Life in The Kali Yuga

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The yugas or the major cycles of time follow specific and predictable patterns. The created worlds are subject to these cycles. The Spiritual worlds, however, are not. The four classic cycles or yugas are the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Copper Age and the Iron Age. This is followed by a dissolution. The dissolution can be minor or grand. In a minor dissolution, the physical universe or plane and the Astral plane are removed from the creation. They remain absent for a period equal to the time they were present, at which point they are recreated once again. After many minor dissolutions, a grand dissolution will occur. In a grand dissolution, almost all of the created worlds are dissolved. Only a tiny part of the Mental and Etheric planes remain. This dissolution will last for a period equal to the period of creation. In this case, the period of creation includes all of the previous minor dissolutions and subsequent creations. The period from one grand dissolution until the next is considered to be one day in the life of GOD. The sequence of days is endless.


The transition from the Copper Age to the Iron Age or Kali Yuga involves both physical and psychic changes. The physical change involves a change in the central atom of hemoglobin from copper to iron. This change also reduces the normal life span for humans from 1000 years to 100 years. Some sea creatures apparently missed the transition commands and still use hemoglobin based upon copper. The phrase "blue bloods" may well refer back to the previous age since copper salts are blue. The psychic changes involve drastic reductions in the amount of available life energy, known as prana or chi, and an increase in the difficulty to reestablish direct access to the source.


We begin with direct access to the source. In this condition, absolute truth is accessible. This is a common state in the Golden Age, less common in the Silver and Copper ages and practically non existent in the Iron Age. So, the first step down in the fall of humanity is to lose direct access. Once

direct access is lost, the memory of direct access, which is a close approximation of direct access, forms the first belief system. However, as time passes, memories fade and belief systems drift further away from the absolute. There are disagreements, and the belief systems fragment. In time, they become totally random and have no real connection to any absolute truth. In fact, some become downright silly. Now, some "thinkers" realize this and break away to form the beginnings of science. They argue that belief systems are worthless and some logical method must be found to determine truth. So, they begin by saying, "If we can't see it, then it does not exist." The origins of science are basically honest but slow and the path ahead is long. Somewhere in this process, it is decided that, since no one has seen GOD, there is none and scientific atheism becomes popular. Other scientists develop "theories" which crystallize into belief systems. Some belief systems are pretty laughable such as the "Recipe for rats". This theory stated that rats could be "created" by leaving corn in a dark room. Soon, the "created" rats would appear. When medical science begins, "doctors" refuse to wash their hands. Some "crazies" argue that there might be some kind of "unseen somethings" on their dirty hands which might explain why most of the people having surgery are dying. However, the microscope had not yet been invented and the rule is, "if you can't see it, it does not exist." When the microscope was invented and you could see germs, the doctors updated their belief system and agreed to start washing their hands. However, once a scientific belief system crystallizes, just like in the religious belief systems, it can be hard to change. In 1908, Walter Kilner began his experiments viewing the human aura using a dicyanin dye filter. Now, as we know, under the occult principle of "as above, so below", a disease will appear in the Astral body before it does in the physical body. By trial and error, Kilner was able to detect changes in the aura and prevent the physical disease from manifesting. Later, the clumsy dye filters were replaced with special glasses called Kilnascrenes. This research met the science standard, "I can see this, therefore it does exist". However, science had already crystallized and scientific atheism had been accepted as fact. This was evidence of a new dimension which could disprove scientific atheism. So, the solution was to get rid of the evidence. Dicyanin is very difficult to purchase and the glasses were reportedly actually made illegal around the end of World War II. So, a gateway to the Astral dimension was effectively closed for science. Later, the arrogance of scientific atheism [since there is no GOD to punish us, who cares about morality] combined with degraded scientific belief systems and the intense profit motive of capitalism to produce a new applied science. In this science, truth was irrelevant. Profit was the only objective. Scientific truth was to be "fudged" however necessary to maximize profit and hide any potentially costly mistakes. This is the science we use today. Now, in secret and out of sight, the national labs, which were funded by the government and so were not dependent upon making a profit, were doing some pure science. As we said, pure science got off to a slow start but had the potential to rediscover truth over time. Now, in a revised [classified] version of "M Theory", scientists were able to prove that the universe could not have come to exist without some

external intelligence [intelligent design]. So, after all these years, science had rediscovered "the source". However, although they could establish that there was a source "somewhere", they could not access it. Those who choose the left hand path, or the path seeking knowledge for evil, cannot return to the source until their karmic debt is paid which, for the United States, would be essentially eternity. Since the world had now accepted scientific atheism bolstered by Darwinism, their discovery will remain classified and locked away with all the other things that ordinary people will never be allowed to know. This brings us full circle in this cycle.

After the second world war, the United States decided to get seriously into the intelligence business with the OSS [Office of Special Services] which later became the CIA. What followed was essentially the establishment and development of a new science: The Science of Evil. This new science came complete with its own language, a set of newly coined words and phrases we have now all come to know and love like "blowback" and "false flag". Actions and attitudes which were generally shunned and discouraged in the past were now encouraged, developed and perfected for use against "the enemy" and to further the "national interest". It appears that, when the US imported Nazi scientists after World War II, it also imported the Nazi philosophy and the Nazi goal of world domination. The official [secret] foreign policy of the United States became world domination to culminate in what has become known as the "New World Order". We know this because of the testimony of John Perkins in his books such as "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and others as well as his DVD documentary "Apology of an Economic Hit Man" shown on LINK TV. Based on the intelligence he provided, we know that the US has a policy of going into smaller countries and taking them over by threatening the legitimate leader to either submit and become a puppet of the US [in which case they will be "compensated"] or be killed. The American people, clueless as usual, will never see the tragic scene in which the legitimate leader of a sovereign country has to call his family and friends together and tell them, essentially, "The US came by today and I refused to do what they wanted because it is not in the best interest of my country. Therefore, I want to tell you all good-bye and that I love you because shortly the US will send assassins to kill me." In the same time frame [1946], the US established a terrorist training camp known as "The School of the Americas" located in Fort Benning, Georgia. The history of the school, which has now changed its name to "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation", is well documented on the internet. The list of graduates, which include names such as Manuel Noriega, is also well documented. However, the general public does not seem to understand that the United States, which complains constantly about other countries, is itself a major state sponsor of terrorism.


When the various spies and spooks leave government service and migrate into the private sector, they bring their training and philosophy with them. Consequently, over time, the private sector has gradually adopted all of the techniques originally developed for intelligence operatives. Major corporations now have their own intelligence services complete with secret operatives, private armies and even assassination squads. They have become, in effect, mini governments, defending their turf with all the classic covert techniques originally developed by world governments. Today, we have psychologists advising parents not to be concerned if their kids lie because that means they are destined to do well in the business world in later life. Corporations quietly exchange blacklists of persons who are potentially executive material but are suspected of being "honest and ethical" so that they don't accidentally hire one of these "misfits". Evil and good have essentially switched places in the "new world". Now, it is a virtue to be evil and a sin to be good.

Thoughts of world domination have always been popular among some people and groups. Over time, they have all had their chance to give world domination their best shot. However, conditions have never been quite the same as those which exist today. In the past, there has never existed a "stable negative core". By this we refer to the group of elite who have developed techniques and technologies which allow them to live physically forever. Additionally, the negative core group is highly secure in its secret underground cities. Previously, you could always count on attrition. That is, no matter how skilled a dictator might be, his lifetime would be finite. He would fade into history and a new generation would occupy the world stage. Today, this process has been effectively frozen. The people who make policy today are not going anywhere. They will live as long as the Earth continues to exist. Therefore, policy will never change. Also, time is on their side. While the ordinary people they use as slaves are temporary and subject to death, the leaders are not. Consequently, they can make plans reaching hundreds or thousands of years into the future and then slowly and methodically watch those plans materialize. They are in no rush but they are very dedicated and persistent that they will get whatever they want eventually.

Theatrics, or the deliberate choreographing and production of a major historical event for the purpose of mass population control, is a popular technique among all governments. A sovereign government can and does create reality within its space. The examples we will use are all from the United States, however, it is by no means the only country using such techniques.

PEARL HARBOR The attack on Pearl Harbor counts as a theatrical event because the US had advanced notice which it

deliberately ignored, thus allowing an attack that was wholly preventable. The purpose of the theatrical event was to program the people to accept and support the US joining World War II. The economic benefit of this was to get the US out of an economic depression and, over the long haul, propel the US into a period of economic prosperity because the competition [Europe] was decimated and the US mainland was untouched, creating an economic advantage for the US which continued for many years. PRESIDENT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION This was a completely choreographed event. The purpose was to remove the President by assassination in a way that would be untraceable to the source of the conspiracy. The only person actually killed was Kennedy. The assassins, professionals imported from another country, did their job, collected their pay and quietly flew home. In the theatrical "play" which followed, Oswald, a faithful government agent, was to be labeled the "lone assassin" who was then conveniently "killed" live on low definition poor quality TV by Ruby who would never go to trial because he was supposedly "dying of cancer". All of this stuff was fake. Oswald, unless he has died of old age by now, is alive and well. Since top secret medicine has effective cures for all types of cancer, most likely Ruby did not die either. The press was under control and, in that day, there was no alternative media. Many of the "trusted voice" reporters for the networks were CIA agents and everyone followed the script. It is perhaps fortunate that the american people were stupid enough to buy into all of this because there was a backup plan in place. If the general public had somehow become aware that there had just been a coup and the lawful government had been overthrown, the plan was to order the military to begin the systematic extermination of the general population. So, to quote Orwell, "Ignorance is Strength". ROBERT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION In this theatrical event, a helpless immigrant, Sirhan, was programmed using "Manchurian Candidate" technology. Although it was possible to program Sirhan to draw a weapon and begin firing when given the trigger signal [generally believed to have been a girl in a polka dot dress], there was no guarantee that Sirhan would actually hit Kennedy or even know who he was. So, Sirhan was to function only as a diversion to cover the actions of the government agent(s) assigned to actually kill Kennedy. It has been suggested that the fatal shot was delivered by an agent using a special wrist watch which was actually a "gun" which held one "22 short" round. All the agent had to do was stay close to Kennedy and, when Sirhan was activated, tap Kennedy on the head with the special watch to deliver the fatal shot. Since the President Kennedy assassination, reportedly standing orders have been issued that no member of that bloodline is to be allowed to rise to any high national office. Those who have tried have either been assassinated directly or had fatal "accidents". This bloodline has been effectively excommunicated from the society of the ruling elite.


There are a couple of cute stories from the 1988 Republican National Convention held in New Orleans, La. which illustrate the use of theatrics to insure a "good performance". Doctors who volunteered at the convention were instructed that "no one attending the convention could die". This would cause bad press and detract from the festive atmosphere. So, if anyone should die during the convention, they were to be taken to a secret room and basically "kept on ice" until after the convention ended. Then the doctors would falsify whatever documents were needed to say the person died after the convention and the death had nothing to do with attendance at the convention. Another story involves bad press George HW Bush got concerning children. There was a story that Bush was not "kid friendly". Since this could cost votes, it had to be fixed. So operatives were authorized to spend $10,000 to hire child actors who would be placed in the audience during the next press conference. On cue, they would all run up and give Bush "loving hugs" so that people would believe he loved kids and kids loved him. It worked. However, anyone with a bit of common sense should have realized that anyone jumping up out of an audience and running towards a presidential candidate would certainly be grabbed by security. So, if the American people had any common sense left, this plan should not have worked and they should have figured out that something was wrong with this picture. WORLD TRADE CENTER Years before the twin towers "event", politicians were saying stuff like, "If we could just have another 'something like Pearl Harbor', it would unite the people". Well, they found their Pearl Harbor equivalent. The financial loss and loss of life was well worth the benefits, which continue today. Essentially all of people's constitutional rights were canceled. The so called military-industrial complex was thrilled and booming. The concept of unending war was revived. The nation spent itself into bankruptcy which is great for the wealthy and devastating for the poor. And, right out of Orwell's "1984", an imaginary "hate object" was created which "could be anywhere" and "could not be found" [because it did not exist]. So, this enabled a new "war on the imaginary enemy". Another "benefit" from this event was the creation of an opportunity to trash Muslims. The Bilderberg group had previously expressed its desire that Muslims be eliminated from the planet. Although the reason was not specified, it is logical to assume that this decision had some relation to the provision in Sharia law which states that money can only be used as a medium of exchange and cannot be used to create more money. That is, charging interest is not allowed. Obviously, capitalism cannot thrive under such conditions so the solution is to find a way to eliminate the Muslim population. ECONOMIC "CRISIS" It is easy to understand the theatrics of the ongoing economic "crisis" if you just look at the numbers. The richest people [about 1%] in the US, which includes the people who deliberately caused the "crisis", saw their personal incomes increase by over 200% while the poorer people essentially lost everything

and ended up starving and homeless with no real hope for any future reversal of fortune. It was simply a complex and pre planned scheme to solidify the absolute power of the wealthy ruling elite and guarantee that the slave class would be pushed so far down the economic ladder that they would have no hope of ever recovering. THEATRICS IN WARS Theatrics in wars is a cute trick the US loves to use. Of course, other countries use the same techniques. Starting a war is relatively simple, especially between small countries with limited and undeveloped intelligence skills. All you do is dress up some special forces people in the uniform of one country and go over to the second country and shoot up the place. Then, to "retaliate", you take the same "players" and dress them in the uniform of the other country and shoot up the other place. Make sure you get lots of bloody video. Each country will deny attacking the other, of course, since they did not. But you just say, "Of course they deny it - that's what they always say! Look at this great video from an unnamed source." Soon you have a full scale war. In Iraq, for example, there is a classic video clip showing the "grateful citizens" cheering the US for occupying and decimating their country. Jamil Dajani, a reporter for LINK TV, has stated that he is from Iraq and can therefore tell from experience that the people in this video are not Iraqi. So, who are they. Most likely paid actors dressed to look like ordinary Iraqi citizens and brought in to make this "promotional video".

THE BILDERBERG PLAN The Bilderberg plan involves creating a global corporation which would effectively own the world. The world would, in effect, become a large "company town" wholly owned by the corporation. The corporation would own everything: The land, The air, The water, The vegetation and animals and even, perhaps, the human genetic code. It would be impossible to exist in the world except at the pleasure of the corporation. The directors of the corporation would be the global elite, the same aristocrats who run the world today from behind the scenes. Your existence and right to exist would be at the pleasure of the corporation. THE GREAT CULLING Let's look at a sample of some of the mass extermination programs from the past, present and future:




















Before we get into the mass culling, just a brief note about the psychiatric drugs. The World Health Organization claims 25% of the people in the world or about 1.6 billion are mentally ill. So, ideally, all of these people should be being persuaded or forced to take psychiatric drugs. These drugs, in the commonly prescribed dosages, first cause sterility in men and women. Then, they shorten the person's life expectancy by 25 years or about one third. Therefore, the drugs are genocide agents and soft kill agents. Our discussion of the proposed mass culling is based upon the tru network show "Conspiracy Theory" with Jesse Ventura, season one, episode five. The series has been canceled and Jesse Ventura has stated in an interview on RT [Russia Today] that he no longer lives in the United States due to concerns about his safety after going public with the truth. You should be able to find this episode archived on the internet. In the 1990's, we published the USNS book to give everyone a heads up that there was a mass extermination planned for the next century. However, no one, until now, had discussed this in a nationwide TV broadcast.

To begin with a brief abstract, the aristocrats, specifically the 120 or so members of the group known as Bilderberg, believe that the world and everything in it exists only to service their needs. Anything which does not serve them in some way does not have the right to exist. They have calculated that 500 million slaves would be sufficient to manage the world they feel they own according to their desires. Therefore, they plan to kill everyone else because they do not have a use for them and they are needlessly "consuming their non renewal resources". This episode includes interviews with Daniel Estulin, David Icke, Jim Tucker, Alex Jones, Dr. Stanley Monteith and Dr. Rima Laibow. Dr. Monteith discusses how soft kill technology such as fluorine compounds in the water [cause sterility] and food additives [poisons] has already been implemented. Dr. Laibow discusses the "final solution" plan which involves giving everyone [except the 500 million who have permission to live] injections of vaccines laced with poison. Those who avoid the vaccine or do not die for some reason are to be killed manually by the military. In the US, these exterminations would be done by NORTHCOM, the North American Command. She states the plan has already been authorized and will take place barring some unforeseen event such as a mass awakening and resistance from the masses scheduled to be killed.

When President Truman received the report of the success of the first atomic bomb ever used in actual war, he was absolutely thrilled. "Do it again", he commanded. "Pepper the place with nukes!" They did "do it again", but, after that, Truman suddenly changed and ordered the bombs stopped saying simply, "We can't do this any more". Why the sudden and unexpected reversal? This is an example of an intervention. The planet Earth is under constant surveillance from two major sources. One is the Astral plane whose inhabitants can directly observe this world anytime they please. The second is other civilizations in the physical universe. Both of these groups, under extreme circumstances, are allowed to break standard protocol and directly intervene in Earth's internal affairs. Truman could have been pulled out of his body overnight and taken into the Astral world. Alternately, he could have been paid a visit by "ET". In either case, he was convinced that he could not challenge beings with powers far beyond his comprehension. Therefore, he quickly had a change of heart and no one has used a nuclear weapon in war since. Every day, beings from the Astral world come to the Earth. While here, they use temporary human looking bodies which they create. They dissolve the bodies when they return home to the Astral world. If you are sensitive enough to detect them, they will not harm you. However, don't expect them to be overly friendly either.

So, this begs the question: Even though the Bilderberg "new world order" planners theoretically have the technology and the desire to deliberately kill 90+% of the human population of the Earth, would such a plan be allowed to go forward or would there be an intervention to put a stop to this madness.

In PLAN THEORY we covered the three main control techniques: Programming, Reprogramming and Change of Basis. Change of Basis, or the rewriting of genetic codes, had not yet come into existence at the time Plan Theory was written. However, it does exist today. Change of basis is the ultimate control technique because, once the master codes of life are changed, everything is altered. First, science figured out how to make inorganic compounds which had never existed before in nature giving us such luxuries as plastics which poison the food they encapsulate. Then, moving right along, they got into genetic engineering and promptly corrupted the codes for basic foods like corn. Then, after some enlightening consultations with lawyers, they learned they could "own" any living thing if they modified its genetic code and got a patent on the new code they had written. Now, the big bucks began to flow. Nothing was safe. Anything alive that you could get your grubby little hands on and change part of the genetic code became your property. You could potentially own all life on the planet Earth. Was it safe? Who cares! It makes money - lots and lots of money. Beyond the basic profit motive, you have the simply incredible population control potential. You can feed the people poison food. You can program the food to deliver mind control drugs. You can program the food to cause sterility. You can program the food to gradually reprogram the people into some kind of "designer people" according to the specifications you write into the codes. Since people "are what they eat", once you start feeding them designer food that you control, you essentially hold the fate of the world population in your hands.

We live in a created environment. Matter, be it the gross matter of the physical plane or the finer matter of the Astral plane, is constantly changing or in a state of flux and is, therefore, essentially unreal. The only stable form of matter is energy or non matter. Consequently, the Spiritual worlds, which are not material, are not subject to creation and dissolution. The material worlds in which we live are created by a modification of some of this eternal energy. Dissolution returns matter to its natural state of unmodified energy. We, as Souls, are essentially energy and our natural home is in the unmodified space where we all originated. To seek to return to this state is the goal of all legitimate Spiritual schools.

Dissolutions can be minor or grand. Minor dissolutions are of more immediate concern because it is this type the people living today are likely to experience during their lifetime. This is the dissolution that removes the physical universe and the Astral universe or planes from the creation. This is the type of dissolution described in the Book of Revelations in the statement, "I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, as the old Heaven and Earth had passed away". This event is not some kind of "makeover" where the Earth remains intact but just gets "spruced up" to look new. It is clear from the Biblical text that it first ceases to exist and later returns to existence. The reference to Heaven is a reference to the Astral world. Because most people go to the Astral world between physical lifetimes, they believe it is Heaven. Actual "Heaven", of course, is in the Spiritual planes which are not subject to dissolution. Dissolution does not mean that the Earth will explode, burn up or start cracking into pieces as proposed in the latest "2012" movie. Dissolution means exactly what the term implies. Matter is deconstructed and simply ceases to exist. If you are living in the physical or Astral universe at the time of a dissolution, you will no longer have access to a physical or Astral body because those levels of matter have been removed from the creation. However, you will have your Soul. which is imperishable, as well as access to your mental and causal bodies. However, anyone who is not Spiritually mature enough to function at the higher density or vibratory level of at least the Causal plane will essentially become unconscious or asleep and will remain in that state until a new environment is created [new Heaven and new Earth] where they can again become conscious. These people [Souls], called "the meek" in the Christian Bible, will "inherit" the new Earth at the beginning of the next cycle. The alert Souls will likely complete their development on the higher material planes and then leave the created worlds for their real home in the Spiritual worlds. So, you could compare these events to a type of graduation. Those who passed move up and on and those who did not make the grade are held back to repeat it.


You will, no doubt, recognize this as Timothy Leary's mantra from the 1960's when the population was introduced to LSD and the instant and often scary revelation that other dimensions did exist. Leary's message is important for all generations, however, because it is a basic road map for what we need to do to escape from this place. First, we need to realize that, while human life can often be fun, we are much more than physical bodies and this place is not our true home. Having passed that hurdle, we need to "tune in" to higher vibrational states and begin to experience existence in the other dimensions or planes. As Souls, we all have the right to do this. In fact, it is our duty. It is pretty useless to describe even Astral scenes because they really must be seen to be believed. However, once you experience higher dimensions for yourself, you will realize just how dismal this place is and then you will be ready to "drop out" and move on to better things. Dissolutions remove the option of choice from the equation. Either you prepare yourself to leave this dimension or you get held over in a state of consciousless suspense. So ends the Kali Yuga.

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