TMP F054
TMP F054
TMP F054
The polymorphic region of the Theileria annulata surface protein (TaSP) was cloned
and sequenced from different isolates of cattle and cell lines from different areas of
Sudan. Amino acid sequence alignment revealed a high diversity showing amino acid
and length polymorphism, both within and between parasite isolates. The generation
of TaSP diversity may allow the evasion of host immunity by the parasite since TaSP is
a highly antigenic parasite protein.
Theileria annulata, the causative agent of trop- Cell Lines and Field Samples
ical theileriosis, is a tick-borne protozoan para-
site. Tropical theileriosis constitutes one of the The parasite isolates and field samples
obstacles for improved livestock production in from different geographical regions of the
many countries. In the Sudan, the disease is Sudan used in this study and the number of
considered as the most important tick-borne clones analyzed per sample are summarized in
disease.1 No data is available regarding the Table 1.
genotypes of this Theileria parasite in Sudan.
This study investigated the molecular struc- Sequence Analysis
ture of the single copy polymorphic T. annulata
surface protein (TaSP) gene2 for comparison Genomic DNA was amplified, cloned, and
of strains isolated from cattle and cell lines in sequenced as described previously.2 Analysis
Sudan. of the variable region of TaSP was performed
by comparing the sequences from the various
isolates (GenBank accession EU032540-
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ulrike Seitzer, Veterinary Infection EU032577). A total of 38 clones (one to four
Biology and Immunology, Research Center Borstel, Parkallee 22, 23845
Borstel, Germany. Voice: +49-(0)4537-188-413; fax +49-(0)4537-188-
clones of independent PCR reactions) were se-
627. [email protected] quenced. The predicted amino acid sequences
Animal Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1149: 218–220 (2008).
doi: 10.1196/annals.1428.025 C 2008 New York Academy of Sciences.
Ali et al.: Molecular Structure of TaSP Gene of Theileria annulata 219
TABLE 1. Theileria annulata Isolates and Cell Lines from Different Geographical Locations in the Sudan
were aligned using ClustalW available at PBIL similarity 13.87%, weak similarity 4.38%, and
(Pôle Bio-Informatique Lyonnais) (http:// the difference 16.06%. Alignment of derived amino acid sequences from a single cell line
page=/NPSA/npsa_clustalw.html).3 (ATB) showed an identity of 78 (58.21%), a
strong similarity of 19 (14.18%), a weak simi-
larity of 8 (5.97%), and a difference in amino
Results acids of 29 (21.64%) over an alignment length
of 134 amino acids. Alignment results are sum-
The sequence results showed size and se- marized in Table 2.
quence polymorphism for the TaSP polymor-
phic region. Nucleotide sequences were from
393 to 411 nucleotides, corresponding to de- Discussion
rived amino acid (aa) sequences of 131 to 137
residues. Alignment data retrieved from the The results demonstrated a variability of
ClustalW analysis of all sequences obtained TaSP in Sudanese T. annulata isolates. Interest-
showed an identity of 41.13% (58 aa residues), ingly, variable sequences were obtained from
a strong similarity of 13.48% (19 aa residues), a individual animals suggesting multiple clone
weak similarity of 7.8% (11 aa residues), and infection, which could be a result of the high
a difference of 37.59% (53 aa residues). There transmission rates that may allow genetic re-
was high diversity within and between parasite combination of the clones. A similar sequence
isolates and variable sequences were detected diversity for a gene of T. annulata was previously
from one animal. No geographical specificity of reported with respect to the major merozoite
sequence types was observed. Alignment of the antigen gene Tams 1 and also in T. parva for the
field samples only gave an identity of 44.76%, a polymorphic immunodominant surface pro-
strong similarity of 11.89%, a weak similarity of tein (PIM), which is closely related to TaSP.2,4,5
7.69%, and a difference of 35.66%. Using se- No significant association between TaSP se-
quence data derived from clones obtained from quences and their geographical origins were
one animal, the identity was 65.69%, strong found. The genetic data of the field isolates
220 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences