Business Plan On Garment Shop
Business Plan On Garment Shop
Business Plan On Garment Shop
With the change in the trend in fashion market Readymade Garment have become very popular. Most of the people used to wear readymade. Most of the people used to wear Readymade Garment in case of time saving activity. Especially ladies, kids, teenage girls and college going girls have taken very much interest in new designs and fashionable garments.
Today, the women especially working or homemaker want to look gorgeous without being too traditional. We decided to open a readymade garment shop to introduce new category of clothes in the market which may be something different from the clothes already available in the market.
W have named our garment shop !!!" and gave the punch line to the shop !!!!!!!!!!!" as we gave this tagline to influence the customers and the people in the market that they attract towards my shop and took visits in our shop.
There will be three workers in the shop who will contribute to the sales and profits in the business and the capital is also invested by # partners in the business. The shop basically targets teenage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The other clothes which are available in my store are for the daily wear, party wear and for the ceremonies.
My shop basically has $eans % trousers, shirts % tops, skirts, track suits, night wear and bath wear. &o, my shop has the products which are related to active wear, workout gear, leather garments, headgear and baseball $ackets. 't covers almost all types of customers. My shop also provides the facility for the repair such as stitching of the clothes and altering of the clothes. Introduction
)iscount stores General merchandise store &upermarkets Warehouse stores 1ariety stores
Mom2(nd2.op or 3irana &tores
&pecialty &tores
4onvenience &tores ,ypermarkets2 &upermarkets Malls2
&tore name6 2 !!!!!! &hop address6 2 !!!!!!!!!.. .unch line6 2 !!!!!!!!!! 7ocation of the shop6 2 !!!!!!!.. &hop area6 2 !!!!!!!!!.. 8ualification6 2 !!!!!!!!! +umber of sales persons9:
4lothes hangers9 ;?. 7. /illing machine and credit card machine9>. E5uipment or helpful products that you can ac5uire to once your business is off and running62 1. )ressing rooms and mirrors. 2. Warehouse and godown. 3. (dditional display furnishings. 4. )raperies, floor coverings. 5. &eating <small couches, chairs=. 6. The restroom.
0amily is interested in buying nice gifts for their e@pecting friends. This segment recogniBes their friendAs appreciation for nice things and are looking for something that they know they will en$oy. The output is meant to be something nice and lu@urious. Much of the current maternity wear and accessories are utility based and while they serve their purpose, they are not the most engaging gift. 0amily are looking for something that will stand out, that the new mothers will truly en$oy.
VISION To manufacture products comparable to international standards, to be customer focused & globally competiti e t!roug! better "uality, latest tec!nology and continuous inno ation. MISSION #ur mission is $
%e &ill al&ays stri e to use t!e best tec!nology possible to ma'e our product of best "uality and en ironment friendly. %e &ant to capture t!e mar'et of ((((((((( nationally. To pro ide a safe &or'ing en ironment for t!e employees. To ac!ie e consistent impro ement in profit. To attain !ig!est le el of efficiency, integrity & !onesty. To pro ide outstanding "uality &it! affordable price. To encourage people)s o&ners!ip, empo&erment and &or'ing under team structure.
*n!ance t!e moti ation and sense of belongingness of t!e employees. +er ing and supporting t!e society in &!ic! &e &or'. *,pand t!e business.
To open 2 ne& outlet by end of t!e year 2-13. To increase t!e sales force by 2-. by "uarter end. To start /igital mar'eting. To setup employee suggestion program &it!in 3 mont!s to ma'e employees a part of t!e organi0ation.
To pro ide lucrati e discounts and offers to regular customers after 3 rd "uarter end.
1.2." Scope
1. )iscusses key issues relating to the challenges and opportunities facing bouti5ue private banks in todayAs environment. 2. E@plores current trends in the wealth management sector including technology trends and merger and ac5uisition activity.
2.3.2 *ctive +ear,Sports+ear The active wear product includes the following62 S+eatshirts <>??F 4otton= MenAsDWomenAs, 7ong &leeve, &mall to #C76 Rs.;??.??
o MenAsDWomenAs, &hort &leeve, &mall to #C76 Rs.>#?.?? S+eat suits <1elour= o MenAsDWomenAs, &mall to #C76 Rs.>#?.??
2.3.- .eather /arments #otorcycle )ac!ets <>??F /lack 7eather= o MenAsDWomenAs, &mall to EC76 RsE??.?? .eather $ants <>??F /lack 7eather= o MenAsDWomenAs, &mall to EC76 Rs.:#?.??
'ncome groups i.e. ma@imum ;#,??? ;. 'omen6 2 The age between E? to H? Middle class % upper class 'ncome groups i.e. ma@imum :?,??? E@pected mothers 3. 1ids6 2 The age between > to >? Middle class % upper class &chool going kids 4. 2oys and ents6 2The age between >to #J Middle class % upper middle class
1. &uppliers9 E suppliers. 2. 'f re5uired9 no re5uirement or re5uirement of raw material after : years. 3. )istribution patterns9 no patterns followed. 4. 4ompetition9 medium competition and low competition. 5. +umber of competitors9 :?. 6. Main competitors9 H.
7. Ethnic wear.
3.2.2 'ea!ness
1. $olicy related issues
2. .imited consumer insi ht a2 7ack of detailed region specific customer data. b2 7ess data on spending pattern. 3. Inadequate human resources a2 7ack of trained personnel at all level. b2 &tringent employment and industry laws. c2 0ragment approach to human resources. J -. Taxation hurdle a2 'nconsistent ta@es like octori % freight and entry ta@ structure. b2 1at <value added ta@= and multiple ta@ation issues. c2 7arge grey market presence. 5. 6nderdeveloped supply chain a2 Knderdeveloped logistics infrastructure. b2 (bsence of national cold chain networks. c2 7ack of national distribution networks and hubs. 3. .ac! of adequate utilities a2 7ack of basic infrastructure like power, creates difficulty in sustaining retail operations across the large geographical spread of the country. b2 Transport facility c2 4ommunication problem
3.2.3 5pportunities
1. .otential for investment. 2. 7ocational advantage.
3. &ectors with high growth potential. 4. 0astest growing formats. 5. Rural retail.
3.2.- Threats
1. .olitical issues. 2. &ocial issues. 3. The inflation. 4. The nostalgia. 5. 7ack of differentiation among the malls that are coming. 6. .oor inventory turns and stock availability measures .
The leaves are also negotiable with the type of the worker in the shop. 0or full2time workers62 1. 4asual leave9 # 2. &ick leave9 : 0or part2time workers62 1. 4asual leave9 : &ick leave9 ;
#ar!et research
3.1 #ar!et conditions
( successful new venture sells customers goods and services they want or need and continually grows a base of satisfied customers. ,undreds of people consider starting new businesses each year and each of them will ask themselves the same 5uestions62 )oes my product or service fill a needL Who will buy my product or serviceL What will my price point beL What are the trends in my industryL Who are my competitorsL
Market research helps in the following factors62 1. &ommunicate effectively 2. Identify and understand opportunities 3. $inpoint potential obstacles or problems -. 2enchmar! and evaluate your success
&mall store siBe and inability to find an e@pansion, resulting in stocking a limited product range. 2. &hop name is not well known. 3. 7imited industry e@perience and industry knowledge. 4. *et there are no contractual restrictions to us adding products to the store, store siBe is an issue. 5. There is not a lot of competitive advertising in the market where my shop is located and price is not so much of an issue to our customers.
6. 'f a single retail shop owner has control of a resource essential for a certain industry, then other retail shop owners are unable to compete in the market. 7. When a good or service has a value that depends on the number of e@isting
customers, then competing players may have difficulties in entering a market where an established retail shop and a showroom has already captured a significant user base.
#ar!etin plan
4.1 %istribution strate y
The distribution involves a number of activities centered on a physical flow of goods and information. (t one time the term distribution applied only to the outbound side of supply chain management, but it now includes both inbound and outbound.
Management of the inbound flow involves these elements62 1. Material planning and control. 2. The purchasing. 3. The receiving. 4. .hysical management of materials via warehousing and storage. 5. Materials handling or handling of the stock. Management of the outbound flow involves these elements62 1. -rder processing. 2. Warehousing and storage. 3. 0inished goods management. 4. Material handling and packaging. 5. The shipping. 6. The transportation. )istribution channels are formed to solve three critical distribution problems6 functional performance, reduced comple@ity and specialiBation. The distribution strategy defines how you are going to create and satisfy demand for your products. ( distribution strategy defines how you are going to move
products from point of creation to points of consumption, in a cost2effective manner. 't must also define how to manage the brand. 0or my shop62 The suppliers supply the stock to my shop every ># days and sometimes also asked if there is an urgent re5uirement of clothes in my shop. +o particular procedure for distribution is followed but the salespersons in my store communicate to the people who came to my shop and ask their re5uirements. Then, they start serve the customers by showing clothes to them.
,owever, there are three basic ob$ectives of promotion. These are as follows62 1. To present information to consumers as well as others. 2. To increase demand. 3. To differentiate a product. The questions arise in the promotion are7( 1. Where and when can you get across your marketing messages to your target marketL 2. When is the best time to promoteL 's there seasonality in the marketL (re there any wider environmental issues that suggest or dictate the timing of your market launch or the timing of subse5uent promotionsL 3. ,ow do your competitors do their promotionsL (nd how does that influence your choice of promotional activityL
4.5 ST$ 8Se mentation9 Tar etin and $ositionin : 4.5.1 Se mentation
4ategoriBation of the customers62 1. Teenage girls6 2 (ged between >> to >J. Middle class % upper middle class people. 2. Women6 2 (ged E? to H?. Middle class % upper class people. 3. 3ids6 2 (ged > to >?. Middle class % upper class people. 4. /oys and gents6 2 (ged >to #J. Middle class % upper middle class people.
(ccording to our information, there are appro@imately >#?,??? males and >H#,??? females in the area where my shop is located, totaling :>#,??? people. -f those :>#,??? people, >IH,??? are between the ages of >I and #E years of age. &eventy2si@ percent of the :>#, ??? people have a household income of more than Rs. E?,???. My shop basically targets market is men and women between the ages of >I and #E of middle class people, upper middle class people and low income class people.
1. )esigning an attractive shop banner. 2. -ffering minimum price of clothes to the customers. 3. -ffering the coming customers in the shop the snacks and other refreshments. 4. 'ntroducing a seating arrangement for aged people. 5. -ffering other services like repairing of the clothes. 6. 'ntroducing offers of e@change of the clothes.
.roviding discount offers on $eans and shirts.;inancial ".1;inancial statements and cash flo+s The list of operating e@penses may include62 1. &alaries <staff salaries=. 2. The telecommunications. 3. The utilities. 4. The inventory. 5. The storage of the inventory. 6. The promotion of the shop and stock. 7. -ffice supplies. ".1.1&ash flo+ statement 1. The maintenance.
The e@penses amount of the cash inflow and cash outflows the basis of the product The which ' incurred before openingis ofestimated the shopon are62 sales, the inventory sold to the customers and the availability of the inventory in the shop.
1. 'nitial investment a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 Machines % e5uipments9 >?,??? 0urniture9 >?,??? &torage cabinets % stools9 ;?,??? ,angers and stands9 ;,??? &tationary materials9 >,???
2. &alary % incentives a2 4ost of stitching, patchwork % final touch9 G?? b2 )iscount on final product9 >?F &alary of the employees62 > 0ull2time workers9 ;,??? . month ; .art2time workers9>,??? . month 0or e@tra working hours62
per per
> . ; .
0or ; hours overtime a day9 Rs.>#? for full2time workers 0or ; hours overtime a day9 Rs.>?? for part2time workers
Estimated income earned on monthly basis62 > Monthly sales per . month Man 0eb ?.;; ; (verage sales per . unit ;? : . 'ncome per month ;H,??? /asis ?.;: ;H ;I,? ?? Man
4ash inflows Collection of A/R ;,HE ? I,?? ? I,??? I,??? >?,H E? #,;I? H,?? ? >>,; I? G,;H ? I,? ?? >#,; H? G,;H ?
I,??? >#,;H?
4ash outflows I,?? I,??? H,??? I,??? ? E,H> #,:>J #,>>J E,J>J E,H>J J >?,?? >>,??? ? I,??? J,??? >;,??? 2 2 2 2 2
I,??? -perating
>:,#?I G,:JH
>:,;?I I,;EI
>>,;? I >>,>? ?
>:,G? I >E,JH E
Ending 4ash
>?,G# ;
>:,GH E
E@penses (dvertising )epreciation &tart2up costs Rs.E,I? ? Rs.E,II J Rs.#,#? ? Rs.>,;? ? Rs.:,:G ; Rs.H,;? E Rs.>>? Rs.;,E? ? Rs.J,H? ? Rs.:,H? ? Rs.E,I? ? Rs.E,II J Rs.#,#? ? Rs.>,#? ? Rs.:,#? ? Rs.H,;? ? 2 Rs.;,E? ? Rs.>?,? ?? Rs.:,H? ? Rs.E,I? ? Rs.E,II J Rs.#,#? ? Rs.;,?? ? R&.:,H? ? Rs.H,:? ? 2 Rs.;,E? ? Rs.>?,? ?? Rs.:,H? ?
Education % training WorkmanAs compensation 'nsurance 2 property 7icense % permits Maintenance 2 shop Marketing Miscellaneous
.ostage % )elivery .rof fees 2 accounting .rof fees 2 legal Repairs &upplies 2 shop Telephone Ktilities Employee benefits -ther Total operating e@penses .rofit /efore 'nterest and Ta@es E/'T)( 'nterest E@pense Ta@es 'ncurred +et .rofit +et .rofitD&ales
Rs.H?? Rs.>,#? ? Rs.>,?? ? Rs.H?? Rs.E,;? ? Rs.>,EE ? Rs.;,>? ? Rs.J,?? ? Rs.;,E? ? Rs.;EI,I GH Rs.#J,I ?H Rs.HE,H JH Rs.H,G# : Rs.>#,J >H Rs.:G,> :G G.;:F
Rs.H?? Rs.>,#? ? Rs.#?? Rs.H?? Rs.E,;? ? Rs.>,EE ? Rs.;,>? ? Rs.J,>? ? Rs.;,E? ? Rs.;#>,E J? Rs.>>?,: J: Rs.>>#,;I; Rs.>?H,::> Rs.#,JH : Rs.:>,: ;J Rs.G:,> ?> >;.;?F
Rs.H?? Rs.>,#? ? Rs.#?? Rs.H?? Rs.E,;? ? Rs.>,EE ? Rs.;,>? ? Rs.J,>? ? Rs.;,E? ? Rs.;HI,? H# Rs.>?>,E E;
come from the business owner. The savings and personal lines of credit from previous employers often are tapped to cover the personal investment.
0or my shop62 0or my shop, no appropriate source of funding followed but the capital is invested from my side only.
'f there is needed for funds in future then loan can be apply by me through the banks. The loan is not applied in the beginning of the business as the field of the business is new to me and somewhat to the workers. 'f there are losses incurred ispite of the profits then we canNt able to pay back the amount of lended loan to the bank.
' have also taken loan from my father as the capital to invest in the business.