Unit 2 - Wireless Communication Notes - FINAL
Unit 2 - Wireless Communication Notes - FINAL
Unit 2 - Wireless Communication Notes - FINAL
Distance d2
r Receiver
Transmitter Distance d1
Scatter 1
Figure 1 Geometry of the time-invariant two-path model.
The RX is in the far field of the IOs, so that the arriving waves are homogeneous plane waves. We assume
furthermore that both waves are vertically polarized, and have amplitudes E1 and E2 at the reference
position r = 0. We get the following expression for the superposition of two plane waves:
𝐸(𝑟) = 𝐸1 exp(−j𝑘1𝑟) + 𝐸2exp(−j𝑘2𝑟)
Where k1 is the vector valued wave number (i.e., has the absolute magnitude k 0, and is pointing into the
direction of wave 1).
We assume here that the two waves arriving at the RX position r are two plane waves whose absolute
amplitudes do not vary as a function of RX position.
The Time Variant Two Path Model
In general, the runtime (path length) difference between the different propagation paths changes with
time. This change can be due to movements of TX, RX, IOs, or any combination. In time variant two path
model we assume only movement of the RX. The RX then sees a time varying interference pattern; we can
imagine that the RX moves through the mountains and valleys of the field strength plot.
The movement of the RX also leads to a shift of the received frequency, called the Doppler shift. In order to
explain this phenomenon, let us first revert to the case of a single sinusoidal wave reaching the RX, and
also revert to real pass band notation. If the RX moves away from the TX with speed v, then the distance d
between TX and RX increases with that speed. Thus:
E(t)=E0 cos (2ufct-k0[d0+vt])
E(t)=E0 cos (2ut[fc-v/λ]-
Where d0 is the distance at time t = 0. The frequency of the received oscillation is thus decreased by v/λ in
other words; the Doppler shift is given by:
v 𝑣
𝑣=− =
� 𝑐0
� −fc
Note that the Doppler shift is negative when the TX and RX move away from each other. Since the speed of
the movement is always small compared with the speed of light, the Doppler shifts are relatively small.
In the above example, we had assumed that the direction of RX movement is aligned with the direction of
wave propagation. If that is not the case, the Doppler shift is determined by the speed of movement in the
direction of wave propagation, v cos(ɶ). The Doppler shift is then:
𝑣=− v 𝑣
cos(𝛾) = cos(𝛾) = 𝑣max cos(𝛾)
The maximum Doppler shift νmax typically lies between 1Hz and 1 kHz. Note that in general, the relationship
νmax = fc · v/c0 is based on several assumptions e.g., static IOs, no double reflections on moving objects, etc.
Instantaneous value
k v
|v|cos ɶ
The term fading, or, small-scale fading, means rapid fluctuations of the amplitudes, phases, or multipath
delays of a radio signal over a short period or short travel distance. This might be so severe that large scale
radio propagation loss effects might be ignored.
Factors Influencing Fading
The following physical factors influence small-scale fading in the radio propagation channel:
(1) Multipath propagation-Multipath is the propagation phenomenon that results in radio signals reaching
the receiving antenna by two or more paths. The effects of multipath include constructive and destructive
interference, and phase shifting of the signal.
(2) Speed of the mobile-The relative motion between the base station and the mobile results in random
frequency modulation due to different Doppler shifts on each of the multipath components.
(3) Speed of surrounding objects-If objects in the radio channel are in motion, they induce a time varying
Doppler shift on multipath components. If the surrounding objects move at a greater rate than the mobile,
then this effect dominates fading.
(4) Transmission Bandwidth of the signal-If the transmitted radio signal bandwidth is greater than the
bandwidth of the multipath channel i.e. quantified by coherence bandwidth than received signal will be
Types of fading
Small Scale Fading
Small scale fading refers to rapid variation of instantaneous received signal strength due to the
constructive and destructive interference of multi-paths when the mobile station moves over very short
distances. Depending on the multipath delay spread small scale fading can be classified as either
frequency-selective fading or frequency flat fading. Depending on the Doppler spread, small scale fading
can be classified as either fast fading or slow fading.
Flat Fading
If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain and linear phase response over a bandwidth which is
greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted signal, then the received signal will undergo flat fading. In
flat fading, the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal remain unchanged at the receiver but due
to multipath propagation the strength of the received signal changes with time. Flat fading channels are
also known as amplitude varying channels and are sometimes referred to as narrowband channels, since
the bandwidth of the applied signal is narrow as compared to the channel flat fading bandwidth.
Frequency Selective Fading
Frequency selective fading is occurring due to frequency dependent effect. If the bandwidth of the channel
is smaller than the bandwidth or transmitted signal then the channel creates frequency selective fading on
the received signal. Thus Frequency selective channels induce intersymbol interference (ISI). Modeling of
Frequency selective fading channels is much more difficult than flat fading channels because each
multipath signal must be modeled.
Fast Fading
If the channel impulse response changes rapidly within the symbol duration then received signal will
undergo fast fading. For fast fading channels coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol
period of the transmitted signal. Fast fading channels may be specified as a flat fading or frequency
selective in nature depending upon channel impulse response which is to be simply a delta function. For a
flat fading, fast fading channel the amplitude of the delta function varies faster than the rate of change of
the transmitted baseband signal. In the case of a frequency selective, fast fading channel, the amplitudes,
phases, and time delays of any one of the multipath components vary faster than the rate or change of the
transmitted signal. In practice, fast fading only occurs for very low data rates.
Slow Fading
If the channel impulse response changes at a rate much slower than the transmitted baseband signal then
channel will undergo slow fading. For slow fading channels coherence time of the channel is greater than
the symbol period of the transmitted signal. Velocity of the mobile or velocity of surrounding objects and
the baseband signaling determines whether a signal undergoes fast fading or slow fading.
Large Scale Fading
Large-scale fading occurs as the mobile moves over a large distance. It is caused by path loss of signal as a
function of distance and shadowing by large objects such as buildings, intervening terrains, and vegetation.
Shadowing is a slow fading process characterized by variation of median path loss between the transmitter
and receiver in fixed locations. The received signal strength may be different even at the same distance
from a transmitter, due to the shadowing caused by obstacles on the path.
Path loss
Path loss is caused by dissipation of the power radiated by the transmitter as well as by effects of the
propagation channel. Path-loss models generally assume that path loss is the same at a given transmit
receive distance. Both theoretical and measurement-based propagation models indicate that average
received signal power decreases logarithmically with distance, whether in outdoor or indoor radio
channels, such models have been used extensively in the literature.
Small Scale Fading without a Dominant Component
Following these basic considerations utilizing the two path model, we now investigate a more general case
of multipath propagation. We consider a radio channel with many IOs and a moving RX. Due to the large
number of IOs, a deterministic description of the radio channel is not efficient any more, which is why we
take refuge in stochastic description methods. This stochastic description is essential for the whole field of
wireless communications, and is thus explained in considerable detail.
A Computer Experiment
Consider the following simple computer experiment. The signals from several IOs are incident onto an RX
that moves over a small area. The IOs are distributed approximately uniformly around the receiving area.
They are also assumed to be sufficiently far away so that all received waves are homogeneous plane waves,
and that movements of the RX within the considered area do not change the amplitudes of these waves.
The different distances and strength of the interactions are taken into account by assigning a random
phase and random amplitude to each wave. We are then creating eight constituting waves E i with absolute
amplitudes |ai|, angle of incidence (with respect to the x axis) φi and phase ϕi :
|ai| φi ϕi
𝐸1(𝑥, 𝑦) = 1.0 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(169°) + ysin(169°))] exp(j311°) 1.0 169° 311°
𝐸2(𝑥, 𝑦) = 0.8 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(213°) + ysin(213°))] exp(j32°) 0.8 213° 32°
𝐸3(𝑥, 𝑦) = 1.1 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(87°) + ysin(87°))] exp(j161°) 1.1 87° 161°
𝐸4(𝑥, 𝑦) = 1.3 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(256°) + ysin(256°))] exp(j356°) 1.3 256° 356°
𝐸5(𝑥, 𝑦) = 0.9 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(17°) + ysin(17°))] exp(j191°) 0.9 17° 191°
𝐸6(𝑥, 𝑦) = 0.5 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(126°) + ysin(126°))] exp(j56°) 0.5 126° 56°
𝐸7(𝑥, 𝑦) = 0.7 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(343°) + ysin(343°))] exp(j268°) 0.7 343° 268°
𝐸8(𝑥, 𝑦) = 0.9 exp[−j𝑘0(𝑥𝑐o𝑠(297°) + ysin(297°))] exp(j131°) 0.9 297° 131°
We now superimpose the constituting waves, using the complex baseband notation again. The total
complex field strength E thus results from the sum of the complex field strengths of the constituting waves.
We can also interpret this as adding up complex random phasors. Figure 3 shows the instantaneous value
of the total field strength at time t = 0 i.e., Re{E}, in an area of size 5λ · 5λ.
∑ |ai|2 = 𝐶p
Where CP is a constant. However, the phase ϕi vary strongly and are thus approximated as random
variables that are uniformly distributed in the range [0, 2u]. The real part of the received field strength due
to the ith MPC is thus |ai| cos (ϕi), the imaginary part is |ai| sin (ϕi ). Furthermore, we need to consider the
Doppler shift for computation of the total field strength E(t). If we look at non modulated carrier, we get
A d v B
Figure 6 Illustration of Doppler Effect.
The Doppler spectrum has described two important parameters:
1. It describes frequency dispersion.
2. It is a measure for the temporal variability of the channel.
Condensed Parameters
The correlation functions are used to describe wireless channels which are very complex. Even when the
WSSUS assumption is used, they are still functions of two variables. A preferable representation would be a
function of one variable, or even better, just a single parameter this parameter is called condensed
parameter. Obviously, such a representation implies a serious loss of information, but this is a sometimes
acceptable for a compact representation. Integrals of the correlation functions, moments of the power
delay profile, coherence bandwidth and coherence time, window parameters are some condensed
parameter used for describing the wireless channels.
Directional Description
In directional description of wireless channel, the directions of the multipath components are also take in
consideration. In wideband channel description only amplitude and delay of the MPCs are consider.
Directional description is useful for two reasons.
• The directional properties are important for spatial diversity and multi element antennas.
• It allows separating the propagation effects from the impact of the antenna.