Coaxial Crimp Tool

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Paladin 1300 coaxial crimper modular Tool frame with die included BNC TNC SMA SM Clearance!!!

More then 20 available!

The Paladin Universal CrimpALL crimping system can crimp coax, ins lated ! non" ins lated terminals, #iber optic connectors and telecom pl gs all sing a single m lti" p rpose mod lar crimp #rame$ %imply add as many interchangeable die sets as yo need$ &nterchangeable hardened steel dies provide long tool li#e and consistent acc rate crimps every time$ 'rgonomic styling and c shioned handles ma(e the )el xe Crimping *rame the best choice #or #re+ ent se ,o can choose among many available dies and install the one that yo need -itho t b ying a ne- ratchet$ Chec( Paladin -eb site #or a h ge selection o# di##erent dies! A b ilt"in sa#ety release allo-s removal o# incorrectly placed connectors$ The 2./0 included die can crimp the #ollo-ing Coaxial and optical connectors1 %MA, %M2, Mini"/3 24C5T4C, Mini"U6* 78/9, Mini"/3, 78":;<, small coaxial 0$:29=50$2:0=50$:3;=50$:;9=50$0.9= 6'> !0$0<2=%? &# yo pre#er, -e also have the 20/: die and -e can exchange it instead o# 2./0 The 20/: can crimp the #ollo-ing Coaxial and optical connectors1 24C5T4C 78:;<, 78:;3, and %mall Cable Conn$ 0$:;9=50$:29=50$0.9= 6'> Common 2"piece and 0"piece 24C5T4C5%MA5%M2 This is a ne- open box nit in excellent condition!

%old in retail at @./ A @<3 #or the die A Tax A %hipping

Net Weight: 900g Size: 25 x10 x 5 cm^3 Price: 35$ Shipping: Can: 15$ US:Gro n!: 13$" #ir:1$$
Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup

!ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

Clearance! Paladin 1300 modular Tool frame with die included Clearance!!!
The Paladin Universal :000 crimping system can crimp coax, ins lated ! non"ins lated terminals, #iber optic connectors and telecom pl gs all sing a single m lti"p rpose mod lar crimp #rame$ %imply add as many interchangeable die sets as yo need$ &nterchangeable hardened steel dies provide long tool li#e and consistent acc rate crimps every time$ 'rgonomic styling and c shioned handles ma(e the )el xe Crimping *rame the best choice #or #re+ ent se ,o can choose among many available dies and install the one that yo need -itho t b ying a ne- ratchet$ Chec( Paladin -eb site #or a h ge selection o# di##erent dies! A b ilt"in sa#ety release allo-s removal o# incorrectly placed connectors$ The 20/: included die can crimp the #ollo-ing Coaxial and optical connectors1 24C5T4C 78:;<, 78:;3, and %mall Cable Conn$ 0$:;9=50$:29=50$0.9= 6'> Common 2"piece and 0"piece 24C5T4C5%MA5%M2 This is a sed nit in excellent condition li(e NE !!!

%old in retail at @./ A Tax A %hipping

Net Weight: 900g Price: 19%99$ Shipping: Can: 15$ US:Gro n!: 13$" #ir:1$$
Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup !ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

Please be aware that because o' some items were lost in the mail) i' you need a tracking number and insurance you have to have /Expedite shipping/ or /0racked Packet/ For the &#!. .ithout this .E !RE 1O0 RE#PO1#"B2E "F 03E "0EM (O0 2O#0 !1% .O140 REF&1% 5O&R "0EM. 0o have a 'ull re'und you should take an /Expedite shipping/ service /0racked Packet/ For the &#!.

New !iple" Miller #i$er %ptic Stripper #% 103&S tool' Clearance Price!
&s recogniBed #or itCs simple yet very high + ality design #or years itCs been sed by man #act rer installer -ho desire high + ality pro#essional tool$ &t is designed #or stripping b ##er cladding *or stripping 2/0 micron b ##er coating #rom :2/ micron optical #iber Precision diameter hole ! D"opening in blade allo- #or acc rate b ##er coating removal Pivot pin, spring and precision handles enhance tool # nctionality and d rability *actory set, re+ ires no adE stment Prevents scratching or nic(ing o# optical #iber All c tting s r#aces are precision #ormed, hardened, tempered and gro nd ass ring precise b ##er removal Made in the U$%$A$ Length1 /$0;/ in F:0.$/0 mmG Height1 2$/ oB F;: gG

%old in retail at @.0 A Tax A %hipping

Shipping Weight: 100g Price: 29%99$ Shipping: Can: 3$ US:Gro n!: 3$
Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup !ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

(T) coaxial crimper modular Tool frame die included BNC TNC SMA SMB !(1*+ !(1*, New (T) coaxial crimper modular Tool frame with die included BNC TNC SMA SMB !(1*+- !(1*,' #a.t Shippin/' 0owe.t Price! Clearance!!!
; available! &# yo need more then : please contact s by email be#ore b ying so -e give yo the price -ith the com$ined shipping!
This is a 4e- 8TI gtt"::00 mod lar Tool #rame -ith 6:0 die incl ded$ FSimilar to the Paladin 1300 with the .ame 1ualit"!G The 8TI crimping system can crimp coax, ins lated ! non"ins lated terminals, #iber optic connectors and telecom pl gs all sing a single m lti"p rpose mod lar crimp #rame$ %imply add as many interchangeable die sets as yo need$ &nterchangeable hardened steel dies provide long tool li#e and consistent acc rate crimps every time$ 'rgonomic styling handles ma(e the )el xe Crimping *rame the best choice #or #re+ ent se A b ilt"in sa#ety release allo-s removal o# incorrectly placed connectors$ The included die can crimp the #ollo-ing Coaxial and optical connectors1 24C5T4C 78:;<, 78:;3 Mini /3 24C5T4C, and %mall Cable Conn$ 0$:;9=50$:29=50$0.9= F<$/2mm50$2/mm5:$;0mmG 6'> Common 2"piece and 0"piece 24C5T4C5%MA5%M2 This is a 4'H crimp tool! ,o can choose among many available dies and install the one that yo need -itho t b ying a ne- ratchet$ Chec( #or example http155bloochip" cms$com5#reetrial5saisonics$net5-ebsite5copper"and"coaxial5coaxial"tools5coaxial" crimping"tool$htm #or a m ltit de die selections!

%old in retail at @./ A Tax A %hipping

Net Weight: 900g Price: 19%99$ Size 29 x 21%5 x &


Can: 1'$ US:Gro n!: 1'$" #ir:$

Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup !ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

Eclip.e coaxial crimper modular Tool frame die included BNC TNC !(1*+ '1*2 '32 New Eclip.e coaxial crimper modular Tool frame die included BNC TNC !(1*+ 40'1*2- 0'325' #a.t Shippin/' 0owe.t Price! Clearance!!!
< available! &# yo need more then : please contact s by email be#ore b ying so -e give yo the price -ith the com$ined shipping!
This is a 4e- Eclip.e 000"002 mod lar Tool #rame -ith die #or BNC TNC !(1*+ 40'1*2- 0'325 incl ded $ FSimilar to the Paladin 1300 with the .ame 1ualit"!G The Eclip.e crimping system can crimp coax, ins lated ! non"ins lated terminals, #iber optic connectors and telecom pl gs all sing a single m lti"p rpose mod lar crimp #rame$ %imply add as many interchangeable die sets as yo need$ &nterchangeable hardened steel dies provide long tool li#e and consistent acc rate crimps every time$ 'rgonomic styling handles ma(e the )el xe Crimping *rame the best choice #or #re+ ent se A b ilt"in sa#ety release allo-s removal o# incorrectly placed connectors$ The included die can crimp the #ollo-ing Coaxial and optical connectors1 BNC TNC !(1*+, and %mall Cable Conn$ 0'1*267 0'326 F<$/2mm5:$;0mmG 6'> Common 2" piece and 0"piece 24C5T4C This is a 4'H crimp tool!

%old in retail at @00 A Tax A %hipping

Net Weight: 900g Price: 1(%99$ Size 29 x 21%5 x & Shipping: Can: 1'$ US:Gro n!: 1'$" #ir:$

Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup !ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

New 8ea9" dut" coaxial terminal crimper modular Tool BNC TNC Clearance!!!
< available! &# yo need more then : please contact s by email be#ore b ying so -e give yo the price -ith the com$ined shipping!
This is a 4e- 6eavy d ty crimping tool designed speci#ically to crimp terminals, coaxial connector and #iber connectors$ The tool steel crimping Ea-s Fnot mild steel or al min mG dimensions are :$<0J and :$9/J #or hex and 2$0J #or ro nd connectors$ The #rame o# the tool is made #rom + ality materials -ith longevity in mind$ Act al siBe o# tool is 230mm overall length$ This is not a inexpensive tool, b t itKs a -orth-hile investment$ This pro#essional crimping tool is s perior in every respect to the narro-"Ea-ed mild steel crimping pliers and the 2 piece al min m closing tools F-hich are s ally rendered seless a#ter 2 crimp operationsG$ This is a 4'H crimp tool!

%old in retail at @00 A Tax A %hipping

Net Weight: '00g Price: 39%99$ Size 32 x 12 x 5 Shipping: Can: 1'$ US:Gro n!: 1'$" #ir:$
Pickup is available in the Montreal area only without any extra charges. Please communicate with us BEFORE you bid so we can arrange the pickup !ll "tems are #old with a $ %ay &nconditional Right o' Return and (uarantee 'rom %ate o' Receipt. "' the item is as advertised) there will be a *+, re-stocking and handling 'ee that will be assesed) plus shipping in both directions will be charged to the buyer. Buyer is Responsible 'or #hipping in the Event o' a Return. .e rely on you) our valued customer) to leave us a positive rating. "ncase you are not satis'ied) please contact us be'ore leaving any negative comment so we can make arrangement to to resolve the problem.

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