MS in Focus
MS in Focus
MS in Focus
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Editorial Board
Executive Editor Nancy Holland, EdD, RN, MSCN, Vice
Multiple Sclerosis
President, Clinical Programs and Professional Resource Centre,
International Federation National Multiple Sclerosis Society USA.
Established in 1967, the Multiple Sclerosis Editor and Project Leader Michele Messmer Uccelli, BA,
International Federation links the work of Department of Social and Health Research, Italian Multiple
national MS societies worldwide. Sclerosis Society, Genoa, Italy.
We are committed to working together and Managing Editor Chloe Neild, BSc, MSc, Information and
with the international research community to Communications Manager, Multiple Sclerosis International
eliminate MS and its devastating effects. We Federation.
also speak out on a global level for those
affected by MS. Production Assistant Leila Terry, BA, Research Administrator,
Multiple Sclerosis International Federation.
Our priorities are:
• Stimulating global research MSIF Responsible Board Member Prof Dr Jürg Kesselring,
• Stimulating the active exchange of Chair of MSIF International Medical and Scientific Board, Head
information of the Department of Neurology, Rehabilitation Centre, Valens,
• Providing support for the development of Switzerland.
new and existing MS societies
Editorial Board Members
All of our work is carried out with the Guy Ganty, Head of the Speech and Language Pathology
Department, National Multiple Sclerosis Centre, Melsbroek,
complete involvement of people living with
Katrin Gross-Paju, PhD, Estonian Multiple Sclerosis Centre, West
Tallinn Central Hospital, Tallinn, Estonia.
Marco Heerings, RN, MA, MSCN, Nurse Practitioner, Groningen
University Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Designed and produced by
Kaye Hooper, BA, RN, RM, MPH, MSCN, Board of Directors,
International Organization of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses.
Cambridge Publishers Ltd
Martha King, Director of Publications, National Multiple Sclerosis
53/54 Sidney Street
Society, USA.
Elizabeth McDonald, MBBS, FAFRM, RACP, Medical Director,
CB2 3HX MS Society of Victoria, Australia.
Monica Nortvedt, RN, PhD, Department of Public Health and
01223 477411 Primary Health Care, University of Bergen, Norway.
[email protected]
Elsa Teilimo, RN, UN Linguist, Finnish Representative, Persons with MS International Committee.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Editorial Statement
The content of MS in Focus is based on professional knowledge and experience. The editor and
authors endeavour to provide relevant and up-to-date information. Information provided through MS
in Focus is not intended to substitute for advice, prescription or recommendation from a physician or
other healthcare professional. For specific, personalised information, consult your healthcare
provider. MSIF does not approve, endorse or recommend specific products or services, but
provides information to assist people in making their own decisions.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
• The objectives of the Theme Seminars are to
offer education and information on topics that I Girasoli, Tuscany, Italy
are important for people with MS and their
families, and which impact on their daily life and Programme structure
their quality of life. Depending on the topic, a seminar can last
• A second objective is to encourage couples and between two and five days. Expert speakers are
families to take advantage of the location where matched to each topic. In some cases, especially
the seminars are held as a respite from daily life. for lengthier seminars, the facilitators can be two
• Finally, the MS Society wanted to be able to or three experts from different disciplines.
guarantee a relatively worry-free stay in a Methods of instruction range from formal
completely accessible facility. presentation, to role-play, to small group work.
Each seminar also provides an opportunity for
Background participants to share their personal experiences
The Autonomy Project began in 2000. Focus with one another.
groups of people with MS decided the topics that
were most relevant to their lives and these topics Each seminar accepts a limited number of
became the Theme Seminars that are now participants, varying between 10 and 20.
offered throughout the year. The seminar Participants pay their travel expenses, and the
facilitators are experts on various topics relating rest of the expenses are covered by the MS
to MS and focus on providing information that is Society, including room, board and the cost of the
practical for the person with MS and his or her seminar itself.
family carer, as well as on stimulating interaction
and discussion among participants. ‘I think everyone should bring their partner
or spouse to the course because then
The site is named "I Girasoli" (The Sunflowers) they’ll learn just how disabling fatigue
and is located in Tuscany. The MS Society
can be for a person with MS.’ Luca
opened the facility for its first guests in July 2000.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
‘I learned a few new strategies • Seminars that last for more than a day require a
for managing my fatigue that lot of participant interaction. This makes it
necessary to limit the number of participants for
I hadn’t thought of on my own.’
any one seminar.
• If possible, include any advertising materials
Outcomes/results (such as brochure or flyer) with the society
The Italian MS Society held 35 seminars in 2001- magazine to save on postage costs.
2002. All were quite successful, with the • If you decide to charge participants a fee and
favourites being Fatigue and Daily Living, have never offered this type of programme
Rehabilitation and Managing Stress. before, begin with a relatively low fee in the first
round of seminars and be flexible enough to
Expenses reduce or waive it for anyone who cannot
Expenses to be considered should include the afford to pay.
following: • If the MS Society has no holiday facility and no
• Brochures, flyers or other types of advertising resources for using a hotel, cut costs by
and postage organising the seminars at the local level
• Speaker expenses (branches) so people won’t require a hotel stay.
• Participant travel, room, board (or any • Whenever possible, utilise experts who work
combination of these) for the MS Society or who are affiliated with the
• Meeting room Society. (Don’t invite experts who require a
• Coffee breaks stipend!).
• Audio/visual equipment • Develop the daily schedule of the seminar with
several short breaks to help fight fatigue.
Limitations • Make beverages available throughout the
• A relatively limited number of MS societies have seminar.
a holiday home or similar facility at their • Ask participants to complete an evaluation form
disposal. at the end of each seminar, giving their
• If you consider using a hotel for this type of impressions of the seminar itself as well as of
activity it can be quite costly. the facility and the organisation.
• Even using your own facility has its costs (such • Use the evaluations for determining the most
as room, board, coffee breaks, speakers’ appreciated topics, in order to decide to repeat
expenses). those later the same year and which ones to
• Not all experts in the field can take the time to repeat next year.
participate in a seminar of this type, especially
when the topic requires more than one or two If your MS society or organisation is interested in
days. reproducing this programme in your country,
• The seminars require a great deal of further information is available from Dr Roberta
preparation on the part of the experts. Litta, email: [email protected]
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
An introdu
MS in Focus Issue 1 is devoted
to the subject of fatigue. This
introduction is based on a fact
sheet written by the Multiple
Sclerosis Society of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
What is fatigue?
MS fatigue is different for everyone; for some it
causes overwhelming tiredness, whilst in others
it worsens symptoms such as visual disturbance,
difficulties with concentration, memory, mobility
and muscle spasms. Fatigue may make it more
difficult to deal with everyday activities.
Primary fatigue
Primary fatigue is experienced as a direct result
of damage to the central nervous system. The
body responds to this damage by slowing down
reactions and thus causing fatigue.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
ction to fatigue
fatigue can occur due to the seasonal changes society will be able to advise you on where to
in the weather but may also be triggered by find counselling, or may even offer such a
other things; for example, taking a hot bath or service itself.
eating hot meals.
Drug Treatments
Secondary fatigue Primary fatigue management will probably
Fatigue can be experienced as a result of other involve the use of drugs. It may take several
factors that are not necessarily directly related to attempts to find the most suitable drug and dose
your MS. These can include: for you. Because MS fatigue is caused by
• Sleep disturbance: this is often due to damage to the nerves, standard fatigue
symptoms that can be alleviated or lessened; medications are not effective.
for example, spasms, pain, urinary urgency at
night, depression or anxiety. It is common for someone with MS fatigue to be
• Infection: may cause a number of symptoms treated with drugs that are also used in the
that could bring on specific MS fatigue; for treatment of Parkinson’s disease, flu or
example, having a cold or flu may raise your narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness). This
body temperature. is because they have been shown to have an
• Exertion: the increased effort required by the effect on MS fatigue, not because your doctor
body, if mobility or coordination is affected, can thinks you have any of these conditions. Drugs
cause fatigue. for fatigue include:
• Medication: there are many medications that • Amantadine: Side effects experienced may
may cause tiredness or drowsiness as a side include dizziness, headache and difficulty
effect. It is important to be aware of this. If you sleeping.
notice that there is a correlation between a • Modafinil: This is a new treatment still
change in fatigue levels and a change in undergoing clinical trials. Small-scale studies
medication, tell your general physician. have supported its use for MS fatigue. Side
• Depression: may be due to nerve damage or effects can include headaches, weakness and
because of the emotional impact of adjusting nausea.
to MS. There is further information in the article on
• Local environment: the lighting and page 17.
temperature within a work area is crucial, as
poor lighting increases visual effort and heat Non-drug treatments
frequently exacerbates fatigue. Changes to your daily routine can help manage
your fatigue. These changes are best achieved
Fatigue management with the support of occupational therapists,
Fatigue requires a coordinated approach that physiotherapists, your general physician,
involves active participation and involvement neurologist and MS nurse.
from family and colleagues, as well as health
professionals. You may feel that your personal Occupational therapy and physiotherapy
relationships are affected because people do The occupational therapist’s role is to adapt
not understand how fatigue affects you. If you tasks and incorporate strategies that allow daily
would like to talk about the difficulties you are activities to be carried out in an efficient, energy-
experiencing coping with fatigue, it may be worth effective way. There is further information in the
talking to a trained counsellor. Your national MS article on page 9.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Managing the
ordinary things
of everyday life
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Based on the principles and examples Table 2: Non-invasive strategies for MS related fatigue
outlined in Table 2, let’s return to three Strategy Examples and principles
everyday life activities (maintaining
employment, watching your child’s Education • Ignoring, pretending, or ‘fighting it’ does
soccer game, planning and making not promote performance or ability to do
dinner) noted at the beginning of this chosen activities
article. How might these strategies be • One needs to take control of fatigue,
implemented to reduce the fatigue and rather than the fatigue doing the
still enable you to participate in these controlling
important activities? Self-monitoring • Implementation of rest:activity ratio
techniques principles as determined for each
Notwithstanding the need to include situation and individual
individual assessment for specific Energy • Use conveniences such as elevators,
needs, examples of strategies for efficiency disabled parking
maintaining employment in the face of
strategies • Organise tasks to be done in parts, so it
MS-related fatigue might be to
is easy to stop and restart
consider a work assessment by an
Equipment • Use a chair in the shower to sit rather
occupational therapist to ensure your
work environment is ergonomically- than stand
friendly, the temperature is moderate • Walking aids to reduce energy needed to
(air-conditioning or other cooling walk
strategy), and rest breaks can be • Use environmental control units and
incorporated into the workday. remote controls
Body • Sensitivity to elevated body temperature
To ease attendance at a child’s soccer temperature increases fatigue experience, for
game, use prescribed walking aids to instance, after exercise or in hot
help cope with walking distances and environments
uneven terrain, avoid sitting in the sun, • Use cooling garments and reduce sun
use a cooling garment, and sit to watch exposure
the game. The final example, planning Relaxation • Use to rejuvenate the system, do not
and preparing dinner, is a task that
need sleep in all situations; technique
could be segmented to conserve
used depends on individual
energy as an initial fatigue
• There are contraindications to some
management strategy. Prepare dishes
in advance that can be used for a relaxation methods for some people with
couple of meals. Rest before preparing MS
the meal and get the family involved so Sleep routine • Sleep at night in different locations to
as to turn it into a social time and where you rest during the day
reduce the burden on you. • Pay attention to pre-sleep routine
Whatever the approach, it must be Environment • Keep commonly used items on the
understood that daily lives are easiest to reach shelves
increasingly more demanding. Coupled • Set up convenient places to rest where
with the complexity of fatigue in MS, you spend a lot of time, for instance at
one must expect that a comprehensive, work, home and school
multi-strategy approach will be
required in order to make an impact on Your occupational therapist will be able to discuss each of
managing your fatigue in your everyday these strategies with you in detail and help you to select the
life in the 21st century. best combination of strategies to meet your particular needs.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Physiotherapy: a partnership
By Jenny Freeman, Senior
Lecturer, Institute of Health,
Plymouth University and
Honorary Lecturer, Institute of
Neurology, London, UK.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Another useful tool in assessing fatigue is a diary others more openly. The MS nurse can have an
kept by the person with MS to record the times important role in educating the individual and
and situations in which they experience the family members to understand and deal with
greatest fatigue, and also, perhaps even more fatigue better.
importantly, times and circumstances in which
fatigue is at its minimum. The MS nurse can help It is common for people with MS to take various
the person in getting started with a fatigue diary. medications at the same time. For this reason,
the nurse has a role in encouraging the person to
What can be done to alleviate fatigue? keep a list of all medications, including
An important strategy for learning how to deal complementary therapies, and to continually
with fatigue is talking with other people who update the information. There are many
experience the same symptom. Comparing self- medications taken for other MS symptoms that
management strategies is often of more help can cause or worsen fatigue and it is important
than suggestions from a healthcare professional. for the person to assess his or her medication list
at every meeting with the nurse and neurologist.
It is also important for the person with MS to
communicate openly about his or her fatigue Just because a person has been diagnosed with
with family and friends so that they understand MS does not exclude him or her from having
the problem and can be more helpful when other illnesses, so the medication list must
necessary. Knowing that fatigue is a real include all medications, not only those being
symptom of the disease helps people talk with taken for MS-related problems.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
of fatigue
By Elizabeth McDonald, Medical
Director, MS Society of Victoria,
FATIGUE and multiple sclerosis Amantadine has been shown in studies to benefit
about one third of patients with MS. A positive
People with MS nominate fatigue as one of the benefit is usually seen within one week.
most common and disabling symptoms of their Amantadine is relatively safe, well tolerated and
disease. Studies indicate that as many as 95 per inexpensive. Its side effects are usually mild and
cent of individuals with MS experience fatigue. may include dreams, hallucinations, hyperactivity
Fatigue in MS, also known as lassitude, is defined and nausea.
as ‘a subjective lack of physical and/or mental
energy that is perceived by the individual or Modafinal
caregiver to interfere with usual and desired Modafinal is a wake-promoting agent used in the
activities’. This fatigue does not appear to be treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness.
related to the type of MS, disease severity or Recent studies using modafinal for MS fatigue
duration; and, to date, the underlying mechanism have shown positive benefits in about two-thirds
is poorly understood. of subjects after about two weeks of therapy. Its
use is recommended for those with moderate to
In this article, the treatment of primary MS severe fatigue or mild fatigue that has not
fatigue is considered. Other articles in this responded to amantadine. Modafinal is relatively
magazine discuss alternative causes of fatigue safe and well tolerated. Its side effects include
that can confuse and even compound the headache, nausea and weakness at higher
problem, such as existing medical conditions, the doses.
side effects of medications or sleep problems.
Recent studies have reinforced that there is a Pemoline is a central nervous system stimulant
definite role for the use of medications in the and has been used to treat MS fatigue, but
treatment of primary fatigue in MS, by way of studies have failed to show significant benefit
altering the brain chemistry. The newer agents using fatigue assessment scales. Pemoline is
focus on promoting normal wakefulness rather poorly tolerated in about 25 per cent of patients
than stimulating the central nervous system. and, as higher doses can cause liver damage,
careful monitoring by regular blood tests is
Amantadine required. It is not recommended as a first-line
Amantadine is an antiviral medication and it has treatment for MS fatigue.
been used in the treatment of MS fatigue since
the 1980s. Its method of action in reducing Other Medications
fatigue is not known. It is considered a first-line Aminopyridines (4-aminopyridine and 3,4-
treatment and is recommended for mild fatigue. aminopyridine) are drugs that improve
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Central Nervous System A. A first step in managing problems with concentration and
stimulants have a very limited memory is to understand whether they occur during a particular
role in the treatment of MS part of the day, or are present more or less all of the time. If it is
fatigue. Side effects include clear that concentration is more difficult in the afternoon, this is a
agitation, anxiety and high sign that the cause could be related to MS fatigue. Energy
blood pressure and the added conservation techniques and fatigue management strategies can
risk of addiction. help in managing these problems.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
not far from the meeting room, a restaurant, elevators and so on.
It is very important that the meeting space has temperature
control, such as air conditioning. When air conditioning is not
available, electric fans can be helpful. The programme should
include several breaks throughout the meeting, with enough time
for going to the toilet and having a drink. Places to sit and to rest
glasses or plates should be available during breaks. Avoid buffet-
style meals! Arrange for volunteers to be available to help during
breaks and meals. Leave cold water and glasses in the back of
the room throughout the meeting.
How long have you had MS? fatigued more easily with less exercise. It now
My diagnosis was confirmed in 1990, but looking appears to have stabilised.
back I know I had been fighting the disease for
some considerable time prior to this. How does fatigue impact on your lifestyle?
I have to use a wheelchair to preserve energy. I
How has MS affected you? can wake up feeling energetic and after a short
Initially my walking was affected. I noticed that I period of activity become fatigued. It takes me
began to stumble. Over the years the distance I much longer to complete tasks. I have to pace
could walk became less. I became extremely myself to do anything.
fatigued after relatively minor exertion and
noticed that my memory was not as reliable as Has your fatigue had an impact on your
before. I retired from work in April 1998. family and friends?
Yes, it restricts activity for everyone, but now we
The fatigue you experience – can you adapt and my family and friends are all
describe it? supportive.
The fatigue is like an overwhelming feeling of
unnatural tiredness that exacerbates all my MS Do you rest when tired or push on?
symptoms to the extent that I can no longer Sometimes I push on, particularly if I am doing
function. Rest returns me to normality. The time something I enjoy. For instance, when gardening
this takes depends on the ambient temperature. on my hands and knees, if I overdo things I can
get so fatigued that I cannot get up without help.
Has your fatigue changed since diagnosis? Then it takes a little longer to recover.
My fatigue has increased. Initially I hardly noticed
it; then with secondary progressive MS I became Ian, thank you for sharing your story with us.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Book Reviews
300 Tips for Making Life with However, there are also many other
Multiple Sclerosis Easier tips that can only be put into practice
by Shelley Peterman Schwartz in the USA, where the author lives in
her own home.
Review by Elsa Teilimo, Finnish
Representative Persons with MS She is apparently well to do and many
International Committee. suggestions reflect her way and
This book has tips, advice and standard of living.
techniques to help people who
are seriously disabled with multiple What is not taken into consideration is
Demos Medical sclerosis (MS) find ways to the situation of people who do not
Publishing Inc, USA. manage an ordinary but challenging own their own homes and who are
1999. Price $16.95. day. subject to restrictions regarding
ISBN:1-888799-23-4 structural changes to their
Written by Shelley Peterman Schwartz, accommodations, which is common in
who has MS herself, the book deals many parts of the world.
with the different situations that arise
in everyday life, such as In addition, many of the useful
housekeeping, dressing, shopping and addresses in the last chapter list toll-
meal preparation. She has put an free telephone numbers that are only
enormous amount of work and accessible if calling within the USA. To
imagination into writing this easy-to- be more accessible for non-
read guide. Americans, it would have been helpful
to have website addresses as well as
There are some ingenious tips, such postal addresses.
as putting your medication bottle into
your slippers at bed-time so that you In summary, the book is easy to read
don’t forget to take your pill in the and provides helpful information,
morning, or using rubber bands although non-American readers may
around your drinking glass to give you find that many tips are not applicable
a better grip. in their own countries.
Demos Medical This is a solid reference book that In addition, each chapter provides a
Publishing Inc, USA. should be made available to anyone list of follow-up readings, and six
2000. Price $39.95. with MS, carers, and others working in appendices at the end of the book
ISBN: 1-888799-43-9 the field of MS. Its comprehensive add to the wealth of information. Two
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
areas lacking coverage are on issues for carers more advice and encouragement on how to
and on complementary and alternative translate those words into practical action.
medicines. While information is present on each
topic, separate chapters would have added to Lastly, it should be noted that this book was
their importance. written by North American specialists, and while
the medical and technical information may apply
Of necessity, authors occasionally use scientific universally, some topics of a social nature,
terms and more explanation of these terms such as insurance, psycho-social issues,
would be helpful for those with less technical employment and long term care, tend to be
knowledge. culturally specific and may have less value to non-
Western cultures.
In some chapters it would help if the author had
given additional emphasis to ways people with Notwithstanding these comments, there is much
MS could use the information. While the to recommend this guide for those seeking
information is sound, readers would profit from substantial knowledge about MS in one book.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MSIF: An overview
By Christine Purdy, CEO, MSIF
Sylvia Lawry, an extremely dynamic woman constitution. Now MSIF comprises 42 Member
entirely committed to eradicating multiple Societies, and its Secretariat is in regular
sclerosis, established the US MS Society in contact with societies in over 30 other countries.
1946 after her younger brother was diagnosed
with the disease. Then in 1948, with $25,000 The dual fundamental purposes behind
seed money she helped set up the Canadian MS establishing an international movement were to
Society. MS societies started forming share information and research and to stimulate
throughout Europe soon afterwards. the development of struggling national societies.
It is altogether fitting, therefore, that MSIF’s
Two decades later, in 1967, delegates from 17 major international research project is called The
national MS societies met in the House of Lords Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis
in the UK to hammer out the final details of a Research.
constitution and by-laws for a federation of
national societies to fight MS at an international MSIF is the Member Societies’ unified attack on
level. MS reaching beyond national and regional
boundaries. MS in Focus contributes to the
Shirley Temple Black was one of those original international sharing of information in this global
motivators and signatories to the new struggle.
The SLCMSR is MSIF’s key research project. markers for the disease. Compared to current
The project was set up, after stiff international methods, these markers will predict more reliably
competition, at the Institute of Statistics and how a person's MS will develop.
Medical Epidemiology, Technical University of
Munich, in February 2001. The SLCMSR has already collected and started
to pool 41 data sets (over 14,000 patients and
The Centre relies on the effective combination of nearly 55,000 patient years). All the major MS-
computer science, mathematics and medicine. related pharmaceutical companies have
Its ambitious aim is to speed up the development contributed.
of future MS therapies and in turn make them
less costly. The project, currently unparalleled in medical
research, is an excellent example of what can be
Using mathematical models based on a collection achieved when industry and academics work
of placebo data from clinical trials and natural together.
history data, the SLCMSR’s first objective is to
identify clinical and magnetic resonance imaging To find out more, visit
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
Persons with MS
An Introduction by the
Chair Susan Tilley
People with MS can become actively involved in Sue Tilley, Chair, Persons with MS International
the global MS movement and join MSIF’s Committee
various projects and programmes by being
elected to the Persons with MS International 2001, the Committee contributed to the
Committee (PwMSIC). The Committee ensures success of the Persons with MS day at the
MSIF can speak out with a global voice on Melbourne Conference in Australia. One of the
behalf of people with MS worldwide. most moving talks was given by the
Committee’s former chair, John Golding, and his
In Spring 2002, I was elected to be the wife, Elizabeth, who spoke intimately about
Committee’s new Chair. I am delighted to fill this changes they have made in their lives to deal
role and am really looking forward to meeting with John’s MS.
the challenges ahead. The Committee has the
opportunity to be involved with many exciting Following the success of the Persons with MS
projects, and to direct the future growth of Day in Australia, another is planned for the
MSIF to ensure that it truly meets the needs and MSIF 2003 International Conference ‘Gateway
aspirations of people affected by MS to Progress’ that is taking place in Berlin,
worldwide. Germany, 21-25 September 2003.
Amongst the key projects that the Committee To find out more about the PwMSIC and their
supports are the MSIF conferences. In October activities visit the MSIF website:
Introducing the International Medical and MSIF to key professional organisations such as
Scientific Board the World Health Organisation and the World
By Leila Terry, Research Administrator, MSIF. Federation of Neurology.
MSIF’s International Medical and Scientific Recently, four key IMSB members published
Board (IMSB) is an extraordinary group that Multiple Sclerosis: The Guide to Treatment and
brings together the expertise of almost 100 MS Management, which may now be viewed online
professionals. Their aim is to promote, support at
and guide MSIF’s research, professional
education and information services. Indeed it ‘…this little book provides a rigorous,
was IMSB that led the way to establishing the comprehensive and very readable summary of
SLCMSR. treatments currently available for MS. I think
every library should have a copy, and I am
Each Member Society nominates up to two delighted that it is being made available on the
members, ensuring international scientific Internet.’ The International MS Journal, issue
contacts and credibility for MSIF. IMSB also links 9:3, 2002.
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
MS in focus Issue 1 • 2003
The World of MS website
Visit the ‘World of MS’ website. Here you will find wide in the MS movement can subscribe to the
a great deal more than a broad compilation of MSIF magazine, MS in Focus
general knowledge on MS: • People with MS can share information with
• Researchers will find up-to-date listings and a others in similar situations through the ‘People
database of latest medical and scientific papers with MS’ pages that include life stories under
• Healthcare professionals will benefit from MS: ‘People Profiles’.
The Guide to Treatment and Management, a
comprehensive evaluation of frequently used The website is multilingual, with many sections in
treatments in the management of MS and its English, German, Spanish and French. Further
symptoms languages are also planned.
• People interested in what is happening world-
MS in focus
Skyline House Tel: +44 (0)207 620 1911
200 Union Street Fax: +44(0)207 620 1922
London Email: [email protected]
UK MSIF is a non-profit charitable
organization 501(c)(3) IRC chartered in
the State of Delaware, USA, in 1967
The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
produces MS in focus twice a year. With an
international cross-cultural board, easily
accessible language and free subscription,
MS in focus is available to all those affected
by MS worldwide. To subscribe, log on to
As a global leader in biotechnology, Serono understands and regulate inflammation. Inflammation in the brain
well its responsibility towards both present and future and spinal cord is a major cause of MS manifestations.
generations and is committed to bringing innovative and
effective treatment options to people suffering from Serono’s extensive clinical study programme in multiple
multiple sclerosis. sclerosis also helped the medical community understand
more about the disease itself.
To identify the optimal treatment strategy for MS, Serono
has conducted several clinical trials using interferon beta These insights are being applied to our research and
in different dosing schedules in relapsing-remitting MS, discovery efforts as we look for even better therapies and
early MS and secondary progressive MS. perhaps, one day, find a cure.