Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Mahmodul Hasan
Faculty of Business Administration MBA Program 2014
M!ss!on S"a"#m#n": What is our usiness! "#ometimes called $reed #tatement a statement of %ur%ose& a statement of eliefs& a statement of usiness %rinci%les or a statement of defining the usiness' V!s!on S"a"#m#n": What do (e (ant to ecome!
Agreement on the asic )ision for (hich the firm stri)es to achie)e in the long run is critically im%ortant to the firm*s success+
M!ss!on S"a"#m#n"s:
Endur!n' s"a"#m#n" of %ur%os# D!s"!n'u!sh#s on# f!rm from ano"h#r D#(lar#s "h# f!rm)s r#ason for *#!n'
Im%or"an(# of M!ss!on
Eff#("!&# M!ss!ons
Broad in sco%e ,enerate strategic alternati)es -ot o)erly s%ecific .econciles interests among di)erse sta/eholders Finely alanced et(een s%ecificity 0 generality Arouse %ositi)e feelings 0 emotions Moti)ate readers to action ,enerate fa)ora le im%ression of the firm .eflect future gro(th Pro)ide criteria for strategy selection Basis for generating 0 e)aluating strategic o%tions Are dynamic in nature
5+ -#as!*l#: A (ell1stated )ision is (ithin the realm of (hat the com%any can reasona ly e6%ect to achie)e in due time+ 7+ D#s!ra*l#: A (ell1stated )ision a%%eals to the long1term interests of sta/eholders %articularly shareo(ners& em%loyees and customers 8+ Eas+$"o$Commun!(a"#4 A (ell1stated )ision is e6%laina le in less than 10 minutes and ideally can e reduced to a sim%le& i+e+ 9 a car in e)ery garage:1Ford $om%any
S.OT Anal+s!s