General Paper - I
General Paper - I
General Paper - I
1. The best indicator of meaningful
learning is the ability to :
(A) Achieve more than 80% marks
in the examination
(B) Express the content learnt
without a single mistake
(C) Apply knowledge in solving
(D) Retain knowledge for a longer
time and recall it randomly
2. Which of the following indicates that
a student is an active learner ?
(A) Attends classes regularly
(B) Deligently takes notes of the
(C) Always answers a teachers
(D) Challenges teachers statements
he does not agree with
3. Learning is dependent mostly
on ..........
(A) Regular attendance
(B) Motivation to learn
(C) High intelligence level
(D) Ability to memorize
1. ~| | ~-|-| =| z| +
(A) i-| - 80 ++| t - ~l|+ |= |-|-i
(B) (+ti -+ - +-| lz|+nn| ~|z|
~l|+- +|-i -|n-|
(C) a|-|- =n|l-|+||- -| -
+|-i -|n-|
(D) a|-|-i i|+| |||| |l-+l|
||t-|-i -|n-|
2. l||i =l+ ~-+-| ~=-|-| l-z| +
||nin +i +| |-|
(A) |- l-ln- -l|- ~=-|
(B) ||-|-i +|i+ l| |-|
(C) lz|-|+|-| z-|-| -tni -| -|
(D) lz|-|+|-| l||-|z|i ~=tn- ~=-|=
~|t|- -|
3. ~- |n|-
| ~n-
(A) l-ln- -l|-i
(B) ~- ||
(C) --- lzn|| -
(D) n||- a|-i -|n-|
Paper I
rfr I
Time Allowed : 75 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : (1) This Paper contains Sixty (60) multiple choice questions, each question
carrying Two (2) marks.
(2) Attempt any Fifty (50) questions.
= r . (1) | z-lz+ - =ra (60) tl- z- ln n ~=- + z-|n| zr (2) |
~|t -
(2) +| ||ti -r= (50) z-|-i -| lnt|
4. In which situation is brainstorming
most useful for students ?
(A) while solving a tough maths
(B) while identifying the various
attributes of a historical
(C) while guessing the culprit in a
murder mystery
(D) while coming up with ideas to
reduce water wastage
5. Which of the following statements
is untrue about computer assisted
presentation ?
(A) It can free the teacher to pay
more attention to students
(B) It makes a student a passive
(C) It can be developed by the
(D) It provides scope for student
6. Which of the following is the least
important criterion while evaluating
an open-ended question ?
(A) Figurativeness of language
(B) Inclusion of all relevant points
(C) Logical organization of points
(D) Originality in presentation
7. Belief unlike knowledge refers to
things that one accepts as true
without any specific :
(A) Proof
(B) Value
(C) Measure
(D) Weightage
4. l|| -| +| || ll|-i- lzn |-
(Brainstorming) =| - - +-
(A) l|-|-in ~| =n| =| l|=|ai
(B) (||| ( l-t|l=+ +-i- ll|
||n z||||=|ai
(C) | -|-| t+| -in ~|||-
~| +- +-|-|
(D) ||-| ~ +ni +|=|ai
+--| z|| |-|-|
5. =|+ =t|l- =|i+|||- ||nin +i
+| |- l||- =- ~|t
(A) l||+ ~l|+ n-| l|=|ai
lz|-|+|n| n| + +-
(B) l||i l-+i ~-+-| t|-|
(C) |- l+=- lz|-|+ + z|+-|
(D) |- - l|| -| ~| -l+| -| |
6. n+- z-|- n-n|- +-|-| ||nin +i
=|- +ni nt|-| l-+| +||-|
(A) ||| -i ~n+|l+-|
(B) = =l|- n|-| =n|z|
(C) n|-i -+z|z n||i
(D) =|i+||-in n| ln+-|
7. a|-|n -t - +--- | |i llz|
= || lz|| || n|--| |-|- |
(A) |
(B) n -
(C) n| n|
(D) ||| +-
3 [P.T.O.
8. Reality for scientific research exists
in the :
(A) Opinions
(B) Empirical world
(C) Assumptions
(D) Notions
9. A research does not accept any
finding as true unless the finding is
subjected to testing procedure which
is open to public inspection. Such a
principle is known as :
(A) Objectivity
(B) Subjectivity
(C) Serendipity
(D) Neutrality
10. The research method which has the
objective of understanding the
questions like why ? and how ? along
with the questions like what ? refers
to :
(A) co-relational research
(B) survey research
(C) qualitative research
(D) quantitative research
11. The detailed holistic description of
the way of life of a culture is known
as :
(A) Ethnography
(B) Ethnology
(C) Ethnostudy
(D) Ethnic description
12. Pre-testing of investigative tool is
done in the case of :
(A) Observation
(B) Case study
(C) Interview
(D) Questionnaire
8. z||zi =z|||-|-| i-i =-| -t|
(A) n-|t
(B) ~-|- l|-i
(C) lt- |n-| |i
(D) =n!+--|
9. | (||| l-+| =|l-+l| -|=-
|ltn| |- -|ti -| =z|||+ -| l-+|
|| ~|t ~= n|-- -|ti t - -t|
(A) -l-a-|
(B) l+-l-a-|
(C) = lli
(D) -|-|
10. +| += +|i ~z|| z-|-i -|
z|| ||=|ai +|- || z||zi
=z|||- -t|
(A) =| =z|||-
(B) =-|| z-i- =z|||-
(C) ||n+ =z|| |-
(D) =|n+ =z|||-
11. (||| =-i- -z|in| ~|l| l|
l-z| -t|
(A) (|-| |+i
(B) (|-|n|i
(C) (|-|i
(D) (|l-+ ll+-z|-
12. n|lt-i | | +|=|ai-| =||-|-i
-|-|i +||| z-i- +ni |-
(A) l-i-||
(B) i ~|=
(C) nn||-
(D) z-|ni
Directions :
Answer questions 13 to 18 based
on either the English passage or
the Marathi passage :
The preservation and development
of freedom of opinion are not only
a matter of adhering to abstract legal
right, but also, and very urgently,
a matter of organizing and
arranging sufficient debate. Once we
have a firm hold on the central
principle, there are many practical
conclusions to be drawn. We then
realize that the defense of freedom
of opinion consists primarily in
perfecting the opportunity for an
adequate give-and-take of opinion;
it consists also in regulating the
freedom of those revolutionists who
cannot or will not permit or maintain
debate when it does not suit their
We must insist that free oratory is
only the beginning of free speech,
it is not the end, but a means to an
end. The end is to find the truth.
The practical justification of civil
liberty is not that self-expression is
one of the rights of man. It is that
the examination of opinion is one of
the necessities of man. For
experience tells us that it is only
when freedom of opinion becomes
the compulsion to debate that the
seed which our fathers planted has
produced its fruit. When that is
understood, freedom will be
cherished not because it is a vent
for our opinions but because it is
the surest method of correcting
lw puk %
iz'u - 13 rs 18 gs iq<s fnysY;k mrk;koj
vk/kkfjr vkgsr- baxzthrhy fdaok ejkBhrhy
mrk;kojhy iz 'uka ph mkjs |k %
~| ' n|n' t| z|ti ~|-| +|=|
(l+|- -|ti ~|ti |-| +|ti +||-
n|nli ~l-|- ~=ni -i |-|
|ai- -i |= - |ni ~|t
~|-| -il-n| -| +--| :l-t|=|-
=|n|l+, ~|l| + ll|-i n|| +z||
n-|- |t| ~| ~|-|n| ||-+ ~|l|
||| |||i n|nli-i z- n|-i
:l-t|=|- ~-+ la+||i ~-+ z|-+!=tn+
l|-| =n|- |ni t| -i (- -t ,
- -i '- =l+- ~|t, |- +|ti- l+|
~-|+|+ -|ti' ~= - =| -| |
-| n|n|-|ti ! ~|-| t | t|- +|
-+ t += a|- |=|ai =|n
~|-|n| -il-n|| :'n| lni'| |
=+---| l-| +n| |lt
=|lt|- n|nlil|i lnltn |:, |
t-|z|i l-|-, =|ltl+, n |+, +n|-
t -| n|n+| -n - ~=-|n | -
-= ln||| t n|nli-| =n|-|=|ai-
+ n n ~=|- =| + l=-| '|n| '
n |l|i || i+| --| t| -i, |
n|nli- +|ti-i |: ~|t , ~= :l-t|=|-
=|n +| ||n| |n ~= n - - '|:+='
| -||- l=z |n-| -a|-| ~|l|
l-|-|-|- ! '|:+=' -| n|ai-n| ~|
-t| =|lz|+, l--+| = =t- +|||
l+ | l|- a l|
- l-=| z|-+|-
l=ln-| '-|' - | l-|=|i-| ||
||-n| ~|-| n-|- +|ti |: l+|
l-| ~|n, - +-i-| l+| =|-|
-+i-| ~| n|-|n ~|n ~=|-, ~=
- -t|- ~= ~=n -iti | : += l-| -| -i
n|nlin| l|| ~=| +n| -|ti l|
427 n -nn-| -n|- :- z||n|-
~||n-| n|+|-| n|nlin| l|| +n|
-=n| -i i+|-i :- i+|-| n|n -
-, ~= |- n- t|- ~|-| ~|z| z||-
5 [P.T.O.
The unexamined life, said Socrates,
is unfit to be lived by man. This is
the virtue of liberty, and the ground
on which we may best justify our
belief in it, that it tolerates error in
order to serve the truth. When men
are brought face to face with their
opponents, forced to listen and learn
and mend their ideas, they cease to
be children and savages and begin
to live like civilized men. Then only
is freedom a reality, when men may
voice their opinions because they
must examine their opinions.
The only reason for dwelling on all
this is that if we are to preserve
democracy we must understand its
principles. And the principle which
distinguishes it from all other forms
of Government is that in a
democracy the opposition not only
is tolerated as constitutional but
must be maintained because it is in
fact indispensable.
13. Preservation and development
of freedom of opinion depends
on :
(A) the civilized status of the
(B) the liberalism of the governing
(C) adhering to the laws of the
(D) making possible debates on
n|nli-i ~|t , ~= |n| |
l+t-|, n|n+|- t++ |- n+- n||=
~|l| n|n |-|-n ~- ~|||i |n
|, ~= -| -t| n|n|-| | +|i z||-
~l|- -|l+ n|-n |- -|ti, | |
+i -t| n|nli-- n+- |-|=z|
~||i n|n ~=n -| (||| n||=|n|
z||- -|l+ ln -, ~= -n|- n-
t| -
-n | -| lz| ~=n -| ~l|n :l|
384-322| |-|=|| l-|-|-i -i
n|nli-| l-| | + n| ~= n, ~= ~|-|n|
|n 'n|nli ti - =l+ ~|t +i ++-
=|:+ ~|t ' t| z- |- l-|n| t|-|
|-| '|lnl+=' -| lt-| ||--|
l-=| +||- |l|i-i --| ~|t
'n|nli ti - =l+- ~|t,' ~= |-
~l|n -t|-| ~|l| |- =n|-ti +-|
||+|- +|ti n|+ l-=- - n|n -t|-
-n|n| -|-, - +|ti n| + l-= --
'n|n+' -t|- -n|n| -|- ~= |n| |
'=|=|ai- n +|=|ai n|n l-n||
|n ~|t- :- +|||ti |i=|ai -|ti
| -| --i zi -=-|n
n|n+|-| =||n|| ||-- n|n|-
lt- ~=-' ~=ti ~l|n -++ -t|-|
n|n ~|l| |i ||i -= =||-
~=-|-, ~=ti -| -t| |+||, +n|,
-a|- | | lz+ |i n|n|=|ai -=-
n||=|=|ai ~=-|-, ~=ti |n| |
13. n|+|-| n- -il-+--|
(A) l-||i ~=-|-
(B) l+-- l-|=|i ~n -
(C) +-i-| | lz+ -|n- ~n -
(D) |n+|n ll|l-=|-| ~=-|-
14. For maintaining freedom of opinion,
it is necessary to control :
(A) those who oppose the
(B) those who do not allow debate
(C) the party in power
(D) children and savages
15. The ultimate aim of free oratory is
to :
(A) Satisfy all the subjects
(B) Create a balance between the
rulers and the ruled
(C) Support the Government
(D) Find the truth
16. Freedom is valuable because it
allows us :
(A) to involve the opposition in
social progress
(B) to correct our opinions
(C) to express our opinions
(D) to justify our belief in the
17. Which of the following statements
is not true ?
(A) It is possible to have democracy
without opposition
(B) To preserve democracy
we must understand its
(C) Liberty tolerates error in order
to serve the truth
(D) Free oratory is the beginning of
free speech
14. -n|-i n|nlil|+ |ln+|
(A) i+ ~- z|i|n|in ||- z|-
(B) i+| -| = || -in -||-i || | z| -
(C) i+|-i --- =|l-+ |-i z|-
(D) ~-z|i|- n||=n| z|-
15. '|+||, +n|, -a|- | | i n|n| =|ai
-=-|-', | ~ l| n-| | ln+ n| in +i
+| |- +|| rrt
(A) i+ =n||-| ||
(B) i+|- ~|+||
(C) -+|ni- i+ -il-+--|
(D) n|n ~|l| n|n+ |-| -|n-|n|in
~ -
16. n|nli- +|ti-i - +i- ~=-|-
| | -ti '| : +='-i l -n| +| =|
l|| +n| -|ti, +||
(A) |-i |ln+| l|-a--i t|-i
(B) -ti n|n+|-n- t|-
(C) - -- n|n t|-
(D) ~|| -+i-| ~| n|-| ~|t|-, ~z|i
|-| z|+| t|-i
17. ~ l| nn| n|nli, - =l + | ,
-z|i- -n | n|ti -i - =l +- |-
(A) =| l||- |
(B) =| l||- -+
(C) || |
(D) -||| |
7 [P.T.O.
18. Choose the most appropriate
title for the passage from the
following :
(A) The indispensable opposition
(B) The importance of self-
(C) Freedom as a reality
(D) The principles of democracy
19. The categories of communication
like group communication and
mass communication are based on
the classifying criteria of :
(A) effectiveness
(B) number of participants
(C) feedback
(D) medium
20. The famous statement Medium is
the message by Marshall McLuhan
actually implies :
(A) Medium of communication
shapes humans more
fundamentally than the
(B) Messages in communication
shape humans more
fundamentally than the
medium in which they are
(C) A medium and message are
unrelated entities when it comes
to shaping humans in the long
(D) Medium and message are
independent entities and have
very less role in shaping
18. | --||= +| |- z|i| + =| - =n +
(A) n|nli-| :l-t|=
(B) i+|-| :l-t|=
(C) |-i- =n|
(D) n|-i t++ |-i- =n|
19. =a|-|- ' =a|-' ~|l| '-=a|-'
t +| i +||-| +| || l-+||
~|||l- ~|t-
(A) l||n+|+-|
(B) =t||i +-i-i =|
(C) l-=|
(D) n|n
20. n|z|n n+-t|-- + n -| 'n|n t|- = z|'
| l=z l||-|-- ||nin +i +| =l--
(A) =z||-|| =a|-|- n|n- n|-|
~l|+ ||n ~|l| nn|- |-i
l||n +-
(B) n|n| -|| = z|- n|-| ~l|+
||n ~|l| nn|- |-i l||n
(C) n|-|in i| +|ln- l||n| -| l-|
+-| n|n ~|l| =z| t (+n+|z|i
=l|- -=nn |+ ~|t-
(D) n|n ~|l| = z| t -z |+ ~=-
n|-| l||n +|-| = || -
|-i |ln+| - ~|t
21. Which of the following is not a part
of body language ?
(A) Sitting and standing posture
(B) Hand-movement
(C) Facial expression
(D) Speech
22. A power-point presentation is useful
for teachers in a classroom based
teaching mainly because :
(A) it helps in class control
(B) it helps to organise teaching
(C) it can be easily copied by
(D) it makes the teaching material
23. Arrange the following
communication media in
chronological order of their
(i) television
(ii) telegraph
(iii) radio
(iv) printing press
(A) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(B) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
(C) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
(D) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
24. Freedom of expression of media
in India is guaranteed by :
(A) advertisers
(B) constitution
(C) owners
(D) professionals
21. ||nin+i +||-| | t|ni-| ||
(A) -| |t|=|-i
(B) t|-|
(C) - t|in t|||
(D) |n|
22. |n lz|+l-|-| | |: - z|-
lz|-|+|-| -+- a-, +||
(A) l-z| lnl|=|ai |-i n-
(B) lz|+l|- n -i =|l-!=l--
+|=|ai |-i n- t|-
(C) l||i |-i =t -+n --- |
(D) |n lz|+l|-| n+ ~l|+
~|+| + t| -|
23. ||nin = a|- n|n | -| z|| ||-|
+|n|-+n n||
(i) l-z||i
(ii) |||
(iii) -|| ||i
(iv) |||-|
(A) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(B) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
(C) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
(D) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
24. ||-|-in =|n|n|- ~l|+-i |-
- !-i n|l|- + n
(A) |lt|-|
(B) ||-|
(C) n|n+
(D) |=|l+
9 [P.T.O.
25. | | |- l+|ni || ||
21 12 32 23 43 34 54 .......
(A) 45
(B) 47
(C) 56
(D) 65
26. in ~-| +ln+ - | | |-
l+|ni || ||
A CD GHI ........... UVWXY
27. (+| llz| =|+l-+ |||-, + ~+|-
=+-- (+| :i n|-||- +n ~|t
123 - = + -- BCD ~= ~= n, - H
- n- l+-i
(A) DI
(B) DJ
(C) EJ
(D) EK
28. in +i +| |-i =| :- =| -|| i
(A) 128
(B) 147
(C) 164
(D) 173
29. in +ln+- +||- -+i- ~|t
(A) D
(B) I
(C) Q
(D) Y
25. Fill in the blank by an appropriate
alternative :
21 12 32 23 43 34 54 .......
(A) 45
(B) 47
(C) 56
(D) 65
26. Fill in the blank by an appropriate
alternative in the following letter
series :
A CD GHI ........... UVWXY
27. In a certain code language, each
digit is coded as a letter. If 123 is
coded as BCD, what would be the
value of H
(A) DI
(B) DJ
(C) EJ
(D) EK
28. Choose the number that is different
from the rest of the numbers :
(A) 128
(B) 147
(C) 164
(D) 173
29. Which one of the following terms is
wrong in the following series ?
(A) D
(B) I
(C) Q
(D) Y
30. z|in| -t||ni, ''n z| t| n|:| ~|: -|
|||-| n n| ~|t '' n z| z|in|-|
+| |
(A) -|
(B) nn|
(C) +|+|
(D) n|n ||
31. | z-|- (+ l||- |||ni |- lt-+
I II lnni ~|t- ln-| l||-|n
+| |-|!+| |-i lt-+!lt-+ ~-- ~|t -
t a| -n- -| | | ||,| z||
r .
(A) lt-+ I ~-- ~|t
(B) lt-+ II ~-- ~|t
(C) | -ti lt-+ , I II, ~-- ~|t-
(D) | -ti +i +| |- - lt-+ ~- -
frr . '' - -| t|a | ~|a|
~|- l|- | +n|=, -
~|| =tnin| |'', ln| -i n n|=
n fra .
(I) nn =|n|-| t|a |-|-
(II) nn|-| =|n|-- t|a ~|- -|ti
~|l| - =tnin| || =- +-|-
30. Sheela said, Ramesh is the son of
the brother of my mother. How is
Ramesh related to Sheela ?
(A) Nephew
(B) Son
(C) Uncle
(D) Cousin
31. In this question, a statement is
followed by two assumptions, I
and II. Decide which of the
assumption/s is/are implicit in the
given statement. Indicate your
answer by choosing one of the
Alternatives :
Mark (A) if assumption (I) only is
(B) if assumption (II) only is
(C) if both (I) and (II) are
(D) if neither (I) nor (II) is
Statement : If you complete your
homework properly by this weekend,
we shall go to a picnic the father
promised the son.
Assumptions :
(I) Children usually avoid
(II) Children usually dislike school
and prefer to go to a picnic.
11 [P.T.O.
32. | z-|- | - l||- 1 ~|l| 2 ln ni ~|t -
|- - P ~|l| Q t |- l-+| ~|t-
--t|n| |-ti l||- |i n|-||-i ~|t-
~|l| | |= - +| |-|!+| |- l-+|
l-lz--| +|-| -in - a|- ~|t
-n- -| in +i (+| ||,| z||-
r .
(A) ++- P t| l-+| l-|-|
(B) ++- Q t| l-+| l-|-|
(C) P ~|l| Q t |-ti l-+| l-|-|-
(D) P ~|l| Q | +i +||-|- l-+|
l-|- -|ti
frr .
(1) = +n|+ n|n|+ ~|t-
(2) +|ti n|n|+ nni ~|t-
frrr .
(P) +|ti +n|+ nni ~|t-
(Q) +||-iti nni +n|+ -|ti
33. l+|-| |i | | l-|
|+| ||| -|=
(A) -|z-|
(B) ~--
(C) | +
(D) ~||
34. in +i +| |-| z| :-| -|| |
(A) =
(B) |
(C) |n|l|+
(D) +
32. In this question, two statements
numbered (1) and (2) are followed
by two conclusions P and Q. You
have to take the two statements to
be true and then decide which of
the two conclusion/s necessarily
follow/s from the two given
statements. Indicate your answer by
using the appropriate alternative.
Alternatives :
Mark (A) only conclusion P follows
(B) only conclusion Q follows
(C) both conclusions P and Q
(D) neither conclusion P nor Q
Statements :
(1) All typists are stenographers.
(2) Some stenographers are girls.
Conclusions :
(P) Some typists are girls.
(Q) No typist is a girl.
33. Replace the question mark (?) by an
appropriate alternative :
Fatigue : Running : : ? : Fasting
(A) Breakfast
(B) Food
(C) Hunger
(D) Health
34. Which one of the following words is
different from the others ?
(A) Beautiful
(B) Anger
(C) Honest
(D) Cruel
35. In a hospital, 260 patients of skin
disorder were treated. If 150 of them
had been exposed to chemical A, 76
to chemical B and 38 to both
chemicals A and B, find out the
number of patients exposed to
chemical B but not chemical A :
(A) 34
(B) 38
(C) 74
(D) 184
36. Below are given the names of four
cities. Rearrange the alphabets
properly and find the odd man out
among the cities :
Directions : (For Q. Nos. 37 to 39)
A private agency conducted pre-
election poll in Mumbai in January
1995 to find out Voters preference
of political parties. Out of the
randomly drawn sample of 5000
voters, 1000 persons said that they
had not decided. The voting
preference of the remaining sample
is presented in the following
Men Women Total
Congress (I) 600 1000 1600
Shiv Sena-
BJP alliance 1800 400 2200
Other parties
and independents 100 100 200
Total 2500 1500 4000
35. (+| :l-|- -|l+||-| 260 ||
--| +|- ~|n - | +i 150 |
A t| =|-|-| =+|- ~|n t| - , 76
| B t| =|-|-| =+|- ~|n t|-
~|l| 38 | A ~|l| B t| | -ti
=|-|-| =+|- ~|n t| - l+-i | A
t| =|-|-| =+|- - -| ++- B t|
=|-|-| =+|- ~|n t|-
(A) 34
(B) 38
(C) 74
(D) 184
36. -| z|t|-i -| ln ni ~|t - n|-||-|
| +n n|| z|t|n|in 'l=- |+'
~| ||
= r . : + 37 - 39 =|ai|
(+| ||=i =| - |- |i 1995 n
n:-| l-|+|i n-||-i =-i ||-
||=|ai =-|| +n |l-+ z-i-
l-n -| 5000 n-|| +i 1000 n-|| -i
~| l-| - |--|- =|i-n |ltn-|
n-||-i =-i ||nin -+|n z|ni
=rr ftr qr
+|= :~|| 600 1000 1600
lz|= -|||
-i 1800 400 2200
:- -| ~-| 100 100 200
(+ | 2500 1500 4000
13 [P.T.O.
37. A large majority of women voters in
Mumbai do not favour Congress
(I) :
(A) definitely true
(B) probably true
(C) probably false
(D) definitely false
38. A majority of Mumbai male voters
favour the Shiv-Sena-BJP alliance :
(A) definitely true
(B) probably true
(C) probably false
(D) definitely false
39. Congress (I) can get majority of seats
if the alliance splits up before the
election :
(A) definitely true
(B) probably true
(C) probably false
(D) definitely false
Directions : (For Q. Nos. 40 to 42)
Below are given marks of two
candidates, Akshaya and Abhaya, in
four papers each. Study these marks
and answer the questions.
Akshaya I II III IV
Marks 75 100 80 70
Obtained 45 65 50 35
Marks 80 75 100 70
Obtained 56 44 40 42
37. n : -in nltn| n-|| -i = -i n| a|
t = - +| = :~|| -| l| ||-
(A) l-lz--| |
(B) +|l-- |
(C) +|l-- ||
(D) l-lz--| ||
38. n : -in t = | n-|| -i = -i
lz|=-||| -i-| |- ~|t
(A) l-lz--| |
(B) +|l-- |
(C) +|l-- ||
(D) l-lz--| ||
39. -in l-| +i i + ni - +| =
:~|| n| tn- ln z|+-
(A) l-lz--| |
(B) +|l-- |
(C) +|l-- ||
(D) l-lz--| ||
= r . : + 40 - 42 =|ai|
||nin -+|n ~-| ~| | |-
-n||- +i -| l||n|in | ln
~|t- ln-| ||-| ~|= +- in
-i- z-|-i -| lnt|
nt|n | 75 100 80 70
ln|nn | 45 65 50 35
nt|n | 80 75 100 70
ln|nn | 56 44 40 42
40. Considering the performance of
Akshaya and Abhaya together, the
best performance is shown by :
(A) Akshaya in paper II
(B) Abhaya in paper V
(C) Akshaya in paper III
(D) Abhaya in paper VI
41. How is Akshaya s paperwise
performance ranked from best to
worst ?
(A) II, I, III, IV
(B) I, II, III, IV
(C) II, III, I, IV
(D) IV, I, II, III
42. Considering the performance of
Akshaya and Abhaya in all the
papers :
(A) Akshaya has done better than
(B) Abhaya has done better than
(C) Both have done equally
(D) It is difficult to say who is
43. . dat is a :
(A) word file
(B) deleted file
(C) data file
(D) driver file
44. The term DTH is used in the
context of :
(A) use of computers for data
(B) electronic hearing aid
(C) direct transmission for
(D) use of satellites for television
40. ~-| ~|l| ~| |-| ||-| (+lz-|
l-| +n| ~=-| =|-n | +||i ~|l|
+||| l||- lnn ~|t-
(A) ~-|- l| II n
(B) ~|- l| V n
(C) ~-|- l| III n
(D) ~|- l| VI n
41. ~-|-| ||-i l||-=| --| +n|-
n|nni +n|i +z|i ~=n
(A) II, I, III, IV
(B) I, II, III, IV
(C) II, III, I, IV
(D) IV, I, II, III
42. ~-| ~|l| ~| |-i = l||n|in
+|nli l-||- |--|=
(A) ~-|- ~|-|| == +|nli +ni
(B) ~|- ~-|-|| == +|nli +ni
(C) |||-iti +|nli =||i- ~|t
(D) +|||-i +|nli == ~|t t a|
~| ~|t
43. . dat -t|
(A) +|:n
(B) lln +|:n
(C) | +|:n
(D) |t +|:n
44. 'ii(-' ti = a| | = || - |ni
(A) n|lt-i-| lzn |||=|ai = |+|-|
(B) :n+|l-+ ~- =||-
(C) l-l+==|ai- | -||
(D) l-z||i -| ||=|ai - t|-|
15 [P.T.O.
45. The term broadband is used
commonly in the context of :
(A) FM Radio
(B) Wireless communication
(C) Internet
(D) Telegraphic communication
46. In terms of cost and time which
of the following is the most
economical form of international
communication ?
(A) Telegram
(B) Telex
(C) Fax
(D) E-mail
47. Copyright law protects :
(A) Computer programmes, audio-
visual content
(B) Titles, names, slogans
(C) Familiar symbols, designs
(D) Ideas, procedures, methods,
48. In non-verbal communication a
person is perceived as dominant
if :
(i) the person is relaxed
(ii) the posture is erect
(iii) the gaze is direct
(iv) the body is tense
(A) only (ii) and (iii) are correct
(B) only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(C) only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(D) All the four are correct
45. '|' ti =a| =|n|-- | =||-
|ni |-
(A) (+(n l~|
(B) l--|i =a|-
(C) :-
(D) ||| =a|-
46. l+n- ~|l| | =||- ~|-|i
= a|-|-| =| - l++|-z|i n|
(A) -|
(B) n +=
(C) + +=
(D) :n n
47. +|l|: +|| +| =l-|- +-|
(A) +-- |n, +| ~|z|
(B) -||i, -|, ||||+
(C) a|- l-+, ~||-
(D) +--|, +|||ni, z-i, l=n
48. z|lt- = a|-|- +-i ||i n|-ni
|- t|
(i) -i +-i -||n+- ~=-
(ii) -i +-i -|a =nni ~=-
(iii) -i +-i ||z|i - l|- |n-
(iv) z|i -||+- ~=-
(A) ++- (ii) ~|l| (iii) | ~|t-
(B) ++- (i), (ii) ~|l| (iii) | ~|t-
(C) ++- (ii), (iii) ~|l| (iv) | ~|t-
(D) -|ti | | ~|t-
49. During recent times Fukushima
became known for this reason :
(A) Volcanic eruption after a
devastating earthquake
(B) International terrorists attack
(C) Devastating flash flood after a
cloud burst
(D) Nuclear radiation after
destruction of atomic power
plant by a Tsunami
50. Johad is ................
(A) a monsoon festival in Gujarat
(B) traditional pasture lands in
Jammu & Kashmir
(C) a traditional water harvesting
system in Rajasthan
(D) an ancient archeological site
from Haryana
51. Vermi composting of biodegradable
waste is mainly done by :
(A) fungi
(B) insects
(C) worms
(D) bacteria
52. Lactometer is used to measure :
(A) density of sea water
(B) density of milk
(C) volume of milk
(D) depth of sea water
53. Lunar eclipse occurs when :
(A) sun comes between the earth
and the moon
(B) moon comes between the sun
and the earth
(C) earth comes between the sun
and the moon
(D) the earth, moon and sun are
equidistant from each other
49. ~ln+-| +||- + + lz|n| t -| |
+|||=|ai l=zin| ~|n
(A) |n|n|i -:+ ||a||a ~|nn|
n+|i |+
(B) ~|-|i tz|-||-| t-n|
(C) +i-- ~|nn| n+|i nt|
(D) =-|nin -- |n-| ~| |
+:|-in l+||=
50. | t| -t|
(A) |--in (+ || -=
(B) -n +|lznn|in ||l+ -|
+ |
(C) |||-|-in ||i ||-i |l+
(D) tl|||-in (+ |-i- |
51. l+ +-||=- t| ||i | |-|-i
l-ln-i |n|- |-|n t|-
(A) ++
(B) +i+
(C) ni
(D) + l|
52. n +| ni +z||- n|- +|=|ai
(A) =n:|-| ||-i |--|
(B) ||-i |--|
(C) ||- ln||
(D) =n:|-| ||-i ||ni
53. -:|n| t| n|-
(A) i -: |-|n = -|
(B) = i |-|n -: -|
(C) = -: |-|n i -|
(D) i, -: = (+n+||=- =n|-
~-| ~=-|-
17 [P.T.O.
54. In recent times one of the major
environmental and health concerns
lead to the opposition for developing
a nuclear power plant at :
(A) Ratnagiri
(B) Jaitapur
(C) Karwar
(D) Tarapur
55. The highest administrative officer of
the University is :
(A) Vice Chancellor
(B) Registrar
(C) Director BCUD
(D) Dean
56. The Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India
has the following Departments :
(i) Department of School Education
and Literacy
(ii) Department of Technical
(iii) Department of Higher Educa-
(iv) Department of Languages
(A) only (i) and (iii)
(B) only (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) only (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) all the four
54. || ~||l|+ ||i|-in
~ni+-| +||- +| || ~|l+
+-|n| l|| |n|
(A) -|li
(B) -|
(C) +||
(D) -||
55. l|ia|-| =| -- z||=+i ~l|+|i
(A) +n
(B) +n=l-
(C) nt|l|n l|ia l+|= n
(D) ~l|a|-|
56. ||- =+|-| n- l+|= n z|n|-|
~||i- ||nin l|| -|-
(i) z||n lz|-|| ~|l| =|-|-| l||
(ii) -zlz|-|| l||
(iii) ---lz|-|| l||
(iv) |||| l||
(A) ++- (i) ~|l| (iii)
(B) ++- (i), (ii) ~|l| (iii)
(C) ++- (ii), (iii) ~|l| (iv)
(D) -|ti |
57. l=nn| |in :l- :l- ~|+
~t|-= i
(A) ti ~+|z|la|-|-| ~|=|-i
n-i =l|| ~|t
(B) t ||-|-in t|n|-z||z|-| =z|| |-|-
+: ~|t
(C) t i- ~|l| l-| |-| n+-
=-z|in ~|=|- +: ~|t
(D) t ||-|-in ll|--| ~|=|-
+: ~|t
58. ||nin +i +||| l|ia ~l|+||-|
+| +|n + n -| +| +|n|| -
(A) = -|n+, nt|l|n l|ia
l+|= n
(B) +n=l-
(C) l| ~l|+|i
(D) i-|| l-z+
(i) t ||l-+ n ~|t
(ii) ||-|-in -zlz|-|||n| -|n-| -
(iii) - zlz|-||||- UGC-| +||
|| a-
(A) + (i) |
(B) + (ii) |
(C) + (i) (ii) |
(D) -i-ti |
60. n+- lz|-|| ||ni|- ||nin +i +||-
l||- =- ~|t
(A) - ~|z+ || -| n|- -|
(B) - |t||| ~-+| -| lz|+|-i
=|i -
(C) - l-ln- -l|-i|- =n- -
(D) l-ln- lz|-|||-| - n- - - nt|
57. The Indian Institute of Advanced
Study, Shimla :
(A) is the central facility for the
study of space science
(B) is the research centre for
meteorology in India
(C) is a centre for free and creative
enquiry into life and
(D) is the centre for study of
biodiversity in India
58. Term of the following officers of the
University is co-terminus with that
of the Vice Chancellor :
(A) Director, BCUD
(B) Registrar
(C) Finance Officer
(D) Controller of Examination
59. The AICTE :
(i) is a statutory body
(ii) promotes quality in technical
education in India
(iii) overseas the activities of the
UGC in matters of technical
(A) Only (i) is correct
(B) Only (ii) is correct
(C) Only (i) and (ii) are correct
(D) All three are correct
60. Which of the following statements
is untrue regarding open education
system ?
(A) It compromises necessary
quality considerations
(B) It provides opportunity to
learners located at remote
(C) It provides concessions
regarding regular attendance
(D) It is not costly as compared to
regular education
19 [P.T.O.
21 [P.T.O.
23 [P.T.O.
Instructions for the Candidates
1. Write your roll number in the space on the top of this page.
2. This paper consists of sixty (60) multiple-choice type of questions,
out of which the candidate would be required to answer any
fifty (50) questions. In the event of the candidate attempting
more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted
by the candidate would be evaluated.
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced
immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator
within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither
the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number
should be entered in the OMR Sheet and the OMR
Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C)
and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the
correct response against each item.
Example :
Where (C) is the correct response.
5. Your responses to the items for Paper I and Paper II are to be
indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Booklet, which
is common for both the papers. If you mark at any place other
than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the
Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant
entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render
yourself liable to disqualification.
9. You have to return the test question booklet and OMR Answer
Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table, etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
ttrrrt=rat =r
1. | |-|in -| +| |- ~|n| ~|=- +n|+ lnt||
2. | z-lz+ - =ra tl- z- ~|t-, | +i i-|||-| +||-ti
-r= z- =||- ~|t- i-|||- --|=-|| |- z-
=| ln - | = |- =| ln n ltn --|= z-- -|=n |-in
3. i-| -| = - -t|n| z-lz+| |- : n lt-| |- lnl-| n
- -t|n| z-lz+| || n|= =| |- : n - t| ||nin n|| l-i-||
(i) z-lz+| -||=|ai - -t|n| n| n | a|in +|i =in
+||- ~|t i+=in lz|| ~=n ni | ni z-lz+|
i+| -
(ii) rf at rar t = =r rr t = =r rt n =r rart
fzrr nrfratnrr trt rr rt =rrt tr. ra
fr r nrr = fr trrt fr r anr
=r r=rt=r zr rr rf a rcrr= r r
fnfr -r rta ttrr z rfr -tta z
rrt. -rat, rfr z fnrrt rrt fr
fatta fzr rrrt rrt.
(iii) = -||i |-|- -, z-lz+| +n| + OMR -|lz+
ln-| +|-|- lnt- |n|| +|| +|| ~|l| OMR
-|lz+ -| +n|+ | z-lz+ lnt||
4. + z-|=|ai (A), (B), (C) ~|l| (D) ~z|i -| l+- -| lni
~|t - |-in | -||-| +|-| ||ni z| l-| n|| a+| +||
(C) t | -| ~=n -
5. | z-lz+ -in z-| -i -| -|lz+ n - |i- nr
rf=ra fzt srtfr t I t II zr-rt=rat
q trrt. -||-| +|-|lz|| :- la+||i ||| +nn -|
|n |n ||| -|ti
6. ~|- ln -| =--| +|i+ |-||-
7. +--| +|n|=|ai z-lz+-| z|i +| |- |n ~|t
8. -|lz+ ln-| +|-|- |||-| n|lt-i l-i+- ~|ni
~| | l|=|ai -|lz+ ~- +| a ti -| l+ | :- +| |-iti
|| +-|= ~|||= ~|z al|- :n
9. | -i i-|| = -|- - z-lz+| -|lz+| zr -rt -|+| -|
- +|i |-in +| |-|ti +| - n-| | i-|| + :||t - |=
=+- n-|: ~|t
10. srt zrr fr=rat rvr/fvr r r; r sr n trr.
11. t fr rn , ;-rzt aar rtar rrt
12. t-r srtr= nr r rrrt rrta.
Paper I
Test Booklet No.
z-lz+| +
Signature of Invigilators
1. .........................................
2. ......................................... Seat No.
(In figures as in Admit Card)
Seat No. (In words) ............................
AUG - 00011 ..............................................................
Answer Sheet No.
Time Allowed : 75 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24