Guadixian Syllabus
Guadixian Syllabus
Guadixian Syllabus
Description: Guadixian is a club composed of students bonded by common goal of living and sharing the Poveda values of joy, simplicity, solidarity and love of the poor. Guadix is a cave district in Spain where St. Pedro Poveda was ordained and lived a life of service to the poor and the marginalized people. Though born in Linares, he was considered an adopted son of Guadix thus a Guadixian. As a young priest in Guadix, St. Pedro Poveda gave himself to the Christians. He lived with them in the caves and organized livelihood programs for adults. He organized catechetical instructions for them and established schools for the children. He was able to get the cooperation of the local authorities, as well as the rich people in the community in his social work, thus, bridging the gap between the marginalized world and society. An ideal Guadixian therefore is a witness-follower of St. Pedro Povedas same commitment and service for others especially the poor and the marginalized.
Objectives: Through the club activities, the members are expected to: 1) discover their own Guadix (weaknesses/limitations/poverty); 2) be aware of the Guadix (difficulties/poverty/apathy) around us; 3) appreciate, live and share the Povedan values of joy, simplicity, solidarity and love for the poor; and 4) initiate and organize simple and concrete activities for communities inside and outside SPPC including parishes, institutions and organizations working for and with the poor.