Citizen Journalism Lesson
Citizen Journalism Lesson
Citizen Journalism Lesson
Curriculum Expectations
Reading 1.1 read a variety of short, contemporary student and teacher-selected texts from diverse cultures, identifying specific purposes for reading 1.2 select and use the most appropriate reading comprehension strategies to understand texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts 1.3 identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts 1.4 make and explain inferences about texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, supporting their explanations with well chosen stated and implied ideas from the texts 1.7 evaluate the effectiveness of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, using evidence from the text effectively to support their opinions 1.8 identify and analyse the perspectives and/or biases evident in texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, commenting with growing understanding on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power
In this lesson students will consider the ways in which technology has altered how news is produced and how we receive and interpret news. Specifically, students will examine two perspectives on how professional and citizen journalists use Twitter to gather information and report the news. Using critical thinking strategies, students will formulate opinions on whether this technology hurts or improves the quality of news reported.
Teaching/Learning Strategies
1. Activating prior knowledge: Students will begin by considering the difference between
the ways they receive information and the ways their parents or grandparents generations search for information. Using a Venn Diagram (3.1) have students make a list of all the different sources they would consult if they wanted to find out about something important that was happening in the world. Examples might include, Google, Wikipedia, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Newsvine, blogs, text messaging a friend, in addition to newspapers, television, radio, and online news sites. Have students share some of their examples with the rest of the class. On the other
side of the Venn Diagram, have students list the different sources their parents or grandparents would consult. Alternatively, ask students what sources of information they think people would have consulted 20 years ago. Any sources that are the same should go in the middle section of the Venn Diagram. Ask students to consider the differences between the two sides. In general, students may notice the technological differences, but you should also draw their attention to the participatory nature of newer technologies such as social networking sites, blogs, and Twitter. Many online versions of newspapers also allow readers to comment in an unmoderated way. Ask students to consider whether this is positive or negative. Allow some think time, then have them write down their opinions.
Students will be reading two articles each discussing pros and cons of the roles of Twitter and citizen journalists in covering news stories. Invite students to consider what they already know about this subject.
Write the following statement on the blackboard or overhead transparency of the graphic organizer, Both Sides Now (3.2) (Think Literacy, 74-77): Twitter positively affects the quality of todays journalism. Review the difference between information and opinion with students. Display an overhead transparency of the first article, Coverage of the G20 proved Twitters news edge (3.3), and hand out photocopied versions for students. Ask for one idea or piece of information that supports the statement, and record it under the Support side of the T-chart. Then ask students to find a piece of information that opposes the statement and record it under the Opposes side of the statement. Continue as a whole class or allow students to move into pairs or work individually to complete the chart for the first article. Observe students progress and intervene or clarify the task if necessary. Have students complete the same task for the second article, Tweeting tragedy (3.4). Then ask students to consider the two sides of the T-chart and have students formulate a decision and list their reasons for their decision in the appropriate section of the chart. 3. Ask students to brainstorm additional questions that these articles might raise or that students might have about the connections between technology and the news media.
Students could listen to the CBC radio Q podcast episode on how social media helped raise funds for disaster relief in Haiti (see Links/Resources), and discuss how they might be able to use social media to raise funds for a particular cause in their
Assessment Opportunities
Collect graphic organizers and assess for understanding.
Basen, Ira. Tweeting Tragedy. November 24 2009. The Canadian Journalism Project. Basen, Ira. The New Journalism and the G20. July 7, 2010. CBC News. Helping Haiti online Q Podcast January 19, 2010. Newsvine Think Literacy: Cross Curricular Approaches Grades 7-12. Queens Printer for Ontario. 2003 Twitter in Plain English Zerbisias, Antonia. Coverage of the G20 proved Twitters news edge. The Toronto Star. July 11 2010.
Venn Diagram (3.1) photocopied (one per student) Both Sides Now graphic organizer (3.2) photocopied (one per student as well as
status updates or tweets using 140 characters or less. These tweets are delivered to subscribers. The video Twitter in Plain English is and excellent resource for this. It is available on Youtube and the link is posted under Links/Resources. Newsvine: a collaborative journalism website that draws content from users as well as a number of mainstream news sources. 3.1 Venn Diagra m
Both Sides Now Evidence that Supports Question or Statement Evidence that Opposes
3.3 Coverage of the G20 proved Twitters news edge July 11, 2010 Antonia Zerbisias The twipping point came late on the Saturday night of the G20 weekend, when a
peaceful group of protesters was surrounded by police in riot gear. Steve Paikin, host of TVOs The Agenda, had been following the crowd as it made its way through the desolate streets of downtown Toronto, tweeting as he went along. At first his comments were not particularly remarkable, echoing those of many others activists, onlookers, bloggers tracking the G20 security measures. But things changed on the Esplanade, as Paikins tweets suddenly grew alarming: cops tightening their perimeter. why? they are forcing something they dont need to force 10:32:03 PM cops moving closer why? 10:37:09 PM arresin people 10:47:11 PM weapons are rubber bulles 10:54:18 PM i. gone police escor me 11:02:16 PM Long after the network crews had packed up, hours after reporters had filed their stories, Twitter was there, providing real-time news plus links to videos from the protest frontlines.
While news channels which would later boast of capturing huge numbers of eyeballs endlessly looped that afternoons footage of burning police cars, the news had moved on, to The Esplanade and, later still, to the east end detention centre where yet another group of protesters was encircled and rounded up in the wee hours of Sunday morning. All of it was available via an iPhone webcast, distributed via Twitter, viewed by hundreds. Anybody who had a smart phone using Twitter had a real-time intelligence feed of everything that was going on, says Internet strategist Jesse Hirsh, who describes the experience that night as transcendent. Suddenly, casual usual users of Twitter, those had been previously only signalling their personal thoughts and daily activities, discovered an entirely new way to get news. That was evidenced by the hundreds of new followers gained by Paikin, Hirsh and other journalists using Twitter that night. That the latest media whether newspapers, radio, TV or telephones fuel political and cultural revolutions is not a new idea, of course. In 1989, for example, the world saw how fax machines helped bring about the fall of the Berlin Wall and generate the Tiananmen Square protests. Later, texting would serve to create flash demonstrations. The Web would get people organized. Facebook sent thousands into the streets in January to protest Prime Ministers Stephen Harpers latest prorogation of Parliament. There was talk of a Twitter Revolution last year in Iran, but subsequent research
would show that relatively few tweets came out of that country. Not just because the government was blocking the site, but also because only a few thousand Twitter accounts existed in Iran at the time. Most of the twittering was in the West, as observers retweeted what little news there was, or showed solidarity with the protesters in Tehran. Still, not only does the medium carry the message, it serves to transform it. And so, there was a clear dichotomy between television coverage of events and the information available to those following the Twitter hashtags, essentially search terms that channel data streams (#G20, #G20report, #G20mobilize). Concordia University anthropology professor Maximilian Forte, who gives seminars about political activism on the Internet, says he was able to witness that split by tracking two of his students, one who followed conventional media such as cable news, the other in the streets using Twitter. The one who was relying only on mainstream media was only writing about anarchists, about what thugs and goons they are, how they really deserved to get the crap beaten out of them while focusing on the destruction of private property and, of course, praising the police, says Forte. For him, there was this kind of homogenization that all the protesters were the same as these so-called Black Bloc people. Theres an interesting divide between society where, sadly, its the majority who still see a group of violent anarchists who deserve got the beatdown they got versus all the people who were privy to it via Twitter who are like, OMG the rule of law was just discarded, concurs Hirsh. Its a real stark contrast. According to Hirsh, newspapers such as the Star, which had reporters tweeting from the streets and feeding a live blog of events, were way ahead of the game. There was a clear contrast between journalists who were using Twitter and journalists who werent, says Hirsh, who comments on media for the CBC. Journalists giving on-the-ground reports were far more accurate than those in newsrooms like (Peter) Mansbridge or Ann Rohmer. They thought they were doing value-added voiceover, but they really werent tied in to what was really happening. Which might explain why an Angus Reid poll, conducted in the immediate aftermath of the weekends wreckage, would show that a majority of respondents agreed with Fortes student: most Canadians caught those same violent images on television. Since that tumultuous weekend, the tweeting hasnt stopped. The use of social media, it really does help to establish a public record, one that could contradict in very graphic and very concrete ways the official record, what is
produced by the mainstream media, says Forte. The use of social media is putting out other truths for people to understand. Thats because not only not only were there journalists, corporate and alternative, in the streets, but there was also a phalanx of camera-wielding onlookers. Online, on YouTube and Vimeo, there are countless videos, some amateurish, some slick, documenting the controversial security measures that resulted in more than 1,000 arrests. From Twitter, which Forte calls the gateway that leaks into YouTube, blogs and the photo site Fickr, videos and personal narratives are migrating to Facebook, which is very popular among mainstream Canadians. As a result, growing numbers are getting a view of events very different from their first impressions. Groups are forming to identify undercover police caught on video, to discuss theories about agents provocateurs, to call for answers. There is a groundswell demanding a full public inquiry, with one group counting more than 50,000 members. The revolution wont be televised. It may be tweeted. The story is still being written, says Forte. To riff on William Gibsons line, the future is here, its just not evenly distributed yet, says Hirsh. For those of us who experienced that weekend, who were immersed in the social media, were in the future. We had a transformative experience. We really feel that we lived it, that we experienced this Internet movement where Twitter transcended all traditional media, transcended the divisions between physical space and virtual space, transcended whether you were on the street or not on the street. We are not thinking in this Internet future. For us its the present tense.
3.4 Tweeting tragedy November 24, 2009 Ira Basen It is now widely accepted that the first stories and images to emerge from natural or main made disasters are more likely to come from citizen journalists using social media tools than from professional journalists. After all, there are more than a billion people in the world who now have the capability to shoot videos, take pictures, write stories and share them with the world. Sometimes, the product produced by amateur journalists can make history. The murder of Neda Agha Soltan by Iranian police was recorded on a camera phone during anti-government demonstrations in Tehran last June, and quickly became a symbol of the brutality of the Iranian regime. Her story has now become the subject of a documentary broadcast on the PBS series Frontline, but without that original cellphone video, her death would have passed unnoticed outside of Iran. So it is not surprising that when a U.S. Army Major opened fire on his fellow soldiers in Fort Hood Texas earlier this month, some of the first news of the incident arrived via Twitter. But those first tweets have sparked an interesting debate that highlights both the strengths and the weaknesses of using social media for reporting breaking news, and the challenges for mainstream media outlets in knowing what to do with the information they find on social media. The controversy began with a scathing post at TechCrunch by former Guardian technology columnist Paul Carr, with the provocative title "After Fort Hood, Another Example of How 'Citizen Journalists' Cant Handle the Truth." The object of Carr's ire was a soldier named Tearah Moore. She was based at Ford Hood, and happened to be inside the hospital (though not on duty) when the soldiers wounded and killed by the gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, were being brought in to the emergency ward. And like any good citizen journalist under those circumstances, Moore began to tweet about what she was seeing. Her information was picked up by some bloggers, and several mainstream media outlets were quick to try to establish contact with her (though none actually published her stories or pictures). The problem, according to Paul Carr, was that some of the information she was tweeting was insensitive and inappropriate (she posted a picture of someone who "got shot in the balls") and some of it was incorrect (she erroneously reported that there was more than one gunman, and that Major Hasan had been killed).
This led Carr to conclude that "for all its sound and fury, citizen journalism once again did nothing but spread misinformation at a time when thousands of people with family at the base would have been freaking out already, and breach the privacy of those who had been killed or wounded." Not surprisingly, fans of social media quickly rose up to attack Carr's analysis. "His main assertions are unsupported by the facts, his interpretation riddled with holes, and his straw men pathetically easy to demolish," proclaimed blogger Suw Charman-Anderson. Charman-Anderson pointed out that the mainstream media frequently peddles misinformation and violates privacy. And indeed, in the confusing hours after the shooting at Fort Hood, many mainstream outlets reported that the gunman had been shot to death. According to Charman-Anderson, the fact that some people use social tools in foolish ways is no reason to dismiss the usefulness of social media or citizen journalism. "This is not a reflection on social tools so much as it is a reflection of human nature," she concluded. This same argument was raised in a debate between Paul Carr and social media maven Jeff Jarvis on radio station WYNC in New York City. "The internet is messy," Jarvis told Carr, "but you want it to be packaged and filtered." The internet is indeed messy, and it cannot be packaged and filtered. And that is precisely why mainstream journalists must handle it with care. Paul Carrs assertion that citizen journalists "can't handle the truth," is clearly an over-statement. Amateurs are here to stay, and as they have demonstrated in Iran and elsewhere, they have a useful role to play. But what happened at Fort Hood is a reminder of the important differences between the mainstream (News 1.0) and citizen journalism (News 2.0). Mainstream journalists are hard-wired to want to be first with a big breaking news story. But it's hard to compete with blogs and citizen journalism sites that don't need to verify information before posting it. In a News 1.0 world, journalists have been trained it is better to be right than first, and it would be unfortunate, and ultimately very damaging, if that important principle was abandoned in a race to compete with citizen journalists like Tearah Moore.