Tugas Wisata Rohani
Tugas Wisata Rohani
Tugas Wisata Rohani
All praise and gratitude we pray to Allah SWT. Due to his guidance and blessing was the writer has been able to complete a paper entitled "Travel Report" as well as possible. On this occasion in particular the author would like to thank Mr. Bey Rozaqi and the friends and relatives who have given guidance and encouragement to complete this report. The author realizes that this report is still far from perfection. Although the author has tried as much as possible and with all the abilities and knowledge. Finally, the authors ask Allah Almighty to give strength to devote existing knowledge.
Last week my sister and I went to several places in order to complete the task from my teacher, The first day I invited my Brother to the beach which is located in the district Jolosutro Wates we set off from home to wates at 08.30 pm and reach there at 10.00. there was lonesome since our visit was not on holiday. There we hany take pictures and rest a while. At 10.30 we continued our journey to the place which is located in Gong Kramat Lodoyo. We got there at 12.00 pm There we only take pictures place the gong usually bathed and photographed next to a statue of a tiger. We were there not long at 20:15 we went on a trip to the beach Attack is located not far from there, up the beach Attack at 13:00 pm . There we a little old for a break too We could not take pictures at the beach because the beach is very dirty. I just pictured above that are not being used After missing our tiredness began to remember already at 14.15, got home at 16:15 today really tiring trip . The second day, I invited my sister to the Penataran temple , we set off from home at 09.00. and arrived there at 10:00 pm. In there crowded at all because it coincided with the day off Sunday fitting . There I photographed one time. But we rested for a long time . Our return home at 14.15 and till 15.00 . The third day, I did a trip to the hair which is located in the village of Hair Monte Krisik distance of approximately 20 km . We departed at 10:30 and arrived there at 11.00 pm . I was just taking pictures in front of just me and my brother did not go because of travel are due to unfavorable weather . At 11:10 we went home and got home at 12:00 pm.
The Four day, in today Im very confused. Ofer this travel report it appears fals. Before are photos teacher together. I make in location my teacher. But alls is not good photos. I just photos wih my teacher. Location of NU Office in Tambakan city. After that I go home.
Seperti tahun sebelumnya MTs Maarif Nu mengadakan study tour ke jawa tengah. Namun naren suatu hal saya tidak bisa mengikuti kegiatan tersebut. Akhirnya saya pergi study tour sendiri bersama dengan kaka saya. Mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata di Blitar. Pada tangal 25 Januari 2014 aku diajak kakakku ke candi penataran dan candi kotes. Saya pertama-tama pergi ke candi penataran, berangkat dari rumah jam 08.00 sampai disana jam 08.25. saya sampai disana hanya foto-foto dan istirahat dan melihat ikan keramat disana. Waktu menunjukkan pukul 10.05 kami pun melanjutkan perjalanan ke candi kotes. Saya berfoto-foto dan istirahat disana, waktupun sudah siang dan saya ke mushola di dekat sana. Saya sholat dhuhur dan sesudah itu saya pulang kerumah. Hari berikutnya saya pergi ke rambut monte, bendungan monte dan
winang growing. Pertama saya ke rambut monte pada jam 08.00 dan sampai disana jam 08.30. saya hanya berfoto-foto didepan saja, aku tidak masuk ke tempat wisata karena cuaca tidak mendukung. Waktupun terus berjalan dan pada jam 09.30 saya melanjutkan ke bendungan monte sampai disana jam 09.45. disana saya harus menuruni tangga yang lumayan banyak, disana saya hanya berfoto. Tepat jam 10.30 saya melanjutkan perjalanan ke winang growong. Sampai disana jam 10.45. saya disana Cuma sebentar karena cuaca sudah mendung, saya Cuma berfoto dan jam 11.00 saya pulang kerumah. Walaupun saya hanya berdua dengan kakak saya namun saya senang dengan study tour ini. Puas dan senang sekali dapat mengenal tempat besejarah dan tempat wisata yang ada di Blitar, yang sebelumnya belum saya kenal.
As in previous years MTs Maarif Nu held a study tour to Central Java . However naren something I can not keep these activities. Finally I went alone study tour along with my kaka . Visit some tourist attractions in Blitar . At the date January 25, 2014 I invited my sister to the temple and temple kotes upgrading . I first went to the temple upgrading , left home at 08:00 to 08:25 hours there . I arrived there only photographs and rest there and see the sacred fish . 10:05 o'clock we continued our journey to the temple kotes . I take pictures and rest there , waktupun already noon and I to a nearby mosque . My afternoon prayers and then I go home . The next day I went to the hair monte, monte dam and Winang growing . First my hair to monte at 08:00 hours and arrived there about 0830 I only take pictures in front of it, I do not go to tourist spots because unfavorable weather . this time keep going and at 09.30 I went to monte dam there until 09:45 hours . I have to go down the stairs there is quite a lot , I just take pictures there . Exactly at 10:30 I went on a trip to Winang growong . There till 10.45 . Just a minute I spent there because the weather has been cloudy , I Just take a picture and I came home at 11:00. Although I was only with my sister, but I'm happy with this study tour . Satisfied and pleased to get to know a place nearby historic and tourist attractions in Blitar , which I had not previously known .
Assalamulaikum Wr. Wb Alhamdulilah dengan Hidayah dan Ridhonya laporan pejalanan dalam bentuk sederhana ini bisa terselesaikan. Saya membuat laporan perjalanan ini berdasarkan fakta-fakta berbentuk foto. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya menghaturkan terimakasih kepada Ibu Hermin yang telah member tuga ini untuk melatih kemandirian. Selain itu berterimakasih kepada kedua Orang Tua dan semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesainya laporan ini, Akhir kata saya berharap rekan rekan memberi saran kritik atas laporan perjalanan saya ini. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
1.1 Latar Belakang Di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini kita harus pintar
menggali,melestarikan danmenguasai budaya negeri karena dengan bekal itu kita bisa menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa budaya kita mampu bersaing dengan budaya barat pada khususnya. Seiring dengan perkembangan dunia pariwisata di negara kita terutama peninggalan peninggalan bersejarah yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke menjadi salah satu alasan diadakannya studi tour. Studi tour merupakan suatu agenda rutin tahunan yang diselenggarakan MTs Maarif NU Gandusari. Saya melakukan study tour sendiri dan memilih berwisata di Blitar, karena memiliki banyak peninggalan peninggalan bersejarah yang layak untuk kami ketahui.
1.2 Tujuan Kegiatan 1.2.1 Mengetahui objek studi di Winong Growong, Candi Penataran,
candi Kotes, Rambut Monte, Bendungan Monte. 1.2.2 Mengetahui gambaran umum objek studi di Winong Growong,
1.3 Tempat Kegiatan Kegiatan laporan perjalanan ini di lakukan di Winong Growong, Candi Penataran, candi Kotes, Rambut Monte, Bendungan Monte.
1.4 Waktu Kegiatan Candi Penataran, Candi Kotes Hari Sabtu, tanggal 25 Januari 2014 Winong Growong, Rambut Monte, Bendungan Monte pada hari Minggu tanggal 26 Januari 2014
1.1 Background In today's era of globalization, we must be smart to explore, preserve cultural danmenguasai country because of the provision that we can show the world that we can compete with the culture of western culture in particular . Along with the development of tourism in our country , especially heritage - historic relics spread from Sabang to Merauke be one reason for the holding of the study tour . The study tour is an annual event organized MTs Maarif NU Gandusari . I conducted a study tour itself and choose traveled in Blitar, because it has a lot of heritage - historic relics worthy of us know .
1.2 Purpose Activity 1.2.1 Knowing the object of study in Winong Growong , Penataran temple , temple Kotes , Hair Monte , Monte Dam . 1.2.2 Knowing the general picture of the object of study in Winong Growong , Penataran temple , temple Kotes , Hair Monte , Monte Dam .
1.3 The Event This trip report on the activities done in Winong Growong , Penataran Temple , Kotes temple , Hair Monte , Monte Dam .
1.4 Time Activity Penataran Temple , Temple Kotes Saturday , dated January 25, 2014 Winong Growong , Hair Monte , Monte Dam on Sunday, January 26, 2014
Assalamu'laikum Wr . wb God bless you with Hidayah and His Ridhos journey in the form of a simple statement can be resolved . I make this trip report is based on the facts in the form of photos .
On this occasion I do want to thank Mrs. Bey Rozaqi who have me task to train independence. Additionally grateful to both the Parent and all those who have helped finished this report ,
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr . wb
1.1 Background The learning process for students / i not only be done in the classroom but also outside the classroom can. And to add insight and knowledge about something we do not yet know it needs the invented visits to heritage objects. Study tour was a real learning activities to enhance the knowledge, experience and observation will direct the nation's cultural heritage with a variety of cultures, fostering a sense of compassion and respect for various cultural heritage. So we tried to compile a report on the activities Jolosutro Beach, Tour to Penataran Temple, and Hair Monte, Serang Beach and Gong Keramat ( Mbah Pradah )
1.2 Purpose Activity 1.2.1 Knowing the object of study in activities Jolosutro Beach, Tour to Penataran Temple, and Hair Monte, Serang Beach and Gong Keramat ( Mbah Pradah ) 1.2.2 Knowing the general picture of the object of study in activities Jolosutro Beach, Tour to Penataran Temple, and Hair Monte, Serang Beach and Gong Keramat ( Mbah Pradah )
1.3 The Event This trip report on the activities done in activities Jolosutro Beach, Tour to Penataran Temple, and Hair Monte, Serang Beach and Gong Keramat ( Mbah Pradah )
1.4 Time Activity Jolosutro Beach , Gong Kramat and Serang Beach on Saturday, January 25, 2014
Penataran Temple on Sunday, January 26, 2014 Hair Monte Monday, January 27, 2014 NU Office, Friday, 07 Pebruary 2014
Hari Pertama
: Gandusari ke
kecepatan : 40 km/jam. Pantai Jolosutro Ke Gong Kramat 60 km waktu 1 jam maka kecepatan: 60 km/jam. Gong Kramat ke pantai serang 30 km waktu 30 menit (0.5 jam) maka kecepatan: 60 km/jam. Hari Kedua : Gandusari Ke candi Penataran 30 km waktu 30 menit (0.5 jam)
Hari Ketiga
: Gandusari Ke Rambut Monte jarak 35 km waktu 30 menit (0.5 jam) maka kecepatan 70 km/jam
= 215 km = 4 jam
3.1 Kesimpulan
Dengan adanya pembuatan karya tulis ini kami dapat memperoleh manfaat yang akan kami jadikan bekal untuk kedepannya. Serta dalam pembuatan karya tulis ini membuat kami lebih terampil dan bertanggung jawab menyelesaikan tugas yang telah kami terima. Dan dari beberapa objek yang telah kami kunjungi maka dapat kami simpulkan bahwa objek-objek itu mempunyai potensi dan manfaat dalam berpatisipasi pada pembangunan bangsa dewasa ini pada masa yang akan mendatang, khususnya di bidang pendidikan, dan kebudayaan. 3.2 Saran Hendaknya kita bersyukur kepada Allah atas segala keindahan yang telah ada di nusatara dengan manjga dan melestarikan sejarah dan tempat wisata di Indonesia
3.1 Conclusion With the creation of this paper we can obtain the benefits that we will make provision for the future. And in preparing this paper makes us more skilled and responsible for completing the task that we have received. And of some objects that we visit we can then conclude that the objects that have the potential and the benefits of participating in the development of the nation today will come in the future, particularly in education, and culture.
3.2 Advice Let us give thanks to God for all the beauty that already exists in Indonesia with maintain and preserve the history and tourist attractions in Indonesia
Demikianlah laporan perjalanan dari kami. Saya minta maaf apabila laporan yang saya buat kurang sempurna. Untuk itu ssaran dan kritik akan saya terima untuk perbaikan laporan berikutnya.
Thus the report of our trip. I'm sorry if I created a report that is less than perfect. For that and I will receive criticism for improvement next report.
3.1 Conclusion With strudy tour then we will know that this is indeed our country Indonesia is rich in history - the history , and attractions. With the object - the sights , would increase income communities around the attractions
3.2 Suggestion We, as students , must preserve the legacy of our archipelago . Penataran Temple is one history that we must keep and preserve us, so that its existence can enjoy our grandchildren.
Puji serta syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karuniaNya kepada kami. Sehingga penyusun dapat menyelesaikan laporan ini tepat pada waktunya.
Tak lupa saya ucapkan terimakasih pada Bapak Sanjoyo yang telah member tugas ini guna untuk melatih kedisiplinan saya.
Penyusun menyadari keterbatasan dalam penyusunan laporan ini. Kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan laporan ini sangat penyusun harapkan. Besar harapan semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca sekalian.