Venkatesham.K E-Mail:: Achievements
Venkatesham.K E-Mail:: Achievements
Venkatesham.K E-Mail:: Achievements
Have 6+ years of experience in #$%i&n an# #$'$lo(m$nt as a Lead engineer with $m)$##$# domain.
Experience in C, C
Experience in $%L, &'()*!E(), &hapsody, !e#ugging using +'",, ,CC, ,!-, )imulators, .ind &iver emulator, cygwin cross compiler and %) /isual )tudio. Experience on !(012--, Certification procedures, !elivery reports and interacting with customers.
Experience on systems, 34Cs, "&35C678, "&35C902, 37C, )43, and &)7:7 protocols.
;nowledge on Linux, 4<" process, C%70, )/5, !((&), clear case, 4/C).
.or=ing as a Lead engineer with HC, technologies as from (C' 7>0> to till date. .or=ed as )oftware Engineer with Hon$./$ll from (C' 7>>1 to (C' 7>0> .or=ed as trainee and engineer with Kamt$c0 from !ec7>>? to (C' 7>>1
4artner award for outstanding contri#ution to -oeing 111 C(%% program leading to on time delivery.
-.'ech Electronics and communication engineering from +5'$ $niversity, with an aggregate of 9?@ 3ntermediate with 11.6@ from 5agarjuna +unior College, )angareddy. ))C with 26@ from )))%, )angareddy.
174ation +anuary 7>07 to till date T$am %i;$ 0> 1$%c4i(tionA 'he digital ca#in pressure control system consists of two redundant ca#in pressure controllers BC'&C, one outflow valve B(D/C and one selector panel B45LC. 'he (D/-L&$ consists of the valve itself, two independent electronic #oxes BE-(EC each with an associated auto motor, a manual motor and a position feed#ac= function as part of the gear-train assem#ly. 'he 7 ca#in pressure controllers BC'&C are connected to their E-(Ees via &)677 lin= and some discrete lines needed for communication. 'he !&3/EFE5"-LE line is used to ena#le and disa#le the drive power in the E-(E. 'he selector panel B45LC is connected with #oth C'&s via "&35C678 and with position feed#ac= on the (D/. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: !irecting and coordinating software activities. !evelopment code for low level reGuirements using C. 4rocedures development, de#ugging for low level reGuirements using &'&'. &eviewed on several modules and trainings provided on procedure modules. +4o5$ct 68: Titl$ A1S- "n Co4$ V9V +4o5$ct
174ation +une 7>00 to !ecem#er 7>00 T$am %i;$ 9 1$%c4i(tionA "utomatic !ependent )urveillance -roadcast B"!)--C is an air traffic surveillance technology that ena#les aircraft to #e accurately trac=ed #y air traffic controllers and other pilots without the need for conventional radar. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: "nalysis for the )oftware specific reGuirements for entire program. !evelopment for !(-:01, !>79>- and %iscellaneous reGuirements. )tatic analysis, code inspection and tool Gualification. )imulation reGuirements and "nalysis for %(4) reGuirements. .ee=ly Customer interactions for trainings and clarifications.
!elivery note and D3& for all the milestones. 1i%(la. S.%t$m% 6<<<
C &oc=wellcollins /ista terminal, python terminal,L!&",%icrosoft visual studio,!((&),)/5 !eveloper, 'ests execution and )tructural coverage analysis.
174ation 5ovem#er 7>0> to %ay 7>00 date T$am %i;$ 7> 1$%c4i(tionA 'he !)-9>>> !isplay )ystem consists of the "D!-9?E>, the !C$-9>>>, and all software resident on these two platforms. 'he "D!-9?E>s are located in the forward instrument panel in front of the pilots. 'he "D! software will support the following display presentations on these displaysA 4D!, E3C") and %D.. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: +4o5$ct 6=: Titl$ "nalysis for the )oftware specific reGuirements for entire program. )tatic analysis and code inspection for various modules. &eview for "ltitude modules. E(ic A((lication Sim7lation En'i4onm$nt
.indows, '3$ )erver, '3$ Client, '"'), 4C )im, ,eneric 4anel, )im Coc=pit, ,uidance panel and /%C!$ /alidation, )ystem testing and 3ntegration +une 7>0> to (cto#er 7>0> 9
1$%c4i(tionA E")E is a simulation environment that simulates the product software using controls and simulators hosted on windows des=top. 'here are various programs under E")E. Each program has D%), !, and DC #uilds. 3nstallation setup is created and health chec= is performed for each #uild. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%:
4erform the system health chec= for different aircraft programs for all the #uilds B3nteg, D%), !H, and DCC. "nalyIing and reporting the pro#lems while performing the system health chec= Dound many #ugs along with solutions that helped in delivering Guality #uilds to the users. !eveloped detailed =nowledge assets on health chec= process during the health chec=. +4o5$ct 65: Titl$ So:t/a4$ Cli$nt A4c0it$ct74$? Tool% +4oc$%%in& 7nit 174ation Rol$ A35< E>t$n#$# M$c0anical S.%t$m +$4im$t$4 C, gcc, gd#, Linux "ir#us 3%"B3ntegrated %odular "vionicsC, &ational &hapsody for C1.?,$%L C43(%Bcore processing input output modulesC 5ovem#er 7>>8 to %ay7>0> !eveloper, 4reliminary design, !etailed design, Coding,
T$am %i;$ 7? 1$%c4i(tionA /ery Large 4rogram overall in terms of volume and complexity scope divided in several wor= pac=ages .40, .47, .4:,.46 ,.4?. 3 have wor=ed on .47..47 is the "ir Conditioning )ystem. 4rovide sufficient conditioned fresh air to occupant accessi#le compartments and provide sufficient airflow to maintain ca#in pressure. Cooling and heating of the ca#in, flight dec=, crew rest areas and the avionics compartment.3t also supplies temperature and pressure controlled #leed air for use in the fuel tan= inerting system..47 is composed of the following "ir generation system, 'emperature Control )ystem and Conditioned )ervice "ir )ystem. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: $sing &hapsody, 4reliminary design in .47 pac=age with $%L concepts. !etailed design for various functionalities. !esign reviews for preliminary and detailed designs. Coding, de#ugging and testing for various modules. &eviews of )&) and !3&). +4o5$ct 66: Titl$ "nt$&4at$# na'i&ation Ra#io% :o4 o$in&7@7 So:t/a4$ C, C and Linux Cli$nt -oeing Tool% Code composer, /ision clic=, +'",, Emulator, %ulti-threading. +4oc$%%o4 4ower 4C 271> 174ation "ugust 7>>2 to "pril 7>>8 Rol$ $nit 'esting, &eviewer, )tructural analysis for -oot and 4"L. T$am %i;$ 02 1$%c4i(tion : 'he 35& operates through internal mode logic which manages the selection #etween 3L) and ,L) #ased primarily on mode commands provided on the
selected tune*function select data #us input. Each function B3L), ,L), ,5)), /(&, and %-C is provided through a process of receiving navigation signals, processing them, and providing appropriate outputs for the flight crew and flight systems. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: 'est execution for -((' and 4"L modules. &eGuirement review, tests execution in -((' and 4"L #loc=s. )tructural analysis, code coverage and code reviews for -oot and 4"L #loc=s. )olved many hardware and software issues related to L&$ with emulator and +'",. )etting up of Hardware -ench for the Execution of 'est )cripts in main and mon processor sides +4o5$ct 67: Titl$ 777 Aca4% o'$4 AV,C :o4 o$in&777 So:t/a4$ "!" ,)uper scripting and /x.or=s Cli$nt -oeing Tool% 3'E, ,H)), "irsim, H"!) de#ugger 174ation (ct 7>>1 to "ug 7>>2 Rol$ !eveloper in air ground communication media and validation T$am Si;$ 07 1$%c4i(tion : !ata communication management function B!C%DC in -oeing 111, 4rovides data communication control services for airplane air*ground datalin= communications and 3nternal airplane communication #etween "3%) function and other on#oard systems.!atalin= communication #etween the airplane and the ground uses the "ircraft Communication "ddressing and &eporting )ystem B"C"&)C character oriented communication networ=.!C%D facilitates "C"&) communication #etween "3%) functions and the "C"&) ground service provider. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: !eveloped the C scripts in airground and !C%D modules 3nvolved in &D) for core and airground modules and #ugs fixed. 3nvolved in test pac=et preparation and test reviews. )tructural coverage for legacy !C%D. +4o5$ct 6@: Titl$ So:t/a4$ En'i4onm$nt +4oc$%%o4 Tool% 174ation T$am %i;$ Et0$4n$t #$'ic$ #4i'$4 (o4tin& C Linux version 7.6 %otorola %4C29> 4ower4C %92= cross compiler, m92=-gd# cross de#ugging tool, Logic analyIer, gnu c compiler. "pril 7>>1 to )ep 7>>1 :
1$%c4i(tion: 5etwor= devices have networ= device drivers associated with them. " networ= device driver attaches a networ= su#system to a networ= interface, prepares the networ= interface for operation, and governs the transmission and reception of networ= frames over the networ= interface. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: $nderstanding existing Ethernet driver, porting it to support %C92:9> processors Ethernet module and 4HJ device 3nvolved in unit testing )olved de#ugging issues related to cross de#ugging tool. +4o5$ct 69: Titl$ "nt$4:acin& t0$ %$4ialARS 838 +o4t in $m)$##$# a((lication%. So:t/a4$ C En'i4onm$nt Linux 174ation 5ovem#er 7>>9 to %ar 7>>1 T$am %i;$ 7 1$%c4i(tion : %onitoring analog voltages using "!C and then send to the serially system. 'he project designed has a full duplex mode, capa#ility to communicate serially #etween two systems. 'his can #e done using a $"&'09??>. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: Code development in serial communication from and to devices. 3nvolved in $"&'09??> serial port designing. "nalysis in communication #etween systems. +4o5$ct 61<A Titl$ S$4ial "BC 4$al-tim$ clocC So:t/a4$ Em#edded C En'i4onm$nt automotive domain Tool% ;eil compiler, K/ision7 174ation +une 7>>9 to 5ovem#er 7>>9 T$am %i;$ ? 1$%c4i(tion: 'he !) 0:>1 is a real-time cloc= is a low powerL full #inary coded decimal B-C!C cloc=*calendar plus ?9 #ytes of 5/ )&"%. "ddress and data are transferred serially through an 37C #us. 'he cloc=*calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. 'he end of the month date is automatically adjusted for fewer than :0 days, including corrections for leap year. 'he cloc= operates in either the 76- hour or 07-hour format with "%*4% indicator. Rol$% an# R$%(on%i)iliti$%: "nalysis in 37C #us and code development for 37C #us. $nit testing for several devices.
Languages ;now
5ationality 4assport