Value and Advantage
Value and Advantage
Value and Advantage
JUAN VALDEZ COFFEE Is worth mentioning that we initially analyzed Britt, Villa Rica and Cocla Coffee competition, based on a concept of segmentation exclusive of ground coffee consumer. owever, this has changed since our new approach is based on position !uan Valdez li"e a fine coffee aimed at those socioeconomic, # segment who aspire to change their habits of consumption of coffee in times to see" $uality, price, great flavor, texture and all under the support of an established brand in the mar"et and is recognized as !uan Valdez. #lso, this segment has been considered as people have a higher fre$uency of consumption due to the growth of the country, their spending and change their life style. %his is attributed to the growing culture of coffee that has developed in recent years. %herefore, the new competition from our coffee !uan Valdez are those are aimed at this segment and offer the same varieties of their competition.
&e decide to put !uan Valdez because the Company focused on 'ifferentiation, (roduct Innovation and Customer Relationship) based on the new concept of segmentation of people who li"e to drin" a good coffee and the aspiration to consume a $uality product and excellent flavor. *ignificantly, it is about igh +uality coffee, made in Colombia, the country with excellent coffee. !uan Valdez, it is another $uality of coffee of great character, combining dense scents with complex flavors. It has four types, Cumbre, Volcan and Colina. In this way we have between their prices for a bag of -./ gr .y -01 gr, JUAN VALDEZ GROUND COFFEE !uan Valdez Cumbre 2 'escafeinado s3.-4../ !V Colina 2 Balanceado !V 5rg6nico Balanceado -01 gr. !V Volca 2 8xpresso s3.-4../ s3. 1-.7/ s3-4../
estate. is respect for nature is reflected in this special coffee flavor balanced with wild notes and lasting flavor. &e decided to put !uan Valdez 5rganic because the company is focused on product inno$ation %ith &echnolo'ical efforts creating a variety of coffee comparable to the best coffee of the growing countries. In terms of differentiation !uan Valdez technology uses the best production of coffee. In addition, Coffee !uan Valdez is "nown for their excellent $uality and variety, is coffee that is signed by the living icon more representative of Colombia, !uan Valdez, who was elected as the .th advertising icon more recognized worldwide for the &ee" #dvertising =#dvertising &ee"> in ?ew @or". AROMA PRO OU !ED ACIDITY MEDIUM BODY MEDIUM