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Note that if (x, y, z) is a solution, then so are (x, y, z), (x, y, z),
and (x, y, z). (No other ombination of minus signs will work, sin e an
even number of minus signs is ne essary to make the sign of xyz orre t.)
Hen e, we may assume that x, y, z > 0 (sin e none of x, y, z an equal 0).
The Cau hy{S hwarz Inequality says that if a, b, c, A, B , and C are
real numbers, then

a2 + b2 + c2 A2 + B 2 + C 2 (aA + bB + cC)2 ,

with equality if and only if (a, b, c) is a s alar multiple of (A, B, C).

By the Cau hy{S hwarz Inequality, we have

x2 + y 2 + z 2

= 36 .

Sin e equality holds, then (x, y, z) must be a s alar multiple of

1 2 3
, ,
x y z

Thus, x = xk , y = 2k
, and z = 3k
, for some k > 0, and so x2 = k, y2 = 2k,
and z 2 = 3k.
Substituting ba k into r
the original
se ond equation, we
r obtain6k = 9,

and so k = 2 , when e x = 2 = 2 , y = 3, and z = 92 = 3 2 2 . This
gives the four solutions above, as laimed.
Also solved by GEORGE APOSTOLOPOULOS, Messolonghi, Gree e; CAO MINH QUANG,
Nguyen Binh Khiem High S hool, Vinh Long, Vietnam; COURTIS G. CHRYSSOSTOMOS, Larissa,

Gree e; RICHARD I. HESS, Ran ho Palos Verdes, CA, USA; and RICARD PEIRO,
IES \Abastos",
Valen ia, Spain. There were two in omplete solutions submitted.

Problem of the Month

Ian VanderBurgh

Sometimes we mathemati ians like to use a sledgehammer when perhaps a smaller instrument would be in order.
Problem 1 (2009 Gauss Contest, Grade 7) If x, y , and z are positive integers

with xy = 18, xz = 3, and yz = 6, what is the value of x + y + z ?

(A) 6
(B) 10
(C) 25
(D) 11
(E) 8

If we weren't in Grade 7, then here are two ways that we might ta kle
this problem:

Solution 1 Sin e xy = 18, xz = 3, and yz = 6, by multiplying these equations we have (xy)(xz)(yz) = 18(3)(6), or x2 y2 z 2 = 182 , or (xyz)2 = 182 .
Sin e x, y, and z are positive, then xyz > 0, so xyz = 18. We an
now ombine this with the original three equations as follows.
Sin e xy = 18, we have xyz
, or z = 1. Sin e xz = 3, we have

or y = 6. Sin e yz = 6, we have xyz

Therefore, x + y + z = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10.

Solution 2 Sin e xy = 18 and xz = 3, then

Sin e yz


or x = 3.


= 6, then (6z)z = 6, or z 2 = 1. Sin e z

y = 6z = 6. Sin e xz = 3 and z = 1, then x = 3.
Therefore, x + y + z = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10.

or yz = 6, or y = 6z .
> 0, then z = 1, and so

These are two great solutions using standard te hniques for solving systems of equations. But they're hardly suitable for Grade 7 students. This
problem is a perfe tly good Grade 7 problem, though.
Solution 3 We are told that x, y , and z are positive integers. Sin e xz = 3
and 3 is a prime, then x and z must be 1 and 3, or 3 and 1, respe tively.
Let's look at the ase x = 1 and z = 3. Sin e x = 1 and xy = 18
and the number that we multiply 1 by to get 18 is 18 itself, then y = 18.
Therefore, yz = 18(3) = 54, whi h disagrees with the equation yz = 6.
Thus, x = 1 and z = 3 is not the orre t ombination. (For the re ord, I
never hoose the orre t line in the gro ery store either.)
So we look at the ase x = 3 and z = 1. Sin e x = 3 and xy = 18 and
the number that we multiply 3 by to get 18 is 6, then y = 6. (The produ t
yz does in fa t equal 6, as required). Thus, x = 3, y = 6, and z = 1.
Therefore, x + y + z = 3 + 6 + 1 = 10.

It's easy to get \trapped" into using the high powered te hniques that
we know, but sometimes there is a ni er solution that uses less ma hinery.
Here is a problem in a similar vein that has developed a following in
the math ontest world.
Problem 2 (1988 UK S hools Mathemati al Challenge) Weighing the baby at

the lini was a problem. The baby would not keep still and aused the s ales
to wobble. So I held the baby and stood on the s ales while the nurse read
o 78 kg. Then the nurse held the baby while I read o 69 kg. Finally, I held
the nurse while the baby read o 137 kg. What is the ombined weight of all
three (in kg)?
(A) 142
(B) 147
(C) 206
(D) 215
(E) 284
Again, there is a standard system-of-equations type solution whi h is
worth seeing. To save onfusion, we'll give the narrator a name hosen at
random, say, Tony.

Solution 1 Let Tony's weight be x kg, let the baby's weight be y kg, and let
the nurse's weight be z kg.
The ombined weight of Tony and the baby is 78 kg, so x + y = 78.
The ombined weight of the baby and the nurse is 69 kg, so y + z = 69. The
ombined weight of Tony and the nurse is 137 kg, so x + z = 137.
We an show this system of equations ni ely in a visual way:
x +




78 ,
69 ,
= 137 .

By the way, laying out the equations in this fashion is a really useful thing to
do and gives you a mu h better idea of what to do than by writing
x +
y +
x +



78 ,
69 ,
137 .

In any event, the \ni e" way of writing the equations allows us to see that
adding the three equations is a really good idea. When we do this, we obtain
2x + 2y + 2z = 78 + 69 + 137, or 2(x + y + z) = 284, or x + y + z = 142.
Noti e that we don't a tually need to determine x, y, and z at all!
But, again, we don't need to do anything nearly that fan y. In fa t, we
an get away without doing any algebra at all.
Solution 2 First, we look at the fa t that the ombined weight of Tony and
the baby is 78 kg and the ombined weight of the nurse and the baby is 69 kg.
Sin e the baby's weight is in luded in both of these totals, then Tony must
be 78 69 = 9 kg heavier than the nurse (that is, the di eren e between
Tony's weight and the nurse's weight is 9 kg).
But the ombined weight of Tony and the nurse is 137 kg. We want to
nd two numbers that add to 137, one of whi h is 9 greater than the other.
To nd these numbers, we an subtra t 9 from 137 to get 128 and then divide
by 2 to get 64. The numbers 64 and 64 + 9 = 73 di er by 9 and add to 137,
so must be the weights, in kg, of the nurse and Tony, respe tively.
Sin e the ombined weight of Tony and the baby is 78 kg and Tony
weighs 73 kg, then the weight of the baby is 5 kg.
Therefore, the ombined weight of all three is 64 + 73 + 5 = 142 kg.

So put your sledgehammer ba k in the garage, and think before you

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