Numerology 1 - Introduction

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Numerology is the study of the occult significance of numbers. It's probably the simplest of the
occult fields to learn and master. Using numerology you can discover a person's strengths and weaknesses, deep inner needs, emotional reactions, ways of dealing with others and talents. You can help yourself by becoming aware of your own character and learning to understand and deal with others-family, friends, lovers, employers, employees. You can find out what kind of potential energy and what type of stress is currently existing in your life and in the lives of those about you. You can determine the best times of marrying, change jobs, move, speculate and take a trip. How is all this information derived? In all the occult fields, observers have found correlations between certain clearly observable physical phenomena and the inner workings of people. In other words, the universe seems to have provided many keys which, when understood, provide superb tools for the understanding of human nature. In astrology, the key relates the planets' positions at a person's birth with the person's traits; in palm reading, the key relates the lines and bumps of the hand with a person's characteristics; and in numerology, the key relates a person's name and birthdate with that person's nature. Significantly, all the readings are consistent with each other. The different readings often have similar information or cover different but related aspects of a persons traits. Some numerologists feel that the field can be traced back over 10,000 years. The centuries old Hebrew Kabbala for instance, deals with the subject. Pythagoras in Greece some 2600 years ago is even credited with giving this field new life, along with his other mathematical studies. It is delightful to be carrying on a tradition with such a long history. Although some people are comforted in the knowledge that numerology has so many thousands of years of study behind it, the link between modern numerology and the ancients is a somewhat tenuous connection. The modern phase of numerology was started by L. Dow Balliett, an American woman in Atlantic City, New Jersey, who published several books on the subject. Later, Dr.Julia Seton helped publicize the field. Since then, the work of these two women has been extended by Florence Campbell, Juno Jordan and others, so that there now exists a small literature on the subject. Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who lived from 569-470 B.C., is said by many to be the originator of much of what we call numerology today. The introduction to numerology attempts to explain the basics of this interesting discipline. It teaches how to change the letters in your name to numbers which reveal much about your personality and potentials. All you need is the birth date and the complete name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

Numerology is the language of numbers and their symbolic meaning. Each number has its own vibration and its own vibratory influence upon the individual. A person comes into life on a certain date, and with a certain name- numerology uses these numbers to describe who a person is, and to map out that person's destiny. In all the occult sciences, there are correlations between observable physical phenomena, and the inner workings of people. The universe has provided keys which, when understood, provide excellent tools for the understanding human nature. In numerology, the key relates a person's name and birthdate with that person's nature. Numerology can both predict and not predict your future. Certain cycles definitely point to the possibility of painful experiences at certain times in your life, such as accidents, money problems, divorce, and the like. In the same way, numerology foretells many positive events. Your chart reveals your potential, your strengths, your weaknesses, your challenges, and your lessons to be learned. Every number suggests potential strengths and weaknesses; all things have their light and dark sides. It is you freedom as an individual to draw from your highest potential. A numerologist can have a good idea of which direction a person will likely move in, and how much of his potential he will use or abuse. This is known by considering the balance of a chart, or the spreading of energies. This is by far the biggest challenge for a numerologist, even after many years of experience. All numbers have three possible expressions: Balanced Under-balanced Over-balanced When we are out of balance, we may experience the polarities within the number (the under-balance or over-balance qualities). This occurs until we learn how to balance the qualities of the number within ourselves. The definitions we give below are the balanced expressions. Use your intuition to imagine what qualities the number would take on if it were under-balanced or over-balanced. Later on in the course, we'll present a chart of the under-balanced and over-balanced aspects of each number.

NUMEROLOGY KEY WORDS Here are the keywords describing the numbers that make up the basis of our being: 1 Initiating action, pioneering, leading, independent, attaining, individual.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22 Cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others, partnering, mediating. Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living. A foundation, order, service, struggle against limits, steady growth. Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom. Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy. Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating. Practical endeavors, status oriented, power-seeking, high-material goals. Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression. Higher spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer. The Master Builder, large endeavors, powerful force, leadership.

THE BASIC NUMBERS The study of numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. Each number represents one large area of human awareness and experience; all the numbers together cover all possible awarenesses, experiences, talents and characteristics. Only the single digits-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9-and the Master Numbers 11 and 22 are used. The Master Numbers, the only numbers not reduced to a single digit, represent a special higher level of potential than the other numbers.

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