Use of Recycled Waste With Bitumen in Road Construction
Use of Recycled Waste With Bitumen in Road Construction
Use of Recycled Waste With Bitumen in Road Construction
Major Project
Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of
Bachelor of Engineering in
Civil Engineering
Submitted to
Submitted By
This is hereby certified that the Major Project synopsis entitled “USE
Date: Date:
This is one of the best moments of my B.E. program to publicly acknowledgment those who
have contributed in many different ways to make my success a part of their own. The
completion of the Major Project depends upon the co-operation, coordination and combined
effects of several resources of knowledge energy.
I heartily thanks to Vivek Sir, faculties of Department of Civil Engineering, for accepting me
to work under their Valuable Guidance, Closely Supervised this work over the past few
months and offering many innovative ideas and helpful suggestions, which led to the
successful completion of this dissertation work.
I am especially thankful Dr. Manish Manoriya, Director, SIRTS, and Bhopal for his kind
co-operation and rendering me all possible facilities.
I am thankful to all staff members of the CE department and my friends for their timely help
co-operation and suggestion during my project work. Lastly but not the least, I must express
thanks to my family, without their moral support it was impossible for me to complete this
minor project work.
Material Test.
Mix Design.
Casting & Handling.
Test Results.
This study discussed the suitability of plastic waste materials for pavement construction...
The waste is mixed in different proportions to the soil sample and their influences on
geotechnical properties were studied. The results of the tests indicated that plastic alone is not
suitable for pavement sub grade. When quarry dust was added along with soil plastic mix, it
maintains the CBR value within the required range.
Plastic use in road construction is not new. It is already in use as PVC or HDPE pipe mat
crossings built by cabling together PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or HDPE (high-density poly-
ethylene) pipes to form plastic mats. The plastic roads include transition mats to ease the
passage of tyres up to and down from the crossing. Both options help protect wetland haul
roads from rutting by distributing the load across the surface. But the use of plastic-waste has
been a concern for scientists and engineers for a quite long time. Recent studies in this
direction have shown some hope in terms of using plastic-waste in road construction i.e.,
Plastic roads.
Plastic roads mainly use plastic carry-bags, disposable cups and PET bottles that are
collected from garbage dumps as an important ingredient of the construction material. When
mixed with hot bitumen, plastics melt to form an oily coat over the aggregate and the mixture
is laid on the road surface like a normal tar road.
Plastics will increase the melting point of the bitumen. The use of the innovative technology
not only strengthened the road construction but also increased the road life as well as will
help to improve the environment and also creating a source of income.
Collection of plastic
Cleaning process
Page – 19
Shredded plastic
Collection of useful plastic
Bitumen Page – 20
Shredded plastic.
Coarse aggregate
Page – 21
Medium size aggregate.
Heating of sample
Tamping Of Cooled
Page – 24
Impact Test
International Conference on Quality Up-gradation in
Engineering, Science and Technology (2015)
In this paper the study of some of plastic waste materials which we can reuse by certain
processing and use in road construction...the materials as a result we are equipped with useful
and valuable information about these materials. The discussed materials have many
advantages over conventional/traditional materials and methods... This project will conduct a
study on recycling plastic waste and blending it with bitumen to lay roads in India and
compare with the environmental and economic conditions some of these materials are
relatively cheaper and provide more strength as compared to traditional road materials. This
project will come up with useful information and creating awareness amongst the learner in
the industry regarding waste material. So that one can have a step towards further detailed
information about these materials and thus be able to implement on field which will
definitely improve the level of construction.
Wrappers of betel nuts, chocolates, chips, hand bags, cold drink bottles and all other forms of
plastic create significant environmental and economic problem. They consume massive
energy and other natural resources, depleting the environment in various ways. In
manufacturing firms, con-struction industries and products delivery services, use of plastic is
a priority to handle and pack things comfortably due to its light weight, cost effectiveness
and strength. Plastics cannot be banned as it will result in usage of natural resources like
paper, wood at a great extent. It is made up of various chemical elements and is regarded as a
highly pestilent material which does not easily degrade in the natural environment after its
usage. Waste plastics are made up of Polyethylene, Polystyrene and Polypropylene.
Temperature varying between 120˚C-160˚C gives the softening point of these plastics. They
do not produce any toxic gases during heating but the softened plastics have tendency to
form a lamination or coating over the aggregate, when it is sprayed over the hot aggregate at
The main objective of this paper is to discuss the significance of plastic in terms of cost
reduction, increase in strength and durability when these plastics are heated and coated upon
the aggregates (160˚C) to compensate the air voids with plastic and binds with aggregate to
provide stability. Since many years the utilization of plastic in flexible pavements has been
done to increase the stability, durability of roads and reduce the cost of construction of roads
by replacing some percentage of bitumen with that of the waste plastic. The LDPE can only
be used in this technique as it gets softened at the desired temperature i.e., 160˚C and coated
over the aggregates. There is a consistent research still going on to attain the optimality and
many have stated to use the plastic in road construction [8]. Prof. C.E.G Justo states that
addition of 8% percent by weight of processed plastic is desirable in saving 0.4% bitumen by
weight of mix [4]. Dr. R. Vasudevan has also stated that use of waste plastic in bitumen
increase the binding property as com-pared to the conventional bitumen [3]. It improves the
properties of bitumen resulting in increase in Softening Point and decrease in Penetration
value thus improving the durability
In construction of Asphalt pavement, hot bitumen is coated over stone aggregates mixed, laid
and rolled. But when the stagnation of water takes place over roads, it penetrates forming
depressions called Potholes. Certain anti stripping agents are used but these have limited use
and the cost of construction increases.
Bituminous mix with recycled plastics mainly LDPE replacing 30% of 2.36 - 5mm
aggregates showed 250% increase in Marshall stability and the mix density reduced to 16%
and in addition to it the Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) was also improved.
On heating at 100-160’C polythene, polypropylene and polystyrene soften and exhibit good
binding properties, blending it with bitumen results in a mix which is suitable for road laying.
In Maharashtra 1,500 km of road have been laid by the above mix and other states including
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Kerala have also laid test roads which
have successfully withstood loads due to heavy traffic, rain and temperature variation.India
generates 5.6 million metric tons of plastic waste annually, with Delhi generating the most of
at municipality at 689.5 metric tons every day, according to a report from the Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB). CPCB submitted the report to the Indian Supreme Court,
which said, "We are sitting on a plastic time bomb."
A material that contains one or more organic polymers of large molecular weight, solid in its
finished state and at some state while manufacturing or processing into finished articles, can
be shaped by its flow, is called as ‘Plastic’. Plastics are durable and degrade very slowly; the
chemical bonds that make plastic so durable make it equally resistant to natural processes of
degradation. Plastics can be divided in to two major categories: thermoses and
thermoplastics. A thermoset solidifies or “sets” irreversibly when heated. They are useful for
their durability and strength, and are therefore used primarily in automobiles and
construction applications. These plastics are polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamide,
polyoxymethylene, polytetrafluorethylene, and polyethyleneterephthalate. A thermoplastic
softens when exposed to heat and returns to original condition at room temperature.
Thermoplastics can easily be shaped and moulded into products such as milk jugs, floor
coverings, credit cards, and carpet fibres. These plastic types are known as phenolic,
melamine, unsaturated polyester, epoxy resin, silicone, and polyurethane
R.A. Bondre*, P.S. Kamble** and S.L. Chauhan***Asst. Professor, Department of civil
Engineering, PIGCOE, Nagpur, (MS), India
That human and environment has to face in near future. Utilizing this Plastic waste for a
positive purpose assists in reducing its effect on environment. Plastic is waste hazard to the
environment .Plastic waste can be reused productively in the construction of road and
different purpose. Thus, using plastic as road construction material will help in two ways, in
addressing the problem of disposing the plastic waste and in the construction of road.
Assume 50% of this is available for roads.1.5 tons plastic goes into average 1 km road.
So resurfacing just 35,000 km of roads a year will absorb all this littered waste. This is just
3.5 % of India’s 1 million km surfaced roads. (1.1 million km more roads are un-surfaced).
Mixing of the plastics over the aggregate is uniform. The coating is better and the mixing of
bitumen is being carried out at places like: Inside the Cylinder, during loading in the
dipper, during transferring the mix in the paver, during the spreading of the mix by
the paver.
The plastic waste improve the durability of road and improve strength as well as.
1. To find out the variation in strength of bitumen & aggregate using plastic waste and
to compare with the conventional bitumen mix.
2. To determine the durability and cost effectiveness in road construction. The scope of
this project is not limited.
This chapter deals with the study of basic material properties and uses which is used in this
work. The properties of bitumen mixed plastic and merits of plastic bitumen pavement and
other things are highlighted to justify its selection in this research work.
A material that contains one or more organic polymers of large molecular weight, solid in its
finished state and at some state while manufacturing or processing into finished articles, can
be shaped by its flow.
Elastomers. That contains one or more organic polymers of large molecular weight, solid in
Thermosets. State and at some state while manufacturing or processing into finished articles,
Any of various mixtures of hydrocarbons (such as tar) often together with their
non-metallic derivatives that occur naturally or are obtained as residues after
heat-refining natural substances (such as petroleum) specifically such a mixture
soluble in carbon disulfide. The terms bitumen and asphalt are mostly interchangeable.
while the material obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil boiling at 525 °C
(977 °F) The primary use (70%) of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the
glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete.
Polymers have a number of vital properties, which exploited alone or together make a
significant and expanding contribution to construction needs.
3. It is economical and has a longer life. Ease of processing & light weight
1. PVC sheet
2. Flux sheets
New Technology
Plasma Pyrolysis Technology.
Liquid Fuel.
Polymer Blended Bitumen Roads.
Co-processing in Cement Kiln.
The process of road lying using waste plastics is designed and the technique is being
implemented successfully for the construction of flexible roads at various places in India
1. Striping and pothole formation: Bitumen film is often stripped off the aggregate.
2. Leaching: polymer will not leach out of the bitumen layer.
3. Effect of Bleeding: Waste polymer –bitumen blend shows higher softening temperature.
4. Effect of fly ash: It is also observed that the fly ash does not leach from this mixture.
3. Shredding process: - Will be shredded or cut into small piece. The different types
of plastic wastes are mixed together.
In this chapter we give a detailed description of the property and characteristics of material
used in our project and also give detail about their performance and handling. The material
used in this study is:-
1. Bitumen.
2. Shredded Plastic.
3. Coarse aggregate.
4. Medium aggregate & Sub grade filling material.
In this study we use VG 30 Bitumen. This is the hardest of all the grades and can withstand
very heavy traffic loads. The characteristics of this grade confirm to that of S 35 grade of IS-
73-1992. Bitumen 30/40 is used in specialized applications like airport runways and also in
very heavy traffic volume roads in coastal cities in the country.
Bitumen (fig. 5)
Shredded Plastic
In this study the shredded plastic contains plastic bottle, plastic disposals and polybags
And shredded at size of 2.36 to 4.35mm. This type of plastic is soft and easily melts with the
Bitumen at required temperature and this type of plastic having a good binding property as
compare to hard plastic.
Coarse aggregate:
In this study coarse aggregate which passes through 12.5mm sieve and retain at 10mm sieve.
And the shape and structure of aggregate is sharp which interlocks the aggregate to each
other during laying and compaction.
Based on previous research work, a comparison of strength of plastic mix bitumen pavement
is made with the respect of conventional flexible pavement and the influence of strength and
durability are also studied.
Plastic waste: soft plastic of size 2.36mm from Bairagarh junk yard.
Base & sub grade material: from local contractor kanta sharavan residential constructions
Test on Aggregate:
In order to decide the suitability of the aggregate for use in pavement construction, following
tests are carried out:
Abrasion test
Crushing test
Abrasion Test:
Los Angeles machine consists of circular drum of internal diameter 700 mm and length 520
mm mounted on horizontal axis enabling it to be rotated (see Figure 2). An abrasive charge
consisting of cast iron spherical balls of 48 mm diameters and weight 340-445 g is placed in
the cylinder along with the aggregates. The number of the abrasive spheres varies according
to the grading of the sample. The quantity of aggregates to be used depends upon the
gradation and usually ranges from 5-10 kg. The cylinder is then locked and rotated at the
speed of 30-33 rpm for a total of 500 -1000 revolutions depending upon the gradation of
After specified revolutions, the material is sieved through 1.7 mm sieve and passed fraction
is expressed as percentage total weight of the sample. This value is called Los Angeles
abrasion value.
Impact Test:
The aggregate impact test is carried out to evaluate the resistance to impact of aggregates.
Aggregates passing 12.5 mm sieve and retained on 10 mm sieve is filled in a cylindrical steel
cup of internal dia 10.2 mm and depth 5 cm which is attached to a metal base of impact
testing machine. The material is filled in 3 layers where each layer is tamped for 25 numbers
of blows. Metal hammer of weight 13.5 to 14 Kg is arranged to drop with a free fall of 38.0
cm by vertical guides and the test specimen is subjected to 15 numbers of blows. The crushed
aggregate is allowed to pass through 2.36 mm IS sieve. And the impact value is measured as
percentage of aggregates passing sieve (W1) to the total weight of the sample (w2). The
sample should be oven-dried for 4hrs. At a temperature of 100 to 110oC and cooled.
Test on Bitumen:
Penetration Test:
The penetration value of bitumen is measured by distance in tenths of mm that a standard
needle would penetrate vertically into bitumen sample under standard conditions of test. By
this test we can determine the hardness or softness value of bitumen. In this test, firstly heat
the bitumen above its softening point and pour it into a container of depth attest 15mm.
bitumen should be stirred wisely to remove air bubbles. Then cool it to room temperature for
90 minutes and then placed it in water bath for 90 minutes. Then place the container in
penetration machine adjust the needle to make contact with surface of sample. Make dial
reading zero and release the needle for exactly 5 seconds and note down the penetration
value of needle for that 5 seconds. Just repeat the procedure thrice and note down the average
Flash point of bitumen is defined as the point of lowest temperature at which bitumen catches
vapors of test flame and fires in the form of flash. Fire point of bitumen is defined as the
point of lowest temperature at which the bitumen ignites and burns at least for 5 second
under specific conditions of test.
Flash and fire point test helps to control fire accidents in bitumen coated areas. By this test
we can decide the bitumen grade with respect to temperature for particular areas of high
Melt the bituminous test material completely at a temperature of 75°C to 100° C above the
approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid. Strain the fluid through IS
sieving 30. After stirring the fluid, pour it in the mould assembly and place it on a brass plate.
In order to prevent the material under test from sticking, coat the surface of the plate and
interior surfaces of the sides of the mould with mercury or by a mixture of equal parts of
glycerin and dextrin. After about 30-40 minutes, keep the plate assembly along with the
sample in a water bath. Maintain the temperature of the water bath at 27° C for half an
hour. Remove the sample and mould assembly from the water bath and trim the specimen
by leveling the surface using a hot knife. Replace the mould assembly in water bath for 80 to
90 minutes. Remove the sides of the mould. Hook the clips carefully on the machine without
causing any initial strain. Adjust the pointer to read zero. Start the machine and pull clips
horizontally at a speed of 50 mm per minute. Note the distance at which the bitumen thread
of specimen breaks.
Ductility test machine (fig. 22)
Mix Design
Bituminous mix design is a delicate balancing act among the proportions of various
aggregate sizes and bitumen content. For a given aggregate gradation, the optimum bitumen
content is estimated by satisfying a number of mix design parameters
"MS-2 Mix Design for Asphalt Concrete and other Hot-mix Types,"1984 Edition, with
modifications The document describes the procedure for designing bituminous
materials in accordance with the Marshall Method of Mix Design stated in the
Asphalt Institute Handbook. The purpose of this Guidance Note is to ensure that a
standardized method is applied to the design procedure.
There is no or varying standard ratio mix for bitumen according to over study so we mixed
the bitumen depending on its Workability, Durability, Strength, Flexibility, Stability & Skid
The mix consists of coarse and fine aggregates, filler and binder. It may be well graded, open
graded, gap graded or unbounded as per the requirements. As far as possible, it should
economical also.
In this layer we add muram and bricks piece for sub grade layer and evenly filled and tamped
uniformly at each 1inch
Semi Rigid base layer (fig. 25)
In Semi Rigid base we add coarse aggregate passed from 12.5mm sieve and retain at 10mm
sieve. In this layer we compress the layer at each 1inch with human body weight to make the
layer stable and load resistive
Semi Rigid base with Emulsion and mixed plastic bitumen for binding of surface coat
This layer of pavement is the upper layer of Semi Rigid base in which Bitumen Emulsion is
mixed with Coarse aggregate having a nominal quantity of shredded plastic
Finished rolled surface layer (fig. 27)
This is the final layer of the prototype pavement which is rolled by gas cylinder to make a
smooth surface and having an unequal camber (because there is little bit tough to provide a
designed camber due to lack of availability of machinery and due to size of prototype).
There are following step of the construction of flexible pavement having shredded plastic
In this work we first placed the sub grade in the frame of iron steel. Then tamped evenly
with sprinkling of water to make adhesiveness in soil and brick pieces and compact the layer
at each 1 inch with crushing rod.
Then the coarse aggregate is passed and retain from 12.5 to 10mm respectively sieve for
Semi Rigid base and placed in the frame and for compacting the layer pressure is created
through human body at each 1inch layer
After this the bitumen is heated up at the temp of 150*C to 160*C for upper layer of base
The upper layer of Semi Rigid base is made with the mix of emulsion bitumen with coarse
aggregate and nominal quantity of plastic to make the binding and adhesion property in the
Semi Rigid base surface to make bond with the surface coat layer.
Now for the surface coat the plastic bitumen mix is added with fine aggregate having size of
6 to 8mm and firmly spread on the Semi Rigid base layer.
Surface material preparation (fig. 30)
After laying the surface layer the coat is rolled by LPG cylinder to smooth and finish
Table 1.0
Table 1.1
Hence, the plastic coated aggregate are better than plain coarse aggregate in bearing load.
Hence, the plastic coated aggregate are more safe and durable then plain coated aggregate.
Table 3.0
Table 3.1
A test is standardized by IS: 2386 (Part III) – 1963 a maximum value of 1 percent is
Hence, the plastic coated aggregate are more safe and durable then plain coated aggregate.
Test on Bitumen:-
Sample 1 67
Mean value = 68.83(mm)
Table 4.0
Sample 1, 66.1
Table 4.1
Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and having more hardness then plain
Observation & Result of flash and fire Test: - The test is conducted on 2
samples. In which 1samples are of VG30 bitumen and 1 sample are of VG30 plastic blended
5 53 -
10 112 -
15 240 -
25 331 -
Table 5.0
Test results of VG30 plastic blended bitumen: In this the ratio of plastic mix is 20% by
bitumen weight during heating of VG30 bitumen at 100C*
5 53 -
10 158 -
15 240 -
25 386 -
Table 5.1
Minimum values of flash and fire point specified by ISI for various grades are 230 minimum
for flash and 450max for fire point.
Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and resistive then plain bitumen.
Sample 1 156
Sample 2 188
Sample 3 188
Average point of failure = 177.4cm
Table 6.0
Sample 1’ 163
Sample 2’ 210
Sample 3’ 210
Table 6.1
Minimum values of ductility specified by ISI for various grades are 100cm minimum
Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and durable then plain bitumen.
1) Cleaning process -Toxic present in the co-mingled plastic waste start leaching.
2) During the road laying process- the presence of chlorine will definitely release
noxious gas.
Plastic will increase the melting point of the bitumen. This innovative technology not only
strengthened the road construction but also increased the road life. Plastic roads would be
boon for India’s hot & extremely humid climate, where temperature frequently crosses 50°C
1. The durability of the roads laid out with shredded plastic waste is much more compared
with roads with asphalt with the ordinary mix.
2. While a normal 'highway quality' road lasts four to five years it is claimed that plastic-
bitumen roads can last up to 10 years.
3. Rainwater will not seep through because of the plastic in the tar.
4. The cost of plastic road construction may be slightly higher compared to the conventional
5. The maintenance cost is low as compared to conventional method.
6. It initial cost is slightly more as compared to conventional method.
The use of new materials and technologies is not becoming popular in our country mainly
due to lack of awareness. Failure to instill confidence in the field engineers by addressing
their problems can be another reasons, the third being non-availability of suitable standard
equipments. In the light of the fact that efficacy of innovative technologies was established in
several case studies taken under varied conditions, time is opportune to initiate the
construction of “Technology Demonstration Projects”. During the implementation of such
Projects the field engineers are to be taken into confidence and need to be involved eight
form Project Preparation. All technical and implementation processes are to be meticulously
documented which become handy in the disseminations process for exposing more field
engineers to the technologies. This will instill confidence among them and large scale
adoption of these technologies would become possible.
[3] ISI, “Indian Standards Specifications for Roads Tar”, IS: 215, Indian standard Institution.
[6] ] Kajal , N K S Pundhir , Sangita and A Chandra(2007), Use of waste plastics and copper
slag for low cost bituminous roads, Journal Of Scientific and Industrial Research,
[7] Ministry of Road Transport and High Ways, Manual for construction and supervision of
Bituminous works.
[8]] Vasudevan .R, utilization of waste plastics for flexible pavement, Indian High Ways
(Indian Road Congress).
[9] S.S.Verma, (2008), Roads from plastic waste, The Indian Concrete Journal.