EE321L Lab 6 MOSFET Differential Amplifier
EE321L Lab 6 MOSFET Differential Amplifier
EE321L Lab 6 MOSFET Differential Amplifier
n Cox
ID =
n Cox
VD. So, Vth and n ox Cox W/ L can be calculated. Note that in Fig. 1, VGS=VD.
Initially authored by Dr. k. Bayat, Modified and completely revised by Dr. M Andrawis, edited by Cory Mettler
3.3 Differential Amplifier Pair DC Analysis: 1. Build the current mirror with the most matched transistors and with the RREF calculated above. Then build on it the differential amplifier pair as shown in Figure 2 with VSS = VDD = 5 V, VCM = 0, RL=20 k, and RD=11 k. Measure IREF and ID3 and compare them to the designed value of 1 mA. 2. With the bias current of each transistor of differential amplifier designed to be 0.5 mA, measure ID1, ID2. Also measure the DC values of drain voltages for M1 and M2 and compare them with calculated values. 3. Calculate the common-mode voltage gain from the measurements of these drain voltages and compare it to the ideal value for common-mode voltage gain in a differential pair amplifier (What should that be?)
Initially authored by Dr. k. Bayat, Modified and completely revised by Dr. M Andrawis, edited by Cory Mettler
4. Change VCM from 0 to 1V, 2V, and 3V, and measure the drain voltages of M1 and M2. How much these voltages are changing from their original values? 5. Next, keep VCM at 0 and change the DC supply voltage, VDD, and -Vss from 5 V to, 4V, and 3V. Measure the drain voltages of M1 and M2. How much is the sensitivity of the drain voltages to the DC supply voltage. AC Analysis: 1. Set the signal generator to a voltage of 100 mVpp and f =1 kHz and apply the signal between the gates of M1 and M2 and keep VCM at 0. Measure the drain voltages of M1 and M2 and calculate the differential voltage gain as the difference of the two. View and include in your report the plots of the output voltages. (Do they look as you expect as far as their relative magnitude and phase difference?) 2. Calculate the differential voltage gain and compare it with the measured value.