ST Anthony Novena
ST Anthony Novena
ST Anthony Novena
Anthony, in whose
arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant
your intercessory aid and at your word my prayer
will be granted.
1. St. Anthony, who raised the dead, pray for those
Christians now in their agony and for our dear
departed. ( V Glory be)
2. St. Anthony, zealous preacher of the Gospel,
fortify us against the errors of the enemies
of God, and pray for the Pope and the
Church. ( V Glory be)
3. St. Anthony, powerful with the heart of Jesus,
preserve us from the calamities which threaten
us on account of our sins. ( V Glory be)
4. St. Anthony, who drove away devils, make us
triumph over their snares. ( V Glory be)
5. St. Anthony, lily of heavenly purity, purify us
from the stains of the soul, and preserve our
body from all dangers. ( V Glory be)
6. St. Anthony, healer of the sick, cure our diseases,
and preserve us in health. ( V Glory be)
7. St. Anthony, guide of travelers, bring to safe
harbour those who are in danger of perishing
and calm the troubled waves of passion which
agitate our souls. ( V Glory be)
8. St. Anthony, liberator of captives, deliver us
from the captivity of evil. ( V Glory be)
9. St. Anthony, who restored to young and old the
use of their limbs, preserve for us the perfect use
of the senses of our bodies, and the faculties of
our minds. ( V Glory be)
10. St. Anthony, nder of lost things, help us to
nd all that we have lost in the spiritual and in
the temporal order. ( V Glory be)
11. St. Anthony, protected by Mary, avert the
dangers which threaten our bodies and
souls. ( V Glory be)
12. St. Anthony, helper of the poor, help us in our
needs and give bread and work to those who
ask. ( V Glory be)
13. St. Anthony, we thankfully proclaim your
miraculous power, and we beseech you to protect
us all the days of our life. ( V Glory be)
Let us pray:
O Glorious St. Anthony, safe refuge of the aicted
and distressed, who has miraculously revealed that
all who piously invoke you on nine consecutive
Tuesdays, will experience your powerful help.
I, a poor sinner, encouraged by this promise, come to
you and with a rm hope, I implore your aid, your
counsel and your blessing
Obtain help for me, dear Saint, in my present
necessity (here mention your request). But if it be
opposed to the will of God and welfare of my soul,
obtain for me such other graces as shall be conducive
to my salvation. Trough Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Glorious Saint, in the name of the Queen of
Angels, and of all celestial choirs, I salute you
and humbly ask that, with them, you would
approach the Trone of God, and lovingly oer
my petition, strengthening it by your intercession.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, saluting you in the name of the
patriarchs and prophets, and thanking God that, like
unto them, you were endowed with divine knowledge
and foresight, I beseech you that, with them, you
would approach the eternal Trone and obtain for
me my petition by our united prayers and merits.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, in the name of all the holy apostles
and disciples of Christ, I salute you and thank
Him for having chosen you also to proclaim His
Gospel and spread the faith; and beseech you
to unite your prayers with theirs, that through
your united merits my petition may be granted.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, who like the martyrs and
confessors was ever ready to endure persecution for
Christs sake, I salute you and beseech that with
them you would approach the Eternal Trone and
by your united intercession obtain my petition.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, in the name of all holy bishops
and priests, I humbly salute you and return
thanks to God, through Whose grace you did,
by preaching and example, convert countless
numbers to Christ and salvation. Join, I implore
you, your prayers with theirs before Gods Trone,
that thereby my petition may be obtained.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, I salute you and return thanks to
the Most High God that, like all holy monks and
hermits, you did through His grace, spent your life in
fasting, prayer and mortication. Join your prayers
with theirs before Gods Trone that your united
prayers and merits may gain for me my petition.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, lily of purity saluting you in
the name of all virgins and holy innocents who
like you did preserve their purity unsullied
and overcame the desires of the esh; unite
with them, I beseech you, in approaching the
Trone of God, and obtain for me my petition.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, I salute you in the name of all
holy widows and spouses, and thanking God
who endowed you with such great and varied
padua of
Pray for us
virtues, whereby you did so diligently serve Him
on earth, I beseech you to join your voice with
theirs before the throne of God that your united
prayers and merits may obtain for me my petition.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
Blessed Anthony, saluting you in the name of
St. Joseph, the chaste spouse of Mary, and of all
devout persons still living, and thanking God,
the Most High, Who has bestowed on you His
innite love, and generously endowed you with
His grace, I humbly beseech you to plead on
my behalf before His Eternal Trone, that my
petition may be granted, for His greater honour
and glory and the comfort of my sorrowing soul.
( V Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be)
V Pray for us, Blessed Anthony.
R Tat we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.
Let us pray:
O God, may the votive commemoration of Blessed
Anthony, your confessor and Doctor, be a source
of joy to your Church, that she may always be
fortied with spiritual assistance and deserve to
enjoy eternal happiness. Trough Jesus Christ Our
Lord. AMEN.
Holy Saint Anthony, one of the gentlest and
kindest of all the Saints, your burning love
of God, your exalted virtue and your great charity
towards your fellow creatures, made you worthy,
when on earth, to possess miraculous powers of an
exalted kind. Miracles waited on your word, and
that word you were ever ready to speak at the request
of those in trouble. Te anxious prayer of bitter
trial was never addressed to you in vain. To the sick
you gave back health; you restored what was lost,
the sorrow-stricken were the objects of your tender
compassion; even the dead you raised to life when
the wounded heart cried out to you from the depths
of anguish. When on earth nothing was impossible
to you, except not to have compassion on those in
distress and sorrow. Encouraged by this thought,
and full of condence, I implore of you to obtain for
me (here mention your request).
Te answer to this, my prayer, may require a miracle.
Even so, are you not the Saint of Miracles, who when
on earth had but to speak and the mightiest wonders
were wrought? O gentle and loving St. Anthony,
you whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,
whisper my prayer into the ears of the Infant Jesus
who loved to linger in your arms.
One word from you and my prayer will be granted.
Oh, speak that word and the gratitude of my heart
will ever be yours. AMEN
St. Francis of Assisi Church
P. O. Box 72715, Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
Tel: 8845251 Fax: 8845216 [email protected]
St. Anthony, born of noble parents in 1195 in Lisbon-Portugal, joined the
Franciscan order in 1220. He died at age 36, on 13 June 1231 on which
date his feast is celebrated. He is popularly known as wonder worker, patron
of lost things & missing persons, patron of the poor & oppressed, etc.
Some of his important miracles.
At Rimini, a horse, which, kept fasting for three days, refused the
oats placed before him, till he had knelt down and adored the Blessed
Sacrament, which St. Anthony held in his hands.
Poisoned food was oered him by some Italian heretics, which he
rendered innoxious by the sign of the cross.
Te famous sermon to the shes on the bank of the river Brenta in the
neighbourhood of Padua.
Preaching one night on Holy Tursday in the Church of St. Pierre du
Queriox at Limoges, he remembered he had to sing a Lesson of the
Divine Oce. Interrupting suddenly his discourse, he appeared at the
same moment among the friars in choir to sing his Lesson, after which
he continued his sermon.
Another day preaching in the square des creux des Arenes at Limoges,
he miraculously preserved his audience from the rain.
At St. Junien during the sermon, he predicted that by an artice of the
devil the pulpit would break down, but that all should remain safe and
sound. And so it occurred; for while he was preaching, the pulpit was
overthrown, but no one hurt; not even the saint himself.
In a monastery of Benedictines, where he had fallen ill, he delivered by
means of his tunic one of the monks from great temptations.
Likewise, by breathing on the face of a novice (whom he had himself
received into the order), he conrmed him in his vocation.
At Brive, where he had founded a convent, he preserved from the rain
the maid-servant of a benefactress who was bringing some vegetables
to the brethren for their meagre repast.
A young man, Leonardo by name, in a t of anger kicked his own
mother. Repentant, he confessed his fault to St. Anthony who said
to him: Te foot of him who kicks his mother deserves to be cut
o. Leonardo ran home and cut o his foot. Learning of this, St.
Anthony took the amputated member of the unfortunate youth and
miraculously rejoined it.