The document lists pricing and models for various CCTV camera and DVR equipment from China and Taiwan. It includes 8 CCTV camera options ranging in price from $333 to $1,333. It also lists standalone DVR systems with 1 to 3 channels priced between $333 to $1,333, and DVR cards priced similarly. Additional listed accessories include hard drives, power adapters, cables, and monitors. The document outlines terms of payment, completion time, warranty, after-sales support, delivery, spare parts availability, and offer validity.
The document lists pricing and models for various CCTV camera and DVR equipment from China and Taiwan. It includes 8 CCTV camera options ranging in price from $333 to $1,333. It also lists standalone DVR systems with 1 to 3 channels priced between $333 to $1,333, and DVR cards priced similarly. Additional listed accessories include hard drives, power adapters, cables, and monitors. The document outlines terms of payment, completion time, warranty, after-sales support, delivery, spare parts availability, and offer validity.
The document lists pricing and models for various CCTV camera and DVR equipment from China and Taiwan. It includes 8 CCTV camera options ranging in price from $333 to $1,333. It also lists standalone DVR systems with 1 to 3 channels priced between $333 to $1,333, and DVR cards priced similarly. Additional listed accessories include hard drives, power adapters, cables, and monitors. The document outlines terms of payment, completion time, warranty, after-sales support, delivery, spare parts availability, and offer validity.
The document lists pricing and models for various CCTV camera and DVR equipment from China and Taiwan. It includes 8 CCTV camera options ranging in price from $333 to $1,333. It also lists standalone DVR systems with 1 to 3 channels priced between $333 to $1,333, and DVR cards priced similarly. Additional listed accessories include hard drives, power adapters, cables, and monitors. The document outlines terms of payment, completion time, warranty, after-sales support, delivery, spare parts availability, and offer validity.
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CCTV camera & Accessories Price list
Box CC Camera (china)
Model: YHDO 9! Price: "#$$$%" (&o '() BO) CC Camera (*mall *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !.! Price: /$$$%" Doom CC Camera (*mall *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !.. Price: 0/#$$%" Doom CC Camera (Medi1m *i+e) (China) Model no: YHDO 2$3 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" CC Camera (Medi1m *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !.9 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (china) Model no: YHDO ###5 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" Doom CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (China) Model no: YHDO 2! ('() Price: !$/$$$%" CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !39 ('() Price: !$/$$$%" *tandalone DV( (Tai,an) 3 Channel 6rice: "7#/$$$%" 2 Channel 6rice: "3$/$$$%" ! Channel 6rice: "$/$$$%" PC DV( Card (Tai,an) 3 Channel 6rice: !$/$$$%" 2 Channel 6rice: "!#/$$$%" ! Channel 6rice: "7$/$$$%" 1
Financial Offer Camera Sl No. Description Unite price Qty. Amount Taka $!8 A CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: AVC ('() Price: !7/$$$%" $!8 A CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !39 ('() Price: !$/$$$%" "!$/$$$%" $!8 B Doom CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (China) Model no: YHDO 2! ('() Price: !$/$$$%" "!$/$$$%" $!8 C CC Camera (Bi4 *i+e) (china) Model no: YHDO ###5 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" Price: 2/$$$%" $!8 D Doom CC Camera (Medi1m *i+e) (China) Model no: YHDO 2$3 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" Price: 2/$$$%" $!8 9 CC Camera (Medi1m *i+e) (Tai,an) Model no: -PC !.9 ('() Price: 2/$$$%" Price: 2/$$$%" $!8 : Box CC Camera (china) Model: YHDO 9! Price: "#$$$%" (&o '() Price: "#$$$%" (&o '() Standalone DVR !. Standalone DVR (Tai,an) 3 Channel 6rice: 7#/$$$%" 2 Channel 6rice: "3$/$$$%" ! Channel :"$/$$$%" .7 Channel 6rice: "9$/$$$%" (China) .7 Channel 6rice: "!/7$/$$$%" (Tai,an) DVR Card" #Tai$an% 3 Channel 6rice: !$/$$$%" 2 Channel 6rice: "!#/$$$%" ! Channel :"7$/$$$%" Others Accessories $.8 Hard dis; (7TB) !#/$$$8$$ $3 !7V Po,er Ade6ter #$$8$$ P $#8 B&C < A= Connector !#$8$$ P $8 'nstallation Char4e 7$$$8$$ P $08 Video Cable RG06 7# T- MT( $28 Po,er Ca>le 7$ T- MT( $9 Camera *tand #$$8$$ !$ Monitor 77? "!#/$$$%" &&. 'lectronics Accessories Per :T 7$ Ta;a &! U(S #&! VA% )*. 2 Innovation Heaven House: 441(2 nd Floor), Road: 30, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka, an!ladesh Mobile Phone: +88-01713-123250, +88-01915-210558, E-mail: in"o#inno$a%ionhea$en&'o( www&inno$a%ionhea$en&'o( Terms & condition (ayment" !8 0$@ PaAment as Ad=ance immediatelA 16on iss1ance oB Cor; Order8 78 .$@ aBter s1ccessB1l deli=erA/ installation and commissionin4 oB the sAstem8 +ork completion" Cithin !# daAs Brom the date oB conBirm order alon4 ,ith ad=ance 6aAment8 +arranty" The ,ard$are come $it- &.year limited $arranty Brom the date oB deli=erA Brom man1Bact1rin4 deBects8 CarrantA incl1des re6lacement deBecti=e 6arts iB anA d1rin4 the co1rse oB normal 1sa4e88 AnA mis1se/ ,hether accidental or intentional/ ,ill ca1se the ,arrantA to >e n1ll and =oid8 After Sales Ser/ice" Ce maintain s1BBicient stoc; oB s6ares to ens1re 6ro6er aBter sales ser=ices e=en aBter the com6letion oB ,arrantA 6eriod8 The total cost co=ers trainin4 and aBter sales ser=ice Bor the Birst Aear8 The cost oB the >ac; 16 ser=ice aBter the ex6irA oB the ,arrantA 6eriod ,o1ld de6end on the 6ro>lem8 Ho,e=er 0nno/ation ,ea/en 41arantees to 6ro=ide D1ic;/ eBBicient and cost eBBecti=e aBter sale ser=ice at all times8 Deli/ery" !# Cor;in4 daAs8 Spare (arts" A=aila>le ,ith (easona>le Price8 Offer Validity" !# daAs Brom the date oB s1>mittin4 the oBBer8 :or 'nno=ation Hea=en