Genetic Diagnosa
Genetic Diagnosa
Genetic Diagnosa
Contributed by Richard P. Lifton, September 17, 2009 (sent for review September 8, 2009)
Protein coding genes constitute only approximately 1% of the human the human genome, this is a potentially efficient strategy for
genome but harbor 85% of the mutations with large effects on identification of rare functional mutations, the more so given that
disease-related traits. Therefore, efficient strategies for selectively our current ability to interpret the functional consequences of
sequencing complete coding regions (i.e., ‘‘whole exome’’) have the sequence variation outside coding regions is highly limited. The
potential to contribute to the understanding of rare and common utility of this approach has been demonstrated in cancer, in which
human diseases. Here we report a method for whole-exome sequenc- PCR amplification of individual exons has led to identification of
ing coupling Roche/NimbleGen whole exome arrays to the Illumina new somatic mutations with large effect (9); nonetheless, PCR
DNA sequencing platform. We demonstrate the ability to capture amplification of each coding sequence is cumbersome. Methods of
approximately 95% of the targeted coding sequences with high enriching targeted genomic segments by hybridization have been
sensitivity and specificity for detection of homozygous and heterozy- used for 30 years (10), and have recently been extended to the whole
gous variants. We illustrate the utility of this approach by making an exome scale (11), although their utility has been limited by the large
unanticipated genetic diagnosis of congenital chloride diarrhea in a amounts of genomic DNA required and by coupling to sequence
patient referred with a suspected diagnosis of Bartter syndrome, a platforms of modest throughput. Key considerations in this process
renal salt-wasting disease. The molecular diagnosis was based on the will be cost effectiveness and completeness of the information
finding of a homozygous missense D652N mutation at a position in obtained.
SLC26A3 (the known congenital chloride diarrhea locus) that is vir- We report the adoption of whole-exome capture on single arrays
tually completely conserved in orthologues and paralogues from on the Roche/NimbleGen platform to the Illumina sequencing
invertebrates to humans, and clinical follow-up confirmed the diag- platform. We illustrate the utility of this approach by identification
nosis. To our knowledge, whole-exome (or genome) sequencing has of a rare mutation in a patient that led to an unexpected clinical
not previously been used to make a genetic diagnosis. Five additional diagnosis.
patients suspected to have Bartter syndrome but who did not have
mutations in known genes for this disease had homozygous delete- Results
rious mutations in SLC26A3. These results demonstrate the clinical Coupling of NimbleGen Whole-Exome Capture to Illumina Sequencing.
utility of whole-exome sequencing and have implications for disease The Roche/NimbleGen whole-exome array capture protocols were
gene discovery and clinical diagnosis. developed for DNA sequencing on the 454 platform (11); because
the cost of sequencing on the Illumina platform is potentially
Bartter syndrome 兩 congenital chloride diarrhea 兩 considerably lower, we adapted hybrid capture using the Nimble-
next-generation sequencing 兩 whole-exome sequencing 兩 personal genomes Gen 2.1M Human Exome Array to the Illumina DNA sequencing
platform (see Methods). These arrays tile oligonucleotides from
approximately 180,000 exons of 18,673 protein-coding genes and
G enetic variation plays a major role in both Mendelian and
non-Mendelian diseases. Among the approximately 2,600
Mendelian diseases that have been solved, the overwhelming
551 micro-RNAs and comprise 34.0 Mb of genomic sequence.
Resulting sequence data were processed using an automated pipe-
majority are caused by rare mutations that affect the function of line: quality filtered sequence reads were aligned to the reference
individual proteins; at individual Mendelian loci, approximately human genome (hg18) using Maq software (12). Single nucleotide
85% of the disease-causing mutations can typically be found in the variants (SNVs) were detected using Samtools (13) and further
coding region or in canonical splice sites (1). For complex traits, filtered (see Methods). For heterozygote calls we required at least
genome-wide association studies have identified more than 250 10⫻ coverage by reads with different start sites, base call with
Phred-like (14) quality scores greater than 45, and the probability
common variants associated with risk alleles that contribute to a
of the frequency of major and minor alleles deviating from the
wide range of diseases (2, 3). To date, most of these impart small
binomial distribution of at least 10⫺7. Rare SNVs that cluster within
effects on disease risk (e.g., odds ratio of 1.2); moreover, even when
1 kb were tagged and evaluated for mapping errors. SNVs were
extremely large studies have been performed, the vast majority of
annotated for effect on the encoded protein and for conservation
the genetic contribution to disease risk remain unexplained (4–6).
by comparison versus sequences of 43 vertebrate species (15) and
These findings suggest that individually rare variants with relatively
orthologues in fly and worm (see Methods).
large effect may account for a large fraction of this missing trait
variance. Indeed, studies addressing this question have documented
the presence of individually rare variants with relatively large effect Author contributions: M.C., U.I.S., S.M., and R.P.L. designed research; M.C., U.I.S., W.J., T.L.,
(7, 8). Consistent with the Mendelian model, coding variants have I.R.T., P.Z., A.N., A.B., S.Ö., S.S., C.N.-W., A.F., S.M., and R.P.L. performed research; M.C.,
proven to be prevalent sources of such rare variants. U.I.S., W.J., and R.P.L. analyzed data; and M.C., U.I.S., W.J., and R.P.L. wrote the paper.
These considerations motivate implementation of robust ap- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
proaches to sequencing complete coding regions of genomes (i.e., Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
the ‘‘exome’’). This has the potential to play a major role in disease 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].
gene discovery and also in clinical use for establishing a genetic This article contains supporting information online at
diagnosis. As coding regions constitute only approximately 1% of 0910672106/DCSupplemental.
19096 –19101 兩 PNAS 兩 November 10, 2009 兩 vol. 106 兩 no. 45 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0910672106
Table 1. Summary statistics for whole exome capture on samples from 5 subjects
Sample GIT 264* GIT 683 LMB 01 LMB 03 LMB 04 Mean
Mean per-base coverage (⫻) 40.1 37.5 36.2 43.5 60.5 43.6
Bases mapped to exome, % 34.8 38.2 36.1 39.5 36.1 36.9
Homozygous SNVs
Total SNVs (novel) 9,045 (117) 7,395 (37) 8,273 (57) 8,424 (67) 8,860 (66) 8,399 (69)
Sensitivity,† % 99.1 98.4 99.0 98.6 99.3 98.9
Specificity,‡ % 99.4 98.9 98.6 97.0 98.8 98.5
Heterozygous SNVs
Total SNVs (novel) 10,473 (905) 11,125 (865) 13,153 (1,186) 11,812 (994) 13,222 (979) 11,957 (986)
Sensitivity, % 96.3 95.3 94.9 91.3 96.4 94.8
Specificity, % 99.9 99.8 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9
Synonymous (novel) 6,462 (253) 6,377 (212) 7,229 (284) 6,708 (235) 7,299 (365) 6,815 (240)
Missense (novel) 5,091 (357) 4,986 (305) 5,731 (462) 5,226 (352) 5,672 (365) 5,341 (368)
Premature termination (novel) 34 (6) 28 (7) 33 (10) 29 (8) 36 (5) 32 (7)
Splice site (novel) 84 (10) 72 (8) 83 (6) 84 (6) 80 (4) 81 (7)
Indels (all novel, novel frameshift) 123 (21, 17) 149 (35, 25) 86 (15, 13) 83 (15, 13) 74 (12, 10) 103 (20, 16)
Major changes in the protocol included shortening the length of sample was 0.75%, with error rate increasing approximately 10-fold
the genomic DNA used for hybridization from 250 to 150 bases, from base 20 to base 75 (Fig. 1B).
which significantly increased the percentage of sequenced bases Among the 5 test samples, we found a mean of 20,356 exomic
mapping to targeted bases (from 29% to 37%). We varied strin- variations from the reference sequence per subject (Table 1). An
gency by increasing the wash temperature from 47.5 °C to 53.5 °C. average of 1,055 per exome are not previously reported to our
The higher stringency increased the percentage of on-target bases knowledge [i.e., not in the reference genome or 4 individual
to 56%, but reduced breadth of coverage: at mean 30⫻ per base published genomes (16–19)] and were classified as novel. The small
coverage, the percentage of bases read fewer than 10 times in- fraction of novel variants is consistent with a very high specificity for
creased from 7% to 23%. variant detection. These variants included a mean per exome of
In our current protocol, we captured and sequenced samples 12,372 coding SNVs (cSNVs; 642 novel), of which there were 5,341
from 5 Caucasian subjects to a mean depth of 44⫻; these samples missense variants (368 novel), 32 premature termination codons (7
were also genotyped on the Illumina 370K SNP platform. The novel), 81 canonical splice site variants (7 novel), and 6,815 syn-
targeted bases constituted approximately 37% of all bases read onymous substitutions (240 novel). Among the novel missense
(Table 1). An additional 12% of bases were within 100 base pairs variants, 147 per exome introduce substitutions that are highly
of targeted sequences. The distribution of reads across all targeted conserved among vertebrates, and among these, 40 are at positions
bases is shown in Fig. 1A, which demonstrates that nearly all that are also conserved in Drosophila melanogaster and/or Caeno-
targeted bases are captured. Poorly captured bases, however, are rhabditis elegans. Of the previously unreported exomic variants, 166
correlated across different capture experiments, with approxi- were shared among 2 or more subjects.
mately 352 kb (1.0%) read fewer than 10 times in each capture In subjects such as GIT 264–1 who are the product of consan-
guineous union (as described later), large segments of the genome
experiment. These underrepresented bases are predominantly from
are homozygous by descent; in these segments, all variations from
segments with exceptionally high G-C composition [supporting
the major allele can be considered errors, and heterozygous calls in
information (SI) Fig. S1]. We have captured 10 additional samples
such segments provide a further estimate of specificity (a small
with this protocol with similar enrichment. With a single lane of
fraction of these could be bona fide de novo mutations). In this
Illumina sequencing using 75 base paired-end sequence using
subject, 462 Mb of the genome were homozygous by descent as
Illumina pipeline v. 1.4, we were able to produce an approximate determined by genotyping (defined as segments of ⱖ100 consec-
mean 30⫻ per-base coverage of the targeted bases, with 93% of utive SNPs spanning ⱖ1 Mb with ⱖ98% homozygosity; Table S1),
targeted bases read at least 10 times; at 60⫻ coverage with 2 lanes, including 5.3 Mb of the exome, comprising 2,459 genes. In these
97% were read at least 10 times. homozygous segments there was 1 heterozygous call at 99⫻ cov-
To assess the effect of coverage depth on sensitivity to detect erage. This leads to an estimated false heterozygote discovery rate
sequence variants, one of these samples, GIT 264–1, was further of 6 per exome and specificity for heterozygous calls of 99.9%. The
sequenced to a mean depth of 99⫻ and the genotype calls at known specificity remains 99.9% at mean coverage of 30⫻. Interestingly,
SNP positions were compared versus the results obtained with the false-positive call is present in the SNP database, so if one
genotype calls on the Illumina 370K chip. At this depth of mean considers only novel variants in these calculations, specificity would
coverage, the sensitivity of exome sequencing for detecting ho- be 100% at both levels of coverage.
mozygous and heterozygous variants was 99.8% and 98.2%, re- These findings demonstrate a protocol of sufficient sensitivity
spectively (Fig. 1C). Sensitivity increased steeply as coverage in- and specificity to be highly useful for detecting rare sequence
creased from 5⫻ to 20⫻, then more gradually thereafter, reaching variants across the whole exome.
a final plateau at approximately 50⫻. At any mean depth of
coverage, there is a range of coverage at each base, and the ability Case Report, Subject GIT 264 –1. Subject GIT 264–1, a Turkish male,
to call heterozygous bases varies with the exact read coverage. Thus, presented at age 5 months for evaluation of failure to thrive and
the sensitivity to detect heterozygous variants with 10 reads is dehydration. The history was notable for premature birth at 30
78.6%, but increases to 95.2% at 20⫻ and approximately 100% at weeks and parental consanguinity, with 2 spontaneous abortions
30⫻ and greater (Fig. 1D). The overall per-base error rate for this and death of a premature sibling on day 4; the parents were healthy
Choi et al. PNAS 兩 November 10, 2009 兩 vol. 106 兩 no. 45 兩 19097
as Bartter syndrome; however, a neurologic defect or an infectious
process was not excluded. A venous blood sample was obtained and
genomic DNA was prepared.
Molecular Genetic Analysis. From the history, it was inferred that the
patient likely had a recessive genetic trait. Genome-wide SNP
genotyping was performed as described earlier. To search for copy
number variants, the SNP data were interrogated by using a
likelihood ratio-based copy number variant detection algorithm
(see Methods). Within the homozygous-by-descent segments, 20
homozygous deletions were identified. All these were previously
reported in the Database of Genomic Variants (20); none of these
alter protein coding sequences (Table S2). No homozygous dupli-
cations were identified. Interestingly, none of the known loci for
Bartter syndrome were within segments of homozygosity.
K⫹, serum potassium, normal level 3.5–5.1 mmol/L; HCO3⫺, serum bicarbonate, normal level 23–26 mmol/L; PRA, plasma renin activity; normal level 0.5–1.9
ng/mL/h. NA, not applicable.
*Normal level, 10 –160 pg/mL.
†Normal level, 38.1–313.3 pg/mL.
transporter. Indeed, other mutations at conserved positions in the diagnosis of Bartter syndrome might instead have CLD caused by
STAS domain have been shown to cause congenital chloride mutation in SLC26A3. This mistaken diagnosis is particularly likely
diarrhea (23). This mutation was absent among 190 control chro- at the acute presentation: after volume and electrolyte resuscita-
mosomes. We identified no other compelling homozygous or tion, urinary electrolyte levels can be appropriately high (when in
heterozygous candidates for disease-causing mutations outside balance, net intake and output are equal) but mistakenly inter-
homozygous chromosome segments. preted as inappropriate, and volume loss from the urinary tract
Our genetic findings strongly suggested that this patient had versus the gastrointestinal tract may not be immediately discrimi-
congenital chloride diarrhea; the clinical findings of volume deple- nated in infants.
tion, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis are all consistent with We consequently screened 39 subjects referred with a suspected
this diagnosis. This prompted clinical follow-up with the referring
diagnosis of Bartter syndrome in whom mutations in NKCC2,
physician to determine whether the volume loss was from renal or
gastrointestinal sources. Follow-up revealed that the patient indeed ROMK, ClC-Kb, and Barttin had not been identified. We found 5
had diarrhea that occurred every 1 to 2 h, which had been persistent. additional patients who had homozygous mutations in SLC26A3
Urinary electrolyte measurements with the patient volume replete (Table 2 and Fig. 4). These mutations included 2 unrelated subjects
did not reveal hypercalciuria or other features of Bartter syndrome with a G187X premature termination codon, one with a frameshift
(urinary Ca2⫹:Cre ratio, 0.0076 mg:mg), indicating a primary mutation at codon 454 resulting in premature termination at codon
diagnosis of CLD. 458, one with the same D652N mutation found in the index case,
and one with a Y520C mutation (Y520 is completely conserved
Additional Patients with SLC26A3 Mutations. These findings led us to among all vertebrates and invertebrates studied; Fig. 4F). All these
consider whether additional subjects referred with a presumptive mutations are considered novel except for the G187X mutation,
Fig. 3. Homozygous missense mutation at highly conserved position in SLC26A3 in GIT 264 –1. (A) Top: Reference sequence of aa 636 – 668 of SLC26A3 and the
corresponding DNA sequences are shown. Below: Independent Illumina DNA sequence reads from GIT 264 –1 are shown. Forward and reverse reads are shown
in capital and lowercase letters, respectively. The results demonstrate a homozygous missense mutation, D652N. (B) Sanger sequence of codons 651– 653 of
SLC26A3 in a WT subject and GIT 264 –1 are shown and confirm the D652N mutation. The mutated residue is indicated by an asterisk, and the encoded amino
acids are shown in single-letter code. (C) Conservation of D652 across species. The amino acid sequence of segment 648 – 656 of human SLC26A3 is shown and
compared to the corresponding sequence of 6 (of 39) vertebrates and identified in D. melanogaster paralogue and C. elegans orthologue. Positions identical
to Homo sapiens (H.s.) are highlighted in yellow. D652 is completely conserved among all species examined. M.m., Mus musculus; O.c., Oryctolagus cuniculus;
B.t., Bos taurus; G.g., Gallus gallus; X.l., Xenopus laevis; D.r., Danio rerio; D.m., D. melanogaster; C.e., C. elegans. (D) The sequence of the same segment of human
SLC26A3 is compared to 9 paralogues of the human SLC26A gene family (SLC26A1-A11; SLC26A10 is a pseudogene). (E) Structure of SLC26A3. The protein has
12 transmembrane domains and a C-terminal STAS domain (highlighted in blue). The D652N mutation (red circle) lies in the STAS domain.
Choi et al. PNAS 兩 November 10, 2009 兩 vol. 106 兩 no. 45 兩 19099
ment (25). The targeted exons were similar, both based on the
consensus coding sequence database. The overall results are sim-
ilar, with both platforms showing high sensitivity and specificity. We
anticipate that it will be useful to have multiple platforms available
for performing whole-exome analyses.
We have demonstrated the utility of this platform by making an
unexpected genetic diagnosis in a patient with an undiagnosed
illness; to our knowledge, this has not been previously reported. The
diagnosis of congenital chloride diarrhea was not considered in the
referral differential diagnosis, but after identification of mutation in
SLC26A3 suggested the diagnosis, it was confirmed by follow-up
clinical evaluation. This example provides proof of concept of the
use of whole-exome sequencing as a clinical tool in evaluation of
patients with undiagnosed genetic illnesses. These findings further
underscore the ability to parse large quantities of sequence data to
produce clinically useful information that combines clues from the
clinical condition in conjunction with the genetic data to arrive at
a correct diagnosis. We can envision a future in which such
information will become part of the routine clinical evaluation of
patients with suspected genetic diseases in whom the diagnosis is
Fig. 4. Additional patients with SLC26A3 mutations. Sanger sequence traces uncertain.
of WT and 5 subjects with homozygous mutations in SLC26A3 are shown. In addition to clinical genetics, we anticipate applications for
These include two subjects with premature termination at codon 187 (A and whole-exome sequencing that include discovery of genes and alleles
B); a frameshift at codon 454 resulting from a single base deletion that leads
contributing to Mendelian and complex traits, and to somatic
to termination at codon 458 (C); a second patient with the D652N mutation
(D); and a patient with a Y520C mutation (E). (F) Conservation of Y520 across
mutations in cancers. For dominant traits, we expect that many
species: Y520 is conserved among all orthologues and paralogues examined. whose causes have not yet been identified are explained by alleles
that have been difficult to map by linkage analysis. Likely expla-
nations include traits with reduced penetrance, traits that show
which is a known founder mutation for congenital chloride diarrhea substantial locus heterogeneity, and alleles that impair reproductive
in Saudi Arabia (24). None of these mutations were found in fitness sufficiently that many affected subjects harbor de novo
sequencing of 190 control chromosomes from unrelated Caucasian mutations. The finding of independent de novo mutations in the
subjects. All these patients had hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, same gene among a small number of affected subjects would
and evidence of salt wasting. Follow-up with the referring physi- constitute compelling evidence of disease causation. Similarly, with
cians in 3 cases documented that volume depletion was caused by locus heterogeneity, identification of a significant excess in the
gastrointestinal losses from watery diarrhea and not renal losses; in number of independent mutations in the same gene versus that
2 cases, high stool chloride level was documented (GIT 366–1, 112 expected by chance will constitute evidence that a disease gene has
mM; GIT 409–1, 148 mM; value should be ⬎90 mM in CLD), a been identified. Mapping data that constrain the location of the
finding that is pathognomonic for congenital chloride diarrhea. In disease locus, animal models that produce similar phenotypes, and
each of the 2 remaining cases, the patient was not available for compelling biology can all contribute to identification of such loci;
further evaluation. however, in the absence of such information, inference from the
large number of variants in a single subject will be challenging.
Discussion For recessive traits, affected subjects arising from consanguine-
Our results demonstrate the utility of whole-exome sequencing, ous union contain substantial mapping information: in this setting,
coupling sequence capture on the NimbleGen platform and se- the disease locus is expected to be homozygous within a segment
quencing on the Illumina platform, for identification of rare vari- that is homozygous by descent from a recent ancestor. For first
ants and disease-causing mutations. The protocol used provided cousins, this constrains the search on average to approximately 10%
sufficient enrichment to drastically reduce the amount of DNA of the exome. Detection of homozygous novel variants in these
sequencing required to identify sequence variation in coding re- segments is highly efficient at even low levels of per-base coverage
gions. Virtually all the targeted bases can be captured by using the (e.g., 5⫻); these considerations simplify the problem as there are
current protocol albeit with varying efficiencies, and additional very few (approximately 29) rare homozygous protein-altering
efforts might further balance the coverage of poorly sequenced variants in these segments. As described earlier, the finding of an
bases. We estimate that exon capture reduces the cost of detection excess of independent mutations in the same locus will provide
of exonic mutations by a factor of 10 to 20 compared with compelling evidence that a disease locus has been identified, and
whole-genome sequencing, depending on the sensitivity pursued. KO animal models may be particularly helpful as recessive muta-
Using the current protocol, 2 lanes of capture sequence can produce tions so typically impart loss of function.
approximately 60⫻ read depth per base, resulting in detection of Finally, for complex traits, sequencing large numbers of cases/
approximately 97.2% of the heterozygous bases; it is expected that, controls or subjects at the tails of a quantitative distribution will
among the approximate average of 402 protein-altering rare vari- enable identification of genes preferentially harboring an excess of
ants per exome, there will be a very small number of false-positive rare functional mutations at one end of the distribution. The sample
variants. Increased reads per lane are expected to occur in the near sizes required to identify such loci are expected to be large for alleles
future, likely permitting virtually complete capture of variation in that have odds ratios of disease of 2 to 3 (26–28). Such studies can
a single lane of sequence, and further improvements in base calling be achieved either by whole-exome sequencing of all subjects or by
will likely occur as well, resulting in improvements in both sensitivity sequencing the exome of a subset of subjects followed by selective
and specificity. sequencing of the most promising genes in follow-up studies. It is
During preparation of this manuscript, a related paper was of course likely that non-coding sequences will harbor some rare
published that demonstrated development of a different platform variants with relatively large effect that would be missed by selective
for whole-exome capture and sequencing on the Illumina instru- sequencing of coding regions.
Targeted Sequence Capture. Genomic DNA was captured on a NimbleGen 2.1M DNA Sequencing. The ExonPrimer script (
human exome array following the manufacturer’s protocols (Roche/NimbleGen) ihg/ExonPrimer.html) was used to generate primers for amplification of SLC26A3
with modifications at the W. M. Keck Facility at Yale University. DNA was sheared coding exons using as a template genomic DNA of patients or controls (Table S5).
by sonication and adaptors were ligated to the resulting fragments. The adaptor- Products were analyzed via gel electrophoresis, and amplicons sequenced using
ligated templates were fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis and frag- the forward or reverse primers. Disease-causing mutations were confirmed by at
ments of the desired size were excised. Extracted DNA was amplified by ligation- least 2 independent sequences from different primers.
mediated PCR, purified, and hybridized to the capture array at 42.0 °C using the
manufacturer’s buffer. The array was washed twice at 47.5 °C and 3 more times Orthologues and Paralogues. Full-length orthologous and paralogous protein
at room temperature using the manufacturer’s buffers. Bound genomic DNA was sequences from vertebrate and invertebrate species and human paralogous
eluted using 125 mM NaOH for 10 min at room temperature, purified, and protein sequences were extracted from GenBank. Orthologues were con-
amplified by ligation-mediated PCR. The resulting fragments were purified and firmed based on database identity of annotation. If an orthologue could not
subjected to DNA sequencing on the Illumina platform. Captured and non- be identified, the closest paralogue (i.e., top ‘‘hit’’ of a BLAST search of the
captured amplified samples were subjected to quantitative PCR to measure the respective proteome) was studied. Protein sequences were aligned using the
relative fold enrichment of the targeted sequence. ClustalW algorithm. GenBank accession numbers are listed in the SI Text.
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