Technical Writing

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The key takeaways are that technical writing aims to educate others about technical systems and processes in a clear, concise and complete manner. The three main types are end-user documentation, traditional technical writing, and technical marketing communications.

The three main types of technical writing are end-user documentation, traditional technical writing, and technological marketing communications.

"Blackberry for Dummies" - that teaches you how to use your new cellular phone and that is written in order to cater to someone who has never before used a cell phone or who is not a cell phone expert. A manual that comes with a computer. A manual that comes with a video game system, such as the PS3 users guide.

Technical Writing Examples Technical writing refers to a type of writing where the author outlines the details and

operations of administrative, technical, mechanical, or scientific systems. The main goal of technical writing is to educate, direct, and give others the ability to use a certain system. Types of Technical Writing There are three main types of technical writing: End-user documentation: This type of writing includes documents where the writer explains a topic to a novice so that they can understand technical terms and apply them in a real-life situation. Traditional technical writing: This is writing that is geared to an audience already at least somewhat familiar with a technical field such as engineering or politics. Technological marketing communications: This is writing used in promotional marketing such as fliers and promotional brochures that would entice a person to purchase a certain product or service. Examples of technical writing can be found in each of these different types of technical writing. ses for Technical Writing End- ser !ocumentation Examples of end-user documentation might include: "#lackberry for !ummies" - that teaches you how to use your new cellular phone and that is written in order to cater to someone who has never before used a cell phone or who is not a cell phone expert $ manual that comes with a computer $ manual that comes with a video game system, such as the %&' users guide Traditional Technical Writing Examples of traditional technical writing might include: $ whitepaper published in an engineering (ournal about a new system that has been devised $n article published in a law review that caters to lawyers $n article in a medical (ournal summari)ing an experiment that has been conducted and written to a medical audience. *or example, articles published in the +ew England ,ournal of -edicine would fall into this category Technical -arketing .ommunication These might include: $ promotional ad outlining why you would want to purchase a new computer and explaining the features of that computer $ promotional ad explaining why you would want to purchase a new cell phone, outlining the phone/s features $ promotional ad explaining why you would want to purchase a new mp' player and outlining the phone/s features, such as an ad for the .reative 0en -o)aic -p' player

&uccessful Technical Writing When carrying out a technical writing assignment, you must remember to follow what is known as the three 1.s2 and ask yourself the following 3uestions: 4s it clear5 4s it concise5 4s it complete5 #ecause technical writing is so often aimed towards those who may be unfamiliar with technical (argon and terminology, it is important that a technical writer uses clear and unambiguous language in their assigned piece. 4f the writing is too full of technical language, the message may not come across as intended. 4f the information being written about is provided in a convoluted and round-about way, the message is likely to be lost entirely. &traight forward and to the point is always best. 4f a technical writer2s information is incomplete, it inhibits the audience2s understanding of the topic and can, in some cases such as instruction and safety manuals, prove dangerous. $bove all, technical writing needs to be very clear and concise to be successful.

Technical writing *rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,ump to: navigation, search This article needs additional citations for verification. %lease help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. nsourced material may be challenged and removed. 6$pril

7898: Technical writing is a form of technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology. The &ociety for Technical .ommunication 6&T.: defines technical writing;9< as a broad field including any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: 69: communicating about technical or speciali)ed topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations= 67: communicating through technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites= or 6': providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of the task/s technical nature. .ontents 9 >verview 7 ?istory ' Techni3ues @ Technical documents A Tools B $ssociations C &ee also D Eeferences F External links >verview *urther information: Technical writer Technical writing involves the creation of useful documents that can be clearly understood by readers. Good technical writing clarifies (argon, presenting useful information that is clear and easy to understand for the intended audience= poor technical writing may increase confusion by creating unnecessary (argon or failing to explain it. While grammar, spelling and punctuation are of the utmost importance to technical writing, style is not= it can be sacrificed if doing so increases clarity, which is considered more important to the genre.;7< Technical writing is performed by technical writers, who may be professionals or amateurs. These writers usually begin such work by learning the purpose of the document that they will create, gathering information from existing documentation and from sub(ect-matter experts= technical writers need not be sub(ect-matter experts themselves. $ good technical writer needs strong language and teaching skills and must understand how to communicate with technology. $dvanced technical writers often move into speciali)ed areas such as $%4 writing, document architecture, or information management. Technical writing is often associated with online help and user manuals. 4t also includes product release notes, product troubleshooting guides, tutorials, installation guides, marketing documentation, e-learning modules, web content, legal disclaimers, business proposals, and white papers. ?istory While the origins of technical is writing can be traced from to anti3uity, Geoffrey .haucer/s Treatise on the $strolabe has called the first piece of technical writing in English.;'< Technical writing to be seen as a discipline in and of itself around the time of World War 4, growing out of the need for technology-based documentation in the military, manufacturing, electronics,

and aerospace industries. 4n 9FA', two organi)ations concerned with improving the practice of technical communication were founded in the nited &tates: the &ociety of Technical Writers, and the $ssociation of Technical Writers and Editors. These organi)ations merged in 9FAC to form the &ociety of Technical Writers and Editors, a predecessor of the current &ociety for Technical .ommunication. Techni3ues Technical writing involves analysis of a document/s intended audience in order to translate complex technical concepts and instructions into a series of comprehensible steps that enable users to perform a specific task in a specific way. To present appropriate information, writers must understand the audience and their goals. *or example, an audience of highly trained scientists will re3uire less explanation of technical terms than a help guide intended for general audiences. The writing also seeks to present an attractive layout for easy reading and comprehension. $ writer must understand the medium typically used to view the final product. $n ?T-H document, such as a web page, fre3uently has a different layout than a print document. The use of elements such as hyperlinks and animation will affect the content and form of the writing.;@<;dead link< Technical documents #roadly speaking, technical documentation can be categori)ed into three types, depending on the style of writing, the level of knowledge transferred, and the target audience: End-user assistance documents help a user understand a software or hardware product. This includes user manuals for computer programs, household products, medical e3uipment, mobile phones, and other consumer electronics. Traditional technical documentation communicates to a speciali)ed audience. &uch documentation includes maintenance guides, repair manuals, engineering specifications, research papers, reference works, annual reports, and articles for technical (ournals. -arketing communication such as product catalogs, brochures, advertisements, introductory pages for web sites, and press releases are sometimes created by technical writers. Tools The following types of tools are typically used to author and present technical documents: !esktop %ublishing Tools or Word %rocessors are used to produce printed manuals or digital documents in print format. -icrosoft Word and $dobe *rame-aker are two tools commonly used by technical writers. ?elp $uthoring Tools are used to create online help systems, which are either packaged with software products, delivered through a web browser or provided as files the user can view on their computer. $dobe Eobo?elp, $uthor-it and ?elp+!oc are commonly used tools. Wiki &ystems are also used to produce technical documents, mainly for consumption within the organi)ation but sometimes also for external users. -ediaWiki and $tlassian .onfluence are two commonly used platforms.

What is Technical Writing5 Technical writing is sometimes defined as simplifying the complex. 4nherent in such a concise and deceptively simple definition is a whole range of skills and characteristics that address nearly every field of human endeavor at some level. $ significant subset of the broader field of technical communication, technical writing involves communicating complex information to those who need it to accomplish some task or goal. >xford !ictionaries >nline 6>!>: provides four definitions for the word technical, all of which relate to the profession of technical writing: of or relating to a particular sub(ect, art, or craft, or its techni3ues of, involving, or concerned with applied and industrial sciences resulting from mechanical failure according to a strict application or interpretation of the law or rules With these definitions in mind, it2s easy to see that technical writing has been around as long as there have been written languages. -odern references to technical writing and technical communications as a profession begin around the time of World War 4 as technical developments in warfare, industry and telecommunications began to evolve more rapidly. $lthough many people today think of technical writing as creating manuals for computers and software, the practice of technical writing takes place in any field or industry where complex ideas, concepts, processes or procedures need to be communicated. 4n fact, the & #ureau of Habor &tatistics defines technical writers as those who IJput technical information into easily understandable language. They work primarily in information-technology-related industries, coordinating the development and dissemination of technical content for a variety of users= however, a growing number of technical communicators are using technical content to resolve business communications problems in a diversifying number of industries.K The Goal of Technical Writing Good technical writing results in relevant, useful and accurate information geared to specifically targeted audiences in order to enable a set of actions on the part of the audience in pursuit of a defined goal. The goal may be using a software application, operating industrial e3uipment, preventing accidents, safely consuming a packaged food, assessing a medical condition, complying with a law, coaching a sports team, or any of an infinite range of possible activities. 4f the activity re3uires expertise or skill to perform, then technical writing is a necessary component. >nly a small proportion of technical writing is actually aimed at the general consumer audience. #usinesses and organi)ations deliver vast amounts of technical writing to explain internal procedures, design and produce products, implement processes, sell products and services to other businesses, or define policies. The leading professional association representing technical writing, &ociety for Technical .ommunication, hosts a number of special interest groups for these different aspects of the profession. Technical Writing .ategories

Technical writing comprises the largest segment of technical communications. Technical writers work together with editors, graphic designers and illustrators, document specialists, content managers, instructional designers, trainers, and analysts to produce an ama)ing variety of deliverables, including: .ontracts >nline and embedded help Ee3uirements specifications .ustomer &ervice scripts %olicy documents &imulations !emonstrations %rocess flows Training course materials !esign documents %ro(ect documents ser manuals *$Ls 6*re3uently $sked Luestions: %roduct catalogs Warning labels ?ow-to videos %roduct packaging Web-based Training 4nstructions %roposals Websites Mnowledge base articles Eelease notes White papers Eeference guides Technical writing follows a development lifecycle that often parallels the product development lifecycle of an organi)ation: 4dentification of needs, audience6s:, and scope %lanning Eesearch N content development Testing O review and revision !elivery O production Evaluation and feedback !isposition 6revision, archiving, or destruction:

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