Comprehensive Study of Watermarking Techniques Using Different Transformations

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Comprehensive study of watermarking techniques Using Different Transformations


Ms. K. Sunitha, 2Prof.T.Sudha

1 Head, P.G Department of Computer Science Kasturba Gandhi College for Women, Hderabad 2 Department of Computer Science Sri Padmavathi Mahila Vishwa Vidyalayam, Tirupati

Watermarking technique is used to provide security using audio ,video, image and text. In this paper we discussed the mechanism in which, information can be hidden by modifying intensity values or frequency components of an image. Intensity values can be modified directly, for modifying frequency components image need to be transformed. Important properties of watermark include imperceptibility and robustness. Singular values of an image have very good stability when small values are added to the image. It does not affect the quality with great variation. Singular values correspond to intensity and singular vectors represent geometric characteristics. Here we made a study of hiding information using different hybrid watermarking techniques. SVD with DCT, DWT, DWT in YUV color space and RDWT transformations in low, high, mid bands of frequencies. The quality of watermarked data and extracted watermark is calculated using PSNR and NCC., For some attacks the image was robust and for some it was not, depending on the transformation and band in which watermark is embedded. Information can also be hidden in R G B or Y U V color spaces. Watermark extracted from three channels is studied, it was found that some of the channels were vulnerable to many attacks and some were not. Performance evaluation was made by applying various attacks.

Keywords : Singular Value Decomposition(SVD), Discrete Cosine Transformations(DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transformations(DWT), Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transformations(RDWT). Normalized Correlation Coefficient(NCC), Mean Square Error(MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR).

Watermark can be used for copy right authentication or secret communication. Copy right is achieved by invisible watermark. Secret communication can be tested for robustness by adding noise . Watermark can be classified as blind and non-blind. Blind watermarking require secret key where as non-blind watermarking require cover image for watermark extraction. Watermarking approaches can be classified into two main categories based on the method of hiding watermark information bits in the host image. The two categories are spatial-domain watermarking and transform-domain watermarking. In spatial-domain embedding is performed on spatial pixel values (luminance, chrominance, color space). Spatial-domain techniques are easy to implement, but not robust against attacks. Transform-domain techniques alter spatial pixel values according to a pre-determined transform. Fundamental transformations techniques are DCT, DWT, FFT and the singular value decomposition. Transform-domain techniques proved to be more robust and imperceptible compared to spatial-domain techniques. Robustness of watermarking algorithm is a measure of resistance to attacks, which is calculated with correlation coefficient between original and extracted watermark. Imperceptibility means that perceived quality of image should not be distorted by the presence of watermark. As a measure of the quality of watermarked image, PSNR is used. Data payload or watermarking capacity for a given image is defined as number of watermark pixels that can be embedded in the image without causing distortion to image.

2. Review of related work

SVD is an optimal matrix decomposition technique in least square sense that it packs maximum signal energy in SVs. Each singular value specifies the luminance (energy), singular vectors represent image geometry. Slight variations of SVs cannot affect the visual perception of the quality variations the cover image. The robustness can be provided by embedding of watermark data through slight modifications in SVs[1]. Drawback with SVD mechanism is it reduces the quality of watermarked image and extracted watermark is not robust to common attacks. However schemes based on SVD

Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014

Page 89

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847
alone cannot guarantee high robustness against geometric attacks [9]. Instead of SVD alone, schemes using transforms such as DCT, DWT ,YUV and RDWT. SVD-DCT Alexander Sverdlov applied DCT to cover image where DCT coefficients are mapped into four quadrants. Upper left corner of DCT coefficients represent low frequency components of the signal in which most of the signal energy lies. Embedding data in lowest frequencies is resilient to one set of attacks. Lower right values of DCT coefficients represent higher frequencies are often small enough to be neglected with little visible distortion. A mathematical tool SVD and DCT [2] is used for embedding watermark into cover image. DCT-SVD maintains quality of the image compare to SVD alone. DWT is a linear transformation technique used to describe discrete signal in multi resolution domain. DWT[2] image can be decomposed into pyramidal structure with various frequency bands such as LL(low), LH, HL(mid), HH(high). Magnitude of DWT coefficient is larger in LL band and smaller for other bands LH, HL, HH. LL2 LH2 LH1 HL2 HH2 HL1 HH1

Fig1. Pyramidal structure of second level image decomposition

Embedding watermark in higher level sub bands increases the robustness of watermark with loss of image visual fidelity. Embedding in the lower level sub bands increases visual fidelity and reduces robustness. Image quality is studied measuring MSE, PSNR and NCC. In most DWT based watermarking schemes, the LL band is not modified as it is argued that watermark transparency would be lost [3]. DWT and SVD are combined to develop a new hybrid non-blind scheme proposed by Eskicioglu is resistant to variety of attacks. NCC for extracted watermark from four bands is measured. LL band withstands [3] compression, Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, resize. Middle band withstands for cropping and rotation. HH band is resistant to cropping, histogram equalization. Because of down sampling of its bands DWT cannot provide shift invariance. The shift invariance of DWT causes inaccurate extraction of cover and watermark image [5]. Since in watermarking we need to extract locations where watermark information is embedded, to overcome this problem researchers have proposed RDWT. SVD and RDWT: This method eliminates down sampling and up sampling of coefficients during filtration. Redundant representation of input stream is obtained by eliminating down sampling in the RDWT analysis. No shift invariance in RDWT, Shift invariance is the property that causes major changes in wavelet coefficient with minor shifts in the input image [5]. Using this method large watermark can be embedded, it survives from common attacks. Large values of PSNR gives better watermark concealment. DWT and SVD in YUV color space: Here RGB color domain is converted into YUV domain. Where Y represents intensity and UV represents chrominance (color) components[6]. In RGB color space pixel values are highly correlated where as in UV they are decor related. Secret data can be embedded into intensity or slight variations in singular values may not effect visual perception. Y components are higher than UV. These components are used for embedding after haar transformation is applied. Conversion of RGB to YUV color spaces Y = 0.257 R + 0.504 G + 0.098 B + 16 U = 0.148R - 0.291G + 0.439B + 128 V = 0.439 R 0.368 G -0.071B + 128 DWT is applied to each YUV. Scale the watermark with cover image by a scaling factor and measure PSNR and NC in three channels in all bands are PSNR 36db 33db 30db NC 0.9980 0.9994 0.9498


Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014

Page 90

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847 3. Comparison of watermarking techniques
After attac ks SVD SVD + DCT SVD + DWT SVD + RDWT SVD + YUV color space 36db 0.9994 size of cover image All frequenc y bands of color images

PSN R CC Size of water mark Sub bands select ed for W.M insert ion

33db 0.9987 Same as cover image No sub bands

17.6 0.99314 th cover image All

34db 0.9989 size of cover image All

38db 0.9987 Same as size of cover image HH

4.Conclusion :
Drawback with SVD algorithm is quality of watermarked image is degraded and also extracted watermark is not robust for common attacks. There fore researchers combine SVD with DCT or DWT .These hybrid techniques are better than SVD alone with respect to noise and robustness. RDWT is more robust to various attacks compared to DWT based methods because it provide shift invariance. Here frame expansion increases robustness. Large watermarks can be embedded using this method.. In DWT YUV color space large size of watermark is embedded in all three channels of cover image. Here watermarked image quality is not degradable. Better NCC found in U channel where as PSNR found good in Y channel

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Page 91

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