March Newsletter 2014 Kolb PDF

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MarFamily, 5, 2014 Pastor Peter Kolb and serving the LORD in Asia.!

[email protected]!
March 2014!

The Orenitation Group ! Winter 2014

The Kolb Family Newsletter!

The Call!
On January 12, Pastor Kolb announced he was accepting the Call to serve the LORD overseas in Asia. He will be working with partner churches and local pastors showing the good news of Jesus Christ, preaching Gods Word, delivering His Sacraments, and participating in works of mercy. One and a half billion souls which populate this region includes Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. Thus the work is plentiful and the fields are ripe. Please pray to the LORD of the harvest to send workers into the harvest field. Pastor Kolb has answered the Call to serve and is beginning his time of gathering partners to aid him in this endevor. He and his family have begun transitioning from life in a parish to life overseas. Pastor preached his last sermon at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Vandalia, Illinois, on January 26. Seven days later the entire Kolb family headed off to St. Louis for orientation.

The Kolb family began a new chapter in their lives on February 2, 2014, by attending Orientation for The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. These two weeks included sixteen over seas servants and their families who met together for two intensive weeks braving ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. Our main guest speaker, Pastor Detlev Schultz, professor for Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, who enlighted us with his wealth of knowlege and field stories. He stressed the idea that our work must focus on the object of our faith-Jesus Christ. The goal of all outreach is Missio Deo (latin for Gods Mission). It is Gods work to show the love of Jesus Christ. Some important components of orientation included: many speakers, Bible studies, logistical topics (packing, moving, traveling, watching out for obstacles, learning cultural matters, learning paperwork, photography in the field, building support network), and instruction on preparing a monthly newsletter to keep supporters informed !
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What Can You Do? Pray for the Kolb family To support the Kolb family, please use the information provided below If you are interested in serving on a shortterm team, or if your church is interested in forming one, you can contact ChristianBoehlke@lc who places volunteers for the Office of International Mission

on how theirs dollars are being utilized. To help prepare for overseas ministry, we were encouraged to read the following books; Mission From The Cross-The Lutheran Theology of Mission by Klaus Detlev Schulz, The Fire and the Staff-Lutheran Theology in Practice by Klemet Preus, The Lonely Way Vol. I & II by Hermann Sasse, Foreign to Familiar by Sarah Lanier, Serving With Eyes Wide Open by David Livermore, Transforming Culture by Sherwood Lingenfelter, Teaching Cross-Culturally by Judith and Sherwood Lingenfelter, and Cross-Cultural Conflict by Duane Elmer. As this is a family endeavor, the children participated in orientation as well. The sound of childrens voices echoed in the International Center during these two weeks. While Mom and Dad attended sessions, the children attended daily chapel services, participated in Bible studies, played games, and ventured on field trips (the Arch, zoo, international market, and the Magic House). They even took passport and visa pictures in preparation for international travel. The hotel swimming pool provided them ample enjoyment in the evenings.!

Matthews picture time

Burmese Python

To support the Kolbs financially, you may send a tax-deductible gift to: The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod P.O. Box 790089 St. Louis, MO 63179-0089 Make checks payable to The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. Mark checks Support of the Kolb Family. Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website, on my online giving page at or call 888-930-4438 to speak with one of our Donor Care representatives.

Since orientation our family has grown in size. Little Katie Emma Grace was born on February 19, 2014. She was welcomed home by her seven doting siblings. On February 23, Katie was born into the Kingdom of God in the waters of Holy Baptism-Gods own child we gladly say it! Cuddling with sweet baby Katie, home schooling, downsizing, and preparing to move are now daily activites. Confident that the LORD will continue to care for everyone of our needs, Pastor Kolb now begins to build his support network by visiting churches and searching for those who will partner with him through their prayers and finacial support as he serves over seas. The LORD be with you. In Christ, Pastor Kolb, Kristie, Shelby, Mary, Micah, Daniel, Christopher, Matthew, Jesse, and Katie

Life After Orientation!

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