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7.adams Car Level 02

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ADAMS/Car Training Level 02 Level-02

Monish Gowda M.H. MSRSAS, , Bangalore g

M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies Bangalore



Session Objectives

Create and modify templates Create and modify different parts Learn how to create new requests within the same subsystem as well ll as between b t diff different t subsystems b t

Create and modify different property files Create and modify automotive elements such as spring, dampers, bushings

Setup suspension simulations p simulations Perform suspension Case studies

M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies Bangalore


User Modes in ADAMS/Car

Within the ADAMS/Car configuration file (*.acar.cfg), the particular application of ADAMS/Car is specified as either standard user mode and expert user mode Standard user ( Standard Interface only ) Specifically p y for designers g and testing g engineers g Use libraries from the ADAMS/Car database to easily create vehicle (sub)assemblies Simulation environment tailored to automotive standards

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Expert user ( Template Builder and Standard Interface) Allows creation of building-block of ADAMS/Car, templates, with access to T Template l Builder B ild For experienced ADAMS users Access to all ADAMS modeling entities

Difference between templates and subsystems

A template is the base-level MSC.ADAMS model that defines the parts joints, parts, joints bushings, bushings forces, forces and other modeling elements that make up a specific area of the vehicle, such as a front suspension. The ADAMS/Car template contains geometric and topological data
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An ADAMS/Car subsystem is based on an ADAMS/Car template and allows the standard user to change springs, springs dampers, dampers hardpoints, parameters, and other items Overall, a template defines the structure/topology of a model, and a subsystem redefines whatever parameters the user wants to create an instance of the template for analysis

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Database Structure
A database is a collection of directories stored on the hard drive The top directory, directory which has the extension *.cdb, * cdb stores a number of directories Each directory is a placeholder for model information

Three types of database are Shared - Common to all users, provided by MDI with example files (C:\Program Files\MSC.ADAMS 2003\acar\shared_car_database.cdb) Private - User workspace (created by ADAMS/Car in your HOME directory) (C:\Documents and Settings\user\private.cdb) User - User/site specific
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Major and Minor Roles

ADAMS/Car uses major and minor roles to create assembly Major and minor roles define the location of the subsystem within the assembly E Every t template l t has h a defined d fi d major j role l such h as suspension, i steering wheel etc., When a subsystem is created the standard user defines the subsystem minor role as front, rear, trailer or any This enables the same suspension template to be used for both front and rear
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As per the hierarchy any kind of modeling in ADAMS/Car has t start to t t with ith template t l t builder b ild mode d ADAMS/Car has inbuilt default templates for most of the subsystems These templates are used and there hard-points are changed to suit the vehicle of our choice

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Create a full vehicle Assembly

To assemble a car using templates: E Enter template l builder b ild mode d Open the required template and make modifications according to requirement Save the template (*.tpl) file in private data base Switch back to normal mode Create C e e new ew subsys subsystem e us using g the e above bove s saved ved template e p e file e Save subsystem (*.sub) file in private data base Create new assembly using the above subsystem
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Template building

This is to be done in template builder mode Required q template p file ( (*.tpl) p ) should be opened p and modify y according to requirement

Major role should be defined here Save the file

Subsystem building

This is to be done in normal mode Here the user can create new subsystems using the saved template

Minor role should be defined here

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Assembly y This also should be done in normal mode Here the user can create a new assembly using the saved subsystems

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Template Building
Template building can only be done in the template builder mode. This option p may y not be activated in y your machine. To do so browse to documents and settings/user/.acar.cfg settings/user/ acar cfg Open the file .acar.cfg in notepad and change the user mode to expert instead i d of f standard d d To open in template building mode, while starting Adams/Car will ask for this option or can toggle using Tools Adams/Car template builder or press F9
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Template Building process

While in template builder mode open required template file and edit it

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Open brake system

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*.tpl p files are not Ascii files and cannot be opened p in notepad p But you can save it as Ascii file and edit properties

Save the f file in p private database The template is saved in a database created for the particular vehicle with major role as brake_system and the file format being Ascii
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or shared database


Macpherson strut template for suspension system

Press V to toggle icon visibility

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To change the hardpoints

Using the hard point data of chosen vehicle the template is to be modified to suit the requirement

Change hardpoints and save the template

Changing different parameters will be discussed in later sessions

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Subsystem Building process

Once the template is saved, switch to normal mode

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Point to New subsystem to create a new subsystem

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Subsystem opened

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Assigning Mass and Inertia

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Save Subsystem

Minor role has to be chosen properly while hil calling lli i templates in t l t and d saving i subsystems In case of suspension system minor role can be either front or rear depends on th vehicle the hi l chosen h

Same procedure should be adopted to create other subsystems

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Brake Subsystem

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TR_Brake_System.sub Kinematic_flag : This is used to toggle between kinematic and compliance p mode. 0 = Kinematic & 1= Compliance p Front_brake_mu : This is the frictional coefficient of brake pad Front effective piston radius Front_effective_piston_radius : This is the brake-effectivebrake effective

piston-radius parameter, (length). This define the radius of piston F Front_piston_area i : Thi is This i the h piston-area i parameter,

(length**2). This define the cross sectional area of the piston. The difference between effective piston radius and piston area is that the above term is used to define radius (length) and this term is used to define area of the piston
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Front rotor hub wheel offset Front_rotor_hub_wheel_offset wheel by x mm

: This will offset the hub

Front rotor hub width : This is to define rotor hub width. Front_rotor_hub_width width Front_rotor_width : This is negative because to

define/reflect width on negative side of Y axis Max_brake_value : Heree you should use value of the pedal force, and unit is depends on the units of the model

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Subsystems y required q to create a full vehicle assembly y

Front Suspension Subsystem Rear Suspension S i Subsystem S b Steering Subsystem Front Wheel Subsystem Rear Wheel Subsystem Body Subsystem Brake Subsystem Power Train Subsystem Other Subsystem (If any)
M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies Bangalore


Creation of Full Vehicle Assembly

Once all the subsystems have been created in the same way and saved into the new car database, they are ready to be called into an assembly ADAMS/Car is started in the standard mode and from file menu new full vehicle assembly y is selected The different subsystems which were saved in the new database is called from their location in subsystems.tpl subsystems tpl folder in the database

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Brakes and Powertrain subsystems are in OFF condition by default

For acceleration and braking g analysis y these two systems y should be selected and their respective subsystems must be called from there respective locations

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Vehicle Test Rig by default is MDI_SDI_Testrig If f p plugins g like Ride and Chassis are switched on in the p plugin g manager, g , additional test rigs such as 4post testrig and the Driver testrig would be available to be selected
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Assembled Car

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Assembled Car

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Further analysis can be carried out using this vehicle

Once these tests are conducted, graphs have to be plotted and compared against standard graphs available in literature If the trends of the two are matching then it can be concluded that the validation was successful and the model assembled can be used for further experimentation

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Velocity Time graph

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Editing various parameters of vehicle

Adjust Hardpoints You adjust hardpoints when working in either subsystem or assembly mode on either a suspension or a full-vehicle assembly From the Adjust j menu, ,p point to Hardpoint, p , and then select either Modify or Table It is recommend that you select Table because it lets you adjust several hardpoints at once Make Plots with Data Other than Time From the Review menu, select Postprocessing Window In the lower right corner of ADAMS/PostProcessor, set Independent Axis to Data.
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Set Toe, Camber, and Other Parameters F From th the Adjust Adj t menu, point i t to t Parameter P t Variable, V i bl and d then th select l t either Modify or Table Set Subsystem to the name of the subsystem whose parameters you want to modify In the table, table make the changes Select OK. Change the Tires Tires can be changed by right-clicking the wheel part and choosing Modify Then set Tire File to the name of the file you want to use You can alter a tires properties, such as radius and vertical stiffness, by modifying the property file in a text editor
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Modify Springs or Dampers Right-click on the spring or damper, and then select Modify You can edit the curve by dragging on the plot, or by changing values in the data table You can modify springs or dampers when working in either subsystem b or assembly bl mode d on either i h a suspension i or a fullf ll vehicle assembly ADAMS/C stores ADAMS/Car t spring i and d damper d d t in data i a property t file fil in i the ADAMS/Car database directory structure Modify Trackwidth You can only modify trackwidth by changing the lateral (y) coordinate of the relevant suspension hardpoints
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Modify Wheelbase and Vertical Position Make sure that you have a suspension or full-vehicle assembly open From the Adjust menu, select Shift Set Subsystem to the name of the subsystem you want to move S if a vertical Specify i l and d a fore/aft f / f distance di to move the h subsystem b

Changing Steering Ratio Make sure that you have a gear in your assembly or subsystem From the Adjust menu, select Gears In the Gear Name text box, select the gear you want modify In the Reduction Ratio text box, specify the desired ratio. M k sure to change Make h this, hi as the h default d f l value l is i 1.0 10
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Set Powertrain Data From F the h Adjust Adj menu, point i to Parameter P V i bl and Variable, d then h select either Modify or Table S t Subsystem Set S b t t the to th name of f the th powertrain t i subsystem b t whose h parameters you want to modify In the table, table make changes to the gearing, gearing idle speed, speed maximum engine speed parameters, and so on Select OK To control lower arm thickness Right-click g either lower control arm ( (the red triangular g area) ) Point to Arm: graarm_lower_control_arm, and then select Modify Change the Thickness Select OK
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Creating new requests ( measures ) To T create new requests, in i Template T l B ild go to Build Builder, B ild Requests New Y can only You l create t requests t in i Template T l t Builder B ild mode d The results set names appears in the Request list in ADAMS/PostProcessor

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Adding CAD Graphics to Template

L d the Load h chassis h i template l in i to ADAMS/Car ADAMS/C

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Ordinarily, you could right mouse click and delete the body graphic, or you could select "Delete" elete f from o t the e File ile menu. e u. Don't o t use t these ese From the Tools menu, start the Command Navigator and find the "geometry delete" command

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Delete the shells as shown

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Import body graphic

As shown A h b l below, choose h one of f the h file fil formats f supported d by b ADAMS, ADAMS such h as Parasolid, IGES, stl, slp, obj, etc.

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Each file format may y have slightly g y different information required q or options provided items like scaling, reference marker, rotation translation, rotation, translation etc

If you need to specify a reference marker, use the "shell_rm" marker k

Then, if necessary, move or rotate the "shell_rm" marker to finetune the position of your frame/body graphics

It is critical to specify the ges_chassis part as the part to which your geometry will belong (when given the choice, specify p and not "model"). ) "part"
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Finished Product !!!

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Discussed in detail how to Create and modify templates and different parts Create and modify different property files Create and modify automotive elements such as spring, dampers, bushings

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