Manoeuvring Booklet

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Safety Systems Ltd



This publication is produced by SeaTec Safety Systems Ltd in accordance with the recommendations contained within IMO Resolution A.601(15).

Further copies of this publication can be obtained from: SeaTec Safety Systems Ltd 5th Floor Station House 34 St Enoch Square GLASGOW G1 4DF Tel: Fax: 0141 226 5544 0141 226 5599


GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 1.2 Ship's particulars Characteristics of Main Engines(s)

MANOEUVRING CHARACTERISTICS IN DEEP WATER 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Course change performance Turning circles in deep water Accelerating turn Yaw checking tests Man-overboard and parallel course manoeuvring Lateral thruster capabilities

STOPPING AND SPEED CONTROL CHARACTERISTICS IN DEEP WATER 3.1 3.2 3.3 Stopping ability Deceleration performance Acceleration performance

MANOEUVRING CHARACTERISTICS IN SHALLOW WATER 4.1 4.2 Turning circle in shallow water Squat

MANOEUVRING CHARACTERISTICS IN WIND 5.1 5.2 5.3 Wind forces and moments Course-keeping limitations Drifting under wind influence

6 7



Page 1

1.1 Ships particulars

Ships name: Official number: Date keel laid: Gross tonnage: Deadweight: Displacement: LOA: LBP: Breadth (Moulded): Depth (Moulded):

at Summer Draft: Normal ballast draft: Hull coefficient at summer load draft: Hull coefficient at normal ballast draft: Extreme height of the ships structure: (measured from keel)


Main Engine(s) Number of units:

Power output:


Propeller(s) Type: Number of units: Direction of rotation: Diameter: Pitch: Propeller immersion:

Type: Number of units: Total rudder area:

Rudder(s) Rudder area ratio (loaded) Rudder area ratio (ballast)

Type: Number of units: Bow thruster capacity:

Bow and Stern Thrusters Stern thruster capacity: Stern thruster location: Bow thruster location:


Page 2

Bow and Stern Profiles (not drawn to scale)

Bow profile - Full load condition

Full load draft

m Blind zone m Bow profile - ballast condition

Normal ballast draft

m Blind zone m

Stern profile. Full load condition

Blind zone m m Full load draft

Stern profile. Ballast condition

Blind Zone

Normal ballast draft


Page 3

Other hull particulars

m Stern to bridge wing Extreme height m

m Distance from bridge wing to bow

Full load waterline Normal ballast waterline m Length of full load waterline Length of normal ballast waterline

Width -loaded WL m Width-ballast WL m m

Length of parallel mid body - full load condition m

Length of parallel mid body - normal ballast condition m

Please note below any items (including dimensions)of specific hull details not specified above relevant to the vessel, eg - protuding bridge wings or bulbous bows.


Page 4

1.2 Characteristics of Main Engine

Trial or Estimated

Engine order
Full Ahead (Sea) Full Ahead (Man) Half Ahead Slow Ahead Dead Slow Ahead Dead Slow Astern Slow Astern Half Astern Full Astern

Speed (Knots) RPM Ballast Loaded

Thrust Ballast Loaded

Maximum No. of consecutive starts (diesel engine) Minimum operating Revolutions Speed at minimum operating revolutions

Time limit astern rpm Critical revolutions knots

min. rpm

Time taken to effect changes in Engine Telegraph Settings Change in Engine Telegraph Settings
Full astern from Full Sea speed Ahead Full astern from Full Ahead speed Full astern from Half Ahead speed Full astern from Slow Ahead speed Stop Engine from Full Sea speed Ahead Stop Engine from Full Ahead speed Stop Engine from Half Ahead speed Stop Engine from Slow Ahead speed

Time Taken Routine Emergency


Page 5


2.1 Course change performance Initial turning test results (trial or estimated) Full load condition
090 10 d egre es r udde r Ad va nce (cabl es) 090 20 de gre es ru dder 35 de gre es ru dder

09 0 36 0 36 0

18 0



In itia l cou rse 000

2 70 2 70

27 0 Tra nsfe r ( ca bles)

Normal ballast condition

090 10 d egre es r udde r Ad va nce (cabl es) 090 20 de gre es ru dder 35 de gre es ru dder

09 0 36 0 36 0

18 0



In itia l cou rse 000

2 70 2 70

27 0 Tra nsfe r ( ca bles)

Wind Direction

Stern track shown in both of the above diagrams Environmental conditions during test Wind speed Sea State

Depth of water


Page 6

Table of course change test results

Full Ahead Sea Speed Full load condition, 10 degrees of rudder

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Speed after turn

Rate of Turn

Advance in cables

Transfer in cables

Point of initiation of counter rudder

Distance to New course

Full Ahead sea speed Normal ballast condition, 10 degrees of rudder Point of initiation Speed Rate Advance Transfer of counter after of in in rudder turn Turn cables cables

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Distance to New course

Page 7

Full Ahead sea speed Full load condition, 20 degrees of rudder

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Speed after turn

Rate of Turn

Advance in cables

Transfer in cables

Point of initiation of counter rudder

Distance to New course

Full Ahead sea speed Normal ballast condition, 20 degrees of rudder Point of initiation Speed Rate Advance Transfer of counter after of in in rudder turn Turn cables cables

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Distance to New course

Page 8

Full Ahead sea speed Full load condition, 35 degrees of rudder

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Speed after turn

Rate of Turn

Advance in cables

Transfer in cables

Point of initiation of counter rudder

Distance to New course

Full Ahead sea speed Normal ballast condition, 35 degrees of rudder Point of initiation Speed Rate Advance Transfer of counter after of in in rudder turn Turn cables cables

Change of Heading 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Time from W/O

Distance to New course


Page 9

Terms used Wheel over position (W/O) Advance Transfer

The point at which the change of course is initiated. The distance which the ship has moved in the direction of the initial heading. The distance which the ship has moved perpendicular to the initial heading.

Distance to New Course The distance from the intersection of the initial and final heading to the wheel over position. Point of initiation of counter rudder
The point, expressed in degrees, before the final heading at which the appropriate counter rudder should be applied to prevent over-swing.
Initial h eadin g Fina l h ead ing


Ad va nce

Di stan ce to new course

Whee l o ve r p osition Transfer

In the above diagram the Advance and the Distance to New Course are both of the same value. However, this will be true only for an alteration of 90 degrees. In other course alterations they will have different values.


Page 10

2.2 Turning circles in deep water Trial or estimated Full load condition
Transfer n.m

Advance n.m

Elapsed Time Course 090 Speed

Time 0m 00sec. Rudder Hard Over Full sea speed Ahead Knots Course 000

Elapsed Time Course 000 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 180 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 270 Speed

Tactical Diameter


Normal ballast condition

Transfer n.m

Advance n.m

Elapsed Time Course 090 Speed

Time 0m 00sec. Rudder Hard Over Full sea speed Ahead Knots Course 000

Elapsed Time Course 000 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 180 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 270 Speed

Tactical Diameter


Wind Direction

Track shown is for stern track Maximum rudder angle used throughout turn Environmental conditions during Manoeuvring Trial Wind speed Sea State Depth of water


Page 11

2.3 Accelerating turn Trial or estimated

Full load condition
Transfer n.m

Advance n.m

Elapsed Time Course 090 Speed

Time 0m 00sec. Rudder Hard Over Full Ahead ordered Initial speed 00.0 knots Course 000

Elapsed Time Course 000 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 180 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 270 Speed

Tactical Diameter


Normal ballast condition

Transfer n.m

Advance n.m

Elapsed Time Course 090 Speed

Time 0m 00sec. Rudder Hard Over Full Ahead ordered Initial speed 00.0 knots Course 000

Elapsed Time Course 000 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 180 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 270 Speed

Tactical Diameter


Track shown is for stern track Maximum rudder angle used throughout turn Environmental conditions during Manoeuvring Trial Wind speed Sea State Depth of water

Wind Direction


Page 12

2.4 Yaw checking tests (trial or estimated) Zig-zag (or Kempf) manoeuvre
The manoeuvre provides a qualitative measure of the effectiveness of the rudder to initiate and check changes of heading. The manoeuvre is performed in the following manner. With the ship steaming at a uniform speed and on a constant heading a nominal rudder angle, say 20 degrees, is applied as quickly and as smoothly as possible and held constant until the ships heading has changed by 20 degrees (check angle) from the base course. At this point 20 degrees of opposite rudder is applied and held until the ship's heading has crossed the base course and is 20 degrees in the opposite direction, the rudder is then reversed as before. This procedure is repeated until the the ship's head has passed through the base course 5 times. During the manoeuvre the ship's heading and rudder angle are recorded continously. The usual rudder angle/check angle used is 20 degrees/20 degrees but other combinations are 5 degrees/20 degrees and 10 degrees/20 degrees. The main parameters used for comparison are the overshoot angle, overshoot time and the period. Zig-zag (or Kempf) Manoeuvre: Ship's Heading and Rudder Angle against Time Normal ballast condition

Overshoot time Period Overshoot Angle Port Ship's heading Rudder angle

Angle 0 (degrees)


Swing time Time (seconds)


Page 13

Pull out manoeuvre

The pull out manoeuvre was developed as a simple test to give a quick indication of a ship's course stability. The ship is held on a steady course and at a steady speed. A rudder angle of approximately 20 degrees is applied and the ship allowed to achieve a steady rate of turn; at this point the rudder is returned to midships. The rate of turn is now allowed to decay with the rudder held amidships. If the ship is stable the rate of turn will decay to zero for turns to both port and starboard. If the ship has a steering bias, then port and starboard turns will decay to the same small rate of turn on whichever hand the bias exists. If the ship is unstable then the rate of turn will reduce to some residual rate of turn as shown in the diagram.
Rudder returned to midships Port Unstable ship Residual rate of turn

Stable ship Rate of turn Time


Unstable ship

Enter below the relevant values for own vessel and note whether stable or unstable Pull out Manoeuvre: Rate of turn against Time


Rate of turn Time



Page 14

2.5 Man-overboard and parallel course manoeuvres Williamson Turn shown Full load condition
Forward reach ..... n miles Vessel continues turn until steady on reciprocal course Vessel continues turn until steady on reciprocal course Forward reach ..... n miles

When vessel reaches 60 off original course wheel is put hard over in opposite direction. Man overboard, Vessel turns wheel hard -over to appropriate side.

Vessel now on reciprocal course

Vessel now on reciprocal course

When vessel reaches 60 off original course wheel is put hard over in opposite direction. Man overboard, Vessel turns wheel hard -over to appropriate side.

Extent of lateral shift ........ n miles

Extent of lateral shift ........ n miles Lateral transfer ...... n miles

Lateral transfer ...... n miles

Normal ballast condition

Forward reach ..... n miles Vessel continues turn until steady on reciprocal course Vessel continues turn until steady on reciprocal course Forward reach ..... n miles

When vessel reaches 60 off original course wheel is put hard over in opposite direction. Man overboard, Vessel turns wheel hard -over to appropriate side.

Vessel now on reciprocal course

Vessel now on reciprocal course

When vessel reaches 60 off original course wheel is put hard over in opposite direction. Man overboard, Vessel turns wheel hard -over to appropriate side.

Extent of lateral shift ........ n miles

Extent of lateral shift ........ n miles Lateral transfer ...... n miles

Lateral transfer ...... n miles

Parallel course manoeuvre

Lateral shift to a parallel course using maximum rudder angle. (assume loaded condition)



Page 15

2.6 Lateral thruster capabilities (trial or estimated) Zero forward speed FULL LOAD CONDITION

Elapsed Time Hdg 000 Elapsed Time Hdg 270 Hdg 090

Direction of Turn Thruster operating at 100% capacity

Elapsed Time

Hdg 180

Elapsed Time

Effect of forward speed on turning performance Speed (knots) Curves should be drawn to show the effect of forward speed on turning performance. 6


Time (minutes) The bow thruster becomes ineffective at forward speeds in excess of In wind speeds in excess of


knots the bow thruster becomes ineffective. Page 16


3.1 Stopping ability

Side Reach n.m Track reach Mins Knots

Distance Side Reach n.m Track reach Mins Knots

Head Reach n.m

Head Reach n.m



Initial rpm

Final rpm

From full ahead sea to full astern Initial Speed Final Speed Track reach Head reach Side reach 0.0 knots n. miles n. miles n. miles

Initial rpm

Final rpm

From full ahead to full astern Initial Speed Final Speed Track reach Head reach Side reach 0.0 knots n. miles n. miles n. miles

Environmental conditions during Manoeuvring Trial Wind Direction Wind speed Sea State Depth of water


Page 17

Stopping ability (estimated)

TRACK REACH Loaded Condition
Mins Knots


Ballast Condition

Slow ahead

Half ahead

Full ahead

Full sea ahead

Head Reach

Full sea ahead

Full ahead

Half ahead

Slow ahead



Track Reach Full astern from: Full ahead (sea) n.miles Full ahead n.miles Half Ahead n.miles Slow Ahead n.miles

Full Load condition Head Reach Side Reach

Time required

Track reach deceleration factor

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

Track Reach Full astern from: Full ahead (sea) n.miles Full ahead n.miles Half Ahead n.miles Slow Ahead n.miles

Normal Ballast condition Head Reach Side Reach

Time required

Track reach deceleration factor

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles


Page 18

Stopping ability (estimated)

TRACK REACH Loaded Condition

Mins Knots


Ballast Condition

Slow ahead

Half ahead

Full ahead

Full sea ahead

Head Reach

Full sea ahead

Full ahead

Half ahead

Slow ahead



Track Reach Stop Engine from: Full ahead (sea) n.miles Full ahead n.miles Half Ahead n.miles Slow Ahead n.miles

Full Load condition Head Reach Side Reach

Time required

Track reach deceleration factor

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

Track Reach Stop Engine from: Full ahead (sea) n.miles Full ahead n.miles Half Ahead n.miles Slow Ahead n.miles

Normal Ballast Condition Head Reach Side Reach

Time required

Track reach deceleration factor

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles

n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles


Page 19

3.2 Deceleration performance (estimated)

TRACK REACH Loaded Condition

Mins Knots


Ballast Condition

Slow ahead to dead slow ahead

Half ahead to slow ahead

Full ahead to half ahead

Full sea ahead to "stand by engines"

Full sea ahead to "stand by engines"

Full ahead to half ahead

Half ahead to slow ahead

Slow ahead to dead slow ahead

Full Load condition Track reach n. mile n. mile n. mile n. mile Time required Deceleration factor

Engine orders Full sea speed to "stand by engines" Full ahead to half ahead Half ahead to slow ahead Slow ahead to dead slow ahead

Normal Ballast condition Engine orders Track reach n. mile n. mile n. mile n. mile Time required Deceleration factor

Full sea speed to "stand by engines" Full ahead to half ahead Half ahead to slow ahead Slow ahead to dead slow ahead

Page 20

3.3 Acceleration performance

Full Ahead Sea achieved Final speed knots knots mins.

Track reach


Distance covered

Initial speed 00.0 knots Full Ahead Sea ordered

Time taken for ship to reach full sea speed ahead from zero speed
Speed 2 knots 4 knots 6 knots 8 knots 10 knots 12 knots 14 knots 16 knots 18 knots Distance covered n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles n.miles Elapsed time


Page 21


4.1 Turning circle in shallow water (estimated)

Full load condition

Track shown is for stern track

Transfer n.m

Advance n.m

Elapsed Time Course 090 Speed

Time 0m 00sec. Rudder Hard Over Speed Half Ahead Knots Course 000

Elapsed Time Course 000 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 180 Speed

Elapsed Time Course 270 Speed

Tactical Diameter Initial speed Half Ahead


Rudder angle applied should be the maximum throughout the turn Water depth to draft ratio should be 1.2


Page 22

4.2 Squat (estimated)

Shallow water - infinite width of channel

Squat (m) Curves should be drawn indicating maximum squat versus speed for various water depth/draft ratios 4

6 Speed (knots)



Shallow and confined water

Squat (m) Curves should be drawn indicating maximum squat versus speed for different blockage factors 4

6 Speed (knots)




Page 23


5.1 Wind forces and moments (estimated)

Full load condition

Wind speed Force ( T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Moment (tm)

Moment (tm)

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)


Page 24

Normal ballast condition

Wind speed Force ( T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots Moment (tm)

Moment (tm)

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)

Wind speed Force (T) 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots

Moment (tm)


Page 25

5.2 Course keeping limitation (estimated)

Full load condition

Relative wind direction Rudder amount required to maintain course at following wind speeds; Engine on Full Ahead 15 knots 30 knots 45 knots 60 knots

000 045 090 135 180 225 270 315 360 Normal Ballast condition
Relative wind direction Rudder amount required to maintain course at following wind speeds; Engine on Full Ahead 15 knots 30 knots 45 knots 60 knots

000 045 090 135 180 225 270 315 360

5.3 Drifting under wind influence (estimated)

Full load condition Drifting behaviour under wind influence (no engine power) Wind speed Direction of drift Rate of drift 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots 40 knots 50 knots 60 knots Normal ballast condition Drifting behaviour under wind influence (no engine power) Wind speed Direction of drift Rate of drift 10 knots 20 knots 30 knots 40 knots 50 knots 60 knots Page 26



Minimum operating revolutions of the Main Engine Corresponding speed Minimum speed at which course can be kept after stopping engines

Include here any relevant additional information, particularly information concerned with the operation of the bridge manoeuvring controls. If the vessel is equipped with multiple propellers then detail here the results of trial manoeuvres with one or more propellers inoperative.


Page 27

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