Music Appreciation Final Exam Study Guide 10
Music Appreciation Final Exam Study Guide 10
Music Appreciation Final Exam Study Guide 10
!mportant "eop e
*icolai Rims&y+,orsa&o$ Russian "aught himself music theory Paid Attention to combination of instrumental sounds Scott -oplin (./0/ .1.2) Early "wentieth 3entury American 3omposer 'ather of Ragtime Maple 4eaf Rag Entertainer 4eonard Bernstein American 3omposer ne of the most recorded conductors in history (rote (est Side Story #gor Stra$ins&y Russian 3omposer Studied with *icolai Rims&y ,orsa&o$ Rite of Spring 'irebird Suite
Peter "chai&o$s&y Russian composer (rote "he *utcrac&er and Swan 4a&e (illiam 5rant Still American 3omposer Afro+American Symphony(.16.) %e$eloped a classical style that incorporated African American tradition
!mportant "eop e
-ohn 3age American 3omposer <=6== Belie$e music should be disco$ered in e$eryday life 'ocused on timbre7 loudness7 and duration of sound
!mportant "eop e
(olfgang Amadeus Mo!art 3hild Prodigy 'irst symphony at age .> 'irst opera at age .. "he Marriage of 'igaro %on 5io$anni "he Magic 'lute %ied in po$erty at age 6? 4udwig $an Beetho$en Austrian 3omposer Became %eaf in the later years of his life (rote 'ur Elise7 ?th and 1th Symphonies Richard (agner 5erman Romantic composer "he Ring 3ycle
-ohann Sebastian Bach 5erman 3omposer Bach was famous for his organ playing7 not his compositions when he li$ed (rote o$er .7>>> pieces