Regulated Charge Pump
Regulated Charge Pump
Regulated Charge Pump
Abstract—A regulated charge pump circuit is realized in a load current. To reduce the dependence, the regulated charge
3.3-V 0.13- m CMOS technology. The charge pump exploits an pump was proposed [7]. This charge pump generates constant
automatic pumping control scheme to provide small ripple output output voltage regardless of load current by employing a
voltage and fast start-up by decoupling output ripple and start-up
time. clock blocking scheme blocking an input clock signal when
The automatic pumping control scheme is composed of two the output voltage is higher than the required voltage. Fig. 1
schemes, an automatic pumping current control scheme and shows a conceptual schematic of this charge pump. Using this
an automatic pumping frequency control scheme. The former scheme, constant output voltage with large load current of the
automatically adjusts the size of pumping driver to reduce ripple charge pump can be achieved. However, large ripple voltage
voltage according to output voltage. The latter changes the
pumping period by controlling a voltage-controlled oscillator is incurred due to the clock blocking, especially in case of the
(VCO). The output frequency of the VCO varies from 400 kHz to large load current.
600 kHz by controlling the input bias voltage of the VCO. This paper describes a new regulated charge pump incorpo-
The prototype chip delivers regulated 4.5-V output voltage from rating an automatic pumping control scheme to reduce ripple
a supply voltage of 3.3 V with a flying capacitor of 330 nF, while voltage while delivering large load current. The proposed
providing 30 mA of load current. The area is 0.25 mm2 and the
measured output ripple voltage is less than 33.8 mV with a 2- F regulated charge pump generates approximately 4.5-V output
load capacitor. The power efficiency is greater than 70% at the voltage and 33.8-mV ripple voltage with 30-mA load current.
range of load current from 1 to 30 mA. An analytical model for In Section II, the steady state and dynamic analysis of the con-
ripple voltage and recovery time is proposed demonstrating a rea- ventional regulated charge pump are described to develop the
sonable agreement with SPICE simulation results. output ripple voltage generation processes and output voltage
Index Terms—Automatic pumping control, large load current, recovery time. In Section III, a new charge pump is proposed
regulated charge pump, small ripple voltage. to reduce ripple voltage and decrease the recovery time of the
output voltage. To verify the function of the proposed charge
I. INTRODUCTION pump, the charge pump is analyzed by dynamics with state
equations. Experimental results are provided and discussed in
To reduce output ripple voltage, voltage variation during the where is the maximum gained voltage at the flying capac-
pumping and blocking periods should be minimized. During the itor, and (2) is expressed by the number of clock cycles. Large
pumping period, it is clear that either small pumping current is essential in reducing the rise time. However, it creates
or large output load capacitor or high switching frequency is large ripple voltage in a steady state, because it increases the
required to achieve small ripple voltage. However, in practice, charge at load capacitor during the pumping period. Therefore,
changing the load capacitor value is difficult when this value is in a dynamic state, during the pumping period should be
given in a specification, and reducing the charge pumping ability maximized for fast rise time, and in a steady state, minimized
may lose load current supplying capability. Therefore, in order for small ripple voltage.
to reduce the output ripple, control of the pumping current and
switching frequency, according to the load current, is required.
During the blocking period, turning off the operation of the III. PROPOSED REGULATED CHARGE PUMP
charge pump causes a relatively large voltage drop. Therefore, A. Automatic Pumping Current Control Scheme
another novel scheme rather than the blocking scheme is re-
quired. The proposed charge pump exploits the automatic pumping
It is important to decrease the rise time for the robustness of current control scheme; it changes pumping current according
the output voltage. If the charge pump has a fast rise time in a to the magnitude of the output voltage. At the low output
power-up state, fast recovery time is also shown after the output voltage, the proposed charge pump uses large pumping current
voltage drops abruptly. Using dynamic analysis of charge pump, to rapidly increase output voltage. On the other hand, at the
rise time [3], output voltage raises to the required voltage high output voltage, it reduces boosting power by turning
level, is derived as off some of pumping drivers. Fig. 3 shows the reduction of
output ripple voltage in the automatic pumping current control
scheme, compared to the clock blocking scheme. In case of
the conventional regulated charge pump, the output voltage
(2) is independent of the load resistance and has large ripple
voltage because it always pumps the flying capacitor with full
power. However the proposed charge pump using the automatic
(3) pumping current control scheme create a small ripple voltage
with output voltage independent of load resistance.
The automatic pumping current control scheme is realized by positive feedback of M10 and M11 to accomplish hysteresis. It
three functional blocks; a main charge pump (MCP), an output detects output voltage levels of 4.5, 4.8, and 5 V.
level detector (OLD), and an automatic driver (ADR), as shown The ADR optimizes the pumping current by adjusting the
in Fig. 4. The operation of the MCP is to charge the load capac- number of buffers using the output value of the OLD, since the
itor. The OLD senses the output voltage level and generates con- pumping current in (1) determines the ripple voltage. The opera-
trol signals for the ADR. By using resistor chain, scaled values tion of the ADR according to output voltage is shown in Fig. 6.
of output voltage are compared to the reference voltage of 0.7 V When output voltage is low, the ADR provides full pumping
in each comparator. The voltage reference and the comparator current to the flying capacitor and as output
are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. voltage rises, the pumping current delivered to the flying capac-
The bandgap reference voltage generator generates an output itor is stepwise reduced down to .
voltage of 1.2 V and the reference voltage of 0.7 V is generated
using a voltage divider. It adopts a self-biased cascade struc- B. Automatic Pumping Frequency Control Scheme
ture [8] to reduce the effect of supply voltage variations and To further reduce output ripple voltage, the proposed charge
can effectively remove switching noise. The comparator has two pump also exploits the automatic pumping frequency control
feedback paths: the negative feedback of M1 and M2, and the scheme that has been developed in previous works [9], [10].
Fig. 8. Comparison of the analytical result with the SPICE simulation for the
ripple voltage.
Fig. 9. (a) Operation of the proposed charge pump. (b) Timing diagram of
V and V .
the charge flowing into load resistance for and the charges
stored in the capacitors and at time .
According to the charge conservation law, the total charge
stored in the circuit at time is equal to the sum of
Fig. 10. Comparison of the analytical result with SPICE simulation for
recovery time.
Fig. 13. Measurement results of output and ripple voltage as a function of load Fig. 15. Measurement results of output and ripple voltage as a function of
current. clock frequency.
Jae-Youl Lee (M’00) received the B.S. degree in Hoi-Jun Yoo (M’95–SM’05) graduated from the
metallurgical engineering from Hanyang University, Electronic Department of Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, in 1992, and the M.S. and Ph.D. Seoul, Korea, in 1983, and received the M.S. and
degrees in materials science and engineering from Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
nology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 1994 and 1999, (KAIST), Daejeon, in 1985 and 1988, respectively.
respectively. His Ph.D. work concerned the fabrication process
From 1999 to 2003, he was with a DRAM design for GaAs vertical optoelectronic integrated circuits.
group at Hynix Semiconductor and designed a family From 1988 to 1990, he was with Bell Communi-
of SDRAMs. In 2003, he was a visiting Professor cations Research, Red Bank, NJ, where he invented
with KAIST. He joined Samsung Electronics, Korea, the two-dimensional phase-locked VCSEL array,
and has been involved in the development of high-speed serial interface from the front-surface-emitting laser, and the high-speed lateral HBT. In 1991,
2004. he became Manager of a DRAM design group at Hyundai Electronics and
designed a family of fast-1M DRAMs and synchronous DRAMs, including
256M SDRAM. From 1995 to 1997, he was a faculty member with Kangwon
National University. In 1998, he joined the faculty of the Department of
Electrical Engineering at KAIST, and led a project team on RAM Processors
(RAMP). In 2001, he founded a national research center, System Integration
Sung-Eun Kim (S’04) was born in Busan, Korea, and IP Authoring Research Center (SIPAC), funded by Korean government
in 1978. He received the B.S. degree in electrical to promote worldwide IP authoring and its SOC application. Currently, he
and computer engineering from Hanyang University, serves as the Project Manager for IT SoC and Post-PC in Korea Ministry
Seoul, Korea, in 2002, and the M.S. degree in of Information and Communication. His current interests are SOC design,
electrical engineering and computer science from the IP authoring, high-speed and low-power memory circuits and architectures,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology design of embedded memory logic, optoelectronic integrated circuits, and
(KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2004. novel devices and circuits. He is the author of the books DRAM Design (Seoul,
He subsequently joined the Basic Research Korea: Hongleung, 1996; in Korean) and High Performance DRAM (Seoul,
Laboratory of Electronics and Telecommunications Korea: Sigma, 1999; in Korean).
Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon. Since then, he Dr. Yoo received the Electronic Industrial Association of Korea Award for
has been engaged in the research and development his contribution to DRAM technology in 1994 and the Korea Semiconductor
of MEMS switch driver and intrabody communication system. Industry Association Award in 2002.