Jones' Model: Overview of Jones' Model Practical Applications of Jones' Model
Jones' Model: Overview of Jones' Model Practical Applications of Jones' Model
Jones' Model: Overview of Jones' Model Practical Applications of Jones' Model
Jones Model
The true goals of the classroom management system are: Emotions Self-esteem Values Relationship Building
"undamental S#ill ): Responsibility training teaches learners to be responsible for their o!n actions
Teachers should not assume autocratic roles to control students. nstead, they should see students as individuals !ho are !orthy respect.
Practical Applications of Jones Model Fundamental Skill 1: Effective Classroom Management structures consists of rules routines and standards
Description 1* Tea!hers shoul& set the !lassroom properly " management shoul& +e &one +e,ore the +eginning o, the s!hool &ays -* Stu&ents shoul& .no/ /hat to e pe!t o, them an& ha)e +een traine& an& moti)ate& to a&here the rules - types o, rules: 0eneral 1ules Tea!her(s goals2 e pe!tations2o+3e!ti)es o, the stu&ents 0ui&elines: 4o not ma.e any rule you are not /illing to en,or!e e)erytime it(s +ro.en* 5a)e a ,e/ general rules ,or +eha)iour an& /or.* Ma.e sure rules are simple6 !lear an& share& +y all stu&ents* Spe!i,i! 1ules Training a !lass to &o /hat an& /hen you /ant them to &o it 7t is the use o, +o&y language to !ontrol +eha)iour* This is to !alm the stu&ents an& get them +a!. on tas.* There are: Physi!al pro imity Eye !onta!t %a!ial e pressions Posture 7ts ultimate goal o, &is!ipline is to train people to +e!ome sel,"&ire!ting an& to +e responsi+le ,or their o/n +eha)iour* 3 !on&itions: They ha)e a resour!e (time) ,or /hi!h they are responsi+le*
Fundamental Skill !: "imit setting# a set of p$%sical moves to stop specific &e$aviours
Fundamental Skill ': (esponsi&ilit% training teac$es learners to &e responsi&le for t$eir o)n actions
They ha)e !ontrol o)er the !onsumption o, that resour!e* They must li)e /ith the !onse8uen!es o, the !onsumption o, that resour!e* E ample: Pre,erre& $!ti)ity Time (P$T) Fundamental Skill *: Positive Classroom Discipline includes &ackup s%stem 'ones states6 no matter ho/ /ell &esigne& a management system is6 pro+lems !an o!!ur* $ suggeste& system: 9a!.up System " to suppress se)ere &isruptions an& pro)i&e negati)e san!tions in &is!ipline management* 3 le)els: Classroom Poli!y (&eal in pri)ate2pu+il! /ith imme&iate pro+lems S!hool Poli!y (pro+lems han&le& +y tea!hers an& a&ministrators !olla+orati)ely) La/ En,or!ement : 'u)enile 'usti!e System (se)ere pro+lems" psy!hologi!al therapy6 a spe!ial reme&ial program6 reha+ilitation program)