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Marble House, 1 Alfred Rewane Rd Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos Tel.: 01-2695108, 2695109, 2695110 Fax: 01-2695009, 2695316 E-mail: [email protected]


August 2004

Title Page

Preliminary Pages






Marble House, 1 Alfred Rewane Rd Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos Tel.: 01-2695108, 2695109, 2695110 Fax: 01-2695009, 2695316 E-mail: [email protected]


August 2004
Prepared by BIOGEOCHEM ASSOCIATES LIMITED 1 Omoku Str. (by Ndashi Str.) D-Line Port Harcourt, Nigeria [email protected]

EIA of Obajana Earth Dam Project

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Executive Summary

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The proposed project is the construction and operation of an earth dam at Obajana in Kogi State of Nigeria. The dam shall be sited across the semi-seasonal River Oinyi and is meant to supply water to Obajana cement factory, which is currently under construction. Before the choice of the dam project, several alternatives were considered. The need for the proposed Obajana Dam project arises from the need to ensure sustainable water supply for the Obajana Cement Plant. In Nigeria, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must be carried out prior to the construction of a dam. The Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria has laid down procedures for conducting the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and enforces the EIA Decree No. 86 of 1992, which sets out the requirements, procedures and methods for conducting EIA. This EIA was carried out in accordance to Nigerias EIA procedures, using appropriate guidelines and standards. The objectives of the EIA study are as follows: to assess/evaluate the potential impacts of the dam project on the ecology, and socio-economics/health status of the people; to identify mitigation/amelioration measures; and develop environmental management plan for the dam project. Project Alternatives Considered Prior to the choice of the proposed project, five alternatives were considered and these include: 1. No project scenario: This was rejected as it counters development, since the cement plant cannot be operated without water. 2. Exploitation of groundwater: This is not feasible as investigations revealed that groundwater resources are inadequate to sustain the establishment of the cement plant: the geology of the study area is underlain by basement complex rocks, characterized by igneous and metamorphic formations with low aquifer porosity and slow recharge capacity. 3. Source water from elsewhere: This option is also not feasible as Obajana and its environs are devoid of municipal waterworks. Besides, there are no nearby water sources that can sustain the operations of the proposed Obajana Cement Plant.

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4. Obtain from River from River Oinyi because the river Besides, there are

Oinyi (without dam): This entails pumping water without damming, which is also not feasible is seasonal and dries up during the dry season. no permanent water bodies in the area.

5. Construct a dam: This is the proposed project, which is the construction of an earth fill dam across River Oinyi. This option was considered the best option because it shall guarantee sustainable water supply to the proposed cement factory, utilise rainwater that would otherwise be wasted, and provide other opportunities like provision of recreational site, increase in fisheries resources, and potential for improvement of biodiversity conservation. Description of Proposed Project The scope of work of the proposed Obajana Earth Dam project is as follows: Installation of penstock inlet/outlet works; Construction of embankment and related facilities; The construction of spillway and related facilities; and Construction/installation of Pump House, pump assemblage and pipeline for transporting water to the Obajana Cement plant The details of design parameters of the dam are as follows: Total Annual Rainfall 1071.3 mm Catchments Area 70 km2 Average Annual Runoff 74,988,620 m3 Type of Dam Homogenous (Zone Earth Fill) Total Volume of Earth Fill 68,826.0 m3 Total Storage (at crest level) 5,166,666.66 m3 Active Storage Capacity (ASC) 4,277,666.67 m3 Dead Storage Capacity (5% of ASC) 258,333.33 m3 Surface Area 130 Hectares Expected Time of filling 2 days Maximum Base Width 75.95 m Maximum Height 12.9 m Top Width 5.0 m Crest Length 360 m Crest Elevation 206.9 m a.s.l. (above sea level) Full Supply Level 204.9 m a.s.l. Freeboard 2.0 m Spillway Type Broad Crested, Uncontrolled Spillway discharge rate 377 m3 s-1 1000-year return flood 145 m3 s-1 Penstock Discharge 0.18 m3 s-1 Seepage Losses 0.103 m3 s-1 Expected Lifespan 50 years

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Direction of Embankment Direction of Pipeline to Factory


The dead storage is independent of active storage other: dead storage water cannot be released (even through penstock control valve) under any condition. Operations and Maintenance Philosophy The dam design incorporates features that will guarantee a desired economic lifespan of 50 years. The dam is designed for unmanned operations, but the reservoir shall be monitored periodically. Although detailed geophysical and geotechnical investigations indicate that the embankment strength is sufficient for the reservoir, a standard water reservoir monitoring policy shall be put in place. Baseline Environmental Conditions Climate / Air quality: The project area lies within the sub-humid tropical zone, and has a mean annual rainfall that ranges from 1100 to 1320mm. It experiences two main alternating seasons: dry and wet seasons. Rainfall lasts from April/May to September/October, characterised by moisture laden South Westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean, while the dry season lasts in-between with predominantly North-East trade winds. Total suspended particulate (TSP) concentrations along River Oinyi range from 5.0 to 25.0 g m-3. The upstream areas of River Oinyi (mostly remote and pristine) had lower concentrations of TSP, while the Obajana area is moderately inhabited, busy and had higher ambient concentrations of TSP. The downstream sections are also generally without any significant human habitation, except for some nomadic Fulani tribesmen who live in the interior of the forests, with near pristine air quality. The concentrations of air pollutant gases (H2S, CO, SOx, NOx) along River Oinyi were generally below detection limits. Geology of the Area: The geology of the study area consists of Basement Complex rocks, predominantly composed of folded gneisses and metasediments. The Kabba-Jakura Formation, which consists of five rock units underlies the Obajana area and its environs. These include Obajana gneiss member, garnetiferous biotite-gneiss, schists, quartzites, limestone and marble. The limestone in the area occurs within the schist quartzite series overlying the Obajana gneiss member. It is generally a white coarsegrained rock, with other varieties been fine-grained and greyish in colour. The limestone contains appreciable amounts of calcium carbonate, with the content of magnesia below the limit for cement manufacture.

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From the outline geological investigation of the area a number of geologic structures (e.g., fractures, joints and faults) were observed associated with the basement rocks of Obajana area, but the geology can support dam construction. The general topography of the study area is undulating with scattered hills, forming the watershed for easterly flowing drainage lines, which flow into River Niger at Lokoja (about 38km downstream). The dam site is characterised by two types of landforms: domed shaped residual hills and river valleys. The hills are generally aligned in a NW-SE direction. Drainage: Drainage is defined by rivers/streams, which flow in a dendritic to rectilinear pattern, mainly controlled by joint systems in older rock units. The streams are turbid at the beginning of the rainy season due to high clay content of runoff water that drains into the river during this period. The dam study area is drained by a single river of third (Strahler) order called River Oinyi which is a tributary of River Niger to its west. It has second and third order tributaries of about 2 km and 9km long respectively. The Oinyi River is semi-perennial with portions of it seasonal in nature (ephemeral), flowing only after rains. The Oinyi River has a semiperennial flow, while most of the smaller stream and drainage lines that dissect the hills are water-barren during the dry season. The surface water resources of Obajana are used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. Hydrogeology / Hydrology: There are two types of aquifers in the Obajana area: fractured crystalline aquifer and soft overburden aquifer. The overburden aquifers usually consist of 2 to 3 layer sequences made up of sands, gravel, silts and clays. Groundwater in these aquifers occurs mainly under unconfined water table conditions. The water table is not so deep, mostly not more than 20 - 30m below ground level. The groundwater level in this aquifer type is a function of depth and degree of weathering. Water Availability: There are serious water supply problems in the area of study due to its geologic history, basement nature and difficult terrain. Groundwater reserves in the area are generally low, because there is high run-off of rainfall and slow aquifer recharge due to the nature of topsoil in the area, and the migmatitic-gneiss basement terrain of the area. However, potentials for the development of surface water resources exist. The inhabitants in the area source their water from hand-dug wells and the semi-perennial Oinyi river system. This river serves as a major source of domestic water for the inhabitants of Obajana area and other settlements in the area. Rain harvesting is a good source of clean water, more especially as there is abundance of rainfall in the area during the

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wet season. It is one of the major sources of water for domestic purposes in the area, though little attention is given to its importance. Other sources of water in the area are streams and crudely excavated wells. As these shallow water wells dry up, the people (usually women and children), are often forced to trek long distances to fetch water, thus wasting a lot of energy and time finding water to drink. At the moment Obajana village is being supplied water by Julius Berger Plc, a civil engineering contractor to Dangote Industries Ltd. Surface Water Quality: The surface water was not polluted and there were no obvious differences in measured physico-chemical parameters of the river in both wet and dry seasons. The pH, total hardness, DO, BOD, concentration of dissolved cations and heavy metals, and those of the nitrates, sulphates and phosphates have similar ranges in both the dry and wet seasons. However, the river has slightly higher conductivity in the wet season. Hydrobiology: Phytoplankton recorded in the area belonged to four families namely, Baccilariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and dinophyceae, with the Baccilariophyceae constituting >50% of the total count. The zooplankton consisted of rotifers, calanoid and cyclopoid copepods as well as insect larvae especially those of mosquitoes and similum flies. The benthic realm consists of rock outcrops / coarse sandy sediments. The riverbed is poor in terms of species diversity and numerical abundance of macrofaunal species. However species of the families Oligochaetes, Naididae, tubificidae, Lumbriculidae and Lumbricidae were more or less common. Two species of the Phylum Mollusca were identified one each belonging to the class bivalvia and gastropoda. The bivalve was identified as Mya while the gastropod was identified as Limnaea. Although fishes constitute part of the ecology of the temporary pools of surface waters that abound in the valleys within the study area, there is a general absence of fishermen in the study area mainly because of the absence of fishes in the river to warrant profitable exploitation. However, youths do catch fish in the numerous pools of water, using fish nets/hooks, and their catch included Sarotherodon niloticus and Tilapia zilil (Family Cichlidae) and Clarias gariepinnis (Family Claridae). Soils/Vegetation/Biodiversity: The soils found in the study area are generally friable and slightly acidic (mean pH 5.82) with organic matter content ranging from 1.14% to 2.35% and total N of 0.06-0.14%. The soils are generally very productive and farmers do not need to add fertilizers to obtain good crop yields.

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The vegetation pattern of the study area is basically moist savannah, characterized by mixtures of trees, shrubs, tall grasses, and herbs. There are economic trees in the study area and these trees include Daniella oliveri, Parkia clappertonia, and Vitex doniana, Lophira anceolata, the trees tend to be slender with low timber value. The dominant trees include Lophira anceolata, Daniella oliveri and Parkia clappertonia, with scattered stands of oil palm trees (Eleis guinensis) around settlements, and riparian vegetation along river river/stream courses. The hilly areas located westwards from the proposed dam site is known to contain a rich assemblage of wildlife species: a previous study has listed a total of 38 species, belonging to 24 families, as existing in the Obajana area. These include 17 mammals, 14 birds, 5 reptiles and 2 amphibian species. The most frequently hunted animals include antelopes, monkeys, hares, rats, and guinea fowl. Affected Settlements: There are no settlements within or in close proximity to the proposed dam impoundment zone. The settlements that have direct/indirect effect on the quality of water to be stored in the proposed dam are those located or have access to the upstream locations of the dam, and these include Oyo-Iwa, Obajana, Oile, Oshokoshoko/Eshi and Nyamako and its environs. Apart from Obajana and Oshokoshoko, all the other settlements are remotely located and not easily accessible. All these communities are inhabited by the native landowners, except Nyamaku and environs which are inhabited by Tiv settlers on Oyo-Iwa land. These communities satisfy their water needs from hand-dug wells as well as Oinyi River. The hand dug wells supply drinking water, while water for other domestic purposes is mostly obtained from the river. The downstream communities would suffer the downstream impacts of the dam, but anthropogenic activities in these sections would not affect the quality of water stored in the reservoir. The downstream communities include Fulani migrant settlements (Wuro Gada Biyu, Wuro Ardo, Wuro Mashu, and Wuro Jahun) and Shagari Town which is inhabited by Bassa people (on Igbira land). The Fulani settlements are remotely located and access is only via footpaths. Although the Fulani are nomadic by nature, they tend to settle where ever they find favourable conditions for both themselves and their cattle. In this case, these communities have been settled for about 20 years.

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Population/Age Structure: Apart from Obajana that had been enumerated during the 1991 national census exercise there is no official records for the rest of the affected settlements. Due to the influx of people accentuated by the cement development project, Obajana has experienced a population boom. An estimate of the present population was conducted using the estimate of household size and number of dwelling houses. There are more men than women at Obajana, Wuro Ardo, Wuro Jangale, Shagari Town and Nyamako, while the reverse is the case for Wuro Gada Biyu, Wuro Jahun, and Wuro Mashu. There are plenty (20.1 39.2% of total population) of children (under 15 years of age) in the study area, indicating a huge presence of dependent population. Obajana, which is accessible by tarred road and host to the Obajana Cement Plant, had the lowest proportion of children, largely due to high influx of people in search of construction jobs. On the other hand, the settler communities had higher proportion of their population as children probably because the adults have migrated in search of greener pastures. Ethnic/Religious Compositions: The peoples of Obajana belong to Lokoja LGA and they are Oworos, which the people claim originates from Yoruba. There are also Fulani and some other tribes (Hausa, Tiv, Igbo, Bassa, etc.) in the study are, although they are not indigenous. The main occupations of the people include farming, fishing, hunting, petty trading, small businesses, etc. Obajana is a rural community, characterised by low income and absence/shortages of social amenities. The predominant religions in the area are Christianity and Islam, although a few of the peoples practice African traditional religions. Housing Pattern: The settlements within the area are mostly linear and typically rural consisting mostly of mud houses and thatch huts. The thatch hut system is usually found in Fulani settlements which are usually found far off the road. Means of communication: Oworo language is the major medium of communication. Other languages spoken include Hausa, Yoruba, Fulfulde (Fulani), English, Tiv, and Igbo, as there are people from these other tribes mainly employed as factory workers and businessmen. Access from one community to the other is usually by foot and bikes, although there is a major road that passes through Obajana. Occupational Pattern: Occupations of the people include cattle rearing, rain fed farming, hunting and petty trading. Agriculture in the area is basically that of arable cultivation and animal husbandry. Since the only source of water (R. Oinyi) dries up during the dry season, there is generally no irrigation farming in the study area. Farming is carried out
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using simple tools such as hoes, cutlasses, etc. Crops grown in the rainfed agriculture include maize, millet, guinea corn, groundnuts, cocoyam, cassava, etc. Health Care Facilities and Services: There is no healthcare facility in all the affected communities. There is only one drug dispensing store in Obajana. Majority of the people resort to self-help medical care or they patronise herbal medicine men. For those that can afford it, they travel to Lokoja for the treatment of their ailments. Housing/Household Energy: most houses in the communities are mud house and lack proper ventilation. As the source of energy is firewood, there is a high risk of occurrence of indoor pollution resulting from incomplete combustion of the firewood Households rely on firewood as the basic source of energy, which due to combustion inefficiency constitutes a substantial source of indoor pollution. The sources of lighting at nights are mostly kerosene lanterns and/or candles as there is no electricity (a very few people own small power generators). Waste Disposal: Since the communities are rural and lack basic amenities with no good water supply, there is a general absence of standard toilets (with flush system). The people use pit latrines and/or bush to discharge their excreta. They bury their dead ones in cemeteries (none is located within the project area). The waste types generated are mostly leftover food materials, peels, food processing wastes, etc., mostly biodegradable. The people usually feed their waste foods to animals, while those that cannot be used as animal feed are burnt. There are no heaps of garbage around any of the communities. Wastes generated after sweeping compounds are also burnt in the backyard and the ashes are added to the soil for micro-scale vegetable cultivation (in backyard gardens). Morbidity/Mortality pattern: There is no recognised health institution in Obajana and environs therefore there are no detailed records on mortality and morbidity. However, records of clinical diagnosis for the Oworo people at the General Hospital in Lokoja shows that majority (80%) of the ailments affecting the people are communicable diseases. Only 9% of the complaints of Oworo people are as a result of noncommunicable disease, while 11% of the people attend hospital to undergo surgical procedures Amongst the communicable diseases, malaria was the most prevalent followed by gastroenteritis and then sexually transmitted diseases.
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That malaria and gastroenteritis were the two most prevalent is expected since malaria is the number one cause of morbidity in subSaharan Africa, and the study area is devoid of potable water (gastroenteritis). However, the fact that STDs are the third group of the most prevalent communicable disease is worthy of note. This signals the danger of possible presence (or even high prevalence) of HIV amongst the people. Since there are no screening centres in the area, and people hardly subject themselves to voluntary screening, it is difficult to actually determine the occurrence of HIV/AIDS in the affected communities. A recent survey (2003) carried out by the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shows that Kogi State is amongst the 13 states with highest sero-prevalence of HIV. The average percentage of people infected with the HIV virus in Kogi State (5.7%) is higher than the national average (5.0%). Generally the level of HIV prevalence in Kogi State is higher amongst the less educated populace, and those living in or around urban centres (7.0% for urban and 4.4% for rural population). HIV prevalence is remarkably higher amongst the younger people: in the North Central zone of Nigeria (Kogi State inclusive), 6.7 8.2% of people aged 15 to 29 years tested positive, as compared to 2.6 5.8% of those aged 30 to 49 years. Community Consultations Consultation visits were paid to the communities that would be affected by the proposed Obajana Dam project. The purpose of the visit was to intimate the communities about the EIA of the proposed Obajana Dam project and solicit their views. The general strategy was to reach out to as much interest groups/individuals as possible. The modalities for the meetings varied with each community, but the general trend was that community members were made to understand that the consultants were not speaking on behalf of Dangote Industries Ltd., but that the meeting was part of the data gathering process for an EIA study. The meetings involved free discussions. Outcome of Consultation (Concerns/Wishes) The outcome of the consultation revealed the community concerns and wishes are summarised as follows: People of Obajana complained of lack of potable water and loss of access to the dam site and adjoining areas. The greatest concern of the Fulani communities is also lack of water, especially in the dry season. They wished to have a reliable source of potable water within their communities and they were specifically delighted to know that the river could flow during dry season (via penstock releases).

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Although Julius Berger Plc, the civil contractor for the cement plant, has provided concrete water tanks, as a temporary measure, to store water for inhabitants of Obajana village, they are not refilled regularly. They wished the present ad hoc water supply arrangement be changed to a more permanent solution, e.g., drilling of boreholes to supply water to Obajana community, and also demanded to be supplied with electricity, and a hospital established to cope with the massive influx of people, in part due to dam construction. Oyo peoples concerns bother around lack of compensation paid to them for the acquired land and lack of compensation for their economic trees and inadequacy of monies given them for farm crops were inadequate. In addition, the Chief of Oyo is concerned that the usual rituals of appeasing the gods for the new development (dam) to be sited on their land has not been performed, which is repugnant to their cultural norms.

Other important concern of the Fulani is lack of schools, as they are desperately in need of a primary school, having been settled in the area for >20 years yet no school for their kids. The Tiv (Nyamaku) and Bassa (Shagari Town) settlements on the other hand are basically concerned with respect to dam construction is lack of water; hence their greatest need is the provision of water. Potential Ecological Impact/Mitigation Measures
Ecological Impacts Sedimentation in the reservoir. Mitigation Measures Ensure regular penstock releases Increase frequency of releases when sediment load of inflowing water increases. Ensure catchment protection and watershed management Ensure regular penstock releases Monitor water quality, including penstock releases Ensure spillway is free from any blockage Seed fish, if necessary, to maximise fisheries productivity. Ensure penstock releases (from the lower depth of the dam) Spillway shall release water from the surface Monitoring of in-stream water quality Partner in enlightenment for increased

Release / accumulation of byeproducts of anaerobic decomposition Migration and productivity of fish species. Changes in primary productivity due to biochemical reactions Risk of eutrophication / growth of non-native and/or invasive species.

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Opportunistic growth of aquatic macrophytes in the littoral and sublittoral zone of the reservoir Creation of favourable habitats for the growth and proliferation of disease vectors

environmental awareness in surrounding communities. Monitor for any unusual floral species Remove such species when seen.

Monitor the presence of disease vectors Contribute to strengthening of local health facilities through public enlightenment Contribute public health programmes to eradicate / protect against malaria, schistosomiasis &, etc direct contributions in terms of drugs, provision of infrastructure, etc. Spillway ensures continuous flows, hence the likelihood of creation of habitats for bilharziasis is remote Alterations in the flow of water and Adequately divert the river away from changes in water quality during the construction areas construction of the dam Ensure good practices embankment Obstruction of flow of the River Carry out commissioning at the peak Oinyi during dam filling. of the rainy season Ensure penstock releases if flow is critically below expectations. Changes in downstream water Ensure regular penstock releases, quality Monitor quality of penstock releases Increase frequency if necessary. Impacts due to air emissions/noise, Ensure that emission levels of and dust generated during machinery are within permissible limits. earthwork / construction Ensure that there is no night work Enhanced erosion / changes in Put erosion control measures topography due excavation. Obtain earth fill from flooding zone. Re-vegetate with native species Risk of accidental drowning. Injuries Keep unauthorised persons away from during dam construction and/or due dangerous zones to vehicular traffic Put warning signs (written in English and local languages) at strategic sites Ensure regular monitoring of embankment, penstock and spillway. Changes in downstream ecology Ensure minimum ecological releases, Monitor seepage /penstock release volumes Possibility of creation of mosquito Minimise penstock releases during the breeding grounds due to the alteration dry season and monitor and control the of the natural flow pattern of river Oinyi possible creation of mosquito breeding through penstock releases during dry sites
season Loss of terrestrial impoundment habitats due to

To put in place catchment protection and watershed management plan

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Potential Socio-Economic & Health Impact/Mitigation Measures

Socio-Economic/Health Mitigation Measures Impacts Loss of control / income of land to Compensate for farm crops and/or be inundated by the reservoir economic plants. Liaise with chiefs to allocate alternative land to farm. Subsidise clearing new farmlands and assist affected farmers Risk of introduction of new Monitor for the presence of snails of diseases as schistosomiasis Bulinus species Contribute to strengthening of local health facilities Changes in downstream water Monitor water quality quality Provide appropriate alternative source of water for downstream settlers Gender disparity in the adverse Gender equity in compensation effects of landtake ensure payment is to affected women. Massive influx of people during Strengthen basic facilities dam construction Avoid actions that could cause or escalate tension An influx management plan being prepared to address influx related issues Changes in sexual behaviours Enlighten personnel about STDs leading to the spread and/or (HIV/AIDS) and use of condoms. escalation of sexually transmitted Partner with NGOs in campaign to stop diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and the spread of HIV/AIDS. unwanted pregnancies Help strengthen healthcare system Conflicts resulting from Educate workers on the cultural insensitivities of dam construction sensitivities in the host communities. personnel to the local culture, Identify with the host communities traditions and lifestyles during festivals Reduced availability of river water, Ensure penstock releases during dry downstream (especially during dry season to mimic minimum ecological season) to downstream users flows

Compensation Measures Some measures of compensation are considered as part of the environmental management plan. This is considered as some form of repayment for residual adverse effects, or impacts that can neither be avoided nor adequately mitigated. These include the following: Compensation in the form of direct monetary payment to people affected by land-take and/or loss of crops has been put in place. Ensure the preservation of the dam catchments area especially the hills to the northwest of the proposed dam site.

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Collaborate with Kogi State government and relevant NGOs/CBOs to adopt measures that shall enhance the protection of the watershed as compensation for biodiversity losses due to the proposed dam. Seeding of dam with fingerlings to enhance fisheries potentials. Explore the possibility of integrating the dam and the watershed into a nature reserve.

Waste Management Plan A comprehensive waste management plan shall be put in place for the Obajana dam project. The plan shall, as much as possible utilise the principle of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery. All wastes that require treatment shall be treated in accordance to acceptable standards prior to disposal (in a responsible manner). Environmental Monitoring Plan Both international and Nigerias environmental guidelines and standards require environmental monitoring development projects. Monitoring shall involve sampling and analysis of environmental components like soils, vegetation, water, air and biota, as well as emissions, effluents or systems, at regular intervals. Decommissioning/Abandonment Plan At the end of the design life, the dam shall be decommissioned and abandoned. A comprehensive plan shall be prepared for the restoration and subsequent protection of the ecosystem. The decommissioning and abandonment activities shall comply with international standards (world commission on dams).

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Title Page Executive Summary Table of Content List of Figures List of Tables List of Appendices List Abbreviations and Acronyms List of EIA preparers CHAPTER ONE 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTRODUCTION THE PROJECT THE PROPONENT BACKGROUND INFORMATION LEGAL / ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK Overview of Environmental Laws in Nigeria The Federal Ministry of Environment THE EIA TERMS OF REFERENCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT

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1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5

CHAPTER TWO 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION DECLARATION OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT PROJECT AREA/SITE THE NEED FOR THE PROJECT VALUE OF THE PROJECT ENVISAGED SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Alternative One: no project scenario Alternative Two: drill boreholes Alternative Three: source water from elsewhere Alternative Four: obtain from River Oinyi without damming Alternative Five: Construct a dam 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8

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CHAPTER THREE 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.7 PROJECT/PROCESS DESCRIPTION THE PROPOSED PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY THE OBJECTIVES FOR THE PROJECT THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT DESIGN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Relevant Design Information Design Considerations Total Annual Runoff Design Storage Capacity Slope Stability Analysis Spillway Design and Flood Wave Actions Sediment Load Depth to Bedrock PROJECT FACILITIES DESCRIPTION Dam Embankment Embankment Alignment Embankment Material Embankment Slope Seepage Control Intake/Outlet Works (Penstock) Spillway Pump House OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHY 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16

CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ENVIRONMENT CLIMATE CHARACTERISES AIR QUALITY GEOLOGY OF THE AREA GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION GEOMORPHOLOGY Relief Drainage HYDROGEOLOGY / HYDROLOGY Hydrogeological Conditions Surface Water Hydrology 17 17 17 18 20 21 21 22 22 22 23

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4.6.3 4.6.4 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 4.8.7 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.11.4 4.11.5 4.11.6 4.12 4.12.1 4.12.2 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.2

Ecological Flow of River Oinyi Groundwater Hydrology FRESHWATER SUPPLY Availability Quality PHYSICO-CHEMISTRY OF SURFACE WATER Temperature and Turbidity Water reaction (pH) Salinity hazards Nitrate, phosphate, sulphate and carbonate Biochemical Oxygen Demand Exchangeable cations Heavy Metals concentration HYDROBIOLOGY SOILS / VEGETATION / BIODIVERSITY SOCIO-ECONOMIC SETTING Affected Settlements Population/Age Structure Ethnic/Religious Compositions Housing Pattern Means of communication Occupational Pattern COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSESSMENT Health Care Facilities and Services Community Health Risk Indicators COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Consultation meetings Outcome of Consultation (Concerns/Wishes)

24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 30 32 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 37 37 40 40 41

CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS PRELIMINARY SCOPING IMPACT CLASSIFICATION According to Impact Type According to Impact Severity According to Impact Extent According to Duration POTENTIAL ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS OF PROPOSED OBAJANA EARTH DAM Beneficial Ecological Potential Impacts 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46

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5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5

Adverse Potential Ecological Impacts (Upstream) Adverse Potential Impacts (Downstream) POTENTIAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC/HEALTH IMPACTS Beneficial Socio-Economic and Health Impacts Adverse Socio-Economic and Health Impacts IMPACT EVALUATION

47 49 51 51 51 53




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List of Figures

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Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig.

3.1. Location of proposed Obajana Earth Dam project 3.2. Dams Facilities Layout 3.3. Topographic map showing surface area of reservoir 3.4. Lithologic profile along embankment axis 3.5. Plan view of dam embankment 3.6. Cross-section of dam embankment 3.7. Embankment slope characteristics/Toe drain design 3.8. Layout of Penstock 3.9. Details of Penstock inlet works 3.10. Details of Penstock outlet works 3.12. Spillway design 3.13. Pump-house design details 4.1. Rainfall and evaporation pattern in the project area 4.2. Subsurface lithology of embankment axis 4.3. Topographical map of the dam area 4.4. Drainage map of the dam area 4.5. Satellite Imagery showing locations of some landmark towns 4.6. Sex ratios of the affected settlements 4.7a. Morbidity pattern of affected settlements 4.7b. Communicable ailments in affected communities 4.7c. Non-communicable ailments in affected communities

Fig. 5.1. Environmental sensitivity profile of Obajana dam project Fig. 7.1. HSE-Management System Model Fig 7.2: Flow Diagram for proposed waste management plan

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List of Tables

Preliminary Pages

LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Physico-chemical parameters of surface water in River Oinyi Table 4.2. Populations of affected settlements Table 5.1. Potential environmental sensitivities/timing of effects. Table 5.2. Environmental Evaluation matrix

EIA of Obajana Earth Dam Project

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List of Appendices

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LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I. Result of VES along dam embankment profile. Appendix II. Geophysical logs from VES profiles in the study area Appendix III. auger holes geotechnical investigation of the dam site. Appendix IV. EIA Study Approach

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List of Abbreviations & Acronyms

Preliminary Pages

LIST ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS % $ g @ < > a.s.l. AIDS ASC BO BOD CBO cm cm3 CO CO CO2 COD dBA DO E e.g. EIA EMP etc. Fe FEPA FMoE ft g H2S H2S HEM HIV HSE HSE-MS i.e. IITA km km KW L LEF LGA Ltd. Percentage Dollar microgramme at Less than Greater than Above Sea Level Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Active Storage Capacity Business Objectives Biochemical Oxygen Demand Community Based Organisation Centimeter Cubic centimetre Carbon monoxide (Carbon II Oxide) Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide (Carbon IV Oxide) Chemical Oxygen Demand Decibel (A-weighted) Dissolved Oxygen East For example Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan et cetera Iron Federal Environmental Protection Agency Federal Ministry of Environment Feet gram Hydrogen Sulphide Hydrogen sulphide Hazard and Effect Management Human Immunodeficiency Virus Health, Safety and Environment Health,Safety & Environmental Management System That is International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Kilometre Square Kilometre Kilowatt Litre Living Earth Foundation Local Government Area Limited

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Table of Content

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m m3 s-1 mg mg/kg mg/l ml mm N NCF ND NE NGO NIWA NOx NW C pH Plc ppm PVC QMS S SE SOx SW TSP TSS VES W WHO

Metre Cubic meter per second Milligramme Milligramme per kilogramme Milligrame per litre Millilitre Milimetre North Nigerian Conservation Fund Not Detected North East Non-Governmental Organisation National Inland Waterways Authority Nitrogen Oxides North West degree Celsius Hydrogen ion activity Public Limited Company Parts per million Polyvinylchloride Quality Management System South South East Oxides of Sulphur South West Total Suspended Particulate Total Suspended Solids Vertical Electrical Sounding West World Health Organisation

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List of Preparers

Preliminary Pages

LIST OF EIA PREPARERS Biogeochem Associates Limited M. K. Hamadina (M. Sc.) Soils/Biodiversity/Impact Assessment U. A. Danbatta (Ph.D.) Geology/Hydrogeology/Impact Assessment Mrs. E. Hamadina (Ph.D.) Vegetation/Impact Assessment A. Anene (Ph.D.) Hydrobiology/Hydrochemistry B. E. Ariweriokuma (M. Sc.) Air Quality Assessment M. O. Ojile (M. Phil.) Socioeconomics/ Health Assessment L. Lamja (B. Sc.) Geological Assistant A. Likoro (B. Sc.) Laboratory Analysis J. Omweugbu (B. Sc.) Laboratory Analysis D. Eka (HND) Cartographer A. Agbor Field Assistant M. J. Nwatabunor Field Assistant S. Pene Secretarial Assistant Dangote Industries Limited D. V. G. Edwin Executive Director (Dangote Group) B. Kashinath Chief General Manager (Dangote Industries Ltd.) Alh. I. Zubairu General Manager (Dangote Group) A. Zubairu Head Environmental Services (Dangote Group) R. Swamy Dangote Industries Limited

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