Marx, On Colonialism

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The document discusses Karl Marx and Frederick Engels' writings on colonialism and their critiques of British rule in India and China.

Some of the main topics discussed include British imperialism in India and China, the East India Company's activities, national revolts in India and China, and analyses of specific political and economic events and policies.

Some of the prominent figures mentioned include Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Richard Wellesley, Arthur Wellesley, Charles Wood, and Yeh Ming-shen.

Workers of all countries,






15 it





7 1850-1888

(/First International erick Engels

Review (Excerpt). By Karl Marx and Fred-

15 Revolution in China and in Europe. By Karl Marx 24 j India. By Karl Marx 27 Sir Charles Wood's East Indian Reforms. By Karl Marx 32 -The British Rule in India. By Karl Marx 40. India. By Karl Marx The East India Company Its History and Results. By Karl Marx 44^ Irish Tenant Right. By Karl Marx i The Indian Question (5j 62^ The Government of India. By Karl Marx 72 The East India Question. By Karl Marx War in Burma. By Karl Marx - India. By Karl Marx The Future Results of the British Rule in India. By Karl Marx VI /Anglo-Persian War. By Karl Marx 94 The British Quarrel with China. By Karl Marx Parliamentary Debates on the Chinese Hostilities. By Karl Marx 101 The Coming Election in England. By Karl Marx 108 113 English Ferocity in China. By Karl Marx The New English Expedition in China. By Frederick Engels 118 123 Persia and China. By Frederick Engels The Revolt in the Indian Army. By Karl Marx 13l ^The Revolt in India. By Karl Marx \%f "fThe Indian Question. By Karl Marx The Indian Revolt. By Karl Marx (ffiT) 15T Investigation of Tortures in India. By Karl Marx British Incomes in India. By Karl Marx 157 The Approaching Indian Loan. By Karl Marx 162 Details of the Attack on Lucknow. By Frederick Engels 167 The Annexation of Oudh. By Karl Marx 174 Lord Canning's Proclamation and Land Tenure in India. By Karl Marx 181 The British Army in India. By Frederick Engels 186 The British Government and the Slave-Trade. By Karl Marx 191 Taxes in India. By Karl Marx 197 The Indian Bill. By Karl Marx 203







The Opium Trade. By Karl Marx The Opium Trade. By Karl Marx The Anglo-Chinese Treaty. By Karl Marx

Question of the Ionian Islands. By Karl Marx The New Chinese War (I, II, III, IV). By Karl Marx The British Cotton Trade (Excerpt). By Karl Marx The British Government and the Fenian Prisoners. By Karl Marx About the Irish Question. By Frederick Engels Protection and Free Trade (Excerpt). By Frederick Engels


208 213 218 224 230 250 253 258 263


Ireland (Excerpt from Capital, Vol. I, Chapter XXV). By Karl Marx Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist (Chapter XXXI of Capital, Vol. I). By Karl Marx Historical Facts About Merchant's Capital (Excerpt from Chapof Capital, Vol. III). By Karl Marx ter

269 288


Supplement to Capital, Volume




By Frederick

Engels to Marx, June

1853 1853 Marx to Engels, June 14, 1853 Engels to Marx, May 23, 1856
to Engels,


to Engels, January 14, 1858 to Engels, October 8, 1858 to Engels, November 20, 1865 Engels to Marx, December 1, 1865 Marx to Engels, November 2, 1867 Marx to Engels, November 30, 1867 (? >*W). Marx to L. Kugelmann, April 6, 1868 Marx to L. Kugelmann, November 29, 1869 Marx to Engels, December 10, 1869 Engels to Marx, January 19, 1870 Marx to S. Meyer and A. Vogt, April 9, 1870 Marx to N. F. Danielson, February 19, 1881 Engels to E. Bernstein, August 9, 1882 Engels to K. Kautsky, September 12, 1882 Engels to K. Kautsky, September 18, 1883 Engels to A. Bebel, January 18, 1884 Engels to K. Kautsky, February 16, 1884 Engels to N. F. Danielson, September 22, 1892 Engels to K. Kautsky, September 23, 1894 Engels to F. A. Sorge, November 10, 1894

Marx Marx Marx



309 310 311 314 317 318 320 321 322 323 325 327 329 331 332 337 338 340 342 343 344 345 346 347 348




This collection includes works by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on the history of colonialism. They contain a strictly scientifi c Marxist analysis of the economic causes " behind the "predatory colonial policy of the capTtallsT
"cou ntries reveal the organic connection between colonialismand capitalism, and expose the monstrous exploitation

of the colonial peoples

by Great


and other


countries. Articles devoted to the national-liberation


ment show the



importance of this movement and



to articles.


and biggest part of the collection is devoted of these were written in the eighteen-fifanti-colonial

when powerful

movements developed



a serie s of articles on India for American New-York Daily Tribune. In pr ogressive them he expo sed "the profound hypocrisy and inherentbarbarism of bourgeois civilization," and showed that in

i n 1853,

Marx wrote

India, and others pr esent a startling picture of oppression and ruin imposed upon the Indian people by the colonial-^ ists.~"ThereT cannot, however, remain any doubt," Marx noted, "but that the misery inflicted by the British on Hin-

ti^^'TigJJIJl^ "

stages British policy in India was shaped exclusively the selfish interests of Britain's ruling classes. The arby ft"**"* " f
al_L its

dustan is of an essentially different and infini tely more intensive-kind tha.n_alLHinduslan had to suffer before." The British bourgeoisie, Marx wrote, "drags individuals and peoples through blood and dirt, through misery and degradation," while being forced itself to sow the seeds of capitalist industry in India. But "all the English bourgeoisie may be forced to do_.3vi]l neither Emancipate nor rnaterially mend the social condition of the mass of the people, depending not only on the development of the productive powers, but on their appropriation by the people." And Marx drew the following conclusion: the liberation of India from the British yoke is the only thing that can bring about the "regeneration of that great and interesting
a national revolt against British rule broke out Marx and Engels, who followed the struggle of the Indians for their freedom with great attention and heartfelt sympathy, came out with a series of articles in the New-York Daily Tribune, in which they analysed the progress of the uprising, showed its causes, its nationin India in 1857,


wide scope, and its connection with "a general disaffection exhibited against English supremacy on the part of the great Asiatic nations." Some of these articles have also been included in this collection.
large number of articles is devoted to China. Beginning with the first Opium War of 1839-42, British troops, and those of France and the United States, have repeatedly attacked China with the purpose of conquering it and turning it into a colony. Marx's articles, "The British Quarrel with China," "English Ferocity in China," "The Opium Trade," and others, were written in connection with the second Opium War started by the British against China

smugglers engaged in the criminal opium trade and "greedy English industrialists" who viewed the boundless Chinese market as a source of fabulous profit it was this bracket of the capitalist class in whose interests British forces killed, plundered and tormented the peace-

in 1856. British

able Chinese civilian population in 1839-42, 1856-58, and 1860. Marx and Engels showed in their articles that even at that time the Chinese put up a strong resistance against the foreign invasion. The war of the Chinese against the

attacking British, Engels wrote, was "a war pro aris et focis, a popular war for the maintenance of Chinese nationality."

profound analysis of the social system in old China and give an evaluation of the Taiping Rebellion, a broad peasant revolution against the Chinese feudals and foreign invaders which broke out in 1850. In his "Revolution in China and
articles contain a



and the


in Europe" Marx formulates the idea that there is a connection between the revolutionary movement in Europe and the national-liberation movement of the Asian peoples an idea which subsequently formed the foundation for V. I. Lenin's teaching on the alliance of the working class fighting for socialism in the capitalist countries and the working masses of the colonial and semi-colonial East. The second part of the collection contains chapters from the first and third volumes of Marx's Capital dealing with


extract from Chapter 25 of the first volume of Capital, treating on Ireland, and a number of works in the other parts of the collection show the extent of impoverish-


ment, hunger and depopulation obtaining in Ireland, that first British colony, in consequence of the rule of "civilized" English landlords and capitalists. The third and last part contains passages from letters written by Marx and Engels on a wide range of questions timely also in our day connected with the national-






and semi-colonial

peoples. The facts of history have conclusively borne out the forecast by Marx, Engels and Lenin that the collapse of the colonial system is inevitable. live at a time when


the Asian, African and Latin American peoples,

who have

risen in heroic struggle for liberation

and independence; have already made considerable progress. Something like 1,500 million people, that is, one-half of the world population, have cast off the chains of colonial slavery and established sovereign states. As pointed out in the new Party Programme adopted at the Twenty-Second Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, "the existence of the world socialist system and the weakening of im-

perialism offer the peoples of the newly-free countries the prospect of a national renascence, of ending age-long back-

wardness and poverty, and achieving economic independence." The proposal for the complete and final abolition of colonialism submitted by N. S. Khrushchov, the head of the Soviet Government, to the U. N. General Assembly in September 1960, was enthusiastically received by the peoples.



contemporary epoch the works of Marx and

Engels presented in this collection are of special interest. They offer an insight into the causes, and help to assess
the significance and the consequences of the developments under way in the world today. The articles from the New-York Daily Tribune are reproduced in this collection in accordance with the newspai

per texts. The spelling of geographical and proper names has in some cases been amended to fit the accepted modern spelling. Articles which appeared in the New-York Daily Tribune without a heading have been supplied titles by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. In all cases where the New-York Daily Tribune editors inserted their own passages into the text of Marx's and Engels's articles, these were deleted since they do not belong to the authors. At the end of the collection we give editorial notes and




Karl Marx and Frederick En gels


In conclusion, another typical oddity

from China, brought German the well-known missionary. The slow3y Giitzlaff, but y surely increasing over-population in that country had made local social conditions very oppressive for the ong Dig majority of the nation. Then came the English and won free trade for themselves by dint of force in five ports, rhousands of British and American ships sailed to China,

was flooded with cheap British and American machine-made goods. Chinese industry, reposing as it did on hand labour, succumbed to the competition of the machine. The imperturbable Celestial Empire went through a social crisis. The taxes ceased coming in, the State was on the brink of bankruptcy, the population was pauperized en masse, revolts broke out, the people went out of hand, mishandled and killed the Emperor's mandarins and the Fohist bonzes. The country is on the verge of perdition, and is even threatened by a violent revolution. But what is still worse, people have appeared among the rebellious plebs who point to the poverty of some and the wealth of others, who demand a different distribution of property and even the complete abolition of private property. When Herr Giitzlaff returned among civilized people and Europeans after an absence of twenty years he heard talk of socialism and asked what it was. After he was given an explanation he exclaimed with alarm: "Is there anywhere that I can escape that perniand soon the country


cious teaching?

The very same thing has been preached for some time by many people of the mob in China!" Chinese socialism may stand in the same relation to
the European variety as Chinese philosophy stands to the HegelianlYet it is a gratifying fact that the bales of calico
of the English bourgeoisie have in eight years brought the oldest and most imperturbable empire on earth to th^

threshold of a social upheaval, one that will in any case hold most significant consequences for civilization] When in their imminent flight across Asia our European reactionaries will ultimately arrive at the Wall of China, at the gates that lead to the stronghold of arch-reaction and arch-conservatism, who knows if they will not find there the inscription:

Republique Chinoise, Liberie, Egalite, Fraternite.

London, January 31, 1850

Published in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Politisch-okonomische Revue, No. 2, 1850
Printed according to the text of the magazine Translated from the German

Karl Marx



most profound yet fantastic speculator on the princi2 ples which govern the movements of Humanity, was wont to extol as one of the ruling secrets of nature, what he
called the

law of the contact of extremes. The homely proverb that "extremes meet" was, in his view, a grand and potent truth in every sphere of life; an axiom with which the philosopher could as little dispense as the astronomer
with the laws of Kepler or the great discovery of Newton. Whether the "contact of extremes" be such a universal principle or not, a striking illustration of it may be seen in the effect the Chinese revolution 3 seems likely to exer-

upon the civilized world.llt may seem a very strange, and a very paradoxical assertion that the next uprising of the people of Europe, and their next movement for republican freedom and economy of government, may depend more probably on what is now passing in the Celestial Empire, the very opposite of Europe, than on any other more even than on the political cause that now exists, menaces of Russia and the consequent likelihood of a general European war^But yet it is no paradox, as all may understand by attentively considering the circumstances of

the case.

Whatever be the social causes, and whatever religious, dynastic, or national shape they may assume, that have brought about the chronic rebellions subsisting in China for about ten years past, and now gathered together in one

formidable revolution, the occasion of this outbreak has unquestionably been afforded by the English cannon forc4 ing upon China that soporific drug called opium. Before the British arms the authority of the Manchu dynasty 5 fell to pieces; the superstitious faith in the eternity of the Celestial Empire broke down; the barbarous and hermetic isolation from the civilized world was infringed; and an opening was made for that intercourse which has since proceeded so rapidly under the golden attractions of California and Australia. At the same time the silver coin of the Empire, its lifeblood, began to be drained away to the British East Indies. Up to 1830, the balance of trade being continually in favour of the Chinese, there existed an uninterrupted importation of silver from India, Britain and the United
States into China. Since 1833, and especially since 1840, the export of silver from China to India has become almost exhausting for the Celestial Empire. Hence the strong de-

crees of the

Emperor against the opium



stronger resistance to his measures. Besides this immediate economical consequence, the bribery connected with opium smuggling has entirely demoralized the Chi-



nese state officers in the southern provinces. Just as the Emperor was wont to be considered the father of all China, so his officers were looked upon as sustaining the paternal relation to their respective districts.


this pa-

triarchal authority, the only moral link embracing the vast machinery of the State, has gradually been corroded by the corruption of those officers, who have made great gains

by conniving at opium smuggling. This has occurred principally in the same southern provinces where the rebellion commenced. It is almost needless to observe that, in the same measure in which opium has obtained the sovereignty over the Chinese, the Emperor and his staff of pedantic mandarins have become dispossessed of their own sovereignty. It would seem as though history had first to

this whole people drunk before it could rouse them out of their hereditary stupidity. Though scarcely existing in former times, the import of English cottons, and to a small extent of English woollens, has rapidly risen since 1833, the epoch when the monopoly of trade with China was transferred from the East India Company to private commerce, and on a much greater scale since 1840, the epoch when other nations, and especially our own, also obtained a share in the Chinese trade. This introduction of foreign manufactures has had a similar effect on the native industry to that which it formerly had on Asia Minor, Persia and India. In China the spinners and weavers have suffered greatly under this foreign competition, and the community has become un-


settled in proportion. The tribute to be paid to

England after the unfortunate

of 1840, the great unproductive consumption of opium, the drain of the precious metals by this trade, the destructive influence of foreign competition on native manufac-


demoralized condition of the public administraproduced two things: the old taxation became more burdensome and harassing, and new taxation was added to the old. Thus in a decree of the Emperor,* dated Peking, Jan. 5, 1853, we find orders given to the viceroys and governors of the southern provinces of Wuchang and Hanyang to remit and defer the payment of taxes, and estures, the

pecially not in any case to exact more than the regular amount; for otherwise, says the decree, "how will the poor

people be able to bear


"And thus, perhaps," continues the Emperor, "will my people, in a period of general hardship and distress, be exempted from the evils of being pursued and worried by the tax-gatherer."

Such language as this, and such concessions we remember to have heard from Austria, the China of Germany,
in 1848.

Hsien Feng.


All these dissolving agencies acting together on the finances, the morals, the industry, and political structure of China, received their full development under the Eng-

cannon in 1840, which broke down the authority of the Emperor, and forced the Celestial Empire into contact with the terrestrial world. Complete isolation was the prime condition of the preservation of old China. That isolation having come to a violent end by the medium of England, dissolution must follow as surely as that of any mumlish


carefully preserved in a hermetically sealed coffin, it is brought into contact with the open air. IJSTow, England having brought about the revolution of


China, the question




that revolution will in time react

on England, and through England on Europe. This question

difficult of solution^

The attention

of our readers has often been called to


unparalleled growth of British manufactures since Amid the most surprising prosperity, it has not been difficult to point out the clear symptoms of an approaching industrial crisis. Notwithstanding California and Aus7 tralia, notwithstanding the immense and unprecedented emigration, there must ever^ without any particular accithe
dent, in due_tmie_ajTiyj^^^ isjmable_ to keep pace with the extension _of British anu factures, an_d__th is disproportion must bring ab out a n e crisis with the same certaint y as it has don e

the markets

IrPthe^jislLJBut, jfon e ori^-^^atjn^rkets^^eri)^-.})^comes contracted, the arrivaj f thp cri sis is npppc^fiiy.

a^celeTaTje^^here^y^jjpwTTh^Chinese rebell ion must, fo r an the time this g ff J _ jiave pr




e necessity for opening new markets, or for extending the old ones, was one of the principal causes of the reduc-

tion of the British tea-duties, as, with an increased importation of tea, an increased exportation of manufactures to China was expected to take place. Now, the value of the

annual exports from the United Kingdom to China amounted, before the repeal in 1833 of the trading monopoly

to only 600,000; possessed by the East India Company, of 1,326,388; in 1845, it had in 1836, it reached the sum in 1852, it amounted to about risen to 2,394,827;

did 3,000,000. The quantity of tea imported from China amountit in but 1845, in lbs.; not exceed, 1793, 16,167,331 ed to 50,714,657 lbs.; in 1846, to 57,584,561 lbs.; it is now

above 60,000,000


The tea crop of the last season v/ill not prove short, as shown already by the export lists from Shanghai, of
be 2,000,000 lbs. above the preceding year. This excess is to accounted for by two circumstances. On one hand, the state of the market at the close of 1851 was much depressed,

and the large surplus stock


has been thrown into

the export of 1852. On the other hand, the recent accounts of the altered British legislation with regard to imports of tea, reaching China, have brought forward all the available
teas to a ready market, at greatly enhanced prices. But with respect to the coming crop, the case stands very differently. This is

shown by the following

extracts from the

correspondence of a large tea-firm in


"In Shanghai the terror is extreme. Gold has advanced upward of 25 per cent, being eagerly sought for hoarding; silver has so far disappeared that none could be obtained to pay the China dues on the British vessels requiring port clearance; and in consequence of

which Mr. Alcock has consented to become responsible to the Chinese authorities for the payment of these dues, on receipt of East India Company's bills, or other approved securities. The scarcity of the precious metals is one of the most unfavourable features, when viewed in reference to the immediate future of commerce, as this abstraction occurs precisely at that period when their use is most needed, to enable the tea and silk buyers to go into the interior


effect their purchases, for which a large portion of bullion is paid advance, to enable the producers to carry on their operations. At this period of the year it is usual to begin making arrangements for the new teas, whereas at present nothing is talked of but the means of protecting person and property, all transactions being at a stand If the means are not applied to secure the leaves in April and May, the early crop, which includes all the finer descriptions, both of black and green teas, will be as much lost as unreaped wheat at Christmas."
. .



the means for securing the tea leaves, will cerbe given by the English, American or French not tainly squadrons stationed in the Chinese seas, but these may such complications, easily, by their interference, produce as to cut off all transactions between the tea-producing interior and the tea-exporting sea ports. Thus, for the present crop, a rise in the prices must be expected specand for the ulation has already commenced in London


crop to come a large



good as certain. Nor is The Chinese, ready _thou gh theyjna y be, as ar e

deficit is as

people in periods o t revolutionary convulsion, to se ll olTto tne~foreigner aTTtn e bulky commodities they have "orTrTafld will, as the Orient als are us edto do in the appre hension of great changes^ s et to~TTbarding, _jiot taking Inuch in return for their tea and si lk, except ha rd money England has ac cordingly to expect a rise in tne price of" one of her chief articles of cons umption, a drain of bulliom and a great contraction"^ arTTmportant market for he r

cotton and woollen goods Even The Economist, 8 that optimist conjuror of all things menacing the tranquil minds of the mercantile community, is compelled to use language

like this:

"We must not flatter ourselves with finding as extensive a market for our exports to China as hitherto. ... It is more probable that our export trade to China should suffer, and that there should be a diminished demand for the produce of Manchester and Glasgow."
must not be forgotten that the rise in the price of _so mdispensablg_an article as tea^axiA^he_cgx}dX^tig n of so

importan t a mar ket as C h ma, will c oi ncide with a_deficient narvest 7n_JW estern Europe, and, theref ore, with risin g prices ofmeat, corn, and all other agricu ltu ral product " Hence contracted markets for" manufactures^ because every rise in the prices of the Tirst necessaries of life is counterbalanced at home and abroad, by__ a_ corresponding re : duction in the demand for manu factures. From every part Britain complaints have been received on the



state of

most of the crops. The Economist says

this subject:

"In the South of England not only will there be left much land until too late for a crop of any sort, but much of the sown land will prove to be foul, or otherwise in a bad state for corn-growing. On the wet or poor soils destined for wheat, signs that mischief is going on are apparent. The time for planting mangel-wurzel may now be said to have passed away, and very little has been planted, while the time for preparing land for the turnip is rapidly going by,


without any adequate preparation for this important crop having been accomplished. Oat-sowing has been much interfered with by
. .


snow and



oats were


seldom produce a large crop. ... In many breeding flocks have been considerable."

early, and late districts losses

sown oats among the

to 30,

price of other farm-produce than corn is from 20 and even 50 per cent higher than last year. On the

Continent, corn has risen comparatively more than in England. Rye has risen in Belgium and Holland full 100 per cent. Wheat and other grains are following suit. Under these circumstances, as the greater part of the regular commercial circle has already been run through by British trade, it may safely be augured that the Ch inese revolution will throw th e s park into the overloaded mine of the present industrial syste and cause the exp losion_of


long-prepared ge neral crisis, which, spreading abroadV, will be close ly followed by p olitical revolutions on the Cont inen t. It would De a curious spectacle, that of China sencU ing disorder into the Western World v/hile the Western


powers, by English, French and American war-steamers, conveying "order" to Shanghai, Nanking, and the mouths of the Great Canal. Do these order-mongering pow-

ers, which would attempt to support the wavering Manchu dynasty, forget that the hatred against foreigners and their exclusion from the Empire, once the mere result of China's geographical and ethnographical situation, have become a political system only since the conquest of the country by the race of the Manchu Tartars? There can be no doubt that the turbulent dissensions among the Euro-


end of the 17th century, with China, lent a mighty aid to the exclusive policy adopted by the Manchus. But more than this was done by the fear of the new dynasty, lest the foreigners might favour the discontent existing among a large proportion of the Chinese during the first half century or thereabouts of their subjection to the Tartars. From these considerations, foreigners were then prohibited from all communication with the Chinese, except through Canton, a town at a great distance from Peking and the tea districts, and their commerce restricted to intercourse with the Hong merchants, licensed by the Government expressly for the foreign trade, in order to keep the rest of its subjects from all connection with the odious strangers. In any case an interference on the part of the Western governments at this time can only serve to render the revolution more violent, and protract the stagnation of trade. At the same time it is to be observed with regard to
pean nations who,
at the later

rivalled each other in the trade

India, that the British Government of that country depends for full one-seventh of its revenue on the sale of





to the Chinese, while a considerable proportjo njof, Indian demand for British manufactures de^elidsori the production of that opium in Ind ia. The Chinese, it is true, are no more likely to renounce the use of opium than are the Germans to forswear tobacco. But as the new Emperor is understood to be favourable to the culture of the poppy and the preparation of opium in China itself, it is evident that a death-blow is vera^ likely to be struck at once at the business of opium-raising in India, the Indian revenue, and the commercial resources of Hindustan. Though this blow would not immediately be felt by the
interests concerned,

would operate

effectually in


time, and

com^^_^in^ns^^nd^rolong the_uniyersal financial crisis whose horoscope we have cast above. Since the commencement of the 18th century there
has been no serious revolution in Europe which had not been preceded by a commercial and financial crisis This



applies no less to the revolution of 1789 than to that of 1848. It is true, not only that we every day behold more threatening symptoms of conflict between the ruling powers and their subjects, between the State and society, be-

tween the various classes; but also the conflict of the existing powers among each other gradually reaching that height where the sword must be drawn, and the ultima ratio of princes be recurred to. In the European capitals, every day brings dispatches big with universal war, vanishing under the dispatches of the following day, bearmay be ing the assurance of peace for a week or so.


that to whatever height the conflict between the European powers may rise, however threatsure, nevertheless,

ening the aspect of the diplomatic horizon



whatever movements


be attempted by some enthurage of princes

siastic fraction in this or that country, the

and the fury of the people are alike enervated by the breat h of prosperity Neit her wars nor revoluti o ns are likely to pull Europe by the ears, unless in consequence of a gen eral commercial and industrial crisis, the signal of which has, as usual, to be given by England, the representative of European indu stry in t he market of the world It is unnecessary to dwell on the political consequences" such a crisis must produce in these times, with the un. .

precedented extension of factories in England, with the

utter dissolution of her official parties, with the whole State machinery of France transformed into one immense

swindling and stock-jobbing concern, with Austria on the eve of bankruptcy, with wrongs everywhere accumulated to be revenged by the people, with the conflicting interests of the reactionary powers themselves, and with the Russian dream of conquest once more revealed to the world.
Written on


20, 1853

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3794, June


Karl Marx

The Charter of the East India Company expires in 1854. Lord John Russell has given notice in the House of Commons, that the Government will be enabled to state, through Sir Charles Wood, their views respecting the future government of India, on the 3d of June. A hint has been thrown out in some ministerial papers, in support
of the already credited public rumour, that the Coalition 10 have found the means of reducing even this colossal In-

dian question to almost Lilliputian dimensions. The Observer^ prepares the mind of the English people to undergo a new disenchantment.
less," we read in that confidential journal of Aberdeen, generally supposed will remain to be done in the new organization for the government of our Eastern Empire."



Much less even than is supposed, will have to be done by my lords Russell and Aberdeen. The leading features of the proposed change appear to consist in two very small items. Firstly, the Board of Directors 12 will be "refreshed" by some additional members, appointed directly by the Crown, and even this new blood will be infused "sparingly at first." The cure of the old directorial system is thus meant to be applied, so that the
portion of blood now infused with "great caution" will have ample time to come to a standstill before another second infusion will be proceeded upon. Secondly, the union of Judge and of Exciseman in one and the same per24

son, will be put an end to, and the judges shall be educated men. Does it not seem, on hearing such propositions, as if one were transported back into that earliest period of the Middle Ages, when the feudal lords began to be

replaced as judges, by lawyers who were required, at any rate, to have a knowledge of reading and writing? The "Sir Charles Wood" who, as President of the Board
of Control, 13 will bring





same timber who, under the

this sensible piece of relate Whig Ad-

ministration, displayed such eminent capacities of mind, that the Coalition were at a dreadful loss what to do with him, till they hit upon the idea of making him over to In-

Richard the Third offered a kingdom for a horse; the Coalition offers an ass for a kingdom. Indeed, if the present official idiocy of an oligarchical government be the expression of what England can do now, the time of Engdia.

land's ruling the

On former


world must have passed away. we have seen that the Coalition

fitting reason for postponing every, even the smaller measure. Nov/, with respect to India their postponing propensities are supported by the public opinion of two worlds. The people of England and the people of India simultaneously demand the postponement of all the legislation on Indian affairs, until the voice of the natives shall have been heard, the necessary materials collected, the pending inquiries completed. Petitions have al14 ready reached Downing St., from the three Presidencies, deprecating precipitate legislation. The Manchester School have formed an "Indian Society," 15 which they will put immediately into motion, to get up public meetings in the metropolis and throughout the country, for the purpose of opposing any legislation on the subject for this session.

had invariably some

Besides, two Parliamentary Committees are now sitting with a view to report respecting the state of affairs in the Indian Government. But this time the Coalition Ministry is



will not wait for the publication of


mittee's advice.

wants to

legislate instantly

any Comand directly

for 150 millions of people, and to legislate for 20 years at once. Sir Charles Wood is anxious to establish his claim

as the

modern Manu. Whence,

of a sudden, this precipitate

legislative rush of our "cautious" political valetudinarians?

They want to renew the old Indian Charter for a period of 20 years. They avail themselves of the eternal pretext of reform. Why? The English oligarchy have a presentiment of the approaching end of their days of glory, and they have a very justifiable desire to conclude such a treaty with English legislation, that even in the case of England's escaping soon from their weak and rapacious hands, they shall still retain for themselves and their associates the privilege of plundering India for the space of 20 years.
Written on


24, 1853

Published in the

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3790, June


Karl Marx




1783 proved fatal to the Coalition Cabinet of Mr. Fox and Lord North. The new India Bill of 1853 is likely to prove fatal for the Coalition Cabinet of Mr. Gladstone and Lord John Russell. But if the former were thrown overboard, because of their attempt to abolish the Courts of Directors and of Proprietors, the latter are threatened with a similar fate for the opposite reason. On June 3, Sir Charles Wood moved for leave to bring in a bill to provide for the Government of India. Sir Charles
last India Bill of


commenced by excusing the anomalous length of the speech he was about to deliver, by the "magnitude of the suband "the 150,000,000 of souls he had to deal with." For every 30,000,000 of his fellow-subjects, Sir Charles could do no less than sacrifice one hour's breath. But why this precipitate legislation on that "great subject," while you postpone it "for even the most trifling matters?" Because the Charter of the East India Company expires on the 30th April, 1854. But why not pass a temporary conject,"

tinuance bill, reserving to future discussion more permanent legislation? Because it cannot be expected that we shall ever find again "such an opportunity of dealing quietly with this vast and important question" i.e., of burking it in a Parliamentary way. Besides, we are fully informed on the matter, the Directors of the East India Company express the opinion that it is necessary to legislate in the course of the present session, and the Governor-General


summons the Government by an means to conclude our legislation at express by once. But the most striking argument wherewith Sir
of India, Lord Dalhousie,

Charles justifies his immediate legislation,

as he

is that, prepared appear to speak of a world of questions, "not comprised in the bill he proposed to bring in,"



the "measure which he has to submit in a very small compass."


so far as legislation goes,

After this introduction Sir Charles delivered himself of

an apology for the administration of India for the last twenty years. "We must look at India with somewhat of an Indian eye" which Indian eye seems to have the particular gift of seeing everything bright on the part of England and everything black on the side of India.


"In India you have a race of people slow of change, bound up religious prejudices and antiquated customs. There are, in fact, all obstacles to rapid progress." (Perhaps there is a Whig Coalition party in India.) "The points," said Sir Charles Wood, "upon which the greatest stress has been laid, and which are the heads of the complaints contained in the petitions presented to the Committee, relate to the administration of justice, the want of public works, and the tenure of

With regard to the public works, the Government intends to undertake some of "the greatest magnitude and importance." With regard to the tenure of lands, Sir Charles proves very successfully that its three existing forms the Zemindari, the Ryotwari, 17 and the Village systems are only so many forms of fiscal exploitation in the hands of the Company, none of which could well be made general, nor deserved to be made so. An idea of establishing another form, of an altogether opposite character, does not in the least preoccupy the mind of Sir Charles.

"With regard to the administration of justice," continues he, "the complaints relate principally to the inconvenience arising from the technicalities of English law, to the alleged incompetency of English judges, and to the corruption of the native officers and judges."

And now,


order to prove the hard labour of provid-

ing for the administration of justice in India, Sir Charles relates that already, as early as 1833, a Law Commission was appointed in India. But in what manner did this Com-

mission act, according to Sir Charles Wood's own testimony? The first and last result of the labours of that Commission was a penal code, prepared under the auspices of Mr. Macaulay. This code v/as sent to the various local
authorities in India, which sent it back to Calcutta, from which it was sent to England, to be again returned from England to India. In India, Mr. Macaulay having been replaced as legislative counsel by Mr. Bethune, the code was totally altered, and on this plea the Governor-General,*

not being then of opinion "that delay


a source of

weakness and danger," sent it back to England, and from England it was returned to the Governor-General, with authority to pass the code in whatever shape he thought best. But now, Mr. Bethune having died, the GovernorGeneral thought best to submit the code to a third English lawyer, and to a lawyer who knew nothing about the habits and customs of the Hindus, reserving himself the right of afterward rejecting a code concocted by wholly incompetent authority. Such have been the adventures of
that yet unborn code. As to the technical absurdities of the law in India, Sir Charles takes his stand on the no less

absurd technicalities of the English law procedure itself; but while affirming the perfect incorruptibility of the English judges in India, he nevertheless is ready to sacrifice them by an alteration in the manner of nominating them. The general progress of India is demonstrated by a comparison of the present state of Delhi with that under the invasion of Kuli Khan. The salt-tax is justified by the ar-

guments of the most renowned political economists, all of whom have advised taxation to be laid on some article of first necessity. But Sir Charles does not add what those



same economists would have said, on finding that in the two years from 1849-50, and 1851-52, there had been a decrease in the consumption of salt, of 60,000 tuns, a loss of revenue to the amount of 415,000, the total salt revenue

amounting to 2,000,000. The measures proposed by Sir Charles, and "comprised in a very small compass," are: 1. The Court of Directors to consist of eighteen instead of twenty-four members, twelve to be elected by the Proprietors, and six by the Crown. 2. The revenue of Directors to be raised from 300 to 500 a year, the Chairman to receive 1,000.

All the ordinary appointments in the civil service,

and all the scientific in the military service of India, to be thrown open to public competition, leaving to the Directors the nomination to the Cadetships in the Cavalryof-the-Line.
4. The Governor-Generalship to be separated from the Governorship of Bengal, and power to be given to the

Supreme Government

to constitute a

new Presidency

in the

on the Indus.

5. And lastly, the whole of this measure only to continue until the Parliament shall provide otherwise.

The speech and measure of Sir Charles Wood was subjected to a very strong and satirical criticism by Mr. Bright, whose picture of India ruined by the fiscal exertions of the Company and Government did not, of course, receive the supplement of India ruined by Manchester and Free Trade. As to last night's speech of an old East-Indiaman,


Director or ex-Director of the Company,

really suspect that I have met with it already in 1701, 1730, 1743, 1769, 1772, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1793, 1813, etc., and am induced, by way of answer to his directorial panegyric, to quote merely a few facts from the annual

Indian accounts published, intendence.







Total Net Revenues of India:

1849-50 1850-51 1851-52
20,275,831 20,249,932 19,927,039




three years,

revenue within 348,792

Total Charges:
1849-50 1850-51 1851-52

16,687,382 17,170,707 17,901,666


Increase of expenditure within three years,


Bengal oscillated in last four years from 3,500,000 to 3,560,000 North West oscillated in last four years from 4,870,000 to 4,900,000 Madras oscillated in last four years from 3,640,000 to 3,470,000 Bombay oscillated in last four years from 2,240,000 to 2,300,000
Gross Revenue in 1851-52

Expenditure on Public Works in 1851-52

87,800 20,000 58,500




10,000,000 5,000,000 4,800,000

Total 19, 800, 000


Out of 19,800,000 not 168,300 have been expended on roads, canals, bridges and other works of public necessity.

Written on June
Published in the



Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3801, June 22, 1853

Karl Marx


London, Friday, June


Telegraphic dispatches from Vienna announce that the pacific solution of the Turkish, Sardinian and Swiss questions is regarded there as a certainty. Last night the debate on India was continued in the House of Commons in the usual dull manner. Mr. Blackett charged statements of Sir Charles Wood and Sir J. Hogg with bearing the stamp of optimist falsehood. A lot of Ministerial and Directorial advocates rebuked the charge as well as they could, and the inevitable Mr. Hume summed up by calling on Ministers to withdraw their bill. Debate

Hindustan is an Italy of Asiatic dimension s, the Himalayas for the Alps, the Plains of Bengal foTthe Plains of Lombardy, the Deccan for the Apennines, and the Isle of Ceylon for the Island of Sicily. The same rich variety in the products of the soil, and the same dismemberment in the political configuration. Just as Italy has, from time to time, been compressed by the conqueror's sword into different national masses, so do we find Hindustan, when not under t he pressure of the Mohammedan, or the Mogul, or t he~BnTon, disso lved into as many ndependent and corT flicting States as irnumber ea towns, or even villages. Yet, In~"a suiial point uf View, Hindustan is not the Italy, but the Ireland of the East And this strange combination of Italy and of Ireland, of a world of voluptuousness and of a world of woes, is anticipated in the ancient traditions of the religion of Hindustan. That religion is at once a rei


of sensualist exuberance, and a religion of selftorturing asceticism; a religion of the Lingam and of the Juggernaut; 18 the religion of the Monk, and of the Bayaligion

I share not the opinion of those who believe in a golden age of Hindustan, without recurring, however, like Sir Charles Wood, for the confirmation of my view, to the authority of Kuli Khan.* But take, for example, the times of Aurungzeb; or the epoch, when the Mogul appeared in the North, and the Portuguese in the South; or the age of Mohammedan invasion, and of the Heptarchy in Southern 19 India; or, if you will, go still more back to antiquity, take the mythological chronology of the Brahmin himself, 20 who places the commencement of Indian misery in an epoch even more remote than the Christian creation of

the v/orld.

JThprp r ann ^j ^w^v^r, rrmil' n any doubt b ut that the misery inflicted h y f hp rentigh r> n Hindus tan is of an esRpntinlly dJflferejn^rHin^jj^H^JlritJJr LtP s Vf', kind than all Hindustan had to suffer before. I do not allude to Euroi

ppan despotism, planted upon Asiatic Hegpntigm hy thp .B ritish East India Company, forming a m nrp mnnstrnns combination than any of the divine monsters startlin g us in the Temple of Salsette. 21 This is no distinctive feature
and so much so that
ly repeat

of British colonial rule, but only an imitation of the Dutch, in order to characterize the working of the British East India


it is

sufficient to/literal-

Stamford Raffles, the English Governor of Java, said of the old Dutch East India Company.


"The Dutch Company, actuated solely by the spirit of gain, and viewing their subjects with less regard or consideration than a West India planter formerly viewed a gang upon his estate, because the latter had paid the purchase money of human property, which the other had not, employed all the existing machinery of despotism to squeeze from the people their utmost mite of contribution, the last dregs of their labour, and thus aggravated the evils of a capri*

See this collection,


p. 29.


?ious and semi-barbarous Government, )ractised ingenuity of politicians, and

jness of traders."

by working

it with all the the monopolizing selfish-

All the civil wars, invasions, revolutions, conquests, famines, strangely complex, rapid and destructive as the successive action in Hindustan may appear, did not go deeper than its surface^England has broken down the en-

UreJIs^n ework of Indian~so>retyJ_^ithQu^anysyrn^to^ of re constitution yet appearing^rin ^]oss_nf3 old worl^ no gain of a nev7 oneTimparts a particular kind of melancholy to the present mise ry oFtne Hindu, jmd_ s"JT~ fwTtH~

o^HSTTSTand from ti^wh^lejoj^^

There have been in Asia, generally, from immemorial times, but three departments of Government: that of Finance, or the plunder of the interior; that of War, or the

plunder of the exterior; and, finally, the department of PubWorks. Climate and territorial conditions, especially
tracts of desert, extending from the Sahara, through Arabia, Persia, India and Tartary, to the most

the vast

elevated Asiatic highlands, constituted artificial irrigation by canals and waterworks the basis of Oriental agriculture. As in Egypt and India, inundations are used for fertilizing the soil of Mesopotamia, Persia, etc.; advantage is taken of a high level for feeding irrigative canals. This

prime necessity of an economical and common use of wawhich, in the Occident, drove private enterprise to voluntary association, as in Flanders and Italy, necessitated, in the Orient where civilization was too low and the

territorial extent too vast to call into life

voluntary asso-

ciation, the interference of the centralizing




ernment. Hence an economical function devolved upon all Asiatic Governments, the function of providing public works. This artificial fertilization of the soil, dependent on a Central Government, and immediately decaying with the neglect of irrigation and drainage, explains the otherwise strange fact that we now find whole territories barren and

desert that were once brilliantly cultivated, as Palmyra, Petra, the ruins in Yemen, and large provinces of Egypt, Persia and Hindustan; it also explains how a single war of devastation has been able to depopulate a country for centuries, and to strip it of all its civilization. Now, the British in East India accepted from their

predecessors the departments of finance and of war, but they have neglected entirely that of public works. Hence the deterioration of an agriculture which is not capable of being conducted on the British principle of free competition, of laissez-faire

pires rating under one government and reviving again under some other government. There the harvests correspond to good or bad governments, as they change in Europe with good or bad seasons. Thus the oppression and neglect of


and laissez-aller. 22 But in Asiatic emare quite accustomed to see agriculture deterio-

agriculture, bad as it is, could not be looked upon as the blow dealt to Indian society by the British intruder,

had it not been attended by a circumstance of quite different importance, a novelty in the annals of the whole Asiatic world. /However changing the political aspect of
India's past must appear, its social condition has remained unaltered since its remotest antiquity, until the first decennium of the 19th century ./The hand-loom and the

spinning-wheel, producing their regular myriads of spinners and weavers, were the pivots of the structure of that society. From immemorial times, Europe received the

admirable textures of Indian labour, sending in return for

them her precious metals, and furnishing thereby

terial to



the goldsmith, that indispensable member of Indian society, whose love of finery is so great that even the lowest class, those who go about nearly naked, have commonly a pair of golden earrings and a gold ornament
of some kind hung round their necks. Rings on the fingers and toes have also been common. Women as well as children frequently wore massive bracelets and anklets of gold or silver, and statuettes of divinities in gold and silver


households. It was the British in and destroyed truder who broke up the Indian hand-loo " the spinning-wheel. England began with driving the Indian cottons from the European market; it then introduced twist into Hindustan and in the end inundated the very From 1818 to moJ hej^cojm_trx_j)^^ 1836 the export of twist from Great Britain to India rose in the proportion of 1 to 5,200. In 1824 the export of British muslins to India hardly amounted to 1,000,000 yards, while in 1837 it surpassed 64,000,000 yards. But at the same time the population of Dacca decreased from 150,000 inhabitants to 20,000. This decline of Indian towns celebrated for their fabrics was by no means the worst consequence. British steam and science uprooted, ov er the whole surface of Hindustan, the union between_agri culture and manu f acturing industry^ These two circumstances the Hindu, on the one hand, leaving, like all Oriental peoples, to the Central Government the care of the great public works, the prime condition of his agriculture and commerce, dispersed, on the

were met with

in the

other hand, over the surface of the country, and agglomerated in small centres by the domestic union of agricultural and manufacturing pursuits these two circumstances had brought about, since the remotest times, a social system of particular features the so-called village system, which gave to each of these small unions their independent organization and distinct life. The peculiar character of this system may be judged from the following description, contained in an old official report of the British House of Commons on Indian affairs:


village, geographically considered, is

a tract of country com-

some hundred or thousand acres



and waste lands; resembles a corporation or township. Its proper

of arable


establishment of officers and servants consists of the following deThe potail, or head inhabitant, who has generally the superintendence of the affairs of the village, settles the disputes of the inhabitants, attends to the police, and performs the duty of collecting the revenue within his village, a duty which his personal influence


and minute acquaintance with the situation and concerns of the people render him the best qualified for this charge. The kurnum keeps the accounts of cultivation, and registers everything connected with it. The tallier and the totie, the duty of the former of which consists in gaining information of crimes and offences, and in escorting and protecting persons travelling from one village to another; the province of the latter appearing to be more immediately confined to the village, consisting, among other duties, in guarding the crops and assisting in measuring them. The boundaryman, who preserves the limits of the village, or gives evidence respecting them in cases of dispute. The superintendent o tanks and watercourses distributes
the water for the purposes of agriculture. The Brahmin, who performs the village worship. The schoolmaster, who is seen teaching the children in a village to read and write in the sand. The calendar-Brahmin, or astrologer, etc. These officers and servants generally constitute the establishment of a village; but in some parts of the country it is of less extent; some of the duties and functions above described being united in the same person; in others it exceeds the above-named number of individuals. Under this simple form of municipal government, the inhabitants of the country have lived from time immemorial. The boundaries of the villages have been but seldom altered; and though the villages themselves have been sometimes injured, and even desolated by war, famine or disease, the same name, the same limits, the same interests, and even the same families, have continued for ages. The inhabitants gave themselves no trouble about the breaking up and divisions of kingdoms; while the village remains entire, they care not to what power it is transferred, or to what sovereign it devolves; its internal economy remains unchanged. The potail is still the head inhabitant, and still acts as the petty judge or magistrate, and collector or rentor of the village."

These small stereotype f orms of social organism have been tb~~the greater pa ffcTissolvecl, and are disap pearing,
thr ough the brutal interferen ce or the British and the Brit ish soldier, as to the wor king of tax-gatherer English steanwmd Eng lish tree trade. Those rajmly^communities were based on dome stic industry, in that pecu-

not so


hand-weaving, hand-spinning arid* which gave them self-supporting' inn er in An^Hsli_Jntejfeejic^_Jiaying plac e d the sp Lanca/hir p arid th e weaver in Benga l, or sweeping away dissolved thes e small jx>th Hindu spi nner and weaver, sem i -civilize d co mmunities, by blowing up emi-barbarian.
hand-tilling agriculture pow pr




theireconomical.basis, and thus produced the greatest


a nd, to spea k the truth the onl y_soci aZ revolu tion ever heard of in Asi a. Now, sickening as it must be to human feeling to wit-

ness those myriads of industrious patriarchal and inoffensive social organizations disorganized and dissolved into their units, thrown into a sea of woes, and their individual members losing at the same time their ancient form
of civilization and their hereditary means of subsistence, we must not forget that these idyllic village communities. i noffensive though they may appear, had always been th e 7riri2f~T)^^ that they resolid JioiirIclaTic

strained the
in g

human mind within the smallest possible commakin&jL the unresisting tool of_sup erstition, enslav -

it bpnpq t h traditional rules, dep riving it of all grandeur and historical energies. We must not forget the barbarian egotism which, concentrating on some miserable patch of land, had quietly witnessed the ruin of empires, the perpetration of unspeakable cruelties, the massacre of the population of large towns, with no other consideration bestowed upon them than on natural events, it-

self the helpless






prey of any aggressor who deigned to must not forget that this undignified,

stagnatory, and vegetative life, that this passive sort o f evoked on the other part, in contradistinction, wHd^jiimless, unb oun ded Torces of destruction, and r enexist ence

deredlriurder ltsefflTreligious rite in Hindustan^Ve must not forget that these little communities were c ontaminat ed by distinctions o f caste an d by slavery,, that fHey subjugated man to external circumstances instead of elevating man to be the sovereign of circumstances, that they tr ansformed a self-developin g social state into never " changing naturaTdestiny, and thus brought about a brutalizing worship of nature, exhibiting its degradation in the fact that man, the sovereign of nature, fell down on his knees in adoration of Hanuman, the monkey, and Sabbala, the cow.

England, it is true, in causing a social revolution in Hindustan, was actuated only by the vilest interests, and was stupid in her manner of enforcing them. But that is not the question. The question is, can mankind fulfil its d estiny without a fundamental revolution in the social state of\Asia ? If not, whatever may have been the crimes of England she was the unconscious tool of history in b ringing about that revolution Then, whatever bitterness the spectacle of the crumbling of an ancient world may have for our personal feelings, we have the right, in point of history, to exclaim with Goethe:

Qual uns qualen, unsre Lust vermehrt, Hat nicht Myriaden Seelen

"Sollte diese


Timurs Herrschaft aufgezehrt?"*

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3804, June 25, 1853

Printed according to the text of the newspaper



this torture then torment us brings us greater pleasure? not through the rule of Timur

Souls devoured without measure?'

From Goethe's Westostlicher Diwan. An



Karl Marx


On the 13th inst. Lord Stanley gave notice to Commons that on the second reading of




he would bring

in the following resolution:

"That in the opinion of this House further information is necessary to enable Parliament to legislate with advantage for the permanent government of India, and that at this late period of the session, it is inexpedient to proceed into a measure, which, while it disturbs existing arrangements, cannot be regarded as a final settlement."
in April, 1854, the Charter of the East India Comwill pany expire, and something accordingly must be done in one way or the other. The Government wanted to legis-


permanently; that is, to renew the Charter for twenty years more. The Manchester School wanted to postpone all legislation, by prolonging the Charter at the utmost for one year. The Government said that permanent legislalate

The Manchester want of information. The "best" of India, and the want of information, are alike false pretences. The governing oligarchy desired, before a Reformed House should meet, to secure at the

was necessary
replied that

for the "best" of India.

v/as impossible for



cost of India, their


"best" for tv/enty years to come.

The Manchester men desired no legislation at all in the unreformed Parliament, where their views had no chance of success. Now, the Coalition Cabinet, through Sir

Charles Wood, has, in contradiction to its former statements, but in conformity with its habitual system of shifting difficulties, brought in something that looked like legislation; but it dared not, on the other hand, to propose the renewal of the Charter for any definite period, but presented a "settlement," which it left to Parliament to unsettle whenever that body should determine to do so. If the Ministerial propositions were adopted, the East India Company would obtain no renewal, but only a suspension of life. In all other respects, the Ministerial project but apparently alters the Constitution of the Indian Government, the only serious novelty to be introduced being the addition of some new Governors, although a long experience has proved that the parts of East India administered by simple Commissioners, go on much better than those blessed with the costly luxury of Governors and Councils. The Whig invention of alleviating exhausted countries by burdening them with new sinecures for the paupers of aristocracy, reminds one of the old Russell administration, when the Whigs v/ere suddenly struck with the state of spiritual destitution, in which the Indians and Mohammedans of the East were living, and determined upon relieving them by the importation of some new Bishops, the Tories, in the plenitude of their power, having never thought more than one to be necessary. That resolution having



been agreed upon, Sir John Hobhouse, the President of the Board of Control, discovered

immediately afterwards, that he had a relative admirably suited for a Bishopric, who was forthwith appointed to one of the new sees. "In cases of this kind," remarks an
English writer, "where the fit is so exact, it is really hardly possible to say, whether the shoe was made for the foot, or the foot for the shoe." Thus with regard to the Charles

er the



would be very

difficult to say,


new Governors

Indian provinces for the

made for Indian new Governors.


provinces, or

Be this as it may, the Coalition Cabinet believed it had met all clamours by leaving to Parliament the power of
altering its proposed act at all times. Unfortunately in steps Lord Stanley, the Tory, with his resolution which

was loudly cheered by the "Radical" Opposition, when it was announced. Lord Stanley's resolution is, nevertheless,

On one hand, he rejects the Ministeproposition, because the House requires more information for permanent legislation. On the other hand, he

legislation, but alters without existing arrangements, pretending to finality. The Conservative view is, of course, opposed to the bill, because it involves a change of some kind. The Radical view is opposed to it, because it involves no real change at all. Lord Stanley, in these coalescent times has found a formula in which the opposite viev/s are combined to-




it is

no permanent

gether against the Ministerial view of the subject. The Coalition Ministry affects a virtuous indignation against such tactics, and The Chronicle, its organ, exclaims:
"Viewed as a party move the proposed motion for delay is in a This motion is brought high degree factious and discreditable. forward solely because some supporters of the Ministry are pledged to separate in this particular question from those with whom they usually act."
. .

The anxiety of Ministers seems indeed The Chronicle of today, again recurring

to be serious. to the subject,

"The division on Lord Stanley's motion will probably be decisive of the fate of the India Bill; it is therefore of the utmost importance that those who feel the importance of early legislation, should use
every exertion to strengthen the Government."


the other hand,


read in The Times of today:

"The fate of the Government India Bill has been more respectively delineated. The danger of the Government lies in the entire conforming of Lord Stanley's objections with the conclusions of public
. . .

opinion. Every syllable of this



with deadly effect

against the Ministry."


I shall expose in a subsequent letter the bearing of the Indian question on the different parties in Great Britain, and the benefit the poor Hindu may reap from this quarrelling of the aristocracy, the moneyocracy and the millocracy about his amelioration.

Written on June
Published in the



Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 3809, July 1, 1853

Karl Marx


London, Friday, June 24, 1853

The debate on Lord Stanley's motion

lation for India, has

been deferred

to postpone legisuntil this evening. For


first time since 1783 the Indian question has a ministerial one in England. Why is this?


The true commencement of the East India Company cannot be dated from a more remote epoch than the year
1702, when the different societies, claiming the monopoly of the East India trade, united together in one single Com-

pany. Till then the very existence of the original East India Company was repeatedly endangered, once suspended for years under the protectorate of Cromwell, and once

threatened with utter dissolution by Parliamentary interference under the reign of William III. It was under the

ascendancy of that Dutch Prince when the Whigs became the farmers of the revenues of the British Empire, when the Bank of England sprung into life, when the protective system was firmly established in England, and the balance of power in Europe was definitively settled, that the existence of an East India Company was recognized by Parliament. That era of apparent liberty was in reality the era of monopolies not created by Royal grants, as in the times of Elizabeth and Charles I, but authorized and nationalized by the sanction of Parliament. This epoch in the history of England bears, in fact, an extreme likeness

epoch of Louis Philippe in France, the old ianded aristocracy having been defeated, and the bourgeoisie not being able to take its place except under the banner of moneyocracy, or the "haute finance." The JEast India Company excluded the common people from the commerce with India, at the same time that the House of Commons
to the

excluded them from Parliamentary representation. In this

as well as in other instances, we find the first decisive victory of the bourgeoisie over the feudal aristocracy coin-

ciding with the most pronounced reaction against the people, a phenomenon which has driven more than one

popular writer, like Cobbett, to look for popular liberty rather in the past than in the future. The union between the Constitutional Monarchy and the monopolizing moneyed interest, between the Company of East India and the "glorious" revolution of 1688 2 ' was fostered by the same force by which the liberal interests and a liberal dynasty have at all times and in all countries



rombined, by the force of corruption, that



moving power

of Constitutional

Monarchy, the

guardian angel of William


So early as 1693,


and the fatal demon of Louis appeared from Parliamen-

tary inquiries, that the annual expenditure of the East India Company, under the head of "gifts" to men in power,

which had rarely amounted to above 1,200 before the revolution, reached the sum of 90,000. The Duke of Leeds was impeached for a bribe of 5,000, and the virtuous King himself convicted of having received 10,000. Besides these direct briberies, rival Companies were thrown out by tempting Government with loans of enormous sums at the lowest interest, and by buying off rival

The pov/er the East India Company had obtained by bribing the Government, as did also the Bank of England, it was forced to maintain by bribing again, as did the Bank of England. At every epoch when its monopoly was expiring, it could only effect a renewal of its Charter by

offering fresh loans

and by fresh presents made to the


The events of the Seven Years' War 25 transformed the East India Company from a commercial into a military and territorial power. It was then that the foundation was laid of the present British Empire in the East. Then East India stock rose to 263, and dividends were then paid at the rate of 12y2 per cent. But then there appeared a new enemy to the Company, no longer in the shape of rival societies, but in the shape of rival ministers and of arrival people. It was alleged that the Company's territory had been conquered by the aid of British fleets and British armies, and that no British subjects could hold territorial sovereignties independent of the Crown. The ministers of the day and the people of the day claimed their share in the "wonderful treasures" imagined to have been won by the last conquests. The Company only saved its existence by an agreement made in 1767 that it should annually pay 400,000 into the National Exchequer. But the East India Company, instead of fulfilling its
agreement, got into financial difficulties, and, instead of paying a tribute to the English people, appealed to Parliament for pecuniary aid. Serious alterations in the Charter were the consequence of this step. The Company's affairs failing to improve, notwithstanding their new condition, and the English nation having simultaneously lost their colonies in North America, the necessity of elsewhere

some great Colonial Empire became more and more universally felt. The illustrious Fox thought the opportune moment had arrived, in 1783, for bringing forward his famous India bill, which proposed to abolish the Courts of Directors and Proprietors, and to vest the whole Indian Government in the hands of seven Commissioners appointed by Parliament. By the personal influence of the imbecile King* over the House of Lords, the bill of Mr.
George III.Ed.

Fox was defeated, and made the instrument of breaking down the then Coalition Government of Fox and Lord North, and of placing the famous Pitt at the head of the
Government. Pitt carried in 1784 a bill through both Houses, which directed the establishment of the Board of
Control, consisting of six


of the Privy Council,

who were
"to check, superintend and control all acts, operations and concerns which in any wise related to the civil and military Government, or revenues of the territories and possessions of the East India Com-



this head, Mill, the historian, says:

"In passing that law tv/o objects were pursued. To avoid the imputation of what was represented as the heinous object of Mr. Fox's bill, it was necessary that the principal part of the power should appear to remain in the hand of the Directors. For ministerial advantage it was necessary that it should in reality be all taken away. Mr. Pitt's bill professed to differ from that of his rival, chiefly in this very point, that while the one destroyed the power of the Directors, the other left it almost entire. Under the act of Mr. Fox the powers of the ministers would have been avowedly held. Under the act of Mr. Pitt, they were held in secret and by fraud. The bill of Fox transferred the power of the Company to Commissioners appointed by Parliament. The bill of Mr. Pitt transferred it to Commissioners appointed by the King."

of 1783 and 1784 were thus the first, and till the only years, for the Indian question to become a ministerial one. The bill of Mr. Pitt having been carried, the Charter of the East Indian Company was renewed, and

The years


the Indian question set aside for twenty years. But in 1813 the Anti- Jacobin v/ar, and in 1833 the newly intro-

duced Reform

Bill 20



other political ques-

This, then, is the first reason of the Indian question's having failed to become a great political question, since and before 1784; that before that time the East India Com-

pany had


to conquer existence

after that time the oligarchy



and importance; that all of its power

it could assume without incurring responsibility; and that afterwards the English people in general were at the very epochs of the renewal of the Charter, in 1813 and in 1833, absorbed by other questions of overbearing in-






take a different view. The East India


pany commenced by attempting merely

to establish fac-

tories for their agents, and places of deposit for their goods. In order to protect them they erected several forts.

Although they had, even as early as 1689, conceived the establishment of a dominion in India, and of making territorial revenue one of their sources of emolument, yet, down to 1744, they had acquired but a few unimportant districts around Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta. The war which subsequently broke out in the Carnatic had the

them after various struggles, virtual of that sovereigns part of India. Much more considerable results arose from the war in Bengal and the victories of
effect of rendering

These results were the real occupation of Bengal, and Orissa. At the end of the 18th century, and in the first years of the present one, there supervened the wars with Tippoo Sahib, and in consequence of them a great advance of power, and an immense extension of the 27 In the second decennium of the 19th subsidiary system.


first convenient frontier, that of India within the desert, had at length been conquered. It was not till then that the British Empire in the East reached those parts of Asia, which had been, at all times, the seat of every great central power in India. But the most vulner-

century the

able points of the Empire, from which it had been overrun as often as old conquerors were expelled by new ones, the barriers of the Western frontier, were not in the hands of the British. During the period from 1838 to 1849, in the Sikh and Afghan wars, British rule subjected to definitive possession the ethnographical, political, and military fron-

the East Indian continent, by the compulsory annexation of the Punjab and of Scinde. 28 These were postiers of


sessions indispensable to repulse any invading force issuing from Central Asia, and indispensable against Russia advancing to the frontiers of Persia. During this last decennium there have been added to the British Indian territory 167,000 square miles, with a population of 8,572,630


to the interior, all the native States

now became

surrounded by British possessions, subjected to British suzerainete under various forms, and cut off from the seacoast, with the sole exception of Gujarat and Scinde. As to its exterior, India was now finished. It is only since 1849, that the one great Anglo-Indian Empire has

Thus the British Government has been fighting, under Company's name, for two centuries, till at last the natural limits of India were reached. We understand now, why during all this time all parties in England have connived in silence, even those which had resolved to become the loudest with their hypocritical peace-cant, after the arrondissement of the one Indian Empire should have been completed. Firstly, of course, they had to get it, in

order to subject


afterward to their sharp philanthropy.

view we understand the altered position of the Indian question in the present year, 1853, compared with all former periods of Charter renewal.



let us take a different view. We shall still betunderstand the peculiar crisis in Indian legislation, on reviewing the course of British commercial intercourse with India through its different phases. At the commencement of the East India Company's operations, under the reign of Elizabeth, the Company was



permitted, for the purpose of profitably carrying on its trade with India, to export an annual value of 30,000 in

gold, and foreign coin. This was an infraction against all the prejudices of the age, and Thomas Mun was forced to lay down in A Discourse of Trade, from England unto the East-Indies, the foundation of the "mercantile system," admitting that the precious metals were the



only real wealth a country could possess, but contending at the same time that their exportation might be safely allowed, provided the balance of payments was in favour of the exporting nation. In this sense, he contended that the commodities imported from East India were chiefly re-exported to other countries, from which a much greater quantity of bullion was obtained than had been required !to pay for them in India. In the same spirit, Sir Josiah Child wrote A Treatise Wherein Is Demonstrated I. That the East India Trade Is the Most National of all Foreign Trades. By-and-by the partisans of the East India Company grew more audacious, and it may be noticed as a curiosity, in this strange Indian history, that the Indian monopolists were the first preachers of Free Trade in England.

Parliamentary intervention, with regard to the East Company, was again claimed, not by the commercial, but by the industrial class, at the latter end of the 17th

century, and during the greater part of the 18th, when the importation of East Indian cotton and silk stuffs was declared to ruin the poor British manufacturers, an opinion put forward in John Pollexfen's England and EastIndia Inconsistent in Their Manufactures, London, 1697, a title strangely verified a century and a half later, but in a very different sense. Parliament did then interfere. By the Act 11 and 12 William III, Cap. 10, it was enacted that the wearing of wrought silks and of printed or dyed calicoes from India, Persia and China should be prohibited, and a penalty of 200 imposed on all persons having or selling the same. Similar laws were enacted under
II and III, in consequence of the repeated I, lamentations of the afterwards so "enlightened" British manufacturers. And thus, during the greater part of the 18th Indian manufactures were generally century, imported into England in order to be sold on the Continent, and to remain excluded from the English market




Besides this Parliamentary interference with East India, solicited by the greedy home manufacturer, efforts were made at every epoch of the renewal of the Charter, by the merchants of London, Liverpool and Bristol, to break down the commercial monopoly of the Company, and to participate in that commerce, estimated to be a true mine of gold. In consequence of these efforts, a provision was made in the Act of 1773 prolonging the Company's Charter



were authorized

1814, by which private British individuals to export from, and the Company's In-

dian servants permitted to import into, England almost sorts of commodities. But this concession was surrounded with conditions annihilating its effects, in respect to the exports to British India by private merchants. In 1813 the Company was unable to further withstand the pressure of general commerce, and except the monopoly of the Chinese trade, the trade to India was opened, under certain conditions, to private competition. At the renewal of the Charter in 1833, these last restrictions were at length superseded, the Company forbidden to carry on any trade at all their commercial character

destroyed, and their privilege of excluding British subjects from the Indian territories withdrawn. Meanwhile the East Indian trade had undergone very serious revolutions, altogether altering the position of the different class interests in England with regard to it. During the whole course of the 18th century the treasures

'transported from India to England were gained much less by comparatively insignificant commerce, than by the direct exploitation of that country, and by the colossal ^ fortunes there extorted and transmitted to England. After the opening of the trade in 1813 the commerce with India more than trebled in a very short time._But this was not all. The whole character of the trade was changed. Till 1813 India had been chiefly an exporting country, while it now became an importing one; and in such a quick progression, that already in 1823 the rate of exchange, which


had generally been 2/6 per rupee, sunk down to 2/ per rupee. India, the great workshop of cotton manufacture for the world, since immemorial times, became now inundated with English twists and cotton stuffs. After its own produce had been excluded from England, or only admitted on the most cruel terms, British manufactures were poured into it at a small and merely nominal duty, to the
ruin.. .of the native cotton fabrics once~~so~celebrated. In 1780 the value of British produce and manufactures amounted only to 386,152, the bullion exported during the same year to 15,041, the total value of exports during 1780 being 12,648,616, so that the Indian trade amounted to only V32 of the entire foreign trade. In 1850 the total exports to India from Great Britain and Ireland were 8,024,000, of which cotton goods alone amounted to 5,220,000, so that it reached more than V 8 f tne whole export, and more than */4 of the foreign cotton trade. But, the cotton manufacture also employed now Vs f tne PP" ulation of Britain, and contributed V12 f the whole national revenue. After each commercial crisis the East Indian trade grew of more paramount importance for the British cotton manufacturers, and the East Indian Continent became actually their best market. At the same rate at which the cotton manufactures became of vital interest for the whole social frame of Great Britain, East India became of vital interest for the British cotton manufacture. Till then the interests of the moneyocracy which had converted India into its landed estates, of the oligarchy

who had conquered it by locracy who had inundated

in hand.

their armies, and_of.th_e_.milit with their fabrics, had gone

But the more the industrial interest became on the Indian market, the more it felt the nedependent of creating fresh productive powers in India, after cessity her native industry. You cannot continue ruined having to inundate a country with your manufactures, unless you enable it to give you some produce in return. The industrial interest found that their trade declined instead

of increasing. For the four years ending with 1846, the imports to India from Great Britain were to the amount

were only 253

of 261 million rupees; for the four years ending 1850 they millions, while the exports for the former

period, 274 millions of rupees, and for the latter period, 254 millions. They found out that the power of consuming their goods v/as contracted in India to the lowest possible point, that the consumption of their manufactures by the British West Indies was of the value of about 14s. per head of the population per annum, by Chile, of 9s. 3d., by Brazil of 6s. 5d., by Cuba of 6s. 2d., by Peru of 5s. 7d., by Central America of 10d., while it amounted in India only to about 9d. Then came the short cotton crop in the United States, which caused them a loss of 11,000,000 in 1850, and they were exasperated at depending on America, instead of deriving a sufficiency of raw cotton from the East Indies. Besides, they found that in all attempts to apply capital to India they met with impediments and chicanery on the part of the Indian authorities. Thus India

became the

battle-field in the contest of the industrial in-

on the one side, and of the moneyocracy and oligarchy on the other. The manufacturers, conscious of their ascendency in England, ask now for the annihilation of

these antagonistic powers in India, for the destruction of the whole ancient fabric of Indian Government, and for the final eclipse of the East India Company.

And now to the fourth and last point of view, from which the Indian question must be judged. Since 1784 Indian finances have got more and more deeply into difficulty. There exists now a national debt of 50 million
pounds, a continual decrease in the resources of the revenue, and a corresponding increase in the expenditure, dubiously balanced by the gambling income of the opium tax, now threatened with extinction by the Chinese beginning themselves to cultivate the poppy, and aggravat53

ed by the expenses to be anticipated from the senseless Burmese war. 29

"As the case stands," says Mr. Dickinson, "as it would ruin England to lose her Empire in India, it is stretching our own finances with ruin, to be obliged to keep it."
I have shown thus, how the Indian question has become for the first time since 1783, an English question, and a ministerial question.

Published in the

New-York Daily

Tribune, No. 3816, July 11, 1853

Printed according of the newspaper


the text

Karl Marx


London, June



The debate on Lord Stanley's motion with respect to commenced on the 23d, continued on the 24th, and

adjourned to the 27th





that shall at length have arrived, observations on the Indian question.

has not been brought to a I intend to

the Coalition Ministry depends on the support of the Irish party, and as all the other parties composing the House of Commons so nicely balance each other that the Irish may at any moment turn the scales v/hich way they


the Irish tenants. which passed the


some concessions are at last about to be made to The "Leasing powers (Ireland) Bill," House of Commons on Friday last, cona provision that for the improvements made on the

and separable from the soil, the tenant shall have at the termination of his lease, a compensation in money, the incoming tenant being at liberty to take them at the valuation, while with respect to improvements in the soil,
compensation for them shall be arranged by contract between the landlord and the tenant. A tenant having incorporated his capital, in one form or another, in the land, and having thus effected an improvement of the soil, either directly by irrigation, drainage, manure, or indirectly by construction of buildings for agricultural purposes, in steps the landlord with demand for increased rent. If the tenant concedes, he has to

interest for his own money to the landlord. If he he will be very unceremoniously ejected, and supplanted by a new tenant, the latter being enabled to pay a higher rent by the very expenses incurred by his predecessors, until he also, in his turn, has become an improver of the land, and is replaced in the same way, or put on worse terms. In this easy way a class of absentee landlords has been enabled to pocket, not merely the labour, but also the capital, of whole generations, each generation of Irish peasants sinking a grade lower in the social scale, exactly in proportion to the exertions and sacrifices made for the raising of their condition and that of their families. If the tenant was industrious and enterprising, he became taxed in consequence of his very industry and enterprise. If, on the contrary, he grew inert and negligent, he was reproached with the "aboriginal faults of the Celt-

pay the

race." He had, accordingly, no other alternative left but to become a pauper to pauperize himself by industry, or to pauperize by negligence. In order to oppose this


state of things, "Tenant Right" was proclaimed in Irea right of the tenant, not in the soil but in the

of the soil effected at his cost and Let us see in what manner The Times, in its Saturday's leader, attempts to break down this Irish


"Tenant Right":
"There are two general systems of farm occupation. Either a tenmay take a lease of the land for a fixed number of years, or his holding may be terminable at any time upon certain notice. In the first of these events, it would be obviously his course to adjust

and apportion
find its



his outlay so that all, or nearly all, the benefit would him before the expiration of his term. In the second

case it seems equally obvious that he should not run the risk of the investment without a proper assurance of return."

the landlords have to deal with a who may, as they please, invest commerce, in manufactures or in farming, no doubt but that these capitalist farmers,


class of large their stock in

there can be whether they


take long leases or no time leases at all, know how to secure the "proper" return of their outlays. But v/ith regard to Ireland the supposition is quite fictitious. On the one side you have there a small class of land monopolists, on the other, a very large class of tenants with very petty fortunes, which they have no chance to invest in different ways, no other field of production opening to them, except the soil. They are, therefore, forced to become tenants at will. Being once tenants at will, they naturally run the risk of losing their revenue, provided they do not invest their small capital. Investing it, in order to secure their revenue, they run the risk of losing their capital,

"Perhaps," continues The Times, "it may be said, that in any case a tenantry could hardly expire without something being left upon the ground, in some shape or another, representing the tenant's own property, and that for this compensation should be forthcoming. There is some truth in the remark, but the demand thus created ought, under proper conditions of society, to be easily adjusted between landlord and tenant, as it might, at any rate, be provided for in the original contract. We say that the conditions of society should regulate these arrangements, because we believe that no Parliamentary enactment can be effectually substituted for such an


Indeed, under "proper conditions of society,"



want no more Parliamentary interference with the

land-tenant, as we should not want, under "proper conditions of society," the interference of the soldier, of the

policeman, and of the hangman. Legislature, magistracy, and armed force, are all of them but the offspring of improper conditions of society, preventing those arrangements among men which would make useless the compulsory intervention of a third supreme pov/er. Has, perhaps, The Times been converted into a social revolutionist? Does it want a social revolution, reorganizing the "conditions of society," and the "arrangements" emanating from them, instead of "Parliamentary enactments"? England has subverted the conditions of Irish society. At first it confis57

cated the land, then it suppressed the industry by "Parliamentary enactments," and lastly, it broke the active energy by armed force. And thus England created those abominable "conditions of society" which enable a small caste of rapacious lordlings to dictate to the Irish people the terms on which they shall be allowed to hold the land and to live upon it. Too weak yet for revolutionizing those "social conditions," the people appeal to Parliament, de-

manding at least says The Times;

their mitigation

you don't


and regulation. But "No," under proper conditions

of society, Parliament can't mend that. And if the Irish people, on the advice of The Times, tried tomorrow to


their conditions of society, The Times would be the to appeal to bayonets, and to pour out sanguinary denunciations of the "aboriginal faults of the Celtic race,"

wanting the Anglo-Saxon taste for

legal amelioration.
"If a landlord," says

pacific progress



will find




occupation consists

The Times, "deliberately injures one tenant, the harder to get another, and whereas his in letting land, he will find his land all the


difficult to let."

The case stands rather differently in Ireland. The more a landlord injures one tenant, the easier he will find it to oppress another. The tenant who comes in, is the means of injuring the ejected one, and the ejected one is the means of keeping down the new occupant. That, in due course of time, the landlord, beside injuring the tenant, will injure himself and ruin himself, is not only a probabut the very fact, in Ireland a fact affording, howa ever, very precarious source of comfort to the ruined tenant.

"The relations between the landlord and tenant are those between two traders," says The Times.

to the


precisely the petitio principii which pervades the

whole leader of The Times. The needy


while the


Irish tenant belongs belongs to the English lord. As


well you might call the relation between the robber presents his pistol, and the traveller who presents purse, a relation between two traders.
Irish landlords


"But," says The Times, "in point of fact, the relation between and tenants will soon be reformed by an agency more potent than that of legislation. The property of Ireland is fast passing into new hands, and, if the present rate of emigration continues, its cultivation must undergo the same transfer."

Here, at least, The Times has the truth. British Parliainterfere at a moment when the worked out old system is terminating in the common ruin, both of the thrifty landlord and the needy tenant, the former being knocked down by the hammer of the Encumbered Estates Commission, and the latter expelled by compulsory emigration. This reminds us of the old Sultan of Morocco. Whenever there was a case pending between two parties,

ment does not


no more "potent agency" for settling their than controversy, by killing both parties.


"Nothing could tend," concludes The Times with regard to Tenant "to greater confusion than such a communistic distribution of ownership. The only person with any right in the land, is the land-

The Times seems

of the past half century,

to have been the sleeping Epimenides and never to have heard of the

hot controversy going on during all that time upon the claims of the landlord, not among social reformers and Communists, but among the very political economists of the British middle class. Ricardo, the creator of modern political economy in Great Britain, did not controvert the "right" of the landlords, as he was quite convinced that their claims were based upon fact, and not on right, and
that political economy in general had nothing to do with questions of right; but he attacked the land-monopoly in a more unassuming, yet more scientific, and therefore

more dangerous manner. He proved that private proprietorship in land, as distinguished from the respective claims


of the labourer, and of the farmer,


a relation quite



and incoherent with the whole framework

modern production; that the economical expression of that relationship and the rent of land, might, with great advantage, be appropriated by the State; and finally that
the interest of the landlord was opposed to the interest of all other classes of modern society. It would be tedious to enumerate all the conclusions drawn from these prei

mises by the Ricardo School against the landed monopoly. For my end, it will suffice to quote three of the most recent economical authorities of Great Britain. The London Economist, whose chief editor, Mr. J. Wilson, is not only a Free Trade oracle, but a Whig one, too, and not only a Whig, but also an inevitable Treasury-appendage in every Whig or composite ministry, has contended in different articles that exactly speaking, there can exist no title authorizing any individual, or any number of individuals, to claim the exclusive proprietorship in the soil of a nation. Mr. Newman, in his "Lectures on Political Economy,"

London, 1851, professedly written

refuting socialism, tells us:





"No man has, or can have, a natural right to land, except so long as he occupies it in person. His right is to the use, and to the use only. All other right is the creation of artificial law" (or Parlia"If, at any time, mentary enactments as The Times would call it). land becomes needed to live upon, the right of private possessors to withhold it comes to an end."
. . .

exactly the case in Ireland, and Mr. Newman confirms the claims of the Irish tenantry, and expressly in lectures held before the most select audiences of the



me quote some passages from Mr. Herbert Spencer's work, "Social Statics," London, 1851, also, purporting to be a complete refutation of communism,

British aristocracy. In conclusion let


and acknowledged as the most elaborate developof the Free Trade doctrines 30 of modern England.

"No one may use the earth in such a way as to prevent the rest from similarly using it. Equity, therefore, does not permit property in land, or the rest would live on the earth by sufferance only. The landless men might equitably be expelled from the earth altogether. It can never be pretended, that the existing titles to such property are legitimate. Should any one think so let him look in the Chronicles. The original deeds were written with the sword, rather than with the pen. Not lawyers but soldiers were the conveyancers: blows were the current coin given in payment; and for seals blood was used in preference to wax. Could valid claims be thus constituted? Hardly. And if not, what becomes of the pretensions of all subsequent holders of estates so obtained? Does sale or bequest generate a right where it did not previously exist?. If one act of transfer At what rate per annum do invalid can give no title, can many?.

claims become valid?. The right of mankind at large to the earth's surface is still valid, all deeds, customs and laws notwithstanding. It is impossible to discover any mode in which land can become private property. daily deny landlordism by our legislation. Is a canal, a railway, or a turnpike road to be made? We do not scruple to seize just as many acres as may be requisite. do not wait for consent. The change required would simply be a change of landlords. Instead of being in the possession of individuals, the country would be held by the great corporate body society. Instead of leasing his acres from an isolated proprietor, the former would lease them from the nation. Instead of paying his rent to the agent of Sir John, or His Grace, he will pay to an agent, or deputy-agent of the community. Stewards would be public officials instead of priPushed to its ultivate ones, and tenantry the only land tenure. mate consequences, a claim to exclusive possession of the soil involves land-owning despotism."




from the very point of view of modern English

political economists, it is not the usurping English landlord, but the Irish tenants and labourers, who have the

only right in the soil of their native country, and The Times, in opposing the demands of the Irish people, places itself into direct antagonism to British middle-class science.
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3816,


Karl Marx


The House of Commons, in order to do justice to the colossal dimensions of the subject, has been spinning out its Indian debate to an unusual length and breadth, although
debate has failed altogether in depth and greatness of interest. The division leaving Ministers a majority of 322 against 142, is in inverse ratio to the discussion. During the discussion all was thistles for the Ministry, and Sir Charles Wood was the ass officially put to the task of feeding upon them. In the division all is roses, and Sir Charles Wood receives the crown of another Manu. The same men who negatived the plan of the Ministry by their arguments, affirmed it by their votes. None of its supporters dared to apologize for the bill itself; on the contrary, all apologized for their supporting the bill, the ones because it was an infinitesimal part of a measure in the right direction, the others because it was no measure at all.

The former pretend that they


now mend




mittee; the latter say that they will strip Reform flowers it parades in. of the



the fancy

The Ministry maintained the field by more than one half Tory opposition running away, and a great portion

of the remainder deserting with Herries and Inglis into the Aberdeen camp, while of the 142 opposite votes 100

belonged to the Disraeli fraction, and 42 to the Manchester School, backed by some Irish discontents and some inex62

The opposition within the opposition has once more saved the Ministry. Mr. Halliday, one of the officials of the East India Company, when examined before a Committee of Inquiry,

"That the Charter giving a twenty years' lease

Company was

to the East India considered by the natives of India as farming them

This time at least, the Charter has not been renewed but is revocable at will by Parliament. The Company, therefore, will come down from the respectable situation of hereditary farmers, to the precarious condition of tenants at will. This is so much gain for the natives. The Coalition Ministry has succeeded in transforming the Indian Government, like all other quesfor a definite period,
tions, into an open question. The House of Commons, on the other hand, has given itself a new testimonial of poverty, in confessing by the same division, its impotency

for legislating, and its unwillingness to delay legislating. Since the days of Aristotle the world has been inundat-

ed with a frightful quantity of dissertations, ingenious or absurd, as it might happen, on that question: Who shall be the governing power? But for the first time in the annals of history, the Senate of a people ruling over another people numbering 156 millions of human beings and spreading over a surface of 1,368,113 square miles, have put their heads together in solemn and public congregation, in order to answer the irregular question: Who among us is the actual governing power over that foreign people of 150 millions of souls? There was no Edipus in the British Senate capable of extricating this riddle. The whole debate exclusively twined around it, as although a division took place, no definition of the Indian Govern-

ment was arrived

That there


in India a


regular over-supply of wars, and no supply at


financial deficit, a all of pub-

works, an abominable system of taxation, and a no less abominable state of justice and law, that these five items

constitute, as

Charter, 1853, as

were, the five points of the East Indian beyond all doubt in the debates of it had been in the debates of 1833, and in the debates of 1813, as in all former debates on India. The only thing never found out, was the party responsible for



all this.




India, holding the supreme power, but that governed in his turn by a home government.

Governor-G eneral of Governor is




home go vernment?
under the modest



the Indian

M inister,

of Con-


of President

ofthe Board





the twen ty-four Directors of the East India On the threshold of the Indian religion we find

a divine trinity, and thus we find a profane trinity on the threshold of the Indian Government.

Leaving, for a while, the Governor-General altogether side, the question at issue resolves itself into that of the double government, in which form it is familiar to the English mind. The Ministers in their bill, and the House


in its division, cling to this dualism.

When the Company of English merchant adventurers, who conquered India to make money out of it, began to enlarge their factories into an empire, when their comDutch and French private merchants asthe character of national rivalry, then, of course, the British Government commenced meddling with the
petition with the


affairs of the

East India Company, and the double govern-


of India sprung up in fact if not in name. Pitt's act of 1784, by entering into a compromise with the Company,

by subjecting it to the superintendence of the Board of Control, and by making the Board of Control an appendage to the Ministry, accepted, regulated and settled that double government arisen from circumstances in


as well as in fact.

1833 strengthened the Board of Control, the proprietors of the East India Company into changed mere mortgages of the East India revenues, ordered the Company to sell off its stock, dissolved its commercial


act of

existence, transformed it; as far as it existed politically, into a mere trustee of the Crown, and did thus with the

East India Company, what the Company had been in the habit of doing with the East Indian Princes. After having superseded them, it continued, for a while, still to govern in their name. So far, the East India Company has, since

no longer existed but in name and on sufferance. While thus on one hand, there seems to be no difficulty in getting rid of the Company altogether, it is, on the other hand, very indifferent whether the English nation rules over India under the personal name of Queen Victoria, or under the traditional firm of an anonymous society. The whole question, therefore, appears to turn about a techni1333,
cality of

very questionable importance. Still, the thing is not quite so plain. It is to be remarked, in the first instance, that the Ministerial

Board of Control, residing in Cannon Row, is as a fiction as the East India Company, supposed to reside in Leadenhall St. The members composing the Board of Control are a mere cloak for the supreme rule


The President is himself but a subordinate though independent member of the Imperial Ministry. In India it seems to be assumed that if a man is fit for nothing it is best to make him a judge,
of the President of the Board.

when a party comes encumbered with a tenth-rate "statesman," it is considered best to make him President of the Board of Control, successor of the Great Mogul, and in that way to get rid of him teste Carolo Wood. The letter of the law entrusts the Board of Control, which is but another name for its President, with
rid of him. In

and get

Great Britain,

into office


finds itself



power and authority to superintend, direct, and control all and concerns of the East India Company which in any wise relate to or concern the Government or revenues of the

acts, operations

Indian territories."

Directors are prohibited

"from issuing any orders, instructions, dispatches, official letters, or communications whatever relating to India, or to the Government thereof, until the same shall have been sanctioned by the Board."

Directors are ordered to

"prepare instructions or orders upon any subject whatever at fourteen days' notice from the Board, or else to transmit the orders of the Board on the subject of India."

The board is authorized to inspect all correspondence and dispatches to and from India, and the proceedings of the Courts of Proprietors and Directors. Lastly, the Court of Directors has to appoint a Secret Committee, consisting of their Chairman, their Deputy Chairman and their senior member, who are sworn to secrecy, and through whom, in all political and military matters, the President of the Board may transmit his personal orders to India, while the Committee acts as a mere channel of his communications. The orders respecting the Afghan and Burmese wars, and as to the occupation of Scinde were transmitted through this Secret Committee, without the Court of Directors being any more informed of them than the general public or Parliament. So far, therefore, the President of the Board of Control would appear to be the real Mogul, and, under all circumstances, he retains an unlimited power for doing mischief, as, for instance, for causing the most ruinous wars, all the while being hidden under the name of the irresponsible Court of Directors. On the other hand, the Court of Directors is not without real
power. As they generally exercise the initiative in administrative measures, as they form, when compared with the Board of Control, a more permanent and steady body,

with traditional rules for action and a certain knowledge of details, the whole of the ordinary internal administration necessarily falls to their share.


appoint, too,

under sanction of the Crown, the Supreme Government of India, the Governor-General and his Councils; possessing, besides, the unrestricted

power to recall the highest and even the Governor-General, as they did under Sir Robert Peel, with Lord Ellenborough. But this is still not their most important privilege. Receiving only 300 per annum, they are really paid in patronage, distributing all the writerships and cadetships, from whose number the Governor-General of India and the Provincial Governors are obliged to fill up all the higher places withheld from the natives. When the number of appointments for the year is ascertained, the whole are divided of which two are allotted to the Chairinto 28 equal parts man and Deputy Chairman, two to the President of the Board of Control, and one to each of the Directors. The annual value of each share of patronage seldom falls short

of 14,000.
"All nominations," says Mr. Campbell, "are now, as it were, the private property of individuals, being divided among the Directors, and each disposing of his share as he thinks fit."


Now, it is evident that the spirit of the Court of Direcmust pervade the whole of the Indian Upper Administration, trained as it is, at schools of Addiscombe and Haileybury, and appointed, as it is, by their patronage.

It is no less evident that this Court of Directors, who have to distribute, year after year, appointments of the value of nearly 400,000 among the upper classes of Great Britain, will find little or no check from the public opin-

by those very classes. What the spirit of the Court of Directors is, I will show in a following letter on the actual state of India. For the present it may suffice to say that Mr. Macaulay, in the course of the pending debates, defended the Court by the particular plea, that it was
ion directed


the evils it might intend, so much improvements had been, effected in opposition to it, and against it by individual Governors who had acted on their own responsibility. Thus with regard to the sup32 the abolition of the abominable pression on the- Suttee, transit duties, and the emancipation of the East Indian

impotent to effect


so, that all


The President of the Board of Control accordingly involves India in ruinous wars under cover of the Court of Directors, while the Court of Directors corrupt the Indian ^.Administration under the cloak of the Board of Control. On looking deeper into the framework of this anomalous government we find at its bottom a third power, more supreme than either the Board or the Court, more irresponsible, and more concealed from and guarded against the superintendence of public opinion. The transient President of the Board depends on the permanent clerks of his establishment in Cannon Row, and for those clerks India exists not in India, but in Leadenhall St. 33 Now, who is_ihe master at Leadenhall St.? Two thousand persons, elderly ladies and valetudinarian gen tlemen, possessing Indian stock, having no other inte rest in India except to be paid t heir dividends out o f
India n revenue, elect twenty-four Directors, qualification is the holding of 1.000 stock

whose only

bankers, and directors of companies incur great trouble in order to get into the Court for the interest of their private concerns.

"A banker," said Mr. Bright, "in the City of London commands 300 votes of the East India Company, whose word for the election of Directors is almost absolute law."

Hen ce the Court, but a succursal of Directors ___^ is no thing to the English moneyocracy. The so-elected Court forms, in its turn, besides the above-mentioned Secret Committee, three other Committees, which are 1) Political and

Military, 2) Finance

and Home,


Revenue, Judicial and


These Committees are every year appointed by rotation, so that a financier is one year on the Judicial and the next year on the Military Committee, and no one has any chance of a continued supervision over a particular department. The mode of election having brought in men utterly unfit for their duties, the system of rotation gives to whatever fitness they might perchance retain, the final blow. Who, then, govern in fact under the name of

the Direction?

large staff of irresponsible secretaries,

examiners, and clerks at the India House, of whom, as Mr. Campbell observes, in his Scheme for the Government of India, only one individual has ever been in India, and he only by accident. Apart from the trade in patronage, it is therefore a mere fiction to speak of the politics, the principles, and the system of the Court of Directors The G j^nM^urt of Dilators and the real Home nvprpmpnt, nH In of diaare R nent irrpppnnsihlft bureauetc., jhfi perma cracy, "t he_creatur g nf the desk and the creatures _p f favour" r esidin g in Leaden haJLSt. We have thus a Corporation ruling over an im mense empire, not formed, as in Ven ice, by eminent patricia ns, but by old obstinate clerks. and the like od dfellow s.

JNo wonder, then, that there exists no government by which so much is written and so little done, as the Government of India. When the East India Company was only a commercial association, they, of course, requested a most detailed report on every item from the managers of their Indian factories, as is done by every trading concern. When the factories grew into an empire, the commercial items into shiploads of correspondence and documents, the Leadenhall clerks went on in their system, which made the Directors and the Board their dependents; and they succeeded in transforming the Indian Government into one immense writing machine. Lord Broughton

stated in his evidence before the Official Salaries Committee, that with one single dispatch 45,000 pages of collection



In order to give you some idea of the time-killing manner in which business is transacted at the India House, I will quote a passage from Mr. Dickinson.

"When a dispatch arrives from India, it is referred, in the first instance, to the Examiners' Department, to which it belongs; after which the chairs* confer with the official in charge of that department, and settle with him the tenor of a reply, and transmit a draught
of this reply to the Indian Minister, 34 in



technically called

previous communication. The chairs, in this preliminary state of P. C. depend mainly on the clerks. Such is this dependence that even in a discussion in the Court of Proprietors, after previous notice, it is pitiable to see the Chairman referring to a secretary




his side,

and keeps on whispering and prompting and

chaffing him as if he were a mere puppet, and the Minister at the other end of the system is in the same predicament. In this stage of P. C, if there is a difference of opinion on the draught it is discussed,

and almost invariably settled in friendly communication between the Minister and the Chair; finally the draught is returned by the Minister, either adopted or altered; and then it is submitted to the Committee of Directors superintending the department to which it belongs, with all papers bearing on the case, to be considered and discussed, and adopted or altered, and afterward it is exposed to the same process in the aggregate Court, and then goes, for the first time, as an official communication to the Minister, after which it undergoes the same process in the opposite direction." "When a measure is discussed in India," says Mr. Campbell, "the announcement that it has been referred to the Court of Directors, is regarded as an indefinite postponement."

The close and abject spirit of this bureaucracy deserves to be stigmatized in the celebrated words of Burke:
"This tribe of vulgar politicians are the lowest of our species. is no trade so vile and mechanical as government in their hands. Virtue is not their habit. They are out of themselves in any course of conduct recommended only by conscience and glory. A large, liberal and prospective view of the interests of States passes with them for romance; and the principles that recommend it, for the wanderings of a disordered imagination. The calculators compute them out of their senses. The jesters and buffoons shame them out of everything grand and elevated. Littleness in object and in




them appears soundness and


This refers to the Chairman and Deputy Ed. of Directors of the East India Company.


of the Court


The clerical establishments of Leadenhall St. and Cannon Row cost the Indian people the trifle of 160,000 annually. The oligarchy involves India in wars, in order to find employment for their younger sons; the moneyocracy consigns it to the highest bidder; and a subordinate bureaucracy paralyse its administration and perpetuate its
abuses as the vital condition of their own perpetuation. Sir Charles Wood's bill alters nothing in the existing system. It enlarges the power of the Ministry, without

adding to

its responsibility.

Written on July
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 3824, July 20, 1853

Karl Marx


The clauses of the India Bill are passing one by one, the debate scarcely offering any remarkable features, except the inconsistency of the so-called India Reformers. There is, for instance, my Lord Jocelyn, M. P., who has made a kind of political livelihood by his periodical denunciation of Indian wrongs, and of the maladministration of the East India Company. What do you think his amendment amounted to? To give the East India Company a lease for 10 years. Happily, it compromised no one but himself. There is another professional "Reformer," Mr. Jos. Hume, who, during his long parliamentary life, has succeeded in transitself into a particular manner of supporting the Ministry. He proposed not to reduce the number of East India Directors from 24 to 18. The only amendment of common sense, yet agreed to, was that of Mr. Bright, exempting Directors nominated by the Government from the qualification in East India Stock, imposed upon the Directors elected by the Court of Proprietors. Go through the pamphlets published bj| the East Indian Reform Association, 36 and you will feel a similar sensation as when, hearing of one great act of accusation against Bo-

forming opposition

naparte, devised in common by Legitimists, Orleanists, Blue and Red Republicans, and even disappointed Bonapartists. Their only merit until now has been to draw public attention to Indian affairs in general, and further they cannot go in their present form of eclectic opposition. For instance, while they attack the doings of the English aris^

tocracy in India, they protest against the destruction of the Indian aristocracy of native princes. After the British intruders had once put their feet on India, and made up their mind to hold it, there remained no alternative but to break the power of the native princes by force or by intrigue. Placed with regard to them in similar circumstances as the ancient Romans with regard to their allies, they followed in the track of Roman politics. "It was," says an English writer, "a system of fattening allies, as we fatten oxen, till they were worthy of being devoured." After having won over their allies in the way of ancient Rome, the East India Company executed them in the modern manner of Change Alley. 37 In order to discharge the engagements they had entered into with the Company, the native princes were forced to borrow enormous sums from Englishmen at usurious interest. When their embarrassment had reached the highest pitch, the creditor got inexorable, "the screw was turned" and the princes were compelled either to concede their territories amicably to the Company, or to begin war; to become pensioners on their usurpers in one case, or to be deposed as traitors in the other. At this moment the native States occupy an area of 699,961 square miles, with a population of 52,941,263 souls, being, however, no longer the allies, but only the dependents of the British Government, upon multifarious conditions, and under the various forms of the subsidiary and of the protective systems. These systems have in common the relinquishment, by the native States of the right of self-defence, of maintaining diplomatic relations, and of settling the disputes among themselves without the interference of the Governor-General. All of them have to pay a tribute, either in hard cash, or in a contingent of armed forces, commanded by British



tive States is at present eagerly controverted

absorption or annexation of these nabetween the

reformers who denounce it as a crime, and the business who excuse it as a necessity.



In opinion the question itself is altogether impropceased to erly put. As to the native States they virtually or proto became exist from the moment they subsidiary couna of revenue the divide If tected by the Company. you to sure are cripple two governments, you try between the resources of the one and the administration of both.


Under the present system the native States succumb under the double incubus of their native Administration and the tributes and inordinate military establishments imposed upon them by the Company. The conditions under which
are they are allowed to retain their apparent independence at the same time the conditions of a permanent decay, and of an utter inability of improvement. Organic weakness is the constitutional law of their existence, as of all existences living upon sufferance. It is, therefore, not the native States, but the native Princes and Courts about whose maintenance the question revolves. Now, is it not a strange thing that the same men who denounce "the barbarous splendours of the Crown and aristocracy of England" are shedding tears at the downfall of India Nabobs, 3 the great majority of whom posRajahs, and Jagirdars,
sess not even the prestige of antiquity, being generally usurpers of very recent date, set up by English intrigue! There exists in the whole world no despotism more ridicu-

absurd and childish than that of those Shahzamans and Shahriars of the Arabian Nights. The Duke of Wellington, Sir J. Malcolm, Sir Henry Russell, Lord Ellenborough, General Briggs, and other authorities, have pronounced injavmir of the status quo; but on what grounds? Because the native troops under English rule want employment in the petty warfares with their own countrymen, in order

to prevent

their strength against their masters. Because the existence of independ h e nt States gives occasional employment to the Englis re the most servile troops. Because the hereditary princes a to ols of English despotism, and checklhe rise of those bold military adventurers with whom India has and ey er

them from turning

own E uropean


will abound. . Because the independent territories afford a refuge to all discontented and enterprising native spirits. Leaving aside all these arguments, which state in so many words that the native princes are the strongholds of the present abominable English system and the greatest obstacles to Indian progress, I come to Sir Thomas Munro

and Lord Elphinstone, who were at least men of superior genius, and of real sympathy for the Indian people. They think that without a native aristocracy there can be no
in any other class of the community, and that the subversion of that aristocracy will not raise but debase a whole people. They may be right as long as the natives, under direct English rule, are systematically excluded from all superior offices, military and civil. Where there can be no great men by their own exertion, there must be great men by birth, to leave to a conquered people some greatness of their own. That exclusion, however, of the native people from the English territory, has been effected only by the maintenance of the hereditary princes in the so-called independent territories. And one of these two concessions had to be made to the native army, on whose strength all British rule in India depends. I think we may trust the assertion of Mr. Campbell, that the native Indian aristocracy are the least enabled to fill


higher offices; that for all fresh requirements it is necessary to create a fresh class; and that "from the acuteness and aptness to learn of the inferior classes, this can be done in India as it can be done in no other
country." The native princes themselves are fast disappearing by the extinction of their houses; but, since the commencement of this century, the British Government has observed the policy of allowing them to make heirs by adoption, or of filling up their vacant seats with puppets of English

The great Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, was the first to protest openly against this system. Were not the natural course of things artificially resisted, there

would be wanted neither wars nor expenses to do away

with the native princes. As to the pensioned princes, the 2,468,969 assigned to them by the British Government on the Indian revenue is a most heavy charge upon a people living on rice, and deprived of the first necessaries of life. If they are good for anything, it is for exhibiting Royalty in its lowest stage of degradation and ridicule. Take, for instance, the Great Mo39 He is allowed gul,* the descendant of Timur Tamerlane. a extend beyond His does not 120,000 year. authority the walls of his palace, within which the Royal idiotic race, left to itself, propagates as freely as rabbits. Even the police of Delhi is held by Englishmen above his control. There he sits on his throne, a little shrivelled yellow old man, trimmed in a theatrical dress, embroidered with gold, much like that of the dancing girls of Hindustan. On certain state occasions, the tinsel-covered puppet issues forth to gladden the hearts of the loyal. On his days of reception strangers have to pay a fee, in the form of guineas, as to any other saltimbanque exhibiting himself in public; while


he, in his turn, presents them with turbans, diamonds, etc. looking nearer at them, they find that the Royal diaare, like so



pieces of ordinary glass, grossly

painted and imitating as roughly as possible the precious stones, and jointed so wretchedly, that they break in the hand like gingerbread. The English money-lenders, combined with the English aristocracy, understand, we must own, the art of degrading Royalty, reducing it to the nullity of constitutionalism home, and to the seclusion of etiquette abroad. And now, here are the radicals, exasperated at this spectacle.
Written on July
Published in the


Printed according to the text

of the


New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 3828, July 25, 1853

Bahadur Shah II.Ed.

Karl Marx





London, Friday, July



By the latest overland mail from India, intelligence has been received that the Burmese ambassadors have rejected the treaty proposed by General Godwin. The General afforded them 24 hours more for reflection, but the Burmese
departed within 10 hours. A third edition of the interminable Burmese war 41 appears to be inevitable. Of all the warlike expeditions of the British in the East, none have ever been undertaken on less warranted grounds than those against Burma. There was no possible danger of invasion from that side, as there was from
the North-West, Bengal being separated from Burma by a range of mountains, across which troops cannot be marched. To go to war with Burma the Indian Government is obliged to go to sea. To speak of maritime aggressions on the part of the Burmese is as ridiculous, as the idea of their coast-junks fronting the Company's war steamers would be preposterous. The pretension that the Yankees had strong annexation propensities applied to Pegu, is borne out by no facts. No argument, therefore, remains behind, but the want of employment for a needy aristocracy, the necessity of creating, as an English writer says, "a 42 in the regular quality-workhouse, or Hampton Court East." The first Burmese war (1824-26), entered into under the Quixotic administration of Lord Amherst, although it lasted little more than two years, added thirteen millions

The maintenance of the Eastern settlements at Singapore, Penang and Malacca, exclusive of the pay of troops, causes an annual excess of expenditure over income amounting to 100,000. The territory taken from the Burmese in 1826 costs as much more. The territory of Pegu is still more ruinous. Now, why is it that England shrinks from the most necessary war in Europe, as now
to the Indian debt.

against Russia, while she tumbles, year after year, into the most reckless wars in Asia? The national debt has made her a trembler in Europe the charges of the Asiatic wars are thrown on the shoulders of the Hindus. But we may expect from the now impending extinction of the opium revenue of Bengal, combined with the expenses of another Burmese war, that they will produce such a crisis in the Indian exchequer, as will cause a more thorough reform of the Indian Empire than all the speeches and tracts of the Parliamentary Reformers in England.

Published in the
Tribune, No. 3833, July 30, 1853

New-York Daily

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Karl Marx

The progress


of the India bill through the Committee It is significant, that all amendments

are thrown out now by the Coalition coalescing with the Tories against their own allies of the Manchester School. The actual state of India may be illustrated by a few facts. The Home Establishment absorbs 3 per cent of the net revenue, and the annual interest for Home Debt and Dividends 14 per cent together 17 per cent. If we deduct these annual remittances from India to England, the military charges amount to about two-thirds of the whole expenditure available for India, or to 66 per cent, while the charges for public works do not amount to more than 2 3 / 4 per cent of the general revenue, or for Bengal 1 per cent, Agra 7 3 / Punjab i / 8 Madras Y2 anc* Bom4 bay 1 per cent of their respective revenues. These figures are the official ones of the Company itself.

On the other hand nearly three-fifths of the whole net revenue are derived from the land, about one-seventh from opium, and upward of one-ninth from salt. These resources together yield 85 per cent of the whole receipts.
and charges, it may Moturpha revenue maintained in the Presidency of Madras, and levied on shops, looms, sheep, cattle, sundry professions, etc., yields somewhat


minor items

of expenditure



state that the

about 50,000, while the yearly dinners of the East India

House 44 cost about the same sum.


The great bulk of the revenue is derived from the land. As the various kinds of Indian land-tenure have recently
been described

in so many places, and in popular style, propose to limit my observations on the subject to a few general remarks on the zemindari and ryotwari

systems. The zemindari and the ryotwari were both of them agrarian revolutions, effected by British ukases, and opposed to each other; the one aristocratic, the other democratic; the one a caricature of English landlordism, the other of French peasant-proprietorship; but pernicious, both combining the most contradictory character both made not for the people, who cultivate the soil, nor for the holder, who owns it, but for the Government that taxes it. By the zemindari system, the people of the Presidency

of Bengal were depossessed at once of their hereditary claims to the soil, in favour of the native tax-gatherers

called zemindars.


the ryotwari system introduced into

the Presidencies of

Madras and Bombay, the native no-

with their territorial claims, merassis, jagirs, etc., were reduced with the common people to the holding of minute fields, cultivated by themselves, in favour of the Collector of the East India Company 45 But a curious sort of English landlord was the zemindar, receiving only onetenth of the rent, while he had to make over nine-tenths of it to the Government. A curious sort of French peasant was the ryot, without any permanent title in the soil, and with the taxation changing every year in proportion to his

harvest. The original class of zemindars, notwithstanding their unmitigated and uncontrolled rapacity against the depossessed mass of the exhereditary landholders, soon

melted away under the pressure of the Company, in order

to be replaced by mercantile speculators who now hold all the land of Bengal, with exception of the estates returned under the direct management of the Government.

These speculators have introduced a variety of the zemindari tenure called patni. Not content to be placed with re80

gard to the British Government in the situation of middlemen, they have created in their turn a class of "hereditary" middlemen called patnidars, who created again their subpatnidars, etc., so that a perfect scale of hierarchy of middlemen has sprung up, which presses with its entire weight on the unfortunate cultivator. As to the ryots in Madras and Bombay, the system soon degenerated into one of forced cultivation, and the land lost all its value.
"The land," says Mr. Campbell, "would be sold for balances by the collector, as in Bengal, but generally is not, for a very good reason, viz.: that nobody will buy it."

Thus, in Bengal, we have a combination of English landlordism, of the Irish middlemen system, of the Austrian system, transforming the landlord into the tax-gatherer, and of the Asiatic system making the State the real landlord. In Madras and Bombay we have a French peasant proprietor who is at the same time a serf, and a metayer of the State. The drawbacks of all these various systems accumulate upon him without his enjoying any of their redeeming features. The ryot is subject, like the French peasant, to the extortion of the private usurer; but he has

no hereditary, no permanent title in his land, like the French peasant. Like the serf he is forced to cultivation, but he is not secured against want like the serf. Like the metayer he has to divide his produce with the State, but the State is not obliged, with regard to him, to advance the funds and the stock, as it is obliged to do with regard to the metayer. In Bengal, as in Madras and Bombay, under the zemindari as under the ryotwari, the ryots and they form ll/12ths of the whole Indian population have been wretchedly pauperized; and if" they are, morally speaking, not sunk as low as the Irish cottiers, they owe it to their climate, the men of the South being possessed of less wants, and of more imagination than the men of the North. Conjointly with the land-tax we have to consider the


Notoriously the


retain the



of that article


country where it is furnished by the the lakes, by the mountains and the earth itself. sea, by The practical working of this monopoly was described by
this in a


which they

sell at

three times



the Earl of Albemarle in the following words:

"A great proportion of the salt for inland consumption throughout the country is purchased from the Company by large wholesale merchants at less than 4 rupees per maund* these mix a fixed proportion of sand, chiefly got a few miles to the south-west of Dacca, and send the mixture to a second, or counting the Government as the first, to a third monopolist at about 5 or 6 rupees. This dealer adds more earth or ashes, and thus passing through more hands, from the large towns to villages, the price is still raised from 8 to 10 rupees and the proportion of adulteration from 25 to 40 per cent. It appears then that the people pay from 21, 17s. 2d. to 27, 6s. 2d. for their salt, or in other words, from 30 to 36 times as much as the
wealthy people of Great Britain."

instance of English bourgeois morals, I may allege, that Mr. Campbell defends the opium monopoly because it prevents the Chinese from consuming too much of the drug, and that he defends the brandy monopoly (li-

As an

cences for spirit-selling in India) because it has wonderfully increased the consumption of brandy in India.

The zemindar tenure, the ryotwar, and the salt-tax, combined with the Indian climate, were the hotbeds of the cholera India's ravages upon the Western World a striking and severe example of the solidarity of human

woes and wrongs.

Written on July
Published in the


Printed according of the newspaper




New-York Daily

No. 3838, August

Tribune, 5, 1853


Indian dry measure varying locally.


the average



26.4 lbs.Ed.

Karl Marx


London, Friday, July




in this letter to



observations on


How came

The was broken by the Mogul Viceroys. The power of the Vice6 roys was broken by the Mahrattas/' The power of the Mahrattas was broken by the Afghans, and while all were struggling against all, the Briton rushed in and was enabled to subdue them all. A country not only divided belished in India?

that English supremacy was estabparamount power of the Great Mogul

tween Mohammedan and Hindu, but between tribe and tribe, between caste and caste; a soci ety whose frame work was base d on a sort of equilibrium, resulting from a gen eraf repulsion an d co nstitutional exclusiveness between al its members. Such a country and such a society, were they not the predestined prey oTconquest ? If we knew nothing of the past history of Hindustan, would there not be the one great and incontestable fact, that even at this moment India is held in English thraldom by an Indian army mainl

tained at the cost of India? India, then, could not escape the fate of bein g conq uered, and the whole of her past history, it it be anything is the ftistory of the successive conquests she has undergone. /Indian society has no histor y



at least

no known history What



call its history,

but the history of the successive intruders who founded their empires on the passive basis of that unresisting and unchanging society. The question, therefore, is not whether




E nglish had a right to conquer India, but whethe r are to prefer India conquered by the Turk, by the Per to India conquered by the Briton. / sian.Jyy the Russian, h as to f ulfil a double mission in India: one England the annihilation of old the other regenerating destructive,

Asiatic society, and the laying of the material foundations of Western society in Asia.

Arabs, Turks, Tartars, Moguls, who had successively overrun India, soon became Hinduized, the barbarian conquerors being, by an eternal law of history, conquered themselves by the superior civilization of their subjects.


were the first conquerors superior, and, thereinaccessible to Hindu civilization. They destroyed it fore, the native communities, by uprooting the by breaking up

native industry, and by levelling all that was great and elevated in the native society. The historic pages of their rule in India report hardly anything beyond that destruction.

The work of regeneration hardly transpires through a heap of ruins. Nevertheless it has begun. The political unity of India, more consolidated, and ex tending farther than it ever did und pr thp O reat Moguls-

condition of its regeneration That unity, imposed by the British sword, will now be strengthened and perpetuated by the electric telegraph. The native army, organized and trained by the British drill-sergeant, was the sine qua non of Indian self-emancipation, and of India ceasing to be the prey of the first foreign intruder. The free

was the

press, introduced for the first time into Asiatic society, and managed principally by the common offspring of Hin-

dus and Europeans, is a new and powerful agent of reconThe zemindari and ryotwari themselves, abominable as they are, involve two distinct forms of private property in land the great desideratum of Asiatic society.


the Indian natives, reluctantly and sparingly educat-

ed at Calcutta, under English superintendence, a fresh class is springing up, endowed with the requirements for government and imbued with European science. Steam has

brought India into regular and rapid communication with Europe, has connected its chief ports with those of the whole south-eastern ocean, and has revindicated it from the isolated position which was the prime law of its stagnation. The day is not far distant when, by a combination of railways and steam vessels, the distance between England and India, measured by time, will be shortened to eight days, and when that once fabulous country will thus be
actually annexed to the Western world. The ruling classes of Great Britain have had, till now, but an accidental, transito ry and exceptional interest in the progress of Ind ia. The aristocracy wanted to conquer

the moneyocracy to plunder it, and the millocracy to undersell it. But now the tables are turned. The millocracy have discovered that the transformation of India into a

reproductive country has become of vital importance to them, and that, to that end, it is necessary, above all, to gift her with means of irrigation and of internal communication. They intend now drawing a net of railways over


they will do




must be inappre-

notorious that the productive powers of India are paralyzed by the utter want of means for conveying and exchanging its various produce. Nowhere, more than in India, do we meet with social destitution in the midst of natural plenty, for want of the means of exchange. It was proved before a Committee of the British House of Commons, which sat in 1848, that
It is

"when grain was





to 8s. a quarter at


v/as sold at 64s. to 70s. at Poona, where the people were dying in the streets of famine, without the possibility of gaining supplies from

Khandesh, because the clay roads were impracticable."

The introduction of railways may be easily made to subserve agricultural purposes by the formation of tanks,
where ground is required for embankment, and by the conveyance of water along the different lines. Thus irri85

qua non of farming in the East, might be greatly extended, and the frequently recurring local famines, arising from the want of water, would be averted. The general importance of railways, viewed under this
gation, the sine

head, must



when we remember



gated lands, even in the districts near Ghauts, pay three times as much in taxes, afford ten or twelve times as much employment, and yield twelve or fifteen times as much profit, as the same area without irrigation. Railways will afford the means of diminishing the amount and the cost of the military establishments. Col. Warren, Town Major of the Fort St. William, stated before a Select Committee of the House of Commons:
"The practicability of receiving intelligence from distant parts of the country in as many hours as at present it requires days and even weeks, and of sending instructions with troops and stores, in the more brief period, are considerations which cannot be too highly estimated. Troops could be kept at more distant and healthier stations than at present, and much loss of life from sickness would by this means be spared. Stores could not to the same extent be required at the various depots, and the loss by decay, and the destruction incidental to the climate, would also be avoided. The number of
troops might be diminished in direct proportion to their effectiveness."

We know that th e municipal or ganization and the eco nomical basis of the village communities have been bro ken up, but their worst featu re, the dissolution of society int o stereotype and d isconnected atoms, has survi ved their v itality The viiiap^ isolati on produced the absence o f in Tnrliq qnH tbp ahspnce of roads rgpirlg perpetuated the village isolation. On this plan a community existed with a given scale of low conveniences, almost without intercourse with other villages, without the desires and efforts indispensable to social advance. The British having broken

lip this RPlf-fiiiffir.jpnt

of the

vill ages,

railways will

provide the

new want


communication and intercourse.


system will be to bring into every knowledge of the contrivances and apand such means of obtaining them, as will first put the hereditary and stipendiary village artisanship of India to full proof of its capabilities, and then supply its defects." (Chapman, The Cotton and Commerce of India.)

"one of the

effects of the railway

village affected by it such pliances of other countries,

I know that the English millocracy intend to endow India v/ith railways with the exclusive view of extracting at

for their manufactures.

diminished expenses the cotton and other raw materials But when you have once introduced machinery into the locomotion of a country, which possesses iron and coals, you are unable to withhold it from its fabrication. You cannot mainta in p npt nf mil ways over an immense country with out introducing all those industrial processes necessary to meet the immediate and cur rent wants of railway locomotion and out of which there must grow the application of machinery to those branches of industry not immediately connected with railways The railway system will therefore become, in India, truly the forerunner of modern industry/This is the more certain as the Hindus are allowed by British authorities themselves
, .

to possess particular aptitude for accommodating themselves to entirely new labour, and acquiring the requisite knowledge of machinery. Ample proof of this fact is af-

forded by the capacities and expertness of the native engineers in the Calcutta mint, where they have been for years employed in working the steam machinery, by the natives attached to the several steam-engines in the Hardwar coal districts, and by other instances. Mr. Campbell himself, greatly influenced as he is by the prejudices of the East India Company, is obliged to avow
"that the great mass of the Indian people possesses a great industrial energy, is well fitted to accumulate capital, and remarkable for a mathematical clearness of head and talent for figures and exact

sciences." "Their intellects," he says, "are excellent."

Modern industry, resulting from the railway system, will dissolve the hereditary divisions of labou r^jjp^n wtTirfT

rest the Indian c astes, those decisive

impediments to


dian progress and Indian power. All the English bourgeoisie may be forced to do will neither emancipate nor materially mend the social condition of the mass of the people, depending not only on the development of the productive powers, but on their appropriation by the people. But what they will not fail to do is to lay down the material premises for both. Has the bourgeoisie ever done more? Has it ever effected a

progress without dragging individuals and peoples through blood and dirt, through misery and degradation? The Indians will not reap the fruits of the new elements of society scattered among them by the British bourgeoisie, till in Great Britain itself the now ruling classes shal l have been supplanted by the industrial proletariat, or til l the Hindus themselves shall have grown strong enoughTo t nrow off the English yoke~aitogether. At all events, we may safely expect to see, at a more or less remote period, the regeneration of that great and interesting country, whose gentle natives are, to use the expression of Prince Saltykov, even in the most inferior classes, "plus fins et plus
adroits que les Italians,"* whose submission even is counterbalanced by a certain calm nobility, who, notwithstanding their natural languor, have astonished the British officers by their bravery, whose country has been the source of our languages, our religions, and who represent the type of the ancient German in the Jat 47 and the type of the ancient Greek in the Brahmin. I cannot part with the subject of India without some concluding remarks. The profound hypocrisy and inherent barbarism of bourgeoi s civilization lies unveiled before our eves, turning


its home, where it ass umes respectable forms, to the coloniei, wiiere~it goes naked. They are the defenders

"More subtle and adroit than the Italians." Marx quotes from A. D. Saltykov's book Lettres sur Vlnde. Paris, 1848, p. 61.Ed.

of property, but did

any revolutionary party ever originate agrarian revolutions like those in Bengal, in Madras, and in Bombay? Did they not, in India, to borrow an expression of that great robber, Lord Clive himself, resort to atrocious extortion, when simple corruption could not keep pace
with their rapacity? While they prated in Europe about the inviolable sanctity of the national debt, did they not
confiscate in India the dividends of the rajahs, who had invested their private savings in the Company's own funds?

While they combated the French revolution under the pretext of defending "our holy religion," did they not forbid, at the same time, Christianity to be propagated in India, and did they not, in order to make money out of the pilgrims streaming to the temples of Orissa and Bengal, take up the trade in the murder and prostitution perpetrated in the temple of Juggernaut? 48 These are the men of "Property, Order, Family, and Religion."

The devastating e ffects of English industry when contemplated with regard to India a country as vast as Europe, and containing 150 millions of acres, are palpable and confounding. But v/e must not forget that they are only t he organic results of the whole system of production as is now constituted. That production rests on the supreme


rule of capital The centralization of capital is essential to the existence of capital as an independent power. The destructive influence of that centralization upon the mar.

kets of the world does but reveal, in the most giganticdimensions, the i nherent organic l aws of political economy, now at work in every civiliz ed town The bourgeois period ot history na s to creat e the material basis of the new world on the one hand the universal in tercourse founded upon th e mutual depende ncy ot man Kind, and the means of that intercourse; on the otner nand the development of the productive powe r s of man and the transformation of material production into a scientific domination of nat.


agencies. Bourgeois industry and commerce create these material conditions of a new world in the same way

as geological revolutions have created the surface of the earth. When a great social revolution shall have mastered the results of the bourgeois epoch, the market of the world

and the modern powers of production, and subjected them to the common control of the most advanced peoples, then
only will



human progress cease to resemble that hideous who would not drink the nectar but from the

skulls of the slain.

Published in the
Tribune, No. 3840, August 8, 1353

New-York Daily

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Karl Marx



The declaration of war against Persia, by England or by the East India Company, 49 is the reproduction of one of those cunning and reckless tricks of Anglo-Asiatic diplomacy, by virtue of which England has extended her possessions on that continent. So soon as the Company
casts a greedy look on any of the independent sovereigns, or

on any region whose political and commercial resources whose gold and jewels are valued, the victim is accused of having violated this or that ideal or actual convention, transgressed an imaginary promise or restriction, committed some nebulous outrage, and then war is declared, and the eternity of wrong, the perennial force of the fable of the wolf and the lamb, is again incarnadined in
national history.

For many years England has coveted a position in the Persian Gulf, and above all the possession of the Island of Kareg, situated in the northern part of those waters. The celebrated Sir John Malcolm, several times Ambassador to Persia, expatiated on the value of that island to England, and affirmed that it could be made one of her most flourishing establishments in Asia, being in the neighbourhood of Bushire, Bandar Rig, Basra, Grien Barberia and Elkatif. Accordingly, the island and Bushire are already in the possession of England. Sir John considered it a central point for the commerce of Turkey, Arabia and Persia. The climate is excellent, and it contains all the facilities for

becoming a flourishing spot. The Ambassador more than thirty-five years ago submitted his observations to Lord Minto, then Governor-General, and both sought to carry
out the scheme.
Sir John, in fact, received the


of an expedition to take the island, and had already set out, when he received orders to return to Calcutta, and Sir Harford Jones was sent on a diplomatic mission to
38, England,

During the first siege of Herat by Persia, in 1837under the same ephemeral pretence as now that is, to defend the Afghans, with whom she has conseized upon Kareg, but was stantly a deadly feud forced by circumstances, by the interference of Russia, to surrender her prey. The lately renewed and successful attempt of Persia against Herat has afforded England an occasion to accuse the Shah of violation of good faith toward her, and to take the island as a first step toward


Thus, for half a century, England has striven continualbut rarely with success, to establish her preponderance in the Cabinet of the Persian Shahs. The latter, however, are a match for their wheedling foes, and squirm out of such treacherous embraces. Aside from having under their eyes English dealings in India, the Persians very likely

in view this advice, given to Feth-ali Shah, in 1805: "Distrust the counsel of a nation of greedy merchants, which in India traffics with the lives and crowns of sovereigns." Set a thief to catch a thief. In Teheran, the capital of Persia, English influence is very low; for, not


counting Russian intrigues there, France occupies a prominent standing, and of the three filibusters, Persia may most dread the British. At the present moment an embas-

sy from Persia

is on the way to or has already reached and there very likely the Persian complication will

be the subject of diplomatic disputes. France, indeed, is not indifferent to the occupation of the island in the Persian Gulf. The question is rendered yet more knotty by the fact that France disentombs some buried parchment by

which Kareg has already been twice ceded to her by the Persian Shahs one so far back as in 1708, under Louis XIV, and then in 1808 on both occasions conditionally,

it is true, but in terms sufficient to constitute some rights, or justify pretensions from the present imitator of those sovereigns, who were sufficiently anti-English. In a recent answer to the Journal des Debats, The London Times gives up in the name of England to France every pretension to the leadership in European affairs, reserving for the English nation the undisputed direction of the affairs of Asia and America, where no other European

power must

interfere. It

may, nevertheless, be doubted


Louis Bonaparte will accept this division of the world. At any rate, French diplomacy in Teheran during the late misunderstandings did not heartily support England; and
the French press exhuming and ventilating Gallic pretensions to Kareg seems to foreshadow that England will not

an easy game to attack and dismember Persia.

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Written on October 30, 1856

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 4904, January 7, 1857

Karl Marx


The mails of the America which reached us yesterday morning bring a variety of documents concerning the British quarrel with the Chinese authorities at Canton, and the warlike operations of Admiral Seymour. The result which a careful study of the official correspondence between the British and Chinese authorities at Hongkong and Canton must, we think, produce upon every impartial mind, is that the_Britis h are in t h_wrong_jn the whole proceeding. The alleged cause of the quarrel, as stated by the latter, is that instead of appealing to the British Consul, certain Chinese officers had violently removed some Chinese criminals from a lorcha lying in Canton River, and hauled down the British flag which was flying from its mast. But, as says The London Times, "there are, indeed, matters in dispute such as whether the lorcha was carrying British colours, and whether the Consul was entirely justified in the steps that he took." The doubt thus
is confirmed when we remember that the provision of the treaty, 50 which the Consul insists should be applied to this lorcha, relates to British ships alone; while the lorcha, as it abundantly appears, was not in any just

sense British. But in order that our readers may have the whole case before them, we proceed to give what is important in the official correspondence. First, we have a communication dated Oct. 21, from Mr. Parkes, the British Consul at Canton, to Governor-General Yeh, as follows:

the morning of the 8th inst. the British lorcha Arrow, when the shipping anchored before the city, was boarded, without any previous reference being made to the British Consul, by a large force of Chinese officers and soldiers in uniform, who, in the face of the remonstrance of the master, an Englishman, seized, bound and carried away twelve Chinese out of her crew of fourteen, and hauled down her colours. I reported all the particulars of this public insult to the British flag, and grave violation of the ninth article of the Supplementary Treaty, to your Excellency the same day, and appealed to you to afford satisfaction for the insult, and cause the provision of the treaty to be in this case faithfully observed. But your Excellency, with a strange disregard both to justice and treaty engagement, has offered no reparation or apology for the injury, and, by retaining the men you have seized in your custody, signify your approval of this violation of the treaty, and leave her Majesty's Government without assurance that a similar event shall not again occur."



It seems that the Chinese on board the lorcha were seized by the Chinese officers, because the latter had been informed that some of the crew had participated in a pir-

acy committed against a Chinese merchantman. The British Consul accuses the Chinese Governor-General of seizing
the crew, of hauling down the British flag, of declining to offer any apology, and of retaining the men seized in his custody. The Chinese Governor, in a letter addressed to Admiral Seymour, affirms that, having ascertained that nine of the captives were innocent, he directed, on Oct. 10, an officer to put them on board of their vessel again, but that Consul Parkes refused to receive them. As to the lorcha itself, he states that when the Chinese on board were seized, she was supposed to be a Chinese vessel, and rightly so, because she was built by a Chinese, and belonged
to a Chinese, who of a British ensign,

British register

a method,

had fraudulently obtained possession by entering his vessel on the colonial

smugglers. As

it seems, habitual with Chinese to the question of the insult to the flag, the

Governor remarks:

nation, to haul

has been the invariable rule with lorchas of your Excellency's down the flag when they drop anchor, and to hoist

was boarded, has been satisfactorily proved that no flag was flying. How then could a flag have been hauled down? Yet Consul Parkes, in one dispatch after another, pretends that satisfaction is required for the insult offered to the


when they

get under way.


the lorcha

in order that the prisoners

might be seized,


these premises the Chinese Governor concludes that no breach of any treaty has been committed. On Oct. 51 demanded 12, nevertheless, the British Plenipotentiary not only the surrender of the whole of the arrested crew, but also an apology. The Governor thus replies:


"Early in the morning of Oct. 22, I wrote to Consul Parkes, and same time forwarded to him tv/elve men, namely, Li Ming-tai and Li Chi-fu, convicted on the inquiry I had instituted, and the witness, Ai-ya, together with nine previously tendered. But Consul Parkes would neither receive the twelve prisoners nor my letter."
at the


Parkes might, therefore, have now got back the whole of his twelve men, together with what was most probably an apology, contained in a letter which he did not open.
In the evening of the same day, Governor Yeh again made inquiry why the prisoners tendered by him were not received, and why he received no answer to his letter. No notice was taken of this step, but on the 24th fire was

and several of them were taken: and 1 that Admiral Seymour explained the apparently incomprehensible conduct of Consul Parkes in a message to the Governor. The men, he says, had been
opened on the


was not



restored to the Consul, but "not publicly restored to their

vessel, nor had the required apology been made for the violation of the Consular jurisdiction." To this quibble, then, of not restoring in state a set of men numbering three

convicted criminals, the whole case is reduced. To this the Governor of Canton answers, first, that the twelve men had been actually handed over to the Consul, and that there had not been "any refusal to return them to their ves-

What was still the matter with this British Consul, the Chinese Governor only learned after the city had been


insists that

for six days. As to an apology, Governor Yeh none could be given, as no fault had been com-


We quote his words:

foreign flag was seen by my executive at the time of the capture, and as, in addition to this, it was ascertained on examination of the prisoners by the officer deputed to conduct it, that the lorcha was in no respect a foreign vessel, I maintain that there was


no mistake committed."

Indeed, the force of this Chinaman's dialectics disposes so effectually of the whole question and there is no other apparent case that Admiral Seymour at last has no re-



him but a declaration

like the following:

"I must positively decline any further argument on the merits of the case of the lorcha Arrow. I am perfectly satisfied of the facts as represented to your Excellency by Mr. Consul Parkes."

But after having taken the


breached the walls of

the city, and bombarded Canton for six days, the Admiral suddenly discovers quite a new object for his measures, as we find him writing to the Chinese Governor on Oct. 30:
"It is now for your Excellency, by immediate consultation with me, to terminate a condition of things of which the present evil is not slight, but which, if not amended, can scarcely fail to be produc-

tive of the

most serious


The Chinese Governor answers, that according to the Convention of 1849, 52 he had no right to ask for such a


further says:

"In reference to the admission into the city, I must observe that, 1849, his Excellency the Plenipotentiary Bonham issued a public notice at the factories here, to the effect that he thereby prohibited foreigners from entering the city. The notice was inserted in the nev/spapers of the time, and will, I presume, have been read by your Excellency. Add to this that the exclusion of foreigners from the city is by the unanimous vote of the whole population of Canton. It may be supposed how little to their liking has been this storming of the forts and this destruction of their dwellings; and, apprehensive as I am of the evil that may hence befall the officials and citizens of your Excellency's nation, I can suggest nothing better than a continued adherence to the policy of the Plenipotentiary
in April,



Bonham, as

to the correct course to be pursued.


to the consul-

tation proposed

by your Excellency,

have already, some days ago,

deputed Tsang, Prefect of Liuchow."

Admiral Seymour now makes a clean breast of it, declaring that he does not care for the convention of Mr.

"Your Excellency's reply refers me to the notification of the British Plenipotentiary of 1849, prohibiting foreigners from entering
Canton. Now, I must remind you that, although we have indeed serious matter of complaint against the Chinese Government for breach of the promise given in 1847 to admit foreigners into Canton at the end of two years, my demand now made is in no way connected with former negotiations on the same subject, neither am I demanding admission of any but the foreign officials, and this only for the simple and sufficient reasons above assigned. On my proposal to treat personally with your Excellency, you do me the honour to remark that you sent a Prefect some days ago. I am compelled
therefore to regard your Excellency's whole letter as unsatisfactory in the extreme, and have only to add that, unless I immediately receive an explicit assurance of your assent to what I have proposed, I shall at once resume offensive operations."

Governor Yeh retorts by again entering into the

of the Convention of 1849:


"In 1848 there was a long controversial correspondence on the subject between my predecessor Hsii and the British Plenipotentiary, Mr. Bonham, and Mr. Bonham being satisfied that an interview within the city was utterly out of the question, addressed a letter to Hsii in the April of 1849, in which he said, 'At the present time I can have no more discussion with your Excellency on this subject.' He further issued a notice from the factories to the effect that no foreigner was to enter the city, which was inserted in the papers, and he communicated this to the British Government. There was not a Chinese or foreigner of any nation who did not know that the question was never to be discussed again."

Impatient of argument, the British Admiral hereupon forces his way into the City of Canton to the residence of the Governor, at the same time destroying the Imperial fleet in the river. Thus there are two distinct acts in this
diplomatic and military drama the first introducing the bombardment of Canton on the pretext of a breach of the

Treaty of 1842 committed by the Chinese Governor, and the second, continuing that bombardment on an enlarged scale, on the pretext that the Governor clung stubbornly to the Convention of 1849. First Canton is bombarded for breaking a treaty, and next it is bombarded for observing a treaty. Besides, it is not even pretended that redress was not given in the first instance, but only that redress was not given in the orthodox manner. The view of the case put forth by The London Times would do no discredit even to General William Walker of
this outbreak of hostilities," says that journal, "existing treaare annulled, and we are left free to change our relations with the Chinese Empire as we please. The recent proceedings at Canton warn us that we ought to enforce that right of free entrance into the country and into the ports open to us, which was stipulated for must not again be told that our reprein the Treaty of 1842. sentatives must be excluded from the presence of the Chinese Governor-General, because we have waived the performance of the article which enabled foreigners to penetrate beyond the precincts




of our factories."

In other words, "we" have commenced hostilities in order to break an existing treaty and to enforce a claim which "we" have waived by an express convention! We are happy to say, however, that another prominent organ of British opinion expresses itself in a more humane and

becoming tone.
"It is," says The Daily News, "a monstrous fact, that in order to avenge the irritated pride of a British official, and punish the folly of an Asiatic governor, we prostitute our strength to the wicked work of carrying fire and sword, and desolation and death, into the peaceful homes of unoffending men, on whose shores we were originally intruders. Whatever may be the issue of this Canton bombardment, the deed itself is a bad and a base one a reckless and wanton waste of human life at the shrine of a false etiquette and a mistaken policy."

It is,

of the


perhaps, a question whether the civilized nations will approve this mode of invading a peaceful

country, without previous declaration of war, for an alleged infringement of the fanciful code of diplomatic eti53 in quette. If the first Chinese war, spite of its infamous looked was pretext, upon by other powers, bepatiently cause it held out the prospect of opening the trade with China, is not this second v/ar likely to obstruct that trade for an indefinite period? Its first result must be the cutting off of Canton from the tea-growing districts, as yet, for the most part, in the hands of the imperialistsa circum stance which cannot profit anybody but the Rus sian ove rland tea traders.
Written on January
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 4918, January 23, 1857

Karl Marx


London, February


The Earl of Derby's resolution, and that of Mr. Cobden, both of them passing condemnation upon the Chinese hostilities, were moved according to notices given, the one on the 24th of February, in the House of Lords, the other on the 27th of February, in the House of Commons. The debates in the Lords ended on the same day when the debates in the Commons began. The former gave the Palmerston Cabinet a shock by leaving it in the comparatively weak majority of 36 votes. The latter may result in its

may attach to the discusin the House of Lords the debates Commons, have exhausted the argumentative part of the controversy the masterly speeches of Lords Derby and Lyndhurst forestalling the eloquence of Mr. Cobden, Sir E. Bulwer,

But whatever interest

sion in the

Lord John Russell, and tutti quanti. The only law authority on the part of the Government, the Lord Chancellor*, remarked that "unless England had a good case with regard to the Arrow, all proceedings from the last to first were wrong." Derby and Lyndhurst proved beyond doubt that England had no case at all with regard to that lorcha. The line of argument followed by them coincides so much with that taken up in the columns of The Tribune** on the first publication of the English

Robert Cranworth.

94-100. Ed.

** See this collection, pp.

dispatches that I am able to condense it here into a very small compass. What is the charge against the Chinese Government upon which the Canton massacres are pretended to rest? The infringement of Art. 9 of the supplemental treaty of 1843. That article prescribes that any Chinese offenders, being in the Colony of Hongkong, or on board a British man-ofwar, or on board a British merchant ship, are not to be seized by the Chinese authorities themselves, but should be demanded from the British Consul, and by him be handed over to the native authorities. Chinese pirates were seized in the River of Canton on board the lorcha Arrow, by Chinese officers, without the intervention of the British Consul. The question arises, therefore, was the Arrow a British vessel? It was, as Lord Derby shows,
"a vessel Chinese built, Chinese captured, Chinese bought and manned, and Chinese owned."


By what means, then, was this Chinese vessel converted into a British merchantman? By purchasing at Hongkong a
tion of
this register relies

British register or sailing licence. The legality of upon an ordinance of the local legisla-

Hongkong, passed in March, 1855. That ordinance not only infringed the treaty existing between England and China, but annulled the law of England herself. It was, therefore, void and null. Some semblance of English legality it could but receive from the Merchant Shipping Act, which, however, was passed only two months after the issue of the ordinance. And even with the legal provisions of that act it had never been brought into consonance. The ordinance, therefore, under which the lorcha Arrow received its register, was so much waste paper. But even according to this worthless paper the Arrow had forfeited its protection by the infringement of the provisions prescribed, and the expiration of its licence. This point is conceded by Sir J. Bowring himself. But then, it is said, whether or not the Arrow was an English vessel, it had, at all

events, hoisted the English flag, and that flag was insulted. Firstly, if the flag was flying, it was not legally flying.

But was it flying at all? On this point there exists discrepancy between the English and Chinese declarations. The latter have, however, been corroborated by depositions, forwarded by the Consuls, of the master and crew of the Portuguese lorcha No. 83. With reference to these depositions, The Friend of China^ of Nov. 13 states that "it is now notorious at Canton that the British flag had not been flying on board the lorcha for six days previous to its

Thus falls to the ground the punctilio of honour, with the legal case.* together Lord Derby had in this speech the good taste altogether

from his habitual waggishness, and thus to give argument a strictly judicial character. No efforts, however, on his part were wanted to impregnate his speech with a deep current of irony. The Earl of Derby, the chief
to forbear

of the hereditary aristocracy of England, pleading against the late Doctor, now Sir John Bowring, the pet disciple of

Bentham; pleading for humanity against the professional

humanitarian; defending the real interests of nations against the systematic utilitarian insisting upon a punctilio vox of diplomatic etiquette; appealing to the "vox populi dei" against the greatest-benefit-of-the-greatest-number 55 man; the descendant of the conquerors preaching peace where a member of the Peace Society 56 preached red-hot shell; a Derby branding the acts of the British navy as "miserable proceedings" and "inglorious operations," where a Bowring congratulates it upon cowardly outrages which met with no resistance, upon "its brilliant achieve-

ments, unparalleled bravery, and splendid union of milsuch contrasts were the more itary skill and valour" keenly satirical the less the Earl of Derby seemed to be aware of them. He had the advantage of that great historical irony which does not flow from the wit of indi-

The manuscript ends



viduals, but

from the humour of situations. The whole parliamentary history of England has, perhaps, never exhibited such an intellectual victory of the aristocrat over the

Lord Derby declared at the outset that he "should have upon statements and documents exclusively furnished by the very parties whose conduct he was about to impugn," and that he was content "to rest his case upon these documents." Now it has been justly remarked that those documents, as laid before the public by the Government, would have allowed the latter to shift the whole responsibility upon its subordinates. So much is this the case that the attacks made by the parliamentary adversaries of the Government were exclusively directed to Bowring and Co., and could have been endorsed by the home Governto rely


itself, without at quote from his Lordship:






do not wish to say anything disrespectful of Dr. Bowring. He a man of great attainments; but it appears to me that on the subject of his admission into Canton he is possessed with a perfect monomania (Hear, hear, and laughter). I believe he dreams of his entrance into Canton. I believe he thinks of it the first thing in the morning, the last thing at night, and in the middle of the night, if he happens to be awake (Laughter). I do not believe that he would consider any sacrifice too great, any interruption of commerce to be deplored, any bloodshed to be regretted, when put in the scale with the immense advantage to be derived from the fact that Sir J. Bowring had obtained an official reception in the Yamen* of Canton

may be


Next came Lord Lyndhurst:

"Sir J. Bowring, who is a distinguished humanitarian as well as plenipotentiary (Laughter), himself admits the register is void, and that the lorcha was not entitled to hoist the English flag. Now, mark what he says: 'The vessel had no protection, but the Chinese do not know this. For God's sake do not whisper it to them.' He persevered, know the Chinese have not been guilty too, for he said in effect: of any violation of treaty, but we will not tell them so; we will in-


Chinese mandarin's

official residence.



sist upon reparation and a return of the men they have seized in a particular form. If the men were not returned in the form, what was to be the remedy? Why, to seize a junk a war junk. If that was not sufficient, seize more, until we compelled them to submit, although

we knew they had the right on their side and we had no justice on ours (Hear). Was there ever conduct more abominable, more flagrant, in which I will not say more fraudulent, but what is equal to fraud in our country more false pretence has been put forward by a public man in the service of the British Government (Hear)? It is extraordinary that Sir J. Bowring should think he had the right of declaring war. I can understand a man in such a position having necessarily a power of carrying on defensive operations, but to carry on offensive operations upon such a ground upon such a pretence is one of the most extraordinary proceedings to be found in the history of the world. It is quite clear from the papers laid on the table, that from the first moment at which Sir J. Bowring was appointed to the station he now fills, his ambition was to procure what his predecessors had completely failed to effect namely, the entry within the walls of Canton. Bent only upon carrying this object of gaining admission within the walls of Canton into execution, he has, for no necessary purpose whatever, plunged the country into a war; and what is the result? Property, to the large amount of $1,500,000, belonging to British subjects, is now impounded in the City of Canton, and in addition to that our factories are burned to the ground, and all this is only owing to the mischievous policy of one of the most mischievous of men.

But man, proud man, Dressed in a little brief authority,


Most ignorant of what he's most assured, This glassy essence, like an angry ape, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven As make the angels weep."*



Lord Grey:

your Lordships will refer to the papers you will find that Bowring applied for an interview with Commissioner Yeh, the Commissioner was ready to meet him, but he appointed for that purpose the house of the merchant Wu Hao-kuan, without the city. Sir J. Bowring's dignity would not allow him to go anywhere but to the official residence of the Commissioner. I expect, if no other result, at least the good result from the adoption of the resolution the instant recall of Sir J. Bowring."


Sir J.

Shakespeare, Measure for Measure, Act






Bowring met with similar treatment at the hands Commons, and Mr. Cobden even opened his speech with a solemn repudiation of his "friend of twenty years'

of the

literal quotations from the speeches of Lords DerLyndhurst and Grey prove that, to parry the attack, Lord Palmerston's Administration had only to drop Sir J. Bowring instead of identifying itself with that "distinguished humanitarian." That it owed this facility of escape neither to the indulgence nor the tactics of his adversaries, but exclusively to the papers laid before Parliament, will become evident from the slightest glance at the papers themselves as well as the debates founded upon them. Can there remain any doubt as to Sir J. Bowring's "monomania" with respect to his entrance into Canton? Is it not proved that that individual, as The London Times says, "has taken a course entirely out of his own head, without either advice from his superiors at home or any reference to their politics?" Why, then, should Lord Palmerston, at




moment when





beset with difficulties of all sorts financial difficulties, Persian war difficulties, secret-treaty difficulties, electoral reform difficulties, coalition difficulties when he is conscious that the eyes of the House are "upon him more earnestly but less admiringly than ever before," why should he single out just that moment to exhibit, for the first time in his political life, an unflinching fidelity to another man and to a subaltern too at the hazard of not only impairing




position, but of completely breaking it up? Why should he push his new-fangled enthusiasm to such a point as to offer himself as the expiatory sacrifice for the sins of a Dr. Bowring? Of course no man in his senses thinks the noble Viscount capable of any such romantic aberrations. The line of policy he has followed up in this Chinese difficulty affords conclusive evidence of the defective character of the papers he has laid before




Parliament. Apart from published papers there must exist


and secret instructions which would go far if Dr. Bowring was possessed of the "monomania" of entering into Canton, there stood behind him the cool-headed chief of Whitehall 57 working upon his monomania and driving it, for purposes of his own, from the state of latent warmth into that of consuming fire.
secret papers to show that
Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 4962, March 16, 1857

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Karl Marx


London, March


"And stand between two churchmen, good my Lord; For on that ground I'll build a holy descant."*

Palmerston does not exactly comply with the advice tendered by Buckingham to Richard III. He stands between the churchman on the one side, and the opium-smuggler on the other. While the Low Church bishops, whom the veteran impostor allowed the Earl of Shaftesbury, his kinsman, to nominate, vouch his "righteousness," the opium-smugglers, the dealers in "sweet poison for the
age's tooth,"** vouch his faithful service to "commodity, the bias of the world."*** Burke, the Scotchman, was proud of the London "Resurrectionists." 58 So is Palmerston

of the Liverpool "poisoners." These smooth-faced gentlemen are the worthy representatives of a town, the pedigree of whose greatness may be directly traced back to the
slave-trade. Liverpool, otherwise not famous for poetical production, may at least claim the original merit of hav-

ing enriched poetry with odes on the slave-trade. While Pindar commenced his hymn on the Olympian victors with the celebrated "Water is the best thing" (Ariston men hu-

Shakespeare, The Tragedy of King Richard

Shakespeare, The Life Ed. I.















Scene I.Ed.

a modern Liverpool Pindar might, therefore, be expected to open his hymn on the Downing Street prize-fighters with the more ingenious exordium, "Opium

the best thing."

Along with the holy bishops and the unholy opium-smugglers, there go the large tea-dealers, for the greater part directly or indirectly engaged in the opium traffic, and,
interested in oversetting the present treaties with China. They are, besides, actuated by motives of their own. Having in the past year ventured upon enormous speculations in tea, the prolongation of hostilities will at once enhance the huge stocks they hold, and enable them to postpone the large payments to their creditors at Canton. Thus, war will allow them to cheat at once their British buyers and their Chinese sellers, and consequently realize their notions of "national glory" and "commercial interests." Generally the British manufacturers disagree from the tenets of this Liverpool catechism, upon the same lofty principle which puts in opposition the Manchester man, wanting low cotton prices, to the Liverpool gentleman, wanting high ones. During the first Anglo-Chinese war, extending from 1839 to 1842, the British manufacturers had flattered themselves with false hopes of marvellously extended exports. Yard by yard they had measured the cotton stuffs the Celestials were to be clothed in. Experience broke the padlock Palmerstonian politicians had put upon their mind. From 1854 to 1857 the British manufactured exports to China did not average more than 1,250,000 sterling, an amount frequently reached in years preceding the first war with China.
Cobden, the spokesman of the British manufacHouse of Commons, "since 1842 we" (the United Kingdom) "have not added to our exports to China at all, at least as far as our manufactures are concerned. We have increased our
"In fact," as Mr. turers, stated in the

consumption of

tea; that is all."


Pindar's First

Olympian Ode.


Hence the broader views with which




contradistinction to British bishops, opiumturers, and tea-dealers, are able to take of Chinese polsmugglers, itics. If we pass over the tax-eaters and place-hunters who hang on the skirts of every administration, and the silly

coffee-house patriots who believe "the nation to pluck up a heart" under Pam's auspices, we have in fact enumerated all the bona fide partisans of Palmerston. Still we must not forget The London Times and Punch, the Grand Cophta and the Clown of the British press, 59 both of whom are riveted to the present administration by golden and official links, and, consequently, write up a factitious enthusiasm for the hero of the Canton massacres. But then, it ought to be considered that the vote of the House of Commons betokened a rebellion against Palmerston as


as against The Times. The imminent elections have, therefore, to decide not only whether Palmerston shall engross all the power of the State, but also whether The Times shall monopolize the whole manufacture of public

Upon which principle, then, is Palmerston likely to appeal to the general election? Extension of trade with China? But he has destroyed the very port upon which that commerce depended. For a more or less protracted period he has transferred it from the sea to the land, from the five ports to Siberia, from England to Russia. In the United Kingdom he has raised the duty upon tea the greatest bar against the extension of the Chinese trade. The safety of the British merchant-adventurers? But the Blue Book, entitled "Correspondence Respecting Insults in China," laid upon the table of the Commons by the Ministry itself, proves that, since the last seven years, there occurred but six cases of insult, in two of which the English were the aggressors, while in the four others the Chinese authorities exerted themselves to the full satisfaction of the British authorities in order to punish the offenders. If, then,
the fortunes and the lives of the British merchants in Hong110

kong, Singapore, etc., are at present endangered, their perils are conjured up by Palmerston himself. But the honour of the British flag! Palmerston has sold it for 50 a piece to the smugglers of Hongkong, and stained it by the "wholesale massacre of helpless British customers." Yet, these pleas of extension of trade, safety of British merchant-adventurers, and honour of the British flag, are the only ones put up by the Government oracles which till now have addressed their constituents. They wisely refrain from touching any point of internal policy, as the cry of "no reform," and "more taxes," would not do. One member of the Palmerstonian Cabinet, Lord Mulgrave, the Household Treasurer, tells his constituents that he has "no
political theories to propound." Another one, Bob Lowe, in his Kidderminster address, girds at the ballot, the ex-

tension of suffrage, and similar "humbug." A third one, Mr. Labouchere, the same clever fellow who defended the Canton bombardment on the plea that, should the Commons brand it as unjust, the English people must prepare to pay a bill of about 5,000,000 to the foreign merchants whose Canton property had been destroyed this same La-

bouchere, in his

Taunton constituents, ignores politics altogether, simply resting his claims upon the high deeds of Bowring, Parkes and Seymour. The remark, then, of a British provincial paper, that Palmerston has got, not only no "good cry for the hustings, but no cry at all," is perfectly true. Yet his case is by no means desperate. Circumstances are altogether altered since the vote of the Commons. The local outrage on Canton has led to a general war with China. There remains the question only, who is to carry on the war? The man who
appeal to his


war to be just, is he not better enabled to on with vigour than his adversaries, getting in by passing sentence upon it? During his interregnum will Palmerston not embroil matters to such a degree as to remain the indispensable
asserts that


fact of there taking place an electoral not decide the question in his favour? For the greater part of the British electoral bodies, as at present constituted, an electoral battle means a battle between Whigs and Tories. Now, as he is the actual head of the Whigs, as his overthrow must bring the Tories in, will not the greater part of the so-called Liberals vote for Palmerston in order to oust Derby? Such are the true considerations upon which the Ministerialists rely. If their calculations prove correct, Palmerston's dictatorship, till now silently suffered, would be openly proclaimed. The new Parliamentary majority would owe their existence to the explicit profession of passive obedience to the Minister. A coup d'etat might then, in due course of time, follow Palmerston's appeal from the Parliament to the people, as it followed Bonaparte's appeal from the Assemblee Nationale to the nation. That same people might then learn to their damage that Palmerston is the old colleague of the Castlereagh-Sidmouth Cabinet, who gagged the press, suppressed public meetings, suspended the Habeas Corpus Act, made it legal for the Cabinet to imprison and expulse at pleasure, and lastly butchered the people at Manchester for protesting against the Corn Laws. 60
battle, will

Then the mere

Published in the

Printed according to the text

Tribune, 31, 1857
of the

New- York Daily No. 4975, March


Karl Marx


few years


the frightful system of torture

James Hogg, one Most Honourable East India Company, boldly asserted that the statements made were unfounded. Subsequent investigation, however, proved them to be based upon facts which should have been well known to the Directors, and Sir James had left him to admit either "wilful ignorance" or "criminal knowledge" of the horrible charge laid at the Company's doors. Lord Palmerston, the
in India in Parliament, Sir

was exposed

of the Directors of the

present Premier of England, and the Earl of Clarendon, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, seem just now to be placed in a similar unenviable position. At the late Lord

Mayor's banquet, the Premier said, in his speech, while attempting to justify the atrocities committed upon the
"If the Government had, in this case, approved of unjustifiable proceedings, they had undoubtedly followed a course which deserved to incur the censure of Parliament and of the country. were persuaded, however, on the contrary, that these proceedings were felt that a great wrong had been inflicted necessary and vital. on our country. felt that our fellow-countrymen in a distant part of the globe had been exposed to a series of insults, outrages and atrocities which could not be passed over in silence (Cheers). felt that the treaty rights of this country had been broken, and that those locally charged with the defence of our interests in that quarter of the world were not only justified, but obliged to resent those outrages, so far as the power in their hands would enable them to do so. felt that we should be betraying the trust which the








citizens of the country

had reposed

in us


we had

not approved of

the proceedings which we thought to be right, and which we, if placed in the same circumstances, should have deemed it our duty

have pursued (Cheers)."

Now, however much the people of England and the world at large may be deceived by such plausible statements, his Lordship himself certainly does not believe them to be true, or if he does, he has betrayed a wilful ignorance almost as unjustifiable as "criminal knowledge." Ever since the first report reached us of English hostilities in China, the Government journals of England and a portion of the American press have been heaping wholesale denunciations upon the Chinese sweeping charges of
violation of treaty obligations insults to the English flag degradation of foreigners residing on their soil, and the

like; yet not one single distinct charge has been made or a single fact instanced in support of these denunciations, save the case of the lorcha Arrow, and, with respect to this case, the circumstances have been so misrepresented and glossed over by Parliamentary rhetoric as utterly to mis-

lead those


really desire to understand the merits of

whom, being old offenders against pirates and smugglers the laws, the authorities had long been trying to While lying at anchor front of Canton with and no whatever displayedthe police became aware of the presence on board of these offenders, and rested them precisely such an act as would have taken

Arrow was a small Chinese vessel, manned but by Chinese, employed by some Englishmen. A licence to carry the English flag had been temporarily granted to her, which licence had expired prior to the alleged "insult." She is said to have been used to smuggle salt, and had on board of her some very bad characters Chinese

the question. The lorcha


sails furled,



place here, had the police along our wharves known that river-thieves and smugglers were secreted in a native or foreign vessel near by. But, as this arrest interfered with

the business of the owners, the captain went to the English Consul and complained. The Consul, a young man recently appointed, and, as we are informed, a person of a quick and irritable disposition, rushes on board in propria persona, gets into an excited parley with the police, who have

only discharged their simple duty, and consequently fails in obtaining satisfaction. Thence he rushes back to the Consulate, writes an imperative demand for restitution and apology to the Governor-General of the Kwangtung Province, and a note to Sir John Bowring and Admiral Seymour at Hongkong, representing that he and his country's flag have been insulted beyond endurance, and intimating in pretty broad terms that now is the time for a demonstration against Canton, such as had long been waited for. Gov. Yeh politely and calmly responds to the arrogant demands of the excited young British Consul. He states the reason of the arrest, and regrets that there should have been any misunderstanding in the matter; at the same time he unqualifiedly denies the slightest intention of insulting the English flag, and sends back the men, whom, although lawfully arrested, he desired not to detain

expense of so serious a misunderstanding. But this not satisfactory to Mr. Consul Parkes he must have an official apology, and a more formal restitution, or Gov. Yeh must abide the consequences. Next arrives Admiral Seymour with the British fleet, and then commences another correspondence, dogmatic and threatening on the side of the Admiral; cool, unimpassioned, polite, on the side of the Chinese official. Admiral Seymour demands a personal interview within the walls of Canton. Gov. Yeh
at the

all precedent, and that Sir George that it should not be required. 61 He would readily consent to an interview, as usual, outside the walled town if necessary, or meet the Admiral's wishes in any other way not contrary to Chinese usage and

says this


contrary to

Bonham had agreed

hereditary etiquette. But this did not suit the bellicose representative of British power in the East.


Upon the grounds thus briefly stated and the official accounts now before the people of England fully bear out this most unrighteous war has been this statement The unoffending citizens and peaceful tradesmen of waged.

Canton have been slaughtered, their habitations battered to the ground, and the claims of humanity violated, on the flimsy pretence that "English life and property are endangered by the aggressive acts of the Chinese!" The British Government and the British people at least those who have chosen to examine the question know how false and hollow are such charges. An attempt has been made to divert investigation from the main issue, and to impress the public mind with the idea that a long series of injuries, preceding the case of the lorcha Arrow, form of themselves a sufficient casus belli. But these sweeping assertions are baseless. The Chinese have at least ninetynine injuries to complain of to one on the part of the



silent is the press of

England upon the outrageous

violations of the treaty daily practised by foreigners living hear nothing of the in China under British protection! illicit opium trade, which yearly feeds the British treasury


by means of which the Chinese Government is defrauded of its rightful revenue on incoming and outgoing merchandise. We hear nothing of the wrongs inflicted "even unto death" upon misguided and bonded emigrants sold to worse than slavery on the coast of Peru and into Cuban bondage. We
hear nothing of the bullying spirit often exercised against the timid nature of the Chinese, or of the vice introduced by foreigners at the ports open to their trade. We hear nothing of all this and of much more, first, because the majority of people out of China care little about the social and moral condition of that country; and secondly, because it is the part of policy and prudence not to agitate topics where no pecuniary advantage would result. Thus,

at the expense of human life and morality. ing of the constant bribery of sub-officials,


hear noth-

the English people at home,

grocer's where they buy


look no farther than the

their tea, are prepared to


the misrepresentations which the Ministry and the Press choose to thrust down the public throat. Meanwhile, in China, the smothered fires of hatred kindled against the English during their opium war have burst into a flame of animosity, which no tenders of peace and
friendship will be very likely to quench.
Written about March 22, 1857
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 4984, April


Frederick Engels



Should the quarrel which the English have picked with the Chinese be pushed to extremity, it may be expected to end in a new military and naval expedition similar to that undertaken in 1841-42, on the basis of the opium quarrel. The easy success of the English on that occasion, in extorting an immense sum of silver from the Chinese, will be
apt to recommend a new experiment of the same sort to a people who, with all their horror of our filibustering propensities, still retain, not less than ourselves, not a little of the old plundering buccaneering spirit which distinguished our common ancestors of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Yet remarkable changes

in China, which have ful plundering inroad


in the position of things occurred since that former success-

on behalf of the opium trade, make

very doubtful whether a similar expedition at the present day would be attended by anything like a similar result.

The new expedition would doubtless set out, like that of 1841-42, from the Island of Hongkong. That expedition consisted of a fleet of two seventy-fours, eight frigates, a great number of sloops and brigs-of-war, twelve steamers, and forty transports, having on board a military force, marines included, amounting to fifteen thousand men. The new expedition would hardly be attempted with any smaller force; indeed, some of the considerations we are about to state would indicate the policy of making it



The expedition

of 1841-42, sailing

from Hongkong on

the 21st of August, 1841, took possession first of Amoy, and then, on the 1st of October, of the Island of Chusan, which they made the base of their future operations. The
object of these operations was to penetrate into and ascend the great central river Yangtze Kiang as far as the City of Nanking, about two hundred miles from its mouth.

Yangtze Kiang divides China into two quite the North and the South. About forty miles below Nanking the Imperial Canal enters and crosses the great river, affording the means of commercial intercourse between the northern and southern provinces. The theory of the campaign was that the possession of this important communication would be a fatal thing for Peking, and would force the Emperor to make peace forthwith. On the 13th of June, 1842, the English forces, under



distinct portions

Henry Pottinger, appeared off Wusung, at the entrance of the small river of that name. This river flows from the

south, entering the estuary of the Yangtze Kiang very near debouch into the Yellow Sea. The mouth of the Wusung

River forms the harbour of Shanghai, situated a short distance up. The banks of the Wusung were covered with batteries, all of which were stormed and carried without difficulty. A column of the invading force then marched on Shanghai, which surrendered without any attempt at

though little resistance was as yet experienced from the peaceful and timid inhabitants on the banks of the Yangtze Kiang, who, after a prolonged peace
resistance. But,

had now their first experiand the approach to it from the sea, were found to present great impediments. The broad estuary of the Yangtze Kiang enters the sea from between shores half covered with mud, and hardly discernof nearly two hundred years, ence of war, the estuary itself,

as the sea for


leagues off




whence comes its name. Ships intending to enter the Yangtze Kiang are obliged to move cautiously along the
southern shore, keeping the lead constantly going, in or119

der to avoid the bars of movable sand with which the approach is impeded. These banks extend up the estuary as high as the upper end of the great Island of Chungming, which lies midway in it and divides it into two channels. Above this island, which is some thirty miles long, the shores begin to show themselves above the water, but the

course of the channel becomes very serpentine. The tide flows up as far as Chingkiang-fu, about half way to Nanking, and where, in fact, what has hitherto been an estuary or arm of the sea, first takes on, for ascending vessels, the character of a river. Before making this point, the
serious difficulties. It took them fifteen days to make the distance of eighty miles from their anchorage at Chusan. Near the Island of Chung-

English fleet

met with some

ming several

of the larger ships ran aground, but succeedby the help of the rising tide. Having and approached the City of these difficulties conquered

ed in getting off

Chingkiang, the English found abundant proof that, however deficient the Tartar-Chinese soldiers might be in military skill, they were not lacking in courage and spirit. These Tartar soldiers, who were only fifteen hundred in number, fought with the utmost desperation, and were killed to a man. Before they marched to the battle, as if anticipating the result, they strangled or drowned all their women and children, great numbers of whose dead bodies were afterward drawn from the wells into which they had been thrown. The Commander-in-Chief, seeing that the day was lost, set fire to his house and perished in the

The English lost a hundred and eighty-five men in a loss which they revenged by the most horrible excesses in sacking the town the war having been conducted by the English throughout in a spirit of brutal ferocity, which was a fitting counterpart to the spirit of smuggling cupidity in which it had originated. Had the invaders met with a similar resistance everywhere they never would have reached Nanking. But such was not the case. The City of Kuachou, on the opposite side of the

the attack




submitted and paid a ransom of three millions of which the English freebooters of course pocketed

with immense satisfaction. Above this point, the channel of the river had a depth of thirty fathoms, and, so far as the bottom was concerned, the navigation became easy, but at some points the current ran with great swiftness, not less than six and seven miles an hour. There was nothing, however, to prevent ships-of-the-line from ascending to Nanking, under the walls of which the English at length cast anchor on the 9th of August. The effect thus produced was exactly
anticipated. The Emperor* was frightened into signing the treaty of the 29th of August, the pretended violation of which is now made the occasion of new

what had been

demands which threaten a new war.

That new war, should it occur, will probably be conducted on the model of the former one. But there are several reasons why the English could not anticipate a similar easy success. The experience of that war has not been lost on the Chinese. In the recent military operations in Canton River they have exhibited such improved skill in gunnery and the art of defence as to lead to the suspicion of their having Europeans among them. In everything practical, and war is eminently practical, the Chinese far surpass all the Orientals, and there is no doubt that in military matters the English will find them apt scholars. Again, it is likely that the English may encounter artificial obstacles to the ascent of the Yangtze Kiang, should they again attempt it, such as do not appear to have been met with on the former occasion. But, what is the most serious consideration of
all reoccupation of Nanking cannot be supposed to be attended with anything like the same terror and alarm to the Imperial Court at Peking which it caused on the former occasion. Nanking, for a


considerable period past, as well as large portions of the

Tao Kuang.Ed.

surrounding districts, has been in possession of the rebels, one or more of whose chiefs make that city their headquarters. In this state of the case its occupation by the English might be rather agreeable to the Emperor than otherwise. They might do him good service in driving the rebels from a city which, when they had got it, might prove a possession rather difficult, troublesome and dangerous to keep, and which, as recent experience has shown, may be held by a hostile power without any immediately fatal results to Peking or the Imperial rule.
Written at the beginning of April, 1857
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily
No. 4990, April



Frederick Engels






The English have just concluded an Asiatic war, and are entering upon another. 62 The resistance offered by the Persians, and that which the Chinese have so far opposed to British invasion, form a contrast worth our attention. In Persia, the European system of military organization has been engrafted upon Asiatic barbarity; in China, the
rotting semi-civilization of the oldest State in the world meets the Europeans with its own resources. Persia has been signally defeated, while distracted, half-dissolved


China has hit upon a system of resistance which, if followed up, will render impossible repetition of the triumphal marches of the first Anglo-Chinese war. Persia was in a state similar to that of Turkey during


sian officers

of 1828-29 against Russia. English, French, Rushad in turns tried their hands at the organi-

zation of the Persian army. One system had succeeded another, and each in its turn had been thwarted by the jealousy, the intrigues, the ignorance, the cupidity and corruption of the Orientals whom it was to form into Euro-

pean officers and soldiers. The new regular army had never had an opportunity of trying its organization and strength in the field. Its only exploits had been confined to a few campaigns against Kurds, Turcomans and Afghans, where it served as a sort of nucleus or reserve to


irregular cavalry of Persia.



latter did

most of the actual fighting; the regulars had generally but to impose upon the enemy by the demonstrative effect of their seemingly formidable arrays. At last, the war with England broke out. The English attacked Bushire, and met with a gallant though ineffective resistance. But the men who fought at Bushire were not regulars; they were composed of the irregular levies of the Persian and Arab inhabitants of the cost. The regulars were only concentrating, some sixty miles off, in the hills. At last they advanced. The AngloIndian army met them half way; and, though the Persians
used their
artillery with credit to themselves, and formed their squares on the most approved principles, a single

charge of one single Indian cavalry regiment swept the whole Persian army, guards and line, from the field. And to know what these Indian regular cavalry are considered to be worth in their own service, we have only to refer to Capt. Nolan's book on the subject. They are, among Anglo-Indian officers, considered worse than useless, and
far inferior to the irregular Anglo-Indian cavalry. Not a single action can Capt. Nolan find where they were cred-

itably engaged. And yet, these were the men, six hundred of whom drove ten thousand Persians before them! Such was the terror spread among the Persian regulars that

never since have they made a stand anywhere the artillery alone excepted. At Mohammerah, they kept out of harm's way, leaving the artillery to defend the batteries, and retired as soon as these were silenced; and when, on a reconnaissance, the British landed three hundred riflethe whole of the Persian leaving baggage, stores and guns in the possession of the victors you cannot call them the invaders. All this, however, neither brands the Persians as a nation of cowards, nor condemns the introduction of Eurofifty irregular horse,

men and

host marched

pean tactics among Orientals. The Russo-Turkish wars of 1806-12 and 1828-29 offer plenty of such examples. The

principal resistance offered to the Russians was made by the irregular levies both from the fortified towns and

from the mountain provinces. The regulars, wherever they showed themselves in the open field, were at once upset by the Russians, and very often ran away at the first shot; while a single company of Arnaut* irregulars, in a ravine
at Varna, successfully Opposed the Russian siege operations for weeks together. Yet, during the late war, the

Turkish regular army have defeated the Russians in every single engagement from Oltenitza and Cetata to Kars and
that t]ip jptrnrinrtinn n f European military with barbaric nations is far from being com organization pleted when the new army has been subdivided, equipped and drilled after the European fashion. That is merely the first step toward i t. Nor will the enactment of some European military code suffice; it will no more ensure European discipline than a European set of drill-regulations

to Ingur. The fact


produce, by






at the sa me time the

and strategy. The main difficulty, is

the creation of a body ot officers and sergeants, educate d on the modern European system, totally freed from the old national prejudices and reminiscences in military mat ters,
fit to inspire life into the new formation. This a long time, and is sure to meet with the most requires obstinate opposition from Oriental ignorance, imp atienceprejudice, and the vicissitudes of fortune and favour in herent to Eastern courts. Sultan or Shah is but too apt to consider his army equal to anything as soon as the men


can defile in parade, wheel, deploy and form column without getting into hopeless disorder. And as to military schools, their fruits are so slow in ripening that under the instabilities of Eastern governments they can scarcely ever be expected to show any. Even in Turkey, the supply of educated officers is but scanty, and the Turkish army



of the Albanians.



could not have done at all, during the late war, without the great number of renegades and the European officers in its ranks.

The only arm which everywhere forms an exception is the artillery. Here the Orientals are so much at fault and so helpless that they have to leave the whole management to their European instructors. The consequence is that as in Turkey, so in Persia, the artillery was far ahead of the infantry and cavalry.
That under these circumstances the Anglo-Indian army, all Eastern armies organized on the Eurothe pean system, only one that is subject not to an Eastern, but an exclusively European government, and officered almost entirely by Europeans that this army, supported by a strong reserve of British troops and a powerful
the oldest of

navy, should easily disperse the Persian regulars, is but a matter of course. The reverse will do the Persians the more good the more signal it was. They will now see, as the Turks have seen before, that European dress and parade-drill is no talisman in itself, and maybe, twenty years hence, the Persians will turn out as respectable as the

Turks did
will, it is

in their late victories.

The troops which conquered Bushire and Mohammerah

understo od, be at once sent to Chin a. There they dirrerent enemy. No attempts at European but the irregular array of Asiatic masses, will evolutions, Of these they no doubt will easily disthem there. oppose if the Chinese wage against them a nationa l but what pose; war, and if barbarism be unscrupulous enough to use the only weapons which it knows how to wield? There is evidently a different spirit among the Chinese now to what they showed in the war of 1840 to 1842.

nnd a

Then, the people were quiet; they left the Emperor's soldiers to fight the invaders, and submitted after a defeat with Eastern fatalism to the power of the enemy. But now, at least in the southern provinces, to which the contest has so far been confined, the mass of the people take an

active, nay, a fanatical part in the


against the

foreigners. munity at

They poison the bread of the European comHongkong by wholesale, and with the coolest premeditation. (A few loaves have been sent to Liebig for

He found

worked The dose, however, was so strong that it must have acted as an emetic, and thereby counteracted the effects of the poison.) They go with hidden arms on board trading steamers, and, when on the journey, massacre the crew and European passengers and seize the boat. They kidnap and kill every foreigner within their reach. The very coolies emigrating to foreign countries rise in mutiny, and as if by concert, on board every emigrant ship, and fight for its possession, and, rather than surrender, go down to the bottom with it, or perish in its flames. Even out of China, the Chinese colonists, the most submissive and meek of subjects hitherto, conspire and
suddenly rise in nightly insurrection, as at Sarawak;
as at Singapore, are held

parts of them, into the dough.

large quantities of arsenic pervadshowing that it had already been

force and vigilance only. The piratical policy of the British Government has caused this universal outbreak of all Chinese against all foreigners, and marked it as a war of extermination. What is an army to do against a people resorting to

down by main

such means of warfare? Where, how far, is it to penetrate enemy's country, how to maintain itself there? Civilization-mongers who throw hot shell on a defenceless city and add rape to murder, may call the system cowardbarbarous, atrocious; but what matters it to the ly, Chinese if it be only successful? Since the British treat them as barbarians, they cannot deny to them the full
into the

benefit of their barbarism.


their kidnappings, surprises,

call cowardly, the not civilization-mongers forget that according to their own showing they could not stand against European means of destruction with their ordinary means of warfare.




what we



In short, instead of moralizing on the horrible atrocities of the Chinese, as the chivalrous English press does, we Mad better recognize that this is a war pro aris et focis

a popular


for the

maintenance of Chinese nationality,

with all its overbearing prejudice, stupidity, learned ignorance and pedantic barbarism if you like, but yeta pop ular war. And in a popular war the means used by the insurgent nation cannot be measured by the commonly recognized rules of regular warfare, nor by any other abstract standard, but by the degree of civilization only
^attained by that insurgent nation. The English are this time placed in a difficult position. Thus far, the national Chinese fanaticism seems to extend no further than over those southern provinces which have not adhered to the great rebellion. Is the war to be confined to these?


vital point of the



it would certainly lead to no result, Empire being menaced. At the same would be a very dangerous war for the English


to the people of the interior. be totally destroyed and the coasts nibbled at in all possible points, but all the forces the British could bring together would not suffice to conquer and hold the two provinces of Kwangtung and Kwangsi. What, then, can they do further? The country north of Canton, as far as Shanghai and Nanking, is in the hands of the Chinese insurgents, whom it would be bad policy to offend; and north of Nanking the only point an attack on which might lead to a decisive result is Peking. But where is the army to form a fortified and garrisoned base of operations on the shore, to overcome every obstacle on the road, to leave detachments to secure the communications with the shore, and to appear in anything like formidable strength before the walls of a town, the size of London, a hundred

the fanaticism extends



miles from


landing place?


the other side, a success-

demonstration against the capital would shake to its groundworks the very existence of the Chinese Empire

accelerate the upsetting of the Ching dynasty and pave the way, not for British, but for Russian progress. The new Anglo-Chinese war presents so many complications that it is utterly impossible to guess the turn it may take. For some months the want of troops, and for a still longer time the want of decision, will keep the British pretty inactive except, perhaps, point, to which under actual circumstances may be said to belong.

on some unimportant Canton too

One thing is certain, that the death-hour of old China is rapidly drawing nigh. Civil war has already divided the South from the North of the Empire and the Rebel King

seems to be as secure from the Imperialists

the intrigues of his


not from

followers) at Nanking, as the Heavenly Emperor from the rebels at Peking. Canton carries on, so far, a sort of independent war with the English,



foreigners in general; and while British and French and troops flock to Hongkong, slowly but steadily the Siberian-line Cossacks advance their stanitzas from the Daurian mountains to the banks of the Amur, and the Russian marines close in by fortifications the splenall


did harbours of Manchuria. The very fanaticism of the^ southern Chinese in their struggle against foreigners seems to mark a consciousness of the supreme danger in which old China is placed; and before many years pass




oldest empire in the world, era for all Asia.

Published in the

have to witness the death-struggle of the and the opening day of a newj

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5032, June

Printed according to the text of the newspaper



Karl Marx


The Roman divide et impera was the great rule by which Great Britain, for about one hundred and fifty

contrived to retain the tenure of her Indian Empire. The antagonism of the various races, tribes, castes, creeds and sovereignties, the aggregate of which forms the geographical unity of what is called India, continued to be the vital principle of British supremacy. In later times, however, the conditions of that supremacy have undergone a change. With the conquest of Scinde and the Punjab, 64 the Anglo-Indian Empire had not only reached its natural limits, but it had trampled out the last vestiges of independent Indian States. All warlike native tribes

were subdued, all serious internal conflicts were at an end, and the late incorporation of Oudh 65 proved satisfactorily that the remnants of the so-called independent Indian principalities exist on sufferance only. Hence a great change in the position of the East India Company. It no longer attacked one part of India by the help of another part, but found itself placed at the head, and the whole of India at its feet. No longer conquering, it had become the conqueror. The armies at its disposition no longer had to
extend its dominion, but only to maintain it. From soldiers they were converted into policemen; 200,000,000 natives being curbed by a native army of 200,000 men, officered by Englishmen, and that native army, in its turn, being kept in check by an English army numbering 40,000 only.

On first view, it is evident that the allegiance of the Indian people rests on the fidelity of the native army, in creating which the British rule simultaneously organized the first general centre of resistance which the Indian people was ever possessed of. How far that native army may be relied upon is clearly shown by its recent mutinies, breaking out as soon as the war with Persia had almost denuded the Presidency of Bengal of its European soldiers. Before this there had been mutinies in the Indian army, but the present revolt is distinguished by characteristic and fatal features. It is the first time that sepoy regiments have murdered their European officers; that Mussulmans and Hindus, renouncing their mutual anhave combined against their common masters; that "disturbances beginning with the Hindus, have actually ended in placing on the throne of Delhi a Mohammedan emperor;" that the mutiny has not been confined to a few localities; and lastly, that the revolt in the Anglotipathies,


army has coincided with a general

disaffection ex-

hibited against English supremacy on the part of the great Asiatic nations, the revolt of the Bengal army being, be-

yond doubt, intimately connected with the Persian and

Chinese wars.

The alleged cause of the dissatisfaction which began to spread four months ago in the Bengal army was the apprehension on the part of the natives lest the Government should interfere with their religion. The serving out of
to have been and the compulpigs, of which considered was, therefore, sory biting by the natives as an infringement of their religious prescriptions, gave the signal for local disturbances. On the 22d of January an incendiary fire broke out in cantonments a short distance from Calcutta. On the 25th of February the 19th
cartridges, the paper of which greased with the fat of bullocks



Native Regiment mutinied at Berhampore, the

jecting to the cartridges served out to them.




the 31st


of March that regiment was disbanded; at March the 34th Sepoy Regiment, stationed


end of

at Barrack-

its men to advance with a loaded musket upon the parade-ground in front of the line, and, after having called his comrades to mutiny, he was permitted to attack and wound the Adjutant and SergeantMajor of his regiment. During the hand-to-hand conflict that ensued, hundreds of sepoys looked passively on, while others participated in the struggle, and attacked

pore, allowed one of

the officers with the butt ends of their muskets. Subsequently that regiment was also disbanded. The month of April was signalized by incendiary fires in several cantonments of the Bengal army at Allahabad, Agra, Ambala, by a mutiny of the 3d Regiment of Light Cavalry at Meerut, and by similar appearances of disaffection in the Madras and Bombay armies. At the beginning of May an emeute was preparing at Lucknow, the capital of Oudh, which was, however, prevented by the promptitude of Sir H. Lawrence. On the 9th of May the mutineers of the 3d Light Cavalry of Meerut were marched off to jail, to undergo the various terms of imprisonment to which they were sentenced. On the evening of the following day the troopers of the 3d Cavalry, together with the tv/o native regiments, the 11th and 20th, assembled upon the paradeground, killed the officers endeavouring to pacify them, set fire to the cantonments, and slew all the Englishmen they were able to lay hands on. Although the British part of the brigade mustered a regiment of infantry, another of cavalry, and an overwhelming force of horse and foot artillery, they were not able to move until nightfall. Having inflicted but little harm on the mutineers, they allowed them to betake themselves to the open field and to throw themselves into Delhi, some forty miles distant from Meerut. There they were joined by the native garrison, consisting of the 38th, 54th and 74th regiments of
infantry, and a company of native artillery. The British officers were attacked, all Englishmen within reach of the

were murdered, and the heir* of the late Mogul** of Delhi proclaimed King of India. Of the troops sent to the rescue of Meerut, where order had been re-established, six companies of native sappers and miners, who arrived

on the 15th of May, murdered their commanding officer, Major Frazer, and made at once for the open country, pursued by troops of horse artillery and several of the 6th Dragoon Guards. Fifty or sixty of the mutineers were shot, but the rest contrived to escape to Delhi. At Ferozeppore, in the Punjab, the 57th and 45th native infantry regiments mutinied, but were put down by force. Private letters from Lahore state the whole of the native troops to be in an undisguised state of mutiny. On the 19th of May, unsuccessful efforts were made by the sepoys stationed at Calcutta to get possession of Fort St. William. Three regiments arrived from Bushire at Bombay were at once dispatched to Calcutta. In reviewing these events, one is startled by the conduct of the British commander at Meerut his late appearance on the field of battle being still less incomprehensible than the weak manner in which he pursued the mutineers. As Delhi is situated on the right and Meerut on the left bank of the Jumna the two banks being joined at Delhi by one bridge only nothing could have been easier than to cut off the retreat of the


Meanwhile, martial law has been proclaimed in all the disaffected districts; forces, consisting of natives mainly, are concentrating against Delhi from the north, the east

and the south; the neighbouring princes are said to have pronounced for the English; letters have been sent to Ceylon to stop Lord Elgin and Gen. Ashburnham's forces, on their way to China; and finally, 14,000 British troops were to be dispatched from England to India in about a


Bahadur Shah.Ed. Akbar II.Ed.


Whatever obstacles the climate of India at the present season, and the total want of means of transportation, may oppose to the movements of the British forces, the rebels at Delhi are very likely to succumb without any prolonged resistance. Yet, even then, it is only the prologue of a most terrible tragedy that will have to be

Written on June 30, 1857
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily
No. 5065, July


Tribune, 1857

Karl Marx


London, July


the 8th of June, just a month had passed since Delhands of the revolted sepoys and the proclamation by them of a Mogul Emperor.* Any notion, however, of the mutineers being able to keep the ancient capital of India against the British forces would be preposterous. Delhi is fortified only by a wall and a simple
hi fell into the



while the heights surrounding and commanding it are already in the possession of the English, who, even without battering the walls, might enforce its surrender in a very short period by the easy process of cutting off its supply of water. Moreover, a motley crew of mutineering soldiers who have murdered their own officers, torn asunder the ties of discipline, and not succeeded in discovering a man upon whom to bestow the supreme command, are certainly the body least likely to organize a serious

and protracted resistance. To make confusion more confused, the checkered Delhi ranks are daily swelling from the fresh arrivals of new contingents of mutineers from all parts of the Bengal Presidency, who, as if on a preconcerted plan, are throwing themselves into the doomed city. The two sallies which, on the 30th and 31st of May, the mutineers risked without the walls, and in both of which they were repulsed with heavy losses, seem to have proceeded from despair rather than from any feeling of

Bahadur Shah II.Ed.


self-reliance or strength. The only thing to be wondered at is the slowness of the British operations, which, to some degree, however, may be accounted for by the horrors

of the season and the want of means of transport. Apart from Gen. Anson, the commander-in-chief, French letters state that about 4,000 European troops have already fallen victims of the deathly heat, and even the English pa-

pers confess that in the engagements before Delhi the men suffered more from the sun than from the shot of the ene-

my. In consequence of the main British force


scanty means of conveyance,


about twenty-seven days in its it moved at the rate of about one and a half hours per day. A further delay was caused by the absence of heavy artillery at Ambala, and the consequent necessity of bringing over a siege-train from the nearest arsenal, which was as far off as Phillaur, on the further side of the Sutlej. With all that, the news of the fall of Delhi may be daily expected; but what next? If the uncontested possession

Ambala consumed march upon Delhi, so that


by the rebels during a month of the traditionary centre of the Indian Empire acted perhaps as the most powerful ferment in completely breaking up the Bengal army, in spreading mutiny and desertion from Calcutta to the Punjab in the north, and to Rajputana in the west, and in shaking the British authority from one end of India to the other, no greater mistake could be committed than to suppose that the fall of Delhi, though it may throw consternation among the ranks of the sepoys, should suffice either to quench the rebellion, to stop its progress, or to restore the British rule. Of the whole native Bengal army,

mustering about 80,000 men composed of about 28,000 Rajputs, 23,000 Brahmins,66 13,000 Mohammedans, 5,000 Hindus of inferior castes, and the rest Europeans 30,000 have disappeared in consequence of mutiny, desertion, or

dismission from the ranks. As to the rest of that army, several of the regiments have openly declared that they

remain faithful and support the British authority, ex136

cepting in the matter in which the native troops are now engaged: They will not aid the authorities against the mutineers of the native regiments, and will, on the contrary, assist their "bhaies" (brothers). The truth of this has been exemplified in almost every station from Calcutta.

The native regiments remained passive

for a time; but,

as soon as they fancied themselves strong enough, they mutinied. An Indian correspondent of The London Times

leaves no doubt as to the "loyalty" of the regiments which have not yet pronounced, and the native inhabitants who have not yet made common cause with the rebels.
"If you read," he says, "that all is quiet, understand it to mean that the native troops have not yet risen in open mutiny; that the discontented part of the inhabitants are not yet in open rebellion; that they are either too weak, or fancy themselves to be so, or that

they are waiting for a more fitting time. Where you read of the 'manifestation of loyalty' in any of the Bengal native regiments, cavalry or infantry, understand it to mean that one half of the regiments thus favourably mentioned only are really faithful; the other half are but acting a part, the better to find the Europeans off their guard, when the proper time arrives, or, by warding off suspicion, have it the more in their power to aid their mutinous companions."

In the Punjab, open rebellion has only been prevented by disbanding the native troops. In Oudh, the English can only be said to keep Lucknow, the residency, while every-


else the native regiments have revolted, escaped with their ammunition, burned all the bungalows to the ground, and joined with the inhabitants who have taken up arms. Nov/, the real position of the English army is best demonstrated by the fact that it was thought necessary, in the Punjab as well as the Rajputana, to establish flying corps. This means that the English cannot depend

on their sepoy troops or on the natives to keep the communication open between their scattered forces. Like the French during the Peninsular war, they command only the spot of ground held by their own troops, and the next neighbourhood domineered by that spot; while for comeither

munication between the disjoined members of their army they depend on flying corps, the action of which, most
precarious in

measure that


loses naturally in intensity in the same spreads over a greater extent of space. actual insufficiency of the British forces is further

proved by the fact that, for removing treasures from disaffected stations, they were constrained to have them conveyed by sepoys themselves, who, without any exception, broke out in rebellion on the march, and absconded with the treasures confided to them. As the troops sent from England will, in the best case, not arrive before November, and as it would be still more dangerous to draw off European troops from the presidencies of Madras and



already shown symptoms

10th Regiment of Madras sepoys, having of disaffection any idea of col-

lecting the regular taxes throughout the Bengal Presidency must be abandoned, and the process of decomposition be allowed to go on. Even if we suppose that the


will not

of Gwalior* will Ruler of Nepal,** commanding the finest Indian army, remain quiet; that disaffected Peshawar will not combine with the restless hill tribes, and that the Shah of Persia*** will not be silly enough to evacuate Herat still, the whole Bengal Presidency must be reconquered, and the whole Anglo-Indian army remade. The cost of this enormous enterprise will altogether fall upon the British people. As to the notion put forward by Lord Granville in the House of Lords, of the East India Company being able to raise, by Indian loans, the necessary means, its soundness may

improve the occasion, that the Maharajah continue supporting the English, and the

be judged from the effects produced by the disturbed state of the north-western provinces on the Bombay money
Sindhia.Ed. Jang Bahadur. Ed. *** Nasr-ed-Din.Ed.


An immediate panic seized the native capitalists, very large sums were withdrawn from the banks, government securities proved almost unsaleable, and hoarding to a great extent commenced not only in Bombay but in its environs also.
Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5082, August

Printed according to the text of the newspaper


Karl Marx


London, July


The three hours' speech delivered last night in "The Dead House," by Mr. Disraeli, will gain rather than lose by being read instead of being listened to. For some time,
Mr. Disraeli affects an awful solemnity of speech, an elabo-

and a passionless method of consistent however which, they may be with formality, his peculiar notions of the dignity becoming a Minister in expectance, are really distressing to his tortured audience. Once he succeeded in giving even commonplaces the pointed appearance of epigrams. Now he contrives to bury even epigrams in the conventional dullness of respectability. An orator who, like Mr. Disraeli, excels in handling the dagger rather than in wielding the sword, should have been the last to forget Voltaire's warning, that "Tous les genres sont bons excepte le genre ennuyeux."* Beside these technical peculiarities which characterize Mr. Disraeli's present manner of eloquence, he, since Palmerston's accession to power, has taken good care to derate slowness of utterance

prive his Parliamentary exhibitions of every possible interest of actuality. His speeches are not intended to carry his motions, but his motions are intended to prepare
for his speeches. They might be called self-denying motions, since they are so constructed as neither to harm
* "All genres are good except the dull ones." Voltaire. Introduction to the comedy The Prodigal Son. Ed.


the adversary,


They mean,

carried, nor to damage the proposer, if in fact, to be neither carried nor lost,

but simply to be dropped. They belong neither to the acids nor to the alkalis, but are born neutrals. The speech is not the vehicle of action, but the hypocrisy of action affords the opportunity for a speech. Such, indeed, may be the classical and final form of parliamentary eloquence; but then, at all events, the final form of parliamentary eloquence must not demur to sharing the fate of all final forms of parliamentarism that of being ranged under the category of nuisances. Action, as Aristotle said, is the ruling law of the drama.* So it is of political oratory. Mr. Disraeli's speech on the Indian revolt might be published in the tracts of the Society for the Propagation of Useful Knowledge, or it might be delivered to a mechanics' institution, or tendered as a prize essay to the Academy of Berlin. This curious impartiality of his speech as to the place where, and the time when, and the occasion on

which it was delivered, goes far to prove that it fitted neither place, time, nor occasion. chapter on the decline of the Roman Empire which might read exceedingly well in Montesquieu or Gibbon would prove an enormous blun-

put in the mouth of a Roman Senator, whose pecubusiness it was to stop that very decline. It is true that in our modern parliaments, a part lacking neither


dignity nor interest might be imagined of an independent orator who, while despairing of influencing the actual course of events, should content himself to assume a po-

Such a part was more or less not the late M. Garnier-Pages successfully played by the Garnier-Pages of Provisional Government memory in Louis Philippe's Chamber of Deputies; but Mr. Disraeli, the avowed leader of an obsolete faction, would consider even success in this line as a supreme failure. The revolt
sition of ironical neutrality.

of the Indian

army afforded
Chapter VI.

certainly a magnificent op-

Aristotle, Poetics,



portunity for oratorical display. But, apart from his dreary manner of treating the subject, what was the gist of the motion which he made the pretext for his speech? It was no motion at all. He feigned to be anxious for becoming acquainted with two official papers, the one of which he was not quite sure to exist, and the other of which he was sure not immediately to bear on the subject in question. Consequently his speech and his motion lacked any point of contact save this, that the motion heralded a speech without an object, and that the object confessed itself not worth a speech. Still, as the highly elaborated opinion of the most distinguished out-of-office statesman of England, Mr. Disraeli's speech ought to attract the attention of foreign countries. I shall content myself with giving in his ipsissima verba a short analysis of his "considerations on the decline of the Anglo-Indian Empire."
"Does the disturbance in India indicate a military mutiny, or is a national revolt? Is the conduct of the troops the consequence of a sudden impulse, or is it the result of an organized conspiracy?"


Upon these points Mr. Disraeli asserts the whole question to hinge. Until the last ten years, he affirmed, the British Empire in India was founded on the old principle of divide et impera but that principle was put into action

by respecting the different nationalities of which India consisted, by avoiding to tamper with their religion, and by protecting their landed property. The sepoy army served as a safety-valve to absorb the turbulent spirits of the country. But of late years a new principle has been adopted in the government of India the principle of destroying nationality. The principle has been realized by the forcible destruction of native princes, the disturbance of the settlement of property, and the tampering with the religion of the people. In 1848 the financial difficulties of the East India Company had reached that point that it became necessary to augment its revenues one way or the



a minute in Council


published, in which



the only obtained

down the principle, almost without disguise, that mode by which an increased revenue could be was by enlarging the British territories at the

expense of the native princes. Accordingly, on the death of the Rajah of Satara,* his adoptive heir was not acknowledged by the East India Company, but the Raj absorbed in its own dominions. From that moment the system of annexation was acted upon whenever a native prince died without natural heirs. The principle of adoption the very
corner-stone of Indian systematically set aside by the Government. Thus were forcibly annexed to the British Empire the Rajs of more than a dozen independent princes from 1848-54. In 1854 the Raj of Berar, which comprised 80,000 square miles of land, a population from
4,000,000 to 5,000,000, and enormous treasures, was forcibly seized. Mr. Disraeli ends the list of forcible annexations with Oudh, which brought the East Indian Government in collision not only with the Hindus, but also with the Mohammedans. Mr. Disraeli then goes on showing the

society was

how the settlement of property new system of government

in India

was disturbed by during the last ten years.

"The principle of the law of adoption," he says, "is not the prerogative of princes and principalities in India, it applies to every man in Hindustan who has landed property, and who professes the Hindu

quote a passage:
"The great feudatory, or jagirdar, who holds and the enamdar, who holds
his lands

by public

service to his lord;


his land free of all

not precisely, in a popular sense, at of these classes classes most numerous in India always, on the failure of their natural heirs, find in this principle the means of obtaining successors to their estates. Those classes were all touched by the annexation of Satara,, they were touched by the annexation of the territories of the ten inferior but independent princes to whom I have already alluded, and they were more than touched, they were terrified to the last degree,

who corresponds, with our freeholder 07






the annexation of the Raj of Berar took place. What man was What feudatory, what freeholder who had not a child of his own loins was safe throughout India? (Hear, hear.) These were not idle fears; they were extensively acted upon and reduced to practice. The resumption of jagirs and of enams commenced for the



time in India. There have been, no doubt, impolitic moments to inquire into titles, but no one had ever dreamt of abolishing the law of adoption; therefore, no authority, no government had ever been in a position to resume jagirs and enams the holders of which had left no natural heirs. Here was a new source of revenue; but while all these things were acting upon the minds of these classes of Hindus, the Government took another step to disturb the settlement of property, to which I must now call the attention of the House. The House is aware, no doubt, from reading the evidence taken before the Committee of 1853, that there are great portions of the land of India which are exempt from the land-tax. Being free from land-tax in India is far more than equivalent to freedom from the land-tax in this country, for, speaking generally and popularly, the land-tax in India is the whole taxation of

when attempts have been made

the State.

"The origin of these grants is difficult to penetrate, but they are undoubtedly of great antiquity. They are of different kinds. Beside the private freeholds, which are very extensive, there are large grants of land free from the land-tax with which mosques and temples have been endowed."

British Governor-General* took

the pretext of fraudulent claims of exemption, the upon himself to examine the titles of the Indian landed estates. Under the new system, established in 1848,
"that plan of investigating titles was at proof of a powerful Government, a vigorous fruitful source of public revenue. Therefore sued to inquire into titles to landed estates


once embraced, as a
Executive, and most commissions were is-

in the Presidency of Bengal and adjoining country. They were also issued in the Presidency of Bombay, and surveys were ordered to be made in the newly-settled provinces, in order that these commissions might be conducted, when the surveys were completed, with due efficiency. Now there is no doubt that, during the last nine years, the action of these commissions of inquiry into the freehold property of landed estates in India has been going on at an enormous rate, and immense results have been obtained."



Mr. Disraeli computes that the resumption of estates from their proprietors is not less than 500,000 a year in the Presidency of Bengal; 370,000 in the Presidency of Bombay; 200,000 in the Punjab, etc. Not content with this one method of seizing upon the property of the natives, the British Government discontinued the pensions to
the native grandees, to pay which

was bound by


"This," says Mr. Disraeli, "is confiscation by a upon a most extensive, startling and shocking scale."

new means, but

Mr. Disraeli then treats the tampering with the religion of the natives, a point upon which we need not dwell. From all his premises he arrives at the conclusion that the
present Indian disturbance is not a military mutiny, but a national revolt, of which the sepoys are the acting instruments only. He ends his harangue by advising the Government to turn their attention to the internal improvement of India, instead of pursuing its present course of
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5091, August




Karl Marx


London, September


The outrages committed by the revolted sepoys

such as one dia are indeed appalling, hideous, ineffable is prepared to meet only in wars of insurrection, of nationalities, of races, and above all of religion; in one word,

in In-

such as respectable England used to applaud when perpetrated by the Vendeans on the "Blues," by the Spanish guerrillas on the infidel Frenchmen, by Serbians on their German and Hungarian neighbours, by Croats on Viennese rebels, by Cavaignac's Garde Mobile or Bonaparte's Decembrists on the sons and daughters of proletarian France. 68 However infamous the conduct of the sepoys, it is only the reflex, in a concentrated form, of England's own conduct in India, not only during the epoch of the foundation of her Eastern Empire, but even during the last
ten years of a long-settled rule. To characterize that rule, it suffices to say that torture formed an organic institution of its financial policy.* There

history like retribution;

bution that its but by the offender himself. The first blow dealt to the French monarchy proceeded from the nobility, not from the peasants. The Indian revolt

is something in human and it is a rule of historical retriinstrument be forged not by the offended,


this collection, pp. 151-56.



does not

commence with the ryots, tortured, dishonoured and stripped naked by the British, but with the sepoys, clad, fed, petted, fatted and pampered by them. To find parallels to the sepoy atrocities, we need not, as some London papers pretend, fall back on the Middle Ages, nor even wander beyond the history of contemporary England. All we want is to study the first Chinese war, an
event, so to say, of yesterday. The English soldiery then committed abominations for the mere fun of it; their passions being neither sanctified by religious fanaticism nor

exacerbated by hatred against an overbearing and conquering race, nor provoked by the stern resistance of a
heroic enemy. The violations of women, the spittings of children, the roastings of whole villages, were then mere


sports, not officers themselves.

recorded by mandarins, but by British

at the present catastrophe it would be an unmitimistake to suppose that all the cruelty is on the side gated of the sepoys, and all the milk of human kindness flows on the side of the English. The letters of the British officers are redolent of malignity.


An officer writing from Peshawar gives a description of the disarming of the 10th
Irregular Cavalry for not charging the 55th Native Infantry when ordered to do so. He exults in the fact that they were not only disarmed, but stripped of their coats and
boots, and after having received 12d. per man, were marched down to the river side, and there embarked in

boats and sent


the Indus, where the writer



ed to expect every mother's son will have a chance of being drowned in the rapids. Another writer informs us that, some inhabitants of Peshawar having caused a night alarm by exploding little mines of gunpowder in honour of a wedding (a national custom), the persons concerned were tied up next morning, and "received such a flogging as they will not easily forget." News arrived from Pindee that three native chiefs were plotting. Sir John Lawrence

by a message ordering a spy to attend to the




the spy's report, Sir John sent a second mes-

chiefs were hanged. An officer from Allahabad, writes: "We have power of life and death in our hands, and we assure you we spare not." Another, from the same place: "Not a day passes but we string up from ten to fifteen of them (noncombatants)." One exulting officer writes: "Holmes is

"Hang them." The

in the civil service,

Another, in hanging them by the score, like a 'brick.' allusion to the summary hanging of a large body of the natives: "Then our fun commenced." A third: "We hold court-martials on horseback, and every nigger we meet with we either string up or shoot." From Benares we are informed that thirty zemindars were hanged on the mere suspicion of sympathizing with their own countrymen, and whole villages were burned down on the same plea. An officer from Benares, whose letter is printed in The London Times, says: "The European troops have become


when opposed

to natives."


should not




while the

cruelties of the English are related as acts of martial vigour, told simply, rapidly, without dwelling on disgusting

outrages of the natives, shocking as they are, deliberately exaggerated. For instance, the circumstantial account first appearing in The Times, and then going the round of the London press, of the atrocities perpetrated at Delhi and Meerut, from whom did it proceed? From a cowardly parson residing at Bangalore, Mysore, more than a thousand miles, as the bird flies, distant from the scene of action. Actual accounts of Delhi evince the imagination of an English parson to be capable of breeding greater horrors than even the wild fancy of a Hindu mutineer. The cutting of noses, breasts, etc., in one word, the horrid mutilations committed by the sepoys, are of course more revolting to European feeling than the throwing of red-hot shell on Canton dwellings by a Secretary of the Manchester Peace Society, or the roasting of Arabs pent up in a cave by a French Marshal, 69 or the
details, the



cat-o'-nine-tails unflaying alive of British soldiers by the der drum-head Court-martial, or any other of the philancolonies. thropical appliances used in British penitentiary

Cruelty, like every other thing, has its fashion, changing according to time and place. Caesar, the accomplished scholar, candidly narrates how he ordered many thousand
Gallic warriors to

have their right hands cut




would have been ashamed to do


preferred dis-

patching his own French regiments, suspected of republicanism, to Santo Domingo, there to die of the blacks and
the plague.

The infamous mutilations committed by the sepoys

remind one of the practices of the Christian Byzantine

Empire, or the prescriptions of Emperor Charles V's crimlaw, or the English punishments for high treason, as still recorded by Judge Blackstone. With Hindus, whom their religion has made virtuosi in the art of self -torturing, these tortures inflicted on the enemies of their race and
creed appear quite natural, and must appear still more so to the English, who, only some years since, still used to draw revenues from the Juggernaut festivals, protecting and assisting




of a religion of

cruelty. The frantic roars of the "bloody old Times," as Cobbett used to call it its playing the part of a furious character

indulges in most melohanging his enemy, then roasting him, then quartering him, then spitting him, and then flaying him alive its tearing the passion of revenge to tatters and to rags all this would appear but silly if under the pathos of tragedy there were not distinctly perceptible the tricks of comedy. The London Times overdoes its part, not only from panic. It supplies comedy with a subject even missed by Moliere, the Tartuffe of Revenge. What it simply wants is to write up the funds and to screen the Government. As Delhi has not, like the

one of Mozart's operas, dious strains in the idea of




mere puffs of wind, John to be steeped in cries for revenge up to his very ears, to make him forget that his Government is responsible for the mischief hatched and the colossal dimensions
walls of Jericho, fallen before



has been allowed to assume.

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5119, September


Karl Marx


Our London correspondent, whose letter with regard to the Indian revolt we published yesterday,* very properly referred to some of the antecedents which prepared the propose today to devote way for this violent outbreak. a moment to continuing that line of reflections, and to showing that the British rulers of India are by no means such mild and spotless benefactors of the Indian people


as they


For this purpose, Books on the subject of East India torture, v/hich were laid before the House of Commons during the sessions of 1856 and 1857. The evidence, it will be seen, is of a sort which cannot be

would have the world


shall resort to the official Blue


We have first the report of the Torture Commission at Madras, which states its "belief in the general existence of torture for revenue purposes." It doubts whether
to violence
like an equal number of persons is annually subjected on criminal charges, as for the fault of non-payment of


declares that there



"one thing which had impressed the Commission even more painthan the conviction that torture exists; it is the difficulty of ob-

taining redress

which confronts the injured


The reasons
sioners are:

for this difficulty given

by the CommisThe distances which those who wish to


this collection, pp. 146-50.



personally to the collector have to travel, involving expense and loss of time in attending upon his office; 2. The fear that applications by letter "will be returned with the ordinary endorsement of a reference to the tahsildar," the district police and revenue officer that is, to the very man who, either in his person or through

make complaints


his petty police subordinates, has means of procedure and

wronged him;



punishment provided by law for officers of Government, even when formally accused or convicted of these practices. It seems that if a charge of this nature were proved before a magistrate, he could only punish by a fine of fifty rupees, or a month's imprisonment. The alternative consisted of handing over the accused "to the criminal judge to be punished by him, or committed for trial before the Court of the Circuit." The report adds that
"these seem to be tedious proceedings, applicable only to one class of offences, abuse of authority namely, in police charges, and totally inadequate to the necessities of the case."

A police or revenue officer, who is the same person, as the revenue is collected by the police, when charged with
extorting money, is first tried by the assistant collector; he then can appeal to the collector; then to the Revenue Board. This Board may refer him to the Government or to the civil courts.
"In such a state of the law, no poverty-stricken ryot could contend against any wealthy revenue officer; and we are not aware of any complaints having been brought forward under these two regulations (of 1822 and 1828) by the people."

Further, this extorting of money applies only to taking the public money, or forcing a further contribution from the ryot for the officer to put into his own pocket. There

no legal means of punishment whatever for employment of force in collecting the public revenue. The report from which these quotations are made applies only to the Presidency of Madras; but Lord Dalhouis,













tors,* says that


"he has long ceased to doubt that torture in one shape or other practised by the lower subordinates in every British province."

of torture as a financial instithus officially admitted, but the admission is made in such a manner as to shield the British Government itself. In fact, the conclusion arrived at by the Madras Commission is that the practice of torture is entirely the fault of the lower Hindu officials, while the

The universal existence


tution of British India

European servants of the Government had always, however unsuccessfully, done their best to prevent it. In answer to this assertion, the Madras Native Association presented, in January, 1856, a petition to Parliament, complaining of the torture investigation on the following grounds: 1. That there was scarcely any investigation at all, the Commission sitting only in the city of Madras, and for but three months, while it was impossible, except in very few cases, for the natives v/ho had complaints to make to leave their homes; 2. That the Commissioners did not endeavour to trace the evil to its source; had they done so, it would have been discovered to be in the very system of collecting the revenue; 3. That no inquiry was made of the accused native officials as to what extent their superiors were acquainted with the practice.
"The origin of this coercion," say the petitioners, "is not with the physical perpetrators of it, but descends to them from the officials immediately their superiors, which latter again are answerable for the estimated amount of the collection to their European superiors, these also being responsible on the same head to the highest authority of the Government."

Indeed, a few extracts from the evidence on which the Madras Report professes to be founded, will suffice to refute its assertion that "no blame is due to Englishmen."

Thus, Mr.


D. Kohlhoff, a merchant, says:

Court of Directors of the East India


Company- Ed.

"The modes of torture practised are various, and suitable to the

fancy of the tahsildar or his subordinates, but whether any redress is received from higher authorities, it is difficult for me to tell, as all complaints are generally referred to the tahsildars for investigation

and information."


the cases of complaint from natives,



the following:
"Last year, as our peasanum (principal paddy or rice crops) failed want of rain, we were unable to pay as usual. When the jamabandi was made we claimed a remission on account of the losses, according to the terms of the agreement entered into in 1837, by us, when Mr. Eden was our collector. As this remission was not allowed, we refused to take our puttahs. The tahsildar then commenced to compel us to pay with great severity, from the month of June to August. I and others were placed in charge of persons who used to

we were made to stoop and stones were put on our backs, and we were kept in the burning sand. After 8 o'clock, we were let to go to our rice. Such like ill treatment was continued during three months, during which we sometimes went to give our petitions to the collector, who refused to take them. We took these petitions and appealed to the Sessions Court, who transmitted them to the collector. Still we got no justice. In the month of September, a notice was served upon us, and twenty-five days what after, our property was distrained, and afterward sold. Besides I have mentioned, our women were also ill treated; the kittee was put
take us in the sun. There


their breasts."

A native Christian states in reply to questions put by the Commissioners:

"When a European or native regiment passes through, all the ryots are pressed to bring in provisions, etc., for nothing, and should any of them ask for the price of the articles, they are severely tortured."
There follows the case of a Brahmin, in which he, with others of his own village and of the neighbouring villages, was called on by the tahsildars to furnish planks, charcoal, firewood, etc., gratis, that he might carry on the Coleroon bridge-work; on refusing, he is seized by twelve men and maltreated in various ways. He adds:


made no

presented a complaint to the sub-collector, Mr. inquiry, and tore my complaint. As he



Cadell, but

desirous of

completing cheaply the Coleroon bridge-work at the expense of the poor and of acquiring a good name from the Government, whatever may be the nature of the murder committed by the tahsildar, he
takes no cognizance of


light in


illegal practices, carried to

the last

and violence, were looked upon by the highest authority, is best shown by the case of Mr. Brereton, the Commissioner in charge of the Ludhiana
degree of extortion
District in the of



Punjab in 1855. According to the Report Commissioner for the Punjab*, it was

proved that
'in matters under the immediate cognizance or direction of the Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Brereton himself, the houses of wealthy citizens had been causelessly searched; that property seized on such


was detained

for lengthened periods;




were thrown into prison, and lay there for weeks, without charges being exhibited against them; and that the laws relating to security for bad character had been applied with sweeping and indiscriminating severity. That the Deputy Commissioner had been followed about from district to district by certain police officers and informers, whom he employed wherever he went, and that these men had been the main authors of mischief."
In his

minute on the case, Lord Dalhousie says:

proof, indeed, undisputed by Mr. that officer has been guilty of each item in the heavy catalogue of irregularities and illegalities with which the Chief Commissioner has charged him, and which have brought disgrace on one portion of the British administration, and have subjected a large number of British subjects to gross injustice, to arbi-


have irrefragable proof

Brereton himself


trary imprisonment and cruel torture."

Lord Dalhousie proposes example," and, consequently,


"to make a great of opinion that


"Mr. Brereton cannot, for the present, be fitly entrusted with the authority of a Deputy Commissioner, but ought to be removed from that grade to the grade of a first class Assistant."

These extracts from the Blue Books may be concluded with the petition from the inhabitants of Taluk in Canara,

John Lawrence.


on the Malabar coast, who, after stating that they had presented several petitions to the Government to no purpose, thus contrast their former and present condition:
"While we were cultivating wet and dry lands, hill tracts, low and forests, paying the light assessment fixed upon us, and thereby enjoying tranquillity and happiness under the administration of 'Ranee,' Bahadur and Tippoo, the then Circar* servants, levied an additional assessment, but we never paid it. We were not subjected

to privations, oppressions or ill-usages in collecting the revenue. On the surrender of this country to the Honourable Company,** they
all sorts of plans to squeeze out money from us. With this pernicious object in view, they invented rules and framed regulations, and directed their collectors and civil judges to put them in execution. But the then collectors and their subordinate native officials paid for some time due attention to our grievances, and acted in consonance with our wishes. On the contrary, the present collectors and their subordinate officials, desirous of obtaining promotion on any account whatever, neglect the welfare and interests of the people in general, turn a deaf ear to our grievances, and subject us to all


sorts of oppression."

We have here given but a brief and mildly-coloured chapter from the real history of British rule in India. In view of such facts, dispassionate and thoughtful men may perhaps be led to ask whether a people are not justified in attempting to expel the foreign conquerors who have so abused their subjects. And if the English could do these things in cold blood, is it surprising that the insurgent Hindus should be guilty, in the fury of revolt and conflict, of the crimes and cruelties alleged against them?
Written on August
Published in the


of the

according to the text


New-York Daily Tribune, No. 5120, September 17, 1857



** East India



Karl Marx


The present



the real value of their

state of affairs in Asia suggests the inquiry, Indian dominion to the

British nation

and people? Directly, that is in the shape of tribute, of surplus of Indian receipts over Indian expenditures, nothing whatever reaches the British Treasury.

On the contrary, the annual outgo is very large. From the moment that the East India Company entered extensively on the career of conquest now just about a century ago


finances fell into an embarrassed condition, and they were repeatedly compelled to apply to Parliament, not only for military aid to assist them in holding the conquered territories, but for financial aid to save them from bankruptcy. And so things have continued down to the present moment, at which so large a call is made for troops on the British nation, to be followed, no doubt, by corresponding calls for money. In prosecuting its conquests hitherto, and building up its establishments, the East India Company has contracted a debt of upward of 50,000,000 sterling, while the British Government has

been at the expense, for years past, of transporting to and from and keeping up in India, in addition to the forces, native and European, of the East India Company, a standing army of thirty thousand men. Such being the case, it is evident that the advantage to Great Britain from her Indian Empire must be limited to the profits and benefits which accrue to individual British subjects. These profits

and benefits, erable.



must be



very consid-

we have

the stockholders in the East India

of about 3,000 persons, to


pany, to the



under the recent Charter 70 there

is guaranteed, upon a paid-up capital of six millions of pounds sterling, an annual dividend of ten and a half per cent, amounting to 630,000 annually. As the East India stock is held in transferable shares, anybody may become a stockholder who has money enough to buy the stock, which, under the existing Charter, commands a premium of from 125 to 150 per cent. Stock to the amount of 500, costing say $6,000, entitles the holder to speak at the proprietors' meetings, but to vote he must have 1,000 of stock. Holders of 3,000 have two votes, of 6,000 three votes, and of 10,000 or upward four votes. The proprietors, however, have but little voice, except in the election of the Board of Directors, of whom they choose twelve, while the Crown appoints six; but these appointees of the Crown must be qualified by having resided for ten years or more in India. One third of the Directors go out of office each year, but may be re-elected or re-appointed. To be a Di-

one must be a proprietor of 2,000 of stock. The Directors have a salary of 500 each, and their Chairman a nd Deputy Chairman twice as much; but the chief in ducement to accept the office is the great patronage attached tu il in the appointment ot all Indian officers, civil and military a patron age, nowever, largely shared, and, mi to the most important offices, engrossed substantially, by th e Board of Contro l. This Board consists of six members, all Privy Councillors, and in general two or three of them Cabinet Ministers, the President of the Board

being always so, in fact a Secretary of State for India. Next come the recipients of this patronage, divided into
five classes

For service

civil, clerical, medical, military and in India, at least in the civil line, some


edge of the languages spoken there


knowlnecessary, and to

prepare young


to enter their civil service, the East

India Company has a college at Haileybury. A correspondthe ing college for the military service, in which, however, rudiments of military science are the principal branches London. taught, has been established at Addiscombe, near Admission to these colleges was formerly a matter of favour on the part of the Directors of the Company, but under the latest modifications of the Charter it has been opened to competition in the way of a public examination of candidates. On first reaching India, a civilian is allowed

about $150 a month, till having passed a necessary examination in one or more of the native languages (which must be within twelve months after his arrival), he is attached to the service with emoluments which vary from $2,500 to near $50,000 per annum. The latter is the pay of

members of the Bengal Council; the members of the Bombay and Madras Councils* receive about $30,000 per annum. No person not a member of Council can receive more than about $25,000 per annum, and, to obtain an appointment worth $20,000 or over, he must have been a
resident in India for twelve years. Nine years' residence qualifies for salaries of from $15,000 to $20,000, and three years' residence for salaries of from $7,000 to $15,000. Appointments in the civil service go nominally by seniorAs ity and merit, but really to a great extent by favour. to is there best are the get great competition paid, they them, the military officers leaving their regiments for

purpose whenever they can get a chance. The average is stated at about $8,000, but this does not include perquisites and extra allowances, which are often very considerable. These civil
of all the salaries in the civil service

servants are employed as Governors, Councillors, Judges, Ambassadors, Secretaries, Collectors of the Revenue, etc. the number in the whole being generally about 800. The salary of the Governor-General of India is $125,000, but

Councils under the British Governor-Generals.



the extra allowances often amount to a still larger sum. The Church service includes three bishops and about one hundred and sixty chaplains. The Bishop of Calcutta has $25,000 a year; those of Madras and Bombay half as much; the chaplains from $2,500 to 7,000, besides fees. The medical service includes some 800 physicians and surgeons, with salaries of from $1,500 to $10,000. The European military officers employed in India, including those of the contingents which the dependent princes are obliged to furnish, number about 8,000. The fixed pay in the infantry is, for ensigns, -$1,080; lieutenants,
$1,344; captains, $2,226; majors, $3,810; lieutenant-colonels, $5,520; colonels, $7,680. This is the pay in cantonment. In active service, it is more. The pay in the cavalry, artillery and engineers, is somewhat higher. By obtaining staff situations or employments in the civil service, many officers double their pay.

Here are about ten thousand British subjects holding lucrative situations in India, and drawing their pay from the Indian service. To these must be added a considerable


living in England, whither they

have retired upon

pensions, which in all the services are payable after serving a certain number of years. These pensions, with the dividends and interest on debts due in England, consume some fifteen to twenty millions of dollars drawn annually

and which may in fact be regarded as so tribute paid to the English Government indirectly through its subjects. Those who annually retire from the several services carry with them very considerable



amounts of savings from their salaries, which is so much more added to the annual drain on India. Besides those Europeans actually employed in the service of the Government, there are other European residents in India to the number of 6,000 or more, employed in trade or private speculation. Except a few indigo, sugar and coffee planters in the rural districts, they are principally merchants, agents and manufacturers, who reside in

Bombay and Madras, or their immediate vicinity. The foreign trade of India, including imports and exports to the amount of about fifty millions of dollars of each, is almost entirely in their hands, and their profits are no doubt very considerable. It is thus evident that individua ls gain largely by the English co nnection with India, and of course their gain goes" to increase the sum of the nationa l wealth. But against T he military all thi s a very large ottset is to be made. and naval expenses paid uul Of th e pockets oFthe people ot England on Indian account have been constantly increasing with the extent of the Indian dominion. To this must be added the expense of Burmese, Afghan, Chinese and Persian wars. In fact, the whole cost of the late Russian war may fairly be charged to the Indian account, since the fear and dread of Russia, which led to that war, grew entirely out of jealousy a s to h er designs on India
the cities of Calcutta,

and perpetual by the possession of India, and it may well be doubted whether, on the whole, inis dominion does not threaten to cost quite as much as it can ever be expected to come to.
to this the career of endless conquest aggression in which the English are involved
Written at the beginning of September 1857
Published in the
of the


according to the text


New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5123, September 21, 1857


Karl Marx


London, January


The buoyancy in the London money market, resulting from the withdrawal of an enormous mass of capital from the ordinary productive investments, and its consequent
transfer to the security markets, has, in the last fortnight,

been somewhat lessened by the prospects of an impending Indian loan to the amount of eight or ten million pounds sterling. This loan, to be raised in England, and to be authorized by Parliament immediately on its assembling in

transport of troops, necessitated by the Indian revolt. In August, 1857, the British Government had, before the prorogation of Parliament, solemnly declared in the House of Commons that no such loan was intended, the financial resources of the Company being more than sufficient to meet the crisis. The agreeable delusion thus palmed on John Bull was, however, soon dispelled when it oozed out that by a proceeding of a very questionable character, the East India Company had laid hold on a sum of about 3,500,000 sterling, entrusted to them by different companies, for the construction of Indian railways; and had, moreover, secretly borrowed 1,000,000 sterling from the Bank of England, and another million from the London Joint Stock banks. The public being thus prepared for the worst, the Government did no longer hesitate to drop the mask, and by semi-official aretc.,

Company by its home creditors, expenditure for war materials, stores,

required to meet the claims upon the East as well as the extra


tides in The Times, Globe and other government organs, avow the necessity of the loan. It may be asked why a special act on the part of the legislative power is required for launching such a loan, and then, why such an event does create the least apprehension, since, on the contrary, every vent for British capital,




vain for profitable investment, should,

under present circumstances, be considered a windfall, and a most salutary check upon the rapid depreciation of
It is generally known that the commercial existence of the East India Company was terminated in 1834, when its

principal remaining source of commercial profits, the monopoly of the China trade, was cut off. Consequently, the

holders of East India stock having derived their dividends, nominally, at least, from the trade profits of the Company,

arrangement with regard to them had benecessary. The payment of the dividends, till then chargeable upon the commercial revenue of the Company,



was transferred

to its political revenue. The proprietors of East India stocks were to be paid out of the revenues enjoyed by the East India Company in its governmental capacity, and, by act of Parliament, the Indian stock, amounting to 6,000,000 sterling, bearing ten per cent interest, was converted into a capital not to be liquidated except at the rate of 200 for every 100 of stock. In other words, the original East India stock of 6,000,000 sterling was converted into a capital of 12,000,000 sterling, bearing five per cent interest, and chargeable upon the revenue derived

from the taxes


Company was


of the Indian people. The debt of the East thus, by a Parliamentary sleight of into a debt of the Indian people. There

exists, besides, a debt

exceeding 50,000,000 sterling, con-

by the East India Company in India, and exclusively chargeable upon the state revenues of that country; such loans contracted by the Company in India itself having always been considered to lie beyond the district of


Parliamentary legislation, and regarded no more than the debts contracted by the colonial governments in Canada or
Australia for instance. On the other hand, the East India

Company was


interest-bearing debts in Great Britain herself, without the especial sanction of Parliament. Some years ago, when the Company set about establishing railways and electric telegraphs in India, it applied for the authorization of Indian bonds in the London market, a



was granted to the amount of 7,000,000 be issued in bonds bearing 4 per cent interest, and secured only on the Indian state revenues. At the commencement of the outbreak in India, this bond-debt stood at 3,894,400 sterling, and the very necessity of again applying to Parliament shows the East India Company to have, during the course of the Indian insurrection, exhausted its legal powers of borrowing at home. Now it is no secret that before recurring to this step, the East India Company had opened a loan at Calcutta, which, however, turned out a complete failure. This proves, on the one hand, that Indian capitalists are far from considering
request which
sterling, to

the prospects of British supremacy in India in the same sanguine spirit which distinguishes the London press; and, on the other hand, exacerbates the feelings of John Bull to an uncommon pitch, since he is aware of the immense

hoardings of capital having gone on for the last seven years India, whither, according to a statement recently published by Messrs. Haggard & Pixley, there has been shipped in 1856 and 1857, from the port of London alone,

bullion to the
in a

amount of 21,000,000. The London Times, most persuasive strain, has taught its readers that

the incentives to the loyalty of the natives, that of makcreditors was the least doubtful; while, on the other hand, among an impulsive, secretive and avaricious people no temptation to discontent or treachery could be stronger than that created by the idea that they were annually taxed to send dividends to wealthy claimants in other countries."


them our


The Indians, however, appear not to understand the beauty of a plan which would not only restore English supremacy at the expense of Indian capital, but at the same time, in a circuitous way, open the native hoards to British commerce. If, indeed, the Indian capitalists were as fond of British rule as every true Englishman thinks it an article of faith to assert, no better opportunity could have been
and getting rid The Indian capitalists shutting up their hoards, John Bull must open his mind to the dire necessity


of exhibiting their loyalty

of their silver.

of defraying himself in the first instance, at least, the expenses of the Indian insurrection, without any support on the part of the natives. The impending loan constitutes, moreover, a precedent only, and looks like the first leaf in a book, bearing the title, Anglo-Indian Home Debt. It is no secret that what the East India Company wants are not eight millions, or ten millions, but twenty-five to thirty million pounds, and even these as a first instalment only, not for expenses to be incurred, but for debts already due. The deficient revenue for the last three years amounted to 5,000,000; the treasure plundered by the insurgents up to the 15th October last, to 10,000,000, according to the statement of the Phoenix, an Indian governmental paper; the loss of revenue in the north-eastern provinces, consequent upon the rebellion, to 5,000,000, and the war ex-

penses to at least 10,000 000. It is true that successive loans by the Indian Company, in the London money market, would raise the value of money and prevent the increasing depreciation of capital; that is to say, the further fall in the rate of interest; but such a fall is exactly required for the revival of British

industry and commerce.



check put upon the


downward movement

of the rate of discount


an enhancement in the cost of production and the terms of credit, which, in its present weak state, English trade feels itself unable to bear. Hence the general cry of distress
at the


of the Indian loan.



the Par-

liamentary sanction adds no imperial guarantee to the loan Company, that guarantee, too, must be conceded, if money is not to be obtained on other terms; and despite all fine distinctions, as soon as the East India Company is supplanted by the British Government, its debt will be merged into the British debt. A further increase of the large national debt seems, therefore, one of the first financial conseof the

quences of the Indian

Published in the

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,





Frederick Engels 5'




are in possession of detailed accounts of the Lucknow. The principal sources of information, in a military point of view, the dispatches of Sir Colin Campbell, have not yet, indeed, been published; but the correspondence of the British press, and especially the


attack and

fall of

letters of

Mr. Russell


The London Times, the

laid before

chief por-

tions of

our readers, are quite sufficient to give a general insight into the proceedings of

which have been

the attacking party. The conclusions we

drew from the telegraphic news,


to the ignorance and cowardice displayed in the defence, are more than confirmed by the detailed accounts. The

works erected by the Hindus, formidable in appearance, were in reality of no greater consequence than the fiery dragons and grimacing faces painted by Chinese "braves" on their shields or on the walls of their cities. Every single work exhibited an apparently impregnable front, nothing but loopholed and embrasured walls and parapets, difficulties of access of every possible description, cannon and small arms bristling everywhere. But the flanks and rear of every position were completely neglected, a mutual support of the various works was never thought of, and even the ground between the works, as well as in front of them, had never been cleared, so that both front and flank attacks could be prepared without the knowledge of the defence, and could approach under perfect shelter to

within a few yards from the parapet. It was just such a conglomerate of intrenchments as might be expected from
a body of private sappers deprived of their officers, and serving in an army where ignorance and indiscipline reigned supreme. The intrenchments of Lucknow are but a translation of the whole method of sepoy warfare into baked clay walls and earthen parapets. The mechanical

portion of European tactics had been partially impressed upon their minds; they knew the manual and platoon drill well enough; they could also build a battery and loophole a wall; but how to combine the movements of companies and battalions in the defence of a position, or how to combine batteries and loopholed houses and walls, so as to

form an intrenched camp capable of resistance of this they were utterly ignorant. Thus, they weakened the solid masonry walls of their palaces by over-loopholing them, heaped tier upon tier of loopholes and embrasures, placed parapeted batteries on their roofs, and all this to no purpose whatever, because it could all be turned in the easiest possible manner. In the same way, knowing their tactical inferiority, they tried to make up for it by cramming every post as full of men as possible, to no other purpose than to give terrible effect to the British artillery and to render impossible all orderly and systematic defence as soon as the attacking columns fell upon this motley host from an
unexpected direction. And when the British, by some accidental circumstance, were compelled to attack even the formidable front of the works, their construction was so faulty that they could be approached, breached and stormed almost without any risk. At the Imambarah this was the case. Within a few yards from the building stood a pucka (sun-baked clay) wall. Up to this the British made a short sap (proof enough that the embrasures and loopholes on the higher part of the building had no plunging fire upon the ground immediately in front), and used this very wall as a breaching battery, prepared for them by the Hindus themselves! They brought up two 68-pounders (na168

val guns) behind this wall. The lightest 68-pounder in the British service weighs 87 cwt., without the carriage; but supposing even that an 8-inch gun for hollow shot only
is alluded to, the lightest gun of that class weighs 50 cwt., and with the carriage at least three tons. That such guns could be brought up at all in such proximity to a palace several storeys high, with a battery on the roof, shows a contempt of commanding positions and an ignorance of military engineering which no private sapper in any civilized army could be capable of. Thus much for the science against which the British had to contend. As to courage and obstinacy, they were equally absent from the defence. From the Martiniere to the Musabagh, on the part of the natives, there was but one grand and unanimous act of bolting, as soon as a column advanced to the attack. There is nothing in the whole series of engagements that can compare even with the massacre (for fight it can scarcely be called) in the Secundarbagh during Campbell's relief of the Residency. No sooner do the attacking parties advance, than there is a general helter-skelter to the rear, and where there are but a few nar-


exits so as to bring the crov/ded rabble to a stop,

fall pell-mell, and without any resistance, under the volleys and bayonets of the advancing British. The "British bayonet" has done more execution in any one of these on-

slaughts on panic-stricken natives than in all the wars of the English in Europe and America put together. In the East, such bayonet-battles, where one party only is active and the other abjectly passive, are a regular occurrence in warfare; the Burmese stockades in every case furnished an example. According to Mr. Russell's account, the chief loss suffered by the British was caused by Hindus cut off from retreat, and barricaded in the rooms of the palaces, whence they fired from the windows upon the officers in the court-

yards and gardens. In storming the Imambarah and the Kaisarbagh, the bolting of the Hindus was so rapid, that the place was not

taken, but simply

ly observes,

marched into. The interesting scene, howwas now only commencing; for, as Mr. Russell blandthe conquest of the Kaisarbagh on that day

so unexpected that there was no time to guard against indiscriminate plunder. merry scene it must have been John Bull to see his British grenafor a true, liberty-loving diers helping themselves freely to the jewels, costly arms, clothes, and all the toggery of his Majesty of Oudh. The


followers were quite ready to of plunder and destruction followed which evidently surpassed even the descriptive talent of Mr. Russell. Every fresh step in advance was accompanied with plunder and devastation. The Kaisarbagh had fallen on the 14th; and half an hour after, discipline was at an end, and the officers had lost all command over their men. On the 17th, Gen. Campbell was obliged to establish patrols to check plundering, and to remain in inactivity "until the present licence ceases." The troops were evidently completely out of hand. On the 18th, we hear that there is a cessation of the grosser sort of plunder, but devastation is still going on freely. In the city, however, while the vanguard were fighting against the natives' fire from the houses, the rear-guard plundered and destroyed to their hearts' content. In the evening, there is another proSikhs, Gurkhas and imitate the example,


and a scene

clamation against plundering; strong parties of every regiment to go out and fetch in their own men, and to keep their camp followers at home; nobody to leave the camp
except on duty.

On the 20th, a recapitulation of the same same day, two British "officers and gentlemen," Lieuts. Cape and Thackwell, "went into the city looting, and were murdered in a house"; and on the 26th, matters were still so bad that the most stringent orders were issued for the suppression of plunder and outrage; hourly roll-calls were instituted; all soldiers strictly forbidden to enter the city; camp followers, if found armed in the city, to be hanged; soldiers not to wear arms except on duty, and all non-combatants to be disarmed. To give due




weight to these orders, a number of triangles for flogging were erected "at proper places." This is indeed a pretty state of things in a civilized army in the 19th century; and if any other troops in the world had committed one-tenth of these excesses, how would the indignant British press brand them with infamy! But these are the deeds of the British army, and therefore we are told that such things are but the normal consequences of war. British officers and gentlemen are perfectly welcome to appropriate to themselves any silver spoons, jewelled bracelets, and other little memorials they may find about the scene of their glory; and if Campbell is compelled to disarm his own army in the midst of war, in order to stop wholesale robbery and violence, there may have been military reasons for the step; but surely nobody will begrudge these poor fellows a week's holiday and a little

and privations. no army in Europe or America with so much brutality as the British. Plundering, violence, massacre things that everywhere else are strictly and comare a time-honoured privilege, a vested pletely banished of the British soldier. The infamies committed for right after the days together, storming of Badajoz and San Sefrolic after so







bastian, in the Peninsular war, are without a parallel in the annals of any other nation since the beginning of the

French Revolution, and the mediaeval usage, proscribed everywhere else, of giving up to plunder a town taken by assault, is still the rule with the British. At Delhi imperious military considerations enforced an exception; but the army, though bought off by extra pay, grumbled, and now at Lucknow they have made up for what they missed at Delhi. For twelve days and nights there was no British army at Lucknow nothing but a lawless, drunken, brutal rabble, dissolved into bands of robbers, far more lawless, violent and greedy than the sepoys who had just been driven out of the place. The sack of Lucknow in 1858 will



an everlasting disgrace


the British


the reckless soldiery, in their civilizing and humanizof their ing progress through India, could rob the natives in Government British the steps only, property personal immediately afterwards and strips them of their real estate as well. Talk of the first French Revolution confiscating the

lands of the nobles and the church! Talk of Louis Napoleon confiscating the property of the Orleans family! Here comes

Lord Canning, a British nobleman, mild in language, manners and feelings, and confiscates, by order of his superior, Viscount Palmerston, the lands of a whole people, every rood, perch and acre, over an extent of ten thousand square miles. A very nice bit of loot indeed for John Bull! And no sooner has Lord Ellenborough, in the name of the new Government, disapproved of this hitherto unexampled measure, than up rise The Times and a host of minor British papers to defend this wholesale robbery, and break a lance for the right of John Bull to confiscate everything he likes. But then, John is an exceptional being, and what is virtue in him, according to The Times, would be infamy
in others.


Meanwhilethanks to the complete army for the purpose of plunder

the insurgents

dissolution of the

caped, unpursued, into the open country. They concentrate in Rohilkhand, while a portion carry on petty warfare in Oudh, and other fugitives have taken the direction of Bun-

delkhand. At the same time, the hot weather and the rains are fast approaching; and it is not to be expected that the season will be so uncommonly favourable to European constitutions as last year. Then, the mass of the European troops were more or less acclimated; this year, most of them are newly arrived. There is no doubt that a campaign in June, July and August will cost the British an immense number of lives, and what with the garrisons that have to be left in every conquered city the active army will melt down very rapidly. Already are we informed that

reinforcements of 1,000 men per month will scarcely keep up the army at its effective strength; and as to garrisons, Lucknow alone requires at least 8,000 men, over one-third of Campbell's army. The force organizing for the campaign of Rohilkhand will scarcely be stronger than this garrison of Lucknow. We are also informed that among the British officers the opinion is gaining ground that the guerrilla warfare which is sure to succeed the dispersion of the larger bodies of insurgents, will be far more harassing and destructive of life to the British than the present war with its battles and sieges. And, lastly, the Sikhs are beginning to talk in a way which bodes no good to the English. They feel that without their assistance the British would scarcely have been able to hold India, and that, had they joined the
insurrection, Hindustan would certainly have been lost to England, at least, for a time. They say this soundly, and

exaggerate it in their Eastern way. To them the English no longer appear as that superior race which beat them at Mudki, Ferozeshah and Aliwal. From such a conviction to open hostility there is but a step with Eastern nations; a
kindle the blaze. Altogether, the taking of Lucknow has no more put down the Indian insurrection than the taking of Delhi. This summer's campaign may produce such events that the



go substantially over the and perhaps even to reconquer the Punjab. But in the best of cases, a long and harassing guerrilla warfare is before them not an enviable thing for Europeans under an Indian sun.

British will have, next winter, to

same ground


Written on




Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5333,


25, 1858

Karl Marx


About eighteen months ago, at Canton, the British Government propounded the novel doctrine in the law of nations that a state may commit hostilities on a large scale against a province of another state, without either declaring


or establishing a state of

state. Now the same the Governor-General of India, Lord Canning, has made another forward move in its task of upsetting the existing law of nations. It has proclaimed that
"the proprietary right in the soil of the Province of Oudh is confiscated to the British Government, which will dispose of that right in such manner as it may see fitting."

against that other Government, in the person of


When, after the fall of Warsaw in 1831, the Russian Emperor confiscated "the proprietary right in the soil" hitherto held by numerous Polish nobles, there was one unanimous outburst of indignation in the British press and Parliament. When, after the battle of Novara, the Austrian Government did not confiscate, but merely sequestered, the estates of such Lombard noblemen as had taken an active part in the war of independence, that unanimous outburst of British indignation was repeated. And when, after the 2nd December, 1851, Louis Napoleon confiscated the estates of the Orleans family, which, by the common law of France, ought to have been united to the public domain on the accession of Louis Philippe, but which had escaped that fate by a legal quibble, then British indigna174


knew no bounds, and The London Times

declared that

very foundations of social order were upset, and that civil society could no longer exist. All this honest indignation has now been practically illustrated. England, by one stroke of the pen, has confiscated not


this act the

only the estates of a few noblemen, or of a royal family, but the whole length and breadth of a kingdom nearly as large as Ireland, "the inheritance of a whole people," as Lord Ellenborough himself terms it. But let us hear what pretexts grounds v/e cannot call them Lord Canning, in the name of the British Government, sets forth for this unheard-of proceeding: First, "The

possession of Lucknow." Second, "The resistbegun by a mutinous soldiery, has found support from the inhabitants of the city and of the province at large." Third, "They have been guilty of a great crime, and


is in

have subjected themselves to a just retribution." In plain English: Because the British army have got hold of Lucknow, the Government has the right to confiscate all the land in Oudh v/hich they have not yet got hold of. Because the native soldiers in British pay have mutinied, the natives of Oudh, who were subjected to British rule by force, have not the right to rise for their national independence. In short, the people of Oudh have rebelled against the legitimate authority of the British Government, and
the British Government now distinctly declares that rebellion is a sufficient ground for confiscation. Leaving, therefore, out of the question all the circumlocution of Lord Canning, the whole question turns upon the point that he assumes the British rule in Oudh to have been legitimately established.


British rule in

Oudh was
in 1856,

established in the fol-

Lord Dalhousie thought the moment for action had arrived, he concentrated an army at Cawnpore which, the King of Oudh* was told, was to
serve as a corps of observation against Nepal. This arnry

lowing manner: When,




of Lucksuddenly invaded the country, took possession was He urged to cede now, and took the King prisoner. He was then car in vain. but the country to the British,

ried off to Calcutta, and the country was annexed to the territories of the East India Company. This treacherous invasion was based upon article 6 of the treaty of 1801,

concluded by Lord Wellesley. This treaty was the natural Sir John Shore. consequence of that concluded in 1798 by the followed Anglo-Indian usual the to by policy According Government in their intercourse with native princes, this first treaty of 1798 was a treaty of offensive and defensive alliance on both sides. It secured to the East India Company a yearly subsidy of 76 lacs of rupees ($3,800,000); but by articles 12 and 13 the King was obliged to reduce the taxation of the country. As a matter of course, these two conditions, in open contradiction to each other, could
not be fulfilled by the King at the same time. This resul; looked for by the East India Company, gave rise to fre whl. complications, resulting in the treaty of 1801, by a cession of territory had to make up for the alleged ii; fractions of the former treaty; a cession of territory which a by the way, was at the time denounced in Parliament as Wellesdownright robbery, and would have brought Lord inley before a Committee of Inquiry, but for the political
fluence then held by his family. In consideration of this cession of territory, the East India Company, by article 3, undertook to defend the King's remaining territories against all foreign and domestic enemies; and by article 6 guaranteed the possession
of these territories to ever.



the King, viz:

him and his heirs and successors forsame article 6 contained also a pit-fall for The King engaged that he would establish


such a system of administration, to be carried into effect his own officers, as should be conducive to the prosperity of his subjects, and be calculated to secure the lives and
this treaty;

property of the inhabitants. Now, supposing the King of

Oudh had broken







secured the lives and property of the inhabitants (say by blowing them from the cannon's mouth, and confiscating v ue whole of their lands), what remedy remained to the iiast India Company? The King was, by the treaty, acknowledged as an independent sovereign, a free agent, one of the contracting parties. The East India Company, on declaring the treaty broken and thereby annulled, could have but two modes of action: either by negotiation, backed by pressure, they might have come to a new arrangement, or else they might have declared war against the King. But to invade his territory without declaration of war, to take him prisoner unawares, dethrone him and annex his territory, was an infraction not only of the treaty, but of every principle of the law of nations. That the annexation of Oudh was not a sudden resoluon of the British Government is proved by a curious fact, sooner was Lord Palmerston, in 1830, Foreign Secretary, n he sent an order to the then Governor-General* to lex Oudh. The subordinate at that time declined to carry t the suggestion. The affair, however, came to the knowlJge of the King of Oudh,** who availed himself of some pretext to send an embassy to London. In spite of all obstacles, the embassy succeeded in acquainting William IV, who was ignorant of the whole proceeding, with the dan:

ger which had

violent scene

menaced their country. The result was a between William IV and Palmerston, ending

a strict injunction to the latter never to repeat such coups d'etat on pain of instant dismissal. It is important to recollect that the actual annexation of Oudh and the confiscation of all the landed property of the country took place when Palmerston was again in power. The papers

relating to this first attempt at annexing were moved for, a few weeks ago, in the


in 1831,

mons, when Mr.


Baillie, Secretary of declared that these papers had disappeared.

House of Comthe Board of Control,


William Bentinck.Ed. Nazir-ed-Din.Ed.




Again, in 1837,

when Palmerston,

for the second time,

was Foreign

Secretary, and Lord Auckland Governor-General of India, the King of Oudh* was compelled to make a fresh treaty with the East India Company. This treaty takes up article 6 of the one of 1801, because "it provides

no remedy for the obligation contained in it" (to govern the country well); and it expressly provides, therefore, by
article 7,
"that the King of Oudh shall immediately take into consideraconcert with the British Resident, the best means of remedying the defects in the police, and in the judicial and revenue administrations of his dominions; and that if his Majesty should neglect to attend to the advice and counsel of the British Government, and if gross and systematic oppression, anarchy and misrule should prevail within the Oudh dominions, such as seriously to endanger the public tranquillity, the British Government reserves to itself the right of appointing its own officers to the management of whatsoever portions of the Oudh territory, either to a small or great extent, in which such misrule shall have occurred, for so long a period as it may deem necessary; the surplus receipts in such case, after defraying all charges, to be paid into the King's Treasury, and a true and faithful account rendered to his Majesty of the receipts

tion, in

and expenditure."


article 8, the treaty further provides:

"That in case the Governor-General of India in Council should be compelled to resort to the exercise of the authority vested in him by article 7, he will endeavour so far as possible to maintain, with such improvements as they may admit of, the native institutions and forms of administration within the assumed territories, so as to facilitate the restoration of these territories to the Sovereign of Oudh, when the proper period for such restoration shall arrive."

This treaty professes to be concluded between the Governor-General of British India in Council, on one hand, and the King of Oudh on the other. It was, as such, duly ratified, by both parties, and the ratifications were duly exchanged. But when it was submitted to the Board of Directors of the East India Company, it was annulled (April 10, 1838) as an infraction of the friendly relations between

Mohammed AH



the Company and the King of Oudh, and an encroachment, on the part of the Governor-General, on the rights of that potentate. Palmerston had not asked the Company's leave to conclude the treaty, and he took no notice of their annulling resolution. Nor was the King of Oudh informed that the treaty had ever been cancelled. This is proved by Lord

Dalhousie himself (minute Jan.

"It is



very probable that the King, in the course of the discussions which will take place with the Resident,* may refer to the treaty negotiated with his predecessor in 1837; the Resident is aware that the treaty was not continued in force, having been annulled by the Court of Directors as soon as it was received in England. The Resident is further aware that, although the King of Oudh was informed at the time that certain aggravating provisions of the treaty of 1837, respecting an increased military force, would not be carried
into effect, the entire abrogation of it was never communicated to his Majesty. The effect of this reserve and want of full communication
is felt to be embarrassing today. It is the more embarrassing that the cancelled instrument was still included in a volume of treaties which was published in 1845, by the authority of Govern-


In the
"If the

same minute,

sec. 17,

it is



King should allude to the treaty of 1837, and should ask further measures are necessary in relation to the administration of Oudh, the large powers which are given to the British Government by the said treaty should not now be put in force, his Majesty must be informed that the treaty has had no existence since it was communicated to the Court of Directors, by whom it was wholly annulled. His Majesty will be reminded that the Court of Lucknow was informed at the time that certain articles of the treaty of 1837, by which the payment of an additional military force was imposed upon the King, were to be set aside. It must be presumed that it was not thought necessary at that time to make any communication to his Majesty regarding those articles of the treaty which were not of immediate operation, and that the subsequent
communication was inadvertently neglected."

But not only was

lection of 1845,
sisting treaty in

this treaty inserted in the official col-



also officially adverted to as a sub-

Lord Auckland's notification to the King

James Outram.



Oudh, dated July 8, 1839; in Lord Hardinge's (then Governor-General) remonstrance to the same King, of November 23, 1847, and in Col. Sleeman's (Resident at Lucknow) communication to Lord Dalhousie himself, of the 10th December, 1851. Now, why was Lord Dalhousie so eager to deny the validity of a treaty w mcn all his predecessor s, a nd_eyen his own agents, naa acknowledged to be in force n their com munications with the King of Oudh? Solely because, by tnis treaty, whatever pretext the King might give for interference, that interference was limited to an a' ssumption of government by Britisn oincers in tne nam e olhe King of Oudh, who was to receive the surplus rev wanted. v/as enue ^TFat Was the' very opposite of what Nothing short of annexation would do. This denying the validity of treaties which had formed the acknowledged base of intercourse for twenty years; this seizing violently upon independent territories in open infraction even of the acknowledged treaties; this final confiscation of every acre of land in the whole country; all these treacherous and brutal modes of proceeding of the British toward the natives

of India are
in India,



beginning to avenge themselves, not only England.

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Written on



Published in the

New-York Daily
No. 5336,



Tribune, 1858

Karl Marx


Lord Canning's proclamation in relation to Oudh, some important documents in reference to which we published on Saturday, has revived the discussion as to the land tenures of India a subject upon which there have been great disputes and differences of opinion in times past,
and misapprehensions in reference to which have led, so it is alleged, to very serious practical mistakes in the administration of those parts of India directly under British

The great point in this controversy is, what is the exact position which the zemindars, talukdars or sirdars, so called, hold in the economical system of India? Are they properly to be considered as landed proprietors or as mere

It is agreed that in India, as in most Asiatic countries, the ultimate property in the soil vests the Government; but while one party to this controversy insists that the


is to be looked upon as a soil proprietor, letout the land on shares to the cultivators, the other ting side maintains that in substance the land in India is just as much private property as in any other country whatever this alleged property in the Government being nothing more than the derivation of title from the sovereign, theoretically acknowledged in all countries, the codes of which are based on the feudal lav/ and substantially acknowledged in all countries whatever in the power of the


Government to levy taxes on the land to the extent of the needs of the Government, quite independent of all considerations, except as mere matter of policy, of the convenience of the owners.
Admitting, however, that the lands of India are private property, held by as good and strong a private title as land elsewhere, who shall be regarded as the real owners? There are two parties for whom this claim has been
set up. One of these parties is the class known as zemindars and talukdars, who have been considered to occupy a position similar to that of the landed nobility and gentry of Europe; to be, indeed, the real owners of the land, subject to a certain assessment due to the Government, and, as owners, to have the right of displacing at pleasure the actual cultivators, who, in this view of the case, are regarded as standing in the position of mere tenants at will, liable to any payment in the way of rent which the zemindars may see fit to impose. The view of the case which naturally fell in with English ideas, as to the importance and necessity of a landed gentry as the main pillar of the social fabric, was made the foundation of the famous landed settlement of Bengal seventy years ago, under the Governor-Generalship of Lord Cornwallis a settlement which still remains in force, but which, as it is maintained by many, wrought great injustice alike to the Government and

to the actual cultivators.

more thorough study

of the

institutions of Hindustan, together with the inconveniences, both social and political, resulting from the Bengal settle-

ment, has given currency to the opinion that by the original Hindu institutions, the property of the land was in the village corporations, in which resided the power of allotting it out to individuals for cultivation while the zemindars

and talukdars were in their origin nothing but officers of the Government, appointed to look after, to collect, and to pay over to the prince the assessment due from the

This view has influenced to a considerable degree the settlement of the landed tenures and revenue made of late years in the Indian provinces, of which the direct administration has been assumed by the English. The exclusive proprietary rights claimed by the talukdars and zemindars have been regarded as originating in usurpations at once
against the

Government and the


and every


to get rid of them as an incubus on the real cultivators of the soil and the general improvement of the country. As, however, these middlemen, whatever the origin of their rights might be, could claim prescription in their favour, it was impossible not to recognize their

has been


claims as to a certain extent legal, however inconvenient, arbitrary and oppressive to the people. In Oudh, under the feeble reign of the native princes, these feudal landholders had gone very far in curtailing alike the claims of the

Government and the rights of the cultivators; and when, upon the recent annexation of that Kingdom, this matter came under revision, the Commissioners charged with making the settlement soon got into a very acrimonious controversy with them as to the real extent of their rights. Hence

resulted a state of discontent on their part which led to make common cause with the revolted sepoys.


By those who incline to the policy above indicated that of a system of village settlement looking at the actual cultivators as invested with a proprietary right in the land, superior to that of the middlemen, through whom the

Government receives its share of the landed produce the proclamation of Lord Canning is defended as an advantage taken of the position in which the great body of the zemindars and talukdars of Oudh had placed themselves, to open a door for the introduction of much more extensive reforms than otherwise would have been practicable the proprietary right confiscated by that proclamation being merely zemindari or talukdari right, and affecting only a very small part of the population, and that by no mearr-

the actual cultivators.


Independently of any question of justice and humanity, the view taken on the other hand by the Derby Ministry of Lord Canning's proclamation, corresponds sufficiently well with the general principles which the Tory, or Conservative, party maintain on the sacredness of vested rights and the importance of upholding an aristocratic landed interest. In speaking of the landed interest at home, they always refer rather to the landlords and rent-receivers than to the rent-payers and to the actual cultivators; and it is, therefore, not surprising that they should regard the interests of the zemindars and talukdars, however few their actual number, as equivalent to the interests of the great body of the people. Here indeed is one of the greatest inconveniences and difficulties in the government of India from England, that views of Indian questions are liable to be influenced bv p urely English prejudices or sentiments, applied to a state oT society and a condition of thi ngs to which they have in fact very little real pertinency. Th e defence which Lord
in his dispatch, published to-day, of the policy of his proclamation against the objections of Sir James Outram, the Commissioner of Oudh, is very plausible, though it appears that he so far yielded to the representations of the Commissioner as to insert into the proclamation the modifying sentence, not contained in the original draft sent to England, and on which Lord Ellenborough's

Canning makes

dispatch was based. Lord Canning's opinion as to the light in which the conduct of landholders of Oudh in joining in the rebellion ought to be viewed does not appear to differ much from that of Sir James Outram and Lord Ellenborough. He argues that they stand in a very different position not only from the mutinous sepoys, but from that of the inhabitants of rebellious districts in which the British rule had been longer established. He admits that they are entitled to be treated as persons having provocation for the course they took; but at the same time insists that they must be made

to understand that rebellion cannot be resorted to withshall out involving serious consequences to themselves.


soon learn what the effect of the issue of the proclamation has been, and whether Lord Canning or Sir James Outram was nearer right in his anticipation of its results.
Written on


25, 1858

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5344, June


Frederick Engels


Our indiscreet friend, Mr. William Russell of The London Times, has recently been induced, by his love of the
picturesque, to illustrate, for the second time, the sack of Lucknow, to a degree which other people will not think very flattering to the British character. It now appears that
Delhi, too, was "looted" to a very considerable extent, and that besides the Kaisarbagh, the city of Lucknow generally contributed to reward the British soldier for his previous

privations and heroic efforts.


quote from Mr. Russell:

"There are companies which can boast of privates with thousands of pounds worth in their ranks. One man I heard of who complacently offered to lend an officer 'whatever sum he wanted if he wished to buy over the Captain.' Others have remitted large sums to their friends. Ere this letter reaches England, many a diamond, emerald and delicate pearl will have told its tale in a very quiet, pleasant way, of the storm and sack of the Kaisarbagh. It is saw not how the glittering baubles as well that the fair wearers Some of were won, or the scenes in which the treasure was trove. these officers have made, literally, their fortunes. There are certain small caskets in battered uniform cases which contain estates in Scotland and Ireland, and snug fishing and shooting boxes in
. .

every game-haunted or salmon-frequented angle of the world."

This, then, accounts for the inactivity of the British army after the conquest of Lucknow. The fortnight devoted to

plunder was well spent. Officers and soldiers went into town poor and debt-ridden, and came out suddenly enriched. They were no longer the same men; yet they were expected to return to their former military duty, to subthe

mission, silent obedience, fatigue, privation and battle. But this is out of the question. The army, disbanded for the purpose of plunder, is changed for ever; no word of command, no prestige of the General, can make it again what it once was. Listen again to Mr. Russell:
"It is curious to



riches develop disease;



and what tremendous ravages in one's few family, among the nearest and dearest, can be caused by a The weight of the belt round the private's crystals of carbon waist, full of rupees and gold mohurs, assures him that the vision" it (of a comfortable independency at home) "can be realized, and Two battles, is no wonder he resents the 'fall in, then, fall in!' two shares of prize-money, the plunder of two cities, and many pickings by the way, have made some of our men too rich for easy





hear that above 150 officers have sent

in their resignations to Sir Colin Campbell proceeding indeed in an army before the

a very singular

enemy, which in any other service would be followed up in twenty-four hours by cashiering and severest punishment otherwise,
but which, we suppose, is considered in the British army as a very proper act for "an officer and a gentleman" who has suddenly made his fortune. As to the private soldiers, with them the proceeding is different. Loot engenders the desire for more; and if no more Indian treasures are at hand for the purpose, why not loot those of the British Government? Accordingly, says Mr. Russell:
"There has been a suspicious upsetting of two treasure tumbrils under a European guard, in which some few rupees were missing, and paymasters exhibit a preference for natives in the discharge of
the delicate duty of convoy!"

Very good, indeed. The Hindu or Sikh


better disci-

plined, less thieving, less rapacious than that incomparable model of a warrior, the British soldier! But so far we have

seen the individual Briton only employed. Let us now cast a glance at the British army, "looting" in its collective

that "Every day adds to the prize property, and it is estimated to the sales will produce 600,000. The town of Cawnpore is said done to if and the public damage Lucknow; the be full of plunder of the deterioration in buildings, the destruction of private property, value of houses and land, and the results of depopulation could be estimated, it would be found that the capital of Oudh has sustained

a loss of

five or six millions sterling."

The Kalmuk hordes of Genghis Khan and Timur, falling upon a city like a swarm of locusts, and devouring everya blessing thing that came in their way, must have been Chrisof these the with to a country, compared irruption The soldiers. British and chivalrous gentle tian, civilized,
former, at least, soon passed away on their erratic course; but these methodic Englishmen bring along with them their prize-agents, who convert loot into a system, who register the plunder, sell it by auction, and keep a sharp look-out that British heroism is not defrauded of a title of its reward. We shall watch with curiosity the capabilities of this army, relaxed as its discipline is by the effects of wholesale plunder, at a time when the fatigues of a hot

weather campaign require the greatest stringency of



The Hindus must, however, by this time be still less fit were at Lucknow, but that is not now the main question. It is far more important to know what shall be done if the insurgents, after a show of resistance, again shift the seat of war, say to Rajputana, which is far from being subdued. Sir Colin Campbell must leave garrisons everywhere; his field army has melted down to less than one-half of the force he had before Lucknow. If he is to occupy Rohilkhand what disposable strength will remain for the field? The hot weather is now upon him; in June the rains must have put a stop to active campaigning, and allowed the insurgents breathing time. The loss of European soldiers through sickness will have increased
for regular battle than they

every day after the middle of April, when the weather became oppressive; and the young men imported into India last winter must succumb to the climate in far greater

numbers than the seasoned Indian campaigners who last summer fought under Kavelock and Wilson. Rohilkhand is no more the decisive point than Lucknow was, or Delhi. The insurrection, it is true, has lost most of its capacity for pitched battles; but it is far more formidable in its present scattered form, which compels the English to ruin their army by marching and exposure. Look at the many new centres of resistance. There is Rohilkhand, where the mass of the old sepoys are collected; there is north-eastern Oudh beyond the Gogra, where the Oudhians have taken up position; there is Kalpi, which for the present serves
as a point of concentration for the insurgents of Bundelkhand. shall most likely hear in a few weeks, if not


sooner, that both Bareilly and Kalpi have fallen. The former will be of little importance, inasmuch as it will serve to

not the whole of Campbell's disposnow by General Whitlock, who Nagpur to Banda, in Bundelkhand, and by General Rose, who approaches from Jhansi, and has defeated the advanced guard of the Kalpi forces, will be a more important conquest; it will free Campbell's base of operations, Cawnpore, from the only danger menacing it, and thus perhaps enable him to recruit his field forces to some extent by troops set at liberty thereby. But it is very doubtful whether there will be enough to do more than to clear Oudh. Thus, the strongest army England ever concentrated on one point in India is again scattered in all directions, and has more work cut out than it can conveniently do. The ravages of the climate, during the summer's heat and rains, must be terrible; and whatever the moral superiority of the European over the Hindus, it is very doubtful whether the physical superiority of the Hindus in braving the heat and rains of an Indian summer will not again be the means of destroying the English forces. There are at present but few British troops on the road to India, and it is not intended to send out large reinforcements before July and

absorb nearly



able forces. Kalpi, menaced has led his column from


August. Up to October and November, therefore, Campbell has but that one army, melting down rapidly as it is, to hold his own with. What if in the meantime the insurgent Hindus succeed in raising Rajputana and Mahratta

What if the Sikhs, of whom there are 80,000 in the British service, and who claim all the honour of the victories for themselves, and whose temper is not altogether favourable to the British, were to rise?
country in rebellion?
Altogether, one

more winter's campaign,

at least, appears

to be in store for the British in India, and that cannot be carried on without another army from England.
Written about June
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 5361, June 26, 1858

Karl Marx


London, June


In the sitting of the House of Lords on June 17, the question of the slave-trade was introduced by the Bishop of Oxford, who presented a petition against that trade from the Parish of St. Mary in Jamaica. The impression these debates are sure to produce upon every mind not strongly prejudiced is that of great moderation on the part of the present British Government, and its firm purpose of avoiding any pretext of quarrel with the United States. Lord Malmesbury dropped altogether the "right of visit" as far as ships under the American flag are concerned, by the following declaration: "The United States say that on no account, for no purpose, and upon no suspicion shall a ship carrying the American flag be boarded except by an American ship, unless at the risk of the officer boarding or detaining her. I have not admitted the international law as laid down by the American Minister for Foreign Affairs, until that statement had been approved and fortified by the law officers of the Crown. But having admitted that, I have put it as strong as possible to the American Government that if it is known that the American flag covers every iniquity, every pirate and slaver on earth will carry it and no other; that this must bring disgrace on that honoured banner, and that instead of vindicating the honour of the country by an obstinate adherence to their present declaration the contrary result will follow; that the American flag will be
prostituted to the worst of purposes. I shall continue to urge that is necessary in these civilized times, with countless vessels navigating the ocean, that there should be a police on the ocean; that there should be, if not a right by international law, an agreement


nations how far they would go to verify the nationality of and ascertain their right to bear a particular flag. From the language I have used, from the conversations which I had with the American Minister resident in this country, and from the observations contained in a very able paper drawn up by Gen. Cass on this subject, I am not without strong hope that some arrangement of this kind may be made with the United States, which, with the orders given to the officers of both countries, may enable us to verify the flags of all countries, without running the risk of offence to the country to which a ship belongs."




the Opposition benches there



no attempt

at vindicating the right of visit on the part of Great Britain against the United States, but, as Earl Grey re-

"the English had treaties with Spain and other powers for the prevention of the slave-trade, and if they had reasonable grounds for suspecting that a vessel was engaged in this abominable traffic, and that she had for the time made use of the United States flag, that she was not really an American ship at all, they had a right to overhaul her and to search her. If, however, she produced the American papers, even though she be full of slaves, it was their duty to discharge her, and to leave to the United States the disgrace of that iniquitous traffic. He hoped and trusted that the orders to their cruisers were strict in this respect, and that any excess of that discretion which was allowed their officers under the circumstances would meet with proper punishment."

The question then turns exclusively upon the point, and even this point seems abandoned by Lord Malmesbury, whether or not vessels suspected of usurping the American flag may not be called upon to produce their papers. Lord Aberdeen directly denied that any controversy could arise out of such a practice, since the instructions under which the British officers were to proceed on such an occurrence instructions drawn up by Dr. Lushington and Sir G. Cockburn- had been communicated at the time to the American Government and acquiesced in by Mr. Webster, on the part of that Government. If, therefore, there had been no change in these instructions, and if the officers had

acted within their limits, "the American Government could


have no ground of complaint." There seemed, indeed, a strong suspicion hovering in the minds of the hereditarywisdom, that Palmerston had played one of his usual tricks by effecting some arbitrary change in the orders issued to
the British cruisers. It is known that Palmerston, while boasting of his zeal in the suppression of the slave-trade, had, during the eleven years of his administration of foreign affairs, ending in 1841, broken up all the existing

had ordered acts which the British law pronounced criminal, and which actually subjected one of his instruments to legal procedure and placed a slave-dealer under the protection of the law of England against its own Government. He chose the slave-trade as his field of battle, and converted it into a mere instrument of provoking quarrels between England and other states. Before leaving office in 1841 he had given instructions which, according to the words of Sir Robert Peel, "must have led, had they not been countermanded, to a collision with the United States." In his own words, he had enjoined the naval officers "to have no very nice regard to the law of nations." Lord Malmesbury, although in very reserved language, intimated that "by sending the British squadrons to the Cuban waters, instead of leaving them on the coast of Africa," Palmerston removed them from a station where, before the outbreak of the Russian war, they had almost succeeded in extinguishing the slave-trade, to a place where they could be good for little else than picking up a quarrel with the United States. Lord Woodhouse, Palmerston's own late Ambassador to the Court of St. Petersburg, concurring in this view of the case, remarked that,
slave-trade treaties,

"No matter what instructions had been given, if the Government gave authority to the British vessels to go in such numbers into the American waters, a difference would sooner or later arise between us and the United States."

may have been Palmerston's secret intenevident that they are baffled by the Tory Government in 1858, as they had been in 1842, and that the
it is

Yet, whatever




war cry so lustily raised in the Congress and in the press is doomed to result in "much ado about nothing." As to the question of the slave-trade itself, Spain was denounced by the Bishop of Oxford as well as Lord Brougham, as the mainstay of that nefarious traffic. Both of them called upon the British Government to force, by every means in its power, that country into a course of policy consonant to existing treaties. As early as 1814 a general treaty was entered into between Great Britain and Spain, by which the latter passed an unequivocal condemnation of the slave-trade. In 1817 a specific treaty was concluded, by which Spain fixed the abolition of the slave-trade, on the part of her own subjects, for the year 1820, and, by

compensation for the losses her subjects might sufby carrying out the contract, received an indemnity of 400,000. The money was pocketed, but no equivalent was tendered for it. In 1835 a new treaty was entered into, by which Spain bound herself formally to bring in a sufficiently stringent penal law to make it impossible for her sub-



jects to continue the traffic.





was only ten years

The procrastinating Spanish was again strictly adhered to. that the penal law was carried;

but, by a singular mischance, the principal clause contended for by England was left out, namely, that of making the slave-trade piracy. In one word, nothing was done,

save that the Captain-General of Cuba, the Minister at Home, the Camarilla, and, if rumour speaks truth, royal personages themselves, raised a private tax upon the slavers, selling the licence of dealing in human flesh and blood at so many doubloons per head.

"Spain," said the Bishop of Oxford, "had not the excuse that traffic was a system which her Government was not strong

enough to put down, because Gen. Valdes had shown that such a plea could not be urged with any show of truth. On his arrival in
the island he called together the principal contractors, and, giving them six months' time to close all their transactions in the slave*



the end trade, told them that he was determined to put it down at of that period. What was the result? In 1840, the year previous to the administration of Gen. Valdes, the number of ships which came to Cuba from the coast of Africa with slaves was 56. In 1842, while

Gen. Valdes was Captain-General, the number was only 3. In 1840 no less that 14,470 slaves were landed at the island; in 1842 the

number was


shall England do with Spain? Repeat her her dispatches, renew her negotiations? multiply protests, Lord Malmesbury himself states that they could cover all the waters from the Spanish coast to Cuba with the documents vainly exchanged between the two Governments. Or shall England enforce her claims, sanctioned by so many treaties? Here it is that the shoe pinches. In steps the sinister figure of the "August ally," now the acknowledged guardian angel of the slave-trade. The third Bonaparte, the

Now what

patron of slavery, in all its forms, forbids England to act up to her convictions and her treaties. Lord Malmesbury, it is known, is strongly suspected of an undue intimacy with the hero of Satory. 71 Nevertheless, he denounced him

terms as the general slave-dealer of Europe as the man who had revived the infamous traffic in its worst features under the pretext of "free emigration" of the blacks to the French colonies. Earl Grey completed this denunciation by stating that "wars had been undertaken in
in plain

Africa for the purpose of making captives, who were to be sold to the agents of the French Government." The Earl

Clarendon added that "both Spain and France were


vals in the African market, offering a certain sum per man; and there was not the least difference in the treatment
of these Negroes, whether to a French colony."

they were conveyed to Cuba or

Such, then,


the glorious position England finds herself

by having lent her help to that man in overthrowing the Republic. The second Republic, like the first one, had abolished slavery. Bonaparte, who acquired his power solely by truckling to the meanest passions of men, is unable to


prolong it save by buying day by day new accomplices. Thus he has not only restored slavery, but has bought the planters by the renewal of the slave-trade. Everything degrading the conscience of the nation, is a new lease of power granted to him. To convert France into a slave-trading nation would be the surest means of enslaving France, who, when herself, had the boldness of proclaiming in the face of the world: Let the colonies perish, but let principles live! One thing at least has been accomplished by Bonaparte. The slave-trade has become a battle-cry between the Imperialist and the Republican camps. If the French Republic be restored today, tomorrow Spain will be forced to abandon the infamous traffic.
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5366, July


Karl Marx

According to the London journals, Indian stock and railway securities have of late been distinguished by a downward movement in that market, which is far from testifying to the genuineness of the sanguine convictions which John Bull likes to exhibit in regard to the state of the Indian guerrilla war; and which, at all events, indicates a stubborn distrust in the elasticity of Indian financial resources. As to the latter, two opposite views are propounded. On the one hand, it is affirmed that taxes in India are onerous and oppressive beyond those of any country
in the world; that as a rule


throughout most of the presiand through those presidencies most where they have been longest under British rule, the cultivators, that

is, the great body of the people of India, are in a condition of unmitigated impoverishment and dejection; that, consequently, Indian revenues have been stretched to their ut-

most possible

limit, and Indian finances are therefore past rather discomfortable opinion this at a period recovery. when, according to Mr. Gladstone, for some years to come, the extraordinary Indian expenditure alone will annually




to about 20,000,000 sterling. On the other hand, the asseveration being made good by an

array of statistical illustrations that India is the least taxed country in the world; that, if expenditure is going on increasing, revenue may be increased too; and that it is an utter fallacy to imagine that the Indian people will

not bear any new taxes. Mr. Bright, who may be considered the most arduous and influential representative of the "discomfortable" doctrine, made, on the occasion of the second reading of the new Government of India bill, the following statement:
"The Indian Government had cost more to govern India than it was possible to extort from the population of India, although the Government had been by no means scrupulous either as to the taxes
imposed, or as to the



which they had been

levied. It cost

more than 30,000,000 to govern India, for that was the gross revenue, and there was always a deficit, which had to be made up by loans borrowed at a high rate of interest. The Indian debt now amounted to 60,000,000, and was increasing; while the credit of the Government was falling, partly because they had not treated their creditors very honourably on one or two occasions, and now on account of the calamities which had recently happened in India. He had alluded to the gross revenue; but as that included the opium revenue, which was hardly a tax upon the people of India, he would take the taxation which really pressed upon them at 25,000,000. Now, let not this 25,000,000 be compared with the 60,000,000 that was raised in this country. Let the House recollect that in India it was possible to purchase twelve days' labour for the same amount of gold or silver that would be obtained in payment for one in
England. This 25,000,000 expended in the purchase of labour in India would buy as much as an outlay of 300,000,000 would procure in England. He might be asked how much was the labour of an Indian worth? Well, if the labour of an Indian was only worth 2d. a day, it was clear that we could not expect him to pay as much taxation as if it was worth 2s. We had 30,000,000 of population in Great Britain and Ireland; in India there were 150,000,000 inhabitants. We raised here 60,000,000 sterling of taxes; in India, reckoning by the day's labour of the people of India, we raised 300,000,000 of revenue, or five times a greater revenue than was collected at home. Looking at the fact that the population of India was five times greater than that of the British Empire, a man might say that the taxation per head in India and England was about the same,

and that therefore there was no greater hardship inflicted. But in England there was an incalculable power of machinery and steam, of means of transit, and of everything that capital and human invention could bring to aid the industry of a people. In India there was nothing of the kind. They had scarcely a decent road throughout India."



must be admitted that there is something wrong method of comparing Indian taxes with British


There is on the one side the Indian population, five times as great as the British one, and there is on the other side the Indian taxation amounting to half the British. But, then, Mr. Bright says, Indian labour is an equivalent for

about one-twelfth only of British labour. Consequently 30,000,000 of taxes in India would represent 300,000,000 of taxes in Great Britain, instead of the 60,000,000 actualhe ought to ly there raised. What then is the conclusion in India of have arrived at? That the people regard to the peoas taxation the same their numerical strength pay the for made is if allowance Great comparBritain, ple in
ative poverty of the people in India, and 30,000,000 is supposed to weigh as heavily upon 150,000,000 Indians as 60,000,000 upon 30,000,000 Britons. Such being his supposition, it is certainly fallacious to turn round and say that a poor people cannot pay so much as a rich one, because the comparative poverty of the Indian people has

already been taken into account in making out the statement that the Indian pays as much as the Briton. There might, in fact, another question be raised. It might be asked, whether a man who earns say 12 cents a day can be fairly expected to pay 1 cent with the same ease with which another, earning $12 a day, pays $1? Both would relatively contribute the same aliquot part of their income, but still
the tax might bear in quite different proportions upon their respective necessities. Yet, Mr. Bright has not yet put the question in these terms, and, if he had, the comparison between the burden of taxation, borne by the British wages' labourer on the one hand, and the British capitalist on the other, would perhaps have struck nearer home than the

comparison between Indian and British taxation. Moreover, he admits himself that from the 30,000,000 of Indian taxes, the 5,000,000 constituting the opium revenue must be subtracted, since this is, properly speaking, no tax pressing upon the Indian people, but rather an export duty

charged upon Chinese consumption. Then we are reminded by the apologists of the Anglo-Indian Administration that
16,000,000 of income is derived from the land revenue, or rent, which from times immemorial has belonged to the State in its capacity as supreme landlord, never constituted part of the private fortune of the cultivator, and does, in fact, no more enter into taxation, properly so called, than the rent paid by the British farmers to the British aristocracy can be said to enter British taxation. Indian taxation, according to this point of view, would stand thus:
Aggregate sum raised Deduct for opium revenue
30,000,000 5,000,000 16,000,000

Deduct for rent

of land

Taxation proper


it must be admitted that some the such as post-office, the stamp duties, important items, and the custom duties, bear in a very minute proportion on the mass of the people. Accordingly, Mr. Hendricks, in


this 9,000,000, again,

a paper recently laid before the British Statistical Society on the Finances of India, tries to prove, from Parliamentary and other official documents, that of the total revenue

paid by the people of India, not more than one-fifth is at present raised by taxation, i.e., from the real income of the people; that in Bengal 27 per cent only, in the Punjab 23 per cent only, in Madras 21 per cent only, in the northwest provinces 17 per cent only, and in Bombay 16 per cent only of the total revenue is derived from taxation proper. The following comparative view of the average amount of taxation derived from each inhabitant of India and the United Kingdom, during the years 1855-56, is abstracted from M. Hendricks's statement:
Bengal, per head, revenue North-west provinces

3 4 8 3


United Kingdom


For a different year the following estimate of the average paid by each individual to the national revenue is made by Gen. Briggs:
la In In In

England, 1852 France Prussia India, 1854

19 4

19 3 3


From these statements it is inferred by the apologists of the British Administration that there is not a single country in Europe, where, even if the comparative poverty of India is taken into account, the people are so lightly taxed. Thus it seems that not only opinions with respect to Indian taxation are conflicting, but that the facts from which they purport to be drawn are themselves contradictory. On the one hand, we must admit the nominal amount of Indian taxation to be relatively small; but on the other, we might

heap evidence upon evidence from Parliamentary documents, as well as from the writings of the greatest authorities on Indian affairs, all proving beyond doubt that this
apparently light taxation crushes the mass of the Indian people to the dust, and that its exaction necessitates a resort to such infamies as torture, for instance. But is any other proof wanted beyond the constant and rapid increase of the Indian debt and the accumulation of Indian deficits? It will certainly not be contended that the Indian Government prefers increasing debts and deficits because it shrinks from touching too roughly upon the resources of the people. It embarks in debt, because it sees no other way to make both ends meet. In 1805 the Indian debt amounted to 25,626,631; in 1829 it reached about 34,000,000; in
1850, 47,151,018; and at present it amounts to about 60,000,000. By the by, we leave out of the count the East Indian debt contracted in England, which is also chargeable upon the East Indian revenue.

The annual deficit, which in 1805 amounted to about two and a half millions, had, under Lord Dalhousie's administration, reached the average of five millions. Mr. George


of the

Bengal Civil Service, and of a mind strong-

ly biased in favour of the Anglo-Indian Administration, obliged to avow, in 1852, that:


"Although no Oriental conquerors have ever obtained so complete an ascendancy, so quiet, universal and undisputed possession of India as we have, yet all have enriched themselves from the revenues of the country, and many have out of their abundance laid

From out considerable sums on works of public improvements. The quantity of the whole burden doing this we are debarred. is by no means diminished," (under the English rule) "yet we have

no surplus." In estimating the burden of taxation, its nominal amount fall heavier into the balance than the method of

must not

raising it, and the manner of employing it. The former is detestable in India, and in the branch of the land-tax, for instance, wastes perhaps more produce than it gets. As to

the application of the taxes, it will suffice to say that no part of them is returned to the people in works of public
utility, more indispensable in Asiatic countries than anywhere else, and that, as Mr. Bright justly remarked, nowhere so extravagant is a provision made for the govern-

ing class


Written on June 29, 1858

Published in the

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5383, July 23, 1858

Karl Marx


latest Indian bill

has passed through

its third


ing in the



Commons, and since the Lords, swayed

by Derby's

of the East India

influence, are not likely to show fight, the doom Company appears to be sealed. They do

not die like heroes, it must be confessed; but they have bartered away their power, as they crept into it, bit by bit, in a business-like way. In fact, their whole history is

one of buying and selling. They commenced by buying sovereignty, and they have ended by selling it. They have fallen, not in a pitched battle, but under the hammer of the auctioneer, into the hands of the highest bidder. In 1693 they procured from the Crown a Charter for twentyone years by paying large sums to the Duke of Leeds and other public officers. In 1767 they prolonged their tenure

power for two years by the promise of annually paying 400,000 into the Imperial Exchequer. In 1769 they struck a similar bargain for five years; but soon after, in return for the Exchequer's foregoing the stipulated annual payment and lending them 1,400,000 at 4 per cent, they alienated some parcels of sovereignty, leaving to Parliament in the first instance the nomination of the GovernorGeneral and four Councillors, altogether surrendering to the Crown the appointment of the Lord Chief Justice and his three Judges, and agreeing to the conversion of the Court of Proprietors from a democratic into an oligarchic body. In 1858, after having solemnly pledged themselves

"means" the transfer


to the Court of Proprietors to resist by all Constitutional to the Crown of the governing powers of the East India Company, they have accepted that

and agreed to a bill penal as regards the Company, but securing emolument and place to its principal Directors. If the death of a hero, as Schiller says, resembles the setting of the sun,* the exit of the East India Company bears more likeness to the compromise effected by a
bankrupt with his creditors.

By this bill the principal functions of administration are entrusted to a Secretary of State in Council, just as at Calcutta the Governor-General in Council manages affairs. But both these functionaries the Secretary of State in England and the Governor-General in India are alike authorized to disregard the advice of their assessors and to


upon their own judgement. The new bill also invests the Secretary of State with all the powers at present exercised by the President of the Board of Control, through the agency of the Secret Committee the power, that is, in urgent cases, of dispatching orders to India without stopping to ask the advice of his Council. In constituting that

Council it has been found necessary, after all, to resort to the East India Company as the only practicable source of appointments to it other than nominations by the Crown. The elective members of the Council are to be elected by the Directors of the East India Company from among their

own number.
Thus, after



of the East India


outlive its substance.

At the



Company is to was confessed by

the Derby Cabinet that their bill contains no clause abolishing the East India Company, as represented by a Court of Directors, but that it becomes reduced to its ancient character of a company of stockholders, distributing the dividends guaranteed by different acts of legislation. Pitt's bill of 1784 virtually subjected their government to the


The Robbers, Act


Scene 2.Ed.



of the Cabinet under the trol. The act of 1813 stripped


of the

Board of Con-

of their



commerce, save the trade with China. The act of 1834 deand the act stroyed their commercial character altogether,
1854 annihilated their last remnant of power, still leavthe Indian Administration. By ing them in possession of the rotation of history the East India Company, converted in 1612 into a joint-stock company, is again clothed in its

now a trading partprimitive garb, only that it represents which nership without trade, and a joint-stock company to dividends fixed but only has no funds to administer,
of the Indian bill is marked by greater dramatic changes than any other act of modern Parliamentary broke out, the cry legislation. When the sepoy insurrection of Indian Reform rang through all classes of British society.

The history

the Popular imagination was heated by the torture reports; Government interference with the native religion was civilians loudly denounced by Indian general officers and of high standing; the rapacious annexation policy of Lord Dalhousie, the mere tool of Downing Street; the fermentation recklessly created in the Asiatic

by wars commenced and pursued wars on Palmerston's private dictation the weak measures with
Persia and China


the piratical

which he met the outbreak, sailing ships being chosen for transport in preference to steam vessels, and the circuitous navigation around the Cape of Good Hope instead of transall these accumulated portation over the Isthmus of Suez grievances burst into the cry for Indian Reform reform of the Company's Indian Administration, reform of the Government's Indian policy. Palmerston caught at the popular


but resolved upon turning it to his exclusive profit. Because both the Government and the Company had miserably broken down, the Company was to be killed in sacrifice, and the Government to be rendered omnipotent. The power of the Company was to be simply transferred to the dictator of the day, pretending to represent the Crown as

Parliament as against the Parliament, and to represent of the the thus the privileges Crown, absorbing against Indian one and the other in his single person. With the army at his back, the Indian Treasury at his command, and the Indian patronage in his pocket, Palmerston's position

would have become impregnable.

His bill passed triumphantly through the first reading, but his career was cut short by the famous Conspiracy bill, followed by the advent of the Tories to power. On the very first day of their official reappearance on the Treasury benches, they declared that, out of deference for the decisive will of the Commons, they would forsake their opposition to the transfer from the Company to the Crown of the Indian Government. Lord Ellenborough's legislative abortion seemed to hasten Palmerston's restoration, when Lord John Russell, in order to force the dictator into a compromise, stepped in, and saved the Government by proposing to proceed with the Indian bill by way of Parliamentary resolution, instead of by a governmental bill. Then Lord Ellenborough's Oudh dispatch, his sudden resignation, and the consequent disorganization in the Ministerial camp, were eagerly seized upon by Palmerston. The Tories were again to be planted in the cold shade of opposition, after they had employed their short lease of power in breaking down the opposition of their own party against the confiscation of the East India Company. Yet it is sufficiently known how these fine calculations were baffled. Instead of rising on the ruins of the East India Company, Palmerston has been buried beneath them. During the whole of the Indian debates, the House seemed to indulge the peculiar satisfaction of humiliating the Civis


amendments, great and small, were ignomost unsavoury kind, reminiously to the the Persian war, war, and the Chinese lating Afghan war, were continually flung at his head; and Mr. Gladstone's clause, withdrawing from the Indian Minister the power of originating wars beyond the boundaries of India,
All his

allusions of the


intended as a general vote of censure on Palmerston's past foreign policy, was passed by a crushing majority, despite his furious resistance. But although the man has been thrown overboard, his principle, upon the whole, has been accepted. Although somewhat checked by the obstructive attributes of the Board of Council, which, in fact, is but the well-paid spectre of the old Court of Directors, the power of the executive has, by the formal annexation of

been raised to such a degree that, to counterpoise democratic weight must be thrown into the Parliamen-

tary scale.
Written on July
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 5384, July 24, 1858

Karl Marx


wrung from China by the would appear, conjured up the same wild vistas of an immense extension of trade which danced before the eyes of the commercial mind in
The news
of the



allied Plenipotentiaries 72 has,

1845, after the conclusion of the first Chinese war. Supposing the Petersburg wires to have spoken truth, is it quite certain that an increase of the Chinese trade must

follow upon the multiplication of its emporiums? Is there any probability that the war of 1857-58 will lead to more splendid results than the war of 1841-42? So much is certain that the treaty of 1843. instead of increasing


can and English exports to Ch ina, nroved instrumental only in precipitating an d aggravating th e commercial crisis of 1 847. In a similar ay, by raising~~d reams of an inex^a ustlble~m arke t and by fostering false specu lations, the

present treaty


moment when
c overing

help preparing a new crisis at the very the market of the world is but slowly re-

from the recent universa l "shock^ Beside its negaopium war succeeded in stimulating the opium trade at the expense of legitimate commerce, and so will this second opium war do, if England be not forced by the general pressure of the civilized world to abandon the compulsory opium cultivation in India and the armed opium propaganda to China. We forbear dwelling on the morality of that trade, described
tive result, the first

by Montgomery Martin, himself an Englishman,

following terms:



"Why, the slave-trade was merciful compared with the opium We did not destroy the bodies of the Africans, for it was our immediate interest to keep them alive; we did not debase their nature, corrupt their minds, nor destroy their souls. But the opium seller slays the body after he has corrupted, degraded and annihilated the moral being of unhappy sinners, which every hour is bringing new victims to a Moloch which knows no satiety, and where the English murderer and Chinese suicide vie with each other
in offerings at his shrine."

The Chinese cannot take both goods and drug; under actual circumstances, extension of the Chinese trade resolves into extension of the opium trade; the growth of the latter is incompatible with the development of legitimate commerce

these propositions were pretty generally

admitted two years ago. A Committee of the House of Commons, appointed in 1847 to take into consideration the state of British commercial intercourse with China, reported thus:

"We regret that the trade with that country has been for some time in a very unsatisfactory condition, and that the result of our extended intercourse has by no means realized the just expectations which had naturally been founded in a free access to so magnificent a market. We find that the difficulties of the trade do not arise
from any want of demand in China for articles of British manufactures, or from the increasing competition of other nations; the payment for opium absorbs the silver to the great inconvenience of the general traffic of the Chinese, and tea and silk must in fact
pay the rest."

The Friend of China, of July 28, 1849, generalizing the same proposition, says in set terms:
"The opium trade progresses steadily. The increased consumption and silk in Great Britain and the United States would merely result in the increase of the opium trade; the case of the manufacof teas





of the leading American merchants in China reduced, an article inserted in Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, for


January, 1850, the whole question of the trade with China

to this point:

"Which branch of commerce is to be suppressed, the opium trade or the export trade of American or English produce?"

the case.

The Chinese themselves took exactly the same view Montgomery Martin narrates:
"I inquired of the


Taotai* at Shanghai which would be the best

of increasing our commerce with China, and his first answer to me, in presence of Capt. Balfour, Her Majesty's Consul, was: 'Cease to send us so much opium and we will be able to take your "



The history
years has, in a

of general

commerce during the

striking manner, positions; but, before analysing the deleterious effects on legitimate commerce of the opium trade, we propose giving a short review of the rise and progress of that stupen-

new and

last eight illustrated these


traffic, which, whether we regard the tragical collisions forming, so to say, the axis round which it turns, or the effects produced by it on the general relations of the

Eastern and Western worlds, stands solitary on record in the annals of mankind. Previous to 1767 the quantity of opium exported from India did not exceed 200 chests, the chest weighing about 133 lbs. Opium was legally admitted in China on the payment of a duty of about $3 per chest, as a medicine: the Portuguese, who brought it from Turkey, being its almost
exclusive exporters into the Celestial Empire. In 1773, Colonel Watson and Vice-President Wheeler persons deserving to take a place among the Hermentiers, Palmers and other poisoners of world-wide fame suggested to the East India Company the idea of entering upon the



with China. Consequently, there was estab-

lished a depot for opium in vessels anchored in a bay to the south-west of Macao. The speculation proved a failure.

High officialEd.


1781 the Bengal Government sent an armed vessel, laden with opium, to China; and, in 1794, the Company stationed a large opium vessel at Whampoa, the anchorage for the port of Canton. It seems that Whampoa proved a more convenient depot than Macao, because, only two years after its selection, the Chinese Government found it necessary to pass a law which threatens Chinese smugglers of opium to be beaten with a bamboo and exposed in the streets with wooden collars around their necks. About 1798, the East India Company ceased to be direct exporters of opium, but they became its producers. The opium monopoly was established in India, while the Company's own ships were hypocritically forbidden from trafficking in the drug, the licences it granted for private ships trading to China contained a provision which attached a penalty to them if freighted with opium of other than the

Company's own make.

of 2,000 chests. Having, during the 18th century,

had reached the number borne the aspect common to all feuds between the foreign merchant and the national custom-house, the struggle between the East India Company and the Celestial Empire assumed,
In 1800, the import into China since the beginning of the nineteenth century, features quite distinct and exceptional; while the Chinese Emperor, in order to check the suicide of his people, prohibited at

once the import of the poison by the foreigner, and its consumption by the natives, the East India Company was rapidly converting the cultivation of opium in India, and its contraband sale to China, into internal parts of its own financial system. While the semi-barbarian stood on the
principle^of morality, the civilized opposed the principle of pelf. [That a giant empire, containing almost one-third lof the human race, vegetating in the teeth of time, insu-


thus contriving to

by the forced exclusion of general intercourse, and dupe itself with delusions of Celestial

perfection]that such an empire should at last be overtaken by the fate on occasion of a deadly duel, in which


world appears prompt)the representative of the antiquated ed by ethical motives, while the representative of over-

modern society * whelming the cheapest and ing

this, indeed,

fights for the privilege of buy-

selling in the dearest


\any poet would

a sort of tragical couplet, stranger than ever have dared to fancy.

Printed according to the text of the newspaper

Written on August 31, 1858

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 5433, September 20, 1858

Karl Marx


It was the assumption of the opium monopoly in India by the British Government, which led to the proscription of the opium trade in China. The cruel punishments inflicted by the Celestial legislator upon his own contumacious subjects, and the stringent prohibition established at the China custom-houses proved alike nugatory. The next effect of the moral resistance of the Chinaman was the

demoralization, by the Englishman, of the Imperial authorities, custom-house officers and mandarins generally. The corruption that ate into the heart of the Celestial bureaucracy, and destroyed the bulwark of the patriarchal constitution,

into the

was, together with the opium chests, smuggled Empire from the English store-ships anchored at

Nurtured by the East India Company, vainly combated by the Central Government at Peking, the opium trade gradually assumed larger proportions, until it absorbed
about $2,500,000 in 1816. The throwing open in that year of the Indian commerce, with the single exception of the tea trade, which still continues to be monopolized by the East India Company, gave a new and powerful stimulus
to the operations of the English contrabandists. In 1820, the number of chests smuggled into China had increased

and in 1824, to 12,639. MeanGovernment, at the same time that it addressed threatening remonstrances to the foreign merto 5,147; in 1821, to 7,000,

while, the Chinese


Kong merchants, known as their abetdeveloped an unwonted activity in its prosecution of the native opium consumers, and, at its custom-houses, put into practice more stringent measures. The final result,
chants, punished the

like that of similar exertions




to drive the

opium depots from a precarious to a more convenient basis of operations. Macao and Whampoa were abandoned for the Island of Lingting, at the entrance of the Canton River, there to become permanently established in vessels armed to the teeth, and well manned. In the same way, when the Chinese Government temporarily succeeded in stopping the operations of the old Canton houses, the trade only shifted hands, and passed to a lower class of men, prepared to carry it on at all hazards and by whatever means. Thanks to the greater facilities thus afforded, the opium trade increased during the ten years from 1824 to 1834 from 12,639 to 21,785 chests. Like the years 1800, 1816 and 1824, the year 1834 marks an epoch in the history of the opium trade. The East India

Company then lost not only its privilege of trading in Chinese tea, but had to discontinue and abstain from all commercial business whatever. It being thus transformed from a mercantile into a merely government establishment, the
trade to China became completely thrown open to English private enterprise, which pushed on with such vigour that, in 1837, 39,000 chests of opium, valued at $25,000,000, were successfully smuggled into China, despite the desperate resistance of the Celestial Government. Two facts here

claim our attention: First, that of every step in the progress of the export trade to China since 1816, a disproportionately large part progressively fell upon the opium-smuggling branch; and secondly, that hand in hand with the gradual extinction of the ostensible mercantile interest of the Anglo-Indian Government in the opium trade, grew the importance of its fiscal interest in that illicit traffic. In 1837 the Chinese Government had at last arrived at a point where
decisive action could no longer be dalayed.

The continuous

drain of silver, caused by the opium importations, had begun to derange the exchequer, as well as the moneyed circulation of the Celestial Empire. Hsii Nai-chi, one of

the most distinguished Chinese statesmen, proposed to legalize the opium trade and make money out of it; but after a full deliberation, in which all the high officers of the Empire shared, and which extended over a period of more than a year's duration, the Chinese Government decided that, "On account of the injuries it inflicted on the people, the nefarious traffic should not be legalized." As early as 1830, a duty of 25 per cent would have yielded a revenue of $3,850,000. In 1837, it would have yielded double that sum, but then the Celestial barbarian declined laving a tax sure to rise in pro portion to the degradation of h is

peopl e. In 1853, Hsien Feng, the present Emperor, under more distressed circumstances, and with the full knowledge of the futility of all efforts at stopping the increasing import of opium, persevered in the stern policy of his ancestors. Let me remark, en passant, that by persecuting the opium consumption as a heresy the Emperor gave its traffic all the advantages of a religious propaganda. The extraordinary measures of the Chinese Government during the years 1837, 1838 and 1839, which culminated in Commissioner Lin's arrival at Canton, and the confiscation and destruction, by his orders, of the smuggled opium, afforded the pretext for the first Anglo-Chinese war, the results of which developed themselves in the Chinese rebellion, the utter exhaustion of the Imperial exchequer, the successful encroachment of Russia from the North, and the gigantic dimensions assumed by the opium trade in the South. Although proscribed in the treaty with which England terminated a war, commenced and carried on in its defence, the opium trade has practically enjoyed

perfect impunity since 1843. The importation was estimated, in 1856, at about $35,000,000, while, in the same year, the Anglo-Indian Government drew a revenue of $25,000,000, just the sixth part of its total state income,

from the opium monopoly. The pretexts on which the second Opium War has been undertaken are of too recent date to need any commentary.
l_We cannot leave this part of the subject without singling

ouf one






canting and civilization-mongering British Government). In its imperial capacity it affects to be a thorough stranger to the contraband opium trade, and even to enter into
treaties proscribing it. Yet, in its Indian capacity, it forces the opium cultivation upon Bengal, to the great damage of

the productive resources of that country; compels one part of the Indian ryots to engage in the poppy culture; entices

another part into the same by dint of money advances; keeps the wholesale manufacture of the deleterious drug a close monopoly in its hands; watches by a whole army of official spies its growth, its delivery at appointed places, its inspissation and preparation for the taste of the Chinese consumers, its formation into packages especially adapted to the conveniency of smuggling, and finally its conveyance to Calcutta, where it is put up at auction at the Government sales, and made over by the state officers to the speculators, thence to pass into the hands of the contrabandists who land it in China. The chest costing the British Government about 250 rupees is sold at the Calcutta auction mart at a price ranging from 1,210 to 1,600 rupees. But not yet satisfied with this matter of fact complicity, the same Government, to this hour, enters into

express profit and loss accounts with the merchants and who embark in the hazardous operation of poison-

ing an empire. The Indian financ es of the British


Government have,


been made to depend not on ly on the opium trade with China, but o n the contrab and character of that trade Were the Chinese Government to legalize the opium trade simultaneously with tolerating the cultivation of the poppy

in China, the

Anglo-Indian exchequer would experience


serious catastrophe. While openly preaching free trade in poison, it secretly defends the monopoly of its manufacture. Whenever we look closely into the nature of British
free trade,



pretty generally found to





of its "freedom."

Written on September
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune, No. 5438, September 25, 1858

Karl Marx


The unsuccessful issue, in a commercial point of view, Henry Pottinger's Chinese treaty, 73 signed on August 29, 1842, and dictated, like the new treaties with
of Sir

China, at the cannon's mouth, is a fact now recollected even by that eminent organ of British Free Trade, The London Economist. Having stood forward as one of the staunchest apologists of the late invasion of China, that journal now feels itself obliged to "temper" the sanguine hopes which have been cultivated in other quarters. The Economist considers the effects on the British export trade of the treaty of 1842, "a precedent by which to guard ourselves against the result of mistaken operations." This certainly is sound advice. The reasons, however, which Mr. Wilson alleges in explanation of the failure of the first attempt at forcibly enlarging the Chinese market for Western produce, appear far from conclusive.
first great cause pointed out of the signal failure the speculative overstocking of the Chinese market, during the first three years following the Pottinger treaty, and the carelessness of the English merchants as to the nature of the Chinese demand. The English exports to China which, in 1836, amounted to 1,326,388, had fallen in 1842 to 960,000. Their rapid and continued rise during the folis


lowing six years,

1842 1843


shown by these
969,000 1,456,000


1844 1845

2,305,000 2,396,000

Yet in 1846 the exports did not only sink below the level of 1836, but the disasters overtaking the China houses at London during the crisis of 1847 proved the computed
value of the exports from 1843 to 1846, such as it appears in the official return tables, to have by no means corresponded to the value actually realized. If the English exporters thus erred in the quantity, they did not less so in the quality of the articles offered to Chinese consumption. In proof of the latter assertion, The Economist quotes from Mr. W. Cooke, the late correspondent of The London Times at Shanghai and Canton, the following passages:
"In 1843, 1844 and 1845, when the northern ports had just been opened, the people at home were wild with excitement. An eminent firm at Sheffield sent out a large consignment of knives and forks, and declared themselves prepared to supply all China with cutlery.

They were sold at prices which scarcely realized their freight. A London house, of famous fame, sent out a tremendous consignment of pianofortes, which shared the same fate. What happened in the case of cutlery and pianos occurred also, in a less noticeable manner, in the case of worsted and cotton manufactures. Manchester made a great blind effort when the ports v/ere opened, and that effort failed. Since then she has fallen into an apathy, and trusts
to the chapter of accidents."

Lastly, to prove the dependence of the reduction, maintenance or improvement of the trade, on the study of the wants of the consumer, The Economist reproduces from the same authority the following return for the year 1856: Worsted Stuffs Camlets



Printed Cottons Plain Cottons Cotton Twist, lbs

1845 13,569 13,374 91,530 62,731 100,615 2,998,126 2,640,098

1846 8,415 8,034 75,784 56,996 81,150 1,854,740 5,324,050

1856 7,428 4,470 36,042 88,583 281,784 2,817,624 5,579,600

these arguments and illustrations explain nothing beyond the reaction following the over-trade of 1843-45. I t is a phenomenon by no means pe culiar to the C hinese trad e, t hat a sudden expansion of commerce should be followed by its violent contractions, or that a new



it being not very nicely -calculated, in regard either to the actual wants or the pay ing powers of the consumers. In fact, this is a standing "ft" featu re i n the history of the markets of the worl d. On

at its opening, should be sup plies; the articles throv/n upon

mar ket,

choked by British over -



after the

opening of the European conti-

nent, British imports proved so disproportionate to the continental faculties of absorption, that "the transition from war to peace" proved more disastrous than the continental system itself. Canning's recognition of the independence of the Spanish colonies in America, was also instrumental in producing the commercial crisis of 1825. Wares calculated for the meridian of Moscow, were then dispatched to Mexico and Colombia. And in our own day, notwithstanding its elasticity, even Australia has not escaped the fate common to all new markets, of having its powers of consumption as well as its means of payment over-stocked. The phenomenon peculiar to the Chin ese market is this, t h at since its opening by the treaty of 1842, the export to Great Britain of tea and silk of Chinese prod uce has continually been expanding, while the import Ar trade into China of British manufactures has, on the whol e~ remained stationary The continuous and increasing balance of trade in favour of China might be said to bear an analogy to the state of commercial balance between Russia and Great Britain; but, then, in the latter case, every.

thing is explained by the protective policy of Russia, while the Chinese import duties are lower than those of any other country England trades with. The aggregate value of Chinese exports to England, which before 1842 might be rated at about 7,000,000, amounted in 1856 to the sum of

about 9,500,000. While the quantity of tea imported into Great Britain never reached more than 50,000,000 lbs. before 1842, it had swollen in 1856 to about 90,000,000 lbs. On the other hand, the importance of the British import of Chinese silks only dates from 1852. Its progress may be

computed from the following



Silk imp'd lbs.



4,436,862 3,013,396

3,723,693 3,676,116






on the other hand, the movement of the

1836 1838

British Exports to China,

Pounds Sterling
1,326,388 1,204,356

1834 1835

842,825 1,074,708

For the period following the opening of the market in 1842 and the acquisition of Hongkong by the British, we
find the following returns:

1845. 1846. 1848. 1852.


2,359,000 1,200,000 1,445,950 2,508,599

tries to

1853 1,749,597 1854 1,000,716 1855 1,122,241 1856, upward of 2,000,000

account for the stationary and manufacture into the Chinese market by foreign competition, and Mr. Cooke is again quoted to bear witness to this proposition. According to this authority, the English are beaten by fair competition in the Chinese market in many branches of trade. The Americans, he says, beat the English in drills and sheetings. At Shanghai in 1856 the imports were 221,716 pieces

The Economist

relatively decreasing imports of British

of American drills, against 8,745 English, and 14,420 of American sheetings, against 1,240 English. In woollen goods, on the other hand, Germany and Russia are said to press hardly on their English rivals. We want no other proof than this illustration to convince us that Mr. Cooke and The Economist are both mistaken in the appreciation of the Chinese market. They consider as limited to the Anglo-Chinese trade features which are exactly reproduced in the trade between the United States and the Celestial

Empire. In 1837, the excess of the Chinese exports to the United States over the imports into China was about 860,000. During the period since the treaty of 1842, the United States have received an annual average of 2,000,000 in Chinese produce, for which we paid in Amer221

lean merchandise 900,000. Of the 1,602,849, to which the aggregate imports into Shanghai, exclusive of specie and opium, amounted in 1855, England supplied 1,122,241, America 272,708, and other countries 207,900; while the

exports reached a total of 12,603,540, of which 6,405,040 were to England, 5,396,406 to America, and 102,088 to other countries. Compare only the American exports to the value of 272,708, with their imports from Shanghai exceeding 5,000,000. If, nevertheless, American competition has, to any sensible degree, made inroads on British traffic, how limited a field of employment for the aggregate commerce of foreign nations the Chinese market must offer. The last cause assigned to the trifling importance the Chinese import market has assumed since its opening in

the Chinese revolution, but notwithstanding that the exports to China relatively shared, in 1851-52, in the general increase of trade, and, during the whole of the revolutionary epoch, the opium trade, instead of falling off, rapidly obtained colossal dimensions. However that may be this much will be admitted, that all the obstacles to foreign imports originating in the disordered state of the Empire must be increased, instead of being diminished, by the late piratical war, and the fresh humiliations heaped on the ruling dynasty.

It appears to us, after a careful survey of the history of pChinese commerce, that, generally speaking, the consuming and paying powers of the Celestials have been greatly ^over-estimated. With the present economical framework of Chinese society, which turns upon diminutive agriculture and domestic manufactures as its pivots, any large import of foreign produce is out of the question. Still, to the amount of 8,000,000, a sum which may be roughly calculated to form the aggregate balance in favour of China, as against England and the United States, it might gradually absorb a surplus quantity of English and American goods, if the

opium trade were suppressed. This conclusion is necessarily arrived at on the analysis of the simple fact, that the

Chinese finances and monetary circulation, in spite of the favourable balance of trade, are seriously deranged by an import of opium to the amount of about 7,000,000. John Bull, however, used to plume himself on his high standard of morality, prefers to bring up his adverse balance of trade by periodical war tributes, extorted from China on piratical pretexts. He only forgets that the Carthaginian and

Roman methods
in the


of making foreign people pay, same hands, sure to clash with,

and destroy each other.

Written on September
Published in the


Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5446, October


Karl Marx


London, December


The case of Mr. William Hudson Guernsey, alias Washington Guernsey, criminally prosecuted for stealing from the library of the British Colonial Office two secret dispatches addressed the one on June 10, 1857, the other on July 18,

the late Government of Lord Palmerston by Sir John Young, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, has just been tried before Baron Martin of the Central Criminal Court, and ended in the acquittal of the accused. The trial was interesting, both in a political and a judicial point of view. It will be remembered that the Homeric Mr. Gladstone had hardly left London, on his extraordinary mission to pacify the Ionian Islands, 74 when, like a Scythian arrow, darted from an unseen hand, Sir John Young's dispatch, which proposes to abandon the protectorate of the islands and surrender them to Greece, but only after having cut off the finest morsel by merging Corfu in the colonial domains of Great Britain, made its appearance in the columns of The Daily News. Great and general was the


astonishment. The portion of the London press opposed to secret diplomacy congratulated Lord Derby's Cabinet on the bold step of initiating the public into the mystery of diplomatic whisperings; and The Morning Star, in its naive enthusiasm, proclaimed that a new epoch of international policy had dawned upon the United Kingdom. The sweet voice of praise became, however, in no time, overhowled


shrill and angry tones of criticism. The anti-ministerial press eagerly seized upon the "premeditated blunder," as they called it, which, they said, was aimed at nothing else than the destruction, in the first instance, of Mr. Glad-

and at his temporary removal from the Parliamentary arena; while, at the same time, by an unscrupulous stroke of Machiavellian perfidy, his mission was to be baffled on the part of his own employers by the publication of a document which put him at once in a false position toward the party he had to negotiate with, toward public opinion in England, and toward the public law of Europe. To ruin a too confiding rival, said The Times, The Globe, The Observer, and the smaller anti-ministerial fry, the Derby Cabinet had not hesitated to commit an indiscretion which, under existing circumstances, amounted to nothing less than treason. How could Mr. Gladstone negotiate when the Ionians were not only informed that a foregone conclusion was arrived at on the part of Britain, but when the leading Ionian patriots were compromised by the betrayal of their acceptance of a plan resulting in the dismemberment of the seven islands? How could he negotiate in face of the European remonstrances, which were sure to result from such an
stone's political independence

infringement of the treaty of Vienna, 75 that treaty constituting England not the owner of Corfu, but the protector only of the seven islands, and settling the territorial divisions of the European map forever? These newspaper articles were, in fact, followed by actual remonstrances on the part of Russia and France. Let me remark, en passant, that the treaty of Vienna, the only acknowledged code of international law in Europe, forms one of the most monstrous fictiones juris publici ever heard of in the annals of mankind. What is the first article of that treaty? The eternal exclusion of the Bonaparte family from the French throne; yet there sits Louis Napoleon, the founder of the Second Empire, ac-

knowledged and fraternized with, and cajoled and bowed





by all the crowned heads of Europe. Another article runs to the effect that Belgium is forever granted to Holland; while, on the other hand, for eighteen years past, the separation of Belgium from Holland is not only a fait accompli, but a legal fact. Then the treaty of Vienna prescribes that Cracow, incorporated with Austria since 1846,
forever remain an independent republic; and last, not least, that Poland, merged by Nicholas into the Russian Empire, shall be an independent constitutional kingdom, linked with Russia by the personal bond of the Romanoff dynasty only. Thus, leaf after leaf has been torn out of this

holy book of the European jus publicum, and it is only appealed to when it suits the interests of one party and the weakness of the other. The Derby Cabinet was evidently wavering, whether to pocket the unmerited praises of one part of the press, or meet the unmerited slanders of the other. Yet, after eight days' vacillation, it decided on the latter step, declared by a public advertisement that it had no hand in the publication of Sir

John Young's dispatches, and that an investigation was actually going on as to the performer of the criminal trick. Finally, Mr. William Hudson Guernsey was traced out as the guilty man, tried before the Central Criminal Court, and convicted of having purloined the dispatches. The Derby Cabinet consequently comes out victorious in the contest; and here the political interest of the trial ends. Still, in consequence of this lawsuit, the attention of the world has been again directed to the relations between Great Britain and the Ionian Islands. That the plan of Sir John Young was no private crotchet, is conclusively proved by the following extract from a public address of his predecessor, Sir Henry Ward, to the Ionian Assembly, on the 13th of April, 1850:
"It is not for me to speak, in the name of the British Crown, of that distant future which the address shadows forth, when the scattered members of the Greek race may be reunited in one mighty

empire, with the consent of the European powers. But

have no


difficulty in expressing my own opinion" (he spoke in the name of the British Crown) "that, if such an event be within the scope of human contingencies, the Sovereign and the Parliament of England would be equally willing to see the Ionians resume their place as members of the new power that would then take its place in the policy of the world."

Meanwhile, the philanthropic feelings of Great Britain for the islands, gave themselves vent in the truly Austrian ferocity with which Sir Henry Ward crushed the then rebellion in the islands. Out of a population of 200,000 souls, 8,000 were punished by hanging, scourging, imprisonment and exile; women and children being whipped until blood flowed. In order not to be suspected of exaggeration, I will auote a British paper, The Morning Chronicle, of April 25, 1850: shudder at the awful measure of retribution which was inby the Court Martials, under the direction of the Lord High Commissioner. Death, transportation and corporal punishments were awarded to the wretched criminals in some cases without trial, in another by the rapid process of martial law. Of capital executions there were 21, and of other punishments a large number."



But, then, the Britishers boast of having blessed the Ionians with a free Constitution and developed their material resources to a pitch forming a bright contrast with the

wretched economical state of Greece proper. Now, as to the Constitution, Lord Grey, at the moment when he was given to constitution-mongering for the whole Colonial Empire of Great Britain, could with no good grace pass over the Ionian Islands; but he only gave them back what England for long years had fraudulently wrested from

By a treaty drawn up by Count Capo D'Istria, and signed with Russia at Paris in 1815, the protection of the Ionian Islands was made over to the Great Britain, on the express condition of her abiding by the Russian Constitution
granted to them
missioner, Sir
> in 1803. 7r


first British

Lord High Com-


Maitland, abrogated that Constitu227


it by one investing him with absolute Chevalier Mustoxidis, an Ionian, states the In 1839, power. in his Pro Memoria, printed by the House of Commons,

and replaced

June 22, 1840:

"The Ionians do not enjoy the privilege which the communities of Greece used to possess even in the days of Turkish tyranny, that of electing their own magistrates, and managing their own affairs, but are under officers imposed upon them by the police. The slight latitude which had been allowed to the municipal bodies of each
island of administering their own revenues has been scotched from them, and in order to render them more dependent, these revenues have been thrown into the public exchequer."


to the development of the material resources,



suffice to say that England, Free-Trade England, is not ashamed to pester the Ionians with export duties, a bar-

barous expedient which seemed relegated to the financial code of Turkey. Currants, for instance, the staple product of the islands, are charged with an export duty of 22 l J2
per cent.
"The intervening seas," says an Ionian, "which form, as it were, the highway of the islands, are stopped, after the method of a turnpike gate, at each harbour, by transit duties, which tax the commodities of every name and description interchanged between island




During the


twenty-three years of

threefold reduction took place afterward, but then in 1850 there was a deficiency equal to one half of what was previously the total taxation, as is shown by the following table:
British administration, the taxation

was increased

and the expenditure


Annual Taxation
1815 1817* 1850

68,459 108,997 147,482

Expenditure 48,500 87,420 170,000

Thus, export duties on their


between the


islands, increase

produce, transit duties of taxation and

First year of the British Protectorate.


waste of expenditure are the economical blessings conby John Bull. According to his oracle in Printing-House Square, 77 he grasps after colonies only in order to educate them in the principles of public liberty; but, if we adhere to facts, the Ionian Islands, like India and Ireland, prove only that to be free at home, John Bull must enslave abroad. Thus, at this very moment, while giving vent to his virtuous indignation against Bonaparte's spy system at Paris, he is himself introducing it at Dublin. The judicial interest of the trial in question hangs upon one point: Guernsey's advocate confessed to the purloining of ten copies of the dispatches, but pleaded not guilty, because they had not been intended to be used for a private purpose. If the crime of larceny depends on the intention only with which foreign property is unlawfully appropriated, the criminal law is brought to a dead stop in that referred on the Ionians
spect. effect


such a revolution

solid citizens of the jury-box scarcely intended to in the conditions of property, but

only meant to assert, by their verdict, that public documents are the property not of the Government, but of
the public.
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5526, January


Karl Marx





London, September



At the time when England was generally congratulated upon the extortion from the Celestials of the treaty of
Tientsin, 79 I tried to show that, Russia being in point of fact the only power benefited by the piratical Anglo-

Chinese war, the commercial advantages accruing from the treaty to England were rather nugatory, while, in a politpoint of view, so far from establishing peace, that treaty, on the contrary, rendered resumption of war unavoidable. The march of events has fully confirmed these views. The treaty of Tientsin has become a thing of the past, and the semblance of peace has vanished before the

stern realities of war. Let me first state the facts as reported land mail.

by the

last over-

The Hon. Mr. Bruce, accompanied by M. de Bourboulon,

the French Plenipotentiary, set out with a British expedition destined to ascend the Peiho, and to accompany the two ambassadors on their message to Peking. The expedi-

under the orders of Admiral Hope, consisted of seven steamships, ten gunboats, two troop and storeships, and several hundred marines and royal engineers. The Chinese, on their part, had objected to the mission taking that particular route. Admiral Hope, consequently, found the entrance of the Peiho barred by booms and stakes, and having


stayed for nine days, from the 17th till the 25th June, at mouth of that river, attempted its forcible passage, the Plenipotentiaries having joined the squadron on the 20th of June. On his arrival off the Peiho River, Admiral Hope had made sure of the Taku forts, razed during the last
a fact which, be it said en pashe ought to have known before, since it had been officially announced in the Peking Gazette. On the 25th of June, while the British attempted to force the Peiho passage, the Taku batteries, supported by a Mongol force of apparently 20,000 men, were unmasked, and opened a destructive fire on the British vessels. An engagement on land and water took place, resulting in the utter discomfiture of the aggressors. The expedition had to withdraw, after the loss of three English vessels of war, the Cormorant, the Lee, and Plover, and v/ith a loss of 464 killed and wounded on the part of the British, while of the 60 Frenchmen present 14 were killed or wounded. Five English officers were killed and 23 wounded, the Admiral himself escaping not unhurt. After this defeat, Mr. Bruce and M. de Bourboulon returned to Shanghai, while the British squadron was to station off Chinhae, Ningpo. On the receipt in England of these unpleasant tidings, the Palmerstonian press at once bestrode the British lion, and unanimously roared for wholesale revenge. The London

war, having been rebuilt


Times, of course, affected some dignity in its appeals to the bloody instincts of its countrymen; but the lower class
of Palmerstonian organs were quite grotesque in acting the part of Orlando Furioso. Listen, for instance, to The

London Daily Telegraph:

"Great Britain must attack the seaboard of China throughout whole extent, invade the capital, expel the Emperor from his palace and possess herself of a material guaranty against future We must cat-o'-nine-tail any dragon-decorated offiaggression. cial who presumes to treat our national symbols with contumely. Everyone of them (the Chinese generals) must be hanged as a pirate and a homicide to the yard-arms of a British man-of-war. It would be a refreshing and salutary spectacle that of a dozen bebuttoned


villains, with the countenances of ogres, and the apparel of buffoons, swinging in the sight of the population. Terror must be struck, by one means or the other; and we have already had more than enough of leniency. The Chinese must now be taught to value the EngThe lish, who are their superiors, and ought to be their masters. least that can be attempted is to capture Peking; while, if a bold
. .

policy were adopted, the confiscation in perpetuity of Canton would follow. might retain Canton as we held Calcutta, make it the centre of our ultra Eastern trade, compensate ourselves for the in-


fluence of Russia on the Tartar frontiers of the Empire, and lay the basis of a new dominion."

of Palmerston's penmen, let return to the facts and, as far as it is possible with the true bearpresent meagre information, try to unravel the ings of the untoward event. The first question to be answered is, whether, on the supposition that the treaty of Tientsin stipulates for the immediate access to Peking of the British Ambassador, the Chinese Government have committed an infraction of that treaty, wrung from them by a piratical war, in withstanding the forcible passage by a British squadron of the Peiho River? As will be seen from the news conveyed by the overland mail, the Chinese authorities had objected, not to the

Now, from these ravings


British mission to Peking, but to the British armament ascending the Peiho. They had proposed that Mr. Bruce

should travel by land, divested of an armament which, with a fresh recollection of the Canton bombardment, the Celestials could but consider the instrument of invasion. Does the right of the French Ambassador to reside at London involve the right of forcing the river Thames at the head

armed French expedition? It must certainly be allowed that this interpretation put by the British on the admission to Peking of their Ambassador, sounds at least as strange as the discovery made by them during the last Chinese war, that in bombarding the town of an empire, you are not waging v/ar upon that empire itself, but only
of an

exchanging local hostilities with one of its dependencies. answer to the reclamations of the Celestials, the British

had "taken," according to their own statement, "every precaution to force, if necessary, admission to Peking," by ascending the Peiho with a rather formidable squadron. Even if bound to admit their pacific Ambassador, the Chinese were certainly warranted in resisting their armed
expedition. In thus acting they did not infringe a treaty, but baffled encroachment.
In the second instance, it may be questioned whether, although the abstract right of legation had been accorded
to the British


by the treaty of Tientsin, the actual enjoyof that right had, for the present, at least, not been

waived by Lord Elgin? A reference to "The Correspondence Relating to the Earl of Elgin's Special Mission to China, printed by command of her Majesty," will convince every impartial inquirer that, first, the admission to Peking of the English Ambassador was to take place not now, but at a more remote period; secondly, that his right of residence at Peking was qualified by various clauses; and, finally, that the peremptory article III in the English text of the treaty, relating to the Ambassador's admission, was, on the request of the Chinese envoys, altered in the Chinese text of the treaty. This discrepancy between the two versions of the treaty is admitted by Lord Elgin himself, who,
however, was, as he says, "compelled by his instructions to require the Chinese to accept, as the authoritative version of an international agreement, a text of which they
did not understand a syllable." Can the Chinese be impeached for acting on the Chinese text of the treaty, instead of the English one, which, according to Lord Elgin's

admission, somewhat diverges from "the correct sense of the stipulation"?

In conclusion, I will state that Mr. T. Chisholm Anstey, the late British Attorney-General at Hongkong, formally declares in a letter addressed by him to the editor of The London Morning Star:

"The treaty itself, be it what it may, has been long since abrogated by the violent acts of the British Government and its subor233

dinates, to the extent at least of depriving the tain of every advantage or privilege conferred

by the

of Great Britreaty."

Being on the one hand harassed by the Indian difficulties, and on the other hand arming for the eventuality of a European war, England is likely to incur great dangers from this new Chinese catastrophe, probably of Palmerston's own cooking. The next result must be the break up of the present Administration, whose head was the author of the last Chinese war, while its principal members had passed a vote of censure on their present chief for undertaking that war. At all events, Mr. Milner Gibson and the Manchester School must either withdraw from the present Liberal coalition, or, a thing not very probable, in unison with Lord John Russell, Mr. Gladstone and his Peelite col80 leagues, compel their chief to submit to their own policy.
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5750, September 27, 1859






Cabinet Council


announced for tomorrow



upon the course to be taken in regard to the Chinese catastrophe. The lucubrations of the French Monito decide

teur and

tions arrived at

The London Times leave no doubt as to the resoluby Palmerston and Bonaparte. They want another Chinese war. I am informed from an authentic

source that at the impending Cabinet Council Mr. Milner Gibson, in the first instance, will contest the validity of
the plea for war; in the second instance, will protest against any declaration of war not previously sanctioned by both

Houses of Parliament; and if his opinion be overwhelmed by a majority of votes, will secede from the Cabinet, thus again giving the signal for a new onslaught on Palmerston's administration and the break up of the Liberal coalition that led to

the ousting of the Derby Cabinet. Pal-

merston is said to feel somewhat nervous as to the intended proceedings of Mr. Milner Gibson, the only one of his colleagues whom he is afraid of, and whom he has characterized more than once as a man peculiarly able "in picking holes." It is possible that simultaneously with this letter you may receive from Liverpool the news of the results of the Ministerial Council. Meanwhile, the real bearing of the case in question may be best judged, not from what has been printed, but from what has been willfully suppressed by the Palmerston organs in their first publications of the

news conveyed by the



overland mail.

they suppressed the statement that the Russian treaty had already been ratified, and that the Emperor of China had given instructions to his mandarins to receive and escort the American Embassy to the capital for the exchange of the ratified copies of the American treaty. These acts were suppressed with a view to stifle the susand picion that would naturally arise, that the English are of Court the of instead responFrench Envoys, Peking, sible for meeting obstacles in the transaction of their business, which were not encountered either by their Russian
First, then,


fact that

other, still more important, suppressed by The Times, and the other Palmerston organs, but is now avowed on their part, is that the Chinese authorities had given notice of their willingness to conduct the English and French Envoys to

American colleagues. The


at first

Peking; that they were actually in waiting to receive them at one of the mouths of the river, and offered them an escort if they only consented to leave their vessels and troops. Now, as the treaty of Tientsin contains no clause granting to the English and French the right of sending a squadron of men-of-war up the Peiho, it becomes evident that the treaty was violated, not by the Chinese, but by the English, and that on the part of the latter there existed the foregone conclusion to pick a quarrel just before the period appointed for the exchange of the ratifications. Nobody will fancy that the Hon. Mr. Bruce acted on his own responsibility in thus baffling the ostensible end aimed at by the last Chinese war, but that, on the contrary, he only executed secret instructions received from London. Now, it is true that Mr. Bruce was dispatched not by Pal-

merston, but by Derby; but, then I have only to remind you that during the first administration of Sir Robert Peel when Lord Aberdeen kept the seals of the Foreign Office, Sir Henry Bulwer, the English Ambassador at Madrid, picked a quarrel with the Spanish Court, resulting in his expulsion from Spain, and that, during the debates in the House of Lords on this "untoward event," it was proved that Bul236

wer, instead of obeying the official instructions of Aberdeen, had acted up to the secret instructions of Palmerston, who then sat on the Opposition benches. A manoeuvre has also been carried out during these last


in the

least to those acquainted

Palmerstonian press, which leaves no doubt, at with the secret history of Eng-

lish diplomacy during the last thirty years, as to the real author of the Peiho catastrophe and the impending third Anglo-Chinese war. The Times intimates that the guns planted on the forts of Taku which caused such havoc among the British squadron were of Russian origin, and were directed by Russian officers. Another Palmerstonian


is still


plain spoken.


"We now perceive how closely the policy of Russia is interwoven with that of Peking; we detect great movements on the Amur; we discern large Cossack armies manoeuvring far beyond Lake Baikal, in the frozen dreamland on the twilight borders of the Old World; we trace the course of innumerable caravans; we espy a special Russian envoy (Gen. Mouravieff, the Governor of Eastern Siberia) making his way, with secret designs, from the remoteness of Eastern Siberia to the secluded Chinese metropolis; and well may public opinion in this country burn at the thought that foreign influences have had a share in procuring our disgrace and the slaughter of
Our soldiers and sailors."

Now, this is one of Lord Palmerston's old tricks. When Russia wanted to conclude a treaty of commerce with China, he drove the latter by the opium war into the arms of her northern neighbour. When Russia requested the cession of the Amur, he brought it about by the second Chinese war, and now that Russia wants to consolidate her influence at Peking, he extemporizes the third Chinese war. In all his transactions with the weak Asiatic states, with China, Persia, Central Asia, Turkey, it has always been his invariable and constant rule to ostensibly oppose Russia's designs by picking a quarrel, not with Russia, but with the Asiatic State, to estrange the latter from England


and by this roundabout way drive been unwilling to yield to Rushad it sia. You may be sure that on this occasion the whole past Asiatic policy of Palmerston will be again sifted, and I draw, therefore, your attention to the Afghan papers, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on the 8th June, 1839. They throw more light on Palmerston' s sinister policy, and the diplomatic history of the last thirty years, than any documents ever before printed. The case is, in a few words, this: In 1838 Palmerston commenced a war against Dost Mohammed, the ruler of Kabul, a war that led to the destruction of an English army, and was commenced on the plea of Dost Mohammed having entered
piratical hostilities, to the concessions it

into a secret alliance against England with Persia land Russia. In proof of this assertion, Palmerston laid, in 1839, before Parliament, a Blue Book, chiefly consisting of the cor-

respondence of Sir A. Burnes, the British Envoy at Kabul, with the Government at Calcutta. Burnes had been assassinated during an insurrection at Kabul against the English
invaders, but, distrustful of the British Foreign Minister, had sent copies of some of his official letters to his brother, Dr. Burnes, at London. On the appearance, in 1839, of the "Afghan papers," prepared by Palmerston, Dr. Burnes

accused him of having "garbled and forged the dispatches of the late Sir A. Burnes," and, in corroboration of his statement, had some of the genuine dispatches printed. But

was only last summer that the murder came out. Under Derby Ministry, on the motion of Mr. Hadfield, the House of Commons ordered all the "Afghan papers" to be


published in

full, and this order has been executed in such form as to constitute a demonstration, to the meanest capacity, of the truth of the charge of garbling and forgery,

in the interest of Russia.


the title-page of the Blue


appears the following:




correspondence, only partially given in former here given entire, the omitted passages being marked by



The name of the official, which appears as a guaranty for the fidelity of the return is "J. W. Kaye, Secretary in Political and Secret Departments," Mr. Kaye being the
"upright historian of the war in Afghanistan." Now, to illustrate the real relations of Palmerston with Russia, against which he pretended to have set up the Afghan war, one instance may suffice for the present. The

Russian agent, Vicovitch, who came to Kabul in 1837, was the bearer of a letter from the Czar to Dost Mohammed. Sir Alexander Burnes obtained a copy of the letter, and sent it to Lord Auckland, the Governor-General of

own dispatches, and various documents enclosed by him, this circumstance is referred to over and over again. But the copy of the Czar's letter was expunged
India. In his

altogether from the papers presented by Palmerston in 1839, and in every dispatch in which it is referred to, such alterations were made as were necessary to suppress the circumstance of the connection of the "Emperor of Russia"

with the mission to Kabul. This forgery was committed in order to suppress the evidence of the Autocrat's connection with Vicovitch, whom, on his return to St. Petersburg, it suited Nicholas to formerly disavow. For instance, at page 82 of the Blue Book will be found the translation of a letter to Dost Mohammed, which reads now as follows, the brackets showing the words originally suppressed by Palmerston:
"The Ambassador on the part of [the] Russia [or Emperor] came [from Moscow] to Teheran, and has been appointed to wait on the Sindars at Kandahar, and thence to proceed to the presence of the Ameer. He is the bearer of [confidential messages from the Emperor and of the] letters from the Russian Ambassador at Teheran. The Russian Ambassador recommends this man to be a most trusty individual,





authority to

make any


[on the part of the

Emperor and

himself], etc., etc."

These, and similar forgeries committed by Palmerston in order to protect the honour of the Czar, are not the only curiosity exhibited by the "Afghan papers." The invasion

the ground Afghanistan was justified by Palmerston on had advised it as a proper means for baffling Russian intrigues in Central Asia. Nov/ Sir A. Burnes did quite the contrary, and consequently all his

that Sir Alexander Burnes

appeals in behalf of Dost Mohammed were altogether supthe pressed in Palmerston's edition of the "Blue Book"; and of dint forgery, garbling correspondence being, by turned quite to the reverse of its original meaning. Such is the man now about to enter on a third Chinese war, on the ostensible plea of thwarting Russia's designs
in that quarter.

Published in the

New-York Daily

Tribune, No. 5754, October 1, 1859

Printed according to the text of the newspaper





That there is to be another civilization war against the seems a matter now pretty generally settled with the English press. Still, since the meeting of the Cabinet Council on Saturday last, <a remarkable change has come over those very papers that were foremost in the howl for blood. At first The London Times, in an apparent trance of patriotic fury, thundered at the double treachery committed by cowardly Mongols who lured on the bonhomme* of the British Admiral by studiously falsifying appearances and screening their artillery by the Court of Peking, which, with deeper Machiavellism, had set those Mongol ogres to their damnable practical jokes. Curiously to say, although tossed on a sea of passion, The Times had, in its reprints, contrived to carefully expunge from the original reports all points favourable to the doomed Chinaman. To confound things may be the work of passion, but to garble them seems rather the operation of a cool head. However that b.e, on September 16, just one day before the meeting of the Ministers, The Times veered round, and, without much ado, cut one head off its Janus-headed impeachment. "We fear" it said, "that we cannot accuse the Mongols who resisted our attack on the forts of the Peiho of treachCelestials

ery;" but then, to

clung the

make up for that awkward concession, it more desperately to "the deliberate and perfidi-

Simple-minded person.



ous violation of a solemn treaty by the Court of Peking." Three days later, after the Cabinet Council had been held, The Times, on further consideration, even "found no room for doubt that if Mr. Bruce and M. de Bourboulon had solicited the mandarins to conduct them to Peking, they

would have been permitted to effect the ratification of the treaty." What, then, remains there of the treachery of the Court of Peking? Not a shadow even, but in its place there remain two doubts on the mind of The Times. "It is," says it, "perhaps doubtful whether, as a military measure, it was

wise to try with such a squadron, our way to Peking. It is more doubtful whether, as a diplomatic measure, it was desirable to use force at all." Such is the lame conclusion

of all the indignation-bluster indulged in by the "leading organ," but, with a logic of its own, it drops the reasons for

war without dropping the war itself. Another semi-governmental paper, The Economist, which had distinguished itby its fervent apology for the Canton bombardment, seems to take a more economical and less rhetorical view of things now that Mr. J. Wilson has got his appointment of Chancellor of the Exchequer for India. The Economist: brings two articles on the subject, the one political, the other economical; the first one winding up with the folself

lowing sentences:
"Now, all these things considered, it is obvious that the article of the treaty, which gave our Ambassador a right of visiting or residLng at Peking, was one literally forced upon the Chinese Government; and if it were thought absolutely essential to our interests] that it should be observed, we think there was much room for the display of consideration and patience in exacting its fulfilment. No
doubt it may be said that with such a government as the Chinese, delay and patience are interpreted as signs of fatal weakness, and therefore the most unsound policy we could pursue. But how far are we entitled, on this plea, to vary the principles on which we should assuredly act toward any civilized nation in our treatment of these Oriental Governments? When we have wrung out an unwelcome concession from their fears, it may be perhaps the most consistent policy to wring out, also from their fears, the immediate execution of the bargain in the way most convenient to ourselves.

overif, in the meantime, the Chinese with a suitable display of force, on our consulting them as to the mode to be taken for giving our treatyeffect can we justly accuse them of treachery? Are they not rather practising upon us our own methods of persuasion? The Chinese Government may and it is very likely that it is so have intended to entrap us into this murderous snare, and never have purposed to execute the treaty at all. If this should prove to be so, we must and ought to exact reparation. But it may also prove that the intention to defend the mouth of Peiho against the recurrence of such a violent entry as was made good by Lord Elgin in the previous year, was not accompanied by any desire to break faith on the general





in so



their fears,



As the hostile initiative came entirely from was, of course, at any moment competent to our commanders to retire from the murderous fire, opened only for the defence of the forts, we cannot certainly prove any intention of breaking faith on the part of China. And, till proof of a deliberate intention to break the treaty reaches uswe think we have some reason to suspend our judgement, and ponder whether we may not have been applying to our treatment of barbarians a code of princiarticles

of the treaty.





ples not very widely different

from that which they have practised

toward ourselves."

In a second article, on the same subject, The Economist dwells on the importance, direct and indirect, of the English trade to China. In the year 1858, the British exports to China had risen to 2,876,000, while the value of the British imports from China had averaged upward of 9,000,000 for each of the last three years, so that the aggregate direct

trade of England with China may be put down at about 12,000,000. But beside these direct transactions there are three other important trades with which, less or more, England is intimately connected in the circle of exchanges, the trade between India 'and China, the trade between China and Australia, and the trade between China and the

United States.
"Australia," says The Economist, "takes from China large quanof tea annually, and has nothing to give in exchange which finds a market in China. America also takes large quantities of tea and some silk of a value far exceeding that of their direct exports


to China."



Both these balances



favour of China have to be


made good by England, who

paid for this equalization


exchanges by the gold of Australia and the cotton

the United States. England, therefore, independent of the balance due by herself to China, has also to pay to that country large sums in respect to gold imported from Aus-

and cotton from America. Now this balance due to China by England, Australia, and the United States is, to a great extent, transferred from China to India, as a set-off against the amount due by China to India, on account of opium and cotton. Be it remarked, en passant, that the imports from China to India have never yet reached the amount of 1,000,000 sterling, while the exports to China from India realize the sum of nearly 10,000,000. The inference The Economist draws from these economical observations is, that any serious interruption of the British trade with China would "be a calamity of greater magnitude than the mere figures of exports and imports might at first sight suggest," and that the embarrassment consequent upon such a disturbance would not be felt in the direct British tea and silk trade only, but must also "affect" the British transactions with Australia and the United States. The Economist is, of course, aware of the fact that

was not so much by the war as had been apprehended; and that, at the port of Shanghai, it was even not affected at all. But then, The Economist calls attention upon "two novel features in the present dispute" which might essentially modify the effects of a new Chinese war upon trade these two novel features being the "Imperial" not "local" character of the present conflict, and the "signal success" which, for the first time, the Chinese have effected against European forces. How very different sounds this language from the war cry The Economist so lustily shouted at the time of the
during the last Chinese war, the trade
interfered with



The Ministerial Council,


anticipated in


last let-


witnessed Mr. Milner Gibson's protest against the war, and his menace of seceding from the Cabinet, should Palmerston act up to the foregone conclusions betrayed in the columns of the French Moniteur. For the moment Palter,

merston prevented any rupture of the Cabinet, and the Liberal Coalition, by the statement that the force indispensable for the protection of British trade should be gathered in the Chinese waters, while before the arrival of

more explicit reports on the part of the British Envoy, no resolution should be taken as to the war question. Thus the burning question was put off. Palmerston's real intention,

however, transpires through the columns of his moborgan, The Daily Telegraph, which in one of its recent num"Should any event lead to a vote unfavourable to the Government, in the course of next year, an appeal will certainly be made
to the constituencies.

bers says:

The House



will test the result

of their activity by a verdict on the Chinese question, seeing that to the professional malignants, headed by Mr. Disraeli, must be added the Cosmopolitans, who declare that the Mongols were thor-

oughly in the right."

The fix in which the Tories are hemmed up, by having allowed themselves to become inveigled into the responsible editorship of events planned by Palmerston and enacted by two of his agents, Lord Elgin and Mr. Bruce (Lord Elgin's brother), I shall, perhaps, find another occasion of
remarking upon.
Published in the
Printed according to the text of the newspaper

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5761, October






In a former letter I asserted that the Peiho conflict had not sprung from accident, but, on the contrary, been beforehand prepared by Lord Elgin, acting upon Palmerston's

and fastening upon Lord Malmesbury, the Tory Foreign Minister, the project of the noble Viscount, then seated at the head of the Opposition benches. Now, first, the idea of the "accidents" in China arising from "instructions" drawn up by the present British Premier is so far from being new, that, during the debates on the lorcha war, it was suggested to the House of Commons, by so well informed a personage as Mr. Disraeli, and, cusecret instructions,

rious to say, confirmed by no less an authority than Lord himself. On February 3, 1857, Mr. Disraeli warned the House of Commons in the following terms:


"I cannot resist the conviction that what has taken place in China has not been in consequence of the alleged pretext, but is, in fact, in consequence of instructions received from home, some considerable time ago. If that be the case, I think the time has arrived when this House would not be doing its duty unless it earnestly considered whether it has any means of controlling a system, which if pursued, will be one, in my mind, fatal to the interests of this


And Lord Palmerston most

coolly replied:

"The right hon. gentleman says the course of events appeared to be the result of some system predetermined by the Government at home. Undoubtedly it was."

In the present instance, a cursory glance at the Blue Book, entitled: "Correspondence Relative to the Earl of Elgin's special missions to China and Japan, 1857-59," will show, how the event, that occurred at the Peiho, on the 25th June, was already receded by Lord Elgin on the 2d of March. Page 484 of the said correspondence, we find

the following two dispatches: The Earl of Elgin to Rear-Admiral

Sir Michael


Seymour March 2, 1859.

"Sir: With reference to my dispatch to your Excellency of the 17th ult., I would beg leave to state that I entertain some hope that the decision come to by her Majesty's Government on the subject of the permanent residence of a British Ambassador at Peking, which I communicated to your Excellency in a conversation yesterday, may induce the Chinese Government to receive, in a becoming manner, the representative of her Majesty, when he proceeds to Peking for the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of Tientsin. At the same time, it is no doubt possible that this hope may not be realized, and, at any rate, I apprehend that her Majesty's Government will desire that our Ambassador, when he proceeds to Tientsin, be accompanied by an imposing force. Under these circumstances, I would venture to submit, for your Excellency's consideration, whether it would not be expedient to concentrate at Shanghai, at the earliest convenient period, a sufficient fleet of gunboats for this service, as Mr. Bruce's arrival in China cannot long be delayed.

have, etc.

"Elgin and Kincardine"

The Earl



to the Earl of Elgin

Foreign Office,




have received your Excellency's dispatch of the 7th of March, 1859, and I have to inform you that her Majesty's Government approve of the note, of which a copy is therein enclosed, and in which your Excellency announced to the Imperial Commissioner that her Majesty's Government would not insist upon the residence of her Majesty's Minister being permanently fixed at




"Her Majesty's Government also approve of your having suggested to Rear-Admiral Seymour that a fleet of gunboats should be collected at Shanghai in order to accompany Mr. Bruce up the

am, Malmesbury"


Lord Elgin, then, knows beforehand that the British Government "will desire" that his brother, Mr. Bruce, be the accompanied by "an imposing force" of "gunboats" up "for make to ready Peiho, and he orders Admiral Seymour this service." The Earl of Malmesbury, in his dispatch dated May 2, approves of the suggestion intimated by Lord exhibits Elgin to the Admiral. The whole correspondence as the Lord and Malmesbury Lord Elgin as the master, and initiative the takes former constantly man. While the Palfrom received instructions the acts upon originally from merston, without even waiting for new instructions


Lord Malmesbury contents himself with which his imperious subaltern antidesires" "the indulging nods He feel. to assent, when Elgin states that him cipates the treaty being not yet ratified, they had not the right to ascend any Chinese river; he nods assent, when Elgin thinks Chinese they ought to show much forbearance toward the the of article the treaty relatin regard to the execution of to to the embassy Peking; and, nothing daunted, he


nods assent when

in direct contradiction to his



mer statements, Elgin claims the right to enforce the pasHe sage of the Peiho by an "imposing fleet of gunboats." nods assent in the same way that Dogberry nodded assent
to the suggestions of the sexton.

The sorry figure cut by the Earl of Malmesbury, and the humility of his attitude, are easily understood if one calls to mind the cry raised on the advent of the Tory Cabinet, by The London Times and other influential papers, as to the great peril threatening the brilliant success which
Elgin, under the instructions of Palmerston, was about to secure in China, but which the Tory Administration, if for pique only, and in order to justify their vote of cenbaffle.

sure on Palmerston's Canton bombardment, were likely to Malmesbury allowed himself to be intimidated by that cry. He had, moreover, before his eyes and in his heart the fate of Lord Ellenborough, who had dared openly to counteract the Indian policy of the noble Viscount, and

his patriotic courage, was sacrificed by his colleagues of the Derby Cabinet. Consequently, Malmesbury resigned the whole initiative into the hands of Elgin, and thus enabled the latter to execute Pailmerston's plan on the responsibility of his official antagonists, the Tories. It is this same circumstance which for the present has put the Tories in a very dismal alternative as to the course to be taken in regard to the Peiho affair. Either

reward for


they must sound the war-trumpet with Palmerston, and thus keep him in office, or they must turn their backs on

Malmesbury, upon


they heaped such sickening


teries during the last Italian war.




more trying

since the impending

anything but popular with the British mercantile classes. In 1857 they bestrode the British lion, because they expected great commercial profits from a forcible opening of the Chinese market. At this moment, they feel, on the contrary, rather angry at seeing the fruits of the treaty obtained, all at once snapped away from their hold. They know that affairs look menacing enough in Europe and India, without the further complication of a Chinese war on a grand scale. They have not forgotten that in 1857, the imports of tea fell by upward of 24 millions of pounds, that being the article almost exclusively exported from Canton, which was then the exclusively theatre of war, and they apprehend that this interruption of trade by war may now be extended to Shanghai and the other trading ports of the Celestial Empire. After a first Chinese war undertaken by the English in the interest of opium smuggling, and a second war carried on for the deis

China war

fence of the lorcha of a pirate, nothing was wanted for a climax but a war extemporized for the purpose of pestering China with the nuisance of permanent Embassies at
its capital.

Published in the

New-York Daily Tribune,

No. 5768, October

Printed according to the text of the newspaper


Karl Marx



From the outbreak of the American war 81 the prices of cotton were steadily rising, but the ruinous disproportion between the prices of the raw material and the prices of yarns and cloth was not declared until the last weeks of August. Till then, any serious decline in the prices of cotton
manufactures, which might have been anticipated from the considerable decrease of the American demand, had been balanced by an accumulation of stocks in first hands,

and by speculative consignments to Chin a and India. Asiatic markets, however, were soon overdone.


"Stocks," says The Calcutta Price Current of Aug. 7, 1861, "are accumulating, the arrivals since our last being no less than 24,000,000 yards of plain cottons. Home advices show a continuation of shipments in excess of our requirements, and so long as this is the case, The Bombay market, also, improvement cannot be looked for. has been greatly over-supplied."

Some other ci rcumstances c ontribute d to contract t he Indian markeTT The late famine in the north-western provinces has been succeeded by the ravages of the cholera, while throughout Lower Bengal an excessive fall of rain, laying the country under water, seriously damaged the rice crops. In letters from Calcutta, which reached England last week, sales were reported giving a net return of 97/id.
per pound for 40 s twist, which cannot be bought at Manchester for less than ll 3 /8 d., while sales of 40-inch shirtings,

compared with present


rates at Manchester, yield

losses at l 1 ^^-, 9d., and 12d. per piece. In the China market, prices were also forced down by the accumulation of the


stocks imported. Under these circumstances, the deman d for the B ritish co tton man ufacture s decreasing, their prices can, of course, notkee p"pa"ce with the progressive risjTTrFtlie price or the ra material; b ut, on the contrary, the spinningTweaving", and printing of cotton must, in many instances, cease to pay the costs of production. Take, as an example, the following case, stated by one of the greatest Manchester manufacturers, in reference to coarse spinning:



Per lb.

Cost of spinning per lb. Margin

4 d

Cost of cotton

6V 4


warp sold

I0y 4
Id per lb.



Sept. 17,
st of



9 d.
11 d


warp sold

3V 2







Th e eonsumptionof Indian cotton is rapid ly g rowing, an<t_with a furtherTislT prices, the Indian supply will c omefbrward at incre asing ratios; but still it remains impossible to cliarige7at a few months' notice, all the condi-

and turn the current of commerce. Eng,land pays now, in fact, the penalty for her protracted misrule of that vast Indian Empire. The two main obstacles she has now to grapple with in her attempts at supplanttions of production


American cotton by Indian cotton, is the want of means of communication and transport throughout India,

and the miserable state of the Indian peasant, disabling him from improving favourable circumstances. Both these difficulties the English have themselves to thank for. English modern industry, in general, relied upon two pivots equally monstrous. The one was the potato as the only

and a great part of the English This pivot was swept away by the potato disease and the subsequent Irish catastrophe. 82 A larger basis for the reproduction and maintenance of the toiling millions had then to be adopted. The second pivot of English industry was the slave-grown cotton of the United States. The present American crisis forces them to enlarge their field of supply and emancipate cotton from slavebreeding and slave-consuming oligarchies. As long as the English cotton manufactures depended on slave-grown cotton, it could be truthfully asserted that they rested on a twofold slavery, the indirect slavery of the white man in England and the direct slavery of the black men on the other side of the Atlantic.


of feeding Ireland


Written on September 21, 1861

Published in the

Printed according to the of the newspaper


New-York Daily Tribune, No. 6405, October 14, 1861

Karl Marx


London, February


The silence observed by the European press about the infamies committed by the British oligarchic bourgeois government is due to several reasons. To begin with, the British Government is rich, and the press, as you know, is incorruptible. Furthermore, the British Government is a model government, recognized as such by the landlords, by the capitalists of the Continent, and even by Garibaldi (see his book): hence, one should not speak ill of that ideal government. Finally, the French republicans are so narrow-minded and egoistic in spirit that they reserve all their wrath for the Empire. It would be a crime against freedom of speech to inform their compatriots that in a country of bourgeois freedom people are sentenced to 20 years of hard labour for things punishable with 6 months' imprisonment in the country of cantonments. Here follow a few details taken from English dailies about the treatment of Fenian prisoners: Mulcahy, sub-editor of The Irish People, condemned for having taken part in a Fenian conspiracy, had an iron collar put round his neck at Dartmoor and was hitched to a cart loaded with stones.
O'Donovan Rossa, proprietor of The Irish People, was for 35 days kept in a dungeon with his arms chained behind his back night and day. He was not even unshackled to take his food the meagre brew that was left for him on

the prison floor.


Although Kickham, one of the editors of The Irish People, did not have the use of his right hand owing to an abscess, he was made to sit with his companions on a pile of rubbish in the fog and cold of November and to break stones and bricks with his right hand. For the night he was taken back to his cell, and had nothing more to sustain him than six ounces of bread and a pint of warm

O'Leary, an old man of sixty or seventy, was while in prison put on bread and water for three weeks because he did not want to renounce his paganism (that, evidently, is

what the gaoler

calls free thinking)

and to become either

papist, protestant, presbyterian, or even Quaker, or embrace one of the numerous religions which the governor

of the prison offered for the Irish pagan's choice. Martin H. Carey is incarcerated in an insane



Mill-Bank; the silence that


was imposed on him and other

treatment made him lose his reason. Colonel Richard Burke is in no better condition. One of his friends writes that his reason is affected, that he has
lost his

memory and

that his ways, his

manners and


speech indicate insanity.

Political prisoners are transferred from one prison to another as though they were wild beasts. The company of the vilest rogues is imposed on them; they are obliged to scour utensils which were used by these miserables, to wear the shirts and flannels of these criminals, many of whom are afflicted with the most disgusting diseases, and


wash in water which these latter had already used. All these criminals were allowed to speak with visitors until the arrival of the Fenians to Portland. A visiting cage was installed for the Fenian prisoners. It consisted of three compartments separated by thick iron bars; the gaoler occupies the central compartment, and the prisoner and his friends cannot see each other but through this double row
of bars.

There are prisoners in the docks who eat all the snails, and frogs are considered a delicacy at Chatham. General Thomas Burke declares that he was not surprised to see a dead mouse floating in the soup. The condemned say that it was an unhappy day for them when the Fenians were brought to the prisons. (The routine has become



add a few words to the above: Last year Mr. Bruce, Minister for the Interior, grand Liberal, grand policeman, grand proprietor of mines in Wales, and a fierce exploiter of labour, was interpellated on the bad treatment of Fenian prisoners and especially O'Donovan Rossa. At first he denied everything; later he was compelled to admit it. Then Mr. Moore, Irish member of the House of Commons, demanded an investigation. It was flatly refused by that radical ministry of which that demi-saint (he has been publicly compared to Jesus Christ) Mr. Gladstone is head and the old bourgeois demagogue

one of the most influential members. the rumours of bad treatment were reLately, a few M.P.s demanded permission from Minister newed, Bruce to visit the prisoners, in order to be able to state the falsity of these rumours. Mr. Bruce refused the permission because, he said, the governors of the prisons feared that the prisoners would be excited by visits of that kind.

John Bright



week the Minister for the Interior was again interHe was asked whether it was true that after his nomination as deputy for Tipperary O'Donovan Rossa received corporal punishment (i.e., was whipped); the MinisLast

happen after 1868 (which goes to say that in the course of two to three years the political prisoner was indeed whipped). I am also sending you extracts concerning Michael Terbert, a Fenian who was sentenced like all the others to hard labour and who served his sentence at Spike Island Convict Prison, Cork Country, Ireland. You will see that
ter declared that this did not

the coroner himself attributes his death to tortures.


inquest took place last week. In the course of two years more than twenty Fenian workers died or lost their reason by grace of the philanthropy of these good bourgeois, supported by those good

You probably know that the English press professes a chaste horror of the abominable general emergency laws which embellish beautiful France. But it is general emergency laws that brief intervals excepted make up the Irish Charter. Ever since 1793 the English Government has for every possible reason regularly and periodically suspended the operation of the Habeas Corpus Bill (the law which guarantees freedom of person) in Ireland and, in effect, every law save that of brutal force. In this manner thousands of people suspected of being Fenian supporters were taken into custody in Ireland without trial or judgement, without. even being formally charged. Not content with depriving them of their liberty, the English Gov-

ernment subjected them to most savage tortures. Here is an example: One of the prisons where suspected Fenians were buried

Mountjoy Prison

in Dublin.

The inspector

of that

prison, Murray, is a wild beast. He has maltreated prisoners in a manner so savage that a few of them went out
of their minds.

man (who

The prison doctor, O'Donnell, an excellent has played an honourable part in the inquest of

Michael Terbert's death) wrote letters of protest for some months, which he at first addressed to Murray himself. Since Murray did not reply to them, he addressed his reports to the superior authorities, but Murray, an expert
gaoler, intercepted the'm.


Mayo, then Viceroy

O'Donnell addressed himself directly to Lord of Ireland. This was at the time when

the Tories (Derby-Disraeli) were in power. What were the results of these actions? The documents related to the affair were published by order of Parliament and Doc. . .


tor O'Donnell

was dismissed from

his post!


for Murray,

he kept


Then came the

so-called radical ministry of Gladstone,

that delicate, that unctious, that magnanimous Gladstone who shed such hot and sincere tears over the lot of Poerio

and the other bourgeois maltreated by King Bomba. 84 What did this idol of the progressive bourgeoisie do? While insulting the Irish with his insolent rejection of their amnesty demands, he not only confirmed the Monster Murray in his functions, but in gratitude added a fat sinecure to his post of chief gaoler! Such is the apostle of bourgeois
philanthropy! But dust had to be thrown in the eyes of the public; one had to create the impression that something was being done for Ireland, and with grand fanfare he announced a

law to regulate the land question (the Land Bill). But all the ultimate object of is nothing but deceit with creating an impression in Europe, of enticing the Irish judges and barristers with prospects of endless litigations between landlords and farmers, attracting the landlords with promises of subventions, and luring the richer farmers with some half-concessions. In the lengthy introduction to his grandiloquent and confused discourse, Gladstone confessed that even the "benevolent" laws which Liberal England had granted Ireland in the last hundred years have unfailingly led to that
country's deterioration. And after that naive confession the selfsame Gladstone persists in torturing the men who want to end this wrongful and imbecile legislation.
Published in

No. 59, February 27, 1870

Printed according to the text of the newspaper Translated from the French



Frederick Engels

There are two trends
the earliest one,

movement. The

in the Irish

the agrarian trend, which has gradually developed from the brigandage supported by the peasants and organized by the clan chiefs dispossessed by the English and the major Catholic landowners (in the 17th centu-

ry these brigands were called Tories, and it is from them that the present-day Tories take their name) into a spontaneous peasant resistance in the districts and provinces against the uninvited English landlords. The names Ribbonmen, Whiteboys, Captain Rock, Captain Moonlight, etc. have changed, but the form of resistance the shooting not only of the more obnoxious landlords and their agents farms from (collectors), but also of peasants who occupy which others have been forcibly evicted, boycotts, threatenall this is as old as the coning letters, night raids, etc.

temporary English land tenure

in Ireland; that is, it began 17th century. This form of the ait the latest at the close not to be is of resistance suppressed, force can do little





But by



will disappear when its causes disappear. it is local and isolated and can never

become a general form of political struggle. The liberal national opposition of the urban


which, as in the case in all agrarian countries with declining townships (Denmark, for example), has its natural leaders in the lawyers, came to the fore soon after the Union (1800). 85 This also stands in need of peasant sup258


for slogans that found one O'Connell the to would appeal peasants. Thus, in the later and of the Catholic repeal in first emancipation Union. Lately this trend has, in view of the landlords' infamies, been compelled to choose a different path. While the Land League pursues more revolutionary (and here of feasible) aims in the social sphere: the total removal the uninvited landlords, it acts fairly timidly in the politic-

and has therefore had to search


Irish sphere and only demands home rule, i.e., a local Parall-British the under general parliament alongside and constitutional in a attainable is too liament. This certainly manner. The frightened landlords are already clamouring (and even the Tories propose it) for the earliest redemption of peasant land in order to save what can still be saved. On the other hand, Gladstone says that greater self-gov-

ernment for Ireland is quite admissible. After the American Civil War, Fenianism wedged itself in between these two trends. Hundreds of thousands of Irish soldiers and officers who took part in that war did so with the secret intent of building up an army to liberate Ireland. The differences between America and Britain after the war became the principal motive lever of the Fenians. If it had come to a war, Ireland would in a few months have become a member of the United States or at least a republic under its protectorate. The sum which England so readily undertook and paid in the Alabama case by decision of the Geneva arbitration was its price for buying off the American intervention in Ireland. That was the moment when the chief danger was removed. The police sufficed to settle with the Fenians. As
in every conspiracy it a hand in this, and yet

was the inevitable betrayal that lent it was only the leaders who betrayed

and then became direct spies and false witnesses. The leaders who escaped to America dabbled there in emigrant revolution and mostly went to seed, like O'Donovan Rossa. Whoever has witnessed the European emigration of 184952 will. find
all this


with the sole difference, of

course, that sive degree.

It all

went on

in a typically

American exces-

By now many of the Fenians have doubtlessly returned and revived their old armed organization. They make up an important element in the movement and compel the Liberals to more resolute action. But aside from this, they can achieve nothing save frightening John Bull. The latter
admittedly weakening somewhat in the outskirts of his Empire, but here, close to his own home, he is still able to suppress any Irish revolt. Firstly, there are in Ireland 14,000 men of the constabulary, the gendarmery, armed with rifles and bayonets and drilled militarily, and then nearly 30,000 troops of the line, which can easily be reinforced with just as many more and with the English militia. Then there is the navy. And in quelling revolts John




for his




Irish revolt

has not the slightest hope of success unless there is a war or danger of a war externally; and just two powers might become dangerous: France and, still more so, the United States. Yet France is out of the question. And in America the parties are playing coy with the Irish votes, making many promises and keeping none. They would not think of getting involved in a war over Ireland. What is more, they stand to profit by such conditions in Ireland as would cause an intensive Irish migration to America. And it is only natural that a country which is to become the most populated, the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world within 20 years, has no particular wish to involve itself in adventures that might, and inevitably would, impede its gigantic internal growth. In 20 years it will speak

an entirely different language. But if there were a danger of war with America the English would readily grant Ireland all that it demands, short of complete independence, which is in no case desirable in view of its geographic location. For this reason the Irish have only the constitutional way open to them of gradually winning one position after

another; in this, however, the mysterious background of Fenian armed conspiracy may remain a very effective element. But the Fenians themselves are being drawn increasingly to a type of Bakuninism; the assassination of Burke and Cavendish 86 could have pursued the sole aim of

thwarting the compromise between the Land League and Gladstone. Yet this compromise would have been the best possible way out for Ireland in the present circumstances. The landlords are driving tenants off the land by the tens of thousands for being in arrears with their rent, sometimes even with military assistance. To curb this systematic depopulation of Ireland (the dispossessed must either starve or emigrate to America) is the cardinal demand of the day. Gladstone is prepared to introduce a bill under which the arrears would be settled much as the redemption of feudal imposts was in Austria in 1848: one third by the peasant, another third by the government, with the remainder lost by the landlord. That is the proposal of the Land League. In this light the "heroic deed" in Phoenix Park appears as a purely Bakuninist, boastful and senseless "propagande par le fait" (propaganda by deed), if not as crass foolishness. If it did not have the same consequences as the similar foolishness of Hodel and Nobiling, this is merely due to the fact that Ireland is not part of Prussia. It should be left to the Bakuninists and revolutionary phrase-mongers to place these childish things on the same footing as the assassination of Alexander II and to threaten with an "Irish revolution" that does not come. There is another thing to be borne in mind about Ireland: never praise any Irish "politician" unconditionally, never declare yourself at one with him, until he is dead. Their Celtic credulity and customary exploitation of peasants (all "educated" classes, and particularly the juristic profession, live by it in Ireland) make the professional Irish politicians an easy prey to corruption. O'Connell let the peasants pay him a full 30,000 annually for his


the Union was established, which England is to have bought at the cost of a million pounds in bribes, one of the bribed was rebuked: ''You have sold your fatherland," to which he replied with a laugh: "And damned glad I was that I had a fatherland to sell."
Published in Der Sozialdemokrat, No. 29, July 13, 1882
Printed according to the text of the newspaper Translated from the German


Frederick Engels



It was under the fostering wing of protection that the system of modern industry production by steam-moved machinery was hatched and developed in England during the last third of the 18th century. And, as if tariff -protection was not sufficient, the wars against the French Revo-


lution helped to secure to England the monopoly of the industrial methods. For more than twenty years Eng-

lish men-of-war cut off the industrial rivals of England from their respective colonial markets, while they forcibly opened these markets to English commerce. The secession of the South American colonies from the rule of their


European mother countries, the conquest by England of French and Dutch colonies worth having, the progressive subjugation of India, turned the people of all these territories into customers for English goods.


England thus supplemented the protection she practised at home, by the Free Trade she forced upon her possible customers abroad; and, thanks to this happy mixture of both systems, at the end of the wars, in 1815, she found herself, with regard to all important branches of industry, in
possession of the virtual monopoly of the trade of the world. This monopoly was further extended and strengthened during the ensuing years of peace. The start which England had obtained during the war, was increased from year to year; she seemed to distance more and more all her possible rivals.

The exports


manufactured goods

in ever


growing quantities became indeed a question of life and death to that country. And there seemed but two obstacles
the way: the prohibitive or protective legislation of other countries, and the taxes upon the import of raw main

food in England. doctrines of classical political econTrade Free Then the French of the physiocrats and their English succesomy Ricardo became popular in the and Smith Adam sors, land of John Bull. Protection at home was needless to manufacturers who beat all their foreign rivals, and whose very existence was staked on the expansion of their exports. Protection at home was of advantage to none but the producers of articles of food and other raw materials, to the agricultural interest, which, under then existing circumstances in England, meant the receivers of rent, the landed aristocracy. And this kind of protection was hurtful to the manufacturers. By taxing raw materials it raised the price of the articles manufactured from them; by taxing food, it raised the price of labour; in both ways, it placed the British manufacturer at a disadvantage as compared with his foreign competitor. And, as all other counterials


articles of

sent to England chiefly agricultural products, and drew from England chiefly manufactured goods, repeal of the English protective duties on corn and raw materials generally, was at the same time an appeal to foreign countries

do away with, or at least, to reduce, in return, the import duties levied by them on English manufactures. After a long and violent struggle, the English industrial capitalists, already in reality the leading class of the natries, to

whose interests were then the chief national were victorious. The landed aristocracy had to give in. The duties on corn and other raw materials were repealed. Free Trade became the watchword of the day.
tion, that class


To convert


other countries to the gospel of Free Trade,

and thus to create a world in which England was the great manufacturing centre, with all other countries for its dependent agricultural districts, that was the next task be264

fore the English manufacturers and their mouthpieces, the

political economists.

That was the time of the Brussels Congress, the time when Marx prepared the speech in question. 87 While recognizing that protection may still, under certain circumstances, for instance in the Germany of 1847, be of advantage
manufacturing capitalists; while proving that Free Trade was not the panacea for all the evils under which the working class suffered, and might even aggravate them; he pronounces, ultimately and on principle, in favour of Free Trade. To him, Free Trade is the normal condition of modern capitalistic production. Only under Free Trade can the immense productive powers of steam, of electricity, of machinery, be fully developed; and the quicker the pace of this development, the sooner and the more fully will be realized its inevitable results: society splits up into
to the

two classes, capitalists here, wage-labourers there; hereditary wealth on one side, hereditary poverty on the other; supply outstripping demand, the markets being unable to
absorb the ever growing mass of the productions of

dustry; an ever recurring cycle of prosperity, glut, crisis, panic, chronic depression and gradual revival of trade, the

harbinger not of permanent improvement but of renewed overproduction and crisis; in short, productive forces expanding to such a degree that they rebel, as against unbearable fetters, against the social institutions under which they are put in motion; the only possible solution: a social revolution, freeing the social productive forces from the fetters of an antiquated social order, and the actual producers, the great mass of the people, from wage-slavery. And because Free Trade is the natural, the normal atmos-

phere for this historical evolution, the economic medium in -which the conditions for the inevitable social revolution will be the soonest created, for this reason, and for this alone, did Marx declare in favour of Free Trade.

Anyhow, the years immediately following the



of Free Trade in England seemed to verify the most extravagant expectations of prosperity founded upon that event. British commerce rose to a fabulous amount; the industrial monopoly of England on the market of the world seemed more firmly established than ever; new iron works, new textile factories arose by wholesale; new branches of industry grew up on every side. There was, indeed, a severe crisis in 1857, but that was overcome, and the onward movement in trade and manufactures soon was in full swing again, until in 1866 a fresh panic occurred, a panic, this time, which seems to mark a new departure in

the economic history of the world. The unparalleled expansion of British manufactures and commerce between 1848 and 1866 was no doubt due, to a great extent, to the removal of the protective duties on

food and raw materials. But not entirely. Other important changes took place simultaneously and helped it on. The above years comprise the discovery and working of trie Californian and Australian gold fields which increased so immensely the circulating medium of the world; they mark the final victory of steam over all other means of transport; on the ocean, steamers now superseded sailing vessels; on land, in all civilized countries, the railroad took the first place, the macadamized road the second; transport now became four times quicker and four times cheaper. No wonder that under such favourable circumstances British manufactures worked by steam should extend their sway at the expense of foreign domestic industries based upon manual labour. But were the other countries to sit still and to submit in humility to this change, which degraded them

be mere agricultural appendages of England, the "workshop of the world"?

Published in Neue Zeit 1888 and in the

in July



according to the text on Free speech Trade, published in America




speech Trade, 1889

on Free


Karl Marx

(Excerpt from Capital, Volume /, Chapter XXV, "The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation")
In concluding this section, we must travel for a main facts of the case.


to Ireland. First, the

The population of Ireland had, in 1841, reached 8,222,664; in 1851, it had dwindled to 6,623,985; in 1861, to 5,850,309; in 1866, to 5V2 millions, nearly to its level in 1801. The diminution began with the famine year, 1846, so that Ire5 land, in less than twenty years, lost more than /i 6 ths of its people.* Its total emigration from May, 1851, to July, 1865, numbered 1,591,487: the emigration during the years 1861-1865 was more than half-a-million. The number of inhabited houses fell, from 1851-1861, by 52,990. From
1851-1861, the number of holdings of 15 to 30 acres increased 61,000, that of holdings over 30 acres, 109,000, whilst the total number of all farms fell 120,000, a fall, therefore, solely due to the suppression of farms under 15 acres i.e., to their centralisation. The decrease of the population was naturally accompanied by a decrease in the mass of products. For our purpose, it suffices to consider the 5 years from 1861-1865 during which over half-a-million emigrated, and the absolute number of people sank by more than i/ 3 of a million.

Population of Ireland, 1801, 5,319,867 persons; 1821, 6,869,544; 1831, 7,828,347; 1841, 8,222,664.

1811, 6,084,996;




< w u <


Q <

O Cd u



w w K H

cd <J


O Q o w

u 2




H 1864




Schedule A.







Schedule B. Farmers' Profits Schedule D.



4,836,203 22,998,394



Total Schedules A. to E.

4,891,652 22,962,885

fessiomal" profits i.e., the incomes of lawyers, doctors, &c; and the Schedules C. and E., in which no special details are given, include the incomes of employes, officers,

State sinecurists, State f undholders, &e.












gressions. Nevertheless, with the fall in numbers of the population, rents and farmers' profits rose, although the latter not as steadily as the former. The reason of this is
easily comprehensible. On the one hand, with the throwing of small holdings into large ones, and the change of arable into pasture land, a (larger part of the whole produce

was transformed into surplus-produce. The surplus-produce increased, although the total produce, of which it formed a fraction, decreased. On the other hand, the money-value
of this surplus-produce increased yet more rapidly than its mass, in consequence of the rise in the English marketprice of meat, wool, &c, during the last 20, and especially

during the last

10, years.

The scattered means of production that serve the producers themselves as means of employment and of subsistence, without expanding their own value by the incorporation of the labour of others, are no more capital than a product consumed by its own producer is a commodity. If, with the mass of the population, that of the means of production employed in agriculture also diminished, the mass of the capital employed in agriculture increased, because a part of the means of production that were formerly scattered, was concentrated and turned into capital. The total capital of Ireland outside agriculture, employed in industry and trade, accumulated during the last two decades slowly, and with great and constantly recurring fluctuations; so much the more rapidly did the concentration of its individual constituents develop. And, however small
its absolute increase, in proportion to the dwindling population it had increased largely.

Here, then, under our own eyes and on a large scale, a process is revealed, than which nothing more excellent could be wished for by orthodox economy for the support
of its dogma: that misery springs from absolute surpluspopulation, and that equilibrium is re-established by depopulation. This is a far more important experiment than was the plague in the middle of the 14th century so be276

lauded of Malthusians. 88 Note further: If only the naivete" of the schoolmaster could apply, to the conditions of production and population of the 19th century, the standard of the 14th, this naivete, into the bargain, overlooked the fact that whilst, after the plague and the decimation that accompanied it, followed on this side of the Channel, in England, enfranchisement and enrichment of the agricultural population, on that side, in France, followed greater
servitude and

more misery.*

famine of 1846 killed more than 1,000,000 people, but it killed poor devils only. To the wealth of the country it did not the slightest damage. The exodus of the next 20 years, an exodus still constantly increasing, did not, as, e.g., the Thirty Years' War, decimate, along with



the human beings, their means of production. Irish genius discovered an altogether new way of spiriting a poor people thousands of miles away from the scene of its misery. The exiles transplanted to the United States, send home sums of money every year as travelling expenses for those left behind. Every troop that emigrates one year, draws another after it the next. Thus, instead of costing Ireland anything, emigration forms one of the most lucrative branches of its export trade. Finally, it is a systematic process, which does not simply make a passing gap in the population, but sucks out of it every year more people than are replaced by the births, so that the absolute level of the population falls year by year.**

What were the consequences for the Irish labourers left behind and freed from the surplus-population? That the
* As Ireland is regarded as the promised land of the "principle of population," Th. Sadler, before the publication of his work on population, issued his famous book, "Ireland, its Evils and their Remedies." 2nd edition, London, 1829. Here, by comparison of the statistics of the individual provinces, and of the individual counties in each province, he proves that the misery there is not, as Malthus would have it, in proportion to the number of the population, but in inverse ratio to this. ** Between 1851 and 1874, the total number of emigrants amounted to 2,325,922.



surplus-population is to-day as great as before wages are just as low, that the oppression of the labourers has increased, that misery is forcing the country towards a new crisis. The facts are simple. The revolution
1846; that
in agriculture

tion of relative surplus-population has

has kept pace with emigration. The producmore than kept pace with the absolute depopulation. A glance at Table C shows that the change of arable to pasture land must work yet more acutely in Ireland than in England. In England the cultivation of green crops increases with the breeding of cattle; in Ireland, it decreases. Whilst a large number of acres, that were formerly tilled, lie idle or are turned permanently into grass-land, a great part of the waste land

and peat bogs that were unused formerly, become of service for the extension of cattle-breeding. The smaller and medium farmers I reckon among these all who do not cultivate more than 100 acres still make up about 8 / i0 ths of the whole number.* They are, one after the other, and with a degree of force unknown before, crushed by the competition of an agriculture managed by capital, and there-

fore they continually furnish


recruits to the class of

wage-labourers. The one great industry of Ireland, linenmanufacture, requires relatively few adult men and only employs altogether, in spite of its expansion since the price of cotton rose in 1861-1866, a comparatively insignificant part of the population. Like all other great modern industries, it constantly produces, by incessant fluctuations, a relative surplus-population within its own sphere, even with an absolute increase in the mass of human beings absorbed by it. The misery of the agricultural population forms the pedestal for gigantic shirt-factories, whose armies of labourers are, for the most part, scattered over the country. Here, we encounter again the system described above of domestic industry, which in under-payment and
* According to a table in Murphy's "Ireland Industrial, Political and Social," 1870, 94.6 per cent, of the holdings do not reach 100

acres, 5.4 exceed 100 acres.


overwork, possesses its own systematic means for creating supernumerary labourers. Finally, although the depopulation has not such destructive consequences as would result in a country with fully developed capitalistic production, it does not go on without constant reaction upon the home-market. The gap which emigration causes here, limits not only the local demand for labour, but also the incomes of small shopkeepers, artisans, tradespeople generally. Hence the diminution in incomes between 60 and 100 in Table E. A clear statement of the condition of the agricultural labourers in Ireland is to be found in the Reports of the Irish Poor Law Inspectors (1870).* Officials of a government which is maintained only by bayonets and by a state of siege, now open, now disguised, they have to observe all the precautions of language that their colleagues in England disdain. In spite of this, however, they do not let

government cradle itself in illusions. According to them the rate of wages in the country, still very low, has within the last 20 years risen 50-60 per cent., and stands now, on the average, at 6s. to 9s. per week. But behind this
apparent rise, is hidden an actual fall in wages, for it does not correspond at all to the rise in price of the necessary means of subsistence that has taken place in the meantime. For proof, the following extract from the official accounts of an Irish workhouse. The price of the neces-



Year ended

sary means of subsistence is therefore fully twice, and that of clothing exactly twice, 'as much as they were 20 years before. Even apart from this disproportion, the mere comparison

wages expressed in gold would give a result from accurate. Before the famine, the great mass of agricultural wages were paid in kind, only the smallest part in money; to-day, payment in money is the rule. From this it follows that, whatever the amount of the real wage, its money rate must rise. "Previous to the famine, the laof the rate of

bourer enjoyed his cabin

with a rood, or half-acre or acre of land, and facilities for ... a crop of potatoes. He But they now was able to rear his pig and keep fowl. have to buy bread, and they have no refuse upon which they can feed a pig or fowl, and they have consequently no benefit from the sale of a pig, fowl, or eggs."* In fact, formerly, the agricultural labourers were but the smallest of the small farmers, and formed for the most part a kind of rear-guard of the medium and large farms on which they found employment. Only since the catastrophe of 1846 have they begun to form a fraction of the class of
. .

purely wage-labourers, a special class, connected with its wage-masters only by monetary relations. We know what were the conditions of their dwellings in 1846. Since then they have grown yet worse. A part of the agricultural labourers, which, however, grows less day by day, dwells still on the holdings of the farmers in overcrowded huts, whose hideousness far surpasses the worst that the English agricultural labourers offered us in this way. And this holds generally with the exception of certain tracts of Ulster; in the south, in the counties of Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny, &c; in the east, in Wicklow, Wexford, &c; in the centre of Ireland, in King's and Queen's County, Dublin, &c; in the west, in Sligo, Roscommon, Mayo, Galway, &c. "The agricultural labourers' huts," an inspector

pp. 29,



cries out, "are a disgrace to the Christianity and to the civilisation of this country."* In order to increase the attractions of these holes for the labourers, the pieces of

land belonging thereto from time immemorial, are systematically confiscated. "The mere sense that they exist subject to this species of ban, on the part of the landlords and their agents, has given birth in the minds of the
. .

labourers to corresponding sentiments of antagonism and dissatisfaction towards those by whom they are thus led to regard themselves as being treated as ... a proscribed
first act of the agricultural revolution was to sweep the huts situated on the field of labour. This was done on the largest scale, and as if in obedience to a command from on high. Thus many labourers were compelled to seek shelter in villages and towns. There they were thrown like refuse into garrets, hotels, cellars and corners, in the worst back slums. Thousands of Irish families, who, according to the testimony of the English, eaten up as these are with national prejudice, are notable for their rare attachment to the domestic hearth, for their gaiety and the purity of their home-hfe, found themselves suddenly



transplanted into hotbeds of vice. The men are now obliged to seek work of the neighbouring farmers and are only hired by the day, and therefore under the most precarious form of wage. Hence "they sometimes have long distances to go to and from work, often get wet, and suffer much hardship, not unfrequently ending in sickness, disease and


"The towns have had to receive from year to year what was deemed to be the surplus-labour of the rural division;**** and then people still wonder "there is still a surplus of labour in the towns and villages, and either a scar*



p. 12. p. 12. p. 25.





city or a threatened scarcity in visions."* The truth is that this

some of the country diwant only becomes per-

or at such ceptible "in harvest-time, or during spring, times as agricultural operations are carried on with activhands are idle;"** ity; at other periods of the year many that "from the digging out of the main crop of potatoes in

there is no October until the early spring following that and for further, during the them;"*** employment to broken "are active times they days and to all subject

kinds of interruption."**** These results of the agricultural revolution i.e., the change of arable into pasture land, the use of machinery, the most rigorous economy of labour, &c, are still further aggravated by the model landlords, who, instead of spending their rents in other countries, condescend to live in Ireland on their demesnes. In order that the law of supply and demand may not be broken, these gentlemen draw their "labour-supply chiefly from their small tenants, who are obliged to attend when required to do the landlord's work, at rates of wages, in many instances, consid-

erably under the current rates paid to ordinary labourers, and without regard to the inconvenience or loss to the tenant of being obliged to neglect his own business at critical periods of sowing or reaping."*) The uncertainty and irregularity of employment, the constant return and long duration of gluts of labour, all these symptoms of a relative surplus-population, figure therefore in the reports of the Poor Law administration, as so many hardships of the agricultural proletariat. It will be remembered that we met, in the English agricultural proletariat, with a similar spectacle. But the difference is that in England, an industrial country, the industrial re* **
I.e., i.e.,

p. 25.
p. 1.

*** ****

I.e., I.e., I.e.,

pp. 31, 32. p. 25.

p. 30.


serve recruits itself from the country districts, whilst in Ireland, an agricultural country, the agricultural reserve recruits itself from the towns, the cities of refuge of the expelled agricultural labourers. In the former, the supernumeraries of agriculture are transformed into factory operatives; in the latter, those forced into the towns, whilst
at the

same time they press on the wages


towns, remain

agricultural labourers, and are constantly sent the country districts in search of work.

back to

The official inspectors sum up the material condition of the agricultural labourer as follows: "Though living with the strictest frugality, his own wages are barely sufficient to provide food for an ordinary family and pay his rent, and he depends upon other sources for the means of clothThe atmosphere of ing himself, his wife, and children. these cabins, combined with the other privations they are subjected to, has made this class particularly susceptible to low fever and pulmonary consumption."* After this, it
. . .


no wonder

that, according to the

unanimous testimony

of the inspectors, a sombre discontent runs through the ranks of this class, that they long for the return of the past, loathe the present, despair of the future, give themselves up "to the evil influence of agitators," and have

only one fixed idea, to emigrate to America. This is the land of Cockaigne, into which the great Malthusian panacea, depopulation, has transformed green Erin. What a happy life the Irish factory operative leads, one example will show: "On my recent visit to the North of Ireland," says the English Factory Inspector, Robert Baker, "I met with the following evidence of effort in an Irish skilled workman to afford education to his children; and I give his evidence verbatim, as I took it from his mouth. That he was a skilled factory hand, may be understood when I say that he was employed on goods for the Manchester market. 'Johnson. I am a beetler and work from 6 in the morning till 1 1 at night, from Monday to Friday.


pp. 21, 13.


Saturday we leave off at 6 p. m., and get three hours of (for meals and rest). I have five children in all. For this work I get 10s. 6d. a week; my wife works here also, and gets 5s. a week. The oldest girl who is 12, minds the house. She is also cook, and all the servant we have. She gets the young ones ready for school. A girl going past the house

wakes me at half past five in the morning. My wife gets up and goes along with me. We get nothing (to eat) before we come to work. The child of 12 takes care of the

all the day, and we get nothing till breakfast At eight we go home. We get tea once a week; at other times we get stirabout, sometimes of oat-meal, some-


at eight.


times of Indian meal, as we are able to get it. In the winter get a little sugar and water to our Indian meal. In the summer we get a few potatoes, planting a small patch ourselves; and when they are done we get back to stirabout. Sometimes we get a little milk as it may be. So we go on from day to day, Sunday and week day, always the same the year round. I am always very much tired when I have done at night. We may see a bit of flesh meat sometimes, but very seldom. Three of our children attend school, for whom we pay Id. a week a head. Our rent is 9d. a week. Peat for firing costs Is. 6d. a fortnight at the very lowest.' "* Such are Irish wages, such is Irish life! In fact the misery of Ireland is again the topic of the day in England. At the end of 1866 and the beginning of 1867, one of the Irish land magnates, Lord Dufferin, set about its solution in The Times. "Wie menschlich von solch grossem Herrn!" From Table E we saw that, during 1864, of 4,368,610 of total profits, three surplus-value makers pocketed only
profits, the

262,610; that in 1865, however, out of 4,669,979 total same three virtuosi of "abstinence" pocketed
in in

274,448; 646,377;

1864, 1865,

26 surplus-value makers reached to 28 surplus-value makers reached to

"Rept. of Insp. of Fact., 31st Oct., 1866," p. 96.


736,448; in 1864, 121 surplus-vaiue makers, 1,066,912; in 1865, 186 surplus-value makers, 1,320,996; in 1864, 1,131 total surplus-value makers, 2,150,818, nearly half of the annual profit; in 1865, 1,194 surplus-value makers, 2,418,933, more than half of the total annual profit. But the lion's share, which an inconceivably small number of land magnates in England, Scotland and Ireland swallow up of the yearly national rental, is so monstrous that the

wisdom of the English State does not think fit to afford the same statistical materials about the distribution of
rents as about the distribution of profits. Lord Dufferin is one of those land magnates. That rent-rolls and profits can ever be "excessive," or that their plethora is in any way

connected with plethora of the people's misery is, of course, an idea as "disreputable" as "unsound." He keeps to facts. The fact is that, as the Irish population diminishes,
the Irish rent-rolls swell; that depopulation benefits the landlords, therefore also benefits the soil, and, therefore, the people, that mere accessory of the soil. He declares, therefore, that Ireland is still over-populated, and the

stream of emigration still flows too lazily. To be perfectly happy, Ireland must get rid of at least one-third of a million of labouring men. Let no man imagine that this lord,
poetic into the bargain, is a physician of the school of Sangrado, who as often as he did not find his patient better, ordered phlebotomy and again phlebotomy, until the
patient lost his sickness at the same time as his blood. Lord Dufferin demands a new blood-letting of one-third of a million only, instead of about two millions; in fact,

without the getting rid of these, the millennium in Erin is not to be. The proof is easily given. Centralisation has from 1851 to 1861 destroyed principally farms of the first three categories, under 1 and not over 15 acres. These above all must disappear. This gives 307,058 "supernumerary" farmers, and reckoning the families the low average of 4 persons, 1,228,232 persons. On the extravagant supposition that, after the agricultural









Farms over

not over

not over
5 acres


Farms over 5, not over 15 acres

Farms over 15, not over 30 acres

Acres No. No. 48,653 25.394 82.037

Acres 288,916

No. 176,368

Acres 1,836,310

No. 136,578

Acres 3,051,343

over 50, (5) Farms over 30, (6) Farms not over 100 acres not over 50 acres


Farms over 100 acres


Total area


Acres 2,906.274

No. 54,247

Acres Acres No. Acres 3,983,880 31,927 8,227,807 26,319,924*


is complete, one-fourth of these are again abthere remain for emigration 921,174 persons. Categories 4, 5, 6, of over 15 and not over 100 acres, are, as was known long since in England, too small for capitalistic cultivation of corn, and for sheep-breeding are almost vanishing quantities. On the same supposition as before, therefore, there are further 788,761 persons to emigrate;

total, 1,709,532.

And as l'appetit vient en mangeant, Rentsoon discover that Ireland, with 3Y 2 m ^~ lions, is still always miserable, and miserable because she is over-populated. Therefore her depopulation must go yet
eyes will
further, that thus she

may fulfil her true destiny, that of an English sheep-walk and cattle-pasture.**

and waste land. consequences have been deliberately made the most of, both by the individual landlords and by the English legislature, to forcibly carry out the agricultural revolution and to thin the population of Ireland down to the proportion satis**



total area includes also peat, bogs,

the famine and


factory to the landlords, I shall show more fully in Vol. Ill of this work, in the section on landed property. There also I return to the condition of the small farmers and the agricultural labourers. At present, only one quotation. Nassau W. Senior says, with other things, in his posthumous work, "Journals, Conversations and Essays


Like all good things in this bad world, this profitable method has its drawbacks. With the accumulation of rents in Ireland, the accumulation of the Irish in America keeps pace. The Irishman, banished by sheep and ox, re-appears on the other side of the ocean as a Fenian, and face to
face with the old queen of the seas rises, threatening and more threatening, the young giant Republic:

Acerba fata Romanos agunt

Scelusque fraternae necis.*
Published according to the English text of Capital, Vol. I, Moscow 1958

Relating to Ireland." 2 vols. London 1868; Vol. II, p. 282. "Well," said Dr. G., "we have got our Poor Law and it is a great instrument for giving the victory to the landlords. Another, and a still more powerful instrument is emigration. ... No friend to Ireland can wish the war to be prolonged [between the landlords and the small Celtic farmers] still less, that it should end by the victory of the tenants. The sooner it is over the sooner Ireland becomes a grazing country, with the comparatively thin population which a grazing country requires, the better for all classes." The English Corn Laws of 1815 secured Ireland the monopoly of the free importation of corn into Great Britain. They favoured artificially, therefore, the cultivation of corn. With the abolition of the Corn Laws in 1846, this monopoly was suddenly removed. Apart from all other circumstances, this event alone was sufficient to give a great impulse to the turning of Irish arable into pasture land, to the concentration of farms, and to the eviction of small cultivators. After the fruitfulness of the Irish soil had been praised from 1815 to 1846, and proclaimed loudly as by Nature herself destined for the cultivation of wheat, English agronomists, economists, politicians, discover suddenly that it is good for nothing but to produce forage. M. Leonce de Lavergne has hastened to repeat this on the other side of the Channel. It takes a "serious" man, a la Lavergne, to be caught by such childishness. * grievous fate and dastardly fratricide hounds the Romans.Ed.

Karl Marx









The genesis

such a gradual

of the industrial* capitalist did not proceed way as that of the farmer. Doubtless

small guild-masters, and yet more independent small artisans, or even wage-labourers, transformed themselves into small capitalists, and (by gradually extending


exploitation of wage-labour and corresponding accumulation) into full-blown capitalists. In the infancy of capitalist production, things often happened as in the infancy of

mediaeval towns, where the question, which of the escaped serfs should be master and which servant, was in great part decided by the earlier or later date of their flight. The snail's pace of this method corresponded in no wise with the commercial requirements of the new worldmarket that the great discoveries of the end of the 15th century created. But the Middle Ages had handed down two distinct forms of capital, which mature in the most different economic social formations, and which, before the era of the capitalist mode of production, are considered as capital quand raeme usurer's capital and merchant's


"At present, all the wealth of society goes first into the possession of the capitalist ... he pays the landowner his rent, the labourer his wages, the tax and tithe gatherer
* Industrial here in contradistinction to agricultural. In the "categoric" sense the farmer is an industrial capitalist as much as the manufacturer.


their claims,

and keeps a large, indeed the largest, and a share, of the annual produce of augmenting continually

labour for himself. The capitalist may now be said to be the first owner of all the wealth of the community, though no law has conferred on him the right to this property this change has been effected by the taking of interest on and it is not a little curious that all the lawcapital
. .

givers of Europe endeavoured to prevent this by statutes, The power of the capitalviz., statutes against usury. ist over all the wealth of the country is a complete change

and by what law, or series of The author should have remembered that revolutions are not made by laws. The money capital formed by means of usury and commerce was prevented from turning into industrial capital, in the country by the feudal constitution, in the towns by
in the right of property,





the guild organisation.** These fetters vanished with the dissolution of feudal society, with the expropriation and partial eviction of the country population. The new manufactures were established at seaports, or at inland points beyond the control of the old municipalities and their guilds. Hence in England an embittered struggle of the

corporate towns against these new industrial nurseries. The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and looting of the East Indies, the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signalised the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production. These idyllic proceedings are the chief momenta of prim*

"The Natural and







Rights of Property Contrasted." of the anonymous work: "Th.


** Even as late as 1794, the small cloth-makers of Leeds sent a deputation to Parliament, with a petition for a law to forbid any merchant from becoming a manufacturer. (Dr. Aikin, "Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles Round Manchester." London, 1795.)



On their heels treads the commercial European nations, with the globe for a theatre. It begins with the revolt of the Netherlands from Spain, assumes giant dimensions in England's Anti- Jacobin War, and is still going on in the opium wars against China, &c. The different momenta of primitive accumulation distribute themselves now, more or less in chronological oritive



of the


particularly over Spain, Portugal, Holland, France,

and England. In England at the end of the 17th century, they arrive at a systematical combination, embracing the
colonies, the national debt, the

modern mode

of taxation,

and the protectionist system. These methods depend in part on brute force, e.g., the colonial system. But they all employ the power of the State, the concentrated and organised force of society, to hasten, hothouse fashion, the
process of transformation of the feudal mode of production into the capitalist mode, and to shorten the transition. Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one. It is itself an economic power. Of the Christian colonial system, W. Howitt, a man who

makes a speciality of Christianity, says: "The barbarities and desperate outrages of the so-called Christian race, throughout every region of the world, and upon every people they have been able to subdue, are not to be paralleled by those of any other race, however fierce, however untaught, and however reckless of mercy and of shame, in any age of the earth."* The history of the coloand Holland was the head nial administration of Holland "is one of the capitalistic nation of the 17th century most extraordinary relations of treachery, bribery, mas-

* William Howitt: "Colonisation and Christianity: A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in all their Colonies." London, 1838, p. 9. On the treatment of the slaves there is a good compilation in Charles Comte, "Traite de la Legislation." 3me ed. Bruxelles, 1837. This subject one must study in detail, to see what the bourgeoisie makes of itself and of the labourafter its er, wherever it can, without restraint, model the world


image. 290

sacre, and meanness."* Nothing is more characteristic than their system of stealing men, to get slaves for Java. The men stealers were trained for this purpose. The thief,

the interpreter, and the seller, were the chief agents in this trade, native princes the chief sellers. The young people stolen, were thrown into the secret dungeons of Celebes, until they were ready for sending to the slaveships. An official report says: "This one town of Macassar,

horrible than the victims of greed and other, unfortunates, fettered in torn from their famichains, forcibly tyranny lies." To secure Malacca, the Dutch corrupted the Portuguese Governor. He let them into the town in 1641. They hurried at once to his house and assassinated him, to "abstain" from the payment of 21,875, the price of his treason. Wherever they set foot, devastation and depopulation followed. Banjuwangi, a province of Java, in 1750 numbered over 80,000 inhabitants, in 1811 only
e.g., is full

of secret prisons, one


crammed with


is well known, obbesides the in rule tained, political India, the exclusive of the as well as of the Chinese trade tea-trade, monopoly in general, and of the transport of goods to and from Europe. But the coasting trade of India and between the islands, as well as the internal trade of India, were the monopoly of the higher employes of the Company. The monopolies of salt, opium, betel and other commodities, were inexhaustible mines of wealth. The employes themselves fixed the price and plundered at will the unhappy Hindus. The Governor-General took part in this private traffic. His favourites received contracts under conditions whereby they, cleverer than the alchemists, made gold out of nothing. Great fortunes sprang up like mushrooms in a day; primitive accumulation went on without the advance of a shilling. The trial of Warren Hastings swarms

Sweet commerce! The English East India Company, as

Thomas Stamford

Raffles, late Lieut.-Gov. of that island:


History of Java," Lond., 1817.



with such cases. Here


an instance.

contract tor opium

was given

to a certain Sullivan at the


of his de-

parture on an official mission to a part of India far removed from the opium district. Sullivan sold his contract to one Binn for 40,000; Binn sold it the same day for 60,000, and the ultimate purchaser v/ho carried out the contract declared that after all he realised an enormous gain. According to one of the lists laid before Parliament, the Company and its employes from 1757-1766 got 6,000,000 from the Indians as gifts. Between 1769 and 1770, the English manufactured a famine by buying up all the rice and refusing to sell it again, except at fabulous

The treatment of the aborigines was, naturally, most frightful in plantation-colonies destined for export trade only, such as the West Indies, and in rich and well-populated countries, such as Mexico and India, that were given over to plunder. But even in the colonies properly socalled, the Christian character of primitive accumulation did not belie itself. Those sober virtuosi of Protestantism,

the Puritans of New England, in 1703, by decrees of their Assembly set a premium of 40 on every Indian scalp and every captured red-skin: in 1720 a premium of 100

on every

scalp; in 1744, after Massachusetts-Bay had proclaimed a certain tribe as rebels, the following prices: for a male scalp of 12 years and upwards 100 (new cur-

rency), for a male prisoner 105, for women and children prisoners 50, for scalps of women and children 50. Some decades later, the colonial system took its revenge on the descendants of the pious pilgrim fathers, who had grown

At English instigation and for English pay they were tomahawked by red-skins. The British Parliament proclaimed blood-hounds and scalping as "means that God and Nature had given into its hand."
seditious in the meantime.

In the year 1866

more than a

million Hindus died of hunger

in the province of Orissa alone. Nevertheless, the attempt was made to enrich the Indian treasury by the price at which the necessaries



were sold

to the starving people.


colonial system ripened, like a hot-house, trade and navigation. The "societies Monopolia"* of Luther were


powerful levers for concentration of capital. The colonies secured a market for the budding manufactures, and, through the monopoly of the market, an increased accumulation. The treasures captured outside Europe by undisguised looting, enslavement, and murder, floated back to the mother-country and were there turned into capital.
Holland, which first fully developed the colonial system, in 1648 stood already in the acme of its commercial greatness. It was "in almost exclusive possession of the East Indian trade and the commerce between the south-east and north-west of Europe. Its fisheries, marine, manufactures, surpassed those of any other country. The total capital of the Republic was probably more important than that of all the rest of Europe put together."** Glilich forgets to add that by 1648, the people of Holland were more

over-worked, poorer and more brutally oppressed those of all the rest of Europe put together.


To-day industrial supremacy implies commercial supremIn the period of manufacture properly so-called, it is, on the other hand, the commercial supremacy that gives industrial predominance. Hence the preponderant role that the colonial system plays at that time. It was "the strange God" who perched himself on the altar cheek by jowl with the old Gods of Europe, and one fine day with a shove and a kick chucked them all of a heap. It proclaimed surplusvalue making as the sole end and aim of humanity. The system of public credit, i.e., of national debts, whose origin we discover in Genoa and Venice as early as the middle ages, took possession of Europe generally during the manufacturing period. The colonial system with its maritime trade and commercial wars served as a forcinghouse for it. Thus it first took root in Holland. National

** G. Gulich: "Geschichtliche Darstellung, etc." Jena 1830, Vol.


"Gesellschaften Monopolia."



whether despotic, debts, i.e., the alienation of the state constitutional or republican marked with its stamp the capitalistic era. The only part of the so-called national

wealth that actually enters into the collective possessions of modern peoples is their national debt.* Hence, as a necessary consequence, the modern doctrine that a nation becomes the richer the more deeply it is in debt. Public credit becomes the credo of capital. And with the rise of national debt-making, want of faith in the national debt

takes the place of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which may not be forgiven. The public debt becomes one of the most powerful levers of primitive accumulation. As with the stroke of an enchanter's wand, it endows barren money with the power of breeding and thus turns it into capital, without the necessity of its exposing itself to the troubles and risks inseparable from its employment in industry or even in usury. The state-creditors actually give nothing away, for the


lent is transformed into public bonds, easily negotiable, which go on functioning in their hands just as so much hard cash would. But further, apart from the class of lazy

annuitants thus created, and from the improvised wealth of the financiers, middlemen between the government and the nation as also apart from the tax-farmers, merchants, private manufacturers, to whom a good part of every national loan renders the service of a capital fallen from heaven the national debt has given rise to joint-stock com-

panies, to dealings in negotiable effects of all kinds, and to agiotage, in a word to stock-exchange gambling and the modern bankocracy. At their birth the great banks, decorated with national

were only associations of private speculators, who placed themselves by the side of governments, and, thanks to the privileges they received, were in a position to ad*

tions are designated

William Cobbett remarks that in England all public institu"royal"; as compensation for this, however,


the "national" debt.


vance money to the State. Hence the accumulation of the national debt has no more infallible measure than the successive rise in the stock of these banks, whose full development dates from the founding of the Bank of England in 1694. The Bank of England began with lending its money to the Government at 8%; at the same time it was empowered by Parliament to coin money out of the same capital, by lending it again to the public in the form of banknotes. It was allowed to use these notes for discounting bills, making advances on commodities, and for buying the precious metals. It was not long ere this credit-money, made by the bank itself, became the coin in which the Bank of England made its loans to the State, and paid, on account of the State, the interest on the public debt. It was not enough that the bank gave with one hand and took back more with the other; it remained, even whilst receiving, the eternal creditor of the



to the


shilling advanced. Gradually it became inevitably the receptacle of the metallic hoard of the country, and the centre

of gravity of all commercial credit. What effect was produced on their contemporaries by the sudden uprising of

brood of bankocrats, financiers, rentiers, brokers, stock-jobbers, &c, is proved by the writings of that time, e.g., by Boiingbroke's.* With the national debt arose an international credit system, which often conceals one of the sources of primitive accumulation in this or that people. Thus the villainies of the Venetian thieving system formed one of the secret bases of the capital-wealth of Holland to whom Venice in her decadence lent large sums of money. So also was it with Holland and England. By the beginning of the 18th century the Dutch manufactures were far outstripped. Hol* "Si les Tartares inondaient l'Europe aujourd'hui, il faudrait bien des affaires pour leur faire entendre ce que c'est qu'un financier parmi nous." Montesquieu, "Esprit des lois," t. IV., p. 33, 6d. Londres, 1769. ("If the Tartars were to invade Europe today, we would have our hands full to make it clear to them what a financier is among us." Ed.)


land had ceased to be the nation preponderant in commerce and industry. One of its main lines of business, therefore, from 1701-1776, is the lending out of enormous amounts
of capital, especially to


great rival England. The same

going on to-day between England and the United thing States. A great deal of capital, which appears to-day in the United States without any certificate of birth, was yesterday, in England, the capitalised blood of children. As the national debt finds its support in the public revenue, which must cover the yearly payments for interest, &c, the modern system of taxation was the necessary

complement of the system of national loans. The loans enable the government to meet extraordinary expenses,
without the tax-payers feeling it immediately, but they necessitate, as a consequence, increased taxes. On the other hand, the raising of taxation caused by the accumulation of debts contracted one after another, compels the government always to have recourse to new loans for new extraordinary expenses. Modern fiscality, whose pivot is formed by taxes on the most necessary means of subsistence
(thereby increasing their price), thus contains within itself the germ of automatic progression. Over-taxation is not an incident, but rather a principle. In Holland, therefore, where this system was first inaugurated, the great patriot, De Witt, has in his "Maxims" extolled it as the best system for making the wage-labourer submissive, frugal, indus-

and overburdened with labour. The destructive init exercises on the condition of the wage-labourer concerns us less however, here, than the forcible expropriation, resulting from it, of peasants, artisans, and in a word, all elements of the lower middle-class. On this there are not two opinions, even among the bourgeois

fluence that

economists. Its expropriating efficacy is still further heightened by the system of protection, which forms one

integral parts.

The great part that the public

corresponding with

and the



has played

in the capitalisation of

wealth and the expropriation of the masses, has led many Doubleday and others, to seek in this, incorrectly, the fundamental cause of the misery of
writers, like Cobbett,


modern peoples. The system of protection was an




manufacturing manufacturers, of expropriating independent labourers, of capitalising the national means of production and subsistence, of forcibly abbreviating the transition from the mediaeval to the modern mode of production. The European states tore one another to pieces about the patent of this invention, and, once entered into the service of the surplus-value makers, did not merely lay under contribution in the pursuit of this purpose their own people, directly through indirectly through protective duties, export premiums. They also forcibly rooted out, in their dependent countries, all industry, as, e.g., England did with the Irish woollen manufacture. On the continent of
Europe, after Colbert's example, the process was


industrial capital, here, came in part directly out of the state treasury. ''Why," cries Mirabeau, "why go so far to seek the cause of the manufactur-

The primitive

Saxony before the v/ar? 180,000,000 of debts contracted by the sovereigns!"* Colonial system, public debts, heavy taxes, protection, commercial wars, &c, these children of the true manufacturing period, increase gigantically during the infancy of Modern Industry. The birth of the latter is heralded by a great slaughter of the innocents. Like the royal navy, the factories were recruited by means of the press-gang. Blase as Sir F. M. Eden is as to the horrors of the expropriation of the agricultural population from the soil, from the last third of the 15th century to his own time; with all the selfsatisfaction with which he rejoices in this process, "essential" for establishing capitalistic agriculture and "the due
ing glory of
* Mirabeau, "De Grand." Londres 1788,


VI., p. 101.






proportion between arable and pasture land" he does not show, however, the same economic insight in respect to the necessity of child-stealing and child-slavery for the transformation of manufacturing exploitation into factory exploitation, and the establishment of the "true relation"
capital and labour-power. He says: "It may, be perhaps, worthy the attention of the public to consider, whether any manufacture, which, in order to be carried on successfully, requires that cottages and workhouses should be ransacked for poor children; that they should be employed by turns during the greater part of the night and robbed of that rest which, though indispensable to all, is most required by the young; and that numbers of both sexes, of different ages and dispositions, should be collected together in such a manner that the contagion of example cannot but lead to profligacy and debauchery; will add to the sum of individual or national felicity?"* "In the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and


particularly in Lancashire," says Fielden, "the newlyinvented machinery was used in large factories built on the sides of streams capable of turning the water-wheel. Thousands of hands were suddenly required in these places, remote from towns; and Lancashire, in particular, being, till then, comparatively thinly populated and barren, a population was all that she now wanted. The small and nimble fingers of little children being by very far the most in request, the custom instantly sprang up of procuring apprentices from the different parish workhouses of London, Birmingham, and elsewhere. Many, many thousands of these little, hapless creatures were sent down into the north, being from the age of 7 to the age of 13 or 14 years old. The custom was for the master to clothe his apprentices and to feed and lodge them in an "apprentice house" near the factory; overseers were appointed to see to the
* Eden, "The State of the Poor: or an History of the Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the Present Period." Vol. I, Book II, Ch. I, p. 421.



works, whose interest it was to work the children to the utmost, because their pay was in proportion to the quantity of work that they could exact. Cruelty was, of course, the consequence. ... In many of the manufacturing districts, but particularly, I am afraid, in the guilty county to which I belong [Lancashire], cruelties the most heart-rending were practised upon the unoffending and friendless creatures who were thus consigned to the charge of mastermanufacturers; they were harassed to the brink of death by excess of labour. were flogged, fettered and tortured in the most exquisite refinement of cruelty; they were in many cases starved to the bone while flogged to their work and even in some instances were driven to commit suicide. The beautiful and romantic valleys of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lancashire, secluded from the public eye, became the dismal solitudes of torture, and of many a murder. The profits of manufacturers were enormous; but this only whetted the appetite that it should have satisfied, and therefore the manufacturers had recourse to an expedient that seemed to secure to them those profits without any possibility of limit; they began the prac.

what is termed 'night-working,' that is, having tired one set of hands, by working them throughout the day, they had another set ready to go on working throughout the night; the day-set getting into the beds that the nightset had just quitted, and in their turn again, the night-set getting into the beds that the day-set quitted in the morning. It is a common tradition in Lancashire, that the beds never get cold."*
tice of

With the development of capitalist production during the manufacturing period, the public opinion of Europe
* John Fielden, "The Curse of the Factory System: or, a short account of the origin of factory cruelties, etc." London, 1836, pp. 5, 6. On the earlier infamies of the factory system, cf. Dr. Aikin (1795), I.e., p. 219, and Gisborne: "Enquiry into the Duties of Men," 1795, Vol. II. When the steam-engine transplanted the factories from the country waterfalls to the middle of towns, the "abstemious" surplusvalue maker found the child-material ready to his hand, without


had lost the last remnant of shame and conscience. The nations bragged cynically of every infamy that served them as a means to capitalistic accumulation. Read, e.g., the naive Annals of Commerce of the worthy A. Anderson. Here it is trumpeted forth as a triumph of English statecraft that at the Peace of Utrecht, England extorted from the Spaniards by the Asiento Treaty the privilege of being allowed to ply the negro-trade, until then only carried on between Africa and the English West Indies, between Africa and Spanish America as well. England thereby acquired the right of supplying Spanish America until 1743 with 4,800 negroes yearly. This threw, at the same time, an official cloak over British smuggling. Liverpool v/axed fat on the slave-trade. This v/as its method of primitive accumulation. And, even to the present day, Liverpool "respectability" is the Pindar of the slave-trade which compare the work of Aikin (1795) already quoted "has coincided

spirit of bold adventure which has characterised the trade of Liverpool and rapidly carried it to its present state of prosperity; has occasioned vast employment for shipping and sailors, and greatly augmented the demand for the manufactures of the country" (p. 339). Liverpool employed in the slave-trade, in 1730, 15 ships; in 1751, 53; in 1760, 74; in 1770, 96; and in 1792, 132. Whilst the cotton industry introduced child-slavery in

with that

being forced to seek slaves from the workhouses. When Sir. R. Peel (father of the "minister of plausibility") brought in his bill for the protection of children, in 1815, Francis Horner, lumen of the Bullion Committee and intimate friend of Ricardo, said in the House of Commons: "It is notorious, that with a bankrupt's effects, a gang, if he might use the word, of these children had been put up to sale,

and were advertised publicly as part of the property. A most atrocious instance had been brought before the Court of King's Bench two years before, in which a number of these boys, apprenticed by a parish in London to one manufacturer, had been transferred to another, and had been found by some benevolent persons in a state of absolute famine. Another case more horrible had come to his that not many knowledge while on a [Parliamentary] Committee years ago, an agreement had been made between a London parish and a Lancashire manufacturer, by which it was stipulated, that with every 20 sound children one idiot should be taken."
. . .


England, it gave in the United States a stimulus to the transformation of the earlier, more or less patriarchal slavery, into a system of commercial exploitation. In fact, the veiled slavery of the wage-workers in Europe needed, for its pedestal, slavery pure and simple in the new world.*

Tantae molis erat,** to establish the "eternal laws of Nature" of the capitalist mode of production, to complete the process of separation between labourers and conditions of
labour, to transform, at one pole, the social means of production and subsistence into capital, at the opposite pole, the mass of the population into wage-labourers, into "free labouring poor," that artificial product of modern society.***
In 1790, there were in the English West Indies ten slaves for in the French fourteen for one, in the Dutch twentythree for one. (Henry Brougham: "An Inquiry into the Colonial Pol*

one free man,

icy of the

European Powers." Edin. 1803, Vol. II., p. 74.) ** It took so much effort. Ed. *** The phrase, "labouring poor," is found in English legislation from the moment when the class of wage-labourers becomes noticeable. This term is used in opposition, on the one hand, to the "idle poor," beggars, etc., on the other to those labourers, who, pigeons not yet plucked, are still possessors of their own means of labour. From the Statute Book it passed into Political Economy, and was handed down by Culpeper, J. Child, etc., to Adam Smith and Eden. After this, one can judge of the good faith of the "execrable political cant-monger," Edmund Burke, when he called the expres"execrable political cant." This sycophant sion, "labouring poor," who, in the pay of the English oligarchy, played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution, just as, in the pay of the North American Colonies, at the beginning of the American troubles, he had played the Liberal against the English oligarchy, was an out and out vulgar bourgeois. "The laws of commerce are the laws of Nature, and therefore the laws of God." (E. Burke, "Thoughts and Details on Scarcity, Originally Presented to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt in the month of November 1795." London 1800, pp. 31, 32.) No wonder that, true to the laws of God and of Nature, he always sold himself in the best market. very good portrait of this Edmund Burke, during his liberal time, is to be found in the writings of the Rev. Mr. Tucker. Tucker was a parson and a Tory, but, for the rest, an honourable man and a competent political economist. In face of the infamous cowardice of character that reigns to-day, and believes most devoutly in "the laws of commerce," it is our bounden duty again and again to brand the Burkes, who only differ from their successors in one thing talent.



money, according to Augier,* "comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek," capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood





the English text of Capital, Vol. I, Moscow 1958


Marie Augier: "Du Credit Public." Paris, 1842. "Capital is said by a Quarterly Reviewer to fly turbulence and

but this is very instrife, and to be timid, which is very true; completely stating the question. Capital eschews no profit, or very small profit, just as Nature was formerly said to abhor a vacuum. With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent, will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent, certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent., positive audacity; 100 per cent, will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both. Smuggling and the slave-trade have amply proved all that is here stated." (T. J. Dunning, "Trades' Unions and Strikes: their Philosophy and


I860, pp. 35, 36.)

Karl Marx


(Excerpt from Chapter



Capital, Volume


There is no doubt and it is precisely this fact which has led to wholly erroneous conceptions that in the 16th and 17th centuries the great revolutions, which took place in commerce with the geographical discoveries and speeded the development of merchant's capital, constitute one of the principal elements in furthering the transition from

feudal to capitalist mode of production. The sudden expansion of the world-market, the multiplication of circulating commodities, the competitive zeal of the European nations to possess themselves of the products of Asia and the treasures of America, and the colonial system all contributed materially toward destroying the feudal fetters on production. However, in its first period the manufacturing period the modern mode of production developed only where the conditions for it had taken shape within the Middle Ages. Compare, for instance, Holland with Portu-


in the 16th, and partially still in the 17th, the sudden century expansion of commerce and emergence
* How predominant fishery, manufacture and agriculture, aside from other circumstances, were as the basis for Holland's development, has already been explained by 18th-century writers, such as Massie. In contradistinction to the former view, which underrated the volume and importance of commerce in Asia, in Antiquity, and in the Middle Ages, it has now come to be the custom to extremely

And when

overrate it. The best antidote against this conception^ to study the imports and exports of England in the early 18th century and to compare them with modern imports and exports. And yet they were incomparably greater than those of any former trading nation. (See Anderson, History of Commerce.)


of a

fail of

new world-market overwhelmingly contributed to the the old mode of production and the rise of capitalist

production, this was accomplished conversely on the basis of the already existing capitalist mode of production. The world-market itself forms the basis for this mode of production. On the other hand, the immanent necessity of this
of production to produce on an ever-enlarged scale tends to extend the world-market continually, so that it is not commerce in this case which revolutionizes industry, but industry which constantly revolutionizes commerce. Commercial supremacy itself is now linked with the prevalence to a greater or lesser degree of conditions for a large industry. Compare, for instance, England and Holland. The history of the decline of Holland as the ruling trading nation is the history of the subordination of merchant's capital to industrial capital. The obstacles presented by the internal solidity and organization of pre-capitalistic, national modes of production to the corrosive influence of commerce are strikingly illustrated in the intercourse of the English with India and China. The broad basis of the mode of production here is formed by the unity of smallscale agriculture and home industry, to which in India we should add the form of village communities built upon the common ownership of land, which, incidentally, was the original form in China as well. In India the English lost no time in exercising their direct political and economic power, as rulers and landlords, to disrupt these small economic communities.* English commerce exerted a revolutionary influence on these communities and tore them apart only insofar as the low prices of its goods served to destroy the spinning and weaving industries, which were
*If any nation's history, then the history of the English in India a string of futile and really absurd (in practice infamous) economic experiments. In Bengal they created a caricature of large-scale English landed estates; in south-eastern India a caricature of small parcelled property; in the north-west they did all they could to transform the Indian economic community with common ownership of the soil into a caricature of itself.



an ancient integrating element of this unity of industrial and agricultural production. And even so this work of dissolution proceeds very gradually. And still more slowly in China, where it is not reinforced by direct political power. The substantial economy and saving in time afforded by the association of agriculture with manufacture put up a stubborn resistance to the products of the big industries,

whose prices include the faux frais of the circulation process which prevades them. Unlike the English, Russian commerce, on the other hand, leaves the economic groundwork of Asiatic production untouched.*



Translated from the


the English text of Capital, Vol. Ill, Moscow 1959

* Since

Russia has


capitalist production,

been making frantic exertions to develop which is exclusively dependent upon


domestic and the neighbouring Asiatic market, this

ning to change.

also begin-

F. E.


Frederick Ensels 6'




The Stock Exchange


7. Then colonization. Today this is purely a subsidiary of the stock exchange, in v/hose interests the European powers divided Africa a few years ago, and the French conquered Tunis and Tonkin. Africa leased directly to com-

panies (Niger, South Africa, German South-West and German East Africa), and Mashonaland and Natal seized by Rhodes for the stock exchange.
Published according to the English
text of Capital, Vol. Ill, Moscow 1959

Translated from the



London, June
. . .



Bernier rightly considered the basis of

na in the East he refers to Turkey, Persia, Hindustan to be the absence of private property in land. This is the real key, even to the Oriental heaven.
. .



Manchester, June
. . .



The absence of property in land is indeed the key to the whole of the East. Herein lies its political and religious

history. But how does it come about that the Orientals did not arrive at landed property, even in its feudal form? I think it is mainly due to the climate, taken in connection with the nature of the soil, especially with the great

stretches of desert

which extend from the Sahara straight across Arabia, Persia, India and Tartary up to the highest Asiatic plateau. Artificial irrigation is here the first condition of agriculture and this is a matter either for the communes, the provinces or the central government. An Orien-

government never had more than three departments: (plunder at home), war (plunder at home and abroad), and public works (provision for reproduction). The British Government in India has administered Nos. 1 and 2 in a rather narrow-minded spirit and dropped


No. 3 entirely, so that Indian agriculture is being ruined. Free competition discredits itself there completely. This artificial fertilization of the land, which immediately ceased when the irrigation system fell into decay, explains the otherwise curious fact that whole stretches which were once brilliantly cultivated are now waste and bare (Pal-

myra, Petra, the ruins in the Yemen, districts in Egypt, Persia and Hindustan); it explains the fact that one single devastating war could depopulate a country for centuries and strip it of its whole civilization.
. . .

London, June
. .



Your article on Switzerland was of course a direct smack at the leading articles in the Tribune (against centralization, etc.), and its Carey. I have continued this hidden warfare in a first article on India, 89 in which the destruc-

tion of the native industry by England is described as revolutionary. This will be very shocking to them. As for the
rest, the v/hole rule of Britain in India


swinish, and

to this day.

2f The statiojiajy_ch^mcter of this part of Asia despite all the aimless movements on the political surface is fully explained by two circumstances which supplement each r-.other: 1) the public works were the business of the central V government; 2) besides this the whole empire, not counting the few larger towns, was divided into villages, each of which possessed a completely separate organization and formed a little world in itself. In a Parliamentary report

these villages are described as follows: "A village, geographically considered, is a tract of country comprising some 100 or 1,000 acres of arable and waste lands; politically viewed, it resembles a corporation or

township. Every village is, and appears always to have been, in fact, a separate community, or republic. Officials: 1) the Potail, Goud, Mundil, etc., as he is termed in different languages, is the head inhabitant, who has generally the superintendence of the affairs of the village, settles the disputes of the inhabitants, attends to the police, and per311

forms the duty of collecting the revenue within the vil2) the Curnum, Shanboag, or Putwaree, is the reglage ister. 3) The Taliary, or Sthulwar and 4) the Totie, are severally the watchmen of the village and of the crops. 5) The Neerguntee distributes the water of the streams or
reservoirs in just proportion to the several fields. 6) The Joshee, or astrologer, announces the seed-times and harvests, and the lucky or unlucky days or hours for all the operations of farming. 7) The smith and 8) the carpenter frame the rude instruments of husbandry, and the ruder
utensils of the village. 10)

dwelling of the farmer. 9) The potter fabricates the only The washerman keeps clean the few garments 11) The barber and 12) the silversmith, who often at the same time is also poet and schoolmaster of the village all in one person. Then comes the Brahmin

for worship. Under this simple form of municipal government, the inhabitants of the country have lived from time immemorial. The boundaries of the villages have been but

seldom altered; and although the villages themselves have been sometimes injured, and even desolated, by war, famine and disease, the same name, the same limits, the same interests, and even the same families have continued for ages. The inhabitants give themselves no trouble about the breaking up and division of kingdoms; while the village remains entire, they care not to what


transferred, or to what sovereign it devolves; economy remains unchanged." The Potail is usually hereditary. In some of these comit is


munities the lands of the village are cultivated in common, in most cases each occupant tills his own field. Within them there is slavery and the caste system.) The waste lands are for common pasture. Domestic weaving and
is done by wives and daughters. These idyllic rewhich only jealously guard the boundaries of their

fairly perfect

village against the neighbouring village, still exist in a form in the North-V/estern parts of India,

which were recent English accessions.

do not think any-

one could imagine a more solid foundation for stagnant

Asiatic despotism. And however much the English may have hibernicized the country, the breaking up of those stereotyped primitive forms was the sine qua non for Eu-

ropeanization. Alone the tax-gatherer was not the man to achieve this. The destruction of their archaic industry was necessary to deprive the villages of their self-supporting
In Bali, an island off the east coast of Java, this Hindu organization, together with Hindu religion, is still intact its traces, moreover, like those of Hindu influence, are to be found throughout Java. As to the question of property, this is a very controversial one among the English writers


India. In the

broken hill-country south of Krishna, prop-

erty in land does seem to have existed. In Java on the other hand Sir Stamford Raffles, former English Governor of Java, observes in his History of Java that "the sover-

eign was absolute landlord" of the whole surface of the land "where rent to any considerable amount was attainable." In any case it seems to have been the Mohammedans who first established the principle of "no property in land" throughout the whole of Asia. About the villages mentioned above I must also note that they already figure in Manu* and that the basis of the whole organization is, according to him: ten villages under a superior collector, then a hundred and then a thousand.
. .

Ancient Hindu law.






Dear Marx,
During our tour
in Ireland

we came from



Galway on the west

then to Limerick,

coast, then

twenty miles north inland,


the Shannon to Tarbert, Tralee,

Killarney and back to Dublin a total of about 450 to 500 English miles inside the country itself, so that we have seen about two-thirds of the whole of it. With the exception of Dublin, which bears the same relation to London as Diisseldorf does to Berlin and has quite the character of a small one-time capital, all English-built, too, the look of the entire country, and especially of the towns, is as if

one were


France or Northern




lawyers, bureaucrats, country squires in pleasing profusion and a total absence of any industry at all, so that it would be difficult to understand what all these parasitic growths live on if the distress of the peasants did not supply the other half of the picture. "Strong measures" are visible in every corner of the country, the government meddles v/ith everything, of so-called self-government there is not
a trace. Ireland may be regarded as the first English colony and as one which because of its proximity is still governed exactly in the old way, and one can already notice here that the so-called liberty of English citizens is based on the oppression of the colonies. I have never seen so

many gendarmes in any country, and the sodden look of the bibulous Prussian gendarme is developed to its highest perfection here among the constabulary, who are armed with carbines, bayonets and handcuffs.

Characteristic of this country are its ruins, the oldest dating from the fifth and sixth centuries, the latest from the nineteenth v/ith every intervening period. The most ancient are all churches: after 1100, churches and castles: after 1800, houses of peasants. The whole of the west, es-

pecially in the neighbourhood of Galway, is covered with ruined peasant houses, most of which have only been de-

serted since 1846.

never thought that famine could have

such tangible

among them


Whole villages are devastated, and the splendid parks of the lesser landare almost the only people still living there,

mostly lawyers. Famine, emigration and clearances 90 together have accomplished this. There are not even cattle to be seen in the fields. The land is an utter desert which nobody wants. In County Clare, south of Galway, it is somewhat better. Here there are at least cattle, and the hills towards Limerick are excellently cultivated, mostly by Scottish farmers, the ruins have been cleared away and the country has a

bourgeois appearance. In the South- West there are a lot of mountains and bogs but there is also wonderfully luxuriant
forest land; beyond that again fine pastures, especially in Tipperary, and towards Dublin there is land which, one can see, is gradually coming into the hands of big farmers. The country was completely ruined by the English wars of conquest from 1 100 to 1850 (for in reality both the wars and the state of siege lasted as long as that). It has been established as a fact that most of the ruins were produced by destruction during the wars. The people itself has got its peculiar character from this, and for all their national Irish fanaticism the fellows feel that they are no longer at home in their own country. Ireland for the Saxon! That is now being realized. The Irishman knows that he cannot compete with the Englishman, who comes equipped with means superior in every respect; emigration will go on until the predominantly, indeed almost exclusively, Celtic character of the population is gone to the dogs. How often have the


Irish started out to achieve

something, and



industrially. By they have been crushed, politically consistent oppression they have been artificially converted into an utterly impoverished nation and now, as everyone knows, fulfil the function of supplying England, America, Australia, etc., with prostitutes, casual labourers, pimps, pickpockets, swindlers, beggars and other rabble. Impoverishment characterizes the aristocracy too. The landowners,


who everywhere


have become bourgeoisified, are

here reduced to complete poverty. Their country-seats are surrounded by enormous, amazingly beautiful parks, but all around is waste land, and where the money is to come from it is impossible to see. These fellows are droll enough to make your sides burst with laughing. Of mixed
blood, mostly
tall, strong, handsome chaps, they all wear enormous moustaches under colossal Roman noses, give

themselves the false military airs of retired colonels, travel around the country after all sorts of pleasures, and if one makes an inquiry, they haven't a penny, are laden with debts, and live in dread of the Encumbered Estates Court.

Concerning the ways and means by which England rules country repression and corruption long before Bonaparte attempted this, I shall write shortly if you won't come over soon. How about it?

F. E.

. . .



Your article is splendid in style and manner and reminiscent of the best days of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. As for Windham, he may be very bad general, but this
time the chap had the misfortune which was his luck at Redan of leading recruits into battle. I am generally of the opinion that this second army dedicated by the English to the Indians and not a single man of it will return can in no way match the first, which appears to have been wiped out almost entirely, in bravery, self-reliance and steadiness. As for the effect of the climate on the troops, I have shown by means of accurate calculations in various articles so long as I ran the military department provithat the death rate was disproportionately greatsionally ier than the official English reports intimated. With the Idrain of men and bullion which it must cost the English, pidia is now our best ally.

. .




We cannot deny that bourgeois society has experienced its sixteenth century a second time a sixteenth century which will, I hope, sound the death-knell of bourgeois society just as the first one thrust it into existence. The

specific task of bourgeois society is the establishment of a world market, at least in outline, and of production based



world market. As the world


round, this seems

to have been completed by the colonization of California and Australia and the opening up of China and Japan. The


is this: on the Continent the revoimminent and will immediately assume a socialist character. Is it not bound to# be crushed in this little corner, considering that in a far greater territory the move-


question for us


of bourgeois society is still in the ascendant? to what specially concerns China, I have assured '"myself by an exact analysis of the movement of trade since

ment As

that the increase of English and American exports (1844-46) proved in 1847 to be a pure fraud and that also in the following ten years the average remained



nearly stationary, while the imports into England and America from China grew enormously; second, that the opening up of the five ports and the seizure of Hong-Kong only resulted in the trade passing from Canton to Shanghai. The other "emporiums" do not count. The chief reason for the

Ifailure of this

market appears to be the opium trade, to (which in fact any increase in the export trade to China is

'continually confined; but added to this is the internal economic organization of the country, its minute agriculture,

an enormous time to break down. England's present treaty with China, which in my opinion was worked out by Palmerston in conjunction with the Petersburg Cabinet and given to Lord Elgin on his journey, is a mockery from beginning to end.



will take




is typical of the meanness of "true Those chaps have no business rebuking the Englishmen."

.The Jamaica affair 91

Russians. But, says the brave Times, these damned rogues enjoyed "all the liberties of an Anglo-Saxon Constitution." That is, they enjoyed the liberty, among other things, to be taxed to their ears so as to provide the planters with the means to import coolies and thus to reduce their own labour market to a minimum. And it is these squeamish English dogs who shouted about the "beast Butler" for having hanged one man and not permitting the yellow, diamond-hung planter wenches to spit in the faces of the Federal soldiers! 92 For a fuller exposure of English hypocrisy after the American war we only lacked the Irish affair

and the Jamaica butcheries.




Each successive mail brings ever more startling news Jamaica infamies. The letters of English officers about their heroic exploits against unarmed Niggers are priceless. The spirit of the British army has at last emerged unblushingly. "The soldiers enjoy it." Even the Manchester

of the

Guardian has been compelled

the officials in Jamaica.
. .


time to come out against



. . .



The proceedings against the Fenians in Manchester were every inch what could be expected. You will have seen what a row "our people" kicked up in the Reform League. I have sought in every way to provoke this manifestation of the English workers in support of Fenianism.
. . .

impossible. ration may


thought Ireland's separation from Britain I think it inevitable, although after sepacome federation. How the English carry on is

evidenced by the agricultural statistics for the current year, which appeared a few days ago. Furthermore, the form of these evictions. The Irish viceroy, Lord Abicorn (that seems to be his name) "cleared" his estate in the last few weeks by forcibly evicting thousands of people. Among them were prosperous tenants, whose improvements and investments were thus confiscated! In no other European country did foreign rule adopt this form of direct expropriation of the stock population. The Russians confiscate solely on political grounds; the Prussians in Western
Prussia buy up.

London, November 30, 1867

What the English do not yet know is that since 1846 the economic content and therefore also the political aim of English domination in Ireland have entered into an enFetirely new phase, and that, precisely because of this, socialistic nianism is characterized by a tendency (in a
. .

negative sense, directed against the appropriation of the be soil) and by being a lower orders movement. What can more ridiculous than to confuse the barbarities of Elizabeth or Cromwell, who wanted to supplant the Irish by English colonists (in the Roman sense), with the present

system, which wants to supplant them by sheep, pigs and oxen! The system of 1801-46, with its rackrents and middlemen, collapsed in 1846. (During that period evictions were exceptional, occurring mainly in Leinster where the land of the is especially good for cattle raising.) The repeal

Corn Laws, partly the result of or at any rate hastened by the Irish famine, deprived Ireland of its monopoly of England's corn supply in normal times. Wool and meat became the slogan, hence conversion of tillage into pasture. Hence from then onwards systematic consolidation of farms. The Encumbered Estates Act, which turned a mass of previously enriched middlemen into landlords, hastened the process. Clearing of the Estate of Ireland! is now the one purpose of English rule in Ireland. The stupid English Government in London knows nothing of course itself of this immense change since 1846. But the Irish know it. From







manifesto of Hennessy (Tory and Urquhartite) (1866), the Irish have expressed their consciousness of it in the clearest

and most forcible manner. The question now is, what



advise the English

workers? In my opinion they must make the repeal of the Union (in short, the affair of 1783, only democratized and adapted to the conditions of the time) an article of their pronunziamento. This is the only legal and therefore only possible form of Irish emancipation which can be admitted in the programme of an English party. Experience must show later whether a mere personal union can continue to subsist between the two countries. I half think it can if it
takes place in time. What the Irish need

Self-government and independence from England.

An agrarian revolution. With the best intentions in the world the English cannot accomplish this for them, but they can give them the legal means of accomplishing

for themselves.

3) Protective tariffs against England. Between 1783 and 1801 every branch of Irish industry flourished. The Union,

which overthrew the protective

Irish Parliament,

tariffs established

by the



industrial life in

The bit of linen industry is no compensation whatever. The Union of 1801 had just the same effect on Irish industry
as the measures for the suppression of the Irish woollen industry, etc., taken by the English Parliament under Anne, George II, and others. Once the Irish are independent, necessity will turn them into protectionists, as it did Canada, Australia, etc. Before
I present my views in the CenCouncil 93 (next Tuesday, this time fortunately without reporters), I would like you to give me your opinion in a



. . .


London, April


The Irish question predominates here just now. It has been exploited by Gladstone and company, of course, only in order to get into office again, and, above all, to have an electoral cry at the next elections, which will be based on household suffrage. For the moment this turn of affairs is bad for the workers' party; the intriguers among the workers, such as Odger and Potter, who want to get into the next Parliament, have now a new excuse for attaching themselves to the bourgeois Liberals. However, this is only a penalty which England and consequently also the English working classis paying for the great crime it has been committing for many centuries against Ireland. And in the long run it will benefit the

English working class itself. You see, the English Established Church in Ireland 9 * or what they call here the Irish Church is the religious bulwark of English landlordism in Ireland, and at the same time the outpost of the Established Church in England itself. (I am speaking here of the Established Church as a landowner.) The overthrow of the Established Church in Ireland will mean its downfall in England and the two will be followed by the doom of landlordism first in Ireland and then in England. I have, however, been convinced from the first that the social revolution must begin seriously from the bottom, that is, from

* In the German a play on words: von Grund aus from the bottom; Grund-und Bodeneigentum landownership. Grund means both bottom and land. Ed.


Apart from that, the whole thing will have the very useful result that, once the Irish Church is dead, the Protestant Irish tenants in the province of Ulster will make common cause with the Catholic tenants in the three other provinces of Ireland, whereas up to the present landlordism
has been able to exploit this religious antagonism.







Nevertheless, both my utterance on this Irish amnesty question and my further proposal to the General Council to discuss the attitude of the English working class to Ireland and to pass resolutions on it have of course other objects besides that of speaking out loudly and decidedly for the oppressed Irish against their oppressors. I have become more and more convinced and the is to drive this conviction home to the only question English working class that it can never do anything decisive here in England until it separates its policy with regard to Ireland most definitely from the policy of the ruling classes, until it not only makes common cause with the Irish but actually takes the initiative in dissolving the Union established in 1801 and replacing it by a free federal relationship. And this must be done, not as a matter of sympathy with Ireland but as a demand made in the interests of the English proletariat. If not, the English people will remain tied to the leading-strings of the ruling classes, because it will have to join with them in a
. .

front against Ireland. Every one of its movements England itself is crippled by the strife with the Irish, who form a very important section of the working class in England. The prime condition of emancipation here the overthrow of the English landed oligarchy remains impossible because its position here cannot be stormed so long as it maintains its strongly entrenched outposts



But there, once affairs are in the hands of the Irish people itself, once it is made its own legislator and ruler, once it becomes autonomous, the abolition of the
in Ireland.

landed aristocracy (to a large extent the same persons as the English landlords) will be infinitely easier than here, because in Ireland it is not merely a simple economic question but at the same time a national question, since the landlords there are not, like those in England, the

and representatives of the nation, And not only does England's internal social development remain crippled by her present relations with Ireland; her foreign policy, and particularly her policy with regard to Russia and the
traditional dignitaries



mortally hated oppressors.

United States of America, suffers the same fate. But since the English working class undoubtedly throws the decisive weight into the scale of social emancipation generally, the lever has to be applied here. As a matter of fact, the English republic under Cromwell met shipwreck in Ireland. 95 Non bis in idem!* But the Irish have played a

capital joke on the English government by electing the "convict felon" O'Donovan Rossa to Parliament. The government papers are already threatening a renewed suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, a renewed system of so long terror. In fact, England never has and never can as the present relations lastrule Ireland otherwise than by the most abominable reign of terror and the most reprehensible corruption.

Not twice the same



[London,] December


forward the matter next Tuesall phrases about "international" and "humane" justice for Ireland which are taken for granted in the International Council it is in the direct and absolute interest of the English working class to get rid of their present connection with Ireland. And this is my fullest conviction, and for reasons which in part I can not tell the English workers themselves. For a long time I believed that it would be possible to overthrow the
. .

The way

shall put


is this:

that quite apart from

Irish regime by English working-class ascendancy. ways expressed this point of view in the New York



Deeper study has now convinced me of the opposite. The English working class will never accomplish anything until it has got rid of Ireland. The lever must be applied
in Ireland.




the Irish question


so important

for the social


I have The book itself* had only glanced through superficially in the Museum. So you would do me a great favour if you would copy out

in general. read a lot of Davies in extracts.




the passages relating





must get "Curran's Speeches" edited by Davies (London: James Duffy, 22, Paternoster Row). I meant to give it to you when you were in London. It is now circulating among the English members of the Central Council and


John Davies, Historical Tracts.



God knows when


I shall see it again. For the period 1779800 (Union) it is of decisive importance, not only because of Curran's speeches (especially those held in courts; I consider Curran the only great lawyer (people's advocate) of the eighteenth century and the noblest personality, while Grattan was a parliamentary rogue), but because you will find quoted there all the sources for the United Irishmen. 9 This period is of the highest interest, scientifically and dramatically. Firstly, the deeds of the English in 1588-89 repeated (and perhaps even intensified) in 1788-89. Secondly, a class movement can easily be traced in the Irish movement itself. Thirdly, the infamous policy of Pitt. Fourthly, and that will be very irksome to the English

gentlemen, the proof that Ireland came to grief because, in fact, from a revolutionary standpoint, the Irish were too far advanced for the English King and Church mob, while on the other hand the English reaction in England had its roots (as in Cromwell's time) in the subjugation of Ireland. This period must be described in at least one chapter. Put John Bull in the pillory!
. .



... I have finally discovered a copy of Prendergast in a local library and hope that I shall be able to obtain it. To my good or bad fortune, the old Irish laws are also to appear soon, and I shall thus have to wade through those as well. The more I study the subject the clearer it is to me that Ireland has been stunted in its development by the English invasion and thrown centuries back. And this as of the 12th century; furthermore, it should be borne in mind, of course, that three centuries of Danish invasion and plunder had by then substantially drained the country. But these latter had ceased over a hundred years before the English invasion.
. . .






London, April
. .


Among the material sent you will also find some of the resolutions of the General Council of November 30 on the Irish amnesty, resolutions that you know about and that were written by me; likewise an Irish pamphlet on the treatment of the Fenian convicts. I had intended to introduce additional resolutions on the necessary transformation of the present Union (i.e., enslavement of Ireland) into a free and equal federation with
Great Britain. For the time being, further progress in this matter, as far as public resolutions go, has been suspended because of my enforced absence from the General Council. No other member of it has sufficient knowledge of Irish affairs and adequate prestige with its English members to be able to replace me here. Meanwhile time has not been spent idly and I ask you

pay particular attention to the following: After occupying myself with the Irish question for many years I have come to the conclusion that the decisive blow against the English ruling classes (and it will be decisive for the workers' movement all over the world) cannot be delivered in England but only in Ireland. On January 1, 1870, the General Council issued a confidential circular drawn up by me in French (for the reaction upon England only the French, not the German, papers are important) on the relation of the Irish national struggle to the emancipation of the working class, and

therefore on the attitude which the International Association should take in regard to the Irish question.

shall give

you here only quite

briefly the



Ireland is the bulwark of the English landed aristocracy. The exploitation of that country is not only one of the main sources of this aristocracy's material welfare; it is

greatest moral strength. It, in fact, represents the domination of England over Ireland. Ireland is therefore the great means by which the English aristocracy maintains its domination in England itself. If, on the other hand, the English army and police were to withdraw from Ireland tomorrow, you would at once have an agrarian revolution there. But the overthrow of

the English aristocracy in Ireland involves as a necessary










the preliminary condition for the proletarian revolution in England. The destruction of the English landed aristocracy in Ireland is an infinitely easier operation than in

at the



in Ireland the land question


hitherto been the exclusive

it is

immense same time inseparable from the national question. This quite apart from the Irish being more passionate and
revolutionary in character than the English. As for the English bourgeoisie, it has in the first place a common interest with the English aristocracy in turning Ireland into mere pasture land which provides the English market with meat and wool at the cheapest possible prices. It is equally interested in reducing, by eviction and forcible emigration, the Irish population to such a small number that English capital (capital invested in land leased for farming) can function there with "security." It has the same interest in clearing the estate of Ireland as it had in the clearing of the agricultural districts of England and Scotland. The 6.000-10,000 absentee-landlord and other

form question, a question of existence, of life and death, for majority of the Irish people, and because it is

of the social


revenues which at present flow annually to London have also to be taken into account. But the English bourgeoisie has, besides, much more important interests in Ireland's present-day economy. Owing to the constantly increasing concentration of tenant farming, Ireland steadily supplies its own surplus to the English labour market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the moral and material condition of the English



And most important



Every industrial and com-

mercial centre in England now possesses a working class divided into two hostile camps, English proletarians and Irish proletarians. The ordinary English worker hates the Irish worker as a competitor who lowers his standard of life. In relation to the Irish worker he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland, thus strengthening their domination over himself. He cherishes religious, social, and national prejudices against the Irish worker. His attitude towards him is much the same as that of the "poor whites" to the "niggers" in the former slave states of the U.S.A. The Irishman pays him back with interest in his own money. He sees in the English worker at once the accomplice and the stupid tool of the English rule in Ireland. This antagonism is artificially kept alive and intensified by the press, the pulpit, the comic papers, in short, by all the means at the disposal of the ruling classes. This antagonism is the secret of the impotence of the English working class, despite its organization. It is the secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power. And that
fully aware of it. evil does not stop here. It continues across the ocean. The antagonism between English and Irish is the

But the

hidden basis of the conflict between the United States and England. It makes any honest and serious co-operation be-

tween the working classes of the two countries impos334

enables the governments of both countries, whenever they think fit, to break the edge off the social conflict by their mutual bullying, and, in case of need, by war with one another. England, being the metropolis of capital, the power which has hitherto ruled the world market, is for the present the most important country for the workers' revolution, and moreover the only country in which the material conditions for this revolution have developed up to a certain degree of maturity. Therefore to hasten the social revolution in England is the most important object of the International Workingmen!s Association. The sole means of hastening it is to make Ireland independent. Hence it is the task of the International everywhere to put the conflict between England and Ireland in the foresible. It

ground, and everywhere to side openly with Ireland. And it is the special task of the Central Council in London to awaken a consciousness in the English workers that for them the national emancipation of Ireland is no question of abstract justice or humanitarian sentiment but the first
condition of their


social emancipation.

These roughly are the main points of the circular letter, which thereby at the same time gave the raisons d'etre of the resolutions of the Central Council on the Irish amnesty. Shortly afterwards I sent a strong anonymous article on the treatment of the Fenians by the English, etc.,

against Gladstone, etc., to the Internationale (organ of our Belgian Central Committee in Brussels). In this article I at the same time made the charge against the

French Republicans (the Marseillaise had printed some nonsense on Ireland written here by the wretched Talandier) that in their national their wrath for the Empire.

egoism they were saving


That worked.


daughter Jenny wrote a series of

the Marseillaise, signing them J. Williams (she had called herself Jenny Williams in her private letter to the editorial board) and published, among

other things,

O'Donovan Rossa's


Hence immense

After many years of cynical refusal Gladstone was thus finally compelled to agree to a parliamentary enquiry into the treatment of the Fenian prisoners. Jenny is now the regular correspondent on Irish affairs for the Marseillaise. (This is naturally to be a secret between us.) The British Government and press are fiercely annoyed by the fact that the Irish question has thus now come to the forefront in France and that these rogues are now being watched and exposed via Paris on the whole Continent. We hit another bird with the same stone, having forced the Irish leaders, journalists, etc., in Dublin to get into contact with us, which the General Council so far had been unable to achieve! You have now a great field in America for working along the same lines. Coalition of the German workers with the Irish workers (and of course also with the English and American workers who will agree to join) is the greatest job you could start on nowadays. This must be


in the


of the International.


social signifi.

cance of the Irish question must be made



N. F.

London, February



... In India serious complications, if not a general outis in store for the British government. What the

English take from them annually in the form of rent, dividends for railv/ays useless to the Hindus; pensions for military and civil servicemen, for Afghanistan and other

wars, etc., etc. what they take from them without any equivalent and quite apart from what they appropriate to themselves annually within India, speaking only of the value of the commodities the Indians have gratuitously and annually to send over to England it amounts to more than the total sum of income of the 60 millions of agricultural and industrial labourers of India! This is a bleeding process with a vengeance! The famine years are pressing each other and in dimensions till now not yet suspected

in Europe! There is an actual conspiracy going on wherein Hindus and Mussulmans co-operate; the British government is aware that something is ''brewing," but this shallow people (I mean the governmental men), stultified by their own parliamentary ways of talking and thinking, do not even desire to see clear, to realize the whole extent of the imminent danger! To delude others and by deluding


to delude yourself a nutshell! Tant mieux!*.



parliamentary wisdom in

So much the






London, August


seems to me that in the Egyptian affair you making too much of the so-called National Party. We know little about Arabi, but I am prepared to wager ten to one that he is an ordinary pasha who does not want
... 4. It


concede tax collecting to the financiers, because in the old Oriental fashion he prefers to put the taxes into his own pocket. It is again the eternal story of peasant countries. From Ireland to Russia, and from Asia Minor to

Egypt in a peasant country the peasant exists solely to be exploited. It has been so since the Assyrian and Persian state. The satrap, alias pasha, is the chief Oriental form of exploiter, just as the merchant and jurist represent the modern Western form. Repudiation of the khedive's debts

of course, good, but the question


what then?


easily led astray as the Egyptian fellahs or all the Romanic people. Strange. All the Romanic revolutionaries complain that all the rev-

West-Europeans should not be so

olutions they have

made were always


for the benefit of


other people. This

easily explained:


because they

were always taken in by the word "revolution." And yet, no sooner a mutiny breaks out somewhere than the entire Romanic revolutionary world is in raptures over it uncritically. I think that we can well be on the side of the
oppressed fellahs without sharing the illusions they nurture at the time (a peasant people just has to be hoodwinked for centuries before it becomes aware of it from

experience), and to be against the English brutalities while by no means siding with their military adversaries of the moment. In all questions of international politics the sentimental party newspapers of the French and Italians are to be used with utmost mistrust, and we Germans are

dutybound to preserve our theoretical superiority through

criticism in this sphere as well.
. .




London, September



You ask me what

the English workers think about

colonial policy. Well, exactly the same as they thmk about politics in general: the same as the bourgeois think. There


no workers' party here, you see, there are only Conservand Liberal-Radicals, and the workers gaily share the feast of England's monopoly of the world market and

the colonies. In my opinion the colonies proper, i.e., the countries occupied by a European population Canada, the Cape, Australia will all become independent; on the other hand, the countries inhabited by a native population, which are simply subjugated India, Algeria, the Dutch,

Portuguese and Spanish possessions must be taken over for the time being by the proletariat and led as rapidly as possible towards independence. How this process will
develop is difficult to say. India will perhaps, indeed very probably, make a revolution, and as a proletariat in process of self-emancipation cannot conduct any colonial wars, it would have to be allowed to run its course; it would not pass off without all sorts of destruction, of course, but that sort of thing is inseparable from all revolutions. The same might also take place elsewhere, e.g., in Algeria and Egypt, and would certainly be the best thing for us. We

have enough to do at home. Once Europe is reorganized, and North America, that will furnish such colossal power and such an example that the semi-civilized countries will of themselves follow in their wake; ecoshall

nomic needs, if anything, will see to that. But as to v/hat soc ial and pol itical PJ2f^s these countries will then have to pasg through before they likewise arrive at socjaliLiirganization, I think we to-day can advance only rather idle hypotheses. One thing alone is certain: the victorious proletariat can force no blessings of any kind upon any foreign nation without undermining its own victory by so doing. Which of course by no means excludes defensive wars of various kinds.



London, September



thought the


on colonization very good.

you make use chiefly of the German material, which is dull as usual and lacking the most vivid aspects of troDical colonization, and its latest form; I mean colonia pity that

zation in the interests of stock exchange swindles, such as is now being enacted in Tunisia and Tonkin by France

openly and frankly. A new striking example here of the South Sea slave traffic: the attempted annexation of New Guinea, etc., through Queensland was designed directly for the slave trade. On the day when the annexation expedition departed for New Guinea, a Queensland ship, the Fanny, sailed for the same destination and for the islands east of it to kidnap labour, but returned without it and with wounded on board and other unpleasant signs of battle. The Daily News (the beginning of September) speaks of it and notes in an editorial that Englishmen can scarcely rebuke the French for practices of that kind until they do the same!
. .





... If

you wish an example

of state




the basis of the old communistic village communities the Dutch Government has there organized all production in so "socialistic" a fashion, and has so nicely taken all sales of the products into its own hands, that aside from about 100 million marks in salaries for officials and the army it receives a net income of some 70 million marks a year to pay interest to the luckless


which are creditors of the Dutch. In comparison, Bismarck is an innocent child!

. . .



London, February


... It

would be a good thing



to take the

pains of elucidating the state socialism now rampant by using the example of it in Java where its practice is in full bloom. All the material for that will be found in Java, Or
to Manage a Colony, by I. W. B. Money, Barrister at Law, London 1861, 2 vols. Here it will be seen how on the basis of the old community communism* the Dutch organized production under state control and secured for the people what they considered a quite comfortable existence. The result: the people are kept at the stage of primitive stupidity and 70 million marks (now surely more) are annually collected by the Dutch national treasury. This case is highly interesting and can easily be turned to pracit is proof of how today primitive furnishes there as well as in India and Russia the finest and"6foadest basis of exploitation and despotism (so long as it is not aroused by some element of modern communism) and how in the conditions of modern society it turns out to be a crying anachronism (to be removed or further developed) as much as were the independent mark associations of the original cantons.


tical use. Incidentally







London, September




Capitalist production, being a transitory economis full of internal contradictions which develop

and become evident in proportion as it develops. This tendency to destroy its own market at the same time it creates it, is one of them. Another is the Oeseuxodiwe noAOMeHiie* to which it leads, and which is developed sooner in a country without a foreign market, like Russia, than in countries which more or less are capable of competing on the open world market. This situation without an apparent issue finds its issue, for the latter countries, in commercial revulsions, in the forcible opening of new markets. But even then the cul-de-sac stares one in the face. Look at England. The last new market which could bring on a temporary revival of prosperity by its being thrown open to English commerce, is China. Therefore English capital insists upon constructing Chinese railways. But Chinese railways mean the destruction of the whole basis of Chinese small agriculture and domestic industry, and, as there will not even be the counterpoise of a Chinese grande industrie, hundreds of millions of people will be placed in the impossibility of living. The consequence will be a wholesale emigration such as the v/orld has not yet seen, a flooding of America, Asia and Europe by the hated Chinaman, a competition for work with the American, Australian and European workman on the basis of the Chinese standard of life, the lowest of all and if the system of production has not been changed in Europe before that time, it will have to be changed then.

Impasse. Ed.



London, September


The war between China and Japan

signifies the


of old China, the complete, if gradual, revolution of its entire economic foundation, including the abolition of the old bonds between agriculture and industry in the coun-

by big industry, railways, etc., and thus also the mass exodus of Chinese coolies to Europe; consequently, a hastening for us of the debacle and the aggravation of

antagonisms into a crisis. It is again the wonderful irony of history: China alone is still to be conquered for capitalist production^ and in so doing at long last the latter




existence at




F. A.


London, November
. . .


The war


China has given the death-blow to the

become impossible; the introducof railways, steam-engines, electricity, and modern large-scale industry has become a necessity, if only for reasons of military defence. But with it the old economic system of small peasant agriculture, where the family also made
old China. Isolation has

industrial products itself, falls to pieces too, and with the whole old social system which made relatively dense population possible. Millions will be turned out and forced to emigrate; and these millions will find their way even to Europe, and en masse. But as soon as Chinese competition sets in on a mass scale, it will rapidly bring things to a

of China

your country and over here, and thus the conquest by capitalism will at the same time furnish the impulse for the overthrow of capitalism in Europe and America.




"Revolution in China and in Europe" was written by Karl Marx, many other articles of this collection, for the New-York Daily Tribune, founded in 1841 by Horace Greeley, the wellknown American journalist and politician. Until the mid-1850's it was a Left Whig paper and subsequently the organ of the Republican Party. In the forties and fifties it held progressive views and took a strong stand against slavery. A number of prominent American writers and journalists were associated with it. Charles Dana, who was strongly influenced by the ideas of Utopian socialism, was one of its editors at the close of the eighteen-forties. Marx's association with the newspaper began in August 1851 and continued for more than ten years until March 1862. Many articles for the New-York Daily Tribune were written by Engels at Marx's request. The articles Marx and Engels wrote treated the key issues of international and domestic policy, the workinglike

movement, the economic development of the European countries, colonial expansion, the national-liberation movement in the oppressed and dependent countries, etc. During the period of reaction in Europe, Marx and Engels made use of the widely read American paper to expose with concrete materials the vices of capitalist society, its irreconcilable contradictions, and the limitations of bourgeois democracy. In some cases the New-York Daily Tribune editors took considerable liberties with the articles contributed by Marx and Engels, publishing some of them unsigned in the form of editoclass

or tampering with the text. Marx protested repeatedly against this. In the autumn of 1857, Marx was compelled to reduce the number of his articles in connection with the economic crisis in the United States, which affected the finances of the newspaper. Marx's association with the New-York Daily Tribune broke off entirely at the beginning of the American Civil War. This was largely due to the fact that advocates of a compromise with the slave-owning South had taken precedence in the newspaper and it departed from its former progressive positions, p. 15




refers to

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), the





developed idealist dialecp.



In 1851, an anti-feudal liberation movement broke out in China, which grew into a powerful peasant war. It began in the South, in Kwangsi Province, from where it spread to the central provinces and to almost all of the lower and middle Yangtze. In the course of the fighting the insurgents formed the Celestial Empire (Taiping tan-ho), with its seat in Nanking, whence the name of the movement the Taiping Rebellion. Its members massacred Manchu feudais who held sway in China, lifted taxes and abolished big feudal property. The rebellion assumed a religious character the distinguishing feature of a peasant movement, espethereby delivering a blow at the Buddhist cially in the East clergy and monasteries, this bulwark of the Manchu dynasty. The Taiping Rebellion set off an extensive struggle of the Chinese people against the feudal system and foreign invaders, but proved unable to do away with the feudal mode of production in China. The Taiping state formed its own feudal top strata which made a deal with the ruling classes; this was one of the causes why the movement declined. The main blow at it was dealt by the armed intervention of England, the U.S.A., and France (originally these countries aided the Manchu dynasty under the cover of "neutrality"), whose troops joined the Chinese feudais and in

1864 put


the Taiping Rebellion.



The reference is to the first Opium War of 1839-42, a predatory war waged by Britain against China, which started the conversion of China into a semi-colony. It was started over the destruction of foreign merchants stocks of opium in Canton by the Chinese authorities. The British colonizers took advantage of the defeat suffered by backward feudal China and imposed the onerous Nanking treaty (August 29, 1842), which made China open to British commerce five of its ports Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai, cede the Island of Hongkong to Great Britain for "all time," and pay a big indemnity. In 1843 a supplementary treaty was signed, which granted foreigners extraterri-

toriality in China.





Early in the 17th century China was threatened by the united tribes (known together with the Turco-Mongol peoples as Tartars by the name of a Mongol tribe in north-eastern Mongolia and Manchuria at the time of the formation of Genghis Khan's Empire). Despite the stubborn resistance of the Chinese people which developed into an open armed struggle and continued until 1683, the invasion by the Manchus led to the rule of the Manchu Chin dynasty in the country (1644-1912). The subjugation of China was made easier by the crisis of the feudal state under the last emperors of the Ming dynasty and the com350

ing over to the invaders' side of a part of the Chinese feudal lords who were alarmed by the peasant rebellions. p. 16

British East India Company was founded in 1600. Its agents established a number of factories in India. At the close of the 17th century the Company began to seize Indian territory. During the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries it waged sanguinary wars of conquest in the Carnatic, Bengal, Scinde, Punjab, and other regions of India with the effect that by the mid-19th century almost all India was under the sway of the Company. By deceit, blackmail, violence, and outright plunder its businessmen laid their hands on colossal riches, which they transferred to England, thus making fabulous fortunes. The British Government granted the East India Company the right to monopoly trade with India and China and also the right to govern India and collect taxes from its population. The British Parliament periodically renewed the Charter of the East India Company, which defined its administrative and trading privileges. The British industrialists who wanted to market their products in India and the British commercial bourgeoisie whose interests were harmed by the Company's privileges, waged a persistent struggle against the Company demanding the abolition of its monopoly rights. In 1813 the British Parliament stripped it of its monopoly on the trade in India. By an act in 1833 the Company was also deprived of the China trade monopoly, but its right to govern India was preserved. In 1858, by a special edict of Queen Victoria, the East India Company was dissolved and its functions handed over to the Crown. p. 17



The reference

is to the discovery of rich gold deposits in California in 1848 and in Australia in 1851, which strongly influenced the economic development of the European and American countries, p. 18


The Economist a British weekly devoted to questions of economics and politics, founded in London in 1843 by the big industrial



New-York Daily Tribune. The full in Holland Denmark Conversion

part of Marx's international review written for the title of the review is "Affairs of the British Debt India Turkey and Russia." p. 24

This article


Coalition Cabinetthe name of Aberdeen's Minwhich was in office in 1852-55 and consisted of Whigs, Free Traders, and Peelites (adherents of Robert Peel, the leader of the moderate Tories). p. 24



The Observer don in 1791.

conservative British weekly established in Lonp.




governing body of the East India of Directors elected annually from among the most influential associates of the Company and members of the British Government in India owning company shares worth not less than 2,000. The Court of Directors had its seat in London and was elected by the less general meeting of shareholders, at which only holders of not than 1,000 in shares had the right to vote. The Court had extensive powers in India until 1853. It was dissolved in 1858 when the p. 24 East India Company was abolished.

Board (Court)



The Board of Control was set up in 1784; its six members were appointed by the Crown. The President of the Board of Control was a member of the Cabinet and, in effect, the Secretary of State for India and its supreme governor. The decisions of the Board of Control, whose seat was in London, were communicated to India through a Secret Committee comprising three Directors of the East India Company. Thus, a double system of Indian government came into being the Board of Control (British Government) and the Court of Directors (East India Company). The Board of Conp. 25 trol was abolished in 1858.



Street a street in the centre of London where the offiresidence of the Government is situated. Three Presidencies according to the administrative division of British India, the name of the territories of Bengal, Bombay, and Madras governed by officials appointed by the East India Company. The Regulating Act of 1773 raised the Governor of Bengal to the rank of Governor-General of all Britain's Indian possessions, p. 25



The Manchester School


economic school which reflected the

supporters, the Free Traders, advocated Free Trade and non-interference by the state in economic affairs. Their centre was in Manchester where the
interests of the industrial bourgeoisie. Its

movement was headed by Cobden and






who formed an Anti-Corn-Law League in 1838. In the forand fifties the Free Traders made up a separate political group

which subsequently joined the British Liberal Party. By the "Indian Society" is meant the East Indian Reform Association founded by Free Trader John Dickinson in March 1853.



This article is part of Marx's international review written for the New-York Daily Tribune. The full title of the review is "The Russian Hambug Gladstone's Failure Sir Charles Wood's East P- 27 Indian Reforms."


The Zemindari System was introduced in Bengal and some other the provinces by the 1793 Act on Permanent Zemindari issued by British Governor-General in India. The law handed over the land, which belonged to the village communities from time immemorial, into the possession of the zemindars, or tax-collectors, thus estab352

lishing a


class of big landowners.

As land

proprietors the ze-

mindars had to pay the East India Company a portion of the land taxes collected from the expropriated peasants by violence and
in the Presidencies

The Ryotwari System was introduced by the British authorities of Bombay and Madras in 1818. Under this

system the Indian peasant, the ryot, formerly a member of the community, was turned into a tenant of government land. The ryot was obliged to pay rent-tax for his holding to the East India Company. If the ryot could not pay this high rent he lost the right to the land. Gradually the ryots' land fell into the possession of profiteers and usurers. p. 28

Religion of the Lingamthe cult of the deity Siva; particularly widespread among the southern India sect of Lingayat (from the word linga"the emblem of Siva), a Hindu sect which does not recognize distinctions of caste and denies fasts, sacrifices, and


Juggernaut (Jagannath)
gods, Vishnu.



depiction of one of the chief Hindu The cult of Vishnu-Juggernaut was marked by pomand extreme religious fanaticism which manifested it-

and suicide of believers. During the festivthrew themselves under the wheels of the car bearing the image of Vishnu-Juggernaut. p. 33
self in the self-torture


of the believers


Moguls conquerors of Turkish descent who in the early 16th century invaded India from the east of Central Asia and founded in 1526 in northern India an empire of the Great Moguls (after the name of the ruling dynasty of the Empire). Contemporaries regarded the founders of the Mogul Empire as the direct descendants of the Mongol conquerors of Genghis Khan's time, hence the name "Moguls." The Moguls reached the zenith of their might in the mid-17th century by subjugating the greater part of India and part of Afghanistan. Later on, however, the Empire began to crumble due to peasant rebellions and the growing resistance by the Indian peoples to the Mohammedan conquerors and also due to the uninterrupted internal strife among the Moguls and
the increasing separatist feudal tendencies. By the early half of the 18th century the Empire of the Great Mogul had practically ceased to exist. Heptarchy a term used by the English historians to designate the political system of England in the early Middle Ages when the country consisted of seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms (6th-8th cent.). Marx uses this word by analogy to denote the feudal dismemberment of the Deccan (Central and Southern India) before its conquest by the Moslems. p. 33


Brahmins one of the four ancient Indian castes originally comprising mainly privileged priests; subsequently it also embraced, like other Indian castes, people of various trades and social p. 33 standing, including impoverished peasants and artisans.



The Island

of Salsette, to the north or 109 Buddhist cave temples.

Bombay, was famous




22. "Laissez-faire,

a slogan laissez-aller" (grant freedom of action) of bourgeois economists, adherents of Free Trade and the state's

non-interference in economic affairs.

23. This article is part of



New-York Daily



Marx's international review written for the The full title of the review is "English The Turkish Question India." p. 40

"Glorious" revolution name given by English bourgeois historians to the coup d'etat of 1688 v/hich deposed the English king James II supported by the reactionary feudals and brought to power William III of Orange, who was associated with big landowners and the upper strata of the commercial bourgeoisie. The revolution extended the functions of Parliament which gradually came to hold supreme state power. p. 45


The Seven Years' War (1756-63) a war between two European and the Franco-Russo-Austrian. war was colonial and commercial rivalry between England and France. Aside from naval battles, the war was fought primarily in the American and Asian colonies of these states. The main theatre of operations in the East was India Where the French and their puppets from among the local princes were opposed by the East India Company, which had substantially increased its armed forces and took advantage
the Anglo-Prussian coalitions One of the chief causes of the

of the


to seize Indian territories.


a result of the war,

France lost almost all her possessions in India (excepting five coastal towns whose fortifications she was compelled to demolish), while England considerably strengthened her colonial might. p. 46
26. Anti-Jacobin

War the war which England started against revolutionary France in 1793, when the Jacobins were in power in France, and which she continued against the Napoleonic Empire. Reform Bill. The reference is to the Electoral Reform carried out by the British Parliament in June 1832. The Reform was aimed against the political monopoly of the landed and financial aristocracy and gave access to Parliament to representatives of the industrial bourgeoisie. The proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie, most prominent in the struggle for the Reform, were duped by the Liberal bourgeoisie and remained disfranchised.



Marx lists a number of wars Company waged in India with



The War

and crushing Company.

in the


of conquest which the East India the purpose of seizing Indian terthe French East chief colonial rival

Carnatic lasted at intervals from 1746 to 1763.


sides the British and French colonialists sought to subjugate the Carnatic under guise of supporting different local pretenders to the principality. The English, who in January 1761 took possession of Pondicherry, the principal French bastion in the south of India, ultimately won out. In 1756, in an effort to avert a British invasion the nabob of Bengal started a war, seizing Calcutta, the British base in northeastern India. But the armed forces of the British East India Company under Clive's command soon recaptured that city, demolished the French fortifications in Bengal and defeated the nabob at Plassey on June 23, 1757. The uprising that broke out in 1763 in Bengal, which had been turned into a vassal possession of the Company, was crushed by the English colonialists. Along with Bengal, the English took possession of Bihar, which was under the rule of the nabob of Bengal. In 1803, the English completed the conquest of Orissa, which embraced several local feudal principalities subjugated by the Company. In 1790-92 and 1799 the East India Company waged war against Mysore, whose ruler Tippoo Sahib had taken part in previous Mysore campaigns against the English and who was an implacable enemy of British colonialism. In the first of these wars Mysore lost half of its dominions, seized by the Company and its allied feudal princes. The second war culminated in a total defeat for Mysore and the death of Tippoo. Mysore became a vassal principality.

The warring

Subsidiary system or system of so-called subsidiary agreea method of turning the potentates of Indian principalities into vassals of the East India Company. Most widespread were agreements under which the princes had to maintain (subsidize) the Company's troops stationed on their territory and agreements which saddled the princes with loans on exorbitant terms. Failure to fulfil them led to the confiscation of their possessions, p. 48



The first Anglo-Afghan V/ar of 1838-42, started by the British with the aim of seizing Afghanistan, ended in total failure for
the British colonialists.

The British colonialists seized Scinde in 1843. During the AngloAfghan War of 1838-42 the East India Company resorted to threats and violence to obtain the consent of the feudal rulers
of Scinde for the passage of British troops across their possessions. Taking advantage of this, the British demanded in 1843 that the local feudal princes proclaim themselves to be vassals of the Company. After crushing the rebel Beluchi tribes the annexation of the entire region by British India was announced. Punjab (northern India) was conquered in British campaigns against the Sikhs in 1845-46 and 1848-49. In the 16th century, the Sikhs were a religious sect in Punjab. Their teaching of equality became the ideology of the peasant movement against the Indian feudals and Afghan invaders in the

17th century.

As time went

on, a





from among the Sikhs whose representatives stood at the helm

of the Sikh state. In the early 19th century the latter included all Punjab and a number of neighbouring regions. In 1845, the British colonialists enlisted the support of traitors among the Sikh gentry to provoke a conflict with the Sikhs and in 1846 sueceeded in turning the Sikh state into a vassal principality. In 1848 the Sikhs revolted, but were totally subjugated in 1849. The conp. 48 quest of Punjab turned all India into a British colony.

The conquest of Burma was begun by the British colonialists early in the 19th century. In the first Burmese War of 1824-26 the troops of the East India Company seized the Province of Assam bordering on Bengal and the coastal districts of Arakan

and Tenasserim. The second Burmese War (1852) culminated in the seizure by the English of the Province of Pegu. A new campaign against Burma was expected in 1853, since no peace treaty had been signed at the close of the second Burmese War and the new Burmese king, who assumed power in February 1853, refused to recognize the seizure of Pegu.
p. p.

54 60


See Note


31. This article is part of

New-York Daily

Marx's international review written for the Tribune. The full title of the review is "The TurkThe New-York Daily Tribune in the House ish War Question of Commons The Government of India. p. 62


Sutteethe Indian
pile of

practice of cremating the

widow on

the funeral

her deceased husband.



Leadenhall Street

Company had


street in London where the East seat, the East India House or the India


House. p. 68
of of of

34. In this case reference is

made to the President of the Board Control who was a member of the British Cabinet. The post Secretary of State for India was instituted after the abolition p. the East India Company in 1858.
New-York Daily


35. This article is part of

Marx's international review written for the Tribune. The full title of the review is "The Russo-Turkish DifficultyDucking and Dodging of the British CabinetNesselrode's Last NoteThe East India Question." p.72
See Note

36. 37.


Change Alley a. street had its board; a centre


London where the South Sea Company

of all kinds of






Nabobs and Rajahs titles of Indian princes; Jagirdars representatives of the Moslem feudal gentry in the Great Mogul Empire


received in temporary use big estates (jagirs) for which they did military service and supplied contingents of troops. When the Empire disintegrated the jagirdars became hereditary feudal




Babur (1483-1530), the founder of the Great Mogul Empire, was a descendant of Tamerlane, who in his turn considered himself the successor of Genghis Khan. In the 18th century, after the disintegration of the Empire, the Mogul emperors were puppets of the governors of separate regions, Afghan conquerors, and big Indian feudals. After the seizure of Delhi in 1803 by men of straw of the British they played the role of the the East India Company and turned into its pensioners. In 1858 India a the British colonizers declared possession of the British Crown and eliminated the last formal vestiges of Mogul p. 76 power.

40. This

part of Marx's international review written for


New-York Daily Tribune. The full title of the review BurmaThe Russian Question Curious Diplomatic


Correp. 77

41. 42.

See Note 29.



a palace near London on the Thames; from the 16th to the 18th centuries it was the residence of English kings. p. 77

43. This article is part of

New-York Daily

Marx's international review written for the Tribune. The full title of the review is "The War p. 79 Doings of Parliament India."

The East India House the seat of the East India Company




Collector a British official in India who performed the duties of the governor of a region, its chief judge, and main taxp. 80 gatherer,


Mahrattas an Indian people north-west of the Deccan. In the mid- 17th century they started a campaign against the Mogul feudals thus delivering a serious blow at the Empire of the Great Moguls and adding to its decline. In the course of the struggle the Mahrattas formed an independent state of their own whose feudal top stratum immediately embarked on the path of wars of conquest. At the close of the 17th century their state was weakened by internal feudal strife but early in the 18th century there was formed a powerful confederation of Mahratta principalities headed by a supreme governor, the peshwa. In 1761 the Mahratta feudals suffered a costly defeat at the hands of the



the struggle for




Weakened by

the struggle for supremacy in India and by internal feudal strife, the Mahratta principalities fell prey to the East India Company and became subordinate to it as a result of the Anglo-Mahratta War of 1803-05. p. 83
47. Jats

a caste group in northern India whose bulk was made up of peasants; it also included military feudals. In the 17th century the Jat peasants repeatedly rose in revolt against the rule of the Mogul feudals. For Brahmins see Note 20. p. 88


The Temple of Juggernaut in Orissa (eastern India) the centre of the worship of Vishnu-Juggernaut, one of the chief Hindu deities. The priests of the temple who were under the protection of the East India Company reaped immense profits from mass pilgrimage while at the same time encouraging temple prostitution,

and from pompous


which were accompanied by


the suicide and self-torture of fanatic believers.



is to the Anglo-Persian War of 1856-57. The pretext afforded by an attempt of the Persian rulers to seize the Principality of Herat whose main city, of the same name, was an apple of discord between Persia and Afghanistan. The national-liberation movement that began in 1857 forced the British Government to sign a hasty peace treaty with Persia. Under the peace treaty of March 1857 signed in Paris, Persia renounced her claims to Herat. In 1863 it was attached to the possessions of the Afghan emir. p. 91

The reference



is to the Anglo-Chinese treaty of October 8, 1843, signed as a supplement to the Nanking treaty concluded between Britain and China on August 29, 1842. (See Note 4.) The supplementary treaty of 1843 conceded new privileges to the British. It provided for the creation of special settlements for foreigners in open ports, granted the right of extraterritoriality, placing foreigners outside Chinese jurisdiction and gave the British the "most favoured nation treatment." The reference here is to article 9 of this treaty under which Chinese associated with the British were removed from under the jurisdiction of the Chinese authorities. p. 94

The reference


At that time the British Plenipotentiary in China was John Bowring, the well-known Liberal and Free Trader. On his orders, on October 24, 1856, the British subjected Canton to a merciless bombardment. p. 96
(1839-42) one of the demands perof the British Government in China was the demand to allow British merchants to reside and trade in Canton. In April 1846 the British succeeded in reaching an agreement with the Chinese authorities under which Canton

52. After



Opium War


renewed by representatives


was declared open to foreigners. But in view of the vigorous protests of the Canton population the question was not settled. In 1847, the British by using threats secured the promise to open the city two years later. In 1849, however, the British Governor of Hongkong, Bonham, fearing a popular uprising in Canton, was compelled to renounce the demand. p. 97

The reference

is to the first Opium War of Britain against China, 1839-42. For details concerning the war see Note 4. p. 100


The Friend of China is an abbreviated title of the British official paper The Overland Friend of China published in Victoria (Hongkong) from 1842 to 1859. p. 103
This formula belongs to the British bourgeois sociologist Bentham, the theorist of utilitarianism an individualistic ethics of a limited bourgeois nature. Utilitarianism is a teaching which regards "utility" and "profit" as the sole basis of morality and seeks to prove the possibility of universal "happiness" and "harmony" in capitalist societv, torn though it is by class contradictions. p. 103



The Peace Society a bourgeois pacifist organization founded in London in 1816. It was actively supported by Free Traders, who believed that in peacetime Britain would with the help of Free Trade make fuller use of her industrial superiority and secure economic and political supremacy. p. 103
Whitehall Palmerston. Whitehall a street in the centre of London where the Government House was situated. p. 107

57. Chief of

58. "Resurrectionists"-people

corpses and sold them notoriety was earned burgh, who invented visible signs of crime

in England who secretly exhumed to anatomical theatres. In the 1820's wide by the case of William Burke, of Edina method of strangling people without and sold dead bodies to anatomical theap. 108


Punch an abbreviated title of the English bourgeois-Liberal humorous weekly, Punch or the London Charivari; has been appearing in London since 1841. Grand Cophta an imaginary name of an Egyptian priest, al-

legedly the head of a masonic "Egyptian lodge," invented by Caliostro, the well-known 18th-century charlatan. The latter affirmed that during his travels in Egypt he fathomed the secrets of Egyptian wisdom and in his activity was guided by the spirit of the all-powerful and omniscient Grand Cophta. p. 110

British Parliament in 1679. each writ has to be motivated and a detainee brought before a court within a short space of time, or freed. The act

Habeas Corpus Act was enacted by

this act



does not extend to high treason and can be suspended by Parliament.

With the words "butchered the people at Manchester" Marx alludes to the massacres by British troops on August 16, 1819 of unarmed people who participated in a mass meeting favouring electoral reform and repeal of the Corn Laws, which took place in Saint Petersfield, near Manchester.
British Parliament in of grain if its price within the country was less than 80 shillings a quarter. An extremely heavy burden on the poor, the Corn Laws were a disadvantage also to the industrial bourgeoisie since they made labour power dearer, restricted the home market and hampered the development of foreign trade. For many years the industrial bourgeoisie fought the big landlords for the repeal of the Corn Laws. They formed, under the leadership of the two Manchester manu-


Corn Lawshigh grain tariffs adopted by The Laws prohibited the importation

facturers and Free Traders, Bright and Cobden, an Anti-CornLaw League which organized mass manifestations for the repeal of the Corn Laws. The Corn Laws were repealed in 1846. p. 112

See Note





The reference


second Opium

the Anglo-Persian War of 1856-57 and to War against China, 1856-58. p. 123

63. This

and a number of later articles deal with the Indian revolt against British rule, which broke out in the spring of 1857. The sepoys constituted the military core of the revolt. It embraced large areas of Northern and Central India. Its driving force were the peasants and the poor rural artisans, but its leaders were feudals, with a few exceptions. Soon after the British authorities had declared that the possessions of the Indian princes, talukdars and others, would be returned to them (1858), the majority of the feudals who took part in the movement betrayed the rebels and went over to the British. The lack of united leadership and of a general plan of operations, to be explained largely by the caste system and feudal dismemberment of the country, were also instrumental in the defeat of the revolt. At the close of 1858 and the beginning of 1859 the British put down the revolt and made short work of its participants. p. 130
For the conquest of Scinde and Punjab see Note



65. In

deposed the governor of Oudh (principality in Northern India) and annexed his possessions to the territory administered by the East India Company. 130

1856 the British colonizers, in violation of existing treaties,


Rajputs a

Brahmins. See Note 20.

major caste and nationality of Central




67. Jagirdar.


See Note 38. the holder of an enam, a landed estate which was

not taxable. Freeholders a category of small landowners who originated from the mediaeval "free holders." A freeholder paid the lord an insignificant cash rent for his plot of land which he could p. 143 dispose of at will.

68. In the Vendee (a province in western France) the French royalists utilized the backward peasantry to engineer a counter-revolutionary revolt in 1793. It was crushed by the republican army,

soldiers were of the Convention).



as the "Blues" (like


the supporters

The Spanish


in 1808-14.



This refers to the national-liberation Spanish people against the French invaders

The Serbian and Croatian detachments in the armies of Rajaand Jelacic took part in crushing the revolutionary movement in Hungary and Austria during the revolution of 1848-49. The aristocracy of Hungary opposed the demands of the Serbs and

Croats for national independence. This gave the Austrian reactionaries a chance to use the Serbian and Croatian troops in their own interests to suppress the uprising in Budapest and

The Garde Mobile was established by

were used to

French Government

decree of February 25, 1848, to suppress the revolutionary masses. Its detachments, chiefly composed of declassed elements,
quell the uprising of Paris workers in June 1848. General Cavaignac, being the Minister of War, personally commanded the massacre of the workers. Decembrists members of the secret Bonapartist society of

They were active organizers of mass repressions of republicans and particularly of participants of the 1848 revolution. The repressions were organized after the election of Louis Bonaparte as President of the Republic and after his coup d'etat of December 2, 1851. p. 146




Manchester Peace Society was John Bowby whose orders Canton was subjected to a barbarous bombardment on October 24, 1856. For the Peace Society see Note 56. A French Marshal Marshal Pelissier. During the suppression of an insurrection in Algeria in 1845 he ordered a thousand Arab rebels hiding in mountain caves to be smoked to death by camp-

The Secretary

of the

ring, a liberal,

fires at their





The reference is to the East India Company Charter approved by British Parliament in 1853, which restricted the monopoly rights of the Company. The Company Directors were deprived of the


from 24

to 18.

appoint officials in India; their number was reduced The President of the Board of Control was put on

a par with the Secretary of State for India. The shareholders, however, were guaranteed a fixed dividend from the Indian taxes. p. 158

Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon III). of Satory In autumn 1850, on the Satory parade-ground near Versailles there was a military parade which Louis Bonaparte tried to convert into a Bonapartist demonstration. p. 195

The hero


The reference

is to the unequal treaty of Tientsin which concluded the second Opium War of 1856-58. It was imposed by Britain and her ally, France, on China in June 1858. It was also signed by the Russian Plenipotentiary. The treaty opened for foreign trade the Chinese ports on the Yangtze, in Manchuria, on the islands of Taiwan and Hainan, and also the port of Tientsin. Under this treaty diplomatic representatives of the foreign powers were to be allowed to reside in Peking; foreigners were to be permitted to travel freely throughout the country and to sail the inland waters; it also guaranteed protection to missionaries. A similar treaty was signed between the United States and China. p. 208


See Note




74. In the

1850's the Ionian Islands, which were under British protectorate since 1815, were the scene of an increased national movement for union with Greece. In November 1858 Gladstone was sent to the islands on an extraordinary mission. Though the Legislative Assembly of Corfu (the chief Ionian island) unanimously declared for the union with Greece, the British Government managed to drag out the solution of the question for a number of years. It was only in 1864 that the Ionian Islands were turned over to Greece. p. 224


The treaty of Vienna was approved by the Vienna Congress, a congress of European monarchs and diplomats held from September 1814 to June 1815. p. 225
Russian squadron, under the command of Admiral Ushakov, liberated the Ionian Islands from the French. The islands received a Constitution which granted them self-government. In 1807, by the Tilsit Treaty, the islands were again surrendered to France and Napoleon I practically abolished the Constitution. In 1815, by decision of the Vienna Congress, the islands were transferred to Britain which established a protectorate over them and introduced a new Constitution endowing the British representative on the islands, the Lord High Commissioner, with unlimited powers. p. 227

76. In 1798-99, the

77. torial office of

Square a square
The Times was

in London situated.

where the main





is to a war waged by England and France against China in 1859-60. It ended with the victory of the interventionists and the signing of a peace treaty under which the Chinese Government was obliged to pay a big indemnity to the victors, to open Tientsin to foreign merchants and to allow the exportation of coolies from China. p. 230

The reference


For the treaty of Tientsin see Note




80. Peelite colleagues

Peelites moderate Tories who supported the policy of collaborating with the Liberal bourgeoisie pursued by

Robert Peel.



The reference is to the Civil War of 1861-65 between the northern states, which came out for the abolition of Negro slavery, and the slave-owners, the planters of the southern states of North America. As Marx put it, this was a struggle of "two social systems the system of slavery and the system of free labour." The war ended with the victory of the northern states and the abolition of slavery in North America. p. 250

82. Ireland, brought to utter impoverishment and ruin through British landlord rule, was struck by a famine following the potato

disease of 1845-46. Over a million Irishmen died of hunger, and the cholera epidemic of 1849. In the ensuing years, several million Irishmen emigrated from the country, mainly to America. In an article v/ritten in 1847, F. Engels described the position of Ireland as follows: ". Famished Ireland is writhing in terrible convulsions. The workhouses are overpacked with beggars, the ruined proprietors refuse to pay the poor tax and crowds of starved people run into the thousands, plundering the barns and cattle-yards of the farmers and even of the Catholic priests whom they recently regarded but with reverence. "It appears that this winter the Irish will not agree to die of starvation as submissively as last winter. Irish immigration to
. .

is assuming increasingly alarming proportions from day to day. It has been calculated that at an average 50,000 Irishmen arrive in England annually; this year, however, there have been more than 220,000. In September, 345 Irishmen arrived there daily, in October, 511 arrive each day." p. 252



Fenians members of an Irish revolutionary organization which sought to liberate Ireland from British rule and form a republic in the country. In 1867, the Fenians organized a revolt which was suppressed by the British troops. Their leaders were thrown into p. 253 prison.


King Bomba


of Ferdinand




85. In 1800, British

Parliament approved the Union Act under which



was forcibly incorporated in Britain and the Irish Parliament was dissolved. The Union was made effective as of January




86. In

1882, in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Irish revolutionary terrorassassinated the State Secretary for India, Cavendish, and his assistant, Burke. p. 261




The Brussels Congress devoted to questions of Free Trade took place at the end of 1847. Engels characterized the Congress as follows: "It was a strategic move in the Free Trade campaign then carried on by the English manufacturers. Victorious at home, by the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, they now invaded the Continent in order to demand, in return for the free admission of continental corn into England, the free admission of English manufactured goods to the continental markets." Marx was supposed to speak at the Congress, but did not. He delivered his speech on Free Trade at a meeting of the Brussels Democratic Association on January 9, 1848. p. 265
Malthusians adherents of the reactionary teaching of Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), the well-known English economist. In his book Essay on the Principle of Population, he alleged that the growth of population outstrips, and will always outstrip, the growth in the quantity of means of consumption and that due to
"absolute law of population," the masses are inevitably to poverty and starvation. Proceeding from this "law" invented by Malthus, his supporters asserted that wars, epidemics and natural calamities exert a "beneficial" influence on society since they reduce the population. Karl Marx subjected to scathing criticism this reactionary teaching and showed that there is no "absolute law of population," that each socio-economic system has its inherent law of population, that mass poverty and hardships are products of the capitalist mode of production under which a tiny handful of exploiters appropriate the surplus labour of millions. He showed that the transition to communism will create such a high level of labour productivity and such an abundance of means of consumption as will make it possible for every man to fully satisfy his requirements, p. 277




The title of F. Engels's article is "Switzerland. Political Position of This Republic." Tribune the New-York Daily Tribune. Marx refers to his article "The British Rule in India." p. 311


Clearances or clearing of estates, the forcible eviction of peasants their forefathers from time immemorial, the destruction of peasants' houses and villages by the English landlords, the owners of the land, with a view to turning it into fields and pastures. p. 315

from the land cultivated by them and


91. In

1865 the Negro labourers and small peasants of Jamaica rose

in revolt against the British planters who severely exploited them. British troops put down the revolt and committed dreadful atrocities

against the Negro population.

soldiers soldiers of 1861-65.
(later the





of the northern states in the





The Central Council

of the International national,

General Council)

the leading body

First Interp.

Working Men's Association, the



The English (Protestant) Church was an established church in Ireland whose population was largely Catholic. The latter paid taxes to the English Church. p. 325
During the 17th-century English bourgeois revolution a rebellion broke out in Ireland which led to an almost complete severance of a large part of the island from England. The rebellion was suppressed in 1649-52 with unusual brutality, and ended in a mass expropriation of the land in favour of new English landlords. This strengthened the landlord-bourgeois elements in England and prepared the ground for the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. p. 328
United Irishmen a secret revolutionary organization that came into existence under the influence of the French Revolution and aimed at forming an independent Irish Republic. The United Irishmen were the organizers of the Irish uprising in 1798. p. 330








Hamilton Aberdeen, George Gordon, earl (1784-1860) English politician and statesman, Tory, leader of Peelites from 1850, Foreign Secretary

and 1841-46) Prime Minister of Coalition


Amherst, William Pitt, earl diplo(1773-1857) English mat and statesman; Governor-General of India (182328). 77.






(1692-1765). 300,

192, 236, 237.

Abicorn. See Hamilton, James.



(1665-1714) Queen England (1702-14).324.


lish physician

(1747-1822)Engand radical auPadishah, of








English general, commanderin-chief of British troops in India (1856-57). 136.

Great Mogul dynasty (180637). 133.

Albemarle, George Thomas Keppel, earl (1799-1891) English
M.P.; in Liberal; early 1820's held several commanding posts in British copolitician,

Appa SahibRajah
(1839-48). 143.



Ahmad Pasha (1839Arabi, a leader of Egyptian 1911) Nationalist Party, command-

er-in-chief of Egyptian


lonial army. 82.



Sir Rutherford

consul at Peking



(384-322 B.C.)great ancient thinker. 63, 141.







(1807general, commilitary expedition


China (1857). 133.


emperor assassinated by

Russian revolutionary terrorPeople's

Auckland, George Eden, earl (1784-1849)English statesman, Whig; Governor-General




(1836-1842). 178,

179, 239.

Augier, Marie ist.302.


English bourgeois sociologist and jurist, denied existence of irreconcilable class contradictions in capitalist society,


regarded capitalism as eternal


(1618-1707) Padishah of India (1658-1707), of Great Mogul dynasty. 33.

and most perfect social system and with hypocrisy



Bahadur Jang (1816-1877)

ideologist suggested building relations between people under capitalism on the principle

dian prince, factual ruler of Nepal from 1846, during Indian national revolt of 1857-59 joined the British.


His the-greatest-number." teaching received the name of "utilitarianism." 103.

(1774-1839) British William colonial

Bahadur Shah II (1767-1862) last of Mogul emperors (1837-56, 1857); deposed by

the English in 1856 but during national revolt in India


Governor-General (1828-35). 177.




proclaimed emperor (1857); after capture of Delhi in September 1857 was arrested by the English and deported to Burma. 76, 133,

Bernier, Francois (1625-1688) French writer, for many years physician at Great Mogul Author of Voyages court.

etats 309.



Henry government official, Secretary of Board of Control.



description des

du Grand Mogol,


(1850-1932) GermanEduard Social-Democrat;

after Engels's death leader of opportunist and revisionist wing of German Social-Democracy and of Second Inter338. national.


George (1809-1894)

English officer and consul at Shanghai (1843-66).210.

Barry, George (Richard Burke,



Edward Winslow)



Irish Fenian, colonel in American army; in 1865 returned

John Elliot Drink(1801-1851)English jurist and big official, member of council under Governor-General of India.



Deblowing up cember 1867 and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.

tried the prison in


Bismarck, Otto, prince (1815Prussian statesman, 1898) of Chancellor Monarchist;

Bebel, August (1840-1913) one of the founders and outstanding figures of German SocialDemocracy. 343.




Forcefully unified Germany under the head of Prussia.



John Fenwick Bur(1821-1856)English

Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)



Blackstone, William (1723-1780) English jurist, apologist of English constitutional mon149. archy.





leader of Left wing of Liberal Party since early 1860's; held several ministerial posts in Liberal Cabinets. 30, 72, 198, 199, 202.

(1678-1751)English man and man of

Bonaparte, Louis.

See Napole-

Brougham, Henry Peter, baron jurist (1778-1868)English and author, in 20's and 30's prominent Whig leader; Lord
Chancellor pro(1830-34); moted 1832 Electoral Reform.



Bonham, Samuel George


(1803colonial official, Governor of Hongkong (1847-52), also performed diplomatic functions and super-


Broughton. See Hobhouse, John

Bruce, Frederick William Adolf diplo(1814-1867)English mat, Ambassador Extraordinary in China, 1852. 230,

vised trade with

98, 115.


Bourboulon, de


231, 242, 245, 247, 248.

230, 231, 242.



(1792-1872) English politician and big co-


Henry Austin (18151895) English Liberal, Home



lonial official, Liberal, followGovernor, er of Bentham; commander-in-chief and vice-

admiral of Hongkong (1854diplomatic performed duties and supervised trade with China, in 1856 started second Opium War. 102,

Buckingham, Henry Stafford 1454-1483)English feu(c. dal; promoted Richard Ill's

accession to the throne, subsequently betrayed him and was executed. 108.

Bulwer. See Lytton. Bulwer, William Henry Lytton diplo(1801-1872)English mat, Commissioner in Moldavia and Valahia (1856-58),

104, 105, 106, 107.



official in In-

dia, Commissioner of Ludhiana District, Punjab (1855).



John (1785-1875)Eng-

ambassador at Madrid (1843ambassador at Constantinople

lish general; of East India







Company (1801member of Court of


East India Proprietors Company, Free Trader, wrote

works on

Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) English publicist and politician, Whig, M.P.; subsequently reactionary.



70, 301.

John (1811-1889)Engmanufacturer and bourgeois politician, one of Free Trade leaders and founders Anti-Corn-Law League; of

Richard. Burke, George.




Thomas Henry 1882) Undersecretary


Ireland (1869-82).261.





brother of Alexander Burnes,


Sir Alexander (1805English diplomatic

D'lstria, Giovanni Antocount (1776-1831)Greek and Russian statesman and





diplomat, of Greek descent, entered Russia's service in took part in Vienna 1809;

Afghanistan.238, 239, 240.

Franklin Benjamin (1818-1893)American general, one of commanders of Northern troops in Civil War of 1861-65. 320.





Secretary of State for ForAffairs in Russia eign







Carey, Henry Charles (17931879) American economist, advocated theory of har-

Caesar (Gaius Julius)
100-44 famous Roman genB.C.) eral and statesman. 149.

of class interests.



Campbell, Colin, Baron Clyde (1792-1863)English general, later field-marshal, took part

Martin Irish journalist, Fenian, sentenced to five years' imprisonment in 1866.254.

311. Hanley

1854-55, commander-in-chief of British army during Indian national revolt of 1857-59. 167, 169,




Cass, Lewis (1782-1866)American statesman, Secretary of

(1831-1836), member of Senate (1845-48, 184957), Secretary of State (1857-






60). 192.
Robert Stewart, Castlereagh, viscount, Marquis of Londonderry (1769-1822)English reactionary statesman, Tory, Secretary of State for War and Colonies (1805-06, 180709), Foreign Secretary (1812-

Campbell, George (1824-1892) administrator in English




author of several works on India; M.P. (1875-92), Liberal.67, 75, 81, 82, 87, 173,
201, 202.


Charles John (18121862) English statesman, Governor-General of Tory, India (1856-1862), organized suppression of Indian national revolt of 1857-59. 153,

1822). 112.
Cavaignac, Louis Eugene (1802French general, bour1857) geois republican, took part in conquest of Algeria (1831notorious for his bar48), barous methods of waging war; as War Minister put down June 1848 uprising of Paris workers with unheard-

156, 157, 184, 185.





Canning, George (1770-1827) English statesman and diplomat, one of Tory leaders, Foreign Secretary (1807-09, Prime Minister 1822-27), (1827).220.

of ferocity.





(1836-1882) English

statesman, Liberal, Irish Se369




assassinated (1882), Irish revolutionaries.





Radical, supporter of reforms

English politician and publicist, prominent representative of petty-bourgeois radicalism, fought for democratization of English political system, in 1802 started publication of

India. 87.


Political 149, 294, 297.


Charles 1 (1600-1649)King of Great Britain (1625-49), executed during English 17thcentury " bourgeois revolution.

Charles V (1500-1558)King of Spain (1516-56), Holy Ro-

Cobden, Richard (1804-1865) and manufacturer English politician, one of Free Trade leaders and founders of AntiCorn-Law League. 101, 106,





Cockburn, G.

Colbert, 1683)




Child, Josiah

(1630-1699)English economist, banker, and merchant; Mercantilist; Chairman of of Court of Directors East India

Jean Baptiste (1619French statesman,


Cooke, George Wingrove (1814English Liberal his1865)





and journalist, correspondent of The Times in China (1857).219, 221.

ChingManchu dynasty

of Chi-

nese emperors (1644-1912).

Cornwallis, Charles (1738-1805) English reactionary politician;

(1786-93); of Ireland


Chisholm, Anstey (1816-1873) English jurist and politician,

Radical, M.P.; British Attorat ney-General (1854-58).233.




roy suppressed


1798 rebellion.


William Clarendon, George Frederick Villiers, earl (18001870) statesman, English


later Liberal, as Vice-

Robert Cranworth, Monsey Rolfe,- baron (1790-1868) and statesman jurist, English Whig, Lord Chancellor (1852-58, 1865-1866). 101.

Ireland (1847-1852) severely put down Irish revolt of 1848, Foreign Secretary (1853-58, 1865-66, 1868-



70). 113, 195. Robert Clive, (1725-1774) Governor of Bengal (1757-60 and 1765-67, one of most cruel

(1599-1658) bourgeoisie and bourgeoisified nobility in the 17th-century bourgeois revolution in England; from 1653 Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 323,


328, 330.

British colonizers during Britconquest of India. 48.

Cobbett, William (1762-1835)

Culpeper, Thomas (1578-1662) who economist English advocated the interests of


industrial capital in contradistinction to usurer's capital.301.


one of Tory leaders,


well Irish judge, known for his remarkable speech in favour of Irish insurgents in 1798.329, 330.




during latter half of 19th century one of Conservative Party leaders; Chancellor of the Exchequer (1852, 185859, 1866-1868), Prime Minister (1868, 1874-1880).62,


141, 246, 256.



145, 245,

Dalhousie, James




Andrew Ram-

Afghan Emir (1843-63).238,

239, 240.

(1812-1860) English statesman, GovernorGeneral of India (1848-56), pursued predatory colonial policy.28, 29, 152-53, 155,


Doubleday, Thomas (1790-1870)




and economist, opposed Maltheory.



180, 201, 205.


Blackwood Frederick


Franzevich econ(1844-1918)Russian omist and one of ideologists of liberal Narodism; first to translate Volume I of Marx's
Capital into Russian.



English diplomat and states-

man, owned large estates



Undersecretary for GovernorIndia (1864-66), General of India (1884-88).


Davies, John (1569-1626)English statesman and author,

Attorney General for Ireland.


Edward George Geof-

Eden British 154.




frey Smith Stanley, earl (17991869) English politician and statesman, Tory leader, during latter half of 19th cenof Conservative tury one Party leaders; Prime Minister (1852, 1858-59, 1866-68). 101, 103, 104, 106, 184, 203, 204, 224, 225, 226, 235, 236, 238, 249, 256.

Eden, Frederick Morton (1766English bourgeois 1809) economist, follower of A.


298, 301.




Dickinson, John (1815-1876) English publicist, Free Trader; author of several books

(1811-1863) English diplomat, during second Opium War was sent to China as special envoy (1857-58, 1860-61), Viceroy of India (1862-63). 133, 233, 245, 246,

247, 248, 249, 319.


India, one of founders of

Indian Reform Association.

53, 70.


of England 49, 323.


(1533-1603)Queen (1558-1603).44,



Benjamin, Earl of Bea(1804-1881) Engstatesman and man of



Edward Law, (1790-1871)English statesman, Tory, M.P., Gov-


ernor-General of India (184144); First


Lord of Admiralty Board of (1846); President of Control (1858).67, 74, 172,

175, 184.

Government and Mayor of Paris (1848).


Genghis Khan


Elphinstone, Mountstuart (1779Governor of Bombay 1859) (1819-27), author of History

Mongol conqueror, founder 188. of Mongol Empire. George I (1660-1727)King of

Great Britain

(1714-27). 50.

of India.


(1683-1760)King of George Great Britain (1727-60). 50,


of the

Sicilies (1830-59).


George III (1738-1820)King of Great Britain (1760-1820).

46, 50.

Feth-ali-Shah Iranian Shah

(1762-1834) (1797-1834).

Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794) English historian, author of The History of the Decline


politician disciple talist,

John (1784-1849)Engand big capiof

and Fall

of the

Roman Em-



Advocated ten hours'

298, 299.


Fox, Charles James (1749-1806) Whig English statesman, leader; Foreign Secretary in Portland Coalition Cabinet (Fox-North Cabinet), 1783.

Ewart William (1809-1898)English statesman, Tory, later Peelite, Liberal Party leader during latter





Chancellor of the Exchequer

Prime 1859-66), (1852-1855, 1880-85, Minister (1868-74,

197, 1892-1894).27, 1886, 206, 224, 225, 234, 255, 257, 267, 325, 335, 336.

27, 46.

Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807-1882) Italian revolutionary democrat, headed Italian nationand reunificaal-liberation 253. tion movement.

Godwin, Henry Thomas (1784English general, com1853)

British of mander-in-chief troops during second Anglo-

Joseph Gamier-Pages, Louis (1801-1841)French lawyer and politician, took

1830 revolution, sat of Deputies (1831-34, 1835-41) and defended interests of petty and middle bourgeoisie.-141.
part in



Burmese War (1852). 77. Johann Wolfgang

German (1749-1832)great poet and thinker.39.

Granville, George Leveson-Gower, earl (1815-1891)Eng-


statesman, Whig, subsequently one of Liberal Party Secretary Foreign leaders,


Gamier-Pages, Louis Antoine politi(1803-1878)French moderate bourgeois cian,




18801870-74, (1851-52, 1885), Secretary of State for Colonies (1868-70, 1885). 138.



Henry (1746-1820) statesman and well-

known M.P.330.
Grey, Charles, earl (1764-1845) English statesman, one of Whig leaders, Prime Minister

Havelock, Henry (1795-1857) English general, in 1857 took part in suppressing Indian
national revolt.


Hegel, George Wilhelm Fried-

(1770-1831) outstand-





states(1802-1894) English man, Whig, Secretary for

ing representative of German classical philosophy, objective idealist, gave most thor-

Military Affairs (1835-1839) and Secretary for Colonies son of Charles (1846-52), Grey. 105, 106, 192, 195.

Hendricks English

ough analysis

of idealist dia-




Karl Friedrich August mis(1803-1851)German sionary in China 13.


Irish politician, Tory.


Herries, -1855)



Charles (1778John statesman, English

Tory. 62.
George (1787-1879)
English Liberal,



(1806-1901) official of East India Company, Governor of Bengal (1854-1859).63.

Hamilton, James (1811-1885)
English statesman, Viceroy of Ireland.322.

Hobhouse, John Cam, Baron Broughton (1786-1869)English statesman, Whig, President of Board of Control (1835-41, 1846-1852).41,


Max (1857-1878) tinsmith from Leipzig, in 1878 made attempt on life of GerI,

Hardinge, Henry (1785-1856) field-marshal and English statesman, Tory; GovernorGeneral of India (1844-47), commander-in-chief of British army (1852-55). 180.

man Emperor Wilhelm

ecuted on August



Hodgskin, Thomas (1787-1869) English economist. 282.

Hogg, James Weir (1790-1876)

M.P., politician, English President of Court of DirecEast India Company tors,

Warren (1732-1818) one of East India Company's vultures, took part in conquering and plundering Bengal, first Governor-General of

1852-53).30, 32.


British Parliament's


urgent request was brought

1788 for ferocity plunder committed in India. In 1795 was acquitted and the Company granted
to trial in

IX B.C.) ancient Greek poet, alleged author of 224. Iliad and Odyssey.


Hope, James (1808-1881)English



him large pension.


British military expedition in China (1859).230, 231.


Horner, Francis (1778-1817) English economist. 300.

Howitt, William (1791-1879) English author, wrote several essays on Australian aboriginal

egade following outbreak of world imperialist war of 1914-18. After Great October a sworn Socialist Revolution

population. 290.


Soviet Russia. 340, 342, 344, 346.


Hsien Feng (1830-1861)Chinese Emperor (1850-61) 17,


John Williams 1876)English war


Kuang-chin Chinese Governor-General of Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces (1847-

Secretary in Political and Secret Department of Ministry for Indian Affairs.



Hsu Nai-chiChinese man. 215.

English bourgeois


Kepler, great



German astronomer.


Kickham, Charles Joseph (1826a conIrish Fenian, 1882) tributor to The Irish People, in 1866 was sentenced to 14
years' imprisonment, but nestied in 1869.254.

(1777-1855) one of politician,





Hunt, Freeman (1804-1858) English publicist, published Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Review. 209.

Kugelmann, Ludwig (1830-1902) Hanover physician, took

part in 1848 revolution, member of First International. 325, 327.

Kuli Khan.

See Nadir Shah.


John Eardley Wilmot (1814-1862) English general,

took part in quelling Indian



Labouchere, Henry (1798-1869) English statesman, Whig,

Jocelyn, Robert, viscount (1816and officer English 1854)

President of Board of Trade 1847-52), Colonial (1839-41, Secretary (1855-58). 111.


Lavergne, Louis Gabriel Leonce de (1809-1880) French econ-

Hartford (1764-1847) ambassaEnglish diplomat, dor in Iran (1807-11).92.

Lawrence, Henry Montgomery (1806-1857)English general, Resident at Nepal (1843-46),
President of Board of Administration in Punjab (1849-53),

Karl (1854-1938) Kautsky, one of theorists of German .Social-Democracy and Second International; broke with

Chief Commissioner of


(1857). 132.
Lawrence, John Laird Mair (1811-1879) big official of






administracolonial Chief Commissioner of

Punjab (1853-57>, Viceroy of


(1864-69). 147.




Lytton Bulwer (1803-1873) English author and politician, M.P. 1852-66), (1831-41, Secretary for Colonies (1858-59). 101.


Macaulay, Thomas (1800-1859)

Justus von (1803-1873) outstanding German scientist, one of founders of agro127. chemistry.


bourgeois historian

Lin Tse-hsu (1758-1850)Chinese statesman, Viceroy of

(1839), British


Kwangsi stamp out

in China.

Whig, M.P.; Councillor (1833-38) prepared penal code for India which was enacted in 1860.



opium trade

Louis Bonaparte. See Napoleon

MacDonnell physician convict Mountjoy Dublin.256, 257.



XIV (1638-1715)King


France (1643-1715).93.
Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon

Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469-1527) Italian politician and writer.225.

Maitland, Thomas (1759-1824) English general, Governor

Louis Philippe
44, 45, 174.

(1773-1850) King of France (1830-48).


Lowe, Robert (1811-1892)English statesman and publicist, contributor to The Times,


of Malta (1813), Lord High Commissioner of Ionian Iscommander-inand lands chief of British armed forces in Mediterranean Sea (1815). 227.









English diplomat, Iran (1799-1801,


LushingtonBritish government
official. 192.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Home Secretary (1868-73), (1873-74). 111.

1810), Governor of (1826-30), author of


works on India and

74, 91.





Martin of founder (Lutheranism)







prominent Conservative figure

in latter half of 19th century,


Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley,




statesman, Tory, Lord Chancellor (1827-30, 1834-35, 1841-46). 101, 104.

1858-59), (1866-68, 192, 193, 249.

(1852, Secretary Lord Privy Seal 1874-76). 191,

195, 246, 247, 248,



Edward George Earle


Robert (1766Thomas bourgeois English

economist, author of reactionary theory of population.


Charles Montesquieu, (1689French 1755) sociologist, economist and man of letters,







1886) English


monarchy. 141,

constitutional 295.



Marx, Jenny (1844-1883) eldest daughter of Karl Marx.
335, 336.

Martin English 208-09, 210.


George Henry (1811-1870) Irish M.P. (1847-57 and 1868-70).255.

Massie, Joseph (d. 1784) English economist, representative of classical bourgeois political


Mouravieff (Amursky), Nikolai Nikolayevich (1809-1881) Russian general, GovernorGeneral of Siberia (1847-61)



Richard South(1822-1872) SecIreland





for 1858).256.

(1756-1791)great composer. 149.




Mulcahy, Denis DowlingIrish

journalist, Fenian, member editorial board of The Irish People (1863-65), in 1866

Irish revolutionary, in 1848


conducted revolutionary prop-



grated to America.

later mi 323.

sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, amnestied in 1871.

John Stuart (1806-1873) English bourgeois economist

Mulgrave, George Augustus, Phipps (1819-1890) English statesman, Whig, M.P. (1847Household 57), Treasurer
(1853-58), later Governor of several British colonies. 111.




Milner Gibson, Thomas (18061884) English politician, Free Trader, President of





1865-66).215, 234, 235, 244.

Minto, Gilbert Elliot, earl (17511814) English statesman,

Mun, Thomas (1571-1641)English merchant and economist,

Mercantilist, Director of East India Company from 1615.

Whig, ambassador at Vienna Governor-Gen(1799-1801),

eral of India (1807-1813).92.


Thomas (1761-1827)
of of

Mirabeau, Victor (1715-1789) French physiocrat economist.

Madras (1819-27). 75.

convict Mountjoy Dublin.256, 257.





Ali ShahKing Oudh (1837-42). 178.



Moliere, Jean Baptiste French 1673) great 149, wright.


Andrei (1785-1860) Greek politician and scientist, from 1828 stood at the head of Greek public education.228.


Nadir Shah (Kuli Khan) (16881747)King of Persia (1736undertook 47); predatory

lor of the



Minister (1770-1782); Home Secretary in Portland Coalition Cabinet (Fox-North Cabinet) in 1783.27, 46-47.


campaign against India (173839).29, 33.

French 1821) Emperor (1804-14, 1815). 149, 220.

O'Connell, Daniel (1775-1847) leader of Irish nationalists, founder of clerical national

(Bonaparte) (1769-





259, 261.



Bonaparte) (1808-1873) French Emperor (1852-70).

72, 93, 146, 172, 174, 195, 225,

229, 235, 316.



George (1820-1877) Odger, English worker, one of tradeunion leaders, member of General Council of First International, after Paris mune renegade. 325.

of Persia (1848-96). 138.

Nazir-ed-Din (d. 1837)King of Oudh (1827-37). 177.


O'Donnell. See MacDonnell.


Francis William (1805-1897)English professor of philology and man of author of several letters,



(1831-1915) one of


Jeremiah Fen-

ian leaders, proprietor of The

works on religious, political and economic problems;

bourgeois Radical.

People (1863-65), in 1865 sentenced to life impris-



Isaac English

scientist. 15.



onment; when amnestied several years later he emigrated to America where he headed local colony of Irish Fenians and published newspaper The United Irishmen.-253, 259,
328, 335.

Emperor (1825-55). 174,

226, 239.





Karl-Eduard (1848Nobiling, German agronomist, 1878) anarchist, in June 1878 made

ian, for propaganda among Irish soldiers was sentenced


ten years'


unsuccessful attempt on Wil-



German Emperor, I, which committed suicide.261.



Thomas, from 1689 of Carmarthen, from

Nolan, Lewis Edward (c. 18201854) English officer, served in India, took part in Crimean


of several


author of

works on cavalry.

1694 Duke of Leeds (1631statesman, 1712) English Tory, Prime Minister (167479), factual leader of government (1690-95); in 1695 was charged with bribery by the




45, 203.

North, Frederick (1732-1792) English statesman, Chancel-



at English general, Resident


comLucknow (1854-56), manded military expedition in Iran (1857), Chief Commissioner of Oudh (1857-58),
took part in suppressing Indian national revolt of 1857-

Pindar (c. 522-442 B.C.) lyric poet of ancient Greece. 108,

109, 268, 300.





59. 179.
Palmer, William (1824-1856) English physician, poisoned
his wife, brother, and friend to collect life insurance; was sentenced to death by hanging.210.

(1759-1806)English Pitt") politician and statesman, one of Tory leaders, Prime Minister (1783-1801, 1804-1806).
47, 182, 204.

Poerio, Carlo (1808-1867)Italian Liberal, took part in con-


against Neapolitan Bourbons, during 1848 revolution Minister in Naples; was imprisoned (1849-59); in 1859 fled to Britain where he received grand welcome.257.

Palmerston, Henry John Temviscount ple, (1784-1865) English statesman, first Tory, then (from 1830) one of Whig leaders who found support among Right elements of the Secretary Party, Foreign


John (b. 1638?)Engmerchant and writer on advoeconomic problems,

cated abolition of East India

Company monopoly.






107, 178,

Secretary (1852-55) and Prime Minister (1855-58 and 106, 1859-1865). 101,
108-12, 140, 172, 177, 193, 205, 206, 207, 224, 234, 235, 237-40, 245,

English trade-unionist, founder and editor of newspaper Bee Hive.325.


232, 246, 248, 249, 319.

Henry (1789-1856) diplomat and genambassador to China eral, (1841-42) and commander of

Parkes, Harry Smith (18281885) English diplomat, as consul at Canton provoked




during first China with

Anglo-Chinese conflict which served as prologue to second Opium War with China (1856consul at 58), Shanghai (1864), consul in Japan (1865-


Governor of Hongkong and of Madras (1847-






54). 119, 193,218. Patrick John Prendergast, histo(1808-1893) English rian, published a book on history of Ireland in 1863.


Robert (1788-1850)Eng-

lish statesman, conTory, ducted policy of union with


Home bourgeoisie, 1828Secretary (1822-27, 1830), Prime Minister (184146), with support of Liberals secured repeal of Corn Laws. 193, 236.

Thomas Stamford (1781-1826)English colonial Governor of administrator, Java (1811-16), author of The
History of Java.




Cecil Rhodes, (1853-1902) English politician, ideologist of imperialism and colonialof seizure ism; organised
in South large territory Africa by Englishmen; initia-

Saltykov, prince

of 277.




Alexei Dmitriyevich,

(1806-1859)Russian traveller, writer and painttravelled in India (1841-


Anglo-Boer 1899-1902.306.




43 and 1845-46).88.

Ricardo, David (1772-1823) English economist, one of big representatives of classical

bourgeois political economy.


60, 264, 267, 300.

(1759-1805) great Friedrich German poet and playwright. 204. Senior, Nassau William (17901864) English vulgar economist,




Richard III (1452-1485)King of England (1483-85).25, 98,



(1802-1887) EnglishMichael admiral, took part

Rose, Hugh Henry (1801-1885) later English general, field-marshal, took part in Crimean War of 1854-56, one of suppressors of Indian national revolt of 1857-59, was in command of troops in India (1860-65), commander of armed forces in Ireland



of 1854-56,


during with China

94, 96,

command of navy second Opium War

Ill, 115,



(1865-70). 189.



English jurist, judge in India (1798-1813). 74.


Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley earl Cooper, (1801-1885) English politician, big landowner; in 1840's headed Parliamentary group of philanthropic Tories; Whig from

1847. 108.
Shore, John Teignmouth (1751Governor1834)English General of India (1793-98).

John (1792-1878)Eng-

statesman, Whig leader, Prime Minister (1846-52, Prime Minister 1865-66), (1846-52, 1865-66), Foreign Secretary (1852-53, 1859-65).




101, 206, 234.

Russell, William

English Howard (1820war


Henry Addington, viscount (1757-1844)English statesman, Tory, Prime Minister and Chancellor of the

correspondent of The Times.





169, 170,


as (1801-1804), (1812-1821) measures repressive

Sadler, Michael Thomas (1780-1835) English sociologist, Malthus's opposed theory,

working-class moveAlijah Jivaji (Bagirat


ment. 112.






Trade, 379

Prince of Gwalior; during Indian national revolt of 185759 joined the British. 138.

Sleeman, William Henry (1788-


colonial offilater

part in suppressing Indian national revolt of 1857-59.


general, resident at Gwalior (1843-48) and at Lucknow (1849-54).




(1336-1405) Central Asian general and conquer-

or. 76.




Tippoo Sahib (1749-1799) Sultan of Mysore (1782-99); in


a economist, leading of classical representative bourgeois political economy.

and 1790's waged wars


against British expansion in


269, 301.

Sorge, Friedrich Adolf (1828German Marxist, out1906) standing figure of international working-class movement.

Tsang Prefect 1856.98.




Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) English bourgeois philoso-

Josiah Tucker, (1712-1799) English economist, predecessor of Adam Smith, advocate of Free Trade, stood for separation of American colonies from metropolis. 302.

pher and sociologist apologist

of capitalism.


Edward Henry,

Earl of


(1826-1893)English statesman, first Tory, then

Valdes, Jeronimo (1784-1855) Governor Captain-General,
of 195.

Liberal, Secretary for Colonies and (1858, 1882-85) Secretary for India (1858-59),


(1841-43). 194,

Foreign Secretary 1874-78).40.




agent 239.


Victoria (1819-1901) Queen of Great Britain (1837-1901). Talandier, Pierre







bourgeois Republican, took part in 1848 revolution; member of General Council of International (1865), later Bakuninist.335.

(Arouet) (1694-1778)famous French philosopher, writer and historian; fought against absolutism and Catholicism.

Tao Kuang




(1821-50). 121.

Wajid Ali

Michael (1834-1870) Irish Fenian, sentenced to seven years' imprisonment in 1866.-255, 256.




(1842-56). 175.

William (1824-1860)


Osbert (1837-1858) took English lieutenant,


American adventurer, organised several predatory expe-



mercenary gangs

against republics of Central and North America. In 1855 proclaimed himself commander-in-chief of Nicaraguan

William III, Prince of Orange of (1650-1702) Stadtholder Holland (1672-1702), King of England (1689-1702).44, 45,

Republic and later (1856)




William IV (1765-1837)King of England (1830-37). 177.

Wilson, Archdale (1803-1874) English general, during the Indian national revolt commanded troops which beand stormed Delhi sieged (1857), and the artillery during the capture of Lucknow

Ward, Henry George (17971860)British colonial official, Lord High Commissioner





Governor of Ceylon (1855-60) and Madras (I860).226,


Warren, Charles (1798-1866)

English officer, general since 1858; served in India (181619, 1830-38). 86.

(1858). 189.
Wilson, Games (1805-1860) English economist and politician, Free Trader, founder and editor of The Economist, Whig, M.P., Financial Secretary of the Treasury (1853-




colonel, was in service of East India Company from 1764, designer of Calcutta docks in 1773. 210.

1853). 60, 218, 242.


Wellesley, Richard Colley, marquis (1760-1842)English

(1810-1870) English Charles general who took

part in Crimean


Governor-General of India (1798-1805), Foreign Secretary (1809-12), Viceroy

of Ireland (1821-28, 1833-34).




of 1854of Brit-


troops in Lahore (1857helped to put down Indian national revolt of 1857ish



Arthur Wellesley, duke (1769-1852)English soldier and statesman, Tory, Prime Minister (1828-30),

Jan de (1625-1672) Dutch statesman and leader of Dutch bourgeoisie.






India 210.

Vice-President of East

Charles (1800-1885) English statesman, Whig, Chancellor of the Exchequer (1846-52), President of Board of Control First (1852-55),

Lord of Admiralty (1855-58),

Secretary of India (1859-66).



George (1798-1868)English general, in service of East India Company from 1818, took



25, 26, 32, 33, 41, 62.

27, 28, 29, 30,


part in suppressing Indian national revolt of 1857-59.




John (1826-1902) statesman, ambassador at St. Petersburg (1856Ireland of Viceroy 58),

Lord (1864-66), Seal (1868-70), Secretary (1870-74,

Privy Colonial




(1852-57). 94,


Young, John (1807-1876)English

Yeh Ming-shen


statesman, Tory, Secreof State for Ireland






nese Governor of Kwangtung

Islands 226.


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