Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Newtons Second law forms the basis of all units of measurement. For a particle of mass m subjected to a resultant force F the law may be stated as F = ma where a is the resulting acceleration measured in a nonaccelerating frame of reference. SI units The SI system is a metric system based on the meter, kilogram, second and Kelvin as basic units of length, mass, time, and temperature respectively. In SI system the units for force (Newton) is derived from Newtons second law of motion. By denition one Newton is that force which will give a one-kilogram mass an acceleration of one meter per second squared. The SI system is termed an absolute system since mass is taken to be an absolute or base quantity. English Engineering units The English Engineering system (EES) is based on the foot, pound, second and Rankine as basic units of length, force, time, and temperature respectively. In EES the units of mass (slug) is derived from Newtons second law of motion. By denition one slug of mass will have an acceleration of one foot per second squared when acted upon by a force of one pound. EES is called a gravitational system since force (as measured from gravitational pull) is taken as a base quantity. Quantity mass length time force Temperature SI kilogram (kg) meter (m) second (s) newton (N) Kelvin ( K) EES slug foot (ft) second (sec) pound (lb) Rankine ( R)
System A system is a region enclosed by a rigid or exible boundary with a quantity of matter of xed mass and identity. Heat and work can cross the boundary of a system. Control volume A control volume is a nite region in space that may be xed or moving in space. Mass, momentum, heat and work can cross the boundary of the region called the control surface. Phase A phase is dened as a quantity of matter that is homogeneous throughout (ex. solid, liquid and gas). State A state may be dened by certain observable macroscopic properties. (ex. pressure, temperature, density, etc)
Property A property can be dened as any quantity that depends on the state of the system and is independent of the path (i.e., the prior history) by which the system arrived at the given state. The properties of a given state are always unique. They are also called point functions. Intensive property Depends only on the state of the system and is independent of its mass (ex. temperature, pressure, density, etc.). Extensive property Depends directly with the mass of the system (ex. volume, internal energy, etc). Process Whenever one or more of the properties of a system change, the system has undergone a state change. The path of the succession of states through which the system passes is called the process. Isothermal process: A constant temperature process. Isobaric process: A constant pressure process. Isometric process: A constant volume process. Isentropic process: A constant entropy process. Adiabatic process: A process with no heat transfer. Reversible process: A reversible process is an ideal process in which the process direction can be reversed and the system would retrace the same series of equilibrium states. Cycle When a system in a given state goes through a number of dierent changes of state or processes and nally returns to its initial state, the system has undergone a cycle. Therefore, at the conclusion of a cycle all the properties have the same value they had at the beginning. Solid Put inside a larger, closed container will not change its shape and boundaries will remain the same. Intermolecular loads are very rigid, maintaining the molecules in what is virtually a xed spatial relationship. Thus a solid has a xed volume and shape. Liquid Volume of liquid remains constant and takes to the general shape of the container. Weaker bonds between the molecules. Distances between the molecules are fairly rigidly controlled but the arrangement in shape is free. A liquid, therefore has a closely dened volume but no dened shape. Gas Completely ll the container. Weak bonds and has neither a dened shape nor a dened volume. Plasma A special form of a gas has properties dierent from those of a normal gas and, although belonging to the third group, can be regarded justiably as a seperate, distinct form of matter. Fluid A basic feature of a uid is that it can ow. This feature, however applies to substances which are not true uids, e.g., a ne powder piled on a sloping surface will also ow. Heaps can be formed by ow. Thus a uid may be dened as matter capable of owing and either nding its own level (if liquid) or lling the whole of its container (if a gas). Microscopic point of view In microscopic point of view we deal with the individual molecules motion and behavior. Macroscopic point of view In macroscopic point of view we are concerned with the gross or average eects of many molecules through measurable or observable properties. 17
Concept of a continuum: Continuum ow From the macroscopic point of view, we are always concerned with volumes that are very large compared to molecular dimensions, and, therefore, with systems that contain many molecules. Since we are not concerned with the behavior of individual molecules, we can treat the substance as being continuous, disregarding the action of individual molecules, and this is called a continuum. Ideal gas Ideal gas is composed of molecules which are small compared to the mean distance between them and so the potential energy arising from their mutual attraction may be neglected. Collisions between molecules or between molecules and the containing vessel are assumed to be perfectly elastic. The average distance a molecule travels before colliding with another is termed the mean-free-path (). If the mean-free-path of the molecules approaches the order of magnitude of the dimensions of the vessel, then the concept of a continuum is not a valid assumption (ex. High vacuum technology, rareed atmosphere). At temperature of 300K and above (room temperature and above) nitrogen and air behave as perfect or ideal gas up to pressure well above 1000 lb/in2 . Free molecular ow The mean-free-path is the same order as the body scale in this region. Vehicles such as the space shuttle encounter free molecular ow at the extreme outer edge of the atmosphere, where the air density is so low that becomes of the order of the shuttle size. Low-density ow Exhibit characteristic ow of both the Continuum ow and Free molecular ow. Pressure-p If a body is placed in a uid, its surface is bombarded by a large number of molecules moving at random. When molecules bombard a surface they rebound, and by Newtons law the surface experiences a force equal and opposite to the time rate of change of momentum of the rebounding molecules. Thus s tatic pressure is the normal force per unit area exerted on a surface due to the time rate of change of momentum of the molecules impacting (or crossing) that surface. p= lim dFn dA
where dA is the smallest area for which the system can be considered a continuum and dF n is the force acting normal to that surface. p is a point property and a scalar. p has units of (Forec/Area), N/m2 , lb/ft2 , and lb/in2 . Most pressure and vacuum gages read the dierence between the absolute pressure and the atmospheric pressure existing at the gage, and this is referred as gage pressure. Density- =
dV dV
dm dV
is the smallest volume for which the system can be considered a continuum and dm is the mass where dV of that innitesimal volume. Specic volume- v v = dV lim dV dV dm
is the smallest volume for which the system can be considered a continuum. where dV Temperature-T The temperature of a gas (T ) is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the uid. Note: p, , T are all static properties. Ex) A static temperature is that temperature measured by a common thermometer. Viscosity-
Viscosity is that property of a uid in ordered motion which causes their layer immediately adjacent to a surface to remain at rest. du Shear Stress dy The constant of proportionality is . If T is in Rankine: T 3/2 [slug/f t sec] = 2.270 108 T + 198.6 If T is in Kelvin: T 3/2 [kg/m sec] = 1.456 106 T + 110.3 Steady Flow If uid properties at a point in a eld do not change with time, then they are a function of space only. They are represented by: = (q1 , q2 , q3 ) Therefore for a steady ow
= 0.
One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Flows A ow is classied as one-, two-, or three-dimensional depending on the number of space coordinates required to specify all the uid properties and the number of components of the velocity vector. For example a steady three-dimensional ow requires three space coordinates to specify the property and the velocity vector is given by: V = v1 e 1 + v2 e 2 + v3 e 3 . Most real ows are three-dimensional in nature. On the other hand any property of a two-dimensional ow eld requires only two space coordinates to describe it and its velocity has only two components along the two space coordinates that describe the eld. The third component of velocity is identically zero everywhere. Steady channel ow between two parallel plates is a perfect example of twodimensional ow if the viscous eects on the plates are neglected. The properties of the ow can be uniquely represented by = (q1 , q2 ) and the velocity vector can be written as V = v1 e 1 + v2 e 2 . The complexity of analysis increases considerably with the number of dimensions of the ow eld. In one-dimensional ow properties vary only as a function of one spatial coordinate and the velocity component in the other two directions are identically zero. In other words = (q1 ) and V = v1 e 1 . Flux Flux is dened as a rate of ow of any quantity per unit area across a control surface. Thus mass ux is the rate of mass ow rate per unit area and heat ux is the heat ow rate per unit area across the control surface. Incompressible If density is constant, the ow is called incompressible. If the density is variable it is called compressible ow. Flow of homogeneous liquid is treated as incompressible. Boundary layer The boundary layer is that region near the surface of a body where viscous eects are important.
Shear Stress
( )wall = ( )y=0 =
u y
y =0
is large because
u y
y =0
is large.
Eect of viscosity The speed of ow which increases from zero at the surface of the body to the full streaming speed away from the body. (Velocity gradient inside the boundary layer) Apparently steady force called the skin friction drag acting on the body in the direction of ow. Newtonian versus Non-Newtonian uid Fluids for which the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of strain are called Newtonian uids.
Shear Stress
( )
du dy du dy
For same uids, however, the shear stress may not be directly proportional to the rate of strain.
Shear Stress
( ) not proportional to
These uids are classied as Non-Newtonian. ex) blood, certain plastics, clay-waste mixture. 19
Viscosity is important in the boundary layer, the separated ow region, and the wake region. Rest of the regions can be essentially treated as inviscid where = 0. Inviscid theory can adequately predict the pressure distribution and lift on a body. Inviscid theory gives also a valid representation of the streamlines and ow eld away from the body. Inviscid theory can not predict any drag that depends on the friction. Classication based on approximations of ow problems Gas is a compressible, viscous, inhomogeneous substance, and the physical principles underlying its behavior are not completely enough understood to permit us to formulate exactly, any ow problem. Even if this were possible, the resulting equations would, in all probability be too dicult to solve. Hence all formulations are approximate at best. 1. Perfect uid: homogeneous (not composed of discrete particles), incompressible (inelastic), inviscid uid. The assumption of a perfect uid gives good agreement with experiment for ows outside of boundary layer and wake of well-streamlined bodies moving with velocities of less than 200 mph at altitudes under about 100,000 ft. 2. Compressible, inviscid uid: Fluid is considered compressible (elastic) and hence speed of sound characterzies the ow. It provides a good approximation for problems involving the ow outside of boundary layer and wake of bodies for all speeds at altitudes below about 100,000 ft. 3. Viscous, compressible uid: Viscosity is included. Flow within the boundary layer and wake is amenable to accurate analysis, provided the ow is laminar (good for all speeds below altitudes of 100,000 ft).