicant person ever born on March 14, a festive date for math and science known as Pi Day because it is written as 3/14. The rarest birth date on the calendar, by far, is the leap day February 29. Yet its representative is adequately distinguished: the classical composer Gioachino Rossini (17921868) [390]. He is most famous for the Lone Rangers William Tell Overture. The least signicant person to command a birth date appears to be the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi (17981837) [2909], born on June 29. Other possible candidates for this date might have been singer Nelson Eddy (19011967) [13795] and author/aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupry (19001944) [6148]. Leopardi presents a tempting target, so if you were born on this date, you now have a new life goal to shoot for. The most famous birthday of all is Christmas, yet historical and calendrical uncertainties make it impossible to assign December 25 as the true birth date of Jesus (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1]. Instead, the most signicant person born on that date was Muhammad Ali Jinnah (18761948) [542], the founder of Pakistan.

We have also constructed tables of the most signicant historical gures by death date. In a nice bit of symmetry, we note that Charles I (1600 1649) [39] was beheaded on Steves birthday. The most signicant person

January Date 1-01 1-02 1-03 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-09 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 1-28 1-29 1-30 1-31 Person Sig. Date 2-01 2-02 2-03 2-04 2-05 2-06 2-07 2-08 2-09 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29

February Person Sig. Date 3-01 3-02 3-03 3-04 3-05 3-06 3-07 3-08 3-09 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31

March Person Sig.

Huldrych Zwingli 484 James Wolfe 687 J. R. R. Tolkien 192 Isaac Newton 21 Shah Jahan 677 Richard II 527 Millard Fillmore 446 Elvis Presley 69 Richard Nixon 82 Rod Stewart 1646 John A. Macdonald 159 Edmund Burke 381 Salmon P . Chase 1164 Benedict Arnold 222 Martin Luther King 221 J. C. Breckinridge 2071 Benjamin Franklin 35 Montesquieu 268 Edgar Allan Poe 54 Charles III 707 Stonewall Jackson 283 Francis Bacon 81 John Hancock 616 Frederick the Great 163 Robert Burns 317 Douglas MacArthur 315 Wolfgang A. Mozart 24 Thomas Aquinas 90 Thomas Paine 113 F. D. Roosevelt 43 Franz Schubert 198 April

Isaac Asimov 916 Charles Darwin 12 Felix Mendelssohn 199 Charles Lindbergh 736 Robert Peel 584 Ronald Reagan 32 Charles Dickens 33 William T. Sherman 233 William H. Harrison 288 Bertolt Brecht 933 Thomas Edison 40 Abraham Lincoln 5 Thomas R. Malthus 265 Babur 587 Susan B. Anthony 432 Ernst Haeckel 630 Frederick Douglass 402 Mary I 126 Nicolaus Copernicus 74 Rihanna 1185 John Henry Newman 534 George Washington 6 George F. Handel 114 Charles V 84 P . Renoir 549 Victor Hugo 208 Constantine the G. 67 Michel de Montaigne 791 Gioachino Rossini 390

Frdric Chopin 195 Pope Pius XII 294 Alexander G. Bell 106 Antonio Vivaldi 262 Henry II 170 Michelangelo 86 Maurice Ravel 812 Oliver W. Holmes 885 Amerigo Vespucci 407 Ferdinand II 454 Harold Wilson 1337 George Berkeley 776 Joseph Priestley 330 Albert Einstein 19 Andrew Jackson 66 James Madison 51 Toyotomi Hideyoshi 515 Grover Cleveland 98 David Livingstone 635 Henrik Ibsen 403 Johann S. Bach 48 Maximilian I 609 P . Laplace 659 William Morris 302 Elton John 1042 Robert Frost 644 Mariah Carey 636 Teresa of vila 1216 John Tyler 341 Vincent van Gogh 73 Ren Descartes 92 June

May Sig. Date 5-01 5-02 5-03 5-04 5-05 5-06 5-07 5-08 5-09 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 Person Sig. Date 6-01 6-02 6-03 6-04 6-05 6-06 6-07 6-08 6-09 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-24 6-25 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29 6-30 Arthur Wellesley 174 Catherine the Great 108 Niccol Machiavelli 168 Thomas Henry Huxley 365 Karl Marx 14 Sigmund Freud 44 P . I. Tchaikovsky 63 Harry S. Truman 94 John Brown 304 John Wilkes Booth 451 Salvador Dal 1021 F. Nightingale 270 Pope Pius IX 334 Charles IV 826 Claudio Monteverdi 704 Janet Jackson 559 Edward Jenner 746 Pope John Paul II 91 Ho Chi Minh 779 John Stuart Mill 201 Philip II 87 Richard Wagner 62 Carl Linnaeus 31 Queen Victoria 16 Ralph Waldo Emerson 122 John Wayne 459 Ibn Khaldun 437 George I 289 John F. Kennedy 71 Benny Goodman 1800 Walt Whitman 160

Date 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-04 4-05 4-06 4-07 4-08 4-09 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30




Otto von Bismarck 97 Charlemagne 22 Washington Irving 433 Muddy Waters 2374 Thomas Hobbes 167 Raphael 140 William Wordsworth 182 Timur 290 Isambard K. Brunel 371 Matthew C. Perry 645 Septimius Severus 662 Henry Clay 252 Thomas Jefferson 10 Christiaan Huygens 715 Leonardo da Vinci 29 Charlie Chaplin 295 Cap Anson 2342 David Ricardo 561 Roger Sherman 1029 Adolf Hitler 7 Elizabeth II 132 Immanuel Kant 59 William Shakespeare 4 William the Silent 690 Oliver Cromwell 50 David Hume 128 Ulysses S. Grant 28 James Monroe 220 Alexander II 385 Carl F. Gauss 207

Dante Alighieri 96 Thomas Hardy 378 Jefferson Davis 188 George III 58 John Maynard Keynes 469 Alexander Pushkin 420 Paul Gauguin 540 Frank Lloyd Wright 245 Peter the Great 107 Prince Philip 909 Ben Jonson 421 George H. W. Bush 363 Wineld Scott 787 Che Guevara 457 Edvard Grieg 711 Adam Smith 56 Edward I 155 Paul McCartney 447 Blaise Pascal 157 Jacques Offenbach 968 Jean-Paul Sartre 1003 George Vancouver 725 Oda Nobunaga 458 Robert Dudley 474 George Orwell 342 William Thomson 450 Charles S. Parnell 836 Henry VIII 11 Giacomo Leopardi 2909 Joseph D. Hooker 1151

F I G U R E B.1.

The most signicant gure born on each day of the year, January through


July Date 7-01 7-02 7-03 7-04 7-05 7-06 7-07 7-08 7-09 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-27 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-31 Person Diana Thomas Cranmer Franz Kafka Nathaniel Hawthorne Cecil Rhodes George W. Bush Gustav Mahler John D. Rockefeller Franz Boas Nikola Tesla John Quincy Adams Henry David Thoreau John Dee Gerald Ford Rembrandt Joshua Reynolds Ismail I Robert Hooke Edgar Degas Gregor Mendel Ernest Hemingway Philip I Bal Gangadhar Tilak Simn Bolvar Arthur Balfour George Bernard Shaw Triple H Marcel Duchamp Benito Mussolini Henry Ford Milton Friedman October Date 10-01 10-02 10-03 10-04 10-05 10-06 10-07 10-08 10-09 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 Person Jimmy Carter Mohandas K. Gandhi Stevie Ray Vaughan Rutherford B. Hayes Chester A. Arthur Louis Philippe I Heinrich Himmler Jesse Jackson John Lennon Giuseppe Verdi Eleanor Roosevelt Edward VI Margaret Thatcher D. D. Eisenhower Friedrich Nietzsche Oscar Wilde Eminem Pierre Trudeau Thomas Browne John Dewey Samuel T. Coleridge Franz Liszt Pel Domitian Pablo Picasso Hillary R. Clinton Theodore Roosevelt Bill Gates Joseph Goebbels John Adams John Keats Sig. 462 46 2312 325 499 482 671 1589 162 228 517 206 271 110 42 77 823 870 1568 417 280 116 1418 3035 171 575 23 904 810 61 305 Date 11-01 11-02 11-03 11-04 11-05 11-06 11-07 11-08 11-09 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 Sig. 837 455 724 227 706 36 364 172 1053 93 135 131 906 230 189 1143 1358 216 422 250 248 1472 1791 448 1036 213 1596 1245 101 148 700 Date 8-01 8-02 8-03 8-04 8-05 8-06 8-07 8-08 8-09 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-13 8-14 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25 8-26 8-27 8-28 8-29 8-30 8-31

August Person Herman Melville Francis Scott Key Stanley Baldwin Percy B. Shelley Guy de Maupassant Alfred Nathanael Greene Roger Federer Whitney Houston Herbert Hoover Hulk Hogan George IV Alfred Hitchcock Pope Pius VII Napoleon Madonna Davy Crockett Franz Joseph I Bill Clinton Benjamin Harrison William IV Claude Debussy Louis XVI William Wilberforce Ivan the Terrible Antoine Lavoisier Georg W. F. Hegel J. W. von Goethe John Locke Mary Shelley Caligula November Person Alfred Wegener Marie Antoinette Aurangzeb Sean Combs Eugene V. Debs Suleiman the M. Leon Trotsky Bram Stoker Benjamin Banneker George II Fyodor Dostoyevsky Auguste Rodin Augustine of Hippo William III William Herschel John Bright Louis XVIII W. S. Gilbert Charles I Alexander Hamilton Voltaire Charles de Gaulle Franklin Pierce Zachary Taylor Andrew Carnegie Tina Turner Jimi Hendrix William Blake C. S. Lewis Winston Churchill Sig. 1146 125 332 1708 1340 354 278 651 1797 340 244 574 72 143 719 2678 491 744 39 45 64 396 427 299 104 1189 338 102 327 37 Date 12-01 12-02 12-03 12-04 12-05 12-06 12-07 12-08 12-09 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-22 12-23 12-24 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29 12-30 12-31 Sig. 251 1050 1416 329 1160 301 1025 743 1191 183 1353 318 439 1441 2 121 606 398 115 339 377 380 83 387 297 276 142 88 100 223 210 Date 9-01 9-02 9-03 9-04 9-05 9-06 9-07 9-08 9-09 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-22 9-23 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-29 9-30

September Person Johann Pachelbel Liliuokalani Louis Sullivan Anton Bruckner Louis XIV Gilbert du Motier Elizabeth I Richard I Leo Tolstoy Charles S. Peirce D. H. Lawrence Francis I John J. Pershing A. von Humboldt Marco Polo Henry V Bernhard Riemann Samuel Johnson Henry III Upton Sinclair H. G. Wells Michael Faraday Kublai Khan John Marshall Qianlong Emperor T. S. Eliot Louis XIII Georges Clemenceau Horatio Nelson Jacques Necker Sig. 1369 1088 1719 854 26 217 13 120 196 225 1166 351 764 520 147 497 1091 141 920 1150 249 175 346 401 856 436 426 1085 219 2355

December Person Sig. A. of Denmark 878 Britney Spears 689 George B. McClellan 554 Francisco Franco 291 Martin Van Buren 277 Henry VI 599 Gian L. Bernini 680 Mary 127 John Milton 165 Emily Dickinson 194 Hector Berlioz 419 Frank Sinatra 357 Henry IV 238 Tycho Brahe 362 Nero 656 Jane Austen 139 William L. M. King 668 Joseph Stalin 18 Philip V 749 Robert Menzies 1514 Thomas Becket 264 Diocletian 181 Alexander I 404 John 136 Muhammad Ali Jinnah 542 Mao Zedong 151 Louis Pasteur 112 Woodrow Wilson 47 Andrew Johnson 105 Rudyard Kipling 259 Jacques Cartier 306

F I G U R E B.2.

The most signicant gure born on each day of the year, July through


January Date 01-01 01-02 01-03 01-04 01-05 01-06 01-07 01-08 01-09 01-10 01-11 01-12 01-13 01-14 01-15 01-16 01-17 01-18 01-19 01-20 01-21 01-22 01-23 01-24 01-25 01-26 01-27 01-28 01-29 01-30 01-31 Person Basil of Caesarea James Longstreet Josiah Wedgwood T. S. Eliot Calvin Coolidge Theodore Roosevelt Nikola Tesla Marco Polo Victor Emmanuel II Carl Linnaeus Thomas Hardy Maximilian I James Joyce George Berkeley Vasco N. d. Balboa Edward Gibbon Rutherford B. Hayes Rudyard Kipling P . Proudhon John Ruskin Vladimir Lenin Queen Victoria William Pitt the Y. Winston Churchill Al Capone Edward Jenner Ali Henry VIII George III Charles I Guy Fawkes April Date 04-01 04-02 04-03 04-04 04-05 04-06 04-07 04-08 04-09 04-10 04-11 04-12 04-13 04-14 04-15 04-16 04-17 04-18 04-19 04-20 04-21 04-22 04-23 04-24 04-25 04-26 04-27 04-28 04-29 04-30 Person Sig. Date 05-01 05-02 05-03 05-04 05-05 05-06 05-07 05-08 05-09 05-10 05-11 05-12 05-13 05-14 05-15 05-16 05-17 05-18 05-19 05-20 05-21 05-22 05-23 05-24 05-25 05-26 05-27 05-28 05-29 05-30 05-31 E. of Aquitaine 476 Pope John Paul II 91 Johannes Brahms 204 Martin Luther King 221 Douglas MacArthur 315 Richard I 120 Henry Ford 148 Pablo Picasso 171 Francis Bacon 81 Joseph L. Lagrange 683 Llywelyn the Great 1714 F. D. Roosevelt 43 Jean de La Fontaine 1447 George F. Handel 114 Abraham Lincoln 5 Francisco Goya 366 Benjamin Franklin 35 Albert Einstein 19 Charles Darwin 12 Bram Stoker 651 Mark Twain 53 Richard Nixon 82 William Shakespeare 4 Daniel Defoe 551 Anders Celsius 1510 John Wilkes Booth 451 Ralph Waldo Emerson 122 Benito Mussolini 101 Alfred Hitchcock 439 Adolf Hitler 7 Sig. 1044 1105 1720 436 370 23 93 147 897 31 378 609 406 776 1136 573 325 259 1076 550 75 16 409 37 646 746 89 11 58 39 392 Date 02-01 02-02 02-03 02-04 02-05 02-06 02-07 02-08 02-09 02-10 02-11 02-12 02-13 02-14 02-15 02-16 02-17 02-18 02-19 02-20 02-21 02-22 02-23 02-24 02-25 02-26 02-27 02-28 02-29

February Person Sig. Date 03-01 03-02 03-03 03-04 03-05 03-06 03-07 03-08 03-09 03-10 03-11 03-12 03-13 03-14 03-15 03-16 03-17 03-18 03-19 03-20 03-21 03-22 03-23 03-24 03-25 03-26 03-27 03-28 03-29 03-30 03-31 Mary Shelley 223 Bertrand Russell 253 Woodrow Wilson 47 Septimius Severus 662 Thomas Carlyle 733 Charles II 78 Pope Pius IX 334 Peter the Great 107 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 244 Montesquieu 268 Ren Descartes 92 Immanuel Kant 59 Richard Wagner 62 James Cook 60 H. H. Asquith 782 Charles Theodore 4959 Wilfrid Laurier 543 Michelangelo 86 Timur 290 Frederick Douglass 402 Baruch Spinoza 309 Amerigo Vespucci 407 John Quincy Adams 135 Robert Fulton 954 Christopher Wren 600 Roger II 2591 Ivan Pavlov 946 Henry James 408 Ludwig I 2174

March Person Leopold II John Wesley Robert Hooke Saladin Joseph Stalin Ayn Rand Thomas Aquinas William Howard Taft William I Harriet Tubman Charles Sumner Pope Gregory I Benjamin Harrison Karl Marx H. P . Lovecraft Tiberius William II Ivan the Terrible Ibn Khaldun Henry IV Pocahontas J. W. von Goethe Paul I Elizabeth I Claude Debussy Walt Whitman M. C. Escher D. D. Eisenhower Robert Falcon Scott Rudolf Steiner Isaac Newton June Sig. Date 06-01 06-02 06-03 06-04 06-05 06-06 06-07 06-08 06-09 06-10 06-11 06-12 06-13 06-14 06-15 06-16 06-17 06-18 06-19 06-20 06-21 06-22 06-23 06-24 06-25 06-26 06-27 06-28 06-29 06-30 Person James Buchanan Giuseppe Garibaldi William Harvey Wilhelm II Ronald Reagan John A. Macdonald Robert the Bruce Muhammad Charles Dickens Frederick I George I William C. Bryant Miyamoto Musashi Benedict Arnold James K. Polk John Churchill John III Sobieski Roald Amundsen Maximilian I William IV N. Machiavelli Judy Garland Vespasian Grover Cleveland Michael Jackson George IV Giorgio Vasari James Madison Henry Clay Moctezuma II Sig. 237 352 468 200 32 159 470 3 33 456 289 1779 940 222 240 879 1157 1109 798 377 168 1031 588 98 180 318 902 51 252 928 Sig. 1365 359 216 138 18 486 90 153 769 1093 1094 394 339 14 713 272 2711 297 437 585 428 88 828 13 380 160 1749 110 808 775 21

May Person David Livingstone 635 Leonardo da Vinci 29 Mehmed II 496 Josip Broz Tito 562 Napoleon 2 Henry David Thoreau 131 Otto I 762 John Stuart Mill 201 Friedrich Schiller 564 Stonewall Jackson 283 William Pitt 881 John Dryden 806 Georges Cuvier 772 Henry IV 238 Emily Dickinson 194 Joseph Fourier 1542 John Jay 411 Gustav Mahler 364 Anne Boleyn 154 C. Columbus 20 Hernando de Soto 473 Constantine the G. 67 John D. Rockefeller 172 Nicolaus Copernicus 74 Pope Gregory VII 774 Bede 308 John Calvin 99 Noah Webster 1132 W. S. Gilbert 744 Voltaire 64 Joseph Haydn 129

F I G U R E B.3.

The most signicant gure who died on each day of the year, January

through June

July Date 07-01 07-02 07-03 07-04 07-05 07-06 07-07 07-08 07-09 07-10 07-11 07-12 07-13 07-14 07-15 07-16 07-17 07-18 07-19 07-20 07-21 07-22 07-23 07-24 07-25 07-26 07-27 07-28 07-29 07-30 07-31 Person Sig. Date 08-01 08-02 08-03 08-04 08-05 08-06 08-07 08-08 08-09 08-10 08-11 08-12 08-13 08-14 08-15 08-16 08-17 08-18 08-19 08-20 08-21 08-22 08-23 08-24 08-25 08-26 08-27 08-28 08-29 08-30 08-31 Harriet B. Stowe 449 J. Rousseau 80 Jim Morrison 1311 Thomas Jefferson 10 Stamford Rafes 1634 Henry II 170 Edward I 155 Percy B. Shelley 329 Zachary Taylor 299 Hadrian 214 George Gershwin 792 Alexander Hamilton 45 Rashi 658 Philip II 655 Anton Chekhov 523 Pope Innocent III 598 Adam Smith 56 Jane Austen 139 Petrarch 326 Pope Leo XIII 424 Robert Burns 317 William L. M. King 668 Ulysses S. Grant 28 Martin Van Buren 277 Samuel T. Coleridge 280 Sam Houston 498 Bob Hope 1098 Johann S. Bach 48 Vincent van Gogh 73 Otto von Bismarck 97 Andrew Johnson 105 October Date 10-01 10-02 10-03 10-04 10-05 10-06 10-07 10-08 10-09 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-28 10-29 10-30 10-31 Person Sig. Date 11-01 11-02 11-03 11-04 11-05 11-06 11-07 11-08 11-09 11-10 11-11 11-12 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 11-24 11-25 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-30 Pierre Corneille 2024 Samuel Adams 467 Francis of Assisi 275 Rembrandt 189 Charles Cornwallis 481 Alfred 301 Edgar Allan Poe 54 Franklin Pierce 427 Pope Pius XII 294 Orson Welles 729 Huldrych Zwingli 484 Robert E. Lee 76 Claudius 211 Harold Godwinson 570 Andreas Vesalius 754 Marie Antoinette 125 Frdric Chopin 195 Thomas Edison 40 John 136 Herbert Hoover 183 Horatio Nelson 219 Paul Czanne 389 W. G. Grace 849 Tycho Brahe 362 Geoffrey Chaucer 173 Alfred the Great 267 Akbar 186 John Locke 100 Walter Raleigh 313 Charles Tupper 1270 Harry Houdini 621

August Person Sig. Date 09-01 09-02 09-03 09-04 09-05 09-06 09-07 09-08 09-09 09-10 09-11 09-12 09-13 09-14 09-15 09-16 09-17 09-18 09-19 09-20 09-21 09-22 09-23 09-24 09-25 09-26 09-27 09-28 09-29 09-30 Anne 256 Alexander G. Bell 106 Joseph Conrad 544 Hans C. Andersen 435 Marilyn Monroe 347 Ben Jonson 421 Rabindranath Tagore 397 Trajan 298 Ernst Haeckel 630 Leo Janek 3244 Andrew Carnegie 104 William Blake 102 H. G. Wells 249 William R. Hearst 565 Stephen I 1280 Elvis Presley 69 Frederick the Great 163 Pope Alexander VI 625 Augustus 30 Pope Pius X 571 Leon Trotsky 278 Richard III 344 William Wallace 296 Henry VII 2097 Friedrich Nietzsche 42 William James 442 Titian 319 Augustine of Hippo 72 Brigham Young 471 J. J. Thomson 514 Henry V 497 November Person Sig. Date 12-01 12-02 12-03 12-04 12-05 12-06 12-07 12-08 12-09 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-22 12-23 12-24 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29 12-30 12-31 Ezra Pound 507 George Bernard Shaw 213 Umar 234 Felix Mendelssohn 199 Casimir III the G. 1563 P . I. Tchaikovsky 63 Eleanor Roosevelt 517 John Milton 165 Charles de Gaulle 396 Mustafa K. Atatrk 360 Sren Kierkegaard 400 Cnut the Great 355 Gioachino Rossini 390 Georg W. F. Hegel 142 Johannes Kepler 156 Louis Riel 463 Mary I 126 Chester A. Arthur 499 Franz Schubert 198 Leo Tolstoy 196 Franz Joseph I 398 John F. Kennedy 71 Roald Dahl 1177 John Knox 425 Upton Sinclair 1150 Isabella I 236 Clovis I 666 Washington Irving 433 Hans Holbein the Y. 555 Oscar Wilde 77

September Person Sig. Louis XIV 26 J. R. R. Tolkien 192 Oliver Cromwell 50 Robert Dudley 474 Mother Teresa 820 Suleiman the M. 354 John G. Whittier 1698 Richard Strauss 586 William the C. 70 Mary Wollstonecraft 654 Nikita Khrushchev 416 Johnny Cash 900 Philip II 87 Dante Alighieri 96 Isambard K. Brunel 371 James II 137 Dred Scott 883 Leonhard Euler 185 James A. Gareld 285 Jean Sibelius 1309 Charles V 84 Guru Nanak Dev 414 Sigmund Freud 44 Dr. Seuss 893 Pope Clement VII 988 Daniel Boone 501 Edgar Degas 422 Louis Pasteur 112 Gustav I 1063 Jerome 320

December Person Henry I John Brown Diocletian Thomas Hobbes Claude Monet Saint Nicholas William Bligh John Lennon Sigismund Avicenna Llywelyn the Last Robert Browning Samuel Johnson George Washington Walt Disney Camille Saint-Sans Simn Bolvar J. Lamarck Emily Bront John Steinbeck George S. Patton George Eliot Thomas R. Malthus Vasco da Gama Samuel de Champlain Harry S. Truman Gustave Eiffel Maurice Ravel Thomas Becket Robert Boyle John Wycliffe Sig. 438 304 181 167 178 331 1255 162 712 190 2090 608 141 6 337 842 448 479 2008 576 526 590 265 281 205 94 807 812 264 310 579

F I G U R E B.4.

The most signicant gure who died on each day of the year, July through




to die on our Charless birthday is John Locke (16321704) [100]. You can check out yours in Figures B.3 and B.4.

B.3 The Whos Bigger App

The inspiration for this book goes back to long family car rides that I (Steve) took while growingup. To pass the time, my brothers Len and Rob and I took turns posing pairs of actors, athletes, and other celebrities to our parents, asking them to decide who was bigger. We felt we won whenever Mom and Dad came up with conicting answers, or gave up when challenged with a ridiculous or obscure-enough pairing, say, singer Tony Martin (1913 2012) [20800] and actor Gene Raymond (19081998) [47144], with whom my father served in World War II. Inspired by this, we have created a free Whos Bigger app for the Apple iPhone and iPad. Cast your vote as to which is the more signicant or famous person in a head-to-head battle between two historical gures. We use the signicance analysis methods detailed in this book to determine the right answer. You gain points when you agree with our selection, and lose them when you disagree. Higher levels become more challenging, involving increasingly obscure gures and battles between more closely matched people.


appendix b

This App includes a database with 50,000 of the most signicant historical gures, enough to challenge even the greatest history buff. If you cannot remember why you have heard of someone, click Whos That for a brief description and Read More for a link to their full Wikipedia article. We give each persons historical fame rank at the conclusion of each battle, so you can see exactly where they t into the worlds pecking order. Simulate mode gives you the opportunity to watch battles and get the hang of how the game is played. As the reader of this book should know by now, signicance and fame measure two different things. Albert Einstein (18791955) [19] clearly is more historically signicant, while a celebrity like Justin Bieber (1994 ) [8633] likely is more famous than he is important. You choose between your favorite measure of merit, although we believe signicance makes for a more interesting game. The Settings menu permits you to move to harder questions if the initial settings prove too easy. Upgrading to the full version grants access to two more game variants: one asking whether a particular gure is more famous or signicant, the other letting you specify that all questions involve your favorite historical gure. We warn that this App was produced using an earlier version of our rankings, so we make no promise that they jibe with what you see in this book. Still, we think you will get a kick out of it, so check it out.


Biographical Dictionary

Here we give a brief description of the 100 most signicant people in history, so you can refresh your memory on any of them who seem fuzzy. But rst a confession, to give credit where properly due. These denitions have been edited down from the rst paragraph of each persons Wikipedia article. We have tried to capture the essence of each article in a text short enough to be sent over Twitter, i.e., at most 140 characters. Adams, John [61] (17351826) [61] was the second president of the United States; he also served as an American lawyer, statesman, diplomat, and political theorist. Alexander the Great [9] (356323 B.C.) [9], the King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire, is one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. Ali [89] (598661) [89] was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and ruled over the Islamic Caliphate from 656 to 661. Alighieri, Dante [96] (12651321) [96] Durante Alighieri, commonly known as Dante, was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. Aquinas, Thomas [90] (12251274) [90] was an Italian theologian who is remembered for his attempt to reconcile faith and reason in a comprehensive theology. Arc, Joan of [95] (14121431) [95] was a French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize resistance against the England. Aristotle [8] (384322 B.C.) [8] was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato, and teacher of Alexander the Great. Augustus [30] (63 B.C.A.D. 14) [30] is considered the rst emperor of the Roman Empire, which he ruled alone from 27 B.C. until his death in A.D. 14. Bach, Johann Sebastian [48] (16851750) [48] was a Baroque composer; he is considered to be one of the greatest composers of all time. Bacon, Francis [81] (15611626) [81] was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist, author, and father of the scientic method. Beethoven, Ludwig van [27] (17701827) [27] was a German composer and pianist. He remains one of the most famous and inuential composers of all time. Bismarck, Otto von [97] (18151898) [97] was a German-Prussian statesman of the late nineteenth century, and he is a dominant gure in world affairs.


appendix b

Buddha, Gautama [52] (563483 B.C.) [52] was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent; his teachings was the foundation of Buddhism. Bush, George W. [36] (1946 ) [36] was an American politician who served as the 43rd president of the United States, from 2001 to 2009. Caesar, Julius [15] (10044 B.C.) [15] was a Roman general and politician. He played a critical role in the transition of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Calvin, John [99] (15091564) [99] was an inuential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. Charlemagne [22] (742814) [22] was the king of the Franks, rst sovereign of the Christian Empire of the West. Charles I [39] (16001649) [39] was the King of England from 1625 to 1649, he was the only English king to be executed due to power struggle. Charles II [78] (16301685) [78] of was the king of England who was invited to return to Britain after his 9-year exile in mainland Europe due to civil war. Charles V [84] (15001558) [84] was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire best known for his role in opposing the Protestant Reformation. Churchill, Winston [37] (18741965) [37] was a British politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. Cicero [79] (10643 B.C.) [79] was a Roman statesman. He established a model for Latin prose and he was a supporter of Pompey against Julius Caesar. Cleveland, Grover [98] (18371908) [98] was the 22nd and 24th U.S. president. Cleveland is the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms. Columbus, Christopher [20] (14511506) [20] was an Italian explorer, whose voyages

across the Atlantic Ocean led European awareness of the New World. Constantine the Great [67] (272337) [67] was the rst Christian Roman Emperor who ruled from 306 to 337. Cook, James [60] (17281779) [60] was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer who eventually rose to the rank of captain in the Royal Navy. Copernicus, Nicolaus [74] (14731543) [74] was a Renaissance astronomer and the rst person to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology. Cromwell, Oliver [50] (15991658) [50] was an English military and political leader best known in England for his overthrow of the English monarchy. Darwin, Charles [12] (18091882) [12] was a scientist who laid the foundations of the theory of evolution and changed our perspective about the natural world. David [57] (1040970 B.C.) [57] was the second king of the united Kingdom of Israel according to the Hebrew Bible. Descartes, Ren [92] (15961650) [92] was a French philosopher, mathematician, and writer who is considered to be the father of modern philosophy. Dickens, Charles [33] (18121870) [33] was an English novelist, also regarded as the greatest author of the Victorian period. Edison, Thomas [40] (18471931) [40] was an American inventor who developed many devices (phonograph, lightbulb, etc.) that profoundly inuenced the world. Einstein, Albert [19] (18791955) [19] was a theoretical physicist who discovered the theory of relativity, which laid the foundation of modern physics. Elizabeth I [13] (15331603) [13] was the fth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty whose reign is famously known as the Elizabethan era. Franklin, Benjamin [35] (17061790) [35] was a noted polymath from Pennsylvania in

b i o graphical dictionary


the colonial era, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Freud, Sigmund [44] (18561939) [44] was a prominent Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis. Galilei, Galileo [49] (15641642) [49] was an Italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientic Revolution. Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand [46] (18691948) [46] was the political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement. George III [58] (17381820) [58] was the third British monarch of the House of Hanover who is remembered as The King Who Lost America. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [88] (1749 1832) [88] was a German writer and polymath who is considered the supreme genius of modern German literature. Grant, Ulysses S. [28] (18221885) [28] was the 18th U.S. president as well as military commander during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Hamilton, Alexander [45] (17551804) [45] was the rst U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, a Founding Father, economist, and political philosopher. Henry VIII [11] (14911547) [11] of England was the second monarch of the House of Tudor who separated the Church of England from papal authority in Rome. Hippo, Augustine of [72] (354430) [72] was a Christian bishop whose writings were very inuential in the development of Western Christianity. Hitler, Adolf [7] (18891945) [7] was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party during World War II. Jackson, Andrew [66] (17671845) [66] was the 7th president of the United States who destroyed the national bank and relocated most Indian tribes to the west.

James I [41] (15661625) [41] of England was an English king known mainly for his advocacy of the divine right of kings and his authorization of the King James Bible. Jefferson, Thomas [10] (17431826) [10] was the third president of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Jesus [1] (7 B.C.A.D. 30) [1] of Nazareth, also referred to as Jesus Christ or Jesus, is the central gure of Christianity. Kant, Immanuel [59] (17241804) [59] is one of the most inuential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. Kennedy, John F. [71] (19171963) [71] was the 35th president of the United States, serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Khan, Genghis [38] (11621227) [38] was the founder of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. King Arthur [85] ( ? ? ) [85] was a legendary British leader of Late Antiquity who led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the early sixth century. Lee, Robert E. [76] (18071870) [76] was a career military ofcer who is best known for having commanded the Confederate Army in the American Civil War. Lenin, Vladimir [75] (18701924) [75] was a Russian Marxist revolutionary, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, and leader of the October Revolution. Leonardo da Vinci [29] (14521519) [29] was an Italian Renaissance polymath who epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. Lincoln, Abraham [5] (18091865) [5] was the 16th president of the United States who preserved the Union during the Civil War and abolished slavery. Linnaeus, Carl [31] (17071778) [31] was the "Father of Taxonomy" whose system for naming, ranking, and classifying organisms is still in use today.


appendix b

Locke, John [100] (16321704) [100] was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most important Enlightenment thinkers. Louis XIV [26] (16381715) [26] of France was the longest-reigning and most powerful king in European history who built the lavish Palace of Versailles in France. Louis XVI [83] (17541793) [83] was the king of France and Navarre from 1774 who was guillotined after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1793. Luther, Martin [17] (14831546) [17] was a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation. Madison, James [51] (17511836) [51] was an American politician and political philosopher who served as the fourth president of the United States. Marx, Karl [14] (18181883) [14] was a German philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary socialist, who developed the theory of Marxism. Michelangelo [86] (14751564) [86] was an Italian Renaissance sculptor and architect who exerted a tremendous inuence on the development of Western art. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [24] (1756 1791) [24] was a prolic and inuential Austrian composer of the Classical era. Muhammad [3] (570632) [3] is regarded as the founder of Islam, and is considered by Muslims to be a messenger and prophet of God. Napoleon [2] (17691821) [2] Bonaparte was a military and political leader during the latter stages of the French Revolution. Newton, Isaac [21] (16431727) [21] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. Nietzsche, Friedrich [42] (18441900) [42] was a German philosopher whose writings challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality.

Nixon, Richard [82] (19131994) [82] was the 37th U.S. president; he became the rst president to resign owing to his involvement in the Watergate scandal. Paul the Apostle [34] (A.D. 5A.D. 67) [34] was one of the most inuential Christian missionaries, whose writings form a considerable portion of the New Testament. Paul, Pope John II [91] (19202005) [91] was the second-longest serving pope in history who reigned as pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 until his death. Peter, Saint [65] ( ? ? ) [65] was an early Christian leader and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus who is featured prominently in the New Testament Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Philip II [87] (15271598) [87] of Spain was a monarch in sixteenth-century Europe under whose rule Spain reached the height of its inuence and power. Plato [25] (427347 B.C.) [25] was a Classical Greek philosopher, who also founded the rst institution of higher learning in the Western world. Poe, Edgar Allan [54] (18091849) [54] was an American author, poet, editor, and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Presley, Elvis Aaron [69] (19351977) [69] was an American singer, musician, and actor. He was one of the most popular American singers of the twentieth-century. Reagan, Ronald [32] (19112004) [32] was the 40th president of the United States, the 33rd governor of California, and an actor before his political career. Roosevelt, Franklin D. [43] (18821945) [43] was the 32nd U.S. president and a central world gure during the time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. Roosevelt, Theodore [23] (18581919) [23] was the 26th president who played an important role in the Spanish-American War.

b i o graphical dictionary


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques [80] (17121778) [80] was a philosopher who inuenced the American and French Revolutions with his writings on education and politics. Shakespeare, William [4] (15641616) [4] was an English poet and playwright, also regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. Smith, Adam [56] (17231790) [56] was a Scottish economist whose work The Wealth of Nations is considered to be the rst modern work of economics. Smith, Joseph [55] (18051844) [55] was an American religious leader and the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, which gave rise to Mormonism. Socrates [68] (469399 B.C.) [68] was a classical Greek philosopher. His teaching was known chiey through the writings of his student Plato. Stalin, Joseph [18] (18781953) [18] was the unrivaled dictator of the Soviet Union, who ruled from 1928 until his death in 1953. Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich [63] (18401893) [63] was a composer of the Romantic era who is considered to be one of the most important composers of all time. Tesla, Nikola [93] (18561943) [93] was an inventor and electrical engineer. He was an important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity. Truman, Harry S. [94] (18841972) [94] was the 33rd U.S. President; he played a signicant role in WW II, the establishment of the UN, and the Marshall Plan.

Twain, Mark [53] (18351910) [53] was an American author whose writings such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer have had worldwide inuence. Von Gogh, Vincent [73] (18531890) [73] was a post-Impressionist painter whose work had a big inuence on modern art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. Victoria, Queen [16] (18191901) [16] was the longest reigning monarch of the United Kingdom from 1837 until her death. Voltaire [64] (16941778) [64] was a French Enlightenment philosopher famous for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and free trade. Wagner, Richard [62] (18131883) [62] was a German composer, conductor, theater director, and essayist, primarily known for his operas. Washington, George [6] (17321799) [6] was the dominant military and political leader of the United States from 1775 to 1799. Wilde, Oscar [77] (18541900) [77] was an Irish writer and poet famous for his sophisticated, brilliantly witty plays. William the Conqueror [70] (1027 1087) [70] was the rst Norman king of England from Christmas 1066 until his death. Wilson, Woodrow [47] (18561924) [47] was the 28th U.S. president who played an important role in WW I and the establishment of the League of Nations.


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thelstan [1865], 157 Aaron, Hank [2066], 125, 131, 133 Abel, Niels Henrik [2155], 226 Abigail [7624], 246 Abraham [382], 153, 245 Adams, Abigail [821], 73, 193 Adams, John [61], 50, 328, 355 Adams, John Quincy [135], 93 Addams, Jane [1256], 105, 322, 330 Adler, Robert [67242], 231 Adulyadej, Bhumibol [3926], 197 Aeschylus [386], 155 Africanus, Scipio [995], 155, 217 Agassiz, Louis [1171], 95 Akers, Michelle [62368], 271 Akhenaten [388], 153 Akkad, Sargon of [1203], 152 Al-Farabi [745], 158 Albright, Madeleine [5857], 65 Alcott, Louisa May [1024], 92, 100 Alcuin [1565], 157 Alexander the Great [9], 155, 355 Alhazen [2415], 158 Ali [89], 156, 257, 355 Ali, Husayn ibn [552], 257 Ali, Muhammad [612], 261 Alighieri, Dante [96], 158, 282, 355 Allen, Woody [1069], 317 Alou, Matty [65370], 112 Amin, Idi [1926], 210 Amundsen, Roald [1109], 241, 242 Andrew, Saint [524], 247 Anna, Antonio Lpez de Santa [682], 205 Annan, Ko [3150], 330

Anson, Cap [2342], 69, 130, 131 Anthony, Susan B. [432], 92, 102, 301, 331 Antin, Mary [101158], 61 Antoinette, Marie [125], 145 Antony, Mark [209], 155 Apelles [9774], 292 Aquinas, Thomas [90], 252, 355 Arafat, Yasser [1486], 265, 329 Arc, Joan of [95], 145, 162, 253, 355 Arcaro, Eddie [39698], 266 Archimedes [146], 218, 221 Arezzo, Guido of [6215], 10 Arias, scar [53166], 206 Aristophanes [418], 155 Aristotle [8], xi, 23, 30, 67, 76, 225, 355 Armistead, James [10241], 58 Armour, Philip Danforth [15273], 235 Armstrong, Edwin Howard [4562], 319 Armstrong, Louis [441], 308, 309 Armstrong, Neil [1394], 56, 57 Arnim, Elizabeth von [40622], 291 Arnold, Benedict [222], 40, 50, 64, 217 Arthur, Chester A. [499], 3, 45, 172 Arthur, Ellen Lewis Herndon [44045], 179 Asimov, Isaac [916], 285 Astaire, Fred [1506], 307 Atanasoff, John Vincent [16594], 233 Atatrk, Mustafa Kemal [360], 202, 212 Atherton, Gertrude [33072], 291 Attila [193], 155 Audubon, John James [1037], 90, 95 Augustus [30], 155, 355 Austen, Jane [139], 160, 280 Austria, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of [541], 11, 326 Autry, Gene [3973], 319

Avalon, Frankie [17639], 307 Avicenna [190], 158, 257 Avils, Pedro Menndez de [5458], 58 Babbage, Charles [273], 226 Bach, Johann Sebastian [48], 160, 355 Bacon, Francis [81], 218, 355 Bai, Li [1552], 280 Baker, Newton D. [12427], 192 Bakr, Abu [372], 257 Ball, Lucille [1391], 320 Bancroft, George [5977], 93 Banks, Ernie [23154], 133 Bannister, Roger [11095], 10 Banzer, Hugo [18817], 205 Barnard, Christiaan [10749], 228 Barnum, P. T. [767], 55, 190, 302 Barrymore, John [2737], 313 Barton, Clara [1138], 92 Baze, Russell [69155], 266 Beck, Glenn [3727], 289 Bede [308], 157 Beecher, Henry Ward [2905], 67, 90, 93 Beecher, Lyman [5203], 93 Beethoven, Ludwig van [27], 160, 355 Belisarius [1071], 156 Bell, Alexander Graham [106], 55, 83, 102, 231, 232 Ben-Gurion, David [1269], 28, 212 Benedict, Pope XVI [361], 161, 248, 249 Benjamin [2913], 246 Benny, Jack [2568], 319 Benz, Karl [840], 9 Berdimuhamedow, Gurbanguly [36382], 229 Berg, Patty [30589], 264 Bergman, Ingrid [2968], 315 Berlin, Irving [1194], 309 Bernard, Claude [3278], 221 Bernhardt, Sarah [1465], 302 Bernstein, Leonard [1209], 305 Berra, Yogi [4886], 113, 124 Bieber, Justin [8633], 3, 4, 30, 307, 310, 354 Bill, Buffalo [664], 302 Billy the Kid [761], 52, 145, 323, 324 Bingen, Hildegard of [1721], 303 Bismarck, Otto von [97], 355 Blatter, Sepp [8430], 272 Bloomberg, Michael [3021], 191 Boehner, John [8436], 186 Bogart, Humphrey [1291], 18, 314 Bolvar, Simn [448], 49, 205 Boleyn, Anne [154], 145, 158


Boleyn, Mary [1911], 158 Bolt, Usain [8225], 273 Bonaparte, Joseph [1062], 81 Bondone, Giotto di [610], 292 Bonds, Barry [2217], 111, 135 Boone, Daniel [501], 95 Booth, Edwin [3686], 301 Booth, John Wilkes [451], 78, 138, 143, 301 Boudinot, Elias [8630], 186 Bowie, Sam [35887], 270 Boyer, Jean Pierre [9346], 208 Boyle, Robert [310], 221 Bradford, William [1379], 49 Bradley, Tom [15342], 191 Bradstreet, Anne [3583], 160 Brandeis, Louis [1134], 28, 107 Brando, Marlon [2266], 320 Brant, Joseph [1328], 51, 61 Braun, Wernher von [1939], 243 Breckinridge, John C. [2071], 178 Brennan, Walter [8006], 317 Brody, Adrien [15319], 316 Brooks, Phillips [14279], 94 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett [1265], 160 Bruce, Blanche [14221], 43 Brunelleschi, Filippo [751], 298 Bryan, Margaret [25072], 158 Bryan, William Jennings [698], 47, 185 Bryant, William Cullen [1779], 93 Buchanan, James [237], 175 Buddha, Gautama [52], 154, 356 Buffett, Warren [1858], 55 Bunning, Jim [16270], 127 Buren, Hannah Van [70913], 179 Burnside, Ambrose [1335], 188 Burr, Aaron [373], 47, 178 Burroughs, William S. [1561], 283 Bush, George H. W. [363], 35, 45, 174 Bush, George W. [36], 16, 172, 175, 344, 356 Bushnell, Horace [54313], 96 Byrd, Robert [1710], 184 Byron, Allegra [16011], 146 Cdmon [2793], 157 Cabot, John [314], 23, 58 Caesar, Julius [15], 216, 356 Calhoun, John C. [399], 46, 178, 188 Callas, Maria [2986], 306, 310 Calment, Jeanne [3329], 146 Calvin, John [99], 250, 356 Campanella, Roy [13397], 133 Campbell, Ben Nighthorse [22686], 62


Clay, Henry [252], 46, 176, 186 Clemens, Roger [5205], 135 Clemente, Roberto [3487], 125 Cleopatra VII [144], 152 Cleveland, Grover [98], 16, 41, 46, 53, 83, 99, 190, 356 Clinton, Bill [115], 174, 175, 344 Clinton, Hillary Rodham [575], 60, 179 Clymer, George [6798], 195 Cobain, Kurt [1359], 77 Cobb, Ty [1108], 125 Cochran, Johnnie [22272], 328 Cofn, Levi [10446], 53 Colbert, Stephen [2700], 320 Collins, Billy [26048], 282 Collins, Michael [1240], 208 Coltrane, John [1827], 308 Columba [1052], 156 Columbus, Christopher [20], 12, 38, 49, 158, 241, 356 Comaneci, Nadia [10257], 275 Comiskey, Charles [7500], 129 Confucius [134], 154 Connor, Roger [10511], 78, 130 Connors, Chuck [13253], 134 Constantine the Great [67], 356 Cook, Frederick [9333], 242 Cook, James [60], 58, 356 Coolidge, Calvin [370], 54, 172 Cooper, Peter [4644], 90 Copernicus, Nicolaus [74], 158, 220, 356 Copley, John Singleton [3609], 91 Cornell, Ezra [11059], 239 Cousteau, Jacques [2799], 231 Crabbe, Buster [17720], 274 Cranmer, Thomas [455], 254 Crick, Francis [1429], 219 Crockett, Davy [606], 95 Cromwell, Oliver [50], 143, 158, 356 Crosby, Bing [947], 308, 313, 314 Ctesibius [9757], 302 Curie, Marie [667], 160, 222 Curtis, Charles [4674], 62 Cushman, Charlotte Saunders [30412], 96 Custer, George Armstrong [379], 217 Czolgosz, Leon [5566], 326 Daz, Porrio [1527], 205 Daguerre, Louis [3005], 9 Daimler, Gottlieb [1461], 9 Dal, Salvador [1021], 293 Daley, Richard J. [4859], 191

Candler, Asa Griggs [9010], 191 Cannon, Joseph Gurney [3515], 186 Capone, Al [646], 322, 324 Capra, Frank [3113], 291 Cardozo, Benjamin N. [3114], 107 Carlin, George [5466], 282 Carnegie, Andrew [104], 236 Carney, William Harvey [24221], 58 Carroll, Lewis [118], 279 Carson, Johnny [4834], 320 Carson, Kit [1215], 53 Carson, Rachel [2322], 61 Carter, Jimmy [462], 35, 45, 172 Cartwright, Alexander [7164], 130 Caruso, Enrico [1249], 306 Carver, George Washington [887], 87, 107 Casals, Pablo [3112], 18 Cash, Johnny [900], 309 Cassidy, Butch [4230], 323 Cassidy, David [11154], 307 Castro, Fidel [506], 201, 202, 207, 252 Catherine the Great [108], 98 Catt, Carrie Chapman [6037], 332 Ceau sescu, Nicolae [2420], 208 Cermak, Anton [7958], 191, 327 Cervantes, Miguel de [246], 283 Chvez Csar [3948], 56, 109, 334 Chadwick, Henry [6753], 130 Chamberlain, Joshua [2234], 188 Chamberlain, Wilt [1786], 269 Channing, William Ellery [7203], 90 Chaplin, Charlie [295], 311 Charlemagne [22], 156, 356 Charles I [39], 143, 151, 158, 348, 356 Charles II [78], 356 Charles V [84], 158, 356 Chaucer, Geoffrey [173], 158, 280, 282 Chekhov, Anton [523], 286 Cheney, Dick [1059], 138 Cher [1373], 315 Chisholm, Shirley [10180], 186 Choate, Rufus [24821], 96 Chomsky, Noam [891], 259 Chopin, Frdric [195], 145 Christie, Agatha [708], 285 Christy, Howard Chandler [50589], 195 Churchill, Winston [37], 10, 41, 48, 208, 285, 356 Cicero [79], 356 Cicotte, Eddie [15219], 135 Cimabue [4245], 292 Clark, James H. [44312], 74 Clark, Jim [5363], 74 Clark, Jim [829063], 74

Daley, Richard M. [17921], 191 Dallas, George M. [6536], 179 Darrow, Clarence [1807], 328 Darwin, Charles [12], 90, 220, 229, 356 David [57], 245, 246, 356 Davis, Jefferson [188], 46, 104 Davis, Miles [973], 309 Davy, Humphry [643], 81 Dawes, William [7692], 43, 50 Dawkins, Richard [1630], 4 Dean, Dizzy [12369], 113 DeBakey, Michael E. [9258], 228 Debayle, Anastasio Somoza [12657], 207 Debs, Eugene V. [1340], 56, 333 Deer, Rob [78253], 112 Deere, John [2411], 55 DeMille, Cecil B. [2107], 317 Dershowitz, Alan [10078], 328 Descartes, Ren [92], 225, 356 Dewey, John [417], 336 Diaghilev, Sergei [2943], 307 Dickens, Charles [33], 279, 281, 356 Dickinson, Emily [194], 79 Dillinger, John [2679], 324 DiMaggio, Joe [2293], 125 Disney, Walt [337], 55, 161, 232, 317 Dix, Dorothea [2844], 92 Djerassi, Carl [47277], 8 Doby, Larry [16845], 133 Doe, Samuel [20763], 210 Dooley, Thomas Anthony III [92953], 32 Dorsey, Tommy [3879], 319 Doubleday, Abner [2722], 130 Douglas, John [9223], 261 Douglas, Marjory Stoneman [22679], 60 Douglass, Frederick [402], 86, 101, 107 Dove, Rita [47391], 282 Doyle, Arthur Conan [247], 285, 289 Drake, Francis [150], 41 Dreiser, Theodore [4885], 112 Dudamel, Gustavo [79745], 305 Duff, Hilary [1626], 320 Duncan, Isadora [1734], 307 Durocher, Leo [10475], 128 Duvalier, Franois [14577], 208 Dykes, Jimmy [28854], 112 Dylan, Bob [130], 161, 283, 296, 310 Eads, James Buchanan [21511], 97 Eakins, Thomas [1341], 98 Earp, Wyatt [858], 52, 162, 323


Eastman, George [1584], 9 Eastwood, Clint [1254], 190 Eckersley, Dennis [12768], 127 Eckert, J. Presper [18998], 233 Eddy, Mary Baker [1771], 255 Eddy, Nelson [13795], 348 Edison, Thomas [40], 55, 104, 142, 160, 231, 301, 310, 356 Edson, Marcellus Gilmore [233015], 107 Edwards, Jonathan [913], 50, 254 Einstein, Albert [19], 41, 55, 107, 219, 220, 348, 354, 356 Eisenhower, Dwight D. [110], 16, 105, 174, 177, 337 Eliot, T. S. [436], 283 Elizabeth I [13], 158, 162, 356 Elizabeth II [132], 197 Ellington, Duke [495], 59 Emerson, Ralph Waldo [122], 104, 301 Emmett, Dan [14245], 100 Engelbart, Douglas [5796], 232 Erasmus, Desiderius [218], 254 Erds, Paul [5640], 226 Ericson, Leif [563], 12 Escobar, Pablo [6830], 325 Euclid [149], 26, 218, 225 Euripides [348], 26 Evans, Billy [28820], 129 Faber, Red [58330], 113 Fairbanks, Charles W. [8054], 179 Falwell, Jerry [3156], 255 Farnsworth, Philo [4812], 233 Fatimah [686], 156 Fauchard, Pierre [16496], 228 Faulkner, William [907], 285 Fawkes, Guy [392], 144 Federer, Roger [743], 263 Feller, Bob [9030], 127 Ferber, Edna [12055], 291 Ferdinand II [454], 48 Ferdowsi [1287], 158 Fergie [3327], 26 Fermi, Enrico [1351], 231 Ferrer, Jos Figueres [27331], 206 Fields, W. C. [3223], 313 Figg, James [31351], 261 Fillmore, Millard [446], 172 Fitzgerald, Ella [1327], 308 Fitzgerald, F. Scott [747], 143 Fleming, Ian [1974], 289 Fontana, Lavinia [34316], 159


Gibbon, Edward [573], 155 Gibbs, Josiah Willard [1244], 102 Gibson, Althea [15789], 263 Gibson, Debbie [6577], 307 Gibson, Josh [12535], 132 Gilbert, W. S. [744], 282 Gillick, Pat [85359], 128 Gilman, Daniel Coit [6779], 337 Gingrich, Newt [5753], 186 Ginsberg, Allen [1775], 283 Girard, Stephen [15469], 238 Giuliani, Rudy [2657], 191, 327 Glashow, Sheldon Lee [22885], 221 Gleason, Jackie [3881], 320 Glenn, John [2977], 46, 57, 242 Goddard, Robert H. [2413], 243 Goethals, George Washington [11404], 97, 102 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [88], 357 Gogh, Vincent van [73], 145, 293 Goldman, Emma [1315], 333 Gomez, Lefty [20494], 16 Gomez, Selena [5365], 16 Gompers, Samuel [1575], 56, 331, 334 Gonzales, Alberto [8601], 327 Goodman, Benny [1800], 319 Goodnight, Charles [10172], 63 Goodyear, Charles [1984], 104, 231 Gore, Al [623], 178, 224 Gorgas, William Crawford [11592], 85, 102 Gotti, John [7374], 325 Gould, Jay [1413], 55, 240 Goya, Francisco [366], 293 Graham, Billy [1780], 255 Graham, Franklin [68651], 255 Grant, Frank [49145], 131 Grant, Ulysses S. [28], 174, 357 Gray, Asa [2391], 90 Gray, Pete [68081], 121 Greeley, Horace [986], 91 Greenberg, Hank [6922], 124 Gregory, Pope I [394], 156, 250, 302 Gretzky, Wayne [1949], 270 Grey, George [2282], 214 Grey, Lady Jane [675], 145 Grey, Zane [4066], 228, 291 Grifth, D. W. [1276], 310 Grisham, John [7995], 329 Grove, Lefty [15761], 122, 127 Guevara, Che [457], 25, 161 Guiteau, Charles J. [3587], 326 Gutenberg, Johannes [328], 158, 234 Gwinnett, Button [7357], 137 Gwynn, Tony [21088], 120

Ford, Gerald [230], 35, 71 Ford, Henry [148], 38, 55, 86, 108, 231 Ford, Robert [12757], 324 Forest, Lee De [2525], 232, 319 Forrest, Nathan Bedford [975], 54, 104 Foster, Jodie [2460], 315 Foster, Rube [22160], 133 Foster, Stephen [1576], 100, 101 Fox, Vicente [4325], 205 Frmont, John C. [1048], 53 France, Anatole [2891], 286 Franco, Francisco [291], 202, 208 Frank, Anne [1821], 78 Frankfurter, Felix [3252], 107 Franklin, Benjamin [35], 159, 195, 238, 300, 356 Franklin, John [987], 81, 241 Frederick I [456], 252 Frederick II [461], 252 Frege, Gottlob [838], 258 Freud, Sigmund [44], 229, 357 Friedan, Betty [5553], 333 Friedman, Milton [700], 225 Frost, Robert [644], 283 Fry, Elizabeth [3789], 160 Fu, Du [2192], 280 Fulbright, J. William [9615], 182 Fulton, Robert [954], 38, 55 Gaga, Lady [2502], 24 Gagarin, Yuri [2324], 12, 242 Galen [324], 227 Galilei, Galileo [49], 253, 357 Galois, variste [2262], 145 Galsworthy, John [6778], 291 Gama, Vasco da [281], 57 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand [46], 160, 213, 357 Gareld, James A. [285], 86 Garner, John Nance [4489], 178 Garrick, David [1995], 302 Garrison, William Lloyd [735], 38, 86 Gates, Bill [904], 55, 151, 233, 236, 237, 348 Gates, Daryl [38518], 327 Gaud, Antoni [558], 298 Gaulle, Charles de [396], 202, 208 Gehrig, Lou [1820], 123 Gehry, Frank [2438], 298 George III [58], 357 George, Henry [1538], 100 George, Saint [260], 155 Geronimo [941], 61 Gershwin, George [792], 105

Haakon VII [2538], 210 Hafey, Chick [109931], 113 Haines, Jesse [75009], 113 Halas, George [5358], 134 Hale, Nathan [1090], 12 Haley, Bill [2452], 308 Hallam, Lewis [145007], 301 Hamilton, Alexander [45], 38, 47, 95, 178, 357 Hamm, Mia [10420], 271 Hammarskjld, Dag [5638], 330 Hammurabi [899], 152, 153, 322 Hancock, John [616], 194 Hanks, Tom [2284], 314 Hannibal [187], 155, 217 Hansen, James [19567], 224 Hanson, John [4024], 12 Harding, Warren G. [242], 86, 172 Hardy, G. H. [3270], 225 Hardy, Oliver [4129], 311 Harris, Joel Chandler [6366], 100 Harrison, John [1400], 152 Harvard, John [5045], 239 Harvey, William [468], 227 Hatshepsut [500], 153 Hawking, Stephen [1656], 223 Hawks, Howard [6178], 292 Hawthorne, Nathaniel [227], 301 Hayek, Friedrich [1156], 225 Hayward, Bill [192701], 333 He, Zheng [464], 57 Heisenberg, Werner [1659], 9 Hemings, Sally [1496], 60 Hemingway, Ernest [248], 125, 289 Henderson, Rickey [4499], 126 Hendrix, Jimi [338], 145, 161, 310 Henie, Sonja [9148], 276 Henry VII [179], 20 Henry VIII [11], 9, 20, 143, 158, 252, 253, 357 Henry, Joseph [2127], 95 Henry, Patrick [472], 12, 73, 96, 188 Henson, Matthew [5224], 242 Hepburn, Katharine [1396], 160, 315 Herod the Great [494], 247 Herodotus [123], 155 Hewlett, William Reddington [19057], 232 Hezekiah [1731], 246 Hideyoshi, Toyotomi [515], 27 Hillary, Edmund [2227], 242 Hillel the Elder [2701], 256 Himmler, Heinrich [671], 161 Hippo, Augustine of [72], 155, 252, 357 Hippocrates [239], 227 Hirohito [1083], 213


Hirst, Damien [7808], 294 Hiss, Alger [2539], 329 Hitchcock, Alfred [439], 317 Hitler, Adolf [7], 24, 160, 208, 217, 322, 357 Hobbes, Thomas [167], 158 Hoffa, Jimmy [3552], 334 Holiday, Billie [1218], 308 Hollerith, Herman [2544], 233 Holliday, Doc [2147], 229 Holloman, Bobo [248284], 127 Holmes, Jr., Oliver Wendell [885], 74, 105 Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell [945], 74, 94, 105 Holzhandler, Dora [840677], 296 Homer [152], 280, 282 Homer, Winslow [1466], 98 Hooke, Robert [216], 221 Hoover, Herbert [183], 16, 46, 71 Hoover, J. Edgar [1201], 324 Hope, Bob [1098], 319 Hopkins, Johns [1281], 76, 79, 89, 239 Hopkins, Mark [121367], 86 Hopkins, Samuel [30255], 234 Horowitz, Vladimir [3896], 305 Horton, Edward Everett [20056], 317 Houdini, Harry [621], 313 Houston, Sam [498], 46 Howard, Catherine [1120], 158 Howe, Elias [6927], 95, 231 Hoxha, Enver [2921], 208 Hubbard, L. Ron [1208], 25, 255 Hudson, Henry [353], 56 Huerta, Dolores [44244], 56 Hughes, Charles Evans [1760], 108, 265 Hughes, Howard [898], 238 Hughes, Langston [1211], 283 Humphrey, Hubert [2181], 178 Hunt, Walter [16684], 96, 231 Hutchinson, Anne [894], 92, 160 Irvin, Monte [44334], 133 Isaac [511], 245 Isabella I [236], 48 Iscariot, Judas [1141], 247 Ivan the Terrible [297], 20 Jack the Ripper [166], 322, 325 Jackson, Andrew [66], 85, 94, 357 Jackson, Bo [5454], 134 Jackson, Helen Hunt [6301], 92 Jackson, Jesse [1589], 335 Jackson, Michael [180], 25, 26, 29, 344 Jackson, Reggie [4603], 113


Keller, Helen [1135], 332 Kelly, King [7378], 130 Kelly, Ned [788], 324 Kelly, Raymond [62784], 327 Kennedy, John F. [71], 19, 74, 109, 143, 162, 174, 177, 357 Kennedy, Robert F. [1355], 19, 32, 182 Kennedy, Ted [1229], 182 Kent, James [16789], 90 Kenyatta, Jomo [3551], 210 Keran, Li [663492], 296 Key, Francis Scott [1050], 7 Keynes, John Maynard [469], 225 Khan, Genghis [38], 157, 357 Khan, Kublai [346], 48, 157 Khasekhemwy [8062], 152 Khomeini, Ruhollah [676], 212 Khufu [1119], 152 Kilby, Jack [14595], 223 Killy, Jean-Claude [32918], 276 Kilmer, Joyce [8092], 81 King, Coretta Scott [3481], 333 King, Martin Luther [221], 12, 32, 56, 74, 109, 322, 329, 331, 333, 335 King, Stephen [191], 111, 279, 289 King, William Lyon Mackenzie [668], 204 Kinkade, Thomas [39334], 294 Kipling, Rudyard [259], 284, 286 Kissinger, Henry [864], 329 Klem, Bill [41013], 129 Klitschko, Vitali [13685], 262 Klitschko, Wladimir [16065], 262 Knox, John [425], 254 Knuth, Donald [5917], 227 Koch, Robert [962], 228 Koons, Jeff [23874], 294 Korbut, Olga [26044], 275 Koufax, Sandy [4855], 113, 124, 126 Krugman, Paul [3452], 225 Kuan, Fan [35313], 10 Kubrick, Stanley [1935], 243 Kurzweil, Ray [15345], 232 Lpez, Francisco Solano [8477], 206 Lacan, Jacques [1834], 230 Laden, Osama bin [765], 161, 325 Landis, Kenesaw Mountain [3269], 129 Lanier, Sidney [6828], 101 Lansky, Meyer [5318], 325 Larsen, Don [21037], 127 Latifah, Queen [6367], 283 Laurel, Stan [3649], 311

Jackson, Shoeless Joe [3445], 135 Jackson, Stonewall [283], 104 Jacob [261], 245 Jagger, Mick [1055], 309 James I [41], 41, 65, 144, 234, 357 James, Frank [4608], 12, 323 James, Jesse [413], 12, 52, 145, 323 James, William [442], 229 Jay, John [411], 86, 90, 188 Jefferson, Thomas [10], 35, 143, 159, 234, 297, 357 Jesus [1], 17, 27, 32, 139, 322, 348, 357 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali [542], 348 Jobs, Steve [2051], 55, 233 John I [9137], 145 John the Evangelist [1377], 247 John, Pope XXIII [855], 250 Johnson, Andrew [105], 71, 175 Johnson, Ben [6812], 274 Johnson, Jack [2843], 261 Johnson, Lyndon B. [184], 184 Johnson, Randy [6057], 111 Johnson, Samuel [141], 302 Johnson, Walter [4303], 111, 126 Jonah [914], 245 Jones, Bobby [5105], 263 Jones, Chipper [21772], 137 Jones, John Paul [649], 98 Jones, Mary Harris [2398], 56, 333 Jones, Tommy Lee [8938], 125 Joplin, Scott [1508], 59 Jordan, Michael [1115], 160, 260, 269 Joseph [691], 245 Joseph, Akiva ben [2449], 256 Joseph, Chief [2409], 108 Joshua [580], 246 Joyce, James [406], 285 Jurez, Benito [1035], 205 Judson, Adoniram [7820], 97 Jung, Carl [333], 229 Justinian I [145], 156 Kafka, Franz [724], 79 Kagame, Paul [18286], 210 Kahanamoku, Duke [9739], 275 Kai-shek, Chiang [440], 202 Kamehameha I [950], 62 Kamen, Dean [35915], 232 Kant, Immanuel [59], 357 Kaye, Danny [4774], 32 Keaton, Buster [1857], 291, 312 Keats, John [305], 145

Lauterbur, Paul [50006], 223 Lawrence, D. H. [1166], 289 Lazarus, Emma [8465], 61 Leary, Timothy [2831], 229 Lee, Robert E. [76], 38, 64, 89, 104, 217, 357 Legge, William [12631], 238 Leibniz, Gottfried [119], 225 Lemelson, Jerome H. [58245], 232 Lemmon, Jack [4141], 320 Lenin, Vladimir [75], 357 Lennon, John [162], 30, 77, 161 Leo, Pope X [488], 250 Leonard, Sugar Ray [5687], 262 Leopardi, Giacomo [2909], 348 Leopold II [727], 209 Lewis, Carl [4887], 274 Lewis, John L. [8358], 334 Lewis, Sinclair [3360], 291 Liddell, Eric [8095], 274 Lilienthal, Otto [2551], 243 Liliuokalani [1088], 62 Limbaugh, Rush [2837], 319 Lin, Maya [23823], 43 Lincoln, Abraham [5], 9, 35, 38, 64, 88, 143, 172, 176, 234, 301, 357 Lind, Jenny [2121], 302 Lindbergh, Charles [736], 56, 57 Lindsay, John [7644], 191 Linnaeus, Carl [31], 21, 221, 357 Lister, Joseph [901], 228 Liukin, Nastia [25478], 275 Liwei, Yang [50152], 243 Lloyd, Harold [3276], 312 Locke, John [100], 151, 353, 358 Lombardi, Vince [2904], 268 London, Jack [578], 285 Long, Crawford [11578], 97 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth [349], 43, 67 Lorre, Peter [4132], 317 Louis the Pious [827], 156 Louis XIV [26], 358 Louis XVI [83], 358 Louis, Joe [2820], 32, 261 Louverture, Toussaint [896], 49 Love, Nat [35100], 58 Lowell, James Russell [1675], 93 Luciano, Lucky [2944], 325 Luke the Evangelist [874], 247 Luria, Isaac [2877], 256 Luther, Martin [17], 74, 158, 250, 253, 254, 358 Lyell, Charles [1107], 81, 219 Lyon, Mary [8765], 91


Ma, Yo-Yo [6410], 306 MacCracken, Henry [139484], 83 Macdonald, John A. [159], 202, 204 MacDowell, Edward [12007], 104 Mace, Jem [11671], 261 Mack, Connie [3538], 128 Mack, Connie III [60367], 128 Mack, Connie IV [99703], 128 Madison, Dolley [1700], 179 Madison, James [51], 93, 358 Madonna [121], 160, 161, 256, 309 Magellan, Ferdinand [311], 41, 56 Mahavira [1129], 154 Mahler, Gustav [364], 304 Maimonides [284], 256 Malcolm X [1106], 335 Malpighi, Marcello [3415], 227 Malthus, Thomas Robert [265], 225 Mandela, Nelson [356], 210, 329 Mankiller, Wilma [64475], 62 Manley, Michael [17891], 200 Mann, Horace [1193], 185, 336 Manseld, Peter [76670], 223 Mantle, Mickey [3173], 125, 135 Marconi, Guglielmo [777], 319 Marius, Gaius [692], 155 Mark the Evangelist [861], 247 Marshall, George [1279], 62, 330 Marshall, John [401], 47 Marshall, Thurgood [1707], 47, 64, 265 Martel, Charles [509], 156 Martin, Tony [20800], 353 Marvin, Lee [6452], 320 Marx, Groucho [1788], 319 Marx, Karl [14], 101, 159, 259, 358 Mary [127], 145 Mary I [126], 158 Mather, Cotton [1676], 50, 254 Mathewson, Christy [4348], 126 Matlin, Marlee [34956], 315 Matthew, Saint [848], 247, 329 Mattingly, Don [8628], 135 Mauchly, John [7494], 233 Maury, Matthew Fontaine [2170], 98 Max, Peter [24126], 294 Maximilian I [798], 205 Mays, Willie [2803], 125, 133 Mayweather, Floyd [5460], 262 McAuliffe, Christa [10479], 243 McCarthy, Joseph [553], 46 McCarthy, Tommy [33661], 131 McClellan, George B. [554], 53, 188 McCormick, Cyrus [2317], 55


Muir, John [569], 52 Mulholland, William [8962], 191 Musa I [1695], 48 Musial, Stan [4975], 126 Musil, Robert [9104], 280 Mussolini, Benito [101], 48, 65, 208 Muybridge, Eadweard [1015], 310 Myron [6168], 292 Nagy, Imre [6774], 208 Nahmanides [2514], 256 Naismith, James [847], 260, 269 Napoleon [2], 80, 81, 143, 217, 252, 358 Napoleon II [2057], 81 Nash, John Forbes [8513], 226 Nasser, Gamal Abdel [1404], 198 Nehru, Jawaharlal [530], 40, 213 Neiman, LeRoy [55656], 294 Nelson, Baby Face [9276], 324 Nepal, Gyanendra of [11423], 213 Ness, Eliot [7727], 327 Neumann, John von [1235], 226, 233 Newcomb, Simon [3666], 83, 99 Newman, John Henry [534], 248 Newman, Paul [2970], 320, 323 Newton, Isaac [21], 154, 220, 225, 358 Nicholas, Saint [331], 251 Nicholson, Jack [1664], 314 Nietzsche, Friedrich [42], 358 Ning, Li [33106], 275 Niro, Robert De [1292], 314, 315 Nixon, Richard [82], 25, 32, 49, 162, 175, 177, 358 Nkrumah, Kwame [3774], 210 Noah [292], 245, 246 Norgay, Tenzing [8620], 242 Noyce, Robert [14824], 223 Nyerere, Julius [8093], 210 OConnor, Sandra Day [5221], 47, 65, 192 ONeil, Buck [30703], 133 ONeill, Tip [10964], 186 Obama, Barack [111], 16, 22, 25, 30, 41, 45, 59, 172, 336, 344 octuplets, Suleman [15710], 161 Odoacer [1778], 155 Ohno, Apolo [15132], 276 Olajuwon, Hakeem [9590], 270 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy [1387], 11, 293 Oppenheimer, J. Robert [1296], 55 Ortega, Daniel [16410], 207

McDaniel, Hattie [7163], 315 McGovern, George [2958], 184 McGowan, Bill [172464], 129 McGraw, John [4358], 113 McGwire, Mark [6716], 135 McKinley, William [176], 71, 97, 172, 174 McLain, Denny [15771], 135 McVeigh, Timothy [7379], 325 Meany, George [33502], 334 Meiji, Emperor [1043], 213 Meir, Golda [2429], 212 Melville, Herman [251], 100, 284 Menes [5746], 9 Mentuhotep II [12382], 152 Merian, Maria Sibylla [11077], 160 Merwin, W. S. [41425], 282 Methuselah [3767], 146 Metzger, Roger [296263], 112 Michelangelo [86], 295, 297, 358 Michelson, Albert Abraham [2705], 106 Mikan, George [11221], 269 Milk, Harvey [3680], 78, 331 Mill, John Stuart [201], 225 Miller, Bode [26961], 276 Miller, Glenn [1578], 308 Minh, Ho Chi [779], 197, 213 Minuit, Peter [3248], 82 Mitchell, Maria [7361], 91 Mizner, Wilson [58505], 81 Monaghan, Tom [22015], 240 Monroe, James [220], 46, 99, 172 Monroe, Marilyn [347], 162, 293, 313 Montesquieu [268], 62 Montessori, Maria [3332], 336 Moody, Helen Wills [13461], 263 Moore, G. E. [3635], 258 Morales, Evo [6614], 205 More, Thomas [169], 252 Morgan, J. P. [322], 55 Morrill, Justin Smith [8352], 186 Morris, Robert [1273], 195 Morrison, Toni [5588], 290 Morse, Samuel [532], 55, 233, 234 Morton, William T. G. [7233], 9, 97, 228 Moses [203], 153, 245, 246 Moses, Robert [2779], 109 Motier, Gilbert du [217], 80 Motley, John Lothrop [22095], 93 Motokiyo, Zeami [17736], 280 Mott, Lucretia [2208], 102, 160, 331 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [24], 9, 138, 160, 358 Mugabe, Robert [2012], 210 Muhammad [3], 27, 143, 156, 257, 358

Orwell, George [342], 161, 284 Osler, William [2441], 228 Oswald, Lee Harvey [1435], 78, 143, 322 Otis, Harrison Gray [10689], 191 Otto, Nikolaus [5663], 9 Owens, Jesse [2116], 274 Pacino, Al [2673], 327 Packard, David [14636], 232 Paganini, Niccol [1034], 305 Page, Patti [12640], 308 Paige, Satchel [4831], 132, 133 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [955], 303 Palin, Sarah [773], 190 Palladio, Andrea [1026], 298 Palmer, Alice Freeman [65220], 83, 102 Paltrow, Gwyneth [5144], 315 Parker, John [23333], 51 Parkman, Francis [7235], 95 Parks, Rosa [964], 335 Pascal, Blaise [157], 226 Pasteur, Louis [112], 220, 227, 231 Patrick, Saint [197], 155, 251 Paul the Apostle [34], 358 Paul, Alice [6784], 332 Paul, Les [2214], 231 Paul, Pope John I [3501], 249 Paul, Pope John II [91], 358 Pauling, Linus [1286], 224 Pavarotti, Luciano [3032], 306 Peabody, George [8785], 89 Peary, Robert [2255], 242 Peirce, Charles Sanders [225], 25, 99, 258 Pel [1418], 271 Pelosi, Nancy [2569], 186 Penn, William [286], 70, 73 Pepin the Short [831], 156 Pern, Juan [3726], 206 Peres, Shimon [4418], 212 Perlman, Itzhak [10067], 306 Pershing, John J. [764], 11 Peter, Saint [65], 248, 358 Petipa, Marius [1981], 307 Phelps, Michael [5510], 273 Phidias [1994], 292 Philip II [87], 158, 358 Phraortes [36245], 154 Piaget, Jean [1590], 336 Picasso, Pablo [171], 304 Pickford, Mary [1743], 312 Pike, Zebulon [2058], 53 Pilate, Pontius [591], 247


Pincus, Gregory Goodwin [47910], 8 Pinsky, Robert [16364], 282 Pitcher, Molly [2926], 194 Planck, Max [1845], xi Planck, Max [539], 219 Plato [25], 67, 155, 258, 302, 358 Plotinus [1047], 155 Plutarch [258], 155 Pocahontas [428], 49 Poe, Edgar Allan [54], 41, 138, 145, 358 Poitier, Sidney [3803], 315 Polk, James K. [240], 46, 186 Pollock, Jackson [1013], 293 Polo, Marco [147], 57, 158 Polybius [923], 155 Pompez, Alex [240953], 132 Poole, William [8719], 261 Porphyry [2095], 155 Pound, Ezra [507], 283 Powell, John Wesley [1871], 53 Praxiteles [12331], 292 Prefontaine, Steve [7260], 274 Prescott, Samuel [16052], 43 Prescott, William [12010], 51 Presley, Elvis [69], x, 41, 77, 160, 162, 293, 307, 313 Presley, Elvis Aaron [69], 358 Priestley, Joseph [330], 25 Princip, Gavrilo [2814], 11, 326 Ptolemy [103], 155, 220 Puyi [3006], 142 Pythagoras [133], 225 Rabin, Yitzhak [2611], 212 Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur [4731], 197, 213 Rais, Gilles de [3040], 326 Raleigh, Walter [313], xii, 70, 72 Ramesses II [293], 9 Rand, Ayn [486], 161, 259, 285 Randolph, A. Philip [6144], 56, 334 Raphael [140], 151, 297 Rashi [658], 256 Rayburn, Sam [6559], 186 Raymond, Gene [47144], 353 Read, George [3804], 195 Reagan, Ronald [32], 16, 109, 174, 177, 313, 358 Redding, Otis [961], 310 Reed, Walter [4249], 101, 142 Reich, Wilhelm [2824], 229


Sagan, Carl [2687], 99, 289 Saint-Exupry, Antoine de [6148], 348 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus [3993], 97 Saladin [138], 157, 217 Salazar, Antnio de Oliveira [3277], 208 Salem, Peter [25384], 51, 58 Salk, Jonas [3775], 228 Sampson, Deborah [3797], 194 Samson [1027], 245 Samuel [2706], 246 Samuelson, Paul [3654], 225 Sanger, Margaret [2672], 8 Sanger, Margaret [2672], 333 Santayana, George [1798], 307 Sarah [873], 246 Sargent, John Singer [1727], 98 Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino [2075], 206 Sarnoff, David [5939], 233 Scalia, Antonin [2144], 192 Schlesinger, Sr., Arthur M. [27072], 15, 99, 174 Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M. [6365], 174 Schmeling, Max [9403], 261 Schneerson, Menachem Mendel [2850], 256 Schrdinger, Erwin [1987], 219 Schubert, Franz [198], 145, 160 Schwarzenegger, Arnold [959], 188 Schwarzkopf, Norman [10533], 80 Schweitzer, Albert [1512], 12 Scorsese, Martin [1041], 317 Scott, Robert Falcon [808], 241 Sears, Richard Warren [26813], 235 Secretariat [1444], 265 Segun, Juan [10797], 63 Seigenthaler, John [12815], 19 Seko, Mobutu Sese [4736], 210 Selassie, Haile I [738], 210 Selee, Frank [46077], 128 Semmelweis, Ignaz [1471], 228 Serpico, Frank [37112], 327 Serra, Junpero [2835], 52 Seuss, Dr. [893], 161, 283, 289 Seward, William H. [796], 47 Shackleton, Ernest [730], 241 Shakespeare, Hamnet [6572], 146 Shakespeare, William [4], 8, 20, 21, 152, 154, 280, 281, 359 Shalmaneser IV [83636], 154 Shang, Tang of [9832], 152 Shaw, Robert Gould [2834], 53 Shays, Daniel [8476], 51 Sheed, Wilfrid [294893], 260 Shelley, Mary [223], 284 Shelley, Percy Bysshe [329], 30, 145

Reid, Harry [5338], 182 Retton, Mary Lou [16628], 275 Revels, Hiram Rhodes [9500], 43 Revere, Paul [627], ix, 43, 67, 70, 73 Ricardo, David [561], 225 Richard I [120], 217 Richard III [344], 20 Rickey, Branch [4660], 129 Ride, Sally [9957], 243 Rihanna [1185], 24 Ripken, Cal [7280], 124 Rizzuto, Phil [8570], 124 Roberts, John [2677], 192 Roberts, Oral [12399], 255 Robeson, Paul [1278], 25, 60 Robinson, Jackie [841], 59, 113, 123, 129, 133 Robinson, Sugar Ray [5839], 262 Rockefeller, John D. [172], 236, 237 Rodin, Auguste [574], 295 Rodriguez, Alex [3304], 135 Roebling, John A. [5444], 97 Rogers, Ginger [3504], 307 Rogers, Will [1921], 62, 313 Rolfe, John [1873], 50 Rome, Agnes of [3409], 146 Roosevelt, Eleanor [517], 179 Roosevelt, Franklin D. [43], 55, 88, 107, 151, 176, 191, 202, 319, 327, 348, 358 Roosevelt, Theodore [23], 73, 83, 85, 97, 99, 102, 172, 176, 327, 358 Rose, Pete [2817], 135 Ross, Betsy [2430], 4, 193 Rossini, Gioachino [390], 348 Roth, Philip [11135], 290 Rothstein, Arnold [10599], 129 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques [80], 158, 359 Rowan, Henry [166156], 240 Rowling, J. K. [2094], 290 Rule, Ja [6330], 26 Rush, Benjamin [1283], 91 Rushdie, Salman [3105], 290 Russell, Bertrand [253], 258, 285 Russia, Anastasia of [19255], 20 Russia, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of [50371], 20 Ruth, Babe [434], 32, 78, 111, 113, 120, 124, 130, 261 Ryan, Nolan [3599], 126, 127 Ryusei, Sagusa [843790], 17 Srenstam, Annika [20986], 264 Sacagawea [1070], 142

Shepard, Alan [6750], 12, 243 Shepard, Bert [226629], 121 Sheridan, Philip [949], 54 Sherman, Cindy [31600], 294 Sherman, Roger [1029], 195 Sherman, William Tecumseh [233], 93 Shi, Su [3162], 280 Shikibu, Murasaki [2256], 279, 283 Shoemaker, Bill [35824], 266 Simon, Paul [6156], 125 Simpson, O. J. [3464], 268, 328 Sinatra, Frank [357], 308 Sinclair, Upton [1150], 289 Singer, Isaac [4114], 96, 231 Singer, Peter [8545], 259 Singh, Udham [11659], 327 Smith, Adam [56], 225, 359 Smith, Bubba [102599], 18 Smith, John [529], 49 Smith, Joseph [55], 25, 52, 65, 359 Smith, Patti [5825], 283 Smith, Venture [97353], 58 Smith, William [3166], 219 Smoot, Reed [11013], 182 Smythe, Conn [9065], 271 Snow, John [1942], 228 Sobakina, Marfa [279246], 20 Socrates [68], 155, 359 Song, Emperor Bing of [11191], 146 Sosa, Sammy [5494], 135 Soter, Ptolemy I [1100], 155 Soto, Hernando de [473], 58 Sousa, John Philip [922], 108 Southey, Robert [1878], 81 Southworth, Billy [40300], 128 Spahn, Warren [13010], 122 Spalding, Albert [6487], 129 Spearman, Charles [15211], 28 Spears, Britney [689], 26, 2830, 310 Spencer, Herbert [619], 286 Springer, Jerry [11888], 192 Stagg, Amos Alonzo [3839], 270 Stalin, Joseph [18], 10, 160, 359 Stallman, Richard [4921], 23 Stanford, Leland [1920], 239 Stanford, Leland [46110], 239 Stanislavski, Constantin [1112], 302 Stanley, Frederick [3747], 271 Stanton, Edwin M. [1910], 328 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady [734], 331 Starr, Ringo [1875], 309 Steinem, Gloria [3815], 333 Stengel, Casey [5929], 128


Stern, Howard [2130], 319 Stevens, John Frank [37802], 108 Stevenson, Adlai [2641], 32 Stewart, James [1401], 315 Stokowski, Leopold [2939], 305 Stone, Lucy [2738], 102, 332 Stowe, Harriet Beecher [449], 67, 93 Streep, Meryl [1490], 315 Streisand, Barbra [2443], 315 Stroessner, Alfredo [9317], 206 Stuart, Gilbert [1914], 91 Suleiman the Magnicent [354], 257 Sulla, Lucius Cornelius [383], 155 Sullivan, Arthur [795], 282 Sullivan, Ed [4908], 320 Sullivan, John L. [4542], 261 Sumner, Charles [1094], 182 Sunday, Billy [3625], 134 Swank, Hilary [12415], 315 Sylvester, Pope I [4568], 251 Taft, William Howard [153], 86, 162, 327 Tagore, Rabindranath [397], 286 Talbot, William Fox [2650], 9 Taylor, Frederick Winslow [1539], 263 Taylor, Zachary [299], 71, 176 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich [63], 359 Teresa, Mother [820], 12, 322, 330 Tereshkova, Valentina [10787], 243 Tesla, Nikola [93], 86, 359 Thayer, Sylvanus [20551], 105 Theodoric the Great [1414], 155 Thompson, Benjamin [3435], 97 Thoreau, Henry David [131], 104, 301 Thorpe, Jim [1356], 62, 133, 267 Throneberry, Marv [171634], 20 Thurmond, Strom [1856], 188 Tiberius [272], 247 Tiffany, Louis Comfort [2027], 231 Till, Emmett [4597], 146 Timur [290], 157 Titian [319], 293 Tito, Josip Broz [562], 252 Torre, Joe [9913], 135 Toscanini, Arturo [1190], 305 Tov, Baal Shem [1684], 256 Trent, Simon of [19734], 146 Trudeau, Pierre [870], 204 Trujillo, Rafael [2497], 208 Truman, Harry S. [94], 359 Trumbull, John [1697], 91, 195


Webster, Noah [1132], 86, 91, 107, 108 Weissmuller, Johnny [6587], 274 Welles, Orson [729], 318 Wellesley, Arthur [174], 80, 217 Wells, H. G. [249], 285 Wells, Horace [25753], 228 Wendell, Oliver [765197], 74 Wesley, John [359], 50, 254 Westinghouse, George [1812], 103, 231 Weyerhuser, Friedrich [106684], 238 Wharton, Edith [1562], 290 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill [1002], 98 White, Stanford [3303], 83 Whiteeld, George [1258], 50, 300 Whitlam, Gough [1114], 25, 214 Whitman, Narcissa [13567], 52 Whitney, Eli [758], 55, 234 Whittier, John Greenleaf [1698], 93 Whitworth, Kathy [41672], 264 Wilde, Oscar [77], 279, 359 Wiles, Andrew [12376], 226 Willard, Emma [16156], 91 Willard, Frances [5216], 85, 93 William the Conqueror [70], 157, 359 Williams, Esther [12359], 274 Williams, Roger [678], 96, 254 Williams, Serena [2228], 263 Williams, Ted [2185], 126 Wilson, James [1330], 195 Wilson, Woodrow [47], 83, 102, 177, 359 Winfrey, Oprah [1844], 138 Wittgenstein, Ludwig [493], 258 Woods, Tiger [2101], 28, 264 Woolf, Virginia [650], 285 Wren, Christopher [600], 298 Wright, Frank Lloyd [245], 298 Wright, Mickey [40384], 264 Wrigley, William [12068], 235 Wundt, Wilhelm [1464], 229 Wynn, Early [31295], 122 Xueqin, Cao [14490], 280 Yale, Elihu [8948], 239 Yazid I [1452], 257 Yeager, Chuck [6294], 243 Yorty, Sam [46737], 191 Young, Brigham [471], 52, 64, 255 Young, Cy [2461], 126

Tubman, Harriet [1093], 53, 62, 332 Tupou, Taufaahau IV [27521], 214 Turing, Alan [1127], 226, 233 Tutankhamun [255], 145, 153, 198 Twain, Mark [53], 41, 96, 279, 359 Tyson, Mike [2218], 262 Umar [234], 257 Vaca, lvar Nez Cabeza de [2331], 58 Valentino, Rudolph [2486], 312 Vanderbilt, Cornelius [925], 56 Vasari, Giorgio [902], 298 Venter, Craig [27548], 223 Verdi, Giuseppe [228], 308 Vere, Edward de [1603], 8 Verne, Jules [229], 284 Vesalius, Andreas [754], 227 Vespucci, Amerigo [407], 23 Victoria, Queen [16], 143, 162, 359 Vijay [4456], 26 Vinci, Leonardo da [29], 293, 296, 297 Virgil [177], 280 Vitruvius [652], 298 Voltaire [64], 158, 359 Vonnegut, Kurt [2056], 289 Wale sa, Lech [8108], 208 Wagner, Richard [62], 359 Wald, Lillian [26724], 107 Wales, Jimmy [3198], 23 Walker, Moses Fleetwood [10549], 131, 133 Wallace, George [2620], 188 Waner, Lloyd [68198], 113 Warhol, Andy [485], 293 Warren, Earl [2034], 47 Warren, Mercy Otis [2863], 194 Washington, Booker T. [525], 87, 101, 107, 337 Washington, George [6], 10, 12, 20, 35, 38, 64, 71, 85, 88, 91, 94, 159, 176, 197, 234, 238, 359 Washington, Harold [11856], 191 Washington, Martha [1065], 60, 94, 193, 194 Watson, James D. [3619], 28, 219 Watson, Tom [9450], 264 Wayne, Anthony [1558], 185 Wayne, John [459], 313 Webster, Daniel [453], 46, 88, 176

Yun-fat, Chow [7694], 138 Yushchenko, Viktor [9198], 208 Zaharias, Babe [7563], 265 Zangara, Giuseppe [7238], 327


Zappa, Frank [1532], 162 Zedong, Mao [151], 49, 162, 202, 213, 293 Zenger, John Peter [2022], 49, 64 Zhou, King Wen of [9618], 245 Zworykin, Vladimir K. [8005], 233

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