Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
INTRODUCTION: As with most high level languages, Java provides standard data types to store information. Java is a richly typed language that gives the programmer a wide variety of data types to use. In this lesson you will declare variables, store values in them, and print out their values using the System.out object. The key topics for this lesson are: A. B. C. D. E. F. VOCABULARY: Identifiers in Java Basic Data Types in Java Declaring and Initializing Variables in Java Printing Variables Using the System.out object ASCII Code Values and Character Data Assignment Statements and Math Operators KEYWORDS
char double String
int boolean float
1. An identifier is a name that will be used to describe classes, methods, constants, variables, and other items. 2. The rules for writing identifiers in Java are: a. Identifiers must begin with a letter. b. Only letters, digits, or underscore may follow the initial letter. c. The blank space cannot be used. d. Identifiers cannot be reserved words. Reserved words or keywords are only for system use. 3. Java is a case sensitive language. That is, Java will distinguish between upper and lower case letters in identifiers. Therefore:
grade and Grade are different identifiers
4. A good identifier should help describe the nature or purpose of that function or variable. It is better to use
grade instead of g, number instead of n.
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Remember that our goal is to write code that is easy to read and professional in nature. 6. Programmers will adopt different styles of using upper and lower case letters in writing identifiers. The reserved keywords in Java must be typed in lower case text, but identifiers can be typed using any combination of upper and lower case letters. 7. The following conventions will be used throughout the curriculum guide: a. A single word identifier will be written in lower case only. Examples: grade, number, sum. b. If an identifier is made up of several words, the first letter will be lower case. Subsequent words will begin with upper case. Some examples are: stringType, passingScore, largestNum. c. Identifiers used as constants will be fully capitalized. Examples: PI, MAXSTRLEN. B. Basic Data Types in Java 1. Java provides eight primitive data types: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and a boolean. The data types byte, short, int, and long are for integers, and the data types float and double are for real numbers. 2. Integer type - any positive or negative number without a decimal point. a. Examples: 7 -2 0 2025. 3. Floating Point type - any signed or unsigned number with a decimal point. a. Examples: 7.5 -66.72 0.125 5. b. A floating point value cannot contain a comma or $ symbol. c. A floating point value must have a decimal point. d. Invalid examples: 1,234.56 $66.95 125 7,895 e. Floating point values can be written using scientific notation: 1625. = 1.625e3 .000125 = 1.25e-4
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4. The following table summarizes the bytes allocated and the resulting size. Size
byte short int long float double
Minimum Value
-128 -32768 -2147483648 -9223372036854775808 -3.40282347E+38 -1.79769313486231570E+308
Maximum Value
127 32767 2147483647 9223372036854775807 3.40282347E+38 1.79769313486231570E+308
5. Character type - letters, digits 0..9, and punctuation symbols. a. Examples: 'A', 'a', '8', '*' b. Note that a character type must be enclosed within single quotes. c. Java character types are stored using 2 bytes, usually according to the ASCII code. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. d. The character value 'A' is actually stored as the integer value 65. Because a capital 'A' and the integer 65 are physically stored in the same fashion, this will allow us to easily convert from character to integer types, and vice versa. e. Using the single quote as a delimiter leads to the question about how to assign the single quote (') character to a variable. Java provides escape sequences for unusual keystrokes on the keyboard. Here is a partial list: Character Newline Horizontal tab Backslash Single quote Double quote Null character Java Escape Sequence
'\n' '\t' '\\' '\'' '\"' '\0'
6. Data types are provided by high level languages to minimize memory usage and processing time. Integers and characters require less memory and are easier to process. Floating-point values require more memory and time to process. 7. The final primitive data type is the type boolean. It is used to represent a single true/false value. A boolean value can have only one of two values:
true false
In a Java program, the words true and false always mean these boolean values.
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C. Declaring and Initializing Variables in Java 1. A variable must be declared before it can be initialized with a value. The general syntax of variable declarations is:
data_type variableName;
for example
int number; char ch;
2. Variables can be declared near the top of the method or in the midst of writing code. Variables can also be declared and initialized in one line. The following example program illustrates these aspects of variable declaration and initialization. Program 3-1
public class DeclareVar { public static void main(String[] args) { // first is declared and initialized // second is just initialized int first = 5, second; double x; char ch; boolean done; second = 7; x = 2.5; ch = 'T'; done = false; } int sum = first + second;
a. Multiple variables can be declared on one line. b. Initialization is accomplished with an equal (=) sign. c. Initialization can occur at declaration time or later in the program. The variable sum was declared and used in the same line. 3. Where the variables are declared is a matter of programming style. Your instructor will probably have some preferences regarding this matter. D. Printing Variables Using the System.out Object 1. The System.out object is defined in each Java program. It has methods for displaying text strings and numbers in plain text format on the system display, which is sometimes referred to as the console. For example:
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Program 3-2
public class PrintVar { public static void main(String[] args) { int number = 5; char letter = 'E'; double average = 3.95; boolean done = false; System.out.println("number = " + number); System.out.println("letter = " + letter); System.out.println("average = " + average); System.out.println("done = " + done); System.out.print("The "); System.out.println("End!");
Run output:
number = 5 letter = E average = 3.95 done = false The End!
2. Method System.out.println displays (or prints) a line of text in the console window. When System.out.println completes its task, it automatically positions the output cursor (the location where the next character will be displayed) to the beginning of the next line in the console window (this is similar to pressing the Enter key when typing in a text editorthe cursor is repositioned at the beginning of the next line in your file). 3. The expression
"number = " + number
uses the + operator to add a string (the literal "number = ") and number (the int variable containing the number 5). Java has a version of the + operator for String concatenation that enables a string and a value of another data type to be concatenated (added). The result of this operation is a new (and normally longer) string. String concatenation is discussed in more detail in the next lesson.
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4. The lines
System.out.print("The "); System.out.println("End!");
of Program 3-2 display one line in the console window. The first statement uses System.outs method, print, to display a string. Unlike println, print does not position the output cursor at the beginning of the next line in the console window after displaying its argument. The next character displayed in the console window appears immediately after the last character displayed with print. 5. Note the distinction between sending a text constant, "number = ", versus a variable, number, to the System.out object. A boolean variable will be printed out as its representation of true or false. E. ASCII Code Values and Character Data 1. As mentioned earlier in section B.5, a character value can easily be converted to its corresponding ASCII integer value. 2. A character value is stored using two byte of memory, which consists of 16 bits of binary (0 or 1) values. 3. The letter 'A' has the ASCII value of 65, which is stored as the binary value 0000000001000001. This is illustrated in the following program fragment:
char letter = 'A'; System.out.println("letter = " + letter); System.out.print("its ASCII value = "); System.out.print((int)letter);
Run output:
letter = A its ASCII value = 65
The statement (int)letter is called a type conversion. The data type of the variable is converted to the outer type inside of the parentheses, if possible. 4. In Java, you can make a direct assignment of a character value to an integer variable, and vice versa. This is possible because both an integer and a character variable are ultimately stored in binary. However, it is better to be more explicit about such conversions by using type conversions. For example, the two lines of code below assign to position the ASCII value of letter.
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position = (int)letter; // This is easier to understand.
More detail about type conversions follows in section F. 9. F. Assignment Statements and Math Operators 1. An assignment statement has the following basic syntax:
variable = expression;
a. The expression can be a literal constant value such as 2, 12.25, 't'. b. The expression can also be a numeric expression involving operands (values) and operators. c. The = operator returns the value of the expression. This means that the statement
a = 5;
assigns 5 to the variable and returns the value 5. This allows for chaining of assignment operators.
a = b = 5;
The assignment operator (=) is right-associative. This means that the above statement is really solved in this order:
a = (b = 5);// solved from right to left.
Since (b = 5) returns the integer 5, the value 5 is also assigned to variable a. 2. Java provides 5 math operators as listed below:
+ * / %
Addition, as well as unary + Subtraction, as well as unary Multiplication Real and integer division Modulus, remainder of integer or floating point division
3. The numerical result and data type of the answer depends on the type of operands used in a problem.
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4. For all the operators, if both operands are integers, the result is an integer. Examples:
2 + 3 = 5 (integer) 4 * 8 = 32 (integer) 9 - 3 = 6 (integer) 11/2 = 5 (integer Note!)
5. If either of the operands is a float type, the result is a float type. Examples:
2 + 3.000 = 5.000 (float) 25 / 6.75 = 3.7037 (float) 11.0 / 2.0 = 5.5 (float)
a. When an integer and a float are used in a binary math expression, the integer is promoted to a float value, and then the math is executed. b. In the example 2 + 3.000 = 5.000, the integer value 2 is promoted to a float (2.000) and then added to the 3.000. 6. The modulus operator (%) returns the remainder of dividing the first operand by the second. For example:
10 % 3 = 1 2 % 4 = 2 16 % 2 = 0 27.475 % 7.22 = 5.815
7. Changing the sign of a value can be accomplished with the negation operator (-), often called the unary (-) operator. A unary operator works with only one value. Applying the negation operator to an integer returns an integer, while applying it to a float returns a float value. For example:
-(67) = -67 -(-2.345) = 2.345
8. To obtain the fractional answer to a question like 11/2 = 5.5, a type conversion must be applied to one of the operands.
(double)11/2 11.000/2 5.5
The type conversion operators are unary operators with the following syntax:
(type) operand
9. There is more to cover regarding operators in Java. Topics such as math precedence and assignment operators will be covered in a later lesson. SUMMARY/ REVIEW: This lesson has covered a great amount of detail regarding the Java language. At first you will have to memorize the syntax of data types, but with time and practice, fluency will come. Lab Exercise, L.A.3.1, MathFun Lab Exercise, L.A.3.2, Easter
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Assignment: 1. Write a program to solve the math expressions shown below. 2. The program must store each calculated result in an appropriate variable. 3. The program must print out the math expression and result as follows:
2 + 3 = 5 17 % 4 = 1
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L.A.3.1 (Page 1)
6. Print out all the constants listed in Background: section 3. For example:
System.out.println("The largest value of type int = " + Integer.MAX_VALUE );
Instructions: 1. After completing the program, print your source code and a run output to the printer. 2. Make sure your name is documented near the top of your source code.
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L.A.3.1 (Page 2)
The value of n gives the month (3 for March and 4 for April) and the value of p + 1 gives the day of the month. For example, if y is 2003: a b c d e f g h i k r m n p = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 8 20 3 5 0 1 6 26 0 3 3 0 4 19
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L.A.3.2 (Page 1)
Assignment: 1. Write a program to solve for the day that Easter falls on for a given year. 2. The program should display the values for all of the variables and the date for Easter. A Sample run output for the year 2003 would be: a b c d e f g h i k r m n p = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 8 20 3 5 0 1 6 26 0 3 3 0 4 19
Easter in 2003 falls on 4/20 3. Verify that the program gives the correct date of Easter for the current year. Instructions: 1. After completing the program, print your source code and a run output to the printer. 2. Make sure your name is documented near the top of your source code.
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L.A.3.2 (Page 2)
2003, ICT
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ -
' a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
2003, ICT