Drilling Rig
Drilling Rig
Drilling Rig
The HSE policy is implemented through the company's strategies, action plans, management
commitment and loyal & active employee support. We carry out the following activities in order to:
Ensure a safe & healthy work environment for all.
Ascertain prudent use of natural resources and minimum environmental impact.
Assure that all equipment and machinery are ready for safe & efficient operations.
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and permits.
Encourage continual and progressive improvement in workplace safety, health and
The goal is to ensure that the HSE excellence at Shiv-Vani remains a continuous process so that we
may provide our customers with best industry performances. The HSE objectives for each E&P
solution are designed to eliminate lost time accidents and minimize environmental impacts. Our
objectives include:
Ensuring employee protection against occupational risks, accidents, health hazards and
dangerous situations.
Establishing a work environment that conforms to world-class health & safety standards.
Integrating safety and health measures at every level - be it rig design, operational activities
or maintenance.
Setting up Major Hazards Registers at all units.
Implementation of OISD (Oil Industry Safety Directorate) standards (designing and
operations) at all units as per the Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, 2005.
Providing adequate training on Health, Safety and Environmental responsibilities, ensuring
high training standards and building overall awareness.
Encouraging active employee participation for enhancing work conditions and environment
The oil and gas exploration and production arena is a diverse landscape of differing operating
and business environments, some with national regulations, some without and numerous
authorities regulating a variety of aspects of onshore activities. Many Drilling Contractors find
it challenging to satisfy the differing internal and external stakeholder expectations related to
HSE management each time their units are moved from one geographical location to another.
Drilling Contractors, Oil and Gas Producers and Authorities have seen the benefit of adopting
and sharing a consistent harmonized approach in providing HSE Management assurance to
meet various requirements.
Drilling contractors have historically managed HSE and operational risks. During the 1990s,
many Drilling Contractors recognized that in order to achieve a step-change improvement in
safety and operational performance, they would have to formalize their long term experience
and work practices within a structured framework represented by a management system.
The development of an effective management system was to ensure appropriate risk
management efforts would be consistently applied by people at the worksite to manage Major
and Other Workplace Hazards to ensure safe and reliable operations.
In order to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business results, many Drilling
Contractors have integrated the management of HSE risks into their remaining business
HSE Management has two primary purposes:
1. Demonstrate internal assurance within the Drilling Contractors organization that its
management systems risk reducing controls related to the Health, Safety and
Environment aspects of its operations, meets its senior managements expectations.
2. and, where applicable: demonstrate to other interested / concerned parties, that the
risk reducing controls in the Drilling Contractors management system meet their
expectations too.
Purpose of hazard identification and risk assessment:
1. Identification of the sources of the HSE hazards included in the Drilling Contractors
Scope of Operations.
2. Assessment of the risks associated with hazards and sources of hazards and
effectiveness of the controls within the Drilling Contractors management system
(Documented and experienced based work practices). Verification to ensure that
identified risks are reduced to a level that does not exceed the Drilling Contractors
tolerability limits for safe operations
3. Verification of compliance with applicable regulatory and contractually agreed HSE
Shiv-Vani Oil & Gas Exploration Services Limited is a leading exploration and production
service provider of India. The company has made a major entry into the largest project for
exploration of CBM resource in the country with the awarding of the largest contract in
collaboration with Express Drilling Services, LLC & MECL.
CBM Drilling Site is a hazardous place. Most of the activities involved working at heights,
machines, compressed air units, etc. which have major hazard potential it is necessary that
approved measures to be taken to ensure safety of personnel, equipment is taken into
account and safe work practices are there in the site. It is also necessary that environmental
impacts likely air water, soil, noise pollution arising from drilling activities be minimized.
The project basically looks into Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment at CBM Drilling
site, there potential impacts, and strategies for minimization were developed. An effort was
made to check and improve the safety at the workplace and also to improve the safety at the
workplace and also to improve the environmental, and safety awareness of people carrying
out various tasks.
Incorporated in 1989, Shiv-Vani has rapidly evolved to emerge as a key player in the upstream
sector of the hydrocarbon industry. Headquartered in New Delhi (India), the company offers a
wide spectrum of services in the field of oil and natural gas exploration and production. From
shot hole drilling and seismic surveying through to directional drilling, well development, down-
hole operations, engineering and logistics - specialize in every area of onshore and offshore
operations, as well as in natural gas compression & allied services. The only integrated CBM
services provider in India and has successfully pioneered horizontal and directional drilling in
the country to enhance CBM procurement. The professional expertise combined with exclusive
know-how and advanced equipment, enables our clients to accomplish their objectives on time
and within budget.
Shiv-Vani commenced its operations in 1990, providing shot-hole drilling services to ONGC -
the largest and most prominent state-owned oil and gas exploration and production company,
in India. Over the next 10 years, the company has gained a position of strength and acquired a
large number of shot-hole drilling and workover rigs. Today, Shiv-Vani owns the largest fleet of
onshore rigs in India and has successfully diversified into other crucial activity areas such as
seismic surveying, gas compression services and offshore drilling & logistics.
At Shiv-Vani, we leverage latest technologies, invest extensively in people and infrastructure,
and build upon organizational capabilities to deliver world-class performance in operational
excellence and cost reduction - so that our valued clients may benefit from maximum flexibility
and optimum results. Our operational plans and strategies are well aligned with best industry
practices and conform to relevant quality standards to help corner success in each specific
business area. Shiv-Vani is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company and its implementation
methodologies are constantly tested against market competition and re-aligned further for
sustained competitive performance.
To sustain its leadership position and win new markets, Shiv-Vani is aggressively pursuing
growth initiatives including global & domestic market expansion, diversification and revenue
generation. The company is listed with the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock
Exchange of India, and has recently floated foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCB's) listed
on the Singapore Stock Exchange. Our strategic tie-ups and alliances with conglomerates in
Russia, USA, China, Malaysia, UAE, Canada and Germany, and the extensive business build-
up in the Middle East provide ample indication that we are moving towards the right direction.
Besides its strong presence in India and extensive working relationships with key corporations
like ONGC and Oil India Ltd., Shiv-Vani is pre-qualified to work for more than 25 oil and gas
exploration and production companies at home and abroad. The company is pre-qualified for
drilling and workover service contracts in such countries as Oman, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Qatar
and Indonesia and seismic services in several countries like Iran. We are also targeting the
western markets such as the USA and the CIS.
At Shiv-Vani, our corporate responsibility calls for total compliance with all relevant
environmental, health and safety laws, policies and procedures. While we focus on effective
environment management, the health and safety of our workforce and all those associated with
us also remain the highest priority. Based on the IADC (International Association of Drilling
Contractors) regulations and other standard international norms which govern upstream
activities, the company has formed a comprehensive HSE Policy to ensure better health
preservation and safe working environment. With Shiv-Vani as their partner in growth, global
corporations are assured of cost-effective, tailor-made services on par with international quality
standards, while we take great pride in our professionalism, social responsibility &
environmental commitment
Shiv-Vani offers a wide spectrum of services in the field of oil and natural gas exploration and
production. From shot hole drilling and seismic surveying through to directional drilling, well
development, down-hole operations, engineering and logistics - we specialize in every area of
onshore and offshore operations, as well as in natural gas compression & allied services. We
are the only integrated CBM services provider in India and successfully pioneered horizontal
and directional drilling in the country to enhance CBM procurement. Our professional expertise,
combined with exclusive know-how and advanced equipment, enables our clients to
accomplish their objectives on time and within budget. Our major service areas include:
Core Services
o Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation
o Drilling
o Workover
o Reservoir Data Acquisition
o Pipeline Construction
Specialized Services
o Cementing
o Stimulation
o Logging
o Well Testing
o Directional Drilling
o Mud Engineering
Integrated Services
o Integrated Seismic Services
o Integrated Drilling and Workover Services
o Integrated Well Maintenance
o Integrated Services for Oil & Gas Field
o Integrated CBM Services
Coal Bed Methane
Gas Compression & Allied Services
o Natural Gas Compression
o Gas Collecting / Group Gathering Stations
o CNG Booster Compressor
o Logistics
o Platforms & Structures
o Drilling
Identify HSE Hazards.
Assess the magnitude and significance of hazards.
To determine HSE risk levels by assigning levels to the severity of each potential
consequence and to the probability of the consequence occurring.
To eliminate occupational health hazards.
To prevent all accidents.
To prevent accidental discharges to the environment.
To ensure that all hazards and effects are formally identified and assessed in a
structural manner an that effective control measures are identified and implemented.
Implement control techniques to eliminate or minimise the hazard.
To ensure sustainable compliance with legislation and policy.
To achieve, enhance and demonstrate sound Health, Safety and Environment
Performance built around the principle of continual performance improvement.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Skin & Eye Irritation in a Manufacturing
Industry in the Philippines: Continuing Study JL Lu
National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines, Manila.
Background. This was an investigative study that looked into the exposure assessment of the
high reports of skin and eye irritation in an industry that employs 1,000 workers. This health
case reports had been observed for three years already.
Methods. The chemicals that were found to exceed the threshold limit value included sulfuric
acid, ethylene chloride, ally alcohol with carbonucleic acid, and isopropyl alcohol [1]. For the
exposure assessment, the following methodologies were used; measurement of solvent
concentration, ventilation measurement, assessment of capture velocities of exhaust ventilation
systems, and the use of personal protective equipments [2]. All workstations were measured,
and identified for possible association between skin and eye allergies and exposure to these
risk factors [3].
Results. Result showed that there was a relationship between eye and skin irritations and
every increase of solvent concentration, lower capture velocities, higher ambient temperature
and lower ventilation reading in the workstations. Based on the results of the study, exposure
rating index was developed to serve as a guide for determination of risk and exposure risks, as
well as in the formulation of programs to prevent and control factors associated with eye and
skin allergies.
Exposure Rating Definition
Very Low (A) Exposures are negligible.
Low (B) Exposures are controlled because of effective engineering, medical
and environmental control measures.
Medium (C) Exposures are under control but strategies of control are not
completely assured to prevent adverse exposures and health
High (D) Exposures are not adequately controlled and exceed the
recommended level and exposure time.
Very High (E) Exposures are excessive due to absence of control and prevention
strategies and the adverse health effect is oh high probability.
Table: Proposed Exposure Rating Index
Conclusions. The study has shown that skin and eye irritations can be implicated by solvent
exposures. There is a need for exposure rating index to classify the work hazard and work
exposure of workers which is the fist step towards control and prevention of work related
illnesses (3).
Acknowledgement. National Institutes of Health, Philippines
American Industrial Hydiene Association. Odor thresholds for chemicals with
established occupational health standards, Akron, OH, AIHA, 1-5 (1989).
Bilban M. Mutagenic testing of workers exposed to toluene-disocyanates during
plastics production process, American J ournal of Industrial Medicine 5, 468-74 (2004).
Lai Z., Bonilla G., Diaz I., and Nery J . Microstructural optimization of a zeolite
membrane for organic vapour separation, Science 300, 456 (2003).
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment at IFFCO_AONLA by N.C. Nigam,
A.K. Maheshwari & N.P. Rao.
For any industry to be successful, it has become essential to identify the Hazards, to assess
the associated risk and to bring the risks to tolerable level. Recognizing this, IFFCO-AONlA is
continuously putting efforts for controlling the risks which are arising from various Hazards such
that loss to Human life and property is negligible or zero. Its continuous best efforts to identify
the Hazards and to bring the risk levels to tolerable level in the organization are recognized by
several Government and safety regulating bodies. This paper describes briefly and various
types of hazards and their associated risks, how they are being controlled effectively through
risk analysis at IFFCO Aonia unit.
In all plants, hazards and risk are identified time to time by using modern techniques. IFFCO
Aonia unit is OHSAS 18001 certified company. So in all departments / section risk hazards
are find out by proper risk assessments. During this severity at various levels matched with
probability level. And find out the case of intolerable, substantial, moderate and tolerable risk.
Accordingly control measures at the place checked. Documentation done and records are
At IFFCO Aonia unit, HAZOP, HAZAN study, Dow Index, Risk Analysis, FMIA, Fault Tree
Analysis are carried out at its inception level. At IFFCO Aonia unit, various risk assessment
procedures are followed. This has been done by Dow Index method and Consequences
methods. At the same time when any process modification done / needed, then also proper
HAZOP studies and any other risk analysis studies are carried out to assess the risk due to the
effect of modification.
Now as IFFCO Aonia unit is OHSAS 18001 certified company, in all sections / plants proper
hazards and risk assessment procedures and documentation done. Time to time. Plant /
section updates of this done and audited by other sectional persons. And again compliance
Conclusions. By effectively identifying the various types of hazards, doing the risk analysis
and controlling the risk, IFFCO-AONLA units is maintaining the accident free atmosphere for
both humans and plant / property.
HSE-MS encompasses the policies, programs, systems, procedures, standards, specification
etc. that are used to manage HSE activities. It describes the ways SVOGESL manages HSE
with respect to its stated objectives. The systems concentrate on critical activities and ensure
that they are properly controlled. Measurements are made and reported in order to monitor
performance and to identify areas for improvement if any.
Put simply, out HSEMS follows a QMS ISO 9001 2000 approach that strives to continuously
Plan : what needs to be done.
Do : It.
Check : it is being done.
Review : To do it better.
At Shiv-Vani, we are fully aware that Health, Safety and Environmental protection remain the
responsibility of every individual and all our employees work dedicatedly towards this goal. The
company has set up an effective HSE Management System that closely follows the ISO 9000
standards and adheres to the regulations & guidelines of such globally acclaimed organizations
as the IADC. Based on reports and reviews, comprehensive HSE plans are chalked out every
month at the top management level and forwarded to all units/project sites for immediate
implementation. The company has further strengthened its HSE policy by introducing a
meticulous and well-integrated PTW System to regulate and monitor potentially hazardous
activities. In order to ensure adequate means for employee & environmental safety, Shiv-Vani
focuses on the following activities:
Risk Management
Identifying & evaluating HSE risks and implementing effective methods for risk reduction.
Safety planning
Planning and preparing safe working procedures so that measures can be taken immediately to
implement necessary changes and ensure emergency preparedness
Implementation and monitoring
Setting up performance indicators, implementing corrective actions and ensuring stringent
monitoring to measure HSE effectiveness.
Audits and reviews
Inspection and assessment of system performance as per the annual HSE plan.
HSE Manual / Handbook
Providing each Shiv-Vani team member with an HSE manual/handbook (H.S.E. for All) a
concise, comprehensive and structured description of our HSE Management System. The
personnel handbook specifies each individual's responsibility for sound safety and
environmental management, thus enabling the field staff to comply with best possible safety
practices and procedures.
Organizing, sourcing and documenting crucial information/data
Gathering and documenting HSE achievements and incidents for a thorough analysis and the
subsequent, systematic improvement in compliance with the laws of the land and the
established principles of Quality assurance.
More Measures
Shiv-Vani has successfully conducted a series of Hazard Awareness Programmes at all project
sites to help minimize health, safety and environmental concerns and decrease regulatory
compliance costs. Our priorities include enhancing HSE commitment and reducing risk levels in
order to build a good safety culture within the organization. Effective input from Client's
Company Man and PE's also helps ensure that international standard safety norms are
developed, implemented and followed without the least deviation. To encourage active
participation, thorough comprehension and fail proof practice of impeccable safety rules, we
have also introduced inspirational awards such as safe Man of the Month and Best STOP
Observer of the Month for each project location.
The company employs Safety Training Observation Programmes (STOP) as the primary
accident prevention tool. We promote thorough training and impeccable risk management
processes to help improve safety & security and reduce waste & emissions. As a result, our
employees are able to identify worksite hazards even better and meet challenges proactively -
leading to lesser incidents reporting and overall decline in the injury rate for employees on
mobile and permanent installations. There has been a significant reduction in TRC's (total
recordable cases including restricted work cases, medical treatment cases, LTI's and other high
severity personal injury incidents) and subsequent improvement in LTIF (lost time injury
In a bid to develop a more objective and measurable basis for incidents management, the
organization has developed a strong and effective Incidents Reporting Structure so that all
incidents may be reported round the clock. Detailed investigations of all incidents are carried
out without any delay and prompt corrective actions are taken to avoid similar occurrences. Our
wide experience and cutting-edge expertise have also taught us that hazards are highly
avoidable and zero incidents, along with enhanced environment management, will propel us to
peak performance.
1. The drill pipe to be added is measured and the threads on both box and pin are cleaned
and thread protector put on the pin end.
2. Using a sling of manila rope or a lifter plug, the drill pipe is lifted and placed in the mouse
hole. Apply proper thread lubricant on the drill pipe threads.
3. After the Kelly length has been drilled, ream the hole, if considered necessary.
4. Stop mud pump and bleed the pressure in the high pressure line of mud by opening the
valve provided for bleeding pressure.
5. Lift the Kelly along with the drill string till the tool joint of the drill pipe just below the Kelly
appears above the rotary table. Remove Kelly bushings if not fitted with Kelly.
6. Rest the drill string on the slips so that height of the drill pipe tool joint is about 75 cm
above the rotary table.
7. Release drill string load so that the weight shown on the weight indicator is just equal to
the weight of the Kelly and travelling block.
8. Fix make up tong on the drill pipe tool joint and break out tong on the Kellys tool joint and
then break the joint.
9. After breaking the Kelly, lift it out and by giving a swing with hand bring it over the drill pipe
to be made up and then carefully stab the Kellys pin into the box of the drill pipe.
10. Using power sub or spinning rope tightens the Kelly to the drill pipe.
11. Lift the Kelly and the drill pipe out of mouse hole.
12. Open the thread protector from the pin end of the drill pipe.
13. Stab the drill pipe into the box of the drill pipe resting on the rotary after applying proper
thread lubricant.
14. Using spinning rope or power sub, tighten the drill pipe.
15. Lift the assembly and remove slip.
16. Lower the string and rest it on the slip when the box of the pipe to be added is about
75 cm above the rotary table.
17. Tighten the joint between Kelly and the drill pipe up to the required torque by using both
the tongs.
18. The weight on the drillometer will show increase as the threads are made up. It should be
released by slightly lowering the block so that the weight shown is equivalent to the weight
of the Kelly & block.
19. Lift the drill string and remove slip.
20. Lower Kelly and put Kelly bushes if not fitted to the Kelly.
21. Ensure that the Kelly rotates with the rotation of rotary table.
The process of removing the drill string out of the hole is called pulling out. The following steps
are taken while pulling the drill string out of the hole.
1. A slug of heavy mud of approximately 2-3 m
is pumped into the drill pipe. It will ensure
that during the process of pulling out the rotary table remains dry while breaking out the
2. The mud pumps are stopped and bleeding valve is opened to bleed the pressure from
the drill string.
3. Kelly is lifted out of the hole and broken.
4. A thread protector is mounted on the threads of kelly saver sub. The kelly is kept in the
rat hole and the hook and the travelling block freed.
5. Elevator of proper size and rated capacity is suspended from the hook with the help of
links of required capacity.
6. Open the hook's swivel lock so that it can be rotated
7. The elevator is latched on to the drill pipe and the hook is lifted slowly till the snubber
spring comes in tension. After that the drill string is pulled to full load and the drill pipe
slip is removed.
8. Continue pulling out till one stand length has been pulled out.
9. Rest the drill s-ring on the drill pipe slip and release the load from the hook by lowering it
sufficiently. The drillometer readings will show to be equal to the weight of the empty
10. Using both the tongs, crack the joint and remove lower tong.
11. Keeping the break out tong in tight position open the joint by the rotation of lower drill
string with the help of rotary table rotating in forward direction.
12. After the joint has been opened the drill pipe stand is lifted out.
13. The drill pipe stand should be pulled towards the finger side by the topman with the help
of manila rope.
14. The lower end of the drill pipe stand is pushed and set back at the racking platform by
the rig man.
15. After the drill pipe stand has been set at the racking platform, the driller should lower the
block so that the topman can unlatch the elevator.
16. The topman, after unlatching the elevator, pulls the pipe back to the proper position in
the finger board.
17. The elevator is again lowered on to the drill string and latched on the drill pipe resting on
the rotary table.
18. The process of pulling out drill pipe stand is repeated till the drill collar string reaches the
19. After pulling out 10 stands of drill pipes, the drill pipe wiper is installed. The hole should
be filled up to the top after pulling out every 5 stands.
20. When the drill collar reaches the surface, the drill pipe slip is replaced by drill collar slip.
Before resting the drill collar on slip, drill pipe wiper is removed.
21. Put a safety clamp above the drill collar slip (in case of drill collar without recesses) and
break out the last drill pipe stand and stack the same.
22. If drill collars do not have a neck, lifting sub of the proper size is made up on the drill
collar and tightened properly after latching elevator on the lifting sub.
23. If elevators handling drill pipes cannot handle the lifting sub then change the elevator with
the one required.
24. Open safety clamp.
25. Pullout one stand of drill collars (the drill collar body should be washed with water).
26. After cracking the drill collar stand, open the joint by rotation of the upper drill collar stand
with the help of chain tong.
27. While opening the joint care should be exercised to ensure that the hook is kept in
sufficient tension to allow the rotation of the drill collar stand with the least load of it on to
the threads.
28. After the joint has been fully opened, the drill collar stand is lifted and stacked on the
racking platform.
29. Do not rest drill collar stand on rotary table to facilitate pulling of drill collar towards
topman. Use winch line for placing the drill collars at racking platform.
30. Continue pulling out the drill collars, filling hole after pulling out each stand.
31. If bit cannot be pulled out without removing the master bushings then the same are
removed and the bit is pulled out and master bushing put back in position.
32. Place the bit breaker corresponding to the bit size in the rotary drive bushing. Lower the bit
into the bit breaker. Lock the rotary table. Break off the bit connection by jerk line pun on
tong latched around the drill collar. Unscrew the old bit manually keeping bit breaker on
the rotary table.
The working joint should be changed on each trip. This means that on one trip we should
end up with a full stand in the block when the bit is pulled through the rotary table. On the
next trip two joints should be hanging in the block. On the third trip again one full stand is
left on the block. This is done so that each connection is re-Lubricated every third trip and
prevents galling of the shoulder on connection.
The following steps are followed for running in:
1. Raise the drill collar to facilitate making up of the bit, and the substitute.
2. Place the new bit to be made up in the bit breaker.
3. Place the baffle plate of proper size on the pin end of the bit with wider face down.
4. Make up the new bit by hand initially and then tighten up to the required torque.
5. Lift this assembly of bit and drill collar.
6. Remove the bit breaker.
7. If bit is of bigger size than master bushing of the rotary than remove the master bushing
from the rotary table.
8. Run in the bit and put back the master bushing.
9. Rest the drill collar on the rotary table with the help of drill collar slip and safety clamp.
10. Open and lay down the lifting.
11. Raise the elevator up to the monkey board. Meanwhile topman should draw the drill collar
to be lowered next.
12. As the elevator reaches in level with the monkey board, the topman should give signal to
the driller to stop the elevator at the desired height.
13. The topman carefully latches the elevator over the lifting sub neck of the drill collar.
14. Slowly lift the drill collar.
15. Stab in the drill collar stand's pin into the box of the drill collar resting in the rotary table.
16. Initial tightening should be done using chain tong:;
17. Make up the joint up to the required torque.
18. Open the safety clamp and lift the drill collars assembly and lower it in the well.
19. Reduce the speed of running-in as the elevator approaches rotary table and gradually land
the drill collar assembly on the slip.
20. Repeat the process of lowering drill collars till all the drill collars have been lowered.
21. Changes over substitutes are made up in between whenever different sizes of joints have
to be made.
22. Different drill collar slips for different sizes of drilling collars are used.
23. If needed, elevators are changed when the drilling pipes are to be lowered.
24. Pick up the first stand of drilling pipe.
25. Use spinning rope for initial tightening of the drilling pipe stand and then tightens up to the
required torque using both the tongs.
26. As the drill pipe stands are lowered into the well the process of running in becomes
27. After the drill string is rested on the slips, the block is lowered slightly down so that the
elevator becomes free and it is unlatched.
28. Rig man should pull the elevator slightly to one side so that the elevator does not touch the
tool joint while being lifted up.
29. The elevator is lifted up and as it reaches in level with the monkey board, the topman
throws the drill pipe stand on the elevator and latches it.
30. The drill pipe stand is lifted and made up with the drill string member resting on the rotary
and lowered in to the well.
31. The cycle of running in drill pipes is repeated.
32. Engage hydromantic brake or use electromagnetic brake when it becomes difficult to hold
the drill string with the help of mechanical brake alone.
33. After the last stand of pipe has been run in as per plan, the elevator is either removed or
latched empty and the Kelly is lifted and made up with the drill string.
Speeds of running in and pulling out are governed by the well bore conditions.
The driller should familiarize himself with the various operations as detailed below.
Every draw works is provided with the following clutches:
i. Transmission clutches-low and high.
ii. Hoisting clutches-slow and fast.
On engaging the transmission clutch power is transmitted to the main shaft of the draw
works from the engines or from the electric motors. Power can be directed to the
hoisting drum on which the casing line is spooled with the help of a hoisting clutch.
When the hoisting clutch is engaged the drum starts rotating in the clockwise direction
from the drillers position and the drilling line starts getting spooled on the drum. As the
line is spooled on to thedrum the travelling block gets lifted up. By using the
combination of different transmission and hoisting clutches different speeds of
travelling block are obtained.
On the draw works a braking mechanism is provided. It essentially comprises a flexible
steel band on which asbestos friction blocks are fixed, which are heat and wear
resistant. One end of this band is permanently anchored while the other end is movable
and attached to a lever by means of which the band can be tightened or loosened. As
the band is loosened, the drilling line gets unspooled from the hoisting drum because of
the weight of the travelling block. The hoisting drum rotates in the anticlockwise
direction (viewed from the drillers panel) and the block gets lowered.
If the block is carrying drill string through a system of hook, links and elevator, the
same can be lifted up or lowered down as the block moves up or down.
The brakes are important units of draw works assembly as they are called upon to stop
the movement of large weights being lowered into the hole. When a round trip is being
made the brakes are almost in constant use.
The mechanical brakes form an integral part of the hoist and provide principal braking
system. Brake bands encircle the brake flanges for about 2700. Brake lining consists of
brake blocks composed of asbestos fibre compounded with a bonding agent
interwoven with copper wire.
Brake blocks are bolted to the brake bands with deep countersunk brass bolts on the
inside of the circle of the brake bands so that the bolts cannot come in contact with the
brake surfaces.
At the front of the hoist the brake bands are fastened with heavy duty pins or bolts to a
dead anchor that constitutes an equalizer connected to each brake band on both ends
and anchored to the unit frame in the centre of the drum. This equalizer functions to
assure that when the brake lever is pressed each brake band will have equal tension in
the braking process. It also has an adjusting and locking device for adjustment of the
brakes. The rear or under part of the brake band is fastened to the brake lever with a
cam type shaft to the other offside brake band. This is close to the base and designed
so that when the brake lever (about 51" long) is pressed with about 150 psi
(10.6kg/cm2) pressure there is a tension of about 2,460 Ibs (1120 kgs) applied to both
brake bands causing a gripping of the brake flanges around 270 of the brake flange
having a braking effect on the rotation of the drum.
As the wear varies around the circumference of the brake flange the maximum wear is
adjacent to the dead end at the equalizer where maximum pressure is applied on the
lining due to the direction of the rotation. The wear decreases around the
circumference to the point of leverage (the moving end)
S = Drilling spool with side outlets for connecting choke and kill
M = 70 kg/cm2 (1,000 psi) rated working pressure.
For selection of a BOP to be used following points must be taken into
a) Maximum expected well head pressure.
b) Size of casing, casing hanger, bit and other drilling tools to be lowered
through the BOP stack
c) Substructure height i.e. gap below rotary table from ground level. extension
hand wheels or hydraulic locks.
d) Matching flange connection according to size and pressure rating of well head
e) Service environment i.e. 'H2S' or 'no H2S environment.
The BOP stack arrangements may vary depending on the expected well head
pressures and different drilling situations.
All pipe ram type preventers are equipped with extension hand wheels or hydraulic
The following recommended minimum spare parts for BOP, approved for intended
service, should be available at each rig.
a) A complete set of drill pipe rams and ram rubbers for each size drill pipe being
b) A complete set of bonnet / door seals for each size and type of ram type
preventer being used.
c) Plastic packings for blowout preventer secondary seals.
d) Ring gaskets to fit flange connections of BOP.
e) Appropriate spare parts for annular preventer.
c) More number of flanges will be exposed to pressure under cases (2) & (3).
for just closing the well.
d) In case (1 ), if lower pipe ram is closed, circulation can only be established
through side outlets of casing head spools.
e) In case (4), if lower blind ram is closed, well control will be possible only
through casing head spool outlets.
f) In cases (2), (3) & (4), it is not possible to lower and rest tool joint on pipe
ram and close blind ram with continuous possible circulation. Such
situation may arise during leakage in surface equipment above rotary table
while controlling well kick.
Position BOP Stack element Symbol
Top Blind Ram R
Middle Pipe Ram R
Bottom Drilling Spool S
For three ram BOPS with drilling spool following two better arrangements are
Position BOP Stack element Symbol
Top Pipe ram R
Upper middle Blind Ram R
Lower Middle Drilling Spool S
Bottom Pipe Ram R
(With double and single BOP)
Position BOP Stack element Symbol
Top Pipe ram R
Upper middle Blind Ram
Pipe Ram
Lower Middle Drilling Spool R
Bottom Pipe Ram S
With Triple BOP
An equipment assemblage with chokes, valves, lines, connected to side outlet of
drilling spool or casing head spool and used for the purpose of well control is called
choke manifold.
a. The upstream including chokes should have rated working pressure equal to the
highest rated working pressure of BOP in the stack.
b. For working pressure requirement of 3M and above flanged, welded or clamped
connections should be used on components subjected to well pressure.
c. The upstream and down stream choke line should be:
I. As straight as practicable and if turns are required they should be targeted.
II. Of sufficient bore size to prevent excessive erosion.
III. Anchored to avoid vibrations during kick control.
d. The minimum recommended choke line size is 7.5 cm (3 inch) nominal diameter.
However for 2 M installations,5 cm (2 inch) line is acceptable.
e. The minimum recommended size for down stream vent lines"" 5 cm (2-inch)
nominal diameter.
f. For high volumes and air or gas drilling operations,10 cm (4 inch) nominal diameter
lines are recommended.
g. The vent line which bypasses chokes, should be of same diameter as the
upstream choke line.
h. For manifold arrangements with rated working pressures of 5 M and above, one of
the upstream choke line valves, should be remotely operated type and at least one
choke should be of remotely activated type.
i. There should be alternate flow route if one flow route is plugged or eroded. This
will allow continuous flow without interruptions.
Kill line manifold is connected to BOP side outlet for well control operations. This line is
useful when flow through normal route i.e. through kelly has ceased or cannot be
Selection and Installation guidelines
a. The general guidelines stated for choke manifold will be applicable for kill line
installations also.
b. The kill line, manifold valves, check valves and other fittings must have equal
or higher rated working pressure than the rated working pressure of BOP in the
c. The manifold and line connections should be flanged, clamped or welded for
the rated working pressure 3M and above.
d. The size of kill line should not be smaller than 2-inch, nominal diameter.
e. The BOP side outlet valves in kill line should have pressure rating 5M or more.
f. A kill line should not be used as hole filling line. This may damage line or
valves either by erosion or mud cut.
g. All equipment should be tested with same test frequency as for BOPs.
h. In series 5000 psi (350 kg/cm2)and above two kill lines with check valves
should be fitted. One of the kill lines may be connected below lower BOP to a
high pressure pump and another with drilling spool to rig mud pumps.
The primary function of a BOP control unit is to allow closing and opening of individual
BOP and hydraulic valves without using any external energy. It is specified with four
main characteristics.
a. Nitrogen charging pressure
b. Maximum operating pressure
c. Minimum residual pressure
d. Total active volume.
Make of
Model/Type Stack size
required to
close litres
Annular Hydril GK 13
700(10,000) 141.3 (37.18)
Pipe ram Cameron U 13
700(10,000) 22 (5.80)
Blind ram Cameron U-Blind 13
700(10,000) 22 (5.80)
Pipe ram Cameron U 13
700(10,000) 22 (5.80)
Total = 207.3 (54.58)
The minimum volume of accumulator including nitrogen and operating fluid should be
calculated by multiplying the volume required to close one ram and annular BOP plus
opening volume for hydraulic valve of choke line by a factor called accumulator size
factor as tabulated below:
Table: Accumulator Size Factor
operating pressure
Precharge pressure
Usable fluid volume
(Fraction of bottle
Accumulator size
211 (3000) 70 (1000)
140 (2000) 70 (1000)
105 (1500) 53 (750)
DIC Tool Pusher. He will prepare kill sheet and direct the operations. He will
operate the choke during well killing operation.
Shift In Charge. He is the main line of defence when a kicj occurs. He will be at
the derrick floor and follow the directions from Tool pusher / DIC and will be
responsible for:
Detection of kick.
Close the well in.
Operating the rig equipment (draw works, mud pump etc)
Monitor pressures.
Shift Chemist. Shift Chemist will be responsible for:
Monitoring the mud properties, mudgain / loss and conditioning of
Preparation of proper mud weight as directed by Engineer In charge.
Handling the mud contaminated due to kick.
Maintenance In-Charge. He will supervise the running of all rig equipment with
the help of mechanical crew at the drill site.
Assistant shift In-Charge. He will assist the chemist / engineer in operating the
mud conditioning equipment (degasser etc). with the help of topman and rigman,
or as directed by Rig Incharge depending upon the situation of particular rig.
Shift Geologist Annular BOPs. Stand by at Geological lab.
Electrician / Mechanica. Standby for possible instructions.
Rig Men (3 nos) They will be ready available on derrick floor to follow
instructions of the shift incharge.
Topmen (2 nos) They will be ready available to follow the instructions of the
assistant shift incharge.
Others All others will remain standby and readily available at safe distance and
wait for instructions from the rig incharge.
Procedure for Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Control
To identify the OH & S hazards, assess the risk and plain risks and plan risk control measures and
review the risk control measures.
Significant risk will be identified and eliminated/minimised at planning stage by the
project OH& S Officer, Project Manager and Works Manager.
The Project senior Representatives and Line Supervisors along with Project OH& S
Officer will review high and medium risk activities in order to reduce the level of the
risk. Corporate Health and safety Department will be informed about actions taken to
contain the risk.
The risk assessment at project level will be carried out for every new activity
undertaken, when the project is ongoing and the measures identified for risk control
will be recorded in risk control document at the project site. New measures may be
required in the form of addition of new work methods/procedures/improved safety
equipment/additional OH & S training/safety signs/posters etc.
The five step process for risk control are
Step 1: Identification of hazards
The first step is to identify the workplace hazards, if any of the risk are relatively minor and /or
the hazard can be easily controlled, the activity can be attended automatically straight way.
That is, it may not be necessary to work through the assessment method. All other risk must
be assessed using a method such as the one presented in step 2.
Step 2: Assessing the Risks that may result because of the hazards.
The second step is to work out which hazards need attention first. The risk associated with
each hazard must be assessed. The method of assessing risk is as follows.
Probablity Factor: - (P)
0 Zero possibility
1 <1 every 10,000 operations 1 every 10 years operating
2 <1 every 10,00 operations 1 every operating years
3 <10 every 10,00 operations 1 every month operating
4 <10 every 100 operations 1 every week operating
5 Incident most likely will happen 1 every day operating
Risk = S P (Severity Probability)
Risk Score:
5 0 5 10 15 20 25
4 0 4 8 12 16 20
3 0 3 6 9 12 15
2 0 2 4 6 8 10
1 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Risk Level:
Risk Level Consequences
Low risk (<6) (l) Potential hazardous daily or routine task
Regarded as acceptable with current control measures
Use tool box task
Moderate risk (8-12) (m) Hazardous non routine tasks
High loss of potential
Control measures are required to reduce the risk
Permit to work and operating procedure
Significant risk (>15) (h) Potential disastrous or catastrophic operations
Operations must be altered
Significant safety control
In the workplace occupational health and safety risk management process involves deciding
on control measures to manage exposure to identified risks.
Control Priorities
Start at the top of the list and work down.
Firstly, try to eliminate the hazard
If it is not possible, prevent or minimise exposure to the risk by one or a combination of:
Substituting a less hazardous material, process or equipment
Redesigning equipment or work process
Isolating the hazard