Q80 User Manual
Q80 User Manual
Q80 User Manual
4. Use of Menu Functions........8 Multimedia............................8 Phoneboo ...........................11 Call history..........................12 !ahoo .................................14 Connecti"ity.........................14 Messa#es.............................1$
File mana#er........................2% Music...................................21 &pplications.........................21 'r#ani(er.............................23 Settin#s...............................24 Pee messa#e......................28 ). Use of US* ......................28 $. Maintenance + Safety ......28
!ter sales ser"ice.................................#$ Charger and da%ter Sa!ety.................#$ Battery In!ormation and Care...............#& 'eneral Notice......................................#& (roubleshooting ....................................)*
,. &bbre"iations ..................3%
guidelines care!ully. /o not s-itch the mobile %hone on -hen close to chemical !actory, gas station or other e0%losi"e ob1ects. /uring dri"ing, %lease use headset !or sa!ety %ur%ose2 unless other-ise in emergency, al-ays sto% the car on roadside to ha"e a call con"ersation. Because the use o! the mobile %hone can cause inter!erence in the aircra!t, ne"er use the mobile %hone in aircra!t. (he use o! the mobile %hone is dangerous and illegal2 do s-itch o!! the mobile %hone be!ore boarding. Pay s%ecial attention to the use o! the mobile %hone near heart %acema3er, dea!4 aid and some other medical e5ui%ments, because the mobile %hone can cause inter!erence -ith them. None4original !actory6s accessories and %arts -ill lose guarantee. /o not dismantle the mobile %hone -ithout %ermission. In case o! !ailure, %lease contract the su%%lier as soon as %ossible. /o not %lug the charger into the mobile %hone and charge -ithout battery. l-ays
%o-er o!! the mobile %hone -hen ta3ing out the battery2 other-ise the memory o! the %hone may be damaged. 7hen charging the mobile %hone, al-ays 3ee% it in the %lace -ith good "entilation, heat sin3 and a-ay !rom !lammable and e0%losi"e ob1ects. In order to a"oid demagneti8ation, al-ays 3ee% the mobile %hone a-ay !rom magnetic ob1ects such as C/, credit card etc. 9nsure the mobile %hone not to contact any li5uid2 once such case occurs, remo"e the battery and contact the su%%lier immediately. /o not use the mobile %hone in the en"ironment at too high or too lotem%erature, ne"er e0%ose the mobile %hone under strong sunshine or too -et en"ironment. (he suitable tem%erature !or the %hone and accessories is *:44*:. (he height to use the %hone shall be less than #,***m. /o not use li5uid or -et cloth -ith strong cleanser to clean the mobile %hone.
(his mobile %hone has shooting, "ideoing and audio recording !unctions, -hich shall be used as %er the related la-s and regulations. l-ays 3ee% the mobile %hone out o! children6s reach. /o not thro- or "ibrate the mobile %hone because "iolent treatment to the mobile %hone may damage the inner circuits and %recise structures. Please do not discard the -aste battery into general household garbage. Please deal -ith the -aste battery according to %ro"isions -here they are de!initely made. (i%. (his user manual is based on sim%li!ied Chinese o%eration mode2 so it may "ary in 9nglish o%eration mode. 7arning. 7e -ill not be bear any res%onsibility !or any incom%liance -ith the abo"e guidelines or im%ro%er use o! the mobile %hone. ;ur com%any 3ee%s the right to ma3e modi!ications to any o! the content here in this user guide -ithout %ublic announcement in ad"ance. (he content o! this manual may "ary !rom the actual content dis%layed in the
4 5 6
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Be!ore SIM card installation, %lease s-itch o!! the mobile %hone. (he SIM card is installed on the bac3 o! the mobile %hone. +ollo- the !ollo-ing diagram to install the SIM card. Please insert the host SIM card into the SIM1 slot and the sla"e SIM card into the SIM# slot. Note. I! SIM card is inserted only into the SIM1 slot, then only the host -or3s2 li3ely, I! SIM card is inserted only into the SIM# slot, then only the sla"e -or3s. 7hen t-o SIM cards are inserted into the SIM1 slot and SIM# slot res%ecti"ely, you can choose -or3 mode !reely as you -ish. Note. s the SIM card is small ob1ect, 3ee% it out o! children6s touch or %re"ent children gul%ing it>
-nstall Memory card s the mobile %hone does not ha"e enough storage s%ace, to use some !unctions, you need to install a memory card <(his mobile %hone use (4+? S@ card.= Install (4+? S@ card. ;%en the bac3 co"er to ta3e out the battery, release the (4+lash card loc3, insert the (4+lash card into its slot, and restore the loc3 and the battery be!ore restarting the mobile %hone.
Memory Card
Note. s the (4+? S@ card is small ob1ect, 3ee% it out o! children6s touch or %re"ent children gul%ing it>
-nstall *attery (he mobile %hone is suitable !or original battery and accessories. 7hen the battery is idle, it is recommended to %ut it into the %rotection bo0. +ollo- the !ollo-ing diagram to install the battery. Note. /o install the battery as %er the diagram so as %re"ent the battery contact %atch being damaged.
Char#e *attery (he ne- battery cannot reach the o%timal e!!iciency unless it has undergone se"eral continuous com%lete charges and discharges. 7hen the battery is used u%, charge it in time. ;"er4discharge can damage the battery.
!ter the battery is charged !ull, cut o!! the connection o! charger -ith the C %o-er su%%ly and the connection -ith the mobile %hone. +ollo- the !ollo-ing diagram to connect the charger.
/uring charging, the battery ca%acity icon on the screen !lic3ers !rom the do-n to the u%. !ter the battery is charged !ull, the icon is !ull o! bars. Slight heat during charging is normal. 7arning. 7hen a tra"el charger and its accessories are used to charge the battery, %lease !irstly chec3 i! they are original or recogni8ed by the original manu!acturer. (he use o! other accessories may damage your
mobile %hone and cause ris3s> them indoor and dry %laces. .otices on usin# the battery
l-ays use
(he %er!ormance o! the battery is a!!ected by many !actors, including radio barrier net-or3 settings, signal strength, signal strength, -or3 tem%erature, chosen and used !unctions or settings as -ell as %hone accessories, tone, data or other a%%lications. +or o%timal %er!ormances, %lease !ollothe rules belo-. Ne- battery or the battery ha"ing been idle !or long need charging !or long. (he standard "oltage sco%e !or the battery is ).6B44.#B. /uring charging, 3ee% the battery at room tem%erature or similar tem%erature. 7ith time %assing by, the battery -ill gradually be -orn and thus need longer time to charge. (his is normal. @o-e"er, a!ter normal charging, i! call duration decreases but charging time increases, you need to buy another battery !rom the original manu!acturer or authori8ed by the original manu!acturer. (he battery o!
interior 5uality can damage your mobile %hone and cause danger> I! the %hone is o"erused at lo- battery -hen charging, there might need a longer time !or the charge indicator to be sho-n on the screen. Note. Please dis%ose the battery according to the local regulations. (ry to recycle the battery as %ossible. /o not treat the -aste battery as common -aste. 7arning. /o not thro- the battery into !ire so as to %re"ent !ire. (he bro3en battery may cause e0%losion. /arnin# Charging the mobile %hone by im%ro%er means can cause to e0%losion. l-ays re!er to the related regulations !or the dis%osal o! the battery. P-. code PIN1 Code0 It is the %ersonal identi!ication number used to enter SIM and able to %re"ent others using SIM1 -ithout %ermission. I! the mobile %hone has acti"ated the PIN1 code
%rotection, -hen the mobile %hone is s-itched on, the screen -ill dis%lay CIn%ut PIND. In the %rocess o! in%utting PIN1 code, the screen -ill use CED to re%resent the in%ut content. 7hile obtaining SIM, you can obtain its PIN1 code. PIN# Code0 It is the %ersonal identi!ication number used !or some s%ecial !unctions such as %aid call etc. PFG Code and PFG# Code<$4digit= (o change the loc3ed PIN code, you need to use PFG <Personal Fnbloc3ing Gey= code. (o change the loc3ed PIN# code, you need to use PFG# code. I! these t-o codes are not %ro"ided together -ith the SIM cards, as3 the local ser"ice %ro"ider !or them. 7arning. I! the PIN code is in%ut -rongly !or successi"ely three times, the SIM card -ill be loc3ed. Please contact the net-or3 o%erator immediately !or hel%. ttem%t to unloc3 the code may ma3e the SIM card ine!!ecti"e !ore"er>
-ma#e "ie1er
ll %hotos ta3en are sa"ed in the album.
;%tions BieImage in!ormation Slide sho9dit /escri%tion Lou can "ie- the selected %hotos. Bie- the details o! the %hoto. Lou can bro-ser %ictures as Slide sho-. Lou can edit the %ictures as the %hone guides.
Bro-se Style
(here are t-o bro-se styles, i.e. list and matri0. Lou can send %hoto to -all%a%er, Screen sa"er, %o-er on dis%lay, %o-er o!! dis%lay, call %icture. s multimedia message2 as email2 "ia Bluetooth. Lou can rename the selected %hoto. +or con"enience o! search, you can ran3 them as %er name, ty%e, time and si8e or choose CNoneD. Lou can choose %hotos storage %ath <to %hone or memory card=.
Fse as
cable !unctions as the antenna o! the +M radio, so it should hang !reely. 7hile listening to radio, you can dial or recei"e a call normally. /uring call con"ersation, the radio -ill turn mute automatically. I! some a%%lications are using 'PIS or CS/ to send or recei"e data, they may inter!ere -ith the radio. 7hen the +M radio is acti"ated, the mobile %hone -ill dis%lay the number and name <i! ha"ing been sa"ed= and !re5uency o! the radio channel. I! you ha"e sa"ed some radio channels <at most & channels= in the mobile %hone, you can roll to choose the desired
channel or %ress any o! number 3eys 14& to choose the corres%onding channel. ;%tion menu Channel list. Lou can edit and sa"e )* channels. Manual in%ut. Lou can edit the s%eci!ied radio !re5uency band. (he !re5uency o! the radio is bet-een $7.5m@8 and 1*$.*m@8. Preset uto Search. Lou can ha"e automatic search and sa"e the searched channels into the list. Settings. Lou can set bac3ground %lay, loud s%ea3er, record !ormat, audio 5uality and record storage. Iecord. Lou can record ne- !iles. %%end. Lou can ha"e anne0 record !or the !iles o! the su%erior le"el <only !or the record !iles in MI=. +ile list. the record !iles
2ideo player
It su%%orts the "ideos in )'P. In such mode, you can ha"e the !ollo-ing o%erations to the s%eci!ied !ile in )'P. ;%tions o! the %layer
;%tions /escri%tion
It su%%orts the "ideos in Play %lay inter!ace to %lay. Fse as Send Iename /elete /elete ll !iles Sort by
BI and -ill
not be limited by !ile si8e. Clic3 the Lou can use as screen sa"er, %o-er on dis%lay, %o-er o!! dis%lay. s multimedia message2 as email2 "ia Bluetooth. Lou can rename the s%eci!ied "ideo. Lou can delete the s%eci!ied "ideos. Lou can delete all !iles. +or con"enience o! search, you can ran3 them as %er name, ty%e, time and si8e or choose CNoneD. Lou can choose "ideo storage %ath <to %hone or memory card=.
Photo editor
Photo artist Set the related !unctions as the %hone guides. Image tiles Select the related si8e !rom the %hone to ha"e the !unctions.
Sound recorder
!ter choosing CSound IecorderD and %ress C;GD to enter, you can the %re"ious record !iles. Press C;%tionsD to ha"e the !ollo-ing o%erations. Iecord. Lou can record ne- !iles. Play. Lou can %lay the selected !ile. %%end. Lou can ha"e anne0 record !or the !iles o! the su%erior le"el <only !or the record !iles in MI=. Iename. Lou can rename the chosen !ile. /elete. Lou can delete the chosen !ile. ?ist. Lou can "ie- all !iles. Settings. Lou can set the storage %osition !or record !iles, including %hone and memory card. lso you can set the !ormat o! the record !ile, including MI and 7 B. Fse as. Lou can used as user %ro!iles. Send. Lou send the record !ile to Bluetooth, email and multimedia message.
FM 3adio
Lour mobile %hone su%%orts +M radio. (o use the mobile %hone to listen to radio, insert the headset connection cable into the headset %ort on the mobile %hone. (he headset connection
Slide Sho1
Lou can bro-ser %ictures as Slide sho-. Select the !iles or %ictures to bro-se.
(hrough the Phoneboo3, you can ha"e the %hone call more con"eniently.
9"ery contact sa"ed into SIM1 and SIM# can only include name and number. (he mobile %hone su%%orts 1,*** grou%s o! numbers.
Call #roup
In the !unction o! adding ne- call grou%, you can set the 'rou% name, caller ringtone, call %icture, and call "ideo,
dd ne- entry. Choose the SIM card the %hone to sa"e the contact Co%y contacts. +rom SIM to %hone, !rom Phone to SIM. Mo"e contacts. +rom SIM to %hone, !rom Phone to SIM. /elete all contacts. +rom SIM to %hone, !rom Phone to SIM.
or or or or
Phoneboo3 Send B(. +rom SIM to %hone, or !rom Phone to SIM or send all entry. Im%ort and 90%ort. Choose the related !unction as the %hone guides.
Smart dial. Set it ;n or ;!!. S%eed dial. Set it ;n or ;!!. Name list !ilter. Choose !rom SIM card Phone and ll. 90tra numbers. Set the o-ner numbers and the !i0ed dials. Match digit. In%ut the numbers !rom 7J 11. Memory Status. Lou can "ie- the current use status o! the %honeboo3, including SIM1, SIM# and %hone memory. (he dis%lay !ormat is CFsedA(otalD.
Call history
Call center includes Call history and Call Settings. In dual4SIM mode, you can se%arately search the call register o! SIM1 and SIM# and set se%arately some o%erations corres%onding to SIM1 and SIM#. In mono4SIM standby mode, you can set the a"ailable SIM card and see its call register.
Call history includes missed calls, dialed calls and recei"ed calls. In missed calls, recei"ed calls and dialed calls !unction list, you can see the date and time o! the call, edit or delete the %hone number in the list, sa"e the number to %honeboo3 or send SMS and MMS to the number, etc.
&ll calls
Bie- the details o! the %hone calls as the screen sho-s.
5ialed calls
Bie- the details o! all the dialed calls here.
3ecei"ed calls
Bie- the details o! all the recei"ed calls here.
Missed calls
Bie- the details o! all the missed calls here.
&d"anced settin#s
Call timers
(his needs the su%%ort o! the net-or3 ser"ice %ro"ider. ?ast Call. 7ith this !unction, you can "iethe duration o! the last call.
/ialed calls. 7ith this !unction, you can "ie- the duration o! all calls. Iecei"ed calls. 7ith this !unction, you can "ie- the duration o! the recei"ed calls. Ieset all. 7ith this !unction, you can reset all the records o! the calls.
Call cost
Set the %arameters o! the cost, and you can get the results o! the cost as the %hone counts.
S-M te6t messa#e Counter
7ith this !unction, you can see and %reset the number o! sent messages and recei"ed messages.
7P3S Counter ?ast Sent. Lou can "ie- the sending tra!!ic
o! last lin3. ?ast Iecei"ed. Lou can "ie- the rece%tion tra!!ic o! last lin3. ll Sent. Lou can "ie- the sending tra!!ic o! all lin3s. ll Iecei"ed. Lou can "ie- the rece%tion tra!!ic o! all lin3s. Ieset Counter. Lou can clear all lin3 tra!!ic.
7ith this !unction, you can delete the records o! the missed calls, recei"ed calls, dialed calls, call terms, message counter, and 'PIS counter.
7ith this !unction, you can communicate -ith others 1ust in%ut the user6s name and the %ass-ord.
Connecti"ity Ser"ices
-nternet ser"ice @ome%age44 Start the -ebsite chosen in the connection settings !ile. Boo3mar3sJ+ace boo3 and +riendster 9nter the o%tions menu and ha"e the !ollo-ing o%erations on the boo3mar3. 'o to. ?og into the chosen -ebsite. 9dit. 9dit the chosen boo3mar3 name and -ebsite. Send. Send the boo3mar3 as te0t message or multimedia message.
/elete. /elete the chosen boo3mar3. /elete all. /elete all boo3mar3s. dd boo3mar3. dd ne- boo3mar3s. Iecent %ages. Iecord the latest 1* -eb %ages bro-sed. ;!!line %ages. Lou can "ie- these %ages -hen you o!!line. In%ut address. In%ut the -ebsite to be logged in. Ser"ice Inbo0. (he mobile %hone can recei"e the ser"ice in!ormation <CIecommendedD in!ormation= sent by the ser"ice %ro"ider. +or e0am%le, the ser"ice in!ormation can be the notice o! related ne-s headlines, -hich can include one %iece o! ne-s or a ser"ice -ebsite. Settings. Select SIM. l-ays as3ASIM1ASIM# 9dit account. By this !unction you can edit the account. Bro-ser o%tions44 Lou set -hether to dis%lay images during -aiting time and -hen bro-sing 7ebPages. Ser"ice message settings44 Lou can choose ;N or ;++ to enable the %ush or
not and you can choose the disable or al-ays in the (rust settings. Set S? settings !unctions as !ollo-. Ne"er, con!irm, -ithout con!irm. dd ne- trust list including. number, IP address, /omain name. Clear cache44 Lou can clear cache. 7hen the data o! the cache are e0cessi"e, net-or3 sur!ing s%eed can be a!!ected. Clear coo3ies44 Lou can clear %ersonal data. (rusted certi!icates449ntrust.net 7 P C M1&&& ?imited liability. See ---.entrust.netA-a%c%s2 FS BeriSign, Inc. Class ) Public, %rimary certi!ication authority.
(he mobile %hone su%%orts the Bluetooth !unction. Lou can use Bluetooth -ireless technology to set -ireless connection -ith other com%atible de"ices, including mobile %hone, com%uter, headset, in4car accessories etc. 7ith Bluetooth !unction, you can send %hoto, "ideo segment, audio segment, %ersonal business card and memo. Lou can also establish -ireless connection -ith the
com%atible PC to transmit !iles and connect to -eb by dialing number "ia SIM. s the de"ice su%%orting Bluetooth -ireless technology %er!orms communications "ia -ireless -a"e, you need no 3ee%ing the de"ice o%%osite to other de"ices but 3ee% the distance bet-een tem not more than 1*m <about ))D=. @o-e"er, Bluetooth connection can be a!!ected by -all or other electronic e5ui%ments etc. (o ensure mutual o%eration bet-een this de"ice and other de"ices su%%orting Bluetooth -ireless technology, consult the manu!acturer to con!irm -hether the de"ice by it is com%atible -ith this de"ice. /o not use Bluetooth !unction in hos%ital and aircra!t etc. *luetooth Menu Po1er. Be!ore using Bluetooth !unction, you need to acti"ate this o%tion. 7hen Bluetooth !unction or other !unctions are being used, allo-ing this !unction to o%erate in the bac3 des3 -ill consume more %o-er. It is recommended to close this !unction -hen it is idle.
-n8uiry audio de"ice. 7ith this !unction, you can in5uiry audio de"ice. +or other de"ices, enter My /e"ices to search. My 5e"ice. !ter entering this o%tion, you -ill see the Bluetooth de"ices com%atible -ith the mobile %hone. 9ntering o%tions, you can ha"e necessary o%erations on the desired Bluetooth de"ice or search the incom%atible Bluetooth de"ices. &cti"e 5e"ices. 7ith this !unction, you can see all de"ices connected -ith the mobile %hone and their lin3 ser"ice ty%e. Lou can interru%t the s%eci!ied lin3 ser"ice. Settin#s. Be!ore using Bluetooth !unction, enter this menu to ha"e corres%onding settings. I! your mobile %hone6s Bluetooth !unction is not acti"ated, you can ha"e acti"ation con!irmation. Bisibility. !ter this o%tion is acti"ated, other %eri%heral de"ices su%%orting Bluetooth -ireless technology can see your de"ice and its name "ia search. !ter the ste% audio %lay ser"ice is acti"ated, this de"ice -ill be unable to be searched.
Change /e"ice Name. Lou can edit my de"ice name. uthentication. !ter this o%tion is acti"ated, matching is needed -hen %eri%heral de"ice accesses my de"ice "ia Bluetooth <!or matched de"ices as -ell=. !ter closing the o%tion, no matching is needed !or the matched de"ices. udio Path. Lou can lea"e the audio on my de"ice or send to other hand4!ree de"ices "ia Bluetooth. I! using Bluetooth to ha"e a call, set this %ath as hand4!ree de"ices. +(P Settings. Lou can set the !ile directory shared by my de"ice and the access right to online Bluetooth de"ices. &bout. @ere, you can see the name o! my de"ice, my de"ice6s Bluetooth de"ice address and the Bluetooth ser"ices su%%orted by my de"ice. (i%. 7hen searching Bluetooth de"ices, ma3e sure that the %eri%heral Bluetooth de"ices are -ithin the signal co"er range and can be searched. (o match the searched de"ices, you need to discuss -ith the user o! this de"ice about a %air o! matching %ass-ords. (o match
the hand4!ree de"ice, you must in%ut its matching %ass-ord. !ter matching, this de"ice -ill be sa"ed in my de"ice "ie-.
/-F7? N <-ireless local area net-or3= lin3s de"ices "ia a -ireless distribution method <ty%ically s%read4 s%ectrum or ;+/M radio=, and usually %ro"ides a connection through an access %oint to the -ider internet. (his gi"es users the mobility to mo"e around -ithin a local co"erage area and still be connected to the net-or3
/9&. status
@ere you can see the status o! the connecti"ity. I! the 7I+I is on, you can see the mac address, and once connected to the net-or3, you can chec3 the related in!ormation.
Search the net-or3s, and connect to the net-or3. I! the net-or3 is !or !ree, you can sur! the net !ree, i! not, you need to in%ut the %ass-ord.
Messa#es Messa#e
SMS is a 3ind o! net-or3 ser"ice that cannot be used to send and recei"e short messages until you a%%ly to the net-or3 o%erator. Both SIM cards o! the mobile %hone can send and recei"e SMS. (he SMS is sent to the SMS center o! the net-or3 and then sent by the net-or3 to the target user <'SM user=. I! the user does not s-itch on the mobile %hone or the mobile %hone cannot recei"e the SMS <the memory is !ull=, the net-or3 -ill sa"e the
SMS tem%orarily. (he duration o! storage de%ends on sender6s settings and net-or3 ser"ice %ro"ider. 7ith this !unction, the mobile %hone can send and recei"e chain te0t messages, -hich may a!!ect the message !ees. +or more in!ormation, %lease consult the ser"ice %ro"ider. 7hen the SMS ca%acity is !ull, there -ill be an SMS icon !lic3ering on the standby inter!ace. (he !ull ca%acity can a!!ect SMS rece%tion. /elete some SMS to sol"e the %roblem. I! the other %arty has recei"ed SMS, you -ill hear the alert sound !rom the mobile %hone <i! such alert !unction is set as ;N= Note. 7hen sending SMS "ia the SMS net-or3, the mobile %hone dis%lay CMessage sentD. It indicates that the SMS has been sent to the SMS center inbo0 set in the mobile %hone but does not mean the recei"er has recei"ed the SMS. +or more in!ormation, %lease consult the ser"ice %ro"ider.
/rite Messa#e
Lou can -rite message in this menu. (o -rite SMS, %ress C aD 3ey to s-itch in%ut modes, CsymD 3ey to select Symbol2 %ress C/el 3eyD to clear one character be!ore the cursor, long %ress C/el 3eyD to delete all
characters2 %ress the end 3ey to bac3 to the standby inter!ace, %ress the u% and do-n direction 3ey to choose characters, %ress CselectD 3ey to con!irm. (he mobile %hone can send the chain SMS more than characters <limit !or common te0t messages=. I! the SMS contains more than 1$* 9nglish characters, then the SMS -ill be s%lit into #%cs or more. Lou can insert images, cartoons, rings etc into SMS. @o-e"er, the SMS -ill not be recei"ed and dis%layed unless the net-or3 and the recei"ing mobile %hone su%%ort. Lou can enter the %hone number or choose a number !rom the %honeboo3 to send the SMS. In dual4SIM standby mode, you can choose to send the SMS "ia SIM1or SIM#.
Lou can see the SMSA MMS in the inbo0. Ie%ly. Lou can re%ly to the recei"ed SMSAMMS. /elete. /elete the current SMSAMMS. +or-ard. Lou can directly !or-ard this SMSAMMS to others. Co%y to Phone. Lou can co%y the entries in SIM card onto the %hone.
Mo"e to Phone. Lou can mo"e the entries in SIM card onto the %hone. /elete ll. Lou can delete all SMS AMMS in inbo0. Co%y all. Lou can ha"e t-o o%tions, i.e. co%y all entries on the SIM card in the inbo0 onto the %hone or "ice "ersa. Mo"e all. Lou can ha"e t-o o%tions, i.e. mo"e all entries on the SIM card in the inbo0 onto the %hone or "ice "ersa. Fse Number. Lou can e0tract the number in the SMS and sa"e it or dial a call.
5rafts I! you are editing the message and the messages are not sent out immediately, the messages -ill be sa"e here. Lou can send, edit, delete or ha"e the ad"anced !unction. 'utbo6
7hile sending SMSAMMS, you can choose CSa"e and SendD, and you can sa"e the SMSAMMS into the ;utbo0. Lou can directly sa"e the edited SMS into the ;utbo0, in such case2 the ;utbo0 -ill dis%lay CNo numberD, i.e. no target number. I! you !ail to send the SMSAMMS, it -ill be sa"ed in the ;utbo0. lso, you can ha"e such o%erations as send !rom SIM1, send !rom SIM#, edit, delete, co%y to %hone mo"e to %hone, delete all, co%y all,
mo"e all, use number use FI? Fse FSS/ and Fse email address.
Sent messa#es
7hen the message is sent out success!ully, then the messages are sa"ed here.
5elete messa#es @ere you can delete the related choice as
Cell broadcast is a 3ind o! in!ormation ser"ice such as -eather re%ort, tra!!ic etc that the net-or3 o%erator sends to the 'SM users -ithin certain area. In dual4SIM mode, you can se%arately set SIM1 and SIM#. Iecei"e Mode. Lou can ;NA;++ such !unction. Iead Message. Lou cannot read the recei"ed in!ormation until you o%en such !unction. ?anguages. Lou can set the language !or the recei"ed in!ormation. Channel Settings. Lou can choose, add and edit and delete channel number.
7ith it, you can %re4edit some common %hrases, -hich is con"enient !or 5uic3 SMS editing.
Messa#e Settin#s
;e6t messa#e Lou can set some %arameters o! the SIM1 SMS or SIM# SMS in the menu. Pro!ile Settings. (o send SMS, you must in%ut the SMS center number. Note. (he SMS center number is %ro"ided by the net-or3 o%erator. Boicemail ser"er. 9dit the related o%tions. Common Settings o /eli"ery Ie%ort. (he net-or3 -ill in!orm you -hether the other %arty has recei"ed the SMS and -hat the time is. o Ie%ly Path. Lou can send the re%ly %ath to the net-or3 terminal. (his !unction needs the su%%ort !rom the SMS center. Memory Status. Lou can "ie- the ca%acity o! the SIM card or the %hone !or SMS. Pre!erred Storage. Lou can set the storage %osition <SIM or %hone= !or SMS. Multimedia messa#e Pro!iles. Choose one o! the media to ha"e the mms !unctions. Common settings. Com%ose Sending, Ietrie"al and Memory status.
Be!ore sending or recei"ing emails, you need to create and acti"ate an email account. Be!ore use, you need to set the e4mail in the C94mail accountsD menu. Bia this menu, you can recei"e and send e4mail. Send and Iecei"e. Lou can sendArecei"e the e4mail !rom the s%eci!ied mailbo0. 7rite 9mail. Lou can edit e4mails. Inbo0. Lou can see the recei"ed e4mails. ;utbo0. Lou can see the sent e4mails. Sent. Lou can send e4mails. /ra!ts. Lou can see the dra!ts in the s%eci!ied mailbo0. Clear mailbo0. Lou can clear the e4mails in the s%eci!ied mailbo0, including inbo0, outbo0, sent e4mail bac3u% and dra!ts, or clear all e4mails. /elete Mar3ed emails. Lou can change the status o! all e4mails to deleting status, 9mail accounts. Lou can set u% you neaccount. (em%lates. you can %re4edit some common %hrases, -hich is con"enient !or 5uic3 editing.
2oicemail Ser"er
(his is a 3ind o! net-or3 ser"ice, -hich cannot be used until you a%%ly to the net-or3 o%erator or o%en it. Please consult the local ser"ice %ro"ider !or more details and "oice mail number. Call "oicemail. Lou can dial the "oice mail number sa"ed in the "oice mail number !unction list. I! you ha"e t-o %hone numbers, they -ill ha"e their o-n "oice mail number. 9dit. Lou can edit name and edit the "oice mail number. Press the ;G 3ey to sa"e the number. (i%. In standby state, a!ter the "oice mail number is set, %ress 1 3ey to call the "oice mail. In dual4SIM standby state, you can choose to call the "oice inbo0 "ia SIM1 or SIM#.
*roadcast Messa#e
Cell broadcast is a 3ind o! in!ormation ser"ice such as -eather re%ort, tra!!ic etc that the net-or3 o%erator sends to the 'SM users -ithin certain area. In dual4SIM mode, you can se%arately set SIM1 and SIM#.
Iecei"e Mode. Lou can ;NA;++ such !unction. Iead Message. Lou cannot read the recei"ed in!ormation until you o%en such !unction. ?anguages. Lou can set the language !or the recei"ed in!ormation. Channel Settings. Lou can choose, add and edit and delete channel number.
File mana#er
Lou can manage udio, mythroad , Photos and Bideo in the %hone or !rom the (4!lash card. 1. Phone By %ressing the menu, you can set the !unction as In!ormation, Fse as, /elete, Send, Iename, Co%y., Mo"e, Mar3 se"eral, Ne!older, Sort by and /etails. #. Settin#s Lou can "ie- the memory status o! the %hone and the (4!lash card. +ormat. +ormat the %hone or the (4!lash card here.
(o do-nload music, you must insert the (4 +lash card into the mobile %hone, s-itch o!! the mobile %hone, connect the mobile %hone and PC -ith FSB cable, then the PC -ill detect the ne- hard-are and create a ne- mobile @/. /o-nload the chosen MP) !ile to under NMy MusicN o! the mobile dis3 rather than in such !olders as udio, Images and Photos2 other-ise, the !ile cannot be %layed. <;nly the music in MP), MI and MI/I are su%%ortable=. 7;7 @/O signi!icantly im%ro"es the %laybac3 5uality o! audio, deli"ering a dynamic )/ entertainment e0%erience -ith dee%, rich bass and high !re5uency clarity !or cris% detail. /escri%tion o! audio %layer o%tions.
;%tions SIS 7;7@/ Playlist (rac3 rtists /escri%tion @a"e the certain e!!ect by choosing the related !unction. Choose the mode to ha"e the %lay. (rac3 the music by in%utting the name. In%ut the artists to trace the
music lbums 'enre Ie!resh list Search the lbums here. Search the 'enre here. 9nter the trac3list and u%date it <e.g. the deleted music in the !ile management -ill not disa%%ear until u%date is conducted. Play Settings. (rac3list %ath, automatic trac3list, re%eat, shu!!le, bac3ground %lay. In%ut the Net address to ha"e the do-nload ser"ice
Note. is a trademar3 o! SIS ?abs, Inc. 7;7 @/ technology is incor%orated under license !rom SIS ?abs, Inc.
&pplications Mi<apps
=>a"a settin#s? Ha"a studio. you can select 1P7 and o!!. Ha"a "ibration. ;n or o!! "ibration. Ha"a %ro!ile. select %ro!iles you -anted @ea% si8e. de!ault si8e is #*&715# bytes =>a"a default security?
It contains third %arty, untrusted domain, restore settings and domain o%tions
(he u%%er direction 3ey !or CKD and the lo-er direction 3ey !or C D, the le!t direction 3ey !or NQN and the right direction 3ey !or NRN2 Press the clear 3ey to clear the latest in%uts or results digit by digit2 %ress the clear 3ey long to clear all content or result2 Press C;GD 3ey to obtain the result. Note. (he %recision o! this calculator is limited and can be used !or sim%le calculation.
Unit con"erter
Currency Con"erter
(o sa"e e0change rate, %ress C;GD, then choose to set e0change rate. Choose one e0change rate !rom the dis%layed o%tions. !ter that, %ress C;GD to con!irm. (hen the e0change rate -ill be sa"ed in the memory until you enter a ne- one to re%lace it. (o con"ert currency, enter the sum to be
con"erted, %ress C;GD and then choose to local currency or !oreign currency.
In standby, choose SMenuA90trasA94boo3 IeaderT. !ter e4boo3 is acti"ated, the e4boo3 list -ill be dis%layed. I! no e4boo3, clic3 ;%tions to ha"e such submenus as Clean F% Boo3shel! and 'lobal Settings. I! there are e4boo3s, you can choose one e4boo3 and %ress ;%tions to ha"e such submenus as ;%en 94boo3, F%date, System Preset, /etails, /elete, /elete ll, Ian3ing, 90ecute System Preset and @el%. ;%en 94boo3. cti"ate the current e4boo3 and enter the reading menu. Clean u% boo3shel!. 'lobal settings. Lou can set +ont Style, +ont Si8e, Scroll By, uto Scroll, Scroll S%eed, +ull Screen, 9ncoding, alignment and Storage Priority. Boo3 in!o. /is%lay the detailed in!ormation about the current e4boo3. /elete. /elete the current e4boo3. /elete ll !iles. /elete all e4boo3s. Sort by. Lou can ha"e such o%tions as s %er Name, s %er (y%e, s %er (ime, s %er Si8e or None to ran3 e4boo3s.
%%ly global settings. Lou can e0ecute the o%tions !or the %reset system. @el%. Lou can ha"e some o%eration instructions. Fse 3ey * to go to boo3 settings screen2 use 3ey 1 !or hel%2 use 3ey # to add a boo3mar32 use 3ey ) to go to !ind screen2 use 3ey 4 to go to 1um% to screen2 use 3ey 5 to go to boo3mar32 use 3ey 6 to !ind ne0t2 use 3ey 7 to toggle the auto scroll2 use 3ey $ to remo"e boo3mar32 use 3ey & to toggle !ull screen mode.
(his mobile %hone %ro"ides the inbuilt games <%u88le=. Please re!er to the o%eration instructions attached to the games. 'ame settings B'M. ;n or o!! bac3ground audio. Sound e!!ect. ;n or o!! audio. Bibration. ;n or o!! Bibration Bolume. F% and ?o- Bolume
'r#ani(er Calendar
7ith this !unction, you can set the alarm cloc3 to remind you o! your schedule and
record your schedule. Ioll the highlight bloc3 to the desired date and then the current date -ill be highlighted. (o "ie- all memos o! one day, %ress ;G to see the schedule. Lou can ha"e the !ollo-ing o%erations. Hum% to /ate. Lou can mo"e to the calendar o! the s%eci!ied date. (o do list. Lou can "ie- the schedule o! the date -here the cursor is on and set the time, date, content and -hether to acti"ate alarm on this schedule Set the related %arameters o! the calendar, and sa"e it, then the screen o! the Calendar -ill be mar3ed. In addition, you can ha"e such o%erations as dd, 9dit, Send "calendar, Sa"e as !ile, /elete and dd on the schedule.
;as s
Lou can ha"e such o%erations as Create Memo, Bro-se, dd, 9dit, /elete, /elete ll and Send on memos. I! you ha"e set alarm !or the memo, -hen the set time is reached, the mobile %hone -ill ring and dis%lay the memo content.
(he time !ormat !or the alarm cloc3 is identical to that o! cloc3. 7hen the mobile %hone is o!!, the alarm cloc3 can still -or3 %ro"ided the battery is su!!icient. (he system has set 5 alarm cloc3 o%tions and the de!aulted is o!!. Lou can acti"ate one o%tion or all o%tions according to the actual demand. 9"ery alarm cloc3 o%tion can set inde%endent time and date. 7hen the time is reached, the mobile %hone -ill gi"e out alert tone and !lic3er the current time and date on the screen. Press Sto% to sto% alarm cloc32 %ress Slee%, then the mobile %hone -ill %ause ringing and continue a!ter 4min. I! alarm time is reached but the mobile %hone is s-itched o!!, then the mobile %hone -ill be s-itch on automatically and ring. I! Sto% is %ressed, then the mobile %hone -ill as3 you -hether to s-itch on the mobile %hone. Press CNoD to s-itch o!! the mobile %hone and CLesD to register at the net-or3 and s-itch on the mobile %hone.
/orld cloc
Press the le!t and right direction 3eys to "ie- the current time o! e"ery country corres%onding to e"ery time 8one.
Lou can ha"e such o%erations as Create Memo, Bro-se, dd, 9dit, /elete, /elete ll and Send on memos. I! you ha"e set alarm !or the memo, -hen the set time is reached, the mobile %hone -ill ring and dis%lay the memo content.
User Profiles
Lour mobile %hone is %ro"ided -ith multi%le %ro!iles so that you can customi8e some settings in di!!erent cases !or di!!erent e"ents. +irstly, as %er your %ersonal hobby, ha"e indi"iduali8ed settings on %ro!ile and then acti"ate it. Lou can ha"e such %ro!iles as 'eneral, Meeting, ;utdoor, Indoor, @eadset, @eadset and Bluetooth. !ter indi"iduali8ed settings, choose C cti"ateD in CSelectD to start %ro!iles. Note. !ter the headset is inserted into the mobile %hone, the mobile %hone -ill automatically change into headset %ro!ile.
Fn%lug the headset to return to the %re"ious %ro!ile. In standby state, you can %ress U 3ey to s-itch to silence %ro!ile and again to the %re"ious %ro!ile.
3eception mode
Lou can in any %lace and at any time set the dual4mode mobile %hone as the !ollo-ing modes according to your o-n demand. /ual SIM o%en ;nly SIM1 o%en ;nly SIM# o%en +light mode
7ith this !unction, you can set city, time and date !ormat and the time o! s%eci!ic %lace.
Lou can choose the desired language !or %hone dis%lay.
U&3; setup
Choose SIM 1 or SIM # to ha"e the !unction,
5isplay settin#s
Lou can set standby menu dis%lay as -all%a%er, screen sa"er, %o-er on dis%lay, %o-er o!! dis%lay, -hether to dis%lay time and date and o-ner number <i! set in the %honeboo3=
Call settin#s
Connect "oice
None (one only Bib. only (one and Bib.
Call 5i"ert
(his is a 3ind o! net-or3 !unction, -hich cannot be used unless you a%%ly to the net-or3 o%erator !or it. 7ith this !unction, you can di"ert calls meeting he conditions to another number. Name /escri%tion (he net-or3 -ill /i"ert ll di"ert all "oice calls Boice Calls -ithout conditions.
/i"ert i! Fnreachabl e
/i"ert i! no ns-er
/i"ert Busy
7hen the net-or3 cannot !ind your mobile %hone <s-itched4o!! or out o! the ser"ice area=, it -ill di"ert the calls. 7hen the mobile %hone does not ans-er the call, the net-or3 -ill automatically di"ert it. 7hen you are on line, the net-or3 -ill di"ert the call. Net-or3 su%%ort needed. Cancel all di"ert !unctions.
Call /aitin#
Lou can set this !unction ;n or ;!!. (he call hold and multi4%arty call cannot be acti"e unless this !unction is acti"ated. (his needs net-or3 su%%ort.
&uto 3edial
Lou can set it as ;n or ;!!. !ter the !irst automatic redial !ails, you can ha"e at most ten times to connect a %hone number.
Call *arrin#
;utgoing Calls. 1. ll
Calls. Lou can bar all outgoing calls. #. International Calls. Lou can bar international calls. ). International Calls 90ce%t (o @ome P?MN. 7hen abroad, you can dial the calls o! the current country and the original country <the ser"ice %ro"iders allo-s to do so=. Incoming Calls. 1. ll Calls. Lou can bar all incoming calls. #. 7hen Ioaming. Lou can bar all calls e0ce%t the calls o! the local ser"ice area. Cancel ll
Lou can cancel call barring settings and dialArecei"e calls normally.
Change Barring Pass-ord
Lou can a%%ly to the net-or3 to change the %ass-ord !or call barring.
Messa#e blac list0 Set the mode on or o!! and set the blac3list numbers. *lac list0 Set the mode on or o!! and set the blac3list numbers. Pri"acy protection0 In%ut the de!ault %ass-ord ****, and choose the related !unction by clic3ing the choice. &uto @eypad 9oc 0 Lou can set it as ;n or ;!!. (he mobile %hone has 3ey%ad loc3 !unction. 7hen it lasts certain time, the 3ey%ad -ill be loc3ed, including such o%tions as ;!!, 5s, )*s, 1min and 5min. S-M 9oc 0 Lou can set SIM loc3 <PIN code= as onAo!!. 7hen this o%tion is
chosen, it is necessary to in%ut PIN code !or e"ery insert o! the SIM card. Phone 9oc 0 Lou can set it as ;n or ;!!. It is a %ass-ord o! 44$ digits and the de!aulted one is ****. Lou can change it. Chan#e Pass1ord0 Lou can change the de!aulted %hone %ass-ord C****D into 44 $4digit number easy to remember. I! the %hone loc3 is acti"ated, -hen s-itched on, the mobile %hone -ill hint CPhone loc3edD. (o unloc3 it, you can in%ut the %hone loc3 %ass-ord and clic3 ;G. Certificate mana#er0 Lou can bro-se the certi!icate as the %hone guides. messa#e
(his the s%ecial communicati"e !unction %ro"ided by the third %arty. 7ith this !unction, you can communicate -ith others 1ust in%ut the user6s name and the %ass-ord. @a"e the !unction as the %hone guides.
). Use of US*
Notices be!ore use 56
l-ays connect and sto% FSB de"ice correctly. Ne"er use 7indo-s !ormatting command to !ormat the mobile dis3 o! the mobile %hone2 other-ise, it -ill be damaged se"erely. FSB -or3 en"ironment. o 7indo-s#*** A VP. o +or other o%eration systems, the connection bet-een PC and the mobile %hone cannot be conducted unless FSB dri"er is installed.
$. Maintenance + Safety
Please read and obser"e the !ollo-ing in!ormation !or sa!e and %ro%er use o! your %hone and to %re"ent damage. lso, 3ee% the user guide in an accessible %lace at all the times a!ter reading it. &fter sales ser"ice Lou are 3indly re!er to the 7arranty Card %ro"ided in the sales %ac3age bo0. Char#er and &dapter Safety
Charger and ada%ter are designed !or indoor use only. *attery -nformation and Care
o o o o o o
Please dis%ose o! your battery %ro%erly. /o not disassemble or short4circuit the battery. Gee% the battery6s metal contacts clean. Iecharge the battery a!ter long %eriods o! non4use to ma0imi8e battery li!e. Battery li!e -ill "ary due to usage %atterns and en"ironmental conditions. (he sel!4%rotection !unction o! the battery cuts the %o-er o! the %hone -hen its o%eration is in an abnormal status. In this case, remo"e the battery !rom the %hone, reinsert it, and turn the %hone on.
7eneral .otice
Fsing a damaged battery or %lacing a battery in your mouth may cause serious in1ury. /o not %lace items containing magnetic com%onents such as a credit card, %hone card, ban3 boo3, or sub-ay tic3et near
o o
your %hone. (he magnetism o! the %hone may damage the data stored in the magnetic stri%. (al3ing on your %hone !or long %eriod o! time may reduce call 5uality due to heat generated during use. 7hen the %hone is not used !or a long %eriod time, store it in a sa!e %lace -ith the %o-er cord un%lugged. Fsing the %hone in %ro0imity to recei"ing e5ui%ment <i.e. (B or Iadio= may cause inter!erence to the %hone. /o not immerse your %hone in -ater. I! this ha%%ens, remo"e the battery and ta3e it to uthori8ed Ser"ice Center. /o not %aint your %hone. (he data sa"ed in your %hone might be deleted due to careless use, re%air o! the %hone, or u%grade o! the so!t-are. Please bac3u% your im%ortant %hone numbers. <Iing tones, te0t messages, "oice messages, %icture, and "ideos could also be deleted.= (he manu!acturer is not liable !or damage due to the loss o! data. /o not turn your %hone on or o!! -hen the %hone is close to your ear.
;roubleshootin# Phenomena Fnable to s-itch on Possible Causes /oes the battery ha"e %o-erW #. Is the battery %laced correctly 1. (he SIM card is dirty. Clean it. #. Ieinstall the SIM card. ). (he SIM card is damaged. Ie%lace it. Chec3 the signal strength icon on the screen. I! the icon contains 4 bars, it indicates the signal is the strongest2 i! belo- 1 bars, it indicates the signal is "ery %oor.
SIM !ailed
Poor signals
Maybe you ha"e set @ide My Caller I/ but your net-or3 o%erator does not %ro"ide this ser"ice !or you. Strong inter!erence e0ists around you. Maybe you ha"e acti"ated the call restriction !unction. Maybe you ha"e acti"ated ?ine # but your net-or3 o%erator does not %ro"ide this ser"ice !or you.
(he battery may discharge too much2 so it cannot be charged until it is connected !or certain time. Its %er!ormance has -orsened. (oo -ea3 signals or strong inter!erence. SIM card installed %ro%erlyW Bad contact or SIM card damagedW I! the SIM card is bro3en, %lease contact the net-or3 o%erator to re%lace it.
(he si8e o! the %hoto may be too big. (he recommended si8e is ##*E176
,. &bbre"iations
SMS 9MS SIM 'S M PIN PFG IM9I CB 'PI Short Message Ser"ice 9nhanced Message Ser"ice Subscriber Identity Module 'lobal System !or Mobile Communication Personal Identity Number PIN Fnbloc3ing Gey International Mobile 95ui%ment Identity Cell Broadcast 'eneral Pac3et Iadio Ser"ice
S MM S Car d1 Car d#
Multimedia Message ser"ice @ost card <the card inserted in SIM1 slot= Sla"e card <the card inserted in SIM# slot=