Essay Draft3
Essay Draft3
Essay Draft3
Fossil fuel has become a significant issue with regard to sources of energy. here are many problems that are caused by use of fossil fuel such as emissions! and lac" of energy. #t is important for the go$ernment to sol$e these problems. herefore! this essay will discuss the alternati$e sources of energy that can be harnessed effecti$ely by the go$ernment policy and supporter.
Fossil fuel causes global warming in recently year% it creates emissions when it burned to produce energy% besides! it is also non&renewable energy that can be e'pired. (sing a fossil fuel causes a lac" of energy when the demand is increased. )ecause of the o$eruse of fossil fuels! the *ristainstad+s go$ernment has a policy to increasing the ta' of fossil fuel% furthermore this is a reason to loo" for new energy resources because people can barely afford the prices (,osenthal! -0..). /lternati$e sources of energy is become the new choice! here are a $ariety of renewable energy sources such as! biogas! wind turbines! solar panels! wind farms and hydroelectric dams (ibid). /s stated by the policy director of the 0isconsin groups that )iogas is an +opportunity fuel+ (ibid).)iological waste is the detritus of farming and food processing 1li"e potato peels! manure! used coo"ing oil! stale coo"ies and pig intestine+ (ibid)! which is the ingredients of producing biogas. 2oreo$er! biogas also produces from gas burnt from old landfill! sewage ponds and wood waste from flooring factories and tree pruning. /lternati$e energy is appeared to be more appropriate energy for the future% it is possibility to replaced fossil fuel with alternati$e sources of energy to sol$e the problems of inade3uate supply of fossil fuel (ibid).
/lternati$e sources of energy can be effecti$ely harnessed by de$eloping new trends of energy use. #t appears that the go$ernment policy is $ery significant for the trends. Firstly! they should gi$e budget to support the biogas industrial and the policy of energy. 2oreo$er the biogas industrials will get money from selling heat! electricity and car fuel! as well as the
go$ernment! who also get money from farms and factories in waste disposal. 4econdly! they should legislate the policy of energy. For e'ample! #n 4weden! the first country to impose a ta' on carbon dio'ide emissions from fossil fuels (,osenthal! -0..)! which industrials ha$e to paid the ta' for releasing emissions. For that reason! Fossil fuel prices are increased! which become more e'pensi$e than biogas prices. hird! the go$ernments should assure their people of alternati$e energy benefits. hus! if the go$ernment could achie$e their ob5ecti$e! which is reduced the use of fossil fuel! )iogas will become the new trends of alternati$e energy.
6lobal warming has become an important issue for the global warming recently. 7ollution has released when fossil fuel is burned to produce energy! which is the ma5or cause of global warming. 8owe$er! biogas also releases emissions in the air when it is burned but far less than fuel. For that reason! the use of fossil fuel has been decreased. herefore! the global warming problems could be sol$ed by decreasing the use of fossil fuel in producing energy processes. 0hen the use of fossil fuel reducing until their no use% the emissions will be declined until e$entually there was no emissions at all.
8ence! alternati$e resources of energy can be harnessed effecti$ely by go$ernment policy! supporti$e and people concerned about the energy issue. he go$ernments are responded to search for new inno$ation in alternati$e energy industrial and ac"nowledging their people to understand about the situations. he go$ernment and people should faces these problems together with the same ob5ecti$e! which is fossil fuel sa$ed. herefore! when people are willing to choose alternati$e energy rather than fossil fuel! the recently problems will be reduced and e$entually sol$ed.