MFR NARA - NA - Afghanistan - Khalili Karim - 10-23-03 - 01213
MFR NARA - NA - Afghanistan - Khalili Karim - 10-23-03 - 01213
MFR NARA - NA - Afghanistan - Khalili Karim - 10-23-03 - 01213
commander and leader of Bamian Province, which has a
substantial Shi'ite population. A large number of Shi'ites
were murdered and inhabitants of Bamian suffered enormously
under the'Taliban regime.
alternative to a people fed up with chaos ·and factional
fighting, and this was how they consolidated control .
The Taliban hated the Hazaras and killed more than 10,000
in Bamian. Their oppression and cruelty broke the dignity
and pride of people, he said, and Bamian inhabitants lost
their fighting spirit for a time. The last six months of
Taliban rule were the worst.
Al-Qaida-Taliban Ties'
said, "~hen you didn't even know it."
old who have never seen a vehicle. The first time they
actually see one, they will think that a demon has come
from the underworld."
• "And there is a pressing need for clinics. We have one for
about 300, 000 people. Our needs are very. basic, but we can
do better than this." There is now a Provincial
Reconstruction Team (PRT) there, which he regards as a good
Democracy in Afghanistan
and they "warmly welcome the presence of American Forces."
He said that many U.s. commanders and soldiers have told
him, "While we are in Bamian we think we 'are in
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