Alexander Shulgin
Alexander Shulgin
Alexander Shulgin
Alexander Shulgin, MDMA and the Illuminati Tom Lyttle For those of you who are used to praying, this is a good time to practice whatever you understand is meant by the word prayer... - TIHKA , Shulgin, pp. 163
There are main i%%ue% and pro(lem% )ithin &on%pira&y re%ear&h and )riting that %hould (e addre%%ed. *hat ma+e% &on%pira&y )riting &ompelling - )hether it )or+% in a literary %en%e and (ring% ,orth truth - ha% to do )ith the author-% intent and the .,eel/ the reader i% le,t )ith. The )ay that &on%pira&y in,ormation i% ,ramed or pre%ented i% 0u%t a% important a% the in,ormation it%el,. I, you read %omething and ,eel ,rightened, le%% po)er,ul or more the 'i&tim - ,ine. I, you get )or+ed up loo+ing at your o)n %hado) - or %ome author-% %hado) ,ine. Thi% i% &on%pira&y and it &an &reate intrigue and pa%%ion, and (end your mind. *hen &on%pira&y art i% done )ell, the mind i% %et a(la1e. *hen &on%pira&y art i% done 'ery )ell, you ne'er ,eel a thing. 2ou noti&e nothing. 2ou %imply enter3 get entertained (y .0u%t a %tory/ and the plot (e&ome% T45 6L"T. It-% the .7-8ile%/, .9ideodrome/, .The :ame/ and .The Matrix/ (led into Anyto)n, !SA, right )here you are %itting no). In real time. on%pira&y )riting &an ha'e a 'iral ;uality and dra) the reader into a &on'oluted logi& %y%tem )hi&h %eem% to ma+e %en%e - at lea%t )hile the reader i% in the mid%t o, the author-% imagination. Leaping on ,a&t% (e,ore they &an (e ,it into a (roader &ontext i% u%ually not help,ul. Thi% o,ten %pread% hal,-truth%, mi%in,ormation and hurt,ul idea%. The ma+ing o, mountain% out o, molehill%, the la&+ o, ;uali,ia(le in,ormation and the ta+ing o, in,ormation and hi%tori&al data out o, &ontext i% 0u%t (ad ,orm. Thi% lead% to non%en%e and ,airy %torie%, ho)e'er ama1ing. *ithin &on%pira&y reportage, the la&+ o, ,ir%t-per%on inter'ie)%, independent re%ear&h and &he&+a(le, a&&e%%i(le re,eren&e% may re%ult in o(tu%e leap%-o,a%%o&iation. Su&h leap% &an lead the (e%t-intentioned author <and reader= do)n dar+ alley% ,illed )ith ne'er-ending %hado)% )aiting to (e un&o'ered. 4ere-% )hat the in,amou% Lyndon La>ou&he %aid a(out &on%pira&ie% $ /It is c!inica!!y significant, that today"s more popu!ar varieties of wi!d#eyed $conspiracy theories,$ ref!ect the pecu!iar!y patho!ogica! sty!e in infanti!e fantasy associated with the $ ord of the %ings,$ $Harry &otter,$ and $&o'(mon$ cu!ts, or the $witchcraft$ and re!ated demonic cu!ts spun out of the orbit of the trio of the
utopians H.). *e!!s, +ertrand %usse!!, and A!eister ,row!ey. The characteristic form of menta! action these cu!ts e-press is a magica! power of the wi!!, acting outside rea! physica! space#time. The gratification associated with the de!uded patron of such forms of fantasy#!ife, or so#ca!!ed$science fiction$ composed on the basis of the same types of fiction, becomes then a fee!ing#state to which the victim of such cu!ts responds in hysterica!!y adopting a 'indred variety of $conspiracy theory$ as an emotiona!!y gratifying form of be!ief. )nostic re!igious cu!ts are premised on the same 'ind of patho!ogy. /uch $conspiracy theories$ presume to impose at#the#b!ac'board types of ivory#tower preconceptions about the universe, on the interpretation of some sets of facts, such as the common Aristote!ian, ivory#tower presumption that perfect regu!ar action must be circu!ar. In rea! science. we are ob!iged to discover the physica! geometry of the facts we are investigating ?/ - #ote @ (y Lyndon La>ou&he, )riting%, ABB1. The )ord .%u(%tantially %imilar/ add% to thi%, a% doe% the )ord .&ir&um%tantial/. .:uilt (y a%%o&iation/ i% another popular %aying. .... 2ou don-t need a )eather man to +no) )hi&h )ay the )ind (lo)%/ (y Co( Dylan, i% another. My intention i% not to dan&e in the %hado)%, (ut in the light. It i% not to ,righten, (ut to enlighten and enli'en. It i% not to 'eil, (ut re'eal. :oal% thri&e and goal% ,air - let the tale (e told and let the )eather (e ,ore&a%t - &on%pira&y %tyle. 4ard)ired ,or 5&%ta%y *e %hall (egin 'ia the a,,air% o, one Dr. Alexander .Sha%ha/ Shulgin. Alexander Shulgin i% a )orld ,amou% &hemi%t )ho o)n% 1D !S patent% <>. 8orte-% 5ntheogen% and the 8uture o, >eligion &laim% AB patent%=. Dr. Shulgin i% al%o the .:od,ather/ o, the MDMA , .Adam/ or .5&%ta%y/ mo'ement. Thi% mo'ement in&lude% million% o, people )ho ta+e the p%y&hedeli& MDMA regularly and )ho ,ollo) it% &ultural de'elopment%. Dr. Shulgin i% al%o the in'entor o, at lea%t t)o hundred other hallu&inogeni& drug% in&luding A- C < &alled .#exu%/=, MD5 <&alled .5'e/=, MDMA <&alled .5&%ta%y/ or .7/ = and ST6 <%hort ,or .Serenity, Tran;uilty, 6ea&e/=. Million% o, Ameri&an% ha'e heard a(out the %uper .lo'e-drug/ &alled 5&%ta&y,%MDMA )hi&h i% %hort ,or $ methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Thi% drug i% 'ery popular at p%y&hedeli& dan&e-&lu(% and large pri'ate partie% &alled .ra'e%/. MDMA al%o ha% (een u%ed exten%i'ely in radi&al p%y&hotherapy. A ;uarter &entury ago <&ir&a 1EDF-@B= )hen the drug MDMA ,ir%t appeared in the !S, it )a% &ompletely legal to (uy and %ell. At ,ir%t. MDMA ,ir%t appeared around 1EDA, a&&ording to Dr. Alexander Shulgin )ho pro(a(ly i% the )orld-% expert on .5/. Shulgin heard a(out it ,rom other &hemi%t% intere%ted in p%y&hedeli&%. 4e )ent on a ,e) year% later to gi'e then-legal %ample% to hi% pal Dr. Leo Ge,,, a re%pe&ted p%y&hiatri%t )ho ,or 3B year% had u%ed hallu&inogeni& drug% in radi&al and experimental p%y&hotherapy. The 1EE@ (oo+ The /ecret ,hief (y Myron Stolaro,, i% a(out Leo Ge,,-% )or+.
*ord %pread di%&reetly among ,reethin+ing p%y&hiatri%t%, )ho then du((ed a &ode name. .Adam/ )a% thi% )onder-drug% ne) name, and tho%e )ho +ne) it had .an Adam experien&e/. 5'ery(ody agreed that thi% ne) p%y&hedeli& )a% 0u%t grand. Coo+% li+e the 1E@F Through the )ateway of the Heart (y Sophie Adam%on <p%eudonym o, Dr. >alph Met1ner= de%&ri(ed dramati& healing% among the in&urea(le and thi% ,ueled Adam-% popularity. >eport% de%&ri(e that the drug &reate% an .Adami&/ <%piritually pure= %tate o, mind and relaxed the (odie% %u(tle energy ,ield% in %trange )ay%. Mira&ulou% &ure% )ere reported on a regular (a%i% )ithin &ir&le% o, p%y&hiatri%t% and MD-%. Cy 1E@F Adam got a ne) name )hi&h )a% .5&%ta%y/. Cy no) thou%and% o, people had (een treated in therapy )ith it, )ith ,a'ora(le re%ult%. 6%y&hotherapi%t Dr. 6hilip *ol,%on )riting in The 0ourna! of &sychoactive 1rugs %tate% that .MDMA i% 6eni&illin ,or the %oul, and you don-t gi'e up pre%&ri(ing 6eni&illin on&e you-'e %een )hat it &an do./ Around thi% time another MDMA %toryline de'eloped. Thou%and% o, do%e% )ere (eing legally %old in &ollege-to)n (ar% and dan&e &lu(%, e%pe&ally around Dalla%, Texa%. Al%o in 1E@F, the ne)%paper %trip .Doone%(ury/ (y :ary Trudeau ran a %e'eral )ee+ parody &entered on the late%t 5&%ta%y ,ia%&o%. A %u(&ulture had de'eloped around thi% drug, ,illed )ith it% o)n &hara&ter%, politi&% and %u(-plot%. The %o-&alled ali,ornia .human-potential mo'ement/ <&entered in 5%alen, 4ar(in 4ot-Spring%, et&.= )a% %et on it%- ear (y thi% ne) drug. 6eople &ould not get enough. MDMA )a% (e&oming a ma0or %tory de%pite it% p%y&hedeli& underground nature. The &ounter&ulture )a% a(u11. Cut ,e) +ne) )ho the real dreamer )a% - the ma%termind &hemi%t and magi&ian )ho %tarted it all. Million% o, do%e% o, 5&%ta%y <or MDMA= had (een %old legally at Dalla%H8t. *orth night&lu(% (y 1E@I. 2ou &ould e'en (uy 5&%ta%y ta(% )ith your &redit &ardJ In mid 1E@F #e)%)ee+ and The 6hil Donahue Sho) pro,iled 5&%ta%y and deli'ered plenty o, %en%ation. Ma0or media per+ed up and %uddenly MDMA )a% ,ront-page ne)% in FB national maga1ine%. Thi% &aught *a%hington-% em(arra%%ed attention and in 1E@6 MDMA )a% made illegal. MDMA no) %hared the %ame legal &ategory a% heroin and LSD, (oth (eing .S&hedule "ne/ drug%. S&hedule "ne mean% there-% no hope, no u%e (eyond getting high, no re%ear&h %hould happen on thi% drug - it-% a pox . MDMA %uddenly had no redeeming 'alue )hat%oe'er, a&&ording to la)ma+er%. #o) it i% ABBD and the 5&%ta&y %tory &ontinue%. Today, MDMA i% argua(ly the mo%t popular p%y&hedeli& drug on the planet - and %till illegal a% e'er. It i% at lea%t a% popular a% LSD )hile generating many time% the illegal in&ome. Today, a %olid do%e o, (la&+ mar+et LSD %ell% ,or [email protected], a do%e o, .5/ ,or KAF.BB. 4undred% o, million% o, do%e% o, .5/ ha'e (een &on%umed all o'er the )orld. In 1EEA Ian *ardle o, Li,eline e%timated that o'er a million .5-%/ )ere &on%umed e'ery )ee+-end in Critain. Lulie 4olland-% ABB1 (oo+ 2cstacy3 The ,omp!ete )uide %ay% that ,or the year ABBB, DFB,BBB do%e% o, 5&%ta&y )ere
u%ed ea&h )ee+end in #2 alone <J= and E.3 million 5&%ta%y .hit%/ )ere %ei1ed (y !S u%tom%. MDMA i% a 'ery popular drug and it%- u%e i% expe&ted to in&rea%e long into the ,uture. Se'eral do1en (oo+% and %e'eral hundred %&ienti,i& paper% exi%t %urrounding MDMA. 5&%ta%y i% more than 0u%t the late%t &hi& %treet drug. A&ademi& pu(li%her% de'oted %eriou% (oo+% to MDMA, in&luding the %o&iologi&al treati%e . &ursuit of 2cstacy3 The 414A 2-perience/ (y Lerome Ce&+, Dr. 6.4. and Mar%ha >o%en(aum, 6h.D. <S!#2 6re%%, 1EEI= or . 2cstacy3 The ,!inica!, &harmaco!ogica! and 5euroto-ico!ogica! 2ffects of the 1rug 414A / (y Dr. Stephen L. 6erout+a <Mlu)er A&ademi& 6u(li%her%, 1EEB=. Many popular (oo+% exi%t a% )ell $ Cru&e 5i%ner-% 2cstasy3 The 414A /tory <>onin, 1E@@, 1EEE=, 2 For 2cstasy (y #i&hola% Saunder% <#i&hola% Saunder% 6re%%, 1EE3, 1EEE= and A!tered /tates3 The /tory of 2cstasy ,u!ture and Acid House (y Matthe) ollin <Serpent-% Tail, 1EED= (egin a long li%t. Se'eral Internet %ite% ,o&u% on MDMA re%ear&h and ne)%. 6opular author Ir'ine *el%h made ,ame )ith hi% (oo+ 2 . >i&+ Do(lin-% .MA6S/ <Multi Di%&iplinary A%%o&iation ,or 6%y&hedeli& Studie%= and Cru&e 5i%ner-% .The I%land :roup/ are t)o )ell-+no)n %our&e% ,or in,o on .5/ or 5&%ta%y. The %tory o, 5&%ta%y i% an intere%ting one indeed. Ce%ide% my%el,, other% ha'e exten%i'ely tra&+ed MDMA-% p%y&hedeli& pedigree. olle&ti'ely )e +no) a lot a(out thi% drug and it% &ultural impli&ation%. *e ha'e a lot o, %&ien&e and a lot o, te%timonial%. *e ha'e extreme popular %upport (a%ed on %ale%. 8or the la%t 1D year% <1E@F-ABBA= MDMA ha% remained 'ery popular )hile al%o remaining illegal. The drug i% relati'ely %a,e, nonaddi&ti'e and %hort-a&ting <A-3 hour%=. It promote% healing and the e&%ta&y that &ome% ,rom (eing .%pontaniou%ly/ healed. It enhan&e% po%iti'e &ommuni&ation )ithin the &ommunity or the ,amily, or )ithin one%el,. MDMA (ind% the Te&hno or >a'e &ommunitie% 'ia it-% a,,e&t% on group-thin+ and pro(lem-%ol'ing. The MDMA experien&e i% 'ital, tri(al, e&%tati& and meet% the modern )or+ingman-% time &on%traint% - MDMA-% e,,e&t% la%t 3 hour% only, )ith little hang-o'er. At thi% point )e need to pin&h our%el'e% - a,ter all, thi% &hapter i% a(out &on%pira&y, i%n-t it N *e need to a%+ our%el'e% .doe% MDMA really ,it %o ,ar a% &o'ert plot% or %e&ret agenda-%/N A% a drug experien&e, .5/ e;uate% to open &ommuni&ation, tru%t and empathy. 6eople &onne&ted )ith %e&re&y, %u(ter,uge, paranoia and politi&al %;uall% )ould ,ind MDMA u%ele%% ,or &ro)d or mind &ontrol. Cet)een the Internet, the media and )ord-o,-mouth, a &lear hi%tory o, MDMA and Dr. Alexander Shulgin %hould (e ea%y. So )hat-% the pro(lemN There i% no pro(lem, %o long a% one doe%n-t dig too deep. Cut ala%... one mu%t dig, mu%n-t one N So dig one %hall. Mu&h ha% (een )ritten re$ MDMA-% pede%trian origin% $ )hat MDMA i%, i%n-t and and it%- impa&t. #othing ha% (een )ritten ho)e'er, regarding MDMA-% o&&ult a%%o&iation% and it%- magi&al pedigree. Mo%t intri;uing i% the li,e %tory o, u(er-&hemi%t Dr. Alexander Shulgin - )ho ha% hi% o)n intere%t% in o&&ult %ym(oli%m and initiation.
6I4MAL & TI4MAL Dr. Shulgin-% mo%t ,amou% (oo+% are &IHKA <6henethylamine% I 4a'e Mno)n and Lo'ed= and TIHKA <Tryptamine% I 4a'e Mno)n and Lo'ed=. 4i% arti&le% and (oo+% ha'e (een tran%lated into many language%. Dr. Shulgin hold% at lea%t 1D !S patent% and ha% (een pu(li%hed in pre%tigiou% maga1ine% li+e #ature . >egarding Shulgin-% (oo+% &IHKA and TIHKA $ phenethylamine% and tryptamine% are &hemi&al &ompound%. A &ommon tryptamine )ould (e %erotonin, )hi&h i% %e&reted in our (rain% and i% a neurotran%mitter in our (ody. Thi% &hemi&al i% &onne&ted to memory and thin+ing and modulate% %en%ation, regulating the other gland% o, the (ody . It i% (elie'ed that %ome p%y&hedeli&% )or+ (y mimi&+ing %erotonin-% e,,e&t%. A &ommon phenethylamine drug )ould (e amphetamine or me%&aline. MDMA i% al%o a phenethylamine.There are thou%and% o, tryptamine% and phenethylamine% li%ted in &hemi&al or pharma&euti&al &atalog%, (ut only a ,e) are p%y&hedeli&. 8urther, tryptamine% and phenethylamine% expre%% the primary mole&ular .%pine%/ po%e%%ed (y many p%y&hedeli& drug%. Su&h re'eal a &hemi&al %tarting point - a (a&+(one ,or ,ormulating ne) p%y&hoa&ti'e drug% and &ompound%. Dr. Shulgin i% a ma%ter o, thi% %ort o, &hemi%try. Alexander Shulgin )a% (orn on Lune 1D, 1EAF in Cer+eley, ali,ornia. 4i% ,ather )a% >u%%ian, hi% mother Ameri&an. 4e attended the !ni'er%ity o, ali,ornia, earning a 6h.D. in (io&hemi%try in 1EFI a,ter attending 4ar'ard. 4i% po%tgraduate )or+ in&luded %tudie% in p%y&hiatry and &hemi%try. Alexander Shulgin-% ,ir%t po%t-graduate 0o( )a% at Do) hemi&al )here he made important di%&o'erie% in the area o, pe%ti&ide%. 4e )or+ed at Do) hemi&al until 1E6F. Shortly a,ter %tarting at Do), Dr. Shulgin-% no'el pe%ti&ide re%ear&h made the &ompany a lot o, money. Do) hemi&al then granted Dr.Shulgin more openended opportunitie% to in'e%tigate hallu&inogeni& drug% - ShulginO% ,ir%t lo'e. Do) hemi&al i% ,amou% ,or many good thing% and in,amou% ,or the manu,a&ture o, #apalm and other horri,i& (iologi&al and &hemi&al-)ar,are agent% u%ed during the 9ietnam *ar. "ne &ompound Shulgin &ame up )ith at Do) )a% a %yntheti& 'er%ion o, T4 <tetrahydro&anna(inol= )hi&h i% the a&ti'e ingredient in mari0uana. Thi% )a% %ynthe%i1ed a% a nitrogen-&ontaining phenethylamine, %omething not ,ound in nature. ShulginO% )or+ )a% (a%ed on earlier re%ear&h done (y Dr. >oger Adam% ,rom the !ni'er%ity o, Illinoi%. >oger Adam% %yntheti& T4 )a% termed .Adam-% nine-&ar(on &ompound/ (y Shulgin. Adam-% %yntheti& T4 )a% F1B time% more po)er,ul than natural T4 . F1A time% more po)er,ul. Dr. Adam% %yntheti& T4 %ho)ed no'el &hemi%try, to (e %ure. Cut thi% no'elty pale% in &ompari%on to Adam%- radi&al (rea+through% in poten&y %&ien&e. I, T4 )ill multiply (y F1A time%, )ould rare and expen%i'e
toxin% or protein% &onne&ted to (iologi&al )ar,areN Do) hemi&al - in the (u%ine%% o, pe%ti&ide% and &hemi&al-)ar,are agent% - )a% mo%t intere%ted. The Tao o, Do) ould Dr. Alexander Shulgin add to the di%&u%%ionN A room dar+en%. A %&reen %ilently %lide% do)n and %trange hieroglyphi&% appear$ The %um total o, their ;uery )a% neatly organi1ed on the %lide, )hi&h %ho)ed a rea&tion %&heme do)n the le,t %ide o, the %&reen leading to the penultimate &ompound .A/, and another %&reen do)n the right %ide leading to the penultimate &ompound PC/. The produ&t <,rom rea&ting A )ith C=... )a% &on%idered %e&ret. Their ;ue%tion% &entered on t)o di%pla&ed %e;uen&e%. ould any o, u% &ome up )ith %ome 0a11y idea% ,or ea%ier or (etter %ynthe%e% o, either A or CN ... I %aid... that the %imple &oupling o, A and C )ould produ&e .Adam% nine-&ar(on &ompound/. - &IHKA , pp. A@ >oger Adam% (rea+through% )ent ,urther than expe&ted, than+% to the IA, the military and Dr. Shulgin - no mean ,eat. Ta+e a (o), Mr. Shulgin. 2ou-re ne) propo%ed %e&urity &learan&e i% .top-%e&ret/. Dr. Shulgin then )ent on to (rilliantly analy1e Dr. Adam-% )or+, re&ommending that all @ i%omer% in Adam-% .nine-&ar(on &ompound/ (e %ynthe%i1ed. Then ... .they %hould &on%ider... the target &ompound... )ith a nitrogen atom in it. That, I added, might (e a really %uper potent phenethylamine/. La)% dropped. Time %tood %till. 9i%ion% o, %ugar-death dan&ed in Do)-% head. Dr. Shulgin )a% %oon granted a team patent ,or hi% %yntheti& T4 di%&o'ery. ShulginO% name i% li%ted on many other other patent% (a%ed in hi% important pe%ti&ide re%ear&h at Do). In ,a&t, Dr. Shulgin o)n% 1D patent%. The ma0ority o, the patent% )ere granted ,or Shulgin-% (rea+through% re$ pe%ti&ide% and toxin%. The remaining patent% )ere i%%ued ,or &hemi&al pro&e%%e% and drug de%ign. The minoritie% are ,or p%y&hedeli& drug% di%&o'erie%. The%e pe%ti&ide patent% &annot (e o'erempha%i1ed a% they &hanged the &our%e o, Dr. Shulgin-% &areer. Sho)ing unu%ual hum(lene%% in hi% ,amou% (oo+ &IHKA , Dr. Shulgin limit% hi% pe%ti&ide day% at Do) hemi&al to a mere mention - one %enten&e. And he &ompletely o'erloo+% the many pe%ti&ide patent% i%%ued to him - and thi% i% in a (oo+ o, ED@ page%J uriou%. The hydra-head% o, a dragon no) (egin to %tir. Thi% dragon i% &alled C* <Ciologi&al *ar,are=. It ha% (een %tated (y expert% in (iologi&al )ar,are, that the ,ield o)e% mu&h o, it% &urrent %tatu% to (rea+through% in pe%ti&ide and toxin &hemi%try made a generation ago. 5%pe&ially important )ere (rea+through% in algae and li&hen re%ear&h. It )a% %ometime around 1E6B that I met a (rilliant neurologi%t, 4arry Cu%h Qa p%eudonym - TLR )ho had (e&ome totally ,a%&inated )ith li&hen%, and had in'e%ted mu&h e,,ort in their identi,i&ation and &hara&teri1ation. I learned mu&h a(out him a(out the %ym(io%i% (et)een algae and ,ungi, and learned that %ome o, the &hemi&al% in li&hen% &an (e (rought to rea&t )ith &ertain e%%ential oil%
,rom natural %our&e%... Thi% little %tudied &olle&tion o, &hemi&al% pro'ed to (e an unending %our&e o, idea%... - &IHKA , pp. A6, AD Toxin% and poi%on% are deri'e ,rom plant% and animal% and &an (e de'eloped into <C*= (iologi&al )ar,are agent% - protein% &apa(le o, a&ting on %pe&i,i& re&eptor% in the human (ody... De'eloper% rely on a 'ariety o, %our&e% ,or toxin%, in&luding mi&ro(e%, %na+e%, %pider%, %ea &reature% and plant%. Toxin% &an al%o (e deri'ed ,rom algal Qalgae - TLR toxin, ,or example, and are highly poi%onou% and di,,i&ult to halt )ith 'a&&ine% or other medi&al treatment. Another toxin - Saxitoxin - i% produ&ed ,rom marine algae and it a,,e&t% ner'e &ell%, e'entually &au%ing the 'i&tim to %top (reathing. *eapon% expert% are al%o loo+ing at the po%%i(ility o, (ioregulator% - organi& &hemi&al% that regulate &ell pro&e%%e% - and phy%iologi&ally a&ti'e &ataly%t% )ill (e )eaponi1ed ,or (iologi&al )ar,are in the ,uture... An intelligen&e &ommunity report point% out that %u&h &hemi&al% &ould %hort-&ir&uit and di%rupt the (odily ,un&tion% and +ill the a,,e&ted 'i&tim. - :ert1, Air Force 4aga6ine <Lan. 1E@@= Su&h (iologi&al )ar,are )eapon% ha'e (een &alled .(ug-%pray ,or human%/ (y %ome. hemi&al and (iologi&al )ar,are ha% terri,ied the )orld and i% (anned today (y mo%t &i'ili1ed nation%. Dr. Shulgin )a% 0u%t a hum(le &hemi%t - among many other hum(le &hemi%t% during tho%e early pe%ti&ide day% at Do). "ne man-% dream &an (e another man-% ammunition. *hat man truly +no)% the %plendor% or di%a%ter% he ha% )rought, )hen loo+ing (a&+ on hi% li,eN an purity and inno&en&e tether e'ent% )hi&h ,all ,rom a man% )or+N 6ro,ound ;ue%tion% perhap%. A% pro,ound a% li,e and death. Thi% early pe%ti&ide and T4 )or+ led to Dr. Shulgin (eing expo%ed to mem(er% o, the 5dge)ood Ar%enal in Maryland. In the 1E6B-%, the 5dge)ood Ar%enal )a% a main &hemi&al-(iologi&al )eapon% de'eloper ,or the !S military. #ASA 5'entually Alexander Shulgin )a% o,,ered a 0o( )or+ing ,or )hat he .,i&tionally/ de%&ri(ed a% the .San arlo% Aero%pa&e La(oratory/ under the au%pi&e% o, #ASA. The per%on )ho inter'ie)ed Sa%ha ,or the 0o( told him )hat to expe&t$ There )ill (e %ituation% in the ,uture in )hi&h a%tronaut% might )ell (e expo%ed to long period% o, %en%ory i%olation and all the potential mental de'elopment% that might &ome along )ith that parti&ular territory. There i% (eing %et up a re%ear&h program geared to de'elop &hemi&al% that &ould (e u%ed to train tho%e a%tronaut% )ho might (e %u(0e&ted to long (out% o, %en%ory depri'ation. Tea&h them to roll )ith the altered %tate% o, &on%&iou%ne%% that &ould 'ery )ell (e a &on%e;uen&e o, that i%olation... - &IHKA , pp. I3 #o dou(t #ASA might al%o ha'e intere%t% in anti-emeti& <anti-'omiting= drug% ,or tho%e ne) to 1ero-gra'ity. And anti-(oredom and hunger-%timulating agent% might (e u%e,ul on long %pa&e ,light%. #atural T4 ,rom mari0uana i% )ell +no)n ,or ea%ing %u&h %ymptom%. *e &annot %pe&ulate on the %yntheti& 'er%ion% o, T4 made (y Dr. Adam% and Dr. Shulgin.
*e %hould mention an a&ademi& paper pu(li%hed in May, 1E6D (y the 5dge)ood Ar%enal <t)o year% a,ter Shulgin le,t 5dge)ood and Do)= in The 0ourna! of 7rganic ,hemistry . It% title i% .Synthe%i% o, the 5ight Stereo I%omer% o, Tetrahydro&anna(inol ongener/ (y 4er(ert Aaron and 6ar+er 8ergu%on. Thin+ on thi%. De%igning top-%e&ret &hemi%try ,or #ASA.N "r, de%igning top%e&ret &hemi%try pro(a(ly %lated ,or (iologi&al )ar,are. Dr.Shulgin )a% a%+ed to ta+e hi% pi&+. 4i% &areer lay (e,ore him. Dr. Shulgin %uppo%e% in hi% (oo+ &IHKA , that the man he no) )or+ed ,or - a per%on he p%eudonymou%ly &all% . aptain C. Lauder 6in+erton/ - )a% a #SA <#ational Se&urity Agen&y= agent$ Cut there )a% the other )orld to (e %een and explored. Thi% )a% &ompo%ed o, many (iologi&al re%ear&h pro0e&t% in other area%, )hi&h had already (een e%ta(li%hed (y 6in+erton. 4ere )ere ar&ane pro0e&t% %u&h a% (la&+-mem(rane dynami&%, %tudie% o, the in,luen&e o, gra'ity on plant gro)th, the relation%hip (et)een magneti& ,ield% and the (lood-(rain (arrier, and the e,,e&t% o, radiation on ,ertility. - &IHKA , pp. IF aptain 6in+erton %po+e to Dr. Shulgin a(out many thing%. 8or example, .6in+erton might (ring up the %u(0e&t o, mental telepathy and the po%%i(ility o, in,luen&ing another per%on% thought% at a di%tan&e/. Alexander Shulgin &on&luded that hi% )or+ )ould end-up at the IA or Department o, De,en%e, pro(a(ly a% )eapon%. Trou(led, Sa%ha ;uit thi% ne) 0o( right (e,ore hi% o,,i&ial top-%e&ret &learan&e )a% appro'ed, a&&ording to hi% .,i&tional/ (iography&IHKA . Top Se&ret Dr. Shulgin %tate% in &IHKA that hi% propo%ed top-%e&ret &learan&e .)ould e,,e&ti'ely gag him ,or the re%t o, hi% li,e/. 4en&e, ,uture %&ien&e &ould (e &ompromi%ed. "pen %&ien&e, not ar&ane %&ien&e. S&ien&e might %a'e li'e% or lead to important di%&o'erie% ,or the &ommon man. In a&tuality, top-%e&ret &learan&e% <o, )hi&h there are %e'eral type%= la%t a minimum o, AB year%. *e-ll a%%ume Sa%ha )a% ,eeling dramati& )hen he &laimed a li,etime o, %e&re&y re%pe&ti'e to hi% top-%e&ret &learan&e. The magi&ian )a'e% a magi& )and and an o)l i% pulled ,rom hi% top-hat. 1E6F turn% into 1E@F right (e,ore our eye%. Cut Dr. Shulgin %ay% in hi% .,i&tional/ (iography that he re&ei'ed no top-%e&ret &learan&e, %o time i% on hi% %ide. ... and I am a ;uiet per%on3 I don-t ma+e a lot o, noi%e in pu(li&3 I-m not leading any ne) %o&ial mo'ement%. I don-t %ell drug%. I ha'e done )or+, under &ontra&t to the go'ernment, )hi&h in'ol'ed ma+ing re,eren&e %ample% ,or them, and I (ill them ,or my time. Cut it-% a matter o, prin&iple ,or me not to ex&hange drug% ,or money in any )ay. It +eep% li,e a lot %impler. In the meantime, there are pro(a(ly a lot o, people in the go'ernment )ho are 'ery intere%ted in )hat I pu(li%h. I ha'e no dou(t )hat%oe'er that the IA and pro(a(ly the De,en%e Department ta+e a &lo%e loo+ at %ome or all o, the &ompound% that I )rite up3 they pro(a(ly ,eel that I am doing a lot o, their )or+ ,or them, a% a matter o, ,a&t. 2ou mean te%ting them ,or u%e in )ar - (iologi&al )ar,are and that %ort o, %tu,,N Shura QSa%ha-% ,i&tional name ,or him%el, - TLR
%hrug%. "r po%%i(ly &ro)d &ontrol, or pri%oner-o,-)ar interrogation, or may(e helping to dri'e an un,riendly 4ead o, State into %ome +ind o, (e,uddlement )ho +no)%N Their o(0e&ti'e% are not my o(0e&ti'e%... - &IHKA , pp. 1FD At thi% 0un&ture, it %hould (e noted that many literary ma%;uerade% o&&ur in &IHKA and TIHKA . Thi% literary li&en%e turn% Do) hemi&al into .The Dole hemi&al ompany/ 5dge)ood Ar%enal (e&ome% .Cla&+)ood Ar%enal/, and %o on. *e &an only %uppo%e )ho . aptain 6in+erton/ really i%, or )a%. And )e &an only %uppo%e )hat thi% man-% &on%&ien&e hold%. I, he ha% a &on%&ien&e. Alexander Shulgin )ent on to operate hi% o)n li&en%ed la( a% a &on%ultant, and tea&h a% a &ollege pro,e%%or. 4e taught 6u(li& health &la%%e% at San 8ran&i%&o :eneral 4o%pital. Dr. Shulgin le&tured at the 6a&i,i& :raduate S&hool o, 6%y&hology and San 8ran&i%&o State !ni'er%ity, among other%. ST6 and Ceyond "'er the year%, Shulgin &ontra&ted )ith the 8CI <8ederal Cureau o, In'e%tigation=, the D5A <Drug 5n,or&ement Admini%tration=, #IDA <#ational In%titute o, Drug A(u%e= and many other go'ernment agen&ie%. 4e retired a% 6ro,e%%or 5meritu% ,rom the !ni'er%ity o, ali,ornia. Ce%ide% Do) hemi&al, Shulgin al%o &ontra&ted )ith Cri%tol La(% and the La)ren&e >adiation La(oratory. In the 1E6B-% Dr. Shulgin in'ented the ,amou% p%y&hedeli& &alled ST6. 4e then produ&ed a di11ying array o, &ompound%, the mo%t ,amou% (eing MDMA, ,ir%t di%&o'ered and patented in :ermany in 1E1A. Dr. Shulgin &on%idered the ,ather o, the MDMA or .5&%ta%y/ mo'ement. MDMA )a% &alled .ADAM/ right a,ter it-% introdu&tion to the ma%%e%. Alexander Shulgin al%o produ&ed .5'e/ or MD5. Another ,amou% &ompound he &reated i% A- C, al%o &alled .#exu%/. Another ,amou% one i% A T-D, a drug )hi&h got a lot o, media in ABBA a,ter %e'eral a&&idental, mind-(ending o'erdo%e%. Shulgin-% &la%%i& (oo+% TIHKA and &IHKA li%t %e'eral hundred ne) and important hallu&inogen% &reated in Shulgin-% pri'ate la(. Many o, the%e )ere te%ted on a pri'ate re%ear&h team (uilt (y Shulgin him%el,. Dr. Alexander Shulgin-% importan&e &annot (e o'er%tated in regard to p%y&hedeli& hi%tory. 4i% )or+ &reated an e%%ential &orner%tone u%ed to (uild the hou%e o, modern p%y&hedeli& drug re%ear&h.. Dr. Al(ert 4o,mann <the di%&o'erer o, LSD and %yntheti& 6%ilo&y(in= &all% p%y&hedeli& %u(%tan&e% )or+% o, modern al&hemy. In al&hemi&al term%, Shulgin-% )or+ ha% (een de%&ri(ed a% .&ro%%ing the pearl )ith the diamond/. 5tymologi&ally, the )ord diamond &ome% ,rom the San%+rit dyu meaning .luminou% (eing/. The diamond i% the al&hemi&al %ym(ol o, light and (rillian&e. It %ho)% %ymmetry and e;uili(rium. The diamond-)ord adamantine i% &onne&ted to the :ree+adamas, meaning .un&on;uera(le/. The pearl i% al%o an al&hemi&al %ym(ol. It i% one o, the eight &ommon em(lem% o, hine%e tradition. It %ym(oli1e% .geniu% in o(%&urity/ a&&ording to 8ren&h %ym(oli%t .5. irlot. In al&hemy, %u(limation i% a meditati'e pro&e%% )ith %ym(oli& and phy%i&al a%pe&t%. Su(limation i% meant to tran%,orm (y )ay o,
rumination, o(%&uration and (urial. A,ter thi% %ym(oli& or emotional (urial, part% o, the mind or %pirit may re-emerge <or re%urre&t= a% .the pearl/. Dr. Alexander Shulgin i% &ertainly one o, the great &hemi%t% o, our time. 4e ha% re&ei'ed a&&olade% ,rom pro,e%%ional peer%, go'ernment agen&ie% and the p%y&hedeli& underground. #o(el 6ri1e )inner Mary Mulli% ha% %aid o, Shulgin$ .)hat he %ingle-handedly tried to do )a% &hart out )hole area% o, &ompound%.../. A ,ormida(le goal, a% &hemi%t% o,ten %pend year% loo+ing into one &la%% o, &ompound% or one &ompound alone. Ah, the ,riend%hip% made in youth. Do) hemi&al, 5dge)ood Ar%enal, the 8CI, the IA and e'en the #SA, i, Shulgin ponder% &orre&tly. And the%e pa%t a%%o&iation% are &lo%er than )e reali1e. In &IHKA Dr. Shulgin ,rame% the pa%t thi% )ay$ .... a ,e) year% a,ter I le,t Dole/... Qreally Do) hemi&al - TLR. .I had (een gi'en the midnight tour o, the S)edi%h e;ui'alent o, the 8CI la(oratorie%. My ho%t )a% 6eter Mille, Qa p%eudonym - TLR the head o, the nar&oti&% la( in Sto&+holm/. The real .6eter Mille/ %hare% a li,elong ,riend%hip )ith Dr. Shulgin. Sa%ha al%o mention% that he &on%ulted )ith .an in%ide %our&e/ at 5dge)ood Ar%enal a% late a% the mid 1E@B-%. .8riend% helping ,riend%, that-% )hat li,e-% all a(out/ a% they %ay. They al%o %ay .that-% )hat death-% all a(out/ - e%pe&ially around 5dge)ood Ar%enal and Do) hemi&al. Another o, Dr. Shulgin-% old ,riend% i% the no)-retired (ureau &hie, o, the D5A-% *e%tern >egional La(oratory. An intere%ting &olle&tion among (ut&her% and (a+er% and &andle%ti&+ ma+er%. In Dr. Shulgin )e %ee %ympathie% ,or the underground, ,or the %piritual ;ue%t, ,or illegal p%y&hedeli&%. Cut )e al%o %ee %ympathie% ,or tho%e )ho )ould &ru%h the%e dream% and opportunitie%. So many (oo+% on the (oo+%hel,. 4o) doe% one organi1eN "'ation, a% applau%e e&ho ,rom a %our&e le%% +no)n. At 4ome )ith the Al&hemi%t Thi% %our&e %it% per&hed li+e an o)l in a tree. The %ound o, thunder e&ho-% ,rom the%e hand%. .Thunder, per,e&t mind/ a% the :no%ti&% %ay. The o)l ta+e% ,light %+y)ard to)ard% the #apa 9alley in ali,ornia. It &ir&le% a %mall hou%e (uilt on the %ide o, a mountain. Thi% i% )here the Shulgin-% li'e. The addre%% i% on Shulgin >oad in La,ayette, ali,ornia. Sa%ha li'e% here )ith hi% )i,e Ann, a noted lay therapi%t. #o) )e are up to date, more or le%%. *ere )e to read Sa%ha and Ann-% t)o (oo+% - the .,i&tional/ (iographie% &IHKA and TIHKA - )e )ould truly under%tand the importan&e o, thi% &ouple-% li,e and )or+. The o)l-li+e %our&e )e mentionedN It ha% read (oth the%e (oo+%, many time%. So many time% that the page% are )orn and ,aded. Cut Sa%ha %ee% hi% reader% a% hi% ,riend%. "r ,riend% in potential. 5%pe&ially Mr. ")l. It i% %aid that a man &ount% hi% )ealth (y the num(er o, hi% ,riend%. Let u% (egin the &ountdo)n, then. And let thi% arti&le a&t a% ,riend to Alexander Shulgin, no) and ,ore'er. A% I %tated, Alexander Shulgin ha% many ,riend%. 4i% ,riend% and
admirer% &all him Sa%ha. A% our approa&h in thi% &hapter i% admiring and ,riendly, Sa%ha it )ill (e. Sa%ha Shulgin i% a &ompli&ated man )ith many intere%t%. 4i% ga1e i% (road and pro,ound. It o,ten %ettle% on idea% o, al&hemy, o&&ult order% and hidden temple%. In a 1EEI High Times inter'ie), Dr. Shulgin re&ount% hi% al&hemi&al per%pe&ti'e%$ .I-'e %tudied al&hemy a (it and it% 'ery mu&h a(out ,eed(a&+. *ho &are i, you melt and ,u%e lead 1B,BBB time%N At the end o, it you don-t &ome out o, it )ith anything (ut melted and ,u%ed leadJ Cut in doing that... that-% meditationJ/ Meditation. . Ahhh ... ma+e me one )ith e'erything/ a% the Cuddhi%t %aid to the hot-dog 'endor. The ;ue%t ,or higher +no)ledge might %eem attra&ti'e to a ma%ter &hemi%t )ho i% already del'ing into the u%ually in'i%i(le. In TI4MAL, Dr. Shulgin mention% hi% pa%%ing intere%t in the o&&ult and %e&ret %o&ietiie%$ *e need a )ay to &ommuni&ate experien&e o, the deeper part% o, our%el'e%, a )ay to %hare hidden +no)ledge that ha% traditionally (een &alled o&&ult or hidden. !ntil our time, thi% le'el o, +no)ledge )a% &on%idered the pri'ate pre%er'e o, tho%e %haman%, tea&her% or %piritual guide% )ho had earned their )ay to it. In their hand% )a% the re%pon%i(ility o, &hoo%ing tho%e gi,ted, intuiti'e people )ho )ould (e&ome %tudent% or di%&iple%. Tho%e %pe&ial people )ere ta+en into temple% o, learning, into the pyramid% or %a&red +i'a%, to (e gradually led into exploration% o, the %piritual )orld% and the in&rea%ed under%tanding o, their o)n un&on%&iou% land%&ape%. Thi% +ind o, learning )a% expe&ted, in time, to produ&e healer% and &ommunity leader% o, un&ommon )i%dom. I, )e had the time that our an&e%tor% had, )e &ould expe&t to %ee a gradual in&rea%e in the num(er o, people a)are o, their o)n inner )or+ing%3 the energie%, dri'e%, ,ear%, in%tin&t% and learned pattern% )hi&h ma+e up the interior uni'er%e o, the human (eing... - TIHKA , pp. xx' A% Sa%ha Shulgin o(%er'e%, the .interior uni'er%e/ ha% hidden - or interior %tudent%. 6erhap% e'en ma%ter% are hidden a)ay, doing their )or+ in thi% .interior/. And )e mu%t a%%ume that not e'ery %tudent or ma%ter i% a light(ringer. Su&h adept% might pu%h normal idea% o, the %pirit into the pale... ,ar into the pale. 6erhap% e'en into the %hado)%. The%e are initiate% )ho might ma+e the )or+ing% o, %o&iety and the %pirit o, %o&iety their meditation. Ma%%p%y&hology and %emioti&% are part and par&el in thi% hou%e. Adept% might ha'e the a(ility to experiment and te%t %u&h idea% on a grand %&ale. The )or+ing o, %o&ial %tru&ture, politi&%, language, e&onomie% and religion - thi% might (e the game o, the adept. *hat might happen i, you %tart a ne) religiou% &ult hereN au%e a &oup d-etat thereN De%ta(ili1e an e&onomy hereN >emo'e or &hange international (order%N Alter the )ay% )e re&ord hi%toryN hange or o(literate a languageN "r &reate a ne) oneN Ta+e a %leepy little to)n li+e San 8ran&i%&o and in the mid 1E6B-% introdu&e %e'eral gram% <hundred% o, thou%and% o, do%e%= o, pure LSD to an un%u%pe&ting pu(li&N reate a little mind-&ontrol pro0e&t &alled MM-!LT>A . Clo) that mind, young man. Clo) that mind. The%e )ould (e %pe&ial %piritual
temple% made up o, 'ery %pe&ial initiate%. )ould (e their goal. Ca'arian Illuminati
There i% one parti&ular temple - one that i% mo%t ,oul. It ha% exi%ted ,or many &enturie% and u%ed many name%. The Ca'arian Illuminati, or 0u%t the Illuminati %uit%. A% thi% &hapter )ill purport, part% o, Dr. Shulgin-% li,e ha% (een li'ed under the prote&tion o, t)o um(rella%. "ne um(rella i% ,irmly held alo,t (y the Illuminati. Thi% um(rella-% ,a(ri& i% &old and %yntheti& and it ,eel% %trange to the tou&h. The um(rella ,a(ri& i% impre%%ed )ith &omputer-generated pi&ture% o, o)l% - a %ym(ol )ith %pe&ial meaning to Alexander Shulgin. The um(rella-% handle i% made o, polymer% and pla%ti&%. The handle i% ma&hine-%tamped )ith the )ord T4A#AT"S. Thi% um(rella )a% (uilt out o, order, %e;uen&e and &ali(ration%. And time... plenty o, time. The pa%t, pre%ent and ,uture %urround thi% um(rella-% de%ign. #o &hao% )a'e% allo)ed here. #o .(e here no)/ rhetori&. The per,e&t a&&e%%ory ,or per,e&t Illuminati. The Illuminati or Ca'arian Illuminati i% the legendary and o&&ult %e&ret %o&iety. Their origin% are o(%&ure (ut they a&hie'ed %tatu%, then in,amy in Ca'aria and 5urope until they )ere outla)ed in 1D@F. The group )a% ,ounded in 1DD6 at the !ni'er%ity o, Ingol%tadt (y a pro,e%%or o, anon La) named Adam *ei%haupt. Adam tran%late% into .the ,ir%t man/ and *ei%haupt mean% .one )ho +no)%/. The Ca'arian Illuminati attra&ted %u&h men a% :oethe, Mo1art, *agner and Ceetho'en to their ran+%. In >ou%%eau and >e'olution (y *ill Durant, Mo1art-% Illuminati &onne&tion% are outlined. 6aul #ettle%- Mo1art and Ma%onry al%o del'e% into thi%. A%%a%%ination o, Mo1art (y Da'id *ei%% paint% Mo1art-% death a% &on%pira&y, (a%ed on Mo1art-% %e&ret%o&iety intere%t%. The Magi& 8lute !n'eiled$ 5%oteri& Sym(oli%m In Mo1art-% Ma%oni& "pera (y La&;uee% hailley loo+% at Mo1art-% intere%t% in Illuminati %ym(oli%m. In the (oo+ Ceetho'en (y Maynard Solomon it i% mentioned that hri%tian #ee,e, Ceetho'en-% ,ir%t mu%i& tea&her, )a% the leader o, the Illuminati lodge in Conn. And Ceetho'en-% .The 5mperor Lo%eph antata/ <Ceetho'en-% ,ir%t ma0or )or+= )a% &ommi%%ioned (y the .Le%%e :e%hell%&ha,t/. The Le%%e :e%hel%&ha,t exi%ted a% an Illuminati .,ront/ a,ter the original %e&ret %o&iety )a% (anned. There are a num(er o, ex&ellent (oo+% a(out the Ca'arian Illuminati. Some are %&holarly and a&ademi& li+e 9ernon Stau,,er-% %o&iologi&al treati%e #e) 5ngland and the Ca'arian Illuminati. A((e Carruel-% The Illuminati, "r Memoir% Illu%trating the 4i%tory o, La&o(ini%m i% another )ell re%ear&hed, %&holarly hi%tory, in %e'eral 'olume%. "ther main%tream Illuminati (oo+% in&lude >o(ert Anton *il%on and >o(ert Shea-% Illuminatu% J trilogy. Lim Meith-% Sau&er% o, the Illuminati and Ste'e La&+%on-% Illuminati-#e) *orld "rder &ard game <and (oo+= .
Some %ay the Illuminati %till exi%t and %e&retly run the )orld. They ma+e the train% run on time. Many author% ha'e purported that The Illuminati i% not one group, (ut many. A ,ir%t &ommon thread holding the%e group% together i% %e&re&y. The )or%hip o, %&ien&e, te&hnology, %o&ial &ontrol and order - thi% i% )hat predominate%. A per'er%e %en%e o, hierar&hy and eliti%m per'ade%. *hen I u%e the )ord .Illuminati/ it al%o re,er% to a generi& o&&ult mind-%et. Thi% in&lude% %e'eral %e&ret %o&ietie%, my%ti&al group% and .men-% &lu(%/ )ith %imilar di%po%ition% and aim%. rypto&rat% The%e %e&ret %o&ietie% po%it #eo-6latoni%m, .%a&red/ geometry, 6ythagorean thought and 4ermeti& <,rom the :od 4erme%= %pirituality a% %uperior. There are unu%ual &orporate, ,a%&i%t or re'olutionary element% in the%e group%. The original Illuminati o, Ca'aria i% the ;uinte%%ential - and mo%t re&ogni1ed example o, many %u&h group%. Mi&hael Anthony 4o,,man 11 i% a popular author )ho regularly pu(li%he% diatri(e% again%t the Illuminati. 4i% )or+ %pe&iali1e% in re'i%ioni%t hi%tory, %ym(ology and o&&ult de&iphering. 4o,,man &all% the Illuminati the .4ermeti& A&ademy/, the . 5eo#&!atonists and the ,ryptocrats. He spea's out in a recent interview3 /ome be!ieve that I thin' these deve!opments 8the I!!uminati9s occu!t practices and parapo!itics # T : are part of a microscopica!!y orchestrated master p!an devised by invincib!e Freemasons Qthe Illuminati ha'e long (een a%%o&iated )ith 8reema%onry. 4o)e'er, the original mem(er% too+ oath% denoun&ing 8reema%onry a&&ording to Stau,,er and other%. +ut the cryptocrats are ;ust high!y informed weathermen possessed or e-traordinary daring. They had a sense of what direction the winds of time, the spirit of the age wou!d ta'e, but that doesn9t mean that they contro! the wind, or that they are the wind. They forecasted it and anticipated it but it didn9t a!ways go their way. They hoped it wou!d, but when that didn9t happen they had to put out their sai!s !i'e everybody e!se. +ut in the modern era, genera!!y it has gone their way and they did have a script and it was ca!ibrated and their story prevai!ed. +ut no human organi6ation prevai!s so!e!y by dint of their own devices and personne!. A substantia! portion of the power of secret societies comes from hitching a ride on coincidence... - Mi&hael A. 4o,,man II, <,rom an inter'ie) in ,rash ,o!!usion = Many %hare a (elie, that the Illuminati %e&retly run the )orld. "ther% %ay that nature and her handmaiden% (reathed li,e into thi% )orld and then %u&+led their &hild )ith the mil+ o, the anima. Thi% mil+ i% &alled &hao%. Through nature-% handmaiden the anima, all that )e +no) i% &reated, nouri%hed and reali1ed.
Anima The Lungian therapi%t Lame% 4illman %ay% that )e do not &reate the anima, %he &reate% u%. *e do not dream her, (ut li'e in%ide her dream <or her )om(=. "n
the mantle o, nature-% hou%e %it% a %il'er &ro)n %tudded )ith image% o, the moon and %tar%. The air around her &arrie% the %&ent o, ,airy-,lo)er% and %)eetne%%. *hen the anima mo'e% one )ay, rain(o)% ,ill the %+y. Another )ay, de)drop% %par+le in &horu%. She mo'e% out o, time - unpredi&ta(le and exalted. She i% .%toned... imma&ulate/ a% the %haman-poet Lim Morri%on u%ed to %ay. Cut the anima ha% her &haoti& mood%. Some li+en the%e to the )eather it%el,, )hi&h o,ten run% a %unny %ummer dan&e ,or day%. Then %uddenly (ur%t% ,orth a %torm. "r (ring% a (li11ard hour% a,ter Indian %ummer. It ha% (een %aid that nothing i% &ertain ex&ept death and taxe%. Let-% add unpredi&ta(le )eather. The )eather i% ne'er the %ame ,rom day to day. 8rom %ea%on to %ea%on )e are al)ay% %urpri%ed. an one e'er really predi&t )ith &ertaintyN 6erhap%... perhap%. Sa%ha +no)% the )eather and ho) )ind% do (lo). 4e ha% %pent a li,etime and )ritten %e'eral (oo+% a(out the many %ea%on% o, hi% ama1ing li,e. 5xperien&e. Mno)ledge. *i%dom. Sa%ha ha% %een %ome )eather. *hy not ha'e t)o um(rella%N I, one i% good, t)o mu%t (e (etter. Sa%ha-% ,ir%t um(rella ha% a %yntheti& ,a(ri& dotted )ith o)l%. And a %trange polymer handle )ith the )ord T4A#AT"S %tamped into it. The )or+man%hip i% ex&ellent. A,ter all , it-% a Ca'arian. A ,a'orite to (e %ure. Sa%ha-% %e&ond um(rella ha% little moon% and %tar% %tudding it%- ,a(ri& The &olor i% the (lue%t o, (lue%. Thi% um(rella-% handle i% mad e ,rom petri,ied )ood. The handle i% inlaid )ith mother-o,-pearl ta+en ,rom the deep (lue %ea. "n thi% mother-o,-pearl handle a )ord %pell% out S 5ro%. Thi% 5ro%-um(rella i% ,irmly held alo,t (y nature her%el,. Sa%ha Shulgin ha% en0oyed &ontinued prote&tion and &om,ort in a )orld o, un%ure )eather, ,ortune %mile%. *onder and a(undan&e to the de%er'ing man. 5ro% & Thanato% T)o um(rella-% - 5ro% and Thanato%. Li,e and death. 6o%iti'e and negati'e. 2in and yang. 6olarity, %)eet polarity, ho) )e &ry ,or thy tou&h. 8or the &han&e o, union, )e ,ollo) a,ter thy ,oot%tep%. Integration i% (oth thy ,ather and thy &hild. A my%tery mo%t no(le, indeedJ The %&ene %hi,t%. *e %tand (e,ore a man%ion door and %tret&h up to %ee in%ide - )e pee+ (e,ore a %mall open )indo). *e ,ind that the Illuminati ha% (uilt a &lu( in the middle o, a lo'ely gro'e in ali,ornia - in Sonoma ounty near Monte >io. *e pau%e and re,le&t. *e noti&e little pi&ture% o, o)l% e'ery)here at thi% &lu(. The %ign% here read &learly$ .The Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e/. Dr. Alexander Shulgin i% a mem(er o, the Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e and ha% proudly ,i&tionali1ed them a% .The ")l lu(/ in hi% (oo+% TI4MAL and 6I4MAL. Dr. Shulgin p%eudonymou%ly appear% a% the &hara&ter Dr. Shura Corodin. In &hapter 11 o, &IHKA , Sa%ha Shulgin re&ount% hi% introdu&tion into The ")l lu(. .7ne evening in the !ate <=>?9s. I was invited to a musica! soiree at an o!d comfortab!e home in the +er'e!ey hi!!s. I brought my vio!a with me... The on!y person I can remember from that evening was a handsome, proper gent!eman with a sma!! grey moustache and the residues of an 2ng!ish accent. 1uring
coffee, after the music was over, he struc' up a conversation. He as'ed me if i had ever heard of The 7w! ,!ub in /an Francisco@ I had not, so he began painting a picture of a rather fascinating group, with many interests in a!! sorts of art, drama and music. He mentioned that there was need for a vio!a p!ayer, and wou!d I be interested in sitting in for a coup!e of evenings@ ... The ,!ub proved to be a group of gent!emen from a broad array of po!itica! and professiona! bac'grounds, !eaning somewhat toward the po!itica! right and the we!!#to#do. ... At my first evening at the ,!ub... Andrew was appointed my &ater Fami!ias ... -&IHKA , pp. 6B-6F Cut thi% )a% 0u%t the introdu&tion. Dr. Shulgin )a% not ;uite in (ed )ith the Cohemian lu(. #ot yet. *hat &emented the Cohemian deal )a% an unexpe&ted %u(poena %ent to Sa%ha on (ehal, o, laud 6epper-% .The 4ou%e ommittee "n rime In Ameri&a/. Thi% )a% 'ery ,amou% )it&h-hunt o, the time% &on&erned )ith &riminal &artel%. Al%o )ith illegal drug ma%termind% and tho%e %u%pe&ted o, (eing their tea&her%. A&&ording to hi% auto(iography, Sa%ha entered the ourt 4ou%e and the *it&h-,inder :eneral %&o)led. .4o) &an you &all your%el, a %&ienti%t/ he demanded, .and do the type o, )or+ you doN/ !nder oath Dr. Shulgin )a% .ra+ed o'er the &oal%/ a% they %ay. Se'eral implied &riminal a%%o&iation% )ere (rought into te%timony. Su&h in&luded Sa%ha-% alleged &lande%tine a%%o&iation )ith ")%ley Stanley, the in,amou% LSD &hemi%t )ho made .orange %un%hine/ LSD. And Sa%ha had on&e (een approa&hed to %et up and run an illegal la( in Lamai&a, (eing o,,ered .%ix million dollar%/ a&&ording to hi% ,i&tional 6I4MAL. Mo%t di%tur(ing. Sa%ha Shulgin )a% ha'ing a (ad hair day. #othing to do (ut play mu%i&. 5%pe&ially %in&e &oin&iden&e - or ,ate - pro'ided a timely in'itation, pulling Sa%ha (a&+ to)ard% the my%teriou% .")l lu(/ <really the Cohemian lu( - TL= to play more 'iola, right around thi% time. Li,e, li+e mu%i&, o)e% ;uite a lot to timing. Then again, The ")l Ma%ter% might %imply (e )at&hing o'er a ,ledgling. 6ro'iding %helter ,rom a %torm. .Stay in our good &ompany/, they might ha'e %aid. .*e li'e in a )orld (eyond laud 6epper/. Throughout 6I4MAL and TI4MAL Dr. Shulgin ,ondly remem(er% many intere%ting %o&ial meeting%, ne) ,riend%hip% and hi% mu%i&al &ontri(ution% to .the ")l lu(/ or&he%tra. S&rap(oo+ memorie% %ho)n (y a man )ho )ill (e remem(ered a% one o, p%y&hedelia-% :rand Ma%ter%. 8or a moment the &loud% part. The )eather %eem% un%ure and the )ind pi&+% up. Coo+ page% ,lap, then (lo) open to Le)i% aroll-% mo%t ,amou% )or+. In Through the Loo+ing :la%% )e read the ,ollo)ing$ .*hen I u%e a )ord/, 4umpty Dumpty %aid in rather a %&orn,ul tone, .it mean% 0u%t )hat I &hoo%e it to mean - neither more or le%%/. .The ;ue%tion i%/, %aid Ali&e, .)hether you &an ma+e )ord% mean %o many di,,erent thing%/. .The ;ue%tion i%/, %aid 4umpty Dumpty, .)ho i% to (e ma%ter, that-% all./ The ")l lu(
In Through the oo'ing )!ass, &hara&ter% explain that anything &an (e &alled (y any name, and doing impo%%i(le thing% 0u%t ta+e% ma%tery. Day a,ter day and year a,ter year, a young ma%ter ha% (een pra&ti&ing. It i% almo%t li+e )ar%, geno&ide and the military-indu%trial &omplex ne'er happened. #or did the IA. 6o)er eliteN The in%ider%N The Ca'arian IlluminatiN The ")l lu(N #othing %eem% ami%%. #othing unu%ual to report, %ir. "M to %ound .all &lear/. 8rom Alexander Shulgin-% glan&e at thing%, )e might %ee the Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e a% a &harming, harmle%% &ountry-go-to-meeting pi&ni&. An inno&ent peer-%o&iety ,or .)ho-%-)ho/ alumni. >e%t...relaxation...the &ountry...the %ymphony... philo%ophy... &igar% and (,e i% good...AhhhhJ .Seeming...%eeming/ a% Sha+e%peare %ay% in 4amlet . Mo%t people ha'e ne'er heard o, the Cohemian lu( or Cohemian :ro'e. Thi% i% a%tounding &on%idering the %&ope o, their in,luen&e. Mem(er% li'e in the highto)er% o, Ameri&a. The :ro'e it%el, goe% (a&+ o'er 1AF year%. Cohemian :ro'e mem(er% in&lude e'ery !S >epu(li&an 6re%ident %in&e the 1E3B-%, many IA dire&tor% and many military :eneral%. Top %&ienti%t% and ,inan&ier%, the ruler% o, media and &orporate head% (elong. The male mem(er% o, the olde%t elite ,amilie% in Ameri&a &ome to the :ro'e to &ommune. The legend i% that the Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e are an Illuminati %tronghold. And through the :ro'e, the Illuminati ma+e% it%- pre%en&e ,elt in Ameri&a. The idea o, a %uper-group running the )orld i% amu%ing, you %ayN 6eople ha'e (een &laiming non%en%e li+e thi% %in&e Ca(ylon. Cut no(ody ha% e'er really pro'ed anything. Se&ret-%o&ietie%N The IlluminatiN The Ma%on% are 0u%t a (un&h o, harmle%%, pot-(ellied old ,art%. Cohemian :ro'eN *e ha'e &ountry &lu(% too, you +no)N So )hat e'er the Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e i%, it mu%t (e %omething li+e that... (ut )ith more pre%tige, money and po)er, rightN Some)here, another o)l ta+e% ,light... %ear&hing the moonlit land%&ape ,or prey. *hy am I ,eeling no ,earN Ce&au%e thi% i% too important ,or me to )a%te time on (eing a,raid. Ce%ide%, )hat i% there le,t to (e a,raid o,N The )or%t po%%i(le thing )hi&h any &o%mi& mind &an do to a little human-one ha% already (een done$ it ha% re'ealed it% o)n nature3 and in doing %o it ha% managed to e,,e&ti'ely %trip my li,e o, all meaning, all purpo%e. I-d rather &on,ront an eightarmed demon )ith ,ang%. 2ou &an (attle )ith a demon. 2ou &an em(ra&e a demon... - &IHKA , pp. 3DF
Cohemian :ro'e The Cohemian :ro'e i% a ADBB-a&re red)ood ,ore%t, lo&ated in Monte >io, ali,ornia. It &ontain% a&&ommodation% ,or ABBB people to .&/ in luxury. It i% o)ned (y The Cohemian lu(, a group )ith long a%%o&iation% to %e&ret %o&ietie%, the %e&ret go'ernment, the Illuminati and dire-deed% o, hi%tori&al importan&e. A% hi%tory goe%, the dire%t o, deed% o,ten ride% in on a philo%ophy. And e'en the Illuminati need% a philo%ophy. "ne part o, their philo%ophy I &all .te%%elary/ )hi&h mean% .)ord a% &he%%(oard/. And the &he%% pie&e%N 4ere i% one that loo+% li+e an o)l.
The Cohemian lu( i% a pri'ate, all-male &lu( that ha% it% head;uarter% in the Cohemian Cuilding in San 8ran&i%&o. A&&ording to Mary Moore o, .The Cohemian :ro'e A&tion #et)or+/, the lu( )a% ,ormed in 1@DA (y men )ho %ought %helter ,rom the ,rontier &ulture <or la&+ o, &ulture=. 4ac!ean9s maga1ine <Mar&h A3, 1E@1= %ay% that the Cohemian lu( .)a% ,ormed one night in 1@DA (y ,i'e (ored ne)%-ha)+% o, the old PSan 8ran&i%&o 5xaminer- /. Thi% i% intere%ting, a% reporter% )ere %oon (anned - a poli&y that remain% to thi% 'ery day. The Cohemian lu( ;ui&+ly de'eloped into an a%%o&iation o, 'ery ri&h, po)er,ul men, mo%tly o, thi% &ountry <there are %imilar organi1ation% o, other &ountrie%=. Some arti%t% are allo)ed to 0oin at redu&ed rate% <)ith an example (eing La&+ London= (e&au%e o, their %o&ial %tatu% and entertainment 'alue. The li%t in&lude% e'ery >epu(li&an 6re%ident <a% )ell a% %ome Demo&rat%= %in&e 1EA3, many a(inet o,,i&ial% and the 5"-% o, large &orporation% in&luding many ,inan&ial in%titution%. The group% repre%ented in&lude military &ontra&tor% - e%pe&ially the nu&lear )eapon% indu%try, oil &ompanie%, (an+% <in&luding the 8ederal >e%er'e=, utilitie% and ma0or national media <(road&a%t and print=. Many o, the%e group% ha'e high-ran+ing o,,i&ial% a% lu( mem(er%. It %hould (e noted that many o, the%e group% and &orporation% depend hea'ily on their relation%hip to the go'ernment ,or their pro,ita(ility. on'er%ely, the go'ernment depend% on it% a%%o&iation% )ith the%e group% ,or long-range %trategi& planning in area% o, e&onomi&%, intelligen&e gathering and )ar,are. 5lement% o, the go'ernment <or %e&ret-go'ernment= or intelligen&e-&ir&le% &onne&ted to the o&&ult, re+indle old ,riend%hip% <and old pa&t%= in )hat I )ill %ho) to (e an o'ertly o&&ult atmo%phere. Author Merry >i&hard%on point% out that .the Cohemian :ro'e i% a gathering pla&e ,or many men )ith a (u%ine%% and pro,e%%ional intere%t in the &on%tru&tion o, nu&lear )eapon%3 men )ho%e &ompanie% ma+e nu&lear (om(% and their deli'ery %y%tem% and men in go'ernment )ho%e 0o(% in'ol'e them )ith nu&lear armament%/. Su&h in&lude a%par *ein(erger, Se&retary o, De,en%e under >onald >eagan and Donald >um%,eld, Se&retary o, De,en%e under :eorge *. Cu%h Mr. *ein(erger ga'e a %pee&h at the 1EE1 :ro'e meeting titled .>earming Ameri&a/. Many o, the o,,i&ial% o, :eneral Dynami&%, )hi&h (uild% the Trident #u&lear Su(marine% and the 8C-111<nu&lear= (om(er%, are in'ol'ed )ith the Cohemian :ro'e . Da'id L. Le)i%, :D-% hairman, i% a Cohemian :ro'e mem(er. "ther 5"-% in&lude tho%e ,rom >o&+)ell International, :eneral 5le&tri&, The Coeing ompany, !nited Te&hnologie% orporation, *e%tinghou%e, Tenne&o In&, #orthrop orporation, !# >e%our&e%, AT & T, Mon%anto orp., The Ce&htel ompany and 4e)lett 6a&+ard, among other%. Many o, the%e &oprporation% are in'ol'ed )ith .Star *ar%/ te&hnologie%. Dr. 5d)ard Teller, a%%o&iate Dire&ter 5meritu% o, La)ren&e Li'ermore La(oratory, %po+e at the 1E@B Cohemian :ro'e meeting. The 1E@B topi&% in&luded .#u&lear 7->ay La%er%/.
The :ro'e-% motto$ i% .*ea'ing Spider% ome #ot 4ere/, (a%ed on the Sha+e%peare ;uote. 4o)e'er, the Manhattan 6ro0e&t - )hi&h ,ir%t en'i%ioned the Atomi& Com( - )a% &on&ei'ed at the :ro'e in 1EIA. 6ro0e&t% nouri%hed at the :ro'e ha'e in&luded determining )ho our 6re%idential &andidate% )ill - or )on-t - (e. >i&hard #ixon-% politi&al reha(ilitation )a% planned at the :ro'e. 4ac!ean9s maga1ine <Mar&h 3, 1E@1= reported Cohemian :ro'e meeting% %u&h a% the .1E6D agreement (et)een >onald >eagan , o'er a drin+ )ith >i&hard #ixon, to %tay out the &oming 6re%idential ra&e.../. "ther %imilar a&&ount% exi%t in The )reatest 4en9s &arty 7n 2arth3 Inside the +ohemian )rove (y Lohn 'an der Gee <4ar&ourt Cra&e Lo'ano'i&h, 1EDI=. The (oo+ InFact +rings )2 to ight %ay% that .*illiam Dornho,,, a %o&iologi%t )ho ha% exten%i'ely %tudied the role o, %o&ial &lu(% Q%e&ret-%o&ietie%- TLR in Ameri&an %o&iety, ha% &orre&tly predi&ted that %e'eral o, >onald >eagan-% ,riend% ,rom the :ro'e - :eorge S&hult1 and *illiam 8ren&h Smith - )ould (e appointed to hi% 6re%idential a(inet. Thi% i% re&ounted in detail in Dornho,,-% (oo+ The +ohemian )rove and 7ther %etreats3 A /tudy in %u!ing#,!ass ,ohesiveness <4arper and >o), 1EDI=. .8a&t% are %tupid thing%.../, >onald >eagan )a% ;uoted %aying, not long a,ter thi% (oo+ )a% pu(li%hed. A %pot o, te%%elary, anyoneN 5lite >e'elry The mem(er% %tay in di,,erent .&%/ in the :ro'e )ith 'arying %tatu% le'el%. Mem(er% and gue%t% o, the mo%t pre%tigiou% & <Mandalay= ha'e in&luded$ 4enry Mi%%inger. :eorge S&hult1, :erald 8ord, S.D. Ce&htel Lr., Thoma% *at%on Lr. <o, ICM=, 6hilip 4a)ley <o, the Can+ o, Ameri&a= *illiam a%ey <o, the IA= and >alph Cailey <o, Dupont=. Mandalay-% mem(er%hip i% %o po)er,ul and ex&lu%i'e that one mem(er &ommented .you don-t 0u%t )al+ in there... you are %ummoned/. :eorge Cu%h, Sr. re%ide% in a le%% pre%tigiou% & &alled .The 4ill(illie%/ )ith A.*. lau%en <o, the *orld Can+=. Thi% & al%o in&lude% *alter ron+ite and *illiam 8. Cu&+ley. Donald >um%,eld, :eorge *. Cu%h-% &hoi&e ,or Se&retary o, De,en%e, al%o re%ide% here. Da'id . Lone% <ex- hair o, the Loint hie,% o, Sta,,= re%ide% in the .Dog 4ou%e/ &. "ther &% in&lude .Toyland/ and .Moon%hiner%/. 5a&h & i% di%tingui%hed (y an unu%ual trait or ritual. >e&ent Cohemian gue%t% ha'e in&luded *illiam Se%%ion% <,ormerly o, the 8CI=, 5d >ollin% <,rom the >o%% 6erot &aign= and La&+ Memp. :eneral 9ernon *alter% <a IA operati'e during the hili &oup in 1ED3 a% )ell a% Am(a%%ador the :ermany and the !S Am(a%%ador to the !#= a% )ell a% Admiral harle% Lar%on are al%o mem(er%. There at lea%t 1AB &% at the Cohemian :ro'e. Ma0or maga1ine% )hi&h ha'e &ommented on the%e &% in&lude 4ac ean9s <Mar&h A3, 1E@1=,4other 0ones <Aug. 1E@1=, 5ewswee' <Aug. A, 1E@A=, Fortune <Aug. F, 1E@F=,The 2conomist<De&. 1@, 1E@D= and /py <#o'. @, 1E@E=. A(%olute &ertainty, a ,eeling o, +no)ing )ithout any dou(t )hat i% true and not true a(out %ome parti&ular thing, i% a &ommon experien&e to all adult%. It i% a
part o, li'ing, and ideally re%ult% ,rom pro&e%%e% o, ;ue%tioning, te%ting, e'aluating, and e'entually &on,irming. The %ame ,eeling o, a(%olute &ertainty, o, &omplete &on'i&tion that your 'ie) o, %omething <or e'erything, ,or that matter= i% the ultimate truth, &an and o,ten doe% happen )hen you are under the in,luen&e o, a p%y&hedeli&... - TIHKA , pp. 16E The )ord .p%y&hedeli&/ doe%n-t 0u%t re,er to drug% and &an in&lude other mindexpanding a&ti'itie%. 6o)er, )ealth, +no)ledge. The o&&ult. The &ontrol o, human de%tiny - ye%, I thin+ the%e thing% might (e p%y&hedeli&. De,inately mindexpanding to %ome. In a ,ree &ountry )ith a ,ree pre%%, one )ould thin+ %torie% a(out the Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e )ould (e top ne)%. Al #euharth %po+e at the Cohemian :ro'e in 1EE1. #euharth i% &hairman o, the 8reedom 8orum - a KDBB million ,oundation dedi&ated to the ,ree pre%%. #euharth al%o i% the ,ounder o, !SA Today. An 7r!ando *ee'!y arti&le titled .Meeping Se&ret%, #ot >eporting Them/ (y Le,, ohen and #orman Soloman tell% all a(out the reporter )ho %e&retly tried to &o'er Al #euharth-% %pee&h at Cohemian :ro'e$ QCohemian :ro'eR nota(le% ha'e in&luded the pre%ident% o, ## and A%%o&iated 6re%%... all thi% get% 'ery little ne)% &o'erage - a ,a&t that ha% long ,ru%trated Sonoma ounty Q ali,orniaR (u%ine%% )oman Mary Moore, an a&ti'i%t )ho li'e% F mile% ,rom the deluxe &. Many diligent 0ournali%t% ha'e tried to report a(out )hat goe% on. The pro(lem i% that Moore %ay% that )hen the %tory get% to the top (oardroom%, then it get% +illed. Lournali%t Di&+ Mathe%on ,ound out the hard )ay. In Luly, 1EE1, )hen Mathe%on )a% the (ureau &hie, o, &eop!e maga1ine <o)ned (y Time-*arner=, he %nea+ed into the :ro'e-% ADBB a&re %pread three time%. "n hi% third ,oray Mathe%on ran into a Time-*arner exe& that re&ogni1ed him, and promptly thre) him out. Mathe%on had already learned a lot. 8or example, Lohn Lehman -,ormer %e&retary o, the #a'y - pre%ented a le&ture %tating that the 6entagon e%timated that AB,BBB Ira;i-% )ere +illed in the gul, )ar a ,e) month% earlier. The 6entagon (elie'ed that the pu(li& )a% not ready to hear the death &ount. At Cohemian :ro'e, Lehman )a% more &andid. Cut Mathe%on-% eye)itne%% report ne'er made it to the page% o, &eop!e. 5'en though Mathe%on-% arti&le )a% %o )ell re&ei'ed that extra %pa&e )a% allotted ,or it, the %tory )a% my%teriou%ly +illed. The Mathe%on epi%ode illu%trated ho) di,,i&ult it &an (e ,or 0ournali%t% to report ,ully on Ameri&a-% politi&al and e&onomi& %tri,e, )hen their (o%%e% are loyal mem(er% o, that elite. Another 'er%ion o, thi% %tory, .In%ide Cohemian :ro'e$ The Story 6eople Maga1ine *on-t Let you >ead/, appeared in 2-traA maga1ine <#o'.HDe&. 1EE1= . 2-traA i% pu(li%hed (y .8AI>/ <8airne%% and A&&ura&y In >eporting=, a media )at&hdog group. Cy )ay o, &oin&idan&e, 8AI> )a% partly ,ounded (y Marty Lee, )ho )rote a ,amou% (oo+ on the IA-% MM-!LT>A pro0e&t )ith p%y&hedeli&%, titled Acid 1reams . The Cohemian :ro'e hold% a t)o-)ee+ .retreat/ e'ery Luly <a% )ell a% %maller get-together% throughout the year= in Sonoma ounty, ali,ornia near the to)n
o, Monte >io. During the%e retreat% the mem(er% not only attend &on,eren&e% and le&ture%, (ut al%o parti&ipate in unu%ual ritual% de%igned to (ond e'eryone. The%e ritual% are nota(ly o&&ult in nature and %igni,i&ant. #e)%)ee+ maga1ine <Aug. A,1EEA= a&tually &all% the%e Cohemian :ro'e ritual% .&a((ali%ti&/, in'o+ing the %upernatural. "&&ult expert and 6ro,e%%or, Anthony . Sutton &all% the :ro'e ritual% .Druidi&li+e... red-hooded ro(e% mar&hing in pro&e%%ion/. The mem(er% o, Cohemian :ro'e al%o %ho) great admiration ,or .Saint Lohn o, #epomu&+/ <al%o &alled .Saint Lohn o, Cohemia/ (y :ro'e mem(er%=. St. Lohn o, #epomu&+ ga'e <and +ept= hi% oath to die (e,ore (etraying the Ming-% )i,e. The notion o, >oyal %tatu% and %e&re&y among :ro'e mem(er% i% o, prime import. A re,eren&e to Saint Lohn o, Cohemia appear% in a Cohemian lu( pu(li&ation titled 4265>LI#M http$HHdog(ert.a(e(oo+%.&omHa(eHCoo+Detail%N(iTD6ABF1D /T. 07H5 7F +7H24IA (y *il%on, #eill . The Sixty-,ourth :ro'e 6lay o, the Cohemian lu( a% per,ormed (y it% mem(er% in The Cohemian :ro'e, Luly A6, 1E6E. Mu%i& (y Leigh 4arline, Dire&ted (y Thoma% L Tyrrell. Illu%tration% (y La)ren&e L. >ehag, 6hotography (y >aymond M. Moulin. Many traditional o&&ult ritual% and initiation% %u&h a% the Druidi&, the Mithrai&, the an&ient :ree+, the Mnight% Templar or the Ma%oni& in'ol'e o&&ult drama replete )ith em(edded %ym(ol%. A %ort o, al&hemi&al p%y&hodrama un,old%, de%igned to a,,e&t di,,erent part% o, the mind and %pirit. It i% )ell +no)n that %ome initiation% - e%pe&ially the Ma%oni& S &ome )ith royal%ounding title%, uni,orm% and honor%. Thi% in it%el, %eem% inno&uou% enough, a% ritual o, all type% i% the &orner%tone o, religion, therapy, art and %o&ial &u%tom. And impre%%ing the deep part% o, the mind i% the &orner%tone o, p%y&hotherapy and e%pe&ially the p%y&hedeli& p%y&hotherapy &hampioned (y Alexander Shulgin and hi% )i,e Ann Shulgin. 4i% redi%&o'ery o, MDMA %et trend% in p%y&hotherapy and alternati'e healing. *hat get% a(%or(ed into the mind - the %et and %etting, a% )ell a% the intent and )here you <or your initiator or healer= )i%he% to go - thi% i% )hat i% (eing ;ue%tioned here. I, your initiator )i%he% to ,o&u% on %e&ret%, )hat (etter pla&e than )here the opening &eremonie% in'ol'e hooded ro(e%N Tal+ a(out ,ir%t impre%%ion%J A,ter all, %e&ret% and oath%-o,-%ilen&e are the &orner%tone o, o&&ult &omraderie. The )ord o&&ult mean% hidden, a,ter all. In a %en%e, %e&ret agent% and %py agen&ie% <li+e the IA= al%o %hare thi% .o&&ult/ a%pe&t.
Lohn Dee Loo+ing through the literature %urrounding %pie% and %pying, )e ,ind point% in hi%tory )hen many %e&ret agent% )ere al%o o&&ult initiate%. A ,amou% example )a% the 5li1a(ethan pro'o&ateur Lohn Dee <1FAD-16B@=. Lohn Dee )a% re&ogni1ed a% the greate%t li'ing mathemati&ian o, hi% time.
Lohn Dee-% no) ,amou% o&&ulti%m in'ol'ed %ym(oli%m, a%trology and .%&rying/ <&ry%tal (all and gem%tone ga1ing= )ith hi% a%%o&iate 5d)ard Melley. The t)o &laimed to ha'e made &onta&t )ith Angeli& <or demoni&= ,or&e% The%e ,or&e% di&tated through the medium Melley a %erie% o, glyph% and letter% - alleged to (e an Angeli& tongue they &alled .5no&hian/ <.The Coo+ o, 5no&h/ )a% a (anned Ci(li&al text )hi&h de%&ri(ed %ex (et)een )omen and Angel% &alled the #ephilim=. Dee then u%ed hi% de&iphering %+ill% to unra'el the 5no&hian me%%age%. All thi% )a% expounded in a manu%&ript &alled My%terium Li(ri Uuin;ue <later &alled A True and 8aith,ul >elation... Cet)een Lohn Dee and Some Spirit%=. Lohn Dee )a% retained (y the Criti%h ro)n. 4e li'ed li,e under one Uueen%-% %&orn and another Uueen-% patronage. Uueen Mary 1 &harged Dee )ith %or&ery - no %mall &rime during that period. Dee )a% later a&;uitted and redeemed him%el, through (rilliant %&holar%hip, in&luding )or+ )ith &ipher% and &ryptography. Among hi% dutie%, Dee a&ted a% %&holar, &ourier and %py ,or Uueen 5li1a(eth 1. Thi% )a% the (eginning o, Criti%h Intelligen&e and &ode%, &ode-(rea+ing and modern %pying. Lohn Dee played the &o'ert hero, &on0uring %eed% that )ould (lo%%om into modern .&loa+-and-dagger/ ad'enture% a% re&ounted (y Ian 8leming and hi% .,i&tional/ &hara&ter Lame% Cond. There are a num(er o, ex&ellent (oo+% on Lohn Dee, in&luding 6eter 8ren&h-% 0ohn 1ee3 The *or!d of An 2!i6abethan 4agus. Lohn Dee i% al%o &on%idered the ,ather o, modern 8reema%onry, a&&ording to Mi&hael 4o,mann II. Dee-% prominen&e &reated pa&t% )ith ma0or o&&ulti%t% li+e >a((i Ludah Loe), a noted Ma((ali%t and the ,ather o, the legend o, .the :olem/. There )a% mu&h pu(li& out&ry regarding thi% politi&al-meet%-o&&ult po%itioning. Thi% outrage )a% led (y the ,amou% 5ngli%h author and play)rite hri%topher Marlo)e )ho %ym(oli1ed the%e pa&t% in hi% play% 1octor Faustus andTambur!aine. Marlo)e )a% %hortly therea,ter murdered - %ome %ay (y the Illuminati - in 1FE3. 8rom the%e example% )e %ee that %ome %e&ret %o&ietie% are religiou% in nature, )ith &o'ert politi&al a%piration%. "ther% are &learly politi&al, and u%e the trapping% o, religion to ,urther their purpo%e%. Se&re&y and %tealth are e%%ential in either &a%e. Su&h group% en0oy a %e&ret prominen&e, e%pe&ially (e,ore and during re'olution% and )ar%. *e o,ten learn o, %u&h matter% a,ter-the-,a&t. Sometime% long a,ter the ,a&t. Mnight% Templar The original Mnight% Templar )a% &reated to de,end hri%tian pilgrim% on their )ay to the 4oly Land during the Middle Age%. They )ere a group o, de'out hri%tian mon+% in%pired (y St. Cernard and the 9irgin Mary, )hom they too+ oath% to. The Templar e%ta(li%hed and &ontrolled their o)n (an+%, ho%pital% and port%. The Templar )ere ,ounded in 111@ (y a piou% mon+ named 4ugh de 6ayen%. The Templar head;uarter% )a% in the Temple o, Ming Solomon in Leru%alem.
A% a %ide note, the patron %aint o, the 8reema%on% i% 4iram, the grand-ar&hite&t )ho (uilt thi% %ame Temple ,or Ming Solomon. *ell re%ear&hed (oo+% on the Mnight% Templar in&lude 6ier% 6aul >ead-% The Templar% and The Templar% and Their Myth (y 6eter 6artner. The Mnight% Templar operated and de,ended important trade route% )ith tho%e )ho )ere %uppo%ed to (e their enemy - the I%lami& and Moori%h in,idel%. The Mnight% learned ne) %&ien&e%, medi&ine% and learned %piritual idea% ,rom the Moor%. Su&h thing% )ere hereti&al (y 9ati&an %tandard%. Their po)er% %oon ri'aled the 9ati&an-% it%el, - )ho %a) them a% a threat (oth e&onomi& and %piritual. The Templar ,inal leader )a% La&;ue% DeMolay. 4e )a% e'entually (urned at the %ta+e <)ith 1A3 Templar Mnight%= (y the 9ati&an - all )ere &harged )ith (la%phemy and Satani%m. During the ,inal %tage% o, hi% torture, La&;ue% DeMolay &ur%ed hi% exe&utioner, &harging that the man )ould not li'e out the year. The torturer died hi% o)n 'iolent death a ,e) day% (e,ore the year-% end. The 9ati&an then )ent a(out de%troying all tra&e% and re&ord% o, the Mnight% Templar. Cut )orthy thing% ha'e a )ay o, %ur'i'ing. 8or example the 8reema%on% ha'e an initiation &alled .The "rder o, the Mnight% Templar ommandery/ )hi&h &orre%pond% to the 3AB, )hi&h i% the highe%t )or+ing degree <or le'el= o, 8reema%onry. There i% a 33o that exi%t% in (oth honorary and a&ti'e ,orm%. Thi% 3Ao ritual %uppo%edly re'eal% part% o, the true hi%tory o, La&;ue% Demolay and a plan to a'enge hi% death. Templar %ym(oli%m in&luded a large red &ro%% )orn on their tuni&. T)o o, the Ma%oni& initiation% )hi&h pre&ede the .Mnight% Templar ommandery/ initiation are &alled .The "rder o, the >ed ro%%/ and .The "rder o, the >ed ro%% o, on%tantine/. So .red &ro%%/ %ym(ology ha% exi%ted ,or a long time. .The Ameri&an >ed ro%%/ i% a modern group that help% )ith )ar &a%ualtie% and (lood donation%. It al%o u%e% thi% original Mnight% Templar %ym(ol <)hi&h it%el, may ha'e (een (orro)ed ,rom on%tantine=. And a%%o&iated to the A> i% the St. Cernard dog, %ym(ol o, the lo%t tra'eler and the ,ield ho%pital. St. Cernard )a% the Templar%- patron %aint, a% I ha'e %aid. So tra&e% remain in %pite o, the 9ati&an. >e'olutionary Thought The Ameri&an >e'olution %et in motion one o, the great %o&ial experiment% o, our time. The !nited State% &olonie% o'erthre) de%poti& Criti%h rule. The Ameri&an >e'olution then in%pired the 8ren&h >e'olution. 4i%torian% u%ually gi'e the Ameri&an >e'olution prominen&e a% it %ho)ed more long la%ting and permanent e,,e&t% on &ulture. The 8ren&h o'erthre) the de%poti& regime% o, Marie Antoinette and Ming Loui%, (ut )ere le,t )ith ne) de%pot% li+e #apoleon. The Ameri&an and 8ren&h re'olution% )ere helped in part through the )or+% o, Illumini%t%, #eo-6latoni%t%, 4ermeti& initiate% and o, &our%e the 8reema%on%. The 8reema%on% or Ma%on% are pro(a(ly the (e%t +no)n !S %e&ret %o&iety. The legendary 4iram )a% the ,ir%t 8reema%on, (eing the ma%ter &ra,t%man )ho &ontra&ted to (uild Solomon-% Temple. 4iram )a% murdered and martyred (y un+no)n a%%ailant% (e&au%e he )ould not re'eal the %e&ret% o, the
8reema%oni& &ra,t. Ming Solomon %ent &ho%en 8reema%oni& Ma%ter% to +ill or &apture 4iram-% a%%a%%in%. The%e 8reema%oni& a%%a%%in% )ere &alled the oronati. The oronati a%%a%%in% )ere al%o +illed (y un+no)n ,or&e%. Ma%oni& initiation% repeat the%e (a%i& theme% and legend% and add the %e&ret tea&hing% o, %e'eral %&hool% o, my%ti&i%m, in&luding 5gyptian ar&hite&t &ult%. 5a&h Ma%oni& Lodge i% %uppo%ed to (e a repli&a o, Ming Solomon-% Temple. Ma%oni& Lodge% appeared in Ameri&a a% early a% 1D3B. Coth the 8ren&h and Ameri&an re'olution% in&luded %e'eral 8reema%oni& Lodge% a% &o-&on%pirator%. 8or example, 6aul >e'ere )a% the leader o, a Ma%oni& Lodge in Co%ton. Mem(er% o, hi% Lodge dre%%ed up a% Indian% and thre) tea into the Co%ton har(or, %etting o,, the .Co%ton Tea 6arty/ )hi&h %tarted the Ameri&an >e'olution. Many player% in (oth the 8ren&h and Ameri&an >e'olution )ere high ran+ing 8reema%on%. The%e in&luded :eorge *a%hington and Cen0amin 8ran+lin ,rom Ameri&a, and La,ayette ,rom 8ran&e. In hi% ,a%&inating arti&le .Ma%oni&% 1B1/, 6eter Ca(( ha% thi% to %ay$ Ce,ore the Ameri&an >e'olution e'en (egan, 8ran+lin had %et the ta(le ,or Ma%oni& in'ol'ement. 4e had gone to 8ran&e and maintained an a&ti'e %o&ial %&hedule - one that almo%t ex&lu%i'ely in'ol'ed hi% ,ello) Ma%on%. *a%hington, on the other hand, had e%ta(li%hed and organi1ed an Ameri&an army that )a%, ,or all intent% and purpo%e%, an armed Ma%oni& &on'ention. Ameri&an %oldier% )ere o,ten en&ouraged to (e&ome Ma%on%, and Ma%oni& em(lem% )ere )orn on Ameri&an uni,orm% a% proudly a% any military in%ignia. 8ield Lodge% )ere %et up %o the on%titutional Army ,or&e% )ouldn-t loo%e their Ma%oni& ,raternity, and the Criti%h %et up %imilar Lodge%. ...*hen *a%hington retoo+ 6hiladelphia in 1DD@, he led the &ele(ration (y mar&hing in Ma%oni& uni,orm, &omplete )ith hi% 0e)el% and in%ignia-%... - Ca((, pp. AA-A3 <5ye Maga1ine V1F= Ma%oni& %ym(ol% &an (e %potted on !S &urren&y and in %ome ar&hite&ture and monument% in *a%hington, D . The *a%hington Monument ha% a 3BB l(. &ap%tone em(la1oned )ith a 8reema%oni& %eal, ,or example. The topology o, do)nto)n *a%hington D i% modeled on that o, do)nto)n 6ari%. Coth &itie% are laid out mathemati&ally a% a la(yrinth. The la(yrinth i% an al&hemi&al-magi&al %ym(ol. The %a&red geometry o, old 5gyptian ar&hite&t &ult% appear% in %ome do)nto)n area%. 6ari% i% the original home o, #eo-6latoni%t%, Illumini%t% and many o, our modern %e&ret %o&ietie%. The Mnight% Templar, The 8reema%on% and The Illuminati o, Ca'aria really exi%ted <or do exi%t= (ehind the %&ene% during +ey period% in hi%tory. They had the po)er to a,,e&t Ming% and 6ope% and in,luen&e many great thin+er%. Thi% happened long ago, you %ay. Tho%e )ere the day% (e,ore ma%% media, &omputer% and modern poli&e )or+. 4ardly any good tele%&ope% exi%ted, let alone %py %atellite%. :roup% li+e thi% &ould ne'er exi%t in today-% )orld. Today )e %eem to +no) e'erything a(out e'erything and the go'ernment +no)% e'erything a(out e'ery(ody. I, only thi% )ere true... A modern 'er%ion o, the a(o'e )ould (e The Cohemian lu( QShulgin-% .")l lu(/ - TLR.
S+ull & Cone% A &ontemporary group %imilar to the Cohemian lu(, al(eit %maller in %&ope and mem(er%hip, i% 2ale-% ."rder o, the S+ull and Cone%/. Ameri&a-% Se&ret 5%ta(li%hment (y Anthony . Sutton %ay% .Tho%e on the in%ide +no) it a% PThe "rder-. "ther% ha'e +no)n it ,or more than 1FB year% a% P hapter 3AA- o, a :erman %e&ret %o&iety. It al%o +no)n a% PThe Crotherhood o, Death- or 0u%t PCone%-. Author >on >o%en(aum point% out that the original %+ull and &ro%%(one% em(lem u%ed (y S+ull and Cone% )a% al%o the o,,i&ial &re%t o, the Ca'arian Illuminati. In an in'e%tigati'e pie&e ,or 5%;uire, >o%en(aum )rote .I do %eem to ha'e &ome a&ro%% de,inite, i, %+eletal, lin+% (et)een the original Cone% ritual% and tho%e o, the notoriou% Ca'arian Illuminati.../. .The "rder o, the S+ull and Cone%/ )a% originally %tarted in :ermany in the early 1@BB-% . Da'id :uyette-% 1EE@ arti&le ,or #exu% maga1ine titled .Deep Cla&+$ The IA-% Se&ret Drug *ar%/ pro'ide% ex&ellent (a&+ground. A&&ording to :uyette, *illiam 4untington <&ou%in to Samuel >u%%ell, )ho %tarted out %muggling opium ,rom Tur+ey to hina, then too+ o'er the illegal 6er+in% opium %yndi&ate in Co%ton= ,ormed the ,ir%t !S &hapter o, S+ull and Cone% in 1@3A at 2ale !ni'er%ity )ith Alphon%o Ta,t, )ho )a% !S am(a%%ador to >u%%ia and ,ather o, !S 6re%ident *illiam 4o)ard Ta,t. 4untington attra&ted mem(er% ,rom the mo%t po)er,ul Ameri&an ,amilie% - Lord, *hitney, Ta,t, Cundy, 4arriman, 6in&hot, >o&+e,eller, :oodyear, 6ill%(ury, Mellogg, 9ander(ilt and Cu%h - to name a ,e). The >u%%ell ,amily in&orporated .The "rder/ a% .The >u%%ell Tru%t/ in 1@F6, a&&ording to Dr. Sutton and other%. Traditionally, the S+ull and Cone% ha% (een &lo%e to !S intelligen&e &ir&le%. S+ull and Cone% mem(er :eorge Cu%h )a% dire&tor o, the IA, ,or example. Another )ell +no)n mem(er% are *illiam Cu&+ley and 4enry Lu&e. 6art% o, !S intelligen&e, %urpri%ingly, date% (a&+ to 2ale !ni'er%ity. There ,our 2ale graduate% ,ormed part o, .The ulper >ing/, one o, the ,ir%t Ameri&an %py agen&ie%. The ulper >ing )a% e%ta(li%hed (y :eorge *a%hington during the Ameri&an re'olution to %py on the Criti%h. >o(ert Anton *il%on-% (oo+ 2verything is Bnder ,ontro! mention% that The S+ull and Cone% temple at 2ale i% &alled .The Tom(/. *il%on al%o %ay% that in *orld *ar II, .The *hippenpoo, Song/ (e&ame the o,,i&ial %ong o, the "SS, )hi&h re&ruited many initiate% o, S+ull and Cone% and graduate% o, 2ale. It ha% long (een rumored that initiation into the 'ery %e&ret S+ull and Cone% "rder in'ol'e% the &andidate %tealing the %+ull o, a ,amou% hi%tori&al ,igure - hen&e the "rder-% %trange name. The%e rumor% al%o mention that the "rder hold% the %+ull o, 6an&ho 9illa and :eronimo. Another legend ha% ea&h S+ull and Cone% &andidate laying in a &o,,in, re&iting hi% o)n %exual hi%tory (e,ore hi% (rethren. The "rder o, the S+ull and Cone%
)a% e'en %atiri1ed in the popular &artoon ne)%paper %trip .Doone%(ury/, (y :ary Trudeau. :ary Trudeau-% )or+ ha% al%o ,o&u%ed on p%y&hedeli& i%%ue% ,rom time to time. In hi% &artoon .Doone%(ury/ - read (y hundred% o, million% o, people - )e %a) a %e'eral )ee+ in%tallment %urrounding the then ongoing MDMA de(a&le. Thi% )a% during the period )hen MDMA )a% legal, then illegal. In hi% o)n )ay, Trudeau (rought MDMA-% plight to the ma%%e%, al(eit in %atiri&al ,orm. The &artooni%t donated the art original% ,rom hi% &artoon %trip to >i&+ Do(lin o, MA6S <Multi Di%&iplinary A%%o&iation 8or 6%y&hedeli& Studie%= )ho au&tioned the art)or+ o,,. The%e ,und% )ent to pay ,or %&ienti,i& MDMA re%ear&h at ho%pital% and uni'er%itie%. Again - let u% reiterate - Alexander Shulgin i% &on%idered the ,ather o, the )hole MDMA mo'ement. 4e (red it and he led it - al(eit (ehind the %&ene%. *hen Lyndon La>ou&he ran ,or 6re%ident in 1E@B, he %tarted an in'e%tigation into the S+ull and Cone% mem(er%hip o, ri'al &andidate :eorge Cu%h, Sr. La>ou&he %tated, .S+ull and Cone% i% no mere ,raternity, no alumni a%%o&iation )ith added mum(o-0um(o. It i% a 'ery %eriou%, 'ery dedi&ated &ult-&on%pira&y again%t the !S on%titution./ Dr. Anthony Sutton empha%i1e%, .The "rder ha% either %et up or penetrated a(out e'ery %igni,i&ant re%ear&h or poli&y, and opinion-ma+ing organi1ation in the !nited State%/ <(oth ;uote% (y )ay o, Lim Marr%- >ule Cy Se&re&y=. The #e) 2or+ "(%er'er re&ently printed the ,ollo)ing %tory$ S+ull and Cone% >ite% 8ilmed >on >o%en(aum, #2 "(%er'er$ It9s the prima! scene of American power, of +ush fami!y va!ues. For two centuries, the initiation rites of the /'u!! and +ones /ociety has shaped the character of men who have shaped the American character, inc!uding two &residents named +ush. And !ast /aturday, Apri! <Cth 8D??<: for the first time ever that !ong secret rite was witnessed by a team of outsiders, inc!uding this writer. Bsing high#tech night vision video eEuipment ab!e to peer through the g!oom into the inner courtyard of the /'u!! and +ones Tomb in 5ew Haven, The 7bserver team witnessed3 The )eorge *. effect3 into-icated by renewed pro-imity to to &residentia! power, a robed +onesman posing as )oerge *. harangued initiates in an eeri!y accurate Te-as draw!3 I9m gonna 'i!! you !i'e I 'i!!ed A! )ore.... 6ri'ileged S+ull and Cone% mem(er% mo&+ed the a%%ault o, A(ner Louima (y &rying out repeatedly .Ta+e that plunger out o, my a%%/. S+ull and Cone% mem(er% hurled o(%&ene %exual in%ult% <.li&+ my (um hole/= at initiate% a% they )ere ,or&ed to +neel and +i%% a %+ull at the ,eet o, the initiator%. "ther mem(er% a&ted out the ta(leau o, a throat-&utting ritual murder. It i% important to remem(er thi% i% not %ome ,raternity initiation. It i% an initiation ,ar more %e&ret and ,ar more %igni,i&ant in term% o, real po)er in the !nited State% than that o, the o%a #o%tra. I, the Cu%he% are the .*AS6 orleone%/ the e'er more %tingingly )a%pi%h Maureen Do)d ha% %ugge%ted thi% i% ho) their .made men/ <and )omen= are made. It i% an initiation &eremony that ha% (onded diplomat%, media mogul%, (an+er% and %pie% into a li,elong, multi-generational ,ello)%hip ,ar more in,luential than
any ,raternity. It )a% and %till remain% the heart o, the heart, o, the Ameri&an e%ta(li%hment. Solar Temple Another example o, a modern my%ti&al group )ith IA and intelligen&e tie% )ould (e .The So'ereign "rder o, the Solar Temple/. The Temple-% leader )a% Lu& Louret, a&&ording to The ondon Times, (y )ay o, author Alex on%tantine in hi% (oo+ 6%y&hi& Di&tator%hip In Ameri&a.. on%tantine mention% that the Temple-% initiate% al%o &all them%el'e% .The Mnight% o, hri%t/. The .Mnight%/ appear to (e an ideali%ti& &ro%% (et)een the medie'al Mnight% Templar and the >o%i&ru&ian%, (ut )ith %hado)y IA &onne&tion%. 8or )ee+% our media reported on thi% group% ma%% %ui&ide% in :range%, S)it1erland and Morin 4eight%, anada. anadian 0ournali%t 6ierre Tourangeau did a lengthy in'e%tigation that turned up %tartling ne)% a(out C I (u%ine%%. The Solar Temple made hundred% o, million% o, dollar% %elling arm% to terrori%t% in 5urope and South Ameri&a. Thi% money )a% then laundered through the in,amou% C I - The Can+ o, redit and ommer&e International. The C I )a% a ,a'orite o, the IA, terrori%t-% and drug %muggler% )orld)ide, u%ed ,or laundering unu%ually large amount% o, &a%h. The Di%tri&t Attorney )ho &lo%ed the #2 (ran&h o, the C I ,ound that 16 )itne%%e% died in the &our%e o, the in'e%tigation. Montreal-% La 6re%%e o(%er'ed .ea&h ne) pie&e o, e'iden&e only thi&+en% the my%tery/. And thi% )a% only a &ur%ory loo+. Lim Marr% in %u!e +y /ecrecy mention% that the original 1E@B in'e%tigation% into C I )ere held up (y then 6re%ident :eorge Cu%h, Sr., )ho ,inally appointed Ma%%a&hu%ett% Senator Lohn Merry to head up the in'e%tigation. It )a% later di%&o'ered that Merry had re&ei'ed %e'eral %u(%tantial C I &ontri(ution% and )a% him%el, a S+ull and Cone% initiate. Marr% goe% on to %ay that .many telltale &onne&tion% (et)een S+ull and Cone% and the IA <and the earlier "SS= are di%&erni(le/. Marr%- (oo+ li%t% other IA exe&uti'e% )ho are S+ull and Cone% initiate%. *e &at&h only partial glimp%e% o, the%e %e&ret group% )hen &on%ulting orthodox hi%torian%, )ho a'oid %eriou% %pe&ulation. The media, trying to pla&e matter% into a .)or+-a-day )orld/ 'ie)point, %eem truly my%ti,ied. Cut the%e hidden group% are 'ery real and do di%play 'arying degree% o, po)er and &hi&anery. The Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e )ield the %ame %ort o, po)er a% S+ull and Cone%. They %hape )orld e'ent% on a hi%tori& le'el and they an%)er to no one %a'e their o)n. The Cohemian% hold% their %e&ret% )ell. The Cohemian lu( and Cohemian :ro'e - Shulgin-% .")l lu(/ i, you )ill - i% %imply the late%t and the greate%t o, the Illuminati-% )ar-engine%. *hat a(out the .&a(ali%ti& ritual%/ per,ormed at Cohemian :ro'e, de%&ri(ed (y #e)%)ee+N
remation o, are
"ne ma0or ritual at Cohemian :ro'e i% &alled .The remation o, are/ and in'ol'e% mem(er% )earing red-hooded ro(e% )hile &remating a &o,,in-e,,igy o, .dull &are/ at the (a%e o, a IB ,oot giant o)l <again, Shulgin &all% .The Cohemian lu(/ .The ")l lu(/ in hi% (oo+%=. Thi% i% an annual &eremony that open% Cohemian :ro'e en&la'e%. In ABB1, thi% ,anta%ti& &eremony )a% ,inally 'ideotaped (y Alex Lone% ,or in,o)ar%.&om. In,o)ar% de%&ri(e% the%e 'ideotape% a% ....The male-only elite%t gathering &hant% ,or the death o, .&are/ %ym(oli1ed (y a human (ody ... the%e photo% )ere &aptured 'ia digital-'ideo (y Alex Lone%, in%ide Cohemian :ro'e/. There you ha'e it, i, you (elie'e the &amera, )hi&h I do. .Dull &are/ may tran%late into one thing ,or :ro'e mem(er% - perhap% the &reation o, a lighthearted atmo%phere, male (onding, et&. among :ro'e (rother%. In thin+ing a(out )here the :ro'e-% a&ti'itie% lead - (a&+ to ea&h mem(er% dayto-day de&i%ion% and W(er-&areer%, .dull-&are/ tran%late% into a %igni,i&ant-other. Thi% %igni,i&ant-other remind% u%, .*hat a(out &ommon ethi&%, right and )rong and good 'er%u% e'ilN/ The%e idea% are e%pe&ially important (e&au%e the )or+ or de&i%ion% o, many :ro'e mem(er% in'ol'e intelligen&e gathering, politi&% and )ar,are - thing% that de&ide our &olle&ti'e and indi'idual li'e%, and the li'e% o, ,uture generation%. "r a% :ro'e mem(er% might %ay... .dull &are and more dull&are/. 4ooded and &loa+ed in red, )or%hiping (e,ore a IB-,oot giant o)l. The mo%t po)er,ul men in the )orld. 5a&h a +ing among men. The %marte%t and the (ra'e%t - leader% o, nation% and %haper% o, hi%tory. *hat are )e %uppo%ed to ma+e o, thi%N And )hy )ould a group &hoo%e an o)l a% it% &entral i&on and %ym(ol. ")l% e'en appear on the &o&+tail nap+in% u%ed at The Cohemian lu( and The Cohemian :ro'e.
*hat a 4oot ")l %ym(oli%m and imagery in&lude% the popular .)i%e old o)l/ phra%e +no)n (y all. .The ")l and the 6u%%y&at/ i% a popular &hildren-% rhyme. Cut letO% %tep (a&+ a (it... and %lo)ly de%&end into the ar&hetypal per%pe&ti'e% that 'itali1e .The remation o, are/. I, you )i%h to under%tand %ome o, the moti'ation% the reality - o, the men )ho dri'e the nu&lear )eapon% indu%try, the militaryindu%trial &omplex, the IA and many o, our 6re%idential ele&tion%, loo+ at the de%ign% on the )all o, the temple. Loo+ at the ritual%. Loo+ at the %ym(ol%. Loo+ at the ")l. 8ir%t and ,oremo%t, an o)l i% an animal. It i% a (ird o, prey )ith ,or)ard-loo+ing eye%. It hunt% at night. *e all +no) thi%, and pro(a(ly ha'e %een o)l% in 1oo%. It i% not the ,le%h and (lood animal )e %ee+, ho)e'er. The image o, the o)l - it% )orth a% a %ym(ol and i&on3 )hy and )hat thi% o)l-%ym(ol repre%ent% - thi% i% our goal. To (etter under%tand the IB-,oot giant o)l totem o, the Illuminati - our goal %tand% (e,ore u%.
The o)l ar&hetype that Dr. Shulgin - in hi% ro(e% and hi% hood%, in per%on or (y proxy - let% )at&h o'er hi% a,,air% ... a mo%t )orthy goal indeed. :oal% thri&e and goal% ,air, let our ;ue%tion% (e an%)ered. The %&ene %hi,t% to a li(rary. Ce,ore u% %tand% a (oo+&a%e )ith many tome% on thing% not u%ually +no)n. Let-% go to *e(%ter-% #e) International Di&tionary. The third de,inition ,or o)l i% thu%$ .operating on or a(out midnight, or all night./ 8urther on do)n the page )e the )ord .o)ling/ de,ined a% .the a&t o, %muggling... the &arrying on o, &ontra(and trade/. *e open another (oo+. The late 1Ath or 13th &entury poem .The ")l and the #ightingale/ (y Tyrell i% pertinent to u% here. Thi% ,amou% poem i% %taged a% a de(ate (et)een a nightingale and an o)l. A de(ate ABBB line% long. The ex&hange% range o'er a num(er o, topi&% in&luding )it&h&ra,t, the &hur&h and marriage. And good and e'il. The nightingale i% a%%o&iated )ith .lightne%%/, perhap% e'en mirth. The o)l (ring% ,ore(oding and a den%er, looming 'i%age. Lame% Loy&e explored o)l %ym(oli%m in hi% (oo+ .8innegan-% *a+e/ )hen he )rote ....tho%e %uper&iliou% loo+ing &ri%%-&ro%%ed :ree+ ee% a)+)ardli+e per&hed there and here out o, date li+e %i&+ o)l%... and, in %hort, the learning (etrayed at almo%t e'ery line-% end... the &uriou% )arning %ign (e,ore our protoparent-%.../. Loy&e had plenty to %ay a(out ")l% and &ri%%-&ro%%ed &ro%%road%. In >oman mythology, to hear the hoot o, an o)l meant imminent death. The >oman% al%o (elie'ed that )it&he% )ere tran%,ormed into o)l% that %u&+ed the (lood o, (a(ie%. The ,amou% myth o, 6er%ephone and Demeter ha% A%&alpu% turned into an o)l - .a %luggi%h %&ree&h o)l, a loath%ome &reature/. In 5ngli%h literature the o)l had a %ini%ter reputation pro(a(ly (e&au%e it )a% a (ird o, dar+ne%% and i% al)ay% a%%o&iated )ith death. During the 1@th and 1Eth &entury, the poet% >o(ert Clair and *illiam *ord%)orth u%ed the o)l a% their ,a'orite .(ird o, doom/. During that period many people (elie'ed that the %&ree&h o, an o)l meant imminent death. The 4opi Indian% %ee the o)l a% their :od o, the dead. The name ,or thi% parti&ular o)l i% Mo-+o, )hi&h mean% .)at&her o, the dar+/. hero+ee %haman% (elie'ed that o)l% &ould (ring %i&+ne%% and death. To the Mo0a'e Indian% o, Ari1ona, one )ould (e&ome an o)l a,ter death (e,ore turning into a )ater (eetle. The ali,ornia #e)u+% (elie'ed that a,ter death the )i&+ed )ere doomed to (e&ome (arn o)l%. In old 5thiopia, a man &ondemned to death )a% ta+en to a ta(le on )hi&h an o)l )a% painted and expe&ted to ta+e hi% o)n li,e. To the 5tru%&an% o, an&ient Italy the o)l )a% the god o, dar+ne%%. In 4a)aii ")l% ,igured in an&ient )ar &hant%. In Southern India one hoot ,rom an o)l meant an omen o, death. In part% o, the Indian %u(&ontinent, people (elie'ed that o)l% )ere married to (at%. Sri Lan+an% al%o (elie'ed o)l% and (at% )ere related. In Ireland it )a% (elie'ed that i, an o)l ,le) into the hou%e it mu%t (e +illed at on&e, le%t it %teal all the good lu&+. In old I%rael o)l% repre%ented (lindne%% and de%olation and are un&lean. In Lamai&a, one &an )ard o,, an o)l% (ad lu&+ )ith the &ry .%alt and pepper ,or your mammy/. In Madaga%&ar, o)l% 0oin )it&he% and dan&e on the gra'e% o, the
dead. In Mala)i o)l% &arry me%%age% ,or )it&he%. In Malaya o)l% eat ne)(orn (a(ie%. In Moro&&o the &ry o, an o)l &an +ill an in,ant. In Mongolia o)l% enter hou%e% at night to gather human ,ingernail% ,or %or&ery. In #e) Mexi&o the hooting o, o)l% )arn% o, the &oming o, )it&he%. In #e) Gealand among the Maori%, the o)l i% an unlu&+y (ird. In 6oland an o)l &ry heard in the home meant impending death or illne%%. In the Shetland I%le% a &o) )ill gi'e (ad mil+ i, %&ared (y an o)l. In Sumeria the godde%% o, death Lilith )a% attended (y o)l%. In S)eden the o)l i% a%%o&iated )ith )it&he%. In Tangier% o)l% are &lair'oyant% o, the de'il. In entral A,ri&a o)l% are ,amiliar% to )i1ard%. In Southern A,ri&a among the Gulu-% the o)l i% +no)n a% the %or&erer-% (ird. In *e%tern A,ri&a the o)l i% the me%%enger o, )it&he% and the o)l% &ry pre%age% e'il. In Ara(ia the o)l i% a (ird o, ill omen, an em(odiment o, e'il %pirit% that &arry &hildren o,, in the night. In Au%tralia among the A(origine-%, (at% repre%ent the %oul% o, men, o)l% the %oul% o, )omen. Among the A1te&-%, one o, their e'il god% )ore a (at on hi% ,orehead. In Cordeaux <8ran&e= one mu%t thro) %alt on the ,ire to a'oid a o)l-% &ur%e. In amaroon the o)l i% too e'il to name. It i% +no)n only a% .the (ird that ma+e% you a,raid/. The ")l i% a primary %ym(ol ,or human+ind. It ha% impre%%ed the group mind, the dreaming mind o, the ma%%e%. .Thi% i% the prop that ha% (een pla&ed in the group or .dreaming mind/ o, the ma%%e%. Ceing programmed - )hile you are a)a+e - (y %ym(ol% o, )hi&h you are un&on%&iou%, i% e%%entially a de%&ription o, ma%% hypno%i%/ %ay% Mi&hael 4o,mann II in Apo&alyp%e ulture II. *e %tand a)ay ,rom the (oo+%hel,. The night air i% per,umed and o,, in the di%tan&e )e &at&h glimp%e% o, lea'e% (eing (urned. Still li,e in autumn. The har'e%t moon i% ,ull. Thi% moon hang% ripe, li+e a drooping pump+in orphaned in the ,ield. Mi&e %&er. And )here there are mi&e, &ome% the o)l. ")l% are &ommon ,right %ym(ol% &onne&ted to autumn har'e%t ritual% li+e 4allo)een, or All 4allo)% 5'e. All 4allo)% 5'e i% a *it&he% holy day, or Sa((ath. *e put %ilhouette% o, o)l%, gho%t% and pump+in% on )indo)% to %&are a)ay the %poo+y +id% )ho are tri&+-or-treating. So (e%ide% thin+ing o, o)l% a% )i%e, +id% +no) them a% a %poo+y &reature ,rom the %hado)%. ")l% run )ith (la&+ &at% and go(lin%. *e &an only gue%% )hat o)l% %tanding IB ,eet high run )ith. It-% no )onder )ierd o&&ult rumor% exi%t %urrounding Shulgin-% .")l lu(/. *hen one &hoo%e% a %ym(ol li+e the ")l, e%pe&ially a IB-,oot %ym(ol ,anta%ti&, there are impli&ation%. 2ou-re almo%t a%+ing ,or p%y&hi& tur(ulen&e. >egarding the ")l, the Illuminati and Cohemian :ro'e, author M. C. *ell%, Lr. ha% thi% to %ay$ .The la%t %ym(ol )e )ill examine regarding the one dollar (ill i% lo&ated on the ,ront, and it i% rather hidden. :o to the upper right %ide and loo+ to the le,t %ide o, the &re%t that %urround% the num(er .1/. 6ee+ing out at you i% a %mall o)l, a %ym(ol o, the Cohemian (ran&h o, the Illuminati... The Cohemian &hapter i% a %e&tion o, the olum(ian ,a&tion o, the original %o&iety &reated (y Adam *ei%haupt./ The u%e o, &o,,in imagery <and tom(% or &rypt% generally= a% in the .&remation o, &are/ ritual i% al%o %ym(oli& o, death and the ,ear o, death.
The u%e o, &o,,in% in ritual i% 'ery 8reema%oni& and i% al%o u%ed (y the The "rder o, the S+ull and Cone% in their initiation%. In the 8reema%oni& .Mar+Ma%ter/ ritual, the initiate i% led (lind,olded )ith a hangmanO% noo%e <&alled a &a(le-to)= and put into a &o,,in, a&&ording to author% >o(ert Anton *il%on, Mi&hael 4o,,man II and other%. The &andidate i% then &a0oled and ,rightened into a di%%o&iate %tate. Spe&i,i& %ym(oli& imprint% are next .impre%%ed/ or .mar+ed/ in the &andidate-% un&on%&iou%. Thi% i% an o&&ult method ,or &reating the Ma%oni& .per,e&t ma%ter/ a,ter .ar&hite&ture/ ha% (een applied to the un&on%&iou%. Thi% i% al)ay% done under the &loa+ o, dar+ne%% and deaththreat% are made again%t tho%e )ho )ould pro,ane. Ma%oni& ritual% )ere originally done in gro'e%, &a'e% and tom(% or at &ro%%road%, a&&ording to many re%ear&her%. An&ient >oman &riminal% )ho )ere exe&uted (y hanging )ere (uried at &ro%%road%. A%%o&iation% (et)een &ro%%road%, death and e'il %till exi%t%. The :ro'e <or ")l lu(= mem(er% al%o )at&h and parti&ipate in play% and %tage drama%. In all %tage play% at Cohemian :ro'e, male a&tor% in di%gui%e portray )omen. 5tymologi&ally, the )ord .di%gui%e/ tran%late% a% .tran%'e%titi%m/ or &ro%%-dre%%ing. The%e play% are prominent ,eature% at Cohemian :ro'e. 8rom a p%y&hi& %tandpoint and (e&au%e o, other %ym(ol% and ritual% per,ormed at the :ro'e, one &ould %ee the%e play% a% &eremony. And loo+ ,or %ym(oli& &lue% )ithin the &eremony. "&&ult author Lame% Shel(y Do)nard ha% )ritten a(out thi% a%pe&t o, Cohemian :ro'e theater. 4i% arti&le .Sor&ery, Sex, A%%a%%ination and the S&ien&e o, Sym(oli%m/, )hi&h appeared in Apoca!ypse ,u!ture, (uild% a ,anta%ti& %&enario. Do)nard a%%ert% that nothing at Cohemian :ro'e i% inno&ent. Coy% dre%%ing a% girl% and girl% a% (oy% ,or a high %&hool play - thi% i% inno&ent. Cut &ro%%dre%%ing in an atmo%phere in'ol'ing IB ,oot o)l% and red-hooded, &loa+ed ro(e% - thi% i% %omething el%e again. Do)nard pro0e&t% :ro'e &ro%%-dre%%ing into .&ro%%-road% rite%/ and :ro'e theater (e&ome% :ro'e &eremony.
At the
ro%%road rite% are %omething anthropologi%t% ha'e tied to an&ient 4e&ate )or%hip. 4e&ate i% the :ree+ godde%% o, death and the under)orld. 4e&ate i% al%o &alled .The Cla&+ Dog/ )hen %he appear% a%tride her multi-headed de'il dog, ere(u%. Lame% Shel(y Do)nard (elie'e% that multiple death %ym(ol% - a p%y&hi& &ontagion o, %ort% - %urround% Cohemian :ro'e. The%e many death %ym(ol% +indle a &omplex or a myth. Su&h %ym(ol% al%o repre%ent t)in timeline% - one timeline i% &on%&iou% and the other i% un&on%&iou%. A&&ording to Mi&hael Anthony 4o,,man II in Apoca!ypse ,u!ture II , .%igni,i&ant %ym(ol% pla&ed in %igni,i&ant area% %eem to P(end- reality... the%e pla&e% exi%t (oth in the mind and in phy%i&al pla&e%/.
4o,,man II )rite% that %ym(ol% &onne&ted to &ertain :od% and :odde%%e% &an a&tually .(end reality/, re&reating p%y&hi& %pa&e% or dreamtime% ,rom long ago. The%e %ym(ol% pro'ide the numinou% %pa&e needed ,or an ar&hetypal appearan&e. An ar&hetype i% a .&on%&iou%/ part o, the un&on%&iou%, a p%y&hologi&al &on%tru&t that al%o &an (e %een a% a :od or :odde%%, depending on hi%tory and &ulture. Ar&hetype% exi%t temporally and eternally3 they exi%t )ithin time and out%ide o, time. There are indi'idual ar&hetype% and group ar&hetype%, a&&ording to %&holar% li+e .:. Lung, Mer&ea 5liade and Lo%eph amp(ell. 2ou %pot an ar&hetype-% in,luen&e through repetiti'e %ym(ol pattern% and per'a%i'e theme%. 2ou al%o %pot ar&hetype% through their po)er to mani,e%t additional %upporting %ym(oli%m and %yn&hroni&ity - %toryline% )hi&h are re&ur%i'e and &ir¨o&uti'e. Simply put, :od% and :odde%%e% &an rea&h a&ro%% time and &reate temple%. Some temple% are phy%i&al and %ome are imaginal, exi%ting in dreamtime. The :od% and :odde%%e% o, an&ient Ca(ylon &an ena&t ar&hetypal %&ript% and tou&h anyone any)here, in any time, a% they )i%h. The year ABBA i% the %ame a% the year 1BB C to them. Su&h i% the po)er o, the &hthoni&. 4e&ate i% .a&&ompanied (y dog%, and i% in turn lin+ed )ith the demon% o, the &hthonian &ult%/, %ay% 8ren&h %ym(oli%t .5. irlot. La&o( >a(ino)it1- 1EE@ (oo+ The %otting )oddess %ay% that .4e&ate open% the adamantine gate% o, death in Theo+rita%, and the entran&e to 9irgil-% hell i% 4e&ate-% gro'e/. 4e&ate i% )or%hiped (y (urning in&en%e made o, &o)-dung, goat-,at, (a(oon ,e&e% and garli&. Smell% a%%o&iated )ith de&ay and death &on%titute% the am(ian&e o, &hthoni& 4e&ate. 4e&ate i% uni'er%ally a%%o&iated )ith human and animal %a&ri,i&e, e'il, &ro%%-dre%%ing and an in,ernal gro'e. #o dou(t a(out it, 4e&ate )ould lo'e #u&lear (om(% , 7->ay La%er% and Star *ar% te&hnology. *hether 4e&ate exi%t% in the literal %en%e, a p%y&hologi&al ar&hetype &onne&ted to death and )ar i% &ertainly real and ha% exi%ted throughout human hi%tory. Su&h an ar&hetype might mani,e%t in modern time% 'ia the leader% o, the military-indu%trial &omplex or the head% o, the IA. To under%tand the po)er o, the ar&hetype one mu%t thin+ mythologi&ally, (eyond p%y&hology or normal politi&%. "ne mu%t (e&ome p%y&hedeli&. 8or the uninitiated, the ar&hetype )ould &ertainly %eem %upernatural or o&&ult. Ar&hetype% play through a gathering o, &lu%tered %ym(ol% and theme%. *hen &ollege ,raternitie% .play/ at %e&ret-ritual% they in'o+e an ar&hetype. It i% no di,,erent at Cohemian :ro'e ex&ept that Cohemian mem(er% (uild nu&lear )eapon%, &reate )ar%, %et e&onomie% and &ontrol media. Dr. Anthony . Sutton %ay%, .8or de&ade% there ha'e (een 'ague rumor% a(out )eird going%-on in Cohemian :ro'e in more remote part% o, it% AABB a&re%. >elia(le report% &laim Druidi&-li+e ritual%, Druid% in red-hooded ro(e% mar&hing in pro&e%%ion and &hanting to the great ")l <Molo&h=, A ,uneral pyre )ith P&orp%e%-. ... An arti&le in a lo&al paper... the /anta %osa /un <Luly, 1EE3=
reported on the P ult o, anaan- and the legend o, Molo&h at pla&e at Cohemian :ro'e./ Molo&h and 4e&ate )or%hip originally in'ol'ed human-%a&ri,i&e, a&&ording to religiou% %&holar%. Sen%ational %torie% in'ol'ing mind-&ontrol, rape, (looddrin+ing and human-%a&ri,i&e at Cohemian :ro'e ha'e appeared in %e'eral (oo+%, in&luding Da'id I&+e-% The Truth /ha!! /et Fou Free and ,hi!dren of the 4atri-, athy "-Crien-% Trance#Formation of America, Cri&e Taylor-% Than's For the 4emories and Annie M&Menna-% &aperc!ip 1o!!s. It i% not the %&ope o, thi% )or+ to go into the (i1arre pornographi&, o&&ult or mind-&ontrol &laim% %urrounding Cohemian :ro'e - or i% it N I, mythologi&al pro&e%%ing i% o&&urring at Cohemian :ro'e, %hado) tale% )ill &ontinue and (e&ome e'en more pu(li&, radi&al and ,rightening. It i% important to under%tand that ar&hetype% &reate myth. *hen ar&hetype% emerge, extraordinary (eha'ior% and (elie,% re%ult. Thi% in&lude% &o%tumery & ritual, %ym(ol% and theater. 6eople )or%hip (e,ore IB ,oot o)l% or a&&u%e ea&h other o, mind-&ontrol, rape, (lood-drin+ing and human %a&ri,i&e.
"&&ult Mean% 4idden *hen the )ord Po&&ult- i% u%ed in a%%o&iation )ith Cohemian :ro'e it %hould (e %een in thi% light. 6erhap% the mo%t intere%ting i, not di%tur(ing part% o, Cohemian :ro'e are the le&ture% or .la+e%ide &hat%/ put on ,or mem(er%. *hate'er one ma+e% o, :ro'e theater and &eremony, the la+e%ide &hat% are po)er and eliti%m per,e&ted. The 1EE1 Cohemian :ro'e le&ture% in&luded %u&h topi&% a% .Ameri&a-% 4ealth are >e'olution $*ho Li'e%, *ho Die% and *ho 6ay%/ (y Lo%eph ali,ano, Se&retary o, 45* during the arter admini%tration, .Smart *eapon%/ (y Lohn Lehman and .De,ining a #e) *orld "rder/ gi'en (y 5lliot >i&hard%on. At the 1EEA gathering, a telling line )a% gi'en at the end o, the opening monologue. Thi% line )a% .The Middle-Age% are at an end, and the age o, imperial &on;ue%t ha% (egun...J/ At the 1EEF Cohemian :ro'e meeting, le&ture% in&luded .9oodoo I% Ali'e and *ell/ (y Arthur Da'i% and . ommuni&ation and *ea'ing Spider% - The omplex *e( o, 8uturi%ti& ommuni&ation%/ (y Alex Mandl, pa%t exe&uti'e 'i&e-pre%ident o, AT&T. A% u%ual the Cohemian% ha'e plan% ,or our ,uture. In thi% ,uture )e %hall %pea+, (ut &ertainly not to Cohemian :ro'e mem(er%. And our )ill to remem(er - )hat o, thatN "ne &uriou% :ro'e le&ture )a% .The >e&o'ered Memory Mo'ement/ (y 8red re)%. An ironi& topi&, &on%idering that the %u(0e&t o, .re&o'ered memory/ i% &entered in the %ur'i'or% o, a(u%e )ho %tand up to their tormentor%. *hat a(out the %ur'i'or% o, )arN *hat a(out the %ur'i'or% o, IA arm% %mugglingN "r heroin or &o&aine %mugglingN *hat a(out the %ur'i'or% o, .%mart )eapon%/N *hat a(out the %ur'i'or% o, the IlluminatiN *hat a(out, )hat a(out,
)hat a(out...N The 1EED Cohemian :ro'e gathering in&luded Lame% *ool%ey, ,ormer Dire&tor o, the IA. Mr. Martin, the %enior )riter ,or 8inan&ial Time% , %po+e on .4ereti&al Thought/. >eal hereti&al thought )ould allo) independent reporter% a&&e%% to the%e meeting%. Donald >um%,ield, a mem(er o, the #ixon &a(inet, re,le&ted on .The Ce%t o, Time% and the *or%t o, Time%/. Li,e &an %till (e hard at Cohemian :ro'e, e'en a,ter the death o, .dull-&are/. 1EEE :ro'e le&ture% in&luded Menneth >endele-% .6%y&hologi&al *ar,are in *orld *ar II/ and *alter 4u%%man-% .Lying, Stealing and heating In the Media/. The idea here i% that media i% &orrupt and tho%e at the :ro'e are exempt. It-% no(ody-% (u%ine%% )hat they do , e'en i, it in'ol'e% o)ning the media it%el,. Sa%ha Shulgin, )riting in TI4MAL - ma+e% an almo%t propheti& %tatement %o ,ar a% 5lliot >i&hard%on-% 1EEA .#e) *orld "rder/ le&ture at Cohemian :ro'e$ 6erhap% there i% a &a(al o, un+no)n people - a (ehind the %&ene% &oun&il - o, a do1en or %o %uper-ego-% )ho )ill exploit %ome minor tragedy )ithin thi% highly &harged drug-hy%teria )ith a mo'e to ,or&e the 6re%ident to de&lare a national emergen&y, e,,e&ti'ely %u%pending the remaining ,ragment% o, the !S on%titution. Thi% )ould automati&ally in%titute a %tate o, martial la), and that )ould allo) the in&lu%ion o, the military ,or&e% in the &orralling and %e;ue%tering o, any parti&ular %egment% o, the &i'ilian population. 6erhap% %ome &hari%mati& military per%on might emerge ,rom (ehind the )i1ard-% &urtain and )in national appro'al in demanding, and o(taining, a national re,erendum to ta+e )hate'er %tep% might (e &alled ,or , to return our %o&iety to the %ta(le and %e&ure &ondition that i% our national %el,-image. ... *e )ill (e the ,ourth >ei&h ... and &ele(rate our o)n 4itler. *e )ill ha'e &ea%ed to (e a repu(li&. - TI4MAL, pp. 3@1 Are )e to (elie'e that a group li+e The Cohemian lu( - made up o, top IA o,,i&ial%, >epu(li&an 6re%ident% and international (an+er% - ha'en-t thought thi% throughN The%e men are &olle&ti'ely )orth (illion% o, dollar% - mo%t o, it made ,rom the military-indu%trial &omplex. *ar-mongerer% and pro,iteer%, the lot o, them. *e %hall u%e Sha%ha-% o)n )ord% in de%&ri(ing the Cohemian lu($ .A &a(al o, un+no)n people/... . A (ehind the %&ene% &oun&il/.../A do1en Qmore li+e a &ouple o, thou%and or %o - TLR %uper-ego-% )ho )ill exploit.../. Thi% might (e an amu%ing ,anta%y ex&ept ,or a ,e) thing%. Dr. Alexander Shulgin-% )or+ i% 'ery real. Lu%t a%+ anyone )ho ha% eaten MDMA, A- C or ST6. "r loo+ed at hi% 1D patent%. "r hi% o'er ABB pu(li&ation%. All the mem(er% o, Cohemian :ro'e and the Cohemian lu( are al%o 'ery real - 0u%t pi&+ up any ne)%paper ,or the%e people-% real-li,e (io-%. The (i(liography )hi&h ,ollo)% thi% arti&le i% 'ery real, %o mu&h &an (e %u(%tantiated. Sa%ha Shulgin-% ,a'orite .pri'ate gentlemen-% &lu(/ a% he re,er% to it, i% .the ")l lu(/ )hi&h in ,a&t i% the Cohemian :ro'e and the Cohemian lu(. Thi% i% a group that i% ,ar (eyond the pale %o ,ar a% game% o, te%%elary. A group that a&t% out%ide o, mo%t people-% reality. And then &reate% or (end% a good part o, reality a% )e +no) it. 4o) &an %omeone &reate the ultimate .pea&e pill/ li+e MDMA and %it )ith )ar-mongerer%, nu&lear arm% dealer% and media &heat%N
There i% no dou(t that MDMA i% a healing ,or&e in thi% )orld. MDMA i% a(%olutely an agent o, gra&e and light, atte%ted to (y million% )ho ha'e en0oyed it. 4o) &an MDMA-% :od,ather, Dr. Shulgin, %it at Cohemian :ro'e and then &a%ually )rite a(out thi% in hi% (oo+%N 4o) &an he help &reate a drug that promote% truth and &ommuni&ation and %it in a %e&ret %o&iety <Dr. Shulgin &all% it a .pri'ate gentlemen-% &lu(/= ,o&u%ed on theme% o, %e&re&y, )ar and deathN There i% the light and there i% the %hado), Sa%ha.
ounter&ulture The &omplete hi%tory o, the p%y&hedeli& mo'ement ha% yet to (e told. 6ie&e% o, thi% hi%tory in'ol'e Aldou% 4uxley, :regory Cate%on, aptain Al 4u((ard, Tim Leary, Men Me%ey, ")%ley Stanley and other %o-&alled 6 - politi&ally &orre&t .heroe%/ o, the p%y&hedeli& %ixtie%. >ead Lay Ste'en% /torming Heaven or Loel Sel'in-% /ummer of ove ,or the%e .a&&epta(le/ part%. Thi% %tory ha% a %ini%ter %ide ho)e'er, in'ol'ing %e&ret %o&ietie%, the o&&ult, the IA, the Ma,ia and the ,or&e% o, dar+ne%%. Martin Lee and Cru&e S&hlain-% Acid 1reams goe% into thi% a% doe% +rotherhood of 2terna! ove (y Stuart Tendler and Da'id May. So doe% Acid3The /ecret History of /1 (y Da'id Cla&+. A% doe% thi% 'ery arti&le. #o one ha% really &hroni&led an a&&urate o&&ult hi%tory o, the p%y&hedeli& mo'ement - not yet. *e mu%t no) &on%ider thi%, e%pe&ially )hen there are trou(ling &onne&tion% (et)een the dar+ %ide o, the o&&ult and the hi%tory o, p%y&hedeli&% li+e MDMA. *e mu%t loo+ at the good, the (ad and the ,anta%ti&. Then )e mu%t pau%e. 4i%tory o,ten &an (e &lari,ied through the%e %ort% o, pau%e% and re,le&tion% and the p%y&hedeli& mo'ement i% no ex&eption to thi% rule. I, there e'er )a% a %u(0e&t ruled (y the ama1ing and the ,anta%ti&, it i% p%y&hedeli&%. *here doe% Alexander Shulgin %it N *hat )a% hi% role and moti'ation%N *a% MDMA Alexander Shulgin-% attempt to %et aright the Thanato% ar&hetype a% &ele(rated (y The Cohemian%N "r hi% earlier )or+ de'eloping pe%ti&ide% at Do), )hi&h dire&tly or indire&tly nurtured modern &hemi&al )ar,areN 8or example the &urrent horror-)eapon Saxitoxin o)e% it% exi%ten&e to earlier .algae and li&hen re%ear&h/ &hampioned (y Dr. Shulgin, )ay (a&+ )hen. Thi% i% not to %ay Sha%ha did anything )rong (eyond opening door% long ago and lea'ing them open. Uue%tion%... many ;ue%tion%. Uue%tion% not ea%ily an%)ered, e'en (y dropping a&id or eating MDMA 1BBB time% o'er. Sa%ha, the (all i% in your &ourt... Tell your &hildren a(out Cohemian :ro'e. 5xplain a)ay the%e ritual%, the IB-,oot giant o)l and eliti%t pa&t% made in %e&ret (y .the dog% o, )ar/, a% Co( Dylan &all% them. Tell them a(out the legend o, the Illuminati and the o&&ult intere%t% o, the IA. Coth helped &reate the p%y&hedeli& %toryline. *hen thi% %toryline i% expanded a
(it you &an re%t in pea&e. Sha+e your moneyma+er, Sa%ha. Sha+e that drug 5&%ta%y, and %ha+e it hard. Alexander Shulgin, the time i% at hand and the (all i% in your &ourt. Don-t let u% do)n ... your halo a)ait% you.
>585>5# 5S
Aaron, 4er(ert and . 6ar+er 8ergu%on <)hile )or+ing ,or 5dge)ood Ar%enal=. .Synthe%i% o, the 5ight Stereoi%omer% o, a Tetrahydro&anna(inol/, The Lournal o, "rgani& hemi%try <33= A <1E6@= Adam%on, Sophia. Through the :ate)ay o, the 4eart$ A&&ount% o, 5xperien&e% *ith MDMA and other 5mpathogeni& Su(%tan&e%. San 8ran&i%&o$ 8our Tree% 6u(li&ation% <1E@F= Addi%on, harle% :. The 4i%tory o, the Mnight% Templar. Mempton,IL$ Ad'enture% !nlimited 6re%% <1EED= A+utaga)a, >yuno%u+e. .In A :ro'e/, In >a%homon and "ther Storie% <Tran%. Ta+a%hi Mo0ima=. #e) 2or+$ Li'eright 6u(li%her% <1EFA= Allen, :ary #one Shall all It on%pira&y. Seal Cea&h, A$ on&ord 6re%% <1ED1= Anon. .>o(ert Anton *il%on Inter'ie)/, on%pira&y Dige%t A<A= Spring <1EDD= Anon. .The 5nd o, 6%y&hedeli& 5xploration$ 8rom Slothrop-% 4ome 6age to Shulgin-% 6%y&hedeli& 5xploration%/. 6ri'ately printed. <1EED= A Shulgin (i(liography, u%ing Shulgin-% pri'ate notation %y%tem. Thi% 'er%ion li%t% 1FF Shulgin pu(li&ation%. >. 8orte-% 5ntheogen-% and the 8uture o, >eligion &laim% o'er ABB pu(li&ation%. Anon. .The 1EDE Cilder(erg So&iety Meeting$ 6lanning A #e) ."il ri%i%/, on%pira&y Dige%t I<1= *inter <1EDE-@B=. Ciographie% o, many Cilder(erg So&iety mem(er%. Anon. .Magi& Mountain% o, the Mind$ Cig *heel% Al 8re%&o/, The 5&onomi%t <De&. A@, 1E@D= Cohemiam :ro'e report. Anon. .>o&+ Cottom/, The Sonoma ounty Independent, Luly 16-AA edition. "&&idental ali,ornia. <1EE@a= A &uriou%, )ell-re%ear&hed arti&le a(out The :rate,ul Dead-% in'itation to play a &on&ert at Cohemian :ro'e in 1EE@. Anon. Letter to Thoma% Lyttle a(out Co( *eir o, The :rate,ul Dead. <1EE@(= *eir-% &ollege room-mate )a% hip *ood, the %on o, a IA Cureau hie,. *ood (elie'ed that *eir (uilt the :D a% part o, a IA-% MM-!LT>A pro0e&t to in,iltrate the &ounter-&ulture. 4en&e The :rate,ul Dead-% alleged &onne&tion% to Cohemian :ro'e in 1EE@, a% reported (y The Sonoma ounty Independent and other %our&e%. Atla%, Lame%. .The Shado) In the :arden/,The #e) 2or+er , pp. DI-D@ <Luly 3,1EEF= Ca((, 6eter .Ma%oni&% 1B1/, 5ye V1F <1EE@=. Caigent, Mi&hael and >i&hard Leigh. 4oly Clood, 4oly :rail. #e) 2or+$ Dell 6u(li%hing < 1E@3= 5xplore% 8reema%oni&, Mnight% Templar hi%tory I(id. The Temple and the Lodge. #e) 2or+$ Ar&ade 6u(li%hing <1E@E= Carruel <A((e= and Arouet. The Illuminati, "r Memoir% Illu%trating the 4i%tory o, La&o(ini%m9ol. 1 . Den'er, "$ :ladiou% 6u(li%hing <1EEE=. Thi% i% a reprint o, a &la%%i& )or+ a(out *ei%haupt-% Illuminati, )ritten (y an initiate. It &ontain% an exten%i'e (i(liography )ith IBB ,ootnote%. Carthe%, >oland. Mythologie% Sele&ted and Tran%lated ,rom the 8ren&h (y Annette La'er%. . London$ Lonothan ape <1EDA= Ce&+, Lerome and Mar%ha >o%en(aum. 6ur%uit o, 5&%ta&y$ The MDMA 5xperien&e . #e) 2or+$ State !ni'er%ity o, #e) 2or+ 6re%% <1EEI=. Ma0or a&ademi& )or+ on MDMA. Ce&+er, Al,red. hri%tian :ottlo( #ee,e !nd Die Conner Illuminaten . Conn$ Cou'ier 9erlag <1E6E= :ermanlanguage &la%%i& a(out the Illuminati. Cergman, Martin S. In The Shado) o, Molo&h$ The Sa&ri,i&e o, hildren and It%- Impa&t "n *e%tern >eligion. #e) 2or+$ olum(ia !ni'er%ity 6re%% <1EEA=. A %&holarly loo+ at human %a&ri,i&e &ult%. Ca(ylonian Molo&h &ult% )hi&h pra&ti&ed human %a&ri,i&e, u%ed ")l totem%. Cernard, Da'id. Light "n 8reema%onry .*a%h. D $ 9onneida and So)er% <1@F@=
Cla&+, Da'id. A&id$ The Se&ret 4i%tory o, LSD . London$9i%ion 6aper(a&+%HSatin 6u(li&ation% <1EE@= Clum, La&+ <)ith L. Ceaty and S. . :)ynne=. The "utla) Can+$ A *ild >ide Into the Se&rett 4eart o, C I. #e) 2or+$ >andom 4ou%e <1EE3= Cohemian lu(. The 1E@A-ABBA Li%t o, amp and amp Mem(er% and Mey to amp Lo&ation%. Sonoma, A.$ Cohemian lu( <1E@A-ABBA= I(id. :ro'e Mid%ummer-% 5n&ment :ue%t Li%t, 1E@A-ABBA. Sonoma, A.$ Cohemian lu( <1E@A-ABBA= Cohemian :ro'e A&tion #et)or+ <5d.=. .Cohemian :ro'e 8a&t Sheet/, Sonoma ounty 8ree 6re%% <Lan. ABB1= Conne,oy,2'e% and *endy Doniger <5d-%.=. Mythologie% <A 9ol.=. hi&ago$ !ni'er%ity o, hi&ago 6re%% <1EE1= Croad(ent, Lu&y. .The 5in%tein o, 5&%ta&y/, The Independent <London= 5dit. 3. o'er %tory. <Tue%, Aug. F, 1EED= 6ro,ile o, Dr. Alexander Shulgin. Cro)n, Da'id Lay and >e(e&&a #o'i&+. . hemophilia, *ith Alexander and Ann Shulgin/, in 9oi&e% 8rom the 5dge. 8reedom, al.$ ro%%ing 6re%% <1EEF= Inter'ie) )ith the Shulgin%. Cuongiorno, 6ino. .Mondo Loro/, 6anorama <Aug.1A,1EEB= Italian-language arti&le <)ith photo%= a(out Cohemian :ro'e. ontain% phra%e% li+e .una delle maggiori ,a((ri&he di armi del mondo/ or .one o, the (igge%t arm% manu,a&turer% in the )orld/ and .Super&lu(, &he maniaJ, or .Super&lu(, )hat a &ra1eJ/. Cur+ett, Larry. The Illuminati . #a%h'ille, T#$ Thoma% #el%on <1EE1= Cynum, aroline *al+er, et al, <5d-%.=. :ender and >eligion$ "n the omplexity o, Sym(ol%. Co%ton$ Cea&on 6re%% <1E@6= amp(ell, Lo%eph. The 4ero *ith A Thou%and 8a&e%. #e) 2or+$ 6antheon <1EIE= arroll, Le)i%. Ali&e-% Ad'enture% In *onderland and Through The Loo+ing :la%%, in Martin :ardner-% The Annotated Ali&e. . #e) 2or+$ Cramhall 4ou%e <1E6B= hailley, La&;ue%. The Magi& 8lute !n'eiled$ 5%oteri& Sym(oli%m In Mo1art-% Ma%oni& "pera. >o&he%ter, 9T.$ Inner Tradition% <1EEE= irlot, .5. A Di&tionary o, Sym(ol%. #e) 2or+ $ 6hilo%ophi&al Li(rary <1E6A= loud, Lohn. .The Lure o, 5&%ta&y/,Time <Lune F, ABBB= o'er %tory a(out MDMA. ohen, Le,, and #orman Soloman. .Meeping Se&ret%, #ot >eporting Them/, The "rlando *ee+ly <Aug.31-Sept. 6 ,1EEF= Cohemian :ro'e and media (la&+out%. ollin, Matthe). Altered State$ The Story o, 5&%ta&y ulture and A&id 4ou%e. London$ Serpent-% Tail <1EED= Daraul, Ar+on . A 4i%tory o, Se&ret So&ietie% . #e) 2or+ $ arol 6u(li%hing :roup <1EEF= Dela&o%te, 8. and 6. Alexander. Sex *or+%$ *riting% (y *omen In the Sex Indu%try .San 8ran&i%&o$ lei% 6re%% <1E@D= Intere%ting a&&ount% o, pro%titution at Cohemian :ro'e. DeMa&, Donna. *a%hington !pdate "n In,ormation 6oli&y . #e) 2or+$ 65# Ameri&an enter <1EE@= Thi% i% an ex&ellent guide(oo+ re$ The 8reedom o, In,ormation A&t. Doniger, *endy. .Stru&turali%t !ni'er%al% and 8reudian !ni'er%al%/, 4i%tory o, >eligion% A@ <3= A6D-@1 Dornho,,, *illiam . The Cohemian :ro'e and "ther >etreat%. #e) 2or+$ 4arper and >o) <1EDI=. The hard(ound edition o, thi% (oo+ ha% a FE-page o'er'ie) o, Cohemian :ro'e and a 13B page .Appendix o, 4ea'ie%/ )hi&h analy1e% the o'erlapping .%o&ial-&lu(/ and %e&ret-%o&iety mem(er%hip% o, hundred% o, prominent men ,rom (u%ine%%, a&ademia and the media. Do)nard, Lame% Shel(y. .Ming Mill 33B/ in Apo&alyp%e ulture (y Adam 6ar,rey <5d.=. Lo% Angele%, A.$ Amo+ 6re%% <1E@D= I(id. .Sor&ery, Sex, A%%a%%ination and the S&ien&e o, Sym(oli%m/ in Se&ret and Suppre%%ed (y Lim Meith <5d.= .6ortland, ">$ 8eral 4ou%e <1EE3= I(id. Letter to Thoma% Lyttle regarding Lyttle-% immer%ion into an Illuminati .magi&al &harade/. <1EE3= I(id. Letter to Thoma% Lyttle regarding . ommuni%t leader Leon Trot%+y and hi% per%onal aid 8red Geller, )ho )a% a Ma%oni& :rand Ma%ter o, the :rand "rient o, 8ran&e, and )ho later (ro+e all tie% )ith the Ma%on%/. <1EEI= I(id. S+ullduggery, 6ri'ately &ir&ulated, unpu(li%hed manu%&ript <no date= I(id. 8la%h(a&+% , 6ri'ately &ir&ulated, unpu(li%hed arti&le <no date= I(id. Mayday H M-aide1 , 6ri'ately &ir&ulated, unpu(li%hed arti&le <no date= DuCoi%, Lo%iah. The De'il% hemi%t% . Co%ton, Ma%%.$ Cea&on 6re%% <1EFA= Dunde%, Alan <5d.=. .The 6%y&hoanalyti& Study o, :rimm%- Tale%, *ith Spe&ial >e,eren&e to The Maiden *ithout 4and%/ <AT DB6=, The :ermani& >e'ie) 6A <A=$ FB-6F 5dith, Simon. The 6ie(ald Standard$ A Ciography o, the Mnight Templar% . Co%ton$ Little, Cro)n and o. <1EFE= 5i%ner, Cru&e. 5&%ta&y$ The MDMA Story . Cer+eley, ali,ornia$ >onin <1E@E=
5ngel, Leopold. :e%&hi&hte de% Illuminen%-"rden%, 5in Cetrag 1ur :e%&hi&hte Cayern% . Cerlin$ 6ri'ately pu(li%hed <1EB6=. :erman-language &la%%i& a(out the Illuminati. 5ngli%h, >. The entennial :ro'e 6lay$ ele(rating the 1BBth Anni'er%ary o, the Cohemian lu(. Sonoma, a.$ Cohemian lu( <1EDA= 13I pp. (oo+. 5pper%on, A. >alph. The #e) *orld "rder. Tu&%on, AG$ 6u(liu% 6re%% < 1EEB= 8ay, Cernard. >e'olution and 8reema%onry . Co%ton$ Little Cro)n and o. <1E3F= 8"I5, In&. Freedom of Information Kit . Brooklyn, NY: FOIA, Inc. (1999) Forestier, . !es Ill"min#s de Ba$ari%r et la France&'aconnerie allemande . (aris ( 191)) Frenc*&lan+"a+e classic a,o"t t*e Ill"minati. Forte, o,ert. -nt*eo+ens and t*e F"t"re of eli+ion.. .an Francisco, /A: /o"ncil On .0irit"al (ractices (1991) Freemantle, Brian. /IA . Ne2 York: .tein and 3ay (1945) :ehr, >i&hard .The State o, the Stone. A 6%y&hedeli& >e,ormation i% !nder *ay$ A >eport 8rom the 5dge/, 9illage 9oi&e , pp. 33-36 <#o' F, 1EE6= :ert1, Cill. .4orror *eapon%/, Air 8or&e Maga1ine, pp. I3-IE <Lan. 1E@6= :iago, Tim .*here Are They 4iding :eronimo-% S+ull/, La+ota #ation Lournal <*inter, ABBB=. Detail% #ed Ander%on-% &orre%ponden&e% (et)een him%el,, the 8CI and S+ull and Cone% o'er po%%e%ion o, :eronimo-% %+ull - a long rumored and no) pro'en S+ull and Cone% arti,a&t. :ilman, >i&hard. .Some "(%er'ation% on&erning the Ma%oni& "rigin% o, the Ameri&an >epu(li&/, on%pira&y Dige%t I9<1= *inter <1ED@-DE=. :in1(urg, arlo. 5&%ta&ie%$ De&iphering the *it&he% Sa((ath . <Tran%. >aymond >o%enthal=. #e) 2or+$ 6antheon Coo+% <1EE1= I(id. .Morelli, 8reud and Sherlo&+ 4olme% $ lue% and S&ienti,i& Method/, 4i%tory *or+%hop E pp.F36 <1E@B= :oldman, >o(ert 6. .Tran%%exuali%m, :ender and Anxiety In Traditional India/, Lournal o, the Ameri&an "riental So&iety 113 <3= 3DI-IB1 :ra'e%, >o(ert. The *hite :odde%%. #e) 2or+$ "&tagon (oo+% < 1EDA= :uyette, Da'id. .Deep Cla&+$ The IA-% Se&ret Drug *ar% , #exu% <1EED= 4ayden, Sydney. *a%hington and 4i% Ma%oni& ompeer% . #e) 2or+$ 6ri'ately printed <1@6D= 4er(ert, 9i'ian. Se&ret So&ietie% "ld and #e). London$ Thronton Cutter)orth Ltd. <1EAD= 4e&+ethorn, harle% *. The Se&ret So&ietie% o, All Age% and ountrie% <A 9ol.=. #e) 2or+$ !ni'er%ity Coo+% <1E6F= 4oar, *illam 6. Ar&hite&t% o, on%pira&y$ An Intri;uing 4i%tory. Celmont, Ma%%.$ *e%tern I%land% <1EEA= 4o,,mann, 8rederi&h and *illiam A. Mo%her .I%olation o, Tran%-Delta-6Tetrahydro&anna(inol 8rom Mari0uana/, Lournal o, the Ameri&an hemi&al So&iety , April AB, pp. 1@3A <1E66= 4o,,man II, Mi&hael Anthony. Ma%oni& A%%a%%ination . :ene'a, #2$ >ialto Coo+% <1ED@, 1EEE= I(id. Letter to Thoma% Lyttle regarding Ci(le hermeneuti&% and hri%tian Ana(apti%t &ult%. <1E@B= I(id. The Se&ret% o, Ma%oni& Mind ontrol$ Al&hemi&al 6%y&hodrama and the 6ro&e%%ing o, 4umanity. Teme&ula, A.$ *i%)ell->u,,in <1E@E= I(id. Se&ret So&ietie% and 6%y&hologi&al *ar,are . ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ >i%)ell->u,,in <1EED, ABB1= !pdated and expanded 'er%ion o, The Se&ret% o, Ma%oni& Mind ontrol . I(id. Truth or on%e;uen&e% <%po+en )ord re&ording=. ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ The ampaign ,or >adi&al Truth In 4i%tory <1EE@= I(id. Magi& and 6agani%m In the >eign o, Uueen 5li1a(eth I $ *a% the >i%e o, the Criti%h 5mpire a >e%ult o, a 6a&t *ith the De'il N <%po+en )ord re&ording=. ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ The ampaign 8or >adi&al Truth In 4i%tory <1EE@= I(id. Agent% o, 6araly%i% <%po+en )ord re&ording=. ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ The ampaign 8or >adi&al Truth In 4i%tory <1EE@= I(id. 9igilante% o, the Apo&alyp%e <%po+en )ord re&ording=. ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ The ampaign ,or >adi&al Truth In 4i%tory <1EE@= I(id. The Anti-Ma%oni& Tale% o, 5dgar Allan 6oe <%po+en )ord re&ording=. ouer d-Arlene, Idaho$ The ampaign ,or >adi&al Truth in 4i%tory <1EE@= 4ol(e+, Cengt. Interpretation o, 8airy Tale%.. 4el%in+i$ 8ol+lore 8ello)% ommuni&ation #o. A3E <1E@D= 4olland, Lulie. 5&%ta&y$ The omplete :uide. >o&he%ter, 9T. $ 6ar+ St. 6re%% <ABB1= . In&lude% the &hapter .The :odparent% o, MDMA$ An Inter'ie) *ith Ann and Sa%ha Shulgin/.
4o)ard, M. The "&&ult on%pira&y . #e) 2or+$ ML8 6re%% <1E@E= 4o)arth, Stephen. Mnight % Templar% . #e) 2or+$ Dor%et <1E@A= 4utton, *e(%ter. 6rimiti'e Se&ret-So&ietie%$ A Study In 5arly 6oliti&% and >eligion. #e) 2or+$ M&Millon o. <1E3A= I&+e, Da'id. ... And the Truth Shall Set 2ou 8ree. am(ridge, 5ngland$ Cridge o, Lo'e 6u(. <1EEF= Sho)% a photo o, PThe remation o, are- ritual, &ele(rated annually at Cohemian :ro'e. Mem(er% are %ho)n in hooded-ro(e%, approa&hing a IB-,oot ")l %tatue. Al%o &ontain% .Illuminati 6roto&ol%/. I(id. hildren o, the Matrix. *ild)ood, M"$ Cridge o, Lo'e 6u(. <ABB1= Sho)% a photo o, :lenn Sea(org, the man )ho ga'e the )orld plutonium. Thi% )a% ta+en at Cohemian :ro'e in 1EFD. At Sea(org-% %ide %it >onald >eagan and >i&hard #ixon. In,a&t <5d.=. In,a&t Cring% :5 to Light. :eneral 5le&tri&$ Shaping #u&lear *eapon% 6oli&ie% ,or 6ro,it . Co%ton, Ma%%.$ In,a&t 6u(li%her% <1E@@= La&+%on, Ste'e. The Illuminati - #e) *orld "rder Coo+. Ste'e La&+%on :ame% <1EEF= In%tru&tional (oo+ ,or the popular &ard-game (a%ed on the Illuminati legend. Lohn%on, :eorge. Ar&hite&t% o, 8ear$ on%pira&y Theory and 6aranoia In Ameri&an 6oliti&%. Lo% Angele%, A.$ Leremy 6. Tar&her, In&. <1E@3= Lone%, Alex. Digital-'ideo ,ootage and photo %till% o, ABB1 Cohemian :ro'e ritual%. A'aila(le online at in,on)ar%.&om <ABB1= Loy, Dan. .5'erything I Mno) I Learned *hile 5diting 6I4MAL /, Coing, Coing <@= pp.1A <Spring, 1EEA=. omment% (y Shulgin-% &on,idant and editor. Meith, Lim <5d.=. Se&ret and Suppre%%ed., "&&idental, ali,ornia. <Luly 1A, 1EED=. Similar report% appear e'ery year. I(id. Letter to Co( *eir o, the :rate,ul Dead regarding rumor% o, the (and-% %&heduled &on&ert at Cohemian :ro'e <1EE@= Mounier, Lean-La&;ue%. De l-in,luen&e attri(uXe aux 6hilo%ophe%, aux 8ran&%-Ma%on% at aux IlluminX% %ur la >X'olution 8ran&ai%e. (aris: (ri$ately (",lis*ed (1466). Frenc*&lan+"a+e st"dy of t*e Ill"minati and t*e Frenc* re$ol"tion. Moyer%, Cill. The Se&ret :o'ernment. *a%h. D $ Se'en Lo&+% 6re%% <1E@@= Moynihan, Mi&hael and Didre+ Soderlind. Lord% ", hao%. 6ortland, ">$ 8eral 4ou%e <1EE@= !r(an legend% re$ hea'y metal mu%i& &ult%. #ettle%, 6aul. Mo1art and Ma%onry . #e) 2or+$ Dor%et 6re%% <1E@D= #o'i&+, >e(e&&a M& lean and Da'id Lay Cro)n. .Alexander and Ann Shulgin$ 6%y&hedeli& Inno'ation/, 4igh Time% <AA@= pp. FB-F3 <Aug.1EEI= "-Donell, 5lliot. Strange ult% and Se&ret So&ietie% o, Modern London . #2$Dutton <1E3F= "gden, Lohn or%en%. A 9ie) o, the #e) 5ngland Illuminati$ *ho Are Inde,atiga(ly 5ngaged In De%troying the >eligion and the :o'ernment o, the !nited State%3 !nder A 8eigned >egard 8or Their Sa,ety - and !nder An Impiou% A(u%e o, True >eligion <And 5d.=. 6hiladelphia$ 6ri'ately printed <1DEE= "gle%(y, arl. The 2an+ee and o)(oy *ar . #e) 2or+ $ Cer+eley Medallion Coo+% <1EDD= 6ar,rey, Adam <5d.=. Apo&alyp%e ulture. #e) 2or+$ Amo+ 6re%% <1E@D= I(id. Apo&alyp%e ulture II . 9eni&e, A.$ 8eral 4ou%e <ABBB= 6erenti, Mi&hael. In'enting >eality$ The 6oliti&% o, the Ma%% Media. #e) 2or+$ St. Martin-% 6re%% <1E@6= 6erout+a, Stephen L. <5d.=. 5&%ta&y$ The lini&al, 6harma&ologi&al and #eurotoxi&ologi&al 5,,e&t% ", The Drug MDMA.. Co%ton$ Mlu)er A&ademi& 6u(li%her% <1EEB=. Ma0or a&ademi& )or+ re$ MDMA. 6i&+nett, Lynn and li'e 6rin&e. 7*e 7em0lar e$elation.. Ne2 York: 7o"c*stone Books (1991) (ineiro, 8"an9o. :Ale;ander y Ann .*"l+in<, in (sicona"tas: -;0loradores de la /onsciencia. Barcelona, .0ain: !a !ie,re de 'ar=o (6>>>). .0anis* lan+"a+e inter$ie2 2it* t*e .*"l+ins. ?"i+ley, /arroll. 7ra+edy and @o0e: A @istory of t*e Aorld In O"r 7ime.. Ne2 York: 'ac'illon (19BB) I,id. 7*e Aorld .ince 19C9: A @istory. Ne2 York: /ollier Books (19B4) I,id. 7*e An+lo&American -sta,lis*ment: From *odes to /li$eden. Ne2 York: Books In Foc"s (1941)
>a(ino)it1, La&o(. The >otting :odde%%$ The "rigin o, the *it&h In la%%i&al Anti;uity-% Demoni1ation o, 8ertility >eligion . #e) 2or+, Autonomedia <1EE@=. la%%i& text on 4e&ate and :ree+H>oman anti-godde%%e%. >athenau,*alter <)ith A. >alph 5pper%on= The !n%een 4and$ An Introdu&tion to the on%piratorial 9ie) o, 4i%tory. Tu&%on, AG$ 6u(liu% 6re%% <1E@F= >ead, 6ier% 6aul. The Templar% .#e) 2or+$ St. Martin-% 6re%% < 1EEE= >i&hard%on, Merry. .The Cohemian :ro'e and the #u&lear *eapon% Indu%try$ Some onne&tion%/, pri'ately printed <1E@D=. >ipp&hen, >onald. MDMA $ Die #eue Sympathiedroge N !D*r,ac*, Eermany: Aerner (ie0erFs 'ediene;0erimente (199C). Eerman&lan+"a+e ,ook a,o"t '3'A. i$osecc*i, 'ario. 7ommaso Ill"minati .c"ltore. ome: Fratelli (ol"m,o (191C) Italian&lan+"a+e ,ook a,o"t t*e Ill"minati. o,inson, 8o*n 8. Born In Blood: 7*e !ost .ecrets of Freemasonry. Ne2 York: -$ans and /om0any (1949) >o(i%on, Lohn. 6roo,% o, A on%pira&y Again%t All the >eligion% and :o'ernment% o, 5urope, arried "n In the Se&ret Meeting% ", the 8reema%on%, Illuminati and >eading So&ietie%, London, <1DE@= >omero, Denni%. .Sa%ha Shulgin 4a% *or+ed "n Thi% Side o, the La) In'enting Mind-Altering Drug%$ Should They Ce LegalN/,The Lo% Angele% Time%, <4ome 6age edition, page 1, part 5 - )ith photo= <Tue%., Sept. F, 1EEF=. >o%en(aum, >on. .The La%t Se&ret% o, S+ull and Cone%/, 5%;uire <Septem(er, 1E@D= I(id. .S+ull and Cone% >ite% 8ilmed/, #e) 2or+ "(%er'er, pp. 1 <April A3, ABB1= >oth)ell, .L. .Sir Mnight 6aul >e'ere/ in .Ma%oni& Ameri&ana - Storie% and 8raternal 6atriot%/, Mnight% Templar Maga1ine <1ED6= >ydeen, 6aul. .Through a 4o,,man Len% Dar+ly$ An Inter'ie) *ith Mi&hael Anthony 4o,,man II/, ra%h ollu%ion <1E@@= Sa&h%e, Luliu% 8riederi&h. *a%hington-% Ma%oni& orre%ponden&e. 6hiladelphia$ pri'ately printed <1E1F= Saunder%, #i&hola%. 5 8or 5&%ta%y. London$ #eil-% 2ard <1EE3= The (e%t popular )or+ on MDMA. I(id <)ith >i&+ Do(lin=. 5&%ta%y and the Dan&e ulture. 5xeter, !M$ #eil-% 2ard <1EEF=. S&otto. .An Inter'ie) *ith Alexander Shulgin/, T>6 <The >e%onan&e 6ro0e&t= 9ol. I, pp. F1-FI <Spring, 1EEE= Sha+e%peare,*illiam. 4amlet, ,rom The omplete *or+% o, *illiam Sha+e%peare (y Da'id Ce'ington <5d.=. :len'ie), Il$ S&ott-8ore%man <1E@B= Sherman, *illiam 4. Lohn Dee$ The 6oliti&% o, >eading and *riting In the 5ngli%h >ennai%%an&e. Amher%t, Ma%%.$ !ni'. o, Ma%%. 6re%% <1EEF=. omprehen%i'e re$ Dee-% pu(li%hed )or+%, hi% ar&hi'ing and li(rary o(%e%%ion%. Dee-% Ci(liothe&a Mortlan&en%u% )a% the large%t pri'ate li(rary in 5urope, in 1F@3.
I(id. .T)enty 2ear% "n An 5'er hanging Uue%t/ in L. :rin%poon and L. Ca+alar <5d= 6%y&hedeli& >e,le&tion%.. #e) 2or+$ 4uman S&ien&e% 6re%% <1E@3= I(id. .The Ca&+ground and hemi%try o, MDMA/, Lourn. o, 6%y&hoa&ti'e Drug% <1@= AE1-3BI <1E@6= I(id. .The PSo&ial hemi%try- o, 6harma&ologi&al Di%&o'ery/, So&ial 6harma&ology <1= ADE-EB <1E@D= I(id. .4o) Similar I% Su(%tantially Similar/, Lournal o, 8oren%i& S&ien&e% <3F= @-1B <1EEB= Letter I(id. .6%y&hedeli& Al&hemi%t/ The *hole 5arth >e'ie), pp.A3-AD < 8all,1EE1= I(id. .:alileo/, The 5ntheogen 6ro0e&t #e)%letter , San 8ran&i%&o$ The oun&il "n Spiritual 6ra&ti%e% <1EEF= Lea,let. I(id. and Ann Shulgin. 6I4MAL <6enethylamine% I 4a'e Mno)n and Lo'ed=, Cer+eley, al.$ Tran%,orm 6re%%, <1EE1= 6art l o, Alexander and Ann Shulgin-% auto(iography. I(id. Letter to
Thoma% Lyttle mentioning Shulgin-% Cohemian :ro'e mem(er%hip <1EE3= I(id. Letter to Thoma% Lyttle regarding ar&hetypal p%y&hology, mythology and the nature o, addi&tion <1EEI= I(id. and Ann Shulgin. TI4MAL <Tryptamine% I 4a'e Mno)n and Lo'ed=, Cer+eley, al.$ Tran%,orm 6re%%, <1EED= 6art A o, Alexander and Ann Shulgin-% auto(iography. Side%, *. 4ampton. .6o)er at 6lay$ The Coho QCohemianR Coy-% lu(/, >egardie-% Maga1ine, Lanuary <1EE1=. Solomon, Maynard. Ceetho'en . #e) 2or+$ S&hirmer Coo+% <1EDD= Sparta&u%. .Thoma% Lyttle-% 6%y&hedeli& :rail/ 8lip%ide <Mar&h, ABBB= Inter'ie) )ith T. Lyttle. In&lude% in,o on drug mythology , %e&ret-%o&iety u%e% o, p%y&hedeli&%. Springmeier, 8rit1. Cloodline% o, the Illuminati. *e%tmin%ter, "$ Am(a%%ador 4ou%e <1EEE= Stau,,er, 9ernon. #e) 5ngland and the Ca'arian Illuminati. >u%%ell and >u%%ell$ #e) 2or+ <1E1@, 1E6D= 6art o, the %erie% Studie% in 4i%tory, 5&onomi&% and 6u(li& La) 9ol. L777II, #o. 1. Ma0or a&ademi& )or+ on the Illuminati. Stehli, Lean. :(o"$oir: le cl", le 0l"s ferm# d" monde< !e (oint , No. 61, A"+. 61 (1995). Frenc*&lan+"a+e article a,o"t Bo*emian Ero$e. !e (oint is a ma9or Frenc* ne2s ma+a=ine. ."tton, Ant*ony /. :7*e .tate of esearc* /oncernin+ (o2er -lites<, /ons0iracy 3i+est 6(C) ."mmer (1911). I,id. AmericaFs .ecret -sta,lis*ment: An Introd"ction to t*e Order of .k"ll and Bones. Billin+s,'N.: !i,erty @o"se (ress (194B) I(id. 6hoenix Letter. Cilling%, Montana <"&t. 1EE6=. Dr. Anthony Sutton-% ne)%letter. Tarpley, *e(%ter :ri,,in and Anton hait+in. :eorge Cu%h$ The !nauthori1ed Ciography. *a%h. D $ 5xe&uti'e Intelligen&e >e'ie) <1EEA=. hapter D, .S+ull and Cone%$ The >a&i%t #ightmare at 2ale/ i% o, intere%t. Tendler, Stuart and Da'id May. Crotherhood o, 5ternal Lo'e$ 8rom 8lo)er 6o)er to 4ippie Ma,ia, The Story o, the LSD ounter&ulture. London$ 6anther <1E@I= Tyler, >oyall. .The "rigin o, 5'il/ in Mariu% C. 6eledeau <5d.= The 9er%e o, >oyall Tyler, pp 131F. harlott%'ille$ !ni'. o, 9irginia 6re%% <1E6@= 'an Curen, 5li1a(eth. The Se&ret o, the Illuminati. #e) 2or+$ #e'ille Spearman <1E@A= 'an der Gee, Lohn. The :reate%t Men-% 6arty "n 5arth$ In%ide the Cohemian :ro'e . #e) 2or+$ 4ar&ourt, Cra&e Lo'ano'i&h <1EDI= An exten%i'e hi%tory o, Cohemian :ro'e, in&luding inter'ie)% )ith mem(er%. 'an 4el%ing, Lan .6o)er 6layground/, Cu%ine%% Month, <Luly, Aug. 1E@@=. >eport on Cohemian :ro'e. I(id. Se&ret So&ietie% and Their >ole in the ABth entury. :rand anaria, Spain$ 5r)alt 9erlag <1EEF= 9an+in, Lonathan. on%pira&ie%, rime% and o'er-up%$ 6oliti&al Manipulation and Mind ontrol In Ameri&a.. #e) 2or+$ 6aragon 4ou%e <1EEA= I(id. 8i,ty :reate%t on%pira&ie% o, All Time. #e) 2or+$ itadel 6re%% <1EEF= 'on 8ran1, Marie Loui%e. 6ro(lem% o, the 8eminine in 8airytale%. Ir'ing, Texa%$ Spring 6u(li&ation% <1EDA= *aite, Arthur 5d)ard. .Co%ton Tea 6arty/, A #e) 5n&y&lopedia o, 8reema%onry. #e) 2or+$ *ing% Coo+% <1EE6= *e(%ter, #e%ta. *orld >e'olution$ The 6lot Again%t i'ili1ation. London$ on%ta(le and o. <1EA1= I(id. Se&ret So&ietie% and Su('er%i'e Mo'ement%. 6almdale, A$ "mni 6u(li&ation% <reprint o, the original 1EAI edition= *eigle, on%tan&e and >onald >ipp&hen. MDMA$ die 6%y&hoa+ti'e Su(%tan1 ,ur Therapie, >itual und >e+reation.. LYhr(a&h, :ermany$ *erner 6ieper-% Medienexperimente <1E@6= :erman-language (oo+ a(out MDMA. *ei%%, Da'id. A%%a%%ination o, Mo1art. #e) 2or+$ *illiam Morro) and o. <1ED1= *ei%%, 6hilip. .In%ide Cohemian :ro'e/, Spy Maga1ine, <#o'em(er, 1E@E=. 1F pp. arti&le )ith %ide(ar. 6hoto% %ho) initiate% in hooded-ro(e%, per,orming :ro'e ritual% (e,ore a IB-,oot ")l idol. *ell%, M. C. The Montau+ 8ile%$ !nearthing the 6hoenix on%pira&y. Tempe, Ari1ona$ #e)
8al&on <1EE@=. ", intere%t are the photo% o, the .LSD >oom/ at Montau+ Air 8or&e Station, alleged to ha'e (een u%ed ,or MM-!LT>A experiment%. Similar mythologie% exi%t re$ Cohemian :ro'e and %e&ret ritual-room%, tunnel% and &a'e%. *e%ton, Mar+. .Clot Art$ Mar+ *e%ton Inter'ie)% Thoma% Lyttle/, 6aranoia 9ol. 3<I= <*inter, 1EEF=. Detail% &on%pira&y in p%y&hedeli& hi%tory. *ilgu%, #eal. The Illuminoid%. Al(u;uer;ue, #M$ Sun Coo+% <1ED@=. Detailed .hi%tory/, &hronology o, the Illuminati. *il%on, #eill . 4265>LI#M Zhttp$HHdog(ert.a(e(oo+%.&omHa(eHCoo+Detail%N(iTD6ABF1DZ [ST. L"4# "8 C"45MIA\ $ The Sixty-,ourth :ro'e 6lay o, the Cohemian lu( a% per,ormed (y it% mem(er% in The Cohemian :ro'e, Luly A6, 1E6E. Mu%i& (y Leigh 4arline, Dire&ted (y Thoma% L Tyrrell. Illu%tration% (y La)ren&e L. >ehag, 6hotography (y >aymond M. Moulin. San 8ran&i%&o$ The Cohemian lu(, 1E6E. *il%on, >o(ert Anton and >o(ert Shea. The Illuminatu% Trilogy. #e) 2or+$ Dell <1EDF=. 9ery popular %&i-,i no'el a(out the Illuminati. I(id. o%mi& Trigger$ The 8inal Se&ret o, the Illuminati. Cer+eley, A$ AndH"r 6re%% <1EDD= I(id. Ma%+% o, the Illuminati. #e) 2or+$ Dell <1E@1=. I(id. >ight *here 2ou Are Sitting #o) $ 8urther Tale% o, the Illuminati.. Cer+eley, A.$ >onin 6u(li%hing <1EEA= I(id. 5'erything I% !nder ontrol$ on%pira&ie%, ult% and o'er-up%. #e) 2or+$ 4arper-6erennial <1EE@= *i%e, Da'id and Thoma% C. >o%%. The In'i%i(le :o'ernment. #e) 2or+$ 9intage Coo+% <1EDI= *ood)ard, Co(. 9eil$ The Se&ret *ar% o, the IA $ 1E@1-1E@D . #e) 2or+, 6o&+et Coo+%, <1E@D= 2ate%, 8ran&i%. :iordano Cruno and the 4ermeti& Tradition.. hi&ago$ !ni'er%ity o, hi&ago 6re%% <1E6I= 6ortland, ">.$ 8eral 4ou%e <1EE3= I(id. Sau&er% o, the Illuminati . Lil(urn, :eorgia$ Illuminet 6re%% <1EEE= Mnight, Ste'en. The Crotherhood$ The Se&ret *orld o, the 8reema%on%.. London$ :renada <1E@I= La;ueur, Thoma%. Ma+ing Sex$ Cody and :ender 8rom the :ree+% to 8reud. am(ridge$ 4ar'ard !ni'er%ity 6re%% <1EE1= La>ou&he, Lyndon . #ote @, *riting%, ABB1. 4265>LI#M Zhttp$HHlarou&heinABBI.netHpage%H)riting%HABB1HB11AA31(ig%ept11.htmZ [t$HHlarou&heinABBI.netHpage%H)riting%HABB1HB11AA31(ig%ept11.htm\. Lee, Martin and Cru&e S&hlain. A&id Dream%. #e) 2or+$ :ro'e 6re%% <1E@F=. Detail% the IA-% intere%t in p%y&hedeli&% ,or mind-&ontrol, e%pionage and )ar,are. Len1, Cradley. .6henethylamine% I 4a'e Mno)n and Lo'ed/, The Lournal o, 6%y&hoa&ti'e Drug% < AI= 1, pp. DD < Lan-Mar&h,1EEA= Coo+ re'ie). Le'i-Strau%%, laude. Myth and Meaning. #e) 2or+$ S&ho&+en Coo+% <1EEF= Le''itt, Ari& G. The Illuminati. Lo% Angele%, A$ Day%tar 6u(. <1EED= Lit&h,ield, Mi&hael. It-% A on%pira&y. Cer+eley, A$ 5arth *or+% 6re%% <1EEA= Lyttle, Thoma% <5d.=. 6%y&hedeli& Monograph% and 5%%ay% 9ol. 1-6. Coynton Cea&h, 8l. and #aple%, 8l.$ 6M & 5 6u(li%hing :roup <1E@6-E3= I(id. .Drug-Ca%ed >eligion% and ontemporary Drug Ta+ing/, The Lournal o, Drug I%%ue% 1@<A= AD1-@I <1E@@=. Lin+% p%y&hedeli& drug% to religiou% &on'er%ion, &ult (eha'ior and ideologi&al %hi,t%. I(id. and Dr. Mi&hael Montagne. .Drug%, Mu%i& and Ideology$ A So&ial 6harma&ologi&al Interpretation o, the A&id 4ou%e Mo'ement/, The International Lournal o, the Addi&tion% AD<1B= 11FE-DD <1EEA=.MDMA-% role in tran&e, religiou% &on'er%ion, ma%%-p%y&hology and ideologi&al %hi,t%. I(id. .>umor%, Myth% and !r(an Legend% Surrounding the Death o, Lim Morri%on/ in Se&ret and Suppre%%ed (y Lim Meith <5d.= 6ortland, ">$ 8eral 4ou%e <1EE3=. Lim Morri%on and Cohemian :ro'e (oth %u,,er ,rom extreme, dar+ ,orm% o, ur(an legend. A loo+ at the %o&iology o, myth ,ormation. I(id. <5d.=. 6%y&hedeli&%$ A olle&tion o, The Mo%t 5x&iting #e) Material "n 6%y&hedeli& Drug%.. #e) 2or+$ Carri&ade <1EEI=. I(id. . arlo% a%taneda$ riti&i%m and on%pira&ie%/ in
6opular Alienation$ A Steam%ho'el 6re%% >eader (y Menn Thoma% <5d.=. Lil(urn, :eorgia$ Illuminet 6re%% <1EEF=. on%pira&y element% in p%y&hedeli& hi%tory. I(id. <5d.=. 6%y&hedeli&% >eImagined. #e) 2or+$ Autonomedia <1EEE= Lu&+ert, Ste'en Le%uit%, 8reema%on%, Illuminati and La&o(in%$ on%pira&y Theorie%, Se&ret-So&ietie% and 6oliti&% In 1@th entury :ermany. 6h.D. the%i%. The State !ni'er%ity at Cinghampton <#2= <1EE3= Ma&Men1ie, #orman <5d.=. Se&ret So&ietie% . #e) 2or+$ re%&ent Coo+% <1E@D= Mar&hetti, 9i&tor and Lohn D. Mar+%. The IA and the ult o, Intelligen&e. #e) 2or+$ Dell 6u(li%hing <1EDI= Marr%, Lim. >ule Cy Se&re&y$ The 4idden 4i%tory That onne&t% The Trilateral ommi%ion, The 8reema%on% and the :reat 6yramid%.. #e) 2or+$ 4arper ollin% <ABBB= Marr%, Texe Dar+ Ma0e%ty. Au%tin, T7$ Li'ing Truth 6u(li%her% <1EEA= M&Dermott, 6eter. .6I4MAL$ A hemi&al Lo'e Story/ in The International Lournal "n Drug 6oli&y <3= A, pp. 1BE-111 <1EEA= Coo+ re'ie). M&Uuade, *alter. .The Male Manager-% La%t >e,uge/, 8ortune <Aug. F 1E@F=. 6ro,ile% the Cohemian :ro'e. Metal, 6hylli% <a ,ormer mi%tre%%=. A Typi&al Cohemian lu( Mem(er 6ri'ately &ir&ulated do&ument <no date=. Mi&hael%on, S&ott <5d.=. 6orta(le Dar+ne%% . #e) 2or+$ 4armony Coo+% <1E@E= Mill%, Margaret. .Sex >ole >e'er%al%, Sex hange% and Tran%'e%tite Di%gui%e In The "ral Tradition o, the on%er'ati'e Mu%lim ommunity In A,ghani%tan/ in >o%en A. Lordan and Su%an Mal&i+ <5d-%.= *omen-% 8ol+lore, *omen-% ulture. 6hiladelphia$ !ni'. o, 6enn%yl'ania 6re%% <1E@F= Moen&h, Doug. The Cig Coo+ o, on%pira&ie%. #e) 2or+$ 6aradox 6re%% <1EEF= Moore, Mary. .Cohemian :ro'e$ *ea'ing Spider% ome #ot 4ere/ Sonoma ounty 8ree 6re%%, Sonoma, ali,ornia. <Sept. 1EEA= I(id. .#e)t and "ther Atro&itie% at Cohemian :ro'e/, Cohemian :ro'e A&tion #et)or+ 3 "&&idental, ali,ornia. <Luly 1A, 1EEF= I(id. .>eport on the 1EED Cohemian :ro'e Meeting/, Cohemian :ro'e A&tion #et)or+ (y Thoma% Lyttle Di%&o'erie% a(out the ,un&tioning o, the human mind and p%y&he mu%t (e made in the open not in hiding...
T"M L2TTL5$ Thoma% Lyttle ha% pu(li%hed @ (oo+% and 1BB] arti&le% ,or the %&ienti,i& and popular pre%%. 4i% )or+ &enter% on AS <altered %rare% o, &onm%&iou%ne%%= . The%e (oo+% in&lude Z6%y&hedeli&% >eimaginedZ <Autonomedia=, 6%y&hedeli&%$ A olle&tionZ <Carri&adeHLyle Stuart= and other%. Thoma% Lyttle )a% admitted into Z*hoO% *ho In Ameri&aZ ,or hi% unu%ual and original &ontri(ution% in pu(li%hing. Tom LyttleO% )or+ ha% appeared in peer-re'ie)ed a&ademi& 0ournal% %u&h a% ZThe International Lournal o, Addi&tion%Z, ZThe Lournal o, Drug I%%ue%Z, ZLu&idity LetterZ and many other%. 4e ha% inter'ie)ed or &olla(orated )ith many o, the great arti%t% and )riter% o, the 1E6BO% and the 1EEBO% Zne)-ageZ mo'ement,in&luding Allen :in%(erg, Dr. Timothy Leary, Men Me%ey, >am Da%%,Dr. Lohn Lilly, Dr. Alexander Shulgin, Li%a La), Dr. Annie Sprin+le,6eter 8onda,>o(ert Anton *il%on, 4> :iger, Dr. Al(ert 4o,mann and many other%.