Main Resume
Main Resume
Main Resume
Recently Returned From Deployment(Oct 2012) Allen, Texas 75002 (214) 5 2!"##$ %aymo&2010'(ma)l*com
22 +ear Old ,at)onal -uard .om/at 0ed)c loo1)n( to trans)t)on to c)2)l)an 3o/ 4)eld a4ter current tour end)n( )n Octo/er 2012* 5)(&ly mot)2ated to /r)n( 4our years o4 com/at med)cal exper)ence to c)2)l)an s)de* 6ual)4)cat)ons )nclude an assoc)ates )n (eneral stud)es o4 /)olo(y, compre&ens)2e med)cal 4)eld tra)n)n(7 and extens)2e exper)ence )n tra)n)n( .om/at 8)4e 9a2er s1)lls to :9 army sold)ers and Fore)(n Arm)es across A4r)ca* CPR Certified ass Casualty Experience instructing Emergency Planning & &raining Com'at (ifesaving edicine to Response &riage Experience -frican Countries 3 Years of sales and Face to Com'at (ifesaver E &.* Certified /&exas and Face Customer Service )nstructor 0ational1 Experience Proficient *attalion -id Station Clinical Cashier and oney !andling )ntravenous therapy Experience Experience s%ills *asic Pharmacology 3 Years of proficiency at *asic !a+ at )n2ections Experience "ord# Excel# and Po$erPoint &raining 3 years of experience from *lood ,ra$ personal %no$ledge of Experience computer systems :9 Army Texas ,at)onal -uard ; .urrent Ass)(nment< Texas ,at)onal -uard, =yl)e, Texas Armory> .urrent Deployment< D3)/out), 5orn o4 A4r)ca )n support o4 Operat)on ?ndur)n( Freedom :9 Army .om/at 0ed)c > Decem/er 200 to @resent AAarded .om/at 0ed)c 9tatus at t&e culm)nat)on o4 12!Aee1 /as)c tra)n)n( and an add)t)onal 1" Aee1s o4 )ntens)2e, spec)al)Bed .om/at 0ed)c tra)n)n(* .urrently ser2)n( as a .om/at 0ed)c ma)nta)n)n( Ael4are o4 sold)ers o4 t&e #!124 .a2alry 9Cuadron 4rom Texas t&at are on deployment )n 5orn o4 A4r)ca )n support o4 AFRD.O0 command to 1eep t&e peace and /u)ld partner relat)ons A)t& A4r)can .ountr)es* @er4ormed 0)l)tary to 0)l)tary m)ss)ons 4or AFRD.O0 command to &elp )nstruct 4ore)(n arm)es (to )nclude countr)es o4 TanBan)a, RAanda, and D3)/out)) )n A4r)ca )n com/at l)4esa2)n( s1)lls 4or t&e)r com)n( :n)ted ,at)on deployments to 9udan* =&en not on m)ss)on, dut)es )nclude runn)n( t&e /attal)on a)d stat)on 4or sold)ers located on .amp 8emonn)er, D3)/out)* Also &a2e Aor1ed 4or a year as a cas&)er 4or Ero(er A)t& exper)ence &andl)n( money and /e4ore 3o)n)n( t&e m)l)tary D Aas also a 9&oe 9alesman>Eey!&older 4or a Flors&e)m Outlet* +ears o4 customer ser2)ce exper)ence and /e)n( )n a leaders&)p pos)t)on &as (reatly en&anced my learn)n( exper)ence and 4unct)on capa/)l)ty as a leader* 0y t)me tra)n)n( 4ore)(n ?ast A4r)can nat)ons )n com/at med)c)ne &as /ettered me as a person and as a leader t&rou(& my exper)ences* D 4eel con4)dent D A)ll alAays pro2)de 100F e44ort )nto any tas1 t&at )s ()2en to me /ecause not&)n( less )s e2er expected* ?arned cons)stent commendat)ons 4or de2ot)on to duty A)t& c)tat)ons 4or excellence )n )nstruct)on o4 o2er 1000 sold)ers )n .om/at 8)4esa2er .ourse o2er m)l)tary career, up&old)n( med)cal standard o4 care, relat)n( e44ect)2ely A)t& culturally d)2erse populat)ons and ser2)n( to )mpro2e partner relat)ons 4or :n)ted 9tates A)t& A4r)can countr)es* Ful4)lled a ran(e o4 .om/at 0ed)c dut)es 4or /ot& (arr)son and peace1eep)n( m)ss)ons* -a)ned pro4)c)enc)es and exper)ence )n< .om/at 0ed)c)ne, .l)n)cal ?xper)ence, Dnstructor exper)ence, DG t&erapy, @&armacolo(y and mult)ple .ont)nu)n( ?ducat)on .red)ts ran()n( 4rom /as)c anatomy to trauma s1)lls* @ro2)ded med)cal co2era(e 4or many m)ss)ons to )nclude a doAn a)rcra4t )n A&)c& l)2es Aere lost, desert sur2)2al courses, and 6u)c1 React)on Force support* ?xper)ence )n spend)n( mont&s )nstruct)n( 4ore)(n A4r)can .ountr)es on com/at med)c)ne &as done more t&an alloA me to en&ance my med)cal s1)lls /ut &as /ettered me as a leader and made me muc& more understand)n( o4 d)44erent cultures* O2erall t&e a44ect &as /ettered me as a person and a leader* 5onored A)t& commendat)ons 4or sel4less ser2)ce )n pro2)d)n( med)cal support 4or a :n)ted 9tates A)r Force doAned a)rcra4t )n D3)/out) (2012), Ad3unct -eneralHs Dnd)2)dual AAard 4or D)st)n(u)s&ed Ac&)e2ement and 0er)tor)ous 9er2)ce (2010) Army .ommendat)on 0edal (2012) ?arned ?xpert 0ar1sman AAards )n /ot& small arms and assault Aeapons*
Key Skills
-raduated I2 )n 0ed)c class, earn)n( &onors )n mar1smans&)p, trauma>med)cal s1)lls and p&ys)cal 4)tness* E$uc#tion ! %re$enti#ls :n)2ers)ty o4 ,ort& Texas J Denton, Texas Kac&elors o4 9c)ence )n K)olo(y ()n pro(ress) (pre!med) .entral Texas .olle(e(-raduated Assoc)ates) ; E)lleen, Texas! Assoc)ates o4 -eneral 9tud)es Allen 5)(& 9c&ool ; Allen, Texas High School Diploma, June 2008 .ert)4)ed )n 4)rst a)d>.@R, :9 Army F)eld 9an)tat)on Team, .om/at 8)4esa2er Dnstructor and 9tate and ,at)onal .ert)4)ed ?0T!K, 8)censed on 0)l)tary 5:0GG and 0)l)tary Am/ulances, mm @)stol Secret Security Clearance
%ertific#tions ! %le#r#nces:
Kro er'%#s(ier )*++,'*++-. =or1ed as a cas&)er )n at t&e Ero(er located at 1212 ? Ket&any Dr)2e Allen, Texas 75002 ( 72) 727! # 5 8earned &oA to /e a e44ect)2e cas&)er 0uc& exper)ence A)t& &andl)n( decent amount o4 money Dut)es )ncluded runn)n( t&e cas& re()ster, customer ser2)ce and &andl)n( depos)ts o4 my re()ster at end o4 my s&)4t
/lors(ei0'S#les0#n1Key'(ol$er )*++-'*++2. =or1ed as a salesman (later promoted to 1ey!&older) at t&e Flors&e)m outlet located at $20 = 9tacy Road Allen, Texas 7501# ( 72) "7$!45 5 Kecame muc& more pro4)c)ent at 4ace to 4ace customer ser2)ce Also Aas respons)/le 4or open)n( and clos)n( t&e store /y mysel4 5andled all t&e stores money at t&e end o4 /us)ness Aas respons)/le 4or ma1)n( depos)ts at t&e storeLs /an1 @er4ormed all dut)es reCu)red o4 t&e store to )nclude ta1)n( )n s&)pments, stoc1)n( t&e ma)n 4loor, clean)n(, customer ser2)ce, runn)n( t&e cas& re()ster, and per4orm)n( as an expert on male dress s&oes -a)ned 2alua/le customer ser2)ce and leaders&)p exper)ence
3ex#s Ar0y N#tion#l Gu#r$'%o04#t Me$ic1He#lt(c#re Speci#list )*++2'Present. .urrently Aor1)n( at a .om/at 0ed)c at t&e #!124 .AG Texas ,at)onal -uard (A&)le attend)n( colle(e) un)t located at 700 = 9pr)n( .ree1 =yl)e, Texas 750 $ 9tarted my )nterest )n med)cal 4)eld and &a2e /een pursu)n( )t e2er s)nce currently Aor1)n( on my @re!0ed )n &opes to (et accepted to 0ed)cal 9c&ool 8earned muc& )n Kas)c 8)4e 9a2)n( s1)lls and port)ons o4 Ad2anced 8)4e 9a2)n( s1)lls Dut)es )nclude ma)nta)n)n( t&e Ael4are o4 my sold)ers, runn)n( t&e un)tLs a)d stat)on and pro2)d)n( )mmed)ate l)4e sa2)n( trauma med)c)ne to t&ose Aounded on t&e 4ront l)nes )n Aart)me s)tuat)ons* 8earned )mportant lessons on &oA to /e a 4olloAer and years later on &oA to /e a leader*
Krad Dean! Former .o!Aor1er! =or1)n( as )ntern at ?t&os -roup ?ma)l< Deanomyte'(ma)l*com @&one< 214!551!#4$5 .&r)stop&er 9* 9edtal! .ompany .ommander! .urrently .ommander o4 55T #!124 .AG @&one< 512! 2#!#2#5 or 512! "5!7077 (currently deployed A)t& me )n A4r)ca, =e Return ?arly Octo/er) ?ma)l< .&r)s*9edtal'(ma)l*com or .&r)stop&er*9edtal'us*army*m)l Da2)d %aco/s! @latoon 9er(eant! .urrently 0ed)c ,.O o4 55T 0ed)cs @&one< $17! 0 !2"17 (currently deployed A)t& me )n A4r)ca, =e Return ?arly Octo/er) ?ma)l< D3aco/s122$'(ma)l*com or Da2)d*%aco/s'TM:*com R&onda Kuc&)et J ?R ,urse at 0ed)cal .enter o4 @lano @&one< 214!$4#!555$