Concept of Prakriti
Concept of Prakriti
Concept of Prakriti
Nirukti and Meaning
Prakrti- Prakarati Pra + Kr- Ktich ( Upadana karane)
Prakrtisca drstantanuparodatiti sareeraka sutram
Svabhave prakrtistvam niyoksatiti- Gita.
Literally, First Action, Prakrti in Ayurveda refers to an individuals inherent
nature, the inborn tendencies which influence consciousness and activity. Prakrti
determines which response your body or mind first displays to a stress.
.+|.|-.|. .-...-.+
(Ch. Vim. 8/ 98 Chakrapani)
- .+|.|-.|. .|..-.
(A.H. Soo.1/ 10 Arunadatta)
.+|. -.-.. -.|. .,. ....|
(Ch. Soo. 17/ 62)
: .+|...-. -.-.-.....-..|..| .-...+.|. +. .+...+-.|... |.|.+.+.|.|
- .+..|.. .... .. -.... -++ .+|.-....++
(Su. Sa. 4/ 63)
Different meanings of Prakrti
- The natural condition or state of anything
- Nature
- Natural form
- Natural disposition
- Temper
- Temperament
- Constitution
- Make
- Form
- Figure
- Origin
- Source etc.
Prakrti Lakshanam
Prakopo va anyadhabhavah kshayo va nopajayathe /
Prakrtinasm svabhavena jayathe tu gatayushah // (Su Sa 4/77)
The temperament of a man is never aggravated nor does it suffer any
deterioration or abatement. A change, abatement or deterioration in any particular
case should be regarded as the harbinger of death.
Punarvasu Atreya, while discussing Garbhavakranti (Embryology) in Sareera Sthana
enumerates the following bhavas responsible for the fetus
a. Matrja, b. Pitrja, c. Atmaja, d. Satmyaja, e. Rasaja, f. Satvaja.
In another reference Caraka classified the following factors influencing Prakrti
as follows:
a. Jatiprasakta
b. Kulaprasakta
c. Desanupatini
d. Kalanupatini
e. Vayonupatini
f. Pratyatma niyata.
If we go through the main texts of Ayurveda, we find that the following
factors have been linked in one or the other way with the development of personality.
1. Atmaja bhava
2. Purva janmakrit karma
3. Panca mahabhutas
4. Sattvaja bhava
5. Matrja bhava
6. Pitrja bhava
7. Rasaja bhava
8. Satmyaja bhava
9. Jati
10. Kula
11. Desa
12. Vayas
13. Kala
14. Pratyatma niyata
___________________ !_______________________
! !
Pre-natal Post-Natal
! ! !
Pre- conception Heredity Post-conception
! !
1. Matrja 1. Matrja
2. Pitrja 2. Ahara Vihara of
3. Kulaja Mother
4. Jati 3. Psychic state of mother
! ! !
Metaphysical Psychological Protophysical
! ! !
1. Atman 1. Sattvaja 1.Bhutas
2. Karma
! !
Personal Environmental
1. Satmyaja 1.Desa
2. Vayas 2. Kala
(Psychopathology in Indian Medicine)
Classification of Human Personality
In Indian literature, the typology aspect of human personality seems to have
been first described in Ayurveda as a special subject and in a systematic way.
Ayurveda people probed into this field of personality from different angles in order to
adjust the science of treatment based on the individual temperament and constitution.
Detailed descriptions are found in Caraka and Susruta on the different
classifications of typology of personality from different aspects and bases. Vagbhata
in Astanga samgraha devotes a separate chapter Prakrthibhediya Adhyaya on the
subject of typology from different angles.
In Astanga Hridaya, the divisions of classification based on the above-
mentioned two bases are called Doshamayi and Gunamayi prakrti. Caraka and Susruta
describe different typologies from humoural (Physical homeostasis) and
Psychological (the predominance of three amsaas of satva) point of views. Susruta
gives another typology of Bhautika prakrti (according to the predominance of bhutas).
The bias of bhautika prakrti is also based on physical consideration. Another angle of
typology description based on physical consideration in Ayurveda is Sarabheda
(Differentiation based on the various systems of the body)
We can summarize the classification of typologies of personality as met in
Ayurveda as follows:
______________ !______________
! !
Physical (Sareera) Mental (Sattva)
______________!_______ _________!_________
! ! ! ! ! !
Bhautika Dosaja Sarabheda Sattva Rajasa Tamasa
(Elemental (Humoural (System 7 Subtypes 6 Subtypes 3
Constitution) Constitution) wise
5 Subtypes 7 Subtypes 8 Subtypes
.-. .+... .. ..+ .... ..-.. . -..|.++
(A. S. Sa. 8)
- .... ..|. ...||-. .-..+... -..|.+ ...|-.|..-.. ..+ ....||-.-...|...++
(A. S. Sa. 8)
... .. .-..+... -...|+.+..... ...-. ....+
(A. S. Sa. 8)
: .+|.|-.- .... -..|.+| +|..-+
...-.... +||.... |.-.++
|.|...| ..|... -.-.....+
.|.. |.-.|.| ..-.. .-..| |-.++
(Su. Sa. 4/80)
Typology based on physical aspects of personality
There are three ways of classification of typology based on physical aspects of
personality viz, Bhautika, Dosaja and the Dhatubheda. These represent the different
Physical, Humoural and Physiological activities of human organism.
Bhautika Prakrti (Physical Constitution)
Susruta has described five types of Prakrti on the basis of the predominance of
the five mahabhutas. According to him some scholars divide the prakrtis of human
beings on the basis of the predominance of the mahabhutas. Out of them, the prakrti
caused by predominance of Vayu mahabhuta, Agni mahabhuta and Jala mahabhuta
are similar to Vata Prakrti, Pitta prakrti and Kapha Prakrti; respectively. A person
having prakrti with the predominance of Prthvi mahabhuta has a stable and large size
body. He is capable of tolerating heavy odds. The person having prakrti caused by the
predominance of Akasa mahabhuta likes cleanliness and he has a long span of life.
The openings in his body are bigger in size. (Su Sa 4/79)
We have already seen that Panca mahabhuta are the deterministic Factors that
influence the fetal formation and its development. The living body is formed out of
the Vikara of Panca bhutas and so the predominance of a particular bhuta in the
composition of the body must exert specific influence on the physio-chemical
activities of the body and ultimately to the characteristic feature of his constitutional
Dosaja (Deha) Prakrti (Bio- Physical Constitution)- Its Kinds and Their
The words dosa prakrti, deha prakrti and prakrti have been used in the same
sense in Ayurveda. Caraka holds that the prakrti is named according to the
constitutional predominance of a particular dosa.
According to Vagbhata, prakrti is caused by the dosas inherent in the Sukra
and Artava immediately before the conception. This is on the analogy of the
production of worms (insects) in a poisonous substance. The prakrti caused by Vayu,
Pitta, and Kapha are inferior (hina), medium (madhya), and superior (uttama)
respectively. The prakrti caused by all the three dosas when they are in the state of
equilibrium (sama dhatu) is the best among all. The prakrti caused by combination of
two dosas are nindya (denounced). (A. H. Su. 1/9-10
The example of poisonous worms is to indicate that, though they are born
from poison, they do not die of it, but continue to survive, similarly the prakrti,
though formed from the dosas, which are similar to poison, continue to manifest in the
person as long as he lives.
According to Caraka, the use of terms like Vata prakrti, Pitta prakrti and kapha
prakrti is not correct, because in these types of constitution, there is always a
dominance of dosas in the bodies of individuals. Prakrti means a normal or natural
state and these should not be any dominance of dosas in the bodies of such
individuals. So such individuals are having the dominance of one or the other of the
dosas cannot be described to have the normal states of their body. Thus to use the
correct term, they are Vatala (having the dominance of Vata), Pittala (having the
dominance of Pitta), and Slesmala (having the dominance of Kapha and these do not
indicate the normal states of their body.
(C V 6/13)
Characterestics of Vatala Individual (Vatala Prakrti Lakshanam)
According to Caraka, Vata is unctuous, light, mobile, abundant in quantity,
swift, cold, rough, and non-slime. Various manifestations due to these attributes of
vata in human body having Vatala type of constitution are given in the table below:
Attributes of Vata Specific manifestations in the body of the individual
having Vatala type of constitution
1. Ununctous (Ruksha) Ununctuousness, emaciation, and dwarfness of the
body; long drawn, dry low broken obstructed and
hoarse voice; always keeping awake.
2. Light (Laghu) Light and inconsistent gait, action, food and
3. Mobile (Chala) Unstable joints, eyes, eyebrows, jaws, lips, tongue,
head, shoulder, hands and legs
4. Abundance (Bahu) Talkativeness, abundance in tendons and veins
5. Swift (Sighra) Quick in initiating actions, getting irritated and the
onset of morbid manifestations, quick in affliction
with fear, quick in likes and dislikes, quick in
understanding and forgetting things.
6. Cold (Sita) Intolerance for cold things; often getting afflicted with
cold, shivering, and stiffness.
7. Rough (Parusha) Roughness in the hair of the head, face and other parts
of the body; nails, teeth, face, hands, and feet.
8. Non-slime (Visada) Cracking of limbs and organs, production of cracking
sound in joints when they move.
Because of the above-mentioned qualities, individuals having Vatala type of
constitution are mostly possessed of strength, span of life, procreation, accessories of
life and wealth in lesser quantity.
(C V 8/98)
Characterestics of Pittala individual (Pittala prakrti lakshanam)
According to Caraka, Pitta is hot, sharp, liquid, of fleshy smell, sour, and
pungent. Various manifestations due to these attributes in the human body having
pittala type of constitution are given below: -
Attributes of Pitta Specific manifestations in the body of the
individual having Pittala type of constitution
1. Hot (Ushna) Intolerance for hot things, having hot face, tender
body of port-wine mark, freckles, black moles,
excessive hunger and thirst; quick advent of
wrinkles; graying of hair and baldness, presence
of some soft and brown hair on the face, head,
and other parts of the body.
2. Sharp (Tikshna) Sharp physical strength, strong digestive power,
intake of food and drink in large quantity;
inability to face difficult situations and glutton
3. Liquid (Drava) Looseness and softness of joints and muscles;
voiding of sweat, urine and feaces in large
4. Fleshy smell (Visram) Putrid smell of axilla, mouth, head and body in
5. Pungent and Sour tastes
(Amlam, Katukam)
Insufficiency of semen, sexual desire and
By virtue of the above-mentioned qualities, a man having Pittala type of
constitution is endowed with moderate strength, moderate span of life, moderate
spiritual and materialistic knowledge, wealth and the accessories of life. (C V 8/97)
Characterestics of Sleshmala individual (Sleshmala prakrti
According to Caraka, Kapha is unctuous, smooth, soft, sweet, firm, dense,
slow, stable, heavy, cold, viscous, and clear.
The various manifestations in the human body having Sleshmala type of
constitution are given below: -
Attributes of Sleshma Specific manifestations in the body of the
individual having Sleshmala type of
1. Unctuous (Snigda) Unctuousness of organs
2. Smooth ( Slakshna) Smoothness of organs
3. Soft ( Mrdu) Pleasing appearance, tenderness and clarity of
4. Sweet (Madhura) Increase in the quantity of semen, desire for
sex-act, and number of procreation.
5. Firm (Sara) Firmness, compactness and stability of the
6. Dense (Sandram) Plumpness and roundness of all organs.
7. Slow (Mandam) Slow in action, intake of food and movement
8. Heavy (Guru) Non-slippery and stable gait with the entire
sole of the feet pressing against the earth
9. Stable (Sthimitham) Slowness in initiating actions, getting irritated
and morbid manifestations
10. Cold (Sita) Lack of intensity in hunger, thirst, heat, and
11. Viscous (Vijjala) Firmness and compactness in joints
12. Clear (Acha) Happiness in the look and face; happiness and
softness of complexion and voice.
By virtue of the above-mentioned qualities, a man having Sleshmala type of
constitution is endowed with the excellence of strength, wealth, knowledge, energy,
peace and longevity. (C V 8/96)
Characterestics of Dwandaja prakrti
Acarya Caraka says,
Samsargat samsrshta lakshanah / (C V 8/99)
Individuals having constitution dominated by the combination of two dosas
are characterized by the combination of the manifestation of respective dosas.
Characterestics of Sama prakrti
According to Acarya Caraka,
Sarvaguna samudithasthu samadhathavah /
(C V 8/100)
Samadhatu type of individual is the one who has all the dosas in the state of
equilibrium is endowed with the qualities of all the three types of individuals
described above.
Comparative study of Tridosaja prakrti
General body built and other features.
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Ugly 1. Ugly 1. Beautiful, delightful
and lovely.
2. Emaciated and lean 2. Body parts weak and
2. Thick
3. Rough and rigid
3. Loosen 3. Greasy and tender
4. Prominent tendons 4. Loosen and delicate
4. Muscular body,
smooth musculature
5. ---- 5. Whitish or yellow
5. White and yellow
6. Net work of vessels
6. ------ 6. ------
7. ------ 7. Joint tender and
7. Joints lubricated and
smooth in working
Body formation.
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Unproportionate and
1. Symmetrical 1. Balanced and
2. ------- 2. Strong and round body 2. Strong and round body
3. ------ 3. Soft and loose
3. Easily movable ligaments
4. ------ 4. ------- 4. Joints, body parts and
muscles are well covered or
Skin and Temperature.
Vatika Paittika Slehmika
1. Dry, cracked,
wrinkled (Particularly
hands and feet)
1. Early wrinkled,
spotted or pimpled or
with boils.
1. Smooth, oily and
2. Cold in touch,
temperature irregular
and low.
2. Warm in touch 2. Low and regular
3. Intolerable to cold,
prefers hot weather.
3. Intolerable to heat
and prefers cold.
3. Tolerable to heat.
4. ------ 4. Excessive
4. -------
5. ----- 5. ------- 5. Unguent etc. are dried
6. Body odourless 6. ------ 6. -----
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Black and Dusty 1. White, yellowish, pale
red, saffron and
1. Golden yellow, clear
2. ------- 2. White coloured teeth 2. -------
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Swift (rapid)
movement of joints
1. Movements are
agitated with a feeling
of uneasiness while
1. Slow in movements
2. Loose joints 2. Relaxed joints;
ligaments loose.
2. Strong and steady
3. Sound produced in
the movements of the
3. ------ 3. ------
4. -------- 4. ------ 4. Concealed and
symmetrical joints
5. -------- 5. -------- 5. Walks with steadiness
and firm stepping.
Dietic preferences.
Vatika Paittika Sleashmika
1. Likes diet of sweet,
acidic and saltish tastes.
1. Dislikes acidic
1. Prefers sweets.
2. Prefers hot (warm)
2. Prefers cold
2. Prefers hot
3. ------- 3. ------- 3. Takes light but
maintains strong
4. Prefers fat rich diet 4. ------- 4. Prefers dry diet and it
suits him.
Food habits
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Moderate in diet 1. Excessive diet 1. Very moderate in diet
2. Eats swiftly 2. ------- 2. Eats slowly
3. Irregular in diet
3. Takes edibles many
times (frequently)
3. Moderate in taking
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Irregular digestion 1. Quick digestion 1. Weak in digestion
2. ------- 2. Intense hunger and 2. ---------
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Hard bowel 1. Soft bowel 1. Moderate bowel
2. Requires strong
purgatives for removing
2. Requires light
2. Requires medium
3. Tendency of
3. ------ 3. -------
Excretion and Perspiration tendency
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Less in quantity 1. More in quantity 1. Less in quantity
2. ----- 2. Passes urine and
excreta in more
2. --------
Physical strength
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Physical strength less 1 Moderate strength 1. Strong
2. Endurance 2. Low endurance
(Incapable of bearing
the troubles)
2. Endurance
3. ----- 3. Courageous and brave 3. --------
4. Gets fatigued early. 4. ------- 4. -------
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. ------- 1. Unpleasant, foul and
agar like
1. Sweet
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Hard and rough 1. Soft 1. --------
Vatika Paittika Slehmika
1. Dusky 1. Coppery red color 1. Whitish
2. Spherical, small in size 2. Rounded 2. Large, broad and
3. ------- 3. Eyelashes thin 3. Eyelashes dense and
4. Thin lid 4. Thin lid 4. ------
5. Unsteady brow 5. ------ 5. -----
6. Fluctuating eyeball 6. ------- 6. ----
7. Movement of eyelids
7. ------ 7. -----
8. Rapid and much
twinkling of the eye
8. ------ 8. ------
9. Emaciated, unattractive 9. ----- 9. -----
10. ------- 10. Feels pleasant in
mist and cold
10. -----
Lips, Tongue and Palate
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Unsteady and unsettled 1. Coppery 1. -------
Speech and Voice
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Swift in speech 1. Talks rapidly 1. Speaks gently
2. Much talkative voice 2. Aggressive 2. Moderate in talk
Mental Strength
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Coward 1. Bold 1. Courageous
2. Unstable 2. ------ 2. Steady and firm
3. Feeble minded 3. ----- 3. -----
4. Agonized with grief 4. ----- 4. -----
5. Cherishing to humble
5. Haughty 5. forgiveness
Reproductive Strength
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Children less in number 1. Less number of
1. Abundant children
2. Unliked by women 2. Unliked by women 2. Liked by women
3. ------ 3. Less inclined in sex 3. More inclined in sex
4. ---- 4. Sperm quantity less 4. Profuse quantity of
Life Span
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Less 1. Moderate 1. Long lived
Positions and Dignity
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Finance-poor 1. Moderate finance 1. Rich and wealthy
2. Means and luxuries-
2. Moderate 2. ------
3. Fried circle- limited 3. ------ 3. Friendship stable
4. ------ 4. Dignified 4. Fortunate, prosperous
5. ----- 5. ----- 5. Attendants-abundant
Provocation of dosas
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Mostly subject to
Vatika ailments
1. Mostly subject to
Paittika ailments
1. Mostly subject to
Sleshmika ailments
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Sleep less 1. ------- 1. Sleepy and drowsy
2. Habit of teeth grinding
and beating of teeth in
2. ----- 2. -----
3. Eyes and mouth remain
slightly open at sleep
3. ------ 3. -----
4. Sudden sleep walking 4. ----- 4. ------
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Fearful in dreams 1. ------- 1. -------
2. Riding on camels,
walking on hells,
climbing on trees, flying
in sky
2. Dreams of gold,
palasa, karnikara;
flames of fire
2. Dreams of ponds full of
lotus, Hans, rows of birds,
chakravaka, clouds.
Conduct and Purity
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. ------- 1. Excess and quick in
1. ------
2. ----- 2. Excess in envious 2. Less envious
3. ----- 3.Pious 3. Good character
Vatika Paittika Sleshmika
1. Goat, jackal, rabbit, rat,
camel, dog, vulture, crow
1. Snake, owl,
gandharva, yaksha,
monkey, tiger, bear,
1. Brahma, rudra, varuna,
indra, lion, horse, elephant,
cow, ox, leopard, swan.
(Psycho- Pathology in Indian medicine)
Sara Bheda Typoplogy
While enumerating the ten kinds of examination of patients, Caraka mentions
Sara pareeksha in which a separate classification of the following eight types has been
mentioned. These are based on the preponderance of a particular dhatu(system) in the
body and are differentiated on the basis of the strength of the various systems of the
1. Twak Sara
2. Rakta Sara
3. Mamsa Sara
4. Meda Sara
5. Asthi Sara
6. Majja Sara
7. Virya Sara and
8. Sattva Sara
The first seven types are based on the strength of various systems of body and
the last type is Sattva sara in which the variation in psychological strength has been
`The characteristics of different types of sara as described by Caraka are as
Twak Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Snigda twak 1. Sukha
2. Slakshna twak 2. Saubhagya
3. Mrdu twak 3. Aiswarya
4. Prasanna twak 4. Upabhoga
5. Sukshma twak 5. Budhi
6. Alpa twak 6. Arogya
7. Gambheera Twak 7. Praharshana
8. Sukumara loma 8. Dhirghayu
9. Saprabhava
Rakta Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Snigda Karna 1. Sukha
2. Snigda akshi 2. Udagrata
3. Snigda mukha 3. Medha
4. Snigda jihva 4. Manasvita
5. Snigda nasa 5. Saukumarya
6. Snidga oshta 6. Anati bala
7. Snidga pani 7. Klesa- sahishnuta
8. Snigda padatala 8. Ushnasahishnuta
9. Snidha nakha
10. Snigda lalata
11. Snigda mehana
Mamsa Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Gurusthira mamsopacita lalata 1. Ksama
2. Gurusthira mamsopacita
2. Dhrti
3. Gurusthira akshi 3. Laulya
4. Gurusthira mamsopacita ganda 4. Vitta
5. Gurusthira hanu 5. Vidya
6. Gurusthira greeva 6. Sukha
7. Gurusthira skanda 7. Arogya
8. Gurusthira udara 8. Arjava
9. Gurusthira kaksha 9. Bala
10. Gurusthira vaksha 10. Dhirghayuta
11. Gurusthira pani
12. Gurusthira pada
13.Guru sthira mamsopacita
Meda Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Snigda varna 1. Vitta
2. Snigda svara 2. Aisvarya
3. Snigda netra 3. Sukha
4. Snigda kesa 4. Upabhoga
5. Snigda loma 5. Dana
6. Snigda nakha 6. Arjava
7. Snigda danta 7. Sukumaropacarta
8. Snigda oshta
9. Snigda mutra
10. Snigda purisa
Asthi Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Sthula parshni 1. Mahotsaha
2. Sthula gulpha 2. Kriyavan
3. Sthula janu 3. Klesa-saha
4. Sthula aratri 4. Ayushman
5. Sthula jatru
6. Sthula chibuka
7. Sthula sira
8. Sthula parva
9. Sthula nakha
10. Sthula danta
11. Sthula asthi
Majja Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Mrdvanga 1. Dirghayu
2. Balavan 2. Balavan
3. Snigda varna 3. Sruta bhajasca
4. Snigda svara 4. Vitta bhajasca
5. Sthula sandhi 5. Vijnana bhaasca
6. Dirgha sandhi 6. Apatya bhajasca
7. Vrttta sandhi 7. Sammana bhajasca
Sukra Sara
Sareera Manasa
1. Saumya 1. Stri bhoga
2. Saumya prekshi 2. Priyopabhoga
3. Kshira parna locan 3. Balavan
4. Praharsha bahula 4. Sukha bhajasca
5. Snigda dasana 5. Aiswarya bhajasca
6. Vrtta dasana 6. Arogya bhajasca
7. Sara dasana 7. Vitta bhajasca
8. Sama dasana 8. Samana bhajasca
9. Sahata sikhara 9. Apatya bhajasca
10. Prasanna varnah
11. Prasanna svara
12. Snigda varna
13. Bhrajishnu
14. Mahaspik
15. Snigda svara
Sattva Sara
It is of three types.
1) Pravara Sattva 2) Madhyama Sattva and 3) Avara Sattva
Pravara Sattva ( Superior Psychic)
1. Smrtimat -- Possessed of memory
2. Khaktimat -- Devotee
3. Krtajna -- Full of gratitude
4. Budhimat -- Wise
5. Suci -- Pious
6. Mahotsaha -- Energetic
7. Dhira -- Courageous
8. Samaravikranthayodhin -- Prowess in battle
9. Daksha -- Skillful
10. Tyaktavishadah -- Away from sorrow
11. Savyavasthitagati -- Firmness of tread
12. Gambheera budhi -- Deeply intelligent
13. Gambheera ceshta -- Serious in activity
14. Kalyanabhinivesi -- Eager of good pursuit.
Madhyama Sattva (Moderate Psychic)
1. Paravad vyathasahishnu -- Seek consolation by comparing
themselves with others
2. Parasvasana vyathasahishnu -- Those who get composed when
consoled by others
Avara Sattva ( Inferior Psychic)
1. Svatvyadha asahishnu -- Those who cannot tolerate the
by themselves.
2. Parasvasanavyatha asahishnu -- Those who cant tolerate the
even when consoled by others.
3. a) Sannihita bhaya -- Confronted with fear.
b) Sannihita soka -- Confronted with sorrow.
c) Sannihita lobha -- Confronted with temptation
d) Sannihita moha -- Confronted with delusion
e) Sannihita mana -- Confronted with pride.
Attaintment of visada, vaivarnya, unmada etc by listening or seeing the
a) Raudra samkathamakarnya -- By listening to tales of wrath
b) Bhairava samkathamakarnya -- By listening to tales of
c) Dvishta samkathamakarnya -- By listening tales of hate
d) Vibhatsa samkathamakarnya -- By listening tales of horror
e) Vikrta samkathamakarnya -- By listening ugly tales
f) Pasu mamsamavekshya -- By seeing animal flesh
g) Purusamamsavekshya -- By seeing animal blood
h) Purusha sonitamavekshya -- By seeing human blood.
Manasa Prakrti (Mental Temperament)
Ayurveda is the science of life and life according to Ayurveda is the state of
union of four components namely, the body (Sareera), the sensory and motor faculties
(Indriyas), mind (manas) and soul (Atma). Mind is considered as Ubhayendriya. It is
located in the body itself and can be considered as the super faculty.
Most of the concepts of Ayurveda are adopted from Vaisesika philosophy, but
it also adapted certain important concepts about mind from Sankhya system of
philosophy. According to Sankhya, there are three universal or major attributes (Maha
gunas) namely, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These attributes are present in a non-
manifested state in the primordial substance or nature (prakrti), from which the whole
universe has evolved. Since the living being is the microcosm of the macrocosm or
the universe, the living organism also is endowed with these three major attributes.
Mind being an entity of the organism, it also has the three major attributes.
Sattva is considered to be pure and the other two are impure. Sattva represents
knowledge and pleasure. Rajas symbolizes pain, aversion and action. Tamas
symbolizes ignorance, inertia and confusion. Ayurveda considers Rajas and Tamas as
mano doshas, because they are capable of vitiating manas and are causes of diseases.
Types of Mind in Ayurveda
According to Caraka, mental faculty is of three types Satvika, Rajasa and
Tamasa. The Satvika one is free from defects as it is endowed with auspiciousness.
Rajasa type is defective because it promotes wrathful disposition. The Tamasa one is
similarly defective because it suffers from ignorance.
Each of the three types of mental faculty is in fact of innumerable variety by
permutation and combination of the various factors relating to the body, species and
mental interactions. Some times even the body follows the mind and vice versa.
Mental faculties vary according to the degree of purity of individuals.
Variation in the age is like the childhood, youth etc; and variation in the species, is
human beings, animals etc.
Distinctive features of the different classes of mental temperaments
Sattvika features
1. Saucam -- Cleanliness
2. Astikyam -- Belief in gods.
3. Sukla dharma ruci -- Inclination to follow the path of pure virtue.
4. Mati -- Intellect.
Rajasa features
1. Bahu bashitvam -- Talkativeness
2. Manam -- Pride
3. Krudha -- Anger
4. Dhambha -- Vanity
5. Matsara -- Jealousy
Tamasa features
1. Bhayam -- Fear
2. Ajnanam -- Ignorance
3. Nidra -- Sleep
4. Alasysm -- Lazyness
5. Vishadita -- Grief
(A H Sa 3/7-8)
According to Susruta,
Sattvika features
1. Anrsamsyam -- An absence of all killing or hostile
2. Samvibhagarucitha -- A judicious distribution of diet
3. Titiksha -- Forbearance.
4. Satyam -- Truthfulness
5. Dharmam -- Religious
6. Astikyam -- Belief in God
7. Jnanam -- Spiritual knowledge
8. Budhi -- Intellect
9. Medha -- Retentive faculty
10. Smrti -- Memory
11. Dhrti -- Comprehension
12. Anabhishangam -- The doing of good deeds irrespective of
Rajasa features
1. Dukha bahulata -- Feeling of much pain and misery
2. Atana seelata -- Wandering tendency
3. Adrti -- Non- comprehension
4. Ahamkara -- Egotism
5. Anrtikatvam -- Untruthfulness
6. Akarunyam -- Unkindness
7. Dhambha -- Vanity
8. Manam -- Pride
9. Harsha -- Joy, Satisfaction
10. Kama -- Lust
11. Krodha -- Anger
Tamasa features
1. Vishaditvam -- Despondency, Despair
2. Nastikyam -- Disbelief in existence of god
3. Adharmaseelata -- Irreligious stupefaction
4. Budhi nirodham -- Perversity of intellect
5. Ajnanam -- Ignorance
6. Durmedastvam -- Silly, dull-headed
7. Akarma seelata -- Lethargy in action
8. Nidralutvam -- Sleepiness
(Su Sa 1/17)
Diffferent types of Sattvika Individuals
Brahma (Sharing the traits of Brahma)
Characterestic features
1. Sucim -- Clean
2. Satyabhi sandham -- Love for truth
3. Jitatmanam -- Self-restrained
4. Samvibhaginam -- Power of discrimination
5. Jnana vijnana vacana -- Material and spiritual knowledge, power of
prativacana sampannam exposition, reply
6. Smrtimantam -- Retentive
7. Kama,krodha,lobha,mana -- Free from lust, anger, greed, pride, ignorance,
moha, irshya, harsha, jealousy, excessive delight or impatience.
8. Samam sarvabhuteshu -- Favourable disposition equally for all
Arsha (Sharing the traits of rshis)
Characterestic features
1. Ijya adyayana, homa, -- Devotion to sacred rituals, study, sacred
brahmacharya vows, oblation and celibacy.
2. Param athidivrtham -- Hospitable disposition
3. Upasantha mada, mana, -- Free from arrogance, pride, attachment,
raga, dvesha, moha, hatred, ignorance, greed, and anger
lobha, rosham
4. Prathibha vacana vijnana -- Intellectual excellence and eloquence and;
upadravana sakti power of understanding and retention.
Aindra (Sharing the traits of Indra)
Characterestic features
1. Aiswaryavantam -- Rich and luxurious
2. Adeya vakyam -- Authoritative speech (commanding)
3. Yajvanam -- Performance of sacred rituals
4. Suram -- Brave
5. Ojasvinam -- Energetic
6. Tejasopetamaklishta -- Undisturbed in action
7. Dirghadarsinam -- Far sighted and
8. Dharmartha kamabhiratam -- Devotion to virtuous acts, earning of wealth
proper satisfaction of desire
Yamya (Sharing the traits of Yama)
Characterestic features
1. Lekhastha vrtham -- Observance of the textual instructions
2. Prapta karinam -- Carries out activities in proper way
3. Apraharya -- Unbeatable
4. Uttanavantham -- Readiness for initiating action (alert)
5. Smrithimantham -- With good memory
6. Aiswaryalambhinam -- Lordship
7. Vyapagata raga, irshya, -- Free from attachment, jealousy,
dvesha, moha hatred and ignorance.
Varuna (Sharing the traits of Varuna)
Characterestic features
1. Suram -- Brave
2. Dhiram -- Courageous
3. Suci -- Clean
4. Asuci dveshinam -- Dislike for impurity
5. Yajvanam -- Conducts sacrificial rites
6. Ambho vihara rati -- Fondness for aquatic sports
7. Akrishta karmanam -- Aversion for mean acts
8. Sthana kopa prasadham -- Exhibition of anger and pleasure in
proper place.
Kaubera (Sharing the traits of Kubera)
Characterestic features
1. Sthana, mana, upabhoga, -- Having excellent status, honour, luxurious
parivara sampannam and attendants
2. Dharmartha kama nityam -- Constant liking for virtuous acts, wealth,
and satisfaction of desires
3. Sucim -- Clean
4. Sukha viharam -- Happy and sportive
5. Vyaktha kopa prasadam -- Explicit in anger and gratification.
Gandharva (Sharing the traits of Gandharva)
Characterestic features
1. Priya nrtya gita vadi- -- Fondness for dancing, singing, music
trollapaka and praise
2. Slokakhyayiketihasa -- Expertness in poetry, stories, historical
puraneshu kusalam narration and epics
3. Gandha- malyanulepa- -- Constant fondness for perfumes, garlands,
navasana stri vihara kama dresses, association of women and passion.
nitya manasuyakam
Of the seven types of Satvika mental faculties described above, the one
likened to Brahma is the purest. (C Sa 4/37)
Different types of Rajasa individuals
Asura (Sharing the traits of Asura)
1. Suram -- Brave
2. Candam -- Cruel
3. Asuyakam -- Envy
4. Aiswaryam -- Lordship
5. Aupadikam -- Movement in disguise
6. Raudram -- Terrifying appearance
7. Atmapujakam -- Indulgence
Rakshasa (Sharing the traits of Rakshasa)
1. Amarshinam -- Intolerant
2. Anubandha kopam -- Constant anger
3. Cidra praharinam -- Violence at weak points
4. Kruram -- Cruel
5. Aharamatimatra ruciaami- -- Gluttonous habit and fondness for non-
shapriyam. Vegetarian food.
6. Swapnayasabahulam -- Excessive sleep and indolence
7. Irshyu -- Envious disposition
Paisaca ( Sharing the traits of Pisaca)
1. Mahasanam -- Gluttonous habit
2. Strainam -- Feminine in nature
3. Stri rahaskamam -- Liking for staying with women in privacy
4. Asucim -- Unclean habits
5. Suci dveshinam -- Disliking for cleanliness
6. Bhirum -- Coward
7. Bhishayitaram -- Bossing over others and frightening others
8. Vikrtahara vihara silam -- Resorting to abnormal diet and regimens.
Sarpa (Sharing the traits of Sarpa or Snake)
1. Krudha suramakrudha -- Bravery when in wrathful disposition and
bhirum Cowardice when not in wrathful disposition
2. Tikshayasa bahulam -- Sharp reaction, excessive indolence
3. Satrastha gacaramahara -- Walking, taking food and resorting to other
vihara param regimens with a fearful disposition.
Praita (Sharing the traits of Preta)
1. Ahara kamam -- Excessive desire for food.
2. Ati dukhasilamacharo- -- Excessively and habitually distressful in
pacaram his conduct and behaviour.
3. Asuyakam -- Enviousness
4. Asamvibhaginam -- Actions without discrimination
5. Atilolupam -- Excessive greediness
6. Akarmasilam -- Inactive
Sakuna (Sharing the traits of Sakuni or Bird)
1. Anushakta karma -- Attachment with passion.
2. Ajasrahara vihara -- Excessive food and regimen
3. Anavasthitham -- Unsteadiness
4. Amarshanam -- Ruthlessness
5. Asamcayam -- Unacquisitiveness.
(C Sa 4/38
Different types of Tamasa individuals
Pasava (Sharing the traits of Animal)
1. Nirakarisnum -- Habitually denying
2. Amedasam -- Lack of intelligence
3. Jugupsitacaraharam -- Hateful conduct and food habits
4. Maidhuna param -- Excessive sexual indulgence.
5. Swapna silam -- Excessive sleep
Matsya (Sharing the traits of Fish)
1. Bhirum -- Coward
2. Abudham -- Lack of intelligence
3. Aharalubdam -- Greediness for food
4. Anavasthitam -- Unsteadiness
5. Anushakta kama krodham -- Interested in lust and anger
6. Sarana silam -- Wandering nature
7. Toya kamam -- Desire for water
Vanaspatya (Sharing the traits of Vegetable life)
1. Alasam -- Lazy
2. Kevalam abhinivishtamahara -- Interested only in food.
3. Sarvabudhyangahinam -- Deficiency of all intellectual faculties.
Manasika Lakshanas and Ceshtas (Mental Temperament and
Behaviour) in Dosaja Prakrti
Vataja Pittaja Kaphaja
1. Alpa smrti (Poor
1. Madhya
1. Dirgha darsi (with
good insight in all
2. Sighra
2. Medhavi(Intellect) 2. Dirgha sutri(With
good forethought)
3. Sighra grahi(Quick
3. Pandita (Scholar) 3.Chiragrahi (Slow in
4. Chala dhriti
(Unsteady courage)
4. --- 4.Dhrtiman
5. Chala mati(Unsteady
5. Nipuna mati
(Ingenious mind)
5. Sthira mati
(Steadfast mind)
6. ------ 6. ---- 6. Sattvika
7. Sighra kshobha
(quick in emotions)
7. Ksipra kopa (Quick
7. Asighra krodha (Not
angered quickly)
8. Sighra samarambha
(Quick in getting out of
8. Kshipra prasada
(Quick in getting out of
anger etc)
8. Alpa iccha (Fewer
9. Krtagna
9. ---- 9. Krtajna (grateful)
10. Stena (Stealing
10. Abhimani
10. Dharmatma
11. Ajitendriya (No
control over senses)
11. ------ 11. Jitendriya
(Controls his senses)
12. Parusha (Harsh) 12. Sucharita (Good
12. Satya vadi
(Speaking truth)
13. Matsari (Jealous) 13. Prabhuta irshya
(Highly envious)
13. Arya (Civilized)
14. Alpa dhana (poor
14. Madhya vitta
(Moderate wealth)
14. Sthira dhana (Not
wasting wealth)
15. Alpa sadhana (Less
15. Madhya upakarana
15. Bahu bhrtya (Many
16. Alpa mitra (Few
16. ------ 16. Bahu mitra (Too
many friends)
17. Alpa parakrama
(Less adventurous)
17. Tikshna parakrama
(Highly adventurous)
17. -----