Ï'mdgm ('H$ A ''Z: Note: All Questions From Section A' Are To Be Attempted

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tntl= +
Time : 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100
=-+ : 3 ] [ +|= : 100
Note : (i) This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz., A and B.
(ii) All questions from Section A are to be attempted.
(iii) Section B has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions
from one option only.
l+ : (i) ;= -+-++ - t : r: '=` -| : '+`|
(ii) : '=` = nt -+| =| r= =t+| r|
(iii) : '+` - :| |-=+ r| +t|||+| =| =-= = l=r = r| -+| = |t :+ r|
1. How is membership acquired in a Joint Hindu Family? 1
'=+ |r: +|t-|t` =| =:+-| |== =|t |+ r|-| r
2. Give any two purposes for which medium-term finance is required. 1
-+-=-| |-| =| =|--+=-| |=+ -+| = |=| r|-| r |=r| t =| q =||=||
3. Define a government company. 1
'=t=|t| =-++|` =| +|t|+| :||=||
319/OSS/211A 2
4. Differentiate between marketing and selling on the basis of focus. 2
|-++ |- |-=+ = +|= '=|+:` = =||t +t =-t +-|;||
5. What is a unit plan offered by life insurance companies? 2
=|-+ +|-| =-+|++| a|t| -||-- '+|+ +|=+|` =| = +-|;||
6. What is meant by a debit card ? Explain. 2
'+|- =|:` = ++| =||+ r =-=|;||
7. Explain, in brief, the mail-order retailing. 2
:|=-=|:= ==t +|+|t =| =+ - =-=|;||
8. Give any two differences between advertising and sales promotion. 2
|--|++ |- |-=+ --+ - =|; t =-t +-|;||
9. Harish is working as a production manager with a reputed company. At which
level of management is he working? State any one function which he would be
performing at that level. 2
rt|= |= |-|r- =-++| - +|:+ += = =+ - =|+t- r | -r + = |== -t +t =|+
=t tr| r ;= -t +t -r =| =|+ =t tr| r +- = |==| = =| q =||=||
10. Explain, in brief, the meaning of departmental undertakings. 2
'|-||+ +=-` =| =+ - = +-|;||
11. Explain, in brief, the term corpus in relation to mutual funds. 2
-+-+== =: = =: - '|=|+- t||=` =: =| =+ - +|c+| =||=||
319/OSS/211A 3 [ P.T.O.
12. Explain any four types of warehouse which cater to the storage needs of various
types of commodity. 4
|= |=r| tt =|t = :|tr| =| +|c+| =||=| =| |-| =|t =| --=| = =r =|
=|--+=-| =| +t| =t- r|
13. State any four functions of a distribution channel. 4
|--t -|+- = =|; tt =|+ +-|;||
14. Give any four differences between formal and informal organisations. 4
=|+=||t= |- =+|+=||t= ==+| - =|; tt =-t +-|;||
15. Define a prospectus. What are the main objectives of issuing a prospectus? 4
'|--t|=|` =| +|t||+- =||=|| |--t|=| =| =|t| =t+ = -c+ -+| =| q =||=||
16. Give any four functions of a stock exchange. 4
|= |+=== = =|; tt =|+ +-|;||
17. Explain the term technological environment with an example. How does it
affect the business? 4
'-=+|=| ++|-t` =: =| :|rt :=t +|c+| =||=|| +r +-=|+ =| |== =|t ||--
=t-| r
18. As a function of management, how is directing useful? 4
+ = =|+ = =+ - |+:=+ =| ++||-| =| =-=|;||
19. State any four ways and means of consumer protection available in India. 4
|t- - += +|| =t = |-| +|+ |- =|+ - = |=r| tt =| q =||=||
319/OSS/211A 4
20. Write a short note on the types of mutual fund. 4
-+-+== =: = =|t| =| =+ - -+ =||=||
21. Explain the functions of a commercial bank. 6
-|||-+= += = =|+| =| =-=|;||
22. It is a voluntary association of persons who works together on the principle of
self-help and mutual help to promote its economic interest. Identify and explain
any five merits of this kind of business organisation. 6
+r +=|| =| -|-== ==+ r =| =++ =||= |r-| =| +-|+ = |=| --=r|+-| |-
+|t+|t= =r|+-| = |=|- = =||t +t |==| |-==t =|+ =t- r| +-=|+ ==+ =| +r
=|+-=| =|t r ;== |=r| t =|| =| =-=|;||
23. State the steps in the process of planning and briefly explain them. 6
|++|=+ |=+| = |-| =t =|+-=|+ = r, +=| =+ - =-=|;||
24. Define fixed capital. What are the factors determining the fixed capital
requirements for a manufacturing organisation? Explain them in brief. 6
'|+| +=|` =| +|t|+| :||=|| |= |-|+-| ==+ =| |+| +=| =| =|--+=-|=| =| |+||t-
=t+ -|= |-| =|t=| =| =+ - =-=|;||
25. Explain the following documents used in external trade : 6
(a) Letter of credit
(b) Bill of lading
(c) Consular invoice
+|n +|+|t - ++| - =|+ -|= |+-+ :-|-=| =| =-=|;| :
(=) =|-++
() =r|=| |+|
() ===t =| +|==
319/OSS/211A 5 [ P.T.O.
( Self-employment in Business )
( nt t-tttt )
26. Define small business. 1
'=| +-=|+` =| +|t|+| :||=||
27. Who is an agent? 2
|= |== =r- r
28. What are the minimum number of members required to form a partnership
firm and a public limited company? 2
|= =|=:|t| =- =|t |= +|== |= =-++| = =+ = |=| =|--+= =:+| =| ++-- =c+|
++| r|-| r
29. Give any four differences between a private limited company and a public
limited company. 4
|;- |= =-++| |- +|== |= =-++| - =|; tt =-t +-|;||
30. State any six functions of a travel and tour agency. 6
+|+| |- +++ |==| = |=r| c =|+| =| q =||=||
319/OSS/211A 6
( Wage Employment in Business )
( nt +t=tt )
26. Define technical jobs. 1
'-=+|=| +|=|t+|` =: =| +|t||+- =||=||
27. State any two functions performed by an employment exchange. 2
t|.=|t =|+|=+ = |=r| t =|+| =| q =||=||
28. What is private branch exchange system? 2
|+=| =|| |-|+-+ |=| ++| r|-| r
29. Explain the basic functions of an office. 4
=|+|=+ = =||t- =|+| =| =-=|;||
30. Efficient handling of mail requires establishment of definite procedures
involving step-by-step handling of mail. Explain the steps required to handle
incoming mail. 6
'':|= =| === +-| = |=| |= |=| =|+|-=- |=+| =| |++| =| =|--+=-| r|-| r
|==- =-+ =t| - :|= =| =-|=+| =|--|=- r|-| r|`` =|- :|= = |+-r+ = |=|
=|--+= |-| =t| =| =-=|;||
319/OSS/211A 7 V13130003

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