Dust Explosion in CFBC Boilers
Dust Explosion in CFBC Boilers
Dust Explosion in CFBC Boilers
Introduction A few CFBC Boilers have suffered furnace explosion in the past. Apart from causing major losses to the businesses concerned, the occurrences have shaken the confidence of Power Plant Operating Staff and Professionals. As regards CFBC boilers, these are advanced second version of FBC technology and explosion avoidance measures are not clearly understood by the operating engineers. In view of above and on the feedback received from Power Plant Professional, their experiences are compiled and exhibited for the benefit of the concerned. And few vocabulary/sentences were sourced from engineering books. Type of Explosion in CFBC Boilers Most of the explosions occured in CFBC boilers are dust explosions caused by small particles of coal dust in the bed and in the free board kept under suspension by fluidizing air fans. However, explosion due to FO/ HSD/LDO/CRUDE OIL used in duct burners and/ or load carrying burners has also been reported. Definition of Dust Explosion A dust explosion is the rapid combustion of a dust cloud. In a confined or nearly confined space, the explosion is characterized by relatively rapid development of pressure with flame propagation and the generation of large quantities of heat and combustion products. The required oxygen for this combustion is mostly supplied by the Primary Air Fans The condition necessary for a dust explosion is a simultaneous presence of a dust cloud of proper concentration in air that will support combustion and a suitable ignition source. Explosions are either deflagrations or detonations. The difference depends on the speed of the shock wave generated from the explosion. If the pressure wave moves at a speed less than or equal to the speed of sound in the unreacted medium, it is a deflagration; if it moves faster than the speed of sound, the explosion is a detonation. The term dust is used if the maximum particle size of the solids mixture is below 840 m. Minor flue gas explosions are called puffs or blow backs.
Fire Triangle and Explosion Pentagon Ignition Source - Air or Oxygen There are three fundamental elements which must occur simultaneously to cause a fire: fuel, heat, and oxygen. These elements form the three pillars of the fire triangle. By eliminating any one of these elements, a fire becomes impossible. For example, if there were very little or no oxygen present, a fire will not occur regardless of the quantities of fuel and heat that is present. Likewise, if insufficient heat is available, no concentrations of fuel and oxygen could result in a fire. On the other hand, for an explosion to occur, there are five elements which must occur simultaneously: fuel, heat, oxygen, suspension, and confinement. These form the five sides of the explosion pentagon. Like the fire triangle, removing any ignition source from one of these requirements would prevent an explosion. For example, if fuel, heat, oxygen, and confinement occurred together in proper quantities, an explosion would still not be possible without the suspension of the fuel. However, in this case, a fire could occur. If the burning fuel is then placed in suspension by a sudden gush of air, all five sides of Explosion Pentagon, the explosion pentagon would be satisfied and an explosion would be imminent. Remembering the three sides of the fire triangle (fuel, heat, oxygen) and the five sides of the explosion pentagon (fuel, heat, oxygen, suspension, confinement) is important in preventing fires and explosions at any facility. By eliminating the possibility of either suspension or confinement, an explosion cannot occur, but a fire may occur. By eliminating the fuel, the heat, or the oxygen requirements, neither a fire nor an explosion can occur. Explosiveness of Coal Coal, a secondary fuel in CFBC, must meet several requirements in order to be explosive. These requirements are: - Volatile Matter Ratio the volatile Matter Ratio is defined as the volatile matter divided by the sum of volatile matter and fixed carbon of the coal. It has been determined that coals with a volatile ratio exceeding 0.22 present a dust explosion hazard. All bituminous coals will fit into this category. The VM ratio also defines the free board height of the boiler for proper combustion. In other terms, you are giving sufficient time for combustion.
-Particle size the particle sizes that can attribute to an explosion are 840 microns (0.84 mm) and below. Lesser the particle size more severe would be the explosion. -Quantity the minimum concentration of dust in suspension that will propagate a coal dust explosion is called Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC). The MEC for bituminous coal is approximately 100 grams per cubic meter. The upper explosive limit of coal dust concentration is 380 grams per cubic meter that would propagate a low-velocity explosion. -Heat furnace explosions in CFBC boilers are rare when both bed and free board temperatures are above 750deg.C. Likely chances of explosions are very high when these temperatures are below 550deg.C. Though not fully established, yet chances of explosions cannot be ruled out when bed temperature remains between 550deg.C and 750deg.C. Causes of Furnace Explosion - throwing the fuel (coal or oil) into the boiler when there is loss of ignition known as delayed operation of Master Fuel Trip/Relay (MFT/MFR). Loss of ignition in a boiler causes explosive mixture to form. Such mixture must be purged out before initiating firing. - Sudden feeding of coal after a boiler is banked or stopped for a short period without proper purging - Insufficient purging of the furnace - Unbalanced fuel air ratio to allow the fuel concentration to fall within explosive range. - Seepage of coal into furnace through chutes when feeders are in stopped condition Operation to Prevent Explosion in CFBC Boilers The dust explosion mostly occur when - boiler is restarted after a trip out. - boiler is restarted after a short period of stoppage - fast cooling of boiler is resorted to following a tube leakage especially when the
leaking water falls on the bed Major Operation steps to be followed to avoid any risk of explosion in such cases are - Restart after a trip out: Bed temperature will remain above 750deg.C. Operation Sequence - Stopping & Purging a. Ensure that coal feeders are stop immediately. b. Continue to run the ID fan with adequate furnace draft for 10 minutes. c. Start Secondary Air Fan (fan meant to supply combustion air over the bed) and purge the furnace at least for 3 (five) minutes with a minimum of 25% of rated air flow. d. Open the dampers in air/flue gas circuits during purging so that any accumulation Of explosives is driven out through ID Fan. e. Ensure that air flow to siphons (from PA fan or Roots blowers) is established. f. The vent pipe and dampers in air inlet and outlet paths of bed ash coolers (those cooling the ash with primary air) must remain open during purging and then can be closed.
Fluidizing the bed by PA Fan & Fuel Charging This is the most detrimental operation sequence requiring a high level of competence and skills of the engineers and operators. a. view through peep holes before fluidization to make sure that coal is burning b. ascertain that all personnel are at safe distance from the boiler furnace c. fluidize the bed and watch carefully that oxygen % in flue gas at furnace outlet starts dropping, an indication that combustion is getting established. d. if within 12 seconds, the oxygen content in flue gas does not come down then trip the PA fan and restart purging as described above. e. time lag of 12 seconds above has been arrived at with the consideration that the time taken by the coal dust to reach lower explosive limit in the confined space would be more than 15 seconds.
f. attempting to maintain excessive rich fuel air ratio is again a potential hazard indicated by high level of CO2 or low level of oxygen in flue gas. Never allow oxygen % age to fall below 2.5 %. g. purging and restarting in above manner to be continued till fire in boiler is established. h. feed coal and adjust air as per normal operation. It is assumed that the control room/ shift charge engineers are well experienced in normal operation of plant and equipment. Restart after a short period of stoppage - Purging with SA fan and ID fan should continue since bed contains smouldering coal - PA fan to be stopped to avoid bed temperature falling sharply. Operation Sequence a. as bed temperature rises, keep constant watch on oxygen % in flue gas because rapid drop in this parameter will indicate that coal has caught fire. Never allow oxygen % age to fall below 2.5 %. b. adjusts promptly the recommended air fuel ratio when coal starts burning. Note: A well-structured control logic incorporating above particulars with suitable interlocks can be provided in the process cycles so that human errors during such situation can be avoided altogether.
Protection of Boiler against Explosion - Explosion doors/ vent pipe of adequate sizes and at suitable locations must be provided in any type of boiler to pull down the impact of explosion. Original Equipment Manufacturers may be consulted for such assistance - Opportunity based test must be carried out periodically to ensure that the explosion vent /door are perfectly operational.
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