ODM Data Manager Manual v1.0.7

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ODM OPM Data Manager Software Manual

The ODM OPM Data Manager allows easy downloading and displaying of optical fiber test data from ODM power meters.

ODM Data Manager Operating System Compatibility

Windows XP SP3 Window Vista Window 7

Microsoft Excel Software

Using the ODMs Data Manager, RP-460 test data can be exported and saved in Microsoft Excel 2007 (Version 12) or newer if loaded on your PC. If you do not have Excel and you need to save reports in Excel format, the Data Manager has an integrated report viewer that allows you to export test data in Excel format for archiving.

Installation Instructions
RP-460 Windows Driver
To allow the Windows operating system to install the USB port drivers, insert the RP-460 USB cable into a USB port of the PC. Observe the installation progress provided by Windows; the installation may take a few minutes. If the Windows drivers do not load correctly, see the Windows USB Port Driver for the ODM RP-460 section below.

Data Manager Software Installation

CD Installation 1. Insert the ODM Data Manager CD into a PC running Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7. 2. If the setup program does not start automatically, open folder ODM\DM on the CD containing setup.exe. 3. Double-click setup.exe and following the software installation instructions below. Web Installation 1. Go to http://www.odm-inc.com/support/downloads.
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2. Click the button for ODM OPM Data Manager. 3. After the download completes, double-click on ODM_OPM_DM_v 4. Follow the installation instructions below.

Figure 1: ODM Data Manager Installation.

Click Install

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ODM Data Manager Operating Instructions

Main Window Functions
To run ODM OPM Data Manager, click on the desktop short or click Start/All Programs/ODM, Inc/ODM OPM DMS.

Menu Bar Drop-Down Box Text Box

Status Bar

Figure 2: ODM OPM Data Manager Main Window

In Figure 2, the Data Manager is waiting for the user to plug an ODM OPM into a USB port. When the OPM is plugged in and powered, the data manager will recognize it and will update the status bar as illustrated in Figure 3. Information on the main screen can be changed. Text boxes labeled Cable ID, Cable Length, Fibers From, Fibers To, Comment and user Company Name can be updated to reflect your test location and company. Drop-down boxes contain information that is likely to be repeated. Items can be added to the lists by clicking the Add button next to the item. These are labeled Location, customer Company Name, customer Contact Name, User Name and Test Equipment ID. To delete an item from a list, select the item and simultaneously press the ALT key and the D key on the keyboard. The date and time can be updated by clicking the Ref button next to the Date-Time text
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Figure 3: Waiting for user to Press USB Key on OPM

To send saved test data to the data manager, press the USB button on the RP-460 OPM as illustrated in Figure 4 below. Figure 5 shows Unformatted Data received from the OPM.
USB Button

Figure 4: RP-460 USB Button

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Figure 5: Data received from an OPM.

Menu Bar Items


Clear Test Data: Clears the contents of the data window. Print: Prints the contents of the Unformatted Data window. View Report: Displays a report of the test data in the Unformatted Data window. Export to Excel: Exports the contents of the data window to Microsoft Excel by opening Excel and populating a sheet. Exit: Exit the program

Settings Settings: Opens the Settings window to permit changing the pass/fail values and to enable or disable cable colors in the reports. About ODM Data Manager Manual: Displays the Data Manager Manual. About Data Manager: Displays information about Data Manager.

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Figure 6: File Menu

Figure 7: Settings Menu

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Figure 8: Settings Window

The Settings menu section permits you set pass-fail limits and enable or disable those limits. You can also set custom hybrid cable color codes (Sprint Network Vision/Samsung). If enabled, cable colors are printed in the Comment column of the reports. See Figure 10.

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Reports can be created using Excel or if you dont have Excel, you can use the Report Viewer feature. Excel To export test data to Microsoft Excel, click File/Export to Excel. Excel will open with the test data displayed.

Figure 9: Excel Report

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In Figure 9, the test data that was in the Unformatted Data window has been exported to Excel. Comments can be added to the Comment column to further note parameters of each test if needed. If desired, you can print and save the Excel data. To save, choose File/Save As on the Excel menu, then change the name of the file and assign file extension from .xls.

Figure 10: Excel Report with Cable Colors Enabled in Settings Window

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Figure 11: Excel Printed Report

Report Viewer Selecting View Report on the File Menu will generate a report using the data in the Unformatted Data window. From the Report Viewer, data can be printed or exported to
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Excel, PDF or Word.

Export Report Print Report

Figure 12: ODM OPM Report Viewer

In the Report Viewer test comments can be added to the report by clicking on the Add Comments button. A comment can be added to each test location to further identify the test data. See Figure 13 below.

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Figure 13: ODM OPM Report Viewer Add Comments

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Figure 14: Report Viewer Printed Report

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Windows USB Port Drivers for the ODM RP-460

When the ODM RP-460 is plugged into the PCs USB port for the first time, Windows should locate the correct drivers. If Windows cannot find the correct USB port drivers, you can run the setup program located in folder FTDICHIP on the CD that shipped with your RP-460. If you dont have a CD you can download the driver setup program from http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm. See Figure 15 below.

Click Here

Figure 15: RP-460 FTDI Chip Driver Download

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ODM Contact Information

ODM, Inc. 143 Lake Street, Suite 1E Laconia, NH USA 03246 Voice: 603.524.8350 Fax: 603.524-8332 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.odm-inc.com

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