MEDEG Application Form

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Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Economic Development and Growth Application Form
Edition 2014/2016

I C"OO#E TO # E!D T"E FI$#T YEA$ OF MEDEG AT% O TIO! A% &niversit' o( )arwic*

O TIO! B% &niversidad Carlos III Madrid

I am aware that Ill have to spend the second year of MEDEG mandatorily at Lund University

Family name KA AKA! Date of $irth (dd/mm/yyyy) %&'()'%*+&

First name ,lace of -irth !I.A! E A" /ationality 0U KI!1

Middle name ################################## 2ountry of residence Gender 0U KE" 2ontact Mail Address eray8a9:mail#com

ID Document

Document 3ID4 ,assport etc#5 ,assport /r# U ()(67)%+

2ontact 0elephone ;*())7+6***&<





ED&CATIO!+T$AI!I!G $ECEI,ED I! T"E FOLLO)I!G DI#CI LI!E# Economics Economic 1istory %BE=cellent CBGood -usiness Administration Finance

?ther# ,lease specify @ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <BFair 7BDea8 or none

BAC"ELO$ DEG$EE De:ree ?$tained University Month'"ear

<4(+'74(( 2umhuriyet University (&'C(%7 EA scanned copy and an official En:lish translation of your -A de:ree and transcript must $e attached to the application for full consideration# If you e=pect to o$tain a de:ree at the end of the academic year C(%%>%C4 please indicate the e=pected date of :raduation and enclose an official certificate issued $y your University statin: e=plicitly the e=pected date of :raduation#

OT"E$ DEG$EE#+MA#TE$+T$AI!I!G CO&$#E#De:ree ?$tained ################################### De:ree ?$tained University'Institution FFFFFFFF University "ear ################################## "ear

################################### FFFFFFFF ################################## EA scanned copy and an official En:lish translation of any additional de:ree'course must $e attached to the application for full consideration

LA!G&AGE#E/GLI!1 !,A/I!1 %BE=cellent E/GLI!1 2E 0IFI2A0EE@ specify ############################### !,A/I!1 2E 0IFI2A0EEE@ specify ############################### 0?EFL CBGood ?01E @ please specify ######################################## <BFair 7BDea8 or none E!?L F2E ?01E @ please

E!?L IEL0!


?01E @ please

EA certificate of 8nowled:e of En:lish as a forei:n lan:ua:e is mandatory for all students from non>En:lish spea8in: countries'universities EE A certificate of 8nowled:e of !panish as a forei:n lan:ua:e is mandatory for students from non>!panish spea8in: countries wantin: to spend their first year at Universidad 2arlos III Madrid

C&$$E!T EM LOYME!T /O!LY IF A ,osition'0itle ########################################### !ector ,u$lic Employer ############################################### ,rivate Mi=ed LICABLE0 !ince

/ame of !upervisor ################################## /G? International


?ther 3please specify5@ FFFFFFFFFFF# Descri$e the main functions of your or:anisation@ ############################################################################################################################ Descri$e your responsi$ilities@ ################################################################################################################################## 1ow does the topic of the Masters pro:ramme relate to your current Go$ responsi$ilitiesH ################################################################################################################################## Dhich impact do you foresee this trainin: will have on your careerH ###################################################################################################################################

EM LOYME!T "I#TO$Y /IF A!Y0 Employer ####################### Employer ####################### Employer ####################### ,osition ######################### ##### ,osition ######################### ##### ,osition ######################### ##### From I to ####### > ####### From I to ####### > ####### From I to ####### > ####### -rief description of your duties ######################################## -rief description of your duties ############################################ -rief description of your duties ###########################################


)hat motivated 'ou to appl' (or Master MEDEG and what do 'ou e2pect (rom this pro3ramme4 (max 500 words)

Dear Madam, Sir, I am Eray Karakas, motivated student in Turkey in Cumhuriyet University, expected to graduate at the end of this year I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myse!f at your University and to app!y for the programme Erasmus Mundus I strong!y "e!ieve that I am suita"!e candidate for the programme Since my high schoo! days I have deve!oped strong interests for the issues regarding internationa! economics, especia!!y internationa! trade and deve!opment, as I advocate the opinion that the export orientated trade is a motor for stronger internationa! deve!opment That is #hy I enro!!ed myse!f at the Cumhuriyet University $s I do not have sufficient funds for the tuition fees, I "e!ieve that my competences and academic records recommend me for the !imited num"er of p!acements at the University $s I understand, this programme is very competitive, attracting high!y motivated students, "ut I am convinced that my good record at the University and during my #ork as a researcher give me a strong recommendation for a p!ace at it I #ou!d "e honored if you decide to accept my candidateship to "e master student at the your university %&'()%&'*

Thank you very much for your time and consideration

Sincere!y yours, Eray Karakas

E$A#M&# M&!D&# #C"OLA$#"I #

A LICATIO! FO$ A! E$A#M&# M&!D&# #C"OLA$#"I I here$y apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship@ "es /o

If yes4 please specify which cate:ory of Erasmus Mundus scholarship you apply for@ 2ate:ory A Erasmus Mundus scholarship# E-y tic8in: the 2ate:ory A $o=4 here$y I declare that I am a citiJen of a country Kualified as 0hird>country and that I am not resident nor have carried out my main activity 3studies4 wor84 etc#5 in any European country for more than a total of %C months over the last ) years 3ie# from Decem$er %st4 C(()4 to /ovem$er <(th4 C(%(54 as per the EA2EA criteria specified in the 2all for Applications# 2ate:ory - Erasmus Mundus scholarship#

1ave you ever received any Erasmus Mundus scholarship in the pastH "es /o If you have tic8ed the L"E!M $o=4 please specify when and for which pro:ramme@ ##################################################################################################################### 1ave you applied to other Erasmus Mundus Master 2ourses for the academic year C(%C>%<H "es /o If L"E!M4 please specify@ AAAAAAA

In case you are not selected for an Erasmus Mundus !cholarship4 do you want to apply to additional scholarships which may $e offered $y MEDEGH "es /o

1ave you applied to other scholarships offered $y national or international institutionsH "es /o If L"E!M4 please specify@ AAAAAAA

lease 3ive the names o( two $e(erees Last /ame and /ame of eferee ,osition and ?r:anisation

0elephone num$er and e>mail address

E eferences must $e provided usin: the Letter of site#

eference Form downloada$le from the MEDEG we$

Do you suffer from any disa$ility that may prevent your re:ular participation in the Master activities or may reKuire specific support'assistanceH "es /o If you have tic8ed the L"E!M $o=4 please specify@ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

PRIVACY AND SECURITY ACT (accordin !o S"anis# $aw) In accordanc% wi!# ar!ic&% 5 o' !#% S"anis# $aw (5/())) on "%rsona& da!a "ro!%c!ion* a&& "%rsona& da!a "ro+id%d in !#is a""&ica!ion 'orm wi&& ,% r%cord%d and mana %d ,y Uni+%rsidad Car&os III -adrid on&y 'or acad%mic and adminis!ra!i+% ".r"os%s .nd%r !#% r%s"onsi,i&i!y o' !#% Uni+%rsi!y/s c%n!ra& adminis!ra!ion (0%r%ncia)1 A""&ican!s #a+% !#% ri #! !o acc%ss* am%nd and canc%& !#%ir da!a* as w%&& as !o d%ny !#% .s% o' !#%ir da!a ,y wri!in !o !#% E=cmo# y Ma:fco# !r# ector de la Universidad 2arlos III de Madrid4 c' Madrid nN %C&4 C+*(< Getafe Madrid#
Acc%"!%d and A r%%d

Date AAC6'%%'C(%<A


List of documents to enclose to this Application Form@ >a photocopy of ID card or passport of the applicant >a short 2. of the applicant 3use the downloada$le 2. template5 >a scanned copy A/D official En:lish translation of a certificate of the Diploma held 3-achelor or eKuivalent5# >a scanned copy A/D an official En:lish translation of transcript or similar detailed official record of the applicantOs academic achievement 3an official report listin: e=ams passed4 :rades4 :raduation mar84 honours5# >a scanned copy of the certificate of lan:ua:e 8nowled:e4 if applica$le >any other document that may $e relevant for the assessment of their education achievement and s8ill>set 3e#:# certificates of additional de:ree o$tained4 trainin: courses received4 participation in research proGects and other professional e=periences5 >two reference letters from academic referees

The complete application 3application form and all reKuired documents5 must 5e su5mitted online

5' !ovem5er 67th8 69:; < in case o( students citi=ens o( Third countries /includin3 Tur*e' and )estern Bal*ans countries0 5' 1anuar' :>8 69:? < in case o( students citi=ens o( European countries /mem5er states o( E&8 EEA@EFTA8 #wit=erland80 ,lease note that incomplete or late applications will /?0 $e ta8en into consideration

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