Lesson 6 On The Ark

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On the Ark

Genesis 7:1-24
Genesis 7
The LORD then said to Noah, “Go wife and the wives of his three sons,
into the ark, you and your whole family, entered the ark. 14They had with them
because I have found you righteous in this every wild animal according to its kind, all
generation. 2Take with you seven of every livestock according to their kinds, every
kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, creature that moves along the ground
and two of every kind of unclean animal, a according to its kind and every bird
male and its mate, 3and also seven of every according to its kind, everything with
kind of bird, male and female, to keep their wings. 15Pairs of all creatures that have the
various kinds alive throughout the earth. breath of life in them came to Noah and
Seven days from now I will send rain on entered the ark. 16The animals going in
the earth for forty days and forty nights, were male and female of every living
and I will wipe from the face of the earth thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then
every living creature I have made.” the LORD shut him in.
5 17
And Noah did all that the LORD For forty days the flood kept coming
commanded him. on the earth, and as the waters increased
Noah was six hundred years old when they lifted the ark high above the earth.
the floodwaters came on the earth. 7And The waters rose and increased greatly on
Noah and his sons and his wife and his the earth, and the ark floated on the surface
sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the of the water. 19They rose greatly on the
waters of the flood. 8Pairs of clean and earth, and all the high mountains under the
unclean animals, of birds and of all entire heavens were covered. 20The waters
creatures that move along the ground, rose and covered the mountains to a depth
male and female, came to Noah and of more than twenty feet. 21Every living
entered the ark, as God had commanded thing that moved on the earth perished—
Noah. 10And after the seven days the birds, livestock, wild animals, all the
floodwaters came on the earth. creatures that swarm over the earth, and all
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s mankind. 22Everything on dry land that had
life, on the seventeenth day of the second the breath of life in its nostrils died.
Every living thing on the face of the
month—on that day all the springs of the
earth was wiped out; men and animals and
great deep burst forth, and the floodgates
of the heavens were opened. 12And rain the creatures that move along the ground
fell on the earth forty days and forty and the birds of the air were wiped from
nights. the earth. Only Noah was left, and those
13 with him in the ark.
On that very day Noah and his sons, 24
The waters flooded the earth for a
Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his
hundred and fifty days.
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24

5 1.) For how long was God going to let it rain?
(Verse 4)
5 2.) Who/what was on the ark when it began to
rain? (Verses 7-9)
5 3.) How long did the flood last? (Verse 24)

5 4.) Why do you think God destroyed those

living on Earth?

Memory Verse
"...For wide is the gate and broad is the road that
10 leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
Matthew 7:13

Home Connection Parent/Guardian
5 I have read, or been read, the passage
of scripture for this week.
5 I have answered the questions aloud to
an adult at home this week.
10 I have recited the memory verse out
loud to an adult at home this week.

Club Connection

Leader’s Signature __________________________ Date ___/___/___

On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24

Picture from The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes by Kenneth N. Taylor. Moody Press: Copyright © 1956.
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24

It rained for forty days

On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
Craft/Activity: Bible Concentration
Students will play Bible Concentration to help them remember that God told Noah to bring two of every
kind of animal onto the ark

1. White 67 lb. Cardstock
2. Bible Concentration Master
3. Scissors
4. Crayon, Markers, or Colored Pencils
5. Paper Clips
1. Copy two (2) Bible Concentration Masters onto 67 lb. cardstock for each student.
2. Have students color the animals.
3. Cut the cards into pieces on the black lines.
4. Turn all the cards face down on the table.
5. With a partner, students will take turns turning over two cards at a time.
6. If a student matches two cards, he/she keeps the cards.
7. If the cards do not match, both cards are turned back over and the next player attempts to match
two cards.
8. Both players take turns until all cards have been matched.
9. The player with the most cards at the end wins.
10. Give each student a paper clip to clip his/her cards together.

For Discussion
As students are coloring their cards, help them realize that each of the pairs of animals brought onto the
ark was for the purpose of reproducing after the ark came to rest. Mankind (and all the animals) had to
be destroyed due to their wickedness. This was God’s way of dealing with sin. Later, God would send
his own son to die in our place. Jesus would take our sin upon himself so that we would not pay for our
sin. Give students an opportunity to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior so that they will
not continue down the road that leads to destruction. Review the verse below with the students.

Time Needed to Complete: Approximately 25 minutes

Memory Verse

“…For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it.” Matthew 7:13
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
Bible Concentration
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
The Bible Times Herald
A Special Report on Genesis 7:1-24


God was sad 1. Who and what went into the ark?
because of all the 2. How many days and nights did it
sin in the world. rain?
He told Noah to 3. What happened to the animals and
build an ark. humans who did not get into the ark?
After Noah 4. Why did God flood the earth?
finished building
the ark, God told
him to go into the
ark. God said to “…For wide is the gate and broad is the
take both clean and unclean animals on road that leads to destruction, and many
the ark. For each kind of animal, there enter through it.” Matthew 7:13
were both male and female.
When Noah was 600 years old,
floodwaters came on the earth. Each BREAK THE CODE
kind of animal entered the ark along
with Noah and his family. _G_ ___ ___
Heaven opened up and it began to 10 4 9
rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The
water lifted the ark high above the earth. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
There was so much water that the ark 8 6 4 4 9 1 9
floated more than 20 feet above the
highest mountain!
___ ___ ___
Every animal that lived on the on
7 5 1
land died, including humans. Only
Noah, his family, and the animals on the
ark would be able to survive the flood. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
The waters flooded the earth for 150 1 2 3 7 5
To find out more, read Genesis 7:1- 1=E 2=A 3=R 4=O
24 in your Bible. 5=H 6=L 7=T 8=F
9=D 10=G

Take-home Activity Sheet

Ideas For Home: Bible Story Mini Book

On the
Today your child learned how God
destroyed the earth because of sin.

1. Have your child finish coloring
this book.

2. Help your child learn the

Memory Verse.

3. Practice the Bible Story Rhyme.

4. Read and discuss the bible story

with your child.

5. Talk about how sin makes God Genesis 7:1-24

sad. Talk about how God saved
Noah and the animals. God
saved them; he can save us too!

Colored by: ____________________

God made rainbows to The people sinned. God
remind us that he would told Noah to build an ark
not destroy the earth because he was going to
by flood again. flood the earth.
4 1
Memory Verse

“…Broad is the road that leads to

destruction…” Matthew 7:13

Bible Story Rhyme

Two by two the animals went,

(Hold up two fingers and bounce them up
and down)

To the ark where they were sent.

(Point to an imaginary ark)

Noah, his family, and the

On the boat safe and sound,
(Cross your arms as if hugging yourself)
animals were safe on the
Until it landed on dry ground.
(Point to the ground) ark. They came out of the
5 2
Have You Ever Sinned?

The Bible teaches that we have all

sinned and do not measure up to
God’s glory. It also teaches that the
price for sin is death which separates
us from God. But even though we
are sinners, Christ died for us and
paid the price for our sin. We just
need to ask him to forgive us and
receive his free gift of salvation. Just
pray this prayer, with a sincere heart,
and Jesus will forgive you of your
sins. You will become a child of God
and live with Him in heaven.

“Dear Jesus,
When the dove Noah
sent flew back, he knew
Please forgive me for the bad
things that I have done. Please
come into my heart and be my Lord the ground was dry.
and savior. In your name I pray,

6 3
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
Preschool Game
On the Ark
Genesis 7:1-24
Preschool Bible Story Rhyme

Two by two the animals went,

(Hold up two fingers and bounce them up and down)

To the ark where they were sent.

(Point to an imaginary ark)

On the boat safe and sound,

(Cross your arms as if hugging yourself)

Until it landed on dry ground.

(Point to the ground)

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