CSC Res 010114 Merit Promotion Plan

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The document outlines the revised policies on merit selection and promotion established by the Civil Service Commission of the Philippines. It details the requirements and procedures for filling vacant positions, promoting employees, and determining the best qualified candidates for appointments.

Employees must have at least a satisfactory performance rating for the last period, be next-in-rank, and have rendered at least very satisfactory service for the last rating period in their present position. The vacant position must also be within three salary grades of their current position, except in meritorious cases.

The criteria used are: performance, education and training, experience and accomplishments, psychosocial attributes and personality traits, and potential.

Republic of the Philippines CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION

MERIT PROMOTION PLAN (MPP) Revised Policies on Merit Promotion Plan x --------------------------------------------------------------x


!ERE"S, the State shall ensure and promote the Constitutional mandate that appointments in the civil service shall be made only according to merit and fitness; !ERE"S, Section 3, Article XIII of the 19 ! Constitution states that "the State shall afford full protection to labor, local and overseas, organi#ed and unorgani#ed, and promote full employment and e$uality of employment opportunities for all"; !ERE"S, Section 1%, &ule 'I of the (mnibus &ules Implementing )oo* ' of the Administrative Code of 19 ! mandates government agencies to establish a +erit ,romotion ,lan -hich stipulates their systems and procedures in the selection and promotion of employees and officials; !ERE"S, in the implementation thereof, the Commission, as the central personnel agency of the government, has issued rules, regulations, policies, guidelines and standards to ensure the orderly and strict adherence thereto by government agencies; !ERE"S, through the years of implementation, some of these rules, regulations and policies have been revised, updated and modified to be relevant and responsive to the needs of the bureaucracy; !ERE"S, to *eep abreast -ith the changing thrusts and needs of the bureaucracy, the Commission, through a series of consultation -ith different government sectors, proposed to revise the e.isting policies on merit selection and promotion; NO T!ERE#ORE, the Commission RESOLVES to revise the e.isting policies on merit selection and promotion as follo-s/ 10 Selection of employees for appointment in the government service shall be open to all $ualified men and -omen according to the principle of merit and fitness0 1here shall be e$ual employment opportunity for men and -omen at all levels of position in the agency, provided they meet the minimum re$uirements of the position to be filled0 %0 1he +erit ,romotion ,lan shall cover positions in the first, second and third level and shall also include original appointments and other related personnel actions0 1here shall be no discrimination in the selection of the employees on account of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation0 30 2hen a position in the first, second or third level becomes vacant, applicants for employment -ho are competent, $ualified and possess appropriate civil service eligibility shall be considered for permanent appointment0 In addition to the re$uired $ualifications, applicants for third level positions must possess e.ecutive and managerial competence0

30 'acant positions mar*ed for filling shall be published in accordance -ith &epublic Act !431 5,ublication 6a-70 1he published vacant positions shall also be posted in at least three 537 conspicuous places in the agency for at least ten 5147 calendar days0 (ther appropriate modes of publication shall be considered0 8illing of vacant positions in the national government agencies 59:As7, government o-ned and controlled corporations 5:(CCs7 and state universities and colleges 5S;Cs7 shall be made after ten 5147 calendar days from their publication; in the local government units 56:;s7, it shall be made after fifteen 51<7 calendar days from their publication0 1he publication of a particular vacant position shall be valid until filled=up but not to e.tend beyond si. 5>7 months rec*oned from the date the vacant position -as published0 <0 1he follo-ing positions are e.empt from the publication re$uirement/ a0 ,rimarily confidential positions b0 ,ositions -hich are policy determining c0 ?ighly technical positions

d0 (ther non=career positions e0 1hird level positions 5Career @.ecutive Service7 f0 ,ositions to be filled by e.isting regular employees in the agency in case of reorgani#ation0

>0 A ,ersonnel Selection )oard 5,S)7 for first and second level positions shall be established in every agency, preferably -ith the follo-ing composition/ a0 As Chairperson a01 Agency ?ead or the authori#ed representative; a0% 6ocal Chief @.ecutive for 6:;s or the authori#ed representative; a03 'ice=:overnorA'ice=+ayor or the authori#ed representative if the vacant position is in hisAher (ffice or in the (ffice of the Sanggunian; b0 Bivision Chief or the authori#ed career service representative of the organi#ational unit -here the vacancy is; c0 ?uman &esource +anagement (fficer or the career service employee directly responsible for personnel management; d0 1-o representatives of the ran*=and=file career employees, one from the first level and one from the second level, -ho shall both be chosen by the duly accredited employee association in the agency0 In case there is no accredited employee association in the agency, the representatives shall be chosen at large by the employees through a general assembly0 1he candidate -ho garnered the second highest votes shall automatically be the alternate representative0 Any other mode of selection may be conducted for the purpose0 1he first level representative shall participate during the screening of candidates for vacancies in the first level; the second level representative shall participate in the

screening of candidates for vacancies in the second level0 )oth ran*=and=file representatives shall serve for a period of t-o 5%7 years0 8or continuity of operation, the agency accredited employee association may designate an alternate0 !0 1he ,S) members including alternate representatives for first, second and third level positions shall undergo orientation and -or*shop on the selectionApromotion process and CSC policies on appointments0 0 All candidates for appointment to first and second level positions shall be screened by the ,S)0 Candidates for appointment to third level positions shall be screened by the ,S) for third level positions composed of at least three 537 career e.ecutive service officials as may be constituted in the agency0 Appointment to the follo-ing positions shall no longer be screened by the ,S); a0 Substitute appointment due to their short duration and emergency nature0 ?o-ever, should the position be filled by regular appointment, candidates for the position should be screened and passed upon by the ,S); b0 Appointment of faculty members and academic staff of state universities and colleges -ho belong to the closed career service; c0 Appointment to entry laborer positions;

d0 Appointment to personal and primarily confidential positions; and e0 &ene-al of temporary appointment issued to the incumbent personnel0 90 1he agency head shall, as far as practicable, ensure e$ual opportunity for men and -omen to be represented in the ,S) for all levels0 140 8or vacancies in the first and second levels, all $ualified ne.t=in=ran* employees shall be automatically considered candidates for promotion to the ne.t higher position0 110 1he ,S) shall maintain fairness and impartiality in the assessment of candidates for appointment0 1o-ards this end, the ,S) may employ the assistance of e.ternal or independent resource persons and may initiate innovative schemes in determining the best and most $ualified candidate0 1%0 1he appointing authority shall assess the merits of ,S)Cs recommendation for appointment and in the e.ercise of sound discretion, select, in so far as practicable, from among the top five ran*ing applicants deemed most $ualified for appointment to the vacant position0 130 1he appointing authority may appoint an applicant -ho is not ne.t=in=ran* but possess superior $ualification and competence, and has undergone selection process0 130 1he comparative competence and $ualification of candidates for appointment shall be determined on the basis of/ 1301 PER#ORM"NCE 130101 8or appointment by promotion, the performance rating of the appointee for the last rating period prior to the effectivity date of the appointment should be at least satisfactory0 13010% 8or appointment by transfer, the performance rating for the last rating period immediately preceding the transfer from the former office or agency should be at least very satisfactory0 130% E$UC"TION %n& TR"ININ'

1303 E(PERIENCE %n& OUTST"N$IN' "CCOMPLIS!MENTS 1303 PS)C!OSOCI"L "TTRI*UTES %n& PERSON"LIT) TR"ITS 130< POTENTI"L 1<0 An employee may be promoted or transferred to a position -hich is not more than three 537 salary, pay or Dob grades higher than the employeeCs present position e.cept in very meritorious cases, such as/ if the vacant position is ne.t=in=ran* as identified in the System of &an*ing ,ositions 5S&,7 approved by the head of agency, or the lone or entrance position indicated in the agency staffing pattern0 1>0 An employee should have rendered at least very satisfactory service for the last rating period in the present position before being considered for promotion0 1!0 An employee -ho is on local or foreign scholarship or training grant or on maternity leave may be considered for promotion0 8or this purpose, performance rating to be considered shall be the rating immediately prior to the scholarship or training grant for maternity leave0 If promoted, the effectivity date of the promotional appointment shall be on the assumption to duty0 1 0 ,romotion -ithin si. 5>7 months prior to compulsory retirement shall not be allo-ed e.cept as other-ise provided by la-0 190 A notice announcing the appointment of an employee shall be posted in three conspicuous places in the agency a day after the issuance of the appointment for at least fifteen 51<7 calendar days0 %40 1he approved agency +erit ,romotion ,lan shall be used as one of the bases for the e.peditious approval of appointments, for attestation and accreditation to ta*e final action on appointments0 %10 All government agencies shall submit their +erit ,romotion ,lan to the Civil Service Commission -hich shall ta*e effect immediately upon approval0 All subse$uent amendments shall ta*e effect immediately upon approval by the Civil Service Commission0 %%0 An agency is not precluded from adopting a name or title for its +erit ,romotion ,lan0 RESOLVES further to re$uire all government agencies to submit their +erit ,romotion ,lan to the CSC &egional (ffices not later than Eune 34, %441 for approval0 1his resolution shall ta*e effect immediately0 Bone in Fue#on City, Eanuary 14, %4410

(Sgd.) ORA!ON ALMA ". #E LEON Chairman (Sgd.) $OSE %. ERESTAIN& $R. Commissioner Attested by: (Sgd.) $. 'AL#EMAR (. (ALMORES Commissioner

(Sgd.) ARIEL ". RON)*ILLO Director III

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