Anand Arjun Mandal: Address: "Mithila Bhawan",12/6 Pawar Nagar, Opp Dutta Mandir, Thergaon, Pune-33

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Anand Arjun Mandal

Mobile: +91 9970804070 E-Mail: [email protected] Address: Mithila Bhawan,12/6 Pawa !aga , "## $%tta Mandi ,&h' gaon,P%n'()). Career Objective: &o *' a++ociat'd with a # o,'++ional o gani-ation which .al%'+ ha d wo k and wo%ld gi.' m' a #lat,o m ,o g owth *oth #' +onall/ and # o,'++ionall/ within th' o gani-ation. SUMMARY 0++ociat'd with HDFC A!" Phon'Banking $'#a tm'nt a+ 1hann'l manag' 2+ag' 3 & aining Manag' till dat'. 0 '+%lt o i'nt'd # o,'++ional with MB0 4Ma k'ting5 3 o.' 4+ /'a + o, '6#' i'nc' in c%+tom' +' .ic', 1hann'l Manag'm'nt, 7n+tit%tional 3 1o #o at' handling, 8al'+ and 8al'+ "#' ation, B%+in'++ $'.'lo#m'nt, 9'/ acco%nt manag'm'nt and &'am Manag'm'nt. 8'l,'d manag' , 8kill'd in d'.'lo#ing +t ong *%+in'++ 'lation+hi#+ with c%+tom' +, '6#o+% ' in managing la g' acco%nt+ and t' ito i'+ a+ w'll a+ ,inding and con.' ting # o+#'ct+ to c%+tom' +. 0n ',,'cti.' comm%nicato with good # '+'ntation, n'gotiation, 'lation+hi# and t'am *%ilding +kill+. 0 d/namic # o,'++ional 'cogni-'d a+ a nat% al l'ad' with # o.'n a*iliti'+ in l'ading t'am+ towa d+ th' achi'.'m'nt o, goal 3 # o,ita*ilit/. :6#o+% ' in '6#lo ing 3 d'.'lo#ing n'w ma k't+, o gani-ing # omotional # og am+, acc'l' ating g owth and achi'.ing d'+i 'd +al'+ goal+. CORE COM#E$E!C%ES & aining 3 $'.'lo#m'nt ; P o<'ct Manag'm'nt ; Planning ; Mod'l $'.'lo#m'nt ; ='ad' +hi# 8kill+ ; P '+'ntation+ ; " gani-ation 8t at'g/ Planning ; P' +onal ='ad' +hi# ; &im' Manag'm'nt CARRER CO!$OUR HDFC Feb'()*( + $ill Date 1hann'l 7nd%+t /( Banking an& Manag' > 2+ag'

Role: Planning 3 im#l'm'nting ma k'ting cam#aign+ with ?onal @'ad+/ A8M+ /1'nt al Ma k'ting t'am to m''t *%+in'++ o*<'cti.'+ ,o * anch'+ and oth' .' tical+. $ i.' 1hann'l 2+ag' among+t th' c%+tom' in gi.'n g'og a#hical a 'a 3 achi'.ing ta g't'd !o. o, 1%+tom' + %+ing th' chann'l. 1 'at' ad'B%at' .i+i*ilit/, " gani-' l'ad g'n' ation 3 'lation+hi# *%ilding acti.iti'+ to # omot' th' chann'l # '+'nc' in th' catchm'nt a 'a. :ngag' with th' local 1o #o at' 8ala / t'am 491M / 18AM5 to d'.'lo# acti.iti'+ ,o inc 'a+ing awa 'n'++ 3 %+ag' o, Phon'Banking among+t th' +'gm'nt.

Ci+iting B anch'+ and 1o #o at' ,o initiating di 'ct 'ngag'm'nt with k'/ co #o at' c%+tom' + and t aining th'm a*o%t th' %+ag' chann'l d% ing th' co #o at' ind%ction+. 7d'nti,/ n'w a 'a+ o, inc 'a+ing %+ag' 3 7m#l'm'nting actiona*l' a+ #lann'd */ 1'nt al 2+ag' t'am to inc 'a+' #'n't ation in a gi.'n +'gm'nt. Monito ing 3 & acking # omotional to d'+ign n'w +al'+ +t at'gi'+. 0nal/-ing, P '#a ing 3 A'l'a+ing all 2+ag' 'lat'd M78 'B%i 'd , om th' %nit */ 1'nt al t'am, 1l%+t' + 3 $B1 within th' +'t tim'lin' to m'a+% ' 3 im# o.' th' 2+ag' #' ,o manc'. 7nitiat' # oc'++ cont ol+ to # '.'nt ' o + in data collation 3 # '#a ation within th' %nit 3 wo k towa d+ -' o(' o '#o ting. Dill *' on' #oint contact ,o mo ' th' 200 * anch'+ and co #o at' ,o & aining 'B%i 'm'nt+ ( 1la++ oom a+ w'll a+ non cla++ oom. & ain th' +ta,, with '+#'ct o, to th'i '6#' ti+' and 'nhancing th'i B%aliti'+ to d i.' mo ' # o,ita*ilit/ o, th' com#an/ & ain co #o at' l'.'l 'm#lo/'' and 'm#lo/' to %tili-' o% #'d +' .ic'+ 0cti.'l/ liai+' with B anch'+ to c 'at' awa 'n'++ o, Phon' Banking +' .ic'+ and #%+h mig ation o, * anch walk(in c%+tom' +

"in, evera,es #vt /td 0une'())1 + Feb 2*( 8al'+ 3 Ma k'ting :6'c%ti.' EM1F 3 B'.' ag'

7nd%+t /(

Role: &o a## oach n'w *%+in'++ # o+#'ct+ 4@"A:10, 1hann'l 8al'+, Mod' n t ad', '.'nt com#ani'+, cat' + 'tc5 and '6#and # od%ct 'ach in th' ma k't. @andling 9'/ 0cco%nt+ in @"A:10 a+ /e Meridian3 Marriott Hotels 4 Convention3 5estin3 Court6ard Marriott3 $aj3 H6att3 %sta etc7 $oing ma k't '+'a ch on # od%ct #' ,o manc', com#'tito acti.iti'+ and n'w 'm' ging o##o t%niti'+ 3 ha##'ning+. &o ,ind o%t o##o t%niti'+ to a##oint n'w d'al' +, di+t i*%to + and whol'+al' +. &o maintain # o#' chann'l +al'+ 3 di+t i*%tion chann'l. :+ta*li+hing and maintaining 'lation+hi#+ with k'/ di+t i*%to '6'c%ti.'+G 'na*ling *%+in'++ g owth */ d'.'lo#ing/ managing chann'l #a tn' + ac o++ a++ign'd t' ito i'+. 1ond%cting acti.iti'+ lik' +al'+ # omotion, # od%ct # omotion, # od%ct cam#aign+ 'tc 7m#l'm'nting +t at'gi'+ to ma6imi-' +al'+ and achi'.' '.'n%' ta g't+. !otable Contributions 8%cc'++,%ll/ achi'.'d th' +al'+ ta g't and '6#and'd *%+in'++ in P%n' 'gion. :6c''d'd +al'+ ta g't */ 21H in a +ho t +#an o, ,i +t two month+. 0dd'd .a io%+ di+t i*%to +, 'tail' + in m/ #o t,olio.

%ndira 0une'())8- Marc.'())9 8al'+ 7nd%+t /( 7&

$ec.nolo,ies 3 Ma k'ting


/td :6'c%ti.'

Role: 2nd' +tanding th' c%+tom' #' c'#tion o, com#%t' +o,twa ' and ,o wa ding th' d'tail

,o d'.'lo#m'nt &o anal/-' ma k't t 'nd+, # o.iding 'B%i 'd in#%t+ ,o # od%ct d'.'lo#m'nt 3 'nhanc'm'nt. $'mon+t ating +o,twa ' */ cond%cting 8'mina +, P '+'ntation+ and & aining 8'++ion+ at in+tit%tional l'.'l.

Managing /'nhancing *%+in'++ 'lation+hi# with k'/ id'nti,i'd c%+tom' + and achi'.ing d'+i 'd +al'+ 7n+talling +o,twa ', & aining 8%*o dinat'+, Making 8t at'g/ ,o n'w # od%ct+. !otable ContributionsI 0wa d'd with th' 2 est and .ard :or&in, $ea; Me;ber' at th' wo k #lac'. A'c'i.'d man/ 2A<<reciation Mails' , om th' Ma k'ting Manag' and 1%+tom' ,o +%cc'++,%l com#l'tion o, .a io%+ wo k ta+k+.

EDUCA$%O! M A =Mar&etin,> $'#a tm'nt o, Manag'm'nt 8ci'nc'+ 4P2MB05 o, 6 CS 7ndi a 1oll'g' o, 8ci'nc' H7S7C $ .$.K.Patil 1oll'g' o, 8ci'nc' S7S7C 7ndi a Fandhi @igh 8chool 2010 2008 2002 2000 ).74 o%t J0.27H 48.))H J).20H

$ECH!%CA/ E?#ER$%SE =ang%ag'+ : 1, 1++, L0C0. $ata*a+'+ I M8 :6c'l, $BM8, A$BM8 Do king :n.i onm'nt I Mic o+o,t Dindow+ 4Ci+ta, MP, 985 D'* $'+igning I @&M=, $@&M= "th' + I M8 ",,ic', 7nt' n't.

EYO!D CURR%CU/UM 0wa d'd a+ th' *'+t Ba+k't *all #la/' o, th' to% nam'nt 4 int' coll'g' 5 " gani-'d 8'.' al 7nt' coll'g' +#o t+ and +'mina +. M'm*' o, 8chool l'.'l M11 /earned e--ective tea; :or& and sel- disci<line :.ile <artici<atin, in t.ese various events

#ERSO!A/ DE$A%/S $at' o, Bi th Ma ital 8tat%+ Eath' N+ !am' !ationalit/ =ang%ag' P o,ici'nc/ P' man'nt 0dd '++

I 24th !o.'m*' , 1984 I Ma i'd I M .0 <%n Mandal I 7ndian I :ngli+h, @indi, Ma athi I Mithila Bhawan,12/6 Pawa !aga ,"## $%tta Mandi ,&h' gaon,P%n'()) .

DEC/ARA$%O! 7 h' '*/ d'cla ' that all th' in,o mation gi.'n a*o.' i+ co 'ct acco ding to *'+t o, m/ knowl'dg'.

$at'I Plac'I Mandal 5

4 0nand

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