Process Filter Eval
Process Filter Eval
Process Filter Eval
I N TRODUCTION Ultra t ech Cement Limite d (UCL) intends to set up a Brownfield project with clinker manufacturing capacity 10,000 tpd. This shall involve a requirement of process Bag houses and E !"s. This report covers the technical evaluation of offers and the recommendations # guidelines for negotiation, to ena$le UCL to finali%e the order for process $ag house and E !.
TEN DER D OCU MENT ' comprehensive tender document detailing the requirement and design data for system was issued to the following tenderers( )#s 'lstom. )#s *E'. )#s +eico )#s Therma, .
-ffers have $een received from these four suppliers. -ffers have $een reviewed and clarification meeting was held on 1./ 10 1ovem$er. This evaluation report is $ased upon revised offers and final guarantees su$mitted $y the suppliers
2 2.1
TECHN ICAL EVALUATION ENERAL The -ffers received from the $idders have $een evaluated and compared on the $asis of specifications, technical data and descriptions furnished in the offer scope of supply su$mitted $y $idders.
TECHN ICAL SPECIFICATION The technical specification and data provided $y $idders have $een reviewed and compared. The detail comparison of specification is enclosed as anne,ure/ &
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
SCOPE OF SUPPL! The final scope of supply considered has $een discussed, agreed and minuted during clarification meeting held on 1./ 10 1ovem$er "
#ID DER SPECIFIC I NFOR M ATIONS The $idders under consideration manufacturing and supply of. have adequate e,perience in
5ey features of the offered system have $een compared and are enclosed as anne,ure/ 1. ummary of these for individual suppliers are mentioned as $elow( $" M%& Al&t'm 'ir cloth ratio offered is inline with the requirement. 6ompressed air pressure required for cement mill filters 74/ 0 $ar8 is on higher side. M%& EA
Bag life guarantees offered is $est among all four suppliers. 'ir cloth ratio offered is inline with the requirement 6ompressed air pressure and quantity requirement are still awaited.
)" *"
M%& Reic' 'ir cloth ratio offered is inline with the requirement. ame $ag si%e has $een offered for coal 9 cement mill $ag filters 6ompressed air pressure and quantity requirement are still awaited. M%& Therm a + 'ir cloth ratio offered is inline with the requirement. 6ompressed air pressure and quantity requirement are still awaited !r. :rop guarantees are awaited
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP ;igher thickness has $een considered for housing 7. mm8 and tu$e sheet 7< mm8
=inal scope sheet signed during clarification meeting should $e part of contract. =inal guarantees for $ag life and pressure drop should $e o$tained from suppliers. Based upon specification comparison, previous installation and service support following technical ranking is esta$lished( T1( Therma,, T&( 'lstom T2( *E', +eico
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP Anne+,r e -$ C'm.ari&'n '/ 0e1 Feat,r e& Ra2 mill% 3iln #a4 h',&e
EA +'B; 10,.0,000
*as flow in direct mode 7m2# hr8 *ross 'ir to cloth ratio 7m2#m&#min8 1o. modules Bag 7m8 of
&0 10.<& 201 @oven =i$re glass with !T=E . &<0 for 4 minutes
&0 10.2 &?& @oven =i$re glass with !T=E . &<0 peak for 10 minutes.
Bag :ia 7mm8 =a$ric material )a, temperature permissi$le 7continuous $asis8 :ust emission guaranteed 7mg# 1m28 -perating pr. :rop across Bag ;ouse 7Amm@g8 Bags >ife guaranteed 7;rs8
Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
-perating *as flow 7m2# hr8 *ross 'ir to cloth ratio 7m2#m&#min8 1o. modules Bag 7m8 of
Bag :ia 7mm8 =a$ric material )a, temperature permissi$le :ust emission guaranteed 7mg# 1m28 -perating pr. :rop across Bag ;ouse 7Amm@g8 Bags >ife guaranteed 7;rs8 6ompressed
2 years
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
-perating *as flow 7m2# hr8 *ross 'ir to cloth ratio 7m2#m&#min8 1o. modules Bag 7m8 of
Bag :ia 7mm8 =a$ric material )a, temperature permissi$le :ust emission guaranteed 7mg# 1m28 -perating pr. :rop across Bag ;ouse 7Amm@g8 Bags
2 years
Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
guaranteed 7;rs8
-perating *as flow 7m2# hr8 *ross 'ir to cloth ratio 7m2#m&#min8 1o. modules Bag 7m8 of
Bag :ia 7mm8 =a$ric material )a, temperature permissi$le :ust emission guaranteed 7mg# 1m28
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
-perating pr. :rop across Bag ;ouse 7Amm@g8 Bags >ife guaranteed 7;rs8
2 years
4/3 1<0
-perating *as flow 7m2# hr8 *ross 'ir to cloth ratio 7m2#m&#min8 1o. modules Bag 7m8 of
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
permissi$le :ust emission guaranteed 7mg# 1m28 -perating pr. :rop across Bag ;ouse 7Amm@g8 Bags >ife guaranteed 7;rs8 &4 &4 &4 &4
2 years
ALSTOM *as hr8 flow 7m2# 13,20,000 2&,&4. area of & 3 2<4 7for 20 minutes8
EA 13,20,000 &2,3?3
2 2 2<4
& 3 300
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Rajshree Cement Works -IV Evalua tion Process Bag house/ ESP
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