Courses at Neev

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Courses @ Neev

Class XI 2 Yrs Intensive Program of Pre-Medical MT-CET/AIPMT/AIIMS E aminations!

S.No . 1 2



Course Name Objective Admission Mode

ME"I-SAN#A$P This couse aims at nurturing and sharpening the Preparation for the coveted Pre-Medical Entrance Examinations. !EE"-#$T %Ever& 'ec( 2 *ears 'a& ,oarding -ocused Program Integrated .ith C,#E/#tate ,oard MT-CET/$IPMT/$IIM# 2anuar& -or 'eserving students #cholarship is availa4le. Exclusive Preparation and -ocus on 6"P* and Ph&sics7 Chemistr&7 ,iolog&7 Maths and $stronom& 8l&mpiads .

) + 0 1 3

Duration Class Timings Target Course Commencement Scholarship Competitive Examinations in Focus

2 Yrs Intensive Program for %EE MAINS/A"&ANCE" E amination for 'I Moving Students
S.No . 1



Course Name


N()T()E C*()SE The 4est 4rains of the countr& compete to get an admission to this t.o-&ear intensive course offered 4& us. The course7 unmatched in its rigour and precision7 raises &ou to the ver& pinnacle of &our preparation. The enriching atmosphere of the !eev7 small 4atch si9e and one to one interaction .ith the facult& ensure that &ou .ill 4e successful and refined one to face the challenge. 4esides giving &ou a s&stematic approach to pro4lem solving - a must for IIT-2EE. If &ou thin: &ou can do it 7 if &ou thin: that &ou can ma:e it to the top7 this course is a4solutel& for &ou. !EE"-#$T %Ever& 'ec( 2 *ears 'a& ,oarding -ocused Program Integrated .ith C,#E/#tate ,oard IIT 2EE M$I!# ; $'"$!CE'

Admission Mode ) + 0 Duration Class Timings Target

Course Commencement Scholarship



-or 'eserving students #cholarship is availa4le.

Examinations in Focus

Exclusive Preparation and -ocus on 6"P* and Ph&sics7 Chemistr&7 ,iolog&7 Maths and $stronom& 8l&mpiads .

2 Yrs Intensive Program of Pre- Medical +,iolog- onl-. Integrated /it0 State ,oard for 'I Moving Students

S.No . 1 2



Course Name Objective Admission Mode

ME"I-SAN#A$P This couse aims at nurturing and sharpening the Preparation for the coveted Examination Pre-Medical Entrance Examinations. 'irect 2 *ears MT-CET/$IPMT/$IIM# ; #tate ,oard 2ul& -irst <ee:

) ) 1

Duration Target Course Commencement Competitive Examinations in Focus


Class 'II MT-CET/AIPMT/AIIMS +Test Series.

Course Name 84>ective #terling =an: ,ooster Its a series of speciall& designed tests 4ased on the latest pattern of Competitive Examinations. These Test Papers .ill provide a sound examination temperament .hich not onl& increases the student?s scoring a4ilit&7 4ut also helps the student to overcome his/her .ea:nesses. M@-CET/#e.agram PMT/'MIM# #a.angi/$IPMT/$IIM#/MT-CET%Pharmac&( 'irect March to M a& 12 To3ic 4ise Tests5 1 Part S-lla6us Tests5 72 Ma8or Tests S-lla6us Covered NEE& Edge !CE=T 4ased #td XI ; XII Top-Aualit& Auestions .ith #olutions. #imulated Testing Environment. Bet $ssessment and Evaluation feed4ac: of all &our Test . #olutions of all the Tests .ill 4e provided. 'ou4t removal session .ith experts. Improvement in &our score and

Target Admission Mode Sc0edule Total Tests

learning 4& at least )C D. $rise7 a.a:e and enhance &our preparation .ith our uniAue test series. Previous &ear !EET/$IIM# papers are also covered.

%EE MAINS +AIEEE. Test Series

Course Name 84>ective #terling =an: ,ooster It is a series of speciall& designed tests 4ased on the latest pattern of Competitive Examinations. These Test Papers .ill provide a sound examination temperament .hich not onl& increases the student?s scoring a4ilit&7 4ut also helps the student to overcome his/her .ea:nesses. 2EE M$I!#%$IEEE( Admission Mode Test Sc0edule Total Tests S-lla6us Covered NEE& EduEdge 'irect March to $pril %$s: for 'etailed #chedule( 12 To3ic 4ise Tests5 1 Part S-lla6us Tests5 72 Ma8or Tests !CE=T ,ased #td XI ; XII Top-Aualit& Auestions .ith #olutions. #imulated Testing Environment. Bet $ssessment and Evaluation feed4ac: of all &our Test . #olutions of all the Tests .ill 4e provided. 'ou4t removal session .ith experts. Improvement in &our score and learning 4& at least )C D. $rise7 a.a:e and enhance &our preparation .ith our uniAue test series. Previous &ear 2EE M$I!# papers are also covered


Pre-9oundation Programs Class I&

S.No . 1



Course Name Objective o the program Admission Mode

First Step Excellence in #chool and Competitive examinations 4esides developing a strong logical and anal&tical s:ills among &oung ones. 'irect #chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate/IC#E( ; Competitive Examinations #cience 7 Maths E Mental $4ilit& #cholarship Examination conducted 4& the Bovt of Mahaarshtra. 7 !ational #cience 8l&mpiads %!#8(7 International Mathematics 8l&mpiads %IM8(7 !ational C&4er 8l&mpiad %!C8(7 !ational #cience Talent #earch Examination %!#T#E( 7 Fnified C&4er 8l&mpiad %FC8(

) +

!rogram Curriculum Focus Competitive

Examinations in Focus Duration o Course

2une to !ov G1)

Class &I

S.No . 1



Course Name

Little Champion

Objective o the program

Programs guides the students how to approach Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths in a ob ecti!e manner beside de!eloping a strong interest in basic science
Through !EE"-#$T

Admission Mode ) !rogram Curriculum Focus Duration o Course

#chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate( ; Competitive Examinations

Ph&7 Chem7 ,io ; Maths of 0th #td and @igher E Mental $4ilit&

$pril to !ov G1)

Class &II

S.No. 1

Particulars Course Name

Details Ascent "scent builds a strong #oundation by continuous and

Objective o the program

comprehensi!e training which leads to e$cellent per#ormance o# students at school le!el studies and competiti!e e$aminations.

Admission Mode ) + 1 Target Curriculum Focus Duration o Course

Through !EE"-#$T #chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate( E Competitive Examinations Maths ; #cience of 1th #td and higher E Mental $4ilit& $pril to !ov

Class &III

S.No. 1

Particulars Course Name

Details 4isdom %&SD'M program lays a solid #oundation #or &(S' and

Objective o the program

N)S* e$amination , gi!ing an edge o!er others . Course co!erage or scope is up to &+ std.

Admission Mode ) + 1 Target Curriculum Focus Duration o Course

Through !EE"-#$T #chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate( E Competitive Examinations Maths 7 #cience of 3th #td and higher E Mental $4ilit& $pril to !ov

Class I'

S.No . 1



Course Name Objective o the program Target

P*",L P*",L program lays a solid #oundation #or N)S* - ./P0 e$amination , gi!ing an edge o!er others . Course co!erage upto + std - higher. #chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate( E Competitive ExaminationsEIIT/!EET Through !EE"-#$T

Admission Mode Curriculum Focus Duration o Course

Maths 7 Ph&7 Chem7 ,io of 5th #td and @igher E Mental $4ilit&

$pril to !ov G1)

Class '

S.No . 1



!rogram code

:ENIT; :ENIT; 3rogram la-s a solid foundation for National Standard E amination in %unior Science5 ,io/Astro / P0- / C0em *l-m3iads5 )egional Mat0ematics *l-m3aid < NMTC! T0e 3rogram gives a solid start for 'I < 'II std! NTSE = IIT/NEET

Objective o the program

Target Admission Mode S"llabus Curriculum Focus Duration o Course

Through !EE"-#$T

#chool #&lla4us %C,#E/#tate( E Competitive Examinations

Maths 7 Ph&7 Chem7 ,io of X #td and @igher E Mental $4ilit&

$pril to !ov G1)

9asTrac> Programs +Std '. 9asTrac> Cras0 Course Program for ' Moving Students S.No . 1 2

Particulars !rogram Objective o the program Target

Details 9asTrac> Cras0 Course This program is designed .ith the concept of ?an earl- start? .hich is crucial to 4eat the competition. Std ' C,SE/State ,oard 'irect !CE=T ,ased #&nchronised .ith #tate #&lla4us also. #cience ; Matehmatics 2 ,oo:lets each of #cience ; Maths .ill 4e provided. $pril to Ma& 2C1)

) + 0 1 3

Admission Mode S"llabus Curriculum Focus Stud" Material Duration o Course

9asTrac> Pre3arator- ,ridge Course Program for 'I Moving Students S.No . 1

Particulars !rogram

Details Pre3arator- ,ridge Course Std 'I Moving Students +Std ' students /0o are a33earing in Marc0 227? State/C,SE e aminations!. This course aims at understanding the 4asic concepts of Ph&sics7

Target #roup

Objective o the program

Chemistr& 7Maths ; ,iolog& of #td IX ; X level. It .ill act as 4ridge course for Engineering and Medical $spirants of 2C107 developing a strong anal&tical and reasoning s:ills to crac: the entrance examinations.

) +

Mode o Admissions Subjects Covered

'irect Ph&sics7 Chemistr&7 Maths ; ,iolog&

0 1 3

Course #chedule

11th March up to 0th $pril #eparate Course Material for Ph&sics7 Chemistr&7 ,iolog& and Mathematics )3 @rs

Course Material Duration o Course

9asTrac> Program for MT-CET/AIPMT/AIIMS/%EE MAINS for 'II A33earing/Passout Students

Course Name *68ective Target

Crash Course for Pre-Medical/2EE M$I!# This is the most compact program aims at Auic: revision of the XI and XII std concepts .ith ample practice test to 4oost the confidence of aspirants. MT-CET/$IPMT/$IIM#/2EE M$I!#%$IEEE(

Admission Mode Course Commencement



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